[WL] Soaring Dawn

SteamID64: 76561198024261626
SteamID32: [U:1:63995898]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31997949
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/metaldemonslayer/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024261626

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2010-04-23 20:58:21 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-05-07 20:05:17

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
[WL] Soaring Dawn2020-05-21 19:58:27
[WL] 💛 Sora2019-05-18 22:32:08
[WL] 💛 Nero2019-03-24 01:43:30
[WL] 💛 Joker2018-09-23 22:53:58
[WL] 💛 Atreus2018-05-21 01:53:03
[WL] 💛 Adrien Agreste2018-01-18 22:38:16
[WL] 💛 Wirt2017-08-20 20:06:46
[WL] 💛 Nagito Komaeda2017-06-30 00:48:13
[WL] 💛 Ethan Winters2017-03-17 01:32:45
[WL]💛McCree - Junko Enoshima2017-03-11 13:30:33

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Soaring Dawn~2023-04-01 01:30:46

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/metaldemonslayer/2023-04-01 01:30:46

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed


Total: [189] | Deleted: [1]

Cιƈι Cɾσʂʂԋҽαɾƚ˛°˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°*✦✦ Merry Christmas & Happy 2024 ✦✦2023-12-25 17:24:15
Mr.Rageiヽ      /ヽ     | ゙ヽ、    /  ゙i      |   ゙''─‐'''''''''"    l   ,/             ゙ヽ   ,i゙    /          \   i!     ●      ●  ,l .   ゙i,,   *   (__人__)  ,/    ヾ、,,          ,/   /゙ "         ヽ  /             i!( )        i   !   i!.,  γ" ⌒゙ヽ   l   l  γ'.ヽ   i     i,__,,ノ   i,__,,ノ_,, 丿   ヽ,_,,ノ"~´ 𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒜 𝒢𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓦𝓮𝓮𝓴2018-10-05 18:09:45
The JokerSo...much...titans2018-04-30 00:14:23
ney+rep2018-02-11 05:00:41
SilverHey I am offically back! I apperciate all the cool emoji pictures you left in my comments!2018-01-28 07:32:52
Cracky | OniFansTrade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! (Rate 4 Cases for 1 key) https://csgotradecases.pro/keys2018-01-19 20:35:47
xenoprobeNice art. keep up the good work.2018-01-04 09:48:33
tokki♥MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS! ........... it's the thought that counts, right? ;w;2017-12-28 16:15:11
BattlerThanks, Merry Christmas to you aswell!2017-12-26 15:20:44
ZettaThank you! Hope you had a holly jolly one! Have a splendid week!2017-12-25 21:38:07
Princess AyakaMerry Christmas!2017-12-25 01:57:18
Hina KagiyamaThank you~! Hope you haveing a wonderful christmas time~!2017-12-25 01:45:21
DevesHappy Holidays!~2017-12-25 01:44:56
RaY0hMerry Christmas!2017-12-25 00:08:36
EchoMerry Chrsitmas! Have a great holiday!2017-12-24 23:55:47
Doctor Goober。 ° ˛ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ˚ • 。。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ 。 ° 。 ° 。• ˚ ˚ ˛ * ★MERRY★ *˛ • • 。CHRISTMAS • ˚ ˚ • ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ 。* ★And Happy New Year 2018★ • ˚ ˚ ˛ *__Π___*。* ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • ˚ ˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛*|田田 . .|門| ˚¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*2017-12-24 23:11:12
Mr.RageMerry christmas. :D2017-12-24 20:53:29
brolyMerry Christmas and Happy Holidays!2017-12-24 17:24:08
HungryBankerI got Black Mesa at discount.2017-12-23 09:01:30
HungryBankerGet any good deals on the Steam holiday sale?2017-11-30 08:45:00
EchoDope profile. Good taste.2017-11-28 12:34:31
RA RannoHave a great fall and winter! Beware of evil snow.2017-11-19 10:18:39
ney+rep2017-11-18 11:07:32
Princess AyakaHello!2017-11-17 19:40:27
[WL] Homura AkemiLets be friends.2017-11-17 15:41:50
Yumeko Jabooty:2017-11-02 19:35:13
RaY0hFeliz dia de muertos2017-11-02 09:03:17
HungryBankerHello2017-09-25 01:34:54
SovereigndrakeAutumn*2017-09-22 21:53:45
👻SℙOҚIβUҚI👻Thank you so much, have a nice weekend!!2017-09-15 13:31:12
Doctor GooberThank you! Hope you have an amazing autumn2017-09-15 12:07:00
Hina KagiyamaThank you~! Wish you a lovely autumn too~!2017-09-15 09:51:22
sey_______░இஇ█▓░♥___________░இஇஇ█▓░♥___░இஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_____░இஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_░இஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥__░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥____░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_______░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_________░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥... ___________░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥______________░இஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_________________░இஇஇ█▓░♥____________________இ█▓░♥ Thanks i hope urs aswell2017-09-15 09:15:06
RA RannoYou too. Have a hawt doge!2017-09-15 09:12:57
Princess AyakaYou too! *insert fall emote here because I have none :(*2017-09-15 08:53:42
Yumeko JabootyHope you had a wonderful summer~2017-08-30 20:17:59
kitten's daddyKomaeda x NO ONE2017-08-01 13:34:07
tokki♥aww thanks~ :3 <32017-08-01 08:05:04
Doctor GooberHave yourself a great week friend!2017-07-31 13:31:41
ney+rep <32017-07-31 09:09:22
Princess AyakaThose emotes are so cute! I haven't seen or played Danganronpa yet but I really want to!2017-07-30 19:17:32
SoftwhiskersNice to meet you too new friend!2017-07-26 06:12:54
Mr.RageHave a good week my friend. :D:steamhappy:2017-07-02 22:21:25
tokki♥thank you ^^ made my day a bit more bright! :D2017-06-30 06:50:17
Doctor GooberHope you're having a wonderful week2017-06-28 20:43:46
ney+rep <32017-06-28 17:00:28
Princess AyakaHey there!2017-06-28 16:19:19
BattlerYour Story kinda reminds me on Satoko from Higurashi. :( I'm glad that your problem went away2017-06-28 05:15:53
Aristi󰀜I'm not so sure2017-06-27 13:15:32
Aristi󰀜how to survive 2 its okay?2017-06-27 10:17:04
HungryBankerI understand you are going back to school, I hope to catch you on the weekends this fall.2017-06-25 04:07:25
Yumeko JabootyPassez un été splendide~2017-06-24 19:24:21
HungryBankerWhen are you going to be playing in July?2017-06-24 16:32:51
HungryBankerHello2017-06-24 09:19:06
SilverGlad you are doing well! I am doing alright, I am going to away however for sometime. Resist the temptation to delete me off your friends list during that time. :D2017-06-16 22:41:50
Kay-VRThanks for the quotes! ~Made my day a whole lot better :)2017-06-09 10:39:44
SilverIt has been awhile since we have talked! How you are doing well? Wanted to say that I really apperciate the emoji pictures you leave on my profile. :D2017-06-02 17:22:36
Sanic DeritoPlesae be my freind2017-05-26 11:06:45
Hori KyoukoThe Weekend may soon be ending, but dont stop smiling brighter then before!2017-05-21 09:02:24
Hori KyoukoHave a happy weekend~~~!2017-05-20 05:47:06
RaY0hThank you!2017-05-17 15:42:57
SovereigndrakeHave a wonderful rest of the month as well! :D2017-05-16 22:48:32
Princess AyakaThank you! You too!2017-05-16 05:08:28
Hori Kyoukoyay~ it's the weekends! >0<2017-05-12 02:16:05
Yumeko JabootyHave a wonderful, sun-shining spring season~2017-05-11 20:01:28
Battler UshiromiyaFWWWWUAAHHHH HAA HAAA HAAAAAA2017-05-07 14:46:40
Hori KyoukoIt's the weekends! enjoy!~2017-05-05 01:37:16
[WL] Soaring DawnI actually have thought about and have done a bit of TF2 artwork.2017-05-04 17:46:31
hyperlink purplehey, have you thought about making TF2 fanart? I'm curious as to what your style and a silly game like that would create.2017-05-04 17:27:40
Mr.RageHave a good day 😄 You up to play ow with a noob sometime?2017-05-03 15:22:06
Yumeko JabootyMay your spring season bring good tidings~2017-04-15 04:30:58
Bone2017-04-12 19:39:10
AkkaThe weekend is here!2017-04-07 19:15:29
LEMA - 여우Have a nice week too ~ ^^2017-04-06 07:52:44
Mr.RageSame to you!!!!2017-04-04 14:54:18
RA RannoYoooou tooooo!!!!2017-04-04 08:07:55
Hori KyoukoStay lovely~!2017-04-04 04:41:29
Jawnnice to meet you too!2017-04-03 23:49:16
AkkaThe desire to once again have spagetti and meatballs fills me with DETERMINATION2017-04-03 19:23:54
Princess AyakaThank you!2017-04-03 16:25:15
Hori KyoukoHave a nice day~!2017-03-27 00:26:43
Hori KyoukoI wish you a beautiful weekend ahead~!2017-03-24 03:30:39
👻SℙOҚIβUҚI👻aww thanks!! 💖2017-03-22 12:50:19
RA RannoAppreciation comment!2017-03-20 08:53:23
Cracky | OniFans♥Just Passing By.....♥By Legions.CrackgearKeep up in LLTQ , TF2 & Danganronpa2017-03-20 03:59:14
Hori KyoukoHave a wonderful week ahead!2017-03-20 03:54:13
KOS-MOSYou too have a great weekend!2017-03-19 00:39:56
Hori KyoukoHave an amazing weekend ahead of you!2017-03-17 06:59:20
👻SℙOҚIβUҚI👻hours goes fastwhen im with youwhat time is now?it's high noon2017-03-13 18:19:17
BoneWinky face2017-03-08 23:05:17
SovereigndrakeHappy 8th of March! Is it special? Maybe... but who's to say? No I!2017-03-08 01:23:47
xo ( coming back soon)Giggitty2017-02-24 21:35:17
BoneThis Person plays too much Team Fortress 22017-02-23 13:11:08
kazPRAISE THE SUN! At high noon.2017-02-20 23:28:10
RA RannoHappy Valentines/Single Awareness day.2017-02-14 17:30:18
Boomshotacos*on2017-02-11 23:15:25
Boomshotacoscan i add you oc steam?2017-02-11 23:14:59
Boomshotacosdamn nice stuff2017-02-11 23:14:38
KOS-MOS~Have a great weekend!!~ ... ?!!2017-02-10 16:47:30
SovereigndrakeHappy February 8th! Another totally special day, but shhh... Keep it between us!2017-02-07 23:00:49
xo ( coming back soon)smh k2017-02-05 12:26:40
xo ( coming back soon)When we gonna train ? I'm swaggy.2017-02-03 20:05:18
ʟᴏʀᴅ ᴠᴇɢᴀ ☆(。^_・)ノ2017-01-31 22:27:13
RA RannoThis profile fills me with despair.2017-01-31 00:15:03
xo ( coming back soon)MGE Says different2017-01-30 14:22:32
xo ( coming back soon)Your mad I am more swagged out.2017-01-30 14:17:55
Łк Renjihttps://youtu.be/zCvPDXUu7r8 NO THAT'S WRONG!!!! Oh merde wrong game >.>2017-01-30 13:56:16
xo ( coming back soon)Swagged out2017-01-30 11:32:12
KOS-MOSHello there ^^2017-01-25 09:00:47
Łк RenjiHappy Rooster year2017-01-24 15:56:09
nice profile pic :c2017-01-24 10:41:47
Doppelganger4827A wonderful week is you!2017-01-24 06:51:42
SovereigndrakeCongratulations on finally get that 2xp you needed! Huzzah!!!!2017-01-17 22:04:55
RomanianHeroes... Die...2017-01-13 09:58:12
YEETSUNEETWish you a wonderful week!2017-01-12 09:11:27
SovereigndrakeHappy eighth of January! Totally a special day, trust me I know things!2017-01-08 01:40:03
Battler UshiromiyaHABBY NUDEYEAR2017-01-01 16:32:43
👻SℙOҚIβUҚI👻it's high noon happy new yeaaarrrr2017-01-01 14:26:21
DevesHappy New Year~2017-01-01 06:00:18
Farron™♥〃´`)   ,·´ ¸,·´`)  (¸,·´ (¸*♥Happy New Year 2017 ♥〃´`)                    ,·´ ¸,·´`)                   (¸,·´ (¸*♥2017-01-01 04:54:55
Mr.RageHappy New Year!!2017-01-01 03:20:17
Łк RenjiHappy new year cowboy2016-12-31 23:05:53
STRAWNice Artwork!2016-12-31 17:14:19
Tegmy boo💜2016-12-29 13:17:36
SilverThanks and Merry Christmas to you as well! We should totally chat sometime, it has been awhile.2016-12-25 21:13:31
Princess AyakaMerry Christmas!2016-12-25 14:25:18
vixyThanks Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well 🎄🤗2016-12-25 12:01:17
turb03lmMerry Christmas!!2016-12-25 09:46:16
☆ Dragon ☆It's hiiiiigh Christmas2016-12-25 08:03:26
[WL] Cyborg Squid GLMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well!2016-12-25 07:49:56
PraxiumHave a very merry Christmas as well2016-12-25 01:58:37
Madoys~~Merry Christmas! ~~2016-12-24 15:47:35
Farron™*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"* *✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & ℋappy 2017✦✦ *2016-12-24 12:35:33
The JokerWidowmaker...what are you doing here2016-12-19 20:53:30
Łк RenjiAmericans... ):P Also that profile wall Mmmh par excellence2016-12-17 21:34:39
Farron™Well met friend, thanks for the add2016-11-26 02:55:50
Hina KagiyamaNice to meet you~!2016-11-14 12:34:01
[WL] Homura AkemiWoooo2016-11-11 15:33:55
不機嫌CocoDeadNice to meet you :32016-10-20 14:01:15
Bobo si MuyotThe cavalries here!2016-10-11 03:30:38
VaneYoo2016-10-07 22:16:09
[WL] Soaring DawnThat it would! Haven't jumped in yet but planning to in a few days. I did jump on to the casual and was surprised how much it has changed.2016-07-12 13:00:51
SilverThat would be totally rad. How is the TF2 competitive?2016-07-11 23:51:36
[WL] Soaring DawnTotally!!! That's super awesome! I need to upgrade my gear!2016-07-11 23:16:45
SilverWe need to play Overwatch together sometime! Got myself a totally radical headset.2016-07-11 22:51:42
andrew+rep kind,polite,friendly trader2013-06-20 23:42:19
Mr. Valokk2013-06-08 05:20:01
Mr. Valoif you want you can take the refs i have right now2013-06-04 18:05:41
Mr. Valook2013-06-01 21:30:34
Mr. Valono for pay ment as in Refined Metal2013-05-27 06:06:41
eel cream cheese rollIts okay XD2013-05-26 22:08:16
eel cream cheese rollIts k XD2013-05-22 20:25:46
Mr. Valoso far i made 3 ref if you want i can make more2013-05-22 19:51:13
Mr. ValoO yeah that and i'm making a others refs srry if i didn't replay back been buzy with school and circus monster stuff2013-05-19 15:31:54
Battler UshiromiyaYOU FAILED METHE SUPER NUMBER WAS 11 AGHGHH2013-05-19 02:09:02
eel cream cheese rollYes, and its fine :D2013-05-11 20:11:50
Mr. Valokk2013-05-11 17:31:44
Mr. Valowould a Refined Metal and a Fish be good payment?2013-05-11 13:06:33
eel cream cheese rollCAn he have his arms crossed with rock out sighns hes making with his hand?2013-05-06 19:15:05
Mr. Valoyes in a same pic plz2013-05-06 16:25:44
eel cream cheese rollYay :D can you draw this character for me but not as crappy as i drew it XD http://narutovskirdy.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=178286018 Your very good at drawing :32013-05-05 17:11:01
Mr. Valohttp://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/34/3428250a8c309ae156c97eb2cf1f72c91de9a3cd_full.jpg this is from my web2013-05-04 16:40:42
eel cream cheese rollyour a good drawer, do you take requests?2013-05-04 16:40:33
Mr. Valoand thx for doing this2013-05-04 14:36:31
Mr. Valothats ok2013-05-04 14:35:59
ChikiWords2013-05-03 21:41:17
Mr. Valohttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=383693928388442&set=o.130784537007657&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf <------Smolen Carma2013-04-29 18:44:41
Mr. Valohttp://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142066382 its the same thing but in japanese2013-04-28 21:05:17
Mr. Valothats the pose i want and thats not the person i want http://steamcommunity.com/id/chasecomix my friends pic he wants you to make and yes2013-04-28 21:04:53
Mr. ValoSmolen Carma is going to have the second pose to the left http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/055/7/6/hatsune_miku_poses_download_pack_2_by_sateraido-d5w5h0b.png2013-04-28 08:16:52
Mr. Valoblonde hair, gray V neck shirt, black skinny jeans, gold ring on her right ring finger, black high heels, green eyes and shes white.this is Smolen Carma2013-04-28 08:09:31
Mr. Valook the link was Chiki pic btwthe back round i was thinking of all black but the green horns she has stitches all over her boty can you put ken in Smolen Carma in there? would like the pose she is in http://narutovskirdy.webs.com/circusmonster.htm you need to so all the way down to see the pic and i will tell you more about Smolen Carma when my friend gets on thx :)2013-04-27 19:20:40
Mr. Valoin full dez she has long pink hair she has a black dress she has no shoes she looks like she was sew her right eye is red and the other one blu she has two green horns on top of her head and she has little white horns near her moth2013-04-27 16:48:40
Mr. Valops she has little white hornes in her face but THX for doing this2013-04-25 20:20:50
Mr. Valoyes plz 4got the scratches (when i mean scratch she looks like sackboy with the sewing she has)2013-04-25 20:20:16
Mr. Valops can you give me a link to face booking?2013-04-25 07:03:54
Mr. Valook this is a circus monster http://narutovskirdy.webs.com/circusmonster.htm :D2013-04-25 07:02:02
Mr. Valoone more thing can you make circus monster you are a good drew2013-04-23 15:10:16
Mr. Valoo i saw this before Chiki change her pic to this2013-04-23 13:56:46
Mr. Valocan you send me a link?2013-04-22 07:38:54
Mr. Valosrry for my friend Chiki she loves soup2013-04-21 15:10:58
ChikiSoup can2013-04-09 00:46:34
Kantekas+rep Very nice!2012-12-26 19:27:02
VaneHey. C:2012-11-01 16:03:39
xo ( coming back soon)I like cake.2012-08-09 23:05:24
xo ( coming back soon)Hey, you have a solly hat I want. Messge me so we can work out a deal? Thanks.2012-07-29 01:39:59
xo ( coming back soon)Better share some of that Swaged out Bacon.2012-07-27 16:19:38
xo ( coming back soon)Too swaged out!2012-07-27 15:45:12


Total: [103] | TF2BD: [0] (0.00%) | SB: [3] (2.91%)

765611980428503022020-12-20 22:38:20
(1286 days)
765611980290336122020-12-14 22:25:17
(1292 days)
CAFFEINE2020-08-21 18:37:59
(1407 days)
DRFX2020-07-19 20:04:44
(1440 days)
765611979884238122020-03-19 04:57:46
(1563 days)
765611980094623692020-03-10 17:56:44
(1571 days)
insan1ty2018-07-08 20:35:38
(2182 days)
765611980694075782018-05-03 21:06:06
(2248 days)
765611981569836552018-01-31 17:14:49
(2340 days)
765611981232402962018-01-12 20:29:17
(2359 days)
765611983437091472017-09-28 13:37:27
(2465 days)
765611981293294002017-09-22 09:30:46
(2471 days)
765611980162522332017-09-21 19:27:00
(2472 days)
Clownery Luv2017-08-05 15:02:02
(2519 days)
Softwhiskers2017-07-20 12:28:46
(2535 days)
sey2017-07-02 08:30:54
(2553 days)
Wasaby2017-07-01 09:19:50
(2554 days)
✠ⓋALEX HELMIETⓋ✠2017-06-29 10:30:19
(2556 days)
Nikki the Tiefling2017-04-21 20:37:49
(2625 days)
Jawn2017-04-03 21:39:51
(2643 days)
Akka2017-04-03 16:58:38
(2643 days)
2024-04-06 04:55:13 (84 days)
765611982664971482017-03-17 21:16:30
(2660 days)
765611981655142342017-03-08 00:35:05
(2670 days)
Storm (Ysmir)2017-03-03 09:02:17
(2674 days)
Boomshotacos2017-02-11 23:48:32
(2694 days)
Cιƈι Cɾσʂʂԋҽαɾƚ2017-02-11 12:40:18
(2694 days)
KingOfGames15222017-02-10 16:34:25
(2695 days)
Marty2017-02-01 21:52:37
(2704 days)
765611980837995962017-02-01 01:50:34
(2705 days)
Cocoabine2017-01-31 11:32:00
(2705 days)
Cracky (BDay)2017-01-25 10:31:08
(2711 days)
pago2017-01-18 10:46:31
(2718 days)
765611980577508682017-01-08 12:29:23
(2728 days)
LEMA - 여우2017-01-04 05:12:31
(2732 days)
YEETSUNEET2017-01-03 18:45:34
(2733 days)
Doppelganger48272017-01-01 16:05:21
(2735 days)
765611980899747822017-01-01 01:38:46
(2736 days)
Chaotic Otaku2016-12-31 23:54:52
(2736 days)
765611981561299572016-12-31 23:19:12
(2736 days)
STRAW2016-12-31 17:18:15
(2736 days)
765611983541480092016-12-27 22:05:27
(2740 days)
ney2016-12-26 13:30:22
(2741 days)
765611981915137792016-12-24 20:23:28
(2743 days)
Khadastrophe2016-12-22 12:31:32
(2745 days)
Jacket2016-12-20 11:35:19
(2747 days)
Łк Renji2016-12-17 21:43:25
(2750 days)
Chiaki2016-12-14 15:53:12
(2753 days)
Henry2016-12-08 16:04:34
(2759 days)
2024-04-06 04:55:13 (84 days)
765611981545486632016-12-01 22:51:47
(2766 days)
765611982920193832016-11-22 21:44:20
(2775 days)
765611980662030922016-11-14 15:34:38
(2783 days)
Hina-chan2016-11-14 12:33:38
(2783 days)
Hmm2016-11-13 06:15:54
(2784 days)
Khaotix11TTV2016-11-12 19:28:32
(2785 days)
Lu22016-11-11 16:24:32
(2786 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2016-11-11 01:29:06
(2787 days)
☆ Dragon ☆2016-11-09 22:03:55
(2788 days)
RaY0h2016-10-23 12:26:31
(2805 days)
Mr.Rage2016-10-21 13:13:42
(2807 days)
Doctor Goober2016-10-20 10:47:04
(2808 days)
2024-04-06 04:55:13 (84 days)
Teg2016-10-16 01:29:22
(2813 days)
Truebulldog2016-10-15 01:53:28
(2814 days)
Battler2016-10-05 04:08:17
(2824 days)
SaoulZod2016-10-04 13:52:55
(2824 days)
Starman2016-09-27 16:25:19
(2831 days)
765611980659388892016-07-10 00:24:53
(2911 days)
765611981518430622016-06-27 12:15:31
(2923 days)
grothartiligan2016-06-11 21:02:56
(2939 days)
Suguri (Temporarly)2016-06-11 10:52:59
(2939 days)
Praxium2016-06-06 18:28:55
(2944 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2016-06-03 21:29:51
(2947 days)
Silver2016-05-19 18:17:11
(2962 days)
765611980753987722016-05-19 17:53:59
(2962 days)
Echo2016-05-09 07:32:26
(2972 days)
765611981250479802016-05-06 19:40:45
(2975 days)
765611980779002482016-04-24 21:28:43
(2987 days)
765611982389285862015-12-19 20:17:03
(3114 days)
765611981419735112015-07-22 20:51:37
(3264 days)
HungryBanker2015-06-24 22:34:33
(3292 days)
[TF2Gods.com]Omega2014-04-03 22:53:15
(3739 days)
765611980739286692013-08-16 22:14:07
(3969 days)
Bill2013-05-29 20:55:40
(4048 days)
whoosh2013-05-11 23:03:04
(4066 days)
Mr. Valo2013-04-25 06:58:45
(4082 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2013-04-07 09:13:40
(4100 days)
Rubiksboi2013-04-07 00:23:01
(4101 days)
Princess Ayaka2013-04-04 23:12:57
(4103 days)
MaronUSSJ22013-02-12 16:33:20
(4154 days)
765611980254210432012-12-27 19:49:12
(4201 days)
765611980724429992012-10-05 21:55:52
(4284 days)
Nerney92012-10-04 09:02:29
(4285 days)
Battler Ushiromiya2012-09-28 02:18:37
(4292 days)
SlimeCounty2012-07-12 22:42:43
(4369 days)
[WL] Cyborg Squid GL2012-07-09 19:04:40
(4372 days)
Rick Dom2012-07-05 23:03:26
(4376 days)
765611980553323952012-01-21 15:54:58
(4542 days)
xo ( coming back soon)2011-12-05 21:58:00
(4589 days)
[WL] Homura Akemi2011-10-15 17:55:37
(4640 days)
765611980460218352011-07-28 02:19:51
(4720 days)
765611980315634822011-06-27 16:08:51
(4750 days)
765611980303707462010-10-12 15:49:32
(5008 days)
765611980285684702010-08-04 15:44:27
(5077 days)
765611979799378562010-05-31 21:37:11
(5142 days)