
SteamID64: 76561198000178650
SteamID32: [U:1:39912922]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19956461
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000178650/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000178650

Unique Views: 2
Total Views: 3

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2008-07-26 13:20:38 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-06-26 01:51:46

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
๖ۣۜNightling2024-06-26 01:51:46
๖ۣۜNightlingTheFemboy2024-05-29 19:07:47
๖ۣۜWeed is Dogshit2024-05-29 06:48:52
๖ۣۜNightlingTheFemboy2024-05-15 21:07:58
๖ۣۜNightling*NoSound*2024-05-15 05:04:17
๖ۣۜNightlingTheFemboy2024-05-02 21:31:39
๖ۣۜNightling the Femboy2024-05-01 18:01:58
๖ۣۜNightling2024-02-24 15:43:51
๖ۣۜVeggie Connoisseur༻2024-02-05 17:02:17
๖ۣۜNightling༻2024-01-25 19:56:16
๖ۣۜMr. Munchy Wunchy༻2024-01-23 04:46:59
๖ۣۜNightling༻2024-01-18 21:17:04
๖ۣۜMr. Munchy Wunchy༻2023-12-06 22:39:37
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-11-26 19:05:25
Boil Your Water2023-11-25 22:31:54
Nightling2023-11-24 21:21:02
Boil Your Water2023-11-22 18:59:36
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-11-16 17:12:19
⛧๖ۣۜDie You Rapist༻⛧2023-11-16 00:04:50
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-11-09 05:38:30
๖ۣۜNightling༻[NOSOUND]2023-11-07 04:10:43
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-11-02 10:47:31
๖ۣۜNightling༻[NOSOUND]2023-11-01 18:37:24
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-09-15 14:25:21
๖ۣۜNightling the Deer༻2023-09-01 18:22:36
๖ۣۜNightling The Deer༻2023-08-29 06:48:52
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-08-21 02:44:34
๖ۣۜSoul Worth Saving༻2023-08-20 12:58:06
Quadmale Dittlebutt2023-08-20 01:34:40
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-08-12 22:18:50
Nightling2023-08-12 04:34:22
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-08-09 01:24:24
Nightling2023-07-27 13:03:02
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-07-12 04:08:40
๖ۣۜNightling༻[VC OFF]2023-07-11 23:17:22
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-06-29 03:26:58
๖ۣۜNightling2023-06-26 15:36:39
๖ۣۜNightling the Deer2023-06-25 11:37:11
๖ۣۜNightling2023-06-21 16:07:29
๖ۣۜNightling The Deer2023-06-15 09:07:20
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-05-27 21:14:35
๖ۣۜNightling༻(NoSound)2023-05-26 11:22:10
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-05-26 02:03:00
๖ۣۜNightling༻(No Sound)2023-05-25 04:17:27
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-05-14 15:00:46
๖ۣۜNightling2023-05-08 03:15:23
๖ۣۜNightling༻2023-05-07 15:08:37
๖ۣۜNightling2023-04-30 23:42:45
๖ۣۜNightling The Femboy2023-04-29 23:24:44
๖ۣۜNightling The Deer2023-04-29 16:03:19
๖ۣۜNightling The Femboy2023-04-24 20:33:52
Nightling The Femboy2023-04-23 20:17:53
๖ۣۜNightling The Femboy2023-03-30 00:42:43
๖ۣۜNightling2023-03-28 21:15:46
Smartest Boy Alive2023-03-28 19:44:31
๖ۣۜNightling2023-03-23 22:00:05
๖ۣۜNightling the Deer2023-03-23 16:53:19
๖ۣۜMorkard the Dragon2023-03-23 16:07:53
๖ۣۜNightling The Deer2023-03-20 19:49:50
Nightling The Deer2023-03-20 09:00:13
๖ۣۜNightling The Deer2023-03-20 07:53:41
๖ۣۜNightling the Deer2023-02-06 16:20:48
I Know What Makes You Tick2023-02-06 16:03:09
๖ۣۜNightling the Deer2022-11-25 10:32:57
UNHINGED MADNESS2022-11-25 10:02:38
Keep Yourself Sane2022-11-20 20:04:27
twitch.tv/Nightling452022-11-12 13:41:26
You Aint Ready2022-11-11 17:01:02
๖ۣۜNightling the Thunder Deer2022-11-11 08:44:47
You'll Always Be Enough2022-11-07 10:48:43
๖ۣۜNightling2022-11-06 21:34:11
๖ۣۜScream2022-10-30 13:15:41

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Andrew2023-03-23 23:09:36

URL History

URLTime Changed

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2024-05-05 03:45:23
Friends-Only2024-05-01 18:01:58
Public2024-04-29 21:02:16
Friends-Only2024-04-29 02:47:46
Private2024-04-28 00:16:56
Public2024-02-05 23:41:58
Private2023-12-21 19:46:43
Friends-Only2023-12-08 07:11:56
Private2023-12-07 16:00:59
Public2023-12-06 22:39:37
Private2023-12-06 12:37:25
Public2023-12-05 20:22:21
Private2023-12-04 16:46:15
Public2023-12-04 00:38:08
Private2023-11-25 22:31:54
Public2023-11-08 13:01:49
Friends-Only2023-11-04 20:33:48
Public2023-08-30 09:06:42
Private2023-08-29 19:48:24
Public2023-08-27 07:13:05
Private2023-08-23 09:41:14
Public2023-08-20 12:58:06
Private2023-08-07 03:50:00
Public2023-08-03 14:05:59
Private2023-08-03 09:22:32
Public2023-01-14 02:01:33


Total: [319] | Deleted: [21]

Cat radiohes a good human being :) +rep2024-05-24 17:48:01
IStoleYourJordans90pikmin!!!2024-05-17 16:42:28
๖ۣۜNightling420 blaze it get rekt 1337 no scope you try harder scrub2024-04-23 18:37:36
๖ۣۜNightlingnop nop nop2024-04-23 06:19:17
๖ۣۜNightlingWhen you are restrained in the back of an ambulance truck and the two female EMT's with you, decide to pull the truck over and rape you.2024-04-22 21:06:59
๖ۣۜNightlingSorry, I got involuntarily admitted to the mental hospital."Did you get scared from how many officers entered the room, or is it from when they all put on their gloves?"Sorry, can you explain to me what Schizophrenia is? I don't quite understand psychology that well, or people's minds.2024-04-22 20:49:16
๖ۣۜNightlingCan you explain to me again, in full detail, what Psychopathy is? Or Sociopathy is?What is this term called "Schizophrenia"?What is the term ADHD? I don't quite understand it properly.2024-04-22 20:47:19
๖ۣۜNightlingTF2 Logic: If we go from behind, the enemy team won't see us coming!2023-12-06 21:46:40
๖ۣۜNightlingheloi~2023-11-16 20:39:38
๖ۣۜNightlingwomp~ womp~2023-11-16 13:29:57
๖ۣۜNightlingdeer hunt for veggies and mushies.. mush mush2023-11-10 12:00:52
vacwho u2023-11-06 12:09:44
๖ۣۜNightlingdepression2023-11-03 23:42:09
paperfaceadded to discuss unusual2023-09-17 05:09:52
๖ۣۜNightling༻So the day that was considered any other day, I built myself a big lego toilet, full model of a real toilet. Well, I had to take a massive ♥♥♥♥ and our real toilets were out of order so that saying goes, "Do anything to survive right?". I took a ♥♥♥♥ in the lego toilet. Half of it was solid poop, the other half was leaky diarrhea. When I got off the lego toilet I immediately noticed that it was leaking from the bottom and I called my local plumber. Told him that my toilet was leaking and he said that he'd be down there to check it out and see what he can do. He gets to my door that same day and I let him inside and he's like "Point me the way." I bring him to the bathroom with the lego toilet and he goes "Are you serious?" And I'm like well yeah, my other toilet won't work so I built this out of legos. He goes, "Sorry, I can't help you with this, your model of your lego toilet is to outdated for me to work on." LMAO2023-09-16 10:23:04
pineapple on pizzaI agree, He talks about pizza but he does not have a clue about pizza2023-09-14 17:59:24
๖ۣۜNightling༻doesn't everybody post sh~t on the steam discussions? i'm not the only one lmao2023-09-14 17:59:01
druuuyou post a lot of sh1t on steam discussions, thus my comment. take care!2023-09-14 17:50:21
๖ۣۜNightling༻who even are you2023-09-14 17:09:13
druuu-rep this guy just rambles about stuff he's got no clue about.2023-09-14 16:00:13
๖ۣۜNightling༻HEY HEY HEY.. i said none of that >:C2023-09-14 07:33:28
pineapple on pizzaFurry deering2023-09-14 07:30:00
TiredFoxcute deer boi2023-09-01 05:19:59
℣ε†ĭֆreally cool profile2023-08-28 16:57:29
Alejandrocan u add me please ?2023-08-28 14:21:27
GreyTake an award fellow cervine.2023-08-20 08:35:01
๖ۣۜNightlingbah wah2023-06-23 01:41:00
Relishcervine2023-06-23 01:39:20
NezomA deer pwp2023-06-16 21:15:02
๖ۣۜNightling༻no goats here *baaaaaah* OH woops! sorry.. i mean bleat bleat2023-06-03 07:44:35
Peanut Buddahe may be a deer but he da goat2023-06-03 07:35:28
Yzzie-7 hp2023-05-07 23:30:45
๖ۣۜNightlingoh how nice a stray shotgun! i wonder what i'll do with it... or what i WILL be able to do with it hehehehe2023-05-07 21:52:42
Yzziei am leaving a stray shotgun shot here2023-05-07 21:45:18
Foxxy_Eskimouwu2023-04-30 17:11:36
StormChaserRyland+rep the cutest femboy </32023-04-26 18:54:39
๖ۣۜNightling The FemboyD:2023-04-25 20:14:17
BnuuyBoiscotland forever...bunny takeover >:32023-04-25 20:04:17
Jared McKano #savetf2Decided to add because we played in a match2023-04-24 22:11:18
Lobo+rep2023-04-24 22:06:50
๖ۣۜNightling The Femboywhats the capital of bang yor kok2023-03-28 19:54:56
Massive Dragon TitsGoober2023-03-28 16:48:25
LuckyyA am bat, trust me2023-03-28 06:01:13
๖ۣۜNightling The Femboysussy wussy2023-03-28 05:54:47
Luckyythis deer is sus2023-03-27 19:45:45
๖ۣۜNightlingYou can break the chains that bind you. When your hate for certain sins is strong enough you can deny the sin that tries to force you to do or think in ways that aren't pleasing to God. You can put the sinful nature in you to death and become free. (Colossians 3:5)2023-03-25 09:58:18
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerum okay :/2023-03-23 18:57:45
WhineDeerhave a good one brother2023-03-23 18:56:37
AutumnsnoutWhen the plumpy is SUS?2023-03-20 20:53:08
๖ۣۜNightling the Deernever2023-03-15 12:07:19
Stealthy,ugh shut up2023-03-15 12:01:31
RauthrIf there's one thing I know about this person, it is that he touches grass.2023-03-09 13:11:38
๖ۣۜNightling the Deero well ty2023-02-01 15:29:33
WildFyrePretty icon you've got there x32023-02-01 14:34:37
๖ۣۜNightling the Deeruh uh uh uh2022-11-22 18:17:04
BunnyCurvesNo Nut November got me acting unwise towards anything suggestive ongDid you lose yet?2022-11-22 17:57:42
glitchy (owner of UGM)+rep amogus2022-11-21 19:01:20
legopokemonfan666(CASE DEMON)+rep poggers2022-11-15 17:59:02
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerno deers, nuffin nuffin me pwomise2022-10-22 09:32:23
yal B/W&gt;900 Keysill buy that rump o lantern2022-10-21 10:48:01
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerwhere da doe tho? GIMME DA DOE2022-09-24 09:37:40
๖ۣۜNightling the Deeru wish2022-09-20 19:26:17
Dill+rep homosexual2022-09-20 19:16:45
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerbleat bleat2022-08-12 18:06:48
CrafozuraI am wishing you a wonderful birthday today and may the best things happen today! may all of your dreams and wishes comes true! DRINK well and party hard!2022-08-11 13:22:41
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerI added you because wanted to make more friends2022-08-09 19:40:11
skrunglReason for adding me?2022-08-09 19:02:19
WizardSouprice+++++++REP, gave me a free game! :D, very cool guy <32022-08-07 14:41:34
DeerskieReason for adding me too?2022-08-02 10:12:21
ShrimpyReason for adding me?2022-08-01 13:42:30
RexBG hootwhy u are removing me evverytime i want to ask u smth2022-05-28 19:37:19
UberMedicFullyIM NO ANIMAL2021-12-25 14:29:37
UberMedicFullyhe aint clean2021-12-25 13:22:31
๖ۣۜNightling the Deergrrrrrr2021-12-25 13:19:15
ALT+rep Merry Xmas you clean (not really) deer2021-12-25 12:48:57
UberMedicFullySuks as hale2021-12-18 17:38:55
jemma_kittyXD2021-12-05 17:03:56
ALTgo take a bath stimky2021-12-04 09:34:58
∆C0pe∆Happy birthday m82021-08-11 23:22:49
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerty is my bday today bleat bleat2021-08-11 22:47:53
KinosuneEbic deer. B)2021-08-10 19:01:02
SeraphHehe2021-05-30 16:52:30
Gravelshaperyo dude, send me a friend request, lets play together2021-04-27 16:05:16
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerdeer go bleat bleat2021-04-26 11:09:53
Mouth watering Beef Wellingtondeer2021-04-26 07:17:36
∆C0pe∆Deer2021-04-26 01:38:07
haydosi was the one who voted no lol2021-04-26 01:29:36
Forcefuryhello mate, can you send me friend request? I have something for you2021-04-25 19:19:49
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerlmao2021-04-23 01:58:54
bucketwhatthehell2021-04-23 01:56:43
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerThe only thing that's faster is the poop that slides out my butt2021-04-20 10:53:18
bucketYou can't not run from me my gun is faster2021-04-20 00:13:05
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerget out of my head2021-04-19 18:48:16
bucketNah you're funny2021-04-19 18:12:22
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerI'm not that funny2021-04-19 11:09:14
bucket+rep most funny player in tf22021-04-18 18:39:35
Mintifellow deer .2021-02-27 20:31:00
ღ Kiri 愛I like your pfp, it's familiar. 😳2021-02-10 10:55:40
๖ۣۜNightling the Deernever. deer is free2021-02-03 20:51:38
「ItsRemurin」i see2021-02-03 20:40:33
「ItsRemurin」what.2021-02-03 20:36:57
Tomixboyga2021-01-28 12:31:17
demopanrep is a good deer ,cat2021-01-08 08:29:49
Batu Khan+rep hot2021-01-07 20:59:21
Doopnar♥♥♥♥2021-01-03 20:18:25
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerHello there2020-11-29 03:08:12
SeraphHewoo xD2020-11-29 00:09:41
๖ۣۜNightling the Deeryes2020-11-28 19:32:32
Chippoyes2020-08-27 02:47:21
Fordo (7kb/s)cool.2020-07-21 06:02:40
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerbleat2020-07-16 11:11:42
DapperMangowhere are the bleats2020-07-16 06:49:43
SeraphWhat ?2020-07-15 23:44:18
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerAHHHH2020-07-15 23:43:11
SeraphOwo a Deer x32020-07-15 23:34:12
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerD:2020-07-13 13:40:53
NathanOh-oh Ah-Ah >:32020-07-13 13:40:02
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerno pllss2020-07-13 13:39:24
NathanThe mokeys are after chu2020-07-13 13:37:52
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerBLEAT IT OFFSHAKE IT OFF2020-07-05 12:19:06
ElskerBLEAAAAAAAAAAT2020-07-05 03:22:53
๖ۣۜNightling the Deervirus2020-07-03 13:34:53
MrCongenialityNo, thank YOU fren2020-07-03 11:49:20
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerThanks u :32020-07-03 10:04:43
DapperMangoi love your bleats! XP2020-07-03 03:10:54
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerbleat bleat2020-07-03 03:07:53
DapperMangobleat!2020-07-03 01:57:24
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerbleat bleat bleat :D2020-07-02 21:38:12
Jerableat bleat bleat2020-07-02 21:36:17
๖ۣۜNightling the Deernope2020-06-26 20:08:10
helldildo666yoooo baby ik your feet must be tired cause you've been running through my mind all day come here.2020-06-26 18:06:33
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerwat2020-06-26 14:32:51
ScuzzyOur hero returns, thank you father Rauthr2020-06-26 14:24:35
๖ۣۜNightling the Deeryes2020-06-26 14:22:14
RauthrI never left2020-06-26 14:08:02
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerno2020-06-26 14:06:36
ScuzzyI missed you Rauthr bb2020-06-23 20:59:44
RauthrLmao, I can see why I commented.Your avatar is an embellished tattoo design that somehow pops up everywhere. It's painfully generic edgy/'cool' ♥♥♥♥ with wide appeal & no personality.Add in the lame name with a slightly evolved xX_Xx embellishment, no info on profile, etc. And I can see why I forgot your no-name aß.2020-06-23 19:43:07
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerfor ice cream2020-04-10 21:44:55
ScuzzyI SCREAM2020-04-10 21:43:56
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerwat2020-04-10 21:38:20
Scuzzyscream2020-04-10 21:27:26
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerlol2020-03-26 16:05:56
๖ۣۜNightling the Deermush mush2020-03-23 05:31:40
Seraphoh a deer2020-03-21 04:43:27
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerOnly you can prevent wildfires.2020-03-14 18:51:57
RauthrIt does indeed require no effort2020-03-14 18:22:51
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerYour attempts at stealing my butter nut muffins are effortless.2020-03-13 04:39:45
RauthrLmao that generic dragon tattoo design2020-03-13 04:33:18
🎩s r. c o r e y+rep good killing floor 2 player2018-07-12 02:31:57
EXample◥◣ ◢◤+rep nice person2018-05-03 23:38:24
Rockem' Socomlmao2018-01-29 04:58:57
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerwat2018-01-28 22:52:58
Rockem' SocomHi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I added you because you're a female gamer, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.2018-01-28 21:18:27
TheDeathRockhey im back2017-12-30 21:35:55
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerNo problem man :D2017-10-24 20:26:38
sandwich glueI was looking forever for that symbol that some people had at the start of their names. Finally found it :D2017-10-24 20:16:30
Losem:32017-10-10 06:01:38
Taste Itit was kind of awhile ago, but dogs are mostly instinct. At some point they kill things because dogs do. They doggo hard because they love you.2017-08-20 05:47:03
Taste Itone of your dogs killed a baby bird?!?!??! bro....2017-08-20 05:42:59
Dead VoxelHello! Im making tf2 SFM Posters/Profile Pictures! Posters are 3 ref and Profile Pictures are 2 ref. Please friend me if you want one.2017-08-16 16:51:46
The Ninja of Loverep he made me so damn happy !2017-06-03 15:51:31
XompI am interested in ur terror watt pyro unusual, for 9 keys. I have about 5 keys now, will buy 4 keys this month2017-01-10 18:40:41
GlodusAdded to talk about unusual2017-01-08 14:48:33
Winduptoy7hey can u add meplz2017-01-08 05:47:20
VugLen+rep nice trader2017-01-05 03:27:56
VugLenadded2017-01-05 03:11:27
JailbreakerTV+rep nice and friendly trader2017-01-03 20:49:51
PrincessHandjob+rep nice guy2017-01-03 19:23:56
Entlein+rep seems like a nice guy2017-01-02 15:35:50
Gomenasai+rep kind fellow2017-01-02 03:20:41
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerLol2016-12-28 15:22:50
󠁳⁧⁧ جاغرميستر•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.☆✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & a ℋappy ℋolidays! ✦✦*☆ ˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*Your left ball is somewhere over here xD2016-12-28 05:04:43
&lt; radish spirit+rep2016-12-21 04:18:51
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerxD <3 u too bae2016-10-27 23:38:32
EDWINseems cool, he acknowledged me when i was playing medic, it brings tears to my eyes, no one ever talks to me when i play medic. <32016-10-27 23:37:51
{HERD}+7 Jingle -7 all the wayN O2016-10-23 23:04:23
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerSTRIKE PLS, ♥♥♥ OFF2016-10-23 20:45:25
{HERD}+7 Jingle -7 all the wayget IN THERE2016-10-23 20:44:43
๖ۣۜNightling the Deeromfg2016-08-01 15:33:49
ScaileyPootis2016-07-27 23:59:19
Quadratic+rep quick and easy :)2016-04-27 16:07:50
nullIDK I LEGIT IDK2016-04-27 13:14:34
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerwtf2016-04-26 16:52:09
null#Scream is love. Scream is life2016-04-26 05:13:45
clap dickNO U2016-04-16 15:20:07
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerwow2016-04-16 15:19:42
clap dickNerd.2016-04-16 15:17:11
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerHi guys, sorry i havent been on lately but ill jump on when sunday arrives.2016-02-26 01:59:30
clap dick♥♥♥♥, where have you been man. Miss playing TTT with you :(2016-02-21 21:01:15
clap dickYOU BIG ♥♥♥♥♥!!!!!!! KOS SCREAM!!2016-02-21 21:00:51
Sun King.•*´¨`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´¨`*•.🎄 ℳᴇʀʀʏ ℭʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs 🎄ஜ 🌟 ஜ 🌟 & 🌟 ஜ 🌟 ஜ🎁 ℋᴀᴘᴘʏ ℋᴏʟɪᴅᴀʏs 🎁*•.★.•*´¨`*•.♥.•*´¨`*•.★.•*2015-12-24 05:53:34
TomiiWhy the h8 on lvl 0-1 profiles huh? HUH?!?!?!? DO YOU HAVE ANY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ IDEA HOW HARD IT IS TO SUCK GABEN'S ♥♥♥♥ JUST TO GET A DECENT LVL IN STEAM?!?!?!? BECAUSE I HAD TO SUCK IT LONG, FAST AND HARD TO BE WHERE I AM TODAY. ♥♥♥♥ YOU SCREAM. ♥♥♥♥. YOU.P.S. I have not talked to ya in a while and me alld all your other friends in the comment section would love to have you back.2015-07-31 16:55:19
[T.U.N] Speed Warrior HM+rep2015-04-09 20:30:27
Cha Dud+rep good guy great prices2015-04-08 21:41:09
Abbes+ rep fast and kind trader2015-04-05 19:11:50
Kiso 火+rep :32015-04-03 13:58:43
The Money Will Roll Right In+rep good trade2015-04-03 12:56:07
MrPancakes+Rep nice guy got good trades and is fair2015-04-02 19:08:51
Bruce Wayne+Rep very good trader , honest and kind would love to trade again! ^^2015-04-02 17:25:25
Hawky+rep very good and kind trader2015-04-02 12:40:12
BullsEye+rep good,fast and fair trader2015-04-02 00:46:52
Gnome+rep, good trade2015-04-01 23:27:01
Chong+ref awesome trader2015-04-01 22:47:23
Zaxbees+rep Good and fair trader! A++2015-04-01 22:44:43
inb4 2 beer jugs+rep, BEST TRADER!2015-03-31 11:43:46
hermit+Rep Best Traer I Have Ever Met :)2015-03-31 11:36:44
Captain Smack Jarrow+rep Fair trader, very polite2015-03-29 21:03:25
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerAlright2015-03-29 16:37:27
AlwaysBornThanks for the offer, but I'm only collecting level 69 uncrafts at the moment. Focusing my attention on that right now.2015-03-29 16:34:33
Chet+rep great trader! :D2015-03-25 00:53:18
☣ ☭ Ragatyr ☭ ☣+rep2015-03-25 00:50:03
ZilyicilBest Friend Over All(Maybe)2015-03-21 20:48:42
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerlol2015-02-25 12:49:09
paypalme/jozzI was only 10 years old. I loved TF2 so much, I had almost all the weapons I wanted. I would leave my computer on for hours, Just to get a few drops. Then I got my first hat, The gibus. Suddenly everything changed. I no longer cared about playing for fun, I only cared about the 'hats' I "borrowed" my mommys credit card and bought more hats. I had so many hats, I loved them all. But then someone traded me, I accepted. They offered an Unusual for all my hats. It was so sexy looking, I put up all my hats and traded. But no Unusual, He scammed me. I lost it all. I was so sad I cried for hours. Later that night I prayed to Gaben for my hats back. I went to bed after praying. I felt warm. I looked behind me, It was Gaben! He said "This is Gabe Newell" and handed me a Burning Team Captain. Then I woke up, I was wearing my Burning Team Captain and I was naked. I saw Gabe leave through the window, he looked back at me and winked. Hats are love. Hats are life2015-02-25 12:37:28
PancakeHappy Christmas and New Year and nice trader2014-12-28 21:12:33
ZygaHave a happy holiday, for whatever you celebrate Scream :3 <32014-12-24 23:06:01
PatchIt said "error adding friend" when I tried to re-add you.2014-10-15 11:25:47
Tyrannical KittyIF U WERE KILLED TOMORROW, I WOULDNT GO 2 UR FUNERAL CUZ ID B N JAIL 4 KILLIN DA PUNK THAT KILLED U!..._...|..____________________, ,....../ `---___________----_____|====...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/.....), ---.(_(__) /....// (..) ), ----"...//___//..//___//.//___//WE TRUE HOMIESWE RIDE TOGETHERWE DIE TOGETHER2014-10-14 01:57:19
Kelvin.5uck+rep fast and good trader~2014-10-11 03:33:58
El pelos+rep good trader2014-09-11 17:32:36
Dream ChaserFast, friendly and polite. Would love to trade again.2014-09-11 17:24:12
Fungus McBungusSent a trade offer.2014-09-08 21:07:30
BobbyShmurdaMegaTron+rep fast and fun to trade with2014-09-07 20:07:26
Mixxeh+rep Good Trader! Very gud!2014-09-07 14:37:17
SnapZLOVE ME BB2014-09-05 23:29:52
Memory+rep Awesome trader :D2014-09-05 19:51:00
Ludde+rep good price and fast!2014-08-29 02:17:58
orchid+Rep, polite and patient trader2014-08-26 12:17:14
Arn+rep good trader2014-08-25 19:47:56
Intuitive_JessHey your cool!2014-07-22 22:09:29
DandyI still want my bacon back2014-05-10 19:15:14
I Am Soap༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つIF U WERE KILLED TOMORROW, I WOULDNT GO 2 UR FUNERAL CUZ ID B N JAIL 4 KILLIN DA ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ THAT KILLED U!..._...|..____________________, ,....../ ..---___________----_____|]=D...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/.....), ---.(_(__) /....// (..) ), ----"...//___//..//___//.//___//WE TRUE HOMIESWE RIDE TOGETHERWE DIE TOGETHERsend this GUN to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get a 13 your A TRUE HOMIE2014-05-10 17:44:30
Rick &quot;666&quot; JamesR.I.P Grandpa, sorry.2014-05-06 23:24:30
Erikhastagsrgeylatest2014comment2014-05-06 22:46:52
Captain Zibbles+rep, quick, polite, and all around awesome2014-05-05 19:32:36
Rick &quot;666&quot; JamesAdd me I have some Uncraft and Rare Hats.2014-05-04 13:58:15
๖ۣۜ Flabby+rep quick,nice,and funny trader2014-05-04 09:21:03
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerNope, you must have another person.2014-04-30 08:32:03
Carl Johnson/: We Played On Precision ServerWe Was Civil Proticion And Your Name Was "Sea"2014-04-30 08:31:12
๖ۣۜNightling the Deerno2014-04-30 07:47:06
Carl JohnsonNow Do You Know me?2014-04-30 04:02:33
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerMe neither2014-04-29 12:24:27
Carl JohnsonTrueYou Don't Know Me O:2014-04-29 11:35:12
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerI know right? This guy is so gay.2014-04-29 09:09:31
Carl JohnsonGay.2014-04-29 09:05:32
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerGay.2014-04-20 21:01:54
Eriknearly one year later, you're the last to comment on my wall <32014-02-12 11:19:19
kazeHows life? :32013-12-31 23:27:00
Ducky Boy+rep, fast, nice trader, etc. et.c2013-09-07 23:57:22
Always MaybeHerp a Derp when you ever going to come on and stop being afk?2013-09-07 21:03:32
Emberi want to sell u archimedes pls trade me2013-09-07 06:11:13
[email protected]+rep great and fast trader. 10/102013-09-06 19:32:17
McGnasty♥♥♥♥♥♥ why'd you delete me2013-08-11 23:57:38
wand3raccept the invite to trade me2013-07-25 01:08:39
Multiadd me for uncraft infernal2013-07-23 18:28:58
The Duck+rep nice and is a clone!2013-07-23 17:38:04
Sacco &amp; Vanzetti+rep Fast trader2013-07-23 17:08:42
D'Elon Mosque+rep fair and fast trader2013-07-21 16:23:38
Dude I'm Tall+Rep Good Trader :)2013-07-21 12:18:46
Jack the Ripper+rep :) worth your time!2013-07-20 12:07:46
RobbyK+rep good trader2013-07-19 11:31:25
Codecruncher17+Rep fast and polite2013-07-18 22:39:31
Gen3+rep Nice trader!2013-06-30 16:48:29
Fruity Jam+Rep Awesome Unique Trader :)2013-06-24 21:38:14
RChamy+rep2013-06-23 22:10:28
pierre+Rep good fast trader. Good luck on your collection2013-06-21 16:11:31
Silver+Rep Good Trade Good Trader2013-06-20 19:46:38
♛Krelle♛+rep Friendy :)2013-06-16 07:39:53
McGnastyNuh2013-06-15 10:30:26
Use Trade Offers+rep very kind person2013-06-14 15:04:56
Festis+rep Polite, fast trader.2013-06-11 12:01:51
Peanutorlove u, my sexy scream roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr xD2013-05-08 21:45:22
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerYes.2013-05-04 21:09:24
Sdice1YOU MAD BRO2013-05-04 20:41:03
☠ Gol D. Roger ☠Such a funny guy2013-04-25 03:16:17
wB-NeOo`#QPAD...........__________ __________, ....../ `---___________---- _____|]...../_==o;;;;;;;;__ _____.:/.....), ---.(_(__) /....// (..) ), ----"...//___//..//___//suprise mother trucker2013-04-03 19:58:11
Boos CluesLadies ladies whats the genesis?2013-03-25 07:09:32
DandyOH YES THEY DO2013-03-23 23:11:57
๖ۣۜNightling the DeerSTFU NO ONE HAS TO KNOW >:D2013-03-23 23:11:10
Dandy-rep, dis ♥♥♥♥♥ tried to scam my bacon >:32013-03-23 23:00:17
Murdoc+rep fast and nice trader2013-03-20 12:59:33
aLieN+Rep Fast and Nice Trader2013-03-17 14:01:54
hkjb+rep Fast and corteous.2013-03-13 21:17:20
Fractal+rep fast trader2013-03-10 03:41:43
[BORG] Qj+rep fast trade2013-03-10 03:32:53
Increased mana+rep very polite and nice trader2013-03-10 03:20:46
GayScout+rep good trader2013-03-10 03:15:10
Purple NecromancerDoh doh doh doh, doh doh doh doh come sing with me2013-03-09 19:06:17
•ᶠ*ᶜᵏButterfly•Great trader & fair price! +rep:)2013-03-06 13:25:52
jay &quot;juanito&quot; chu+rep super fast trade2013-03-03 18:49:13
Gunplay+ rep huehuehuehue *giggles* brr? huehuehuehuehuehue2013-03-02 19:51:49
GlobalS+ rep nice trader :)2013-02-19 13:41:10
KokusenF U WERE KILLED TOMORROW, I WOULDNT GO 2 UR FUNERAL CUZ ID B N JAIL 4 KILLIN DA ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ THAT KILLED U!..._...|..____________________, ,....../ ..---___________----_____|]=D...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/.....), ---.(_(__) /....// (..) ), ----"...//___//..//___//.//___//WE TRUE HOMIESWE RIDE TOGETHERWE DIE TOGETHERsend this GUN to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get a 13 your A TRUE HOMIE2013-02-18 19:04:55
ShootME+ rep2013-02-18 13:15:32
Magpie, frugal tradernice trader2013-02-16 01:04:31
jeff♥♥♥♥♥♥2012-11-23 20:37:51
Gunplay<32012-11-11 00:32:07
Gunplay+rep for being a ♥♥♥2012-11-10 15:57:51
Mr.burnsSold him 12 ref for paypal wen´t smooth + rep2012-11-09 17:51:10
champion1921Sold me paypal cash, he went first. +rep2012-11-09 15:48:20
SSX+rep nice trade. Legit :)2012-11-09 12:24:49
pieroe+rep Nice and Honest trader2012-11-07 19:12:51
eldoon's noodlesAll the reps! Most gracious trader I've ever talked with.2012-11-07 07:34:42
Lightning_AceA nice and polite person. Summation from n=1 to infinite [rep = +e^(n)]2012-11-06 20:45:35
James Tarr+rep, great trader, many thanks!2012-11-05 20:17:35
Zhou++rep awesome trader.2012-11-05 19:52:12
Festive+rep BRAIN SLUGS2012-11-05 16:00:24
JShoo++rep Amazingly nice. One doesn't come across a trader as friendly as this very often.2012-11-05 15:46:00
Leonardo Bøssegøb+rep veru nice and friendly2012-11-05 15:28:07
pinhead+ rep nice trader2012-11-04 07:35:43
r00+rep Quick & easy trade2012-10-22 23:50:05
Kevin 🐧+rep very nice trader :)2012-10-22 18:44:38
Ahmad &quot;Sauce&quot; Gardner+rep good trader2012-10-17 21:20:54
Lord Clarence MacDonaldFast Trader! + rep.2012-09-29 22:03:04
SchnellfeuerIvan+rep good trader2012-04-04 19:24:46
supremeGreat trader, funny too. Rep+2012-03-22 00:06:05
Foxxy Renamon+ rep2012-03-06 16:53:26
Leaf+rep nice trader2012-02-10 15:18:38


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
