
SteamID64: 76561199181132756
SteamID32: [U:1:1220867028]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:610433514

Unique Views: 2
Total Views: 2

Status: Offline
Privacy: Friends-Only
Profile Setup: True
Premium: UNK

Creation: 2021-06-17 09:06:12 (GMT) [Estimated]
Last Updated: 2024-06-22 05:28:45

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
Esdeath2024-04-03 13:13:28
Miguel O'hara's GF2024-04-03 00:00:49
Esdeath2024-03-12 11:21:34
choom2024-03-07 11:27:53
Austin McBroom2024-03-06 21:20:53
choom2024-01-26 06:40:55 [Estimated]

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed 05:28:45 00:46:42 14:09:48 06:40:55

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Friends-Only2024-05-30 00:23:50
Public2024-05-22 02:53:01
Friends-Only2024-05-03 16:39:36
Public2024-04-30 22:46:19
Friends-Only2024-04-23 17:35:00
Public2024-04-23 01:22:21
Friends-Only2024-04-21 17:05:30
Public2024-04-21 00:31:37
Friends-Only2024-04-09 21:48:09
Public2024-04-08 21:12:10
Friends-Only2024-04-03 13:13:28
Public2024-04-01 21:18:17
Friends-Only2024-03-25 12:14:24
Public2024-03-24 23:00:20
Friends-Only2024-03-22 13:16:46
Public2024-03-21 23:24:48
Friends-Only2024-03-20 00:08:46
Public2024-03-19 10:50:49
Friends-Only2024-03-12 11:21:34
Public2024-03-11 22:13:04
Friends-Only2024-03-02 23:42:55
Public2024-03-02 03:30:45
Friends-Only2024-02-29 13:33:49
Public2024-02-29 00:07:18
Friends-Only2024-02-27 14:09:48
Public2024-02-27 01:00:41
Friends-Only2024-02-23 15:56:00
Public2024-02-23 02:18:59
Friends-Only2024-01-26 06:40:55 [Estimated]


Total: [11] | Deleted: [2]

Yun+ rep i got flashlighted2024-04-30 21:05:59
Sexy and I Noed+ Rep Love me some Ghostie ! Mori me plz ! <32024-03-13 11:30:07
jenks <3 tiktokoh haaaaaaay2024-02-29 00:17:58
PetiteEboyMy favorite person, my duo, the highlight of my days ♥️2024-01-12 01:11:06
L00psyDaisy.TTVCracked survivor and excellent gamer, has an unwarranted hate for Steve Harrington mains in DBD but otherwise couldn't be better2023-12-21 02:24:50
Chuggitzone of the scariest people I have met online threatened me with bodily harm for stealing their cheese2023-12-01 16:59:05
synarvisi’m going to rearrange your organs alphabetically.2023-11-25 08:17:27
JassyJnrFangssss I love you so much thank you for coming into my life! You mean the world to me! You are such a fun time to be around with always having such a blast with you!2023-09-22 22:38:59
SwitchbladeBad ass DBD Survivor, fortnite and Rogue Company player. Best trash talker in the gaming world and of course Mrs. Kylo Ren. PS. If u need any "Game Recommendations" let me know.2023-06-28 23:26:17
TheCursedLadyHAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU GORGEOUS AND AMAZING HUMAN BEING!!!! I hope you had an amazing day and ate lots of cake or cupcakes or any dessert if you don’t like those!! Lol I love youuuu!!!!! ♥️♥️2023-06-25 19:16:36
ARMET6Toxic survivor doing tbag making afwul the experience for killers2021-11-17 15:34:56


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
