
SteamID64: 76561199380461903
SteamID32: [U:1:1420196175]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:710098087
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199380461903/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199380461903

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2022-08-03 01:45:28 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-02-01 16:17:16

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜2023-12-06 08:24:28
夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜2023-06-22 05:15:27
𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜2022-11-25 07:04:32
Kronis2022-11-25 07:04:08
苦痛2022-10-25 12:31:24

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Discord: kronis_saleos2024-02-01 16:17:16
Your love2024-02-01 03:23:30
Vanya2024-01-02 11:42:50
Evan2023-02-21 05:05:49
Ваня2023-02-21 04:27:09
Evan2023-02-20 14:45:38
Ваня2023-01-31 12:54:54
Эван2023-01-06 13:24:42

URL History

URLTime Changed

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2023-01-06 13:24:42


Total: [2745] | Deleted: [154]

Roy.Have a nice day.2024-06-20 21:00:44
Azuki G. SnoyeMakeout on stage2024-06-18 10:28:57
Cukchik SupchikGood team and friend, good luck with everything and have a nice day.2024-06-18 08:40:14
oliveronWish you a wonderful week2024-06-16 20:13:05
kitty ♡:2024-06-16 14:18:03
-ˏˋ Mika-12(みか)ˎˊ- ♡Hey there!I've just updated my profile, and I would be absolutely delighted if you could take a moment to check it out. Your opinion truly matters to me!Thank you so much in advance. I'm eagerly awaiting your feedback! Also, if you happen to have any spare points, I'd really appreciate it if you could award me some. I've created an animation that spans across two showcases, but I'm currently out of points to enhance my showcase and post the continuation of my animation.I must admit, I'm quite disheartened because I've spent a lot of time on this animation, and it's frustrating not being able to share it in its entirety due to the lack of points.Thanks a ton for considering my request. Looking forward to hearing from you! :) ❤️2024-06-16 13:02:53
sono sola in questa stanzaThanks for the wishes! I'm thrilled. Doubling them in return, hehe. May you have dozens of reasons to smile this week and as many happiness-filled moments as possible. And don't forget to enjoy your summer!2024-06-16 11:38:39
󠁳⁧⁧ 󠁳⁧⁧ 你眼睛的喜悦thank u2024-06-16 11:30:16
HanpiThanks for your kind words,wishing you a wonderful day dear friend2024-06-16 11:12:49
ЭммиПусть это воскресенье принесет массу радостных новостей и веселых событий2024-06-16 07:23:26
IWiTCHIThank you for your wishesFrom my heart I wish you all the best2024-06-16 05:23:02
The_Red_GazeThank you very much for your kind words.I wish you a wonderful weekend too. Spend them calmly and without unnecessary worries.         ,-、         ,.-、        ./:::::\        /::::::ヽ       /::::::::::::;ゝ--──-- 、._/::::::::::::::|       /,.-‐''"´          \:::::::::|     /              ヽ、::|    /    ●                ヽ|     l   、、、             ●     l    .|        (_人__丿   、、、  |     l                   l2024-06-16 03:23:03
DobrozhelatelI wish you good weekend, relaxing and pacific2024-06-15 18:30:05
楚楚河河睁开迷人的双眼,看蓝天白云;舒展美丽的笑脸,拥抱快乐的今天,盼好运连连;朋友,早安!愿你心情无比灿烂,生活舒心无忧烦!2024-06-15 18:18:35
Schattenkatze79Vielen lieben Dank für deinen Kommentar . Mein Wochenende besteht aus sehr viel Fußball schauen, ein bissl werkeln an meinen beiden Videospiel Amigurumis und ein bissl Spielen :D. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf nächste Woche am Mittwoch. Wir wollen in ein Restaurant bei uns in der Nähe. Ein Spieler der momentan bei der EM als Stürmer spielt geht dort ab und an hin. Es ist auch eine kleine Premiere, weil mein Mann ist eigentlich nicht so der Fußballtyp, aber er möchte trotzdem mitkommen *freu* Ich wünsch dir ein erholsames und schönes Wochenende. Viele Grüße2024-06-15 16:57:24
cluelessThanks for the kind words! I wish the same for you too!2024-06-15 16:30:22
МотылёкThanks! Friend! Mutually! And All The Best To you!2024-06-15 15:10:22
楚楚河河Ich bin eigentlich an Deutsch interessiert. Dann sollten wir uns auf Deutsch unterhalten, aber ich habe in meinem Leben nur sehr wenig mit Deutsch zu tun gehabt, es fühlt sich an wie Englisch, ist aber völlig anders geschrieben. Die einzige Fremdsprache, die ich in meinem Kurs in China gelernt habe, war Englisch, wenn ich also eine andere Sprache lernen will, muss ich eine Software benutzen, um sie zu lernen.2024-06-14 09:27:10
楚楚河河确实是我误解了,不过我现在知道了奥地利人使用德语,也算是增长了知识。真厉害没想到你还会另外两种语言。听了你的话我还是使用方便的语言跟你交流吧,总之非常高兴能认识你。2024-06-14 08:11:43
楚楚河河Igen, a te nyelveden akartam írni, mert láttam az országodat. XD2024-06-14 06:48:53
楚楚河河Nagyon szép profilod van. Összebarátkozhatunk?UwU2024-06-14 06:03:03
oliveronWish you a nice day and have an awesome rest of the week2024-06-12 14:01:03
Schattenkatze79Vielen lieben Dank für deinen Kommentar. Ich wünsch dir eine schöne und unstressige Woche. So langsam kann es wirklich etwas wärmer werden. Ich werde ne semistressige Woche haben und hmmm ab der Woche heißt es bei mir wieder etwas mehr Fußball suchten. Ich freu mich schon auf das EM Feeling bei uns in der Stadt :). Liebe Grüße (=2024-06-10 13:23:03
ЭммиОт души желаю удачной недели без проблем, без тревог, без каких-либо сомнений. Пусть неделя начнётся славно и весело2024-06-10 04:36:51
oliveronI hope you are having a wonderful weekend and a lovely summer2024-06-07 12:51:24
oliveronWünsche Dir einen entspannten Samstag Abend2024-06-01 13:20:43
ЭммиПрекрасного и позитивного настроения2024-06-01 03:17:39
IWiTCHIHave a great weekend2024-05-31 18:35:28
교사왕김촌지I hope you had a great day today.2024-05-30 02:58:16
seele vollereiAra ara2024-05-30 01:54:42
kitty ♡:2024-05-29 17:14:08
КОКОСWishing you an amazing week ahead! May it be full of bright moments unexpected joys and plenty of reasons to smile. Take on each day with enthusiasm and enjoy every bit of it. Have a wonderful week!2024-05-29 09:54:22
TessayiaThank you so much! I wish you a wonderful week!2024-05-28 14:10:38
Schattenkatze79Dankeschön. Ich wünsch dir eine schöne Woche mit hoffentlich sehr wenig Stress. Liebe Grüße2024-05-28 13:04:48
Axios ZOGThank you,very much!)Vrlo dobre!)Spasibo!2024-05-28 12:34:49
ShironinThanks a lot)))2024-05-28 10:49:19
106.| ♠ Bℓ4cky ♠Wünsch dir eine schöne und angenehme Woche !2024-05-28 10:37:54
Afangunhave a nice week2024-05-28 10:34:44
HanpiWishing you a wonderful week and be happy everyday dear friend2024-05-28 10:28:35
affectionHave a nice week!2024-05-28 08:43:16
Puppet MasterThank you, happy week2024-05-28 08:29:39
МотылёкThank you have a great day!2024-05-28 07:30:51
ЭммиУдачной недели и прекрасного позитивного настроения, пусть твои дела идут по плану и ведут к намеченным целям.2024-05-28 02:14:44
Roy.I like the new style of your profile. Have a nice day my dear friend.2024-05-28 01:58:50
Damsel of Distressthank you my friend!2024-05-27 18:53:21
Miss LunyThank you my friend, hope you will have an awesome week yourself Kronis :)2024-05-27 18:45:14
Sailor Moon:2024-05-27 18:39:50
♡Доброжелатель♡Have a good weekend full of excitement2024-05-27 18:37:47
TheElderGodsHave a beautiful week and a lovely day dear friend2024-05-27 18:33:43
IWiTCHIWishing you an amazing week ahead! May it be full of bright moments unexpected joys and plenty of reasons to smile. Take on each day with enthusiasm and enjoy every bit of it. Have a wonderful week!2024-05-27 18:28:27
oliveronWünsche einen guten Start in die neue Woche2024-05-26 17:10:54
Schattenkatze79Sushi geht immer. Ich hab es irgendwo noch auf meiner To-Make-Liste. Genauso wie das backen von Haferflockenkekse. Ich wünsch dir eine hoffentlich stressfreie Woche2024-05-20 11:07:40
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Art and Meme: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3250520422 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3248979343 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3248974988 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3248974375 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3248973396 Delet is later/Удалите это позже2024-05-20 00:52:31
oliveronSchönen Freitag Abend, ein erholsames Pfingst Wochenende und viel Spaß beim spielen2024-05-17 11:18:30
oliveronHi! Nice to meet you! Have a good day and some awesome gaming2024-05-14 11:39:10
Rebecca🌸💖Cute profile!2024-05-09 07:53:19
Schattenkatze79Dann hab ich mein Ziel erreicht..nämlich dir eine Freude zu machen. Viele Grüße2024-05-06 14:38:10
Schattenkatze79Hallöchen. Ich habe in den Nachrichten gesehen, dass zur Zeit das orthodoxe Osterfest gefeiert wird. Ich wünsch dir ein schönes Fest. Ich wünsch dir auch einen guten Start in die neue Woche. Viele Grüße :)2024-05-05 15:02:00
Schattenkatze79Habe ich gern gemacht :). Heute bekommst du Grüße aus dem nördlichen Teil von Deutschland. Okay so nördlich sind wir auch nicht direkt, aber es zählt ein bisschen geografisch zum Norden. Wir sind momentan in Hildesheim. Das liegt in Niedersachsen. Die nächstgrößere Stadt in der Nähe ist die Landeshauptstadt Hannover. Ich wünsch dir einen guten Start in die Neue Woche2024-04-28 11:25:46
Schattenkatze79Ich wünsch dir eine erholsame Woche und hoffe das es dir gut geht2024-04-24 14:09:31
✠ Charon ✠Hello my friend. I wish you a really nice weekend and take care.2024-04-21 07:09:20
Roy.一生怎麼就一閃而過,有多少話來不及對你說。歲月怎麼就一句不說,一句再見也不讓我對你說。《吾橋有水》 - 再見,沒能對你說這一首歌帶著日系的微甜、台系的坦然,推薦給你 周末愉快2024-04-19 02:23:59
Roy.Your small gestures are enough to make me happy for the whole day. Thank you for casting a gentle glow in my life.2024-04-10 22:29:18
Lou ZephyrMay the flowers fill your nose with the smell of joy, may the birds sing you songs of love and may the rivers wash away all sorrows2024-04-10 08:18:49
𝒦𝓃𝑒𝓊𝓅𝑒𝓇may all your wishes come true2024-04-08 13:16:43
Jackson BillieGracias mi amor2024-04-08 07:57:32
МотылёкThanks! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.2024-04-08 07:33:28
Schattenkatze79Freunde sind wie Sterne. Auch wenn sie manchmal nicht zu sehen sind, so sind sie immer da. Ich wünsch dir eine angenehme Woche mit hoffentlich wenig Stress2024-04-08 02:50:01
ЭммиУдачной недели, бодрого и позитивного настроения! Желаю, чтобы все дела удавались, а проблемы решались сами собой.2024-04-08 02:22:30
Tij [Certified Baltsped Baby]Have a wonderful day filled with joy and positivity, my dear! May each moment bring you happiness, and may your path be adorned with success and love. Take on the day with a bright smile, knowing that you are surrounded by warmth and good vibes. Here's to a day as amazing as you are2024-03-23 05:18:50
♡ sʜɪɴᴏʙᴜ ♡Hello my dear friend, I wish you a pleasant and eventful end to your day. May this weekend only bring you a smile.2024-03-14 04:29:34
ЭммиЯ искренне желаю тебе счастья. Пусть каждый день рисует улыбку на твоем лице2024-03-13 10:19:10
TheElderGodsHave a wonderful week my dear friend2024-03-11 19:27:47
Schattenkatze79Die Möglichkeit, dass Träume wahr werden können, macht das Leben erst interessant. (Paulo Coelho). Ich wünsch dir das alle deine Träume wahr werden2024-03-11 11:29:50
hailrakeThank you bro, big love for you and you family <3.Good luck2024-03-08 06:28:44
❤ King Astolfo ❤Hello Kronis, sorry for not talking to you, I really appreciate for your kind and positive words, that makes my day more beautiful :3wish you a beautiful and wonderful day ahead with much love and happiness.send you a big kiss, love you ❤2024-03-07 12:43:59
Schattenkatze79Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar. Ich wollte dich jetzt nicht so lange warten lassen, aber ich erhole mich zur Zeit noch etwas von einer Lebensmittelunverträglichkeit vom Wochenende an der ich teilweise immer noch knabbere. Ich hatte ein scharfes Gewürz nicht vertragen gehabt und heute geht es so einigermaßen. Ich hoffe, dass es dir gut geht. Grüße und vielen Dank für das wir befreundet sind2024-03-07 05:07:27
I <3 GhostFaceThank you so much for your kind and positive words! I wish you all the best as well <32024-03-06 17:18:44
Puppet Masterthank you for your kind and positive words, i wish you a nice day too2024-03-06 08:32:41
ЭммиЖелаю чудесного и хорошего дня! Пускай день наполнится счастливыми сюрпризами и отличным настроением2024-03-06 06:59:29
Soul of the BeastThank you for your heartwarming words and vibes as they always are <3 Much appreciated and same love to you!2024-03-06 06:52:22
교사왕김촌지Hi, thank you for adding me as a friend. It's nice to know you as one dangan cover.I hope we can be close in the future.2024-03-06 06:48:04
BunBunuwu2024-03-02 22:13:37
❤ King Astolfo ❤Boop2024-02-28 19:28:40
Hans KlopekMay dreams your true comming2024-02-26 10:13:15
bertkliNen tolles Frühlings-Wochenende wünsch ich Dir und viel Spaß beim zocken :-)2024-02-24 02:48:45
ExampleCheater! Nooob2024-02-22 03:18:27
Sailor Moonインスピレーションのための良い週と強さを持っています2024-02-19 18:49:06
Schattenkatze79Ich wünsch dir ein erholsames Wochenende. Wie geht es dir? Ich hoffe ganz gut. Grüße2024-02-16 16:45:24
ПЕРСИВАЛЬТы русский?2024-02-15 07:15:31
Spray&PrayExactly,2024-02-13 10:18:53
Samustach.新年快乐2024-02-11 21:08:38
anal.твоему парню в рот нассал, некст ты2024-02-11 12:17:22
Lou ZephyrMögen diese kommenden Wochenendtage die erfreulichsten deines Lebens sein, erfüllt von Freude, Entspannung und Geborgenheit2024-02-09 08:21:17
Puppet Masterthank you, I wish you a wonderful and relaxing weekend too2024-02-09 02:38:49
Puppet Masteri'm having a good time, thank you. i hope you are too? Have a nice day2024-02-08 07:33:56
хөөрхэнКонечно, без проблем! Я пока выпал из актива, пишу гайды, но я ещё вернусь с интересными постами.2024-02-07 14:32:34
хөөрхэнЭхх, почистил свой френдлист от деда, ладно.Всех благ! :)2024-02-07 13:38:12
ЭммиЖелаю, чтобы эта неделя принесла тебе только хорошее.2024-02-07 11:38:16
★AstroKnight★Good morning or evening my dear friend, I would like to wish you a very beautiful and warm day, and I also hope that this day will bring you a lot of happiness, and always be healthy and joyful, and I also hope that you do not mind if my comments are a little smaller in size than usual, and I also hug you very tightly~2024-02-07 02:43:11
EgeYour profile is soo cool, can u add me plssss?2024-02-06 17:28:17
asuna doing fansigns selfiesNew week i wish you much luck and stay safe2024-02-04 14:08:22
Eldritcianhave a nice and happy weekend, my friend :)2024-02-02 11:23:13
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2024-02-01 19:36:17
Ur Step Sis“在游戏界,一个新兴的小工作室制作的游戏《幻兽帕鲁》在短短五天内创造了惊人的收入,成为了开放世界生存制作游戏的新里程碑。数据显示,《幻兽帕鲁》由一家名为X-Legend Studio的日本小工作室开发,该工作室成立于2017年,专注于游戏的开发和制作。开发这款游戏据说总共用了不到20人,这款游戏在上线后迅速获得了大量玩家的关注和喜爱,成为了一款备受追捧的游戏作品” 我看到了什么?我看到了机会无处不在,也许有时候大家的成功就在离自己很近的地方 也许有一天你的一条b站视频突然火了起来,又也许有一天你那张帅气的脸突然变成顶流,只用了一礼拜把丁真的流量吃了个遍,希望大家借我吉言!突然中个彩票 hhYoooooo GLHF! U 're definitely on a gaming streak this month! Yep I said it lol :)2024-02-01 13:49:16
★AstroKnight★Good morning or good evening my dear friend, I would like to wish you a very beautiful day and a very wonderful mood and a lot of happiness and a lot of positivity and very bright, warm, unforgettable and sweet moments, and I also want you to be always healthy and happy , because I love you with all my heart and soul and I also wish you endless love and I also hug everyone very warmly and strongly and I am also very glad that I have friends like you, I am sincerely grateful to you for all your support~2024-02-01 02:54:42
LunaHappy Wednesday, my dear, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! Wishing you a truly lovely Wednesday filled with warmth, joy, and endless possibilities! Let's embrace this beautiful day with open hearts and positive vibes! 🌹🥀 Remember, you are capable of achieving incredible things, and today is another opportunity to shine brightly and make a difference, big or small, in your own unique way! 🌹🥀 May your day be filled with laughter, love, and moments that make your heart sing! Keep smiling, keep spreading kindness, and keep believing in the magic of each new day! 🌹🥀 Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2024-01-31 11:16:35
AnubisSigned by! Anubis💗2024-01-31 06:08:18
童去追梦啦~勿念喵最近天气很冷,请注意保暖喵~嘿嘿从昨天回到家里就已经开启了空调模式在这个寒冷的冬日,也就空调暖风能给带给我一丝温暖一想到马上就要过大年了,心里别提有多高兴小孩小孩你别馋,过了一月就是年蒸熊掌、蒸鹿耳、蒸燕窝这些统统都没有砂糖橘小土豆,饺子汤圆小馄饨你一口,我一口~还没咋吃就没了花生米巧克力,还有一瓶娃哈哈吃完就别闹了,赶紧去打两把游戏消消食2024-01-29 04:15:48
LunaHappy Thursday, my dear, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! Today is a perfect reminder that we have the power to create our own sunshine, no matter the weather outside. 🌈🌤️ Let's focus on the good vibes, the laughter, and the moments that make our hearts sing. 🎵🎶 Remember, every step we take today brings us closer to our dreams. So let's sprinkle some positivity everywhere we go and make today absolutely wonderful! 💭✨ Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2024-01-25 06:04:05
Schattenkatze79Ich wünsch dir eine gute Woche mit wenig Stress. Grüße =)2024-01-22 09:21:57
EvgenyПододеяльник после курсов повышения квалификации стал одеялом.2024-01-21 08:01:36
ЭммиНикогда не переставай улыбаться, даже когда тебе грустно: кто-то может влюбиться в твою улыбку2024-01-20 13:42:45
reavy666Schönes Wochenende…Danke für deine tollen Beiträge.2024-01-19 15:03:06
seele vollereiПузя, я так благодарен вам за все, что вы для меня сделали! Я решил преподнести вам подарочки! Вот вам костюм! Ой, бросьте, мне ничего не нужно!Вот еще рубашечкаЧто он делает, что он делает?И ботиночки Он сошел с ума! Он сошел с ума!Ну, вот и все.А галстук?2024-01-19 10:35:19
oliveronWünsche dir eine schöne Woche und viel Spaß beim spielen2024-01-15 13:48:55
Schattenkatze79Ich wünsch dir einen guten Start ins Wochenende (=2024-01-12 10:37:07
Schattenkatze79Ich wünsch dir sehr viel Spaß beim Sims 4 spielen. Das steht auch noch auf meiner Liste . Ich wünsch dir eine gute Woche2024-01-10 16:54:12
Ludwiku天天开心!2024-01-08 05:39:41
EvgenyПриходит терминатор к программистам, говорит, мол, что-то новая операционная система барахлит. Те спрашивают:- А какая раньше стояла?- XP.- А какая стала?- А стала Vista2024-01-07 04:33:52
ERniТак и запишем, трогаем Kronis-a за жопу2024-01-06 20:10:28
BunBunplease re-add me baby2024-01-04 21:17:09
BunBun;~;2024-01-04 21:16:58
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2024-01-04 19:35:58
BunBunyou deleted me2024-01-04 16:39:21
CyroxIch wünsche Dir ein frohes Neues Jahr mit viel Glück, Gesundheit und tollen Erlebnissen2024-01-04 07:34:20
ЭммиС Наступающим Рождеством2024-01-04 06:20:34
BunBun;~;2024-01-04 05:44:28
❄AstroKnight❄Good morning or good evening my dear friend, I hope you had a great New Year and I also hope that everything is fine with you and I would also like to wish you and your family a very happy and joyful mood and very good health and more Thank you for your comments and your support2024-01-03 03:21:38
KuroneTo my International Friends , My apologies for the be late new year greeting's 🙇🏻 . I was away at home for family celebration and i wish everyone a great day ahead . ✨昨日の地震による安全を、私の日本の友達全員にお祈りします。どうか気をつけてください。日本にとって何とも悲劇的な日です。日本への祈りと、この悲劇的な災害に影響を受けた犠牲者へのお悔やみをお伝えします ✨2024-01-02 05:27:30
랑골I just checked it out because I was on a New Year's holiday Happy New Year! I wish you all the best and happiness this year! May the spirit of the Blue Dragon be with you!2024-01-02 03:23:35
𝐄𝐯𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐏𝐢𝐯𝐨Всех с наступившим, вчера весь день откисал. Держите анекдотОливки от маслин легко отличить.Зеленые - оливки, а чёрные - воруют.2024-01-02 03:08:19
Queen Sophia <3 2024Have a great start in the new weekalso join my community discord server if you want2024-01-01 19:35:31
BEI BEIGood morning, dear. This is Beibei. I don't know why, but after waking up today, Beibei found herself not on he own bed but on the ground. Damn it! Beibei was mocked by he roommate again. Although Beibei is already a college student, many things still cannot be done well. Beibei dreamed last night that she had become a little rabbit, but for some reason, Beibei was a flying little rabbit. Beibei kept jumping and jumping on the clouds, and even saw whales swimming in the clouds and giraffes eating the clouds! The sky is pink, everything is like a fairy tale! It's so beautiful! But when I woke up, I found that I was no longer in bed. It's really embarrassing. If only dreams could turn into reality, then the world would definitely be more beautiful. Alright, we also need to work hard today! Dear! I hope you have a wonderful day!2024-01-01 19:03:22
Sharky𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓨𝓮𝓪𝓻! Wishing you have a great New Year2024-01-01 17:34:49
Sotiriai wish you all the best for the new year 20242024-01-01 14:37:36
TheElderGodsHappy New year dear friend Have a lovely week for u2024-01-01 14:30:58
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Happy New Year.~by:Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇2024-01-01 11:01:21
соня комфортик)Happy 2024 New Year! May your year be blessed with fortune2024-01-01 10:33:20
🖤omegaΩProst Neujahr2024-01-01 09:57:20
ALPHAHappy New Year 20242024-01-01 09:48:47
oliveronI wish you a Happy New Year 2024 my dear Friend! Have a great time, whatever it is you're doing2024-01-01 08:53:29
Алфа-FaFa2024よいおとしを ことしもよろしくおねがい2024-01-01 08:45:44
RichieFrohes Neues Jahr2024-01-01 06:20:25
Khaini2024 Happy New Year2024-01-01 06:01:17
kotyatkiС новым годом!🎄2024-01-01 04:56:32
MKM2907Frohes neues Jahr, für dich und deine Familie.2024-01-01 04:38:49
Jackson BillieFrohes neues Jahr, ich hoffe, dass Sie im Jahr 2024 alle Ihre Ziele erreichen können, ich wünsche Ihnen viel Gesundheit für die kommenden Jahre2024-01-01 03:35:16
WynterHappy New Year! I hope it's an amazing year for you!2024-01-01 02:01:25
元旦快乐喵~童童在这里祝你平安喜乐,万事顺遂!新的一年也要开心喵~喵喵喵!2024-01-01 01:27:58
tkanzk┌──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┐‍‍‍‍‍ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ ‏‏‎‎ 2024 Happy New Year└──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┘2024-01-01 00:58:56
Mr. DessoHi! Thank you very much for your kind words and warm wishes! I wholeheartedly wish you and your wonderful family a truly magical and blissful New Year. May this new chapter bring abundance of happiness, good health and countless cherished moments. Happy New Year!2024-01-01 00:45:05
Akane💙Happy New Year2023-12-31 21:09:07
asurihappy new year <32023-12-31 20:35:54
Blutengel1974Danke das Wünsche ich auch.2023-12-31 19:14:35
신녀 히미코Happy New Year~I hope you have a healthy and prosperous year in 2024.2023-12-31 18:12:13
BEI BEIGood morning, good morning! Dear, how was your time last night? Have you celebrated the New Year with your favorite person? Or do you mean to gather with your family and wait for the arrival of the new year? Or celebrate the New Year with your good friends in joy? No matter who we celebrate the New Year with, even if we are alone, as long as we are safe and happy, it's enough! Beibei celebrated the New Year alone last night. Because I am still in school, I did not celebrate the New Year with my family. However, Beibei also saw the fireworks of the New Year. It's really beautiful! Although a person may seem a bit lonely, it's okay that Beibei has also received many blessings from everyone. Beibei is still very happy! So, let's start a new chapter! By the way! I hope you are still full of energy and shining brightly on the first day of the New Year!---From Beibei, who always loves you!2023-12-31 17:58:00
CydrosHappy New Year 2024 wishes you Cydros2023-12-31 17:19:54
Алфа-FaFa2024よいおとしを ことしもよろしくおねがいします2023-12-31 16:48:25
PandaHDTIch wünsch dir einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr2023-12-31 16:12:28
🥂GelyanKalian🎄happy new year2023-12-31 15:43:44
reavy666Happy New Year,for a great Friend2023-12-31 15:37:21
A477aA, blade of MintharaWishing you a Steam-powered New Year filled with epic adventures, thrilling victories, and an inventory full of joy! May your gaming journey be leveled up with happiness, success, and countless memorable moments. Cheers to a fantastic year ahead, filled with achievements unlocked and friendships forged. Happy New Year, and may your Steam library continue to grow with great games and endless possibilities!20242023-12-31 15:35:30
ERniПривет мой дорогой Kronis, поздравляю тебя с новым годом!!! Надеюсь твоя попка будет мягенькой как всегда. С наилучшими пожеланиями РомАНУС из Беларуси2023-12-31 14:09:58
ЭммиПоздравляю с Новым годом! Пусть этот год приумножит мгновения счастья, радости и любви!2023-12-31 14:05:05
FledelikHappy New Year!2023-12-31 13:25:31
Schattenkatze79Vielen lieben Dank. Ich wünsch dir einen Guten Rutsch und Alles Gute für 2024. Ich wünsch dir ein sehr schönes 20242023-12-31 11:52:07
Jabba der HutständerHappy New Year, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜! und viel gesundheit freude und glück2023-12-31 11:49:58
🔞 Mr_P@ntsu_Supoito 🔞Happy New Year2023-12-31 11:06:01
Nike 胜 ⇆ Points ShopHappy New Year, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜!2023-12-31 11:04:20
Sotiriai wish you a happy new year 20242023-12-31 11:01:46
Polaris.exe新年快乐(。・ω・。)ノ♡2023-12-31 10:51:34
BronyaAlloy1ce祝您新年快乐致以新年问候祝您2024年是笑容满面明朗的一年今年也请多多关照Wishing you a Happy New YearGreetings from the New YearMay 2024 be a year full of smiles.Please take good care of me this year as well.2023-12-31 10:41:59
来份冰糖🍓吧新年快乐!2023-12-31 09:48:35
虾米子新年快乐2023-12-31 09:25:49
КоржикHappy New Year🎅🎄🎁2023-12-31 09:06:53
ÄilearHallo , danke. Auch Ihnen ein frohes neues Jahr. Möge es besser werden als dieses2023-12-31 08:45:12
Vanillafrohes neues jahr2023-12-31 08:44:10
TessayiaEinen guten Rutsch und ein schönes neues Jahr auch an dich! :D2023-12-31 08:01:32
-Dead-Angel-Happy New Year! friend!2023-12-31 07:42:26
芙兰朵朵Thanks my friend! Happy new year2023-12-31 07:37:14
LEMA - 여우Happy New Year2023-12-31 06:49:00
ALPHAHave a wonderful weekend and a Happy New Year2023-12-31 06:20:56
EasIch wünsche dir ein schönes neues Jahr.2023-12-31 06:08:11
SaekoHappy New Year2023-12-31 06:02:45
inbA天下Happy New Year! friend!2023-12-31 06:02:09
M4rcqHappy new Year!!!2023-12-31 05:57:35
💤 LizZzarD 💤Happy New Year!2023-12-31 05:52:56
EuclidHappy New Year!!!2023-12-31 05:50:30
Самый НастоящийС наступающим Новым 2024 годом! Всех благ в новом году)2023-12-31 05:42:03
майка вазовскаяпоздравляю с наступающим кароче, всего самого крутого2023-12-31 05:18:54
Queen Sophia <3 2024Happy New Year wish you the best in the new yearalso join my Queens Community Group2023-12-31 05:11:47
CyroxIch wünsche Dir einen guten und gesunden Rutsch ins neue Jahr2023-12-31 05:07:46
Foxy ♡Happy New Year, best wishes for you!2023-12-31 04:59:07
DropletHappy New Year~ 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜2023-12-31 04:58:31
Puppet MasterHallo, danke ich wünsche dir auch einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr2023-12-31 04:51:54
ShelobС Наступающим. Всего самого доброго и хорошего в предстоящем году2023-12-31 04:47:46
RyoVielen Dank und auch Ihnen ein tolles neues Jahr!2023-12-31 04:44:07
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡Have a good weekend2023-12-31 04:30:30
Im_SaltyHappy new year!2023-12-31 02:56:05
LunaHappy Sunday, my dear, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! 🎆 Sending a warm and happy Sunday your way! Today's a great day to spread some love and positivity. I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the incredible people I've had the pleasure of meeting here! 🎆 Your friendship means the world to me, and I'm so thankful for the ongoing support from each one of you in this amazing community! 🎆 As we're on the verge of 2024, I want to wish you all a fabulous New Year! Here's to a year filled with joy, success, and memorable gaming moments. May the upcoming year bring you endless happiness and new adventures! 🎆 Thank you for being the incredible bunch that you are! Here's to a fantastic 2024 for us all! Sending you all lots of love and cheers! 🎆 Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna ! 🎆2023-12-30 23:13:29
BEI BEIHi dear! Good morning! Time flies so fast, it's the last day of 2023 in the blink of an eye, and before Beibei can react, it's going to be a new year. I'm sorry I haven't left you any new messages these days because Beibei has been doing her homework lately. I just finished my homework all night today, and Beibei can also celebrate New Year's Day with everyone! Beibei is really honored to be friends with you. Thank you also for your continuous response to Beibei during this period. Becoming good friends with you is the happiest thing for Beibei this year! Dear, I hope we will still shine brightly in the upcoming 2024!2023-12-30 19:48:54
oliveronTHX my dear friend Have a great time and a Happy New Year2023-12-30 17:46:13
zidian虽然才12月31日,但是提前祝福元旦节快乐什么的,明显更能让人印象深刻呢这一年也是依然保持着废物家里蹲呢,好像也没有什么值得纪念的事:)不过再这样下去估计会出毛病吧(虽然已经有了)以前的节日祝福没有回抱歉啦,没有想到我的拖延症会这么严重(挠头既然如此,那就干脆再祝生日快乐吧!虽然是迟来或者提前的祝福(我在胡言乱语什么)其实是不会说一些“节日语”,xx节快乐已经是我的毕生所学了(这是给我自己的话,顺便激励下你吧)又活了一年,这是很值得庆幸的事不是吗,2024年也请努力活着!每当想放弃生命的时候,请想一想二次元的各位,大家都会一直爱着你的,永远永远(新年说到生命什么的,也许也不太吉利,抱歉了)Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒☆2023-12-30 15:59:01
Queen Sophia <3 2024weekend time enjoyit much love from the red queencheck out my girlfriends profile (: https://steamcommunity.com/id/QueenNele/2023-12-30 07:33:09
LisaHi everyone!I just wanted to tell y'all how grateful I am for all the birthday wishes :)Today was a blast! I spent my day with some of the kindest souls on the planet and I must say that it was great. We hung out, went bowling and enjoyed ourselves. When I got home from the party, I had an intellectual conversation about life & societal problems. I really like it when people share their viewpoints and opinions. I'm kinda tired rn and I want to keep it short and sweet. Words can't express the gratitude I feel for receiving all of your wonderful messages. Thank you so much for everything. People like you make a difference in my life. You really know how to make someone happy and make them feel loved. I'm glad that I can end 2023 on a high note and it's all because of people who care about others and send out birthday wishes to me. You (if you're still reading this) are an awesome person and I hope you stay the way you are, since it's the way that makes me the happiest.2023-12-29 20:09:10
Wynter"Happiness won't come walking up to you. That's why we go waking to it. One step a day, three steps in three days. Forward three steps and go back two steps." - Koyanagi Nanoka2023-12-29 19:04:03
Eldritcianhave a nice weekend, my friend!2023-12-29 11:16:54
虾米子元旦快乐2023-12-29 09:03:09
Queen Sophia <3Have a great dayrate my last artwork on steam https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31250887392023-12-29 07:49:43
Lou ZephyrWishing you the finest moments during the last weekend of the year—may it be filled with cherished memories. Make it truly count and embrace happiness throughout2023-12-29 02:58:52
WhitePumpkinI hope you have a wonderful Friday, Kronis2023-12-29 02:40:14
EppieI wish you a wonderful weekend and a successful start into the new year ❤️2023-12-28 18:10:25
oliveronWishing you a wonderful day filled with happiness and a New Year brimming with new possibilities and adventures. Stay safe, stay joyful, and let's make the upcoming year our best one yet!2023-12-28 12:56:50
reavy666.2023-12-27 13:00:52
Colonel你想要异国情调的东西吗? 行动计划如下-去动物园,找到一些不可发音的名字最奇特的生物,并找出它是否可食用以及在哪里找到它。 之后,前往对应于世界指定区域的餐厅,订购这个非常生物。 你会觉得自己像一个真正的美学家和美食家。2023-12-27 10:21:54
Depression QueenEnjoy The Day Cutieslike my new artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31236745952023-12-26 19:11:25
Albedo🖤⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴ ⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠒⠈⠒      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-12-26 12:40:53
ЭммиПускай наступающий Новый год будет полон позитива,ярких красок, радостных событий и приятных сюрпризов!2023-12-26 11:13:59
Edgestylez** ' * .* ** 🌟* * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ ✨  *  '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *  '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:✨  *'    '✨☆ 🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆ 📀☆📀☆☆ ✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '  *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆ 📀☆ ✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . * * 🟫 .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝 *´`) *2023-12-25 14:23:28
신녀 히미코Thx :) Happy Christmas~2023-12-25 08:47:37
\\ - xꜰᴀɴᴇxx - //Merry Christmas❤️💫2023-12-25 08:33:49
TheRedQueenIm in holidays so enjoy your day will be back in few days2023-12-25 08:01:27
ŠмǾķέ†ΐмع** ' * .*  * 🌟 * * '* * ** * .* ' ✨ 🏮✨     '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *    '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:+✨  *'    '✨☆🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆📀☆📀☆☆✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '   *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆📀☆✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . ** * 🟫   .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝   *  ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸*.𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓨𝓮𝓪𝓻!2023-12-25 07:35:28
🖤omegaΩFrohe Weihnachten und glückliche Feiertage. Ich hoffe ihr könnt Zeit mit euren Lieben verbringen. Bei uns hat sich vieles verändert und das zeigt immer wieder, man soll die Zeit nutzen, die man gemeinsam hat. Liebe Grüße schickt euch der olle omega mään mitsamt Anhang.2023-12-25 07:13:19
罪 Hanma Shuji 罰** ' * .* ** 🌟* * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ ✨  *  '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *  '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:✨  *'    '✨☆ 🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆ 📀☆📀☆☆ ✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '  *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆ 📀☆ ✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . * * 🟫 .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝 *´`) *2023-12-25 03:37:39
inbA天下Merry Christmas2023-12-25 02:32:55
陰陽 ♡** ' * .* ** 🌟* * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ ✨  *  '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *  '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:✨  *'    '✨☆ 🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆ 📀☆📀☆☆ ✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '  *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆ 📀☆ ✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . * * 🟫 .  * .  '2023-12-25 01:13:44
𝔂𝓔圣诞快乐~🎄✨Merry Christmas~🎄✨padoru padoru~2023-12-24 19:20:38
EuclidMerry Christmas2023-12-24 19:10:21
EvyMerry Christmas <32023-12-24 14:01:11
Mriy@˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.(☆✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & a ℋappy 2024!✦✦*☆ )*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*2023-12-24 14:00:59
Sailor Moon幸せな今後の冬の休日!2023-12-24 13:18:56
Toxiifrohe★* 。 • ˚ ˚ •。★Weihnachten★ 。* 。*° 。 ° ˚* _Π_____*。*˚★ 。* 。*。 • ˚ ˚ •。★˚ ˛ •˛•*/______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛★ 。* 。*★ 。* 。*˚ ˛ •˛• | 田田|門| ˚und ein gutes neues Jahr... wünscht Toxi !!! ♥2023-12-24 10:31:05
SchokokeksFrohe Weihnachten - Merry Christmas - Feliz Navidad2023-12-24 10:07:27
bertkliEin besinnliches Fest und frohe, gesunde und glückliche Weihnachten wünsch ich Dir :-)2023-12-24 09:47:09
OnE☠HiTMerry Christmas2023-12-24 08:15:19
LudwikuMerryChristmas2023-12-24 07:55:18
Foxy ♡𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼** ' * .* ** 🌟* * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ ✨  *  '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *  '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:✨  *'    '✨☆ 🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆ 📀☆📀☆☆ ✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '  *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆ 📀☆ ✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     * ' **  * . * * 🟫 .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝 *´`) * ' ' * ' * '2023-12-24 07:34:18
Cydros´`)  ,·´ ¸,·´`)      (¸,·´ (¸*♥ 𝘔𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 &           𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 ♥*´`)                    ,·´ ¸,·´`)                   (¸,·´ (¸〃2023-12-24 06:25:56
QuinnMerry Christmas2023-12-24 06:22:05
TheRedQueenMerry Christmas Have a wonderful day2023-12-24 05:53:58
DropletMerry Christmas! Kronis 🎄2023-12-24 05:08:45
SoleSurvivor™Vielen lieben Dank für deine Worte, das wünsche ich dir natürlich ebenso und lass es dir gut gehen!2023-12-24 04:45:25
Christmas Chicken** ' * .*** 🌟 * * '* * ** * .* '' ✨ 🏮✨  *  '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *  '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:✨  *'    '✨☆ 🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆ 📀☆📀☆☆ ✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆✨ * '  *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆ 📀☆ ✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . * * 🟫 .  * .  '2023-12-24 04:00:30
Schattenkatze79Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Weihnachtsfest . Es kam zwar kein Schnee, aber das ist nun auch nicht so wild ^-^. Liebe Grüße2023-12-24 02:29:22
✙Malinka✙+rep крутой чел2023-12-24 00:27:17
WhitePumpkin(2days inactive)𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼     /\ 여러분   /★∴\메리크리스마스  (人_人_人)∩∩ 보내세요!  /∴∵★\•ω•) (_人★人★人_) つ    ̄凵 ̄ ∪∪2023-12-23 22:35:43
虾米子圣诞节快乐2023-12-23 21:06:20
罪 Hanma Shuji 罰.   .  .   .      .   。    .         ˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°2023-12-23 20:38:04
LEMA - 여우Mᴇʀʀʏ Cʜʀɪꜱᴛᴍᴀꜱ & A Hᴀᴘᴘʏ Nᴇᴡ Yᴇᴀʀ2023-12-23 18:53:16
Nefiro** ' * .* ** 🌟* * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ ✨  *  '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *  '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:✨  *'    '✨☆ 🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆ 📀☆📀☆☆ ✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '  *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆ 📀☆ ✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . * * 🟫 .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝 *´`) * (¸**MERRY CHRISTMAS** ´`) *2023-12-23 15:40:37
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ2023-12-23 14:57:51
Little Owl:2023-12-23 12:06:41
DigimoonIch wünsche Ihnen besinnliche Weihnachten, voller Hoffnung und Glück. Möge das Jahr 2024 wundersam sein und ein Abenteuer in seinem ganzen Herzen2023-12-23 08:18:19
ЭммиЖелаю приятных выходных. И пусть они пройдут, как надо. В общем, не скучай. Порадуй себя чем-то вкусненьким2023-12-23 08:07:46
罪 Hanma Shuji 罰。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .        🔥Every morning we are faced with a choice: .  .     .  continue to sleep and have wonderful dreams,  。  .   。  .    or get up and make these dreams come true.       ゚   .    The choice is ours.🔥 。         。             ゚   . ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .2023-12-23 06:37:04
seele vollereiHave a nice weekend. And let them pass as they should. In general, don't be bored. Treat yourself to something delicious, don’t forget about meetings with dear people, have time to do all the important things, organize a wonderful vacation for body and soul. Good luck, bright mood and great weather this weekend!2023-12-23 06:16:57
reavy666Merry Christmas,thank you for making Steam so much better.2023-12-23 05:34:09
ShadoowAngelIch wünsche dir ebenfalls ein fröhliches Wochenende! Genieße jeden Moment! 🌟2023-12-23 05:33:47
✧༺ФАВОРИТКА༻✧Happy Holidays2023-12-23 05:08:53
MerryDrunkmasFrohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr2023-12-23 03:57:08
BronyaAlloy1ceMerry Christmas! Sincerely wishing you a pleasant holiday season and a good start to the next week.Frohe Weihnachten! Wir wünschen Ihnen von Herzen eine schöne Weihnachtszeit und einen guten Start in die nächste Woche.2023-12-23 02:55:29
Eldritcianthank you, i wish you warm and nice weekend! :)2023-12-23 00:37:23
сладкая девочкаThank you, I wish you the same!2023-12-23 00:11:45
🎄MZFKDL🎄Hi! Thanks and have a wonderful weekend, friend😉2023-12-22 23:31:13
★JeRRY FOX★Good weekend2023-12-22 22:47:43
来份冰糖🍓吧Wish you a warm and good weekend!2023-12-22 21:31:50
Roy.冷到不想動吃點湯圓暖暖身子,出門記得帶棉被,冬特隨心買隨便玩,冬至快樂嘿。o(〃'▽'〃)o2023-12-22 20:56:10
oliveronI hope you have a nice Christmas and have a moment to lower your shoulders and just relax Happy Holidays2023-12-22 20:46:44
KhainiMerry Christmas Have a good weekend2023-12-22 20:34:03
TradeBack.io tablevv.comMerry Christmas everyone2023-12-22 20:05:33
叶未然ぐ圣诞快乐鸭,马上就圣诞节了,我们昨天是冬至日2023-12-22 19:53:29
AipiniHave a nice day2023-12-22 19:27:28
Miss LunyIch danke dir. Ich hoffe, du hast entspannte und gemütliche Feiertage :)2023-12-22 19:08:30
Blutengel1974Danke das Wünsche Ich auch.2023-12-22 18:47:57
inbA天下good day!2023-12-22 17:39:16
Akane💙have a nice day~and Merry christmas2023-12-22 17:10:15
Tetsuky McFlyMerry christmas2023-12-22 15:52:03
Alle_guten_Namen_sind_wegIch wünsche dir ein fröhliches Wochenende! Möge es voller Freude und Entspannung sein. Genieße jeden Moment! 🌟Wishing you a joyful weekend! May it be filled with happiness and relaxation. Enjoy every moment! 🌟2023-12-22 14:25:32
LunaHappy Friday, my dear, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I wanted to sprinkle some cheer your way! May this Friday and the upcoming weekend bring you moments of joy, relaxation, and all the happiness you deserve! 🎄✨ And with the magic of Christmas just around the corner, I'm sending you warm wishes wrapped in tinsel and adorned with twinkling lights! 🎄✨ May your heart be merry, your home be filled with laughter, and your spirit shine bright with the enchantment of the season! Cheers to friendship, laughter, and the promise of wonderful days ahead! 🎄✨ Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-12-22 14:25:20
BausatzDein Profil ist wunderschön und ich hoffe, du hast einen tollen Tag, mein Lieber2023-12-22 14:18:41
Schattenkatze79Vielen lieben Dank . Ich wünsch dir einen guten Start ins Weihnachtswochenende und hoffe, dass du es auch geniessen kannst. Liebe Grüße2023-12-22 13:25:11
DmitriyMilThank you and have a great weekend)2023-12-22 13:12:52
CyroxIch wünsche Dir ein schönes und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und erholsame Feiertage2023-12-22 13:09:44
⎛⎝Котя⎠⎞HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY~ ⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-12-22 13:05:16
ÄilearDanke , ich wünsche Ihnen auch ein schönes Wochenende2023-12-22 13:04:28
GekaFirstСпасибо! И тебе отличных выходных2023-12-22 12:56:51
MelodyMy dear and cutie Kronis :3. I hope you're fine and wish you the most beautiful and precious weekend, full of love and happiness. Sending you a lot of hugs and kisses. May the angels always protect you. Remember please stay fine every day2023-12-22 12:24:06
Lou ZephyrAuch Dir und Deinen Liebsten schöne Feiertage und viele Geschenke :3To you and your loved ones happy holidays and lots of presents :32023-12-22 12:09:09
Sotiriaich wünsche dir und deiner Familie ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest2023-12-22 12:08:06
\\ - xꜰᴀɴᴇxx - //Frohe Weihnachten <32023-12-22 12:00:32
~Mr.Unstoppâble*iヽ      /ヽ       | ゙ヽ、    /  ゙i        |   ゙''─‐'''''''''"    l     ,/             ゙ヽ     ,i゙    /          \     i!     ●      ●  ,l     ゙i,,   *   (__人__)  ,/      ヾ、,,          ,/      /゙ "         ヽ    /             i!  ( )        i   !   i!.,    γ" ⌒゙ヽ   l   l  γ'.ヽ     i     i,__,,ノ   i,__,,ノ_,, 丿     ヽ,_,,ノ"~´2023-12-22 11:59:12
+*~Kirito~*+Danke ich wünsch dir ein frohes Fest und relaxte Tage2023-12-22 11:53:12
DropletHave a lovely weekend~ 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜2023-12-22 11:43:46
♡Kenji ☿thank u cutie <32023-12-22 11:30:34
MikePlusUltraIch wünsche dir ein frohes Fest!2023-12-22 11:25:07
КоржикThanks you!😊Have a nice Weekend🍵2023-12-22 11:22:02
SaekoHave a nice weekend2023-12-22 11:05:02
YenzearDir auch eine besinnliche Weihnachtszeit und einen tollen Start ins neue Jahr ^^2023-12-22 11:03:08
DAX1⋆⁺₊❅⋆ 🎄₊❆⋆₊♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡⋆⁺₊❅⋆ 🎄₊❆⋆₊Dankeschön wünsche ich dir auch! Genieße die Weihnachtszeit!2023-12-22 10:58:20
bertkliIch wünsch Dir auch ein tolles Wochenende und nen richtig tolles entspanntes Fest schonmal im Voraus :-)2023-12-22 10:54:11
Mr. DessoThanks for the suggestions! I am also glad that you have everything and you are enjoying your freedom. I wish you a wonderful weekend full of joy and relaxation! Have a good rest and enjoy every moment!2023-12-22 10:53:04
Puppet MasterDankeschön, ich wünsche dir auch ein schönes Wochenende und eine schöne Weihnachtszeit2023-12-22 10:42:13
芙兰朵朵Have a nice weekend my friend2023-12-22 10:36:33
Frisk ^-^HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY~ ⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-12-22 08:55:25
WhitePumpkin(2days inactive)Almost Christmas, my friend Kronis Have a wonderful Friday ~2023-12-22 03:14:07
랑골It's already Friday! Christmas is just around the corner and it's a very happy day! Have a great day today and Merry Christmas! Get this happy Christmas spirit and have a great and fruitful holiday!2023-12-21 21:04:11
Valsper4 Days until christmas <3 I hope you had a good day2023-12-21 18:54:09
Eppie** ' * .* ** 🌟* * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ ✨  *  '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *  '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:✨  *'    '✨☆ 🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆ 📀☆📀☆☆ ✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '  *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆ 📀☆ ✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . * * 🟫 .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝 *´`) * (¸** HAPPY HOLIDAYS** ´`) *2023-12-21 18:24:36
KiriokoMerry Christmas and Happy New Year!2023-12-21 12:02:46
❄AstroKnight❄Good evening my dear friend, I came to wish you a very wonderful day and a very good mood and a lot more happiness with the size of the galaxy and more wonderful health and never give up and always be happy and never sad and thank you for being with me, and by the way, the winter sale will start soon.2023-12-21 12:02:41
虾米子冬至快乐哟2023-12-21 11:03:17
BEI BEI(雪人糕手版!)Good evening, dear Kronis! The busy day has come to an end again! Next, slowly enjoy your own evening time! Beibei heard a very cute music today and wants to share it with you (Walk-nomu./blackwinterwells/8485). I hope you will have a good mood after listening to it!By the way, dear! Don't let bad emotions catch up with you! You have always been the best in Beibei's heart!---From Beibei who loves you!2023-12-21 05:55:53
Алфа-FafaGood evening my fnd~how was ur day?FaFa is so thrilled todaybcz FaFa have the been waiting for too long game has finally launch server todaythe game names GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2:EXILIUM:karuha1:and also got the UID 10077 that was ahead,terrific!2023-12-21 04:11:39
asuri<32023-12-20 14:22:53
Ekaterina_____________$$___________________$$__________________________$$$____________________$$_____________$______$$$$$$$$$$___________________$$____________$$__$$$$$$$$$$$$$$___________________$$___________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$____________________$$___________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$____$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$__________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$___$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$____$$___________$$$$$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$__$$$______________$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$_________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$____________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______________________$$$$$$$$$$_________$$$$$$$$________________________$$$$$$$_____________$$$$$$$________________________$$$$$_______________$$$$$$_________________________$$$$________________$$$$$_________________________$$$$_________________$$$$__________________________$$$__________________$$$________________________$$$$$________________$$$$$2023-12-20 13:16:25
Sophia mit Zielhilfemerry christmas on all enjoy the dayrate my new artwork https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31185141392023-12-20 08:27:15
Albedo🖤___,,...,,__/`''/`i  |``~--,...~```     `` * |  i ヽ           :;  \ 彡           ミ  〉    ︵  .  ︵   ミ  彡   ``   人  ```   ミ  彡:                ミ,︵I:       つ⌒    ミr,_,.::::              ミ  ヽ川:::::::          ;;   ゞ..;;;;;;;__,.╰╯::::::╰╯::::*2023-12-20 08:15:05
Nefiro+rep Nice Profile2023-12-20 06:00:53
랑골Sorry for the late response. I finally logged on to Steam because I was taking the test! It's already Wednesday, but I hope you have a happy rest of the week and always stay healthy!2023-12-20 05:47:23
罪 Hanma Shuji 罰。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .        🔥Every morning we are faced with a choice: .  .     .  continue to sleep and have wonderful dreams,  。  .   。  .    or get up and make these dreams come true.       ゚   .    The choice is ours.🔥 。         。             ゚   . ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .2023-12-20 05:05:38
LudwikuHave a nice day!2023-12-20 02:25:18
GekaFirstПриветствую!2023-12-20 00:14:17
Meta+rep good player2023-12-19 15:40:47
бульбульбульЛучший бро, просто любимка, комфорт ваще он крутой❤❤❤2023-12-19 13:42:26
ЭммиПусть тепло и уют всегда наполняют твой дом, пусть солнечный свет согревает в любую погоду2023-12-19 12:32:36
🦋Kurisik🦋Hallo2023-12-19 12:14:21
BEI BEI(雪人糕手版!)Good evening, dear Kronis! Next is Beibei's blessing time! Hey dear, how was your day today? Have you gained any joy, happiness, or disappointment or unwillingness? Alright, dear, no matter what, listen to me, dear. You are already great today. Don't be defeated by the troubles of the day. In Beibei's heart, you will always be a dazzling light. It's snowing again in the area where Beibei is located. When Beibei went out shopping at night, she saw snowflakes slowly falling one by one. It's really beautiful! It turns out that winter is so beautiful, and the work week is very tiring and hard. I know that we may encounter various troubles, but it's okay, dear. Beibei believes that everything will gradually improve, so we also need to maintain a full state of vitality every day! Remember dear, you will always be the best in Beibei's heart! Rest early and don't stay up late. Good night, dear.---From Beibei who loves you!2023-12-19 09:17:45
Akanehi, nice to meet you2023-12-19 04:14:41
罪 Hanma Shuji 罰。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .        🔥Have a great day to a very good teammate🔥ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2023-12-19 03:59:25
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀2023-12-19 02:55:14
Edgestylez.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂|   |    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing week~2023-12-18 12:37:16
TheElderGodsHave a awesome week my friend and a great day too2023-12-18 04:28:44
ShadowMerry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ••。★Christmas★ 。* 。° 。 ° ˛˚* _Π_____*。* ˚˚ ˛ •˛•˚ * /______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛˚ ˛ •˛• ˚˛|田 田|門| ˚ *2023-12-17 16:34:05
night336良い一週間を過ごしてください。2023-12-17 13:23:42
LunaHappy Sunday, my dear, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I hope this day brings you a wave of peace and a pocketful of smiles. 🎄 May it be filled with the simple joys that make your heart sing, whether it's a cozy cup of coffee, a leisurely stroll, or spending time with loved ones. 🎄 Let's savor these moments that recharge our spirits and set the tone for an amazing week ahead. Cheers to a fabulous week ahead and the adventures it brings! 🎄 Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-12-17 12:00:55
Albedo🖤⢀⡞⠳⣄⣀⣀⣀⣠⠞⢷⡀               ⣸⠟⠋⠁      ⠈⠙⠻⣇    ⣀             ⡾⠁⢰⣿⡆  ⣀  ⢰⣽⡆⠈⢧⢰⠛⡇           ⣸⢷⠶⠒⠉  ⠒⠭⠒  ⠉⠒⢶⠾⣏⡼⠃           ⣿⠶⣤⣀⣀          ⣀⣀⣤⠶⡟⠁           ⢸    ⠈⠉⠉⠙⠛⠛⠉⠉⠁    ⣏⣉⡙⣆           ⠘⡆                      ⢸⠃  ⢹⢸             ⣇                      ⢸⢀⡴⢣⠇             ⢸                      ⣸⠭⠔⠁             ⠸⣆⣀              ⣀⣰⠇                 ⠉⠙⠓⠒⠒⠒⠚⠋⠉2023-12-17 09:31:14
NefiroHave A Great Weekend2023-12-17 05:21:03
oliveronwünsche Dir einen schönen 3. Advent2023-12-17 01:14:03
Arikizu❤️❤️   ❤️❤️❤️      ❤️      ❤️❤️               ❤️   ❤️         ❤️      ❤️   ❤️         ❤️2023-12-16 18:41:44
Arikizu❤️❤️   ❤️❤️❤️      ❤️      ❤️❤️               ❤️   ❤️         ❤️      ❤️   ❤️         ❤️2023-12-16 18:41:42
Arikizu❤️❤️   ❤️❤️❤️      ❤️      ❤️❤️               ❤️   ❤️         ❤️      ❤️   ❤️         ❤️2023-12-16 18:41:38
Arikizu❤️❤️   ❤️❤️❤️      ❤️      ❤️❤️               ❤️   ❤️         ❤️      ❤️   ❤️         ❤️2023-12-16 18:41:37
Arikizu❤️❤️   ❤️❤️❤️      ❤️      ❤️❤️               ❤️   ❤️         ❤️      ❤️   ❤️         ❤️2023-12-16 18:41:35
Arikizu❤️❤️   ❤️❤️❤️      ❤️      ❤️❤️               ❤️   ❤️         ❤️      ❤️   ❤️         ❤️Have a great day ^-^2023-12-16 18:41:31
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-12-16 17:24:55
Алфа-Fafaこんばんは 楽しい週末をとにかく 寝ますから おやすみ2023-12-16 11:39:23
Sophia mit ZielhilfeEnjoy The Weekend Much Love From The Red QueenRate my new artwork thanks https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31153782482023-12-16 10:34:00
ÄilearThank you , have a wonderful weekend2023-12-16 09:01:49
Richie。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .              𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓭ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2023-12-16 06:34:59
Алфа-Fafaこんばんは2023-12-16 06:30:31
Шмонька!<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <32023-12-16 06:13:45
❄AstroKnight❄Hello my dear friend, I hope you are doing well and I would also like to wish you a wonderful weekend and mood and always be happy and most importantly be healthy and may you always be lucky both in life and in love and never give up and I would also like to say thank you for your comments because they cheer me up and I also hope that my comments cheer you up too and I give everyone a big hug2023-12-16 03:25:13
Blue PhantomHello 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜Thank you for your kind words and I hope you are having an awesome day2023-12-16 03:20:08
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀2023-12-16 02:26:31
BronyaAlloy1ceHi, we're having a new weekend, is it snowing in your place, I'm in a place where the snow is a lot heavier this year than usual, and finally there's a snow scene piling up. It's almost Christmas, so have a great day with you!2023-12-16 00:19:42
SeesawThank you always for your kind words and have a great weekend!2023-12-15 22:44:12
AipiniHave a nice day2023-12-15 22:35:45
EuclidHave a nice weekend~2023-12-15 22:01:29
罪 Hanma Shuji 罰。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .        🔥Every morning we are faced with a choice: .  .     .  continue to sleep and have wonderful dreams,  。  .   。  .    or get up and make these dreams come true.       ゚   .    The choice is ours.🔥 。         。             ゚   . ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .2023-12-15 21:21:00
DigimoonMay your weekend be a tapestry woven with the threads of Christmas joy. Illuminated by the spirit of Christmas where each day is a chapter in a heartwarming holiday story. Here's to a weekend filled with festive delights and the company of those who make your heart glow with happiness2023-12-15 19:12:29
Schattenkatze79Oh schön. Ich freue mich sehr für dich und wünsche dir sehr Viel Freude bei deiner Tätigkeit als Koch. Das klingt wirklich gut. Na ja bis auf das letzte Wochenende mit der Convention gab es nicht wirklich viel, weil ich am Montag gleich von der Erkältung überrascht wurde. Die Con war super gewesen und drei der fünf gehäkelten Sachen haben auch ein neues Zuhause gefunden :D.2023-12-15 16:09:30
ꜰᴜꜱꜱɪᴏɴʜxɢ:32023-12-15 16:00:11
Sotiriaich wünsche dir einen schönen 3ten Advent2023-12-15 15:45:52
Shy_Wolfy(Iowa❤ BB-61)<32023-12-15 15:43:34
NeoDaronthx you and have nice day2023-12-15 15:34:54
Schokokeks・ 。∴。 * ・゚*。・  :・ *゚。・。 * 。  ・ ゚。・゚。  ℋ𝒶𝓋ℯ 𝒶 𝓌ℴ𝓃𝒹ℯ𝓇𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓌ℯℯ𝓀ℯ𝓃𝒹:・。°*. ゚*  ゚。·・。 ゚   ゚ *.。:。  ・  * 。・゚*.。    *  ゚・。 * 。    ・  ゚ 。2023-12-15 15:02:40
asurienjoy your day <32023-12-15 14:19:46
Puppet MasterThank you, I wish you a nice weekend and a wonderful 3rd Advent2023-12-15 13:37:45
Schattenkatze79Vielen lieben Dank für die netten Worte. Ich schlepp mich gerade durch die letzten Züge meiner Erkältung und der letzte Kommi von dir tat wirklich sehr gut. Viele Grüße und ein großes Dankeschön an dich2023-12-15 13:19:52
Remilia Scarlet● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .  ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: ❤ 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 ❤  ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2023-12-15 13:12:01
♡Kenji ☿have a amazing day I hope u are fine u are so cute<3...~2023-12-15 11:32:59
Eldritcianalways thx. have a nice weekend, my friend :)2023-12-15 09:49:56
Orangegood day2023-12-15 09:04:33
Wick’dHave a wonderful weekend.2023-12-15 08:13:23
TheElderGodshave a amazing weekend my friend2023-12-15 08:09:49
KhainiHave a good weekend always2023-12-15 08:00:57
ЭммиЯ искренне желаю тебе счастья. Пусть каждый день рисует улыбку на твоем лице. Пусть все твои близкие будут здоровы2023-12-15 07:53:35
ГАНЬ ЮЙThank you! Have a nice weekend!2023-12-15 07:52:02
🎄 EvgenyPivososС наступающим жи ес- Капитан! Земля!- Мы ещё не отплыли долба*б2023-12-15 07:47:09
Lou ZephyrYo dawg! I'm still stuck at the office, but in 1 hour I will get off and buy some good beer for my fiance and me to enjoy our friday evening even more. I will cook some tasty stuff tomorrow but other than that I will sleep in and be a lazy if I can. Enjoying the weekend as much as I can.I hope you do too! The mountain regions of Switzerland must be a dream in winter.Cheers dawg2023-12-15 07:46:40
来份冰糖🍓吧Have a nice weekend !2023-12-15 07:24:38
s.e.a.n周末快樂2023-12-15 07:13:25
虾米子周末愉快2023-12-15 07:08:08
Frisk ^-^Thank you so much! Have a nice Friday and weekend, too2023-12-15 06:50:30
DropletThank you~ have a wonderful Friday and lovely weekend Kronis2023-12-15 06:45:52
Little OwlHave a nice weekend!2023-12-15 06:23:11
♠ Bℓ4cky ♠Das Wünsch ich dir auch2023-12-15 06:16:13
КоржикThank youHave a nice Friday and Weekend🙂👍2023-12-15 06:12:19
WhitePumpkinI hope you have a wonderful Friday, Kronis ~2023-12-15 05:03:49
Happy Birthday SophiaIts My Birthday i wish everyone a great day and much love from me2023-12-15 04:32:18
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-12-14 14:08:41
Albedo🖤Maybe last time you didn't get it, but I will repeat... CAT IN A CUP!!!!!!!!!!               ⢀⡞⠳⣄⣀⣀⣀⣠⠞⢷⡀               ⣸⠟⠋⠁      ⠈⠙⠻⣇    ⣀             ⡾⠁⢰⣿⡆  ⣀  ⢰⣽⡆⠈⢧⢰⠛⡇           ⣸⢷⠶⠒⠉  ⠒⠭⠒  ⠉⠒⢶⠾⣏⡼⠃           ⣿⠶⣤⣀⣀          ⣀⣀⣤⠶⡟⠁           ⢸    ⠈⠉⠉⠙⠛⠛⠉⠉⠁    ⣏⣉⡙⣆           ⠘⡆                      ⢸⠃  ⢹⢸             ⣇                      ⢸⢀⡴⢣⠇             ⢸                      ⣸⠭⠔⠁             ⠸⣆⣀              ⣀⣰⠇                 ⠉⠙⠓⠒⠒⠒⠚⠋⠉2023-12-14 12:18:58
Sophia mit ZielhilfeEnjoy the wonderful nightI open an instagram account becs many guys askyou can find it on my profile2023-12-14 11:58:37
罪 Hanma Shuji 罰•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.☆✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & a ℋappy ℋolidays! ✦✦*☆˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*2023-12-14 03:27:47
LudwikuHave a wonderful day2023-12-13 21:42:29
Nefirouuu sigma2023-12-13 14:09:11
Albedo🖤⢀⡞⠳⣄⣀⣀⣀⣠⠞⢷⡀               ⣸⠟⠋⠁      ⠈⠙⠻⣇    ⣀             ⡾⠁⢰⣿⡆  ⣀  ⢰⣽⡆⠈⢧⢰⠛⡇           ⣸⢷⠶⠒⠉  ⠒⠭⠒  ⠉⠒⢶⠾⣏⡼⠃           ⣿⠶⣤⣀⣀          ⣀⣀⣤⠶⡟⠁           ⢸    ⠈⠉⠉⠙⠛⠛⠉⠉⠁    ⣏⣉⡙⣆           ⠘⡆                      ⢸⠃  ⢹⢸             ⣇                      ⢸⢀⡴⢣⠇             ⢸                      ⣸⠭⠔⠁             ⠸⣆⣀              ⣀⣰⠇                 ⠉⠙⠓⠒⠒⠒⠚⠋⠉2023-12-13 13:16:46
ZLoDeHave a Lovely week2023-12-13 11:42:37
罪 Hanma Shuji 罰。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .        🔥Have a great day to a very good teammate🔥ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2023-12-13 05:06:43
Shy_Wolfy(Iowa❤ BB-61)Have a cute day ~2023-12-12 23:58:23
TheElderGodsHave a amazing week my friend2023-12-12 15:25:48
Kriistalin ʚᗢɞRate Favorite https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3069664962 yawwww2023-12-12 13:47:36
oliveronHave a wonderful week2023-12-12 09:54:18
Nefiro+rep2023-12-12 08:48:47
罪 Hanma Shuji 罰。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .        🔥Have a great day to a very good teammate🔥ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2023-12-12 00:13:18
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful week & Monday, Kronis ! Take care today ~2023-12-11 05:10:26
Roy.Don't take other people's flaws as your responsibility. You are the most amazing person I've ever met. Do what you want to do, and as long as you believe, you can achieve it.(●ゝω)ノヽ(∀<●)2023-12-10 21:13:44
罪 +REP enJoyer 罰。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .           🔥Good morning and have a nice day🔥ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2023-12-10 20:04:42
Sophia mit ZielhilfeNew Week wish you a great start in itI Love You All Stay SafeRate My New Artwork https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31110498582023-12-10 17:41:50
oliveronGute Nacht Kronis habe eine wundervolle Woche2023-12-10 17:03:51
LunaHappy Sunday, my dear, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! ❄️ As this day unfolds, may it wrap you in warmth and fill your heart with joy. ❄️ Here's to soaking in the beauty of simple moments and finding peace in the little things! ❄️ ❄️ Let's greet the new week with open arms and bright smiles. ❄️ May it bring you opportunities to shine, moments to cherish, and challenges to conquer, all wrapped up in a package of endless possibilities! ❄️ ❄️ Take a deep breath, embrace the serenity of this Sunday, and step into the week ahead with positivity and enthusiasm. ❄️ You've got this! Wishing you a fantastic start to the next week! ❄️ Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-12-10 12:05:07
Nefiro+rep2023-12-10 06:41:39
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟)私たちと一緒に飲みましょう ~2023-12-10 05:46:46
罪 +REP enJoyer 罰。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .        ㅤㅤ 。   ㅤㅤㅤㅤ🔥Have a great day to a very good teammate🔥ㅤ     .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2023-12-10 05:35:30
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful Sunday, Kronis !2023-12-10 02:26:17
Droplethave a lovely weekend~ Kronis2023-12-09 20:06:02
я неудачниклучший2023-12-09 13:03:08
Sophia mit Zielhilfeweekend i hope you relax like merate my new artwork https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31097209612023-12-09 12:45:24
NefiroHave A Great Weekend2023-12-09 08:11:15
oliveronHave a good day and some awesome gaming2023-12-09 06:36:20
NYAЗа Японские самолёты, За ИПЕРАТОРА2023-12-09 05:23:26
seele vollereiI wish you a pleasant weekend2023-12-09 03:18:18
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟)⠀ㅤ2023-12-09 03:08:50
❄AstroKnight❄Good morning or good evening my dear friend, I would like to wish you a very wonderful weekend and a very good day and endless mood and never be sad and never give up and always go for your goal and dream and very soon it will be a new year, you are waiting him? I also hope that everything is fine with you and that we will be friends for a long time2023-12-09 02:45:40
Puppet MasterIch wünsche dir ein schönes und entspanntes Wochenende, Award für dein Profil ist raus, schöne Grüße2023-12-09 02:03:45
Roy.Hey there, good afternoon! Wishing you a day filled with smiles and happiness. (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)◞2023-12-08 20:34:10
Eldritcianhave a nice, happy weekend. my friend :)2023-12-08 20:06:24
Frisk ^-^Thank you so much, kronis!! HAVE A HAPPY WEEKEND!2023-12-08 17:49:00
Schattenkatze79Dein Avatar ist klasse. Ich wünsch dir ein sehr entspanntes Wochenende mit sehr Viel Erholung2023-12-08 12:46:07
reavy666Have a Great Weekend my Dear2023-12-08 12:26:37
Sophia mit ZielhilfeWeekend time Wish you a great timeRate my New Artwork https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31086487962023-12-08 10:25:13
BronyaAlloy1ceHi, long time no see, aha, I had a relatively difficult time, so I didn't even bother to come back and leave a message, but those days are over. Have a great weekend, we wish us a happy day, it's time to enjoy the game!2023-12-08 07:28:23
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 我的爱一切都很好。事物 我生命中的 你像樱花一样美丽 你真美 ⠀⠀⠀⠀你这周过得怎么样 谢谢你做你自己 用爱写的2023-12-08 02:51:40
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful Friday, Kronis ~2023-12-08 02:09:50
KOR모드year 2023 is heading to end! i wish your last month will be full of joy and pride! watch for cold, and hope to enjoy the last!! Have a nice Day!2023-12-07 19:51:51
Roy.Love your new head shot , Have a nice day, sweetheart.*ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚2023-12-07 19:07:04
LisaHave a good night!2023-12-07 18:21:39
asuri(\ /)( . .)♥c(”)(”)2023-12-07 13:57:32
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-12-07 13:18:49
Little OwlSmile!2023-12-07 10:38:05
EuclidHave a good weekend2023-12-07 06:47:28
inbA天下Have a good day!2023-12-06 16:21:00
DAX1Awesome christmas profile!2023-12-06 12:49:59
LunaHappy Wednesday, my dear, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! You're incredible and capable of achieving amazing things! Use today to celebrate your strengths, chase your dreams, and spread kindness wherever you go! Take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you, embrace new opportunities, and remember that you're making a difference just by being you! Have a lovely Wednesday! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-12-06 11:05:10
iX★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.e ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛2023-12-06 04:42:24
Explosion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )Have an amazing weekend2023-12-06 01:46:12
Schattenkatze79Ich kann mich dunkel dran erinnern, dass wir als wir klein waren fast jedes Jahr nach Österreich gefahren sind. Da waren wir aber eher in einem kleinen Dorf. Als wir dann größer wurden , da sind wir dann immer an die Nordsee nach Norddeich gefahren. Da waren wir dann auch jedes Mal in der Robbenaufzuchtstation. Das fanden wir als Kids immer sehr toll :)2023-12-05 12:33:26
랑골I was dreaming of a perfect plan, but the worst plan came. I was thinking about the exam period because I was still a student, but I had to wait two weeks before all the exams were scheduled on the 2nd. But you have to overcome these challenges, right? I hope you have a happy and peaceful day without any difficulties like me. I hope you can overcome any challenges with a strong heart! Fighting this week!2023-12-05 09:54:03
虾米子晚上好呀夜夜2023-12-05 09:10:18
ЭммиI sincerely wish you a pleasant, warm, cozy and good evening. May he give you a great rest and a feeling of happiness.2023-12-05 08:56:08
#Dantady1晚上好啊2023-12-05 08:50:07
Sotiriaich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag2023-12-05 05:21:47
Yenzearhave a nice day and a blessed week ^^2023-12-05 04:55:14
Edgestylez.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂|   |    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing week~2023-12-05 03:03:34
WhitePumpkinI hope you have a wonderful Tuesday, Kronis2023-12-05 02:13:35
EppieHave a wonderful day ♥️2023-12-05 02:09:28
AmadeusHave a good week.2023-12-04 23:30:15
Mr. DessoThank you for the wonderful wishes! I completely agree with the words that joy should be our main focus. I wish that every day brings new bright moments and successes that will decorate our week. Let's raise a glass in honor of unexpected happiness and festive victories, and achieve your goals with a smile on your face.2023-12-04 23:15:45
DAX1Hope you have a nice week :P2023-12-04 18:15:00
DAX1"。     ☾ °        ✦    ゚   .         ★     .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .     ‍ * ●           𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂          。  .        。     ¸             ゚   .              .,         .  .        .  ✦   。                   ゚         。 ‍ * ●  .        .     .    ✦      。  . "2023-12-04 17:38:43
JohnOoh you have such a nice way with poetry, I love it! ^_^2023-12-04 14:57:26
Sophia mit ZiehlhilfeNew Week New Luck Wish you the best https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31053532672023-12-04 14:49:13
КоржикHave a nice Week🍵2023-12-04 14:21:58
Sotiriaich wünsche dir eine schöne Adventswoche , bleib gesund2023-12-04 14:06:32
ÄilearThank you , I wish you a week filled with colourful events2023-12-04 12:48:54
虾米子谢谢祝福,爱你哟2023-12-04 12:40:33
AnakiellaThank you, that's very nice2023-12-04 11:57:42
Tetsuky McFlyThx you cute <32023-12-04 11:52:31
SoleSurvivor™Thank you and i wish you the same! your comments are always so thoughful2023-12-04 11:45:36
Puppet Masterthank you, i wish you the same2023-12-04 11:41:26
♡Kenji ☿thank u so much Kronis cutieand have a super cuddly dayy2023-12-04 11:26:19
bertkliNen schönen Advent und ne tolle Woche wünsch ich Dir :-)2023-12-04 11:23:12
Digimoon''We make realities out of our dreams and dreams out of our realities. We are the dreamers of the dream.'' - Roald Dahl - Have a wonderful day Kronis2023-12-04 11:22:37
Alle_guten_Namen_sind_wegWishing you an amazing December!2023-12-04 11:19:45
Dropletthx Kronis~ have a lovely day2023-12-04 11:18:45
seele vollereiplease rate my work in Wallpaper https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31040361052023-12-04 09:35:29
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):2023-12-04 05:43:03
YenzearHave a nice day and a blessed week :32023-12-04 04:55:35
oliveronHave a wonderful day and a nice week ahead2023-12-04 02:47:18
ZLoDeHave a lovely Week2023-12-03 17:27:23
Sailor Moon新しい週に良いスタートを持っています2023-12-03 10:03:07
-Miku Loves Tuyu-hey i just hope ur doing well. Wish you the best!2023-12-03 03:52:10
-Miku Loves Tuyu-Hello!2023-12-03 03:39:24
신녀 히미코Thanks :) Have a nice weekend~2023-12-03 03:16:55
Roy.Have a nice weekend, my dear friend.*ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚2023-12-02 21:08:21
55zanaris99bottomfeeder2023-12-02 20:04:00
Sotiriai wish you a wonderful weekend stay safe2023-12-02 13:07:21
NefiroHave A Great Weekend2023-12-02 11:10:46
SalzStangeHave a nice weekend2023-12-02 10:25:50
Sophia mit ZiehlhilfeHave a nice weekend rate the new artwork of me https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=31028397562023-12-02 09:06:49
Lou Zephyri wish you a snowy but cozy weekend full of cookies and naps2023-12-02 03:43:03
❄AstroKnight❄Good morning my dear friend, I would like to wish you a very great weekend and a good mood, and never be sad, because I really hope that everything in your life is wonderful and bright like the sun, and follow your dreams like a flying star and conquers the expanses of space, because know that you are my friends, and I want everything to be wonderful and beautiful with you, and thank you for being my friends and I hope you will never leave me. Your friend AstroKnight2023-12-02 02:48:02
QuinnThanks and have a good weekend2023-12-02 01:18:11
랑골It's already December! The end of the year is coming! Am I the only one who is already looking forward to it? I think it would be a good idea to have a full and happy first week of the year and think about how to end 2023!2023-12-01 22:51:40
KhainiThx and have a great weekend2023-12-01 22:38:36
Mr. DessoCongratulations on the weekend! I wish you a great rest and enjoy every minute of your free time. May these days be full of joy, smiles and pleasant surprises. Allow yourself to relax, forget about work and take care only of your own well-being. Enjoy your holidays, travel or your favorite hobbies, filling your weekends the way you want. Have a nice weekend, my dear friend!2023-12-01 22:02:13
Euclid⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁     Have a nice weekend~2023-12-01 21:57:27
DropletHave a lovely weekend2023-12-01 19:53:19
Eldritch Howardthx. have a good weekend. :)2023-12-01 10:42:08
Wick’dHave a nice weekend with your friends or loved ones.2023-12-01 09:51:44
ЭммиНаступил это долгожданный день недели — пятница! Я Вам желаю отличных выходных, веселых развлечений и теплых, дружеских компаний. Желаю расслабиться после трудовой недели и вдоволь насладиться свободой от дел и забот.2023-12-01 08:17:56
Amadeusgood night~2023-12-01 08:01:18
DarkvilThank you!Really2023-12-01 07:55:48
[CH]🌸LARA🦄SOULS🌸LIKEich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche2023-12-01 07:51:44
Puppet MasterThank you for the positive words, have a wonderful weekend too2023-12-01 07:16:02
inbA天下nice day!dude2023-12-01 06:19:57
♡Kenji ☿aww thank u u are soo beautiful2023-12-01 06:07:01
КоржикThanks youHave a nice Friday🍵2023-12-01 06:02:09
DropletThank you Kronis~ have a lovely weekend2023-12-01 06:00:15
♠ Bℓ4cky ♠.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂|   |    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing weekend~2023-12-01 05:32:56
bertkliNen tollen Start ins Wochenende wünsch ich Dir aus dem hohen Norden und viel Spaß beim Zocken :-)2023-12-01 05:27:31
AkichiMEOWHave a nice day!2023-12-01 05:26:41
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡非常感谢 对于一切2023-12-01 03:14:59
Frisk ^-^IT'S FRIDAY!!!! Have a great friday & weekend~! Kronis2023-12-01 03:07:20
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful Friday & December, Kronis ! Take care today ~2023-12-01 02:20:07
Albedo🖤I’m good, thanks :32023-11-30 21:33:32
OLIVIA = DREAM「❀」Winter has begun! ☃️❄️ Let's celebrate the first day of winter with joy and cheer! 🎊🎉 May this season bring you endless moments of happiness, health and warmth to your home. 😊🏠 Wishing you a blessed and magical winter! 🎁☂️2023-11-30 20:05:55
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-11-30 15:16:11
oliveronThank you for the wonderful wishes hope you have a great week2023-11-30 14:36:39
Schattenkatze79Ich denke mal so ziemlich jedes Kind war mal in einer solchen Situation :). Die Marmelade ist übrigens wirklich sehr lecker. Ich war bisher nur zweimal in der Schweiz. Mein Mann hatte eine Bekannte dort. Sie hatte bei Basel gewohnt, aber sie ist dann umgezogen. Von Stuttgart nach Basel ist es sozusagen ein Katzensprung. Wir sind glaub ich um die eine oder eineinhalb Stunden mit dem ICE von Stuttgart nach Basel gefahren. Ich wünsch dir einen guten Start in den Freitag2023-11-30 13:11:56
Albedo🖤So, how are you all doing?2023-11-30 11:40:01
Roy.Do you know it's against the law to be so cute? (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)2023-11-30 06:34:42
LunaHappy Thursday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! May this day be filled with joy, positivity, and incredible opportunities and may you find inspiration in every moment and embrace the blessings that come your way! Remember, you possess an incredible amount of strength and resilience. You have the power to overcome any obstacles that come your way! Believe in yourself and let your spirit shine and know that you are loved and appreciated, not just today but every day. Enjoy your Thursday to the fullest! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-11-30 01:01:53
🔸raulDemon🔸Here is a donut for ya2023-11-29 15:26:01
Tea GardenNice to meet you2023-11-29 10:57:28
虾米子晚上好呀2023-11-29 10:31:10
xFanexx"Die größten Wunder geschehen oft in den einfachsten Momenten des Lebens."2023-11-29 09:21:00
Schattenkatze79Also die Marmelade kommt erst morgen, aber so hab ich halt die Chance genutzt um Renntiere für Weihnachtskarten zu häkeln ^-^. Bei Johannisbeeren fällt mir jetzt sehr spontan ein, dass wir es als Kinder möchten immer mehr zu naschen, als die gepflückten ins Gefäß zu packen. Meine Eltern hatten Johannisbeeren im Garten gehabt :). Wir hatten ein kleines bisschen Schnee gehabt, aber der blieb nicht liegen. Da Stuttgart im Kessel liegt, so ist das Wetter manchmal etwas anders als im Rest des Landes. Vielen lieben Dank für deinen Kommi und liebe Grüße :)2023-11-29 09:19:06
[X]odok 3a_nuB0MРадио, прием поздравлений. До студии дозванивается девушка: -Поздравляю своего любимого папу с днем рождения от всего сердца до члена! Ведущий смущенно: - Простите, до куда? -Дибил! Дочь Лена!!2023-11-29 08:37:58
КоржикHello🐱Nice to meet you🤝2023-11-29 08:05:36
아오바I'm sorry but you've already personally registered me and deleted me from Steam without a word. I can't accept it twice.2023-11-29 03:51:32
❄AstroKnight❄Hello my dear friend, I came to wish you a very good day and cheerful mood and endless joy and I will always be with you as long as we are friends and I hope that we will always be friends and let the sun light up your day because this day will be one of the most beautiful and I hope that the rest of your days were also bright and beautiful and I am always happy to write these comments and I will also be glad if you read them and it will cheer you up and I will hug you and I will never forget (and I have always been surprised at the size my comments)2023-11-29 03:11:05
oliveronHi my dear friend, I wish you a wonderful day2023-11-29 02:45:51
Foxy ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊♡🤍🤍   🖤🖤                      🤍      🖤      🖤                      🤍               🖤                         🤍         🖤                            🤍   🖤                               🤍               🤍 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 🖤2023-11-29 02:40:01
Roy.Have a nice day!cutie~ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ2023-11-28 19:36:10
Schattenkatze79Vielen lieben Dank für die Kommis. Ich hatte vorhin nach was geschaut was es hier nicht gibt und da bin ich halt über das Zitat gestolpert. Ich fand es recht nett und musste es einfach teilen . Ich freu mich schon sehr auf Morgen, weil ich da zum Ersten Mal Bratapfelmarmelade machen möchte. Ich wünsch dir ebenfalls eine erholsame Nacht und einen guten Start in den neuen Tag . Liebe Grüße aus Stuttgart2023-11-28 14:44:58
Schattenkatze79Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open [John Barrymore]2023-11-28 11:45:20
KhainiHave a good week2023-11-28 05:37:37
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful Tuesday too, Kronis ~2023-11-28 01:25:05
EppieHave a wonderful day ❤️2023-11-28 01:19:30
Shadow∧,,,∧( ̳• · • ̳)/ づ🤍2023-11-27 14:50:22
Sotiriaich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche hab trotz Winter und Kälte immer die Sonne in deinem Herzen2023-11-27 13:56:26
虾米子爱你哟2023-11-27 11:50:27
Schattenkatze79.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂|   |    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing week~2023-11-27 11:34:19
mishimaiiLove you2023-11-27 11:20:33
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Hi I hope you're having a good day please like this and rate, thanks https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097237155 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097236172 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097235441 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097235079 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097239426 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30972354412023-11-27 09:56:21
DAX1Danke für deine netten Worte! Ich habe direkt ein lächeln gehabt Hab auch eine schöne Woche!2023-11-27 09:35:31
랑골Your writing always makes me smile. Thanks to you, I think I can start this week very happily. I hope the same happiness comes to you who delivered this happiness to me and have a great and energetic week! May you always have good luck!2023-11-27 08:57:09
♡Kenji ღhave a lovely dayy sweetie <32023-11-27 08:45:58
♡Kenji ღrawrr2023-11-27 08:45:50
Puppet MasterHey, thanks for your beautiful words, I wish you a nice week too2023-11-27 08:08:34
[CH]🌸LARA🦄SOULS🌸LIKEhave a nice day2023-11-27 05:52:21
Roy.I hope you have a great day.(*>v<)ゞ*゜+2023-11-27 05:21:22
CyroxIch lass dann auch mal wieder viele Grüße da und wünsche Dir einen schönen Start in eine hoffentliche erfolgreiche Woche :)2023-11-27 05:14:52
inbA天下+rep2023-11-27 04:52:16
!TEA, COFFEE OR ME?I LOVE YOU2023-11-27 04:09:48
ЭммиХорошего дня! Весь сегодняшний день пусть несет тебе позитив, тепло, радость, вдохновение и множество возможностей.2023-11-27 03:54:50
Mr. Desso。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ .𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴!ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2023-11-27 03:40:22
Edgestylez.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂|   |    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing week~2023-11-27 03:25:00
Amadeusave a nice week~2023-11-27 03:14:12
妹Госпожа БалдежаGood Morning!Thank you! Your profile is also very beautiful! Glad to see you on my friends list2023-11-27 03:10:38
EuclidHave a nice week~2023-11-27 03:02:58
ÄilearThanks , have a nice week)2023-11-27 02:55:20
🆔🄰.🄶.3⃣0⃣3⃣9⃣Хорошей Недели, Мужик FF2023-11-27 02:46:28
DropletHave a lovely week~2023-11-27 02:42:19
赤瞳Have a nice day~2023-11-27 02:22:21
Akane💙Have a nice day~💙2023-11-27 02:19:14
SoleSurvivor™Huhu, danke für die Anfrage und eine schöne Woche dir!2023-11-27 01:22:59
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Hi I hope you're having a good day please like this and rate, thanks https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097237155 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097236172 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097235441 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097235079 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097239426 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30972354412023-11-27 00:51:20
reavy666Vielen Dank für die Anfrage...sehr nett von dir.Schön dich kennenzulernen.2023-11-26 10:50:22
Schattenkatze79Das Spiel mit dem Coffin ist übrigens auf meiner Wunschliste gelandet. Danke für die Inspiration dazu und ich wünsch dir einen erholsamen Restsonntag (=2023-11-26 10:09:24
LunaHappy Sunday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I hope that you are having a truly marvelous Sunday and that you are going to have an even better week ahead! I also want to take a moment to express how grateful I am to have as a friend. Your presence and support mean the world to me! You are appreciated and valued. Let's make the most out of the upcoming days and enjoy our friendship! Happy Sunday and have a great week! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-11-26 03:31:58
Lou ZephyrHopefully your sunday is as chill as it can get, with a nice and tasty lunch and a lazy afternoon.2023-11-26 03:29:04
WhitePumpkin(busy)I ᕼOᑭE YOᑌ ᕼᗩᐯE ᗩ ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᖴᑌᒪ ᗯEEKEᑎᗪ2023-11-26 01:46:02
Roy.I give you three kissesOne for loveOne for healthOne for wealth Have a good weekend, my dear friend.(❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)◞2023-11-25 20:14:56
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀Have a good weekendrate my new artwork https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30956118802023-11-25 17:47:01
lonelyHappy weekend dear2023-11-25 17:06:01
†*_ΛYΛMƐ_*†Have a cool weekend2023-11-25 10:00:56
神从未现身过,却被世人崇拜供奉 人类会毫无理由的为保护蚂蚁而跟食蚁兽进行战斗嘛?虽然人类确实能暴打食蚁兽,但是没理由去跟食蚁兽战斗吧?就是因为食蚁兽会去吃掉蚂蚁嘛?如果是科研人员,为了研究蚂蚁生态。每天与蚂蚁同吃同住,甚至还产生了感情。那这些蚂蚁对你来说意义非凡值得去守护;那么当食蚁兽出现,你会毫不犹豫的去驱赶食蚁兽!神性与人性都是抽象的概念,我否认神性是绝对理性的观点;目前为止能做到绝对理性的只有AI,倘若神性是绝对理性的,就不会诞生出一些让人类都深恶痛绝的神话传说。说到底人类还是利用人类自身的特点去揣测神明神明,一个无法确认是否存在的对象。拥有全知全能不死不灭的能力,其意志被称为无上意志;虽从未献身但影响力遍布世间各处......2023-11-25 05:20:28
✮MagmaKnight✮Good morning my dear friend how are you? I am doing very well, I hope that you are doing well too, because I wish you a lot of joy and health a good weekend, and most importantly, never forget the people close to you, I would like to never forget you, I hope that you will never forget me either and thank you for your support because your comments cheer me up and I would like to cheer you up because this is one of my goals and I send you endless hugs and happiness and I hope you like my comment2023-11-25 03:47:12
Frisk ^-^HAVE A NICE DAY, FRIEND~2023-11-25 02:02:09
inbA天下+rep2023-11-25 01:05:31
虾米子周末愉快2023-11-25 01:03:43
[CH]🌸LARA🦄SOULS🌸LIKEHave a nice day2023-11-24 23:35:07
Roy.Have a lovely weekend cutie!*ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚2023-11-24 20:33:43
KhainiHave a good weekend2023-11-24 19:47:48
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-11-24 19:23:05
Euclid⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2023-11-24 19:19:14
Eldritch Howardhave a nice weekend :)2023-11-24 15:33:26
Sotiriaich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende bleib gesund2023-11-24 15:32:31
ÄilearGreetings , I wish you an unforgettable weekend and a wonderful experience2023-11-24 14:19:10
TheElderGodshave a amazing weekend my friend2023-11-24 13:45:15
Schattenkatze79Ich wünsche dir ein entspanntes Wochenende mit sehr Viel Erholung. Grüße2023-11-24 12:30:32
Sad HeatherThanks!2023-11-24 12:20:05
🖤omegaΩWill dir mal wieder nette Grüße dalassen und ein schönes Wochenende wünschen. Hoffe es passt soweit alles bei dir? Auf bald, viel Spaß noch Lg, Omega.2023-11-24 12:14:50
oliveronHave a happy and relaxing Friday and a wonderful Weekend ahead2023-11-24 11:48:30
Max, Max, Max Super MaxКогда алгебры нет это халява, очень надеюсь что в след.году ее не будет2023-11-24 11:16:34
랑골Thank you so much I hope you have a really happy time this weekend, too! They happen to be on sale for games, so it would be a good idea to try a new game! Whatever it is, I hope you have a happy time! Have a great weekend, and I don't know how it will be there, but be careful not to catch a cold!2023-11-24 10:45:23
★JeRRY FOX★Thank you. And have a nice weekend!2023-11-24 09:46:40
Puppet Masterthank you for your kind words, I wish you a nice weekend too2023-11-24 08:06:41
AipiniHave a nice day2023-11-24 06:59:54
BronyaAlloy1ceGood weekend, it's the time for the game sale. May you have more joy and a more relaxed life in the game2023-11-24 06:48:36
Woohoo∧∧∩                   ( ゚∀゚ )/             ハ_ハ    ⊂   ノ     ハ_ハ           ('(゚∀゚ ∩     (つ ノ     ∩ ゚∀゚)')       ハ_ハ   ヽ  〈     (ノ    〉  /     ハ_ハ     ('(゚∀゚∩   ヽヽ_)          (_ノ ノ    .∩ ゚∀゚)')     O,_  〈                    〉  ,_O       `ヽ_)                    (_/ ´  ハ_ハ                                  ハ_ハ⊂(゚∀゚⊂⌒`⊃        HAVE A GREAT DAY !         ⊂´⌒⊃゚∀゚)⊃2023-11-24 06:41:30
♡Kenji ღhave a lovely dayy sweetie, and thank u soo much <32023-11-24 06:03:35
YenzearHave a nice Day :D2023-11-24 04:53:43
WhitePumpkin(busy)Have a nice Friday !2023-11-24 03:31:59
广陵王💜💜   💜   💜💜   💜   🖤🖤💜🖤🖤   💜   💜🖤      🖤      🖤💜   💜🖤               🖤💜      💜🖤         🖤💜         💜🖤   🖤💜            💜🖤💜               💜2023-11-24 03:29:20
广陵王💜💜   💜   💜💜   💜   🖤🖤💜🖤🖤   💜   💜🖤      🖤      🖤💜   💜🖤               🖤💜      💜🖤         🖤💜         💜🖤   🖤💜            💜🖤💜               💜2023-11-24 03:29:18
广陵王💜💜   💜   💜💜   💜   🖤🖤💜🖤🖤   💜   💜🖤      🖤      🖤💜   💜🖤               🖤💜      💜🖤         🖤💜         💜🖤   🖤💜            💜🖤💜               💜2023-11-24 03:29:16
Алфа-Fafabonne journé2023-11-24 01:58:21
Blvk_Knxght: ¨·.·¨ :` ·. 🦋╱|、(˚ˎ 。7|、˜〵じしˍ,)ノ2023-11-24 01:39:43
Jackson BillieThank you very much, the same to you Kronis, take care of yourself dear friend, I wish you the best for this weekend, I hope you take advantage of the offers ^_^2023-11-24 01:26:27
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-11-23 16:00:33
Sophia selling cs2 commendsHave a Great night Rate my new artwork https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30932624172023-11-23 15:37:55
LunaHappy Thursday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! Wishing you a day filled with positivity, joy, and success! May this day bring you closer to achieving your goals and ambitions! Remember to take time for yourself, engage in activities that make you happy, and spread kindness wherever you go! Let's make the most of this beautiful Thursday and create memories that will last a lifetime! I'm grateful to have you as friend, and I hope this day brings nothing but happiness and blessings your way! Enjoy your Thursday to the fullest! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-11-23 00:30:15
Shadow/  ̄  )             ,'  r'´ ̄             l   !             ゝ  ゝ、             `ヘ、 `ヽ、                 ヽ  \Have a nyatastic week     !  j              ,..ノ  ノ          , r----'´   ,ィ´       ト 、/       くト、     l ト、`ヽ       l!ト、`ヽ- ------┘ゝ   ',       ll  >         ',      jY           '.,  -∠、ノl  l    l    ,..┤   l',   -      !、j' ̄  ノ ゝ、_ー一'__ _,ィ´ゝ---'2023-11-22 13:39:00
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ2023-11-22 04:12:16
хөөрхэн。    🌟             ゚   .            . 🎇,         .  .        . 🎇     。        ✨           ゚     🌟   。🎇  .        .     .          。  .  .              𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。 .        。✨     ✨  ゚   .              .,   🌟      .  .    🎇    . 🎇     。                   ゚    🌟     。2023-11-21 14:10:42
Schattenkatze79.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂|   |    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing week~2023-11-21 11:17:51
[X]odok 3a_nuB0MПол Уокер разбился, приехала полиция, достают из машины пол Уокера, а потом еще пол Уокера2023-11-21 05:37:41
𝕋𝕆𝕄𝕀𝕆𝕂𝔸∧,,,∧( ̳• · • ̳)/ づ2023-11-21 05:16:46
陰陽 ♡🤍🤍   🖤🖤                      🤍      🖤      🖤                      🤍               🖤                         🤍         🖤                            🤍   🖤                               🤍2023-11-21 04:59:31
YenzearHave a nice day2023-11-21 04:34:22
EppieHave a wonderful day ♥️2023-11-20 23:03:37
랑골I hope this week will be filled with full and happy days and always have a healthy and fruitful day!2023-11-20 21:37:54
wilfred mainyou are why they hate dangonranpa. CRINGE!2023-11-20 20:42:32
🌈듀버레이터⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2023-11-20 18:45:14
oliveronWish you an awesome week dear friend2023-11-20 16:50:41
✮MagmaKnight✮Good evening my friend, I wish you a wonderful day and mood, because I am very glad that you like my comments and that you support me and you are also very good friends and I would also like to wish you good health and endless happiness and I send you thousands of hugs2023-11-20 16:10:43
TheElderGodsHave a beautiful day dear friend luv:2023-11-20 15:01:25
Connor From Cyberlife⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊    ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜❤ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴀʏ❤2023-11-20 14:57:06
[Piv[A]sikK]Как называется ситуация, когда мать карлика отпускает его погулять с друзьями?Низкое разрешение2023-11-20 13:34:04
WhitePumpkinThank you, Kronis ! Have a wonderful week ~2023-11-20 09:59:32
ÄilearThank you very much, I wish you a wonderful week with your kindred in a warm atmosphere and only good experiences^^2023-11-20 08:56:41
♠ Bℓ4cky ♠.. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂|   |    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆Have a nice day, and an amazing week~2023-11-20 08:34:21
Puppet Masterthank you, i wish you a nice week too2023-11-20 08:05:22
chocokroonDear my friend. I wish you a wonderful and happy week too. Enjoy every day of your life!2023-11-20 06:47:26
AipiniThank you, have a nice day2023-11-20 06:30:49
NEPGEARVielen Dank für deine ständigen herzerwärmenden Profil Nachrichten auf meinem Profil, gibt mir nun etwas Hoffnung in schweren Zeiten, dadurch geht es mir etwas besser *hug*2023-11-20 05:53:18
QuinnThank you2023-11-20 05:52:10
Эмми-Новая неделя наступила. Полная обещаний, потенциальных и бесконечных возможностей. Неделя, чтобы вы могли осуществить свои мечты. Хорошей недели!2023-11-20 05:31:35
[DC] Jofix1377thanks2023-11-20 05:12:28
Frisk ^-^Thnak you so much! Have a great day~𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜2023-11-20 05:03:52
KhainiMay good luck be with u allllwayyys2023-11-20 04:51:44
Akane💙Have a nice day~💙2023-11-20 03:53:14
YenzearEine angenehme Woche wünsche ich2023-11-20 03:29:33
▴⁧⁧tommyDrop some positive vibe2023-11-20 03:07:58
Taiga-chanHave a lovely week!2023-11-20 02:20:07
Edgestylez💛       💜           💙                   💗       💚 💜     💚         𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐘        💗           💚         💛      💙    💙         💜2023-11-20 02:18:51
虾米子下午好呀2023-11-20 02:15:17
DropletHave a lovely day2023-11-20 02:01:50
q0nyy_Благодарствую, вам тоже всего наилучшего на этой неделе! 😃2023-11-19 21:01:17
kitty ♡⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-11-19 17:52:16
Сашка Хорёкзавтра в шарагу -вайб2023-11-19 13:02:41
Shadow¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .  ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: .𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚.   ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2023-11-19 08:33:33
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀    Please Rate my new Artwork https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30886669512023-11-19 08:18:59
KOR모드starting cold these days! get warm cloth, and trying not to get cold!! - in korea, KOR모드2023-11-19 05:02:04
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-11-18 17:20:50
Lady  Gabihuhu ja auch für dich relaxtes wochenende nur das meiste was du mir schreibst brauche ich einen übersetzer für, mein englisch geht leider betteln, zu laaang her2023-11-18 16:54:53
Сашка ХорёкЯ всегда возвращаюсь2023-11-18 11:55:49
[CH]🌸LARA🦄SOULS🌸LIKEhave a nice day2023-11-18 06:07:11
BronyaAlloy1ceYeah, it's another weekend. I don't know what activities you usually enjoy to relax yourself through? Wishing you a pleasant weekend~2023-11-18 05:24:55
✮MagmaKnight✮Good morning my friend, I would like to wish you a very good weekend and mood and by the way, are you not annoyed by my comments? because I have a feeling that it annoys someone, and even if it annoys someone, I am very sorry, maybe I should send them less often? how do you think?2023-11-18 02:47:26
Euclid⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷ Have a good lovely week 💗⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2023-11-18 02:38:23
トー横キッズ2023-11-17 22:21:00
AipiniHave a nice weekend2023-11-17 20:41:13
Akane💙Have a nice day~💙2023-11-17 19:57:06
RyoDanke schön2023-11-17 17:54:06
TheElderGodsHave a beautiful weekend my friend2023-11-17 17:30:53
Geralt of RiviaОдобряю, +rep friendly person2023-11-17 17:01:39
Sophia selling cs2 commendsWeekend time go and enjoy it with Friendsrate my new artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30864898732023-11-17 14:26:19
Eldritch Howardhave a nice weekend :)2023-11-17 14:06:45
Simon Riley+rep cool profileлучший2023-11-17 13:51:24
Сашка ХорёкСамый позитивный бро которого я только видел2023-11-17 13:21:15
Richie͘⋆.    .         .               .  ˙  . ⋆    . ∙   ★ ֹ.    ☆   ֹ  .  ⋆          ͘   ݀              .     .  .   .  ˙   ★ ݀  ˙ .    ݀   ߲ ˙ .  ݀ . ֹ .  ˙  ֹ ✰ ֹ  ★ .       . ݀   .    .  ˙  .  ˙    . .★  . .  .       . . ✰   ֹ  .    . ⋆ ֹ   .    ͘ ͘       .        .        .          .   .    .     .    .   .  ★  . ∙  ݀.  ݀  ★      ◌ .     .          ★      .             .     ★2023-11-17 12:18:32
ㅎㄷ맘The first week of November has passed. The weather is cold, so be careful not to catch a cold2023-11-17 11:20:34
SeesawThank you for your kind words! I hope you have a peaceful weekend2023-11-17 10:06:17
Shy_Wolfy(Iowa❤ BB-61)Dankeee ich hoffe du hast auch einen schönen start ins WE2023-11-17 09:46:27
Ksidekickhave a good weekend I wish you all the best in the future2023-11-17 09:33:31
Самый настоящийХорошего настроения в эти выходные!2023-11-17 09:31:11
oliveronDanke, Ich wünsche Dir auch ein wunderschönes Wochenende2023-11-17 08:26:26
DropletI hope you have a wonderful weekend2023-11-17 08:22:44
KhainiHave a good weekend too2023-11-17 08:17:56
랑골It's the first time I've received such a long post while working on Steam! You touched my heart and I was really touched. I hope you, my dear friend, have a really happy weekend. And I hope only good things always happen in the future!2023-11-17 08:12:13
Schokokeks・ 。∴。 * ・゚*。・  :・ *゚。・。 * 。  ・ ゚。・゚。  ℋ𝒶𝓋ℯ 𝒶 𝓌ℴ𝓃𝒹ℯ𝓇𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓌ℯℯ𝓀ℯ𝓃𝒹:・。°*. ゚*  ゚。·・。 ゚   ゚ *.。:。  ・  * 。・゚*.。    *  ゚・。 * 。    ・  ゚ 。2023-11-17 06:13:28
WhitePumpkinI hope you have a wonderful Friday, Kronis Always be happy !!2023-11-16 23:12:50
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-11-16 20:12:36
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟)::・ 。∴。 * ・゚*。:・  :・ *゚。・。 * 。  ・ ゚。・゚。  ♡ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ˡᵒᵛᵉˡʸ ᵈᵃʸ ᶜᵘᵗᶦᵉ ♡・。°*. ゚*  ゚。·・。 ゚   ゚ *.。::。  ・  * 。・゚*.。    *  ゚・。 * 。    ・  ゚ 。2023-11-16 03:07:51
EuclidThanks for your commentHave a nice day too!2023-11-16 00:52:34
Roy.親愛的,為你戴上圍巾,{\__/}( • - •)/ ⊃🧣 嘿~天冷了,多注意保暖。2023-11-15 12:12:07
KOR모드GOOD NIGHT! wish always good things happen to you!2023-11-15 09:43:33
ЭммиМы не играли вместе. Просто, обычный коммент написала)2023-11-15 05:41:29
CrescenDollsFC187You're welcome ^.^2023-11-15 05:02:49
Эмми+𝚛𝚎𝚙 good player2023-11-15 05:01:18
@dana187_official+REP #SHBZT Signed by #dana187_official2023-11-15 04:14:06
Sophia selling cs2 commendsWish you a wonderful day2023-11-15 02:07:12
Lou ZephyrIt is wednesday my dudes!I hope yours is good and chill today2023-11-15 01:07:01
랑골⢀⠤⡀ ⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄ ⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-11-14 22:11:55
oliveronWünsche Dir eine schöne Woche noch2023-11-14 17:07:02
Edgestylez● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .  ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: ❤ 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 ❤  ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2023-11-14 10:17:55
belfer-rep anime2023-11-14 08:20:06
Mriy@Thanks! Have a good week, Kronis~2023-11-14 08:11:09
KhainiThank you for your comment. Have a good day2023-11-14 05:21:27
CyroxIch wünsche Dir eine schöne und erfolgreiche Woche; hoffe bei euch ist besseres Wetter als hier bei uns xD2023-11-14 04:36:25
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful Tuesday, Kronis !2023-11-14 04:18:49
ㅎㄷ맘Have a nice day2023-11-14 00:57:14
Akane💙Have a nice day~💙좋은 하루보내세요~2023-11-14 00:34:27
Droplethave a lovely day~2023-11-13 23:43:17
AipiniHave a wonderful week too2023-11-13 20:22:35
Shy_Wolfy(Iowa❤ BB-61)Gute nacht ~ ^w^2023-11-13 18:11:52
TheElderGodshave a amazing week dear friend2023-11-13 15:01:49
Schattenkatze79⢀⠤⡀ ⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ℋ𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓌𝑜𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀2023-11-13 13:22:48
Shy_Wolfy(Iowa❤ BB-61)Echt süß von dir ^~^ ich hoffe du hast eine gute nacht~2023-11-13 11:46:23
KuroneHave a nice day!2023-11-13 08:42:02
Puppet Masterthank you for your motivating words, i wish you a nice week too2023-11-13 08:06:36
Seesaw행복한 한 주 보내세요!!2023-11-13 07:51:37
랑골Thank you for adding friends! Nice to meet you! I wish you a happy day2023-11-13 07:51:04
☕AkiHello2023-11-13 05:47:57
inbA天下+rep2023-11-13 02:46:40
Roy.Have a nice day!cutie~ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ2023-11-13 01:13:31
WhitePumpkinThank you so much, Kronis Have a wonderful week ~2023-11-13 00:54:49
Shy_Wolfy(Iowa❤ BB-61)Mhhh thats a really cute profile u got there ~2023-11-13 00:45:58
Sophia selling cs2 commendsWist you the best start in the new weekrate my new artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30814363372023-11-12 17:39:09
✯彡Shinny彡✯Thank you for adding me, have a cool week2023-11-12 16:06:11
KhainiHave a good day, thank you2023-11-12 13:25:32
WhitePumpkinAlways be healthy, my friend ~2023-11-12 01:19:36
inbA天下+rep2023-11-11 21:01:42
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-11-11 15:06:56
twitchthis guy.. gets cucked, 100%2023-11-11 14:13:27
ЭммиI wish you a sparkling, wonderful, amazing, cool, passionate, stormy, positive, memorable, most delightful weekend!2023-11-11 07:58:10
Jast1ksHave a nice day!2023-11-11 04:27:46
✮MagmaKnight✮Good morning or good evening my dear friend, I wish you a very good weekend, and a lot of happiness and good mood, and never be sad, and never give up, because I support you in a any situation, and I hope that everything is fine with you very good, I always write these comments from the bottom of my heart and thank you very much for your support2023-11-11 03:28:47
J'AhrimeBonne journée à toi aussi2023-11-11 01:01:24
BeeryAlKo\  ヽ    i  |     /   /    \ !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ー         ,:'          ::::::::、 __        ,:' /       \   ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,、           :::::::::: /    /       ,:'        : ::::::::::::`:、            ,:'         : : ::::::::::`:、𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 🖤2023-11-11 00:52:21
TheAwesomeDemonYou have the single most agreeable steam review ever2023-11-10 23:00:07
LunaHappy Friday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! As the week comes to a close, I hope you have something fun and exciting planned for the weekend! Whether it's spending time with loved ones, getting some rest and relaxation, or pursuing your favorite hobby, I hope you make the most of it! Let's take a moment to celebrate the end of the work week and look forward to some well-deserved downtime. Have a great weekend and stay safe! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-11-10 15:51:23
Sophia selling cs2 commendsHave a nice weekend2023-11-10 15:42:16
ShadoowAngelEin kleiner Gruß, der vom Herzen kommt, kann einen den ganzen Tag versüßen. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag! 🤗2023-11-10 15:14:15
性欲Have a great weekend!2023-11-10 15:03:07
ChopSueydanke sehr nett von dir, wünsch ich dir auch2023-11-10 14:58:34
Lou Zephyrshrek is love, shrek is life!you're welcome.i wish you a pleasant friday night aswell.the more steam friends the better2023-11-10 14:08:05
Sailor Moon素敵な週末を過ごしましょうSchönes Wochenende2023-11-10 14:00:33
Edgestylez💛       💜           💙                   💗       💚 💜     💚         𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐘        💗           💚         💛      💙    💙         💜2023-11-10 12:21:44
Schattenkatze79{\_/}( • - •)/ づ❤ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ!2023-11-10 12:06:11
虾米子周末愉快2023-11-10 11:57:12
♠ Bℓ4cky ♠。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .              𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2023-11-10 11:38:58
KoroLenaЖелаю вам фантастических выходных, полных веселья, отдыха и незабываемых моментов! Пусть каждое мгновение приносит радость, а отдых заряжает энергией на всю предстоящую неделю. Наслаждайтесь каждым мгновением и позвольте себе полностью расслабиться, забыв о повседневных заботах. Пусть выходные станут для вас источником вдохновения и прекрасных воспоминаний!2023-11-10 11:35:16
FeuFeuDanke, dir auch ein schönes Wochenende2023-11-10 11:16:33
Puppet MasterDankeschön für deine netten Worte, auch ich dir ein schönes und erholsames Wochenende, noch einen schönen Abend Gruß Stefan2023-11-10 11:11:50
oliveronWish you an amazing day dear friend2023-11-10 03:18:47
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-11-09 17:51:42
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2023-11-09 16:46:16
ЭммиNever stop being yourself kind person2023-11-09 10:27:02
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀2023-11-09 07:07:31
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful Thursday, my friend !2023-11-09 01:27:10
AbdullahHello, how are you? I came here to tell you that ''Abdullah'' is my new nickname. I had been with ''Linkz'' for over 2 years, but I never liked him. Well that's it, have a great day dear friend :)2023-11-08 17:08:02
Puppet Masternice to meet you too2023-11-08 00:50:57
oliveronTHX have a wonderful day and week ahead2023-11-07 16:41:36
Sophia selling cs2 commendsHave a great day2023-11-07 14:35:25
ShadoowAngelIch wünsche dir ebenfalls einen wundervollen Abend und noch eine angenehme Woche! ♡ ✧˖°.2023-11-07 08:30:15
AnakiellaЗамечательного и весёлого тебе дня2023-11-07 06:55:30
[SH].BROOK+rep дай взаимку2023-11-07 05:45:06
FB|| °Ņĕĸø°Спасибо за приятные словаИ тебе приятно провести это день2023-11-07 04:44:00
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀2023-11-07 04:29:58
AaravosOwO2023-11-07 04:18:19
EppieI wish you a wonderful day ❤️2023-11-07 02:23:54
WhitePumpkinHave a lovely Tuesday, my friend2023-11-07 00:57:01
𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖇𝖆𝖞♘Спасибо большое за пожелание, взаимно и тебе пожелаю отличной недели, прекрасного настроения и больше ярких эмоций)2023-11-07 00:29:32
inbA天下Have a nice day!2023-11-06 18:08:23
Taiga-chanThanks! You too2023-11-06 15:53:41
TheElderGodsHave a wonderful week dear friend2023-11-06 14:33:08
KoroLenaDanke schon, mein Freund2023-11-06 10:06:59
Schattenkatze79Vielen lieben Dank für die Grüße. Ich wünsch dir eine unstressige Woche. Grüße2023-11-06 08:28:46
EvgenyМужчина занял свое место в самолете. Вдруг в салон зашла самая красивая женщина, которую он когда-либо видел. И она села рядом с ним. Волна нервной дрожи охватила его тело.Желая развязать разговор, он спросил:- Куда летите? Девушка повернулась к нему, улыбнулась и сказала:- Ты долба*б? Мы в одном самолете летим...2023-11-06 08:26:16
[CH]🌸LARA🦄SOULS🌸LIKEich wünsche dir eine Schöne Woche2023-11-06 08:07:06
хөөрхэн⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄ have a⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊   ♡ ⡠⢄  ⡘ wonderful day~ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-11-06 08:04:44
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful week, my friend2023-11-06 05:53:47
YenzearDir auch eine schöne Woche ^^2023-11-06 05:15:31
ЭммиThere is a whole week ahead, full of new things and opportunities. I wish you great luck in all your endeavors. I wish you a positive attitude and support from your loved ones.2023-11-06 04:44:02
叶未然ぐ谢谢,最近一直在玩最终幻想14.但是你用的是德语?2023-11-06 04:43:14
Lady  Gabidankeschön und schönen start in die woche wünsche ich dir2023-11-06 04:43:00
oliveronDanke, Ich wünsche Dir auch eine wunderschöne Woche2023-11-06 04:40:18
EdgestylezHey Danke :-) Dir ebenfalls eine wunderbare Woche2023-11-06 04:36:53
〃•ω‹〃骤雪のshunksDanke für euren Segen! Hab eine tolle Woche!(*^▽^*)2023-11-06 04:35:23
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):2023-11-06 04:04:44
Roy.Dear friend, you deserve to be cherished. I hope you have a wonderful day. (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)◞2023-11-05 22:35:21
Sophia selling cs2 commendsI hope you enjoy the weekend like merate my new artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30731851232023-11-05 09:04:04
Clavaine♡╱|、(˚ˎ 。7 Wünsche einen entspannten Sonntag! |、˜〵じしˍ,)ノ2023-11-05 07:54:58
Blutengel1974Danke für die Anfrage. Habe einen schönen Tag und grüße aus Leipzig.2023-11-05 07:02:06
Schattenkatze79Hey :). Danke für die Anfrage und ich wünsch dir einen entspannten Sonntag2023-11-05 06:54:44
TimSta_03 ティムDanke für die Anfrage2023-11-05 06:09:19
EdgestylezSehr gerne :-), wünsche dir auch einen schönen Sonntag2023-11-05 05:44:10
Edgestylez🌙∴。 * ・゚*。🌙・  ・ *゚。   *  ・ ゚*。・゚★。  🌙 ☆゚・。°*. ゚*  ゚。·*・ 。 ゚* 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂! ○ ° ★    ゚ *.。☆。🌙 ・  * ☆ 。・゚*.。    * 🌙 ゚・。 * 。    ・ 。 ゚☆2023-11-05 05:39:16
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-11-05 01:17:22
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful Sunday, my friend !2023-11-04 23:34:45
Sophia selling cs2 commendsHave a nice weekend2023-11-04 19:12:54
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀    Please Rate my new Artwork https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30724027032023-11-04 16:51:50
Emzie01Have a good weekend2023-11-04 11:18:17
AceEchelonHave a calm weekend full of fun and relax. Do some exercises, take a walk and game on! If you think about long gaming session this weekend, think about what chew on during gameplay, check my new article on my blog about best healthy snacks for gaming and work! https://echelonzone.blogspot.com/2023/11/10-best-healthy-snacks-for-gaming-and.html Thank you for all the support with my blog, hope you can enjoy it, stay healthy and alot love <32023-11-04 05:30:21
iorimeow2023-11-04 05:18:40
✮MagmaKnight✮Hello my dear friend, I wanted to wish you a good weekend and never be sad and always be healthy, I am happy that you and I have become friends because my number of friends has reached the limit and that's sad but I hope that everything is fine with you and it will always be like this the main thing is never to give up on your dream, thank you for always being there and have a happy day, I hope that I was able to cheer you up, thank you for everything, my dear friends2023-11-04 05:03:58
<<Tiffany>>Happy Weekend2023-11-04 04:30:18
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-11-04 03:34:58
oliveronWishing you a happy and relaxing Friday and a wonderful Weekend ahead2023-11-03 14:24:05
Sophia selling cs2 commendsHave a nice weekend friend2023-11-03 12:16:42
CrystalSkiesHow about you today?well,Maybe you'll feel happiness and sadness, even so,I may wish you have a wonderful day!the song of the day:Out Of Lines by Exede2023-11-03 12:13:10
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟)⠀ㅤ2023-11-03 11:27:33
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟)::・ 。∴。 * ・゚*。:・  :・ *゚。・。 * 。  ・ ゚。・゚。  ♡ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ˡᵒᵛᵉˡʸ ᵈᵃʸ ᶜᵘᵗᶦᵉ ♡・。°*. ゚*  ゚。·・。 ゚   ゚ *.。::。  ・  * 。・゚*.。    *  ゚・。 * 。    ・  ゚ 。2023-11-03 11:25:35
❀Syouko-✮Have a cool Friday and filled with sweet things2023-11-03 10:38:15
IlGrigio™Hi!2023-11-03 09:15:24
BronyaAlloy1ceThank you for your blessings. I have finally welcomed the weekend, which is truly a joyful day. I wish you a happy weekend and keep it as relaxed as Halloween in the past few days2023-11-03 08:53:04
♠ Bℓ4cky ♠Schönes Wochenende !2023-11-03 06:53:15
ЭммиВот и пятница, впереди выходные. Желаю отлично провести время, зарядиться положительной энергией и ощутить прилив сил. Пусть счастливые минуты продлятся как можно дольше!2023-11-03 04:33:38
〃•ω‹〃骤雪のshunksThank you for your blessings. Have a great weekend!2023-11-03 04:12:04
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡美丽的东西 早上好,下午好,晚安 ⠀⠀⠀我想祝你一切顺利 给所有最可爱的朋友 替我照顾好自己 美丽的 Love You2023-11-03 03:56:41
inbA天下Have a good day~!2023-11-03 03:02:38
陰陽 ♡Хороших, насыщенных, уютных и интересных выходных тебе желаю!2023-11-03 02:19:44
Connor From Cyberlife⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-11-03 01:50:54
EvgenyВнимание! Анекдот.- Здарова, я слышал ты японский учишь?- Здарова, да учу, мне нравится- А нук, скажи что-нибудь- Нуу, могу на*уй послать- Давай- Пошел на*уй https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3070315904&tscn=1698980369 like2023-11-03 01:08:53
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-11-02 20:58:22
Xplayer090lets trade Kronis. Add me2023-11-02 20:57:47
Roy.Have a nice day, sweetheart.*ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚2023-11-02 20:31:56
🖤omegaΩHeeey, nachträglich schönes Halloween und vorsorglich entspanntes Wochenende. Bin wieder in Steam zurück, wir sind final ins Haus gezogen. Jetzt beginnt ein neuer schöner Abschnitt im Leben. Bin also wieder öfter für einen Chat zu haben, falls Interesse besteht. Na denn, tollen Abend noch und wir lesen uns bald. LG der omegamään2023-11-02 16:16:02
asuri<32023-11-02 14:11:28
Sophia selling cs2 commendsThe Queen wish you a wonderful day2023-11-02 10:42:39
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡可爱又特别的朋友2023-11-02 06:14:25
COMMANDER STEFFA™Hi! Nice to meet you!2023-11-02 01:58:11
Lisa⡰⠉⠒⢄  ⣀⠤⠒⢆     ⡰⠁  ⠉⠒⠊  ⠀⢸⠀⠀⡎⠉⠉⠉         ⠱⠤⠤⠤⠤⣄⠀⠀⢡              ⠀⡏⠀⠀⢀⠇              ⣸⠁⡠⠒⠁⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⢠⡄⠰⣄⣠⠼⠤⣀⣰⠄  ⠀⠀⠙⠦⣀⠑⢄⠀⠠⣄⡤⠚⠉⠉⠳⡴⠋⠀⠀⠰⠆⠹⣄⡤    ⢈⡽⠀⠀⠑⠢⢼⠁⠀⠘⠃⠀⠇    ⠀⡏    ⣠⠞  ⠀⠈⢆⡀⢀⠠⠤⠼⢦⣀  ⣀⠜⠁ ⣤⡄ ⠀⢻⡀   ⠀⢸⠉⣧⣀⣀⡀⠀⠈⠉⠉⠁  ⡘⣿⡿⣀⣤⠴⠃  ⠀⢠⠃⠀⠀⠉⠉   ⢀⣠⠾⠇   ⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀    ⠓⠲⠶⠶⠶⢶⠶⠖⠛⠉⠁⠀⠀⢸⠉⠓⠒⠃      ⠀⢈⠟⢆⣀⣀⣀⣠⢤⠾⡀      ⠀⠘⠶⢺⣀⣹⣀⠥⡤⠗⠃I'll take a break, so I won't post any comments.I can't tell you when I come back. I'll miss you ♡2023-11-01 18:33:21
Taiga-chanHope you had a great Halloween as well!2023-11-01 18:26:12
! KEYNAR+rep2023-11-01 16:16:56
❖⁧⁧ SububuSorry I won't do it anymore2023-11-01 10:45:41
虾米子万圣节快乐!不给糖就导弹2023-11-01 10:22:48
危险大型犬have a great start into November2023-11-01 10:01:05
Sophia selling cs2 commendsI Hope you had a wonderful Helloween2023-11-01 09:35:36
🌈宇田川あこ💕Happy Halloween2023-11-01 07:57:03
WhitePumpkinThank you, Kronis !!Have a wonderful week & Halloween too ~2023-10-31 22:15:43
EppieI wish you a wonderful day ❤️2023-10-31 22:12:16
❖⁧⁧ Sububuha ha ha, I know I'm too lazy to invent something of my own) sorry2023-10-31 20:12:37
Azurivanhappy halloween2023-10-31 19:39:43
🎃 L i n k z 👻🎃🎃   👻👻                      🎃      👻      👻                      🎃               👻                         🎃         👻                            🎃   👻                               🎃2023-10-31 19:39:03
🎃 L i n k z 👻🎃🎃   👻👻                      🎃      👻      👻                      🎃               👻                         🎃         👻                            🎃   👻                               🎃2023-10-31 18:17:34
𝙎𝙠𝙞𝘿𝙞𝙞☆👻🎃Happy Halloween🎃👻2023-10-31 16:08:23
oliveronHappy Halloween2023-10-31 14:28:57
WynterHappy Halloween! Today is the spookiest day of the year! Don't forgot to check around corners for all sorts of scary things. Maybe there is a vampire, ghost, or zombies. Maybe even yours truly is hiding around the corner waiting to play a prank and scare you hehe. Boo! Did I get you hehe? Here! This is for you.2023-10-31 13:00:49
❖⁧⁧ SububuHappy Halloween! May this magical holiday bring you lots of fun and unforgettable moments. Don't forget to dress up in amazing costumes and enjoy the enchantment of this night 🎃👻🕷️2023-10-31 12:56:59
Robin HoodHappy Halloween 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃2023-10-31 12:23:19
ZLoDe👻 Happy Halloween2023-10-31 12:03:56
Wyvern-of-the-Rising-SunANOTHER YEAR GONE!IT`S TIME AGAIN!!!HAPPY WYVERNWEEN!!! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3067592954 HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!2023-10-31 12:03:21
EppieHappy Halloween 🎃🎃🎃2023-10-31 11:05:11
🎃MagmaKnight🎃Happy Halloween2023-10-31 10:24:11
Emzie01Happy Halloween!2023-10-31 09:10:57
Rikey🎃 Happy Halloween :3🎃2023-10-31 08:35:13
🎃 L i n k z 👻🎃👻 Trick or treating 🎃👻2023-10-31 07:55:27
🎃 L i n k z 👻👻🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃👻2023-10-31 07:50:59
PikachuHappy Halloween 🎃2023-10-31 07:48:53
kuranHappy Halloween!2023-10-31 07:41:16
AnakiellaHappy Halloween!2023-10-31 07:11:52
DieWithMeHappy Halloween!2023-10-31 06:49:57
[CH]🌸LARA🦄SOULS🌸LIKE👻 Happy Halloween! 👻2023-10-31 06:05:44
Swarm👻🎃Happy Halloween🎃👻2023-10-31 05:32:28
<<Tiffany>>🎃👻🕷️Happy Halloween🎃👻🕷️2023-10-31 04:57:17
TallaHappy Halloween2023-10-31 04:35:34
CyroxHappy Halloween2023-10-31 03:54:45
芙兰朵朵🍬🎃✞👻Trick or Treat👻✞🎃🍬祝你万圣节快乐~2023-10-31 03:44:16
YoisakiKanade👻🎃Happy Halloween🎃👻2023-10-31 03:41:40
Connor From CyberlifeHappy Halloween2023-10-31 03:21:39
Jackson BillieHappy Halloween , have a great day this day 🕸️🎃2023-10-31 02:59:52
Kitty ♡Happy Halloween 🎃2023-10-31 02:36:12
Pop1cys⋆。°✩⋆。°✩ Happy Halloween! ✩°。⋆✩°。⋆2023-10-31 02:29:04
ЭммиToday is the most suitable day to enjoy sweets to your heart's content! Happy Halloween!2023-10-31 02:24:24
Thigh InspectorHappy Halloween!! 🎃🦇🦇 Much love! Take care! :)2023-10-31 02:19:18
SfLHappy Halloween2023-10-31 02:14:12
终日摇曳的心里Happy Halloween~2023-10-31 02:00:21
♦ KAWAKI ♦ 川木 ゞHappy Halloween i love u2023-10-31 01:59:38
Leathium👻🎃Happy Halloween🎃👻2023-10-31 01:19:49
Ina╠╣αppy Ѽ ╠╣αlloween2023-10-31 00:21:57
〃•ω‹〃骤雪のshunksFrohes Halloween2023-10-31 00:12:49
叶未然ぐ哦哦原来今天万圣节2023-10-31 00:06:25
小傻瓜Happy Halloween2023-10-30 23:53:46
〃•ω‹〃骤雪のshunksIch danke Ihnen für Ihren Segen und wünsche Ihnen eine angenehme Woche2023-10-30 23:50:34
ZLoDeHappy Halloween2023-10-30 23:45:19
inbA天下万圣节快乐2023-10-30 21:33:08
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Tag ♥️2023-10-30 21:30:21
Miss LunyVielen Dank Wünsche dir eine wunderschöne Woche :)2023-10-30 19:49:54
hatake.kaedeDanke dir! Ich hoffe du hast den Montag auch gut überstanden Wünsche dir ein schön gruseliges Halloween und eine gute Woche2023-10-30 18:59:19
thekichdmGood Friend2023-10-30 18:50:24
性欲👻Happy 🎃 Halloween👻2023-10-30 18:00:43
Lady  GabiHey, dankeschön für deinen netten kommentar auf meinem profil und einen schönen start in die woche2023-10-30 17:59:53
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡Hallo! Ich wünsche dir dass dein Montag entspannt war und du die neue Woche mit einem Lächeln auf den Lippen willkommen geheißen hastHey! I wish your Monday was serene and you welcomed the new week with a smile on your face2023-10-30 17:56:59
YenzearHappy Halloween :D2023-10-30 17:56:16
Thigh InspectorHappy Halloween!🎃<33 I hope your having a lovely week so far! :D2023-10-30 17:50:15
AnakiellaHave a nice and fun day, Kronis Happy Halloween2023-10-30 17:45:10
LunaHappy Monday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and you are ready to tackle another Monday! Let's make this week a good one and start off strong! Also, don't forget that Halloween is just around the corner, so get your costume ready and get in the festive spirit! Wishing you a scary good time tomorrow and hoping you fill up on lots of candy! Happy Monday, and happy Halloween! 👻 🎃 Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-10-30 15:27:18
寒光破晓Thank you, my friend. I think you're a friend worth having. You're a good mate. Have a great day.2023-10-30 13:27:37
Arikizu2023-10-30 12:39:49
〃•ω‹〃骤雪のshunksSchönen Tag2023-10-30 12:34:54
Sophia selling cs2 commendsHave a great day friend2023-10-30 12:09:17
早安喵~让我猜猜你今天是否元气满满什么!你竟然无精打采~这可不行吖!唔…谁让今天是周一,无精打采也是有情可原的喵~等等!这是什么东西?看起来很有趣原来是一条祝福语啊,快点打开看一看啦~嘿嘿!👉 你知道嘛?你真的很可爱!祝你今天有个好心情! 👈2023-10-29 22:21:22
Vampi_chan+Rep2023-10-29 14:55:54
Vladilena·MilizeHave a nice day2023-10-29 07:11:14
☆ ∂αпıı ☆Danke das wünsche ich dir auch. :)2023-10-29 04:07:44
oliveronSchönen Sonntag und einen guten Start in die Woche2023-10-29 03:20:24
〃•ω‹〃骤雪のshunksThank you have a great day 🤍2023-10-29 03:17:45
aimerNICE REVIEW OF COUNTER-STRIKE!2023-10-29 01:10:59
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-10-29 00:42:11
〃•ω‹〃骤雪のshunks⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⣉⠒⢄ ⡇⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆   ⠢ ⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱           .       ⊹ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄    ⊹       • ⢇    ⠁                            ⠘⡄       • ❤ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣       ⊹   . ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜”2023-10-28 21:15:43
kuranHave a nice weekend<32023-10-28 21:09:20
sharper:)2023-10-28 20:50:45
NiskaruTyrannIch danke dir auch für deine schönen Kommentare2023-10-28 20:43:38
Офисный клерк ЕвгенийИдут по пустине три инвалида - один слепой, другой безрукий, третий в инвалидной коляске. Выходят в оазис.Безрукий в озерцо плюхнулся - вышел с целыми руками!Слепой услышал, окунулся - о счастье - я теперь все вижу!Говорят третьему - давай мы тебя отнесем. а тот уже мчится в своей инвалидке в воду, падает, - опаньки - новые покрышки2023-10-28 11:33:43
Sophia The QueenWish you the best start in the weekendI would be happy if you join my Onlyy Love Groupalso rate my new artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30639199042023-10-28 11:11:36
🎃MagmaKnight🎃Good morning and good evening my dear friend, I wish you a very good weekend and a good mood and never be sad because I am very glad that you and I have become friends and will continue to be friends, have a good day my dear friend2023-10-28 02:52:26
NiskaruTyrann⠀Have a lovely Weekend!2023-10-28 02:14:55
TheElderGodsHave a amazing weekend dear friend2023-10-28 02:00:20
BronyaAlloy1ceHi, hello. Finally, we have arrived at a pleasant weekend. You can take a good rest and it will soon be Halloween. I'm not sure what this holiday is like in you and your country. I wish you a happy Halloween and a happy week in advance2023-10-28 01:06:48
rickyHave a wonderful weekend!2023-10-27 23:45:18
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-10-27 21:21:47
L i n k z{\_/}( • - •)/ づ❤2023-10-27 20:27:16
L i n k z{\_/}( • - •)/ づ❤2023-10-27 18:56:06
˖ʚ rainy♡days ɞ˖24:00 time flies2023-10-27 17:45:26
EasTime for a well earned weekend2023-10-27 14:11:50
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀2023-10-27 11:45:46
幻光杰圣❥(^_-)2023-10-27 10:53:44
#Dantady1晚上好2023-10-27 10:47:11
SulaHave a nice Weekend and stay healthy, wish u the best2023-10-27 10:47:03
Cydros. ..   ∧,,∧   𝐻𝑎𝑎𝑦!                ~𝘣𝘺        (*・ヮ・*) ~ 𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑒                 𝐶𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑠 ♡       . ~(u_u)  𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑒𝓃𝒹2023-10-27 08:57:12
GelyanKalian_________$$____________________$$_________$$_____$__$__________________$__$_____$$_$__$____$__$__________________$__$____$__$__$__$___$__$__________________$__$___$__$___$__$__$__$__________________$__$__$__$____$__$_$__$__________________$__$_$__$____$$__$$__$ _________________ $__$$__$$__$$__$_$$$$$______Ты______ _$$$$$_$__$$_$__$__$_____$____супер_____$_____$__$__$$_$__$__$$$___$___клёвый___$__$$$__$__$_$_$_$__$__$_$__$__человечек_$__$_$__$__$_$_$_$__$$_$___$______________$___$_$$__$_$__$_$$______$________________$______$$_$___$_______$__________________$_______$____$______$___________________$______$___$$$$$$$$$$_________________$$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$$$$$$$$______________$$$$$$$$$$$$2023-10-27 08:47:10
NiskaruTyrann2023-10-27 04:24:52
Iowa ^w^ (Shy_Wolfie❤)Cuuute profile heh~2023-10-27 02:13:43
Connor From Cyberlife● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .  ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: ❤ 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 ❤  ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2023-10-26 23:18:19
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-10-26 20:54:07
RockenDarkhi dear babe have fun thankyou2023-10-26 18:21:38
Apolloniy-rep cheater2023-10-26 12:56:41
AuraleeFaeDanke dir Hoffe du hast einen entspannten Tag ~Aura2023-10-26 10:41:27
WhitePumpkinThank you ^^ Have a wonderful Thursday ~2023-10-26 05:47:39
WoohooA___A|・ㅅ・| ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕨𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕕𝕒𝕪!|っ c||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |U ̄ ̄U2023-10-26 04:01:56
Yenzeareinen schönen Donnerstag wünsche ich ^^2023-10-26 04:01:12
moonflame✨thank you have a nice week2023-10-26 03:19:23
EppieHave a wonderful day ♥️2023-10-26 02:36:29
[GGG]Sophia Artwork DesignerGood Morning have a great start in the dayRate my new artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30615351272023-10-26 02:32:16
inbA天下Have a nice day!2023-10-26 02:27:02
YoisakiKanadeDanke du bist auch jeden Tag glücklich2023-10-26 01:38:32
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀2023-10-25 13:30:30
★MagmaKnight★I wish you a very good day and night and never be sad and always be happy because I am lucky to have a friend like you, I hope our friendship will be eternal. I am very happy that I have so many friends, I thank everyone for being with me all this time, I hope that everything will work out for you and I believe that you will not give up and now I see that I am not alone. I hope I was able to cheer you up, good luck my dear friend2023-10-25 03:47:10
asurisearching for people to do invite for invite :3if interested just hmu <32023-10-24 13:37:45
LunaHappy Tuesday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I hope that you are doing well and feeling positive as we move through this week! Remember to take some time to focus on yourself today and make some progress towards your goals! Whether it's at work or in your personal life, keep pushing forward and remember that you are capable of achieving anything! Let's make the most of this beautiful day and enjoy every moment together! I'm wishing you a wonderful Tuesday! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-10-24 09:20:01
Sophia Artwork DesignerThe Red Queen wish you such wonderful dayBe always Happy and Enjoy the Life2023-10-24 03:24:28
Roy.Sweetheart, your words and actions are enough to make me happy all day long. May the gentle you be treated with the gentleness of the world.(❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)◞.°♡2023-10-23 19:58:44
HodginsHier hast du deinen Nachthimmel ^^🌃🌠🌙2023-10-22 14:45:24
Goose⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂2023-10-22 11:33:31
CatWin......................../>  フ 💕.........................|  _  _ l 💕....................../` ミ_xノ...................../     | ..................../  ヽ   ノ............. ..│  | | |........../ ̄|   | | |..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)...........\二つI wish you a great mood and a good weekend. May games bring you much joy2023-10-22 03:53:15
Lady  GabiHuhu liebe grüße zurück und wünsche dir auch ein erholsames wochenende2023-10-21 17:44:13
PandaHDTIch wünsch dir einen erfreuten Samstag und Sonntag2023-10-21 13:39:08
Sophia Artwork DesignerWeekend Hope you enjoy itRate my new Artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30567497712023-10-21 12:02:33
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-10-21 09:26:38
Kitty ♡Hallöchen2023-10-21 05:46:21
SulaHappy Weekend <32023-10-20 17:41:09
oliveronWünsche dir ein erholsames Wochenende und viel Spaß beim spielen2023-10-20 14:54:32
BronyaAlloy1ceHi hello, really good and sincere message, thank you very much for your compliments on my profile, your homepage is also cool, and Alice, I welcome comments, as long as it is not advertising and scams, but I may not be able to reply often because I have a very busy job and do not have time to open steam during the weekday. Finally, I wish you a nice weekend, maybe we can be friends2023-10-20 10:21:51
LunaHappy Friday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! It's finally Friday, and I hope you're all feeling as excited as I am. It's been a long week, but we've made it through, and now we can finally enjoy the weekend! So let's take a moment to celebrate our hard work and accomplishments and look forward to some much-needed relaxation. Whether you're planning on spending time with loved ones or just kicking back at home. I wish you all a happy Friday and a fantastic weekend ahead. Cheers to us! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-10-20 09:32:13
[zurzeit inaktiv] 🖤omegaΩIch sende allen meinen lieben Kontakten nochmal schöne Grüße aus der alten Wohnung. Ab Montag wohnen wir endlich im eigenen Haus und ich werde daher wieder einige Tage nichts beantworten. Also auf ein letztes Mal, habt ein tolles Wochenende, und macht das beste aus dem windigen Regenwetter (mir gefällt es ja sehr). Bis ganz bald, euer Omega Määän2023-10-20 09:31:45
叶未然づ杀了我吧2023-10-20 09:25:28
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀2023-10-20 05:54:21
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-10-19 19:01:13
kuranThank you my friend2023-10-19 08:14:25
RockenDarkThank you my sweet friend, my best wishes are always with you.2023-10-18 12:11:41
ֆ๓เɭє :)⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⣉⠒⢄ ⡇⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆   ⠢ ⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱      ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄   ⢇    ⠁                            ⠘⡄      ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣       ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄   ⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜”       𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚2023-10-18 09:07:52
叶未然ぐ早上好!2023-10-17 20:54:33
! KEYNAR+rep2023-10-17 15:58:39
LunaHappy Tuesday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I'm wishing you a wonderful Tuesday filled with joy, positivity, and productivity! May you conquer any challenges that come your way and embrace the opportunities to grow and learn! Take time to appreciate the little moments and spread kindness wherever you go! Remember to take care of yourself and your loved ones, and don't forget to smile! Let's make this Tuesday an amazing day! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-10-17 14:42:07
˖ʚ rainy♡days ɞ˖Sending peace & warmth your way, take care my friend2023-10-17 13:59:05
IzumII have a schedule of 3/3-4/4 something like this, but thank you for constantly writing to me in my profile and making me have a nice day)2023-10-16 13:40:45
CrazyCr@ckK1kka-repSad hentai wanker with small pipi :(2023-10-16 12:09:19
幻光杰圣I also wish you a wonderful week2023-10-16 10:54:35
豆助● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .  ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: ❤ 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 ❤  ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2023-10-16 10:22:33
rickyThanks for your blessing,my friend.May you have a happy and meaningful week! XD2023-10-16 09:11:48
❀Syouko-✮Have a nice day my friend.Thank you for your wishes:)2023-10-16 08:24:37
WhitePumpkinɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ sᴛᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ <32023-10-16 06:05:57
[CH]🌸LARA🦄SOULS🌸LIKEhave a nice day2023-10-16 05:46:50
yuno.<32023-10-16 03:51:20
Jackson BillieI hope you had a nice weekend too, start this week with great strength and encouragement2023-10-16 02:46:05
🎃■♤Your Love♤■🎃Guys, this last October nightMakes the things so strange but bright.Happy Halloween, my dears.Love you, friends. So, buddies, cheers!Открою я секрет один:Люблю октябрь за Хэллоуин.Друзья, пускай же эта ночьПрогонит страх и скуку прочь!2023-10-16 02:28:41
IzumIGreetings! True, I worked on the weekend, but thank you) I wish you a productive week and easy evenings2023-10-16 01:55:18
poxyi proebalisigned by proebali2023-10-16 01:15:36
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡Wünsche dir eine schönen start in die neue Woche mein freund2023-10-16 01:09:19
vkiThx 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 & Wish u have a wonderful day2023-10-16 00:56:04
TheElderGodsHave a wonderful and a lovely week u2 dear friend thank u for the message2023-10-16 00:42:58
新的一周,新的开始~愿晨光夕露伴你同行!2023-10-15 23:22:57
EppieI wish you a wonderful start into the new week ♥️2023-10-15 21:50:15
芙兰朵朵Wishing you many years of joy and happiness. 祝你拥有永远的欢乐和幸福。2023-10-15 18:54:04
🌈宇田川あこ💕ლ(╹◡╹ლ)2023-10-15 18:31:03
Kriistalin ʚᗢɞHave a beauty day <32023-10-15 18:18:29
inbA天下Have a nice day!2023-10-15 17:49:29
Sailor Moon新しい週に良いスタートを持っています2023-10-15 16:44:18
♠ Bℓ4cky ♠Danke und das allerbeste wünsche auch!Mag die neue Woche sorgenfrei sein.2023-10-15 16:28:02
[GGG]Sophia Artwork DesignerHope you have such a wonderful nightrate my new artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30517653012023-10-15 15:48:33
oliveronIch wünsche Dir einen erholsamen Abend und eine Stress freie Woche2023-10-15 12:40:26
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-10-14 22:51:35
Colonel不管你是在计时比萨加热,进行多天的徒步旅行还是跟踪炮兵截击之间的间隔,你可能不想没有一个好的战术手表 。!2023-10-14 17:18:04
MrPinchyI wish you to forget about the alarm clock, traffic jams and deadline for the weekend. Just remember the rest with friends, joy, positivity and a great mood!Let the worries, bad thoughts and sadness go away, and in return joy, positivity and a great mood will come! Have a nice weekend!And a song for the positivist:Go tell that long tongue liarGo and tell that midnight riderTell the rambler, the gambler, the back biterTell them that God's gonna cut 'em down2023-10-14 11:55:05
LunaHappy Saturday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I just wanted to wish you a fantastic Saturday and an even better weekend ahead! Make the most of your downtime and do something that brings you joy! And as Monday approaches, don't dread it, instead embrace it! Keep moving forward and always remember that you are capable of achieving great things. Have a wonderful weekend an amazing week ahead! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-10-14 08:45:45
🎀Sophia Artwork Designer🎀Weekend time enjoy itrate my new artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30506677352023-10-14 07:07:01
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-10-13 16:00:09
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):2023-10-13 05:07:46
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-10-12 17:51:28
ЭммиБудьте счастливы именно сейчас в текущий момент. Потому что твоя жизнь всегда состоит из текущих моментов.2023-10-12 10:32:48
Nike 胜 ⇆ Points ShopDanke, das ist sehr nett von dir!2023-10-12 08:59:17
芙兰朵朵glad 2 know u too, btw i luv ur profile2023-10-12 04:39:34
inbA天下Nice to meet you,too!2023-10-12 03:28:01
芙兰朵朵hi2023-10-11 19:15:17
󠁳⁧⁧ EvgenyОпять пропал с анекдотами, держите:Отец случайно проглотил флешку. Теперь его в семье так и называют - папка с файлами2023-10-11 12:35:40
🎀Sophia Artwork Designer🎀Wish you a wonderful weekrate my new artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30490737402023-10-11 04:54:37
SulaHave a nice Day2023-10-09 19:10:03
🐊幽玄🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-10-09 12:14:03
꧁༺AnGeL༻꧂殪幢緻Iii爰曷樔黎㌢´  `ⅷ艇艀裲f睚鳫巓襴骸    贒憊殪幢緻I翰儂樔黎夢'”    ,ィ傾盥皋袍i耘蚌紕偸′    雫寬I悗f篝嚠篩i縒縡齢     Ⅷ辨f輯駲f迯瓲i軌帶′     `守I厖孩幢儂儼巓襴緲′          `守枢i磬廛嚠篩I縒縡夢'´              `守峽f蚌紕襴緲′             ‘守畝f瓲軌揄′             ,gf毯綴鳫襴鑿               奪寔f厦絨緲′                    ”'罨悳巓緲′                   綴〟 ”'罨椁巓登嶮 薤篝㎜㎜ g    緲    甯體i爺綴。, ”'罨琥I軌襴暹 甯幗緲fi'   緲',纜  贒i綟碕碚爺綴。 ”'罨皴巓襴驫 霤I緲緲   纜穐  甯絛跨飩i髢綴馳爺綴。`'等誄2023-10-09 04:25:53
˖ʚ rainy♡days 雨天Sending you peace & love, take care my friend2023-10-08 16:16:25
Lisa⠀⠀ Have a nice Sunday!2023-10-08 10:47:14
MrPinchyDear friend!! Sunday has come, which means that today, according to tradition, I wish you a good week!!! This time I want to wish you to dress warmly, because the warm days are over, and autumn is coming into its rightful rights. Get more rest, but do not forget about the working moments!!! Today you can play with your favorite toys!!! The King gives the go-ahead!!! Be happy!!!My tea is cold, and I wonder why IGot out of bed at allMorning rain clouds my windowAnd I don't see anything at all2023-10-08 03:39:40
🎀Sophia Artwork Designer🎀Enjoy your weekend2023-10-08 03:32:04
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-10-07 20:32:44
oliveronIch wünsche dir ein wundervolles Wochenende mit viel Entspannung2023-10-06 14:55:34
Blink:♩♪♫ Have a nice week ! ♫♪♩2023-10-06 12:26:42
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-10-06 11:26:13
˖ʚ rainy♡days 雨天May this weekend be filled with peace, joy and warmth for all of us 愿这个周末我们所有人都充满平安、欢乐和温暖 今週末が私たち全員にとって平和、喜び、そして温かさで満たされますように 이번 주말이 우리 모두에게 평화, 기쁨, 따뜻함으로 가득차도록2023-10-06 07:43:19
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀2023-10-06 07:25:20
WhitePumpkinI ᕼOᑭE YOᑌ ᕼᗩᐯE ᗩ ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᖴᑌᒪ ᗯEEKEᑎᗪ2023-10-06 06:53:21
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-10-05 22:39:51
ֆ๓เɭє :)⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁⠀⠀ I hope you have a lovely day2023-10-05 11:09:33
asuricutiepatootie :32023-10-05 09:01:21
🎀Sophia Artwork Designer🎀Hope you doing well my Friend2023-10-05 08:12:47
LunaHappy Thursday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with joy, laughter, and memorable moments. Remember to take a breather when you need it, and don't forget to enjoy the little things that make life beautiful. Keep chasing your dreams and never give up on what you believe in. Stay positive and keep shining bright. Have an amazing day! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-10-05 06:04:23
CatWin......................../>  フ 💕.........................|  _  _ l 💕....................../` ミ_xノ...................../     | 𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕨𝕖𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 ..................../  ヽ   ノ............. ..│  | | |........../ ̄|   | | |..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)...........\二つHello! Thanks for the wishes on Steam. I wish you a great mood and a good weekend. May games bring you much joy2023-10-05 05:06:06
SulaHave a nice Day2023-10-04 18:56:06
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡爱 爱你,朋友 享受生活祝朋友一周愉快 给了不起的人和2023-10-04 16:23:07
ℛ.This isa magicalchestOpen it to get all this love <32023-10-04 13:57:30
RAZERKhas,:''"':,      ,,::''"':,      ,:': ,::, ':,     ,:': ;,. ';     ;': :'::::'; ';    ;' ,':::::. ';     ;: :::::::::; ';    ;' ;'::::::: ;'     ';: ::::::::;  ;   ;: ;'::::::; ;'      ;: ':::::::;  ;  ;: ;':::::: ;'      ';: ':;:::  ;,  ;:. ;'::'' ;'       ,,':: ''   :,.,.;': ''  ,;'     ,:´::           `'':,      ;'::::                ':,     ;::::             ';     ';::::   O      O  ;'            ';:::*:.             ;           '':、::::::.   ーー  ,.,::'´𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂 !2023-10-04 08:06:16
rickyHave a nice and lovely day~2023-10-03 06:46:09
🎀QueenSophia🎀Have a great day stay safe hope you enjoy my red profil2023-10-03 02:45:19
𝙎𝙠𝙞𝘿𝙞𝙞☆A___A|・ㅅ・| ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕨𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕕𝕒𝕪!|っ c||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |U ̄ ̄U2023-10-02 22:39:50
WhitePumpkinHave a nice day too2023-10-02 22:08:34
[CH]🌸LARA🦄SOULS🌸LIKEhave a nice day2023-10-02 18:06:47
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 我的爱一切都很好。事物 我生命中的 你像樱花一样美丽 你真美 ⠀⠀⠀⠀你这周过得怎么样 谢谢你做你自己 用爱写的2023-10-02 17:40:27
TheElderGodsHave a amazing week my friend2023-10-02 16:48:32
IzumIHello, thank you for your messages, I am very pleased to read this) And have a nice productive week!2023-10-02 13:26:06
InaVielen Dank Ich wünsche dir eine schöne ruhige Woche2023-10-02 12:41:18
YenzearDanke, dir auch eine schöne Woche und danke fürs Adden ^^2023-10-02 12:15:21
NeoDarondanke danke wünsche ich dir auch2023-10-02 12:11:37
toljaf700bEnglish: Hello, I wish you a great week!2023-10-02 12:03:57
Taiga Cutieyou too!2023-10-02 11:23:41
SalzStangeDanke ,ich wünsche dir auch eine schöne Woche2023-10-02 10:39:17
Samustach.迟到地送上中秋节快乐!A bit late wish for the Moon Fest!2023-10-02 10:05:34
YenzearHi, bin ein aktiver, deutscher Reviewer und Steam- User, der auch öfter Screenshots postet. Würde mich über einen Add freuen ^^2023-10-02 09:45:39
Redient9_TVHave a good day! I wish you positivity and goodnessХорошего дня! Желаю тебе позитива и добра2023-10-02 09:33:16
ЭммиI want to wish you a successful week, so that a lot of pleasant events, incredible meetings and new interesting acquaintances will happen this week.2023-10-02 08:38:42
yuno.<32023-10-02 08:23:50
alejka2h (◕‿◕)Thank you both best wishes for a successful week2023-10-02 08:10:28
★MagmaKnight★I wish you the best start in the new month, may you always be happy, healthy and lucky, never give up on your dreams and you will succeed my friend2023-10-02 07:44:01
rainy♡daysWishing you a happy new week!2023-10-02 04:28:33
dim2Hewwo, darf ich dich denn adden? Profil sieht Nice aus!2023-10-02 03:41:24
oliveronI wish you a happy start to your week and your month2023-10-02 03:32:58
🎀QueenSophia🎀hope you have a wonderful start in the new month2023-10-01 07:56:33
asuri️‍🔥 wake up! its the first of the month ️‍🔥2023-10-01 07:08:17
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-09-30 17:40:25
LunaHappy Saturday, my Dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I hope you're having a fantastic Saturday! Whether you're out enjoying the beautiful Weather or relaxing at Home, I hope today brings you joy, rest, and lots of fun! Take some Time to do something that makes you happy, whether it's reading a Book, spending Time with loved Ones, or trying out a new Recipe. Remember to take Care of yourself and each other, too. Enjoy this beautiful Day and all the amazing Things it has to offer! Cheers to a happy Saturday! Only Love & positive Vibes from your Friend, Luna !2023-09-30 09:56:30
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful weekend !2023-09-29 23:34:06
∂αпıı☆Wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende.2023-09-29 19:35:44
MrPinchy"Memento mori" is a great word.If we remembered that we were going to die, our whole life would have a completely different purpose. A person, knowing that he will die in half an hour, will not do anything empty, stupid, or, most importantly, bad during this half hour. But half a century, which may be separating you from death, is not the same as half an hour? There is no time before death and the present.Congratulations on Friday to all workers!!!2023-09-29 12:53:42
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-09-28 20:19:24
ֆ๓เɭє :)∧_∧(。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)         .• ´¸.•*´¨)          (¸.•´ (¸.•*✨𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓃𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝒹𝒶𝓎!✨2023-09-28 08:38:28
Эмми+rep nice profile2023-09-28 06:59:43
🎀♛QueenSophia🎀♛Have a wonderful daycs2 is finaly out2023-09-28 05:47:59
PandaHDTvoll schönes Profil :D2023-09-27 09:53:58
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):2023-09-27 02:18:34
oliveronEnjoy your day my friend and have some awesome gaming2023-09-26 23:10:09
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀我为您特别定制2023-09-26 05:58:48
Inhace⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-09-25 13:32:25
najHave a nice week2023-09-25 11:01:48
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟):            :   ⠀                             :                   ⠀       ⠀2023-09-25 07:32:13
🎀♛QueenSophia🎀♛New week wish you a great start in it2023-09-25 05:18:53
Richie✨∴。 * ・゚*。✨・  ・ *゚。   *  ・ ゚*。・゚★。  ✨ ☆゚・。°*. ゚*  ゚。·*・ 。 ゚* 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂! ○ ° ★    ゚ *.。☆。✨ ・  * ☆ 。・゚*.。    * ✨ ゚・。 * 。    ・ 。 ゚☆2023-09-24 04:41:52
MrPinchyWe came into the world naked, we will leave the same. We were born without strength, we will die as weak as we are. We came without money and material things, we will leave without money and material things. Our first shower was when we were washed and dressed. Our last shower will be the same. What a man! So why is there so much greed, so much pride, so much evil, so much envy, so much hatred, so much resentment, so much selfishness? We have limited time on Earth. We need to be careful how we use it. That's what we should always remember!2023-09-24 03:16:57
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-09-24 02:58:58
Miss Luny__..,,__   ,.。='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''<``彡 }  _...:=,`'    ︵  т ︵  X彡-J<` 彡 /  ミ  ,_人_. *彡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,。---.,,  ./    ヽ /゙''```\;.{    \/     Y   `J..r_.彳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒹𝒶𝓎2023-09-23 18:40:10
🎀♛QueenSophia🎀♛wish you an amazing day2023-09-23 10:16:20
NEPGEARThank you so much, wish you a great weekend too and ever be fit with your body and in health2023-09-23 09:18:41
rickyEnjoy the weekend! XD2023-09-23 03:56:57
EppieHave a beautiful Saturday ♥️2023-09-23 00:30:17
причина суицида?have a nice evening!2023-09-22 12:47:47
∂αпıı☆................../>  フ..................|  O  O l.............../` ミ_xノ............./     |.......... /  ヽ   ノ..........│  | | |.../ ̄|   | | |...| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)...\二つ Wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende. :)2023-09-22 12:30:13
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-09-22 11:28:59
NeoDaronVielen Dank wünsch ich dir auch2023-09-22 10:56:04
MrPinchyToday is just one of many, many days that are yet to come. But maybe all these future days depend on what you do today...2023-09-22 10:11:41
CyroxIch wünsche Dir ein schönes und erholsames Wochenende2023-09-22 08:29:32
ЭммиHave a pleasant, interesting and eventful weekend!2023-09-22 08:09:40
♠ Bℓ4cky ♠Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende !2023-09-22 07:07:10
CatWin......................../>  フ 💕.........................|  _  _ l 💕....................../` ミ_xノ...................../     | 𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕨𝕖𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 ..................../  ヽ   ノ............. ..│  | | |........../ ̄|   | | |..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)...........\二つ2023-09-22 06:52:56
Şamoloski⢀⣤⠶⠶⣦             ⢀⣠⠤⠶⠒⠛⠋⠁⠺⢷⡜⣧       ⢀⣤⠞⠋                    ⠘⢧⡀⢀⣠⡴⠶⠛⠁                          ⠈⠻⣆⢸⡇⣶⠇                    ⢀⡀          ⢿⡆⠘⣧⠙                    ⡀⠻⠟          ⢸⡇ ⠹⡆        ⢀⣶⡀⢠⣰⠶⠟              ⣼⡇   ⣿          ⠉                      ⣴⡟   ⠸⣆                            ⢠⣾⣏     ⠹⣦⡀                            ⠙⣧       ⠈⠛⠶⠶⣶⠶⠖                ⢠⡀⢹⡆2023-09-22 06:51:28
Redient9_TV+rep ᕦ⁠⊙⁠෴⁠⊙⁠ᕤ2023-09-22 06:34:09
WhitePumpkin(busy)Have a wonderful Friday too, my dear2023-09-22 06:31:30
🎀♛QueenSophia🎀♛Wish you a wonderful weekendrate my name artwork if you want https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30393148162023-09-22 05:50:34
yuno.have a nice weekend <32023-09-22 03:41:41
幻光杰圣Have a good weekend2023-09-22 03:15:38
👑CryptoKing👑Remember life can have up and downs but dont let downs to get u feeling to give u up and dont let ups get feeling to not do anything else after it2023-09-22 03:04:21
Ur Step Sislove ya2023-09-22 02:04:12
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-09-21 21:49:55
Ur Step SisIt doesn't matter if the game is fun or not "It's not the game that's fun, it's the people who play with you."The greatest joy of gaming is that there is someone who will play with you, make trouble with you, and be sick with you.He/she doesn't care how well he/she plays the game or you. All we need to know is that we're happy.2023-09-21 17:22:53
Ur Step Sis游戏好不好玩并不重要 “有趣的不是游戏,是陪你一起玩的人”游戏最大的快乐就是:有人陪你玩、陪你闹、陪你犯病他/她根本不在意自己或者你的游戏打的好不好 我们只用知道 自己很快乐2023-09-21 17:12:07
oliveronEnjoy the day2023-09-21 15:10:34
ℛ.⠀ᴴᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵈᵃʸ2023-09-21 07:29:04
🎀♛QueenSophia🎀♛Hope you will enjoy the daysi will be in Holidays for a week Todayso take care and be happy2023-09-21 03:38:47
[CH]🌸LARA🦄SOULS🌸LIKEhave a nice day2023-09-20 23:09:19
🎀♛QueenSophia🎀♛Stay safe my Friend and enjoy the day with your friendsBe always Happy and enjoy the life2023-09-20 02:46:24
EppieHave a wonderful day ❤️2023-09-19 20:08:09
WhitePumpkin(busy)I hope you have a wonderful week, my friend ~2023-09-19 06:46:40
🎀♛QueenSophia🎀♛Have a Great Day2023-09-19 05:30:37
ial0oHave a nice day :)2023-09-19 04:58:18
Ina__..,,__   ,.。='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''<``彡 }  _...:=,`'    ︵  т ︵  X彡-J<` 彡 /  ミ  ,_人_. *彡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,。---.,,  ./    ヽ /゙''```\;.{    \/     Y   `J..r_.彳   |     {   ``  `   i     \   𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂2023-09-19 03:17:04
♠ Bℓ4cky ♠Wünsch ich dir auch !2023-09-18 22:25:07
EppieHave a beautiful day ♥️2023-09-18 18:05:57
oliveronDanke, wünsche ich Dir ebenso2023-09-18 13:53:51
ЭммиI want to wish you a successful week, so that many pleasant events will happen this week2023-09-18 12:51:16
ppmaster♥♥♥♥ in my butt2023-09-18 12:43:54
ZLoDeHave a lovely Day2023-09-18 12:31:13
SommerMy beautiful and cute Kronis :3. I hope you're fine and wish you a beautiful and wonderful start of the week. It's a new week to keep doing our best, every day. Give you a lot of hugs and kisses, with much love. Remember take care so much of yourself and be fine. May the angels always protect you, cutie :3. Stay fine and blessed2023-09-18 11:41:07
AkiosanIch wünsche dir auch eine schöne und hoffentlich entspannte Woche2023-09-18 11:35:09
Arikizu❤️❤️   ❤️❤️❤️      ❤️      ❤️❤️               ❤️   ❤️         ❤️      ❤️   ❤️         ❤️Have a great day ^-^2023-09-18 11:15:20
I can 󠁳⁧⁧.𝐌.𝐞.𝐨.𝐰.Meow2023-09-18 11:02:07
Mighty🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-09-18 10:50:37
jonathanHave a good day2023-09-18 10:15:51
EppieIch wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Start in die neue Woche2023-09-18 10:13:17
🎀♛QueenSophia🎀♛Stay safe and a good start in the new week2023-09-18 08:32:57
HodginsIch wünsche dir einen schönen Start in die Woche!2023-09-18 04:55:23
MrPinchySo the second week of autumn and September is coming to an end.. Unfortunately, now many have weakened immunity, so some are sick.. To those who are not ill- health, and to those who are ill - a speedy recovery! Very soon the first snow will fall, which means that it will get even colder. Keep an eye on the weather, do not forget to take a break from everyday routine, try to smile more often, and also stay on a positive wave!! Listen to your favorite music, watch your favorite movies or TV series and be happy!!! Your beloved Tsar!2023-09-17 03:57:19
najHerzlichen Dank für die lieben Wünsche und Worte. Ich hoffe du hattest ein und wirst noch weiterhin ein schönes und erholsames Wochenende haben2023-09-17 02:19:32
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-09-16 23:41:33
ֆ๓เɭє :)⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⣉⠒⢄ ⡇⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆   ⠢ ⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱           .       ⊹ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄    ⊹       • ⢇    ⠁                            ⠘⡄       •   ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣       ⊹   . ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜”2023-09-16 15:22:10
🎮RABINTIX🎮wishing you a lovely day and a wonderful weekend, be happy and safe2023-09-16 03:56:13
🎮RABINTIX🎮thank you so much you have a beautiful profile aswell.2023-09-16 03:55:00
oliveronI wish you a happy and relaxing weekend2023-09-15 16:36:02
🖤omegaΩ🖤Der olle Omega-Mään wünscht dir ein schönes Wochenende und ganz viel Spaß bei allem, was du vorhast. Die Tage werden kühler, der PC wird sicher wieder öfter laufen. Liebe Grüße2023-09-15 12:53:52
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-09-15 11:00:26
NeoDaronwünsche dir ein guten start in wochenende und viel spaß beim zocken2023-09-15 09:39:45
WhitePumpkinI hope you have a great weekend !2023-09-15 07:03:18
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-09-14 19:18:55
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀Good Morning everyone wish you a great start in the dayMuch Love from the Queen2023-09-14 00:11:12
ʙᴇᴢᴄʀʏ⠀⠀ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ˢʷᵉᵉᵗ ᵈᵃʸ2023-09-13 09:23:21
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀have a nice day be happy and take care2023-09-13 03:27:22
Evy <3 kaya┌──── ・ 𐐪𐑂 :☆゚𐐪𐑂 ☆゚: ・ ────┐୨୧ have a wonderful day/night ୨୧└──── ・ 𐐪𐑂 :☆゚𐐪𐑂 ☆゚: ・ ────┘2023-09-13 00:06:59
SulaHave a Great Week and stay Positive ya2023-09-12 08:58:53
LafirielDankeschön!Wünsche dir noch einen schönen Sonntagabend und einen guten Start in die neue Woche!2023-09-10 13:07:02
✧✩阿伟✩✧Thank you2023-09-10 08:36:17
Purple BloodVery grateful for your wishes2023-09-10 05:47:23
🐊幽玄🤍🤍   🤍🤍                      🤍      🤍      🤍                      🤍               🤍                         🤍         🤍                            🤍   🤍                               🤍2023-09-10 05:34:13
MrPinchyGood afternoon! Have you already felt the dankness of autumn? Have you warmed up to the cold? After all, a new week of this autumn season begins tomorrow, already the second in a row! I wish you not to get sick these days, because, unfortunately, the cold season begins. Have a good mood, smiles and positive emotions! October will begin very soon, then November, then December, and at the end of everything the New Year will come!!! And according to my humble tradition - Be happy!!!2023-09-10 02:40:22
Ina。     ☾ °        ✦    ゚   .         ★     .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .     ‍ * ●        𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂          。  .        。     ¸             ゚   .              .,         .  .        .  ✦   。                   ゚         。 ‍ * ●  .        .     .    ✦      。  .2023-09-09 22:37:02
ʙᴇᴢᴄʀʏ⠀Good Night!2023-09-09 17:35:03
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-09-09 16:59:49
oliveronHab ein schönes Wochenende und viel Spaß mit Deinen Spielen2023-09-09 13:28:02
Molotow ManfredDanke dir ebenfalls ein schönen Freitag ^^2023-09-09 08:35:46
kaya <3 Evy┌──── ・ 𐐪𐑂 :☆゚𐐪𐑂 ☆゚: ・ ────┐୨୧ have a wonderful day/night ୨୧└──── ・ 𐐪𐑂 :☆゚𐐪𐑂 ☆゚: ・ ────┘2023-09-09 08:05:30
NiskaruTyrann🖤🖤   🖤🖤                      🖤      🖤      🖤                      🖤               🖤                         🖤         🖤                            🖤   🖤                               🖤2023-09-09 02:05:58
SloWolfeHave a wonderful day!2023-09-09 00:44:15
WhitePumpkinI ᕼOᑭE YOᑌ ᕼᗩᐯE ᗩ ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᖴᑌᒪ ᗯEEKEᑎᗪ2023-09-08 23:39:23
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-09-08 22:32:29
SulaSchönes Wochenende dir auch2023-09-08 19:11:05
ps1h?ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ2023-09-08 17:43:41
性欲Have a nice weekend2023-09-08 16:56:54
ֆ๓เɭє :)⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁ hope you have an amazing weekend2023-09-08 14:38:20
🌊StiGGqueen🌊Wish you the best weekend2023-09-08 12:03:28
rickyWish you have a happy weekend and enjoy every day XD2023-09-08 11:27:13
CatWin⢀⠤⡀ ⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄ ⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-09-08 05:38:39
4shleyDir auch ein Schönes Wochenende :D2023-09-08 05:09:17
ЭммиI wish you a good day,I embrace you from the bottom of my heart,Tune in to the positive,Let all your dreams come true.2023-09-08 02:53:14
asuGrüezi, die red Queen is ein Bub und belügt hunderte Leute wenn du Klarheit über den Lügner magst add mich gerne teile gerne was ich alles gefunden habe Schönen Freitag2023-09-08 02:21:49
♠ Ɓℓ4cky ♠Das Wünsch ich dir auch ! Mach das Beste daraus !2023-09-08 01:57:51
𝙎𝙠𝙞𝘿𝙞𝙞☆A___A|・ㅅ・| ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕨𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕕𝕒𝕪!|っ c||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |U ̄ ̄U2023-09-08 01:34:16
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-09-07 21:27:56
SalzStangeDanke dir auch, die FA habe ich angenommen2023-09-07 12:08:54
ps1h?have a good evening!2023-09-07 10:17:28
🌊StiGGqueen🌊Have a great day much love from the Queen2023-09-07 07:51:01
oliveronHearthwarming Award to Your Profile2023-09-06 15:26:53
Rose Agnes design<32023-09-06 10:01:20
Miss LunyIch danke dir für die Lieben Worte Hoffe du hast eine schöne Woche :)2023-09-05 18:48:58
WhitePumpkinHave a nice Tuesday, my friend2023-09-05 07:19:24
Nike 胜 ⇆ Points ShopDanke, wünsche ich dir auch!2023-09-05 04:06:32
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Art: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3030483778 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3030484942 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3030486902 Delet is later/Удалите это позже2023-09-05 02:22:23
𝐘𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐲𝐚 💜Award2023-09-04 16:48:34
幻光杰圣Have a good week~2023-09-04 12:36:16
asuri<32023-09-04 11:42:02
𝙎𝙠𝙞𝘿𝙞𝙞☆A___A|・ㅅ・| ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕨𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕕𝕒𝕪!|っ c||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |U ̄ ̄U2023-09-04 11:04:16
🖤omegaΩ🖤Schön zu lesen, danke. Dir auch einen tollen Start2023-09-04 09:37:38
RichieWillkommen in meiner Freundesliste! :)2023-09-04 08:00:33
ֆ๓เɭє :)⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⣉⠒⢄ ⡇⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆   ⠢ ⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱           .       ⊹ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄    ⊹       • ⢇    ⠁                            ⠘⡄       •   ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣       ⊹   . ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜”2023-09-04 06:11:23
"%(h)//-内部の傷が痛みを+rep2023-09-04 04:39:38
InaYumekoVielen Dank ! Das wünsche ich dir auch2023-09-04 04:26:14
Նɿც૯Ր੮ע(Away)HI! Have a good day2023-09-04 04:07:51
CyroxDanke fürs adden :) Wünsche Dir auch eine erfolgreiche Woche und nebenbei gesagt ein sehr schönes Profil ;)2023-09-04 03:07:57
ZahiYou're so lovely, kind and cute, my dear Kronis :3. I appreciate every word of you :3. Remember stay fine and blessed every day. May the angels always protect you. Don't forget to smile every day and I love you so so much :3. With much love from your dear and sweetie Zahi :32023-09-04 02:56:38
ZahiTo my dear and cutie Kronix :3. I hope you're fine today and wish you a beautiful and lovely week ahead. Give you a lot of hugs and kisses. Much love for you. Take care so much and be fine every day :32023-09-04 02:38:24
SulaHave a great Week !2023-09-04 02:17:15
BalmungDanke, wünsche dir auch eine schöne Woche.2023-09-04 01:45:47
🌊StiGGqueen🌊Wish you the best start in the new week2023-09-04 00:20:49
oliveronI wish you a nice and joyfull week2023-09-03 18:48:58
CatWinI wish you a great week, dear friend! May the week be filled with pleasant moments, joy and happiness. May inspiration and desire to live always be with you2023-09-03 09:30:01
🖤omegaΩ🖤Habe deine Anfrage mal angenommen Gibt es was bestimmtes? Schönen Sonntag2023-09-03 07:24:19
Balmunghey, danke fürs adden^^2023-09-03 04:39:29
MrPinchyThe first full week of this autumn will begin tomorrow. I wish you to spend it with the maximum benefit for yourself, because as you spend the first week, then the whole autumn will pass, respectively. Therefore, do not lose face, be sure to make all your plans on time and, most importantly, smile more! Just don't overdo it, or they may take you to another institution) Autumn is a wonderful time! And then the new year! And throw this song about the third of September and the calendar out of your head)))2023-09-03 03:32:44
∂αпıı☆Einen schönen Sonntag wünsche ich dir.2023-09-03 02:21:25
♠ Ɓℓ4cky ♠Ja soweit alles super2023-09-03 02:12:13
ЭммиMay this day pass beautifully,With good people,And there will be only happiness,Always on the go!2023-09-03 01:51:43
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-09-03 01:07:18
♠ Ɓℓ4cky ♠Danke. Ja bis auf´s Bier, könnte ich davon alles gebrauchen. Hoffe doch bei dir ist alles okay ? Schönen Sonntag wünsch ich dir !2023-09-03 00:02:27
™Ash Blakk ★【Ebb & Flow】=w=2023-09-02 20:40:27
WhitePumpkinI hope you have a wonderful Sunday, my friend2023-09-02 20:29:14
ZahiHello, my beautiful and cute Kronis :3. I want to tell that I appreciate you a lot. You're so kind and cute. Please receive a lof of big hugs and sweet kisses, with much love :3. I hope you're having a wonderful and pleasant weekend, my cutie :3. May the angels always protect you, every day :3. Kisses for you :32023-09-02 16:37:57
NiskaruTyrann💗💗   💗💗                      💗      💗      💗                      💗               💗                         💗         💗                            💗   💗                               💗2023-09-02 04:56:56
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀你是一个可爱的人2023-09-02 04:22:54
SulaHave a Nice weekend2023-09-02 02:17:14
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-09-01 12:36:33
🌊StiGGqueen🌊Hope you have a lovely weekend2023-09-01 10:56:49
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-08-31 19:38:09
Euphoria ♡Thank you, nice to meet you. Have a good day.2023-08-31 08:03:22
🌊StiGGqueen🌊The Queen wish you all a great day2023-08-31 07:52:01
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡我希望你有一个惊人的⠀⠀ 我爱你 非常可爱2023-08-31 04:26:23
꧁༺J꙰O꙰K꙰E꙰R꙰༻꧂+rep2023-08-31 02:56:34
Samustach.新周愉快~A greeting of new week for u~2023-08-29 05:30:03
SulaHave a Lovely Week2023-08-28 02:08:38
!NavidZin™Dear 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 It’s my birthday today. 🎉🥳🎂I just came to say how much I appreciate your support all this time. Steam has been an incredible journey, full of laughter, emotions and unforgettable moments. Let’s keep supporting each other as a team. Remember, the real treasure is the friendships we’ve made along the way.We will continue to create unforgettable memories and build even stronger bonds.You are the best person ever! Thank you so much friend.Get awesome, get epic, and play on! Peace2023-08-27 22:33:59
asuricutie :32023-08-27 07:28:12
ЭммиI wish you a good Sunday! Have a good rest before the new working week, recharge with optimism and energy.2023-08-27 01:13:13
SharkyHave a great weekend2023-08-26 17:40:32
oliveronWishing you a happy and relaxing Saturday and a wonderful Weekend ahead2023-08-26 16:58:48
󠁳⁧⁧EvgenyЕсли жизнь ставит тебе грабли на дороге, бл*ть продай эти грабли, вложи деньги в бизнес2023-08-26 14:05:43
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-08-24 19:05:09
Ur Step Sis又有若干的污染废水被放进了大海里 地球的忍耐还有多久?2023-08-24 09:43:14
EvgenyJandonМолдавское колесо обозрения за один оборот делает 3 замеса бетона https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3024008269 - like please2023-08-22 03:21:03
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡非常感谢 对于一切2023-08-21 04:11:47
Swarm⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-08-20 21:22:35
watermelonDE: Ich wünsche dir einen wundervollen Tag der von Lächeln Freude und positiven Momenten begleitet wird!EN: I genuinely wish for you to have a wonderful day filled with happiness joy and all sorts of positive moments that bring a smile to your face!RU: насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую насилую2023-08-20 02:25:35
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-08-20 00:37:00
oliveronHi! Nice to meet you! Have a good day and some awesome gaming2023-08-19 16:36:50
♠ Ɓℓ4cky ♠Ich komme Samstag von der Spätschicht und lese deine lieben Worte. Ich freu mich und wünsche dir auch, ein entspanntes Wochenende !2023-08-19 13:38:33
𝕹𝖔𝕱𝖊𝖆𝖗Sei glücklich2023-08-19 10:22:35
! KEYNARhave a wonderful day ♡2023-08-19 09:48:09
ℂ𝕒𝕥𝕎𝕚𝕟Wishing you a delightful Saturday, dear Friend! May your weekend overflow with joy, laughter, and cherished moments. May the upcoming week bring you success, health, and abundant happiness. Keep that radiant smile shining bright! Have an amazing day and week ahead, filled with love and positive vibes2023-08-19 09:25:50
metamon[JP]フレンドになって頂き、ありがとうございます。これからよろしくお願いします。Thank you become friends2023-08-19 07:42:45
AkioさんHave a wonderful weekend2023-08-19 07:12:09
alejka2h (◕‿◕)Спасибо, отличных выходных деньков!2023-08-19 07:09:56
WhitePumpkinHave a lovely weekend, my friend2023-08-19 06:51:44
ЭммиЖелаю классных, приятных, веселых выходных2023-08-19 06:37:52
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-08-19 06:27:40
SpiritnessYou're welcome, my cutie Kronis :3. I send you a lot of hugs and kisses and have a beautiful day. I appreciate you a lot for your kindness. May the angels always protect you, every day. Much love for you :32023-08-18 12:44:54
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-08-17 19:15:32
Evy <3 kaya𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓰𝔂⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-08-17 05:03:20
Cardinal Marxsorry for the long time without reply♥had a hard time but now everything is fine again♥I will now be more active again♥love you♥2023-08-17 02:32:09
SENOR JUBAVater unser auf dem A-Spot,Geheiligt werde deine Deagle,dein Frag komme,dein Headshot geschehe,wie in Nuke so auf Dust.Unsere tägliche HE gib uns heute.Und vergib uns unsere Teamkills,wie auch wir vergeben unseren Teammates.Und führe uns nicht zum Cheaten,sondern erlöse uns von den Türken!Denn dein ist das Aim und die Taktikund die Fraggeilheit in Ewigkeit.Aimen.2023-08-14 13:36:05
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2oKPcogERBXO8BkLjqH4ZH?si=c88be4a329bd4801 Delet is later/Удалите это позже2023-08-14 06:19:01
NavidZin™Dear 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 may you have a great start to the week!!!2023-08-13 17:51:56
SpiritnessHave a beautiful and lovely day, my dear and cutie Kronis :3. May the angels always protect you, every day :3. Give you a lot of hugs and kisses. Please remember to take care so much of yourself and please be fine :3. Much love for you2023-08-13 15:33:12
Эмми+rep kind person2023-08-12 05:45:01
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 爱你,朋友 享受生活 亲爱的,祝你度过愉快的一周⠀今天过的怎么样,亲爱的 我不厌倦这样说 我的稀有宝石2023-08-12 04:35:47
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-08-10 18:50:35
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡可爱又特别的朋友2023-08-10 04:19:15
SharkyHave a wonderful day2023-08-07 05:42:42
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 我的宝贝 生活无惧被评判 快乐 ⠀⠀⠀我想给每个人最好的 谢谢你为我做的一切 好好生活,快乐地享受 即使因为生命是一体的2023-08-07 04:13:54
♫The Art of Death♥have a lovely week my friend2023-08-06 06:57:17
🎀TheRedQueen🎀Enjoy your weekend guysEnjoy it with family and friends2023-08-05 15:32:16
Evy <3 kaya❤️Hανє α ƖσνєƖу ωєєкєηɗ!❤️2023-08-05 06:45:34
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡非常感谢 对于一切2023-08-05 04:45:00
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡看,我只问一件事,享受生活 微笑,哭泣 悲喜交加 享受就好2023-08-05 04:11:53
KamayaesenbaiOvOHave a nice day~2023-08-04 21:25:16
🎀TheRedQueen🎀The Red Queen Wish you the best start in the weekendMuch Love and Happyness to you2023-08-04 05:49:00
ЭммиЯ искренне желаю тебе счастья. Пусть каждый день рисует улыбку на твоем лице. Пусть все твои близкие будут здоровы2023-08-04 03:56:14
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-08-03 14:27:32
Samustach.Just have a good day.2023-08-02 10:16:52
🎀TheRedQueen🎀wish you a wonderful day remember you are always importenfeel free to join my discord community server would make me happy2023-08-02 07:13:20
🎀TheRedQueen🎀wish you the best start in the new weekjoin my new steam group and my discord server if you wantMuch Love From the Red Queen2023-07-31 07:44:48
🎀TheRedQueen🎀Hope everyone had a wonderful weekendrate the new artwork of the red queenalso join my community discord server https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=30123847052023-07-30 12:53:04
SabinaI hope you're fine my dear and cute Kronis and have a wonderful Sunday :3. All my best wishes for you. Sending you many hugs, kisses and positive energies in this day. Take care so much please and be fine :32023-07-30 02:06:11
☽ Lᴜɴᴀʟɪɢʜᴛ ☾Hᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴅᴀʏ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ2023-07-29 11:55:48
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀i wish everyone a wonderful weekendwish you luck and happynessfeel free to join my discord server2023-07-29 03:22:15
SabinaI hope you're fine my dear and cutie Kronis :3. I wish you a beautiful and wonderful day. Enjoy your weekend :3. Take care and be fine2023-07-29 00:56:05
やばい良い週末を2023-07-28 19:08:48
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀i wish everyone a wonderful weekend wish you luck and happynessfeel free to join my discord server2023-07-28 16:18:38
SabinaGood Evening my dear and cutie Kronis :3. I hope you're fine and wish you a beautiful and lovely weekend as well :3. Give you a lot of hugs and kisses. Please remember to stay fine and healthy every day. May this day be filled of love, happiness and positive energies for you. Take care so much and be safe :3. Much love for you2023-07-28 15:54:12
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-07-28 10:51:09
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-07-27 22:11:10
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀wish you all nightalso feel free to join my discord server2023-07-27 15:29:12
ZLoDeHave a lovely Day2023-07-27 07:12:46
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀The Red Queen wish you a wonderful day much luck and happynessalso join my community discord server2023-07-26 05:06:02
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀hope you have a nice day soon 20k commentsalso feel free to join my discord community server2023-07-25 05:45:35
Evy <3 kayaHave a nice week❤2023-07-24 05:12:37
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀Wish you a wounderful start in the new weekalso feel free to join my discord server2023-07-24 04:10:14
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Meme: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3008645651 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3008645625 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3008645571 Delet is later/Удалите это позже2023-07-23 09:34:00
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful Sunday2023-07-23 04:27:18
AiryelaSending you many hugs and kisses. May this day be filled of love, peace and happiness for you. Much love for you2023-07-22 15:48:22
хөөрхэн╱|、(˚ˎ 。7|、˜〵じしˍ,)ノ2023-07-22 10:04:43
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Art: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3007304780 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3007304321 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3007303831 Delet is later/Удалите это позже2023-07-22 09:19:25
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀i made a discord server feel free to join it2023-07-22 06:04:41
TOP-ExerouNo problem :32023-07-22 05:12:46
🎀🆂🅾🅿🅷🅸🅰🎀wish you a great weekend2023-07-22 03:52:17
DemiDeityLinkSending all the warm wishes as well ma dood!2023-07-22 03:28:13
WhitePumpkinHi ^^2023-07-22 03:17:40
SulaHey Kronis, ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende. Danke für deine Netten Worte und hoffe du hast auch eine Super Zeit und passt auf dich auf Stay Positive, like this :)2023-07-21 22:42:52
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-07-21 18:50:52
SabinaThank you so much!! You're so cute and I appreciate you my dear Kronis. May this day be filled of love and happiness for you ^-^2023-07-21 16:39:04
SabinaSending you more hugs and kisses to my dear and cute friend Kronis :32023-07-21 16:23:13
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇📁 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3007308769 └📁 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3007308594]Another meme ⠀└📁 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3007304321Some kind of Art[/url2023-07-21 15:10:05
Evy <3 kayaHave a nice weekend❤2023-07-21 02:20:05
ЭммиНаступила долгожданная пятница, и я хочу пожелать вам хороших выходных. The long-awaited Friday has arrived, and I want to wish you a good weekend.2023-07-21 01:50:56
EppieIch wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein wunderbares Wochenende ♥️2023-07-20 15:36:17
𝐒.♡wish you a great week enjoy itShould i open a discord server2023-07-20 13:15:50
SulaWünsch dir einen wundervollen Tag bald ist auch wochenende2023-07-19 13:37:10
Evy <3 kayahave a great day <32023-07-19 04:15:22
SabinaHey my cutie Kronis :3. I hope you're fine and wish you a beautiful and lovely day as well. Please remember stay fine and healthy every day ^-^. Much love for you2023-07-18 10:00:28
Evy <3 kayaHave a lovely day💗2023-07-18 05:08:14
𝐒.♡Have a great start in the week take care2023-07-17 08:25:16
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 你好吗亲爱的 亲爱的,享受你的一周 ⠀⠀⠀美好的一周我的爱人 为你 我希望我的朋友没事 保重2023-07-17 05:01:30
⬝EɴᴍᴀNice To Meet You, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜2023-07-17 04:05:23
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 爱你,朋友 享受生活 亲爱的,祝你度过愉快的一周⠀今天过的怎么样,亲爱的 我不厌倦这样说 我的稀有宝石2023-07-17 04:00:45
Evy <3 kaya。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .               𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。   .        .     .          。  .2023-07-16 04:39:20
ZLoDeHave a good Sunday2023-07-15 14:16:21
𝐒.♡weekend time so enjoy it with your family and friends2023-07-15 11:05:22
LunaHappy Saturday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! Wishing all my dear Friends a happy and relaxing Saturday and a wonderful Weekend ahead! May you enjoy some well-deserved Time Off, spend Time with Loved-Ones, and recharge your Batteries! And as we head into the new Week, I wish you all the Best for whatever Challenges or Opportunities come your way! May you face them with Courage, Determination, and Optimism, and find Joy and Fulfillment in every Moment. Let's make it a great Week! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-07-15 09:11:03
SulaHave a great Weekend and stay positive2023-07-15 07:28:43
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ2023-07-15 03:58:15
Evy <3 kaya❤️Hανє α ƖσνєƖу ωєєкєηɗ!❤️2023-07-14 12:26:41
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 我的爱一切都很好。事物 我生命中的 你像樱花一样美丽 你真美 ⠀⠀⠀⠀你这周过得怎么样 谢谢你做你自己 用爱写的 有一个美好的周末2023-07-14 03:44:46
EppieI wish you a nice weekend ♥️2023-07-13 19:48:13
𝐒.♡I hope you had a wonderful dayhope your dreams comes true2023-07-13 12:54:28
𝐒.♡hope you have a nice week so far2023-07-12 10:35:50
AiryelaHave a beautiful and wonderful day my dear and cute friend Kronis ^-^. Stay fine and healthy every day2023-07-11 14:41:52
SulaThank you for your kind words and have a great Week2023-07-10 17:50:08
𝐒.♡wish you a wonderful start in the week wish you the best2023-07-10 04:46:21
KyogoHave a wonderful week2023-07-10 04:44:06
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡__ __  /૮₍ ´ ˘ ` ₎აっ ʜɪ ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ  |  ̄∪ ̄ ̄ |\/ ʜᴏᴡ ɪs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴀʏ  |_____|/ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ ᴅᴇᴀʀ   ʙʏ sᴏᴀʀᴇs ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏɴᴅʟʏ2023-07-10 04:14:44
AiryelaHave a beautiful and lovely Sunday my dear and cutie friend Kronis :32023-07-09 16:45:08
𝐒.♡Enjoy the summer guys2023-07-09 09:56:19
seele vollereiI wish you a good mushroom beer!!!2023-07-08 23:06:14
EppieI wish you a wonderful and relaxing Sunday ❤️2023-07-08 22:17:10
SnaketoPlays● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .  ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .   ¸ .: ❤ 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 ❤  ° ☾ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸.● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2023-07-08 16:44:53
ZLoDeHave a good Sunday2023-07-08 15:33:26
AiryelaSending you many hugs and kisses ^-^. Enjoy your weekend. Much love for you :32023-07-08 13:43:53
𝙎𝙠𝙞𝘿𝙞𝙞 ☆A___A|・ㅅ・| ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕨𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕕𝕒𝕪!|っ c||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |U ̄ ̄U2023-07-08 09:06:13
kabagrechIhr Feedback ist sehr freundlich und aufrichtig.2023-07-08 07:55:38
EllesAnd you have a good weekend2023-07-08 04:57:11
ℂ𝕒𝕥𝕎𝕚𝕟Thanks for your wishes! I wish you a wonderful weekend and a good week! Let the weekend pass in joy and be filled with happy moments!2023-07-08 04:35:50
💗Solyra💗Have a nice, interesting and eventful weekend! Let them have more unexpected and warm meetings, new opportunities, even if there are no problems and worries at all. I wish you energy and positivity for the coming days!2023-07-08 04:28:21
ЭммиLet the worries, bad thoughts and sadness go away, and in return joy, positivity and a great mood will come! Have a nice weekend!2023-07-08 04:26:32
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀ ⠀ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ2023-07-08 04:08:03
LunaHappy Friday / Saturday, my dear, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! Sending warm wishes to my dear Friends on this beautiful Friday / Saturday! I hope your Day is filled with Joy, Laughter and everything that makes you happy! May your Weekend be a Time of Rest, Relaxation and Fun, with plenty of Time to spend with Loved-Ones! And as we head into the new Week, may it be filled with Success, good Health and Happiness! Remember to always keep smiling and cherish the Moments that matter most! Have a great Day and an even better Week ahead! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-07-07 18:02:30
♛🎀QueenEmely🎀♛hope you will have a wonderful weekend2023-07-07 12:33:14
F⁧⁧rostplease like/comment/fav https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2871339374 ty :D <32023-07-06 21:45:43
ЭммиHave a nice evening and have a great mood! Enjoy communication with your family, have a heart-to-heart talk with people close to you, let your soul be filled with warmth and peace. I wish you ease and inspiration!2023-07-06 12:21:27
@redelomghajde kod mene2023-07-03 12:59:03
@redelomgja sam volim te <32023-07-03 12:58:40
LunaHappy Saturday, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! Happy Saturday to all my wonderful friends! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend but don't forget to take time to relax and do something that makes you happy! Spread love and positivity wherever you go, and cherish the time spent with your loved ones. Embrace the beauty of life and all that it has to offer! Remember to appreciate the little things and find joy in everyday moments. Let's make this weekend filled with laughter, love, and positivity. Have a lovely day & weekend, everyone! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-07-01 07:42:24
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 我的爱一切都很好。事物 我生命中的 你像樱花一样美丽 你真美 ⠀⠀⠀⠀你这周过得怎么样 谢谢你做你自己 用爱写的 祝你周末愉快2023-07-01 04:07:59
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 你好吗亲爱的 亲爱的,享受你的一周 ⠀⠀⠀美好的一周我的爱人 为你 我希望我的朋友没事 保重2023-06-28 04:18:11
LunaHappy Tuesday, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! May this day bring you joy and positivity. Wishing you a smooth and productive week ahead! May you have the courage to chase your dreams and the strength to overcome any challenges that come your way! Remember to take breaks and focus on self-care. Keep moving forward, step by step, and keep shining your light! Cheers to a wonderful day and an even brighter future. Have a great one! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-06-27 09:04:46
LunaHappy Friday, 夜 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! Happy Friday, my sweet and amazing friends! I hope you've had a wonderful week so far, filled with lots of laughter, adventures and love. It's time to unwind and enjoy the weekend. Let's spend some quality time together, make some fun memories and brighten up each other's day. You guys are the sunshine in my life and I am so grateful for your endless support and kindness. Let's make this weekend unforgettable and cherish every moment together. Wishing you all a happy and blessed Friday! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-06-23 07:29:13
ZLoDeHave a nice Week2023-06-20 15:33:21
LunaHappy Monday, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! May this Monday be the beginning of a fruitful, productive, and fulfilling week ahead with many opportunities and successes to come! Remember to take time for yourself, stay positive, and make the most of each day! Let's tackle this week together with enthusiasm and support for one another. Sending my love and wishing you a lovely Monday! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-06-19 12:11:43
Ur Step SisTomorrow is a new weekI wish yall have ALOT game-winning streaks in the next half of the year!And GL for the rest of the vacation to those still studying!Have a good day of courseGLHF! ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ2023-06-18 04:00:16
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡__ __  /૮₍ ´ ˘ ` ₎აっ ʜɪ ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ  |  ̄∪ ̄ ̄ |\/ ʜᴏᴡ ɪs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴀʏ  |_____|/ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ ᴅᴇᴀʀ   ʙʏ sᴏᴀʀᴇs ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏɴᴅʟʏ2023-06-16 17:19:17
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡爱 爱你,朋友 享受生活祝朋友一周愉快 给了不起的人和2023-06-15 04:05:27
LunaHappy Wednesday, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday! Halfway through the Week, and we're already making it happen! Whether you're crushing it at Work, School, or just tackling your To-Do List, keep up the fantastic Work! Take a Minute to breathe, enjoy the Sunshine, or chat with a Friend or Colleague. Whatever you do, know that you've got this! Cheers to a great Wednesday and a productive rest of the Week. Keep smiling, keep pushing, and keep being amazing! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-06-14 09:16:29
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡爱 爱你,朋友 享受生活祝朋友一周愉快 给了不起的人和2023-06-14 04:09:47
ZLoDeHave a nice Week2023-06-13 15:42:00
LunaHappy Monday, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! Good morning and a happy Monday to you! Wishing you a week full of opportunities and positivity! Let's start the day with a smile and a can-do attitude. Remember, every day is a new chance to make a difference and create something great! Make the most of this week and let your light shine bright. Keep pushing forward and believe in yourself – the best is yet to come! Enjoy this beautiful and sunny day and have a wonderful weekend ahead! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-06-12 04:11:41
AiryelaYou're welcome my cute friend :3. I wish you a beautiful Sunday as well. I hope you're fine2023-06-11 04:44:04
AiryelaI wish you a beautiful weekend my cutie friend :32023-06-09 12:33:25
LunaHappy Friday, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! Wishing you a happy Friday filled with sunshine, laughter, and everything that brings you joy! May your weekend be just as wonderful, with plenty of time to relax, unwind, and spend time with your loved ones! Remember to take a moment to appreciate the little things and cherish the moments that make life so sweet. Enjoy every minute of this beautiful day, and have a fantastic weekend ahead! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-06-09 02:55:30
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 爱你,朋友 享受生活 亲爱的,祝你度过愉快的一周⠀今天过的怎么样,亲爱的 我不厌倦这样说 我的稀有宝石2023-06-08 04:53:53
ZLoDeHave a nice Evening2023-06-07 11:23:18
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀⠀祝朋友一周愉快2023-06-07 04:33:15
LunaGood morning, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! It's Monday, a new week with new opportunities to shine and achieve your goals! Let's start this week with a smile on our faces and a positive attitude in our hearts! Enjoy your fresh start of the week! Happy Monday~ Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-06-05 09:39:41
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~ 💜And...: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2984743242 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2984742716 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2984741943 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2984740834 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2984740654 Thank you~2023-06-04 03:32:26
ZLoDeHave a good Sunday2023-06-03 14:17:57
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡你很可爱,我很喜欢 ⠀⠀⠀⠀你是我在这里添加的最美丽的东西 谢谢你所做的一切 就这样爱你,不要改变 周末愉快2023-06-02 04:53:36
Re'Nan ❤ サ..   __..,,__   ,.。='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''<``彡 }  _...:=,`'    ︵  т ︵  X彡-J<` 彡 /  ミ  ,_人_. *彡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,。---.,,  ./    ヽ /゙''```\;.{    \/     Y   `J..r_.彳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  :¨·.·¨:`·. Have a nice day ★°*゚2023-06-01 17:27:46
BunBunmwah2023-05-29 18:07:18
GrizziaHave a beautiful day my cutie friend :3. Kisses for you. Take care and be fine :32023-05-29 13:38:43
randfoo2005+REP nice profile2023-05-29 03:52:12
LunaHappy Monday, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! This is your Monday-morning-reminder, that you are amazing and you can handle anything today! 'M'aybe this day is not 'O'ne of your favourites, but 'N'ever forget that every 'D'ay you wake up is an 'A'mazing gift and it's up to 'Y'ou to make it count! I'm wishing you a wonderful start of the week! Happy Monday~ Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-05-29 01:22:18
BunBun:'(2023-05-28 21:30:04
.⁧⁧Avannaty u'r too2023-05-28 14:21:14
ZLoDeHave a nice Weekend2023-05-26 16:30:27
Unknown MIПосле хорошей игры я добавил его, потому что он казался классным парнем. Мы общались несколько месяцев мы стали хорошими друзьями. Много стебов, много отличных игр и, самое главное, настоящая дружба.Я пригласил его в мой дом для вечеринки. Он сказал, что придет, поэтому я с нетерпением ожидал встречи с ним в реальной жизни.Когда он приехал ко мне домой, он толкнул меня к стене и начал покусывать мое ухо, я почувствовал, как его твердый член врезался в мою ногу. Я ударил его, а затем выгнал из дома. Оказывается, он был геем. Не верьте этому парню.2023-05-26 15:48:57
Re'Nan ❤ サ4i202023-05-25 20:40:00
Re'Nan ❤ サ4i202023-05-25 20:40:00
Re'Nan ❤ サ4i202023-05-25 20:39:59
Re'Nan ❤ サ4i202023-05-25 20:39:59
Re'Nan ❤ サ4i202023-05-25 20:39:59
Re'Nan ❤ サ4i202023-05-25 19:15:59
Re'Nan ❤ サ4i202023-05-25 19:15:59
ɪ͟ɴ͟s͟ᴀ͟ɴ͟ᴇ͟ฅ^.ᆺ.^ฅ2023-05-25 09:56:31
Re'Nan ❤ サ。    🌟             ゚   .            . 🎇,         .  .        . 🎇     。        ✨           ゚     🌟   。🎇  .        .     .          。  .  .              𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。 .        。✨     ✨  ゚   .              .,   🌟      .  .    🎇    . 🎇     。                   ゚    🌟     。2023-05-23 16:59:08
ZLoDeHave a nice Day2023-05-23 16:55:35
🎀 Azu-Nyan♀ 🎀vielen dank :32023-05-23 14:44:29
Re'Nan ❤ サ4i202023-05-22 17:26:07
LunaHappy Sunday, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! I'm wishing you peace and all-around satisfaction on this beautiful Sunday! When you live with love in your heart, your days are brighter, you attract good things and you feel a glow inside that cannot be diminished! Have a truly delightful Sunday, filled with many, many beautiful moments and a wonderful & bright week ahead! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-05-21 12:06:14
Re'Nan ❤ サHi2023-05-20 16:02:46
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀⠀⠀特別な愛2023-05-19 04:32:55
LunaHappy Thoughtful-Thursday, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! A beautiful life does not just happen. It is built on daily, with love, laughter, sacrifice, grace and forgiveness. And please remember: The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday. Today is a beautiful day to smile and be happy. Enjoy your wonderful Thursday~ Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-05-18 09:51:48
Re'Nan ❤ サSend Nudes Plis ><2023-05-17 17:14:00
PSYGo 🌍 ALpHa ⁧⁧ ☕🧐Hallo2023-05-17 14:00:10
🎀 Azu-Nyan♀ 🎀danke für den Komi :32023-05-17 13:56:47
𝙎𝙠𝙞𝘿𝙞𝙞✧Hewwo Evan2023-05-16 15:22:20
✪ ꜱ ᴛ ʏ xHave A Nice Day Bro ❤✔2023-05-16 06:57:15
SulaWünsch dir eine Schöne Woche2023-05-16 05:53:14
ZLoDeHave a happy Week2023-05-15 04:24:15
ToolNice essay lol2023-05-13 16:05:53
ZLoDeHave a nice Weekend2023-05-13 12:19:56
♠ Ɓℓ4cky ♠Alles okay bei dir ? Wurde dein ACC gehackt ?2023-05-13 08:06:28
「赤星计划」悬在天使与恶魔头上的弑神利刃1937年中日战争爆发,日本禁止民间参与共济、光明会等秘密组织,并展开对赤星会(共产党)成员抓捕奇怪的是,这些被逮捕的日本共产党人并未遭受虐待…军部还允许这些人继续阅读共产主义相关书籍1939年共济、光明会警告英法不要再对纳粹施行绥靖政策,但英法并未听取同年纳粹闪击波兰,第二次世界大战全面爆发赤星会警告苏联不要与纳粹媾和,斯大林因现实利益并未听取。《苏德互不侵犯条约》签订后,赤星会与共产国际和苏联方面关系破裂。为缓和同赤星会矛盾,斯大林终止加入《反共产国际协定》赤星会决定启用三年前就预设好的备用方案1936年赤星、共济、光明三会秘密访问延安,并见到了预言中的星火者,与之相谈甚欢同行的美国记者斯诺写了本游记《红星照耀中国》2023-05-12 09:52:37
LunaHappy Friday, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ! It's finally here, my wonderful Friends! I'm sending you lovely Friday hugs! Take one and pass it on! Let the stress of the week go & enjoy the weekend! Have a beautiful Friday! Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !2023-05-12 09:06:32
「赤星计划」悬在天使与恶魔头上的弑神利刃1934年兴登堡去世,希特勒将总统、总理合二为一成为元首。集党、政、军三位一体于一身废止共和国,建立纳粹德国1936年纳粹开始展开对犹太人与赤星会(共产党)的秘密屠杀计划,据说希特勒是为了获取制造「贤者之石」以及「人造人」等方面的知识赤星会与共济、光明会为世界三大组织,因共产党人不屑于隐瞒自己的意图所以会公开的现身。而共济会、光明会因其神秘性,会刻意隐藏从而令世人无法确认其存在的真实性三个组织意识形态虽不同,但最终目标都是为了统一世界建立新秩序。三个组织虽明争暗斗多年,但自从纳粹这个妄图统一全球的反人类组织出现三个组织决定搁置意识形态对立暂时联合起来赤星会出力、共济会出钱、光明会出技术名为「赤星」的计划就此诞生2023-05-11 07:40:08
NightevgexaВ дверь постучали 3,14 раз.Пи - подумал Штирлиц.Зда - сказал Мюллер, войдя в кабинет.Вам - сказал Сталин, вылезая из шкафа.2023-05-11 05:11:09
󠁳⁧⁧ EvgenyBebroy26 декабря 1991 года. Случай в пекарне:- Здравствуйте, а у вас хлеб российский?- Нет, советский.2023-05-11 04:11:02
DANI B.A wonderful day for you, dear friend!2023-05-10 16:30:21
GrizziaHave a beautiful day my cute friend :3.2023-05-10 03:11:15
内心善良单纯的人,千万不要学政治政治的厚颜无耻会让你怀疑一切学哲学!因为是最有趣的学科它的乐趣在于能够使你领悟心之声使人感应森罗万象宇宙银河之中的一切法则讲个自己经历的一个哲学事件,很有趣!跟朋友逛街,看到只狗狗耷拉着脑袋满脸委屈朋友说,你看这个狗看起来好可怜好不开心的样子我赶紧回应:子非狗,安知狗不乐也!等朋友反应过来,我早都跑掉了哲学经典的诡辩问题当属白马非马白马是白马,马是马。白马非马,马非白马最有意思莫过于杀人者兵也,非执兵者这些问题放在哲学领域上都是很值得探讨放在法律领域讲出杀人者兵也,非执兵者人民警察可是会跟你聊人生以及今后有什么打算你也可以反客为主,跟他讲宪法保障了我的言论自由就怕换回一句:你他妈跟我讲法律,我他妈听了真想笑2023-05-09 07:15:16
Nightevgexa«А вообще, главное не победа, а участие!» — задумчиво проговорил Гитлер, вынимая из сейфа браунинг.С праздничком, товарищи!2023-05-09 01:46:11
🔰⁧⁧EvgenyBebroyС Днём Победы! Пусть мужество и героизм этого великого праздника никогда и никем не забываются. Пусть дух победы воодушевляет сердца и ведёт вперёд — к новым подвигам, успехам и достижениям. И пусть весь мир всегда живёт в мире, а о войнах напоминает лишь этот священный праздник.2023-05-08 20:53:20
ɪɴsᴀɴɪᴀmeoowrate pls https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29726327782023-05-08 11:33:26
Nightevgexa- Святой отец, отпусти нам грехи ибо грешны мы.- Конечно отпущу- Сквернословили- Отпускаю- Прелюбодействовали- Отпускаю- Злоупотребляли спиртными напитками..- Спиртные напитки детям до 21 не отпускаю2023-05-08 05:23:06
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Did you have a good time this weekend?2023-05-08 04:48:37
AuTuMnRoYaLThe Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams.Have A Wonderful Week and Nice Day My FriendCould You Rate & Favorite My Last Sekiro Video https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2973019250 Many Thanks2023-05-08 01:04:33
🔰⁧⁧EvgenyBebroyШтирлиц шёл в Дрезден с трудом разбирая дорогу.Наутро железная дорога от Берлина до Дрездена была полностью разобрана...2023-05-07 16:02:31
HackLolyes2023-05-07 12:59:39
我喜欢谈论关于历史与政治的宏大叙事,但我更喜欢谈论人因为人是万物的尺度,是推动历史发展的关键经济:上经世济民、中经世济国、下经世济用军事:上军队事务、中军队事业、下军中之事政治:上政策治化、中政策治实、下政策治术哲学:上哲理上学、中哲理朴学、下哲理玄学历史:上继往开来、中承前启后、下以史为鉴文学:上高于生活、中贴近生活、下背离生活准备在Steam上写篇《钢铁雄心IV》指南这里我是有言论自由的,可以将我的思想理论写出来名字暂拟《意识形态与阶级矛盾的对立和联合政府的构想》我希望国家越来越好,并从人民民主专政共和国走向人民民主法制共和国无产阶级专政、人民民主专政也是专政,也具有天然的排他性和唯一性专政的反义词是民主,近义词是独裁我的信仰没有问题,那出问题的是谁?2023-05-07 06:03:33
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2412874472 ❤️❤️❤️2023-05-06 23:11:59
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-05-06 17:27:05
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡like please- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29711967692023-05-06 10:14:38
B&K晚上好!!! 《王国之泪》 玩之前要做的准备(无剧透)①准备amiibo。官方目前已经公布了4个amiibo可以在游戏中获取不同的滑翔帆皮肤,实际有更多,请在断货之前入手自己感兴趣的塞尔达系列amiibo (这里不讨论非官方手段) ;②完善你的《旷野之息》存档。因为存在一定程度的存档继承,请在保存有前作存档的机器上开始你的《王国之泪》旅程。 [补充说明:不继承也完全不影响新作游玩,继承的都是你宝贵的前作记忆! ]你的马可以包括名字和状态一起继承到续作, 毕竟马是重要的伙伴。DLC剧情全部通关后获得的关键纪念物品,如果你打算全部体验《旷野之息》但DLC还未通关的,你还有一周时间赶紧打通。 对剧情党来说,这个必须带过去。2023-05-06 07:32:13
NightevgexaТри человека, больных паркенсоном, собрались вместе утрясти вопросики2023-05-06 05:31:50
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Have a nice weekend!2023-05-06 04:30:29
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Art: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2968219180 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2968218014 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2968217459 Delet is later/Удалите это позже2023-05-06 01:57:23
Tool❤️❤️   ❤️❤️                  ❤️      ❤️      ❤️               ❤️         💛💛❤️💛💛            ❤️   💛   ❤️💛      💛            ❤️💛❤️            💛               ❤️💛         💛                        💛   💛                              💛2023-05-05 18:13:00
🔰⁧⁧EvgenyBebroyШтирлиц поднял трубку и услышал томный голос радистки Кэт:- Вам, наверное, не спится без меня?- Почему же? Спиться я могу и без вас, - ответил Штирлиц и налил очередной стакан водки.2023-05-04 17:37:13
IngvarrUKRusMeow2023-05-04 16:32:22
NightevgexaЧем подцепить еврейскую девушку?Совком2023-05-04 11:01:07
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Good morning! have a nice day2023-05-04 03:44:01
🔰⁧⁧EvgenyBebroyШтирлиц сидел у камина и вязал. Вязание успокаивало Штирлица. После окончания вязания у камина остался лежать связанный Мюллер.2023-05-02 12:02:21
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Hi, how are you?2023-05-02 06:40:59
NightevgexaМилый, ты ведь знаешь, что все болезни от нервов?- Ну и?!- Мне кажется, что ты переволновался, и у тебя будет сифилис.2023-05-02 03:34:17
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-05-02 02:40:28
愿你每天都活得如你所愿的开心快乐!2023-05-02 01:24:19
给我200欢乐豆上午好呀~五一假期快乐2023-05-01 21:49:06
🔰⁧⁧EvgenyBebroyШтирлицу попала в голову пуля. "Разрывная," - раскинул мозгами Штирлиц.2023-05-01 07:24:01
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Did you have a good time this weekend?2023-05-01 03:44:36
!SegAtoRHave a nice day💚2023-05-01 03:34:29
𝒷𝓊𝓈𝒽𝒾𝒹𝑜It's Monday, and I hope you have a good week2023-05-01 02:20:13
要离开了嘛?嗯,是该离开了你等到对方了?没有,但这已经不重要了为何这样说?已经是新的一个月了该跟过去道别了…虽然不是很情愿可想明白后也就那么回事吧不打算再回到过去了嘛?不打算了,不能总活在过去看你选择离开此地我很开心你被困在这里很久了,真替你高兴是啊,差不多半年了我发现浪费了好多时间不原谅是对方的事情就让真诚与道歉随风飘散传达给对方我只求无愧于心故事因为意外而展开又因为一厢情愿而发展最终遗憾收尾我为曾经不成熟的行为感到后悔为执念所带来的附加伤害感到自责真相是什么,没人在意没人关心人们只轻信一面之词,而不了解全貌我会因为情绪失控而做一些极端的事情但不代表是一个坏人放心!我已经找回自我保持童心、热情似火、欣欣向荣!新的一月,一起成长吧2023-04-30 16:37:23
🔰⁧⁧EvgenyBebroyЛампа горела, но света не давала.Штирлиц погасил лампу и Света дала.2023-04-30 12:07:22
HackLolHave Good Day https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2969335402 (rate pls)2023-04-30 09:51:44
MeowwwHave a nice day~2023-04-30 08:59:48
Maryrate my guide >w< meooow https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29691312242023-04-30 00:56:11
₊˚. 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀周末愉快我可爱的朋友 ⠀⠀ ⠀2023-04-29 17:49:59
₊˚. 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 你好吗亲爱的 亲爱的,享受你的一周 ⠀⠀⠀美好的一周我的爱人 为你 我希望我的朋友没事 保重2023-04-29 17:49:47
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-04-29 17:47:40
我喜欢谈论关于历史与政治的宏大叙事,但我更喜欢谈论人因为人是万物的尺度,是推动历史发展的关键 历史魅力在于它有许多遗憾,正是这些遗憾激励着后人承前启后、继往开来。历史的轮回并非人类的悲哀,而是事物发展的正常规律哲学魅力在于它是思想的碰撞,哲学很有趣它透过现象看本质充满乐趣与诡辩。让人对世界的运行有着自己的见解军事魅力在于它是国之大事、死生之道以及伴随时代发展,正因如此不可不察也政治魅力在于它的厚颜无耻,世界是非黑即白、是非不分、勾心斗角、诡计多端的。但又充满理想、空想以及幼稚不成熟,宛如无知少女天真烂漫文学魅力在于它是艺术的载体,将艺术通过文字呈现给热爱文学之人我深爱历史,热爱哲学、研究军事、深谙政治、喜欢文学人应当通过不断的学习去提升自己!2023-04-29 01:18:19
繁城千夏⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~2023-04-28 23:02:52
VictrixHave a sunny weekend2023-04-28 08:14:56
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾How do you like the new Steam interface in the beta test? I like it so far2023-04-28 07:21:39
🔰⁧⁧EvgenyBebroyВ камеру к заключенным заводят новенького.— Я к вам ненадолго. Всего на две недели.— А чего ты сделал-то?— Да так... Убил тестя и сжег невесту...— И за все это всего две недели?— Ну да. Потом меня повесят2023-04-27 16:35:49
NavidZin™Be happy regardless of the circumstances!Seja feliz independente das circunstâncias!2023-04-26 15:49:25
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Hi2023-04-26 14:30:28
你被困在这里走不出去了嘛我嘛?我在等人等人?你等的人不在这我知道,可我就是想等那是和我曾经有过约定的重要之人只是对方离开了对方为何离开?你有想过嘛?我想过,可我无法回到过去阻止悲剧发生现在什么都晚了,我甚至还没来得及好好解释导致我现在被困在这里人类的寿命只不过几十年你还年轻,未来有很长的路走何必沉浸在过去的悲伤而放弃未来?现在的事情都没解决好...未来又从何而来?我不关心未来如何也从不期待未来怎么样因为我现在什么都没有了一直沉浸在悲伤中会意志消磨什么事也干不好的,你难道忘记了你的梦想我的梦想嘛?我从未忘记所以,要振作起来做些有意义的事而不是把全部精力放在这里即便如此,我也会依旧等下去直到把对方等回来,心里的石头才会落下2023-04-26 08:01:32
LilyMay the new week turns out to be the most amazing week of your life, Evan.2023-04-26 07:11:32
🔰⁧⁧EvgenyBebroy— Чем вы занимаетесь на работе?— Я специалист по ускоренной релокации средств размножения...— Это как?— ♥♥♥♥♥♥ пинаю....2023-04-26 07:00:52
Nightevgexa- Мне, пожалуйста, пол арбуза.- Это самец.2023-04-26 02:12:31
k1ngA wonderful day for you, dear friend!2023-04-25 23:17:49
Daki ღI wish you happiness everyday ~ Love you my dear friend ~2023-04-25 16:32:17
这世界有太多不如意但你的生活还是要继续太阳每天依旧要升起希望永远种在你心里2023-04-25 04:57:14
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Good morning! have a nice day2023-04-25 01:59:17
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘴 - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29666689132023-04-24 09:08:25
🔰⁧⁧EvgenyBebroyМальчик написал Деду Морозу:"Пришли мне, пожалуйста, братика".Дед Мороз ответил:"Нет проблем. Пришли мне свою маму"   https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29665926182023-04-24 04:11:26
HelminskiWishing you a great week ^^2023-04-24 00:07:01
Mary𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑢 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛?𝑙𝑢𝑣 𝑢 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29665079672023-04-23 23:42:56
🔰⁧⁧EvgenyBebroyЧто сказал следователь, когда пришёл в ограбленный секс-шоп?НИХ*Я НЕ ВИДНО2023-04-23 14:58:15
Bypblk😽く__,.ヘヽ.    / ,ー、 〉     \ ', !-─‐-i / /´      /`ー'    L//`ヽ、     /  /,  /|  ,  ,    ',   イ  / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ!  i    レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  | Братик, тебя посадят!     !,/7 '0'   ´0iソ|   | Have a good week!        |.从"  _   ,,,, / |./   |     レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ /  .i  |      レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. |       | |/i 〈|/  i ,.ヘ | i |      .|/ / i:   ヘ!  \ |        kヽ>、ハ   _,.ヘ、   /、!       !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr'       レ'ヽL__|___i,___,ンレ|ノ         ト-,/ |___./         'ー'  !_,.:(ຈل͜ຈ)☞ New videos https://steamcommunity.com/id/Bypblk/videos/2023-04-23 13:59:56
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Did you have a good time this weekend?2023-04-23 12:02:43
《孔中窥见真理之貌》色情漫画中的神作当年连载就轰动整个漫画界,读者们更是急切催更如果删去色情内容搬上大荧幕足以吊打《你的名字》和《天气之子》甚至会让你觉得这两部作品讲爱情还是差点意思虽是色情漫画却是树立正确爱情价值观的正能量作品我不是胡说八道也不是开玩笑本名和幸老师的工口漫画都很独特,合乎逻辑且引人深思与那些简单粗暴莫名其妙的色情漫画比,他的作品更贴近真实生活看完后,都不会觉得这是色情漫画当年看完后哭了好久甚至忘记看这部漫画最初的意图是什么生野艾米露与城户龙彦的故事结束时我除了祝福就只剩热泪盈眶色情漫画有很多...能让人热泪盈眶的只此一款!它神就神在这个地方我也不怕被大家嘲笑看色情漫画而感动到哭因为它值得!2023-04-23 09:55:57
Nightevgexa— Какой на тебе модный костюм! А ведь недавно у тебя были проблемы с деньгами, чем теперь зарабатываешь на жизнь?— Я сейчас продаю мебель.— Много продал?— Да, в доме только одна тумбочка осталась.2023-04-23 08:58:09
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Hi, how are you?2023-04-23 04:40:37
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-04-22 17:17:32
₊˚. 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ ∧ _  ꒰ ʜɪ ᴄᴜᴛɪᴇ ɪᴛ's ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛ   (°˙ ꒳ · 。7    ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ꒱   l、 ヽഒ  ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ    じし _, )ノ ʙʏ sᴏᴀʀᴇs ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏɴᴅʟʏ2023-04-22 08:59:03
我喜欢谈论关于历史与政治的宏大叙事,但我更喜欢谈论人因为人是万物的尺度,是推动历史发展的关键秦始皇是华夏最后的人神,在他死后诞生了颠覆世界的火种名为陈胜与吴广的两位双子星便是最初的星火一声王侯将相宁有种乎,令繁星之子们揭竿而起、振臂高呼、一呼百应刘邦本无名之辈,乃赤帝之子...赤为红,红为火。火的出现使华夏重新迎来了秩序无论世界怎样变化,变得永远是外在事物还是会回归到应有的阶段东汉末年,繁星之子们为争夺华夏神器而自相残杀在最后一颗将星坠落五丈原后迎来了八王之乱、五胡乱华、衣冠南渡、神州陆沉那是个连教科书都不愿意提起的时代但华夏英雄从未停止过北伐想当年金戈铁马气吞万里如虎,终成绝唱抱憾离世他们的故事也许无人知晓但总有人记得,总有人讲述2023-04-22 07:59:01
slavyanᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ, ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ >.< ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ!2023-04-22 06:57:04
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Good morning! Have a nice weekend2023-04-22 00:42:24
AuTuMnRoYaLGrateful forsmall things,big thingsand everything in betweenHave a beautiful weekend and wonderful lifeCould you rate and favorite my new video pls https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29651689822023-04-21 17:37:41
Johann LiebertHave Good Day https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2965269754 (rate pls)2023-04-21 12:39:29
NightevgexaЧто общего между бомжом и Айфоном?......Оба отключаются на морозе2023-04-21 07:19:52
童(等你的第一天)关于《中华麻将传说》你需要知道的几件事情这是关于麻将智斗和反赌题材的作品还是个探究人性与麻将艺术的作品其实我是想把它做成漫画的,但我不会作画所以我就先把脑中的想法先整成文字小说作品世界观接近现实世界但又有些不同其实也是为了规避一些风险…正规麻将比赛按照国标分级制度标准分为业余和专业两个大段和九个小段共十八级还有几个荣誉性质的头衔战地下麻将没有分级,只有江湖头衔获得江湖头衔的都是在麻将界有名气的人物头衔均是雀X或者赌X(X为任意字)主角的头衔是雀魔而人骨麻将的拥有者被称为雀头/雀首是地下麻将的头号人物,也是赌博组织的幕后首领这个赌博组织拥有大量不亚于专业实力九段的打手主角要击败一个又一个强敌,最终挑战雀头如果这么算下来,工作量还是很大的2023-04-21 05:18:34
YonuI love you2023-04-21 01:34:33
Guila🌙كُل عام وأنتم بخير2023-04-21 00:46:55
《中华麻将传说》本来随手写的,没想到反响很大,很多人要求继续写灵感来源于《雀魂》、《斗牌传说》和《赌博默示录》故事大纲已构思好,主角以番型天下大乱十三不靠为开始…又以国士无双十三幺九为结束象征主角从引导天下大乱的始作俑者最终变成国士无双一样的人…战斗在反赌第一线主角名字叫华曦!名字寓意为黎明与希望一个被恶魔同情之人,从鬼门关回来以后拥有了魔鬼的气息…被称为雀魔白天正规麻将比赛,夜晚地下赌场大杀四方用麻将战斗,最终决战对抗拥有人骨麻将的雀头明白赌博的源头本质是人类不劳而获的贪念决定以生命做赌注,最终以国士无双十三幺九令其姓名响彻天堂最后击败雀头,却没让雀头履行赌约毕竟,麻将输了还可以再赢…但人死不能复生摧毁人骨麻将之后,主角从此成为传说2023-04-20 01:46:53
NightevgexaСын говорит отцу: — Папа я женюсьОтец: — На ком?Сын: - На Иване из 5 подъездаОтец: — Так он же пацанСын: - Нифига себе пацан, 38 лет2023-04-19 06:16:44
𝔂𝓔早安喵早安喵2023-04-18 19:47:41
Nike 胜stay blessed, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜!2023-04-18 12:10:04
[EASY] Zak BagansHope you have a great week, sorry for the lack of comments. Been meh hope you are doing better.2023-04-18 11:08:24
Nightevgexa— Капитан! Земля!— Мы ещё не отплыли, долбоёб2023-04-18 10:13:58
₊˚. 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡美丽的东西 早上好,下午好,晚安 ⠀⠀⠀我想祝你一切顺利 给所有最可爱的朋友 替我照顾好自己 美丽的 Love You2023-04-18 09:45:26
Lily“Everyone can identify with a fragrant garden, with beauty of sunset, with the quiet of nature, with a warm and cozy cottage.” — Thomas Kinkade2023-04-18 08:00:25
1998年中国国家体育总局为顺应时代潮流与坚决反赌制定了国际标准麻将规则一时间国标风靡全球,成为了与立直、中庸并列的三大竞技麻将但赌博这种存在上千年的劣根产物无法彻底消灭为对抗赌博这种能让人抛妻弃子倾家荡产的邪恶产业,名为打雀的机构出现坊间流传着一副用人骨铸造的麻将,其产生的魔力能瞬间吞噬赌徒人性最黑暗的一面。而这副麻将的拥有者被人称为雀头因父亲赌博而家破人亡的主角(名字没想好)为了摧毁赌博组织与幕后雀头,决定踏入麻将领域在一场有涉黑嫌疑的麻将比赛中,主角为引起关注打出番型天下大乱十三不靠(番型不大但侮辱性极强)从而被黑白两道关注并拉拢正是这手天下大乱,也开启了麻将界的天下大乱这是个关于麻将智斗与反赌的故事,就叫它《中华麻将传说》2023-04-18 05:26:32
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate this favorite my artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2961868701 ❤️❤️❤️2023-04-18 05:18:21
ALPHAく__,.ヘヽ.    / ,ー、 〉     \ ', !-─‐-i / /´      /`ー'    L//`ヽ、     /  /,  /|  ,  ,    ',   イ  / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ!  i    レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  |     !,/7 '0'   ´0iソ|   |        |.从"  _   ,,,, / |./   |     レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ /  .i  |      レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. |       | |/i 〈|/  i ,.ヘ | i |      .|/ / i:   ヘ!  \ |        kヽ>、ハ   _,.ヘ、   /、!       !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr'       レ'ヽL__|___i,___,ンレ|ノ         ト-,/ |___./         'ー'  !_,.2023-04-18 04:34:01
NavidZin™I wish you a very productive and awesome week! :DDesejo-vos uma semana muito produtiva e fantástica! :D2023-04-17 17:09:44
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Thank you for 50.000 comments.This is not the end, this is only the beginning of our journey.2023-04-17 16:34:28
今天是全新全异的一天~没错!今天就是星期一!请你一定要好好吃饭、好好睡觉、好好活动、好好玩耍!要过一个开心有趣,精神百倍的人生!虽然我没什么东西能教你,但我愿意告诉你如何每天都能快乐保持快乐的秘诀就是:保持童心、热情似火、欣欣向荣!以童年的信念去信仰生活,不以物喜不以己悲!好啦~我也要开始属于我的冒险了,嗯!讨伐名为工作的古老魔物!2023-04-17 02:35:33
♫The Art of Death♥hello my lovely Friend i hope u have a good in the new week2023-04-17 01:42:11
halilHave good day https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29611683362023-04-16 09:57:16
Tool2023-04-15 20:00:57
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-04-15 17:45:30
Raindropklar gerne2023-04-15 16:41:00
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Good night2023-04-15 13:16:23
slavyanᅠ ᅠ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ, ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ >.< ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ!2023-04-15 03:31:56
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Good morning! Have a nice weekend2023-04-14 23:32:04
Meowww/ ¯¯`フ         , '' ` ` /       ! .        , '      レ  _,  -' ミ        ;          `ミ __,xノ゙、         i     ミ   ; ,、、、、 ヽ ¸      ,.-‐!       ミ  i    `ヽ.._,,))     //´``、     ミ ヽ       .    | l    ` ーー -‐''ゝ、,,)).           ヽ.ー─'´)                     `"""´     𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀𝑒𝓃𝒹!2023-04-14 22:58:39
*:・゚✧Sooks✧・゚:*Hope you're having a lovely day~ I would really appreciate if you'd join my group~! Shown on my profile or through this link // https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SpringBlossoms thanks for your time!2023-04-14 12:27:40
NightevgexaAфриканские математики открыли N-мерное пространство2023-04-14 08:59:03
GrizziaHey cutie :3. I hope you're fine and wish you a lovely day. Give you many hugs and kisses. Please take care and stay fine and blessed :32023-04-13 19:36:02
🌴 Forfeit 🌴キューティー2023-04-13 18:13:32
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2877889428 ❤️❤️❤️2023-04-13 09:53:10
WallbeskaHave a beautiful day my cutie friend :3. Please take care and stay fine :32023-04-12 13:32:35
NightevgexaКристиан Бейл набрал армян, что бы сыграть в нарды.2023-04-12 01:37:12
halilHave Nice Day (Rate and fav pls) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2961168336 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29611690002023-04-11 19:04:51
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2952329976 ❤️❤️❤️2023-04-11 11:56:29
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☾Good night2023-04-11 10:26:46
LilyHave a lovely tuesday Evan. May the sun smile brighter for you today and fill your life with comfort and warmth2023-04-11 08:18:31
我看过很多花无论哪朵它都很好看但有一朵花不同它是这世界上仅有的花花如夸耀般在丛中绽开没有纷争,只有绚烂虽扎根深处,却望向天空只为欣喜之人绽放我比任何人都清楚这才是世界上仅有的一朵花我叫不出花的名字但并不影响我的喜欢后来花枯萎了然后就消失不见了你曾听过一个传说?传说中有朵花自愿进入地狱因绚烂不被地狱接受最后开在通往地狱的道路上成了黄泉路上唯一的风景指引前往地狱的灵魂世人出于对死亡的恐惧所以对亡者的世界讳莫如深我曾有幸见过那朵花它真的好美啊传说终究只是传说我并没看到黄泉之路我不禁感到遗憾与惋惜口中一直不停地念叨此去泉台招旧部旌旗十万斩阎罗狂风之后便是宁静雨过天停之后便是彩虹这朵花,它叫彼岸花寓意着美丽独立与无尽思念还有指引安慰2023-04-11 07:58:57
₊˚.𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡Hi friend how are you are you enjoying your week my dear friend would like it very much of you share your favorite songs create a speech with your 10 favorite songs please https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ilove-aesthetic/discussions/0/3825286438463408434/ thank you for your participation2023-04-11 06:12:42
Daki ღI wish you happiness everyday ~ Happy Easter my dear friend! ~2023-04-10 16:31:26
iFadedaway𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 happy Easter2023-04-10 10:35:18
𝔂𝓔新周愉快喵~ヾ(•ω•`)o2023-04-09 22:30:44
Thainá BloodwellAs we prepare to start a new week, be positive in thoughts, be yourself, and take care of yourself. Have a blessed week ahead. :32023-04-09 21:18:38
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Did you have a good time this weekend?2023-04-09 11:39:49
Chima3ra ❀˗ˏ ˎ˗2023-04-09 06:51:16
NightevgexaИдёт Райан Гослинг по лесу, видит: машина стоит. Сел в неё, подождал ровно 5 минут и уехал.2023-04-09 04:42:21
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Good morning! have a nice game!2023-04-09 02:50:31
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-04-09 00:28:15
Dexter<32023-04-08 23:42:01
Dexter<32023-04-08 23:41:58
Dexter<32023-04-08 23:41:54
给我200欢乐豆周末愉快呀Happy2023-04-08 20:34:03
Thainá BloodwellSnuggly hugs and bunny kisses are what I'm sending with these Easter wishes! Wishing you a blessed Easter filled with love, chocolate, and happiness!! :32023-04-08 20:23:46
k1ng👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2952329976 ❤️❤️❤️2023-04-08 18:32:45
最近沉迷立直麻将十分上瘾并乐在其中有一说一,做得最好的立直麻将还得是雀魂除了欢乐麻将再无对手论花里胡哨猫厂也得给鹅厂磕两个欢乐麻将的立直玩法人很少因为跟不上时代论最懂麻将艺术的还得是中国人国士无双其实是个出口转内销的番型称呼麻雀编年史,上面赫然写了十三幺与国士无双听一张牌是十三幺,听十三张牌是国士无双古典麻将传入日本后统称国士无双中国麻将(国标)中还有十三不靠番型,又称天下大乱而且九莲宝灯还能鸣牌(副露)打法伪九莲宝灯(非比赛番型)111…999(中间…无需刻意凑齐2345678只要是清一色就行)国标比赛番型拥有88种非比赛总计344+1种立直麻将算上古役也只有40种正因为落后时代的玩法,保留了原始的竞技智斗所以今天你国士无双了嘛~喵?2023-04-08 15:39:12
slavyanʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ, ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ >.< ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29595583422023-04-08 14:16:09
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Have a nice weekend2023-04-08 06:06:31
₊˚.𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 我的宝贝 生活无惧被评判 快乐 ⠀⠀⠀我想给每个人最好的 谢谢你为我做的一切 好好生活,快乐地享受 即使因为生命是一体的 我希望你有一个愉快的周末2023-04-08 05:21:44
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡like please- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2957881934 ㅤㅤㅤ2023-04-08 03:40:59
NightevgexaОстанавливает как-то мент феменистку и спрашивает:— Ваши права.— У меня их нет.— Это понятно, а водительские?2023-04-08 02:05:35
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2952329976 ❤️❤️❤️2023-04-07 21:49:15
Thainá BloodwellHey! It’s the weekend. It’s time to pause from the hustle and bustle. It’s time to reflect and think if it’s all worth it. It’s time to rejuvenate. Have a splendid weekend. :32023-04-07 19:43:09
Tool⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄ Have a wonderful day! ❤⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-04-07 18:51:19
iFadedaway𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 have a nice weekend2023-04-07 16:40:48
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Have a nice game!2023-04-07 10:27:56
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Good morning! have a nice day2023-04-07 04:46:28
NightevgexaДед с альцгеймером долго не понимал, кто насрал ему в штаны2023-04-07 01:41:57
恋は雨上がりのようにsorry for late reply, and wish u have a nice day~2023-04-06 20:23:27
Daki ღ• * ¨ * • . ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ . • * ¨ * •               https://steamcommunity.com/groups/sweetiescuties I wish you a nice and wonderful day! Hope you can join my sweet group!                           Love you my dear friend2023-04-06 16:37:04
LisaFeel free to add me2023-04-06 06:01:21
NightevgexaБританские наркоманы закидываются чайным грибомПосле достижения 50к комментариев, Стим начал удалять лишние, но удаляет он их с конца профиля, так что буду вынужден их закрыть. Кто хочет, может до 22-00 написать какой-то прикол или ещё что-то. Всем хорошего дня2023-04-06 01:47:41
󠁳⁧⁧goigois1hi.2023-04-05 14:08:08
NightevgexaДиалог двух героев фильма:-Hоw do you do?-All right!Голос переводчика за кадром:-Как ты это делаешь?-Всегда правой!2023-04-05 03:40:11
🌈可愛くなりたい💕⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊ ᲼   ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-04-04 22:57:20
关于批量留言在这里跟大家说明下害,其实没啥解释的。主要因为我懒...是个懒狗嘻嘻~我就是这么的坦诚相待,这么的出人意料措手不及当然也有客观和主观上的原因好友1900+是我不愿亲力亲为的主要因素虽然在好友二三百人的时候就开始批量留言了但每条文案我都认真用心去写的用文案是为了不显得那么突兀每天问候语,其实真的很没意思倒不如写点有趣的东西分享我希望我的文案能带给你快乐和帮助以及感悟人与人是平等的,也是独一无二的感谢絕代風華Q群里的每位友人你们都是天使!在我需要缓解情绪的时候陪我聊天群组的初衷原本是風采才華冠絕當世並成為天下第一!现在欢迎来到这个能治愈你心灵的温暖小窝~我们终会渐行渐远,在这之前我想留下点美好回忆PS:有兴趣加Q群可以通过Steam群组主页简介添加2023-04-04 14:38:21
ecstasyHave a good night2023-04-04 13:05:38
ecstasyUwU2023-04-04 11:57:12
ecstasyOwO2023-04-04 07:46:30
ecstasy*boop*2023-04-04 04:53:36
Nightevgexa- Вы вели себя как джентльмен. Спасибо, что не лапали меня, поручик.- Не за что2023-04-04 02:07:15
🔰 Tenebrae lupus 🔰Einen schonen Tag und guten Spiel2023-04-03 23:06:09
SulaHey <32023-04-03 21:30:45
Thainá BloodwellThe weight of a message is so light that I can load it with love and tenderness to make sure you have the sweetest of nights. Sleep well. :32023-04-03 17:57:14
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡like please- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29571661542023-04-03 14:35:01
MIND-PCGern!2023-04-03 13:46:36
NightevgexaНа международном чемпионате по биатлону немецкая сборная завоевала Польшу2023-04-03 09:03:56
历史本身很有趣历史也能讲的很精彩同样也很出人意料偶然伴随着必然,必然伴随着偶然所发生之事既是事在人为也是命中注定的结果福兮祸之所倚,祸兮福之所伏无论中国历史还是世界历史它们都有着一种魔力以史为镜可知兴衰,前车之鉴后事之师历史人物、历史事件、历史疑案、野史杂谈、诡异秘闻和未解之谜总之敬请期待今后的文案吧!杂谈文案不定时更新~感兴趣可以订阅 本来我就是搞这方面的人,专业要对口才行历史、文学、哲学、政治、军事、艺术(学的里外不是人的编剧专业)我一直都有个愿望创作在绝望世界中寻找希望的故事想找一个搭档就像大场鸫与小畑健一样我负责故事脚本,搭档负责作画将来作者署上我的名字,绘者署上搭档的名字天马行空的想象力配合搭档高超的画技想想都是一件很酷的事情!2023-04-03 01:31:15
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Good morning! have a nice day2023-04-03 00:30:00
Rheezahiho2023-04-02 18:06:43
♠ Ɓℓ4cky ♠Ich hab dein Kommentar aus der Gruppe gelesen.Freud mich und Willkommen. Wünsch dir noch einen schönen Abend !2023-04-02 13:42:41
ALPHA6х6?2023-04-02 10:42:56
NightevgexaНа уроке русского языка учитель говорит грузину:- Скажи "хлеб".- Хлэб.- Мягче.- Хлэп!- Ещё мягче!- Буличка.2023-04-02 04:06:20
AceEchelonHave a calm sunday and alot of coffee with chocolate! <32023-04-02 02:29:22
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Good morning! have a nice day2023-04-02 01:43:48
NavidZin™ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ!ᴛᴇɴʜᴀ ᴜᴍ ʙᴏᴍ ꜰɪᴍ ᴅᴇ ꜱᴇᴍᴀɴᴀ!2023-04-01 20:30:31
♥TyknighterHello, my good friend, I know I haven't been keeping up with my comments in some time due to the amount I get, but I wanted to tell you that I still appreciate the number of comments you give me. it helps me throughout my day, I hope you have a very nice day, take your time, and take a break when need be.2023-04-01 19:18:25
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Good night2023-04-01 12:50:05
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2952329976 ❤️❤️❤️2023-04-01 10:09:38
NightevgexaШтирлиц пришел к выводу. Но Вывода не оказалось дома. С 1 апреля! почти мой проф. праздник хд2023-04-01 01:33:00
𝔂𝓔周末愉快~2023-03-31 23:01:22
Thainá BloodwellNo more discipline, no more hard work. It’s time to make your day according to your desire! May the weekend enrich your day with pleasure and blessings :32023-03-31 17:05:26
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡could you reward my profile?2023-03-31 07:15:58
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Hi, how are you?2023-03-31 04:09:47
₊˚.𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡你很可爱,我很喜欢 ⠀⠀⠀⠀你是我在这里添加的最美丽的东西 谢谢你所做的一切 就这样爱你,不要改变2023-03-30 16:24:28
NightevgexaЛежат голодные студенты в общежитии и мечтают:— Эх, сейчас мяса бы...— А может тогда свинью заведём?— Да ты что: грязь, вонь.— Да ничего, может быть привыкнет.2023-03-30 02:26:08
想要摸鱼的一天Send you a cup of tea: use fragrant blessings as leaves, gentle exhortations as flowers, boiling enthusiasm as water, and generous tolerance as a cup. May you drink out the good mood of your day and the good luck of your season2023-03-29 23:56:00
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Good morning! Have a good day2023-03-29 22:14:31
r00tlesToo bad Hitler didn't kill all the Jews🇵🇸2023-03-29 22:01:48
《新·假面骑士》被评史上最烂之作石森老爷子还健在也许会认可它虽然填补了TV的设定,但东映肯定后悔让痞子翻拍影视剧轻易别翻拍,尽量高清4K原汁原味本乡猛原是个阳刚的帅哥,新版直接整成阴沉的衰哥让柄本佑一个演文艺片的演…呃…某种意义上这算个悲剧文艺片看完忍不住又去看了原版的高燃剪辑才缓过来夕阳下逝去的不止是骑着机车的骑士,还有童年·在人间·我的大学假面骑士虽是因悲剧而产生的怪物,却一直守护孩子们的梦想!我喜欢假面骑士开山三部曲和Black系列以及空我与W毕竟孩子们的梦想就是未来的现实,任何伤害孩子的人已经不能再被称之为人了男人至死是少年,或许女人足够成熟和宽容才会明白这句话的含义成年人的世界很可怕,可这不是孩子们被伤害的理由!我永远站在善良的孩子们这边,永远!2023-03-29 19:41:50
WallbeskaHello my cutie friend :3. I hope you're fine and wish you a lovely day. Please take care and give you many hugs and kisses ^-^2023-03-29 14:46:30
₊˚.𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 我的爱一切都很好。事物 我生命中的 你像樱花一样美丽 你真美 ⠀⠀⠀⠀你这周过得怎么样 谢谢你做你自己 用爱写的2023-03-29 13:43:25
k1ng👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2952329976 ❤️❤️❤️2023-03-29 11:11:53
想要摸鱼的一天Thank you for your loving2023-03-29 09:30:51
想要摸鱼的一天Relax eyes and enjoy the beautiful scenery; Relax and breathe fresh air; Relax ears, listen to favorite music, and be busy on Wednesday. Remember to relax and enjoy yourself!2023-03-29 09:30:38
NightevgexaКак называется травля пенсионерок?Бабулинг2023-03-29 03:52:23
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Good morning! Have a good day2023-03-29 02:01:12
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Hi2023-03-28 16:18:57
想要摸鱼的一天It has been more than half a year since I started comment. Time has passed quickly, the number of comment reach 50000. I don't know when you got to know me. Among the friends, someone have knew over half a year, someone maybe a day. I'm glad to be your friend So far, I've had more than 700 friends, I don't know when you first met me, whether it's a long time or a short time. I occasionally go to check out the comment, see who I first met, and see who has been with me until now. I will read the comment everyone has written, write carefully, I will reply carefully. Anyway, it's nice to meet you,Thank you for accompanying me all the way.2023-03-28 11:15:43
NightevgexaЗавод соды продал 146 миллионов пачек и закрылся2023-03-28 05:45:04
AceEchelonRemodelling pc multimonitor setup, waiting for few more hardware to come to install and will post pics, will become more active again soon. Thanks for support!2023-03-27 18:02:44
EchihHow was your day today? I hope you had a beautiful day2023-03-27 17:20:54
halilRate plss https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198356252715/recommended/424840/2023-03-27 16:59:56
NightevgexaВ отряде крестоносцев распространилась кишечная палочка. Теперь это отряд крестопоносцев2023-03-27 09:05:22
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Good morning! Have a good day2023-03-26 23:41:43
Nike 胜Wishing you a great start into the new week, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜!2023-03-26 10:29:51
.是鸽子呐.哭哭,每天上课、收拾屋子、洗衣做饭...感觉完全没什么时间玩steam了好在和老公在一起也算充实和开心2023-03-26 07:45:27
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2877889428 ❤️❤️❤️2023-03-26 07:17:34
Nightevgexa- У вас хлеб свежий?- Прошлогодний)- Но сегодня 25 марта...- ))2023-03-26 04:20:06
felina+ epic gamer2023-03-26 03:51:35
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-03-26 00:48:48
Thainá BloodwellSuccess and joy, good health and prosperity are the things I wish for your this week and for many more weeks in your life blessed with the best of the things… Happy Week to you with much love and happiness!!! :32023-03-26 00:47:09
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆:2023-03-25 12:26:21
AuTuMnRoYaLWeekend workout sessions are the best to get you in the routine and feeling great2023-03-25 03:07:22
NightevgexaПрограммисты взяли на стрелу один байт, ведь восемь бит им вполне хватит2023-03-25 01:23:11
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Good morning! Have a nice weekend2023-03-25 00:52:39
GodTier𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘥 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29501361272023-03-24 14:57:30
WhitePumpkinI ᕼOᑭE YOᑌ ᕼᗩᐯE ᗩ ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᖴᑌᒪ ᗯEEKEᑎᗪ2023-03-24 10:59:09
这么多年我一直在等命定的星火者出现星火者,即星星之火可以燎原之人我没有资格成为星火者但我愿成为簇拥在星火者身边的传火者成为柴薪,为这星星之火增添燃料的柴薪星火者的使命与责任是什么?带领人们驱散黑暗脱离混沌迎接希望前任星火者所预言担心的事最终还是发生昔日与星火者并肩作战的传火者们也都逝去比肩神明者终究不是神,也逃不过生命的终结神器更张初火已灭,世界虽未迎来黑暗因为火还在燃烧,只不过燃烧的是灵魂与人性一眼望去皆是篡火者、夺火者以及癫火者被冠以繁星名号的战士们终将卷入纷争为理想?梦想?幻想?亦或是信仰与野心?无论为何而战,都是希望改变这个世界战士的后代终究只是冠以战士之名的荣光者唯有成为真正的战士才是亘古不变的荣耀时来天地皆伟力,与人奋斗乐无穷2023-03-24 10:25:29
Nightevgexa— От винта! - кричал Карлсон, отгоняя от жопы пидо--расов2023-03-24 04:07:43
¡此用户无已知曾用名¡🌺祝您遊戲愉快🌺🌺我會把這個留在這裡🌺2023-03-23 21:31:37
Tool2023-03-23 21:09:25
bola de masa hervida ©Hello my dear friend, how are you? I wish you a successful week2023-03-23 14:07:59
Nightevgexa- Сколько получают блоггеры в Северной Корее?- 10 лет строгого режима.2023-03-23 10:24:47
晚上好啊!今天没有文案只有你2023-03-23 07:19:13
WallbeskaHello my cutie friend :3. Hope you're fine and wish you a beautiful day ahead. Please take care and stay happy and healthy <3. Love you2023-03-23 01:29:39
B&amp;K晚上好!!!Valve宣布《反恐精英2》(Counter-Strike 2)将于今夏推出 限量测试将于今日开始,今夏《CS:GO》将会平稳过渡,免费升级至《CS2》。【亮点】·烟雾弹现在是三维动态物体,能与环境相互作用并对光照、枪击和爆炸作出反应。·子刷新频率的更新将使移动、射击或投掷时不再受到刷新频率的阻碍。·地图将进行翻新或是完全重建,充分利用了所有新的起源2工具和渲染功能。·起源2工具和渲染功能将提供给社区地图制作者,以便于制作、实验和迭代地图。·全新物品显示效果,你的《CS:GO》库存将都将带入到《Counter-Strike 2》中。今日开启限量测试 如果您收到测试邀请,会在CSGO主菜单上收到通知2023-03-22 14:43:39
EchihI'll pray for you to always be full of happy things! I hope my words will cheer you up2023-03-22 10:45:55
Tool2023-03-22 08:34:27
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2412874472 ❤️❤️❤️2023-03-22 08:14:17
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘴 - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29505459002023-03-22 07:07:28
󠁳⁧⁧tssLove you2023-03-22 02:09:22
NightevgexaДиректор школы ловит в туалете курящего ученика:- Какой класс?Пацан, выпуская дым кольцами:- Буржуазия!2023-03-22 01:05:03
WallbeskaHello my cutie friend :3. I'm here and I want to wish you a beautiful day. Hope you're fine. Kisses for you :32023-03-21 18:29:39
󠁳⁧⁧tss● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . * . . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . . °☆ . ● ¸ . ★ ° . • ○ ° ★ . * . ☾ ° ¸. * ● ¸ ° ☾ °☆ . * ¸. ★ ★ ° . . ¸ .: Have A Wonderful Day ° ☾ ★ ° . . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . ★ ° . . . ☾ °☆ . * ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ○ . ° . ● . ° ☾ °☆ ¸.● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★2023-03-20 14:24:15
废托邦的入侵,使乌托邦陷入四分五裂的混战乌托邦末代皇帝见大势已去,命卫队护送年幼的弟弟出逃随后一团大火吞噬了首都亚马乌罗提城统治乌托邦数千年的普拉索菲(哲学)王朝就此覆灭乌托邦与废托邦所处的大陆便是亚特兰蒂斯即大西洲,它没有消失而是被神秘的迷雾笼罩迷雾让大陆与世隔绝,避免受外界干扰虽躲避了地理大发现与两次世界大战,但世上没有不透风的墙乌托邦的战火使这片神秘大陆被世人察觉发现大西洲的突现令全球轰动,联合国表示不干涉大西洲战争这举动也引发了自冷战后新的输出革命热潮理想主义者冒着偷渡叛国风险涌入这里无人知晓他们的名字,也不会有人理解他们的行为乌托邦原是只存于传说中的理想国未曾想它真的存在,我与它的故事才刚开始——《乌托邦:亡国的英雄》(序)2023-03-20 12:30:37
LilyHave an extra-special, amazingly fun, undeniably awesome, super fantastic day, Evan! 🌺🍃2023-03-20 06:37:44
输一次加十万功德have a nice day2023-03-20 03:41:30
Thainá BloodwellMake positive thoughts and enjoy every moment of this day! :32023-03-20 02:02:52
Christinahave a nice day2023-03-20 01:46:24
Nightevgexa"Титаник" потопили евреи: Лоцман, Боцман, Штурман и Айсберг2023-03-20 00:55:34
sotssetana*∧🎀∧* ⁽(˶> ᎑ <˶) ⁾⁾゚ *〇☕〇2023-03-19 19:11:51
k1ng👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2943541678 ❤️❤️❤️2023-03-19 14:38:41
EchihI hope you're always happy~!! I'll pray for that ><2023-03-19 14:33:45
AceEchelonToday i dream again! :)2023-03-19 13:31:58
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2943541678 ❤️❤️❤️2023-03-19 12:53:19
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Art: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2949138277 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2949137639 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2949135953 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29491398552023-03-19 07:06:53
felina<32023-03-19 03:44:49
NightevgexaСидят Винни-Пух и Пятачок с ружьём на опушке леса. Винни ковыряет ружьё и в дуло смотрит. Раздался выстрел, медведю морду от уха до уха разорвало. Пятачок весь в крови, в мозгах медведя. Пришел в себя и говорит:- Вот ты Винни смеёшься, а мне ушко заложило!2023-03-19 00:18:26
seele vollereiʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ2023-03-18 20:49:48
miu<32023-03-18 20:28:15
Thainá BloodwellOn this beautiful weekend, I just wanted to remind you you're my best! :32023-03-18 18:16:58
ツKzara💔Hope your weekend is off to a relaxing start~2023-03-18 18:09:32
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-03-18 17:50:27
Chima3ra ❀ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴅᴀʏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs sᴛᴀʀᴛs ᴡɪᴛʜ ɴᴇᴡ ᴛʜɪɴɢs. ~ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏɪɴɢ, ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇs ʀᴏʟʟ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ! ~ ᴡɪsʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ʙʟᴇssᴇᴅ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ. ~ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟꜰ ~2023-03-18 16:20:59
slavyanʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ᴍʏ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ >.< https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29486864532023-03-18 16:17:36
𝐿𝒾𝓁𝓎Hope you have a peaceful weekend that will ease your mind. Happy weekend, Evan!2023-03-18 07:22:39
𝐿𝒾𝓁𝓎I love your profile 🌊2023-03-18 07:22:16
想要摸鱼的一天Good evening~don't smile coldly because of too much busyness, don't forget happiness because of too many pursuits, busyness is not all, stop and hurry, take a look at the time slowly2023-03-18 06:38:04
!𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘☆Good morning! have a great weekend2023-03-18 03:40:52
ForeverHave a cool weekend Kronis2023-03-18 02:58:08
NiztTen un hermoso fin de semana, te mando un abrazo y cuidate mucho. Yupiiiiiiiiiii2023-03-18 02:35:19
人总要跟自己握不住的东西说再见因为比起胜出,失败才是青春我合上了书,一时间也不知该从何讲起故事,就这么稀里糊涂又人间清醒般的结束人生是开放题,不求百分百正确只求无愧于心未来是未知题,无法从现有获取的知识去解答即便如此不代表就可以随意去回答去敷衍过去是板上钉钉的试题,分数无法改变那就避免下次出错生而为人其实是件很快乐的事情但人不是做出来的是活出来的至于怎么活,每个人心中都有属于自己的答案人生其实就是在犯错中成长,并逐渐提升改变自己有些人只是避免了常规错误,但仍会在新的问题上犯错怀念过去不愚蠢,愚蠢的是活在过去要好好的活着啊,一定要成为自己想成为的那种人无论如何,越被嘲笑的梦想就越要实现它终有一天,我与未来的我相逢在森罗万象宇宙银河之中2023-03-18 02:31:51
NightevgexaСидят как-то два алкаша вечером во дворе и распивают метиловый.Первый второму:— А че ты молчишь всё?— Да я что вижу, о том и говорю2023-03-18 01:08:59
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful weekend, dear !2023-03-18 00:51:07
Thainá BloodwellKeep smiling and have a lovely day2023-03-17 19:49:20
TheElderGodsThank u for the kind words my dearest friendHave an amazing weekend u too and always be happy and safe2023-03-17 19:09:19
『O Kawaii Koto』☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆(\ (\⠀​⠀​⠀​⠀​(\ (\ ⠀​ ⠀​⠀⠀​​(\ (\ ⠀​ ⠀⠀​⠀​​(\ (\("• ֊ •")⠀​ ("• ֊ •") ⠀​⠀​("• ֊ •") ⠀⠀​​("• ֊ •")O🍓O ⠀​O🌟O ⠀⠀​​O🌸O ⠀⠀​​O🥛 O☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆・゚: *:゚*。 .☆2023-03-17 18:43:30
Pablo DiabloHappy weekend friend!2023-03-17 17:47:20
Willythanks2023-03-17 16:42:14
₊˚.𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡我生命中的 爱你 嗨,你好吗亲爱的 你这周过得怎么样 ⠀⠀⠀谢谢你和我在一起 保重2023-03-17 16:02:50
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-17 15:39:44
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-17 15:39:38
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-17 15:39:37
Connor From Cyberlife<32023-03-17 14:40:17
Guila::: (\_(\*: (=' :') :*•.. (,(")(")¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»2023-03-17 13:53:14
Kunikida HanamaruMy best wishes for you and have a wonderful weekend!! <32023-03-17 13:07:56
WallbeskaHello my cutie friend <3. I wish you a beautiful weekend :3. Love you2023-03-17 12:56:40
󠀡󠀡mehr0_<32023-03-17 12:37:27
ໂ‧͡‧̫ໃI hope you'll have a well deserved, soothing rest this weekend.2023-03-17 12:32:56
NightevgexaКто Буратино по национальности?..........Чурка2023-03-17 12:24:55
WaReLiGhTI hope your week went better than mine. Thank you2023-03-17 12:02:48
ム Анджелайна˚˖          ♡。・2023-03-17 09:38:17
SiELENThave a nice day bro2023-03-17 09:30:31
优月2023-03-17 09:29:51
miuhave a cool day!2023-03-17 08:53:25
❥EveHave a lovely weekend.2023-03-17 08:46:00
Makoto YukiHave a lovely weekend Enjoy a hot beverage Get cozy and relax2023-03-17 08:33:39
R3versE<3 Enjoy your day~2023-03-17 08:07:21
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-03-17 06:47:26
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-03-17 04:50:58
chocominthave a lovely weekend ~2023-03-17 02:32:06
₊˚.𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 你好吗亲爱的 亲爱的,享受你的一周 ⠀⠀⠀美好的一周我的爱人 为你 我希望我的朋友没事 保重2023-03-16 16:49:36
NightevgexaТрое неизвестных порвали паспорт прохожего.Неизвестных стало четверо.2023-03-16 05:18:38
𝔂𝓔下午好哇~2023-03-16 02:17:08
B&amp;K晚上好!!! 《幽灵线:东京》将于4月12日加入Xbox Game Pass。新更新同日上线。 《主播女孩重度依赖》漫画化决定!!!!!3月21日开启连载!!原案 WssPlayGround作画 大倉なた原作 盆ノ木至(《吸血鬼将死》) ​​​下面是今日份的推歌!!第一首是どきどき♡どっきん法違反 https://music.163.com/song?id=2028083452&userid=501808077 第二首是Second Chance https://music.163.com/song?id=1346265&userid=5018080772023-03-15 14:00:06
miu<32023-03-15 11:40:24
输一次加十万功德have a nice day2023-03-15 11:14:20
ム Анджелайна˚˖           ♡。・2023-03-15 10:34:26
qwewe can play dota together??2023-03-15 07:08:00
₊˚.𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡你好吗 你的一周过得很好 ⠀⠀⠀⠀今天是我特别的日子 我庆祝生日的那天 给我一份好礼物 但不仅仅是任何礼物 转到我的个人资料并说(今天我很好)谢谢你的好意2023-03-15 06:00:12
NightevgexaВ каком стиле поют рокеры нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации?Пидо-рок.А теперь дайте мне ответ, а как же можно назвать женскую группу?) К****-рок - подсказка2023-03-15 04:59:19
Thainá BloodwellMay this day brings all the best wishes and feelings to you. May this day brings all the positivity to you. Have a wonderful day! :32023-03-15 01:23:23
NiztTen una hermosa semana, toma agua. Yupiiiiii2023-03-14 16:59:03
ツKzara💔hope you had a great weekend and your week is off to a good start!2023-03-14 13:34:41
☥ Barovito ☥hi2023-03-14 13:31:44
NightevgexaЭкстрасенсы, когда напиваются, звонят своим будущим.2023-03-14 11:27:40
miu<32023-03-14 08:50:34
ForeverHave a cool Tuesday Kronis2023-03-14 07:33:34
TheElderGodsI hope you have a wonderful week2023-03-14 07:20:02
schacky💚Have a nice day💚2023-03-14 05:49:11
想要摸鱼的一天Good afternoon~Tuesday's day, don't smile coldly because of too much busyness, don't forget happiness because of too many pursuits, busyness is not all, stop and hurry, take a look at the time slowly2023-03-14 01:18:01
󠁳⁧⁧󠁳20%...Hαve α greαt ɯeek2023-03-14 01:03:47
Swift KonekoHave a great week!~2023-03-13 22:06:02
mysticalyahave a great day! <32023-03-13 21:14:16
asamihave a nice week 🖤2023-03-13 18:10:45
WallbeskaHello, cutie <3. I hope you have a beautiful day <32023-03-13 16:09:52
Pablo DiabloHave a good day Kroni2023-03-13 15:52:49
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-13 15:25:02
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-13 15:25:00
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-13 15:24:58
StrangeHave a nice week2023-03-13 14:36:48
❥Evewishing you a great week2023-03-13 13:58:52
B&amp;K晚上好!!!搞笑灾难冒险游戏《灾难侦探斎牙~不合理的怪奇事件~》现已推出,售价¥158,支持简体中文和繁体中文。是一个具有滑稽和神秘故事情节的冒险游戏。 你成为宇宙中最倒霉的侦探,和你的伙伴--一个算命先生一起在城里旅行,以解决案件。 《生化危机4 重制版》试玩Demo隐藏模式"疯狂电锯"直开方法:按住LB和RB不放,依顺序按下十字键 ↑ ← ↓ → ,再依次按下 X Y B A A,即可进入。(以Xbox手柄为例) 下面是今日份的推歌!!Breakthrough The Sky https://music.163.com/song?id=1419775008&userid=501808077 Best Is Yet To Come https://music.163.com/song?id=1494989676&userid=5018080772023-03-13 13:49:22
输一次加十万功德have a nice day2023-03-13 13:05:14
Ghostboythank you, wish you a wonderful week, stay healthy my lovely friend2023-03-13 11:44:00
FujiwaraI love you - Makima2023-03-13 11:18:05
Femboy TesticlesПопка💖2023-03-13 10:58:47
slavyanʙᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ >.< ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29464340402023-03-13 10:42:22
Eduardo_PeReZHave a Wondefrul Week Evan!2023-03-13 08:57:27
Makoto Yuki⋆ ✦. . .✧ . ⋆2023-03-13 08:36:21
迷魂Vertigo● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . * . . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . . °☆ . ● ¸ . ★ ° . • ○ ° ★ . * . ☾ ° ¸. * ● ¸ ° ☾ °☆ . * ¸. ★ ★ ° . . ¸ .: ❤ Have A Wonderful Day ❤ ° ☾ ★ ° . . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . ★ ° . . . ☾ °☆ . * ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ○ . ° . ● . ° ☾ °☆ ¸.● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★2023-03-13 07:34:17
迷魂Vertigo● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . * . . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . . °☆ . ● ¸ . ★ ° . • ○ ° ★ . * . ☾ ° ¸. * ● ¸ ° ☾ °☆ . * ¸. ★ ★ ° . . ¸ .: ❤ Have A Wonderful Day ❤ ° ☾ ★ ° . . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . ★ ° . . . ☾ °☆ . * ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ○ . ° . ● . ° ☾ °☆ ¸.● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★2023-03-13 07:34:15
迷魂Vertigo● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . * . . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . . °☆ . ● ¸ . ★ ° . • ○ ° ★ . * . ☾ ° ¸. * ● ¸ ° ☾ °☆ . * ¸. ★ ★ ° . . ¸ .: ❤ Have A Wonderful Day ❤ ° ☾ ★ ° . . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . ★ ° . . . ☾ °☆ . * ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ○ . ° . ● . ° ☾ °☆ ¸.● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★2023-03-13 07:34:11
WhitePumpkinHave a wonderful week !2023-03-13 07:00:49
ForeverHave a cool Monday Kronis2023-03-13 06:57:52
优月2023-03-13 05:55:46
Rice Wine Popsicle<32023-03-13 05:31:33
𝑺𝑻𝑹𝑰𝑿● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . * . . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . . °☆ . ● ¸ . ★ ° . • ○ ° ★ . * . ☾ ° ¸. * ● ¸ ° ☾ °☆ . * ¸. ★ ★ ° . . ¸ .: ❤ 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 ❤ ° ☾ ★ ° . . • ° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★ ★☾ °★ . ★ ° . . . ☾ °☆ . * ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ○ . ° . ● . ° ☾ °☆ ¸.● . ★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★ . ¸ . ° ¸. * ● ¸ . ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★2023-03-13 05:14:22
Christinahave a nice day2023-03-13 04:58:15
ム Анджелайна˚˖          ♡。・2023-03-13 04:45:35
𝔂𝓔新周愉快~2023-03-12 19:17:57
WallbeskaHello cutie :3. I hope you're fine and having a beautiful day <32023-03-12 18:56:22
Akioto_2023-03-12 14:47:57
Nike 胜 | on vacationwishing you a great start into the new week! i'll be on vacation for 7 days. 🌴2023-03-12 14:24:24
miu<32023-03-12 08:01:33
¡此用户无已知曾用名¡- 沒有前任,有驕傲的人更容易分開,避免問題不難,為愛而戰完全不合時宜,愛的人怎麼會無聊?!這完全是胡說八道!..所以第一次接觸時沒有火花我們的嘴唇。當"讓我們做朋友"是我們的時候,這不是愛。現在是當一個人一想到有一天他會離開時內心就在顫抖......💔🔪2023-03-12 06:33:32
WallbeskaI wish you a beautiful day, cutie <32023-03-12 01:52:26
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-03-12 00:50:21
NightevgexaПираты захватили корабль и объявляют "Баб за борт, а мужиков будем трахать!". Бабы кричат "Так не бывает!". Мужики радостно снимая штаны "Бывает, бывает!"2023-03-12 00:26:20
Thainá BloodwellMay the power of a good night of rest spur you on to great ideas in the coming week, my beloved friend. :32023-03-11 21:26:04
ム Анджелайна˚˖            ♡。・2023-03-11 13:57:27
B&amp;K晚上好!!! 《生化危机4 重制版》试玩Demo中,进入村庄前扔掉所有物品,可以在村庄右侧的枯井洞穴里得到一把TMP。 [游戏打折安利]《精灵与萤火意志》(Ori and the Will of the Wisps)新史低¥18是动作平台冒险游戏《精灵与森林》续篇。[新游推荐]商业大亨沙盒模拟游戏《雄心壮志》(Big Ambitions)现以抢先体验方式登陆Steam,发售特惠¥76.17,支持中文。从小公寓和公共交通到豪华套房、跑车和设计师家具。 把钱投入投资基金和房地产。 从一无所有起步,开办小企业,创建大公司,享受金钱带来的生活品质提升,最终成为全纽约最大的企业家。下面是今日份的推歌!!叶わぬ恋じゃ終われない! https://music.163.com/song?id=1948539391&userid=5018080772023-03-11 11:38:39
miu<32023-03-11 11:26:35
Christinahave a nice day2023-03-11 07:16:18
zeperoseHappy weekend~2023-03-11 07:02:51
moon cactusHi, thanks for you kind words2023-03-11 04:47:27
convolkgood morning kitty2023-03-11 04:39:41
GhostboyWish you a wonderful weekend, stay healthy my dear friend2023-03-11 03:42:16
Thainá BloodwellWishing you a wonderful weekend filled with only the most fun and exciting times :32023-03-11 02:46:42
Nightevgexaсегодня перерыв от шуток, так что просто дерни друга за палец2023-03-11 00:32:01
🔰 Tenebrae lupus 🔰Happy Saturday, I wish you a good March2023-03-10 23:31:27
ForeverHave a cool weekend2023-03-10 21:55:50
TheElderGodsHappy friday for u too my friend, have a great day and be safe2023-03-10 21:47:18
AuTuMnRoYaLHave a wonderful weekend2023-03-10 16:07:26
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-10 15:26:25
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-10 15:22:33
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-10 15:22:31
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-10 15:22:30
Kazw2023-03-10 13:45:29
Kunikida HanamaruHave a lovely weekend :32023-03-10 13:20:30
Makoto YukiHave a wonderful and fun weekend2023-03-10 13:03:26
ryan gosling.-..-.`·.·´●//▌/ \2023-03-10 13:01:10
ryan gosling.-..-.`·.·´●//▌/ \2023-03-10 13:01:08
ryan gosling.-..-.`·.·´●//▌/ \2023-03-10 13:01:06
GERMES<32023-03-10 12:21:49
iwuhave a wonderful weekend!2023-03-10 08:43:05
SiELENThave a nice weekend !2023-03-10 08:31:24
Femboy TesticlesПиська2023-03-10 07:39:12
Mister3zHappy friday, wish you a wonderful day and good weekend2023-03-10 07:09:07
WhitePumpkin<32023-03-10 07:07:24
Leah 💞Thanks, have a nice Friday too ^~^2023-03-10 06:23:14
󠀡󠀡wish you happy weekend~~~2023-03-10 05:43:13
ForeverHave a cool weekend Kronis2023-03-10 05:27:25
miuhave a cheerful day!2023-03-10 04:52:55
oppai_senpainot just a simple friday, i got a b-day today2023-03-10 04:09:48
Pablo DiabloHave a good day Kroni2023-03-10 04:05:24
『O Kawaii Koto』,.、 ,.、 i,!'; ,!i'; ; lj: ;,リ;' . °⠀ ;' "´゙ヽ ;' ;. ',, ω ' : '; ;' っ c '; ,.;゙; '; `'ヾ ;,, つ;,;, つ2023-03-10 03:50:51
LiellaTHX :)2023-03-10 03:50:12
AceEchelon"The melody of the world,The sound of my voiceDoes it reach you?Does it echo far? (...)I wrapped my feelings in a packageTo send them to you, and only you" - Packaged, Hatsune Miku2023-03-10 03:43:27
想要摸鱼的一天Good afternoon, let me tell you a bad news, yesterday! Day Thursday; Let me tell you a good news, today Friday; Let me tell you a good news. Tomorrow Saturday, in fact, I want to tell you that no matter what day of the week, happiness comes first!2023-03-10 03:37:22
Seithwish a good weekend and a nice game to you 💫2023-03-10 03:16:16
asamihave a nice friday 🖤2023-03-10 02:49:06
HelminskiHave a lovely Friday2023-03-10 02:24:35
♫The Art of Death♥hope you have a great weekend <32023-03-10 02:19:19
NightevgexaКак то раз плоть увидела неподалеку долговца. И хрюкает, значит, своим поросятам:— Ну-ка, детки, быстро закройте уши… Сейчас он по нам промажет и так материться будет!2023-03-10 01:52:56
Thainá BloodwellIf you feel lonely tonight, look outside; all the stars of this beautiful night bear witness to my friendship for you. I send you lots of hugs to wish you a wonderful night. :32023-03-09 22:05:15
Christinahave a nice day2023-03-09 19:12:22
Rice Wine Popsicle⠀​⠀​⠀⠀​⠀⠀​(\ (\ ⠀​⠀⠀​⠀​⠀⠀​⠀("• ֊ •")⠀​⠀​⠀⠀⠀​OOhave a good day my friend~2023-03-09 18:42:29
Miss LunyHope you have a lovely weekend2023-03-09 18:19:24
优月<32023-03-09 17:16:57
Makoto Yuki⋆ ✦. . .✧ . ⋆2023-03-09 15:54:22
Daki ダキI wish you happiness everyday ~ Love you my dear friend ~2023-03-09 15:51:55
Willy<3 ^^2023-03-09 15:33:33
Seiththanks for comments bro have a nice weekends 🖤2023-03-09 15:31:24
WallbeskaI hope you have a beautiful day, cutie <32023-03-09 13:38:23
B&amp;K晚上好!!! 著名赛博仙人跳厂商KAGAMI WORKs(《Mirror 2》的开发商)宣布破产解散,后续开发无限期暂停。购买旗下游戏《新星岛物语》与《DancingSim》的所有玩家可以无条件退款。 ​​​ 【Steam新作】太空版"双点医院"《Galacticare》将于今年年内登陆PC/Xbox Series X|S/XboxOne/PS5,支持中文。玩家将控制一家星际医疗公司,设计、装饰并升级医院,聘用具有独特特质和背景的医生,应对大批病情严重的患者,发展与各物种之间的关系,打造高效率的医院。治疗方法往往是实验性的,不要一味地追求业绩,宁愿忍受一星差评,也别去承担致人身亡的结果。下面是今日份的推歌!!第一首是西语歌Elena https://music.163.com/song?id=1358181172&userid=501808077 第二首是纯音乐 Snacks House https://music.163.com/song?id=1372035115&userid=5018080772023-03-09 12:11:39
ForeverHave a cool day Kronis2023-03-09 08:28:50
ツKzara💔Hope the week has been treating you well so far~!2023-03-09 03:40:54
NightevgexaПосадил сталкер псевдорепку. Выросла псевдорепка… Большая-пребольшая. Взял сталкер гранатомёт и пошел её добывать. И все бы у него наверняка получилось. Если бы псевдожу́чки и псевдомышки не набежали!2023-03-09 00:51:36
想要摸鱼的一天Are you happy today? Go for a walk. Better scenery is always in the next place2023-03-08 22:59:25
TheElderGodsu too my friend, feel free to chat always, have a great day2023-03-08 19:47:20
󠁳⁧⁧tsshii, thanks for the kind words You can call me if you need anything or just talk. You are amazing ^^2023-03-08 17:38:06
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-08 14:47:53
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-08 14:47:52
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-08 14:47:50
ඞ scoliosiswish you a nice day with a cup of hot tea2023-03-08 14:30:34
Mythical_WingLovely words2023-03-08 12:45:27
ໂ‧͡‧̫ໃRight back at you, love. As Mark Twain once said, "Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."2023-03-08 12:16:11
EchihHave a beautiful week~!2023-03-08 11:58:18
YoIssei イッセイI hope u have a lovely day kronis2023-03-08 11:48:14
特蕾西亚吃了伊叹风语have a nice day bro2023-03-08 11:42:57
Pablo DiabloHave a wonderful day Kroni!2023-03-08 11:25:39
armokolovely<32023-03-08 10:56:06
WaReLiGhTThank you, it been a pleasure2023-03-08 08:56:07
SiELENTthx i m always here too, welcome to chat withme2023-03-08 08:34:27
Christinahave a nice day2023-03-08 07:32:14
洛昭言⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜Have a nice day2023-03-08 06:50:02
schacky💚Have a nice day💚2023-03-08 06:29:27
miu<32023-03-08 06:00:07
WhitePumpkinHi ^^2023-03-08 05:28:14
GhostboyThank you, Happy Women's Day2023-03-08 04:40:47
想要摸鱼的一天The flower language of sunflower: sunshine, bright and positive. Sunflower can be given not only to those who pursue their dreams, but also to good friends, which means that TA is the sun that never sets in your heart and the angel you like. Also send a sunflower, you are also my little angel.2023-03-08 04:31:55
ForeverThank you for kind word, Have a cool day Kronis2023-03-08 03:24:06
₊˚.𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 我的宝贝 生活无惧被评判 快乐 ⠀⠀⠀我想给每个人最好的 谢谢你为我做的一切 好好生活,快乐地享受 即使因为生命是一体的2023-03-08 03:22:52
B&amp;KThanks! Wish you have a nice day!!2023-03-08 02:42:29
♫The Art of Death♥<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <32023-03-08 02:28:06
Makoto Yuki⋆ ✦. . .✧ . ⋆Have a lovely week⋆ ✦. . .✧ . ⋆2023-03-08 02:22:52
『O Kawaii Koto』ฅʕ•ﻌ•ʔฅ2023-03-08 01:54:07
Connor From Cyberlife<32023-03-08 01:54:02
INSANE_70y.o_T4Nk1St_TTV_FPSЕще один коммент ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ оставишь - я приеду и надрочу тебе на кровать2023-03-08 01:30:41
Willyhow cute and sweet, thank you ^-^;2023-03-08 01:18:54
WallbeskaThank you for your kind words, cutie <3. I hope you're fine and want to wish you a beautiful day <32023-03-08 01:13:00
Rice Wine PopsicleThank you! Be happy every day~~~~2023-03-08 00:57:13
aiyo♥️2023-03-07 21:31:52
󠁳⁧⁧tsslove you2023-03-07 20:09:41
Kunikida HanamaruI hope you have a wonderful week! 💗2023-03-07 19:17:08
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-07 15:10:23
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-07 15:10:22
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-07 15:10:20
♱Kawaii Vampire♱Wish you to have a very good day and take care of yourself!!!2023-03-07 14:49:44
CaMypauТепла тебе в дом2023-03-07 14:23:04
B&amp;K妇女节快乐!! 【Steam新作】《不要喂食猴子2099》(Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099)【发售时间】5月25日【游戏简介】反乌托邦偷窥游戏。通过摄像头监视陌生人,渗透他们的隐私并发现他们潜在秘密。欢迎来到《灵长类动物观察俱乐部》的未来世界。即便是在2099年,与你不幸的对象发生冲突的黄金法则仍然存在:不要喂食猴子。自带中文。 Xbox Game Pass 3月新一批新增游戏今日· 《罪恶装备 奋战》 主机/PC/云 ​3月9日·《死亡空间2》云·《死亡空间3》云3月14日·《英灵神殿》 主机3月16日·《文明6》主机/PC/云 ​​3月21日·《二之国2:幽灵国度 王子版》主机/PC ​​​下面是今日份的推歌!! https://music.163.com/song?id=1425996156&userid=5018080772023-03-07 14:08:16
oppai_senpaithank you soooo much2023-03-07 13:09:21
Ghostboythank you, wish you all best and lots of love2023-03-07 12:32:51
Makoto YukiThank you for accepting.Have a lovely day ⋆ ✦. . .✧ . ⋆2023-03-07 10:22:03
Tool 💜---Good morning/Evening---2023-03-07 10:03:31
felina<32023-03-07 09:06:45
slavyanʙᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ >.< ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29435696462023-03-07 07:54:38
Swift Konekobeautiful profile nice to meet you and have a great week!~2023-03-07 06:59:15
SiELENTthx bro, enjoy your wonderful day!2023-03-07 05:58:28
Thainá BloodwellThe right attitude can change your whole day. Try to look on the bright side. Enjoy your day. Don't rush through it. Savor every second. :32023-03-07 04:49:03
ForeverHave a cool day Kronis2023-03-07 04:41:37
~Snowy~but i want rain on sundays2023-03-07 04:41:11
Seith+ʀᴇᴘ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴘʀᴏꜰɪʟᴇ 🔥ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇ 🖤 💫2023-03-07 03:58:23
给我200欢乐豆下午好呀~2023-03-07 00:44:41
Cutie the third💜<32023-03-07 00:35:10
想要摸鱼的一天Tuesday's day, things are urgent and slow, busy times, learn to arrange, a stressful day, rest, I hope Tuesday's you, busy and happy, down-to-earth and happy2023-03-06 23:37:25
👑兔兔 💖 Luckyinvite you to eat cake~2023-03-06 21:16:48
ໂ‧͡‧̫ໃI wish you: quiet evenings with many smiles, fun brunches with polite service, several moments where you make someone else's day, 10 seconds of unstoppable and gleeful laughter, a pat on the back during gloomy times, and gratitude for the present even when it's hard.2023-03-06 21:07:30
Christinahave a nice day2023-03-06 20:58:28
Thainá BloodwellStay positive. Today is going to be a lovely day. I wish you all the happiness in the world on this beautiful, sunshiny day. :32023-03-06 18:39:50
Leah 💞ありがとうございます2023-03-06 17:42:39
优月2023-03-06 17:24:08
LinaСпасибо2023-03-06 17:18:26
MeowwwHave a nice week~2023-03-06 16:56:25
Pablo DiabloHave a good day friend!2023-03-06 16:46:30
Nike 胜 | on vacationhave a great start into the new week! if you have some time, you can have a look at my new guide. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29412457022023-03-06 12:47:01
OctaRoseGood luck in all your endeavors!2023-03-06 10:50:26
desoxyribunI wish you an awesome week, hopefully you can enjoy it and wont be overdoing anything!2023-03-06 10:48:14
♡IzumI♡thank you very much 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 for such words, I cannot but wish the same in return)2023-03-06 10:47:11
zeperoseHey Cronis you left lovely comment. Thanks2023-03-06 09:36:26
ForeverHave a cool day Kronis2023-03-06 04:33:30
Ekaterina⢀⣤⠶⠶⣦             ⢀⣠⠤⠶⠒⠛⠋⠁⠺⢷⡜⣧       ⢀⣤⠞⠋                    ⠘⢧⡀⢀⣠⡴⠶⠛⠁                          ⠈⠻⣆⢸⡇⣶⠇                    ⢀⡀          ⢿⡆⠘⣧⠙                    ⡀⠻⠟          ⢸⡇ ⠹⡆        ⢀⣶⡀⢠⣰⠶⠟              ⣼⡇    ⣿          ⠉                      ⣴⡟   ⠸⣆                            ⢠⣾⣏     ⠹⣦⡀                            ⠙⣧       ⠈⠛⠶⠶⣶⠶⠖                ⢠⡀⢹⡆               ⠿  ⠇                ⠈⠇  ⠿2023-03-06 03:04:53
NightevgexaКак-то раз сидим с мужиками в засаде. К вечеру — ветер поднялся… Посвистывает, завывает. Холодно… Трясемся все… Пустой живот журчит, как твоя теща… И тут. Кто-то меня за плечо. Осторожненько так, трогает. Я оборачиваюсь… А там кровосос.Ну а я не растерялся. Как заору, как прыгну на него. И давай ему глаза замазывать.— Спрашиваете, чем кровососу глаза замазать можно? Хех. Как увидите кровососа в двух шагах от себя… узнаете чем. Само найдется!2023-03-06 03:04:39
想要摸鱼的一天There is nothing that is not busy in class, busy at home and abroad. Seldom greet each other at ordinary times. Occasionally, don't take classes seriously. Hope you sleep well and have a good time in the new week2023-03-05 22:53:25
🔰 Tenebrae lupus 🔰I wish you a wonderful day2023-03-05 21:38:01
kollege86 #bloodrustI wish you a good day😇2023-03-05 20:35:48
𝔂𝓔早安喵Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒★2023-03-05 19:36:57
Thainá BloodwellEverything that happens in our life happens for a reason. You are also placed there for a reason. You have a purpose to accomplish. Happy new week! :32023-03-05 19:15:01
AceEchelonHave a calm week :)2023-03-05 17:27:33
WallbeskaHellow my cutie friend <3. I hope you're having a lovely day :32023-03-05 16:33:57
unknown+rep2023-03-05 16:29:12
Pablo DiabloHave a wonderful day2023-03-05 15:37:59
Leah 💞Thank you~2023-03-05 14:33:27
GodTierily2023-03-05 12:53:10
优月2023-03-05 11:16:12
GhostboyWish you a wonderful day, stay healthy my dear friend2023-03-05 10:57:36
输一次加十万功德have a nice day2023-03-05 10:20:51
HelminskiHope your day went well2023-03-05 10:05:57
HelminskiThanks2023-03-05 10:05:43
♫The Art of Death♥much love to you, stay strong mate2023-03-05 09:54:00
Mythical_WingHave a wonderful weekend2023-03-05 08:28:34
blissmiau <32023-03-05 07:03:21
FluttHave a good day2023-03-05 06:57:46
convolkHave a sweet weekend2023-03-05 06:42:10
☆ Miaris &lt;3 ☆VII☆良い願いをありがとう、私もあなたに素晴らしい一日と素晴らしい週末を願っています2023-03-05 06:31:56
⎛⎝DevilYuichii⎠⎞I wish you a wonderful day! Don't get too tired and don't be too lazy eather. Find a perfect balance and go with the flow2023-03-05 06:23:50
EchihI hope you have happy and lovely days every day~ T^T2023-03-05 05:27:31
ForeverThank you, Have a cool weekend Kronis2023-03-05 05:12:54
繁城千夏⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~2023-03-05 05:08:32
qwelove you2023-03-05 04:06:56
Christinahave a nice day2023-03-05 03:43:41
DiemsiСпасибо и тебе желаю счастливого дня.2023-03-05 03:34:25
JanukoThanks for the kind words, I'll try my best not to be lazy Wish yor a wonderfull day either2023-03-05 03:02:18
SectorПрекрасного настроения и отличного дня2023-03-05 02:52:22
slavyan𝖨 𝗐𝗂𝗌𝗁 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀! 𝖳𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖾! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29422761692023-03-05 02:50:10
优月2023-03-05 02:44:14
Willythank you, same to you ^^2023-03-05 02:35:31
SHARKINGKronis Thank you very much, I take note of this speech. (I wish you a wonderful day! Don't get too tired and don't be too lazy eather. Find a perfect balance and go with the flow)2023-03-05 02:00:19
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-03-05 00:42:55
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-04 23:51:19
GuilaHave a beautiful day2023-03-04 23:40:18
NightevgexaВстречаются двое сталкеров:— Слышь, а ты про Васю, ну того, который еще в детстве хотел лётчиком стать, знаешь?— А че с ним?— Да он вчера в трамплин попал!— Опа!— Угу… Сбылась, можно сказать, у человека заветная мечта. Полетел!2023-03-04 23:38:57
Pablo DiabloHave a wonderful day friend2023-03-04 23:22:57
🆁🅰🆉🅴🅵🅾🅽пасибки .... но я лентяй, и мне лень это исправлять.2023-03-04 22:12:34
想要摸鱼的一天This message is concise and concise, short and concise, and ending with an exclamation mark, the artistic conception is far away and natural. Abandoned the thick words and colorful fu, a wisp of ink and several lines of words flow out the true sounds of nature. Happy weekend!2023-03-04 20:52:10
XandreThank you! Have a good weekend too~ ❤️2023-03-04 20:36:46
󠁳⁧⁧ahahhaHAHAHHAHAHAHAAhave a great day ahead my dude.2023-03-04 19:40:12
SiELENTthx! have a wonderful day too, my friend2023-03-04 19:35:21
Schwartzокай🤣2023-03-04 19:23:05
asamihave a nice day 🖤2023-03-04 19:11:16
Thainá BloodwellMay this Sunday brings all the good things into your life. May you have a fantastic week ahead. Happy Sunday to you! :32023-03-04 18:58:12
sailucsawawa2023-03-04 18:45:48
Connor From Cyberlife<32023-03-04 18:38:12
Tool 💜2023-03-04 18:36:23
ໂ‧͡‧̫ໃThankies! Always be kind to yourself as much as you are to others.2023-03-04 18:35:53
Plutonon14that's so kind of you, thank you so much i wish you a wonderful the rest of the weekend too2023-03-04 18:32:59
schacky💚Have a nice day💚2023-03-04 17:32:03
ໂ‧͡‧̫ໃ⢀⣤⠶⠶⣦             ⢀⣠⠤⠶⠒⠛⠋⠁⠺⢷⡜⣧       ⢀⣤⠞⠋                    ⠘⢧⡀⢀⣠⡴⠶⠛⠁                          ⠈⠻⣆⢸⡇⣶⠇                    ⢀⡀          ⢿⡆⠘⣧⠙                    ⡀⠻⠟          ⢸⡇ ⠹⡆        ⢀⣶⡀⢠⣰⠶⠟              ⣼⡇ ~ᴴᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ⁿⁱᶜᵉ ᵈᵃʸ!   ⣿          ⠉                      ⣴⡟   ⠸⣆                            ⢠⣾⣏     ⠹⣦⡀                            ⠙⣧       ⠈⠛⠶⠶⣶⠶⠖                ⢠⡀⢹⡆               ⠿  ⠇                ⠈⠇  ⠿2023-03-04 17:24:03
B&amp;K晚上好!!BK这两天留言咕咕是沉迷打卧龙了哈哈哈哈直接当只狼打的,只按小地图上面的箭头走,随缘插旗帜。18小时通关,ggwpPC端给的优化真的是狗屎,18小时里面游戏崩溃了好几次,所幸在游玩过程中帧数还挺稳定的。CG演出没得说,吕布刻画的蛮有压迫感的总体来说难度适中,不及魂类说个题外话:因为衣服有重量,重量越高越不好弹反。所以索性就把衣服都脱了玩弹反流,这样做唯一很搞的地方就是在过场CG里面很出戏(请各位玩家在过场CG里面穿得像个人.jpg)奇术的话,感觉只有土系和木系好用打分的话,考虑到价格和优化,只能给到7分今日份的推歌!!是一首德语歌 https://music.163.com/song?id=1903930360&userid=5018080772023-03-04 11:23:26
WallbeskaHave a cute day, my dear friend <32023-03-04 10:48:02
GhostboyThank you sweet, wish you a amazing weekend, stay healthy my lovely friend2023-03-04 10:32:28
serhan1tyHave a wonderful day!2023-03-04 08:22:46
ForeverHave a cool weekend Kronis2023-03-04 07:50:23
SchwartzВот другое дело) И тебе того же2023-03-04 06:39:26
ツKzara💔Have an amazing start to your weekend! Hope you get plenty of time to relax and do something fun~!2023-03-04 05:39:32
SiELENThav a nice day !2023-03-04 05:26:47
Nightevgexa– Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу кто ты.– Кто твой друг?– Кто ты?2023-03-04 01:28:12
AuTuMnRoYaLHave a wonderful weekend2023-03-03 23:26:39
WallbeskaHave a beautiful weekend <32023-03-03 21:13:08
Thainá BloodwellEvery day always starts with new things. Keep enjoying, and let more adventures roll through this weekend! Wishing you a good night and a blessed weekend. :32023-03-03 19:34:50
Celine 🪐You only live once, do it right.2023-03-03 16:13:21
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-03 15:01:21
GhostboyWish you a wonderful weekend, stay healthy my friend2023-03-03 12:14:40
Tool 💜💖 Have a great day and a fantastic weekend 💖2023-03-03 09:48:06
serhan1tyHave a wonderful day!2023-03-03 08:50:16
给我200欢乐豆周末愉快呀~2023-03-03 05:00:22
ForeverHave a cool Friday as well2023-03-03 03:24:37
VΞLSPACE [FR]thank you have a good night's sleep too2023-03-03 01:55:25
想要摸鱼的一天"There are too many people and things to hold" "So it doesn't matter" "We" "just try our best"2023-03-02 20:51:27
Thainá BloodwellNo matter what life throws at you today, remember you have what it takes to succeed. Have a wonderful Friday ahead :32023-03-02 20:03:47
SiELENTgood morning, have a nice day2023-03-02 18:47:21
Schwartzзачем мне анг написал?)написано же Россия-Москва 😆2023-03-02 18:42:14
Schwartzи тебе)2023-03-02 18:40:33
优月gn2023-03-02 18:34:15
ໂ‧͡‧̫ໃThank you! You too :32023-03-02 18:34:12
𝓓𝓐𝓡𝓛𝓘𝓝𝓖uwu2023-03-02 18:30:05
𝙎𝙠𝙞𝘿𝙞𝙞⠀⠀ hewwo2023-03-02 18:29:32
Tool 💜2023-03-02 16:33:10
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-02 14:59:31
serhan1tyHave a wonderful day!2023-03-02 08:24:39
洛昭言..___,,...,,__ /`''/`i |``~--,...~``` `` * | i ヽ :; \ 彡 ミ 〉 ● . ● ミ 彡 `` 人 ``` ミ 彡: ミ,︵I: つ⌒ ミr,_,.:::: ミ ヽ川::::::: ;; ゞ..;;;;;;;__,.╰╯::::::╰╯::::*𝐻𝒜𝒱𝐸 𝒜 𝐿𝒱𝐸𝐿𝒴 𝒟𝒜2023-03-02 04:30:30
ForeverHave a cool day Kronis2023-03-02 02:24:12
💖Shionne Imeris💖So let's shout it outYou might feel aloneBut I'm right by your sideYeah, just like the flowers that bloom and fallRepeat over and over againKeep the flame alive!2023-03-02 02:11:53
NightevgexaВ салоне сотовой связи к Штирлицу подошел симпатичный молодой человек и произнес условленную фразу: «Я могу вам чем-нибудь помочь?». Это «Связной», сразу догадался Штирлиц.2023-03-02 01:18:16
优月2023-03-02 00:48:27
想要摸鱼的一天In the afternoon, you can be lazy in your spare time. The half-open flowers are also beautiful. You want to go to see flowers2023-03-02 00:36:40
𝙄𝙂𝙉𝘼𝙏⓮good player2023-03-01 18:27:05
WallbeskaThank you so much <3. I wish you a beautiful day <32023-03-01 18:26:23
优月2023-03-01 17:29:45
Ghostboywish you a wonderful day, stay healthy my friend2023-03-01 14:57:33
AceEchelonStay healthy dear friend :)2023-03-01 13:58:17
serhan1tyHave a wonderful day!2023-03-01 08:21:08
ForeverThank you, and Have a cool day2023-03-01 07:37:15
优月2023-03-01 07:11:33
Ecstasyuwu2023-03-01 06:57:55
NightevgexaЧто общего между шутками и людьми?Большинству не нравятся черные2023-03-01 01:57:13
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2877889428 ❤️❤️❤️2023-03-01 00:04:38
Thainá BloodwellNever be upset about bad days, they teach us new lessons. Good days help us make beautiful memories to look back at in the future. Have a great day, love you! :32023-02-28 18:23:16
Daki ダキI wish you happiness everyday ~ Love you my dear friend ~2023-02-28 16:12:45
B&amp;K晚上好!!《孤独的美食家》网短剧第二弹将于3月27日全集上线,共6集。【Steam特惠游戏推荐】《陶艺大师》(MASTER OF POTTERY)【特惠价格】新史低¥12.48,DLC合集¥31.58【游戏简介】陶艺创造+模拟经营类游戏。玩家可以在游戏中制作陶器、开办展出、完成订单、培养学徒,经营属于自己的展馆,开启令人放松的陶艺之旅。游戏偏娱乐化地展现了制陶工艺中的拉胚、烧窑(干燥、预热、高温)、彩绘、上釉等基本流程。自带中文。 折扣将于3月7日截止 下面是今日份的推歌!!是雪花菈米的Fleur https://music.163.com/song?id=2011881113&userid=501808077 原视频链接: https://youtu.be/t506FUrsOa42023-02-28 11:03:12
Ghostboywish you a wonderful day, stay healthy my friend2023-02-28 10:03:17
ForeverThank you, and Have a cool day2023-02-28 04:16:26
NightevgexaЗнаете что общего между Майклом Джексоном и пятиклассником?Постель2023-02-28 02:41:27
Thainá BloodwellWith these few words filled with friendship and affection, I wish you a sweet night full of stars and happiness. Fall asleep with your heart in peace and have sweet dreams. :32023-02-27 21:05:18
优月2023-02-27 20:27:24
ツKzara💔Hope you are having a great start to your week~!2023-02-27 19:08:43
Nightevgexa— Ты куда?— Опаздываю на курсы тайм-менеджмента— А че штаны обоссаные?— Это экономит время2023-02-27 07:52:00
B&amp;K晚上好!!BK前天因为批量留言被社区封禁了一天 QAQ不过现在又解封了所以又要开始狠狠留言了!! 就留就留 哼<(`^´)> 讲讲游戏吧传闻:Insider Gaming称育碧《刺客信条》系列共有10款游戏开发/计划中。此前公布过的游戏有《刺客信条 幻景》《刺客信条 代号RED》《刺客信条 代号HEXE》《育碧 代号JADE》《刺客信条 Invictus》,这些是即将发售或正在开发作品。尚未公开的VR作品"Project Nexus"(其续作已在讨论之中)预计将在今年E3亮相。推歌!! https://music.163.com/song?id=4236245&amp;userid=5018080772023-02-27 06:35:54
Thainá BloodwellThere's no room for negative thoughts today. Practice the power of positive thinking! Today is a new day — and a new chance to make your dreams come true. :32023-02-26 17:47:30
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2838392895 - 𝙥𝙡𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚2023-02-26 05:55:25
VΞLSPACE [FR]have a nice day2023-02-26 05:20:05
ForeverHave a cool weekend Kronis2023-02-26 05:09:50
𝐌𝐳𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐳⣠⢤⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀ ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃ ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏ HAVE A NICE WEEKEND :3⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢤⡀                                  ⣀⡴⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠦⠤⠤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⠤⠤⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2023-02-25 21:36:04
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-02-25 20:56:27
Thainá BloodwellLife is beautiful. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses on this wonderful day. :32023-02-25 20:54:03
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-02-25 15:30:32
𝐗𝐀𝐑𝐊new guide rate if you like it , thank you and i hope you have nice day💯 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29387422912023-02-25 10:46:25
MasterFiveHave a wonderful weekend!2023-02-25 09:10:24
💗 Asuri 💗<32023-02-25 06:38:05
ForeverHave a cool weekend2023-02-25 03:22:31
NightevgexaВ дверь постучали 3,14 раз.Пи - подумал Штирлиц.Зда - сказал Мюллер, войдя в кабинет.Вам - сказал Сталин, вылезая из шкафа.2023-02-25 03:21:07
Thainá BloodwellWeekends are for one thing and one thing only – enjoying yourself. So I hope you have a great time this weekend and pack as much fun into those 2 days as you can :32023-02-24 19:32:36
Nike 胜 | on vacationi hope you will have a great weekend, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜!2023-02-24 10:48:24
!SegAtoRHave a wonderful day💚2023-02-24 07:37:22
Yukoru+rep_ort2023-02-24 06:19:04
B&amp;K晚上好!!游戏《卧龙:苍天陨落》上市宣传片已公开,3月3日登陆Steam/Xbox Series X|S/XboxOne/PS5/PS4,Xbox Game Pass首发游戏,支持中文字幕和汉语配音。 最终试玩版已上线 并且试玩数据可以继承 下面是今日份的推歌!!第一首是Fantasy https://music.163.com/song?id=1336856693&userid=501808077 第二首是Relife VIP https://music.163.com/song?id=1820137644&userid=5018080772023-02-24 04:25:07
Nightevgexa- Маэстро, а почему вы начали играть на пианино?- У меня со скрипки пиво падало2023-02-24 01:01:10
Thainá BloodwellDo not store your dreams in your eyes. They may roll down with tears, store them in your heart. Each heartbeat will inspire and motivate you to fulfil them. I wish you have a really wonderful day! :32023-02-23 20:13:21
VΞLSPACE [FR]have a nice day2023-02-23 12:21:07
Bypblk😽⢀⣤⠶⠶⣦             ⢀⣠⠤⠶⠒⠛⠋⠁⠺⢷⡜⣧       ⢀⣤⠞⠋                    ⠘⢧⡀⢀⣠⡴⠶⠛⠁                          ⠈⠻⣆⢸⡇⣶⠇                    ⢀⡀          ⢿⡆⠘⣧⠙                    ⡀⠻⠟          ⢸⡇ ⠹⡆        ⢀⣶⡀⢠⣰⠶⠟              ⣼⡇ ~Za DVD!   ⣿          ⠉                      ⣴⡟   ⠸⣆                            ⢠⣾⣏     ⠹⣦⡀                            ⠙⣧       ⠈⠛⠶⠶⣶⠶⠖                ⢠⡀⢹⡆               ⠿  ⠇                ⠈⠇  ⠿2023-02-23 07:56:13
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2866151690 - pls2023-02-23 07:55:03
toxidermyHave a nice day💚2023-02-23 05:39:05
!SegAtoRHave a nice day💚2023-02-23 02:43:37
NightevgexaМюллер заходит в кабинет к Борману и видит, что Штирлиц валяет дурака:— Прекратите, Штирлиц, он и так уже грязный!С праздником!2023-02-23 01:31:11
𝔂𝓔下午好~2023-02-23 00:52:35
想要摸鱼的一天The heart is sunny, today is not rainy. Good things always happen in a happy heart. Adjust your mood and keep smiling2023-02-22 23:32:24
Thainá Bloodwell᠌ Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby ᠌2023-02-22 17:55:37
Ecstasyuwu2023-02-22 11:45:30
NightevgexaТоп 3 места где меньше всего хочется узнать что у тебя червивый плод:3) Ферма2) Сад1) Узи2023-02-22 07:57:23
B&amp;KPlayground Games宣布《极限竞速:地平线5》新扩展包将于北京时间2月24日1点公布。*该扩充套件包含于顶级版中 ​​​微软表示与英伟达和任天堂两笔交易足以说服监管部门。如果收购动视暴雪成功,将会有最多1.5亿玩家接触到《使命召唤》。如果收购失败,监管部门则是保护巩固了索尼在游戏行业的领先地位。 ​​​今日份的推歌!!第一首是With You https://music.163.com/song?id=1946072562&userid=501808077 第二首是纯音乐Beyond The Timeline https://music.163.com/song?id=1922395111&userid=5018080772023-02-22 07:23:06
B&amp;K晚上好!!微软宣布与英伟达签订10年合约。一旦收购完成,Xbox PC游戏和动视暴雪游戏将登录GeForce NOW 云游戏平台。微软宣布与任天堂正式签订10年合约,将《使命召唤》游戏带入任天堂主机平台。 ​​​未来任天堂平台的《使命召唤》将与Xbox版同日发售,内容和功能相同。 【游戏打折安利】《潘斯克里克罪案》(The Painscreek Killings)平史低¥17【游戏简介】步行模拟犯罪解谜游戏。玩家将扮演年轻有为的记者珍妮特,按主编要求调查一个已被遗忘的小镇。根据媒体所发布的有关镇上居民的死亡信息,探索你想要去的任何地方,收集线索和提示来帮助调查,并找到证据揭露有关谋杀的真相。游戏中没有任务提示和教程,需要自己拍照记录取证,以免忘记之前的线索。自带中文。2023-02-22 06:38:12
ForeverHave a cool Wednesday2023-02-22 04:43:58
迷魂Vertigo⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ 💗 ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘  ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-02-22 04:15:21
想要摸鱼的一天A beautiful day comes unexpectedly. Give yourself a smile every day, don't worry about tomorrow, don't sigh for yesterday, and be happier for today2023-02-22 02:59:05
AuTuMnRoYaLHave a wonderful day2023-02-21 23:57:56
迷魂Vertigo⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ 💗 ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘  ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-02-21 20:27:01
BunBuni miss you~2023-02-21 18:52:14
Thainá BloodwellNo matter what you are going through, I wish all the bad things disappear and happiness comes to you. Have a wonderful day!2023-02-21 17:24:39
GhostboyWish you a wonderful day Evan2023-02-21 13:57:52
slavyan𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑑𝑎𝑦 / 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑀𝑦 𝐹𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29367430042023-02-21 13:12:25
Ecstasy(つȌ◡Ȍ)つ2023-02-21 12:37:06
seele vollereihave a nice day 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 https://youtu.be/EF65n8mWYFQ2023-02-21 08:00:11
Ecstasyuwu2023-02-21 06:04:39
ForeverHave a cool day2023-02-21 05:40:41
Ecstasyowo2023-02-21 03:16:29
Nightevgexa- Брат, я знаю что ты зоофил- Откуда, брат?- От верблюда, брат2023-02-21 01:57:33
Thainá BloodwellInhale peace, exhale stress, relax and let the anxiety of today go as you drift off to sleep. I wish you have a wonderful night!!2023-02-20 20:23:30
AceEchelonHave a strawberry week! <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwCd7fLEwdU&amp;ab_channel=%E3%82%80%E3%81%8E%E3%82%80%E3%81%8E2023-02-20 11:36:59
!SegAtoRHave a nice day💚2023-02-20 10:18:37
Celine 🪐https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29362573122023-02-20 07:08:21
NightevgexaРомантический коктейль "69"Ингредиенты:— Балтика 6— Балтика 92023-02-20 02:45:48
B&amp;K中午好!!银河恶魔城游戏《本尼迪克特的最后一案》(The Last Case of Benedict Fox)剧情预告已公开,4月28日登陆Steam/Xbox,Xbox Game Pass首发游戏 玩家将潜入充满秘密组织、禁忌仪式和冷血的扭曲世界,通过恶魔附身的能力,进入死者的记忆深处并与怪物战斗,探寻真相。 Arkane 开放世界动作射击游戏《红霞岛》(Redfall)新预告已公开,支持单人游玩或四人合作,5月2日登陆PC/Xbox Series X|S,Xbox Game Pass首发游戏。 再次提醒!游戏《原子之心》主机端和Xbox Game Pass会员解锁时间为当地时间 2月21日0点​​​ 下面是今日份的推歌!!第一首是All For Love https://music.163.com/song?id=545947135&userid=501808077 第二首是Carousel https://music.163.com/song?id=2015721322&userid=5018080772023-02-19 23:03:33
Thainá BloodwellMay the new week turns out to be the most amazing week of your life…. Sending best wishes to you with the start of a Happy Week!!2023-02-19 19:42:10
GhostboyWish you a wonderful day, stay healthy my friend2023-02-19 13:58:53
у󠀡󠀡збек ⁧⁧ᴇᴠɢᴇɴʏʙᴇʙʀᴏʏШахид приходит на вручение Оскара.Его спрашивают:— Что Вы тут делаете? Вы актер?Он отвечает:— Я наминирован2023-02-19 09:23:24
!SegAtoRHave a wonderful day💚2023-02-19 03:06:32
NightevgexaШтирлиц склонился над картой мира. Его неудержимо рвало на родину2023-02-19 02:06:56
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-02-19 00:38:36
[EASY] Zak Bagans<32023-02-18 20:46:09
Daki ダキyou are so cute, never change2023-02-18 20:06:31
AceEchelonHave a calm weekend and stay healthy <3 Five stars for You :>2023-02-18 13:10:52
GhostboyWish you a wonderful weekend, stay healthy my friend2023-02-18 10:53:03
!SegAtoRHave a nice day💚2023-02-18 07:48:16
Nightevgexa- Что делает web- разработчик, проебавший все дедлайны?- Наверстывает упущенное2023-02-18 03:43:31
B&amp;K中午好!!《原子之心》解锁时间为:PC:北京时间 2月21日7点主机和Xbox Game Pass会员:当地时间 2月21日0点 ​​​ 主机和XGP用户可以润去新西兰区提前4小时解锁 下面是今日份的推歌!!第一首是纯音乐Celestial Horizon https://music.163.com/song?id=1416767372&userid=501808077 第二首是Daisy https://music.163.com/song?id=1872432764&userid=5018080772023-02-17 21:47:11
Thainá BloodwellMay your night be just like a lullaby; peaceful, calming, and filled with sweet dreams!2023-02-17 20:22:29
优月2023-02-17 16:52:47
Meowww/ ¯¯`フ , '' ` ` / ! . , ' レ _, -' ミ ; `ミ __,xノ゙、 i ミ ; ,、、、、 ヽ ¸ ,.-‐! ミ i `ヽ.._,,)) //´``、 ミ ヽ     . | l ` ーー -‐''ゝ、,,)). ヽ.ー─'´) `"""´ 𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀𝑒𝓃𝒹!2023-02-17 15:24:36
NightevgexaЧто общего у близорукого гинеколога и собаки?......Мокрый нос2023-02-17 00:53:09
Thainá BloodwellThis weekend, may you thrive and blossom like flowers in spring. May you find renewed strength to face all the challenges ahead. Happy weekend!2023-02-16 20:30:07
Gromax| _,, | ,. -'" ;' | ,.-''" :' | :'" ,,、: | , " ゙: 、 |;' *,, О ゙:、 ,.. - ; |: " ゙:-''" ;' | ゙: ゙ ,:' | \ О ,:' | "'' , :' | , :' ,:'" ゙:、 ,: ゙゙;' - ,,,.. - ' ゙:、 ゙'' - ; ;゙ ゙ :、 ,:' |゙: ,, ,:' | ゙ ー " | ,:' | ,:'2023-02-16 10:45:16
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2711341883 - like please2023-02-16 08:07:42
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-02-16 06:07:37
𝔂𝓔下午好~2023-02-16 04:05:23
NightevgexaНадпись в студии: "Вход только для музыкантов и басистов!"2023-02-16 00:17:01
ツKzara💔Have an amazing day. Hope life has been treating you well~~2023-02-15 19:40:09
NightevgexaБасист бегает по дому за дитем:- ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, поймаю - руки поотрываю!Жена испуганно:- Вась, че такое?- А он мне струну расстроил, а какую - не говорит!2023-02-15 10:03:21
!TEA, COFFEE OR ME?Stay Amazing 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 <32023-02-15 03:55:52
𝐗𝐀𝐑𝐊rate the guide if you like it , thank you and i hope you have nice day💯 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29337075982023-02-15 02:51:36
BunBunich lieben dich~2023-02-15 00:45:45
Thainá BloodwellMay the sweetest dreams guide you through this night, and your morning be the happiest of all. Have a very good night!2023-02-14 22:52:13
AuTuMnRoYaLHappy Valentine's Day2023-02-14 16:36:45
ALPHAʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴠᴀʟᴇɴᴛɪɴᴇ'ꜱ~2023-02-14 08:59:12
Ecstasy情人节快乐2023-02-14 05:25:37
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴠᴀʟᴇɴᴛɪɴᴇ'ꜱ~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇2023-02-14 04:59:07
MrSleepingD ツhappy valentine's day2023-02-14 02:52:41
Nightevgexa"Строго секретно! Лично в руки! Рейхсфюреру СС Генриху Гиммлеру!Рейхсфюрер!.."Штирлиц положил ручку и задумался: "А может всё-таки написать по-немецки?"2023-02-14 00:01:24
NightevgexaСидят в песочнице Лисичка, Зайчик и Медвежонок.Лисичка: -А у меня вот куколки красивые.Зайчик: - А у меня вот машинки быстрые.Медвежонок: - А у меня батя сгорел к ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2023-02-13 06:59:16
RuyHave a nice day~❤️2023-02-12 09:03:18
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-02-12 01:06:18
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2877889428 ❤️❤️❤️2023-02-11 23:51:02
想要摸鱼的一天Have a fun day2023-02-11 22:14:09
Thainá BloodwellWishing you a beautiful and blissful Sunday! May this day fill your heart with joy, bring happy moments, and leave beautiful memories. Have a fantastic day! :32023-02-11 18:23:26
Nike 胜 | on vacationi wish you a great weekend, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜!2023-02-11 13:29:37
MasterFiveHave a wonderful weekend!2023-02-11 05:52:36
EcstasyHave a good day2023-02-11 02:45:51
ツKzara💔Have an amazing and relaxing weekend~2023-02-11 02:34:38
Nightevgexa- Я воспринимаю реальность через тактильные ощущение, явный кинестетик… школа монтессори, может слышала? — Перестань трогать меня за жопу.2023-02-11 00:33:15
AuTuMnRoYaLHave a wonderful weekend2023-02-10 19:15:04
AceEchelonHave a calm weekend and may your PC stay cool :>2023-02-10 17:22:28
!TEA, COFFEE OR ME?Please rate my new Review. Thank you https://steamcommunity.com/id/teacoffeeorme/recommended/990080/2023-02-10 15:23:05
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2023-02-10 15:12:26
被犧牲的厭惡內心ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇʟʏ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴛɪᴇ2023-02-10 14:06:20
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-02-10 14:04:39
GhostboyWish you a wonderful day my friend ❤2023-02-10 14:01:12
EcstasyGood night and sweet dreams2023-02-10 13:58:33
洛昭言..___,,...,,__ /`''/`i |``~--,...~``` `` * | i ヽ :; \ 彡 ミ 〉 ● . ● ミ 彡 `` 人 ``` ミ 彡: ミ,︵I: つ⌒ ミr,_,.:::: ミ ヽ川::::::: ;; ゞ..;;;;;;;__,.╰╯::::::╰╯::::*𝐻𝒜𝒱𝐸 𝒜 𝐿𝒱𝐸𝐿𝒴 𝒟𝒜2023-02-10 09:26:41
MasterFiveHave a wonderful weekend!2023-02-10 08:20:28
serhan1tyHave a beautiful day!2023-02-10 08:18:47
☢️BeliyMishkaaочень жаль что покинул мою группу =(2023-02-10 07:27:20
ForeverHave a cool day Kronis2023-02-10 03:10:12
NightevgexaМонгольская народная игра: участники выпивают по бутылке водки, потом один выходит из комнаты, а остальные должны угадать кто.2023-02-10 02:00:03
𝔂𝓔早呀~2023-02-09 19:22:14
💗 Asuri 💗💗have a nice day 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜💗2023-02-09 13:28:13
给我200欢乐豆能不能给我一首歌的时间,紧紧的把那拥抱变成永远。2023-02-09 11:36:00
NightevgexaКак называют человека который никогда не готовит еду на газовой плите?Нонконформист2023-02-09 04:52:54
ForeverHave a cool day2023-02-09 03:38:04
B&amp;K中午好!!《霍格沃茨之遗》豪华版解锁首日Steam同时在线人数突破48.9万。Steam平台历史总排名第13,单机游戏历史第3,仅次于《赛博朋克2077》(105万)和《艾尔登法环》(95万)。黑豹2的评价好像很差呀,我B站主页刷到的全是骂黑豹2的下面是今日份的推歌!!第一首是 夏、透明な青に惹かれて。 https://music.163.com/song?id=1978698554&userid=501808077 第二首是 A Centimetre Apart https://music.163.com/song?id=1441411641&userid=5018080772023-02-08 22:15:22
想要摸鱼的一天The world is too noisy Don't listen Don't look Forget it Then Go ahead2023-02-08 21:58:46
TheElderGodsHave a great day u too my dear friend2023-02-08 12:52:09
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡𝙄 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙯𝙞𝙣g https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29297366422023-02-08 12:16:30
serhan1tyHave a lovely day!2023-02-08 08:41:15
ForeverHave a cool day Kronis2023-02-08 05:09:36
NightevgexaШтирлиц отстреливался от врагов без концаКонец ему уже отстрелили2023-02-08 03:26:25
Мидичч下午好~2023-02-08 00:34:44
奧、創Have a good day2023-02-07 23:57:38
想要摸鱼的一天Have a good day too2023-02-07 23:24:09
Мидичч晚上好2023-02-07 04:50:25
NightevgexaПочему вампиры не используют бокалы?Потому что они пьют с горла2023-02-07 03:02:21
ForeverHave a cool day2023-02-07 02:43:39
˖ʚ 淺霜 ɞ˖ᶫᵒᵛᵉ        ᵧₒᵤ2023-02-07 00:35:17
想要摸鱼的一天The flower language of sunflower: sunshine, bright and positive. Sunflower can be given not only to those who pursue their dreams, but also to good friends, which means that TA is the sun that never sets in your heart and the angel you like. Also send a sunflower, you are also my little angel.2023-02-06 20:48:12
₊˚.𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡⠀⠀ 我的宝贝 生活无惧被评判 快乐 ⠀⠀⠀我想给每个人最好的 谢谢你为我做的一切 好好生活,快乐地享受 即使因为生命是一体的2023-02-06 16:34:37
Daki ダキ• * ¨ * • . ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ . • * ¨ * •     Stay kawaii, my lovely friend2023-02-06 15:05:26
GodTierI hope you have a wonderful week! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ2023-02-06 14:59:47
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2023-02-06 14:58:10
GhostboyWish you a wonderful day, stay healthy my friend2023-02-06 12:04:49
serhan1tyHave a beautiful day!2023-02-06 09:28:18
Nightevgexa– Какие сегодня планы?– За очками в оптику схожу– А потом?– А там видно будет2023-02-06 07:43:17
ForeverHave a cool day2023-02-06 03:46:20
TheElderGodsHave a good week u too my friend2023-02-06 00:19:28
Cutie the third💜<32023-02-05 23:05:55
Thor.Nice profile.2023-02-05 20:07:59
想要摸鱼的一天Before everything gets better, we always have to experience some unhappy days. These days may be very long. Maybe we just wake up. Good morning. Today's happy business is also normal2023-02-05 20:01:43
𝔂𝓔早安喵~2023-02-05 18:34:58
₊˚.𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡嗨亲爱的朋友 你好吗 你这一周过得怎么样 希望一切顺利 和我亲爱的 我希望你有一个愉快的周末 ⠀⠀带着你朋友苏亚雷斯的爱2023-02-05 13:17:08
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-02-05 08:24:39
洛昭言正月十五,元宵快樂2023-02-05 06:42:15
ツKzara💔Hope you found your weekend to be relaxing, much love~~2023-02-05 04:07:13
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-02-05 01:11:36
ForeverHave a cool weekend2023-02-05 00:56:54
NightevgexaУ Иванушки Дурачка в деревне не было часов, поэтому суп варился ровно два свиных оргазма2023-02-05 00:26:56
B&amp;K元宵节快乐!!我听说有一些地区的元宵是肉馅的!(难道不都是芝麻馅的嘛??!) XBOX新款国行手柄 浪漫粉 已经开启预购!!正式上架时间是2月1号20点,售价¥459 [游戏打折安利]《Papers Please》现已特惠,价格¥14.4下面是今日份的推歌!!第一首是法语歌Bonjour Au revoir https://music.163.com/song?id=1913900791&userid=501808077 第二首是アイノシズク https://music.163.com/song?id=1428440626&userid=5018080772023-02-04 23:36:20
想要摸鱼的一天Today is the Lantern Festival in China. Anyway, wish you a happy Lantern Festival first, and then have a happy New Year. Wish you good luck in the festival, everyone laughs, and health and happiness are always with you. Good luck is not separated from you.2023-02-04 22:52:28
💗 Asuri 💗🇷‌🇦‌🇹‌🇪‌ 🇲‌🇾‌ 🇳‌🇪‌🇼‌ 🇦‌🇷‌🇹‌🇼‌🇴‌🇷‌🇰‌ 🇵‌🇱‌🇪‌🇦‌🇸‌🇪‌ <3 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29279019362023-02-04 16:12:27
TheElderGodsHave a nice weekend u too Kronis2023-02-04 15:00:36
神室町的丽奈阿姨( ﹡ˆoˆ﹡ )2023-02-04 09:26:54
serhan1tyHave a beautiful weekend!2023-02-04 09:14:16
SiELENThav a nice day my friend2023-02-04 07:34:00
ForeverHave a cool weekend2023-02-04 01:55:00
NightevgexaПриходит зоофил в приют для бездомных животных, а собака ему говорит:— Так я не поняла, кто кого заводит?2023-02-03 23:38:19
想要摸鱼的一天Weekend is happy, because relaxation is the choice of the heart. Weekend is not everything, but it is absolutely impossible without weekend. Sleep when you want to sleep, don't be tired, play when you want to play, don't worry, happy time is difficult to stop, happy weekend2023-02-03 21:23:02
B&amp;K早上好!!R星旗下《荒野大镖客:救赎2》和《GTA5》Steam部分区域价格上涨!《荒野大镖客:救赎2》标准版国区249涨至279,终极版399涨至429《GTA5》豪华版国区价格涨至134.25没想到吧!!它居然还能涨价!!!!!《最后的生还者 重置版》由3月4日跳票至3月28日今日份的推歌!!!Chris James的新歌Heaven or Hell https://music.163.com/song?id=2007194293&userid=501808077 pcr的活动曲Peaceful*ちゃんぷるー https://music.163.com/song?id=1830969864&userid=5018080772023-02-03 18:33:50
TheElderGodsHave a great friday u too my friend2023-02-03 15:03:19
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2023-02-03 14:21:48
NightevgexaЛетит по небу пассажирский самолёт,рядом пролетает истребитель и пилот связывается с пилотом боинга.-А спорим на косарь евро тебе слабо сделать мёртвую петлю?2023-02-03 10:35:18
特蕾西亚吃了伊叹风语Have a nice weekend bro2023-02-03 10:01:01
serhan1tyHave a beautiful day!2023-02-03 08:20:57
恋は雨上がりのように•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸::: (\_(\ ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...**: (=' *') : 楽しい一週間過ごしてください ♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.​ᕼᗩᐯᕮ ᗩ ᙡ〇ᘉᗪᕮᖇℱᕰᒪ ᙡᕮᕮk2023-02-03 07:55:52
SiELENTgood evening my friend~2023-02-03 05:14:34
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2716828880 - like please, and have a nice day2023-02-03 04:40:37
ForeverHave a cool Friday2023-02-03 03:43:32
˖ʚ 淺霜 ɞ˖ᶫᵒᵛᵉ        ᵧₒᵤ2023-02-03 01:13:38
三月のパンタシア良い週末を2023-02-02 23:48:43
想要摸鱼的一天Have a small garden in heart, sunflower she said that if she works hard towards the sun, every day will also be simple and beautiful. A new day has begun. Wish you could have sunflowers Like, facing the sun up2023-02-02 19:26:58
我落泪情绪零碎good night and good dreams2023-02-02 10:33:02
想要摸鱼的一天nice to meet you2023-02-02 05:50:49
想要摸鱼的一天Sorry, I once stole your troubles, your sorrows, your troubles and your bad luck. Now my conscience finds that I wanted to return them to you, but I have lost them2023-02-02 05:50:38
我落泪情绪零碎thanks for the invitation2023-02-02 05:16:04
SiELENThave a beautiful day, my friend!!!2023-02-02 05:06:45
ForeverHave a cool day Kronis2023-02-02 03:42:14
NightevgexaЧем отличается курящий газовщик от моджахеда?Моджахед знает, когда взорвётся2023-02-02 02:32:25
𝔂𝓔Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒★2023-02-01 22:29:56
ツKzara💔Have a nice rest of your week!2023-02-01 17:21:05
特蕾西亚吃了伊叹风语. ∧_∧ ( ºωº )つ━☆・*。⊂| | ・゜+. しーJ °。+ *´¨) .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•'*2023-02-01 14:08:43
NightevgexaЧем отличается любительница фистинга от перчатки?В перчатку поместится только одна рука2023-02-01 06:55:41
SiELENTthx 4 invitegood evening2023-02-01 06:15:26
moon cactusU too xD2023-02-01 05:45:24
serhan1tyHave a beautiful day!2023-02-01 02:33:11
ForeverHave a cool day2023-02-01 01:46:35
B&amp;K早上好!!EA宣布Apex手游将于5月1日停服,战地手游取消开发(感觉育碧到时候也会这样,奶一口育碧!!快进到彩六手游停服,刺客信条手游取消开发)重生的新作《星球大战 绝地:幸存者》延期6周至4月28日发售,该死的EA 我的TTF3呢?感觉星球大战这个IP真是EA亲儿子 一直在开发星战系列作品,战地系列直到2042这一作才有的纯AI大战场 人家星战前线2(2017年的作品)早就有了早间推歌!CHRSTN的Never Change https://music.163.com/song?id=1432931291&userid=501808077 Vaance /Deerock / Linney的Being With You https://music.163.com/song?id=1874330451&userid=501808077 二月份也要加油呀!!!2023-01-31 18:45:18
𝔂𝓔早安喵~2023-01-31 18:44:34
serhan1tyHave a wonderful day!2023-01-31 09:35:26
💗 Asuri 💗<32023-01-31 08:40:17
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-01-31 06:25:51
繁城千夏⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴❤~2023-01-31 06:23:53
-ˏˋ Kazahanao ˎˊ-💗I wish you 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 a cute week! 💗2023-01-31 05:56:39
Nightevgexa— С чего начинается построение графика?— С оси, брат— Опять? Ну давай2023-01-31 00:17:15
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2023-01-30 16:47:21
💗 Asuri 💗<32023-01-30 16:04:22
K1shka 🍕хочу пиццы2023-01-30 13:30:12
TheElderGodsHave a good week u too my friend and a great day too2023-01-30 12:16:12
NightevgexaУчастник питерской рок-группы не выдержал эмоционального напряжения и начал сольную карьеру2023-01-30 06:06:08
Connor From Cyberlife<32023-01-30 01:04:56
KanayaHave a nice week~2023-01-29 23:23:55
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡mwuah<3 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29250263582023-01-29 23:02:55
Pablo DiabloHave a wonderful week Kronis2023-01-29 22:57:39
MakotoHave a lovely weekend2023-01-29 22:53:54
¡此用户无已知曾用名¡https://steamcommunity.com/groups/myaua 🌺祝您遊戲愉快🌺🌺我會把這個留在這裡🌺 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29256150222023-01-29 15:54:02
Nightevgexa– Выйдешь за меня?– Конечно, дорогой! Я так долго ждала этого!– Тогда завтра к 8:00. Спецовка у Михалыча в каптерке.2023-01-29 01:20:49
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-01-29 00:03:33
TheElderGodsHave a good night u too my friend2023-01-28 21:59:59
Pablo DiabloHave a good night2023-01-28 20:49:16
TheElderGodsA___A|・ㅅ・| ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕨𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕕𝕒𝕪!|っ c|| || || || || |U ̄ ̄U2023-01-28 13:42:25
bola de masa hervida ©hi, thank you, I'm also happy with our friendship2023-01-28 09:52:03
󠁳 ⁧ ᴍɪᴄᴋᴀ龙ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥"ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛᴇꜱᴛ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ʟɪꜰᴇ ɪꜱ ʟᴏᴠᴇ"(>‿◠)✌2023-01-28 03:25:52
Nightevgexa– Что читаешь?– Сборник шуток про куколдов.– О, а можно посмотреть?2023-01-28 01:00:18
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2023-01-27 16:47:28
AceEchelonMe when going out of work on friday : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMb-0ePP0xQ&ab_channel=ZhilTP911 Have a calm weekend!2023-01-27 16:33:02
𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊    ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2023-01-27 15:11:22
NightevgexaПриходит негр в магазин одежды и говорит: "Дайте мне брюки в клетку". А на кассе ему и отвечают: "Доставку не осуществляем"2023-01-27 00:36:20
Nightevgexa— А ёжик выйдет?— Даже не знаю. Случай-то уникальный... — пробормотал проктолог2023-01-26 03:20:47
slavyan𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝑀𝑦 𝐹𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29237006742023-01-26 02:03:39
!! ₩eeby !!free comments2023-01-25 14:08:35
!! ₩eeby !!free comments2023-01-25 14:08:34
!! ₩eeby !!free comments2023-01-25 13:13:17
!! ₩eeby !!free comments2023-01-25 13:13:16
NightevgexaБританские наркоманы закидываются чайным грибом2023-01-25 00:32:48
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2023-01-24 15:53:13
-ˏˋ Kazahanao ˎˊ-💗A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings. Always believe in yourself.2023-01-24 14:49:38
toxidermy💗 💛 💜 💙 💗 💚 💜 💚 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐘 💗 💚 💛 💙 💙 💜2023-01-24 05:36:31
NightevgexaКак называли очень занудного повелителя утопленников в Древнем Египте?Заклинатель душ Нила2023-01-24 05:35:26
Daki ダキStart your new week with a smile Happy Chinese New Year 2023 Happy New Year's Eve! 2023中国新年快乐 祝您除夕快乐!祝您和您的家人一切顺利,希望今年一切顺利!2023-01-23 09:32:20
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-01-23 06:51:16
NightevgexaЗаходит парень в ресторан. Заказывает еду и говорит:Можно мне немного соуса чили?Официант ему:Извините, но это японский ресторанПарень: *растягивает глаза*— Мозьня мне нимнога соуся цили??Официант: *растягивая глаза"— Неть низя2023-01-23 05:56:32
seele vollereiудачной понедельник и хорошего пиваа!2023-01-22 17:37:15
󠀡󠀡𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 新年快乐 Happy Chinese New Year2023-01-22 07:15:41
-ˏˋ Kazahanao ˎˊ-💗*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩Happy sunday 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 💗 https://youtu.be/QRPQ2GlTihc?t=3902023-01-22 05:06:02
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡luv u https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29218222662023-01-22 04:14:46
NightevgexaМои соседи постоянно гремят костями, думал скелеты, оказались армяне2023-01-22 00:58:01
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-01-22 00:38:42
若黎 (AFK)新年快乐呀! 愿你新年胜旧年2023-01-21 23:22:49
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2023-01-21 15:25:23
Ecstasy除夕快乐 ~ 新的一年也要天天开心2023-01-21 14:47:25
¡此用户无已知曾用名¡¸.•*✿.今晚某人的熱度因愛而燃燒。裡面的一切但這對我來說毫無意義(在那兒的賬單上)忘了我們兩個我的眼淚在哪裡?我的心在某處著火。✿•*´2023-01-21 14:10:19
󠁳 ⁧ ᴍɪᴄᴋᴀ龙🔝💪ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ ɪꜱ ᴛᴏ Qᴜɪᴛ ᴛᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴇɢɪɴ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ. -ᴡᴀʟᴛ ᴅɪꜱɴᴇʏ💪🔝2023-01-21 13:05:11
Kunikida HanamaruHave a lovely weekend!!!! :32023-01-21 08:57:09
AceEchelonHave a calm weekend, great coffee and alot of chocolate! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZXmpCidYl4&list=RDMM&index=7&ab_channel=fAnts2023-01-21 03:33:42
Nightevgexa— Не ходи туда. Днем там собак спускают.— А ночью?— А ночью надувают.2023-01-21 02:44:00
咖啡小毛拎起煤球炉。楼上窗口探出二楼娘子银盆面孔,糯声说,小毛呀,唱得真好,唱得阿姨,馋唾水也出来了,馋痨虫爬出来了,全部是,年夜饭的好小菜嘛,两冷盆,四热炒,一砂锅,一点心。赞。——金宇澄《繁花》 突击检查!大家年夜饭都吃的什么!​2023-01-20 23:46:01
Connor From CyberlifeYou Too<32023-01-20 19:14:00
INSANE_70y.o_T4Nk1St_TTV_FPS+ rep норм на белке подразъебал2023-01-20 14:01:21
kabagrech10 очков Гриффиндору2023-01-20 14:01:06
💗 Asuri 💗<32023-01-20 12:56:57
咖啡祝大家在新的一年:双肺纹理清晰,未见明显异常密度灶。肺内支气管通畅。双肺门位置形态正常。纵膈居中,心脏及大血管未见明显异常。未见胸腔积液征象。2023-01-20 10:41:05
Nike 胜 | on vacation"Never lower your head from a miss If you ain't get it right then you double your shift" -ˏˋ Wishing you a great weekend, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜! ˊˎ-2023-01-20 09:44:15
NightevgexaЗачем зонт панку?Чтобы случайно не помыться2023-01-20 09:11:05
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡a good day, the beginning of a good evening2023-01-20 07:52:29
Mr_P@ntsu_SupoitoUwU2023-01-20 05:22:32
Nightevgexa- Если твоя правая нога булочка с кунжутом, а левая - специальный соус гриль, можно я отжарю твою котлетку?- Роналд Макдоналд, пустите меня к маме пожалуйста2023-01-19 05:59:18
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2023-01-18 14:56:12
💗 Asuri 💗💗 inv4inv 💗2023-01-18 13:13:02
NightevgexaНа встречу с Борманом Штирлиц вышел в буденовке, напевая песню о Москве. «Вы бы хоть конспирацию-то соблюдали», — проворчал Борман. Штирлиц согласился и надел темные очки.2023-01-18 06:32:30
-ˏˋ Kazahanao ˎˊ-💗A___A|・ㅅ・| ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕨𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕕𝕒𝕪!|っ c|| || || || || |U ̄ ̄U https://youtu.be/jF8AC0HG_Q0?t=7092023-01-17 10:09:14
NightevgexaМодник-антисемит обустроил в своём доме холл Lacoste2023-01-17 09:38:03
Celine 🪐내가 많이 많이 사랑해요2023-01-17 07:20:23
AceEchelonMay this week bring You happiness and alot of motivation :)2023-01-16 13:37:21
NightevgexaНесут два грузина медведя.Увидел их другой грузин и спрашивает: "Гризли?"- Нэт, так задущилы!!!2023-01-16 05:15:06
奧、創Have a wonderful week2023-01-15 23:43:46
アカメCTTTHii2023-01-15 20:20:14
アカメCTTT-ˏˋ ˊˎ-2023-01-15 20:18:23
Femboy TesticlesYou 22023-01-15 19:14:41
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡Hey rate and comments https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29187940232023-01-15 18:56:25
seele vollereiХорошего вам дня2023-01-15 17:23:00
Asteria+rep cute2023-01-15 17:22:51
¡此用户无已知曾用名¡- 我必須活到多快又見面了?🌙🌌2023-01-15 17:01:13
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2023-01-15 13:23:50
r00tles"I was ordered to fight with people until they testify that there is no true (worshipable) deity other than Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and until they stand(five–fold) prayer, pay Zakat. If they do all this, they will protect their lives and their property from me, unless (they are deprived of it) by the law of Islam, and their account (for their deeds) is with Allah Almighty." The hadith is cited by al-Bukhari and Muslim.2023-01-15 02:14:18
NightevgexaЧто общего у раввина и наркомана?Закладки в торе.2023-01-15 02:12:11
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2023-01-15 01:11:03
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡like please- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28383928952023-01-14 07:31:20
奧、創have a nice weekend2023-01-14 04:48:53
🔰 Tenebrae lupus 🔰Хороших выходных2023-01-14 03:05:40
iwuИ удачной недели2023-01-14 03:03:51
iwuХороших выходных!2023-01-14 03:03:14
panic attackshave a nice weekend2023-01-14 02:28:20
𝔂𝓔下午好~nice weekend2023-01-14 02:22:52
NightevgexaЖена анестезиолога и не подозревает, что муж её бьёт.2023-01-14 01:47:08
被犧牲的厭惡內心ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ sᴡᴇᴇᴛɪᴇ2023-01-13 23:58:23
Allego:P2023-01-13 14:16:08
NightevgexaПациент приходит к врачу и говорит:- Доктор, меня все считают сумасшедшим потому что я люблю сосиски.- Что за ерунда? Я тоже люблю сосиски.- Правда? Тогда идемте, я вам покажу свою коллекцию.2023-01-13 08:55:26
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-01-13 03:40:56
TheElderGodsHave a great friday for u too my friend and a good night2023-01-12 18:38:24
SectorХорошего настроения и отличного дня2023-01-12 17:52:47
AuTuMnRoYaLmay your friday be BEAUTIFUL,may your weekend be JOYFUL,and may all your moments be WONDERFUL2023-01-12 17:21:16
ohshiThanks, you too c:2023-01-12 17:02:42
Nightevgexa— Есть две новости, Ватсон, одна хорошая, вторая не очень. С какой начать?— С хорошей, Холмс— К нам едут две леди— А какая не очень, Холмс?— Обе не очень2023-01-11 23:48:56
󠁳⁧⁧goigois1Cheers!2023-01-11 11:37:15
NightevgexaПомню, я как-то хотел поступить на филологический, но ихний декан почему-то был против...2023-01-11 09:21:54
ALPHA⠀⠀          ⠀⠀2023-01-10 23:14:01
TheElderGodsHeey thanks for accepting my invite my friend, have a great day :D2023-01-10 14:54:55
NightevgexaПарикмахер-наркоман с сексуальными девиациями долбит фен.2023-01-10 01:22:27
AaruxHii , sorry for the inconvenience, but if you have some points left over and you want to, could you give me award points please, I appreciate it very much , have a nice day ^-^2023-01-08 14:35:47
Celine 🪐https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2914788371 - New Guide2023-01-08 05:51:12
Schwartzвзаимно :)2023-01-07 11:04:54
у󠀡󠀡збек ⁧⁧ᴇᴠɢᴇɴʏʙᴇʙʀᴏʏмери чрисмас2023-01-07 07:15:48
𝔂𝓔晚上好~2023-01-07 04:44:06
Nightevgexaс рождеством2023-01-07 02:26:18
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡can you like my guide?Thanks, luv u https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29140223182023-01-07 02:08:06
三月のパンタシアお正月の終わりですね~良い週末をお過ごしください2023-01-06 23:34:13
󠁳⁧⁧ahahhaHAHAHHAHAHAHAA<𝟯²2023-01-06 14:53:16
💗 Asuri 💗<32023-01-05 09:28:15
°ʚ⁧⁧ Stellaᴍᴇᴏᴡ2023-01-04 10:19:54
💗 Asuri 💗owo2023-01-04 08:52:16
Akioto_<3332023-01-03 16:10:49
hika ♡:2023-01-03 04:18:08
NiztHappy to be your friend, we will grow this friendship!2023-01-02 15:36:36
🔰 Tenebrae lupus 🔰С наступившим новым годом2023-01-01 22:34:25
♡IzumI♡С Новым Годом 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 🎄2023-01-01 11:01:08
2bNice to meet you! I hope you're active and like my artwork/screenshots2023-01-01 08:26:43
SharkyHappy New Year!2022-12-31 21:10:28
三月のパンタシア一月のパンタシア🐇あけましておめでとう2022-12-31 19:17:07
CydrosHappy New Year 2023 wishes you Cydros2022-12-31 18:24:16
¡&gt; Ghost // Artwork DesignerHappy New Year2022-12-31 11:38:04
EcstasyHappy New Year2022-12-31 11:32:43
AnimaHappy New Year 新年快樂2022-12-31 11:27:51
°ʚ⁧⁧ Stellaʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴇᴀʀ ᴍʏ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ2022-12-31 11:15:03
若黎 (AFK)新年快乐呀~ Happy New Year~2022-12-31 10:50:30
hika ♡〃´) ,·´ ¸,·´) (¸,·´ (¸ 𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓! 〃´) ,·´ ¸,·´) (¸,·´ (¸2022-12-31 10:30:48
SylarHappy new year~2022-12-31 10:19:51
𝔂𝓔新年快乐~Happy New Year2022-12-31 10:15:07
✠ _|- DEADHUNTER -|_ ✠Happy New Year2022-12-31 09:42:07
Nike 胜 | on vacationHappy New Year, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜!2022-12-31 09:22:47
Plutonon14With a new year around the corner, I just want to wish you all the best in 2023!!! It is a opportunity for new beginning and things that will come your way and a chance to let go off the past for brighter future. I wish you all the health and happiness in the upcoming new year and please do remember that you are enough just the way you are for those that cherish you, because we sometimes forget of our value, and do always chase your dreams!!!!2022-12-31 06:42:14
BotinadoHappy New Year2022-12-31 04:43:30
saaneek0Счастливого нового года2022-12-31 04:40:03
GERMESNew Years is soon Happy New Year2022-12-31 04:13:32
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Happy New Year 2023~❄by:Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇2022-12-31 03:43:23
r00tles"Truly, each of you is formed in the womb of his mother for forty days in the form of a drop, then for the same amount he stays (there) in the form of a clot, then for the same amount – in the form of a piece of flesh (meat). Then an angel is sent to him, who breathes a soul (spirit) into him, and who is ordered to write down four things regarding (this soul): destiny, life span, deeds, and also whether she will be happy or unhappy. And I swear by Him, besides Whom there is no other true deity, that truly any of you he can do the deeds of the inhabitants of Paradise until there is a cubit-sized distance between him and Paradise, and predestination overtakes him, and he commits the deedof the inhabitants of Hell and enters this Hell! Also, truly, any of you can do the deeds of the inhabitants of Hell, until there is a cubit-sized distance between him and Hell , and predestination overtakes him, and he commits the deed of the inhabitants of Paradise and enters this Paradise!""2022-12-31 01:18:44
YourKirushaThanks2022-12-30 04:37:40
EcstasyHappy New Year2022-12-30 03:28:22
!! ₩eeby !!Its my birthday today. Take some cake my friend!2022-12-29 18:02:12
toxidermy** ' * .* * 🌟 * * '* * ** * .* ' ✨ 🏮✨ ' *. * ✨ ☆☆☆✨ * ' . * ' ✨+:...💙...:+✨ *' '✨☆🏮☆🏮☆✨ * * ' * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨ ' ** . ✨☆☆📀☆📀☆☆✨ * ' * .' . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * ' *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆📀☆✨ ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ . * . . 🟫 ' ' * ** * . ** * 🟫 . * . ' ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝 * (¸,·´ (¸** 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼2022-12-29 06:50:21
r00tlesIf you find differences, I will give you a reward https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29085936712022-12-28 17:38:20
[EASY] Zak Bagans<3333333332022-12-28 00:52:04
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-12-27 18:19:59
Henedong<32022-12-27 09:52:41
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡rated https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29075394632022-12-27 00:06:19
¡此用户无已知曾用名¡- 我的電腦,就像我的心臟,早就應該擺脫多餘的負擔,治愈病毒和其他緩慢的殺手。||❤🔪2022-12-26 11:02:13
𝔂𝓔午好咳咳咳咳咳2022-12-26 00:02:30
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡Ly https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29048476132022-12-25 18:30:39
VΞLSPACE [FR]Merry Christmas!2022-12-25 13:46:13
给我200欢乐豆圣诞快乐~2022-12-25 12:31:48
Henedong600 more comments for my 50k be a part of it <32022-12-25 12:24:10
ErrysonagoС наступающим2022-12-25 09:32:30
被犧牲的厭惡內心ᴍᴀʏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs ᴇᴠᴇʀ  ᴍʏ sᴡᴇᴇᴛɪᴇ2022-12-25 07:41:41
乐迪喜欢哥斯拉圣诞快乐2022-12-25 04:41:34
EcstasyMerry Christmas2022-12-25 03:48:12
r00tles"Islam is built (held) on five (pillars): The testimony that there is no true deity except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the performance of prayer, the payment of Zakat, Hajj to the (reserved) House and fasting per monthh Ramadan"2022-12-24 23:07:25
若黎 (AFK)´`) ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸*♥ 𝘔𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 & 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 ♥*´`) ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸〃2022-12-24 21:30:37
三月のパンタシアメリークリスマス~良い週末を~2022-12-24 21:26:38
Sharky𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼!Have a wonderful weekendand happy holidays2022-12-24 19:18:56
wnesnovvHAPPY NEW YEAR2022-12-24 11:53:45
BotinadoMerry Christmas2022-12-24 11:52:11
Nike 胜 | on vacation-ˏˋ ❄️ 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ❄️ ˊˎ- Wishing you a merry christmas! 🤍 Stay healthy and blessed!2022-12-24 10:30:15
Cydros´`) ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸*♥ 𝘔𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 & 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 ♥*´`) ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸〃2022-12-24 09:46:26
Neptune** ' * ...* * 🌟 * * '* * * .* .' ✨ 🏮✨ * ' *. * ✨ ☆☆☆✨ * * ' ✨+:...💙...:✨ *' '✨☆ 🏮☆🏮☆✨ * * * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨ ' * . ✨☆☆ 📀☆📀☆☆ ✨ * '' . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆✨ * ' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆ 📀☆ ✨ ' ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨★𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚★* 。 ••。★𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔★☆¸.•°*"˜˜"*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*"˜˜"*°•.¸:╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆ 20232022-12-24 08:06:48
у󠀡󠀡збек ⁧⁧ᴇᴠɢᴇɴʏʙᴇʙʀᴏʏC наступающчим)2022-12-24 08:02:27
✠ _|- DEADHUNTER -|_ ✠Merry Christmas2022-12-24 04:16:29
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・ℳerry ℭhristmas~2022-12-24 03:28:52
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Приветствую Эван, рад дружбе, надеюсь на твою активность like/fav Steam2022-12-24 03:28:45
hika ♡´`) ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸ 𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 & 𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓 ´`) ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸2022-12-24 02:14:30
🌸ღ Hitagi ღ🌸Wishing you peace, joy, and unconditional love at Christmas and always. ❤️‍🔥Merry Christmas, and may all your Christmases be white! ❤️‍🔥❄️ ☃️❄️ ☃️❄️ ☃️❄️ ☃️❄️ ☃️クリスマスに、そしていつも平和と喜びと無条件の愛がありますように。❄️☃️☃️メリークリスマス。そして、あなたのクリスマスがすべてホワイトクリスマスでありますように ❤️‍🔥 ☃️❄️ メリークリスマス ☃️❄️ ❤️‍🔥❄️愛している ❄️❤️‍🔥2022-12-23 23:28:48
[EASY] Zak BagansMerry Christmas !2022-12-23 22:38:00
素晴!Merry Christmas!2022-12-23 21:26:48
-ˏˋ Kazahanao ˎˊ-💗★Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ••。★Christmas★ 。* 。° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門| ˚ ☃☆¸.•°*"˜˜"*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*"˜˜"*°•.¸☆°• AND ★ HAPPY NEW YEAR ☆ 2023°•♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆ ♥♥♥♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥¥♥♥2022-12-23 17:27:54
三月のパンタシアフレンド申請ありがとうございます。よろしくお願いします2022-12-23 17:22:40
Dyeaceloves u <32022-12-23 13:22:11
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-12-22 23:01:21
HenedongUwU2022-12-22 14:45:47
Ruy___,,...,,__/`''/`i |``~--,...~``` `` * | i ヽ :; \ 彡 ミ 〉 ︵ . ︵ ミ 彡 `` 人 ``` ミ 彡: ミ,︵I: つ❤️⌒ ミr,_,.:::: ミ ヽ川::::::: ;; ゞ..;;;;;;;__,.╰╯::::::╰╯::::*2022-12-22 08:14:23
𝔂𝓔午好呀~2022-12-22 03:17:15
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡rated https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29002691762022-12-22 00:08:52
ForeverThank you, Have a cool day2022-12-20 23:48:09
Henedong<32022-12-20 13:51:01
AuTuMnRoYaLHave a nice day dear new friend2022-12-20 13:44:51
wnesnovvHave a nice day!2022-12-20 09:31:05
Henedong𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 1 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 100 𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑒 <3 https://steamcommunity.com/id/Henedong/myworkshopfiles/2022-12-20 07:49:00
𝔂𝓔下午好~2022-12-20 01:08:14
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-12-19 14:29:44
Henedong<32022-12-19 12:00:06
desoxyribunI hope you have an amazing week ahead of you!2022-12-19 10:55:49
Henedongluv u cutie <32022-12-19 03:03:59
r00tles"Islam is when you testify that there is no true deity except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, you will perform prayer, pay Zakat, observe fasting in the month of Ramadan, and perform Hajj to the House (of Allah, in Mecca), if you have the opportunity to perform it".2022-12-18 09:09:25
SharkyHave a wonderful day2022-12-18 09:05:55
Henedong6x6 im open <32022-12-18 08:47:20
Henedong6x6 im open2022-12-18 08:47:18
被犧牲的厭惡內心ᴡɪsʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴅᴀʏ   ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs2022-12-17 09:04:30
Neon White | God of HalloweenDirk of2022-12-16 18:29:36
HenedongUwU2022-12-16 16:19:01
wnesnovvHello my friend!2022-12-16 14:25:07
desoxyribunHello!2022-12-16 13:56:41
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-12-16 13:36:55
;;::;:;:;:;:,,,..,.,,._&lt;-ˏˋ ˊˎ-2022-12-16 10:20:58
𝔂𝓔早上好~最近好多人都感冒发烧了,一定要注意防护呀2022-12-15 19:18:43
Henedong60 x 60 ? write me cutie2022-12-15 08:31:23
r00tles"Truly, deeds are evaluated according to intentions, and each person will get what he intended (to gain). Whoever has migrated for the sake of Allah, following His Messenger, then his migration will be for the sake of Allah, following His Messenger. And the one who made the migration for the sake of something mundane or for the sake of the woman he wanted to marry, then his migration will be (only) to what he intended to migrate to"2022-12-14 12:27:08
Dyeace<32022-12-13 18:21:30
𝔂𝓔午好~2022-12-13 02:40:02
¡此用户无已知曾用名¡- 用謊言保護自己,不要讓任何人讀懂你的情緒。而且無論誰在你面前,都不要讓他們左右你。🎭🧸2022-12-13 00:23:57
Nike 胜 | on vacation-ˏˋ 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ˊˎ- Have a good night! If you have some spare time you can have a look on my new guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29010486752022-12-12 16:25:17
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-12-11 06:28:09
Connor From Cyberlife<32022-12-11 03:47:04
󠀡󠀡𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 happy weekend周末愉快2022-12-10 09:58:44
blissʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴛɪᴇ2022-12-10 06:06:21
被犧牲的厭惡內心ʀɪsᴇ ᴀɴᴅ sʜɪɴᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴛɪᴇ2022-12-10 05:17:31
Wolfinstar⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  💜 ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜    𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅2022-12-09 16:14:53
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2838392895 - not much left to 5 stars2022-12-09 06:53:24
kabagrechлп легенда2022-12-09 03:14:05
💗 Asuri 💗……(\__/)……(='.'=)…☆(")_(")☆2022-12-08 07:04:33
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-12-08 05:54:05
HenedongUwU2022-12-07 10:45:41
𝔂𝓔晚上好~2022-12-07 04:05:11
󠀡󠀡Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒★2022-12-06 13:15:26
MrSleepingD ツHappy Monday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l0JXJKI0dg2022-12-05 13:13:21
Henedong6 x 6 < 32022-12-05 08:44:12
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-12-05 01:39:07
𝔂𝓔午好~2022-12-05 01:18:01
DANI B.Rate some reviews? https://steamcommunity.com/id/uniquesteamprofile/recommended/ Have a great day!2022-12-04 19:43:20
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2022-12-04 01:02:58
💗 Asuri 💗(✖╭╮✖) (≧◡≦) (¬_¬)2022-12-03 13:55:11
seele vollereiHave a happy weekend2022-12-03 06:34:02
[EASY] Zak BagansHave a great weekend!!2022-12-03 05:42:52
Celine 🪐https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2896541952 - new Chuu guide2022-12-03 03:31:38
SylarHave a happy weekend2022-12-03 01:51:57
こやりなthank u have a lovely day !2022-12-02 17:20:58
Henedongdo you want to be my bestie come in :3 https://discord.gg/RY5Qs764892022-12-02 16:20:52
ПирожокПриятных выходных2022-12-02 16:09:53
被犧牲的厭惡內心ᴍᴏsᴀᴛɪᴄᴏɴ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪᴛ's ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ2022-12-02 12:03:17
󠀡󠀡𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 happy weekend~2022-12-02 07:53:39
𝘼𝙯𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙡https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2886306342 - Like and comment and have a nice day2022-12-02 07:07:35
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-12-02 01:02:40
seele vollerei(^_-)2022-12-02 00:33:34
Henedong6 x 6 to 60 x 60 dm me ^^2022-12-01 08:39:29
HenedongHenedong†#1161 <32022-12-01 08:35:16
𝔂𝓔早安~就快到周末啦2022-11-30 21:12:14
Celine 🪐https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895658761 - support Chuu2022-11-30 14:13:48
lowieHave a wonderful day friend! if you want to help me to rate -> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895212290 (my artwork) i will be very thankful. Take care!2022-11-30 09:38:57
💗 Asuri 💗……(\__/)……(='.'=)…☆(")_(")☆2022-11-30 04:45:39
kabagrech👑Kronis👑 как много значений в этом имени🌆2022-11-29 08:25:54
Nike 胜 | on vacation-ˏˋ 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ˊˎ-Always remember: "Some people are immune to good advice."2022-11-29 07:50:41
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869538884 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-28 22:51:12
k1ng👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869538884 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-28 21:25:31
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-28 21:03:37
Henedong。・ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2894248036 Rate & Fav2022-11-28 11:56:50
🔰 Tenebrae lupus 🔰Have a good week!2022-11-28 04:27:41
SharkyHave a wonderful day2022-11-27 11:07:33
🔰 Tenebrae lupus 🔰I hope you had a great weekend❤️2022-11-27 09:02:08
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Art: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2893579616&fileuploadsuccess=1 Delet is later/Удалите это позже2022-11-26 07:03:33
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-25 20:00:27
Henedong<32022-11-25 14:08:54
Henedong<32022-11-25 13:22:12
HenedongHru my dear ? <32022-11-25 12:29:00
r00tlesThe Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Religion is sincerity, good instruction (nasyha). The companions asked: "In relation to whom?". The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Concerning Allah and His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of Muslims and the common people" (Muslim).2022-11-25 12:28:19
Nike 胜 | on vacation-ˏˋ 🍂 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 🍂 ˊˎ- Sending you many good weekend vibes!2022-11-25 05:50:47
Celine 🪐https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2892867311 - New Kpop Guide rate if you like it2022-11-24 16:11:53
𝔂𝓔下午好!!2022-11-24 01:58:21
输一次加十万功德have a nice day2022-11-24 01:50:52
GuilaGood ty wbu? ;32022-11-24 01:40:08
Femboy TesticlesИ тебе всего хорошего)2022-11-23 12:51:04
Henedong6x6 ? My bestie <32022-11-23 11:48:43
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this guide artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2889210180 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-22 21:47:46
k1ng👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite my guide please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2889210180 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-22 20:29:42
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-22 18:29:42
⎛⎝DevilYuichii⎠⎞uwu2022-11-22 11:42:51
咖啡___,,...,,__/`''/`i |``~--,...~``` `` * | i ヽ :; \ 彡 ミ 〉 ︵ . ︵ ミ 彡 `` 人 ``` ミ 彡: ミ,︵I: つ⌒ ミr,_,.:::: ミ ヽ川::::::: ;; ゞ..;;;;;;;__,.╰╯::::::╰╯::::* https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28919288462022-11-22 10:46:39
HenedongHeyyy <32022-11-22 05:06:36
DhanhHave a wonderful day2022-11-21 23:49:16
Henedong<32022-11-21 11:24:35
MrSleepingD ツHappy Monday https://youtu.be/LX_XfRHSR5o2022-11-21 05:49:44
Пирожок〃´`) ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸*Have a nice day〃´`) ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸*2022-11-21 03:34:04
🆁🅰🆉🅴🅵🅾🅽надеюсь твои выходные прошли лучше2022-11-21 01:09:46
Connor From Cyberlifeyou too2022-11-20 14:58:42
QluakelRТупо лайк)2022-11-20 14:50:01
dev<32022-11-20 14:39:29
OctaRoseУдачной недели!2022-11-20 14:27:56
Nike 胜 | on vacation-ˏˋ 🍂 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 🍂 ˊˎ- I hope you had a great weekend. Wishing you a good start into the next week!2022-11-20 13:03:54
Henedong<32022-11-20 06:06:18
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2022-11-20 01:00:11
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-19 21:59:59
¡此用户无已知曾用名¡https://steamcommunity.com/groups/myaua 🌺祝您遊戲愉快🌺🌺我會把這個留在這裡🌺 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28900681792022-11-19 08:40:43
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this guide please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2889210180 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-18 23:19:00
k1ngMy guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28892101802022-11-18 22:04:18
k1ngMy guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28892101802022-11-18 22:04:18
DhanhHave a nice day <32022-11-18 19:12:55
Henedongstay happy :)2022-11-18 12:41:40
Henedongluv u <32022-11-18 10:48:12
Lαƈȥҽƙ (BUSY)Hi I hope you're having a good day please rate and add it to your favorites, thanks https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28900626242022-11-18 08:04:22
💗 Asuri 💗……(\__/)……(='.'=)…☆(")_(")☆2022-11-18 07:03:55
𝔂𝓔早安~2022-11-17 20:15:56
DhanhHave a nice day2022-11-17 17:57:21
💗 Asuri 💗╠╬╬╬╣╠╬╬╬╣OK! WHO ATE MY╠╬╬╬╣CHOCOLATE!!╚╩╩╩╝2022-11-17 11:28:25
Nike 胜 | on vacation-ˏˋ 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ˊˎ- i wish you a nice and cozy day!2022-11-17 08:16:08
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-16 22:27:00
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-16 22:26:59
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-16 22:26:58
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-16 22:26:57
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-16 22:26:56
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-16 22:26:55
DhanhHave a lovely day <32022-11-16 19:05:32
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡have a nice daymwuuah2022-11-16 14:18:18
Henedonghru ? <32022-11-16 10:14:54
💗 Asuri 💗… @ @ . ... ( ' o ' ) . .. º(___)º .2022-11-16 09:30:07
toxidermy💗 💛 💜 💙 💗 💚 💜 💚 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐘 💗 💚 💛 💙 💙 💜2022-11-16 06:32:10
DhanhHave a nice day <32022-11-16 06:21:28
ForeverHave a cool day2022-11-16 05:12:58
こやりなthank uu ,, have a lovely day !!2022-11-16 04:49:28
𝔂𝓔早安~前几天奶奶去世回老家办事情,今天回来啦!have a nice day!2022-11-15 19:24:13
DhanhHave a nice day <32022-11-15 17:40:24
Henedong<32022-11-15 14:37:11
Celine 🪐yes or yes2022-11-15 13:12:20
Awoxie❤ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ❤2022-11-15 12:26:21
HelminskiEnjoy your day ^^2022-11-15 06:04:13
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡rate<3 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28886768212022-11-15 01:27:23
MrSleepingD ツHave a Nice Day! https://youtu.be/IILdnpEBisU2022-11-14 20:36:38
HenedongTrue love is hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to forget.†2022-11-14 13:26:41
Henedong<32022-11-14 12:01:58
76561198327136714Hey, can you please award my profile2022-11-14 08:22:39
💗 Asuri 💗… @ @ . ... ( ' o ' ) . .. º(___)º .2022-11-14 05:09:22
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2887440221 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-13 22:50:43
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2887440221 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-13 22:50:43
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡hey! have a nice day <32022-11-13 19:50:35
Nike 胜 | on vacation-ˏˋ 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜 ˊˎ-sending you good evening vibes! 🌙2022-11-13 14:12:42
💗 Asuri 💗(\ /)( . .)♥c(")(")2022-11-13 09:02:44
Connor From Cyberlifeнαvε α ηιcε ωεεкεη∂!2022-11-13 04:56:45
SharkyHave a wonderful weekend2022-11-13 00:25:29
Helminskinice to meet you too ^^2022-11-12 22:23:41
Connor From Cyberlife<32022-11-12 16:47:57
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡luv u<32022-11-11 13:47:49
Setuna✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .•♫•♬• ᴴᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᴺⁱᶜᵉ ᵂᵉᵉᵏᵉⁿᵈ •♬•♫•. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿2022-11-11 07:33:30
DhanhHave a wonderful weekend <32022-11-11 06:37:40
Henedong6x6 ?2022-11-11 06:05:11
Celine 🪐https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2886934533 - New Guide2022-11-10 15:54:43
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Art: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2885719916 Delete later/Удалите позже2022-11-10 02:03:27
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡Rated pls https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28863339712022-11-10 00:18:43
Henedong<32022-11-09 13:03:44
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡have a nice day, love u2022-11-09 11:50:12
Nike 胜 | on vacation🍁 I wish you a nice and cozy day, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜! 🍂2022-11-09 08:02:36
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2877889428 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-08 23:42:13
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2877889428 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-08 23:42:13
SharkyHave a wonderful day2022-11-08 16:23:21
SharkyHi, nice to meet you2022-11-08 16:23:04
JanukoDanke, wünsche ich dir auch2022-11-08 15:45:02
Henedong'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'2022-11-08 12:21:21
Henedong'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'2022-11-08 12:21:20
Henedong'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'2022-11-08 12:21:18
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡luv u2022-11-08 11:10:58
ilyﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/70N37Y2022-11-08 10:24:51
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-07 15:33:46
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-07 15:33:43
🖤• 𝐾⛎𝑅𝐾 •💚*¸ "".•~¹°"ˆ˜¨♡♡♡¨˜ˆ"°¹~•."¸*     (__/)  (__/)   (__/)  (__/)     (>'.'<)  ( •'.'•)  (^'.'^) (o'.'o)    (")_(") (")_(") (")_(") (")_(")✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩2022-11-07 15:33:41
MrSleepingD ツHappy Monday https://youtu.be/7XeWXV_9mOY2022-11-07 05:57:34
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡luv u2022-11-06 13:04:32
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2877889428 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-06 01:30:43
SHARKING(\__/)(='.'=)(")_(") good Sunday2022-11-06 01:29:58
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡heyy<3 luv you<3rated my guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28849808592022-11-05 20:56:52
Henedong<32022-11-05 11:01:47
ℳy★†ỦrÑ★ Wiℓℒ★......................../> フ 💕.........................| _ _ l 💕....................../` ミ_xノ ...................../ |..................../ ヽ ノ............. ..│ | | |........../ ̄| | | |..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)...........\二つ2022-11-05 10:49:05
Princess LunaThanks, you too.2022-11-05 00:27:58
被犧牲的厭惡內心sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ . sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ         ┊          :2022-11-04 16:41:06
DANI B.👅┌──── ・👅 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚👅. ────┐⭐🌂☂️     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    ☂️🌂⭐└──── 💪・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚💪. ────┘👅❤️ Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2877889428 ❤️❤️❤️2022-11-04 12:42:09
r00tlesENG- Peace and kindness to all. I'm leaving this platform. I'm leaving this account because family is more important than virtual friends and games. Starting tomorrow, this account will be transferred to another person. Thank you all for your activity and communication. Good luck with everything.RU-Всем мира и добра. Я покидаю эту платформу. Данный аккаунт я оставляю, так как семья важнее чем виртуальные друзья, и игры. С завтрашнего данный аккаунт будет передан другому человеку. Всем спасибо за активность и общение. Удачи вам во всем.2022-11-04 06:09:15
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Art: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2884094491 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2884094503 Delete it later2022-11-04 00:46:15
ily< 3!2022-11-03 13:55:04
𝑰𝒔𝒉 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚♡Mwuuahh2022-11-03 09:30:01
joëlyou too have a great day2022-11-01 16:23:56
Eduardo_PeReZHave a wonderful day too!2022-11-01 16:21:13
Celine 🪐rate my new guide if you want to https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28830414522022-11-01 11:51:23
blisstrick or treat2022-11-01 03:30:51
HenedongSpooky Halloween2022-10-31 09:26:57
HenedongSpooky Halloween2022-10-31 08:43:09
咖啡Trick or Treat2022-10-31 06:31:01
Ethereal Faehappy halloweeeeeen!2022-10-31 04:02:49
ᴋᴜᴍɪʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʜᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴇɴ2022-10-30 13:59:51
H ♡ĦȺᵽᵽɏ ĦȺłłøwɇɇn2022-10-30 11:45:41
Nike 胜 | on vacationhave a lovely and relaxing sunday, 𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜!2022-10-30 11:25:56
[EASY] Zak BagansHave great day2022-10-30 09:47:07
Celine 🪐Today is a sad day2022-10-30 08:05:23
HenedongHave a nice Day my Darling2022-10-30 05:47:06
O'Doyleꫝꪖρρꪗ ꫝꪖꪶꪶꪮ᭙ꫀꫀꪀ ! 🎃2022-10-30 03:53:08
Henedong𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐬 <𝟑 https://steamcommunity.com/id/Henedong/recommended/2126550/2022-10-29 05:44:47
Henedong𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐬 <𝟑 https://steamcommunity.com/id/Henedong/recommended/2126550/2022-10-29 04:50:54
Henedong<32022-10-28 16:12:43
Nike 胜 | on vacationi wish you a nice evening and a great relaxing weekend! 🌙~𝙺𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜2022-10-28 14:15:07
💗 Asuri 💗owo2022-10-28 08:38:44
moon cactusthanks2022-10-28 05:13:36
[EASY] Zak BagansHAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!2022-10-28 02:00:21
恋は雨上がりのようにく__,.ヘヽ. / ,ー、 〉 \ ', !-─‐-i / /´ /`ー' L//`ヽ、 / /, /| , , ', イ / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i レ ヘ 7イ`ト レ'ァ-ト、!ハ| | !,/7 'ゞ' ´i__rハiソ| | |.从" _ ,,,, / |./ | レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ / .i | レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. | | |/i 〈|/ i ,.ヘ | i | .|/ /mi mi ヘ! \ | kヽ>、ハ _,.ヘ、 /、! !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr' レ'ヽL__|___i,___,ンレ|ノ ト-,/ |___./ 'ー' !_,.2022-10-27 22:54:25
恋は雨上がりのようにく__,.ヘヽ. / ,ー、 〉 \ ', !-─‐-i / /´ /`ー' L//`ヽ、 / /, /| , , ', イ / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i レ ヘ 7イ`ト レ'ァ-ト、!ハ| | !,/7 'ゞ' ´i__rハiソ| | |.从" _ ,,,, / |./ | レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ / .i | レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. | | |/i 〈|/ i ,.ヘ | i | .|/ /mi mi ヘ! \ | kヽ>、ハ _,.ヘ、 /、! !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr' レ'ヽL__|___i,___,ンレ|ノ ト-,/ |___./ 'ー' !_,.2022-10-27 22:54:23
恋は雨上がりのようにく__,.ヘヽ. / ,ー、 〉 \ ', !-─‐-i / /´ /`ー' L//`ヽ、 / /, /| , , ', イ / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i レ ヘ 7イ`ト レ'ァ-ト、!ハ| | !,/7 'ゞ' ´i__rハiソ| | |.从" _ ,,,, / |./ | レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ / .i | レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. | | |/i 〈|/ i ,.ヘ | i | .|/ /mi mi ヘ! \ | kヽ>、ハ _,.ヘ、 /、! !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr' レ'ヽL__|___i,___,ンレ|ノ ト-,/ |___./ 'ー' !_,.2022-10-27 22:41:04
!! ₩eeby !!We currently have a Halloween Sale! 🎃 For HOURBOOST and Rep4Rep COMMENTS follow the links on my profil <3Use the discount code "HW25" for 25% OFF on Any Plans! (only the next 2 weeks)2022-10-27 14:22:28
Henedong:c2022-10-27 12:04:09
💗 Asuri 💗uwu2022-10-27 08:10:56
Super Sad WulgrinHello Darling , i wish you a wonderfull day<3 Hope you have a good time my love. Love you2022-10-27 02:33:05
Celine 🪐Save my Seoul2022-10-26 16:13:02
Nike 胜 | on vacationThank you!2022-10-25 16:43:51
SylarHave a nice day2022-10-25 16:18:02
💗 Asuri 💗<32022-10-25 12:41:35
💗 Asuri 💗<32022-10-25 10:08:01
💗 Asuri 💗<32022-10-25 08:03:41
Lisageiles profil :D2022-10-24 10:36:44
r00tlesR&F https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28792435452022-10-24 09:05:23
seele vollerei?2022-10-23 18:00:40
Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂~by: Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇Please like my Art: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878476414 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28784743542022-10-23 07:04:41
💗 Asuri 💗<32022-10-22 06:03:22
Asteria⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ ~𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑎𝑦2022-10-22 00:01:23
[EASY] Zak BagansHave a great day2022-10-21 15:52:00
💗 Asuri 💗(:2022-10-21 12:39:02
<32022-10-21 07:34:32
Celine 🪐loonatheworld2022-10-21 04:21:05
🔰 Tenebrae lupus 🔰Have a nice day2022-10-20 16:13:58
asamihave a nice day 🖤2022-10-20 15:57:33
☆𝓨𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲 ♪hello2022-10-20 10:17:43
Cydros⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ ~𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑎𝑦2022-10-19 15:40:37
Celine 🪐love your profile2022-10-19 13:31:56
󠀡⁧⁧wenxyi luv u <3 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28768142932022-10-19 09:33:40
💗 Asuri 💗uwu2022-10-19 09:19:36
Henedonghow are you my dear ?2022-10-19 06:23:56
Celine 🪐https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2876942644 - rate my new kpop guide if u want to2022-10-18 15:38:07
Mythical_WingHave a great week2022-10-18 08:58:38
SylarA___A|・ㅅ・| ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜𝕖𝕟𝕕 |っ c|| || || || || |U ̄ ̄U2022-10-18 08:40:33
💗 Asuri 💗enjoy your day <32022-10-17 09:51:33
󠀡⁧⁧wenxyi luv u https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28764267412022-10-17 08:51:20
r00tlesRFR https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28764327472022-10-17 08:43:27
SylarHave a lovely day , my friend2022-10-16 17:47:54
Celine 🪐yes i love u too2022-10-16 13:29:34
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧shdewsie:2022-10-15 20:14:37
slavyanᅠᅠᅠ🇧🇪 🇭🇦🇵🇵🇾 🇦🇳🇩 🇭🇪🇦🇱🇹🇭🇾, 🇲🇾 🇩🇪🇦🇷 🇫🇷🇮🇪🇳🇩! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28756696262022-10-15 15:46:42
taskarate my new guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28751671652022-10-15 11:34:40
SHARKING╭══• ೋ•✧๑:SHARKING:๑✧•ೋ •══╮+ I wish you a good weekend +╰══• ೋ•✧๑:SHARKING:๑✧•ೋ •══╯2022-10-15 11:08:55
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧shdewsieく__,.ヘヽ. / ,ー、 〉 \ ', !-─‐-i / /´ /`ー' L//`ヽ、 / /, /| , , ', イ / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i レ ヘ 7イ`ト レ'ァ-ト、!ハ| | !,/7 'ゞ' ´i__rハiソ| | |.从" _ ,,,, / |./ | レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ / .i | レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. | | |/i 〈|/ i ,.ヘ | i | .|/ / U w U ヘ! \ | kヽ>、ハ _,.ヘ、 /、! !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr' レ'ヽL__|___i,___,ンレ|ノ ト-,/ |___./2022-10-15 09:47:22
💗 Asuri 💗honey~2022-10-15 07:33:08
r00tlesRFR https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28753943062022-10-15 02:44:14
taska"Love yourself and your expression, you can't go wrong."rate my new guide if u can -https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28751671652022-10-14 14:05:41
taska"Love yourself and your expression, you can't go wrong."rate my new guide if u can -https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28751671652022-10-14 13:32:04
💗 Asuri 💗qwq2022-10-14 13:04:12
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧shdewsie:2022-10-14 11:24:02
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧shdewsie┊⋆。˚Have an amazing weekend2022-10-14 10:48:38
taska-https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869902391 rate, thanks ly!2022-10-13 20:16:30
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧shdewsie:2022-10-13 15:01:30
SylarHave a great weekend2022-10-13 12:35:48
O'DoyleHave a lovely day ! ❤️2022-10-13 02:44:16
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧shdewsie:2022-10-12 16:34:46
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧shdewsie:2022-10-12 15:50:10
💗 Asuri 💗meow2022-10-12 14:41:39
Cydros⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ ~𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑎𝑦2022-10-12 09:15:17
Regis:2022-10-11 17:12:27
💗 💛 💜 💙 💗 💚 💜 💚 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐘 💗 💚 💛 💙 💙 💜2022-10-11 16:22:21
Regis:2022-10-11 14:17:10
r00tleshttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2874081877 R&F&F2022-10-11 14:07:06
💗 Asuri 💗:32022-10-11 09:44:30
💗 Asuri 💗<32022-10-11 07:50:38
SylarHave an amazing week!2022-10-11 06:37:21
DANI B.💗 💛 💜 💙 💗 💚 💜 💚 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐘 💗 💚 💛 💙 💙 💜2022-10-10 22:04:02
DANI B.💗 💛 💜 💙 💗 💚 💜 💚 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐘 💗 💚 💛 💙 💙 💜2022-10-10 22:04:02
♫The Art of Death♥have a wonderful day2022-10-10 14:05:28
💗 Asuri 💗(✖╭╮✖) (≧◡≦) (¬_¬)2022-10-10 09:29:41
Blink:♩♪♫ Have a nice week ! ♫♪♩2022-10-10 08:21:47
DANI B.👅┌──── ・🌎 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚🌎. ────┐🔥🌞🌹     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    🌹🌞🔥└──── 🌎・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚🌎. ────┘👅Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ?🔥 Love you 🌈❤️💛❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869538884 ❤️💛❤️2022-10-09 20:19:53
SylarHave a fantastic day2022-10-09 16:11:52
Regis:2022-10-08 17:12:35
💗 Asuri 💗ن٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥ﺎ ٱ2022-10-08 14:00:35
💗 Asuri 💗… @ @ . ... ( ' o ' ) . .. º(___)º .2022-10-08 06:37:24
DANI B.👅┌──── ・🌎 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚🌎. ────┐🔥🌞🌹     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    🌹🌞🔥└──── 🌎・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚🌎. ────┘👅Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ?🔥 Love you 🌈❤️💛❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869538884 ❤️💛❤️2022-10-08 00:12:57
Regis:2022-10-07 15:39:47
💗 Asuri 💗o(≧o≦)o2022-10-07 15:20:06
💗 Asuri 💗(≧ω≦)2022-10-07 12:22:54
DhanhHave a lovely day my friend2022-10-06 11:55:27
🌸ღ Hitagi ღ🌸𝓣 ime isn't valued by 🌸𝓗 ow much of it you have but how 🌺𝓤 spend it. So stop. 💐𝓡 ushin through life. 🌏𝓢 low down and 🍀𝓓 o what will make you 💕𝓐 little bit better than 🌷𝓨 esterday. 🍄💕🌸𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙩𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 💕 🌸🌸 M𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙🌸🌸💕💕I love you so much💕2022-10-06 07:08:41
DANI B.👅┌──── ・🌎 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚🌎. ────┐🔥🌞🌹     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    🌹🌞🔥└──── 🌎・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚🌎. ────┘👅Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ?🔥 Love you 🌈❤️💛❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869538884 ❤️💛❤️2022-10-04 12:11:44
slavyanᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑑𝑎𝑦/𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡. 𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28712666462022-10-04 11:52:17
💗 Asuri 💗(> " " <)( ='o'= )-(,,)-(,,)-2022-10-04 11:17:05
💗 Asuri 💗::: (\_(\*: (=' :') :*•.. (,(")(")¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»2022-10-04 09:03:13
💗 Asuri 💗……(\__/)……(='.'=)…☆(")_(")☆2022-10-04 04:08:50
DANI B.👅┌──── ・🌎 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚🌎. ────┐🔥🌞🌹     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    🌹🌞🔥└──── 🌎・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚🌎. ────┘👅Could you rate & favorite this artwork please ?🔥 Love you 🌈❤️💛❤️ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869538884 ❤️💛❤️2022-10-02 19:05:38
💗 Asuri 💗🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤2022-10-01 15:12:18
ズひ尺ひmI &gt;&lt; ÄĆんひ⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  💗 ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜💗𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂💗2022-10-01 12:54:01
💗 Asuri 💗🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤2022-10-01 12:47:55
💗 Asuri 💗く__,.ヘヽ. / ,ー、 〉 \ ', !-─‐-i / /´ /`ー' L//`ヽ、 / /, /| , , ', イ / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i レ ヘ 7イ`ト レ'ァ-ト、!ハ| | !,/7 'ゞ' ´i__rハiソ| | |.从" _ ,,,, / |./ | レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ / .i | レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. | | |/i 〈|/ i ,.ヘ | i | .|/ / U w U ヘ! \ | kヽ>、ハ _,.ヘ、 /、! !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr' レ'ヽL__|___i,___,ンレ|ノ ト-,/ |___./2022-10-01 08:10:22
✠ _|- DEADHUNTER -|_ ✠I wish you a nice Weekend2022-10-01 07:27:39
CheeseUwU2022-09-29 20:00:35
DhanhHave a lovely day2022-09-28 04:41:39
ズひ尺ひmI &gt;&lt; ÄĆんひHave a nice day2022-09-27 23:46:57
御坂美琴+rep glad to be your friend!2022-09-27 01:27:35
Brony ponyashniy47 ;)hi2022-09-26 12:28:35
H ♡Hello Monday! It's going to be a great Week!2022-09-26 09:10:48
💗 Asuri 💗<32022-09-25 12:05:09
ズひ尺ひmI &gt;&lt; ÄĆんひgood afternoon ♥2022-09-25 06:21:51
💗 Asuri 💗enjoy your weekend <32022-09-24 04:56:01
H ♡Happy friday, wish you a wonderful day and good weekend.2022-09-23 12:42:15
blissхи2022-09-22 16:10:48
💗 Asuri 💗nu ^^2022-09-22 06:37:38
💗 Asuri 💗umu2022-09-21 14:25:18
DANI B.Hello! 🥰Could you please rate/favorite my new guide? 😎👌 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2864983133 👌Thank you in advance, have a great day! 🤴2022-09-21 08:19:44
H ♡Nice to meet you!2022-09-20 04:03:03
Blink:♩♪♫ Have a nice week ! ♫♪♩2022-09-20 00:24:13
💗 Asuri 💗:p2022-09-17 07:46:02
💗 Asuri 💗owo2022-09-16 12:11:52
slavyan𝗶 𝘄𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴! 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28631909882022-09-15 04:56:21
💗 Asuri 💗く__,.ヘヽ. / ,ー、 〉 \ ', !-─‐-i / /´ /`ー' L//`ヽ、 / /, /| , , ', イ / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i レ ヘ 7イ`ト レ'ァ-ト、!ハ| | !,/7 'ゞ' ´i__rハiソ| | |.从" _ ,,,, / |./ | レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ / .i | レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ハ. | | |/i 〈|/ i ,.ヘ | i | .|/ / U w U ヘ! \ | kヽ>、ハ _,.ヘ、 /、! !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr' レ'ヽL__|___i,___,ンレ|ノ ト-,/ |___./2022-09-15 04:18:34
GuilaThank you have a great day 🤍2022-09-14 17:03:57
💗 Asuri 💗o.o2022-09-14 06:34:57
💗 Asuri 💗>.<2022-09-12 07:50:45
💗 Asuri 💗:>2022-09-11 05:28:51
💗 Asuri 💗enjoy your day <32022-09-10 16:17:28
aiuneWater (chemical formula H2O) is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, which is the main constituent of Earth's hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms (in which it acts as a solvent[1]). It is vital for all known forms of life, despite providing neither food, energy, nor organic micronutrients. Its chemical formula, H2O, indicates that each of its molecules contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms, connected by covalent bonds. The hydrogen atoms are attached to the oxygen atom at an angle of 104.45°.[2] "Water" is also the name of the liquid state of H2O at standard temperature and pressure.2022-09-09 09:18:49
💗 Asuri 💗.-.2022-09-09 08:17:22
💗 Asuri 💗^.^2022-09-07 11:44:14
💗 Asuri 💗^-^2022-09-06 09:19:17
💗 Asuri 💗qwq2022-09-01 13:08:35
💗 Asuri 💗uwu2022-08-31 11:50:57
💗 Asuri 💗<32022-08-30 11:04:18
💗 Asuri 💗(:2022-08-29 10:38:09
CydrosHey2022-08-29 05:20:57
ChaoshelferHewwo2022-08-28 23:30:37
qweyou too2022-08-28 11:44:55


Total: [875] | TF2BD: [2] (0.23%) | SB: [6] (0.69%)

765611991909009482024-06-01 11:45:29
(27 days)
Hex2024-05-31 20:39:09
(28 days)
Haku2024-05-31 13:10:25
(28 days)
ᴍʏʀᴋɪᴢᴀ♡2024-05-31 13:03:06
(28 days)
汐er贩卖机2024-05-31 12:25:18
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retroijouwinnei2024-05-31 09:06:25
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sev.2024-05-29 16:35:46
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Vladilena·Milize2024-05-29 06:55:21
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Valarante2024-05-28 10:15:15
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Miromi2024-05-28 05:42:52
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765611993890097902024-05-27 12:23:57
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Anakiella2024-05-27 06:41:09
(33 days)
Makima2024-05-27 05:42:24
(33 days)
clueless2024-05-25 01:09:14
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Kittiegirl UwU #FixTF22024-05-24 11:20:54
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Fastlane2024-05-23 01:16:12
(37 days)
Garfield782024-05-22 06:50:09
(38 days)
Hello, baby!2024-05-22 01:09:11
(38 days)
765611989628031952024-05-20 13:44:42
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Stinger2024-05-20 13:14:30
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КОКОС2024-05-19 04:07:38
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adr💖2024-05-19 01:08:43
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Merp2024-05-16 08:16:50
(43 days)
MooniPie2024-05-16 04:35:08
(44 days)
2024-05-22 09:57:17 (37 days)
Amelie 💕2024-05-16 04:32:18
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Millie2024-05-16 04:17:40
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EvenHope2024-05-15 07:14:38
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♥Замурзайка♥🔪2024-05-14 20:08:32
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Tessayia2024-05-14 18:03:03
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FID or FID2024-05-14 15:45:04
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oliveron2024-05-14 11:38:51
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соня комфортик)2024-05-14 11:31:11
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Explosion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )2024-05-14 09:15:11
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Lisa2024-05-14 04:27:16
(46 days)
Кошк?2024-05-14 04:25:55
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2024-06-01 18:08:44 (27 days)
132024-05-13 14:07:12
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Dobrozhelatel2024-05-13 11:18:51
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Ýųrı|Ꮆ卂爪乇2024-05-13 01:41:26
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Lexa2024-05-12 01:06:34
(48 days)
yeuwe.7z2024-05-11 15:20:02
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Awem2024-05-11 04:47:44
(49 days)
_Danil_Bro_2024-05-11 03:38:39
(49 days)
hopeless🥵2024-05-11 02:54:21
(49 days)
yukata2024-05-10 10:14:44
(49 days)
Rebecca🌸💖2024-05-09 07:53:09
(50 days)
echu2024-05-09 02:20:21
(51 days)
♡✞ʙᴀʙʏɢɪʀʟ✞♡2024-05-09 01:34:55
(51 days)
Lulum_EveR172024-05-06 15:11:04
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✠KoroLena✠2024-05-06 09:04:31
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每天都超可爱の寧寧子2024-05-03 21:12:58
(56 days)
Ayaya Hoshino2024-05-03 12:03:13
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𝒴𝓊𝓊𝓂𝒾2024-04-30 11:21:58
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Moonshine Whisky2024-04-28 17:32:17
(61 days)
season2024-04-23 12:57:01
(66 days)
♥Dopecat♥2024-04-21 16:04:25
(68 days)
Jabberwocky2024-04-20 19:43:11
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Arim2024-04-20 16:36:28
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чашка петри2024-04-16 07:28:03
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765611980729308902024-04-15 13:54:34
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РiVо3a\/r_boi2024-04-15 10:57:30
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♡Liebe♡広東かわいい㍿2024-04-15 09:56:59
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765611991076010362024-04-15 03:46:42
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Shironin2024-04-13 16:46:02
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Святая2024-04-12 11:32:13
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Hanpi2024-04-11 09:35:33
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𝓛𝓾𝓪𝓷𝓛𝓮𝓧𝓲𝓷2024-04-10 11:39:46
(79 days)
󠁳⁧⁧ 󠁳⁧⁧ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏʙꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ2024-04-10 07:49:52
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nowlin2024-04-10 07:35:25
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Axios2024-04-10 07:22:42
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Потерянная.ѡℛ2024-04-08 12:17:50
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Laura ♫2024-04-08 10:33:39
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765611981659282692024-04-08 01:21:07
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🔰OБЫЧHAЯ ДEBOЧKA ДAУH2024-04-07 06:03:06
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Alin_a242024-04-06 12:45:58
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Mark2024-04-06 06:08:54
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G R A N D I F I C A L2024-04-06 02:38:18
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𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓬𝓱🥀2024-04-05 19:54:11
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CYRAX [86rus]2024-04-05 19:00:36
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landkit2024-04-05 16:21:53
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Zero Two2024-04-02 14:45:08
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765611995347693382024-03-30 13:10:33
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2024-04-08 16:46:53 (81 days)
Cryz3r2024-03-30 12:11:32
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Nefarious_biscuit2024-03-29 01:07:10
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Laffae2024-03-28 09:30:06
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balbeska2024-03-28 07:10:38
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♥●🎀Obayshka🎀●♥2024-03-28 07:06:07
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Vladimir Hentaev2024-03-28 06:02:36
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*⁠♡⑅ nekochyu ⑅⁠♡2024-03-28 04:51:06
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Westfalen2024-03-26 05:22:32
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KoTLaz2024-03-24 12:44:43
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Ahri2024-03-24 05:47:49
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๖ۣۜHysteria2024-03-23 20:33:35
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765611990599458962024-03-21 00:11:35
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echo dance2024-03-20 14:13:56
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✠ Charon ✠2024-03-20 10:51:35
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IWiTCHI2024-03-20 06:59:33
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sania_camelli2024-03-18 09:35:49
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crumb beaver2024-03-17 09:34:45
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AniSunrise2024-03-17 03:47:44
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нет друзей2024-03-17 01:06:52
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2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611994870333322024-03-16 08:23:36
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Schatz2024-03-15 23:37:31
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𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘢2024-03-15 23:37:21
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2024-05-18 15:17:37 (41 days)
Weintag2024-03-15 09:42:48
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Нубострим2024-03-15 08:49:11
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kotek2024-03-14 23:04:41
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765611995020192292024-03-14 21:45:45
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Nikki-kun2024-03-14 17:55:36
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2024-04-24 12:31:12 (65 days)
Euphoria ♡2024-03-14 17:55:27
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Sazaks2024-03-14 17:55:15
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AKTER2024-03-14 12:58:49
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ויטלי2024-03-14 12:58:44
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OXILORE2024-03-14 12:58:39
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𝒦𝓃𝑒𝓊𝓅𝑒𝓇2024-03-14 12:58:33
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2024-05-22 09:57:17 (37 days)
F322024-03-14 12:55:48
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Felix2024-03-14 08:29:50
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MAJLUHA2024-03-14 05:59:24
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The_Red_Gaze2024-03-14 05:02:54
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IDDQD2024-03-14 04:49:08
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ᑌᑫYG 리 정 원2024-03-14 04:48:48
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Magnus the Red2024-03-14 03:36:53
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2024-04-25 11:27:28 (64 days)
765611989620385962024-03-14 03:07:50
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tanners2024-03-14 02:49:42
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2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611984298646662024-03-14 01:11:28
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Δρεαδρεαδρ2024-03-14 00:47:02
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𝓡𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓿𝓮𝓷2024-03-14 00:14:11
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.2024-03-13 21:02:58
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occulati2024-03-13 11:48:56
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765611989869115572024-03-13 05:28:33
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Prxmise 約束2024-03-09 12:01:15
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2024-04-13 20:01:13 (76 days)
night 夜2024-03-09 03:39:12
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Guss302024-03-08 23:11:29
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Izuma_Senapi2024-03-07 10:28:44
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Den4ik2024-03-07 09:34:27
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Afangun2024-03-07 06:05:40
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♛Demonenok♛2024-03-07 04:42:54
(114 days)
неверю.2024-03-06 21:00:31
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Damsel of Distress2024-03-06 20:59:51
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CornGolden2024-03-06 09:59:00
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zachem ti umerla2024-03-06 07:50:24
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⎛⎝Котя⎠⎞2024-03-06 07:03:20
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Nimeria2024-03-06 06:56:47
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Prince George2024-03-06 06:39:57
(115 days)
ʜᴀᴍsᴛᴇʀ2024-03-06 06:23:32
(115 days)
huitristika2024-03-06 06:00:43
(115 days)
affection2024-03-06 03:49:01
(115 days)
765611991110537202024-03-05 08:26:48
(115 days)
765611980070964182024-03-05 08:26:45
(115 days)
BunBun2024-03-04 22:49:46
(116 days)
Не в Ротик2024-03-04 11:45:50
(116 days)
Darksi2024-03-03 10:42:05
(117 days)
765611984034907412024-03-01 12:56:00
(119 days)
Lil God2024-02-29 13:20:10
(120 days)
♡ King Astolfo ♡2024-02-28 19:26:05
(121 days)
❤️Coma❤2024-02-28 01:33:53
(122 days)
765611990003270252024-02-26 12:36:25
(123 days)
樱珝Chisayo2024-02-22 09:46:30
(127 days)
NeoDaron2024-02-21 15:27:58
(128 days)
iori2024-02-21 09:40:35
(128 days)
.999 ping | 🌸Kraken🌸2024-02-19 23:47:17
(130 days)
2024-05-22 09:57:17 (37 days)
765611983898994612024-02-19 12:26:59
(130 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Vit747 (Вит747)2024-02-17 00:26:17
(133 days)
Aдмин нефop бля у2024-02-16 15:22:24
(133 days)
meow2024-02-16 12:59:35
(133 days)
🎈ㄒ卂ㄥ丨丂爪❹几💢2024-02-16 07:44:07
(133 days)
abigail ‎ღ2024-02-16 00:04:45
(134 days)
Fujishimi2024-02-15 11:41:58
(134 days)
CvzuuaL2024-02-10 13:38:08
(139 days)
Demon ♡2024-02-10 08:08:58
(139 days)
KonataBulkina✨2024-02-09 16:27:15
(140 days)
Little Owl2024-02-09 11:23:34
(140 days)
RAZERKhas2024-02-09 09:11:29
(140 days)
Dyeace2024-02-09 08:52:12
(140 days)
hatake.kaede2024-02-07 23:56:10
(142 days)
󠁳⁧⁧ Neko Adventure2024-02-07 15:14:12
(142 days)
хөөрхэн2024-02-07 14:41:15
(142 days)
765611980304907442024-02-05 09:06:25
(144 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
necød™ ✘2024-02-04 14:55:09
(145 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
KITNISS2024-02-04 03:57:55
(146 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Cat Nep2024-02-02 20:08:44
(147 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
voxysis2024-02-01 12:24:07
(148 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
llydian2024-02-01 11:10:21
(148 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Anubis2024-01-31 06:07:11
(150 days)
Black2024-01-30 04:12:49
(151 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
💗₭℟£$ナik💗2024-01-29 09:22:40
(151 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
encore2024-01-28 12:00:15
(152 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Vanitas2024-01-25 21:18:29
(155 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒚2024-01-25 21:14:47
(155 days)
Ice2024-01-25 09:00:16
(155 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
KamKe2024-01-24 20:11:01
(156 days)
2024-05-29 03:31:39 (31 days)
OLIVIA.rpy「❀」2024-01-22 15:16:54
(158 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Plutonon142024-01-16 11:46:50
(164 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lord Nightmare Fenrir2024-01-16 11:05:21
(164 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Legend⁧⁧Radle2024-01-16 00:52:38
(165 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Xeeran2024-01-14 21:24:38
(166 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Moto-pony2024-01-12 12:13:29
(168 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Slava[RU-27]2024-01-11 22:41:28
(169 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Rootos2024-01-10 10:58:58
(170 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Animeshka2024-01-10 08:35:46
(170 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
FeNiX2024-01-09 15:18:25
(171 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖉2024-01-07 13:02:29
(173 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🌊XᗩᎩ💜℮ᖇ🌴2024-01-06 15:49:54
(174 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Peͥacͣeͫ2024-01-05 11:04:31
(175 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
󠀡󠀡 ⁧⁧stamp2024-01-05 10:56:55
(175 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
@^^@2024-01-05 07:05:52
(175 days)
nonаme2024-01-04 08:53:23
(176 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Araiguma2024-01-03 16:38:42
(177 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
-Dead-Angel-2024-01-03 14:14:24
(177 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ванилла ❤2024-01-03 04:43:09
(178 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611990849446622024-01-02 12:47:08
(178 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Kiriotes2024-01-02 10:41:22
(178 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Kurone2024-01-01 22:16:47
(179 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Светляк2024-01-01 13:55:04
(179 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Erinour2023-12-31 08:46:38
(180 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
BloodMarry2023-12-31 04:54:58
(181 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lartel'2023-12-31 04:54:36
(181 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Pidlyuka <32023-12-31 04:21:30
(181 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
bubxbubx2023-12-29 14:26:55
(182 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝘬𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘺2023-12-29 11:34:29
(182 days)
The Keast2023-12-28 14:43:18
(183 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Chris Candle2023-12-28 11:46:00
(183 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝖄𝖚𝖒𝖎2023-12-28 09:21:52
(183 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
eZxPlatiada2023-12-28 01:23:11
(184 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
smach2023-12-27 13:14:12
(184 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
MKM29072023-12-27 03:25:23
(185 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611989437905002023-12-27 01:58:00
(185 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
LELIAN2023-12-26 16:17:56
(185 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Loot+2023-12-25 10:16:55
(186 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
아스나2023-12-23 16:49:51
(188 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
¡ faXcooL LevelUP BOT2023-12-23 02:44:06
(189 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ᴛᴏᴛᴀʟᴇɴ ᴋʀɪᴇɢ2023-12-22 18:31:14
(189 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ThatznotGeek2023-12-22 14:08:02
(189 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
˙ ‧ ⋆ 𝐾𝑒𝑑𝑦𝐴𝑧𝑢 ʚĭɞ2023-12-22 11:42:55
(189 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
M4rcq2023-12-22 09:36:56
(189 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Save_G2023-12-22 09:20:33
(189 days)
A477aA, blade of Minthara2023-12-22 00:17:29
(190 days)
Z e T T - 292023-12-21 22:50:35
(190 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
❤ Yuri Nakamura2023-12-21 19:41:11
(190 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611979993826722023-12-21 17:21:42
(190 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
✪M4rr0k2023-12-21 17:18:23
(190 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Merlin2023-12-21 16:57:09
(190 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
MZFKDL2023-12-21 11:15:49
(190 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
mixaborz2023-12-21 08:47:26
(190 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Aquila 𓅊2023-12-20 14:45:48
(191 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
❤️RavenHub ✪2023-12-20 07:52:43
(191 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Kirioko2023-12-20 01:01:41
(192 days)
GekaFirst2023-12-20 00:10:18
(192 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
nia ˚ෆ2023-12-19 18:54:26
(192 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Wooops2023-12-19 14:45:45
(192 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ms Spellman2023-12-19 14:14:49
(192 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
BomBon2023-12-19 13:57:11
(192 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝄟Kurisik𝄠2023-12-19 12:13:47
(192 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611980399624912023-12-19 05:47:29
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
dm#2023-12-19 04:39:36
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
HyperSpace642023-12-19 04:24:56
(193 days)
Akane2023-12-19 04:13:52
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Pikachu <32023-12-19 02:51:39
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ground_Zero2023-12-19 01:24:07
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Grangeris2023-12-18 21:54:41
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611990971418532023-12-18 16:19:40
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
DoYka2023-12-18 13:15:56
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Shalltear Bloodfallen2023-12-18 11:23:06
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Alshten2023-12-18 11:01:27
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Kinajy2023-12-18 09:04:34
(193 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
BEI BEI2023-12-18 01:57:22
(194 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
OnE☠HiT2023-12-17 17:00:08
(194 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
MinePlayer33x2023-12-17 15:05:44
(194 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ssierno2023-12-17 14:55:35
(194 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Yarate2023-12-17 14:51:09
(194 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-12-17 10:57:33
(194 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
GodlikeKott2023-12-16 10:28:04
(195 days)
Drakezer02023-12-16 07:25:36
(195 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Shouta2023-12-16 05:06:02
(196 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Sotar892023-12-16 01:59:53
(196 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
+*~Kirito~*+2023-12-15 17:42:22
(196 days)
кислая2023-12-15 14:53:36
(196 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
D3B1Langelo2023-12-15 10:40:46
(196 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
SEIGEN2023-12-15 05:59:05
(197 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
AYA2023-12-14 11:46:54
(197 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
CeoS2023-12-14 06:59:52
(197 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
D4rK2023-12-14 04:14:48
(198 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Banks2023-12-14 04:14:41
(198 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ludwiku2023-12-14 02:50:17
(198 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Mobyrei2023-12-14 01:49:53
(198 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
milkolo2023-12-14 00:33:54
(198 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Тарталья Xiaomi2023-12-12 03:22:37
(200 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
⸝✦₊˚⸝chocolate cake with stars2023-12-12 00:39:25
(200 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
kUBAJlDA[1g]2023-12-11 14:49:46
(200 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Liad2023-12-11 13:33:57
(200 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Now 52023-12-11 12:54:36
(200 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Пуша2023-12-11 08:52:00
(200 days)
- FenFurr2023-12-11 06:23:02
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
来份冰糖🍓吧2023-12-11 03:58:56
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
mustermann2023-12-11 03:19:18
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝗠𝗶𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗲2023-12-10 19:25:43
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝔂𝓔2023-12-10 18:32:33
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Believe in me2023-12-10 18:00:27
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
虞仁丷2023-12-10 11:00:17
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
PeanutQAQ.exe :)2023-12-10 10:54:43
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
zidian2023-12-10 10:43:14
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Blue Phantom2023-12-10 07:42:17
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
mwuah?2023-12-10 06:57:02
(201 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
clo2023-12-10 04:05:50
(202 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Im_Salty2023-12-10 03:38:26
(202 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
罰 Hanma Shuji 罪2023-12-10 01:10:59
(202 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Draegon®2023-12-09 19:53:29
(202 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
gg2023-12-09 14:36:47
(202 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝐯𝐨𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐤𝐚2023-12-09 01:42:29
(203 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ɴɪᴋ𝘼𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙠2023-12-08 11:58:23
(203 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611992393789232023-12-07 06:40:27
(205 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
King Of The Death2023-12-06 10:17:36
(205 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ashborn2023-12-06 09:59:50
(205 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
twitch.tv/herozorjke2023-12-06 04:00:09
(206 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Linna2023-12-05 05:33:51
(207 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Azzer_Tea2023-12-05 05:26:30
(207 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611988688095012023-12-05 01:52:01
(207 days)
Шмонька!2023-12-05 00:32:50
(207 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
2023-12-03 11:37:58
(208 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
sean2023-12-03 08:29:13
(208 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
啓太2023-12-03 07:08:25
(208 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Puchatqev2023-12-02 13:46:28
(209 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
♡︎💗Stardust💗♡2023-12-02 11:19:59
(209 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ghostemane.2023-12-02 08:20:46
(209 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
haya2023-12-02 06:40:35
(210 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Tetsuky McFly2023-12-02 03:51:35
(210 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Digimoon2023-12-02 00:42:10
(210 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
UBR Sentinel2023-12-01 06:31:56
(211 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
✧༺ФАВОРИТКА༻✧2023-12-01 04:40:00
(211 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
_BeefuZ_2023-11-30 12:11:12
(211 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Akyma2023-11-30 11:35:53
(211 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
xiaose2023-11-30 08:52:41
(211 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Äaruvii2023-11-30 06:46:33
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Darkvil2023-11-30 06:45:13
(212 days)
ALPHA2023-11-30 05:02:17
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
『ANIME ONE LOVE』2023-11-29 23:41:08
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Emilim2023-11-29 19:20:31
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝓧𝓚𝓲𝓲𝓲𝓽𝓸2023-11-29 16:51:05
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ಇ/ᐠNekohimeᐟ\2023-11-29 15:28:56
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
RainbowDash2023-11-29 14:21:29
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Mistik-Love-♡⋆2023-11-29 12:05:46
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝗧𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗔𝗱𝗼✧2023-11-29 11:50:38
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
εつ󠁳⁧⁧ Fledelik2023-11-29 11:42:47
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Iketsou2023-11-29 11:18:54
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Tea Garden2023-11-29 10:57:31
(212 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-11-29 10:40:25
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
xFanexx2023-11-29 09:20:10
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Коржик2023-11-29 08:05:06
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Afelisa2023-11-29 07:54:45
(212 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Singad2023-11-29 05:55:17
(213 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
STARK 37996-B11902023-11-29 03:23:37
(213 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611981307059642023-11-29 03:16:26
(213 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
bertkli2023-11-28 23:05:06
(213 days)
ŠмǾķέ†ΐмع2023-11-28 14:52:54
(213 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Hima2023-11-28 11:20:54
(213 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Neophyte犬系2023-11-28 11:20:42
(213 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Marmalade Ostrich2023-11-28 11:14:04
(213 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Konnperu2023-11-28 10:42:58
(213 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Soya Jones2023-11-28 06:29:48
(214 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
whydie2023-11-28 05:59:39
(214 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
SEDORU ♥2023-11-28 04:00:31
(214 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
grafin-managi2023-11-28 00:52:52
(214 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Nero2023-11-27 12:48:34
(214 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
emir2023-11-27 12:48:18
(214 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
AkichiMEOW2023-11-27 09:50:20
(214 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ColdZz2023-11-27 09:41:41
(214 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
別れの歌2023-11-27 08:07:19
(214 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
❤ Asuramery 沈黙2023-11-27 06:42:50
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611982414156842023-11-27 04:26:43
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Amadeus2023-11-27 03:15:50
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
АРМЯН2023-11-27 03:01:00
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Chemiker2023-11-26 22:08:28
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
!melmerel2023-11-26 21:55:15
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
mrstasilo2023-11-26 21:05:37
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
☆Hoshino Katsumi☆2023-11-26 18:26:05
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🆔🄰.🄶.3⃣0⃣3⃣9⃣2023-11-26 17:11:44
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Raiden Shogun2023-11-26 17:03:55
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Chaotic Mewka ✠2023-11-26 16:42:58
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
💞Busya💞2023-11-26 16:08:39
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
妹 Ну я2023-11-26 14:48:40
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
💤 LizZzarD 💤2023-11-26 14:19:34
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
FaiNaNi2023-11-26 14:06:18
(215 days)
o t a k u ツ2023-11-26 13:47:03
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
SoleSurvivor™2023-11-26 10:58:23
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
reavy6662023-11-26 10:32:45
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝑀𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓂𝒾2023-11-26 08:32:20
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lenfray2023-11-26 07:06:34
(215 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
VenoYa2023-11-26 03:56:17
(216 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Elianor2023-11-26 02:26:44
(216 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
2023-11-26 01:47:05
(216 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Sonyaaa 死2023-11-25 20:47:16
(216 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Anna_sox2023-11-25 11:05:00
(216 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
NO HORNY2023-11-25 07:35:29
(216 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Mangatastisch2023-11-25 01:43:28
(217 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ღ RedFox ღ2023-11-24 09:06:37
(217 days)
𝓠𝓲𝔀𝓾2023-11-24 08:02:50
(217 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Shihoin2023-11-24 05:14:27
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Mr. Desso2023-11-23 22:08:52
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lruma2023-11-23 20:04:17
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
kotyatki2023-11-23 18:27:29
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611981415191762023-11-23 13:54:42
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Gekko2023-11-23 13:53:21
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Yuma2023-11-23 13:41:37
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ТупоFan2023-11-23 13:27:19
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
levin2023-11-23 13:24:14
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ბუშიზმი2023-11-23 13:21:24
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
BingO_o2023-11-23 13:12:40
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Sotiria2023-11-23 12:53:57
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
byeo2023-11-23 08:00:12
(218 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Chilli2023-11-22 10:44:51
(219 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
shayakum2023-11-21 19:37:12
(220 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
★Megumin★2023-11-21 16:27:34
(220 days)
Ultragunner2023-11-21 14:28:32
(220 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
>noa_xet[ e / a ]2023-11-21 11:54:38
(220 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Fox2023-11-21 11:18:31
(220 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ᵔᴥᵔNekoᵔᴥᵔ2023-11-21 06:19:20
(221 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
😻Neko Darrt😻2023-11-21 03:09:02
(221 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
GelyanKalian2023-11-21 03:07:56
(221 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
bebe-tan2023-11-21 02:59:50
(221 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
愛Depressed Kid2023-11-21 01:52:52
(221 days)
DAX12023-11-21 00:27:10
(221 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Shadow2023-11-20 18:38:25
(221 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Negan ⸸† 🔪👒🥂2023-11-20 08:30:58
(221 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
НАУЧИТЕ ИГРАТЬ2023-11-20 08:07:02
(221 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Desire. 💜♾2023-11-20 06:07:28
(222 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
「19」爱德华2023-11-20 05:11:55
(222 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Yasuo KuN2023-11-20 04:50:44
(222 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
zatochka'2023-11-20 04:13:40
(222 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
赤瞳2023-11-20 02:29:22
(222 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Geralt of Rivia2023-11-19 12:27:39
(222 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
-◊- Шепард жив -◊-2023-11-19 09:36:46
(222 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
N1ko回收库存2023-11-19 09:20:58
(222 days)
Fishhenheimer2023-11-19 08:58:53
(222 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
2023-11-19 08:01:29
(222 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
LEMA - 여우2023-11-19 00:26:13
(223 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2023-11-18 13:44:33
(223 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Äilear2023-11-18 07:38:16
(223 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝐃𝐞𝐳𝐨𝐤𝐬𝐢2023-11-18 07:34:12
(223 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611989657553842023-11-18 07:04:49
(223 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ESODAFER2023-11-17 19:46:07
(224 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Simon Riley2023-11-17 13:48:30
(224 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
LiRMO2023-11-17 13:22:14
(224 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
枫狐2023-11-17 12:50:32
(224 days)
그대가 봄이다2023-11-17 10:15:02
(224 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
antarko_2k122023-11-17 05:48:05
(225 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ksidekick2023-11-17 05:46:21
(225 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Жоский2023-11-16 11:34:44
(225 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
chocokroon2023-11-16 10:35:02
(225 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Euclid[JP]2023-11-16 00:44:38
(226 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Aki2023-11-15 12:38:03
(226 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
兔兔饼 ₊⁺2023-11-15 03:31:13
(227 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Albedo🖤2023-11-14 20:58:34
(227 days)
Shunny2023-11-14 14:09:30
(227 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611994865129372023-11-14 13:57:39
(227 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
SirensV2023-11-14 10:50:14
(227 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Malexut ⁧⁧ ᵛᵃˡᵛᵉ2023-11-14 10:01:02
(227 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Akane💙2023-11-14 08:50:42
(227 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-11-14 08:50:07
(227 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Frisk (군대)2023-11-14 06:07:37
(228 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
✅ s1mple |👽™2023-11-14 00:30:53
(228 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
lonely2023-11-14 00:27:38
(228 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
miuly2023-11-13 20:59:33
(228 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
TTIGR2023-11-13 13:21:15
(228 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Droplet (Busy)2023-11-13 12:48:56
(228 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
tkanzk2023-11-13 09:24:29
(228 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Foxy ☆2023-11-13 08:09:19
(228 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
파제2023-11-13 07:54:44
(228 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
랑골2023-11-13 07:49:48
(228 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
☕Aki2023-11-13 05:29:05
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
I2023-11-13 05:11:18
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
my lover beats me2023-11-13 05:10:50
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611988773159472023-11-13 05:10:28
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
CrescenDollsFC1872023-11-13 05:09:13
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
小道寺知世🌸2023-11-13 03:01:44
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
iX2023-11-13 02:42:03
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
도도2023-11-13 02:14:33
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Temujin(테무진)2023-11-13 02:14:13
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Orange2023-11-13 01:32:52
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
도원2023-11-13 01:32:41
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙖𝙧2023-11-13 01:32:27
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
듀버레이터2023-11-13 01:32:10
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Shy_Wolfy(Iowa❤ BB-61)2023-11-13 01:30:47
(229 days)
RyuViL2023-11-12 21:51:07
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Drisut2023-11-12 20:27:54
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Seesaw2023-11-12 19:45:42
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Aipini2023-11-12 19:17:12
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
신녀 히미코2023-11-12 18:27:00
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ㅎㄷ맘2023-11-12 18:09:18
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
패드 깎는 여우 FOXY2023-11-12 16:24:47
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
✯彡Shinny彡✯2023-11-12 16:05:28
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Eldritcian2023-11-12 12:57:54
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Khaini2023-11-12 12:50:00
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
JeLomun2023-11-12 09:56:42
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
KOR모드2023-11-12 07:00:07
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ramel2023-11-12 06:49:44
(229 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
kidoranto_chouchou2023-11-12 03:02:16
(230 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Алфа-FaFa2023-11-11 21:00:58
(230 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Akiosan2023-11-11 10:19:26
(230 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Blink2023-11-11 06:30:10
(231 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Jast1ks2023-11-11 03:52:09
(231 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lady Stark2023-11-10 14:33:32
(231 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lou Zephyr2023-11-10 14:10:45
(231 days)
Tox2023-11-10 12:57:18
(231 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
BeeryAlKo2023-11-10 10:50:14
(231 days)
Yunie2023-11-09 13:42:52
(232 days)
[JSAT]Cpt.david2023-11-08 10:40:29
(233 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
not phYper2023-11-08 03:22:51
(234 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Puppet Master2023-11-08 00:34:39
(234 days)
Schokokeks2023-11-07 16:37:37
(234 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
kitty ♡2023-11-07 11:26:37
(234 days)
Yunai Lin2023-11-07 11:15:17
(234 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
DragonBallZ # Darbeci
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-11-07 09:57:40
(234 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611982783531382023-11-07 08:27:34
(234 days)
Самый Настоящий2023-11-07 06:36:42
(235 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
1Danjl_BOT72023-11-07 05:59:26
(235 days)
Shelob2023-11-07 03:35:54
(235 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
MaryLee2023-11-07 00:13:34
(235 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
raulDemon2023-11-06 22:57:53
(235 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Alle_guten_Namen_sind_weg2023-11-06 14:14:38
(235 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Miska2023-11-06 11:03:18
(235 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
F9K2023-11-06 10:32:26
(235 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
PUNK2023-11-06 09:58:13
(235 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ChopSuey2023-11-05 18:27:43
(236 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611980583901472023-11-05 09:56:09
(236 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
JASiiKEULE2023-11-05 07:07:09
(236 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Blutengel19742023-11-05 06:58:19
(236 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Marcille2023-11-05 05:52:29
(237 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Schattenkatze792023-11-05 05:40:06
(237 days)
Edgestylez2023-11-05 05:39:19
(237 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Utsuby+2023-11-05 01:08:16
(237 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
TimSta_03 ティム2023-11-04 16:45:53
(237 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Traveller_Nico2023-11-04 14:57:16
(237 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Dramvoll2023-11-04 14:14:36
(237 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖇𝖆𝖞♘2023-11-04 13:53:26
(237 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
J'Ahrime2023-11-04 07:20:47
(238 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
wntrs!2023-11-04 07:09:54
(238 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
dreadvving2023-11-04 03:23:21
(238 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
SpookyRyce2023-11-03 16:31:20
(238 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
KowkaMurr2023-11-03 13:35:02
(238 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Laenta2023-11-03 10:37:36
(238 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
IlGrigio™2023-11-03 10:06:50
(238 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
AceEchelon2023-11-02 14:55:14
(239 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
alex.2023-11-02 14:49:28
(239 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
RUDI2023-11-02 13:32:31
(239 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
FeuFeu2023-11-02 11:22:32
(239 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Redient9_TV2023-11-02 01:51:38
(240 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
COMMANDER STEFFA™2023-11-01 17:29:50
(240 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Khaleesi2023-11-01 02:36:56
(241 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ShuItachi2023-10-31 17:06:07
(241 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
V. Zaqee2023-10-31 15:48:14
(241 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝑹𝒐𝒃𝒔 (inactive)2023-10-31 15:08:31
(241 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Mr.George2023-10-31 14:33:22
(241 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🅕🅑|| 🅝🅔🅚🅞2023-10-31 11:55:27
(241 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
youngandbeautiful2023-10-30 23:23:02
(242 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
NzT2023-10-30 21:09:41
(242 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
thekichdm2023-10-30 18:45:21
(242 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Zhang2023-10-30 10:53:29
(242 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Emzie012023-10-30 09:55:55
(242 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
<<Tiffany>>2023-10-30 09:33:30
(242 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Skorpion2023-10-29 14:17:56
(243 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
CrystalSkies2023-10-29 13:47:26
(243 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Дрон2023-10-29 13:29:57
(243 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ɢʀɛɢッ2023-10-29 12:50:28
(243 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Remor2023-10-29 12:28:06
(243 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Aqua Minerale ♡2023-10-29 12:01:42
(243 days)
Night2023-10-29 09:31:48
(243 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Tezyx2023-10-29 09:04:05
(243 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Aoba >.<2023-10-29 08:31:07
(243 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
❖ Oinviv2023-10-29 08:15:58
(243 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
- merkik -2023-10-29 01:16:27
(244 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
〃•ω‹〃骤雪のshunk2023-10-29 00:54:45
(244 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
amo meu nariz empinadinho2023-10-28 04:36:38
(245 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
HowUncivilized2023-10-28 04:07:45
(245 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Zojja2023-10-28 04:04:07
(245 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ravunga ⇄2023-10-28 04:03:24
(245 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Doberman2023-10-28 03:46:32
(245 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🥢Fallout🗼2023-10-28 03:30:07
(245 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Akkey2023-10-28 03:16:37
(245 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lj. シ2023-10-28 03:00:11
(245 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Sachthebest2023-10-28 02:33:14
(245 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
陰陽 ♡2023-10-27 14:26:22
(245 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Iowa ^w^ (Shy_Wolfie❤)2023-10-27 11:47:39
(245 days)
Talla2023-10-26 08:13:00
(246 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
이도2023-10-26 02:07:14
(247 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Jackson Billie2023-10-24 14:22:10
(248 days)
Wyvern-of-the-Rising-Sun2023-10-24 13:06:48
(248 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Roy.2023-10-23 19:58:38
(249 days)
Clavaine2023-10-23 12:48:10
(249 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Linkz2023-10-23 03:29:42
(250 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
psycho dreams2023-10-23 03:12:33
(250 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
虾米子2023-10-23 03:10:30
(250 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lady  Gabi2023-10-21 17:39:48
(251 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Soul of the Beast2023-10-21 17:16:22
(251 days)
Kitty ♡2023-10-21 05:45:58
(252 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Band一被子2023-10-20 19:06:59
(252 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
^Anya-GF2023-10-20 14:51:26
(252 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Shadow2023-10-20 14:22:55
(252 days)
Ekaterina2023-10-20 13:28:14
(252 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
༺¸𝖣𝗈𝗆𝗂𝖸𝗎𝗄𝗂𝗈¸༻2023-10-19 23:59:30
(253 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
X2023-10-18 14:32:30
(254 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
NKT2023-10-17 10:26:29
(255 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611994900843332023-10-17 08:58:30
(255 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
✟黒タイツは神✟2023-10-17 08:12:28
(255 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
栗子羊羹2023-10-17 05:47:32
(256 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
豆助2023-10-16 10:57:23
(256 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
想念你狂2023-10-16 07:57:47
(256 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
危险大型犬///2023-10-16 06:12:15
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
水♪2023-10-16 05:18:28
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611989904516332023-10-15 22:24:03
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
叶未然ぐ2023-10-15 22:21:45
(257 days)
765611993736762812023-10-15 21:58:45
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
†宇田川あこ†2023-10-15 18:30:46
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
星屑幻想2023-10-15 17:56:38
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
AuraleeFae2023-10-15 17:12:03
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Archon of Void2023-10-15 15:48:58
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ゞChina Trash Zed✗゛2023-10-15 15:45:25
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Eχis†enƵ2023-10-15 15:08:56
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
❀Syouko-✮2023-10-15 13:03:44
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
奥特曼打小怪兽2023-10-15 12:57:17
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Kran2023-10-15 12:38:13
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
星夜涟漪2023-10-15 11:31:37
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Fall2023-10-15 08:11:32
(257 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
♡ Cherry ♡2023-10-15 07:36:39
(258 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Counsellor2023-10-15 06:16:19
(258 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Woohoo2023-10-15 05:29:23
(258 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Grade 1 Fixer2023-10-15 03:38:56
(258 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🎃■♤Your Love♤■🎃2023-10-15 02:57:02
(258 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Yui2023-10-15 01:32:37
(258 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
紫蘇2023-10-14 07:19:16
(259 days)
Gigin2023-10-14 01:46:29
(259 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Arutomu2023-10-13 08:01:47
(259 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Wxi7Lee^2023-10-13 00:00:55
(260 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
⭕⃤ BRAN シ OwO ᴬᴵᴹ2023-10-12 09:33:10
(260 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Yuri✨2023-10-12 08:07:32
(260 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ฅ酒酿猫团子ฅ2023-10-12 07:00:34
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🌸✨Remilia✨🌸2023-10-12 05:18:05
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611988217093632023-10-12 05:04:53
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
eripmiv2023-10-12 02:24:05
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ MDMKER❗❗❗2023-10-11 21:06:40
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Midicc2023-10-11 20:33:12
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
芙兰朵朵2023-10-11 19:18:25
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
终日摇曳的心里2023-10-11 18:06:27
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
2023-10-11 13:26:45
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Marduino2023-10-11 12:17:21
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Vaidurya2023-10-11 11:47:51
(261 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ღ Momo Velia Deviluke ღ2023-10-11 02:24:20
(262 days)
moonflame✨2023-10-10 11:42:04
(262 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Zireael2023-10-09 16:55:03
(263 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ki$man :)2023-10-09 12:20:54
(263 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Sailor Moon2023-10-09 07:57:48
(263 days)
Robe Grim2023-10-09 03:01:12
(264 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
schizodisco2023-10-09 02:55:22
(264 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
꧁༺AnGeL༻꧂2023-10-09 02:44:09
(264 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Joaquim Ferreira2023-10-08 13:01:44
(264 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡2023-10-02 17:41:23
(270 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝚂𝚁𝙴𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙶2023-10-02 11:42:36
(270 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Yenzear2023-10-02 09:56:55
(270 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
tealyy2023-10-02 07:44:27
(271 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
PandaHDT2023-10-01 16:50:20
(271 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Akiix (inactive)2023-10-01 14:04:42
(271 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
TheElderGods2023-09-29 21:45:39
(273 days)
𝓡𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓻2023-09-29 00:57:43
(274 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Taiga-chan2023-09-28 23:33:00
(274 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
QluakelR2023-09-27 14:16:17
(275 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Autumn >ᴗ<2023-09-26 16:29:09
(276 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
󠀡󠀡2023-09-25 10:12:14
(277 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
yuki2023-09-25 08:50:05
(277 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Радио Демон2023-09-24 01:16:12
(279 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ichinose Asuna2023-09-23 13:04:37
(279 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
roweii2023-09-22 10:07:55
(280 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Inhace2023-09-20 00:44:33
(283 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
yuno2023-09-19 14:47:40
(283 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Pikachu2023-09-19 08:19:08
(283 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
˖ʚ rainy♡days ɞ˖2023-09-18 14:27:16
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Sarah J2023-09-18 13:32:24
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Şamo2023-09-18 13:31:16
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
✓Sugui✗2023-09-18 12:47:34
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Leathium2023-09-18 11:42:17
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Jessica2023-09-18 11:12:07
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
你正在给口交 Yaso Su2023-09-18 11:04:30
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🌸LuvU.Hannie._❤️🧸2023-09-18 10:33:05
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
EU Kushy2023-09-18 10:21:35
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Busa2023-09-18 10:15:20
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
alcaNtara dA k1Ng2023-09-18 10:13:55
(284 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
♥Nippaaa♥2023-09-18 01:50:00
(285 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Alejandro2023-09-18 01:49:42
(285 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𖣂Gekyume𖣂2023-09-18 00:13:04
(285 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611989328261432023-09-17 05:45:44
(286 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Janu2023-09-17 02:18:24
(286 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Meidusha (⚞ ᴥ ⚟)2023-09-16 04:39:05
(287 days)
Bloodslvt2023-09-16 02:49:38
(287 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
XoM9K Ta/7eP2023-09-10 08:01:28
(292 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Cydros2023-09-10 07:33:50
(293 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Arikizu2023-09-10 07:00:59
(293 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Avexine2023-09-10 04:48:09
(293 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Miyuki2023-09-10 03:16:33
(293 days)
Mew .2023-09-10 03:14:37
(293 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
?2023-09-10 03:09:24
(293 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
MadMike2023-09-10 01:55:48
(293 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ℛ.2023-09-10 01:35:52
(293 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ial0o2023-09-09 12:11:36
(293 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
rozy2023-09-09 01:15:22
(294 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Stubentruppler2023-09-08 13:09:21
(294 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
SalzStange2023-09-07 05:30:23
(296 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・2023-09-07 02:09:43
(296 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lafiriel2023-09-06 06:18:50
(297 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Miss Luny-NO replies atm2023-09-05 18:48:08
(297 days)
RockenDark2023-09-05 13:26:52
(297 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Daki2023-09-05 12:51:02
(297 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
NEPGEAR2023-09-05 11:49:24
(297 days)
oppai_senpai2023-09-05 09:09:49
(297 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Nike 胜 ⇆ Points Shop2023-09-05 04:06:06
(298 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
»❀ OnlyMisu (Birthday)2023-09-05 01:39:44
(298 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
IZREAL2023-09-04 12:15:01
(298 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Hodgins2023-09-04 09:23:32
(298 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Richie2023-09-04 08:00:11
(298 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Rion2023-09-04 05:28:07
(299 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
宇[CH]🌸LARA🦄SOULS🌸LIKE2023-09-04 04:53:54
(299 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ina2023-09-04 04:24:23
(299 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Նɿც૯Ր੮ע2023-09-04 04:07:35
(299 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Cyrox2023-09-04 03:06:34
(299 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🖤omegamääänΩ2023-09-03 07:23:48
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
11:112023-09-03 06:30:52
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🌸ღ Hitagi ღ🌸2023-09-03 05:52:35
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Zephyria2023-09-03 03:52:19
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Balmung2023-09-03 03:51:07
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Tormedli2023-09-03 03:42:33
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Berkut2023-09-03 02:57:20
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611992131518362023-09-03 02:14:06
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Connor From Cyberlife2023-09-03 02:09:09
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
!TEA, COFFEE OR ME?2023-09-03 01:31:47
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lupusakura2023-09-02 19:19:57
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝙠𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙡𝙤2023-09-02 19:15:48
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
DeadFromForest2023-09-02 19:00:50
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
AstroKnight2023-09-02 18:57:01
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ֆ๓เɭє :)2023-09-02 13:17:33
(300 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
whysolina2023-09-01 12:37:47
(301 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
I play to escape reality2023-09-01 10:58:38
(301 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Husk2023-09-01 02:02:24
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
[$] Sally2023-09-01 01:19:03
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Gr1zzlY2023-08-31 18:40:15
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Creedberg2023-08-31 17:07:40
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Heilman2023-08-31 17:06:09
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
BlackHalo2023-08-31 14:15:06
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Eugenm2023-08-31 12:59:10
(302 days)
ходилдо2023-08-31 11:41:56
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Rallety2023-08-31 10:58:17
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
toljaf700b2023-08-31 10:21:26
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
DevilZayn2023-08-31 10:04:36
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
DeBywKa_Me4TbI🥀2023-08-31 09:01:39
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Chronos2023-08-31 08:33:22
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ShOm"Ka2023-08-31 08:27:28
(302 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🐊幽玄2023-08-31 07:44:38
(303 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
NiskaruTyrann2023-08-31 06:03:17
(303 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Ereward2023-08-31 05:35:17
(303 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Nahasapimapetilon2023-08-31 05:30:36
(303 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Dredge2023-08-31 05:18:47
(303 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
BOMBER2023-08-31 05:15:14
(303 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
asuna2023-08-31 03:02:55
(303 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
dnvl2023-08-31 03:00:12
(303 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
꧁༺J꙰O꙰K꙰E꙰R꙰༻꧂2023-08-31 02:55:02
(303 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
asuri2023-08-25 07:43:51
(309 days)
4shley2023-08-22 13:14:11
(311 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Yo, Rour2023-08-20 01:38:23
(314 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Metamon [JPN]2023-08-19 07:41:57
(315 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
alejka2h(◕‿◕)2023-08-19 01:39:45
(315 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
! KEYNAR2023-08-18 13:19:30
(315 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
󠀡󠀡⁧⁧ Evgeny2023-08-18 12:25:52
(315 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
DieWithMe2023-08-18 11:50:19
(315 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Aworin2023-08-18 11:49:36
(315 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝖖𝖚𝖆𝖐𝖊'2023-08-18 11:42:28
(315 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Shock !2023-08-18 11:23:00
(315 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Swarm2023-08-13 05:26:02
(321 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ricky2023-08-13 05:25:55
(321 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
SirBatmanOfficial2023-08-13 05:25:41
(321 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
✠ _|- DEADHUNTER -|_ ✠2023-08-10 06:46:17
(324 days)
Sharky2023-08-07 05:42:22
(327 days)
Ich liebe Lisa2023-08-07 00:18:33
(327 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
#장원영❤2023-07-31 12:15:30
(333 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611988085213942023-07-31 10:53:52
(333 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
sad.2023-07-30 18:17:54
(334 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
#󰀒Dantady1󰀢2023-07-29 23:54:55
(335 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
MitakaAsa2023-07-29 08:59:48
(335 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
幻光杰圣2023-07-29 05:52:33
(336 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
教主圣迪克sᴀɪɴᴛ.2023-07-29 01:23:34
(336 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
EViews7.exe2023-07-28 21:49:14
(336 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝑨𝒍𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒂2023-07-28 20:02:32
(336 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
性欲2023-07-28 18:03:54
(336 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611991203642952023-07-28 17:34:31
(336 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
-PaLMacO-2023-07-28 08:19:21
(336 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Arscheva2023-07-26 08:14:41
(338 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
遥远的天空2023-07-24 07:28:19
(341 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
文森特罗2023-07-23 05:50:04
(342 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-07-22 03:58:50
(343 days)
WhitePumpkin2023-07-22 03:17:32
(343 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
DemiDeityLink2023-07-22 02:24:30
(343 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
☆ Foxxy2023-07-21 20:44:55
(343 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
优月2023-07-21 17:37:50
(343 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
藤原鸡2023-07-21 16:19:41
(343 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Scarlex6662023-07-21 15:50:32
(343 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Marcel2023-07-18 13:03:58
(346 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
6yearsofgrief2023-07-17 04:05:01
(348 days)
𝐘𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐲𝐚 💜2023-07-16 08:17:29
(348 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
亚略2023-07-15 17:57:20
(349 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
sakurah2023-07-14 14:38:24
(350 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
hasenlper2023-07-13 12:07:13
(351 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Looking Like This (Lord Azazel)2023-07-13 11:32:27
(351 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Evy2023-07-13 09:56:32
(351 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Errysonago2023-07-11 13:09:22
(353 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
-ˏˋ Kazahanao ˎˊ- 💗2023-07-10 17:14:11
(354 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
kriistaliin ʚᗢɞ2023-07-10 14:37:25
(354 days)
snak2023-07-10 10:19:01
(354 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Hifumi Starlight2023-07-10 01:36:31
(355 days)
꒰ა Alice ໒꒱2023-07-09 19:33:53
(355 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Quinn2023-07-09 10:26:10
(355 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝕹𝖔𝕱𝖊𝖆𝖗2023-07-09 05:40:24
(356 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
клубниковая няшк2023-07-08 12:54:58
(356 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
小鳥ちゃん2023-07-08 11:13:36
(356 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Lpe2023-07-08 06:16:47
(357 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
★ 𝘼𝙫𝙧𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙓2023-07-08 06:14:34
(357 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Kain2023-07-08 02:31:58
(357 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
seele vollerei2023-07-07 20:13:22
(357 days)
W!tch2023-07-07 13:58:30
(357 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
A e r o n e ✨2023-07-07 07:29:43
(358 days)
monoplan2023-07-07 06:42:59
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
kYui2023-07-07 06:30:26
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
バナナ۞B̲🄰₦₦4ꀤꀘ2023-07-07 04:56:08
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
SloWolfe2023-07-07 04:21:20
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Eppie2023-07-06 19:52:17
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
MikePlusUltra2023-07-06 19:17:33
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Rose Agnes design2023-07-06 17:32:17
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Registered Kek Offender™2023-07-06 14:36:34
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
CatWin2023-07-06 13:07:59
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝕴𝖑𝖌𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖍2023-07-06 12:55:36
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
SleepNeko2023-07-06 12:14:12
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
💗Solyra💗2023-07-06 11:54:22
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Vlad2023-07-06 11:46:27
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Эмми2023-07-06 11:33:33
(358 days)
CorteZzz2023-07-06 11:30:11
(358 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
葛城ミサト2023-07-01 10:56:15
(363 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Вишнёвый Пирог2023-06-28 13:35:09
(366 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611990947332032023-06-11 05:34:59
(384 days)
tanzapparat2023-06-07 17:49:02
(387 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Staller2023-05-30 07:51:02
(395 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝙏𝙝𝙚𝘼𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙤2023-05-28 14:20:11
(397 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611990067610572023-05-23 19:28:34
(402 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝙰eolus 𝙷ighflier2023-05-22 16:47:42
(403 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
GeheimeSexyNudel2023-05-21 04:14:58
(405 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611984464766802023-05-19 15:27:31
(406 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🎀Fellou🎀2023-05-17 13:55:53
(408 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝙎𝙠𝙞𝘿𝙞𝙞☆2023-05-16 15:21:51
(409 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611989776099082023-05-16 14:52:05
(409 days)
Hodentee2023-05-16 13:10:14
(409 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
765611980070441852023-05-16 12:03:13
(409 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
AdrianxAxT2023-05-16 11:32:42
(409 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
kabagrech2023-05-16 10:02:25
(409 days)
ෆ˚₊ 𝒮𝑜𝑎っ♡2023-05-14 18:13:54
(411 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Sula2023-05-14 17:28:40
(411 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
NeKtex | ジョン2023-05-14 16:21:38
(411 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Luna ☽2023-05-14 15:27:10
(411 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Eas2023-05-14 05:11:32
(412 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
ʀᴀᴛᴇᴀ xᴅᴀʀᴋ2023-05-14 03:40:25
(412 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Reiji2023-05-14 03:10:18
(412 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Rikey2023-05-14 03:09:23
(412 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
T”2023-05-13 23:31:26
(412 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
𝕤𝕟𝕚𝕜𝕚2023-05-13 16:54:11
(412 days)
ZLoDe2023-05-13 12:19:49
(412 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
!NavidZin2023-05-13 11:23:17
(412 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
Trent Alexander-Arnold2023-05-13 11:09:49
(412 days)
106.| ♠ Bℓ4cky ♠2023-05-13 08:34:59
(412 days)
Renan2023-05-13 08:30:31
(412 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
@^^@2023-05-13 07:29:43
(413 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
General Cat2023-05-13 07:00:57
(413 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)
🔞 Mr_P@ntsu_Supoito 🔞2023-05-13 04:48:50
(413 days)
2024-04-06 14:58:08 (83 days)