SteamID64: 76561198113711786
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SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76723029
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/lightningcheech/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198113711786

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Creation: 2013-11-06 15:12:51 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-09-15 10:24:53

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⚡️🅲🅷🅴🅴🅲🅷2023-04-01 02:45:16 [Estimated]

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👽2023-04-01 02:45:16

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https://steamcommunity.com/id/lightningcheech/2023-06-29 10:35:55
https://steamcommunity.com/id/totalfibor/2023-04-01 02:45:16

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Satana ⚧Here we go again. My next Birthday is today and i want to Thank my Friends to be here all over the years. Its nice to see that some People are here for like years and i hope you are all fine and have a Healthy next Year ! :)2024-06-20 06:50:01
菊子班在哪个车站会吻别 风和玫瑰要分别才喋喋不休 你和我抬眼看着雪 等神把谎言一片片拆碎 在哪段年岁会妥协 你慢慢抽离指尖是一种美学 曾将爱扇起 又抛却留下我 看来路漆黑 在雪山饮雪 听过路风宣泄 听它说起你 收过一束玫瑰 用大雪纷飞 代替我的眼泪 送你春光明媚 我无坚不摧 将情藏得隐晦 只有那明月 知道过程壮烈 多凄美伤悲 也就自己体会 就像冬天下雪 不算多特别——《一等情事》 梅琳娜在交界地等你2024-06-20 00:42:04
菊子班星期四是这样的,群友只需要v我50就可以了,而我要考虑的事情就多了,比如汉堡该选香辣鸡腿堡还是劲脆鸡腿堡还是新奥尔良烤鸡腿堡还是老北京鸡肉卷还是墨西哥鸡肉卷还是深海鳕鱼堡还是田园脆鸡堡还是川辣嫩牛五方,配餐该选薯条(小/中/大)还是土豆泥还是香甜粟米棒还是四季鲜蔬还是玉米色拉还是胡萝卜餐包还是深海鳕鱼条还是上校鸡块还是鸡米花还是奥尔良烤翅还是吮指原味鸡还是香辣鸡翅,甜点该选葡式蛋挞还是草莓蛋挞还是脆皮甜筒还是草莓圣代还是巧克力圣代,饮料该选还是咖啡还是果汁还是冰爽茶还是纯牛奶还是红茶还是蜂蜜茶还是奶茶还是百事可乐还是七喜还是美年达。2024-06-13 00:31:35
菊子班端午愉快~吃粽子了吗亲,咸的甜的都好吃无奖问答:柚子社作品里谁是粽子精?2024-06-10 01:30:59
菊子班每个人心中都有一个死小孩.........祝六一快乐2024-06-01 04:07:00
-|DKS|- General Snake💕💕💕 Did anyone say they love you today? I love you very much ! 💕💕💕2024-05-29 11:24:51
菊子班520自己一个人了~叠加地狱周一菊子希望你能好好爱自己哦但是我是来告诉你《 Minecraft 》现在15周年活动!!!正版账号的玩家,无论是基岩版还是JAVA版都可领取苦力怕披风,时间持续到月底并且现在Minecraft也在史低促销,仅需五十大洋即可入手,还没有入手抓紧了,或者可以赠送给好友哦!2024-05-19 15:31:10
菊子班现在只需要给我转1884元。5月20日00:00会准时收到我的520+1314转帐可以截图。别人有的你也要有我不允许你输给任何人。 为什么是1884,因为多出来50我另有安排2024-05-16 05:45:33
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu⣠⢤⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀               ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2024-05-10 14:58:33
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu⣠⢤⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀               ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2024-05-09 19:27:41
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu⣠⢤⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀               ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2024-05-09 12:18:47
菊子班徽章,十香,爆米,穷鬼,五十,爱你2024-05-09 00:38:33
LaentaHi! Have a nice week! ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕 Please rate and add to favorites ❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=32375261702024-05-06 11:42:27
菊子班首先请容我献上一个迟来的五一快乐!四月份去了大理,五月份假期回了趟老家,行程排的很满,虽然是有时间的但是都在打游戏,懒癌一上来就不想留言了哈哈,总之复活一下。 大家的留言有好好看过哦 Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ朋友们近期会高强度留言了(为美好的世界献上祝福!2024-05-03 20:43:07
Treizen+rep2024-04-23 16:25:06
☾.⁧⁧ZubumafuI don't know who they're saying Happy Birthday to, but Happy Birthday and best wishes to that certain someone!2024-04-20 05:37:00
レのひ刀ム丂Have A Great Weekend2024-04-20 03:52:23
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafuשלום2024-04-19 16:04:19
☾.⁧⁧ZubumafuA comida está pronta, a comida está pronta, jantar agora. Tem feijoada, comprei feijoada. Pão e mortadela, pão e presunto.2024-04-18 06:07:56
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafuah e outra coisa, a jovem guarda não era um estilo musical, a jovem guarda era apenas um programa de televisão..e nä-sel acho que a partir dos anos 70..alguém ai eh-colocou eh..como jovem guarda pra fazer as coletâneas de disco né? porque na realidade a jovem guarda era léiéiê, twist,rock instrumental e baladas românticas eeeh uma mistura dedede desses ritmos, então,se você entrar no túnel do tempo né e se tivesse um túnel do tempo e você entrasse-voltasse em 1967 você não ia encontrar nenhum disco da jovem guarda nas prateleiras por qué jovem guarda era um programa de televisão não era um estilo músical, então a jovem guarda é um conjunto de estilos só pra ficar bem claro.2024-04-17 23:05:58
☾.⁧⁧ZubumafuDeixei 30 reais embaixo do vaso perto do telefone aí no corredor. Assim que cê pegar, avisa pra eu saber que foi você que pegou, 30 reais.2024-04-17 06:18:02
valipuhado u fw chicken nuggets2024-04-09 09:25:03
菊子班2024.4.4清明节但是4其实是我的幸运数字,我很多东西都4有挂钩。今天缅怀先人,就不V五十了。祝你清明假期愉快,好好休息,爱来自菊子2024-04-04 05:24:56
BabyHappy Easter~!2024-03-31 08:47:46
-|DKS|- General Snake🌷🐰🌷 Wishing all my wonderful Steam friends a very Happy Easter! May your day be filled with joy, laughter, and plenty of chocolate eggs! Here's to a hoppy and egg-citing celebration with loved ones. Have a fantastic day! 🌟🐣🌟2024-03-30 10:15:43
菊子班兄弟你放心我这次不会被女人骗了我装作被她迷得神魂颠倒只是我计划的一部分你别说了我有我自己的节奏但是今天不一样我真的需要去吃肯德基疯狂星期四2024-03-13 20:25:08
valipuhameow!!!2024-03-09 09:46:39
LaentaHi! Have a nice future weekend! ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕 Please rate and add to favorites ❤️ The sea deserves it 🤗 ↴ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31570406142024-03-01 07:04:21
菊子班冬眠假期就结束了......三月是谁的春天呢2024-03-01 02:35:47
TWPanda77⠀  Have a beautiful day2024-02-25 04:51:35
菊子班元宵吃汤圆,生活也团圆!2024-02-24 10:24:04
LaentaHave a nice next week! Post your work in the comments, I will rate it and add it to my favorites. ➮ 𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚊𝚟𝚎 💕🔥 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27599395002024-02-18 01:23:53
BabyHappy Valentine's ⚡️🅲🅷🅴🅴🅲🅷2024-02-14 05:38:13
菊子班嘻嘻嘻,看完了就来看看自己的新展柜吧 如果能点点赞评论一下就更好了!2024-02-12 22:35:04
菊子班阳光很好,我和因幡巡走在小道上,各自抱着自己的书包,我和她都颇为轻松。有美咕噜在,沿途自然招呼不断,有些老人仍习惯叫她的乳名,她却不羞涩,落落大方的与那些老人攀谈起来。街上似乎比平日里还要热闹,小贩的招呼声,孩童的嬉闹声夹杂在一起,混入秋日温暖的阳光里,流淌在街道的每一个角落,都带上之前我未曾感受的温馨。小巡迈着轻快的脚步走过被铺满阳光的地面,鞋跟留下的声音像一曲轻快的音乐。系在她头上的挂件随之摇动,如一只漂亮的金鱼一样在金灿灿的阳光下游动。她蹦蹦跳跳地窜上台阶,发梢起落,红色的头发上跳荡着阳光的金色,按着膝盖对我喊:“快一点快一点。”2024-02-12 22:34:45
LaentaThanks for the congratulations, to those who congratulated :))) ➮ 𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚊𝚟𝚎 💕🔥 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31505364852024-01-31 11:34:06
LaentaHi!Today is my birthday, I will be pleased if you write a few words in my comments.Have a great week! ♡2024-01-28 16:02:31
BabyHappy Sunday,rest well~⚡️🅲🅷🅴🅴🅲🅷!2024-01-14 04:53:16
LaentaHope your weekend was great 😇     />  フ     |  _  _|     /`ミ _x 彡     /      |    /  ヽ   ノ / ̄|   | | | | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)_) \二つ2024-01-10 13:40:44
valipuhameow!2024-01-08 07:24:33
菊子班2024一起加油,你也要天天开心哦!Happy new year !Bless from your dear friend.2023-12-31 22:43:19
BabyHappy New Year~!!!!2023-12-31 11:50:35
菊子班这里是女武神薇格弗德经历了加强现在我非常的超模,约等于无限耐久的长矛,无敌的战歌,还有我引以为傲的统帅头盔,为了庆祝圣诞节我换上了巨鹿皮肤,但是家里面的贪吃鬼大力士不吃蔬菜把肉全吃了。可以V这个可爱的女武神五十火鸡大餐过节吗 我吃饱了给你 口昌 占戈 哥欠2023-12-27 21:32:43
-|DKS|- General Snake** ' * .* ** 🌟* * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ ✨  *  '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *  '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:✨  *'    '✨☆ 🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆ 📀☆📀☆☆ ✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '  *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆ 📀☆ ✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . * * 🟫 .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝 *´`) * (¸**MERRY CHRISTMAS** ´`) *2023-12-25 14:00:24
The SherbmeisterMerry Xmas!2023-12-25 07:13:39
valipuhaMerry Christmas2023-12-25 05:54:37
HallwynMay all your wishes come true in 2024 ♡2023-12-24 05:18:18
valipuhaPut 'em on the news ‼2023-12-23 09:45:02
菊子班晚上好,我亲爱的朋友~这里是菊子,首先祝你冬至快乐,别忘了吃汤圆!这段时间在和朋友回坑饥荒,玩的不亦乐乎,今天是冬至自己一个人在外地,很想念儿时跟母亲做汤圆的日子.......菊子希望你能幸福快乐,菊子V你五十去买汤圆吃2023-12-21 11:12:50
菊子班祝你度过一个愉快的周末2023-12-16 12:00:00
Chernysh2023-12-13 15:32:37
菊子班新的一周,要天天开心2023-12-12 00:21:42
HIROSHIHave a nice day2023-12-10 17:54:45
菊子班粥馍鱼块2023-12-09 23:56:32
菊子班你好我是蜘蛛人伟伯现在我地下远古区,现在是远古狂暴。我带着我两个朋友现在玩命逃跑,身后一堆黑马楼和梦魇,还有一大群深渊蠕虫....,我没血没精神值。快饿死了....V我五十华夫饼,等我脱困了,我将切斯特许配给你!2023-12-06 23:16:59
valipuhameow2023-12-06 14:33:35
HallwynHave an extra special, amazingly fun, undeniably awesome, fantastic sunday ♡2023-12-03 08:04:18
菊子班反方向的钟带我回到周四,请V我五十2023-12-02 00:22:14
Satana ⚧Thank you for the Likes last Artwork ! Here is a new one of my Childhood with the Dark Magician Girl :3 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31018609462023-12-01 12:21:31
Satana ⚧My New Unique Artwork ! Would be lovely if you like it :3 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31012127412023-11-30 18:50:13
菊子班粥馍,鱼块2023-11-25 03:37:09
Hallwyn🌺・ 。❀∴。🌸 *✨ ・゚*。🎇・ ɪ ᴡɪꜱʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜɴᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀ,ʜᴀᴘᴘɪɴᴇꜱꜱ,ᴀɴᴅ ʙʟᴇꜱꜱɪɴɢꜱ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ🌸  :🎀・ *゚。・。💖 * 。*🦋  ・ ゚*。・゚✿。  🌺 :* 🎇 🌺❀・。°*. ゚*  ゚。·*・。 ゚*   ゚ *.。✨:。 ✿ ・🎇  * ❀ 。・゚*.。  :💖  * ✿ ゚・。 * 。✨    ・  ゚🎀 。🌸2023-11-25 01:24:52
-|DKS|- General SnakeOn behalf of DKS, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for joining us. May your Thanksgiving be filled with joy, love, and an abundance of blessings.Come have a Happy Thanksgiving with Dark Knights Squadron, thank you kindly! https://steamcommunity.com/groups/DKS4US2023-11-23 13:31:54
HallwynTake time today to love yourself, take a deep breath and let go. At this moment, wishing you a smile on your face and peace in your spirit. Have a happy day2023-11-23 04:58:13
HallwynHave an extra special, amazingly fun, undeniably awesome, super fantastic day ♡2023-11-21 04:02:25
菊子班普天同庆!我的 DoomEternal 全成就了2023-11-21 03:36:49
菊子班享受你新的一周Enjoy your new week2023-11-20 04:23:36
Soupy👾you are awesome2023-11-19 10:46:42
Hallwynhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30601915002023-11-19 10:43:50
valipuhashe really think she irreplaceable!2023-11-18 15:55:42
Chernysh2023-11-16 10:51:19
菊子班我是DOOM GUY!我肚子饿了!前天把黑魔王狠狠斩杀,我肚子饿了。V我五十吃炸鸡,我当你一周保镖2023-11-16 03:33:05
Hallwyn⠀ 🌷🌸🌷🌸🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸Λ🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷( ˘ ᵕ ˘🌷🌸🌷⠀⠀ Have a nice day ヽ つ\  /  ⠀⠀ / 🎀 \ 🎀 Flowers are the music of the ground from earth’s lips spoken without sound 🎀2023-11-15 03:30:37
Chernysh2023-11-14 18:36:05
valipuhameow!2023-11-14 09:31:14
Hallwyn⠀ It’s Friday morning! Good vibe, don’t frown and let the monster see you smile2023-11-10 01:51:45
Hallwyn˚˖ 󠂪 󠂪 󠂪 󠂪 󠂪󠂪⠀⠀ ♡ We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever ♡2023-11-09 04:06:16
lis3k........................./>  フ.........................|  _  _ l....................../` ミ_xノ...................../     |.................../  ヽ   ノ............... ..│  | | |............/ ̄|   | | |............| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)...........\二つ Have a wonderful day!2023-11-09 01:45:32
菊子班你好!这里是不死人灰烬我正在踏上传火的道路,我从洛斯里克高墙一路走过不死聚落、森林、法兰臭水沟、大墓地终于来到了伊鲁席尔,经过与教导主任沙力万的死斗,现在我已经身心俱疲............但是在后院我遇到了坏批的入侵!现在急需你v五十灵魂,待我摇来太阳老哥完成传火大业,我将余火赐予你2023-11-08 18:53:27
Hallwyn⠀ 🌷🌸🌷🌸🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸Λ🌷🌸🌷🌸🌷( ˘ ᵕ ˘🌷🌸🌷ヽ つ\  /  ⠀⠀ / 🎀 \ 🎀 There's no room for negative thoughts today. I give these flowers to you 🎀2023-11-08 03:23:03
HallwynI hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not, just know that in every new minute that passes you have an opportunity to change that2023-11-06 05:38:36
菊子班周末雨快(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~2023-11-05 03:42:10
Hallwynhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30611559032023-11-03 02:09:11
Laenta➵ Feel the rain on your skin during the last month of autumn 💓2023-11-02 11:01:53
菊子班晚上好,我是异形小6现在我在地球上人类殖民地里大肆屠戮,现在我收到了族中女王的召唤,要赶回去金字塔释放女王!但是我现在被铁血战士围追堵着,V我五十基因点数,助我进化成铁血异形,待我释放女王,我让抱脸虫报答你!2023-11-02 07:33:40
Hallwyn˚˖ ♡ You can't fight the feeling of falling in love. Do not store your dreams in your eyes. They may roll down with tears, store them in your heart. Each heartbeat will inspire and motivate you to fulfill them ˚˖ ♡2023-11-02 06:47:26
Darkoo<32023-11-01 17:23:58
PhYper🎃🕸️── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──🕸️🎃                     ꀍꁲꉣꉣꂖ ꀍꁲ꒒꒒ꁏꅐ👻👻ꋊ                      🎃🕸️── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──🕸️🎃2023-10-31 10:56:35
菊子班红魔已经潜入我们的身边2023-10-31 05:06:19
BabyHave a great day~2023-10-26 07:53:09
菊子班这里是Doom Slayer,我被困在未知宇宙了,需要五十能量修复飞船回到地球,拯救人类 这里是想玩 Doom Eternal 的菊子2023-10-26 05:22:32
Hallwynhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30611559032023-10-26 01:29:22
SeddiYOU ARE AMAZING CHEECH!2023-10-23 12:07:17
菊子班向深渊进发 指新的一周来了2023-10-23 05:16:27
Hallwynhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30580397302023-10-22 13:05:45
SeddiYOU ARE AMAZING CHEECH!2023-10-22 10:44:48
菊子班周末鱼块 Enjoy your weekend2023-10-22 01:19:50
SeddiYOU ARE AMAZING!2023-10-21 05:15:40
Chernysh2023-10-20 00:57:52
菊子班我是毁灭战士,现在我位于火星基地,这里被恶魔攻陷了!!!!我一路厮杀,TM射爆了,什么小恶魔,什么肥球,通通射爆啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!手撕它们的四肢,扯下它们的头颅,抽出它们的脊椎,把他们的颅骨当碗用,把它们像蝼蚁一样碾碎!但是杀太猛了,现在已经没有弹药了.........速度 V我五十大洋 ,助我重振旗鼓,待我杀穿地狱后将裁决剑赠予你!2023-10-19 10:20:17
菊子班组织部不是万能的2023-10-16 00:08:28
Chernysh2023-10-15 10:01:42
Chernysh2023-10-14 09:59:15
HallwynHellow, I'm back after a long break. I hope you are well. Stay safe and have an awesome weekend ♡˚˖2023-10-14 01:25:38
菊子班周末愉快,享受为数不多的珍贵时光Enjoy your wieekend2023-10-13 20:53:21
BruhtdalityJ+rep2023-10-13 15:03:49
菊子班昨天推的不是诗啊啊啊,哈哈哈哈哈哈是一首歌:许嵩的《清明雨上》,菊子这段时间经常在听因为听了你就会vivo50 反方向的钟带我回到了周四2023-10-12 11:49:20
BabyWishing for your happiness~2023-10-12 06:46:48
Chernysh2023-10-11 06:35:35
菊子班窗透初晓 日照西桥 云自摇想你当年荷风微摆的衣角木雕流金 岁月涟漪 七年前封笔因为我今生挥毫只为你雨打湿了眼眶 年年倚井盼归堂最怕不觉泪已拆两行我在人间彷徨 寻不到你的天堂东瓶西镜放 恨不能遗忘又是清明雨上 折菊寄到你身旁把你最爱的歌来轻轻唱远方有琴 愀然空灵 声声催天雨涓涓心事说给自己听月影憧憧 烟火几重 烛花红红尘旧梦 梦断都成空雨打湿了眼眶 年年倚井盼归堂最怕不觉泪已拆两行我在人间彷徨 寻不到你的天堂东瓶西镜放 恨不能遗忘又是清明雨上 折菊寄到你身旁把你最爱的歌来轻轻唱我在人间彷徨 寻不到你的天堂东瓶西镜放 恨不能遗忘又是清明雨上 折菊寄到你身旁把你最爱的歌来轻轻唱2023-10-11 00:24:09
菊子班菊子想好好睡一觉啊啊啊2023-10-10 15:12:44
Chernysh2023-10-10 11:43:33
Chernysh2023-10-05 06:18:22
Chernysh2023-10-04 07:22:22
Chernysh2023-10-03 06:23:43
HallwynMay you find the reasons to love yourself and the world a bit more today. Enjoy your day2023-10-02 07:46:55
Chernysh2023-10-02 05:48:19
Chernysh2023-10-01 06:05:37
Laenta➮ 𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚊𝚟𝚎 💕🔥 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3043601323 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔! ^-^ /2023-10-01 03:00:01
菊子班但愿人长久,千里共婵娟2023-09-29 14:03:47
Chernysh2023-09-29 05:29:15
Chernysh2023-09-28 03:16:50
Chernysh2023-09-27 04:11:18
PhYperᵀᴴᴱ ᴮᴱˢᵀ ᴵˢ ᶠᴼᴿ ᵞᴼᵁ2023-09-27 03:15:17
Chernysh2023-09-26 03:04:53
PhYper˚∧_∧  + —̳͟͞͞💗( •‿• )つ —̳͟͞͞ 💗 —̳͟͞͞💗 +(つ  < —̳͟͞͞💗|  _つ + —̳͟͞͞💗 —̳͟͞͞💗 ˚`し´2023-09-26 02:45:19
菊子班鸽鸽几天留言,我是懒猪新周愉快~~~黄金周小长假想好去哪玩了吗?还是跟菊子一样窝着打游戏呢不管怎么样都祝你开心哦(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~2023-09-26 00:45:06
Chernysh2023-09-25 10:28:28
Hallwynhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30406992832023-09-25 02:24:39
菊子班喜欢的你是遥不可及的星星2023-09-24 04:47:38
Chernysh2023-09-24 03:07:59
Chernysh2023-09-23 03:17:44
Chernysh2023-09-22 01:30:36
ChernyshPlease like my work and leave a comment!If possible, a review https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30388709522023-09-21 06:34:32
Chernysh2023-09-21 00:54:07
菊子班有时候远远地看着也是一种爱推歌:《暗恋是一个人的事》2023-09-19 23:55:12
菊子班E=mc22023-09-18 23:56:24
菊子班虽然但是新周愉快,祝你度过愉快的一周注意休息,别把自己累坏了2023-09-17 23:46:06
Chernysh2023-09-17 04:49:03
菊子班周末愉快最近忙的像无头苍蝇,已经有点疲倦了2023-09-17 04:19:27
drextonʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ! ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴏᴜᴛ, ɪ'ᴅ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇ ɪᴛ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30351929702023-09-16 16:26:19
Chernysh2023-09-15 18:30:05
PhYperʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ2023-09-14 03:48:20
菊子班我是老狼,请求后院决斗!我是阳光友善半叶男孩....................我是高冷傲娇教曲小生....................我是热情帅气环直少年..................我是外冷内热阴阳怪气小镰刀出生.................我是太阳哥哥我来拯救你!为了对抗红灵我的元素瓶都喝光了请给我力量吧V我五十我去买一份巧克力,待我诛杀坏批,我狠狠旋转下指给他喂巧克力2023-09-14 00:25:35
drextonꜱɪɢɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴅʀᴇxᴛᴏɴ//+ʀᴇᴘ                      ░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█▀▀ ░                      ░█▀▀ ░█▀▀ ░█ ░█ ░░░                      ░▀▀▀ ░▀ ░░░▀ ░▀▀▀ ░ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴅᴀʏ2023-09-12 15:00:23
valipuhawhat sound does the cat do?2023-09-12 12:57:48
菊子班新周愉快!我亲爱的朋友! 上周对我来说是忙碌的一周,整个周末都在干活,看着新人的到来,感觉周而复始,年复一年啊2023-09-10 23:44:15
菊子班菊子希望你天天开心(*^▽^*)2023-09-10 00:46:19
菊子班哦哈哟,学妹(?)........................................周末鱼块天天开心2023-09-09 00:36:58
HallwynIt feels wonderful when someone appreciates you for who you are just as you are, doesn't it? When they encourage you to be yourself more and love you for it2023-09-08 03:25:56
菊子班今日菊子自封为王:周五王百万雄师听我号令!2023-09-08 01:16:55
valipuhameow2023-09-07 09:33:05
菊子班我是谷风李空,因为前世力量的觉醒使得我生活发生翻天覆地的变化!傲娇吸血鬼妹妹黄色废料入脑小天使骚包学霸同学异世界的发情公主傲娇小仆从性感女老师我该怎么面对这一切?? V我五十 助我买车票去到鹫逗科研都市找在原晓解放能力,我将力量赐予你封你为魔王!2023-09-06 23:22:06
Chernysh2023-09-05 09:45:24
Chernysh2023-09-04 10:00:40
HallwynMay your day be as vibrant as a field of daisies. I wholeheartedly wish that your smile never fades away. Have a good day I welcome you if you want to join my group https://steamcommunity.com/groups/hallwyncrew ⠀𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽2023-09-02 08:29:59
BabyWish you a relaxing weekend 🔆And have a great September2023-09-01 12:38:09
valipuhawake up! its the first of the month2023-09-01 09:32:50
T1NCH0Good day2023-08-30 22:41:10
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 17:02:38
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 16:56:36
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 15:25:38
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 15:07:23
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 14:57:54
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 14:19:52
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 14:15:48
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 14:12:08
BudioHave a great day2023-08-29 11:42:38
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 07:05:31
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 06:15:37
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 05:59:09
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 05:06:45
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-08-29 05:06:39
sovalike and comm pls https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30272000442023-08-28 14:16:17
Hallwynhttps://steamcommunity.com/groups/hallwyncrew2023-08-28 12:41:47
PhYper🌼 ꜱᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ᴠɪʀᴛᴜᴀʟ ʙᴏᴜQᴜᴇᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴘᴏꜱɪᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴀᴘᴘɪɴᴇꜱꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴅᴀʏ! ᴍᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴀʏ ʙᴇ ᴀꜱ ʟᴏᴠᴇʟʏ ᴀꜱ ᴀ ꜰɪᴇʟᴅ ᴏꜰ ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ. 🌸🌼2023-08-28 03:34:34
Laenta➮ 𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚊𝚟𝚎 💕🔥 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30266815132023-08-28 03:16:03
wasabi* .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: ¸.𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂, 𝓶𝔂 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭  ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .2023-08-27 05:49:55
菊子班周末愉快,迟来的祝福最近在玩天使骚骚,刚推完乃爱和妹妹HAVE A NICE WEEKEND2023-08-26 23:58:52
sovalike and comm pls https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30262913022023-08-26 19:35:48
Master+rep nice cat, it reminds me mine2023-08-25 19:50:53
Apófis 🖤𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊You too <32023-08-25 14:13:42
Hallwyn˚˖ ♡ Every day is your day if you know how to use every bit properly. Making a day good or bad depends largely on you. Give your best, and enjoy your day. Have a great day, friend! ˚˖ ♡2023-08-25 08:53:12
Chernysh2023-08-25 08:20:11
OwerSmokesigned pls :)2023-08-25 04:53:14
PhYper。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .             。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .          𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑎𝑦ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              ,         .  .        .     。                   ゚      。  .        .     .          。  .2023-08-24 14:35:57
PhYper♥♥♥─▀██▀▀▀█♥──██▄█♥──██▀█♥─▄██ ANTASTIC Friend ♥♥2023-08-23 15:30:46
8:)2023-08-23 11:24:31
valipuhameow!2023-08-23 07:05:32
ᴍᴜꜱᴛᴀᴄʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ🔥🔥🔥 ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ! 🔥🔥🔥2023-08-22 16:14:54
菊子班自己今年七夕不会又是一个人过吧~难道说还是自己窝在家里打游戏?亦或者是玩玩萝莉控类型的galgame吗?七夕快乐哦~杂~鱼~♡2023-08-22 04:38:31
EDGARHave a lovely day!2023-08-21 13:09:43
duxzlahave a nice day2023-08-21 09:13:31
Kash Kandylikewise to you2023-08-21 06:36:04
𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒆 🌸enjoy your week! ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.2023-08-21 05:44:13
asamihave a nice week 🖤2023-08-21 05:37:21
vilppeHave an awesome week!2023-08-21 04:34:44
AhmetHave a nice day2023-08-21 02:39:21
Chernysh2023-08-20 05:46:57
Chernysh2023-08-19 17:04:49
菊子班粥磨鱼块~菊子我买的怪物猎人手办模型到了哈哈哈哈哈哈,好帅好霸气分别是:【赤帝苍星】【终焉审判】【雪花沉睡】可以猜一猜是哪三条龙哦 猜对奖励今晚跟咩咩子睡觉2023-08-19 06:40:10
donp<32023-08-18 17:07:25
⛧ Ɉ Ȼ Ⱥ ⛧Happy weekend!2023-08-18 07:20:41
⛧ Ɉ Ȼ Ⱥ ⛧Happy weekend!2023-08-18 07:20:39
菊子班此时彼岸花的红色花瓣飞舞在结束战斗的战场上,辛耶不可置信的看着眼前这位戎装的白发少女,他一定会记起那夜烟火在空中盛放他对着素未谋面的她说:“不要忘记我们。”跨越千山万水,历尽磨难,他不会想到那个曾经哭泣的少女会坚定的站在他面前。曾经那簇被他支持着燃烧的希望之火,在他失去心中对哥哥的责任而迷惘不知为何前行的时候。成为他前行的理由。而那个追赶他步伐的少女,也在万念俱灰的时候推着他看到了希望。2023-08-18 04:58:17
菊子班“战斗?为什么战斗,难道是赶着去送死吗?如果是那样,那还不如不去战斗了。”“就算有力不足,我也绝不会这样屈从,我会战至最后,永不放弃,直至燃烧生命。有一群人就算这样活过来的,他们相信我也能跟他们一样走下去,所以我们……所以我……为了追上被选派的他们而战,我是原共和国防卫队指挥官芙拉蒂蕾娜·米利杰,这场战斗,我绝不会逃避。”2023-08-18 04:58:10
󠁳⁧⁧ Nero∧,,,∧( ̳• · • ̳)/ づ🤍 pusz pusz2023-08-18 01:14:03
ADeus💜              💛       💜 💗        💗    💙                   💗       💙           💙                   💗       💚 💜     💚       ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝔻𝕒𝕪         💛     💗              💚               💙  💙          💛        💗       💜       💚2023-08-17 13:15:25
菊子班麦当劳汉堡 好好好 麦当劳薯条 条条条 麦当劳奶昔 奶奶奶奶奶奶奶 麦当劳雪糕 gogogogogo 麦当劳叔叔 叔叔叔叔叔叔 麦当劳沙律 i'm loving it Ba Da Ba Ba Ba 麦当劳道点解冇麦当劳 真系Fantastic… i'm loving it Ba Da Ba Ba Ba 麦当劳道应该有一间麦当劳2023-08-17 06:29:37
HallwynYou can't fight the feeling of falling in love. Do not store your dreams in your eyes. They may roll down with tears, store them in your heart. Each heartbeat will inspire and motivate you to fulfill them. Have a great day2023-08-17 06:23:16
Chernysh2023-08-17 05:46:02
Apófis 🖤𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊You too, my apyr.2023-08-16 19:01:08
Dexter<3<3<32023-08-16 18:10:45
PhYper∧_∧(。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *🎀2023-08-16 02:38:50
wasabiHᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟ ᴅᴀʏ⠀2023-08-15 01:20:59
菊子班( ̄O ̄)ノ,晚上好新周愉快~我的朋友为你 献上爱和祝福(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~Have a nice week2023-08-14 11:41:23
Stay up. • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . . °☆ . ● ¸ . ★ ° . • ○ ° ★ . * . ☾ ° ¸. * ● ¸ ° ☾ °☆ . * ¸. ★ ★ ° . . ¸ .: 💗 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 💗 ° ☾ ★ ° . . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . ★ ° . . . ☾ °☆ . * ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ○ . ° . ● . ° ☾ °☆ ¸.● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ .2023-08-14 08:10:58
valipuhameow2023-08-13 08:52:13
HAYULHave a wonderful weekend2023-08-12 15:21:29
菊子班周末愉快~来自菊子的祝福ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~2023-08-12 07:02:10
PhYperㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ╱╲ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚠𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚞𝚕 dayㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ╲╱2023-08-12 06:06:22
Chernysh2023-08-12 03:06:49
菊子班仲間に冷たく暴力を振るわれて半年、最近あまり泣かなくなって、だんだんよくなってきた……以前はどんなに楽しかったか、今はどんなに悲しいか。人間花火の日常から、目を赤くして別れを告げ、お互いの世界に消えていくまで、痛くて、難しい。今日は以閃亮の名狂乱木曜日、背景禮包限時に上線、zfb転我50慰撫我支離滅裂的心。2023-08-11 07:00:58
菊子班立秋快乐! 补一个入秋快乐耶,俗话说得好说:贴秋膘,是时候放开肚皮狠狠地吃了!!菊子这几天出去办事了,咕咕了几天留言,疯狂星期四文案也没有补上,诶~生活不易啊,不过现在平安回来了。真的很想天天宅在家里啊,家里真的好舒服~这是给大家补上的疯狂星期四文案!!2023-08-11 07:00:31
𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒆 🌸⡞⠳⣄⣀⣀⣀⣠⠞⢷⡀               ⣸⠟⠋⠁      ⠈⠙⠻⣇    ⣀             ⡾⠁⢰⣿⡆  ⣀  ⢰⣿⡆⠈⢧⢰⠛⡇           ⣸⢷⠶⠒⠉  ⠒⠭⠒  ⠉⠒⢶⠾⣏⡼⠃           ⣿⠶⣤⣀⣀          ⣀⣀⣤⠶⡟⠁           ⢸    ⠈⠉⠉⠙⠛⠛⠉⠉⠁    ⣏⣉⡙⣆           ⠘⡆                      ⢸⠃  ⢹⢸             ⣇                      ⢸⢀⡴⢣⠇             ⢸                      ⣸⠭⠔⠁             ⠸⣆⣀              ⣀⣰⠇                 ⠉⠙⠓⠒⠒⠒⠚⠋⠉2023-08-11 05:50:23
VerchillHave a nice day!2023-08-11 05:19:55
yst1nn>.<2023-08-10 05:43:08
Efekrc28Have nice day2023-08-10 05:01:19
锤王。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .               𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。2023-08-10 04:49:54
EvalynMay your day be as vibrant as a field of daisies. I wholeheartedly wish that your smile never fades away. Have a good day I welcome you if you want to join my group https://steamcommunity.com/groups/iamnotbroken ⠀𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽2023-08-10 04:39:54
Bri's Lambhave a great day!2023-08-09 14:44:54
ValentinoHave a good day ✨☝🏻2023-08-08 14:07:31
Reikan💜              💛       💜 💗        💗    💙                   💗       💙           💙                   💗       💚 💜     💚       ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝔻𝕒𝕪         💛     💗              💚               💙  💙          💛        💗       💜       💚2023-08-08 13:51:05
NismoHave a good day2023-08-08 07:06:24
Silent. . ·   ⋆ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦    *   . . ·     .    ✦ ✦ ✦  * .     . ·  .        * . . ·   ✦ . ·   ˚   𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙯𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘥𝘢𝘺 .   · ✦  ⋆ ✦ ✦ ✦  . ·   ·   ⋆ ✦ ✦ ✦ . ·  ✦. ✦ ✦ ✦ * . . ·   ⋆ ✦ ✦ ✦  *  . . ·   ⋆ ✦ ✦ ✦2023-08-08 06:16:19
𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒆 🌸have a nice week!2023-08-08 03:59:41
AhmetHave a nice day2023-08-08 02:04:56
Dildo Dance PartyNo Hands No Cookies༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ2023-08-08 01:55:45
wasabi⠀                                    Hᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ғᴀɴᴛᴀsᴛɪᴄ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ2023-08-08 01:45:51
asamihave a nice week 🖤2023-08-07 21:22:40
ShottaFlowHave a nice day2023-08-07 09:11:57
ChernyshJoin my group https://steamcommunity.com/groups/night_escort2023-08-07 04:43:09
Chernysh2023-08-07 04:16:30
ChernyshJoin my group https://steamcommunity.com/groups/night_escort2023-08-07 04:16:28
Chernysh2023-08-07 01:34:58
菊子班早上好呀,哦哈哟Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ祝你新的一周顺顺利利!Have a nice week2023-08-06 22:42:13
T1NCH0Have a wonderful day!2023-08-06 16:28:04
TeKLord®Subscribe to Tek's channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHcpuPM0sPw&t=6134s2023-08-06 12:32:51
HAYULWish you a lovely week !2023-08-06 11:19:59
Crystal *Birthday🍰*Have a great day~2023-08-06 02:28:38
EvalynIt's not how long you've been with someone that matters, but rather the love you share in your heart2023-08-06 00:06:01
Chernysh2023-08-05 02:32:05
菊子班我是周五王!! 现在我宣布: 周末来临! Enjoy your weekend2023-08-04 11:16:41
wasabi。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .              𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓭ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2023-08-04 06:39:40
Evalyn󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪(\(\󠂪 󠂪 󠂪 󠂪 󠂪󠂪 󠂪 („• ֊ •„) ┏━ ∪∪ ━━━┓ʜɪ, ᴍᴀy ᴜ ʀᴀᴛᴇ ᴍy ɴᴇᴡ ɢᴜɪᴅᴇ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30146701052023-08-04 04:47:03
wasabi⠀ Hᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴅᴀʏ2023-08-03 06:01:15
菊子班我给大家道歉了,对不起了各位,骗了你们这么久。假装自己是一个成年人好累啊,真的为了瞒着你们不被发现我每天都要装作自己在工作的样子,其实我今年才5岁。我现在决定把这个事情说出来是因为我知道错了,希望大家看在我是一个孩子的份上,v我50请我吃肯德基疯狂星期四,谢谢可爱的哥哥姐姐们。2023-08-03 03:47:07
Chernysh2023-08-02 20:34:02
SHERIFF DAISYHave a lovely Day ^^2023-08-02 12:30:28
mozart+rep ♣2023-07-31 04:27:30
Chernysh2023-07-30 14:15:50
ClumeHave a great day my dear friend.2023-07-30 12:04:57
apo ⚜<32023-07-30 09:57:32
𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒆 🌸have a good start into the new week!2023-07-30 04:13:59
Another_LostSoulHave a wicked weekend GAMING2023-07-29 09:58:26
Apófis 🖤𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊Have a cat day everyday ^~^2023-07-28 21:57:33
PhYperNice player!2023-07-28 19:17:48
twofuzz<33332023-07-28 18:29:23
Poltergeist<32023-07-28 14:14:44
BudioHave a good day2023-07-28 12:27:53
Αnschαrιus:2023-07-28 11:53:06
Chernysh2023-07-28 11:35:33
wasabiHᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ2023-07-28 10:39:18
Valentin V3rga SecaHave a nice day ✨2023-07-28 10:33:55
asamihave a nice weekend 🖤2023-07-28 10:18:38
Homerlol nice comment2023-07-28 10:11:51
Guess Who's Back⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊    ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-07-28 10:08:57
NismoHave a nice day2023-07-28 08:28:42
Tapex░░█░░░█▀█░█▀▀░█▀█▀▀█▀▀░█▀▄░█▀░░█▀▀░░█░░░▀░▀░▀▀▀░▀░░/フフ        ム`ヽ/ ノ)         ) ヽ/ |  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ⌒(ゝ._,ノ/ ノ⌒7⌒ヽーく  \ /丶_ ノ 。   ノ、 。|/   `ヽ `ー-'_人`ーノ    丶  ̄ _人'彡ノ2023-07-28 07:57:08
NonHumanEntitySo majestic2023-07-28 07:49:23
SHERIFF DAISYYou aswell 🌌🌠🌟2023-07-28 06:03:34
AhmetHave a nice day2023-07-28 04:55:58
Apófis 🖤𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊Let's dance.2023-07-27 15:57:58
Chernysh2023-07-27 11:04:13
EvalynDear friend, I send you my loving thoughts to wish you a good night. May your night be peaceful, sweet, and full of serenity2023-07-26 16:22:19
Linz ³<32023-07-26 15:42:48
Satana # Diablo 4 ist Scheißehttps://steamcommunity.com/groups/satanagroupofficial if you are a passionate gamer join the group and add your friends to it ! :)2023-07-26 14:31:37
Apófis 🖤𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊Glad to meet you, i hope you are fine and healthy enough!2023-07-25 19:29:21
Chernysh2023-07-25 08:40:55
𝓪𝓷 ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶have a nice day (* ^ ω ^)2023-07-25 04:46:02
Tapexanneni sikiyim2023-07-24 14:11:29
Antonyo96. • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: 💗 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 💗  ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .2023-07-24 07:56:15
Chernysh2023-07-24 03:46:45
Chernysh2023-07-23 10:35:58
Evalyn“Hearts can break. Yes, hearts can break. Sometimes I think it would be better if we died when they did, but we don't. Do not hurt the people you love. Have a nice day...2023-07-23 02:08:48
MentaLlove2023-07-22 10:22:45
ender çox yaraşıqlı adam<32023-07-22 09:12:00
Chernysh2023-07-22 09:05:41
菊子班周末愉快Have a nice weekend 今天农历生日,出去吃点好吃的嘻嘻2023-07-22 07:46:30
-ˏˋ✨🆃🅰🅸✨ˎˊ-⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴ ⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄    ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜ ⠇        ⢀⠔⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜        𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓭2023-07-21 11:56:45
Chernysh2023-07-21 06:51:23
Chernysh2023-07-20 07:34:23
-|DKS|- Evalyn󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪(\(\󠂪 󠂪 󠂪 󠂪 󠂪󠂪 󠂪 („• ֊ •„) ┏━ ∪∪ ━━━┓ʜɪ, ᴍᴀy ᴜ ʀᴀᴛᴇ ᴍy ɴᴇᴡ ɢᴜɪᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30071342722023-07-20 06:20:00
dont care didnt readgay2023-07-19 22:11:50
WandererHave a nice day!2023-07-19 14:37:10
Linz ³Have a nice day ✨2023-07-19 12:17:06
菊子班我决定再也不发疯狂星期四文案!疯四是五毒之首,是洪水猛兽,是离间我和网友感情的元凶!是信任消失的的罪魁祸首!是纯情少女(指我)的无情杀手!黄赌毒可以蹭,疯四千万碰不得!刑法宪法可以搏,疯四万万摸不得!每周四发疯四文案只能坏了大事!同意我的v我50作为封口费 ​​​2023-07-19 11:17:12
VFTareks<32023-07-19 10:46:32
BabyStay awesome2023-07-19 09:46:28
Antonyo96Hope you have a wonderful day <3rate my artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30067553732023-07-19 09:41:11
vilppeHave a great day!2023-07-19 07:13:45
Samari+rep2023-07-19 06:32:14
Chernysh2023-07-19 05:18:14
Chernysh2023-07-18 08:42:53
Chernysh2023-07-17 05:59:02
菊子班周一是地狱开局呜呜呜呜呜呜加油把!2023-07-16 23:25:39
wasabi。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .              𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2023-07-16 19:03:21
BabyHave a great new week2023-07-16 11:44:22
Chernysh2023-07-16 08:19:22
hellcat4596<32023-07-16 07:16:34
hellcat4596<32023-07-16 07:16:33
hellcat4596<32023-07-16 07:16:32
CrystalHave a lovely weekend!2023-07-16 02:55:48
iakhontovyihttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28936667792023-07-15 14:26:24
a08wyuidfhfrad80iwyuh,have a nice weekend 🖤2023-07-15 14:14:01
Qacie<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <32023-07-15 13:58:23
karry.tes<32023-07-15 13:22:01
ValHave a nice weekend<32023-07-15 10:52:09
HAYULMay you find renewed strength to face all the challenges ahead. Happy weekend2023-07-15 10:23:53
Another_LostSoulPassing by with a little love for you page2023-07-15 08:50:58
vilppeHave a great weekend!2023-07-15 05:26:52
Chernysh2023-07-15 04:07:34
Runexos(\_/)(o_o) (")_(")2023-07-15 02:26:31
᲼᲼᲼᲼。     ☾ °        ✦    ゚   .         ★     .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .     ‍ * ●           𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂!        。  .        。     ¸             ゚   .              .,         .  .        .  ✦   。                   ゚         。 ‍ * ●  .        .     .    ✦      。  . "2023-07-14 08:09:40
Chernysh2023-07-14 06:45:28
Blood<32023-07-13 08:57:03
Chernysh2023-07-13 08:02:37
duxzla⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊   ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-07-13 07:00:28
wasabiHᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ғᴀɴᴛᴀsᴛɪᴄ ᴅᴀʏ2023-07-13 04:33:44
Chernysh2023-07-12 07:36:16
菊子班送你小心心Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ2023-07-11 23:38:03
ChernyshJoin my group https://steamcommunity.com/groups/night_escort https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Im_horny_2023-07-11 04:21:38
Chernysh2023-07-11 04:21:37
Poltergeist<32023-07-11 04:02:23
Chernysh2023-07-11 00:46:57
✞︎Ȥɘɳɘʅ✞TY <32023-07-10 22:06:01
Talib365⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-07-10 15:11:19
Tiger888____________💗_________☺/_________/▌_________/ \_____Happy !!!2023-07-10 13:32:24
Lizzy ♡.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂|   |    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing week~2023-07-10 11:25:38
empTy|         _,,     |      ,. -'" ;'     |    ,.-''"     :'     |   :'"       ,,、:     | , "          ゙: 、     |;'     *,, О     ゙:、   ,.. - ;     |:      "      ゙:-''"   ;'     | ゙:              ゙ ,:'     |        \   О   ,:'     |            "'' , :'     |                 , :'        ,:'" ゙:、  ,:   ゙゙;' - ,,,.. - '   ゙:、  ゙'' - ;    ;゙     ゙ :、       ,:'     |゙: ,,    ,:'     |  ゙ ー "     |  ,:'     | ,:'2023-07-10 10:28:46
AhmetHave a nice day2023-07-10 08:52:25
vilppe<3332023-07-10 06:48:58
karry.tes<32023-07-10 06:47:35
菊子班祝你新的一周愉快度过哦(*^▽^*)夏促还有四天结束了,大家都买了什dwa么呢?:yu_eeh:菊子入库了很多游戏,把黑魂系列都补全了,还把sp也补票了,狠狠地爆金币大家在买买买的时候也要注意钱包了,理智消费保护血槽 Wishing you a happy new week2023-07-10 05:46:57
Chernysh2023-07-10 01:10:25
Stevey9904/>  フ     |  n n 彡     /`ミ_xノ     /      |    /  ヽ   ノ    │  | | | / ̄|   | | | | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) \二つ2023-07-09 20:46:32
VanPunchman/>  フ     |  n n 彡     /`ミ_xノ     /      |    /  ヽ   ノ    │  | | | / ̄|   | | | | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) \二つ2023-07-09 14:44:46
Queen`can u sign me?2023-07-09 01:53:16
Chernysh2023-07-09 01:19:15
Tiger ShroffCheech is a singer2023-07-08 15:44:21
asamihave a nice weekend 🖤2023-07-08 11:48:03
Aslandiyari23Have nice day2023-07-08 10:15:36
Queen`can u sign me2023-07-08 08:55:46
Haru☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆(\ (\⠀​⠀​⠀​⠀​(\ (\ ⠀​ ⠀​⠀⠀​​(\ (\ ⠀​ ⠀⠀​⠀​​(\ (\(„• ֊ •„)⠀​ („• ֊ •„) ⠀​⠀​(„• ֊ •„) ⠀⠀​​(„• ֊ •„)O🍓O ⠀​O🌟O ⠀⠀​​O🌸O ⠀⠀​​O🥛 O☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆。*:゚*。 .☆ Have a nice Week ☆・゚: *:゚*。2023-07-08 08:21:38
wasabi:                                          :                                             Hᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴅᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ2023-07-08 08:10:42
karry.tes<32023-07-08 03:36:30
Chernysh2023-07-07 22:32:41
菊子班周末愉快哦又到了一周的调整休息时间了,美美睡饱,去吃顿大餐吧!话说大家有没有注意到菊子偷偷更新了几个新展柜呢?都是菊子的DIY,欢迎大家来点赞评论! 能给点奖励就更好了嘻嘻 Wish U Haver a nice weekend2023-07-07 21:51:39
𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗗Have a great day2023-07-07 21:30:51
| XoliK |pretty cool geeza2023-07-07 18:10:26
✪ AsenZerahave a nice weekend <332023-07-07 14:37:20
Avatarᕼᗩᐺᘿ ᗩ ᘜᖇᘿᗩᖶ ᘺᘿᘿᖽᐸᘿᘉᕲ!!2023-07-07 11:51:24
Bri's Lambhave an amazing day!2023-07-07 10:04:11
wasabi⠀                                                Hᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟ ᴅᴀʏ2023-07-07 09:47:20
.ķίşa`Have a lovely weekend2023-07-07 09:19:21
Corn Smut╱|、(˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ ╱|、(˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ ╱|、(˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ ╱|、(˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ ╱|、(˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ ╱|、(˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノMany2023-07-07 08:06:51
WastelanderHave a nice weekend2023-07-07 08:05:59
𝕁𝕠𝕙𝕟 𝟛:𝟙𝟞no spam. or get ban2023-07-07 05:53:30
菊子班晚上好Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ感谢大家的帮忙,好友陆陆续续都加回来了,非常感谢大家愿意给我面子让我加回来,笨菊子以后会小心的Good evening, thank you for your help.2023-07-07 05:43:29
Poltergeist<32023-07-07 04:21:52
-|DKS|- HallwynI wanted to give these roses for you. I hope you have a sweet night2023-07-06 15:29:26
Chernysh2023-07-06 14:52:59
AvatarS♥e♥n♥d♥i♥n♥g♥ ♥l♥o♥v♥e2023-07-06 14:07:01
rasfi.. ∧_∧( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂| | ・゜+.しーJ °。+ *´¨).• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)(¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing week~2023-07-06 14:05:01
duxzla.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂|   |    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆ 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔2023-07-06 11:06:20
CourtneyWeed ☪Have a nice day2023-07-06 11:03:37
🤍🤍   🖤🖤                      🤍      🖤      🖤                      🤍               🖤                         🤍         🖤                            🤍   🖤                               🤍               🤍 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 🖤2023-07-06 10:32:44
Silent. . ·   ⋆ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦    *   . . ·     .    ✦ ✦ ✦  * .     . ·  .        * . . ·   ✦ . ·   ˚   𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙯𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘥𝘢𝘺 .   · ✦  ⋆ ✦ ✦ ✦  . ·   ·   ⋆ ✦ ✦ ✦ . ·  ✦. ✦ ✦ ✦ * . . ·   ⋆ ✦ ✦ ✦  *  . . ·   ⋆ ✦ ✦ ✦2023-07-06 05:40:46
Stay up.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂| | ・゜+. しーJ °。+ *´¨) .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing week~2023-07-06 05:22:08
karry.tes<32023-07-06 05:02:22
♆ S Λ Ƭ Ʋ Ʀ Ɲ ♆Have A Nice Day !2023-07-06 01:41:43
Qacie💜              💛       💜 💗        💗    💙                   💗       💙           💙                   💗       💚 💜     💚               💛     💗              💚               💙  💙          💛        💗       💜       💚2023-07-05 14:41:41
Jabuka___,,...,,__/`''/`i  |``~--,...~```     `` * |  i ヽ           :;  \ 彡           ミ  〉    ︵  .  ︵   ミ  彡   ``   人  ```   ミ  彡:                ミ,︵I:       つ⌒    ミr,_,.::::              ミ  ヽ川:::::::          ;;   ゞ..;;;;;;;__,.╰╯::::::╰╯::::*2023-07-05 04:29:39
duxzla⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊   ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ2023-07-04 22:48:10
jupiter<32023-07-04 19:57:05
-|DKS|- HallwynTrue friendship is like a rose, we don’t realize its beauty until it fades2023-07-04 15:51:03
curar。     ☾ °        ✦    ゚   .         ★     .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .     ‍ * ●           𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂          。  .        。     ¸             ゚   .              .,         .  .        .  ✦   。                   ゚         。 ‍ * ●  .        .     .    ✦      。  .2023-07-03 16:35:29
Granate!California girls, we’re unforgettableDaisy Dukes,bikinis on topSun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicleOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohCalifornia girls, we’re undeniableFine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lockWest coast represent, now put your hands upOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh2023-07-02 10:44:10
SATANHave a wonderful weekend2023-07-01 14:54:34
HAYULHave a great weekend and Enjoy the Summer Sale2023-07-01 13:08:07
CrystalHave a lovely weekend2023-07-01 11:58:10
BabyHave a great July~2023-07-01 10:08:23
.ķίşa`Have a wonderful weekend2023-06-30 06:32:24
Lil <3=D2023-06-29 19:11:54
Corn SmutYou are cool2023-06-29 18:09:29
Minifloh(\ ࣭/)( •,•)(") (")2023-06-29 13:40:27
Clumesummer!summer!summertime!time to sit back and unwind!hope you have a great week and enjoy the whole summer sale!2023-06-29 12:54:41
菊子班很遗憾的通知大家《疯狂星期四文案》第二季 已经完结了 我也不确定是否还能推出第三季继续让大家快乐下去 在这期间 我一共为大家贡献了数以百计的疯狂星期四文案 也收到过很多来自大家的反馈 有的人要到了50 有的人也没要到 我想那都无关紧要 当你愿意用我的文案段子去分享给你想分享的那个人时 我的文案就已经实现了它的价值 其实疯狂星期四也只是你感情的一种表现方式 因为要到了50大家也基本不会去吃疯狂星期四 当然了 最后一问 你还愿意再v我一次50吗KFC2023-06-28 23:11:26
Powernice profile <332023-06-28 18:13:43
off1tenth<32023-06-28 15:20:37
사랑이 할수있는 일이 아직 있을까have a nice day :)2023-06-28 15:16:29
ECKculsbest wishes :)2023-06-28 13:44:01
Vampyr+ rep2023-06-28 13:30:41
Озорной Стрелок💜              💛       💜 💗        💗    💙                   💗       💙           💙                   💗       💚 💜     💚       ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝔻𝕒𝕪         💛     💗              💚               💙  💙          💛        💗       💜       💚2023-06-28 12:18:32
asamihave a nice day 🖤2023-06-28 12:17:54
AvatarHEY YOU2023-06-28 09:58:31
RosnnHave a wonderful day ♥2023-06-28 07:20:14
vilppeHave a great day!2023-06-28 05:44:44
Gabi2311. • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: 💗 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 💗  ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2023-06-28 05:39:01
. • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: 💗 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 💗  ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2023-06-28 04:58:21
菊子班add me buddy Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ2023-06-28 02:34:08
𝙏𝙝𝙮𝙧Hey, nice profile have a good week2023-06-28 02:01:19
WasserschweinHave a good one2023-06-28 01:59:20
CokeThanks and wish you happy too.2023-06-28 01:15:13
GR1MDENHave A Nice Day2023-06-27 23:37:18
OswalD💜              💛       💜 💗        💗    💙                   💗       💙           💙                   💗       💚 💜     💚       ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝔻𝕒𝕪         💛     💗              💚               💙  💙          💛        💗       💜       💚2023-06-27 23:25:00
᲼᲼᲼᲼+rep2023-06-27 17:27:10
Vampyr+Rep2023-06-27 14:54:43
𝔊𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔬<32023-06-27 09:52:02
Antonyo96.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂|   |    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing week~2023-06-27 09:19:36
NonHumanEntityRoses are redThat much is trueBut violets are violetNot f blue2023-06-27 04:59:12
Baby:32023-06-27 02:41:51
AhmetHave a nice day2023-06-27 00:22:20
That Penguinif i ate soap would i become a bubble guppie2023-06-26 16:20:07
刀卂𠘨𠘨丫+rep2023-06-26 11:39:08
Granate!greetings!2023-06-26 07:23:19
NonHumanEntityWe haven't lost our virginity because us real gamers NEVER LOSE2023-06-26 05:07:28
CapitalRacer+Rep Nice Profile2023-06-26 04:54:06
Yeah I know I'm a DipshitCan I lick your toes?2023-06-26 03:14:55
VanPunchmanく__,.ヘヽ.    / ,ー、 〉     \ ', !-─‐-i / /´      /`ー'    L//`ヽ、     /  /,  /|  ,  ,    ',   イ  / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ!  i    レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  |     !,/7 '0'   ´0iソ|   |        |.从"  _   ,,,, / |./   |     レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ /  .i  |      レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. |       | |/i 〈|/  i ,.ヘ | i |      .|/ / i:   ヘ!  \ |        kヽ>、ハ   _,.ヘ、   /、!       !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr'       レ'ヽL__|___i,___,ンレ|ノ         ト-,/ |___./         'ー'  !_,.:2023-06-25 11:54:19
Goldy<32023-06-25 09:59:10
GAMERWOLF<beautiful Profile>2023-06-25 07:16:44
LaentaLet`s throw hearts to each other? ^-^ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️2023-06-12 06:06:07
MaceyHave a wonderful weekend2023-06-11 03:37:01
MaceyHave a wonderful weekend2023-06-03 05:20:28
MaceyHave a lovely weekend2023-05-28 12:39:45
Jaxerlyyyyyygood dayIf there is a group you want me to join, you can send a link to my profile2023-05-27 12:37:07
CosyHave a lovely weekend2023-05-21 09:53:15
CosyHave a lovely weekend2023-04-30 03:54:36
ezz for meGood morning! have a nice day2023-04-27 23:32:48
󠀡󠀡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2023-04-24 03:14:04
CosyHave a cheerful sunday2023-04-23 12:54:43
Laenta➭ And dream until your dream comes true… ♥2023-04-14 01:04:15
󠀡󠀡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2023-03-24 02:51:11
Baby:)2023-03-13 03:23:49
Poltergeisthave a nice day2023-03-12 08:07:59
Lennartkeep grinding king 👑2023-03-10 04:31:20
SeenToday I do some croud finding to buy rdr2 ,so I reach out many of my steam friend some are refused (which is understandable) some are unable to help because either they ar out of funds or thery from Russia, turkey so...that okBut I don't know who one person sent some of my friend some shot of warning message and claming that I sent some suspicious link (which I don't).So if u resived this type of message please let me knowI don't like that the person involving others to misleading them and distribute themIf u face any of those message I am sorry for that.i found the user who did it but when i ask him for a proof he block me2023-03-09 02:20:36
LennartHave a great day2023-03-07 12:29:53
Lennartkeep grinding ❤️2023-03-07 09:45:20
Nrhildija KogshuHope you are having a beautiful day! If you like reading reviews and would like to support me, consider following my Curator! https://store.steampowered.com/curator/43679955/2023-03-06 15:10:01
Lennart+rep nice profile2023-03-06 05:09:26
𝚂 𝚊 𝚝Good luck for week!2023-03-01 10:44:32
SeenAlways remember, you're not just playing for yourself ,but also for the joy and entertainment for others. keep on gamming with pride!2023-02-25 23:21:14
TWPanda77Happy Valentines Day~2023-02-14 14:54:40
󠀡󠀡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2023-02-08 00:15:37
󠀡󠀡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2023-02-03 23:53:36
󠀡󠀡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2023-02-02 08:53:32
󠀡󠀡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2023-01-30 22:59:44
VerchillHave a nice week!2023-01-29 20:22:38
󠀡󠀡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2023-01-29 18:24:43
󠀡󠀡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2023-01-28 23:11:49
󠀡󠀡2023-01-28 07:05:25
󠀡󠀡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2023-01-27 02:27:14
76561198321605833+rep2023-01-25 10:20:54
76561198321605833+rep2023-01-23 11:32:03
76561198321605833Nice profile2023-01-22 13:31:43
76561198321605833+rep awesome person2023-01-22 07:34:52
󠀡󠀡2023-01-21 14:11:56
76561198321605833+rep2023-01-21 13:52:16
76561198321605833Have a great day!2023-01-21 10:02:12
76561198321605833Enjoy your weekend!2023-01-20 13:46:02
76561198321605833stay safe:)2023-01-20 11:17:13
76561198321605833+rep2023-01-19 15:18:35
󠁳⁧⁧𝑆𝐼𝐿𝛴𝛱𝛵Hi, please rate my new guide, i will be delighted! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29200719592023-01-18 15:05:18
󠀡󠀡2023-01-12 22:35:15
kyle+rep2023-01-11 09:46:27
󠁳⁧⁧𝑆𝐼𝐿𝛴𝛱𝛵𝐻𝑖, 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑚𝑦 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑠, 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2916182841 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29161816142023-01-10 19:02:12
󠁳⁧⁧𝑆𝐼𝐿𝛴𝛱𝛵𝐻𝑖, 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒, 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29160506692023-01-10 13:20:29
Ønyx ☯Have a great day.2023-01-10 10:35:15
󠁳⁧⁧𝑆𝐼𝐿𝛴𝛱𝛵𝐻𝑖, 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒, 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29155678302023-01-09 13:19:11
󠁳⁧⁧𝑆𝐼𝐿𝛴𝛱𝛵𝐇𝐢, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬, 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐝 ♥: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SilentDoesntDie/myworkshopfiles/?section=guides2023-01-05 12:52:59
󠁳⁧⁧𝑆𝐼𝐿𝛴𝛱𝛵𝐻𝑖, 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑠? 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑢 ❤: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2912156472 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑒 ❤: steamcommunity.com/id/WEAREALLLOST/myworkshopfiles/?section=guides2023-01-03 16:32:42
The Angel of DarknessHope you had a good Christmas and a good start to 2023. Have a good week and happy gaming2023-01-03 11:24:43
󠀡󠀡6x6?2023-01-02 20:42:39
󠀡󠀡happy new year2023-01-02 03:32:00
radon't forget to take care of yourself & your loved ones this year.2023-01-01 07:59:06
rahappy new years :)2022-12-31 14:29:03
HunterHellHappy New Year! I wish you all the best my dear friend2022-12-31 13:46:10
TWPanda77Thank you for your friendship and companyI wish you have a Happy New Year 20232022-12-31 06:38:04
Hell⁧⁧FireHappy New Year :)2022-12-31 00:09:57
Verchillʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴇᴀʀ!2022-12-30 18:44:58
Capricehave a lovely day2022-12-30 15:56:03
Sad** ' * .*  * 🌟 * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ 🏮✨     '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *    '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:+✨  *'    '✨☆🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆📀☆📀☆☆✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '   *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆📀☆✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . ** * 🟫   .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝   * (¸,·´ (¸** 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼2022-12-28 19:20:44
-⁧⁧harisPM ME FOR 6x6, 24x24, 48x48, 60x60, 120x1202022-12-28 16:08:03
darks1d3orb1they dude it is nice to meet you 👍😎2022-12-26 23:46:15
Legacyyou are awesome <32022-12-26 02:43:21
Legacymerry xmas2022-12-25 05:58:31
just_Elis** ' * .*  * 🌟 * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ 🏮✨     '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *    '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:+✨  *'    '✨☆🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆📀☆📀☆☆✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '   *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆📀☆✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . ** * 🟫   .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝   * (¸,·´ (¸** 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼2022-12-24 21:47:36
Verchill🎄 ᠌ ᠌* ❀ 。・゚*. ᠌𝙈𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨 ᠌᠌❀・。°*. ゚🎄˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°2022-12-24 20:16:16
󠀡󠀡heyyy can you go rate my 3 new evaluation ty it mean alot to me https://steamcommunity.com/id/bigsam420/recommended/ Merry Christmas2022-12-24 14:01:13
TWPanda77Merry Christmas &Happy New Year2022-12-24 09:23:24
󠀡󠀡please be safe during them holidays don't do no stupid things,if u drink don't drive your car i've lost already 4 people just this year because of drinking and driving2022-12-23 11:49:52
󠀡󠀡don't let idiots ruin your day <32022-12-21 02:25:44
𝐲𝐨𝐬𝐢Hey, take it for you🌹2022-12-20 15:01:03
󠀡󠀡<32022-12-19 22:21:19
󠀡󠀡i love you2022-12-19 12:17:12
Valxb21Eu to sem espaço para mais amigos, entra no grupo AGCoop e me segue depoiseu teadiciono. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/agcoop2022-12-18 18:16:02
Hell⁧⁧Fireyou are cool :)2022-12-16 14:56:11
Hell⁧⁧Fire+rep2022-12-13 12:45:27
Laenta♡ Never regret anything that made you smile ♡2022-12-10 16:24:25
Temphurixrep2022-12-06 11:52:18
iakhontovyiI'd be happy to like: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28936667792022-11-27 08:57:32
レのひ刀ム丂нαvε α ηιcε ωεεкεη∂!2022-11-12 12:26:16
TWPanda77I am going home for several days and I will not be online often, there will be so many things to do and people that I must see. Remember to be good and to play nicely, but most important is to take care and stay safe. I will post a key for another game before later today in the activity feed I hope that you will have a super new week2022-11-06 06:07:09
The Angel of DarknessHope you have had a good weekend and have a good start to the new week 👍2022-10-22 12:42:30
uzi𝒕𝙤                                    𝒆𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙡                                 𝓫𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙨2022-10-16 08:54:43
LaentaOne should count each day a separate life 🍁✨2022-10-09 06:54:14
uzi<32022-10-07 16:53:40
uzi<32022-09-26 09:41:30
SeenI wish you a wonderful weekend.2022-09-24 23:04:36
レのひ刀ム丂Enjoy the Weeknd!2022-09-24 10:34:57
uzi૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა2022-09-19 13:42:36
uziHave a wonderful day2022-09-12 15:19:29
Jaxerlyyyyyyhave a good day,night please all rated, ''comment if you want'' , ty very much https://steamcommunity.com/id/jaxerlyyyyyy/recommended/ love you2022-09-12 10:09:16
uzi^^2022-09-07 12:58:28
Jaxerlyyyyyyhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2855327933 please rate , comment , i love you <32022-09-01 09:07:31
uzi<32022-08-28 07:02:10
Jaxerlyyyyyyhello, good day, I love you please can you like them all? https://steamcommunity.com/id/jaxerlyyyyyy/recommended/2022-08-25 12:11:43
The Angel of DarknessHave a good day and happy gaming 🎮2022-08-25 11:38:19
drexton★[ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴀʏ]★2022-08-22 14:59:10
uzi⁶⁶⁶2022-08-22 13:45:53
uziHwya! please join my new group ♡ https://steamcommunity.com/groups/itsallmine2022-08-20 16:30:31
JaxerlyyyyyyDİSCORD SERVER GİVEAWAYS - discord.gg/50k Giveaways will be on this discord server, we are waiting for everyone.DİSCORD COMMENTS SERVER - discord.gg/6x6 We look forward to all of you to our serverBy joining our Discord server. You can add each other and leave comments.STEAM GROUP https://steamcommunity.com/groups/50kcomment2022-08-14 10:14:53
JaxerlyyyyyyDiscord server https://discord.gg/axHQmpny We look forward to all of you to our server2022-08-08 17:40:15
Phil𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 |         _,,    |      ,. -'" ;'    |    ,.-''"     :'    |   :'"       ,,、:    | , "          ゙: 、    |;'     *,, О     ゙:、   ,.. - ;    |:      "      ゙:-''"   ;'    | ゙:              ゙ ,:'    |        \   О   ,:'    |            "'' , :'    |                 , :'       ,:'" ゙:、  ,:   ゙゙;' - ,,,.. - '  ゙:、  ゙'' - ;    ;゙   ゙ :、       ,:'    |゙: ,,    ,:'    |  ゙ ー "    |  ,:'    | ,:'2022-08-07 21:03:04
SeenI appreciate the well wishes on my birthday ♥2022-08-03 00:02:05
JoanaCan you help me reach to level 50, please? sorry for disturbing :/2022-08-01 14:22:00
uzi<𝟯 u owe me a heart2022-07-31 15:03:41
Laenta«Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm» Don't be sad, take a quote 🤝2022-07-29 11:54:25
uzi⚡️🅲🅷🅴🅴🅲🅷 you are so cute! :simlpepinkheart:2022-07-26 10:35:39
ELITA ONE.....My 1st lyrics vid..hoping you will enjoy it Tommy Vext - Wrecking Ball ( Miley Cyrus Cover with Lyrics ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlxQBWh4D5M2022-07-13 15:39:45
uziwish you a lovely week~2022-07-07 17:10:58
uzi*headpats u*2022-07-06 15:04:34
SeenToday marks the day of another opportunity for you. Have a great day2022-07-05 01:44:23
JoanaCan u rate or maybe award this cutie? hehe https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28304094252022-07-04 11:06:01
uzitysm for all the hugs and high fives! <32022-07-03 06:47:29
uzihigh five!2022-07-02 13:58:58
Jaxerlyyyyyyhttps://steamcommunity.com/groups/50kcomment you can come if you want to join our group! if you want to do this, you can do 6x6 12x12 with a friend who wants from the group! Come to group pls , Thankyou so much love u2022-06-27 10:37:49
JoanaCan u rate? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2825867557 Thx if so!2022-06-25 13:35:30
Jaxerlyyyyyyhttps://steamcommunity.com/groups/50kcomment English ; you can come if you want to join our group!if you want to do this, you can do 6x6 12x12 with a friend who wants from the group!Turkish ; grubumuza katılmak istersen gelebilirsin 6x6 - 12x12 bunu yapmak istiyorsanız, gruptan isteyen bir arkadaşınızla 6x6 12x12 yapabilirsiniz!THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVE YOU <3 !2022-06-25 08:23:41
Betaʜᴀᴘᴘʏ sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴅᴀʏ ˢⁱᵍⁿᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵇᵉᵗᵃ2022-06-24 05:11:48
iakhontovyi⊂_ヽ  \\ Λ_Λ   \( ˇωˇ)      ⌒ヽ   /   へ\   /  / \\   レ ノ   ヽ_つ  / /  / /| ( (ヽ | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | |  ) /`ノ )  Lノ(_/2022-06-22 03:14:46
JoanaCan u give a rate? c: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2823746487 Thx if so!2022-06-20 16:32:11
JoanaCan u give a rate? c: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2823746487 Thx if so!2022-06-20 16:32:08
SatanaHey dear friendsThank you for this great year and for always being by my side. It's my birthday today and I've now reached the age of 23 and I'm slowly getting old. but don't forget have a duck day.2022-06-20 06:29:40
Phil● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .  ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: ❤ 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 ❤  ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2022-06-08 12:36:48
JoanaCan u give a rate? c: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2817940328 Thx if so!2022-06-06 19:07:56
Phil𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤    |         _,,    |      ,. -'" ;'    |    ,.-''"     :'    |   :'"       ,,、:    | , "          ゙: 、    |;'     *,, О     ゙:、   ,.. - ;    |:      "      ゙:-''"   ;'    | ゙:              ゙ ,:'    |        \   О   ,:'    |            "'' , :'    |                 , :'       ,:'" ゙:、  ,:   ゙゙;' - ,,,.. - '  ゙:、  ゙'' - ;    ;゙   ゙ :、       ,:'    |゙: ,,    ,:'    |  ゙ ー "    |  ,:'    | ,:'2022-05-30 07:03:53
Mineteen MilkcoinHave a wonderful day https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28136892502022-05-28 04:29:28
uzi💜 Nep Nep 💜2022-05-25 12:36:28
-⁧⁧harisHope you have an amazing sunday!2022-05-22 09:33:16
SANTANACWB𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝    |         _,,    |      ,. -'" ;'    |    ,.-''"     :'    |   :'"       ,,、:    | , "          ゙: 、    |;'     *,, О     ゙:、   ,.. - ;    |:      "      ゙:-''"   ;'    | ゙:              ゙ ,:'    |        \   О   ,:'    |            "'' , :'    |                 , :'       ,:'" ゙:、  ,:   ゙゙;' - ,,,.. - '  ゙:、  ゙'' - ;    ;゙   ゙ :、       ,:'    |゙: ,,    ,:'    |  ゙ ー "    |  ,:'    | ,:'2022-05-21 07:34:11
Seena good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have2022-05-20 09:38:02
Mineteen MilkcoinDo you like this red background? https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/354180-Red%20Dawn2022-05-19 11:37:37
Jaxerlyyyyyynew 2 guide love you https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2807691308 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28076927532022-05-14 08:13:56
-⁧⁧harishave an amazing tuesday2022-05-09 22:40:27
Mineteen MilkcoinRate my review/Оцените мой обзор https://steamcommunity.com/id/MineteenMilkcoin/recommended/730/2022-05-05 20:46:32
uziPlease rate and favourite 💜 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801295163 ill make sure to return when i can2022-04-29 15:09:17
JaxerlyyyyyyNew comment section ; https://steamcommunity.com/id/yushiif You can add friends if you want, she approves of everyone.Tell me comment 6x6, 12x12, 24x24, 48x48, 60x60 ---- Road to 50k !Thank you for comments !2022-04-24 10:32:01
Mineteen MilkcoinОцените 50-е юбилейное руководство. Хороших выходных. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27984703182022-04-23 08:40:44
レのひ刀ム丂Happy 420 Dudes! (it's my birthday)2022-04-20 02:13:47
Mika𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗘𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿! 𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝗱𝗱𝘆 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗵𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝗲 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗮𝘃 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2791057610 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27919029302022-04-17 16:54:53
Mineteen MilkcoinChoose your favorite game and write to me in the comments |_ Elden Ring _| |_ Counter-Strike _| |_ Dota _| |_ Apex Legend _| |_ Pubg _| |_ Deep Rock _| |_ Grand Theft Auto _| |_ Red Dead Redemtion _| |_ Mortal Kombat _| |_ Resident Evil _| |_ Witcher _| |_ Cyberpunk _| |_ WarCraft _| |_ StarCraft _| |_ Diablo _| |_ The Sims _| |_ Star Wars _| |_ Half-Life _| |_ Batman _| |_ Bioshock _| |_ Mass Effect _| |_ Doom _| |_ Tekken _| |_ SoulCalibur _| |_ Dayz _| |_ The Elder Scrolls _| |_ Fallout _| |_ Call of Duty _| |_ Battlefield _| |_ Tomb Raider _|2022-04-16 04:53:27
♛ Naturale<32022-04-15 08:14:02
Seenশুভ বাংলা নব বর্ষ(Happy Bengali new year)2022-04-14 21:51:15
drexton★彡[ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴀʏ]彡★2022-04-12 11:30:37
Mineteen MilkcoinЯ знаю вы не очень любите читать, что именно написано в комментариях, но хотелось бы Вам сделать приятное и показать, что ценю каждого друга у себя в стиме Можете оставить ссылку на любую свою иллюстрацию у меня в комментариях, оценю и добавлю в избранное2022-04-09 00:37:04
Mineteen MilkcoinHave a wondeful day | I will be very grateful if you rate my illustration https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27909775772022-04-07 23:30:09
Mineteen Milkcoin+ =2022-04-06 20:44:17
dameBalance as long as you can. If it's no longer possible, set the world on fire!- Józef Piłsudski.2022-04-04 21:30:40
レのひ刀ム丂Happy Monday, Have a Great Week!2022-04-04 03:35:49
SANTANACWB__..,,__   ,.。='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''<``彡 }  _...:=,`'    ︵  т ︵  X彡-J<` 彡 /  ミ  ,_人_. *彡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,。---.,,  ./    ヽ /゙''```\;.{    \/     Y   `J..r_.彳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  💖 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂 💖2022-04-02 13:27:38
Jaxerlyyyyyyi love you so much2022-04-02 10:09:00
Jaxerlyyyyyyhave a nice day my cutie friend love you2022-04-01 10:43:07
レのひ刀ム丂Have a 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 weekend! 🧁2022-04-01 04:22:25
-⁧⁧haris<32022-03-31 19:44:45
Mineteen MilkcoinIf you got into a black hole, it doesn't mean that it's dark there.You need to take a closer look and you'll see a little more than you really do.2022-03-27 14:23:48
レのひ刀ム丂Have a tasty weekend! 🍦2022-03-25 05:48:18
Mineteen Milkcoin☆ You are a Star that shines brightly and pleases people with your beauty every day ☆2022-03-24 07:16:27
mikkeHope you have a great week! 🧡2022-03-21 15:36:04
Jaxerlyyyyyymy friend's new group pls join love u https://steamcommunity.com/groups/kinginhell2022-03-20 18:56:52
Mineteen Milkcoin/>  フ   𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐲     |  _  _|     /`ミ _x 彡     /      |    /  ヽ   ノ / ̄|   | | | | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)_) \二つ2022-03-20 13:52:57
Mineteen MilkcoinSteep Hard Boiled Strong Rock Cool Steel2022-03-19 10:42:03
mikkeHave a great weekend 💖2022-03-19 06:33:48
Seencan u rate this artwork https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27502358152022-03-17 10:24:10
YamatoКруто2022-03-17 01:21:45
-⁧⁧harisPM ME FOR 6x6, 24x24, 48x48, 60x60, 120x1202022-03-12 11:54:39
mikkeHave an amazing day and i hope you have a great week ღ2022-03-08 08:46:56
оползневой струч🤍 𝙍𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 & 𝙁𝙖𝙫 🖤 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2771300694 ɪғ ᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛs, ᴋɪɴᴅʟʏ ᴀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴍʏ ᴀʀᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ/sᴄʀᴇᴇɴsʜᴏᴛ🖤🤍 ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴀʏ! 🤍🖤2022-03-08 01:28:41
LaentaTake care of yourself 💖2022-03-06 16:48:31
SANTANACWB∧_∧(。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)  (¸,·´ (¸*♥ ♥〃´`) 𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒜 𝒩𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝒟𝒶𝓎                   ,·´ ¸,·´`)                  (¸,·´ (¸*♥2022-03-04 06:29:28
BabyHave a lovely Friday~2022-03-04 01:28:17
mikkeHave a great week and stay safe! 💛2022-02-28 15:24:46
Mineteen MilkcoinMay all your dreams come true Cheer up2022-02-21 08:40:33
LaentaMusic is my language. What is your inspiration for you? 🔗2022-02-20 15:38:45
SANTANACWB┌──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┐🖤Have a great day my friend  🖤└──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┘2022-02-19 12:15:47
⸸ SATAN IS GOD ⛧We got a new discord server for steam users with over 300 members so farTrying to reach 1K members so would appreciate if you could joinThank you and have a great day!!! https://discord.gg/WtkRN9FX4B2022-02-19 11:52:23
mikkeHave an amazing weekend and stay safe 💜2022-02-19 03:14:46
Vladimir☭ReznovHappy Valentines Day. I hope you having a beautiful and lovely day~2022-02-14 09:49:31
mikkeHave an amazing weekend 💖2022-02-12 04:01:47
LaentaHey! 💖It is not possible to view the activity feed often, today I will make a post where you can leave your work, and you can also send it to me in private messages - I will definitely like it and add it to my favorites! Kind regards! Laenta <32022-02-09 17:30:18
iakhontovyiHave a Nice Weekend Friend!2022-02-05 01:19:01
mikkeHave an amazing weekend! Stay safe 💖2022-02-04 16:55:01
AisaHave a Nice Weekend Friend!2022-02-04 16:32:33
𓌹𓂃𓌺c:2022-02-02 16:07:35
𝒫𝒥𝐻么Mąrrÿ Ƙ.メ彡●▬▬▬▬๑۩ᵖʳᵒᶠᶦˡᵉ ˢᶦᵍⁿᵉᵈ ᵇʸ xiNkiz0r.:۩๑▬▬▬▬▬● ɢօօɖ քʟǟʏɛʀ ɢօօɖ ʄʀɨɛռɖ 𝙽𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎 ☞ó ͜つò☞ 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽 𝓭𝓪𝔂! I'm glad to have you in my friend list●▬▬▬▬๑۩ᵖʳᵒᶠᶦˡᵉ ˢᶦᵍⁿᵉᵈ ᵇʸ xiNkiz0r.۩●▬▬▬▬๑2022-02-02 03:23:30
mikkeHave an awesome day 💜2022-02-02 03:02:13
zoroi'm a professional Weeb $hitposter I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Weeb Forces, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on 4Ch4n Normies, I have over 300 Viral Memes all over the internet, a PHD in weebery and Animemes knowledge and relevance, i also studied the Dimensional theory from Stiens Gate and debated it against steven hawking's studies of the dark matter, gave those casual scientists a taste of ANIME, I Can Be Anywhere, Anytime, For i have mastered the Art of ninjutsu after watching the show known as naruto for over 420 times and after observing every single move, act, hand sign, breath, the characters do i was able to actually unlock my chakra gates and now i can use ninjutsu at ease, i've also managed to learn breathing techniques as shown and demonstrated in demon's slayer and now i can use the breath of sun with no issues what so not, i've also mastered the japanese language solely through watching anime,So you better watch out for me losers.2022-02-01 10:08:48
♛ Naturale<32022-01-31 13:56:55
cvvzrate & fav my guides pls https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27358016752022-01-30 02:57:12
-⁧⁧harishope you have a great weekend!2022-01-29 21:00:55
cvvzmy last work, rate & fav my guides https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27358016752022-01-29 13:49:44
ADeus/>  フ     |  _  _|     /`ミ _x 彡     /      |    /  ヽ   ノ / ̄|   | | | | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)_) \二つ Have a lovely weekend2022-01-29 13:13:56
AisaHave a Nice Weekend Friend!2022-01-28 17:39:06
mikkeHave an amazing weekend! Hope you get to relax, rest and play some games ❤︎2022-01-28 16:53:24
✝⁧⁧trewqerxㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⠀ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⠀ ̸/̸̅̅ ̆̅ ̅̅ ̅̅                              ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ - 𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟔𝐱𝟔2022-01-28 12:04:00
レのひ刀ム丂⠀⠀⠀ ⠀GROW⠀ UP !2022-01-28 09:17:38
zoroLEAKED THIS IS THE REAL BARRACK OBAMA'S STEAM PROFILE !!!Proof :i used to play fortnite all night. no sleep! but ever since obama told me to try raid shadow legends for free, i am addicted. this game is a REAL game. it has graphics. it has characters. best of all it has a loot box mechanic to enhance my experience even more by adding another exciting chance based layer to the game! two weeks ago i spent all my money to become a raid shadow LEGEND. now i live in a dumpster outside of a mcdonalds branch with free wifi. at night i sneak into the mcdonalds just like my new racoon dad, stripey, taught me to do that so that i can charge my phone. through the cracked screen i am still perpetually amazed at the graphics of this game... they look so real! thank you obama, you truly change my life!2022-01-27 12:02:16
✝⁧⁧trewqerx6x6?2022-01-27 11:32:37
レのひ刀ム丂⠀⠀GET ⠀A ⠀LIFE2022-01-27 07:38:49
mikkeHave an amazing day 💖2022-01-26 01:37:13
Dzhanihttps://steamcommunity.com/id/Dzhani_/recommended/687260/2022-01-23 15:12:59
⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜~ Have a beautiful week~2022-01-23 09:46:56
LaentaDon’t ever let anyone tell you, You ain’t beautiful. 💜2022-01-23 03:03:45
uzii love u!2022-01-22 16:46:56
zoroI simply cannot believe my son (profile owner) is watching thousands of people typing nonsense in this comment section. It is disturbing that small children today get influenced by it and type garbage like “SuS” & “Copypasta”. What does it even mean and how do you find it funny? What do all of you people get by typing all day in comments? Grow up everybody and get a life.!!2022-01-20 10:23:34
𓌹𓂃𓌺Hi How are u? c:2022-01-19 11:20:55
uziHi :) please could you join and rate my group https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27229625032022-01-17 14:36:27
mikkeHave a great day2022-01-17 13:29:04
< blank >__♥__♥_____♥__♥___ Put This_♥_____♥_♥_____♥__ Heart_♥______♥______♥__ On Your__♥_____/______♥__ Page If___♥____\_____♥___ You Had____♥___/___♥_____ Your Heart______♥_\_♥_______ Broken________♥_________…………….2022-01-15 08:29:55
zoroHey Man, i have a very important message to share with you today.Recently i've noticed there has been an abnormal increase in people spamming big chunks of texts that makes no sense on other people's profiles, they call it a pasta something or idrk, what even does a big chunk of text has to do with a type of Italian food that is typically made from an unleavened dough of durum wheat flour (semolina) mixed with water or eggs, and formed into sheets or various shapes, then cooked by boiling or baking. It's not funny guys. stop it, you're wasting everyone's time, imagine how the people that took 5 minutes out of their day just to read it feels about it ... not to mention how unbelievably childish it is to just drop a random big chunk of text on someone's profile, it's the internet equivalent of ringing someone's door bell and running away. very rude and not cool to do guys. so yeah, please spread this message guys. and just.. stop spamming people's profiles with big chunks of text.2022-01-14 12:07:06
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡Year is 2028 The pandemic has gotten so bad we are all forced to wear colored isolation suits with their own oxygen tank and no hands for contact. Those infected are turned into sociopathic murders that try to secretly kill everyone, but still dress and act like the rest of us. I work as a spaceship engineer in the Skled along with 9 other people. We just got notified that one among us was infected, but we still have to keep maintaining the ship otherwise it will explode. We are trying to figure out who it is by voting. 2 of us are already dead and i saw red vent, but nobody believes me. I think the others want to vote me off. This might be the last thing i'll write. Goodbye. Tell me wife i love her.2022-01-13 15:12:40
mikkeHave a nice day ❤️2022-01-12 13:56:24
zoroVaccine side affects (really worried) NSFW//TW//real life story//Just got my shot today and I'm a little worried. Is anybody experiencing substantial penile growth? It feels like I'm swinging an Enterprise salami when I go jogging now. My shlong has grown so much that I register as disabled at this point. It's so hard for me to even walk, both figuratively and literally... My cats think I'm packing a giant toy in my pants and claw at my c ock.I was sent to HR when I accidentally pushed my coworker out of the window with my c ock because I wanted to get to the fax machine.It ruined my life.Please don't get the vaccine!2022-01-11 18:39:00
zoroheyyy >>name<< i just got redirected to your steam account through your onlyfans account. i just want to mention that im a huge fan of yours and i am a platinum tier sub too!!! :D :D i don't really wanna waste your time or anything haha cause you must have a lot of stuff to do you know.. im pretty sure you aren't even gonna read this.. i shouldn't even bother writing this, i know i really don't mean anything to you cause you are such an angel bestowed upon this cruel world. i just wanna say that you have changed my life and maybe it would be nice if you could unblock me on twitter and instagram even after i messaged and threatened all the weird men in your comments but its fine if you don't wanna haha2022-01-10 13:44:37
Meri3hemʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴅᴀʏ.2022-01-10 01:27:26
Mineteen MilkcoinGREAT PROFILE2022-01-09 14:52:33
zoroMy mom said that my aunt died and that we are going to her funeral the next morning. As soon as she left the room crying I busted out laughing because it reminded me of among us a popular video game. So as we were riding in the car I was thinking about saying "dead body reported" at the funeral. When we finally arrived I screamed "dead body reported" everyone was looking at me like i'm some sort of a weirdo. Then I remembered that my grandfather's sister fell in the vents and died when she was 2 years old. So I said grandpa's sister sus she vented. My grandfather started crying and everyone was screaming at me instead of laughing. My mom took my x box and said that I am going to therapist tomorrow. Idk man my mom is acting kinda sussy2022-01-09 10:45:03
BabyHappy Sunday~2022-01-09 02:01:39
BabyEnjoy your weekend~2022-01-08 05:33:35
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡hello my name is Kripp, i died to a top deck 10 rounds ago. unless u send this to copy and paste this 10 times, i will come in your room tonight and whine at you. i look like a 35 year old vegan without any luck. i will show up every night you have seven min to post it or else.2022-01-08 04:00:57
zoroPOV: Eminem is holding you captive in your own basement--------------------------------------------that’s an awfully tauntsailors knotcan you escape it?prolly not.try to leave the basement, you’ll get shotpull out my nineit goes pop pop2022-01-07 23:24:01
mikkeHave a nice weekend <32022-01-07 13:12:12
Meri3hemʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ.2022-01-07 04:26:59
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡:Is there an anime character stronger than Madara Uchiha? And I'm referring to Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikidou paths ability) equipped with his Gunbai and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano'o, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu2022-01-06 05:03:48
KIRSY+rep2022-01-06 04:38:59
nico_chrnwelcome to my friendlist!2022-01-06 04:04:42
zoroYeah I just pinged you.you gonna cry? gonna go whine to the police? did the Comment Notification hurt? are you gonna sit there at night before bed just thinking about how much the notif upset you? gonna create an incredible life with a beautiful wife and wonderful children just to cover up the fact that you've been so angry at this one comment notif on a steam profile that has it's comments section set as public because you didn't make it private ? gonna regret not suppressing comments in settings every single day, wishing you had just put the slightest effort to not get pinged? gonna become slowly more and more toxic every single day of your life towards the people you're supposed to love but feel nothing towards? gonna go through years of lying to your therapist and pretending your issues are related to your life when in reality they're just related to that one comment notif you received on your steam profile ? yeah.2022-01-05 19:49:05
< blank >💙💙   ❤️❤️                      💙      ❤️      ❤️                      💙               ❤️                         💙         ❤️                            💙   ❤️                               💙2022-01-05 10:56:47
zoroLOL 😅😂🤣 How🤷‍♂️ can 👦🏿Africa👦🏿 NOT🚫❌ get any water💧 when all they👥 got👉 to do💪 is👉 dig⛏ a 2️⃣✖️2️⃣ hole🕳 and 🅿️our💧2️⃣ water💦 🅱️uckets 🅰️t o🅿️🅿️osite c🅾️rners to Ⓜ️ake an infinite🔁 water🌊 source👍👌💯2022-01-04 18:29:57
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡Please accept my deepest gratitude for the sharing of this most heartfelt and genuine of opinions. I can only dream that more people will find it in themselves to express themselves in as touching and sensitive a way as you have done here, my friend. Please, always remember that you have a kind soul and a beautiful heart, and will bring joy to whatever exotic vistas you may visit in the course of your extensive travels. Although life may bring adversity, your indomitable spirit shall be more than sufficient to vanquish your demons and triumph over any such tribulations. I implore you to always choose the noble path and never succumb to decadence or pusillanimity, although the road shall be littered with malicious temptations.2022-01-04 16:58:52
BabyStay safe :32022-01-04 02:13:34
KIRSY+reeeeep2022-01-04 02:00:27
Meri3hemʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴀʏ2022-01-03 07:46:55
-⁧⁧haris6x6? pm me!2022-01-02 16:45:50
Aisa2022 is pronounced 2020 too.ℋ𝒶𝓋ℯ 𝒶 𝓃𝒾𝒸ℯ 𝒮𝓊𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓎2022-01-02 05:07:02
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡If all the heartbreaks and troubles from the last year didn’t make you strong, let me wish one more year full of agony and tears. I really want you to be stronger. Happy new year!2022-01-01 11:57:58
uziNew year new name Uzi > Emilia2022-01-01 09:04:12
KIRSYhappy new year!2022-01-01 05:26:47
󠀡⁧󠀡⁧KeavethCould you help me out and donate some leftover steampoints to fellow gamer™ 🙏no pressure tho 😤2021-12-31 15:22:33
uziHappy new year2021-12-31 13:46:46
TheLastWTF✨ Hαρρყ Nҽɯ Yҽαɾ ✨2021-12-31 12:39:06
VisparHappy New year hope you have good new year my friend :D2021-12-31 11:55:29
󠀡⁧󠀡⁧gzaHappy New Year! 🖤☺2021-12-31 10:45:08
BabyBest wishes~20222021-12-31 09:06:03
TWPanda77Thank you for your friendship and companyI wish you have a Happy New Year 20222021-12-31 07:52:18
Meri3hemᴍᴀʏ 2022 ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ʏᴇᴀʀ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟɪꜰᴇ. ᴍᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰɪɴᴅ ꜱᴜᴄᴄᴇꜱꜱ, ʜᴀᴘᴘɪɴᴇꜱꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇꜱ. ᴡɪꜱʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀ ᴠᴇʀʏ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴇᴀʀ.2021-12-31 06:05:17
AisaHappy New Year! Hey friend, could you please rate and fav my guide? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27018329442021-12-31 03:41:16
CloutyChase your Dream.2021-12-30 15:44:13
Mineteen MilkcoinСЧАСТЛИВОГО НОВОГО ГОДА 20222021-12-30 12:35:50
zoroDoes anyone else bite their Controller?This is not a $hitpost, I really do this.I don't like to rage when I'm playing online, so when something really annoying happens and I get p issed, I try not to yell or punch something. Instead, I keep a straight face and I angrily bite into my Controller for a few seconds until my anger is released. The best part of this is that Sony seems to have built the Controller with this in mind, because the plastic material seems completely resistant to my teeth. Legit, there are never teeth marks even mere minutes after the initial chomp.What I'm wondering is, does anyone else here do the same? Am I the only munching player? I hope I've inspired someone to try the same, it's a super good way to take your anger out without damaging anything or making noise!2021-12-30 02:07:21
󠁳󠁳⁧⁧ 󠁳⁧⁧KoDylan6x6 <32021-12-28 08:00:38
BabyHave a great day~2021-12-28 01:29:22
zoroMy life changing journey of becoming vegan.After the first week of being vegan I woke up ripped. My toes had so much muscle mass they looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger. My biceps were so heavy I wouldn’t be able to lift them if I wasn’t vegan. My neck had become a pyramid of muscle and vein and I was so strong I didn’t need to take my car to work, I just walked there and the city moved underneath me somehow. After the second week I laid an egg and out popped a smaller version of me. I took him with me everywhere and together we laughed at meat eaters and bashed the skulls of school children eating Lunchables. Finally on the third week I transformed into an ascended being, I shredded my human form and became a beautiful celestial piece of broccoli. Now I move across the universe blessing worlds with my wisdom of all things. I am officially a vegan.2021-12-27 20:21:16
-⁧⁧haris** ' * .*  * 🌟 * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ 🏮✨     '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *    '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:+✨  *'    '✨☆🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆📀☆📀☆☆✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '   *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆📀☆✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . ** * 🟫   .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝   *2021-12-26 08:56:48
CloutyLast year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice.2021-12-26 06:59:43
AisaHey friend, could you please rate and fav my guide? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26948806372021-12-26 04:30:18
???????** ' * .*  * 🌟 * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ 🏮✨     '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *    '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:+✨  *'    '✨☆🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆📀☆📀☆☆✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '   *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆📀☆✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . ** * 🟫   .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝   * (¸,·´ (¸** Merry Christmas2021-12-26 01:49:24
TWPanda77Merry Christmas & Happy New Year2021-12-24 10:56:04
Vladimir☭Reznov** ' * .*  * 🌟 * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ 🏮✨     '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *    '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:+✨  *'    '✨☆🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆📀☆📀☆☆✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '   *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆📀☆✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . ** * 🟫   .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝   * (¸,·´ (¸** Merry Christmas and happy holidays <32021-12-24 08:55:21
BabyMerry Christmas~!2021-12-24 01:57:00
Dzhani𝙃𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨!                                                                                                             𝙒𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙛𝙞𝙡𝙚, 𝙄'𝙢 𝙩𝙧𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 100 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨 𝙗𝙮 2022!(=^ ◡ ^=)2021-12-22 13:30:11
zoroENDGAME SPOILER!!!!At the end of Endgame, Thanos agrees to undo everything he's done if the Avengers can beat him in a penis measuring contest, but none of the avengers even came close. Even the Hulk is shorter than Thanos by a noticeable amount, and their girth isn't even comparable. That's when, at the last moment, Captain Marvel pulls down her pants and unleashes the phattest hawg the universe has ever seen. Shamed by her immense size, Thanos undoes all that he has done, and then commits Japanese ritual suicide. AKA seppuko, He is now buried in an unmarked grave in Area 51.. salute to our fallen alien brother everyone. Don't forget to drop frankerZ's and kappa's in forsen's chat.2021-12-22 12:44:19
BabyMost beautiful time of the year2021-12-22 03:34:53
BabyRemember to stay warm :)2021-12-21 02:36:53
XiiroAmogus2021-12-20 14:02:59
zoroLook i know This is going to sound crazy, but i saw someone post THE same paragraph as mine just a minute ago On another person's steam profile. The odds of two people having the same paragraph-long thought is astronomical, especially on the world wide web of the internet !!. Wow. i'm absolutely blown, what are the ODDS right??? just thinking about it melts my brain haha, it's really mind boggling when these really rare things happen to you haha, i guess this is just another once in a lifetime experience to check off the list, i'll make sure to right down today's date and time just to make sure i remember this legendary moment of when someone thought of the exact long paragraph as mine on the internet :D !!!2021-12-20 12:16:49
AisaHappy Holidays2021-12-20 04:34:54
󠁳󠁳⁧⁧ 󠁳⁧⁧KoDylanHappy holidays ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ2021-12-20 02:59:34
Baby^_^2021-12-20 01:50:39
XHave a wonderful day ~2021-12-19 19:37:39
bls | labPARTY AT MY PLACEPARTY AT MY PLACE2021-12-19 18:54:12
レのひ刀ム丂⠀⠀(⠀ (,)_.-ﺜ-._|. . . . |¯`•.¸¸.♥¯`•.¸ღ|. . . . | Happy¯`•.¸¸.ღ¯`•.¸♥|. . . . | Holidays¯`•.¸¸.ღ¯`•.¸ღ|. . . . |¯`•.¸¸.♥¯`•.¸ღ|. . . . |[♥ღღ♥]2021-12-19 12:02:57
Xiiro<32021-12-19 08:55:16
⚡💖†✈ X.a.m♋ ⚡💖+rep good player2021-12-19 03:02:00
BabyHappy Sunday!2021-12-19 02:21:29
Xiiro1112021-12-18 14:14:58
BabyStay safe and have fun^^2021-12-18 04:47:27
cvvzrate guide please https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26770385022021-12-18 03:32:28
Baby^_^2021-12-17 06:41:55
BabyAlmost weekend, stay safe~2021-12-16 03:53:28
Poof+rep2021-12-14 23:18:54
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡KRIPP THIS IS HAFU. YOU ARE IN TROUBLE MISTER. You are not gay! You talk to me on the phone every night, and who can forget our nights of endless nipple play? Stop the charade and come back to your Hafu baby. Plz no copy pasterino ching chong changerino noodlerino bok choy kung paorino.2021-12-14 23:01:01
winter+rep<32021-12-14 15:30:15
zoroSteam needs to allow users to add boobs to their avatars (Trigger Warningnsfw!!!)I'll cut to the chase because you guys don't read comments longer than a paragraph. STEAM. NEEDS. MORE. BREASTS. And actually good ones that satisfy the average Gamer, you know like hentai mommy milkers. You know, abnormous Gongalongadonkerooos. IMAGINE scrolling through Someone's Proflie and you see a user with a female avatar possessing massive breast. Masturbation will become 54.8% more efficient. Face it, why wouldn't you do this? Steam has porn games, so why should admins limit themselves to that? In addition, female users can express themselves more accurately to other users creating a more immersive environment on Steam.2021-12-14 13:53:51
Clankstar HAKEN💜              💛       💜 💗        💗    💙                   💗       💙           💙                   💗       💚 💜     💚       ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝔻𝕒𝕪         💛     💗              💚               💙  💙          💛        💗       💜       💚2021-12-13 12:06:17
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡Simp means Sucker Idolizing Mediocre ♥♥♥♥♥. A man is only a simp if the girl he is after has a mediocre ♥♥♥♥♥, but pokimane’s ♥♥♥♥♥ is a goddess ♥♥♥♥♥, at worst. I will continue to donate 50% of my paycheck to pokimane because I know that it’s not simping. Poki if you see this I love you please text me back.2021-12-13 10:56:59
zoroDid you know that Roblox is the best game to ever exist?, the innovative cutting edge gameplay that has been developed changed the gaming market forever🤤. You can buy virtual items with no real worth with your mom’s credit card😉💳💰. You can subscribe to luxury packages that provide in game currency by the name of robux 💸so you can purchase the luxury swag to put those n00bs down like the epic robloxian you are😎🤠. The game page offers the most epic games you will ever see in your life like vehicle simulator, town of robloxia, and jailbreak😈😮🚓. What are you waiting for? Click the download link in the description(no virus no scam, credit card required for verification,free download)🙌🏿😍💯💯2021-12-13 08:00:31
BabyEnjoy your day~2021-12-13 02:48:28
󠁳󠁳⁧⁧ 󠁳⁧⁧KoDylanHappy Holidays! Hope you are having a good one! <32021-12-12 10:31:12
Skuby殪幢緻Iii爰曷樔黎㌢´  `ⅷ艇艀裲f睚鳫巓襴骸    贒憊殪幢緻I翰儂樔黎夢'”    ,ィ傾盥皋袍i耘蚌紕偸′    雫寬I悗f篝嚠篩i縒縡齢     Ⅷ辨f輯駲f迯瓲i軌帶′     `守I厖孩幢儂儼巓襴緲′          `守枢i磬廛嚠篩I縒縡夢'´              `守峽f蚌紕襴緲′             ‘守畝f瓲軌揄′             ,gf毯綴鳫襴鑿               奪寔f厦絨緲′                    ”'罨悳巓緲′                   綴〟 ”'罨椁巓登嶮 薤篝㎜㎜ g    緲    甯體i爺綴。, ”'罨琥I軌襴暹 甯幗緲fi'   緲',纜  贒i綟碕碚爺綴。 ”'罨皴巓襴驫 霤I緲緲   纜穐  甯絛跨飩i髢綴馳爺綴。`'等誄2021-12-12 09:38:12
BabyBless you~2021-12-12 03:01:07
-⁧⁧harisHAVE A GREAT WEEKEND2021-12-11 16:29:25
CloutyOpportunities don't happen, you create them.2021-12-11 11:21:56
qwp∧_∧(。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•’*❤️2021-12-11 02:48:36
Sħєпâiяo™♥have a nice day!2021-12-10 21:13:32
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡INGREDIENTS:8 ounces spaghetti2 large eggs1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan4 slices bacon, diced4 cloves garlic, mincedKosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves2021-12-10 18:38:50
Reload SyndromeA____A|・ㅅ・| Meow|っ c||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   | I Hope|   | You have|   | A nice Day! :3U ̄  ̄U2021-12-10 11:02:07
Babywish you a pleasant day^^2021-12-10 03:03:33
zoroIn the song titled "Milkshake" by Kelis, she exclaims how all the boys show up in her yard for milkshakes which claim to be better than mine. Not only is this self entitlement, but she doesn't give any valid reasons as to why her milkshakes are better. According to the lyrics of this boastful chant, she is willing to offer lessons for making such a milkshake but for a price. Could that mean that the ingredients used to make this milkshake cost more than the labelled price and instead of increasing it to maintain profit, she gives lessons on how to make such a milkshake in order to compensate for her lack of total earnings? Is she that desperate to keep ALL the boys in her yard!? A low price in exchange for a higher consumer rate, and yet she claims that her milkshakes are better than mine. What if she were to increase the prices, will all the boys still head to the yard cause the milkshake is THAT good??2021-12-09 22:47:54
󠁳󠁳⁧⁧ 󠁳⁧⁧KoDylanHi im just wondering if you have any steam trading cards you dont need or arent going to use you can send me it would go a long way to help me start leveling up more!2021-12-09 05:03:35
BabySending happy vibes~2021-12-09 02:55:39
bls | labLET'S GROOVE!2021-12-08 16:15:29
zoroExtreme Destroy D1ck Decemberallow me to explain.Extreme Destroy D1ck December is where you nut as many times that day according to the date factorial.On Day 1 it's not so bad. It's just 1, so you nut once. Day 2 isn't bad either, since 1 x 2 = 2. Day 3, 1 x 2 x 3 = 6, so a little challenging but nothing too major. Day 4 is where it really starts though. 4! is 24. So that's nutting once every hour. Day 5 gets worse. 5! is 120. 120 / 24 = 5, which means you nut 5 times per hour. Day 6: 720 times per day. That translates to 30 times per hour or once every 2 minutesBy December 31st you'd be a dehydrated corpse, but if you somehow survived:31! is 8.22x10^33.That / 24 is 3.43x10^32.That / 60 is 5.71x10^30.Divide by 60 again and you get 9.52x10^28.Divide by 1000 and it's 9.52 x 10^25 times. Every millisecond. An incomprehensibly large number of nuts every millisecond, if someone could please calculate the amount of energy required for that it'd be greatly appreciated2021-12-08 13:49:16
BabyHappy for you~2021-12-07 23:15:12
LaentaHave a wonderful December, dear friend! 💙2021-12-06 07:44:15
BabyHave a great day2021-12-06 04:03:49
BabyEnjoy your Sunday ^^2021-12-05 05:18:35
SANTANACWB┌──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┐🖤Have a great day my friend  🖤└──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┘2021-12-05 03:08:41
ღx̸̘͍̙̒̐͑a̴̢̼͔͌͘vI Hope You're Having A Wonderful Day!2021-12-04 19:06:29
Skuby⢀⣤⠶⠶⣦             ⢀⣠⠤⠶⠒⠛⠋⠁⠺⢷⡜⣧       ⢀⣤⠞⠋                    ⠘⢧⡀⢀⣠⡴⠶⠛⠁                          ⠈⠻⣆⢸⡇⣶⠇                    ⢀⡀          ⢿⡆⠘⣧⠙                    ⡀⠻⠟          ⢸⡇ ⠹⡆        ⢀⣶⡀⢠⣰⠶⠟              ⣼⡇   ⣿          ⠉                      ⣴⡟   ⠸⣆                            ⢠⣾⣏     ⠹⣦⡀                            ⠙⣧       ⠈⠛⠶⠶⣶⠶⠖                ⢠⡀⢹⡆               ⠿  ⠇                ⠈⠇  ⠿2021-12-04 04:40:26
BabyWishing for your good health~2021-12-04 04:27:48
-⁧⁧harisI wish yall a happy friday2021-12-03 15:54:15
uziwish you a lovely December~2021-12-01 13:07:23
Babystay safe~2021-12-01 02:05:44
BabyStay hydrated ^_^2021-11-30 01:19:21
♛ Naturale<3 hope you had a good weekend2021-11-28 11:30:12
Skuby,-、           ..-、        ./:::::\         /:::::ヽ       /::::::::::::;ゝ--──-- 、._/::::::::::ヽ       /,.-‐''"′          \::::::::|     /              ヽ、::|    /    ●                ヽ|     l   、、、             ●     l    .|        (_人__丿  、、、   |     l                   l    ` 、                    /      `ー 、__             ./         /`'''ー‐‐──‐‐‐┬--- / have a nice day2021-11-28 10:01:20
BabyHave a great day you wonderful friend ^^2021-11-28 03:39:35
Skuby⢀⡞⠳⣄⣀⣀⣀⣠⠞⢷⡀               ⣸⠟⠋⠁      ⠈⠙⠻⣇    ⣀             ⡾⠁⢰⣿⡆  ⣀  ⢰⣽⡆⠈⢧⢰⠛⡇           ⣸⢷⠶⠒⠉  ⠒⠭⠒  ⠉⠒⢶⠾⣏⡼⠃           ⣿⠶⣤⣀⣀          ⣀⣀⣤⠶⡟⠁           ⢸    ⠈⠉⠉⠙⠛⠛⠉⠉⠁    ⣏⣉⡙⣆           ⠘⡆                      ⢸⠃  ⢹⢸             ⣇                      ⢸⢀⡴⢣⠇             ⢸                      ⣸⠭⠔⠁             ⠸⣆⣀              ⣀⣰⠇                 ⠉⠙⠓⠒⠒⠒⠚⠋⠉2021-11-27 16:01:16
-⁧⁧harisI hope you have a great weekend!2021-11-27 10:15:46
MGZY💥ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ💥🔥cool post for cool post🔥👍Like for Like 👍❗️❤️ for ❤️ ❗️👌🏽Anime comment for anime comment 👌🏽☑️ʀᴀᴛᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴀᴛᴇ ☑️🎃ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ 💯%❤️❤️❤️🍩🍩🍩❤️❤️❤️❤️2021-11-27 06:37:11
BabyEnjoy the beginning of the weekend2021-11-26 07:26:14
-⁧⁧harisI wish you all, who celebrate, a happy thanksgiving and a fun week!2021-11-25 09:55:32
Baby^_^ have a happy day~2021-11-25 00:15:23
BabyHave a great day^^2021-11-24 02:28:12
♛ Naturale<32021-11-23 15:17:09
󠀡⁧󠀡⁧gzaHope you have a great week! Keep safe 🖤2021-11-23 12:12:30
drexton★彡[ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴀʏ]彡★2021-11-22 16:06:06
♛ Naturale<32021-11-22 13:47:52
LaentaRep! ⛄2021-11-22 05:17:29
Skuby⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂2021-11-21 19:23:15
drextonꜱɪɢɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴅʀᴇxᴛᴏɴ//+ʀᴇᴘ                      ░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█▀▀ ░                      ░█▀▀ ░█▀▀ ░█ ░█ ░░░                      ░▀▀▀ ░▀ ░░░▀ ░▀▀▀ ░ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴅᴀʏ2021-11-21 16:44:25
lxst🐠🐟 HⓐᐯẸ ᵃ 𝓝𝒾ᑕε Ďᵃу 💝💜2021-11-21 05:18:14
𓌹𓂃𓌺Hii2021-11-20 10:44:28
Skuby⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂2021-11-19 23:53:20
.膩I嶮薤篝爰曷樔黎㌢´  `ⅷ艇艀裲f睚鳫巓襴骸    贒憊殪幢緻I翰儂樔黎夢'”    ,ィ傾盥皋袍i耘蚌紕偸′    雫寬I悗f篝嚠篩i縒縡齢     Ⅷ辨f輯駲f迯瓲i軌帶′     `守I厖孩幢儂儼巓襴緲′          `守枢i磬廛嚠篩I縒縡夢'´              `守峽f蚌紕襴緲′    +REP      ‘守畝f瓲軌揄′             ,gf毯綴鳫襴鑿緲               奪寔f厦絨緲′                    ”'罨悳巓緲′                   綴〟 ”'罨椁巓登嶮 薤篝㎜㎜ g    緲    甯體i爺綴。, ”'罨琥I軌襴暹 甯幗緲fi'   緲',纜  贒i綟碕碚爺綴。 ”'罨皴巓襴驫 霤I緲緲   纜穐  甯絛跨飩i髢綴馳爺綴。`'等誄2021-11-19 23:48:41
uziღゝ◡╹)ノ2021-11-19 16:45:00
-⁧⁧harisAYO have a sick weekend!2021-11-19 14:53:51
♛ Naturalehave a great weekend2021-11-19 12:45:00
y3⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊    ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2021-11-19 10:06:18
BabyHave a great day, remember to stay hydrated2021-11-19 02:19:57
VKV+2021-11-18 23:25:36
Saintlyn𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐯 | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26582281722021-11-18 19:03:39
♛ Naturaleare you hyped for glaives new single?? <32021-11-18 13:53:29
BabyStay safe~2021-11-18 06:44:59
lxst⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜❤🧡💛Have a beautiful day❤🧡💛2021-11-17 11:03:45
BabyEnjoy your day and stay safe2021-11-17 06:19:53
ITS SIRWANNICE PROFILE2021-11-17 02:35:05
レのひ刀ム丂ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬ нαvε α ηιcε ∂αү! 🍀2021-11-16 16:35:45
Saintlyn𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐯 | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26565943212021-11-16 16:01:34
♛ Naturale<32021-11-16 14:06:56
FrancusXVHave a nice day2021-11-16 08:20:49
BabyWish you happiness today2021-11-16 07:34:31
BabyHave a great week~2021-11-15 04:37:39
♛ Naturalehope you had a good week <32021-11-14 13:34:12
Saintlyn𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐯 | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26548551432021-11-14 13:02:13
BabyEnjoy your Sunday~2021-11-14 07:03:03
lxst⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2021-11-13 16:26:48
Saintlyn𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐯 | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26539237422021-11-13 15:36:18
♛ Naturalehappy saturday <32021-11-13 08:30:34
y3⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  :8bitheart: ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ~ ♥2021-11-13 02:16:15
♛ Naturalehave a great weekend <32021-11-12 16:31:29
Saintlyn𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐯 | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26527859012021-11-12 14:15:17
BabyHave a great day Bobby~2021-11-12 00:14:21
󠁳󠁳⁧⁧ 󠁳⁧⁧KoDylan+rep, can you please award my profile i need steam points, ty2021-11-11 13:21:42
Saintlyn𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐯 | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26518156212021-11-11 11:31:50
レのひ刀ム丂/"' ̄フ/)        、  ,/ ,--、  ̄、__フ     //  ,ヘl⌒ノ   >    ,/ /_ ( _l_"_ニ_ く_  /) / /  ゛ ,>      フ、    、、>   <" (      フ __>   ヽ  \、、 _フ' ノ    \、__、、,_ノ゛         〉ニ〉ニ〉       ,、_/ニ/ニ/     ∠l∠l、ニ> HAVE A NICE DAY, KWEH!2021-11-11 05:56:01
SANTANACWB┌──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┐🖤Have a great day my friend  🖤└──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┘2021-11-10 14:30:42
Saintlyn+𝐑𝐄𝐏 ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴘʀᴏꜰɪʟᴇ2021-11-10 13:37:13
♛ Naturale<32021-11-10 12:44:34
Murphy Lawden⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜>-------☆ º°˚*☆ Have a ηice ϑay ☆º°˚*☆2021-11-10 06:59:27
レのひ刀ム丂💀нαvε α gяεαт ∂αү!💙2021-11-10 04:24:44
Saintlyn𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐯 | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26502068262021-11-09 10:47:11
♛ Naturale<32021-11-09 10:17:55
Saintlyn𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐯 | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26494647052021-11-08 15:35:02
Saintlynplease rate and fav | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26482687512021-11-07 09:05:23
♛ Naturalehope you are doing well <32021-11-06 18:08:19
Robzepic profile!2021-11-06 14:14:13
uziplease rate and fav https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2632056690 ill make sure to return when i'm available2021-11-02 20:41:15
Babywish you a great a day2021-11-02 12:45:49
𝙔𝙄𝙉.+rep2021-11-02 09:32:48
BabyHave another great day~2021-11-01 09:34:21
hokage🎃 Ꮋꭺꮲꮲꭹ Ꮋꭺꮮꮮꮻꮃꭼꭼɴ! 🎃2021-10-31 12:08:52
uzi👻 🎃 🎃 Ꮋꭺꮲꮲꭹ Ꮋꭺꮮꮮꮻꮃꭼꭼɴ! 🎃 🎃 👻2021-10-31 09:00:48
Vladimir☭ReznovHappy Halloween! Enjoy yourselves!2021-10-30 11:23:44
BabyHappy Halloween, don't eat too much candyy~2021-10-30 01:41:56
LaentaSpend this Halloween with dignity! Have a terrible and cool holiday! 🎃2021-10-29 12:30:13
BabyHave a fabulous day2021-10-28 01:42:51
Babywish you a great day2021-10-27 03:31:19
Dzhanihttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26044225742021-10-26 07:22:42
Baby:               wish you a pleasant day2021-10-26 03:10:26
𝙔𝙄𝙉.<32021-10-23 07:32:32
TWPanda77週末愉快!2021-10-22 14:28:18
Dzhanihttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26044225742021-10-18 03:21:00
____________$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$$___$$$$$$$__$$$$$$__$$$$$$__$$$$$$$$$_ $$$$$_ $$$$$$$$___$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$_$$$$$$$$____$$$$$$$$_ $$$$_$$$$$$$________$$$$$_$$$_$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$_ $____$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $______$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______ $$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$_$_____$_$$$$$$$$_________$$$$$_$$$_$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$_ $$$$_$$$$$$$____$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$_$$$$$$$$___$$$$$$$$$_ $$$$$_ $$$$$$$____$$$$$$$__$$$$$$__$$$$$$____________$$$$$$$$_$$________________$$$$$$_ $$_________$$$$$_________$$_________$$$$$$$_______ $$_______$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$__________ $$$$$$$$$___ $$______________$$$$$$$__$$_________________$$$$$_$$___________________$$$$$$_____________________$$$$_______________________$$_______________________$$____$$$$$$$____________ $$___$$$$$$$$$$___________$$__$$$$$$$$______________$$_$$$$$$_________________$$_$$$$$__________________$$$$$$____________________$$$$______________________$$_____________2021-09-24 07:47:22
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  hope you're having* ● ¸  ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.    ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .a great week°★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .   ★ ° :.  . • ○ . .  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2021-08-23 11:43:05
nandor........................./>  フ.........................|  _  _ l....................../` ミ_xノ...................../     |.................../  ヽ   ノ............... ..│  | | |............/ ̄|   | | |............| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)...........\二つ Have a wonderful day!2021-08-07 12:12:15
nandor⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2021-08-05 13:03:45
DAKA:2021-07-27 12:31:13
nandor(ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง2021-07-24 14:59:52
nandor୧ʕ•̀ᴥ•́ʔ୨2021-07-21 10:57:34
nandor<◉ )))><< - fisch2021-07-20 11:46:53
nandor^.ˍ.^2021-07-19 12:02:49
nandorʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ2021-07-18 14:39:05
nandorʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ2021-07-17 15:38:12
nandorᶘ ͡°ᴥ͡°ᶅ ~ suh2021-07-16 10:46:35
nandorʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - HAPPY DAYS ˙ᵕ˙2021-07-14 16:41:54
ELITA ONEPeople will come and,People will go,But you are here and you will know,That true friends will stay with time,You can count on me2021-06-16 08:41:24
artem_padya?Shine forever, my little Star.Bring warm and light to people, no matter how they far.2021-06-08 15:27:40
󠀡󠀡6x6 ?2021-06-04 16:35:21
Super⭕⃤ 󠁳⁧⁧Malingeℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔞 𝔭𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔲𝔩𝔩 𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔨! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2490988921 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=24967844402021-05-30 06:57:12
_bjornnvgo like https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2497428972 please<32021-05-25 12:00:23
ELITA ONE“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” — Dumbledore2021-05-24 15:38:53
_bjornnvReally nice person and a good looking Steam Profile! +rep- Contact me if you want to Award for Award :D2021-05-24 07:57:11
nandorHᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ﹗2021-05-21 09:54:09
_bjornnvHave a great day <32021-05-20 03:17:36
󠀡󠀡#FreePalestine ☝️2021-05-18 01:51:29
NihilusHave a Nice week-end! Take care of you2021-05-08 00:00:38
nandorHave a great weekend!2021-05-07 08:30:04
<3#HeR0+rep awesome profile!2021-05-01 19:13:27
jden+rep goated2021-05-01 15:05:48
Batii+Rep!!2021-05-01 12:35:56
F1ko+rep friendly guy2021-05-01 12:20:33
baba+rep2021-05-01 08:15:25
神 Madara+rep nice guy2021-05-01 06:14:18
don bubbles+rep awesome profilee2021-05-01 06:13:12
m0ll9+rep2021-04-25 05:49:19
G4m3rTraxx+rep nice profile2021-04-25 05:43:05
★★ ĆäpTäîñ Ñ ★★Have a wonderful day, dear friend2021-04-16 13:42:41
DAKA:2021-04-14 11:31:52
★★ ĆäpTäîñ Ñ ★★The sun is shining on the sky so brightly, your day is also going to shine the same way Have a wonderful day, my dear friend2021-04-04 04:39:39
Mystichey i hope you havea great midweek :D2021-03-24 16:57:32
Neffex キングHello my friend,i just uploaded a new artwork,u mind rating it? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2432897607 Thanks alot,have a nice day!2021-03-22 18:49:13
caiomvpStay safe!2021-02-24 10:21:58
sexcellencyOmg hai ^_^ I’m anon-san and I absolutely luuuv __ anime <3 and my fav is naurto!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot husband sasuke!! <333333333 OMFGZ HE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!When I walked onto Tokyo street =____=I looked up and saw…SASUKE!! <3333!!!! “ KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA KAWAII SASUKE-SAMA!!!!!” and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!!!!!!>.> <.< >.< (O) (O) (O)] then I saw some baka fat watching us and I could tell she was undressing him with her eyes!!!!!!! [] so I yelled “UH UH BAKA NEKO THAT’S MY MAN WHY DON’T YOU GO HOOK UP WITH NARUTO CAUSE SASUKE-SAMA LOVES ME!!! (ò_ó)” then sasuke held me close =^= and said he would only ever love me and kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (O)/ then we went to his apartment and banged all night long and made 42 babies and they all became ninjas!!! Nyaaaaa!!!2021-02-18 13:04:36
sexcellencyI see that some of you still didn't joined the new group. We have (not) nice content there take a look and join💗 https://steamcommunity.com/groups/coolpeopleofthesteamcommunity 💗2021-02-17 12:52:33
sexcellencySome of you guys are alright, Don't join the Zoom class tomorrow.2021-02-16 16:26:29
𝙆𝙤𝘿𝙔 么Have a good day ↓ Can you rate my artwork pls? ↓ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=23979702752021-02-16 15:05:02
sexcellencyDo you know why pills are white? because they workWhat do you to a slow pc? paint it black so it'll run fasterHow do you get a Jewish girl's number? Pull up her sleeveWhat is the hardest part about eating a vegetable?wait for itwait for itThe wheel chair.2021-02-15 16:55:51
sexcellency💗 Happy valentines day to you and your right hand (or left if you prefer that one) 💗2021-02-14 11:29:32
MysticHey check out my great friend kens art hes worked all day on it i would appreciate if you show him some care and kindness2021-02-14 00:10:38
𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫ғeel ғree тo add мe2021-02-13 18:25:47
𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫ғeel ғree тo add мe2021-02-13 06:44:53
sexcellency💗💗 --Ladies and gentleman and other 72 genders, se.xual orientations i couldn't remember all of their name, It's me again the almighty archlord copypaster. There won't be any copypasta today (not like i ran out of copypastas dummy), for i shall tell you my request. Could you humbly, and calmly donate an award on my profile, artwork or reviews (doesn't matter which) I have a beautiful idea on my mind but i couldn't make it happen without any spare points. Peace out, stay safe-- 💗💗Yours truly2021-02-13 05:57:53
𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫ғeel ғree тo add мe2021-02-13 01:41:19
𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫ғeel ғree тo add мe2021-02-12 14:24:22
sexcellencyi still want to bang zero two the suffering is unbearable. My zero two dakimakura is completely covered with my semen i can't see her anymore it isn't enough i need an intercourse with zero two in real life i'm tired of jerk ing off to her pics every night and cry under my blanket please donate me approximately 50000$ so that i can buy a "Triple A+ quality skinlike silicone zero two with vibrating hot real like va.gina+anu.s+mouth with recorded by her japanese actress special moans free shipping included™" i require that to reach my dream one step closer. Now if you excuse me i have to go crawl under my bed and cry as usual thank you for reading have a safe day and think about donating me 50000$ to make my dream come true.2021-02-12 13:06:34
𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫Have a wonderfull Friday!ғeel ғree тo add мe2021-02-11 19:47:52
sexcellencyThis is the last comment from me i'm out.stay safe or something.2021-02-10 06:58:31
sexcellencyYou will never be a real scout. You have no scattergun, you have no pistol, you have no bat. You are a heavy twisted by sandviches and shotguns into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your team is disgusted and ashamed of you, your “mercenary friends” laugh at your ghoulish gameplay behind closed doors.You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a minigun, wind it, and obliterate the enemy team, and become a heavy again. Your gameplay will not improve, and all that will remain of your legacy is a heavy with a minigun.2021-02-09 08:28:43
MysticHey friends sorry its been awhile just wanted to let you all know i have 8K pts trading awards2021-02-08 16:35:44
kingstonhave a nice day2021-02-08 05:57:39
DAKA:2021-02-07 06:43:26
sexcellencyThere's no copypasta today, for i shall share my youtube channel so you could subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/Hirasake (do it now or i'll break into your house this night)(that wasn't a threat)(just a warning)🙃🔪2021-02-06 14:34:02
𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫Have a wonderfull Saturday!ғeel ғree тo add мe2021-02-06 06:13:09
sexcellencyThis offends me as a vegan transgender atheist German engineer who vapes organic decaffeinated compressed soy breast milk on the regular and a person who does Indian naked crossfit yoga 5 times per week. I'm also a male feminist and identify myself as a pastafarian Apache helicopter dog who serves only to one master: my chihuahua which I helped cross the border of Mexico because I hate Donald Trump. My dog also walks me, if you find that weird you're an arrogant ignorant homophobic globaphobic sexist.2021-02-04 06:28:20
sexcellency∧_∧(。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .· ´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)          (¸.·´ (¸.·’*[your mom gay]2021-02-02 13:08:45
sexcellencyHoly f.ucking s.hit. I want to bang Zero Two so g.oddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Any time there’s a scene with Zero Two, I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant f.ucking sex with Zero Two. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Zero Two’s tight pink ovulating p.ussy. God I wish I was Hiro because I f.ucking know for a fact that Zero Two drains his balls daily. I want her to suck all of my humanity out and ride me to death. I want to eat and lick her p.ussy and drink every drop of her p.ussy juice until she passes out. I want to f.uck her tight as.shole until that hole gets the shape of my d.ick. I can't endure my life anymore, i'm tired of hugging my zero two dakimakura pillow and cry every night.2021-02-01 15:00:33
𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫Have a wonderfull Sunday!ғeel ғree тo add мe2021-01-31 14:45:48
sexcellencyIf i was a girl, i would get pregnant as many times as possible, then have abortions after the third month of being pregnant so i would deliver a potato sized 1/3 developed dead fetus, then i would take the fetus, put it in a jar of preservative liquid and put it on a shelf in a secret room in my house, and i would do it until i had so many that the rooms walls were nothing but potato sized aborted fetuses, then i would have a kid and when they're bad i would make them sit in the fetus room.2021-01-29 08:10:02
sexcellencyEdgy Steam User BingoLook at the below list. How many of them apply to your Steam profile?1. Has a VAC/Game Ban,2. Black/Grayscale Background3. Says owo unironically, denies being a weeb.4. GIF of some cringy mumble rapper with fake VHS artefacts.5. Aesthetic trendy pic of a girl as avatar6. Comment section cluttered with hearts from strangers.7. Steam Level is over 100. Friend Count is below 20.8. Finds the 80s nostalgic despite being born in 2005.9. Edgy Google Translate Japanese/Korean on profile.10. Fullwidth Font11. Has a profile URL that is 'really unique' and 'cool'12. Special Snowflake broken avatar or blank name.13. Creates groups just for animated avatars.14. Has an e-boyfriend they met through Steam.15. Most groups have grayscale icons.If more than 4 of the above apply to your Steam profile consider adjusting your gay levels to safer levels in order to make Steam a more enjoyable place for everybody.2021-01-28 10:20:50
sexcellencyHello Cutie,How are you doing? Hope u doing Great. Well, Impressing is what i describe your captivating profile as a near perfect description of what i desire in a woman, even your picture goes a long way in describing the quintessential underlying beauty any man would seek for in a woman ..I would like to know u better and be good friends.I hope u are doing ok well i was just searching around when i found ur page and believe me its a great page u got, everything about it is great i could not just leave without letting u know how much i think u worth..........i want u to know that u are one hell a beauty, a charming pretty mermaid, so unique,pleasant, breathtaking and so so angelic that i can.. t just stop thinking about u and what u look like always in my mind and head well i hope we talk real soonerOnly God's creations can compare to the beauty that I see in you! My Interest for you is infinite, without limits.2021-01-26 01:11:19
sexcellencyHiiii! My name is adam xDD I'm 12 years youngg. I'm taken (((: happily by my 15 yrs gf Amy. She's my everything <3333333 but I still flirt with all the girls in my class :) sshh ;x I go to parties every sat, and part at church every Sunday. Hollaaaaaah!!! Hagaha I luv Jesus but idk I might be athiest. I'm bisexual but ill never touch another guy because its a sin. :( I do weed and I love lil Wayne and the Joan's brothers. I hate black people because they scare me. follow ok?!?!?!?!?' =D2021-01-25 08:29:30
sexcellencyYou people are the most contradictory, immature, disease infected sons of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I've never met in my entire life. I would never do anything to help any of you. If you were dying of thirst I would spit in your mouth and ♥♥♥♥♥-slap you. If you needed a ride, I'd hit you with my car, back up and do it again. If you needed directions, I'd send you straight to hell. If you were held hostage, I would call in SEAL Team Six, fast rope from a Blackhawk just to tell you "no, i dont know that feel bro," then get back into the chopper and go home to sleep soundly to the thoughts of your beheading and subsequent video posting on liveleak. If you were fighting a thousand Agent Smiths, I'd get some popcorn and enjoy your beatdown. If you had a headache, I'd carve our your eyeballs with a rusty spoon and then skullf.uck you while singing you the cupcake song.I hope I've given you all an idea as to how many f.ucks I give about you.2021-01-23 20:29:05
sexcellencyyou fool. you absolute buffoon. you think you can challenge me in my own realm? you think you can rebel against my authority? you dare come into my house and upturn my dining chairs and spill coffee grounds in my Keurig? you thought you were safe in your chain mail armor behind that screen of yours. I will take these laminate wood floor boards and destroy you. I didn’t want war. but i didn’t start it.2021-01-23 08:00:43
sexcellencyThe🔻 angle🔺 of the😋😝 Aryan™😚Penis®😳when♋ McErect™ 🔛is on average 🔤about 45♐ degrees♐ from the body. In 🙈the 🙉N.egro®🙊 it is about👆 90 degrees👆. 👉Thus😱 the 😯N.egro®😣 Penis™😂 is 👆almost 👉totally perpendicular 👆👆to 👉his👈 body🔆 when erect🌽🌽🍆. This😂 is😼 ideal😏 for 👉the black🍗 male🍗👨 to👉 enter😪 the🍗 black female👧 from😏👇 behind👏. This🚹 is🔍 why the ♥♥♥♥♥®🍗 focuses🔍👀 more on the🍑 ass than the Aryan™. This is also why black 🍗females 👧never😪 evolved😩 beautiful😍 faces😚 like😘 aryan 💞💗females👍💝.The🙌 aryan😍 Penis™😙 is😝 ideal👍 for 👉entering👈 the 👉aryan💯 woman👸👧 from the front🔝, while face😘 to💏 face😍, which is why Aryan™👧💗women💟💕 evolved😍 beautiful faces👌😚.2021-01-22 17:21:17
sexcellencyDid you know🤔 everytime you sneeze😧, a ghost shoves his ghost ♥♥♥♥🍆in your mouth👅and spurts his ghost spunk💦 in ungodly fashion in it?👀2021-01-21 17:10:45
sexcellencyGarfield 🐱 is such a cutie 😍 and I want his yummy 🤤 orange feline weewee 🍤 inside of my sissy 👩🏼‍🦰 mouth! 👄 not to mention 😳 his toes 🦶🏻👀 that would feel great 😫 on my little 👌 uncut ❌🗡 sissy weiner! 🔥2021-01-19 10:35:58
sexcellencyI'm from the National Urology Society and we received your questions sent to our e-mail, and we're pleased to answer:1) Yes, 3 inches is considered small. We recomend you surgery process;2) No, it's not usual for the condom to be loose. There's no XS size;3) Even if 3 inches is quite small, it is still possible that your partner has an ♥♥♥♥♥♥ during sexual relationships, so if it doesn't happen with you like you've mentioned, the lack of competence is your responsibility;4) No, you cant have a prostate exam, it's only for 50-year-olds or older. Please, do not insist;5) The attraction for people of the same sex can be a strong sign of homosexual tendencies;Any other questions, we're here to help.Please contact [email protected] a nice evening you have nothing to be ashamed of.2021-01-18 11:48:54
sexcellency✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌Sorry i dropped my bag of 9 / 11 ✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌✈ ▌ ▌2021-01-17 12:49:21
caiomvpHave a great weekend!2021-01-15 11:35:15
sexcellencyVery well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds, pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.2021-01-14 05:46:01
SugarEffectHave a Nice Day2021-01-13 04:29:41
bitchesluvme💎Have a lovely day, dear friend!2021-01-08 23:02:43
Eduardaward4award2021-01-03 06:17:42
sexcellencyOnce a girl 👩 wanted 🤦‍♂️ to get laid 🛏 with me 🐱‍👤and i was -> 😉 like 😒VIRGINITY 🧨🛒🔑😊IS 💎COOL 💯✔ I'M -> 😉 PURE ✨😎😎😎🛴🚲😍🤣😊👏👌stay 🍆 pure ☕🎗🎄👓🕶🤗😈2021-01-01 13:29:35
FlauHappy New Year! Please like my guild. :) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=23441462582020-12-31 18:48:00
Thesvd12Happy 2021!!! , Let's hope that everything will be back to normal soon2020-12-31 13:51:12
MysticHey everyone DM me if you want to trade awards I have 5000 pts ready to trade awards dm me for trade :D2020-12-29 18:54:05
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂Happy New Year Dude <32020-12-28 22:22:45
bitchesluvme💎Award for Award?2020-12-25 15:07:26
kylemerry christmas2020-12-25 10:22:57
~󠁳⁧⁧ crsttMerry Christmas 🖤2020-12-24 17:26:28
Matthew*.。˛*˛.*🎁*.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *🎁. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*_██_*.。🎅*/.*˛\ .˛* 🦌。.*.★ 🎄* . *☆҉🧦˛. (´• ̮•)*.. 🎄/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**..°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.🔔* ˛*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`˜¯`🅼🅴🆁🆁🆈 🅲🅷🆁🅸🆂🆃🅼🅰🆂2020-12-24 09:21:42
.ℳᴇʀʀʏ ℭʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs & ℋᴀᴘᴘʏ ℋᴏʟɪᴅᴀʏs!!!˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°2020-12-23 18:28:44
MysticYo Juicers! Hows It Goin Bud Hope You Enjoy Your Christmas eh! The Sale Is PogU dud :DD2020-12-22 14:32:58
coodyyhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=22999886002020-12-08 14:56:39
coodyyhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=23122962102020-12-07 14:41:02
TheLastWTFEnjoy your week! Stay safe2020-12-07 13:51:14
n0peWazzup? Hows things? Did you miss me? Ofc you didnt! cuz most of you don't know me! I hope everything is going good in ur life especially if ure studying. Mine is goin terrible ngl. Ma two universities have been making me dead-tired buuut iont have money for entrepreneuring so i'll hit the books :/ Anyways take care ureself and have a nice week!2020-12-07 07:52:43
coodyyhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=23106661762020-12-07 03:02:06
coodyyhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=23106661762020-12-06 03:15:21
.Have a good weekend (º_º)2020-12-05 10:29:27
TheLastWTFEnjoy your Weekend! Stay safe2020-12-04 08:00:54
MysticHave a great December!!!!!2020-12-03 20:44:12
FlauNew guide, please like! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=23055051462020-12-01 13:33:52
TheLastWTFHave a great week my friend!2020-11-30 07:05:48
caiomvpKeep playing! And stay safe.Great week!2020-11-30 06:33:38
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)            ⊂  つ  +REP  +REP   (つ ノ              (ノ  +REP     \      ☆             |     ☆    +REP +REP       (⌒ ⌒ヽ   /    \  (´⌒  ⌒  ⌒ヾ   /      (’⌒ ; ⌒   ::⌒  )       +REP     (´     )     ::: ) /  ☆─ (´⌒;:    ::⌒`) :;  )     (⌒::   ::     ::⌒ )+REP+REP / (    ゝ  ヾ 丶  ソ ─   +REP2020-11-29 18:21:30
bitchesluvme💎https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115276093 Like4Like / Fav4Fav / Award4Award2020-11-28 11:41:43
DAKA:2020-11-27 14:36:48
sexcellencyfree cancer button: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUJ-xBlN5Bc2020-11-25 15:40:33
.Have a great week ))2020-11-23 16:57:50
sexcellencyWe regret to inform you that your Credit Card titled "Mum's Visa" has been declined, your latest purchases will not be processed due to suspicous activities. To unlock your card for further use, please confirm your recent purchases and total cost with your local bank.The listing follows- 1x Monster Horse Dildo (12') $89.99- 1x Ultra HD Backdoor Plug 9 $12.99- 6x Magnum condoms (Extra Small) $24.45- 5x Bananas $7.00- 5x Cucumbers $4.00- 1x FeelsLikeRealSemen™ Lube Bottle 750ml $19.99- 1x Next day shipping $45.00- 1x Frequent Shopper Discount (15%)Please respond back to us using your old email: [email protected] regards2020-11-21 11:59:56
sexcellencyHey babe, are you a school? Because i wanna shoot kids inside you2020-11-20 05:01:31
sexcellencyRoses are redThat much is trueBut violets are violetNot f.ucking blue2020-11-19 04:50:46
sexcellency-Rep After a good game in csgo, i added him because he seemed like a cool guy. We got chatting, over the next couple of months we became good friends. Lots of banter, lots of great CS and most importantly true friendship. I invited him to my house for a csgo lan party. He said he was coming so i was looking forward to meeting him in real life. When he arrived at my house, he pushed me against the wall and started nibbling my ear, i felt his hard ♥♥♥♥ push against my leg. I punched him and then 1 tapped him. Turns out he was gay. Don't trust this guy.2020-11-16 15:38:40
sexcellencyEvery time you two are getting roughMy mind just sounds like Shia LaBeoufIt says no, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noJust no, no, no, no, no.And every time I see him with youMy heart sounds like Shia LaBeoufTo no, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noEvery time you two are getting roughMy mind just sounds like Shia LaBeoufIt says no, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noJust no, no, no, no, noAnd every time I see him with youMy heart sounds like Shia LaBeoufTo no, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, noNo, no, no, no, no2020-11-13 16:33:16
FlauPlease, like. I would be greatful. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=22860598642020-11-13 16:13:56
sexcellencyforgive english, i am Russia.i am here little time. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also.We sex together.i never tell i gay because i am very shame. As i f.uck this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am c.umming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM C.UM FROM SEX" (in Russia). I say "I AM CMU FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I C.UM IN ASS" I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. thank read.2020-11-12 13:11:36
sexcellencyCan you please stop sending me your d.ick pics? Thank you.2020-11-11 10:00:37
sexcellencyLOL 😅😂🤣 How🤷‍♂️ can 👦🏿Africa👦🏿 NOT🚫❌ get any water💧 when all they👥 got👉 to do💪 is👉 dig⛏ a 2️⃣✖️2️⃣ hole🕳 and 🅿️our💧2️⃣ water💦 🅱️uckets 🅰️t o🅿️🅿️osite c🅾️rners to Ⓜ️ake an infinite🔁 water🌊 source👍👌💯2020-11-10 08:30:36
caiomvpID PSN: docaiobradd me?!2020-11-10 05:05:25
.Have a great week dear friend ))2020-11-09 16:41:32
sexcellencybring me back to lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee2020-11-09 08:33:03
MysticHey I hope you have a great week!2020-11-08 12:31:20
sexcellencyI used to play Fortnite all night. No sleep! But ever since Obama told me to try Raid Shadow Legends for free, I am addicted. This game is a game. It has graphics. It has characters. Best of all it has a loot box mechanic to enhance my experience even more by adding another exciting chance based layer to the game! Two week ago I spend all my money becoming a Raid Shadow Legend. Now I live in a dumpster outside a McDonald’s with free WiFi. At night I sneak into the McDonald’s like my new raccoon dad, Stripey, taught me to do so I can charge my phone. Through the cracked screen I am still perpetually amazed by the graphics of this game... they look so real! Thank you Obama, you truly changed my life2020-11-08 11:00:22
Dazzilim🖤✨ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ✨🖤2020-11-08 10:28:13
sexcellencyThere's a certain amount of respect I would love to obtain with you. But this aspect of understanding and knowledge of each other, I would love to get to know you better in all ways in order to respect you more fully, ways I can obtain this respect comes with the knowledge of knowing you better physically, mentally, spiritually, and in all other aspects. Shall we start with our physical aspects. Knowledge of each other physically can be accomplished in several ways, perhaps a tactic of understanding can be done in photography in of our physical bodies. Perhaps we could exchange detailed photographs of us physically in order to understand each other better in turn to set the stage for an even deeper, solid, and respectful relationship.2020-11-07 04:52:36
sexcellencyAttention all Trump Supporters🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾, DOUBLE President Trump👌👌👌 is in great ☠️💀danger💀☠️, and he needs your 🙏🙏help 🙏🙏to wipe out the 👹🐭Demonrats 🐭👹trying to 👦🏿STEAL👦🏿 this election! But to do this, he needs a 👱‍♂️golden👱‍♂️ spray tan and a couple of 👶🏻👶🏻pornstars👶🏻👶🏻. To help him, all he needs is your mom's ❤️❤️❣️credit card ❤️❤️❣️number, the 3️⃣3️⃣three 3️⃣3️⃣ digits on the back, and the expiration month and year. But, you gotta be 🏃🏃🏻‍♂️quick🏃🏃🏻‍♂️, so 🤴LORD🤴Trump can 👮🏻‍♂️secure👮‍♀️the ballots and acheive the 😎😎epic😎😎, Victory Royale this election! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏2020-11-06 08:19:39
Flauplease like my new guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=22778877342020-11-05 07:10:44
sexcellencyHere is a quick summary why traps are as gay as normal sex and also why futas are even less gay than normal sexOk when you masturbate to porn you masturbate to a man penetrating a women making you 50% hetero for the women and 50% gay for the manAnd if you watch lesbian porn it will still be 100% gay because 2 womenBut if you watch 2 traps porn you will masturbate to 25% girl looks and 25% to the penis plus the other trap it makes 50% hetero and 50% gay making it as gay as normal sex, and if it's with a girl it will only make it 25% gayAnd with futas they have girly looks making it a 25% gay and also girly parts making it 12.5% so if there are 2 futas it will only be 25% gay and if it's with a girl it will only make it 12.5% gay, thus making it less gay than normal pornThank you for coming to my TedTalk2020-11-04 13:03:22
sexcellencyBefore beautiful wife move here from India she was strong spiritual woman. Hobby include chopping tree for firewood and strangling snake for medicine. Now like most lazy American she eat cake and watch Doctor Oz all day. I don't know what wrong with this woman. Now dishwasher broken. I call American repairman but he on American drugs and do nothing but laugh at dishwasher all day. What must I do to convince wonderful wife to fix dishwasher?2020-11-03 18:14:09
caiomvphave a nice week!2020-11-03 05:30:45
sexcellencySo i was really bored and horny and my wife (18F) wasn't home. so like every man i watched some good old porn on my (Leonovo windows 10) pc. But porn wasn't doing it. I tried using a block of cheese like another hot reddit post but no luck. I looked around the house but nothing was hot enough. Eventually i found myself in the basement (concrete) and saw lego mario. God. i felt my d.ick (2 inches) harden. I finally found the perfect thing to jack off to. I picked up the small toy and turned him on. "Lego mario time!" God it was so ♥♥♥♥♥♥ sexy. Lego mario is like a digital anime boy. He's so ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hot. I came (1 oz) just listening to his voice. Once i was finished ♥♥♥♥♥♥ i put lego mario in my palm and kissed him. Then my (18F) wife walked in. ♥♥♥. She saw me cheating on her with lego mario. We got divorced and now lego mario and i are happily married. I ♥♥♥ him every day. he's so much hotter than my ex (18f) wife2020-11-02 17:01:17
dame🎃 ሓፕፕይ ሃልሎወአን 🎃2020-10-31 19:21:34
NarcoHappy halloween 🎃2020-10-31 12:00:21
Jennie🍬 🎃 해피 핼로윈 🎃 🍬2020-10-31 06:41:49
.Happy Halloween ))2020-10-31 06:03:43
caiomvpHappy Halloween!2020-10-30 06:28:43
caiomvpGood afternoon,Would you rate? https://steamcommunity.com/id/docaiobr/recommended/470220/2020-10-28 10:58:32
caiomvpboa semana! :)2020-10-26 05:58:06
.Have a good weekend (º_°)2020-10-24 06:49:44
Neffex キングHave a nice week2020-10-23 09:42:07
caiomvpgreat day and a good weekend!2020-10-23 06:16:13
sexcellencyhi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 18 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!love and waffles,* ~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*2020-10-21 13:34:08
kylehave an amazing day2020-10-21 12:16:41
Flau𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=22631443182020-10-20 12:43:46
caiomvpHave a great week!2020-10-19 06:19:32
.Have a great day ))2020-10-17 08:16:57
caiomvp./:::::\       /:::::ヽ       /::::::::::::;ゝ--──-- 、._/::::::::::ヽ       /,.-‐''"′          \::::::::|     /              ヽ、::|    /    ●                ヽ|     l   、、、             ●     l    .|        (_人__丿  、、、   |     l                   l    ` 、                    /      `ー 、__             ./         /`'''ー‐‐──‐‐‐┬--2020-10-13 08:59:35
MysticHello my friends I hope you all have a great week and you guys are all great thanks!!2020-10-12 14:09:59
KochiNHey! Want to to have a really nice looking profile on steam?I want to suggest you a really good GFX artist has 3 years experiences in GFX, and over 100 happy customers!Here his steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/axelmane/ There you can find the prices and his works, he is very fast responder and very friendly guy!2020-10-10 11:50:35
.Have a great weekend...2020-10-10 10:20:00
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_____________________$__________________________$$____________________$$$_________________________$$__$_________________$$$________________$________$$___$$______________$$$$$_____________$$_________$$____$$$____________$$$$$___________$$$__________$$_____$$$$$_________$$$$$________$$$$$___________$$______$$$$$$$______$$$$$_____$$$$$$$____________$$________$$$$$$$____$$$$$___$$$$$$$______________$$___________$$$$$____$$$___$$$$$_________________$$__$$$$$$$______$$$__$$$__$$$______$$$$$$$_______$$______$$$$$$$$____$$_$_$$____$$$$$$$$___________$$__________$$$$$$$$$_$$$_$$$$$$$$$_______________$$_________________$$$_$_$$$______________________$$_____________$$$$$___$___$$$$$__________________$$_____________________$__________________________$$_____________________$__________________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2020-10-09 00:38:01
Eduardnew main: steamcommunity.com/id/gobiid/2020-10-05 07:14:17
Dazzilimʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ♡ ♥ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟʟ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ        \ /l、      \ (゜、。`フ ~        」  "ヽ´       ()ιし(~)〜2020-10-04 13:59:42
TheLastWTFHave a great day!2020-10-04 09:34:44
caiomvpHave a good day!2020-10-02 09:02:09
Flau𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒅𝒆! 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=22455811132020-10-02 06:23:06
caiomvpótima tarde!2020-10-01 10:46:27
ELITA ONEhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2241569387 Hi, Please report the stolen artwork mentioned above. While reporting please copy and paste the information below. Thank you.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This artwork is stolen. It is DMCA protected by steam ID: Elita-One (https://steamcommunity.com/id/Elita-One) Stolen Artwork link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2241569387 posted: 28 Sep @ 3:59am, On Profile ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198309559962 Stolen from-Original/Owner Account ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Elita-One (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198997701456) Original/Owner artwork link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2024007775 Originally Posted on: 16 Mar @ 9:20amOriginal/Owner Account name: Elita-One---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2020-09-29 19:06:25
Eduardnew main: steamcommunity.com/id/gobialt/2020-09-29 05:58:26
Neffex キングEya my lovely friend,mind if u rate my artwork? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2242182639 Thanks,have a great day2020-09-28 12:47:31
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂Have a great week!2020-09-28 08:40:46
caiomvpHave a great week!2020-09-28 06:38:19
.Have a great Sunday my friend :)))2020-09-27 05:12:25
Neffex キングHave a nice week2020-09-26 07:26:48
Mystic+rep Have a good week!2020-09-24 16:20:24
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂+rep2020-09-21 20:58:26
Mystic+rep have a great one!!!2020-09-15 20:50:18
Dazzilim💚💚   💚💚         💚      💚      💚      💚               💚    𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓪𝓶𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓭𝓪𝔂      💚         💚               💚   💚                     💚2020-09-13 15:40:24
Neffex キングHope you are having a wonderful day, Happy new week2020-09-11 05:52:44
n0pehey friend. hows things? i hope ure good. i have bad (good 4 u) news for you. My little friend-collecting and comment adventure is ending here. My college will start soon and i dont think that i can send you comments in da future but that doesnt mean i wont. Well if you noticed i havent sent anything for weeks. Well some people already started to delete me cuz im no longer active on feed and I know that some people will delete me after see this comment so feel free to do it if you want active friends in your friend list but i will not gonna delete anyone. I can say that i found lots of new friends while i was doing friend collecting and i really enjoyed while reading your comments so thank you. But remember that you can always start a chat with me anytime. Take care yourself and have a good week. lil ghost out2020-09-09 20:18:56
~󠁳⁧⁧ crsttluv you2020-09-09 13:49:04
☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆(\ (\⠀​⠀​⠀​⠀​(\ (\ ⠀​ ⠀​⠀⠀​​(\ (\ ⠀​ ⠀⠀​⠀​​(\ (\(„• ֊ •„)⠀​ („• ֊ •„) ⠀​⠀​(„• ֊ •„) ⠀⠀​​(„• ֊ •„)O🍓O ⠀​O🌟O ⠀⠀​​O🌸O ⠀⠀​​O🥛 O☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆。*:゚*。 .☆ Have a nice Week ☆・゚: *:゚*。2020-09-06 19:09:21
bitchesluvme💎https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=21152760932020-09-06 12:55:54
.Have a great Friday and a great weekend ... Kisses2020-09-04 18:29:15
Neffex キングI wish you have a wonderful and fruitful week ahead of you. Happy New Week, my sweet friend2020-09-04 11:40:06
~󠁳⁧⁧ crstt\  ヽ    i  |     /   /    \                ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ー  MEOW!    ,:'          ::::::::、 __        ,:' /       \   ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     :::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::i    -‐      :             :::::::i           `:,、            ::::::::::/    /       ,:'        : ::::::::::::`:、            ,:'         : : ::::::::::`:、2020-09-02 14:00:17
sexcellencyVery well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds, pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.2020-08-31 08:16:27
sexcellencyRoses are redViolets are blueHoney is sweetBut not as sweet as you🤍2020-08-30 12:33:15
Neffex キングHave a nice week my lovely friend2020-08-29 07:32:38
\  ヽ    i  |     /   /    \               ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ー         ,:'          ::::::::、 __        ,:' /       \   ::::::::', Have A Good day     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,、           :::::::::: /    /       ,:'        : ::::::::::::`:、            ,:'         : : ::::::::::`:、2020-08-29 06:22:49
bitchesluvme💎Have a great day, dear friend!2020-08-29 01:31:06
Flau𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆, 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒅𝒆. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=22120435852020-08-28 10:20:46
~󠁳⁧⁧ crsttHi2020-08-27 15:22:55
MerahaYou can congratulate me I have reached the 15,000 hours mark inthe worst game with cs: go cheaters, next stage 20,0002020-08-25 21:09:53
damehave a nice day2020-08-25 15:28:34
Meraha+Rep , Great person2020-08-25 01:38:51
bitchesluvme💎New reviews - https://steamcommunity.com/id/helloimdani/recommended/ May you can take a look, Have a great day!2020-08-23 13:11:39
damehave a great weekend2020-08-22 15:48:32
n0peyea ik... im late again... I thought 2day was friday... aaaa sry didnt find anything to comment again. I had to send this b4 the weekend ends. bla bla im bored im going to raid the kitchen. Not gonna bore u too m8. have a nice weekend!2020-08-22 15:42:35
MatthewI Hope you are having a Fantastic Weekend2020-08-22 13:57:57
AngelHeya hope you have a super nice weekend :D2020-08-21 16:37:22
Neffex キングIt’s a weekend again! Time to relax and treat yourself with some delicious food and small presents. Don’t waste it on negativity and bad vibes. Enjoy the moment!2020-08-21 13:02:50
sexcellencywot the ♥♥♥ did ye just say 2 me m8? i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked 300 candy bars from tha corner store. im trained in street fitin’ & im the strongest ♥♥♥♥♥ in tha entire newcastle gym. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ w/ a hot mum & fake bling. ill waste u and smash a ♥♥♥♥♥ bottle oer yer head bruv, i swer 2 christ. ya think u can ♥♥♥♥♥ run ya gabber at me whilst sittin on yer arse behind a lil screen? think again wanka. im callin me homeboys rite now preparin for a proper rumble. tha rumble thatll make ur nan sore jus hearin about it. yer a waste bruv. my homeboys be all over tha place & ill beat ya to a proper ♥♥♥♥♥ pulp with me fists wanka. if i aint satisfied w/ that ill borrow me m8s cricket paddle & see if that gets u the ♥♥♥ out o’ newcastle ya daft kunt. if ye had seen this bloody ♥♥♥♥♥ mess commin ye might a’ kept ya gabber from runnin. but it seems yer a stewpid lil ♥♥♥♥, innit? ur ded wankah.2020-08-20 14:23:11
bitchesluvme💎Have a great day, my friend!2020-08-20 09:00:53
n0peAYE SUP? Its me! Deleted by everyone cuz they think im no longer be active here! When everyone finding their own vaccine n as summer ends, i suggest you to start to do your plans for prepare winter. Buy an aged wine and let her rest in ur home n buy some dv..... ehehhe ight take care n have a nice week!2020-08-19 09:57:35
Flau𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆, 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒅𝒆. 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒊𝒕. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=22023535402020-08-19 09:12:40
sexcellency(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)2020-08-19 09:03:25
sexcellencyCyberpunk 2077 new teaser gameplay just released don't forget to check it out and have a nice day🤍 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC7oUOUEEi42020-08-18 06:48:23
sexcellencyI'm getting more of a seared bite on the Impossible Whopper, than I'm getting on the actual Who- no no no no no no no no.... No please don't say that no no no... No. Nonononono. No no nono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater.I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a bite of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Impossible Whopper BK, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK. YOUR IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER BK IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK. IT HAS A MORE SEARED TASTE.IT'S MORE OF A COOKOUT FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER. Get over here. You get back in the bag. BK. That bite is so flavorful my m- and the fact that it works so well, it literally compliments the lettuce. Like I'm not even mad that I'm bittin' up, and I'm not even mad, that I'm eating lettuce right now and tomatoes.2020-08-18 02:34:41
Flau𝑰𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒅𝒆! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=21993901032020-08-16 09:52:37
Flau+rep lovely person2020-08-15 03:26:36
Neffex キングHave a nice week!2020-08-14 10:30:32
Little MischievousHave a great day, my friend!2020-08-12 09:34:04
bitchesluvme💎Have a great day, my friend!2020-08-12 06:53:26
.Have a great week friend...2020-08-10 16:45:19
bitchesluvme💎https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115276093 Have a great day!2020-08-10 06:14:32
FlauHave a great day!2020-08-09 11:23:29
좋은 주말 되세요2020-08-08 20:51:18
bitchesluvme💎Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!2020-08-08 20:46:39
Neffex キングI wish you a very joyful and relaxed weekend, make use of every moment. Happy weekend!2020-08-07 12:29:08
| h4 |Hey I hope you're doing well my friend :)))2020-08-05 21:57:57
FlauHave a wonderful day!2020-08-05 12:33:12
MerahaHave a nice day bro2020-08-05 00:23:01
.Have a great week :)2020-08-03 16:38:34
sexcellencyAre ya winning son?2020-08-03 16:28:18
Merahagood friend <32020-08-03 11:38:44
n0peHey what up? Its me hated n blocked-by-everyone-without-any-reason here. I hope ure doin oke n enjoying ur last day of the weekend. Rest much as possible you can. You know dat modern slavery doesnt likes lazy n tired ppl (like me). woops wrong emote nvm have a noice weekend.2020-08-02 08:40:12
76561198974649925Have a nice weekend!2020-08-02 02:52:53
sexcellencyLet's play a game where you're a door 🚪 and i slam you >🚪👋 all day 😂🤦‍♂️👀👨🏿‍🤝‍👨🏿👩‍👦‍👦2020-08-01 03:30:49
iCEMANx9i wish you a lovely weekend.2020-08-01 02:31:54
sexcellencyThis comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that this person is not gay, trans, furry, weeb. (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information).2020-07-31 13:42:18
MatthewHave a Wonderful Weekend2020-07-31 11:23:33
sexcellencyEverything will be fine2020-07-30 18:01:15
n0peHey sleepy boi here! hows things? I hope everything is oke. Well, its not oke in here as ive used up all the city electricity on my A.C. Looks like i wll have to sell my soul to pay for that bill. ight take care urself n have a nice week!2020-07-28 16:38:14
Dazzilim💚 ᴡɪꜱʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀꜰᴜʟ ᴅᴀʏ, ʙᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇꜰᴜʟ ꜱᴛᴀʏ ꜱᴀꜰᴇ 💚2020-07-28 09:55:13
Marko<32020-07-28 02:56:11
bitchesluvme💎Hello my friend! Can you take a look on my new reviews for the best free-to-play games on the store? https://steamcommunity.com/id/helloimdani/recommended/ Thank you, have a great day!2020-07-28 00:56:50
bitchesluvme💎https://steamcommunity.com/id/helloimdani/recommended/2020-07-26 17:59:41
sexcellencyHope you had a good day, cause sure i had 🤍Don't forget to like my new setup: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=21788634862020-07-26 16:11:41
Markonice profile2020-07-26 04:53:29
DazzilimStay safe!2020-07-25 10:19:25
FlauPlease, like & favorite my guide. I would appreciate it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=21766411302020-07-24 17:19:50
n0peHey! I hope u had a great week. I forgot send you a comment sorry ab tht. I was busy so Have a nice weekend!2020-07-24 11:24:47
sexcellency🤍 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Adt4pG6B04 🤍2020-07-23 07:56:22
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂+rep2020-07-20 11:11:12
perMonsterhave a nice2020-07-19 13:10:51
bitchesluvme💎Hey! Check out my reviews https://steamcommunity.com/id/helloimdani/recommended/ Have a great day!2020-07-19 12:44:58
sexcellencyNobody:Not even Gordon Ramsay:Asian girls when they see a black man: https://coub.com/view/21gpyr2020-07-18 14:49:04
HAYUL(\___/)(„• ֊ •„)ОO2020-07-18 14:32:37
_22Stevie Nicks oscillated between loving and rejecting Andrew Grove. But Richard Lewis shifted between believing in and doubting Virginia Woolf. The breakthrough came when Woody Allen and Naomi Judd saw the symmetry between Alan Watts's push-pull style of relationships, and Paul Reiser's alternating belief and mistrust. That insight opened mutual compassion, because each realized the other was trying to protect his or her own heart. 🎁 📁 ⛓ 🕳 🔋 ⌚ 🎙2020-07-18 13:34:51
n0peHows it goin? Lazy boy here! I hope ure good. Yea dont ask, i didnt find anything ag... well im not a radio DJ ya? At least im writing sth. I could just write "Have a nice weekend", nvm. Have a nice weekend n all that stuff... (My electricity gone middle of commenting... i need to resend again. Im so sorry if you seeing this comment twice.)2020-07-18 11:33:58
MatthewHave a Great Weekend2020-07-17 09:31:27
HAYULHave a great weekend2020-07-17 04:57:32
HAYULHave a nice day2020-07-16 15:49:30
Levex+rep2020-07-16 14:03:50
1+rep nice guy2020-07-16 13:14:23
Merahagucci flip flops`2020-07-16 11:34:17
DazzilimHave a nice day!2020-07-16 06:24:40
perMonster:)2020-07-15 13:44:31
HAYULStay safe & sound my friend2020-07-15 07:20:29
sexcellencyThe birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, my ♥♥♥♥ is throbbing, what a beautiful day for cooming 🥒💦💦..hold on ceo this isn't copypasta you ♥♥♥♥♥♥.yeah right. Alright, here's your overused meme. ahem..Master chief, you mind telling me why you're a train?: Sir, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3E7L_RoyTU2020-07-15 06:43:53
bitchesluvme💎Hey! Can you please rate&fave my artwork?! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2115276093 Thank you very much, have a great day!2020-07-15 06:02:18
artem_padya?When we all unified together bro, we become stronger than ever before!2020-07-14 20:02:37
n0peaaaaaaaaaaa have aaaaaaa niiiiiiiceeee weeeek2020-07-14 08:36:09
62Konenet oo koskaa tehny noi2020-07-14 04:52:14
HAYULᘿᘉᒚᓍᖻ ᖻᓍᑘᖇ ᕲᗩᖻ2020-07-13 13:54:28
San Holo+rep profile is clean2020-07-13 13:40:27
KochiNDOCTOR, DOCTOR, GIVE ME THE NEWS I'VE GOT A BAD CASE OF KILLING JEWS. "Adolf Hitler 1943"2020-07-13 11:53:14
piisuha:2020-07-13 05:31:34
2Smokeyy+rep2020-07-13 05:29:43
Merla Gaétan+rep good player2020-07-13 04:27:52
sasha sever+rep2020-07-13 04:19:01
HAYULHave a nice week2020-07-12 11:26:51
2Smokeyy+rep2020-07-11 18:36:51
n0peIts time to relax a bit. Just buy the cheapest alcohol you can find and enjoy your weekend. Dont try to get blind folks! Take care!2020-07-11 12:18:55
KochiNHave a nice day:)2020-07-10 18:11:59
HAYULHave nice time and enjoy your weekend!2020-07-10 07:33:55
MatthewHave a Wonderful Weekend!2020-07-10 03:25:24
Osama+ʀᴇᴘ2020-07-09 20:22:57
KochiNᴡɪꜱʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴅᴀʏ, ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ꜰɪɴᴇ🐤2020-07-08 13:49:55
HAYUL.......(¨`•.•´¨)(¨`•.•´¨).¸.•´.`•.¸.(¨`•.•´¨)(¨`•.•´¨).¸.•´.`•.¸.•´.•´......`•´¸...........)......¸.•´.....(......`•.¸...........)2020-07-07 15:43:49
KochiNI hope you having a nice day my friend :)Could you check my last video and hopefully click on the like button: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DtT8lcaS5E And for sure if you have't subscribed yet feel free to do it :)2020-07-07 14:11:29
KochiN(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Wish you a great day my friend ♥2020-07-07 07:53:38
n0peHEY! lazy boy here! yes you already guessed it... i didnt find any comment again! Anyways have a nice week! Take care n all that stuff.2020-07-06 21:34:23
KochiNㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᶰᶤᶜᵉ ᵈᵃʸ ♡ㅤㅤㅤ2020-07-06 00:13:58
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  hope you're having* ● ¸  ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.    ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .a great week°★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .   ★ ° :.  . • ○ . .  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2020-07-05 21:53:50
HAYULㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᶰᶤᶜᵉ ᵈᵃʸ ♡ㅤㅤㅤ2020-07-05 17:59:45
n0peDont stay too long under the AC, otherwise u can get cold! Have a nice weekend!2020-07-04 06:27:09
MatthewHave a Sunny and Fantastic Weekend!2020-07-04 04:21:33
FlauPlease, like & favorite my guide. I would appreciate it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=21521119392020-07-03 08:32:29
HAYUL{\__/}( • . •)/ >❤️2020-07-03 04:36:55
HAYULEnjoy your day2020-07-01 04:14:42
Osama+ᖇEᑭ ᑎIᑕE ᑭᖇOᖴIᒪE GOOᗪ ᑭᒪᗩYEᖇ2020-06-30 05:34:39
n0peHey! i hope you saved enough money for your food or your rent cuz of summer sale! have a good week!2020-06-29 13:33:07
Dazzilim✨∴。 * ・゚*。✨・  ・ *゚。   *  ・ ゚*。・゚★。  ✨ ☆゚・。°*. ゚*  ゚。·*・ 。 ゚* 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂! ○ ° ★    ゚ *.。☆。✨ ・  * ☆ 。・゚*.。    * ✨ ゚・。 * 。    ・ 。 ゚☆2020-06-29 08:24:46
MininoIsHere+rep nice profile2020-06-29 07:27:02
HAYULHave a nice week2020-06-29 05:14:32
Zyaireso dope2020-06-28 21:47:20
HAYULʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴀʏ2020-06-27 21:04:10
NickLy+rep sweet profile2020-06-27 17:03:27
n0peHEEEEY hows it goin? Have a great weekend! yep i didnt find anything for my comment again cuz im lazy2020-06-27 14:37:17
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂+rep Best Entry Fragger2020-06-27 06:53:07
MatthewHappy Summer Sale!2020-06-26 08:21:38
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂+rep pro aim!!2020-06-25 12:32:24
Soupy👾;) Hi +rep2020-06-25 08:01:40
Alen+rep2020-06-24 18:06:18
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂+rep Good Player <32020-06-24 12:07:45
-tr1xyhave a nice day!2020-06-24 08:02:05
Dazzilim。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .             𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎 ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2020-06-24 08:01:50
ɱēiUu2020-06-23 22:31:35
n0peAnother day another week... Time is passing fast. Have a good week!2020-06-22 15:45:00
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .             𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎 ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2020-06-21 10:49:06
n0peI hope your wallet is ready for the Summer Sale. Looks like we're gonna eat cheap salami with bread for the next month. Anyways, take care of yourself and have a good weekend!2020-06-19 15:41:47
MatthewHave a Wonderful Weekend2020-06-19 11:46:59
PROFILE NAME+rep cool profile2020-06-19 09:40:11
♛꧁☆☬GuNN3r G4nG☬☆꧂+rephave a nice day (^:2020-06-17 11:04:01
n0peI couldn't find anything for comment. Its hundreds of degrees outside i feel like im in hell. Anyways have a great week!2020-06-15 07:54:50
Osama+𝖗𝖊𝖕 ᴡɪꜱʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀꜰᴜʟ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ ᵃʳᵉ ʰᵉˡᵖⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃ ʰⁱᵍʰᵉʳ ᵗʳᵘˢᵗ ᶠᵃᶜᵗᵒʳ2020-06-14 15:37:23
i wish chu a lovely week mwah~2020-06-14 06:56:30
mert..|﹋\_.(҂`_´)<,︻╦╤─ ҉ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> ( 𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝓭𝓪𝔂 )2020-06-14 06:20:33
markzygg +rep2020-06-12 20:45:07
MatthewHave a Fantastic Weekend !2020-06-12 18:22:11
n0pe"pssst hey! hey you there!.. have a great weekend "2020-06-12 16:53:23
the Kraken boss:P2020-06-12 06:50:47
أنور+rep2020-06-12 05:11:37
RONNI+rep The best player2020-06-12 04:47:51
ᗡNƎ¯ᗡ∀Ǝᗡ★Have a good day☆ あ億閲演2020-06-10 08:45:06
QUOICOUBAKA+rep nice guy2020-06-10 05:11:44
Have a nice week2020-06-10 02:28:32
caiomvpHave a great day!2020-06-09 05:31:20
<3+rep2020-06-09 03:02:44
ParaToneR+rep2020-06-08 18:42:37
Delikatesy Centrum ❤can you help me collect 3000 comments?2020-06-08 08:36:30
n0peI hope u had an awesome weekend n relaxed well cuz you will be needing energy for these 5 days. Take care and have a great week!2020-06-07 20:19:50
n0peWe just survived another week in 2020, its time to chill for 2 days. Have a great weekend!2020-06-05 15:23:29
MatthewHave a Amazing Weekend !2020-06-05 10:26:30
𝕁𝕠𝕙𝕟 𝟛:𝟙𝟞lit2020-05-30 03:30:52


Total: [822] | TF2BD: [7] (0.85%) | SB: [21] (2.55%)

765611995726699832024-06-01 05:33:37
(28 days)
Furunål2024-06-01 05:33:37
(28 days)
765611994832815642024-03-18 20:53:37
(102 days)
Hyxsun2024-01-31 20:35:59
(149 days)
HunterZz2024-01-20 19:31:28
(160 days)
DQnkoFU2023-11-30 23:27:07
(211 days)
gokhwnq2023-11-10 08:20:49
(231 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
.boxemno2023-11-08 00:10:59
(234 days)
Nik0las7772023-11-05 14:47:39
(236 days)
LEET2023-11-01 16:09:45
(240 days)
765611980031252672023-10-31 11:14:36
(241 days)
fanfan2023-10-31 10:50:01
(241 days)
Saito Natsuki2023-10-21 20:56:41
(251 days)
2023-10-15 12:34:35
(257 days)
🎀Devogx🎀2023-10-08 16:22:18
(264 days)
765611995472889982023-10-08 16:22:17
(264 days)
long tongue guy2023-10-08 16:22:16
(264 days)
SKRN2023-10-08 16:22:14
(264 days)
DragonBallZ # Darbeci
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-10-08 16:22:13
(264 days)
Divoras2023-09-09 13:15:00
(293 days)
[BLACKSTONE]2023-09-09 13:14:15
(293 days)
Rest In Peace 02.05.20242023-08-26 02:26:08
(308 days)
Alpino2023-08-26 02:26:07
(308 days)
ANTI-MAGE2023-08-24 04:13:37
(310 days)
☣𝙽𝚘𝚎𝚕𝙲𝚂☣2023-08-24 04:13:37
(310 days)
TrashCat™2023-08-24 04:13:37
(310 days)
𝚛ichi𝙴2023-08-19 00:55:51
(315 days)
𝚃ropica𝚕 𝙳eja 𝚅𝚞2023-08-17 17:49:36
(316 days)
★dreamy2023-08-17 03:46:05
(317 days)
[ROG]Andeddu2023-08-17 03:46:02
(317 days)
Akın2023-08-17 03:45:59
(317 days)
KuroShiro2023-08-15 23:58:09
(318 days)
Серёга автомобил2023-08-12 16:54:40
(321 days)
Judi L💓ve_y💓u2023-08-09 05:39:54
(325 days)
= Sbor-nt =2023-08-09 05:39:54
(325 days)
Kim Wexler2023-08-07 20:48:38
(326 days)
Sarto2023-08-02 18:16:05
(331 days)
Re_Flam3sky13372023-07-30 12:40:23
(334 days)
Sgt. Red2023-07-29 16:38:00
(335 days)
冰王R2023-07-28 18:54:37
(336 days)
StZzyA;♡ ✟ ✞ ✟2023-07-28 18:54:36
(336 days)
765611990243870002023-07-27 22:21:03
(337 days)
Николай2023-07-25 19:25:59
(339 days)
hardner2023-07-24 12:46:49
(340 days)
Oɳҽ ⁧⁧ ƚσ ᠌Oɳҽ2023-07-23 22:22:33
(341 days)
not phYper2023-07-23 15:09:52
(341 days)
lis3k2023-07-23 13:32:16
(341 days)
phr34k2023-07-22 21:15:42
(342 days)
❤ lonetophat ! ❤2023-07-21 18:11:06
(343 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
4eserཪ2023-07-20 16:18:26
(344 days)
Storming OX2023-07-19 21:53:10
(345 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
laichyu2023-07-19 13:32:59
(345 days)
765611983059910652023-07-19 13:32:56
(345 days)
電 次2023-07-19 13:32:16
(345 days)
deadboy2023-07-16 07:50:08
(348 days)
(349 days)
wfx011-2023-07-15 22:40:25
(349 days)
порося максим2023-07-15 22:39:02
(349 days)
😇Budio😍2023-07-15 05:58:46
(350 days)
☽ 𝓒𝓸𝓲𝓾2023-07-15 05:58:45
(350 days)
Khek2023-07-15 02:48:33
(350 days)
W Λ X T 3 R2023-07-14 10:34:05
(350 days)
valipuha2023-07-13 17:03:57
(351 days)
!melmerel2023-07-12 20:18:29
(352 days)
Treizen2023-07-10 13:28:07
(354 days)
2024-05-18 03:01:11 (42 days)
Bunny☕2023-07-10 13:28:07
(354 days)
NarKOz2023-07-10 04:04:43
(355 days)
apo ⚜2023-07-10 04:04:43
(355 days)
Eko2023-07-10 04:04:42
(355 days)
Exxpploss1ve13372023-07-08 20:01:11
(356 days)
Leo2023-07-08 08:17:59
(356 days)
Danish2023-07-08 03:10:32
(357 days)
wasabi™2023-07-07 06:54:29
(358 days)
bazildon2023-07-07 06:09:45
(358 days)
tanuskina2772023-07-07 04:31:12
(358 days)
Sumi2023-07-07 04:31:12
(358 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
𝚃hird 𝙴ye 𝙾pen 👁2023-07-06 19:51:59
(358 days)
< blank >2023-07-06 13:04:24
(358 days)
Tiger8882023-07-06 13:04:03
(358 days)
Manhunt2023-07-06 13:03:21
(358 days)
Hisoka 🍧🧁🍥🦄2023-07-06 13:02:14
(358 days)
arkol2023-07-06 13:01:57
(358 days)
pK2023-07-06 12:19:25
(358 days)
Mickky19052023-07-06 03:22:50
(359 days)
Chernysh2023-07-04 21:11:56
(360 days)
Sae Misaki2023-07-04 19:16:34
(360 days)
Hallwyn2023-07-04 02:41:32
(361 days)
Злодей бо синн2023-07-03 05:46:30
(362 days)
OskuX2023-07-03 05:46:28
(362 days)
karry.tes2023-07-03 05:46:18
(362 days)
菊子班2023-07-01 16:31:13
(363 days)
ScottishGamer2023-06-30 21:05:23
(364 days)
!̷̈́̀J҉₳V҉I҉₴₮2023-06-30 13:30:25
(364 days)
킴 솔2023-06-29 13:00:34
(365 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
765611991817220782023-06-29 12:50:03
(365 days)
💛Mi[ST]R🌟Серe[ZН@]💛2023-06-28 19:05:30
(366 days)
Jingu2023-06-28 13:00:13
(366 days)
pepto bismol2023-06-28 11:03:53
(366 days)
-ˏˋ✨🆃🅰🅸✨ˎˊ-2023-06-27 23:18:12
(367 days)
765611983716612242023-06-27 20:12:10
(367 days)
Ve1z0m12023-06-27 12:19:38
(367 days)
Caizu2023-06-27 03:30:39
(368 days)
Diana<332023-06-26 22:21:57
(368 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
☾.⁧⁧Zubumafu2023-06-26 22:00:46
(368 days)
Loganwoods122023-06-26 20:18:57
(368 days)
Susana🥰2023-06-26 16:41:59
(368 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
rodrihalo1172023-06-26 14:44:59
(368 days)
1saksson2023-06-26 12:53:13
(368 days)
765611990782112512023-06-26 11:32:51
(368 days)
𝓑𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒆 ✞2023-06-26 09:57:31
(368 days)
Antonyo962023-06-26 09:26:42
(368 days)
Лёва Банкир2023-06-26 09:15:45
(368 days)
EkLer2023-06-26 05:56:17
(369 days)
vAreaw0w2023-06-26 05:19:30
(369 days)
nn2023-06-26 05:10:26
(369 days)
Aim Ğ2023-06-26 04:26:58
(369 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
-|DKS|- General Snake2023-06-26 03:30:55
(369 days)
FluidifiedNitroKitten2023-06-26 01:55:37
(369 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
OswalD2023-06-26 01:29:59
(369 days)
obywatel meksyku2023-06-26 00:56:28
(369 days)
765611992269749962023-06-25 22:31:00
(369 days)
๋No fumos?
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2023-06-25 21:39:59
(369 days)
765611980061899652023-06-25 21:12:42
(369 days)
nana2023-06-25 19:53:09
(369 days)
Boisson du shaïtan2023-06-25 19:26:17
(369 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
WEED LVL 10 كيشا2023-06-25 17:30:29
(369 days)
As1k02023-06-25 17:15:10
(369 days)
Hzpeek2023-06-25 17:00:27
(369 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
󠀡󠀡2023-06-25 16:56:41
(369 days)
Amitayw0w2023-06-25 16:12:01
(369 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
Большой Шлёпа2023-06-25 15:24:05
(369 days)
КАЗАХСКИЙ МЯСНИК2023-06-25 15:24:00
(369 days)
Veuxis2023-06-25 14:46:23
(369 days)
Kamikazed 💔🥀2023-06-25 13:09:19
(369 days)
Ucheva2023-06-25 12:23:45
(369 days)
-✩°2023-06-25 12:02:01
(369 days)
NeveR2023-06-25 11:27:43
(369 days)
Metalracer30002023-06-25 10:23:46
(369 days)
𝔊𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔬2023-06-25 09:49:48
(369 days)
šilentčat. ネコ2023-06-25 09:28:41
(369 days)
Avatar 🩷2023-06-25 09:23:16
(369 days)
Gorazd2023-06-25 09:20:15
(369 days)
Opiumcore2023-06-25 09:03:53
(369 days)
Safavid IRGC2023-06-25 08:47:17
(369 days)
765611989785871962023-06-25 08:34:40
(369 days)
neexorcizatus2023-06-25 08:31:51
(369 days)
Stay up2023-06-25 08:27:07
(369 days)
Mr. Shrimp2023-06-25 08:08:48
(369 days)
pelliccione pierpaolo2023-06-25 08:08:40
(369 days)
02023-06-25 08:06:49
(369 days)
𝐕𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐍 ♡2023-06-25 08:03:43
(369 days)
✪ Sh3nz12023-06-25 07:59:43
(369 days)
︽ᴍΛรter รpℓᎥnter2023-06-25 07:58:50
(369 days)
Guess Who's Back2023-06-25 07:45:17
(369 days)
Friend2023-06-25 07:44:59
(369 days)
Runexos2023-06-25 07:43:32
(370 days)
Ego.dropper2023-06-25 07:38:20
(370 days)
justas2023-06-25 07:21:22
(370 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
Saiyfe2023-06-25 07:18:15
(370 days)
loff2023-06-25 07:15:34
(370 days)
Yeat2023-06-25 06:58:03
(370 days)
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡2023-06-25 06:29:13
(370 days)
-xF2023-06-25 06:07:42
(370 days)
Jezykhere2023-06-25 06:06:01
(370 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk2023-06-25 05:56:27
(370 days)
Sir Chibs2023-06-25 05:27:25
(370 days)
Αnschαrιus2023-06-25 05:24:02
(370 days)
◩⁧⁧ raynott2023-06-25 05:13:41
(370 days)
life2023-06-25 05:05:05
(370 days)
2024-05-28 14:37:52 (31 days)
Nismo2023-06-25 05:04:55
(370 days)
[KILL TF2] tdesu #wontfixcs22023-06-25 05:04:34
(370 days)
2023-06-25 05:04:33
(370 days)
qmb2023-03-31 07:43:28
(456 days)
Saddam2023-03-05 11:32:02
(481 days)
𝗜𝗰𝗲𝗳𝗮𝘆𝗲2023-03-05 09:24:59
(481 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
rdN1252023-03-05 00:00:38
(482 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
ʙᴀɴᴘᴏ2023-03-04 22:43:12
(482 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
MissColourz2023-03-04 22:41:57
(482 days)
Hellbound66s2023-02-24 11:04:06
(490 days)
l2023-02-24 06:23:12
(491 days)
Krtek2023-02-24 06:01:20
(491 days)
SourSlay2023-02-07 00:46:28
(508 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
󠀡󠀡 ⁧⁧chartzy2023-02-06 23:21:08
(508 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2023-02-06 23:03:00
(508 days)
cheesemane2023-02-06 22:05:24
(508 days)
𝒁𝓲𝒛2023-01-23 12:44:01
(522 days)
-A-L-2023-01-20 12:56:43
(525 days)
Naaes2023-01-19 08:38:34
(526 days)
Toy Chica2023-01-19 07:42:39
(526 days)
🐊2023-01-11 06:38:56
(535 days)
EDGA2023-01-11 04:32:13
(535 days)
sova2023-01-08 10:42:06
(537 days)
dalthon_sv2023-01-05 02:29:34
(541 days)
Kimiko2023-01-05 00:37:56
(541 days)
So4246la2023-01-04 23:37:15
(541 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
rasfi2023-01-04 18:00:56
(541 days)
ඞ 🔪 ඞ2023-01-03 21:34:31
(542 days)
aVSP2023-01-03 17:12:16
(542 days)
C.J. Stroud2023-01-03 17:04:57
(542 days)
Kronstadt2023-01-03 17:04:57
(542 days)
Aster2023-01-03 17:04:57
(542 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
♥✰Gadget Hackwrench✰♥2023-01-03 17:04:57
(542 days)
T1mCS22022-12-31 13:56:45
(545 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
󠁳⁧⁧Aloe472022-12-31 11:58:31
(545 days)
Zach2022-12-31 04:57:56
(546 days)
Uğur Deniz2022-12-31 02:42:42
(546 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
Mokato2022-12-31 02:12:55
(546 days)
Bonin2022-12-31 02:08:21
(546 days)
𝚁 𝙴 𝙻 𝙸 𝙰 么2022-12-30 22:19:41
(546 days)
Loverine ❤ Bri2022-12-30 21:58:01
(546 days)
`ƁĪƓƓǛǸŜ57'2022-12-30 20:19:36
(546 days)
Ari2022-12-30 20:11:44
(546 days)
bratish.h8u2022-12-30 20:11:42
(546 days)
Nice bro2022-12-28 17:59:56
(548 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
Poltergeist2022-12-28 17:59:55
(548 days)
Avandas2022-12-28 17:59:54
(548 days)
Vaccaria2022-12-28 14:18:14
(548 days)
Another_LostSoul2022-12-28 13:46:46
(548 days)
namelles2022-12-28 13:35:12
(548 days)
Aplex2022-12-28 13:33:26
(548 days)
Macey2022-12-28 13:33:21
(548 days)
...2022-12-28 08:15:47
(548 days)
2024-05-05 02:09:02 (55 days)
Betelgeuse 🔰2022-12-28 05:30:12
(549 days)
IMeguroon72022-12-28 05:17:03
(549 days)
the ghost of porkodyo2022-12-28 05:02:05
(549 days)
c4kiimeister2022-12-27 17:17:28
(549 days)
m j k e i2022-12-27 12:45:02
(549 days)
Mr. Anderson2022-12-27 10:20:16
(549 days)
765611983523146462022-12-27 04:26:43
(550 days)
Caprice2022-12-27 04:25:45
(550 days)
.ķίşa`2022-12-27 02:26:37
(550 days)
Wasserschwein2022-12-27 01:24:17
(550 days)
RebelHeart2022-12-27 00:30:34
(550 days)
󠁳⁧⁧ wetto2022-12-26 22:19:10
(550 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
765611988855528012022-12-26 21:45:25
(550 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
Itamailan2022-12-26 20:53:53
(550 days)
Chad2022-12-26 20:46:42
(550 days)
🆂🅷33🅿🅰🆂🅻33🅿2022-12-26 20:03:53
(550 days)
Thordred2022-12-26 20:03:53
(550 days)
Clume2022-12-26 19:15:44
(550 days)
ø Kyō ø2022-12-26 18:43:49
(550 days)
picbascassquiato2022-12-26 18:39:32
(550 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
Suresha2022-12-26 18:30:47
(550 days)
- ̗̀ Leuna ̖́ -2022-12-26 18:26:03
(550 days)
Ioséfka2022-12-26 18:15:11
(550 days)
Kush2022-12-26 18:15:06
(550 days)
stan2022-12-26 18:08:10
(550 days)
𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖚2022-12-26 18:05:09
(550 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-12-26 17:45:24
(550 days)
765611980472068022022-12-22 13:10:34
(554 days)
X1ron 👑🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮2022-12-21 07:01:23
(555 days)
𝐲𝐨𝐬𝐢2022-12-20 15:00:57
(556 days)
KiraKitten2022-12-20 14:41:56
(556 days)
Praam2022-12-20 14:32:50
(556 days)
2024-04-12 13:01:32 (77 days)
K-3 👾2022-12-20 13:47:05
(556 days)
Crash [LV]2022-12-20 11:45:21
(556 days)
WILD2022-12-20 09:58:06
(556 days)
☆ Tymolak ☆2022-12-20 08:04:42
(556 days)
Bambino2022-12-20 04:40:12
(557 days)
maniatic2022-12-20 04:30:10
(557 days)
OGUZHAN2022-12-20 03:52:25
(557 days)
Danivi2022-12-20 02:35:46
(557 days)
PsyChO2022-12-20 02:14:20
(557 days)
Cpt BaseballBatBoy™2022-12-20 01:14:56
(557 days)
Venni2022-12-20 00:34:14
(557 days)
𝚂 𝚊 𝚝2022-12-20 00:20:09
(557 days)
Bicmeister2022-12-19 23:59:05
(557 days)
𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑟2022-12-19 23:12:09
(557 days)
HAVI2022-12-19 23:03:11
(557 days)
Cr2022-12-19 23:01:22
(557 days)
🎀𝓝𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓲🎀2022-12-19 22:15:31
(557 days)
goreliron2022-12-19 22:05:58
(557 days)
Monika2022-12-19 10:57:34
(557 days)
3ne5-2022-12-19 08:51:17
(557 days)
V2022-12-19 08:33:41
(557 days)
EAT ME ALIVE2022-12-19 08:31:09
(557 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-12-19 08:29:06
(557 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
PersPolice2022-12-19 08:15:55
(557 days)
Prison Mike2022-12-19 07:20:12
(557 days)
12022-12-19 06:24:14
(558 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
flomxy2022-12-19 04:56:22
(558 days)
Lunar2022-12-19 03:32:30
(558 days)
Aveeki2022-12-19 02:52:08
(558 days)
Old-Gamer™ [Official]2022-12-19 02:31:48
(558 days)
Matiyahu2022-12-18 23:50:22
(558 days)
765611982782033362022-12-18 23:01:40
(558 days)
K.Dude12022-12-18 22:58:21
(558 days)
hail2022-12-18 20:58:32
(558 days)
765611994148028352022-12-18 20:23:05
(558 days)
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭2022-12-18 19:33:53
(558 days)
Homer2022-12-18 19:19:30
(558 days)
XMooNX2022-12-18 18:51:22
(558 days)
Drexinho2022-12-18 17:26:12
(558 days)
⛧ Ɉ Ȼ Ⱥ ⛧2022-12-18 16:52:42
(558 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-12-18 16:35:29
(558 days)
Hellström2022-12-18 16:28:14
(558 days)
🅳🆁.🆂🅽🅰🅺🅴2022-12-18 16:19:31
(558 days)
Katie2022-12-18 16:15:58
(558 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
kwxkkin2022-12-18 15:49:58
(558 days)
2024-04-11 08:55:40 (78 days)
ferru♦2022-12-18 15:46:23
(558 days)
ConejoHatakeツ™2022-12-18 15:45:43
(558 days)
MemorieS2022-12-18 15:44:33
(558 days)
Gabi23112022-12-18 15:42:41
(558 days)
_Bronkz2022-12-18 15:07:00
(558 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
itsRaymundus2022-12-18 14:37:17
(558 days)
Alvden2022-12-18 14:05:15
(558 days)
Gr1mdec2022-12-15 23:12:13
(561 days)
EPOK2022-12-15 18:13:39
(561 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
shadows2022-11-13 19:44:22
(593 days)
Honda CBR1000RR Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ2022-10-01 00:18:35
(637 days)
[bald cunt]2022-08-26 16:44:40
(672 days)
🤗2022-08-26 16:44:39
(672 days)
Spιrιt2022-06-21 11:30:08
(738 days)
LIL1TH2022-05-21 21:49:22
(769 days)
Mr.Ugly2022-05-21 14:09:25
(769 days)
Sub-Ardashir2022-04-29 12:55:31
(791 days)
Joana2022-04-22 17:07:06
(798 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
Brezz2022-04-22 14:14:19
(798 days)
zan2022-04-22 10:30:14
(798 days)
Haley2022-04-21 22:20:10
(799 days)
Rurru JS2022-04-21 15:31:42
(799 days)
sulo2022-04-21 13:23:21
(799 days)
Arosen2022-04-21 13:00:00
(799 days)
HunterHell2022-04-21 12:55:16
(799 days)
Satana ⚧2022-04-21 11:57:00
(799 days)
Huan2022-04-21 11:29:10
(799 days)
2022-04-21 11:17:05
(799 days)
ELDENSHRIMP2022-04-21 11:02:15
(799 days)
Utsuby+2022-04-21 11:02:11
(799 days)
The Angel of Darkness2022-04-21 10:59:47
(799 days)
Silent2022-01-14 01:08:25
(897 days)
󠁳⁧⁧ cЋєαŧєr2022-01-08 06:02:36
(903 days)
Furk2022-01-06 07:57:37
(904 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-01-06 07:19:13
(904 days)
ezz for me2022-01-06 04:33:55
(905 days)
Shtephan2022-01-04 09:11:13
(906 days)
Teek3E2022-01-01 03:46:13
(910 days)
The Sherbmeister2021-12-31 09:28:18
(910 days)
$112021-12-31 06:25:54
(911 days)
shoxu2021-12-31 06:19:42
(911 days)
just_Elis2021-12-31 05:33:01
(911 days)
765611990669482252021-12-31 05:15:28
(911 days)
✟wanna die✟2021-12-31 04:33:19
(911 days)
Samarra15102021-12-31 04:24:33
(911 days)
1𝓳𝔁𝓬𝓬𝔂2021-12-31 04:24:18
(911 days)
SavaZ -GER-2021-12-31 04:17:06
(911 days)
[GUBI] Gopeto_672021-12-30 17:55:28
(911 days)
iakhontovyi2021-12-19 03:50:19
(923 days)
Пельмеша2021-12-19 03:37:06
(923 days)
Eternal player-2021-12-17 23:59:22
(924 days)
MастуRBEAST2021-12-17 21:33:38
(924 days)
одинокий ребенок2021-12-17 16:28:57
(924 days)
Emre2021-12-17 16:16:01
(924 days)
[ OSZ ] Jordan2021-12-14 19:44:17
(927 days)
extro2021-12-14 00:17:55
(928 days)
aZiKey2021-12-13 12:50:02
(928 days)
BEEP2021-12-12 15:55:02
(929 days)
765611981149746672021-12-11 16:06:57
(930 days)
RAW2021-12-11 13:30:45
(930 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
2021-12-11 06:25:53
(931 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
;2021-12-11 04:52:17
(931 days)
水平線2021-12-11 04:46:28
(931 days)
qwp2021-12-11 02:47:53
(931 days)
Chro2021-12-10 19:57:27
(931 days)
Nachti2021-12-08 16:01:36
(933 days)
jaguar2k2021-12-08 13:58:14
(933 days)
ℙ𝕙𝕚𝕝2021-12-08 13:11:39
(933 days)
Sħєпâiяo™♥2021-12-08 13:01:06
(933 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
SAIZY2021-12-08 00:54:25
(934 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
山田太郎(87歳)2021-12-07 22:00:54
(934 days)
Stevey99042021-12-07 19:36:19
(934 days)
765611987999151932021-12-07 18:35:08
(934 days)
xorir2021-12-07 14:00:14
(934 days)
ben102021-12-07 13:26:08
(934 days)
T1NCH02021-12-07 12:32:48
(934 days)
Хуесос Данил2021-12-07 10:51:28
(934 days)
XoliK2021-12-07 10:44:48
(934 days)
Laura ♫2021-12-07 10:11:30
(934 days)
☆°Zeyrox°☆2021-12-07 09:43:10
(934 days)
Joohannes2021-12-07 09:11:43
(934 days)
дорадура2021-12-07 08:52:52
(934 days)
SweatForMyMoney™2021-12-07 08:48:32
(934 days)
Pinetree CS.PRO2021-12-07 08:45:50
(934 days)
Mikeeelele2021-12-07 08:39:17
(934 days)
765611982389141242021-12-07 08:32:29
(934 days)
Coke2021-12-07 08:28:39
(934 days)
Nanna2021-12-07 08:28:21
(934 days)
MaddyMad2021-12-07 08:21:32
(934 days)
sekond2021-12-07 08:02:31
(934 days)
KeiJoy2021-12-06 13:11:46
(935 days)
BLG2021-12-06 04:01:43
(936 days)
HellFire2021-12-06 03:29:34
(936 days)
Nyce2021-12-06 02:06:39
(936 days)
Nacas2021-12-05 21:34:33
(936 days)
healmefather2021-12-05 18:29:08
(936 days)
Stritzel012021-12-05 17:59:02
(936 days)
ИРУН БРУНКЕ2021-12-05 17:39:59
(936 days)
少年兵*in2021-12-05 16:30:31
(936 days)
Seven2021-12-05 16:23:32
(936 days)
scary2021-12-05 15:55:20
(936 days)
zach2021-12-05 15:36:17
(936 days)
Alien2021-12-05 15:00:40
(936 days)
str1x2021-12-04 06:53:20
(937 days)
Aoba >.<2021-12-04 04:28:58
(938 days)
Floofy The Purple Wolf™2021-12-04 04:01:12
(938 days)
765611979633991792021-12-01 16:39:42
(940 days)
qq2021-11-25 14:21:11
(946 days)
Skuby2021-11-19 03:17:03
(953 days)
lettinzi2021-11-17 05:39:25
(955 days)
ShxDow2021-11-17 00:48:57
(955 days)
dis2021-11-16 21:38:15
(955 days)
2024-06-01 05:43:30 (28 days)
2021-11-16 21:13:44
(955 days)
Abbelias2021-11-15 07:43:12
(956 days)
гвозди мясника2021-11-14 16:05:50
(957 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
Freedom2021-11-14 15:50:46
(957 days)
Itzik sukar2021-11-14 15:38:09
(957 days)
Plonk2021-11-14 15:33:14
(957 days)
.,2021-11-14 15:32:33
(957 days)
Rookie2021-11-14 15:31:50
(957 days)
Vip Kaza$hka2021-11-13 06:35:14
(959 days)
Eliminate All Weebs!
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-11-12 19:55:42
(959 days)
Sofia2021-11-12 18:45:20
(959 days)
Airi - In College <32021-11-12 18:35:12
(959 days)
CorZ2021-11-12 11:29:58
(959 days)
stvevi2021-11-12 01:47:46
(960 days)
Vegeta13372021-11-12 00:39:30
(960 days)
akshk サラ♡2021-11-10 15:32:24
(961 days)
Mantis2021-11-10 14:02:04
(961 days)
TonyTheNain2021-11-10 08:47:01
(961 days)
𝙔𝙐𝙂𝙞2021-11-10 08:37:58
(961 days)
laixsu2021-11-10 06:32:12
(962 days)
griffith must d1e2021-11-10 06:25:43
(962 days)
mkkyy2021-11-10 06:06:09
(962 days)
mustermann2021-11-10 03:52:36
(962 days)
Syndicate君2021-11-10 03:13:56
(962 days)
Hazy2021-11-10 01:44:18
(962 days)
Mr. Unforgiven2021-11-09 03:41:59
(963 days)
ozone2021-11-08 05:49:56
(964 days)
Netcho2021-11-07 17:47:26
(964 days)
Neguse_Negest2021-11-07 12:40:05
(964 days)
junior_duck2021-11-07 05:30:20
(965 days)
レのひ刀ム丂2021-11-07 03:09:10
(965 days)
9992021-11-07 02:52:44
(965 days)
ferari peeek2021-11-07 01:59:56
(965 days)
Dinara2021-11-07 01:46:36
(965 days)
BLYAT2021-11-06 18:23:56
(965 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-11-06 14:48:34
(965 days)
Modzz2021-11-06 13:39:42
(965 days)
J O H N2021-11-06 13:36:41
(965 days)
Kuro2021-11-06 12:58:57
(965 days)
D1Sre$pect66692021-11-06 12:50:07
(965 days)
ADeus2021-11-06 12:45:34
(965 days)
Noble2021-11-06 12:44:52
(965 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
ℝaketen ℝalle2021-11-06 12:42:11
(965 days)
Minifloh2021-11-06 12:38:29
(965 days)
В армии2021-11-06 12:32:47
(965 days)
Zel.gguf2021-11-06 12:30:45
(965 days)
Felix Frotting2021-10-29 14:26:49
(973 days)
aloe2021-10-28 22:45:17
(974 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
xyz2021-10-28 07:52:29
(974 days)
pwdtf2021-10-27 18:33:01
(975 days)
Solaire2021-10-27 12:57:22
(975 days)
󠀡󠀡⁧⁧gza2021-10-27 10:51:08
(975 days)
Ze IED2021-10-27 08:12:36
(975 days)
Hatoh2021-10-27 07:29:51
(976 days)
Turtle2021-10-27 06:25:25
(976 days)
Dmxjee2021-10-27 06:16:24
(976 days)
FID or FID2021-10-27 05:14:22
(976 days)
Dyslogix | 2024 so far sucks.2021-10-27 04:56:56
(976 days)
SANDEVCC2021-10-27 04:44:43
(976 days)
**Fr[a]G**2021-10-26 12:43:37
(976 days)
Krynoc2021-10-26 12:22:53
(976 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
Senjougahara2021-10-26 11:17:46
(976 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
rc422021-10-26 10:44:12
(976 days)
Alex2021-10-26 08:11:16
(976 days)
ReNat712021-10-26 07:02:24
(977 days)
Ichiru_sensei2021-10-26 04:29:57
(977 days)
Baby2021-10-26 03:10:15
(977 days)
haeeeeeeeeeeeeeerin2021-10-26 02:48:51
(977 days)
mf DARK2021-10-26 01:55:44
(977 days)
«Symphony»󠁳⁧⁧ 🌙2021-10-26 00:36:04
(977 days)
무궁화2021-10-25 22:55:16
(977 days)
да не похож я2021-10-25 22:23:07
(977 days)
Mitrovich 𒉭2021-10-25 22:15:09
(977 days)
Ilililil2021-10-25 22:00:47
(977 days)
Dinky2021-10-25 20:47:47
(977 days)
zKonnor2021-10-25 20:28:45
(977 days)
0ffline2021-10-25 20:11:42
(977 days)
⛏ 。 °
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-10-25 20:03:33
(977 days)
Matušiq2021-10-24 21:49:59
(978 days)
GT tomba baçotes2021-10-24 06:02:00
(979 days)
Itami2021-10-24 05:17:26
(979 days)
Sergius2021-10-24 02:27:44
(979 days)
*Lucky Guy*2021-10-23 20:02:34
(979 days)
Tineh2021-10-23 19:42:31
(979 days)
Zen_Amo2021-10-23 09:29:03
(979 days)
豐年 快餐2021-10-23 08:33:29
(979 days)
Apeklatt2021-10-23 06:23:00
(980 days)
legend2021-10-23 05:59:51
(980 days)
Ceburekas2021-10-22 14:13:45
(980 days)
𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐞2021-10-22 11:48:43
(980 days)
kuben2021-10-22 09:13:57
(980 days)
fluffymoow2021-10-22 09:12:56
(980 days)
Winmovetta2021-10-22 08:55:25
(980 days)
gooncancel282021-10-22 07:54:36
(980 days)
Lady Scarlett2021-10-22 07:17:38
(981 days)
𝔍𝔬𝔥𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔫2021-10-22 05:51:40
(981 days)
JD2021-10-22 05:06:57
(981 days)
TWPanda772021-10-22 00:47:41
(981 days)
765611982526258642021-10-21 19:43:07
(981 days)
x7 Tea2021-10-21 19:15:32
(981 days)
asx2021-10-21 14:27:24
(981 days)
Beta2021-10-21 02:57:21
(982 days)
UndyingRevenant2021-10-20 19:51:20
(982 days)
Trash2021-10-20 19:48:09
(982 days)
FerrariEnj0yer2021-10-20 16:50:35
(982 days)
Gisele2021-10-19 05:27:20
(984 days)
Jaxerlyyyyyy2021-10-19 04:36:17
(984 days)
ᴛᴏʀɪᴀᴅᴏʀɪɪ Tiktok2021-10-18 12:23:15
(984 days)
Gremlino2021-10-18 10:23:20
(984 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
curry2021-10-18 08:48:38
(984 days)
Triky2021-10-18 08:38:45
(984 days)
styxx2021-10-18 06:45:47
(985 days)
Dzhani2021-10-18 03:20:54
(985 days)
blueheart2021-10-18 02:21:18
(985 days)
R a y a2021-10-18 01:20:03
(985 days)
Zeca'™ㅤㅤ\60bpmﮩ٨ـﮩ٨2021-10-18 01:17:18
(985 days)
Seen2021-10-18 00:39:21
(985 days)
zyar2021-10-18 00:35:14
(985 days)
Laenta2021-10-18 00:23:25
(985 days)
Jokex2021-09-02 11:20:37
(1030 days)
Darkoo2021-09-02 03:19:56
(1031 days)
765611992033473692021-09-02 02:02:17
(1031 days)
Yewon2021-09-02 00:57:30
(1031 days)
ÐΔβ2021-09-01 19:29:05
(1031 days)
kill me2021-06-26 15:20:00
(1098 days)
765611982641912172021-05-11 18:54:29
(1144 days)
Senya2021-05-10 18:55:15
(1145 days)
_bjornnv2021-05-07 05:31:25
(1149 days)
Z̶e̶r̶o̶Y̶z̶2021-05-06 08:14:33
(1149 days)
RendvaiT2021-05-06 08:14:08
(1149 days)
kero.2021-05-06 07:46:43
(1149 days)
opiumkrzysiu7772021-05-06 07:39:40
(1150 days)
-BalroG2021-05-06 07:27:23
(1150 days)
raskolnikov2021-05-06 07:21:12
(1150 days)
Z0mBi32021-05-06 07:20:28
(1150 days)
TraktorSkott2021-05-06 07:17:42
(1150 days)
Angelpine2021-05-06 07:12:15
(1150 days)
vexal2021-05-06 07:11:03
(1150 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
ᴇ ɴ ᴊ ʏ2021-05-06 07:10:28
(1150 days)
𝐅 𝐀 𝐍 𝐃 𝐀2021-05-06 07:09:45
(1150 days)
_HERT2021-05-06 07:07:45
(1150 days)
SirDaro2021-05-05 19:00:40
(1150 days)
Mystic_Megan [PC] [US]2021-05-03 08:39:51
(1152 days)
.2021-05-01 05:46:19
(1155 days)
Phoniandƒłore2021-05-01 05:39:23
(1155 days)
★oizys★2021-04-29 19:21:15
(1156 days)
ღx̸̘͍̙̒̐͑a̴̢̼͔͌͘v2021-04-29 17:51:56
(1156 days)
Enmariin2021-04-28 14:38:23
(1157 days)
Edelgard von Hresvelg2021-04-27 21:02:52
(1158 days)
Nat2021-04-27 20:04:00
(1158 days)
Radioactive2021-04-27 16:13:53
(1158 days)
GVO. ct2021-04-27 16:13:30
(1158 days)
tony2021-04-27 12:37:39
(1158 days)
moka2021-04-27 11:48:26
(1158 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
Mercy2021-04-27 09:22:02
(1158 days)
walko2021-04-27 06:14:30
(1159 days)
drexton2021-04-27 06:08:37
(1159 days)
BiTO2021-04-27 05:13:15
(1159 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-04-27 03:28:01
(1159 days)
SudetenKaiser2021-04-27 03:20:00
(1159 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-04-27 02:50:23
(1159 days)
TreaG2021-04-27 01:51:31
(1159 days)
eepy2021-04-27 01:47:33
(1159 days)
Liebe2021-04-27 01:14:25
(1159 days)
xAlChak2021-04-27 01:14:23
(1159 days)
💗Rain Bronson💗2021-04-25 06:49:28
(1161 days)
2021-04-25 06:48:40
(1161 days)
щовель2021-04-25 06:26:59
(1161 days)
Quinn2021-04-25 06:04:13
(1161 days)
lolisoup2021-04-25 06:02:45
(1161 days)
tragic2021-04-25 05:29:47
(1161 days)
𝓚𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓲2021-04-25 05:26:05
(1161 days)
m0ll92021-04-25 05:25:40
(1161 days)
LiL ZuPz2020-12-01 04:30:50
(1306 days)
Charmer2020-11-29 03:15:45
(1308 days)
Nanomachines, son!2020-11-29 02:11:58
(1308 days)
Bogdan2020-10-27 09:02:13
(1340 days)
ТЕRМ1NАFТ2020-08-25 20:01:12
(1403 days)
★S.e.7.e.N★2020-08-22 04:00:03
(1407 days)
Kiwi2020-08-08 19:35:50
(1420 days)
Bauble2020-08-08 17:18:58
(1420 days)
yb better2020-08-03 16:15:37
(1425 days)
Hizzer2020-08-01 17:07:26
(1427 days)
natrix FAIL2020-08-01 02:43:16
(1428 days)
JasparJam2020-08-01 00:31:01
(1428 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
765611990005362642020-07-31 21:47:17
(1428 days)
FXonIt2020-07-31 16:37:30
(1428 days)
f2020-07-31 15:37:25
(1428 days)
Alphony sa2020-07-31 15:28:40
(1428 days)
Nour2020-07-31 14:24:45
(1428 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
hugescary2020-07-31 14:17:29
(1428 days)
Super⭕⃤ 󠁳⁧⁧Malinge2020-07-31 13:59:36
(1428 days)
iCEMANx92020-07-31 13:37:21
(1428 days)
Little Mischievous2020-07-31 13:28:51
(1428 days)
Alexander The Alright
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-07-31 13:28:32
(1428 days)
Darxyz キング2020-07-31 13:23:43
(1428 days)
765611990748413902020-07-31 13:19:43
(1428 days)
Leon2020-07-29 17:56:53
(1430 days)
Shockwave2020-07-27 13:11:43
(1432 days)
2night2020-07-27 11:20:05
(1432 days)
Shiringa2020-07-27 07:29:29
(1433 days)
iSlate2020-07-27 04:51:09
(1433 days)
𝗤𝘂𝗔𝗻7𝗿𝘆𝗠2020-07-26 20:47:34
(1433 days)
K1DDA2020-07-26 17:54:36
(1433 days)
Ziayx2020-07-26 14:34:16
(1433 days)
eV2020-07-26 13:41:56
(1433 days)
Arissa2020-07-23 20:27:04
(1436 days)
The Wraith2020-07-23 20:27:04
(1436 days)
Yoda, Commit War Crimes I Must2020-07-19 08:42:50
(1440 days)
✪ -El3ctr02020-07-19 06:10:59
(1441 days)
-~<RATM~Junkie>~-2020-07-19 04:31:46
(1441 days)
Macal2020-07-19 03:51:37
(1441 days)
765611983498211492020-07-18 20:18:20
(1441 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-07-18 15:41:59
(1441 days)
Gin2020-07-18 15:41:58
(1441 days)
💜Farron💜2020-07-18 05:58:24
(1442 days)
TheLastWTF2020-07-18 05:58:23
(1442 days)
†●●[A]peX●●†2020-07-17 07:15:36
(1443 days)
iSmellToes2020-07-16 22:29:08
(1443 days)
Kubajz2020-07-16 22:29:08
(1443 days)
IKSKILL2020-07-16 22:29:05
(1443 days)
AeroMatix2020-07-16 14:01:35
(1443 days)
12020-07-16 14:01:34
(1443 days)
Fritte2020-07-16 14:01:34
(1443 days)
Mr.Ragi2020-07-16 07:32:07
(1444 days)
-xhy ❤2020-07-15 12:35:32
(1444 days)
Hoofstroom™2020-07-14 07:28:54
(1446 days)
аче2020-07-14 07:16:01
(1446 days)
Asai2020-07-13 19:22:45
(1446 days)
765611982154027092020-07-13 19:05:29
(1446 days)
Mason2020-07-13 19:05:27
(1446 days)
Unfortunately Rich2020-07-13 12:36:41
(1446 days)
DMentMan2020-07-13 12:05:57
(1446 days)
★Carrota★2020-07-13 11:14:03
(1446 days)
Matness𐌌𐌔2020-07-13 11:13:54
(1446 days)
Brellan2020-07-13 11:09:04
(1446 days)
mOvc6i2020-07-13 10:44:58
(1446 days)
binklesnark2020-07-13 07:38:01
(1447 days)
bitchesluvme💎2020-07-13 07:38:01
(1447 days)
qutebones2020-07-13 04:44:07
(1447 days)
itty72020-07-12 15:09:44
(1447 days)
765611990704608932020-07-12 10:48:56
(1447 days)
♣ Magictv ♣2020-07-12 08:42:59
(1447 days)
Osmo2020-07-12 07:17:11
(1448 days)
󠁳⁧⁧DarkErium2020-07-12 06:11:27
(1448 days)
Letho2020-07-11 19:16:11
(1448 days)
KarbyDX2020-07-11 18:50:20
(1448 days)
azari2020-07-11 17:54:37
(1448 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
¡ 𝘈𝘻𝘢𝘢𝘻𝘦𝘭2020-07-11 17:48:47
(1448 days)
Dr. Nonu2020-07-11 17:37:38
(1448 days)
~⁧⁧crstt2020-07-11 17:35:22
(1448 days)
!whitenicotineeeee2020-07-11 17:35:14
(1448 days)
Baverra2020-07-11 17:33:02
(1448 days)
✓ Epic Smiley ✓ (ʘ‿ʘ)2020-07-11 17:28:33
(1448 days)
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2020-07-11 17:28:29
(1448 days)
765611980684288502020-07-11 17:22:58
(1448 days)
new player2020-07-10 18:07:54
(1449 days)
Λvipray2020-07-10 06:08:29
(1450 days)
many2020-07-10 05:25:58
(1450 days)
tenshi2020-07-10 04:10:35
(1450 days)
vilppe2020-07-10 03:49:17
(1450 days)
Seddi2020-07-07 13:54:15
(1452 days)
DAKA2020-07-06 15:00:25
(1453 days)
WIXZ02020-07-06 13:34:15
(1453 days)
XD2020-07-06 13:18:06
(1453 days)
HasseNator2020-07-06 13:12:04
(1453 days)
𝒔𝒐.2020-07-06 07:40:15
(1454 days)
root@Jas0nG0r:~2020-07-06 03:12:53
(1454 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
KochiN2020-07-05 17:12:45
(1454 days)
SugarEffect2020-07-04 21:32:51
(1455 days)
Ranger2020-07-04 21:32:49
(1455 days)
Lecker Redbulli?2020-06-30 17:06:41
(1459 days)
TwoWinged2020-06-30 17:04:30
(1459 days)
765611989767810052020-06-30 09:25:33
(1459 days)
Егорик2020-06-30 03:10:24
(1460 days)
2024-05-05 02:09:02 (55 days)
4skin gaming2020-06-30 02:08:23
(1460 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-06-30 01:26:20
(1460 days)
Ronin2020-06-30 00:51:39
(1460 days)
San7ana2020-06-29 19:00:45
(1460 days)
Sharpooter2020-06-29 12:23:50
(1460 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-06-29 12:10:07
(1460 days)
ミスター・ノー・ワン2020-06-29 12:09:19
(1460 days)
samurai2020-06-29 06:38:52
(1461 days)
EBLAN3D2020-06-29 06:19:44
(1461 days)
Burdkailer2020-06-29 05:47:26
(1461 days)
Fat Cock2020-06-29 05:44:31
(1461 days)
𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗥𝗜𝗦𝟬2020-06-29 05:30:16
(1461 days)
TENET2020-06-28 21:47:15
(1461 days)
zUniiQueSBG2020-06-28 21:14:28
(1461 days)
Aestro2020-06-28 20:15:27
(1461 days)
SATAN2020-06-28 20:14:57
(1461 days)
ELITA ONE2020-06-28 10:46:56
(1461 days)
MrGarm2020-06-28 06:44:17
(1462 days)
MrQuickThumbs2020-06-28 06:25:23
(1462 days)
wodnjs2020-06-28 03:05:58
(1462 days)
Ahmet2020-06-28 01:59:41
(1462 days)
rappy2020-06-27 23:44:49
(1462 days)
Sea Castle2020-06-27 18:11:07
(1462 days)
☁ 𝐈𝐬𝐚2020-06-27 18:03:34
(1462 days)
Bar2020-06-27 03:40:37
(1463 days)
Balalajka2020-06-25 06:56:52
(1465 days)
Magic ゼウ2020-06-25 05:30:56
(1465 days)
SATANİXON deepgoretube.site2020-06-25 05:30:26
(1465 days)
Fl1ck G0D2020-06-25 01:39:36
(1465 days)
Adrian2020-06-24 18:01:50
(1465 days)
| h4 |2020-06-24 16:38:39
(1465 days)
cooch clamper2020-06-24 10:35:59
(1465 days)
Кайфарик2020-06-24 06:11:14
(1466 days)
Macedonsky2020-06-24 05:30:58
(1466 days)
Thesvd122020-06-24 04:38:53
(1466 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-06-23 23:15:41
(1466 days)
2020-06-23 19:44:16
(1466 days)
white prince igrushka otchima2020-06-16 00:31:37
(1474 days)
Кэтсвилл2020-06-15 08:18:40
(1474 days)
Salmon2020-06-15 06:59:20
(1475 days)
戦士2020-06-15 04:31:18
(1475 days)
󠀡󠀡2020-06-15 02:20:44
(1475 days)
Jquery2020-06-15 02:17:22
(1475 days)
Reavs2020-06-14 17:28:07
(1475 days)
Mei2020-06-14 16:39:50
(1475 days)
Dūdêł.Pūmä </3...2020-06-14 16:30:33
(1475 days)
owen2020-06-14 16:30:18
(1475 days)
⛧𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖙⛧2020-06-14 06:16:09
(1476 days)
Supreme Bas2020-06-14 04:50:30
(1476 days)
GoDZe2020-06-14 04:50:25
(1476 days)
Nirhildija2020-06-13 21:16:52
(1476 days)
✸ LORD CAMIO ✸2020-06-13 21:03:08
(1476 days)
Blaublueter2020-06-13 02:18:36
(1477 days)
PJHメ ᗰᗩᖇᖇᎥᑕᛕ.2020-06-13 00:10:49
(1477 days)
ORAY2020-06-12 22:08:08
(1477 days)
Turtle Records2020-06-12 15:36:26
(1477 days)
casper2020-06-12 09:13:52
(1477 days)
Biomite2020-06-12 09:05:10
(1477 days)
무궁화2020-06-12 06:49:13
(1478 days)
Doritos2020-06-12 05:30:47
(1478 days)
Herzen2020-06-12 03:47:39
(1478 days)
Haru2020-06-12 00:54:58
(1478 days)
✪☯ThuqLife☯✪2020-06-12 00:30:17
(1478 days)
P I T E R2020-06-12 00:29:29
(1478 days)
come tiong settle 1v12020-06-11 20:52:55
(1478 days)
Ben1232020-06-11 13:56:53
(1478 days)
Gogkek2020-06-11 13:50:42
(1478 days)
𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓩𝓸𝓷2020-06-11 13:38:25
(1478 days)
Milquee2020-06-10 12:41:01
(1479 days)
Osama2020-06-10 05:16:51
(1480 days)
AMAL2020-06-10 05:11:04
(1480 days)
WarPriest2020-06-10 02:45:55
(1480 days)
Squid Chan2020-06-09 23:43:14
(1480 days)
「cøπŦεπŦιøπ」2020-06-09 17:10:18
(1480 days)
zneno2020-06-09 14:08:10
(1480 days)
Miss Erica2020-06-09 12:35:08
(1480 days)
⛧ ⁧⁧Cocoaboaro2020-06-09 02:50:32
(1481 days)
82020-06-09 01:02:45
(1481 days)
Nochu 'ᆺ'2020-06-08 21:33:54
(1481 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
miservotiasd2020-06-08 19:42:18
(1481 days)
B A T M E S S2020-06-08 19:09:14
(1481 days)
★★ CäpTäîñ Ñ ★★2020-06-08 18:47:42
(1481 days)
Neymar2020-06-08 04:37:36
(1482 days)
𝔡𝔦𝔢2020-06-05 23:52:27
(1484 days)
ShikanokoNokonokoKoshitantan2020-06-05 18:28:24
(1484 days)
hazti2020-06-05 17:09:29
(1484 days)
๔єค๔ק๏๏ɭ2020-06-05 09:23:03
(1484 days)
𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫2020-06-05 04:37:43
(1485 days)
✪ ƒℓαɱɱα2020-06-05 04:37:37
(1485 days)
/w2020-06-05 03:35:09
(1485 days)
Rejku2020-06-05 03:03:28
(1485 days)
Mystic2020-06-05 02:59:28
(1485 days)
Cutiejennavee2020-06-04 19:08:12
(1485 days)
ivy2020-06-04 12:45:46
(1485 days)
Riggers2020-06-04 11:39:21
(1485 days)
2024-04-21 02:42:09 (69 days)
sunamistyle2020-06-04 10:20:34
(1485 days)
SE7ENZACKS2020-06-04 03:53:26
(1486 days)
HAYUL2020-06-04 03:46:22
(1486 days)
raspundeu2020-06-03 14:03:48
(1486 days)
fear2020-06-03 11:41:37
(1486 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
zaRy2020-06-03 11:26:01
(1486 days)
kukizza2020-06-03 11:21:49
(1486 days)
765611982255231122020-06-03 11:10:41
(1486 days)
󠁳⁧⁧ 󠁳󠁳⁧᠌mettre2020-06-03 11:05:50
(1486 days)
o07dakota0072020-06-03 10:48:48
(1486 days)
Green Mangos2020-06-03 10:21:47
(1486 days)
Narco2020-06-03 10:05:08
(1486 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-06-03 07:55:38
(1486 days)
veRts.2020-06-03 03:36:15
(1487 days)
mtrkk2020-06-03 03:12:17
(1487 days)
愛你痛到不知痛2020-06-02 03:11:25
(1488 days)
- 𝑨𝑩𝒀𝑺𝑺 ゼウ2020-06-02 02:49:51
(1488 days)
Rattx2020-06-01 12:13:51
(1488 days)
2024-04-06 06:52:51 (84 days)
HIROSHI2020-06-01 10:07:54
(1488 days)
moleculo652020-05-31 12:07:37
(1489 days)
§¢んï乙ð2020-05-30 03:30:43
(1491 days)
MegaMihealo122020-05-26 06:46:00
(1495 days)
qtπ2020-05-25 17:09:00
(1495 days)
765611981066883852020-05-25 12:25:14
(1495 days)
765611984363820792020-05-25 08:58:21
(1495 days)
Dipshit2018-01-26 00:07:45
(2346 days)
Sako2018-01-21 01:42:19
(2351 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2018-01-20 08:44:41
(2351 days)
765611984309463152018-01-13 08:52:08
(2358 days)
765611987961646252018-01-09 10:39:35
(2362 days)
KnarkHunter2018-01-08 13:20:27
(2363 days)
765611983591820352018-01-05 02:00:25
(2367 days)
Doctor Freaky2018-01-04 21:54:57
(2367 days)
765611983916184362018-01-04 21:40:33
(2367 days)
765611980347776482018-01-03 14:19:03
(2368 days)
Theodore2017-12-25 18:28:47
(2377 days)
Kermitjames2017-12-23 22:37:53
(2379 days)
765611983774799052017-12-23 16:05:22
(2379 days)
ℊℯℴşℸίℊღα™2017-12-23 16:00:18
(2379 days)
765611982543447742017-11-12 02:38:43
(2421 days)
Duncan Hines
[Sourcebans MARK]
2014-06-24 23:57:24
(3657 days)