John Rizz

SteamID64: 76561198043895076
SteamID32: [U:1:83629348]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41814674

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Friends-Only
Profile Setup: True
Premium: UNK

Creation: 2011-06-24 22:31:46 (GMT) [Estimated]
Last Updated: 2024-05-01 18:53:16

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
John Rizz2024-05-01 18:53:16
oh gee golly2024-04-14 13:28:48
jar jar bink (mammal)2024-04-11 02:43:38
oh gee golly2024-04-07 01:27:39
John Rizz2024-03-25 22:21:11
oh gee golly2024-03-21 12:10:08
John Rizz2024-03-16 02:31:12
oh gee golly2024-01-02 17:14:02
hop on fortnite2023-12-18 02:49:04
oh gee golly2023-12-08 15:52:41
a uselesss gay whore2023-12-06 22:58:11
I'm in a black hole aaaaaaaaaaaa2023-11-05 20:09:36
eunice2023-10-14 20:21:56
I'm in a black hole aaaaaaaaaaaa2023-10-14 03:50:39
eunice2023-10-10 04:24:32
I'm in a black hole aaaaaaaaaaaa2023-10-01 19:39:50
oli :32023-09-26 00:15:22
backyard time capsule lidocaine2023-09-08 17:37:25
that is epic2023-09-07 01:25:53
backyard time capsule lidocaine2023-07-29 04:07:57
that is epic2023-06-23 00:19:52
ONE TWO BUCKLE MY SHOE2023-05-15 23:41:19
SO MUCH PAIN2023-05-14 17:39:38
ONE TWO BUCKLE MY SHOE2023-04-20 01:00:10
SO MUCH PAIN2023-03-28 14:46:42
Ok Google:2023-03-28 09:54:40
i am in your walls.2023-01-12 18:22:38
one half of a dead sea lion2023-01-10 22:49:16
two teletubbies doing intercours2022-08-14 00:28:49
there is a party in my mouth2022-04-24 19:27:49
:ඞ:2022-03-28 17:33:17
:smiling_imp:2022-03-25 19:56:58
:eyes:2022-03-25 19:26:10
brown (hash)2022-03-14 19:14:54

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed 06:01:47

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Friends-Only2023-10-09 02:56:27
Private2023-10-08 03:51:30


Total: [0] | Deleted: [0]



Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
