
SteamID64: 76561198042767035
SteamID32: [U:1:82501307]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41250653

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Snooze
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2011-06-03 18:37:22 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-01-12 06:01:53

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
greg2024-01-05 05:57:08
bbc pov2023-08-04 05:03:47
urbina2023-07-15 06:02:16
urban terror2023-05-06 19:45:43
erling mcgregor2023-05-05 06:51:37
spinbike dildo seat2023-05-05 04:25:07
urban terror2023-01-04 20:47:17
likadikaday2022-12-07 17:42:32
sweet baby kiefage2022-10-01 21:37:59
pot up son2020-04-13 22:30:03
pimp my teen2020-04-10 20:52:02
chiselled gamer2020-04-09 03:43:31
marbe szn2020-04-07 18:34:35
hellcase.com2020-04-07 18:33:50
marble szn2020-02-10 00:57:49
perculese2019-05-15 05:05:21

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Luke2023-03-31 22:53:49

URL History

URLTime Changed 22:53:49

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed


Total: [107] | Deleted: [0]

willtk.hey there, you asked me to sign your prof or something? so here we go... im signing the prof big guy. Just be careful shouting that out on repeat while team is trying to make calm clean comms for eachother. Just be careful yelling on repeat aswell just incase your neighbours are listening. But anyways here you go man enjoy the game and remember to always respect the Mouse in hand :)2024-06-22 10:09:59
KosGame シツ+rep from faceit2024-04-14 17:55:36
Cr1stal+rep from faceit)2024-04-13 08:29:36
bviigood lad +Repparoni Pepparoni2024-04-13 00:44:14
bviibest friend <32024-04-13 00:43:55
Landabandisfriendly2024-02-23 10:35:18
gergenjoys a nice glazing2024-02-14 18:43:39
gregToday my father asked me to clean his car for him and so I spent the whole morning doing it. After sometime, I went back inside and my father asked me how was the car looking. “Urban terror” I replied. He just smiled and nodded. He knew that it was washed.2024-01-25 18:17:08
76561198154187383Signed by me :) lets play csgo2023-08-15 11:11:05
PAULY Dgamyer2023-07-31 06:00:58
derlina免費理髮菜鳥2023-07-08 03:23:37
PAULY Dhi there just wondering if you have a second to chat?2023-06-26 17:54:54
nanslayer.dll免費理髮菜鳥2023-03-17 04:06:04
GawieldSigned by me, lets play csgo :)2023-02-27 10:17:30
PaulyDhey, sorry i saw your profile and i just thought you looked cute in your picture, i really wanted to tell you that)) it's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! i don't know its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwhiches. we should really play l4d2 sometimes its a really cool zombie game with a lot fo scary moments, but dont worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting i swear im just trying to be friendly i really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? really sorry im really shy i don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx2023-02-26 02:58:09
PaulyDJust wanna let you know, won't be on tonight. I'm going to be taking her (Your sis) out for some dinner at a real nice restaurant (My house) and make sure she has a good time. Don't worry, I've ordered an Uber Luxury (My S15) to take her to the restaurant and will make sure she has a good time (Make her pay for the food).2023-02-20 06:40:41
PaulyDtight little boy2023-01-08 04:52:12
TwoInOne+rep thanks thinking I cheat is the best complement :) once you gain some brain cells let me know and I'll teach you how to play CS.2022-11-17 19:07:33
Thoranasigned by me :) lets play csgo2022-09-27 00:19:31
bosh95_____\_____________\____________/____\|_______|_____________\__________|______||_______`._____________|_________|_______:.\________|____________|_________\|_______|_\_______|_/_________/__\\\___--___\\_______:__\______\/_____--~~__________~--__|_\_____|___\______\_-~___________________~-_\____|____\______\_________.----------.________\|___|______\_____\______//_________(_(__>__\___|_______\___.__C____)_________(_(____>__|_______/\_|___C_____)________(__(_____>|_\______/_/\|___C_____)_________(__(___>_/__\_____|___(___C_____)_________//___/_/_____\_____|____\__|_____\\_________//__(__/______|____|_\____\____)___`----___--'______________|____|__\______________\_______/__________/_|____|_____________/____|_____|__\___________|____|____________|____./______\___\__________|____|____________/____..|_______|___\__________|___|___________/_____..\___/\___/_____|_________|___|__________/________|____|_______|_________|2022-04-24 05:34:43
LaitiusSup! lets play CSGO2022-04-17 01:39:24
bosh95Hi baby girl hehe. Everything's okay, I promise. I forgive you. It's okay, don't worry about it. Everything's gonna be okay. I love you. I love you so much. I love you more than there are grains of sand, on every beach, of every planet, of every galaxy of the universe. I-I need you in my life. I need you more than humans need water, and food to survive. You mean more to me than - home depot means to Mr Ladrado. You mean more to me than just anything. You mean more to me than gold and diamonds, mean to the greediest burglar. And you're just the most perfect, most beautiful girl in all of the world, and I love you so much. I hope you enjoy watching this, baby girl kiss, hehe. See you at school tomorrow baby girl. I love you raises eyebrows, hehe. I do, it's true. I love you more than anything else in the world hehehe. Bye baby girl. Stay perfect. Just for me.2022-04-15 02:54:37
76561199008411364have an offer for ya, added mate.2022-04-13 05:37:49
Cordalissup lets go party in cs go2021-10-21 00:28:34
CHRIS ya erdsell your skins and buy a game you might be good at2021-09-01 04:20:20
Husiushello mate, can you send me friend request? I have something for you2021-05-19 06:30:32
qumotufotuhi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why2021-02-04 07:43:56
PaulyDhey bro just saw you on PUBG and just wanted to tell you youre a pretty cool dude - whats your bebo name?2020-05-03 22:35:51
PaulyDyulluh bye2020-04-27 05:56:57
bosh95massive baiter do not trust this guy with your life2020-04-16 04:04:54
PaulyD♥♥♥♥ up mane2020-03-25 03:22:07
76561197961805991Add you for trade.2020-02-24 09:37:48
j1zzys+rep good trader2019-11-08 22:58:09
PaulyDi ♥♥♥♥ing love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninterested in me it ♥♥♥♥ing kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to either love me back or remove me and NEVER contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you don't love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life2019-11-04 02:36:55
bosh95Today I [40M] caught my wife [19F] having an orgy [2hrs] with my sister [19F], father [81M], and nanny [107F]. I took my bags [9lbs] and left to an overnight motel [$40/n] to think things out. Should I end our marriage [3yrs] or try therapy [$100/hr]??2019-07-10 05:59:29
bosh95You almost had me? You never had me, you never had your car. Granny shifting not double clutching like you should. Be glad that the 100 shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake. Almost had me? Now me and the mad scientist here have to rip apart the block and replace the piston rings you fried. Ask any racer ANY real racer it don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning.2019-02-14 01:49:46
Waveyour better than me at fortnite?, lies. You’re just jealous of my 19:1 K:D. Sure I average about .3 kills a round, but I like playing like IRL. If you die, you die forever. When I join the Navy SEALS as elite sniper man, I won’t have a respawn button. I have to learn the all the skills of a sniper, including an incredible capacity for boredom and monotony. If you can’t handle my commitment to being the best I can be, maybe you should just play CSGO like the ADHD kiddie you are.2018-11-07 02:36:19
lewsiaraGreat guy but keeps sending my sister friend requests on facebook?2018-09-17 04:09:55
bosh95i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninterested in me it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to either love me back or remove me and NEVER contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you don't love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life2018-06-09 05:41:30
lewsiaraflatBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSH inDiGOxxxx2018-05-04 04:58:00
Wavei ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninterested in me it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to either love me back or remove me and NEVER contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you don't love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life2018-04-01 02:27:03
Wavewho are u?2018-03-10 22:46:17
nanslayer.dllIt's Rick James, ♥♥♥♥♥!2018-02-16 22:06:49
lewsiaraPlayed him in a DM, kept calling me a ♥♥♥ everytime he killed me. -rep2018-02-08 03:09:23
ocean manadd me slut daddy <32018-01-27 20:26:13
g4ngadded for lft thread2018-01-22 04:18:40
hit creep no speakhey buddy im in new zealand u can come p[ick it up, do u prefer white out or sharpie for ur player name2018-01-22 03:10:29
WaveNice hours nerd2018-01-02 05:02:45
Wavelong live A$AP put that on everything2017-12-05 21:35:10
PaulyDtrippin on some ♥♥♥♥2017-11-16 04:09:57
lewsiaraTRIP daddymc frag me on subscribe2017-11-16 04:01:53
PaulyDbfh revive2017-11-05 22:33:40
Wave+rep will suck your ♥♥♥♥ for 52017-10-17 03:05:23
bosh95WARNING!!!!DON'T ERP WITH THIS PERSON!!!!we were having sex (Club Penguin) online and flirt for many hours,,time pass and we get taken down ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and i pulle out my penis (5.5 inche) but then this girl (???) also take out ♥♥♥♥GIRLS DO NOT ♥♥♥♥, this guy CHEAT and TRICK ERP (stupid futa fetish)2017-09-16 23:36:35
lewsiaraFornication is a sin, we can ♥♥♥♥ all night regardless gimme that white ♥♥♥♥ Luke imma gargle it2017-08-13 03:22:20
PaulyDUr an cool2017-06-24 20:31:11
zimzAdded to chat2017-06-01 02:22:41
piss boyAdd me bby?2017-05-27 08:01:17
Baileyu bois r mad kek2017-05-20 08:17:07
BaileyYour teammates would be ashamed to see how bad you played lmao, cg my ass cant even beat a bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in mm lol "see ya at finals" kek2017-05-20 08:09:07
lewsiaralong live fekshizas funhouse2017-05-14 02:01:52
ABK - 225 CSGOEmpire.comWorst ♥♥♥♥2017-05-07 05:17:42
RainFox Rivertalesame, same :)2017-04-14 03:55:25
lewsiara❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤Post this on the walls of the 12 prettiest girls you know... If you get back 5 you're beautiful. ..❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤❤¸.•*""*•. ¸2017-03-02 01:30:08
RoflkoSigned by roflko <32017-02-18 22:36:57
pallor+rep insane aim, is enlightened2017-01-18 20:23:02
zarahelltrade man2017-01-02 01:13:31
lewsiarawhen is 100 follow knife give away!!!??????2016-12-03 00:41:38
ded skinsjar.comtrip goes hard2016-12-01 02:56:25
Wavei think its hilarious u kids talking ♥♥♥♥ about Trip. u wouldnt say this ♥♥♥♥ to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol2016-11-22 20:14:41
PaulyDnever playing again to keep the 1337 hours2016-11-08 01:50:48
Cursed+rep thanks for the quick trade homie!2016-11-02 22:33:52
闪耀add me2016-11-02 21:04:12
PaulyD-rep weird dude wont let me coinflip his knife2016-10-29 23:52:33
WaveI'm Harambe, and this is my zoo enclosure. I work here with my zoo keeper and my friend, cecil the lion. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know WHO is gonna come over that fence.2016-10-16 01:45:32
end[R]Server just break?2016-10-14 21:30:33
pOiSONSigned by POiSON.Keep it Toxic!2016-10-01 03:32:46
PaulyD-rep weird dude wont let me coinflip his knife2016-09-19 05:15:09
bosh95trade me bruz2016-09-17 02:13:44
ded anchors in dm every 2nd night2016-08-27 01:33:59
PaulyDFat maori2016-08-20 07:53:35
PaulyDits dat boi2016-06-04 01:46:09
i see around corners+ rep see him in dm every day, would be a good pickup2016-05-23 19:31:39
jiro+rep nice and polite trader2016-05-07 04:01:15
TheRizzardOfAus♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ TOUGH ♥♥♥♥ OOOOOOOOOO ♥♥♥♥2016-04-03 20:11:48
dj♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tosser, go on lets catchup2016-04-03 19:53:04
djwhere abouts nz ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥? i ll meet up with you and smash you over2016-04-03 19:52:40
La_LafayetteSup man wanted to Swap my ruby for yours plus keys! :)2016-03-21 05:26:08
IndiTell ur mates i still got the win :D -nerdz2016-03-19 21:51:21
DecessitAdded and sent you an offer.2016-03-13 00:09:47
Spartan56+rep fair trader2016-03-05 16:11:33
Pugy Cs.Money+rep fast and fair trader!2016-02-27 01:14:42
PaulyD+rep boosted me to gold nova 22016-02-07 02:02:28
Ridikajk2015-11-23 03:29:23
Ridikacheater2015-11-23 03:02:31
Kuzancheating dog2015-11-12 03:23:05
DJungel PleXiuz, fair trader2015-10-03 06:16:43
lewsiara+rep bought me a karambit to get his account to mge2015-09-22 20:37:48
PaulyD+rep nice trade2015-09-18 00:18:29
strong handSigned By Lightning McQueen :) +Rep2015-08-21 06:45:49
pbz+rep really good trader, fast and easy!2015-06-05 21:59:33
Daddy Smurf+rep sucked me strong style2015-06-05 06:46:28
PaulyDmissed all shots while trying to hit an AFK in t spawn, 3/102015-05-30 19:19:25
PaulyD+rep hacked my account and stole all of my items. very trustworthy, would trade again2015-04-22 01:53:11
lewsiarasup maynn2015-02-14 16:23:21
76561198126592934sup maynnn2014-02-14 23:25:22
ICEsmokeyo2013-05-08 02:40:23


Total: [117] | TF2BD: [0] (0.00%) | SB: [1] (0.85%)

765611981408503702024-05-18 01:58:32
(41 days)
willtk.2024-03-02 18:21:09
(118 days)
emjaay2024-02-24 00:03:53
(125 days)
765611982834533692024-02-23 04:09:35
(126 days)
765611996408671342024-02-23 02:58:30
(126 days)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm2024-02-12 18:05:57
(137 days)
kairoS2024-01-13 04:53:05
(167 days)
765611983192132822024-01-13 02:49:01
(167 days)
765611982387394382023-10-25 01:26:52
(247 days)
mikc2023-06-07 02:01:36
(387 days)
Fatbeard Fedorax2023-05-17 20:02:40
(408 days)
765611980775769052023-05-06 19:06:56
(419 days)
Soup Spoon2023-05-05 04:37:25
(420 days)
765611991106524382023-04-22 02:21:51
(433 days)
Erdin2023-04-06 03:41:00
(449 days)
yo2023-03-17 04:06:05
(469 days)
Ricidivist 𒆜2023-03-17 03:42:39
(469 days)
2024-04-06 05:16:02 (83 days)
dEtEn2023-01-07 03:06:05
(538 days)
765611991779826222022-09-20 04:00:35
(647 days)
Mani240v2022-08-19 07:44:30
(679 days)
Luca2022-08-14 01:07:17
(684 days)
2024-04-06 05:16:02 (83 days)
765611993837897932022-08-13 04:37:31
(685 days)
765611984463017522020-03-27 00:06:50
(1554 days)
765611979912451092018-09-07 06:43:12
(2121 days)
CJR2018-07-07 23:25:19
(2182 days)
B0ngmaster982018-06-26 03:43:22
(2194 days)
baldrick2018-02-27 03:30:18
(2313 days)
kRAYZED2018-02-03 07:32:42
(2337 days)
Corgs2018-01-31 02:25:46
(2340 days)
Jamie Vardy2018-01-30 05:23:52
(2341 days)
AuRa--2018-01-29 03:05:30
(2342 days)
Everyshot2018-01-26 07:39:04
(2345 days)
k i l r2018-01-23 05:26:26
(2348 days)
SL@Y!2018-01-23 01:31:18
(2348 days)
g4ng2018-01-22 04:39:48
(2349 days)
samael2018-01-21 22:21:16
(2349 days)
765611988074052752018-01-20 03:14:17
(2351 days)
Mushy2017-05-13 00:49:34
(2603 days)
765611980128643462017-04-22 06:53:47
(2624 days)
♛Inb4 Ebola♛2017-04-21 18:24:12
(2625 days)
cl0ud2017-04-11 04:31:59
(2635 days)
sohn jummit2017-04-06 04:13:53
(2640 days)
cyp.2017-04-04 04:21:11
(2642 days)
stK2017-03-30 07:08:44
(2647 days)
StingRays2017-03-30 07:07:11
(2647 days)
bensy2017-03-15 05:30:06
(2662 days)
765611982595431382017-03-11 23:50:22
(2665 days)
Lehgzy2017-03-11 06:50:00
(2666 days)
howdy partner2017-02-26 01:56:21
(2679 days)
ind1go2017-02-19 00:54:42
(2686 days)
FlicKa2017-02-18 22:19:03
(2686 days)
gromit2017-02-06 23:42:35
(2698 days)
TAMA!!!!2017-01-24 02:06:45
(2712 days)
kS2017-01-20 14:55:36
(2716 days)
yeni2017-01-19 05:34:57
(2717 days)
Opz2017-01-03 21:44:51
(2732 days)
jez2016-10-10 03:52:39
(2818 days)
hehe xd2016-10-08 19:48:02
(2820 days)
SM1LADON-_-2016-10-08 18:42:15
(2820 days)
BaBoon2016-10-02 00:38:10
(2826 days)
they put the simpson on a dog2016-09-21 03:09:55
(2837 days)
jessica2016-08-30 06:59:38
(2859 days)
zyteccc2016-08-29 06:03:28
(2860 days)
765611980453572812016-08-18 06:32:11
(2871 days)
765611981488487272016-08-06 06:58:55
(2883 days)
the wework guy
[Sourcebans MARK]
2016-08-06 03:09:46
(2883 days)
765611981719387152016-08-05 18:52:04
(2884 days)
sera2016-08-05 06:48:26
(2884 days)
2024-04-06 05:16:02 (83 days)
765611981670574742016-07-19 08:10:24
(2901 days)
Sighco2016-07-09 19:32:06
(2911 days)
X-men Gambit or Rogue2016-07-02 23:54:11
(2917 days)
eNvy2016-07-02 23:11:42
(2917 days)
Linious2016-07-02 19:22:06
(2918 days)
Evaw2016-07-01 22:18:35
(2919 days)
765611981929585272016-06-30 03:07:07
(2920 days)
765611980831768492016-06-30 02:17:22
(2920 days)
world peace2016-06-28 06:40:05
(2922 days)
Lost2016-06-07 03:14:13
(2943 days)
Jaqui2016-06-06 02:48:19
(2944 days)
2024-04-06 05:16:02 (83 days)
Screech2016-05-30 19:27:00
(2951 days)
dooB1EE2016-05-03 15:55:47
(2978 days)
765611980056176362016-05-03 04:08:12
(2978 days)
SERP2016-02-26 15:51:25
(3045 days)
765611982531092482016-01-09 02:23:11
(3093 days)
765611980514367922016-01-08 02:10:37
(3094 days)
765611982368775122015-12-09 07:16:55
(3124 days)
765611980676570562015-12-04 19:47:38
(3129 days)
KissYourSister2015-11-30 21:39:11
(3132 days)
765611982633717762015-11-30 19:12:53
(3133 days)
765611980544167682015-11-04 01:00:59
(3159 days)
Rainin2015-10-18 04:34:17
(3176 days)
Little Apple2015-10-16 01:46:44
(3178 days)
Wooooiiii2015-10-06 03:06:59
(3188 days)
765611982024020582015-09-28 03:58:50
(3196 days)
Starsen2015-09-13 19:17:51
(3211 days)
765611982242602882015-08-08 19:02:09
(3247 days)
765611982344714682015-07-29 03:21:41
(3257 days)
765611981704647942015-06-05 05:11:48
(3311 days)
765611982288991082015-05-16 19:25:43
(3331 days)
dyzzee2015-05-14 05:34:44
(3333 days)
Tearson2015-05-14 01:15:56
(3333 days)
greg2015-05-09 07:58:42
(3338 days)
765611981894698952015-05-01 04:07:06
(3346 days)
765611982148854402015-05-01 01:51:35
(3346 days)
greg2015-04-25 21:25:54
(3352 days)
Tommyvtak2015-04-21 04:12:37
(3356 days)
xd2015-04-18 03:04:21
(3359 days)
765611980350170842015-02-07 04:02:52
(3429 days)
drum dummy2015-01-18 23:07:17
(3448 days)
765611980797571202014-06-02 03:58:52
(3679 days)
765611981376298422014-05-24 20:11:27
(3688 days)
Cynic2014-02-14 23:13:30
(3786 days)
765611980408638342013-06-03 01:55:06
(4043 days)
StartingLine2013-05-24 02:29:32
(4053 days)
765611980618477362013-05-11 00:54:02
(4066 days)
PrivateRowan2011-11-18 18:47:03
(4606 days)
Vaesar2011-10-05 18:04:04
(4650 days)