-W3E- HellDevil

SteamID64: 76561197975625597
SteamID32: [U:1:15359869]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:7679934
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/-w3e-helldevil/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197975625597

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Friends-Only
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2005-04-24 17:28:53 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-05-29 06:14:06

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
-W3E- HellDevil2017-07-22 19:25:29
HellDevil2016-11-17 19:27:40
HellDevil birthday!!!2016-11-16 17:33:21
-W3E- HellDevil2016-04-27 12:50:33
Madhatter HellDevil2014-01-15 16:11:04
--CGA--HellDevil2013-02-23 14:43:10
-W3E-HellDevil2013-02-22 21:24:32
-W3E-[A]HellDevil2012-12-29 17:17:33
-W3E-He2012-12-29 16:26:31
--CGA-- HellDevil2012-12-29 16:22:46

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
ΞΩŜΞ is my first but a real memorie2023-03-22 01:20:52

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/-w3e-helldevil/2023-03-22 01:20:52

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Friends-Only2024-05-29 06:14:06


Total: [97] | Deleted: [0]

-W3E- HellDevil@all of friends i got hacke dand theres a message goign on dont trsut them2019-04-18 18:47:18
Salestax1Happy bday dude.2016-11-16 20:48:48
IceSnakeChickenyeah happy birthday you2016-11-16 19:08:57
-W3E- HellDevilhappy birthday me2016-11-16 17:32:54
IceSnakeChickenmerry christmas2014-12-25 21:02:01
IceSnakeChickenjeez whys everyone on red team2014-06-21 14:36:42
IceSnakeChickenpotato is prepared ;D2014-06-07 15:04:00
A PsychoFuggly KittenHappy easter meester !2014-04-20 14:34:24
IceSnakeChickenfollow-up random comment2013-12-02 15:38:03
-W3E- HellDevilhappy birthday me hahahaha2013-11-16 06:08:51
-W3E- HellDevilalmost halloween hype2013-10-28 06:53:08
-W3E- HellDevilsigh havieng one fo thoses crappy days sigh/2013-09-25 21:28:47
-W3E- HellDevilgo to profile settign startled2013-09-11 08:29:47
SnowoKunhow did you get the favourite game thing on your page?2013-09-09 10:47:38
-W3E- HellDevilI am the tit monster haha2013-09-02 17:26:01
..have you ever noticed that your avatar from afar looks like a monster and not a girl?2013-08-30 21:48:50
-W3E- HellDevilsup2013-08-30 19:10:47
..dont leave me. please. i cant live without your laugh2013-07-28 22:18:19
IceSnakeChickennvr know2013-07-23 20:14:56
-W3E- HellDevilHaha i am insane but sane but not insanse but sane what am I? I wonder this everyday hahaha2013-07-23 20:08:48
-W3E- HellDevilDont like to advertise stuff on my profile or steam but the main website for rouge legacy offer you more then the steam version.2013-07-02 16:36:14
IceSnakeChickenhes just good like that2013-07-01 14:07:07
IceSnakeChickennun prolly will xD2013-07-01 14:06:53
-W3E- HellDevil5 bucks eh reach lv 50-100 before end of the year2013-07-01 13:04:57
IceSnakeChickenyea hes pretty ridiculous isnt he2013-06-27 17:32:45
-W3E- HellDevilbogutht he game and got myself antoher badge to complete if i get all the cards my highest steam lv friend is nun witha woppign lv 20.2013-06-27 17:06:09
IceSnakeChickenawesome cant go wrong with game coupons2013-06-27 03:10:16
-W3E- HellDevilGot lucky and got a 66% offf fairy stolotirare. That card game for tthe steam card gamezz2013-06-27 02:34:14
-W3E- HellDevilI am physicaly and mentaly exusted from that run2013-06-26 21:05:03
IceSnakeChickenmaybe its bugged on uvhm2013-06-26 17:02:46
-W3E- HellDevillet me tell ya mud that was hell. Fight through orcs spiders killeer tree drawfs that look like savalador knights then the spider queen and fianly the dragon and jack. And no head for me or the skin2013-06-26 17:00:19
IceSnakeChickenthat sucks2013-06-26 09:19:21
-W3E- HellDeviland it was UVHM2013-06-26 08:36:32
-W3E- HellDevilso ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ angery fianly beat tiny tina dlc and the game gltich out againa nd i dident get my head for my axton all my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard work down the drain.2013-06-26 08:32:49
-W3E- HellDeviland now its 75% offf2013-06-23 01:16:38
IceSnakeChickenyeah haha2013-06-22 21:06:12
-W3E- HellDeviland its on sale and if i'm right you forget to get cash yet again :3 mud haha2013-06-22 19:37:31
IceSnakeChickeni would but i dont have it yet sadly2013-06-22 11:30:42
-W3E- HellDevilargh why dont players play amgicka anymore?2013-06-22 05:37:05
Diligent DiamondGlad I got in on the trading card beta. Really adding alot of games now, and with the booster packs as long as you trade and have card movement you'll get more cards for all your games.2013-06-16 22:16:52
-W3E- HellDevilyes mud they got bl2 cards now since the steam tradeing beta made it a offical one and if you bought the new and improve diamon plated loot chest from thinkgeek.com you get a nice set of bl2 wepon, legend class mods, and a in game goltih head card as well.2013-06-13 18:05:31
IceSnakeChickenthey have bl2 cards now?2013-06-01 13:15:39
-W3E- HellDevilgetign piss off by this stupid steam tradeing cards. cant find friends who have either bl2 or dont starve. That or players not playing half life 2. Its makeign me grind my teeth and slamming my fist in fustration god.2013-05-31 13:14:07
-W3E- HellDevilSeems the finale to one of my favorite games ze penny arcade on the rain slick is heading to the true climix and they give away codes for a free copy of the 3 game princeabile of darkness3. I bought it when it came out and got the free copy of death dragon and cultu saves teh world. Oh yea its comeing out next month so http://penny-arcade.com/static/rainslick-giveaway better act fast hahahaha2013-05-21 00:12:23
-W3E- HellDevilhttp://HeadshotsAngel.chatango.com great chiarty thats doign alot for child play and bordelrands 2 and they gave me torch light 2 for free.2013-05-19 08:35:01
IceSnakeChickenyou see this yet? http://www.noobfeed.com/previews/242/sanctum-22013-05-05 06:27:28
NakedCheer up hell! I love you!2013-04-20 19:31:43
-W3E- HellDevilFeel depress today sigh.2013-04-20 13:11:38
-W3E- HellDevilSigh try to make a classic rooster teeth bow chicka bow wow joke and some idoit think it was a hit on. Sigh God i need to get more females into my life.2013-03-01 06:10:32
MikaboshiWe cool HellDevil :)2013-02-23 11:52:27
NakedHappy thursday to you devil <3 I got chocolate ftw. Hope you had a good one too.2013-02-16 00:13:54
-W3E- HellDevilEveryoen my favorite game the binding of isaac is on sale for 2 bucks pric efor a small cup of coffe. This is one of the best games you shuold buy hell for the price of a tall drink at starbucks you can buy the game pluse the 2 dlcs. You won't regreat it.2013-01-28 13:41:49
-W3E- HellDevilMan its nice to get moreo f my friends playing dungeon defenders it's a great game and with all the dlcs and the complte pakck it's basicly a great steal for 50 bucks for all the bells and whistlles.2013-01-10 22:30:33
IceSnakeChickenwow thats stupid2013-01-02 18:46:44
-W3E- HellDevilyea and i was the oen who go tthe stupid awnser rightban me from teh chat and denied me the reward it was the tf2 trade/raffle with the pryo and gaint crate as the picture.2013-01-02 17:59:01
IceSnakeChickenouch i hate when that happens2013-01-02 14:34:48
-W3E- HellDevilsame and doing ok little piss of that a tf2 raffle clan i go to rip me off on a massive grand pirze.2013-01-02 14:32:07
IceSnakeChickenhappy holidays btw2013-01-02 06:23:44
IceSnakeChickennot much you?2013-01-02 06:23:29
-W3E- HellDevilHave MAgicka and castle crashers and dunegeon defensers went online suscide? Let me explaine when youg et a great online mutiplayer game you expect alot fo peopel cosntly playing it. Example is dungeon defenders back when it was lively it had 100s of lobbys with players wanting to play its dimish to 10-50 lobbys and not alot of right lvs peopel to play. Magicka is a awsome and fun game where your suppsoe to be a troll and mess with your friends and play. I go on and i rarely see people playing it. And if i do see a lobby where players are playing it they got it in password lock. And castle crashers god its like 1-4 peopel are playing it when you go online and that is frekasdj bull crap. Point is what i tryig to see tell yoru friends of thses 3 awsome games they are dirt cheap thanks to the steam winter sale and have some fun. Also get DEAD ISLAND best zombie rpg ever since we surive the appolocys/end of the world.2012-12-22 15:07:32
IceSnakeChickendamn i cant buy itspent all my money on steam cards and my birds2012-12-19 21:25:42
-W3E- HellDevilhttp://www.humblebundle.com/#contribute Humble bundle haveing its most epic bundles yet you gto to get this.2012-12-19 19:33:16
-W3E- HellDevilSigh another reaosn i keep my steam profile to freinds and freinds of friends. The steam public is full of nasty trolls and wanabee gamers who think they are great. Also get the 2 steam weekend deals they are both great indie games and fun to play.2012-12-06 21:07:35
-W3E- HellDevilOnly game that kept the old ways alive was Quake and UNREAL TOURAMent2012-11-28 00:26:29
IceSnakeChickenmaybe even before that2012-11-28 00:06:23
IceSnakeChickenthe art of gaming was lost when the majority of people online refused to cooperate in a game with the word team in its name2012-11-28 00:05:20
-W3E- HellDevilyea kriptic they jsut well lets just say i ended on a good bye letter then being force ban since i wanted to do it the most honerable way as i am one of the few players who still respect the honer of gameing and the gameing commuity. So many thigns i bleive in are a lost and frosaken art.2012-11-27 23:40:45
IceSnakeChickenouch2012-11-27 23:08:26
-W3E- HellDevil4 years of hardwork putting a smile and doign what jerry and nun ask and what they gave was a cold hearted ty and good bye.2012-11-27 22:31:46
..Hey helldevil it's fizzy (of course >.<). I know you have a craft number 86 (I think) and I found a guy on tf2outpost buying all hats and weapons with craft number under 100. Here is his profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046693431 You are offline at the moment so I'm just going to leave you with this. Cheers!2012-11-27 21:19:05
IceSnakeChickenhappy birthday :p2012-11-16 15:32:16
-W3E- HellDevilToday my birthday hope remebr this time2012-11-16 10:11:12
-W3E- HellDevilIt saddens but i got to ♥♥♥♥♥♥ say it uber sold themselfs ut to one of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mmo companys there is and its the one do dos ABP online and they suck badly. And super is dieing quickly heed my warnign don't play super monday night comnbat till they can do A porper updates or B make a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ tuutoiral.2012-10-31 04:34:38
IceSnakeChickenIt's hard to find good working team mates in turbo cross unless u hve billysanca on your team then its an autowin lol2012-10-16 23:27:16
-W3E- HellDevilI'm thinking of 2 conucsions, 1 Is my faith in multiplayers games have been becoming more wash then thena dirty wag or 2 my stupdi generation is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ stuck int he ♥♥♥♥♥♥ call of duty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and don't know how to play any games anymore. As god as my witness i will find a way to put the rightous path to theses gamers that or freaking leave mutiplayer gmaes for a few months and pray to god the end has come haha.2012-10-15 00:39:52
-W3E- HellDevilIt's hard to find good working team mates in turbo cross or the fact when you try to do a fast chargeing moneyball tactic which you know tha twill 80-95% chacnce of wrokign guess what happens? The rest of the team becomes stupid and have a hardest simpicty to stick with me when you got a great to modest ideals. God it so hard for peopel to understand ther straisn of pain and life i go through in thesews games or in real life.2012-10-12 00:18:07
-W3E- HellDevilTh emechromancer is out :3 let the chaos and anarchy begins2012-10-09 12:31:08
-W3E- HellDevilSigh FML why cant i get one of thoses stupid gearbox codes for some gold keys god for being a scavnager who gets guns and sheldi and gerandes and give them to the less fourtnatie or to my firends why cant anything gos my way. I need a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ drink2012-09-26 21:48:27
-W3E- HellDevil♥♥♥♥♥♥ fvalue dela ying borderlands 2 for 11pm or 12am tomarrow ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.2012-09-17 00:16:09
『Chad』| Gaming &lt;3good to see you once again2012-08-14 06:14:04
Algorabthat is true2012-07-15 12:47:54
-W3E- HellDevilT_T why can't people respect peopel with birth defects brain damge or trying to learn english or mispelling. freakign peole on the internt dont give a dam and be a freaking trolling jackass out fo themselfs.2012-07-15 03:16:31
Algorab*Note to self when in doubt get C4 out*2012-06-25 05:18:48
Nakedthanks hell :)2012-02-29 00:23:23
belugahappy birthday!2011-11-16 14:51:27
-W3E- HellDeviltoday my birhtday yay2011-11-16 13:57:22
Rex Racerhey2011-10-01 12:13:53
Josieahem. oh nuu, you did not just spam me with a potato. :|2011-09-11 02:52:52
-W3E- HellDevilhope grimchow gives me back my stuff i let it loan the wepons for 1 weeks and its now goiong to be 22011-09-03 11:37:44
-W3E- HellDevilWhy can't peopel in tf2 tradeing stop being so serious.2011-08-06 02:40:30
-W3E- HellDevili bring out the wrost with stupid or peopel with short anger sapms. sigh why me i mean i try to have fun be polit eand next thing people go freaking hell mary on me.2011-07-22 09:50:49
Ninjadagger, MBAherp derp2011-07-02 13:43:48
GaamooAre you idling TF2? Steam keeps saying you're on...2010-08-21 21:34:19
Rex RacerWe need to play again sometime2010-08-13 02:09:52
-W3E- HellDevilit;s ok sheamas2010-08-06 19:26:09
Rex RacerDude sorry about early this morning right as we were kicking so much ass. The computer I was on has a timer and kicked me off. I was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ devastated.2010-07-13 11:38:38
Dildor The Defender of Porn(insert comment here)2009-06-11 23:06:22


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
