
SteamID64: 76561198044088017
SteamID32: [U:1:83822289]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41911144

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Online
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2011-06-26 15:44:16 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-05-30 07:27:03

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
corgii2024-05-30 07:27:03
franksours2024-05-25 05:44:49
corg2023-12-16 21:32:57
dorgi2023-10-29 16:49:44
bedarded2023-10-29 00:16:44
corg2023-09-16 21:06:34
josh allen threw my parlay2023-09-12 02:57:08
brainrot2023-09-03 01:37:35
corg2023-03-11 22:15:49
Mithrix2023-03-11 22:15:27
corgii2023-02-13 23:05:58
anuballs2023-02-11 23:53:09
b re tt2022-04-09 22:23:30
b rett2022-04-09 22:23:17
brett is a quitter2022-04-06 20:24:08
corbi2022-03-27 21:56:10
Travis Barker2022-03-27 20:58:34
bongcloud2022-03-12 18:16:11

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed 06:15:15

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2024-01-21 01:28:36
Friends-Only2023-12-15 01:47:54


Total: [21] | Deleted: [0]

SizzSigned by Sizz <32018-05-01 21:59:32
Vinceā„¢Signed by Vince :D2018-04-18 02:23:25
LachinioSigned by Lachinio <32018-04-17 01:21:34
fuddermuffin+rep very nice trader :)2017-03-31 00:02:15
Xzhi+rep did keyswap2016-06-18 21:06:11
NiZZioNsure haha :D +rep loves esportkeys2016-06-18 11:54:18
RJM+rep fast trade talented youtuber2016-06-17 17:14:51
Itchy Urethra+rep fast trader :D2016-06-16 21:24:08
AurumVT+rep2016-05-02 21:52:33
grasfk+rep2016-04-23 21:31:02
Holo+rep awesome youtuber!2016-04-23 07:33:11
mitch+rep friendly and quick trader :)2016-03-22 01:23:56
Zerp+rep, this man is the truth. also a good trader2016-02-29 20:11:58
koDaSimple and fast! +rep2016-02-28 18:55:46
Aura+rep nice trader!2016-02-28 04:39:47
Joseph Buhler Fort Worth TX+rep massive kahones and made beast 4/20 artwork2016-02-27 01:02:34
Haddock+rep thx for fast trade!2016-02-24 19:33:56
Xenen+rep! Reasonable and great trader. Does take time to discuss trades with you. Worth...2016-02-21 01:04:29
Kunc+ rep great trader2016-02-20 23:34:50
n1;+rep good trader2016-02-12 20:50:56
RABOS+ rep2016-02-10 19:48:09


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
