| Steam profile archive

SteamHistory's primary purpose is for gathering and then storing a Steam Profile's historic and or current information in a central place.

Data Sources used
Live Stats Page

Current Stats

Profiles stored: 27,017,230 (8.28 GB)
Comments stored: 340,061,493 (71.54 GB)
Friends stored: 736,242,919 (54.05 GB)
PFPs seen: 36,836,508 (5.56 GB)
CustomURLs seen: 7,172,777 (1.2 GB)
Names seen: 101,938,745 (10.87 GB)
VAC Bans seen: 3,287,770 (149.70 MB)
Game Bans seen: 13,273 (0.44 MB)
(SourceBans) Players: 490,722 (93.27 MB)
(TF2BD) Players marked: 16,461 (1.52 MB)
       - Cheaters: 16,121
       - Suspicious: 140
       - Exploiter: 15
       - Racist: 419 is not owned, operated, or endorsed by Valve Corporation, nor is it a product of Steam.