SteamID64: 76561198325032545
SteamID32: [U:1:364766817]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:182383408
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/drwx/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198325032545

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2016-08-15 08:25:57 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-08-26 13:45:31

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: True (Last ban 1928 days ago) [1 on record]
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
A N T I2022-09-22 14:53:13
✪ Hiko2019-01-12 04:22:34
✪Hiko2019-01-12 04:22:26
GuardiaN2019-01-12 04:16:40
not zuhn2019-01-01 09:38:42
Heli2018-12-30 12:31:05
KennyS2018-12-30 08:05:31
:?:W=2018-08-24 14:39:47
я взломаю тебя2018-06-21 07:42:51

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/drwx/2023-04-20 08:21:29
https://steamcommunity.com/id/reallatency/2023-02-21 14:27:50

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed


Total: [33] | Deleted: [0]

全方位妓女Nice cheats dude, hope you would stop using them and do something useful with your life :)2024-01-29 13:10:19
legendary pro gamer+rep good sniper2023-05-14 14:20:19
Luca+rep epic sniper2023-05-11 12:51:44
[QUEEFRS] Strange Spaghetti-rep cheater2023-02-22 21:51:08
+rep aimgod2023-01-26 02:06:01
S.W.A.T.aim trash/ VAC banned2023-01-15 11:01:38
Fingeraimbot2022-12-21 12:35:25
PRAYER+ rep team fortress enjoyer2022-12-06 06:15:48
KING OF SH*T+rep amazing sniper2022-12-01 02:09:18
Smashthis IS a cheater ?2022-11-26 19:13:01
Jas+rep very good sniper, fun to play against! have a good one mate2022-09-23 10:09:59
I FuckinGG LOVEE BRAEADD+rep W33d2022-09-15 17:52:41
R A I N+rep good shot mate2022-09-04 19:56:59
Herr Majorgood sniper =32022-09-01 06:13:59
Aramantax+rep good sniper2022-08-19 04:22:05
󠀡󠀡wha+rep very good sniper2022-08-19 04:06:48
jerry cockson #NEWTF2Huntyou are the only working anticheat2022-08-02 14:09:26
Lavendermains point and click adventure game and became quite good at it, i admit i respect some of it.2022-07-21 18:28:22
EclipsyGreat sniper, Always a pleasure to snipe against2022-07-18 15:33:28
reikäjuustokek2022-06-30 08:55:24
Градирня+rep my wife got 360 no scoped2022-06-26 18:29:49
Minstrél+cool australium and cool guy lmao2022-06-11 19:11:41
dark knight 5000good funny sniper with cool golden sniper rifle2022-06-10 18:56:42
ProfessorCandyMan+rep valve pls nerf anti-cheat2022-06-04 10:18:47
Lance Vice Citygg+++ great player2022-05-29 10:08:35
xcd859+rep nice sniper2022-05-25 10:56:13
DireLizard+rep sniper-champion.2022-05-23 14:15:31
Colonel Shei'iro #SaveTF2Everyone though that this man is damn cheater, but does it? He is just little more proffesional than you- Sniper that found this page and " Report the cheater " on the Steam. Think about close kills and scope time ( Damage for minimal scope in head- 150, aim time- 0.24 seconds [] ), and about fast reaction, plus good inetrface and fast keys: We have perfect sniper reflector that just know what to do. Dont think that if you cant do something, that its impossible in our life. Just sorry for covering your time another one ass sniper. Or if you are Terraria player... Just chill of his gamethough. Thanks for teaching how being a sniper man.2022-04-11 09:36:37
sharpyonly second scoping for all time2022-04-09 19:58:09
🚁 Artos 🚁-rep Cheater2022-04-09 19:24:58
LexolotlAwesome sniping skills2022-02-10 05:10:56
jonnakonna:)2021-06-08 17:45:54
Länsi-Uudenmaan poliisilaitosMiten voit? Näytät olevan mukava ihminen. Selasin, kun törmäsin sivustoosi. Lähetin sinulle kaveripyynnön, mutta se ei toiminut, joten jätän kommentin tähän. Viestisi ovat aina mielenkiintoisia ja lukemisen arvoisia. Haluan olla ystäväsi ja jakaa ideoita. Voitko lähettää minulle kaveripyynnön? On mukavaa tavata uusi kaltainen ystävä. Minulla ei ole huonoja aikomuksia siitä, että olemme ystäviä. Kiitos.2021-01-04 01:14:29


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
