✪ UmBruh

SteamID64: 76561198058739556
SteamID32: [U:1:98473828]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49236914
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/um_bruh/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058739556

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Away
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: UNK

Creation: 2012-02-14 00:15:45 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-01-27 14:44:29

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
✪ UmBruh2023-03-20 07:36:00
✪ 闭嘴&锁定2023-03-20 01:56:01

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/um_bruh/2024-01-27 14:44:29

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2024-01-27 14:44:29 [Estimated]


Total: [10] | Deleted: [0]

Sterek+rep this man is so good hit him up if u need carry on literally anything2019-05-10 01:29:24
Mike Oxlong+rep this man is a mad man when will he learn that his actions have consequences i mean when he absolutely destroys the opposition, demolishes the enemy, knocks down the resistance, tears down his adversaries, dismantles his foes, obliterates his rivals and annihilates the competition it has repercussions upon their families, truly a demon on the dust, a reaper on the rift and a hunter on the hearth.2018-01-22 08:00:58
Gargalon+rep this man is a mad man when will he learn that his actions have consequences i mean when he absolutely destroys the opposition, demolishes the enemy, knocks down the resistance, tears down his adversaries, dismantles his foes, obliterates his rivals and annihilates the competition it has repercussions upon their families, truly a demon on the dust, a reaper on the rift and a hunter on the hearth.2018-01-22 07:54:18
Mike Oxlong+rep this man is so good hit him up if u need carry on literally anything2018-01-22 03:51:56
Gargalon+rep this man is so good hit him up if u need carry on literally anything2018-01-22 03:43:07
AzureMerry Christmas!2014-12-24 18:10:31
✪ HajdeFiniszYn.+rep good and fast trader !2014-11-17 03:26:18
jruce+rep best trader in the world2014-07-27 00:10:27
little dan+quite good trader2014-07-27 00:08:51
PerSbrandt | Den ViTa KaNiNen+rep fast and fair trader!2014-07-16 04:33:59


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
