
SteamID64: 76561197961466249
SteamID32: [U:1:1200521]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:600260

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2003-09-27 02:40:51 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-09-06 17:37:27

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
Saosin2023-08-13 00:47:49
♿Saosin♿2021-12-02 20:20:02
Saosin2020-10-28 16:25:23
Saosin#lft LF Valorant Gamers2020-10-13 19:05:49
Saosin#7049 LF Valorant Gamers2020-04-22 10:36:25
Saosin LF Valorant Gamers2020-04-21 18:54:34

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed 01:30:51

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed


Total: [81] | Deleted: [0]

metacrawlertop12023-11-20 17:31:57
Kancha+rep; commendable in-game comms. leader material! has the awareness and mechanics to back it up, too. ggwp and glhf. Back at ya dawg2023-05-29 18:45:44
Xeno™He ♥♥♥♥♥ on me.2022-10-24 13:28:13
metacrawleru r hake reee2022-09-28 17:32:00
☁ marsh.Bros ben gone from CS2022-08-03 16:38:53
reacshunmuch respect - GIGACHAD vibes from the legend Saosin2022-04-06 03:27:42
TUMBLR FAMOUS ✌️😜+rep makes me smile2020-06-18 23:07:07
I Love Titanium+rep good at rekting scrubs lmao2020-02-15 03:19:35
jUsT bEtTeR -.^QuackScoperr: change title to 2nd best awper NA he just pwned you2019-11-26 21:21:57
Mormon Jesus动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化2019-07-28 12:09:20
beefoakI am 13. Just my grandpa and I are staying down at his shack at the moment. I've been sleeping with no clothes on for the passed few nights because it feels better and my grandpa doesn't come into my room much, so he wouldn't know. But this morning I accidentally slept in so grandpa came in to wake me up. I had morning wood (an erection in the morning that is caused in your sleep) and I had kicked the covers off during the night so I was laying there naked, with a hard-on (how embaressing!!). Grandpa quickly went out of the room and we weren't talking because it was awkward. Then later on today I was wanking off in the bathroom (which doesn't have a lock) when I thought my grandpa was outside. He walked in just as I was ejaculating and groaning with orgasm. One day doesn't get much more embaressing than that!! How unlucky. My grandpa and I haven't talked for seven hours now. What should I say to him?2019-04-29 14:13:05
Mormon Jesushey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play left for dead sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun plz def hv newds xxoox2019-04-23 14:07:36
TUMBLR FAMOUS ✌️😜I'm just sitting here laughing at all the looney liberals who think i'm racist haha. If I was racist then how come I kissed a black boy in high school? Just because you can't handle the facts I say doesn't make me a racist2019-02-18 21:15:30
ShockeMDonkey Kong is probably the most positive portrayal of black people I've ever seen in video games. He's strong, heroic, caring, but not afraid to get violent when someone tries to disturb the peace on Kongo Bongo. I myself am black, and I've always looked up to Donkey Kong because he's a better role model to me than anyone else in my life has ever been. Kids would make fun of me at school when I ate bananas, or rolled like Donkey Kong, or threw barrels, or wore a red tie, but it didn't matter because Donkey Kong was all I had in my life. Without him, I'd be dead or a drug addicted thug like my brothers.2019-01-22 21:31:40
NurI played with this guy on train and hes rly good but im prob better awper still.2019-01-09 09:01:14
ShockeM🔥 Oh 😯👌 ♥♥♥ 🍌💦 all ye 👼🙏 Faithful 💯 and fill 💦💦 up this HOLE 😩🔥💯 because it's 💁🏼‍♀️😻 CLITMAS 😳🍆 you 💄🐶slutty 🦊🐈💦 animals!!! 🔥💯 When 🎅🏻🥛 Santa Claus 🍪🎅🏾 ♥♥♥♥ 🍌💦 down ⬇️ your chimney 🏠 it's time ⏰ to 🔥💯 HOE 👏 HOE 👏 HOE 👏 it ⬆️ up 😜 and 😤 succ 😩 that 😤 🍭 peppermint ❄ stick 🤤 until you 😳👈 get a slurp of 👅💦🍼 Santa's Milk 😩🔥💯 Just 🚫 don't 🚫 let Rudolph 🦌💄💦 see 😉😨 Send this 📬 to all your 😜 horny 🦌💦 sluts 😩 and HOE-men ☃️❄ if you get 0⃣ back ur a 🤱🏼 Virgin Mary 🙏 if ur a 🤢💔 Grinch ur dicc 🍌💨 will grow 3⃣ sizes bigger 😳👅💦 and if 2⃣5⃣ ppl send 📬 u back 👈 you will 👀 XXX-perience 👀 the true meaning of CLITMAS 😤😩😤😩💦💦🍭💄🔥💯💯2018-12-29 00:34:00
bLoW mE cLeEtUshey, sorry i saw your profile and i just thought you looked cute in your picture. i really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why it's a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you :wink: sorry that wasnt flirtring i swear im just trying to be friendly i really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy i don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk you look really nice and fun xxx2018-12-08 17:14:22
RussianRip Nolan 1942-2018 will be missed2018-06-09 22:57:05
catacendre____*******_________******* ________***____***____***______*** _____***________*****_________***___***__________**___________***__***______SORRY FOR_____***__***_______GETTING_______***___***________YOU________***_____***____PREGNANT___***________***_______________***___________***___________***_______________***_______***___________________***____***______________________*****__________________________***_____________2018-06-02 20:32:26
11amy homi32018-05-26 19:06:21
ShockeMill eat your ass kid2018-04-22 15:17:55
dabesOK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night andw atch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.2018-03-15 13:52:18
PaPikakinda really late there2018-02-01 15:58:06
Alcatrazhappy birthday bruh2018-01-31 23:43:57
♿Saosin♿ty my friends, your warm comments are much appreciated.2018-01-31 18:56:33
dabeshappy birthday2018-01-31 15:51:11
GooafyHAPPY B DAY BUDDY <3333333333333333333333333333333332017-07-03 13:22:32
PaPikahappy birthday amigo - xoxoxoxoxox2017-06-20 05:21:55
ShockeMhappy birthday buddy, xoxo2017-06-20 02:03:25
Hentai enjoyerIm a silver and he ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ destroyed me in a MM game -_- he a good guy tho2017-05-29 21:27:57
PaPikait has occurred....2017-03-06 17:29:08
Cpls no hurt2017-02-06 03:35:50
PaPikaThe second ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of Saosin has arrived...2017-01-25 18:55:29
$watD3ath:( come back already2016-12-24 02:35:00
GodFatheradd me when ur back or leave a comment on my wall homie2016-12-23 02:38:31
dabesRIP saosin gone but not forgotten2016-12-22 15:51:07
grugpls do go2016-12-08 19:29:10
ShockeMpls dont go :c2016-12-08 12:58:04
dabes_____\_____________\____________/____\ |_______|_____________\__________|______| |_______`._____________|_________|_______: .\________|____________|_________\|_______| _\_______|_/_________/__\\\___--___\\_______: __\______\/_____--~~__________~--__|_\_____| ___\______\_-~___________________~-_\____| ____\______\_________.----------.________\|___| ______\_____\______//_________(_(__>__\___| _______\___.__C____)_HI THERE_(_(____>__| _______/\_|___C_____)/__HOW_\_(_____>__|_/ ______/_/\|___C_____)___YOU__|__(___>___/__\ _____|___(___C_____)\_ DOING?__//___/_/_____\ _____|____\__|_____\\_________//__(__/______| ____|_\____\____)___`----___--'______________| ____|__\______________\_______/__________/_| ____|_____________/____|_____|__\___________| ____|____________|____./______\___\__________|_ ___|____________/____..|_______|___\__________| ___|___________/_____..\___/\___/_____|_________| ___|__________/________|____|_______|_________|2016-10-24 00:06:46
Buffdaddy. . . . . . . . .(`. . .)—–'.).. . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . .~ .`- .. . . . . . . . . ,'. . . . . . . .o. .o__. . . . . . . . . l. . . . . . . . . . . . . ). . . . . . . . ./'`~-.. . . . . . . . . .,'. . . . . . ., /.,.-~-.' -.,. . . ..'–~`. . . . . . /. ./. . . . .}. .` -..,/. . . . . /. ,'___. . :/. . . . . I. . . . /'`-.l. . . `'-..'........ . .\.......... . . /. . .I. . . . . . . . . .)-....l . . . .). ..l. . . . .\ —_____---. . . .,'__---. .',. . ,....... . . . . . . . . .,'. . \. .' ,/. . . . `,. . . . . . /___. . .(. . . . . .. . . .,.- '_____|_'). . . ',. . . . . ',-~'`. (.).). . . . .l. . . . . /. . . /__. . . . /. . . . . /__. . . . .). . . . '-.. . . . . . .)2016-10-01 02:56:22
Chunky Arab. . . . . . . . .(`. . .)—–'.).. . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . .~ .`- .. . . . . . . . . ,'. . . . . . . .o. .o__. . . . . . . . . l. . . . . . . . . . . . . ). . . . . . . . ./'`~-.. . . . . . . . . .,'. . . . . . ., /.,.-~-.' -.,. . . ..'–~`. . . . . . /. ./. . . . .}. .` -..,/. . . . . /. ,'___. . :/. . . . . I. . . . /'`-.l. . . `'-..'........ . .\.......... . . /. . .I. . . . . . . . . .)-....l . . . .). ..l. . . . .\ —_____---. . . .,'__---. .',. . ,....... . . . . . . . . .,'. . \. .' ,/. . . . `,. . . . . . /___. . .(. . . . . .. . . .,.- '_____|_'). . . ',. . . . . ',-~'`. (.).). . . . .l. . . . . /. . . /__. . . . /. . . . . /__. . . . .). . . . '-.. . . . . . .)2016-09-28 22:39:56
Mercy - . . . . . . . .(`. . .)—–'.).. . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . .~ .`- .. . . . . . . . . ,'. . . . . . . .o. .o__. . . . . . . . . l. . . . . . . . . . . . . ). . . . . . . . ./'`~-.. . . . . . . . . .,'. . . . . . ., /.,.-~-.' -.,. . . ..'–~`. . . . . . /. ./. . . . .}. .` -..,/. . . . . /. ,'___. . :/. . . . . I. . . . /'`-.l. . . `'-..'........ . .\.......... . . /. . .I. . . . . . . . . .)-....l . . . .). ..l. . . . .\ —_____---. . . .,'__---. .',. . ,....... . . . . . . . . .,'. . \. .' ,/. . . . `,. . . . . . /_________________________________________. . .(. . . . . .. . . .,.- '____________________________________________|_'). . . ',. . . . . ',-~'`. (.).). . . . .l. . . . . /. . . /__. . . . /. . . . . /__. . . . .). . . . '-.. . . . . . .)2016-09-07 20:40:42
Russian12 things ur doing:1. Your reading my comment2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.5. Your checking it now.6. Your smiling.7. Your still reading my comment.8. You know all you have read is true.10. You didnt notice that i skipped 9.11. Your checking it now.12. You didnt notice there are only 10 facts2016-08-02 23:54:07
C-2016-08-02 05:10:58
dabesthis "saosin" guy is a big nice guy!!! all he does is get into your game and do nice things!!!2016-06-18 11:44:23
Chunky Arabone day, I will make your wall of shame. one day.2016-05-29 19:05:25
vynstathis "saosin" guy is a big nice guy!!! all he does is get into your game and do nice things!!!2016-05-27 16:14:45
Russianhey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx2016-05-15 17:30:10
Russianasked for my autograph so here it isJK kining kanding nga nati mao alot mas maayo unya kanako2016-05-07 16:04:14
dabessine by me2016-05-02 01:12:38
wololoLIFE IS REAL2016-02-19 18:38:05
ShockeMIt's COOL to be gay!Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are :^)2016-01-06 21:51:13
SkulliganGoblin seal of approval.2015-12-05 22:38:30
ShockeM 21:35:14
jin.3...........♥.............♥..............♥...♥...................♥..♥.....................♥.♥.......................♥... ......♥....♥♥........................♥... ♥.............♥.♥........................♥.. ..............♥..♥........................♥. ..............♥...♥......................... .............♥.....♥..................................♥........♥.................... ......♥...........♥................. ....♥...............♥............. .♥..................♥.........♥.....................♥....♥......................♥..♥........................♥........................♥.......................♥........................♥.........................♥2015-11-02 16:29:40
ShockeMI dont preorder games.2015-10-12 13:53:30
ThreatToAll (New PC)is it true youre a space pirate?2015-10-07 15:38:42
ShockeMDo You Still Shower With Your Dad?2015-09-10 23:40:08
ThreatToAll (New PC)hes better than dazed tho2015-09-01 20:30:29
ShockeMur kinda like dazed but less serious.2015-09-01 20:01:55
ShockeMSay no more Fam.2015-07-24 00:08:16
ThreatToAll (New PC)\ ヽ i | / / \ ! ;' ':;,, ,;'':;, ;' ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;' ';, ー ,:' ::::::::、 __ ,:' / \ ::::::::', 二 :' ● ● :::::i. ̄ i ''' (__人_) '''' :::::i -‐ : ::::::::i `:,、 :::::::::: / / ,:' : ::::::::::::`:、 ,:' : : ::::::::::`:、2015-07-07 12:10:27
wololo♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Loco Dog. Este vato es muy bueno a Counter Strike Global Offensive o una mierda.2015-06-29 12:57:38
ShockeM 02:25:02
doomyou are a god my friend2015-02-26 03:57:42
ShockeMDANK HENTAI2015-02-24 23:00:16
minimax+rep2014-11-22 04:55:36
@00SjEVEN+rep2014-09-29 15:05:56
zExceLits your fault2014-09-28 20:28:50
New Sheriff+rep,good trader!2014-09-26 13:40:03
Jack C+rep2014-09-19 18:52:21
ShockeMTHATS A LOT OF HOWLS2014-09-09 23:34:27
neeno+rep2014-08-30 22:54:59
SPELLLadded to talk ak black lam FN trade ~~2014-04-23 08:12:32
catacendreYala Sweg2013-12-02 03:10:53
ThreatToAll (New PC)Hello, I am currently 16 years old and I want to become a walrus. I know there's a million people out there just like me, but I promise you I'm different. On December 14th, I'm moving to Antartica; home of the greatest walruses. I've already cut off my arms, and now slide on my stomach everywhere I go as training and eat only fish to maintain a balanced diet. I may not be a walrus yet, but I promise you if you give me a chance and the support I need, I will become the greatest walrus ever. Thank you all so much.2013-11-13 17:42:27
Xeno™saosin hacks his pants off cuz his mommy buys his cheats.2011-01-23 17:28:23
CrueltySasosin the baddy :D2010-11-18 06:53:48
CrueltyNo you arent good.2010-11-17 21:11:15
DeNThis kid, he is the most incompitant neanderathol in the planet. I have chosen him, Nolan Hoenicke to take the award of stupidity in its upmost glory.2010-06-29 02:26:02
XixTeMpEsTxiX<hacks> 3v3 YOURS East/CHI___________________________________________<guy> yours 3v3?<hacks> <Saosin> i know playing css takes priority over school but at least attempt to read my post correctly2010-02-10 23:01:53


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
