
SteamID64: 76561197963174415
SteamID32: [U:1:2908687]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:1454343

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Online
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2003-12-03 14:09:31 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-05-28 02:59:15

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
chK.2024-05-28 02:59:15
chk2024-05-26 02:40:12
chK.2024-05-19 14:56:50
.2024-05-19 03:01:39
chk2024-02-15 22:14:51
chk.2024-02-06 03:58:02
chk2024-01-01 19:40:48
:)2023-12-30 07:38:39
.2023-12-29 22:48:48
chk2023-10-19 01:42:45
chk -IONLYLOSE-2023-10-18 01:20:41
chk2023-10-14 16:40:50
DA A VIDA E PERDE2023-10-14 00:00:12
chk2023-10-02 08:19:37
chk.2023-09-18 07:08:56
chk2023-08-18 15:34:16
I'm tired of losinG2023-08-17 20:54:52
chk2023-02-26 08:43:38
UM MÊS SEM JOGAR, VALEU2023-02-24 18:00:49
2K232023-01-18 16:52:17

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed 00:58:44

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed


Total: [787] | Deleted: [5]

diih-8k de horas jogando com a bunda seu bot kkkkkkkkkk2024-03-23 18:43:47
I GOT A PLAN ARTHURjogador de teclado, fala muito joga nada, ass teu pai2024-02-23 16:02:48
Guardyanhorrivel e troll 8 mil horas de cs pra nada kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk sem mãe kkkk achado na lixeira2024-01-24 18:16:12
ᴇ ғ ᴇ ɴ ᴇ xfraco, toma surra calado!2024-01-14 17:07:42
ᵛᵘˡᵍᵒ souljα2bαlα ☭vou atualizar nessa conta aq o setup p vc, rico.2024-01-07 19:28:41
ᵛᵘˡᵍᵒ souljα2bαlα ☭144hz kkk2024-01-07 19:26:30
betinho de niteróiesse sabe xingar como ninguém kkkkkkkkkkkk2023-12-29 17:02:04
fnt--fala verme, vai da mais say pra perde lixo??????2023-12-19 23:02:52
TEM CARBURADOR SIMnunca vi tão péssimo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk2023-12-19 23:02:47
OLEWAX+rep pretty good player2023-12-02 18:12:06
hS* kabaL8 mil horas de jogo apanhando igual uma puta kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk tu eh hrorivel2023-07-28 23:22:55
xdfamo$o p90 player2022-11-03 21:57:38
olse *_*q fala no say negro , vc ta negativo pobre , 0-3 suas lendas2022-11-02 00:11:48
DRAUZIOfudido2022-10-14 23:31:44
DRAUZIOhorrivel, doente do caralho2022-10-14 23:31:35
Jus7doente no nivel extremo2022-08-22 21:00:35
jnrzikkkSdds do monstro2022-07-09 06:00:38
chkCorrige ai que foi 24 e ganhei de você coisa ruim2022-06-13 21:58:02
dudumanda chat e ta 7 142022-06-13 21:30:04
posturado bigode finokkk2022-05-26 20:19:01
krt^monstro sagrado2022-05-22 17:36:48
sagez6 13 y disparas en el piso negro muerto de hambre2022-05-14 00:44:13
g0rd1nfracassado, p90 newba2022-03-03 19:27:56
pdR8mil horas e é ruim assim, rsrs2022-02-09 20:23:45
pdRlvl 19 dependendo de p90 para matar.... Entendo, Ak / M4 é dificil2022-02-09 20:19:09
Õôó Pollemykhóvc deve ser esquizofrenico2022-02-04 18:16:07
Walter Whitesmelly ass troll2022-01-16 00:32:31
PATIN-q lastima jogando com amiguinho xitado em chokao2021-12-21 20:13:57
jmspior player de 8mil horas do brasil disparado2021-12-14 18:51:44
pincE 🐊troll lix0 do caralh0, desinstala esse jogo seu fracassado2021-12-04 12:08:09
linizinhanossaaaaa so é bom de p90 ruim rifle nao troca horible2021-12-03 21:35:07
rckboa fica comendo smoke sem nada igual um retardado joga mto! tem mto futuro jogando de p90 igual um retardado burro2021-11-19 17:05:33
ᴇ ғ ᴇ ɴ ᴇ xn e atoa q 130 pagina de ♥♥♥♥ te chmando de ruim, so jg de p90, fraco.. e ainda tomou surra2021-11-02 19:42:54
TANKvc é muito ruim irmão, para de jogar por favor!2021-07-18 00:20:27
FORWvc eh mto ruim kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk2021-04-14 20:08:59
x_ovai se tratar retardado2021-03-23 18:34:36
smkzerameu deus, ja vou anotar o nick de voces aqui pra nunca mais jogar contra, que horriveis2021-03-23 17:58:44
Nothzeravai se tratar retardado2021-03-19 21:48:41
Nothzeraserio mesmo voce tem serios problemas2021-03-19 21:48:33
Juuhlevel 20 jogando so de p90 god god2021-02-28 16:47:53
chk2021 começou agora amigão, trabalha que você conquista o teu também, fé2020-12-31 23:01:55
imensose achando bom contra 60hz queria ver tu sem esse 144 seu horrivel2020-12-31 23:00:10
cttth1agod2020-07-01 14:56:14
guizoNdoente mental atras da porta do meio2020-04-18 00:08:22
cttamassado e ja era kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk2020-04-02 20:30:17
chkamassadooooo lvl 18 falido KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 20:26:51
silent10kREI DA P90 horrivel kkkkkk2020-04-02 20:26:44
dGaRei de p902020-04-02 20:26:33
rApIdZboa doente mental2020-03-28 21:12:36
rakixj10 anos de CS e o maximo que conseguiu foi jogar amadora...2020-02-29 00:06:22
_27♥ ⚡ ♥ 💙 ♥ 🌳 ♥ 🌂 ♥ 🌏 ♥ 👃 ♥ 🎄 ♥ 🌸 ♥ 😺 ♥ 🎍 ♥ 📘 ♥ 📕Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. -- H. L. Mencken ♥ 📗 ♥ 👑 ♥ 🎽 ♥ 🌋 ♥ 🏀 ♥ 🥒 ♥ 🎁 ♥ 💎 ♥ 👔 ♥ 📀 ♥ 🔋 ♥ 🎈The little pieces of my life I give to you, with love, to make a quiltto keep away the cold. ♥ 👾 ♥ 🐠 ♥ 👽 ♥ 🌽 ♥ 🚙 ♥ 📘 ♥ 💄 ♥ 💛 ♥ 🐳 ♥ 🌳 ♥ 🚕 ♥ 👹2020-02-25 07:09:57
jnrzikkk jogador de runescapeA saudade bateu forte.2019-02-15 20:15:39
chkTu que tá sumido primo rçrçr2019-01-13 20:02:20
jnrzikkk jogador de runescapesaudades chuqui, sumiu se ausentou2019-01-13 17:10:21
uma lenda entre homensp90 lixo2019-01-07 20:50:54
eA- pnK1ngMe ensina a fazer as montagem lvl 151 perfil podre2019-01-04 20:44:28
chkAqui é GLOBAL raíz bando de nEWBAAAAA!2019-01-04 15:13:03
eA- pnK1ngSupreme ta ON.2019-01-04 11:22:06
CaMpErKiLlEr* locão ☭Cache = CT 3/8 TR 16/26Full P90Tóxico até não querer mais. kkkkkkkkk2019-01-03 18:02:58
chkAqui é bala tensa padrin, olhou pra mim virou....2019-01-02 08:05:45
eA- pnK1ng📂CS└📂Documentos└📁CHUCKY -A- └📁Habilidade └⚠️ Esta pasta esta vazia2019-01-02 07:58:20
leleoai sabe jogar so de p90 hehe2018-12-25 17:17:18
montsperdedo pra mighty na liga AMADORA? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk tenta fortnite, que o mano ja disse ai. Talvez la tu seja bom2018-12-25 14:58:27
jnrzikkk jogador de runescapeum cara muito legal, sou apaixonado nele.2018-12-09 13:17:14
Só os mito☕6mil horas pra ser ruim assim ? tenta fortnite! Cs não deu pra vc2018-12-01 11:31:42
bengamlkquinho ruim dmais, fica entrosando , pato dmais , mt ruim , lvl 20 fica jogando com p90, e depois se acha bom , fica dando say no chat achando q eh alguem KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK|2018-11-24 21:44:40
revez^ta em choque?2018-11-15 13:26:15
rpzcomo q uma porra dessa eh lvl 19? joga 30 rounds de p90 e jogando igual prata 4 mds2018-10-15 20:20:42
pk6,184 hrs on recordCounter-Strike: Global Offensivers2018-10-07 19:39:56
warρeDsai da amodora e pare de se achar jogando mm seu ruim2018-09-22 15:49:55
M A R T I N Z 神LIXO2018-09-21 19:43:28
mtsachou que era caixinha do major né. BAITED2018-09-16 14:32:22
foxediTem muito que aprender ainda ????2018-09-07 18:37:36
T R A F F I CEm busca do positivo, solta esse freio zagueiro. Tem nem vergonha, os bot do meu time tinha score mais alto que o seu SAPEOKSAEPOSA. Um abraço fracassado2018-08-19 19:35:26
mts📂Documentos└📁CHKilos└📁Habilidade└⚠️ Esta pasta esta vazia!2018-07-13 14:21:05
chkGostou né? Pode copiar ai que é sucesso2018-06-25 23:05:04
jnrzikkkoi, eu sou juninho minecraft2018-06-15 20:45:38
chkKD Negativo todo mês na GC deve ser vergonhoso2018-06-02 00:54:26
jnrzikkk jogador de runescapesaudavel demais mas pouco hidratado2018-06-01 14:05:19
ctt+rep friendly guy2018-05-25 23:13:04
kawkstege+REP friendly guy fair trader!2018-03-15 16:02:18
Joe+rep fair and helpful xd2018-03-06 13:01:31
Rjd2+rep nice trader!2018-02-09 12:12:35
𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙫 ☭+rep we traded in like five minutes, he sent the offer so quick! really friendly2018-01-31 16:27:14
Artie+rep nice trader, really helps with the trade and is very friendly2018-01-22 12:22:01
Straw hat Luffy+rep :)2018-01-18 23:24:09
gui4tw+rep good trader!2018-01-17 21:32:25
hawkyy_++rep nice trader =)2018-01-16 22:48:14
Jonkan+Rep great trader as always!2018-01-16 10:55:56
n8n+rep Nice trade2018-01-06 17:14:06
!!!!!!!!!!+rep rlly the king2018-01-04 11:43:08
fire eagle+rep cara :v2018-01-02 19:58:20
warninqzed+rep2018-01-02 13:35:13
CATATAU𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓨𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖! só pra n perder o costume mesmo, é nois seeega2017-12-31 21:25:05
2023 NBA CHAMP KYRIE IRVING+rep ez trade2017-12-25 00:09:14
ÖDDR3ann+rep2017-12-19 15:42:22
RAUL, THE REAL ONE+rep nice trader2017-12-11 17:06:43
IX+rep awesome key swapper2017-11-27 12:30:22
gnopS+rep negotiable trader2017-11-25 05:02:58
egorikbig+rep nice key swapper2017-11-25 00:15:49
Dongerl0rd+rep thanks for the trade!2017-10-28 08:48:48
herms+rep nice and reasonable trader2017-10-28 00:26:34
Bielwenass+rep kind and quick2017-10-01 18:55:33
margiela+rep super nice trader2017-09-30 00:06:34
🐤🎀Werde🎀🐤+Rep fair and fast2017-09-28 09:55:15
ShortmitThanks for buyout, enjoy the knife.2017-09-25 21:11:12
Polarized+rep cool trader :)2017-09-25 13:48:14
安靜 FacelessMade the biggest trade of my life.2017-09-24 10:47:08
Ibuprofen+rep big ♥♥♥♥2017-09-24 03:20:50
hiebzyy+rep fair and fast2017-09-20 00:17:46
EunByeols+Rep. Nice Trader2017-09-19 22:06:16
wdrLeoa2017-09-17 17:24:07
Wyvy+rep Thanks for accepting my buyout!2017-09-10 22:25:48
Peacechk hiding he bad boy :(2017-09-07 22:16:45
gLitch || back to wrk nw+rep nice trader2017-09-07 19:05:58
AZe B > CS/RUST+rep good trader2017-09-06 21:13:21
hehexd+rep nice trader2017-08-19 11:51:11
Trøllmann+rep nice trader2017-08-14 05:04:44
Onion+rep best trader thanks2017-08-11 21:41:57
󠀡 󠀡+rep nice trade2017-07-23 11:25:53
Scufy+rep2017-07-22 16:50:35
gentlesoul+rep quick and FAIR trader :D2017-07-19 15:12:02
The Iconic Mango+ Rep Great Trader :D2017-07-17 16:44:14
Void+rep fast ez trader2017-07-16 22:35:23
Yes CS.MONEY+rep fast trader2017-07-08 02:15:47
MrWish+rep very nice trader2017-06-20 19:13:06
JoeEEE423+rep fast trader2017-06-20 14:55:58
frefrik POLKADOT+rep great trader2017-06-17 13:39:22
SMOKA+rep fair n fast trader2017-06-16 17:07:30
Spoderman+rep fast and nice trader2017-06-13 19:37:13
Pixz+rep very fast and negotiable trader2017-06-12 17:40:41
LoudBoiii #ClashGG+rep Fast and smooth Trader!2017-06-12 13:49:29
Ben+rep nice trader2017-06-10 15:50:28
chodna kam chilana jyada+rep fair trader!2017-06-07 23:33:21
Ex0rcist+rep Really nice guy!2017-06-04 18:34:37
fbn+rep good trader2017-06-03 13:03:34
Romantic Dudes Cum On Roses+rep nice trader!2017-06-02 21:49:13
lll+rep good2017-06-01 18:05:01
украина лучшая страна+rep skrty trades2017-05-29 17:08:28
!Dani+rep good trader2017-05-24 22:02:25
Left+rep easy trade nice guy2017-05-22 12:17:22
xDuckThanks for trading with Pancake's level up service!2017-05-21 02:29:10
Dudus+rep2017-05-16 11:19:54
★RedMagic LevelUp BotThanks for trading with Red Magic Level Up Service! Visit our TeamSpeak server: 13:17:23
SkyFallz+rep Fast and negotiable trader! Highly recommended! :)2017-05-10 10:27:05
xd Manos+rep Fast And Easy2017-04-28 08:46:32
H∈ATßLAST+rep , nice trade2017-04-24 23:39:14
mounir+rep!2017-04-20 19:36:02
Rekx ◢ ◤+rep Helped me with skin/trading amazing dude2017-04-11 13:59:00
Guffe+rep, a real gentleman2017-04-10 20:22:12
Plague+rep smooth trade2017-04-09 13:31:58
Mafia+rep fast trader2017-04-03 01:17:39
dizzi+rep Fast and Easy2017-04-01 15:47:41
David Ruffin+rep fast and nice trader2017-03-31 00:46:51
colas0919+rep fast, fair trader definitely recommend this guy :D2017-03-30 21:01:55
sex+repnice fast trade2017-03-30 16:10:55
cash+♥♥♥♥♥ rep good manner2017-03-28 23:41:00
Critchenator+rep 104Keys for m9 bayo doppler .009. Fast response!2017-03-28 09:34:05
Snowy+Rep very nice trader!2017-03-26 04:51:26
Polarized+Rep cool trader :)2017-03-26 00:50:04
le dogger+rep polite and patient trader2017-03-24 13:19:03
Na+rep fair and fast trade . love u2017-03-24 00:45:27
dr leonard+rep thanks anyways2017-03-22 13:46:14
brad+rep awesome brazil dude2017-03-21 19:24:01
breezy+rep good trader2017-03-19 20:16:40
fezuko+ rep Thanks mate :D2017-03-17 14:15:24
kEwL_dEaL+rep nice fair trader2017-03-13 23:35:39
hehexd+rep cool guy2017-03-10 15:43:41
TSM FTX Ballsack+rep <3 awesome trader2017-03-10 00:03:02
Fuyuki+rep <3 ^^2017-03-08 17:50:31
TAXII+rep it worked out nice and smoothly :)2017-03-05 22:42:07
zaB™+rep fast and fair trader2017-03-04 06:03:28
EliteAnt+rep smooth and fast trade2017-02-26 22:26:50
[VYMPEL] Spyd+rep Fast and fair trader!2017-02-25 18:32:14
Reflects+Rep Nice and fair trader :)2017-02-21 23:04:34
Rad Fish+rep, ty for trade clean lore2017-02-20 12:05:50
Volt+rep smooth trade2017-02-18 13:47:14
Zyzzz+rep ns dude2017-02-16 23:02:47
マウスハンター+rep thx for trade bud :D2017-02-15 21:38:58
WHISKEY+rep good trade, nice parent2017-02-15 10:36:08
clecinho+rep gente boa2017-02-13 22:50:38
Jmack+rep fast and easy trader2017-02-10 23:10:26
XVI+rep nicest trader i've come across in a while2017-02-06 11:34:13
Balanced Breakfast+rep good trader.2017-02-04 21:29:26
mamatha+rep nice guy and friendly trader ^^2017-01-31 15:12:02
Yokai+rep really patient and great negotiation skills2017-01-29 20:16:45
Xuxa Comunista+rep ...2017-01-19 09:55:59
AdyKind person, + rep on his profile2017-01-18 11:46:19
Я БогThanks for the trade!2017-01-18 00:20:49
RON+rep, nice friend and trade2017-01-09 10:54:08
Gur+rep2017-01-02 18:50:11
wdrFeliz ano novo meu caro amigo segaaaa haha2017-01-01 21:25:11
sbt+rep2016-12-30 14:24:28
Realset Wynnsia+rep2016-12-25 01:31:56
MITCedson+rep! Nice trader!2016-11-19 15:43:23
Keenerkorea+REP GOOD TRADE ~2016-11-13 22:18:48
thresholdty for a fair trade :D +rep hermano brasilero <32016-11-11 22:30:07
m1zzer+Rep Fantastic good trader :)2016-11-06 16:54:13
Morninglol+Rep Good and Fair Trader2016-11-03 17:43:52
Awero+rep good trader2016-10-28 11:55:45
athSa+rep cool guy:)2016-10-19 11:56:06
Larry Lawless+rep, super fair trader!2016-10-12 13:20:29
turtle+rep nice and fair trade2016-10-12 00:33:28
CATATAUsigned by ctt (Team pombao professional player)2016-10-04 22:54:11
RapazDoSeL+Rep , Noizz2016-10-03 16:48:45
xeNEre+rep good trader2016-10-02 11:51:46
M.Yuriadd for trade2016-09-30 03:08:34
Gay Ben+rep2016-09-26 00:16:01
VERCENIK+ rep2016-09-17 04:09:30
yaKi+rep bro2016-08-29 22:49:44
chkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, I can teach you son2016-08-17 01:01:53
CATATAUHello am 48 year man from somalia. Sorry for my bed england. I selled my wife for internet connection for play "global counter" and i want to become the goodest player like you I play with 400 ping on brazil server and i am play normal2016-08-16 20:07:47
chkTá maluco? Vc é nosso main AWP2016-07-23 14:18:00
wdrvlw pelo tempo jogado junto lék, quer a awp de volta? é nois!2016-07-23 12:33:28
fastzeraaaa!SUAHSUAHUSHUAHSUAHUSHAUSA2016-07-19 07:20:16
chk'São apenas obstáculos para o meu sucesso, valeu, falou.' CHK, 20162016-07-18 14:34:37
fastzeraaaa!Mas os garotos WALL não, eles desanimam2016-07-18 14:00:40
chkA vida quer me tornar um gamer2016-07-18 13:54:47
fastzeraaaa!145.1h Está um pouco viciado jovem2016-07-18 08:17:49
76561197983999220+Rep Nice Prices! ;)2016-07-15 14:25:05
CartMan+repthx for trade2016-07-14 18:38:42
paluszekrybny2137+rep for trade :)2016-06-27 23:55:24
Miratisu+rep friendly and fair trade :)2016-06-17 14:38:51
.+Rep Fast Trade2016-06-15 22:47:59
humble diligent+rep responded quickly!2016-06-15 11:14:45
RequestingData+ rep, good trader2016-06-14 19:31:46
Adrenaline+rep, great trader <32016-06-07 22:01:37
Wałdis+rep th you ;)2016-06-07 13:43:24
biXen+rep fast and fair trader2016-06-04 19:27:00
Mel+rep very friendly and patient trader2016-06-04 14:53:14
.weazel+rep, nice guy2016-06-04 13:07:39
thebestiaM^+rep, nice & fair trader2016-06-03 18:26:52
heckz;;+rep nice guy2016-06-03 13:34:22
Pepe Julian Onziema+rep fast trader2016-06-02 00:54:02
krotmad+rep2016-05-28 12:11:17
MoFo Bob+rep, fast and easy!2016-05-22 13:22:26
Sprayarn+rep fast and good trader! :)2016-05-21 10:57:46
Inertion+rep nice guy, fast and easy trade2016-05-21 05:14:35
Cartmeme+rep nerd xDDD2016-05-19 13:35:40
EarnEarnZiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii+rep nice trader :)2016-05-16 23:32:43
okay+rep for good guy2016-05-16 14:25:29
KiviNice inventory! One of the best!2016-05-15 18:21:05
Kalkunfisk+rep :)2016-05-15 13:06:43
TurboKat+rep,good trader2016-05-14 23:09:54
rOXOrR2 *+ rep nice and great trader!2016-05-14 10:28:22
twitch/spyhiddentv++++++rep.2016-05-12 13:48:39
RobertBaratheon+rep fair and polite trader2016-05-11 12:47:11
D0g Schrut3+rep fair trader2016-05-11 12:09:32
Haven+rep dropped the beat fast2016-05-10 23:09:19
DareDevil+Rep Superb Trader2016-05-10 11:57:54
fuck shit+rep fast and fair!2016-05-08 12:39:33
Nokia 105+rep fast trade2016-05-08 01:45:14
Mihiii+rep really kind and fair trader!2016-05-07 10:48:49
♠𝓛𝓾𝓻𝓹𝓹𝓪+Rep good and fair trader2016-05-06 13:51:07
♛Murfyyy♛+rep thanks for the fast trades !2016-05-05 23:14:01
JRJ+rep so sad no give discount2016-05-05 22:17:22
pAtH+rep awesome trade2016-05-05 20:29:43
✪ drakenw0w+rep nice and fast traderooni2016-05-05 15:39:39
Lil /KAISER\ Vert $+rep nice and fair trader2016-05-05 12:24:36
ronnie+rep fast and nice trader2016-05-03 13:40:35
Mcedster+rep really fast :D2016-05-01 00:16:32
Abradolf Linkler+rep friendly and fast :)2016-04-28 13:46:40
jC+rep nice trader2016-04-27 02:49:52
Kraus+rep2016-04-26 11:09:51
owo nya :3+rep amazing trader2016-04-25 23:18:10
Sansay7+rep2016-04-24 13:26:49
T0XiiC:v+rep good trader2016-04-23 16:49:58
krt+rep good trader ;)2016-04-23 16:42:15
Ollie+Rep Fast and easy trader2016-04-23 16:13:57
SneakyMyrslok+rep fast and easy :)2016-04-23 01:14:51
Shovels(stickers to the moon!)+1 rep great trader2016-04-22 22:33:06
Baro &quot;Ch4rlzArD&quot; Pahm+rep nice and fast trader2016-04-22 12:00:07
Cosmic+Rep fast & Friendly Trader2016-04-22 10:27:47
saya+rep firendly trader2016-04-22 00:50:12
-Sync+rep thanks for trade!2016-04-20 12:56:57
Fah-King_Marnik- AWP | Red Devil+ Rep2016-04-20 11:22:24
-SyncAdded to talk about the howl2016-04-19 17:54:57
Tarq.+rep Good trader :D2016-04-19 14:36:18
Mofa Klausadded for trade2016-04-18 12:27:30
Current+rep for a nice and fair trade. HF with your new Hot Rod :)2016-04-16 20:30:59
РУЦЕЛ+rep nice trader2016-04-15 11:00:24
WOW+rep :)2016-04-14 00:19:20
watch outsent 8k for the bs asii2016-04-10 14:29:06
Machsweg+rep :)2016-04-09 19:01:44
Panguini+rep good trader2016-04-09 16:38:20
driiM1+rep very fair trader2016-04-09 16:14:38
Stormi sent a trade offer to you for your knife2016-04-09 13:34:05
ZiRi Gui DuMEsse é o mestre dos hs slc2016-04-06 23:26:09
Cngadded for trade2016-04-03 16:06:37
japEadded for trade2016-04-01 12:29:48
Low-keyadded for trade2016-03-31 20:34:40
ExoTriXo+rep nice trader2016-03-30 09:37:31
Furtile Hickory+rep fair and very polite trader!2016-03-29 16:53:32
eendpaard+rep very kind and reasonable trader2016-03-28 14:30:40
KennySign my profile please2016-03-28 06:21:02
Count Von Count+rep Awesome person friendliest guy would ♥♥♥♥ 10./102016-03-28 00:28:17
GreasyGarb+rep2016-03-26 16:30:33
f4llziN+rep nice trader2016-03-20 20:58:47
crillo+rep!2016-03-18 20:47:50
chkAtleast 15K mate, considering your knife is a yellow tip2016-03-18 11:42:15
zimpaHow much do u want in adds for it to be reasonable?2016-03-18 11:36:47
Bowsh+rep great trader2016-03-16 12:19:36
Guney+rep2016-03-16 11:27:11
🔥Bustang🔥 Tradeit.ggRed bandana2016-03-16 01:49:50
firstname tomA well-rounded fella. + Rep2016-03-16 01:41:50
IceBubbleTea◢◤+ rep real friendly fella, ez trading Approves2016-03-16 01:23:09
momo2000+ rep2016-03-16 00:44:52
momo2000added for trade?2016-03-15 23:58:31
ItsMacau+ rep fast trade2016-03-14 16:39:15
ZoronyAdd me for trade2016-03-11 19:28:41
chkKkkk, tbm acho daora, valeu Lari2016-03-10 12:51:45
anaque plano de fundo foda2016-03-08 22:17:21
Black HandNah not really. But thanks for the trade. +Rep2016-03-05 01:40:13
chkI dont need JS items, sorry.2016-03-02 05:52:36
FairlightADD ME FOR H1Z1 TRADE PLEASE2016-03-02 02:11:17
scuttle+rep good trader :)2016-03-01 21:12:37
spifelia*Added for trade2016-02-27 16:59:52
regga \\added2016-02-23 10:40:36
Drew_Boti have a qustion2016-02-21 00:27:48
joobadded for trade on asiimov st ft2016-02-18 23:15:40
ArcturusYT+rep2016-02-18 17:41:46
T.kyoHello. Check your trade offers.2016-02-17 17:21:47
koxiei sent offer for vulcan tho i waiting 2days ;dd2016-02-16 10:11:01
bija tuvu - wiseworder 2k20sent offer for the vulcan2016-02-15 17:35:52
Carbon_ In Real Life+rep, great guy2016-02-15 15:38:26
Bojowy+rep, Fair and Friendly trader!2016-02-09 11:11:35
FeliAccept me i want trade whit you, have a Patriotic in other Account. NO SCAMS Check my profile, eu falo pt poco, eu ser argentino2016-02-08 22:46:53
mestiaoffer sent2016-02-07 00:04:14
wakenly+rep fast and fair2016-02-05 13:45:10
.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwcheck offer2016-02-03 12:05:43
FALOPITA<32016-02-01 23:25:06
chkVai trabalhar ARG vagal...2016-02-01 23:20:01
FALOPITARegalame uma skin de csgo :32016-02-01 23:13:22
tundra+rep Very fair and extremely friendly :)2016-02-01 00:30:52
koppiadd for trade2016-01-29 06:17:58
(S)mall?+rep nice and fast trader ;)2016-01-22 06:16:31
Skewedadded to discuss!Cs go items for h1z12016-01-20 21:56:37
Findusadded for h1z1 trade2016-01-19 13:54:24
CATATAUveio aqui fazer oque? perdeu alguma coisa babaca?2016-01-19 13:01:13
Truth -EZIO-trade offer sent.look please2016-01-18 12:24:28
PowerHSCool guy and fast trader. Respect2016-01-14 20:59:21
Cinter+rep2016-01-14 15:50:34
chkHahaha2016-01-13 16:06:27
Aamunkajo+ rep, nice and wise trader. Did some tactics with his team while trading for the next major Kappa2016-01-13 15:21:02
chkI didnt see, still want it?2016-01-13 15:04:50
AamunkajoSent an trade offer on ya blaze.2016-01-13 14:11:18
DeFaLT 𓂀+rep nice and fast2016-01-12 20:49:42
KILLA HAKANAdd me for trade please.2016-01-12 17:44:43
pablasGimme trade offer2016-01-12 16:21:54
Deesel+rep2016-01-12 12:09:32
am0tradeoffer2016-01-12 11:04:10
xCooleyx+rep fast fair trader2016-01-11 20:53:35
Printesa de Aur+rep. fast and smooth trader2016-01-09 22:51:58
авито+rep fast and fair trader:)))2016-01-09 17:49:50
Dream Killer+rep2016-01-09 07:56:21
toneshow much in items for ur kara2016-01-08 21:02:20
.contrast&gt;flip ruby 0.03Hey, add me? I have a good offer for your Golden Koi.2016-01-07 22:39:03
THComEdy+rep2016-01-06 13:59:52
olofmeister(1)hello,Im adding you to talk about trading my karambit doppler p4 with yours,ill will add keys and skins. please accept if youre intrested2016-01-06 04:33:17
Haide-kočka+rep2016-01-05 15:09:15
miqqsu+P2016-01-04 13:39:14
Joel+rep great ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trader2016-01-04 12:47:55
Dgl.Boiadded for trade2016-01-04 10:23:19
chkHaha, thanks buddy! ;)2016-01-02 15:41:14
abno+rep = fair, friendly and polite dude! =DD btw: Sick collection! =]2016-01-02 15:37:42
wdrum abrç pro lekão chk tmj by wdr2015-12-30 15:28:17
hawkyy_passando aqui pra dar um salve by hawkyy2015-12-30 14:12:41
Sir WeaselNice try what? You offered the one with the sticker on lounge2015-12-30 11:21:19
no userCould you please check your trade offers where I have made mine offer!2015-12-29 17:11:48
Janari+rep2015-12-29 11:16:45
Flo+Rep easy fast trader2015-12-28 18:57:42
Pumpmeisteri made you an offer :o2015-12-28 16:31:16
DraculaPurchased a knife from him, Paid with keys, Thank you for the trade, + Rep.2015-12-27 20:54:05
Tarq.+rep Good trader2015-12-24 10:33:57
CaZ+rep good trader2015-12-23 15:53:54
MushroomFak4rInJoAdded you for the doppler2015-12-23 09:08:49
Ducc+rep very fast and fair2015-12-22 19:08:24
bttobi B&gt; keys $1.82+rep nice trader2015-12-18 14:52:13
Riveadding you to trade for ws shotty2015-12-13 17:03:42
Death SaiyajiN+rep fast and reasonable trader2015-12-11 13:47:04
Picante DheeM+rep bro2015-12-08 23:26:43
Sugar ツ+rep nice and fast trader :D2015-12-07 11:19:03
xixiTopadded for trade2015-12-06 19:55:00
turro+rep fast trader2015-12-06 12:13:27
Nksu+rep fast and good trader:)2015-12-05 14:32:27
tentakler I)Could you please respond to my trade offer? Thank you.2015-12-05 02:54:49
KutiAdded for trading2015-12-02 12:37:04
monti d+rep2015-12-01 13:38:08
WildyPatient trader really kind! +rep2015-11-30 16:05:25
ٌ×ؤنثف Le Pro ‘شى+rep2015-11-28 18:24:11
Warden+Rep Fair Trader :)2015-11-27 21:05:55
tempo-+rep2015-11-26 11:19:25
Trovi+rep fast service ;D2015-11-24 06:54:44
//YOLOPLAYER+rep2015-11-23 11:29:38
G-Moneyinterested add me2015-11-22 18:56:20
Kendrick Llama+rep fast and easy to trade :))2015-11-22 15:25:35
BobDo you still have flip knife? :)2015-11-22 15:21:45
Mr. Himars+rep2015-11-20 23:50:54
Oderus+rep2015-11-19 18:07:24
potsku+rep really nice guy and fast trader :)2015-11-19 16:26:48
♥♥♥ KLEE ♥♥♥+rep2015-11-18 17:39:13
T0XiiC:v+rep good trader2015-11-18 14:01:19
☢ Колюсёк ☢+rep! Easy trader!2015-11-16 11:16:11
Mr. Lover Lover♡+rep2015-11-14 16:29:43
76561198101416373BRO CAN YOU HELP ME ? I ADDED YOU ACCEPT ME PLEASE2015-11-14 14:28:18
żÓłĆś.!@#$%^&amp;*()_-+rep2015-11-14 10:56:29
k2+rep2015-11-12 11:47:54
✪ Dmitrievich+rep2015-11-12 07:38:22
Paul+rep best trader 20172015-11-11 10:21:25
3apa3a+rep2015-11-10 16:01:17
Blaze+rep Quick trader!2015-11-08 21:37:37
NastyyAdded for discussion :)2015-11-06 22:07:13
Andru237Have tactics.2015-11-05 08:47:09
Agaton Sax+rep2015-11-05 08:28:41
Agaton Saxi want to trade youre m92015-11-05 07:55:13
Tlumklishbro where is your trade link?i cant find2015-11-01 04:30:39
TAiGERi search trade , dont do bad2015-10-31 12:11:30
chkJust look the stupid offer you sent me dude, just it.2015-10-31 12:09:28
TAiGERwhy is report me? i dont ? you nice man\)2015-10-31 12:08:14
PatressssI want Ak-47 no M4:/2015-10-31 12:04:48
Timyzki+Rep2015-10-31 11:29:41
✪ronaldinho-iwnl-+rep nice and fair trader ! :D2015-10-25 17:31:20
Klauss Von Schtaufenberg+rep for friendly and efficient, as well as polite frank with a new-timer in trading.2015-10-24 22:30:09
dash+rep2015-10-24 22:24:15
RubyFennec+rep easy, fast trader no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with him2015-10-24 02:02:15
Minimalist7-1 ♥♥♥♥♥2015-10-20 19:50:53
Jabawoke+rep nice trade good guy2015-10-12 18:43:07
♛ Okocha[2s-dA-k1Ng+rep great trader :)2015-10-11 16:15:54
wuantapz+rep great trader !2015-10-11 14:20:24
wdr♥♥♥♥♥ give me your money!!!2015-10-06 20:53:07
hempada+rep de confiança!!!2015-09-27 13:54:58
[LIVE]TTVMelmanfromMadagascar2aded to trade2015-09-24 19:10:06
AREL -n&amp;b-mongol.2015-09-23 17:38:16
everything bad... damn..+rep , nice and fair trader!2015-09-05 23:40:25
dropshipping.comadd, trade for AWP man o war :)2015-09-01 12:29:28
cwns+rep, super friendly trader!2015-08-29 20:08:54
иaиd๏ ツacc ai viado2015-08-29 10:23:21
Bob The Builder+rep nice fair trader2015-08-25 10:47:45
chkI have to pass mate, sorry.2015-08-24 21:54:48
Fr1gidcheck trade offers2015-08-24 21:47:41
chkSegura o GOLD parceiro!2015-08-22 13:39:05
✪ keess!baitado tbm ne AXO QUE GANHO? nao foi dessa vez ;D2015-08-22 11:54:46
✪ LÄÄÄÄON+rep nice trader2015-08-19 10:31:43
Slayinadd me cant offer on browser please add me2015-08-16 21:33:12
ɎɄⱤł ฿ØɎ₭₳+rep fast trade2015-08-16 02:29:00
nex+rep fast and polite trader! :)2015-08-15 18:09:17
bUM ツ+rep <32015-08-15 17:21:10
StinkyFinger+rep2015-08-15 16:01:38
hendriksseN-+rep fair one2015-08-15 12:42:10
@y4nkee+rep2015-08-13 15:31:10
oxley+rep2015-08-10 18:53:35
Luntan+rep friendly and patient trader :D2015-08-10 17:38:35
bionicsheep+rep nice trader2015-08-09 15:27:45
firtah+rep! Easy and Fast!2015-08-05 20:10:52
76561198205057871adding about m4 cause I can't trade from browser :)2015-08-05 19:02:59
idnahx+rep nice and trustworthy trader.2015-08-02 22:28:11
Mamadu+rep man2015-07-30 09:54:49
Shii Zao+rep very friendly ;)2015-07-26 13:21:34
SEKO+rep nice guy :)2015-07-24 17:09:15
graNis #B345t~+rep very nice trader2015-07-23 18:53:10
bennani+rep very fast trader2015-07-23 17:26:43
niels uno+rep, went quick :D2015-07-21 17:30:59
coldztorm+rep friendly and good trader2015-07-20 22:29:45
le pizdec total' :|Thank you for wasting your time on me dude :DThank you for your help!+rep for sure!2015-07-18 22:16:42
Fault ********added to trade2015-07-18 19:35:09
ボムビー+rep! nice Trader2015-07-18 02:38:09
ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕩𝕩sorry but need more add´s :/// and i´m downgrading Kara has very nice look2015-07-17 18:17:03
Gr8WhitePanda+rep easy and fun to trade with!2015-07-16 19:05:57
Poker &lt;3+rep2015-07-16 17:34:38
fla+rep, good trader2015-07-16 15:14:14
chkTá pra chegar essa semana macaco, foi esse mesmo... ;)2015-07-15 10:52:13
nando1fpschk..O monitor chegou??Comprou pela mamute certo, show mesmo o monitor?? Esse??2015-07-15 09:28:51
spk [♔]+rep buy 31 keys2015-07-13 14:37:58
drizz3l+rep - very fair, easy to speak to and nice guy :)2015-07-12 20:59:03
louis+rep2015-07-12 17:09:16
天城 雪子+rep2015-07-12 16:12:30
HightowerFor trading*2015-07-12 13:02:52
HightowerAdded you.2015-07-12 12:59:20
Kzpz+rep otimo vendedor.... fiquei ate devendo uma hahaha2015-07-11 20:20:54
hempada+REP FAS AND EASY!2015-07-11 16:53:07
skyky+rep! Fast and Easy!2015-07-11 13:43:59
.shayy+rep2015-07-10 15:59:05
635+ rep2015-07-09 16:07:04
nadegas carnudas+rep vendedor confiavel2015-07-09 13:23:52
[H]uskiAdd me for trade !2015-07-09 12:15:51
Marchmann+rep cool and nice trader! Stay Awesome!2015-07-06 21:36:12
Manny+rep2015-07-05 21:16:15
DED TUMAXOBCKUU^+rep!2015-07-05 21:14:03
✪p1mple+rep cool trader2015-07-05 18:07:29
Slirre+rep fast and easy2015-07-04 18:52:25
Cryn+rep fast trader2015-07-02 21:41:44
ayy tyler+rep easy trader2015-07-02 18:41:36
Thairen+rep Fast and easy trader!2015-07-01 19:35:45
LolMichaelAdded from lounge2015-07-01 19:08:20
Alex1os💰+rep, this man saved my life2015-07-01 18:03:38
(/^~^)/Krickathanks bro :)2015-07-01 10:31:20
(/^~^)/KrickaDidn't mean to be offensive lol sorry =]2015-07-01 10:05:54
ImJunkyard+rep great trader <32015-06-30 15:52:04
Wrigley's Spearmintsend your offer again, wanna think about it again2015-06-30 15:46:48
chkHahahah thanks bro <32015-06-29 20:10:23
cant readHey man, I just wanted to tell you that you have a really.....REALLY....REEEAAALLLYYYY AMAZING INVENTORY LIKE HOLY CRAP HAVE MY KIDS2015-06-29 19:57:46
Zavaa+rep muleke firmeza pode confiar galera :P2015-06-29 17:31:40
Snoop Dobby+rep2015-06-27 23:52:51
Knightmare+rep, really fair trader :)2015-06-26 17:27:10
godadded for trading2015-06-26 09:08:28
✪Danneadded for trade!2015-06-25 12:45:33
FixarN^+rep2015-06-25 10:19:07
HEADSHOZ+rep2015-06-23 20:00:38
mdito Trading Skins+rep good trader2015-06-22 16:46:27
UFOCHK,read this !!! 19:42:38
⊕ XorFish ⊕Have fun then2015-06-21 17:11:48
chkOkay guys, I stopped using that. I'll follow your guides :D2015-06-21 16:55:25
Luna🌙StortaPlease don't nuke the boss. Or update the script/extension. Thank you.2015-06-21 16:37:18
⊕ XorFish ⊕You should not use Nuke on a x00 level. Please install the script and follow the advice if you want to reach 100M. More Infor on 13:26:59
tonton+rep! Really fair2015-06-20 03:29:35
acc 1+rep ! Nice trader ;)2015-06-18 10:05:50
C.C.+rep nice trader2015-06-14 23:57:32
Twe-Q+rep nice and fast trader2015-06-14 13:39:13
cOXje /SOUNDLESS/+rep 10/102015-06-14 12:52:39
Antzerz+rep fast,fair and nice trader!2015-06-12 00:09:29
Rampaging_Sheep+rep fast nice trader2015-06-10 22:22:56
Lockwood+rep nice trade2015-06-10 21:09:45
Mamba+Rep Nice guy and fair trader2015-06-10 20:15:11
Kingtas+rep2015-06-06 16:00:35
Emra+rep2015-06-06 13:35:01
Space Pug+rep knows what he's doing2015-06-05 16:01:46
khan+rep, easy and nice trader2015-06-05 02:29:16
ROWDY+rep knows exactly what he's doing, great trader2015-06-01 18:23:51
dargon+rep fast and efficient trader2015-05-31 12:50:14
DoubleV4BE aka. &lt;VEROCE&gt;I send you a Trade man :)2015-05-29 21:27:31
Indoo+ rep good trade2015-05-24 21:17:56
Cr!pwalker+rep rly nice trader :)2015-05-24 16:41:54
Kevvyoooo <3 Give this guy freeeeee skins! :3 <32015-05-23 13:53:18
0 | 19:21:00
chkClarooo!2015-05-21 19:11:26
wdrolokooooow fechado, faz pelo pagseguro?2015-05-21 19:09:33
chkVendo sim parça, frete grátis para todo o Brasil via Sedex 10, mandou, chegou!2015-05-21 19:07:19
wdrvende essa awp manoela em 5x sem juros? abrax2015-05-21 18:58:19
DEXI THE SLUMP GOD+rep good guy2015-05-17 14:59:05
FLuKe^+rep2015-05-17 12:20:53
Guge (Sweden)i will trade my kara for som of your skins2015-05-16 21:59:01
chkSorry then mate, it's not how I'm looking for.2015-05-16 15:20:29
KevvIm more intrested in ure Karambit Tooth than ure fade and skins for my karambit fade.2015-05-16 15:09:35
verts+rep Fair & Easy going trader.2015-05-11 22:07:41
BritvA+rep2015-05-09 01:31:43
chkGood luck then2015-05-08 06:25:10
hype boy+rep nice and generous trader2015-05-06 11:28:17
Teelur+rep cool trader2015-05-02 14:04:46
lolxd+repp!! good trader !2015-05-01 20:53:52
CATATAUseloko perera xite2015-04-30 20:20:58
w1se 1ndeed+rep great trader2015-04-30 17:58:16
☛ Taker ☚add me when online!2015-04-30 15:59:06
Mr.Sexy -+rep my heroe!2015-04-26 22:33:00
Hibiki:2015-04-21 12:16:19
Mich+rep nice trader2015-04-19 19:42:56
vrtl+rep good trader2015-04-14 19:38:48
BlackWood+rep awesome guy and really nice person <32015-04-03 20:30:37
happens+rep Cool trader :D2015-03-31 14:01:46
FrizeR+rep, patient, friendly and fair trader !2015-03-30 18:38:14
x_x+rep fair trader2015-03-30 15:25:14
ekke+++rep nice trader2015-03-29 15:35:26
Spooderman+rep, fast trader2015-03-25 22:54:16
iN0x™®✪++++++++++++++REP2015-03-24 20:31:20
qLn.G+rep nice trader2015-03-24 10:05:22
Dex+rep - Very easy to negotiate with and made a good deal :)2015-03-23 22:03:16
a TRADEIT.GG+rep2015-03-23 21:47:43
Deep+rep nice2015-03-23 21:13:28
76561198156471870add me2015-03-22 19:50:45
mo0se+rep, patient trader!2015-03-22 12:45:11
MKMK+rep very cool trader2015-03-21 10:01:44
Covid 19+rep2015-03-21 08:59:04
Deliinquent+rep2015-03-21 08:51:27
Thrashmicei send offer for m42015-03-20 03:45:50
✪ fl0KiiiNAtoradd me so we can talk mate2015-03-18 12:06:53
BABA-YAH+REP2015-03-16 22:38:36
DoOnaLDZeRA+rep nice trade man xD2015-03-16 19:40:41
DOMOvs+rep good trader2015-03-11 08:33:18
n_N+rep2015-03-11 07:25:26
•♡° So+rep2015-03-09 10:43:17
BleikQuer vender teus itens? Se estiver interessado em vender por deposito bancario me avisa.2015-03-07 12:20:28
coke+rep2015-03-04 10:30:11
Chn_dgn97pls accept2015-02-27 10:54:14
RubinTop1pls man)) accept trade)) realy need this 2))) I will + rep you on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2015-02-24 17:54:37
RubinTop1+rep))) good and nice trader))2015-02-24 17:50:40
SIGMUND+rep, fast and honest trader!2015-02-21 16:20:54
SIGMUNDinterested in your knife. accept me2015-02-21 15:57:06
kiikou+rep, good trader2015-02-16 18:02:46
Toto ◢◤+rep good trader2015-02-16 11:02:23
MDAE IN HEAVEN+rep2015-02-14 21:49:56
90-Degree Elbow+Rep nice trader2015-02-14 18:26:03
みは+rep2015-02-14 17:00:04
Karvamato62+rep2015-02-14 13:02:16
Jakuback+rep2015-02-14 10:51:50
RobLeX+rep2015-02-14 09:47:20
Elva+rep2015-02-14 05:30:49
AJAY+rep nice trader2015-02-14 03:58:48
011+rep2015-02-13 23:42:52
Pussycat+rep really polite and fair trader!2015-02-13 19:42:42
Fadez+rep2015-02-11 22:22:39
76561198056210829+rep2015-02-11 19:08:45
crtn-+rep2015-02-11 16:47:25
AIM1k ***********+rep good trader2015-02-09 19:09:12
Dante Bustamante+rep2015-02-09 19:03:52
[ Mr. Q ]interested in m9 and cyrex.2015-02-09 18:40:35
DoubleacesIll trade for your knife. I will overpay2015-02-09 08:51:59
✪Giusseppe+rep friendly2015-02-08 21:27:53
✪ DD (๑• . •๑)+ rep. Fast trader.2015-02-08 21:02:28
Luna+ rep. Fast trader.2015-02-08 14:59:37
batia in the buildingadd mje trade karambit for key!2015-02-08 14:28:16
릴리+rep good and fast2015-02-08 14:09:03
Ryan+rep fair and fast trader!2015-02-08 13:07:24
'pRo7R^+rep2015-02-08 13:01:14
THANG DAU BANG HACK DUNG K?+rep fast trade2015-02-08 11:05:39
ZYMBERALLAERI <32015-02-08 10:26:59
OrangeadeFast & Great Trader! +rep2015-02-08 09:54:53
Retro_(55)+Rep2015-02-07 23:24:51
76561198118065421+rep! really kind2015-02-07 22:36:51
woiRaMGreat trader, rep +2015-02-07 22:03:34
styles+rep, legit and fair trader! :D2015-02-06 23:37:08
Axet+ rep legit and nice trader2015-02-02 14:02:50
ant1playtrade2015-01-30 16:02:08
Der Boy Der G+rep nice trader :>2015-01-25 14:15:40
Gregoryhouse+rep have fun with it :)2015-01-25 09:48:44
qnchomad+rep fast and nice trader ty2015-01-24 13:50:41
™ Lost+rep! Nice person and Fair person! Recomend!2015-01-24 11:13:27
PGLazu+rep, best he help me a lot.2015-01-22 14:53:08
⫍ ⃢ ⫎+rep2015-01-19 12:08:10
zxcvyou can inspect this in my inventory :>2015-01-19 09:49:03
zxcvhello, i think u will like my ak case hardneed factory new very rare blue it literally 0 like this in steam market offers/ if youre intereseted send me some offer :)2015-01-19 09:47:39
beninho106 (&gt;'-')&gt;+rep, friendly and fair =)2015-01-18 08:24:30
ttoX1+rep awesome quick trader!2015-01-17 23:14:53
R☣yT+rep fair trader2015-01-17 13:29:47
JACK SPARROW+rep smooth trader2015-01-17 11:40:25
1 GAME MAXsent a trade offer2015-01-16 19:57:39
destiny 447+rep nice trader2015-01-16 14:56:14
Lolo+ rep fast trader !2015-01-16 13:35:24
Verado+rep nice and fair trader2015-01-15 13:01:44
Cullen+rep Very friendly trader !! + fast2015-01-13 03:54:44
Unknown+rep friendly and super nice *o*2015-01-12 11:18:03
76561198082471132+rep2015-01-11 11:58:50
Maggen+rep good at making love2015-01-10 08:36:15
may0 :}+rep nice guy2015-01-09 13:24:31
chkOAIEOAEEIAIAEOIEA2015-01-09 09:39:11
wdrmds mlk seu swag ta transbordando PQP!2015-01-09 09:38:43
ainsii+rep good trader2015-01-08 16:09:38
daragood trader2015-01-08 15:13:48
CrayZee+rep luv u :*2015-01-08 08:16:49
SkipperPlay the game in my profile informations!!! Check out if you got or if you are have fun!2015-01-08 08:16:07
crtn-+rep, this guy is trusted.2015-01-07 14:50:57
Aleksander+rep, nice guy2015-01-07 12:02:10
Mr. K aka Kevincheck offer bro=)2015-01-07 07:33:03
007+rep nice and fast traader ;)2015-01-07 06:55:52
FreshcakeNoise trader +rep ;)2015-01-03 18:49:37
zzzzzzzzzzz+rep nice and trusted2015-01-03 10:31:13
Mystery Bubbles+rep! nice guy good trader :)2014-12-31 23:31:21
profix) ble hacka og VACCA+rep :)2014-12-29 18:50:43
cptbablo+rep! A fine trader2014-12-29 13:25:06
chkReally fair offer mate, common haha'2014-12-27 00:25:34
Adam.sent you a Trade offer for your Fade2014-12-27 00:25:11
hoochie+rep nice trader2014-12-26 23:17:05
neeto✪+rep nice trader! :)2014-12-25 11:21:33
M00NPANT5+rep awesome trader +++2014-12-24 21:15:38
oxley+rep good trader2014-12-23 20:26:47
AUUUUUUUUTOOOOOSHOTTY+rep2014-12-22 16:01:34
TurboTorben!+rep, nice trader!!!!!! :) And very friendly2014-12-22 14:52:07
Halton+rep fair trade2014-12-21 20:08:25
LYNEX xDDD+rep nice trader2014-12-21 10:22:19
Архитектор ЛеонидПривет из России!2014-12-20 20:50:00
sn friendly trader2014-12-19 22:41:16
proto+rep a very cool and nice trader2014-12-19 21:14:46
rauha+rep !! best ever :32014-12-18 11:04:57
PeanutFTW+rep2014-12-17 15:29:11
Perfect+rep, fast2014-12-17 05:28:41
codeinefreestyle+Rep Fair and good trader , nice person we have here good sir!2014-12-17 04:40:59
proto+rep a very cool and fair trader2014-12-15 19:33:52
FrENkIEEEE+rep2014-12-15 16:46:21
tiringa shelbynoob2014-12-11 13:10:37
?WHO AM I+rep! Nice Trader!2014-12-10 18:21:44
Beastadded talk trade2014-12-09 16:31:44
BrckHouse+ rep nice guy2014-12-09 08:49:42
Snotz+rep great trader2014-12-08 19:33:20
Dexstiny ♥+rep really nice guy2014-12-07 10:16:20
chkentrosa comigo não parceru ._.2014-11-28 19:03:47
CATATAUmds chk tira essa mão com ebola do perfil lesk tripa2014-11-28 18:51:26
benwagj but accpte no ?2014-11-28 14:51:51
CATATAUuhauhauuhauha vai deixar chk?2014-11-28 14:44:45
CATATAUNEWBA NEWBA2014-11-25 22:56:09
CATATAUZIKA ZIKA ZIKA2014-11-25 22:54:45
An1ZoR+rep Good trader2014-11-21 08:39:58
iusedtobegood+rep , great guy2014-11-20 19:26:12
SpidersHey, added you to talk about adds with my M9 Slaughter MW :)2014-11-20 17:17:33
MK |VI|bro, whats with the trade now?Knife and 50k u said its good2014-11-19 05:43:03
JTY7+rep realy cute guy2014-11-17 16:17:42
Nh-+rep cool and fair trader !2014-11-16 11:57:37
✪ TyR.+rep!2014-11-16 10:34:06
SnowYou will exchange this thing? 00:16:39
Barnevernet+rep nice and fast trader :)2014-11-15 22:08:14
My name is Charles+rep! :)2014-11-15 21:11:38
Eggsy | fast easy trade!2014-11-15 19:51:04
erXn+rep good man :))2014-11-15 19:44:22
Allen+rep nice trader, recommended2014-11-15 16:55:14
AshesAdd me, I have an offer2014-10-26 08:33:27
Chris Cross+rep2014-10-23 18:52:04
hotdog 12+rep2014-10-23 12:32:58
FrENkIEEEE+rep nice talk with u ;)GL2014-10-23 09:53:13
Scan1efox+rep! :D2014-10-22 11:23:29
Aizcheck offer dude2014-10-21 10:02:24
JINGLE FLOYD+rep :D2014-10-18 23:46:49
Jzow+rep fast and nice trader.2014-10-18 20:10:08
★SyR0X96+rep fast and fair trader2014-10-17 07:51:44
?WHO AM I+rep! Fast trader!2014-10-10 23:11:46
Niinmenitaasi want trade your m9!2014-10-09 14:09:54
LORD BLACK SALAMI+rep, fast and awesome trader2014-10-08 21:07:03
nexis+rep thx :)2014-10-08 19:44:17
koleer ♥ Lsubir patente com xiter na party não funciona2014-10-08 17:54:43
Rip 1+ rep, GL mate2014-10-06 20:08:06
BEEFFAM+rep, very understanding2014-10-06 19:39:05
37 Gay Rats+rep!2014-10-06 18:59:35
BadaBing!+rep great! Awesome crazy dude!2014-10-06 15:22:46
chkPior é você que acredita 'Perfil Privado', kkkk2014-10-04 21:10:17
resdnal+rep good trader2014-10-04 17:38:18
Perra+rep2014-10-03 09:33:06
Creigo™ || ga Kill !+rep2014-10-02 11:43:12
Fishball+rep2014-10-01 10:27:48
roy orbison+rep nice trader2014-09-30 11:55:37
Jay+rep good trader2014-09-28 18:00:08
n9ne+rep really good trader2014-09-28 15:43:31
thawj+rep :D2014-09-26 05:36:49
solsaAdded to sell m9 bayo boreal ft 40-42 keys discussing!2014-09-17 07:24:13
CH34TER?$H4D0XXX+Rep. Really nice tro trade with you, hope you enjoy your new skins, ty for the fire serpent, gl.2014-09-10 09:12:24
Govane+REP TROCA RAPIDONA2014-08-16 14:07:17
Rock n rolla+rep2014-08-16 13:59:12
LUKAZVD+REPTroca rápida :D GT2014-08-16 12:36:07
.SuHcLuDe+rep nice guy2014-08-09 09:53:16
POKOLOKOAdicionado :D bora joga nessa bagaça2014-08-07 16:07:38
DIEGO M :DDAdd me bro! Have a good trade offer for ya!2014-08-06 09:40:22
judogosuAdd me to trade2014-07-28 10:28:46
chkAnotado!2014-07-25 16:25:39
Venomwall hacker, podem repotar2014-07-25 16:23:01
.+rep , fair guy , nice trader2014-07-24 13:47:05
LaNrefNi+rep good and fast trader2014-07-24 10:55:03
EpärehtiRiku+rep :P !2014-07-24 10:07:10
_+rep2014-07-22 19:36:22
RubinTop1+rep) good trader2014-07-22 10:36:49
puds+rep fast and easy2014-07-21 15:15:41
cybertrax+rep fair and good trader!2014-07-20 20:59:42
JoseUnblock me then.2014-07-20 16:00:05
Akiff kote+rep good and nice2014-07-20 12:51:26
BuzzoozledCheck your trade offers :)2014-07-20 01:03:33
MXLanu+rep fair and fast trader2014-07-19 12:39:45
Beastaccept me i got this, DIAMOND AND HEART PLAYSIDE SO GOOD PATTERN!! writed to u on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! :) Accept me!2014-07-18 14:38:24
/\/\_J csgobig.comdude accept2014-07-18 06:02:42
flighten+rep2014-07-17 08:17:06
Leslie Chau+rep2014-07-17 08:05:18
AndyWhisker+rep good trader2014-07-17 08:03:18
weasel+rep great trader!2014-07-16 10:35:34
DEXAccepted2014-07-15 05:40:16
BeterBarks+rep honest trader2014-07-14 17:46:47
chk+rep. Nice Trader!2014-07-14 17:46:22
Mltms+rep a nice trader :)2014-07-12 19:45:20
prOteX!+rep easy and fast trader2014-07-12 10:33:44
prOteX!accept me for the howl trade2014-07-12 10:28:15
strejtRep2014-07-12 00:21:06
Chun+rep2014-07-11 23:55:28
XEliteFusionX+rep quick easy trader2014-07-11 21:44:23
icy+rep, nice friendly and fast trader!2014-07-11 20:16:31
chkThanks mate!2014-07-10 09:19:34
T1m53nAwesome Weapons ;)2014-07-10 09:16:32
CS Gentleman+++++++rep =D.2014-07-09 16:03:27
TΣNZIN ★+rep awesome trader.2014-07-06 19:53:58
Zielony x) ! This is magic!rep+2014-07-06 13:14:29
?WHO AM I+rep. Good Trader! :))'2014-07-05 19:43:45
Kei+rep2014-07-05 14:53:47
Free_ELo+REP fair trader.2014-07-05 11:49:22
ThoR+ rep2014-07-05 10:58:42
Kosi+rep, fair and fast trader2014-07-05 09:57:43
Sandman+rep good trader2014-07-04 16:48:08
CATATAU+rep lek =)2014-07-03 00:21:05
SandmanHU32014-06-29 15:34:24


Total: [107] | TF2BD: [0] (0.00%) | SB: [0] (0.00%)

f2024-05-11 18:49:41
(48 days)
765611996714144402024-04-10 17:27:11
(79 days)
angelz2024-04-04 18:33:29
(85 days)
765611982541586712024-03-30 22:58:29
(89 days)
2024-05-01 01:26:14 (58 days)
gabe2024-01-12 17:24:22
(168 days)
gojusatoru 条る2023-11-24 19:55:06
(217 days)
765611984441599752023-10-24 23:07:36
(247 days)
aaaa2023-10-18 20:28:04
(254 days)
765611990636278222022-11-20 16:44:43
(586 days)
765611980735703952022-11-06 23:10:15
(599 days)
bad2022-10-04 20:46:32
(633 days)
giacomassi2022-09-05 18:54:14
(662 days)
Sinforoso, O Mórmon2022-07-09 11:26:42
(720 days)
765611980444503732021-07-08 22:02:26
(1086 days)
765611991534080172021-04-13 12:59:52
(1172 days)
mts2020-11-24 16:25:33
(1312 days)
765611990719943642020-07-04 14:08:19
(1455 days)
2024-06-18 18:22:57 (10 days)
765611983124559812020-05-31 16:23:55
(1489 days)
765611988581121942020-04-23 07:49:57
(1527 days)
765611984443424542020-04-07 18:53:53
(1543 days)
vin12020-01-04 19:11:20
(1637 days)
evokst4r!2019-12-11 17:11:26
(1661 days)
paganin2019-11-23 18:26:00
(1679 days)
makzera2019-11-10 09:50:54
(1692 days)
Nohara.2019-11-09 13:40:09
(1693 days)
2024-04-04 23:49:26 (84 days)
» Panda2019-10-07 15:27:49
(1726 days)
TaNgE!2019-09-27 15:54:51
(1736 days)
765611982032755422019-09-18 00:16:53
(1745 days)
millencol1n ✩2019-09-16 17:08:58
(1747 days)
GUSTAGOL2019-09-14 19:42:48
(1749 days)
AlxJr2019-09-11 22:29:51
(1752 days)
B *2019-09-11 12:28:10
(1752 days)
smG2019-09-10 02:18:26
(1753 days)
Agnello2019-09-07 21:25:59
(1756 days)
765611980166368182019-08-17 16:52:03
(1777 days)
Bob Jhon2019-03-09 11:50:51
(1938 days)
Raiser2018-12-29 17:05:26
(2008 days)
Chuny2018-11-12 16:44:58
(2055 days)
RhudY2018-06-21 17:31:29
(2199 days)
2024-04-04 23:49:26 (84 days)
765611984057410382018-06-11 14:36:32
(2209 days)
765611983072991632018-04-21 15:58:48
(2260 days)
Luckyyzyn2018-04-04 00:54:20
(2277 days)
765611982720482332018-04-01 19:27:45
(2280 days)
765611979902605112018-03-31 22:44:29
(2280 days)
MathsZera2018-03-19 00:43:33
(2293 days)
✪ Revstyle2018-03-18 00:18:17
(2294 days)
lcS;12018-03-12 22:35:08
(2299 days)
765611983447007382018-03-08 20:17:20
(2304 days)
bad2018-01-24 20:59:45
(2347 days)
BIG BOSS2018-01-13 11:06:27
(2358 days)
slype12018-01-06 20:11:48
(2365 days)
765611988033157012018-01-06 08:04:04
(2365 days)
dg2017-12-25 16:43:32
(2377 days)
pru2017-11-13 22:35:06
(2418 days)
765611981217157542017-09-26 11:36:33
(2467 days)
2024-06-18 18:22:57 (10 days)
w2017-07-15 19:28:34
(2540 days)
2024-04-04 23:49:26 (84 days)
✪ keess!2017-07-12 13:46:04
(2543 days)
,,,2017-05-29 17:17:41
(2587 days)
Windoh2017-02-21 11:04:17
(2684 days)
2024-04-04 23:49:26 (84 days)
z1KLGAMER!2017-01-11 13:57:50
(2725 days)
765611981441223322016-10-19 18:11:13
(2809 days)
765611980867678182016-10-14 14:02:10
(2814 days)
YKZ1 🌀2016-09-15 19:39:17
(2843 days)
765611979824937262016-09-08 00:17:43
(2850 days)
tezzic2016-09-05 14:32:37
(2853 days)
RON2016-08-24 22:28:12
(2865 days)
MUDO - Stupid2016-07-21 18:35:03
(2899 days)
2024-04-04 23:49:26 (84 days)
holyyyyyyy2016-05-03 19:50:22
(2978 days)
Carecak1NG2016-04-25 21:42:14
(2986 days)
shield2016-04-18 21:21:06
(2993 days)
765611980606169892016-03-13 21:52:24
(3029 days)
fastzeraaaa!2015-12-14 20:02:33
(3119 days)
765611980323379162015-11-09 17:53:59
(3154 days)
MATH2015-10-30 16:04:36
(3164 days)
T.I.G.R.E2015-09-19 20:06:35
(3205 days)
Sandman2015-08-15 16:42:39
(3240 days)
Justwantchaos2015-08-08 12:35:18
(3247 days)
Sandman2015-08-08 10:06:58
(3247 days)
☠-KraiTinG-☠2015-06-22 23:15:26
(3293 days)
772015-06-01 17:30:18
(3315 days)
zKaaN RUMO AOS PALCOS2015-05-16 21:22:01
(3331 days)
2024-06-18 18:22:57 (10 days)
765611980711648782015-04-25 21:52:27
(3352 days)
bruce2015-04-23 20:55:04
(3354 days)
ctt2015-04-20 22:53:46
(3356 days)
pnK1ng2015-04-02 13:06:29
(3375 days)
...2015-02-04 17:09:00
(3432 days)
suziii2015-02-03 20:47:19
(3433 days)
Hollywood2015-02-01 16:32:59
(3435 days)
krz skr2015-01-27 20:47:34
(3440 days)
765611980296476322014-12-18 13:49:33
(3480 days)
765611980766672062014-11-20 13:14:31
(3508 days)
765611980264168962014-10-20 15:22:05
(3539 days)
765611980255297302014-08-04 22:16:07
(3616 days)
765611980293470322014-07-10 18:24:56
(3641 days)
765611980305296692014-07-07 06:17:26
(3644 days)
765611980036242962014-07-06 10:40:32
(3645 days)
Zerok2014-07-05 18:58:10
(3646 days)
' Felipinho2014-07-05 17:20:10
(3646 days)
hawkyy_2014-07-05 16:17:28
(3646 days)
nando1fps2014-07-05 14:43:26
(3646 days)
flavinho do pneu2014-07-05 09:47:11
(3646 days)
765611980510582372014-07-05 09:17:14
(3646 days)
FRO$T2014-07-05 07:00:31
(3646 days)
wdr2014-07-04 19:14:21
(3647 days)
765611980207357982014-07-04 17:50:58
(3647 days)
CATATAU2014-06-29 14:46:25
(3652 days)
Javier Milei2014-06-27 14:33:11
(3654 days)
2024-04-04 23:49:26 (84 days)