
SteamID64: 76561198083472159
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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61603215

Unique Views: 1
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Profile Setup: True
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Creation: 2013-02-08 02:18:05 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-02-07 16:40:27

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
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Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
CrowZer02023-12-21 20:34:15
CrowZ-AP-22.122023-12-18 03:15:25
CrowZer02023-09-24 22:45:59
RavenZ2023-09-16 16:28:52
CrowZer02023-09-06 15:48:34
ClownZer0🤡2023-08-15 20:32:02
CrowZer02023-08-12 14:16:28
Government Cheese2023-05-27 10:22:46
CrowZer02023-05-24 16:05:46
MaShiTongAsh2023-05-21 07:20:51
CrowZer02022-11-20 08:02:18

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Nicotine + Caffeine = Protein!2024-02-07 16:40:27
Reminiscing2023-04-01 02:21:33

URL History

URLTime Changed 02:21:33

Avatar History

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Total: [8257] | Deleted: [162]

Sp!T_ShineWho shot Julio Foolio? Who is Julio Foolio? quote from death page. Personally, I do not understand the Rap and Hip Hop industry. It has been rife with jealously, theft, and murder from the start. Most of the "music" sounds the same, difficult to understand the words, and when you do understand the words, you want to take a bath.2024-06-23 13:15:25
Sp!T_ShineAh the good ole days, I member that episode from about 15 years ago, I think I used to watch the ultimate fighter on Spike TV. Tit ties was actually a semi decent fighter. the pot calling the kettle black... rampage got them mewbs hahaha2024-06-21 20:44:52
Moon rice became transgender2024-06-18 11:05:29
CrowZer0Gotta admit hearing you and your boys cry at 7 mins was hilarious, but I muted you thereafter cry moar.2024-06-16 08:02:34
CrowZer0Mf has 12 last hits as an offlaner in a 3 stack lol 763 gpm, 1kxpm vs me nearly double his and calls me most useless player ever, stay in school!2024-06-16 08:01:22
CrowZer0 Hmmmm Weren't you the trash dawbreaker? ^Let the match and the stats speak for itself. Crying at 7 mins completely blind to what is happening on the map, LOL.2024-06-16 07:59:59
Sharpyyythe worst the the most useless player in dota22024-06-16 07:33:21
Sp!T_Shine hahaha, he the best!2024-06-14 15:03:31
MoonI guess you think im fat .-.2024-06-13 21:58:13
Sp!T_Shine1st joke was high quality, gonna reuse fs I am now ready for my 1st ufc fight after this training sesh. 13:27:06
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ why do British people got such bad teef?2023-12-27 21:39:01
Moon football manager is pretty lit2023-12-26 22:14:15
Moonoooooo i love the nan bread, merry crhistmas hehe 18:53:05
MoonI might seriously write in chunky yogurt when I vote in 20242023-12-23 23:29:00
Sp!T_Shineprobably real kill confirmed domination music 18:14:02
Sp!T_Shinehe gave up the CS ghost for the COD devil, all is lost. all. is. lost.2023-12-23 18:04:05
Moonyou told him my deepest secret ._. about potatotos2023-12-21 22:35:42
MoonI found my new favorite scene in all the back to the fotoors 00:40:19
Moon my future brofu2023-12-19 00:37:47
Moonhol' up what u fink bout dem black lief mattah?? why u send me all this cop propaganda I only like cops that arrest trump supporters2023-12-19 00:36:50
Moonbut you dont get the itch for cacadooty like cs2 do you, plus you dont have guns like umpalumpa and mp-nada/empa9da2023-12-17 02:00:45
Sp!T_Shine asmr dude, that tape actually sounds like you sprayin with those smg's on cod!!2023-12-16 21:05:18
MoonHow big the hit box on her booty2023-12-15 23:56:14
Moonur my favorite hobbit ._.2023-12-12 22:31:42
Sp!T_Shinewillow is best dwarf peep movie ever2023-12-12 18:46:34
Sp!T_Shineall were my favs, is this book or movie? I never done either? ha2023-12-12 18:45:05
Moon where does chicken wing work2023-12-09 19:48:50
Sp!T_ShineThat backwards walking/running/pulling is supposed to be top notch for knee recovery/health/longevity. Been doing about 10 mins each day. I guess the Chinese have been doing the backwards walking for centuries, the couples hold hands and one walks backwards for a distance while one is walking forwards and then they switch. Pretty cool stuff.2023-12-09 13:05:30
Sp!T_ShineI had a huge breakfast, waiting 2 hours for this to digest so I can hop on some nordic curls, just picked up a nordic mini from Freak Athlete, can't wait to do my first nordic curl unassisted. its gonna be awhile. heh Trying to bullet proof my knees with tib bar training, nordic curls, vmo squats, etc, pretty much following Ben Patricks (kneesovertoesguy) routines for the last 4 months and feeling better than ever.2023-12-09 13:00:20
Moon I found mintchip hehe keep your chin up2023-12-08 16:33:43
Sp!T_ShineI had a dream U and I tag teamed cooney years back when she was twice as skinny as now. we did her from both sides at once (A&M&P) and touched tips in the center while inside. It was glorious.2023-12-06 19:14:11
Moon im a REAL LIFE detective2023-12-05 21:52:20
Sp!T_ShineAs I sit in my chair with basketball shorts and nike socks.... 18:30:43
MoonI member you said if DeSantis and Newsom run for president the winner is the one with the hotter wife Which milf is hotter? 11:07:03
MoonAbby Martin dem eye brows tho...2023-12-03 10:57:58
MoonThe only wimmin I bring is hiloli or kamalypoo2023-12-03 10:56:51
MoonNegan I'm the Bois 🤡 just need some "my name is alfa and I want my daughtah"2023-12-03 10:54:47
Sp!T_Shinei resemble that remarkvvvvv2023-12-02 14:56:27
MoonBoy knows where its at, free trips around the world and getting spanked on the ass by dirty old men2023-12-02 09:46:55
Moonoh, i guess u hate me 00:14:37
Sp!T_Shine"at least I will go down as a president" Mrs.O confused but excited, grabing her blow dryer to blow the dust off the ol black beave.2023-12-01 17:28:03
MoonI don't get it how was captain 'merica racist?2023-12-01 15:41:55
Moon batman when he does cocaine ._.2023-11-30 17:31:08
Sp!T_Shine$6 game more fun than $70 lamefield2023-11-30 14:22:57
Moon 22:05:07
Moonyour meatballs look delicious ._. guess im not cute enough to have some2023-11-29 21:37:30
MoonP0rnhab*2023-11-29 21:19:04
MoonDid you watch the suck session version on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ._.2023-11-29 21:18:54
Sp!T_ShineDoes Vito's wife find out? I mean it was just a "joke", he knew they were gonna show up and see him, so he decided to pull a funny joke, he's not really g a y. lol I need to watch Sop's some time. Not watchin Sop's is like never watching Star Wars. Im under a rock when it comes to shows. vvv2023-11-28 14:08:17
Moon my favorite scene in sopranos2023-11-28 10:45:57
MoonYes but I'm director, not like Stephen speelborgir, but director of cici pizza. You can't hurted my feelings when you make a vapoorize and I lie about you 😔.2023-11-26 08:56:16
Sp!T_Shinealright, that first latina joke about the belly button has me hooked lmao, so true2023-11-25 15:30:50
Comrade UbbeAnyone over steam level 100 in these comments all need to commit absolute drain on life u lot2023-11-25 10:16:00
Sp!T_Shine1 bootiful bald headed head2023-11-25 00:07:19
Moon"awww did I hurted your feelings sorry for being too aggressive and intimidating, don't take it personally."2023-11-24 23:03:40
Sp!T_Shine they just jelly of that good hair line2023-11-24 13:04:03
Moon you want some nan bread? ._.2023-11-23 02:15:32
Moonhis aim is too good but the fat is just about perfect o.o thats janny alright2023-11-22 21:11:55
Moon._. hope you have lots of fun eating pizza on my birfday without me hope you win2023-11-19 21:15:29
Moon just saw dune its really good2023-11-19 13:41:27
DeniseHappy Sunday2023-11-18 21:02:57
Sp!T_Shinehaha, ya, beth made such a dumb downed game. nothing but load screens and sub par graphics, prolly why I'm grindin it. =) strickly runnin main quest on the dlss beta. only done 1 side quest very early. im screwin it all up. still in my 1st ship that they give you at launch, not interested in building ships or a homebase or anything, I just want to fight, haven't crafted a single thing or used any workbenches, i think i should be about 70% thru main quests and still only fought one ship in space because the main questline made me do it to progress, im just maxing out lockpicks and my persuasive skills so I can talk my way into anything. besides that I havent really mined anything or built anything cool at all but still kinda having fun, Alan Wake got too scary. might revisit tonight if I can tuck my sack and not be a puss.2023-11-18 15:09:41
Sp!T_Shinethat looks so good, sitting here starving but too lazy to move from chair, cow stomach soup with corn tortillas sounds good or eggies bacon sausage ham hashbrowns stwawberry pancakes coffeee, sam sulek says cinnamon toast crunch is best p.e.d.2023-11-18 11:27:52
MoonGlitch beech? 14:01:44
Sp!T_Shinethe one homey looks like bobby lee2023-11-12 19:14:09
Moonbecause you don't your gyros2023-11-12 12:56:36
MoonI was doing a brain map on one of the clients at work and I said "I'm going to pull your hair back so I can put an electrode on the side of your head" and after I did it she said "you can pull my hair harder next time". Hehe I don't get it #WhereDoesMoonWork?2023-11-11 17:57:58
Sp!T_Shineu, me & moon makin fish & chips 16:50:22
Sp!T_Shine 16:46:39
Moonmy recommended 17:35:29
Moonsingapoop dasney made a show for me oooooo I love the asian drama2023-11-06 14:29:38
Sp!T_Shinecuz they no like usim a bunny fanboi now, i wanna try out for kpop group2023-11-06 06:50:51
Moondavid has such a hot voice2023-11-05 15:46:15
Sp!T_Shinesoooo much toe, toerrificH.Mack GOAT2023-11-05 13:50:11
Moon 19:59:06
Sp!T_Shinethat was a good hot tub skithomeboy sounds like porky pig rappin, where did these african talent show come from? i could watch it full length2023-11-04 15:01:14
Moondoes heisenprano make blue gabagool too ?2023-11-04 07:38:08
MoonYou bully my Nancy Pelosi?2023-11-02 15:39:57
Moon gyros are pretty lit2023-10-29 16:46:15
Moonis it kangaroo jack? hehe I just finished season 1 of alice in boobyland >.<2023-10-29 16:42:38
MoonHahaha u crack me up thank you for early birfday gift 😳 I guess now I HAVE TO play it2023-10-29 14:59:29
Sp!T_Shinethe times when u wake up on a saturday excited to get ♥♥♥♥ done & then u take a few rips of live rosin and end up eating 3 bowls of cereal watching retarded reels & then go back to bed for 4 more hours & wake up feeling like crap & do it again till monday2023-10-28 09:32:35
Sp!T_Shineshe was cute 9 yrs ago, now she screams something diff2023-10-28 09:25:47
Sp!T_Shine 9 yrs later & she's aged 30 yrs & is still doin it in some random pub telling people she is a big star. she is cute2023-10-28 09:24:42
Moonintern for kamala hehe2023-10-28 04:13:38
Moonmen of culture hehe living the good life2023-10-27 17:13:05
Moonhehe your algo is pretty lit this is what youtoob recommends me 17:12:17
Moonhehe I member this show called waltah montanah, I love when he puts on a wig and lipstick on and becomes mickeyberg2023-10-27 17:10:05
Moon this guy need to vax up2023-10-26 18:21:03
Triple Deviljhothe first step is to acknowledge it. Im proud of you2023-10-26 18:18:19
MoonMy elbow hurts now .-.2023-10-26 18:18:12
MoonThis guy is worse than hamas2023-10-26 18:17:47
Sp!T_ShineCrowZer0 achieved 3DMark: Achieve an excellent score for your hardware.u get somin new under de hood?i did season 2 diablow4 until lvl 54/100S2 story line lasted maybe 2-3 hrs, i baby step lots so it maybe be shorter and my lil big headed horse friend gets me lost cause they boofed his speed, he's all juiced up on plant horse protein and vegan dbol gummies.and that's about all blizzard did... make the horse faster. there is def lots more loot drops but its quantity over quality and that's2023-10-25 15:57:45
Sp!T_Shineyeah, that's pretty funny, looks like 90% are people that had the bitter experience on battlenet with season 1, then bought on steam just to review bomb etc. I might give season 2 a try this weekend. supposedly the loot drop rate has gone way up, looks kinda fun. 07:23:03
Moonthat french album you showed me is the most glorious ♥♥♥♥ I have ever heard I'm playing that 3am every weekday to wake up my neighbors at the loudest volume2023-10-17 17:47:02
Sp!T_Shinewhat up with the free beta mwIII yo? my 1st time missin it ever, no interest2023-10-13 18:38:00
Sp!T_Shineshe down with the peg 21:20:54
Sp!T_Shinemy mouse pad is teeny just like my deek, my aimin stininks2023-10-09 07:18:51
Triple DeviljhoI am proud of you on your transitioning. You are very brave.2023-10-06 23:04:50
Sp!T_Shine 20:13:57
Moonspyder dyper?2023-10-05 00:43:58
Moonhehe this is exactly how a mexican beard would act #BEBOULDERUWU2023-10-05 00:43:28
Moonhehe that is the best insult2023-09-28 22:16:31
MoonHehe oh my goodness I wish this happened with the girl that crashed into my car instead I sued her2023-09-28 12:45:37
Mooni am the unlikable personality ._.2023-09-27 22:09:50
Moonyes you can cs2 with a 600 dollar super computer! member how crowley ran keeking floor 2 with the green boxes ?2023-09-27 22:08:42
Sp!T_Shinethat kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥ me up for a second, but then I thought about those few times I had a sore tum tum & needed halp. he didn even wipe, he just drip-dried that ♥♥♥♥. ugg he shoulda used a can coozy or rubbed his crack across a couple beer caps. vvv2023-09-27 18:29:40
Moon that's one way to make a nuttah buttah2023-09-27 12:21:41
MoonSubtle said you are a fightah 🤡2023-09-26 22:07:11
Sp!T_Shinewe need this in our mixed grill meals 10:32:44
Sp!T_Shinethat's one of the best cods pointy ears2023-09-16 16:38:38
MoonOmg so hot very hentai2023-09-16 15:02:42
Moonwhy do ppl in cs2 bully me ._.2023-09-15 14:58:56
Moonhehe I finished my mastas at ZWU (zombie whisperer university)2023-09-11 19:46:27
Triple DeviljhoHey can i please borrow 10 dollars. or whatever the british money is of ? I need it. thank you2023-09-09 21:50:42
Moonit's cause im asian, isn't it?2023-09-04 16:31:38
Moonoh u like pyrobooby? HALLO EVERYONE I PETER CHAOOO2023-09-04 16:29:06
Sp!T_Shine 19:37:00
Moon🤡🤡🤡 did liladorbs dump you too? 🤡🤡🤡 I like your name uwu2023-08-31 15:54:00
ClownZer0🤡it was so long ago years? and you ask now? I don't even remember2023-08-16 16:57:49
TAAMEL GHATSA MAA LPATRON?why you unadded me hoe it's lunga tho2023-08-16 09:06:59
MoonI don't even think your computer can run cs22023-08-15 20:05:09
MoonWhere does thank you please work2023-08-13 22:59:54
Triple DeviljhoHello Crowzero. I am fine. Thank you. How are you?2023-08-13 20:00:58
Triple DeviljhoHi.2023-08-13 00:58:54
Sp!T_Shineyou heard of that HIYO drink? supposed to be a better buzz than alcohol and good for u, its got some of that whatchamacallit in it & a bunch of other boner causing stuff. come play d4, your necro awaits.2023-08-11 19:42:29
Sp!T_Shineya, they set up season 1 so casual players that only have an hour or so can still complete it by the end of the 3 months. I play for maybe 1/2 hr to an hour and doing decent. The rogue is my fav so far, very fast paced, easy to play class.2023-07-27 07:23:19
Sp!T_Shinemy asmr recommends are ♥♥♥♥♥♥, thought I would share, looks like an old school gravity bong trick 21:26:25
Moonlolz uwu forget about it xD 🤡 cry more2023-07-18 16:01:52
Sp!T_Shinetongajit ghandakat waht u up to mang?2023-07-06 17:59:51
Moonhahaha what a big shark, mark! Been waiting 4 years im tired im wasted and shark bite me hahaha2023-06-30 19:51:45
Triple DeviljhoCan you tell Moon to stop sending me links about farm animal statistics. thank you2023-06-30 16:16:13
Adamantyeah lemons2023-06-30 14:52:47
MoonMoon Jun 18 @ 10:35am why are you playing on crowley settings?Sp!T_Shine (Spitty!) Jun 17 @ 12:04pm {LINK REMOVED}I guess sending our diugh pics is against valve policy2023-06-23 14:25:53
Moonwhere do you work? I need to know for research purposes...2023-06-23 14:24:40
Sp!T_Shineis the show lit?2023-06-23 07:23:34
Sp!T_Shine HAHAHA, what a meanie2023-06-21 15:25:11
Moon why are you playing on crowley settings?2023-06-18 11:35:37
Sp!T_Shine 13:04:33
Sp!T_Shine2017>? was taht your overwatch days? time flyss2023-06-17 12:37:24
Moonhahaha i fink they did this early in the week, it became more r-worded2023-06-15 17:36:18
Sp!T_Shineyup, she wifey material & im keepin her last name after we get married & havin 10 chicky nuggies, she prolly only into brothers or chicks or brother chicks with ♥♥♥♥♥. she don't like fat/skinny ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in late 40's, half balding, bedazzled jeans, affliction tshirt, lowtop vans wearing cuck2023-06-14 18:17:17
Sp!T_Shinethat was great2023-06-13 19:08:05
Moon 17:55:58
Sp!T_Shinehehe, more room for the other crazy dude DeSatantis!vvv2023-06-09 17:08:04
Moonso now hes an innocent? 01:35:51
Sp!T_Shine 21:20:04
MoonSpitty got the best videos on his youtoob algo2023-06-03 19:15:28
Sp!T_Shine 09:36:12
MoonJust had a job interview where they kept asking me questions about how woke am I ... I said well, when I'm really tired I just drink some covfefe and then I get really woke.2023-06-01 19:05:42
MoonI agree, being fat is fun2023-06-01 19:03:25
Moonmy government cheese is expired can I get some more?2023-05-28 19:00:09
MoonI think Biden wins by default, but where is his mask?2023-05-28 18:52:04
Moon the polite version of nine inch nails2023-05-28 18:50:39
Sp!T_Shine haha, bs maybe somewhere in between top 20-30, maybe....2023-05-28 18:18:09
Sp!T_Shinethat was dope reaction, i hope you're as cool a father to your kids as that dude is. how many kids you plannin on having crowey?2023-05-28 16:01:15
Denisehave a nice day2023-05-28 11:27:49
Moonhe talky better englash than I do during my jab intervoos2023-05-26 02:10:50
Sp!T_Shinehe speaka prettty good engrish2023-05-25 19:33:01
MoonWtf Joe Rogan grew!2023-05-25 12:35:38
Sp!T_Shine 17:44:18
Moon 17:01:57
MoonClassic jewsic hehe2023-05-21 04:13:19
Sp!T_Shinemaca-ashwag-shila-tong music 14:38:10
Sp!T_Shineaww hell yeah!2023-05-20 14:34:16
Sp!T_Shinei took life extension's Anti-Alcohol complex and I'm still hungover, they lied2023-05-20 10:47:06
MoonGreat now I HAVE TO play it...2023-05-20 10:21:27
MoonThank you for chicken wing game men hehe I don't even know if I can run it2023-05-20 10:21:05
Moon 21:50:46
Sp!T_Shinecocaine buur sucks so bad so far, I might drag myself thru the last boring hour tonight.2023-05-14 17:29:33
Triple DeviljhoCan you come home please I need that milk2023-05-10 22:58:14
Moon"Naturopathic medicine dropout tries to make it as a health guru with no research and studies." HAHAHA2023-05-08 21:10:50
Moon I looked up the channel of stop being confused about health so I found your debate and the link you gave a sad day for health and humanity.2023-05-08 21:09:49
Sp!T_Shinenow moon has me watchin colonge reviews I don't care about cause she is cute an im somewhat feelin a lady boy presence about her but can't quite figure it out. :Pvvvv2023-05-08 20:42:43
Sp!T_ShineI member lil dicky hehe, people that i thought had decent freestyle skillz, then harry mack walked in the room2023-05-08 20:39:55
Moon my waifu2023-05-07 13:03:17
Moon😏 cry more2023-05-05 00:34:51
Triple DeviljhoInnit.2023-05-02 18:55:23
Sp!T_Shine that's gonna leave a mark, mark2023-04-29 14:05:24
Moonkpop is pretty lit this song made cry more than chickywingos song <3333332023-04-28 23:04:35
Sp!T_Shinethe part where tate told me I was ugly & short & I'm failing while he 360 noscoped me on csgo dust with just a peek between the 2 giant doors made my panties wet, i might have just imagined it all thou cause my low t & the lack of any ground game makes me and boi♥♥♥♥♥ do beta things2023-04-28 19:24:34
Moon hehe2023-04-24 15:29:57
Sp!T_ShineApril 20th at Stoner park. I wish I could have been there to take in the smells and people watch. 1st guy confused the hell out me, and tolerated the full contact microphone quite well, 2nd guy even had his dredded out ewok dog, looking at sun with him. 3rd guy was an awkward stoner, he was mix of a methed out Mr. Rogers & the taller twin brother of Bones from the original Star Trek. 13:13:36
Moon thank you please has come a long way2023-04-21 11:39:39
MoonYour cookie clicker score isn't legit, how do you have 1 billion sugar plums?2023-04-18 20:36:18
Moon is this how you sit at work?2023-04-16 14:37:22
MoonWow you really like clicking cookies how did you get so many sugar lumps?2023-04-16 12:50:42
Sp!T_Shineu gonna try the tape & sleep?.. 18:06:29
Sp!T_Shinecleansed & peachy2023-04-15 12:05:35
Moonyou like raygay? 09:30:37
Sp!T_Shine this ice cream shizz kinda bumps2023-04-14 19:25:12
Moonez2023-04-13 17:57:05
Moon5 years from now you will see im stronger than you2023-04-07 04:56:42
Moon omg hahahahahah so funny Ari Shaffir hahahahahahahahHappy pissover btw2023-04-03 20:27:21
Moon+rep told me to swallow a razor blade2023-04-01 23:24:46
Sp!T_Shinewhen the ugly chic says uni-corny! 08:50:32
Moonim ready to meet the daniks :D2023-03-25 15:39:18
Sp!T_Shineor is it front pic of snuffleupagus after jumping thru the bonfire when he was trying to show off for big burd?2023-03-24 21:49:51
Sp!T_Shinea copy and paste of a giant penis from Moon's profile comments, we all need one here and therevvvvv2023-03-24 21:44:05
Moonomg I love rap!2023-03-24 21:19:51
Sp!T_Shinehow was cocaine bear??2023-03-24 17:12:11
Moon I created this video using new ai technology.2023-03-23 16:59:37
Sp!T_ShineHi, im workin legs 3 days a year upside down bowling pin body makin bf's angry/jealous when I walk by gf's in my skinny jeans sippin natty ice mixed w my coconut fermented pea protein shake2023-03-22 18:34:30
MoonYahh I want to join a new 110% legit university 07:54:42
Sp!T_Shinecoca cola bear no happy w coca bear2023-03-14 21:20:21
Moon your neighbor?2023-03-13 17:48:12
MoonErik? ._.2023-03-13 02:39:15
MoonSorry, I didn't mean to screenshot your peenus on snapchat it was an accident2023-03-11 21:22:28
Moon UH OH BUTHTED2023-03-10 18:15:54
MoonHey bby I'm vaping Strawberry cream and drinking strawberry shortcake hooli for you2023-03-06 18:20:25
MoonWho's Erik >.<2023-03-06 16:13:57
Sp!T_Shinedang, that maxican toddler in the front, phew2023-03-06 06:27:34
Moonrap is bleh blehbleh bleh bleh bleh BLEH BLEH BLEH bleh2023-03-05 17:09:07
Sp!T_Shinewhat really happened last nite..... 07:29:29
Moon-rep You don't want ot watch twilight with me because you're an Lgbtq ally2023-03-04 14:14:49
Sp!T_ShineOo this card looks good2023-03-04 11:37:48
Moonoh u hate me...2023-03-02 14:15:15
MoonMoon Jan 17, 2015 @ 12:11pm YAH my name is subtle,I like a young boys with tight buttholes,Angie with a nurse outfit and I like to cuddle,I build the first NASA shuttle,I am a pro snowboarder that rides on a shovel,My abandoned farm in Canada is in big trouble,Silly boy always going to chuckle,The fighter cracking his knuckle,I'm subtle and all my lies make people puzzle.Moon Jan 17, 2015 @ 11:58am Have you heard of the one they call Masta?No one drinks warm milk any fasta,Shooting zombies with super ray gun blasta,His beautiful wife calls him the bagel bite pastor,Because he is truly Masta of disasta,2023-03-01 15:09:49
Sp!T_Shinehappy b day, srry if i missed it, im bad at keepin track of bdays, vdays & gdays2023-02-27 18:07:38
Moonhappy burger king2023-02-27 10:41:23
Not AnashaHappy birthday king2023-02-26 04:50:16
MoonMuth be nieth being the birfday slut this weekend I hope you have lots of fun celebrating your birfday without me. Hope win.2023-02-25 17:38:26
Sp!T_Shineu fast & furi homie2023-02-24 16:57:02
Sp!T_Shinemyself as a recovering VampSurv addict, now am depressed lookin at your playtime vs your achieves2023-02-24 16:56:19
Moonhappy birfday weekend wetrowave2023-02-24 13:13:30
Moondo you want your back or not?2023-02-23 15:53:05
Moon you told me this movie is about me???2023-02-21 07:23:51
Triple Deviljhowow2023-02-18 00:07:17
Sp!T_Shine11 inches, pliant, soft spiral-light brown, chestnut2023-02-16 20:14:43
Moon my boi ordered TWO nuttah buttahs???2023-02-16 14:13:18
Sp!T_ShineU got the broom! dang i want the broom but I got a bunch of classes I gotta do 1st. =( Can u free fly all over de place?2023-02-13 17:17:22
MoonThis is because the juice don't run Thai-lyWood2023-02-12 16:58:22
MoonYou don't even steam it to me I net you steamed it your new medjay2023-02-11 17:21:47
Sp!T_Shinelol, frog booooty implants2023-02-09 06:29:46
Moon brokeback bill :32023-02-08 14:18:31
Triple DeviljhoI support you and Moon's new relationship, do not let the haters bring you two proud men down. I so happy for the two of you.2023-02-06 21:42:12
MoonO.O2023-02-06 11:29:21
MoonWhat girl were you singing about when you played Linda Ronstadt?2023-02-06 09:06:43
Moon the caller is my mooslim cousin2023-02-05 21:00:46
Sp!T_Shine#dodobird 18:56:14
MoonCan you make me rabbit stew pls?2023-02-01 12:00:58
Sp!T_ShineThat was better than late night telenovela on the spanish channelWe don't have a single hooters girl that compares, even the hooters next to university has a bunch of butter''s 16:40:36
Moonhehe I told you I'm not a whowa I stay for at least a few days 15:12:29
MoonThe only fungus I'm not scared of is the one on your peepee2023-01-31 15:07:05
MoonTo die for :32023-01-31 13:34:37
MoonHey fatty, you wanna go on a run with me I have a surprise to show you at the end of the street hehe2023-01-31 10:43:01
Moon buy me pls2023-01-30 23:44:48
Moonsomal deek2023-01-27 22:02:35
Moonyou watch wiff me? 03:39:23
Sp!T_Shine1st guy looked like a ripped Walter Jr. these dudes are weak, I can do that with my 20:25:59
Moon:O I'm about to swallah for a dollah2023-01-24 19:37:41
Sp!T_ShineOnly 4% of your gaming time last year towards CS:GO.... dude.....2023-01-20 16:11:54
Moonmy boifrand beats bot it 4 me2023-01-19 03:37:18
Sp!T_Shine1 v 1 tecmo bowl i wish i was young again, i would love to try all the designer drugs, some of it sounds greatall we had was weed, meth, occasional coke which we always rocked up & smoked - cause crack is cool.luck always seemed like it belonged to someone else but if we got super lucky maybe once a year there would be some acid or shrooms that popped up and everybody would become mush brains for a few weeks2023-01-17 16:38:31
CrowZer0._.2023-01-17 13:50:29
Sp!T_Shine 14:51:32
Triple Deviljho1v1 me. Madden 2003.2023-01-07 23:31:52
Triple Deviljhoson, you are the naughtiest crow I have ever did seen. Santa does not even speak your name.2023-01-06 21:12:16
Sp!T_Shinewhy is it so spicy? 17:29:42
Sp!T_Shinej/k i like their chicas thou & rocky point during spwing break & only payin $100 to the po po when i got caught with weed & the street tacos at 3 am after the bars (prob cat meat)2023-01-06 17:22:19
Sp!T_Shineeven moar raisistt, especially cuz u said not to be raesis, thats like me saying i have a mexican friend....... wait, no... I wud nvr say that cuz i hate mexicanTs2023-01-06 17:22:05
Moonfat shaming is not cool especially when all I can afford is taco bell2023-01-03 15:27:09
Sp!T_ShineI wanna make one, might be the only way I can slow down at times 18:07:56
MoonYe should do a song featuring the wopwop blamblamb guy2022-12-28 14:44:39
MoonYou didn't even give me a kawanzaa gift...2022-12-25 18:35:28
Moon🙂 I'm not crazy at all I hope you have a great Christmas and I'm gonna leave all your groups and delete all your ♥♥♥♥ pics.2022-12-25 18:34:06
Sp!T_Shineu prolly get christmas bonuses, 2 wks vacay off w pay, ugly sweeter parly & freya's homemade fruit cake, muff b nicee2022-12-21 17:28:59
MoonI hope you have lots of fun at your christmas party without me. I hope you win a lot without me.2022-12-21 11:54:33
Sp!T_Shineno bad for some chavs 17:25:04
Sp!T_Shinewhat a meanie!! did u thank the chav for his opinion?2022-12-17 11:54:53
Sp!T_Shinethe Mr. Bean one! 10:22:38
Sp!T_Shineoh heck ya, im itching to hear this, does errbod hate liver queen now? I wonder how bad this hurt his wallet, prob didnt even lose a beard hair over it. lying to get rich if fine, just don't get caught2022-12-09 17:44:00
MoonOh my goodness I'm gonna build a hannukah bush but instead of little cutr animals decorate jt I'm gonna have Palestinian kids with rocks decorate it hehe2022-12-08 23:02:59
Sp!T_Shineheh 19:42:20
Sp!T_ShineUFC commentator Joe Rogan says Conor McGregor 'looks like his piss would melt' a drug-testing cup... HAHA, nah he just eating more veggies and egg whites.2022-12-06 18:05:50
Sp!T_Shinefew of the dudes acted like they didn't know the dota2 reference, they knew, they fake, she didnt try no line on a brother!?!2022-12-03 11:25:29
Sp!T_Shineu should 1v1 pindapanda in dota2 and tease her about her braces2022-12-03 11:21:22
Sp!T_Shineliver king prolly in tate's war room giving out natty advice2022-12-03 10:33:57
MoonI'm fighting your BFF nappa2022-12-01 03:13:41
Sp!T_Shineim very boring, dull and selfish but it's my destiny2022-11-30 16:43:46
Moonepic stream bro xd2022-11-30 15:13:59
Moonthank you for saying medgey instead of medgay that was very thoughtful of you hehe2022-11-30 11:26:17
MoonMedgey,I hope you have fun controlling the Jewish MediaBest Wishes,Crowley2022-11-30 11:19:36
Moonthank you for the accident video game money hehe <32022-11-30 11:19:31
Sp!T_Shineshort interesting story, maybe bs 17:10:22
Sp!T_ShineI always think the whole world except ohio celebrates tanksgive. Turkey was the worst part, brother in laws oldest brothers wife brought gluten free ham and it saved the world from certain dry mouth. did you get your steam business card to?2022-11-28 16:46:13
MoonWoah Epic profile bro, where is your steam business card xd2022-11-28 10:45:26
MoonWhy isn't there a holiday for dem black lief mattah?2022-11-24 12:42:09
Sp!T_ShineHappy Turkey day! Traffic is good and of all the things not open the gym IS open!2022-11-24 09:28:45
Moonwow you don't even say happy birthday to Joe Biden....2022-11-20 16:10:38
Sp!T_Shineits the best way to play and rank up! =)2022-11-20 14:33:19
Sp!T_ShineWhat do these lil big headed baby gurls have to do to prove their worth? 16:19:27
MoonWhere did the innocent go?2022-11-18 15:29:17
Sp!T_Shinegood jammies2022-11-14 06:29:19
Moon my favorite country album2022-11-12 21:58:37
Moonbro the original bible is OG2022-11-11 19:39:27
Sp!T_Shineheh, your karaoke rotation was the most fun my ears have had since my last wet willy!2022-11-11 19:34:13
MoonKorn sucks I only listen to SpongeBob background music2022-11-11 17:59:01
Sp!T_Shinehaha, he looks just like a bird hitting back yard sliding glass door. what do you think of the reporter chic voice? 17:12:33
Moon Kanye drowned him in the baff tub o.o2022-11-05 21:07:37
Sp!T_Shineno hardcore modes till battlepass starts, so i'm pretty bummed myself2022-11-03 18:37:08
Sp!T_ShineErrbody playing MW2 except me2022-11-02 19:58:04
Moon._.2022-10-29 20:14:27
MoonI love teal'c BOYYYYY2022-10-29 20:14:21
Moonyou like jewrdon peterson o.o2022-10-29 03:27:32
MoonYes, I learned jewday chop also HYAAAAAAAA2022-10-28 18:33:02
Moonok ♥♥♥♥ the jedday and the moondalorians... I am fat medjay2022-10-28 11:27:26
Mooni am a jedday and a moondalorian2022-10-28 00:12:57
Sp!T_Shine 10:46:59
MoonWho ever told you this is a liar and fascist. I have all the dates written down of the vaccines o.o the first two vaxes are 21 day apart and 5 months apart from the booster shot hehe. Unless it was JANNYSAN which you need one vax and one booster 2 months apart. >.<Keep your chin up!2022-10-22 20:49:09
Sp!T_Shinehe gonna make a toad eat beans from between his toes2022-10-22 08:02:47
Moonmedjay win because he has somal deek2022-10-22 01:20:13
Sp!T_ShineIf you make stacks cause of my predictions buy me kabob delivery2022-10-21 21:47:41
Sp!T_ShineOhh I didnt notice Karol and Lina. Karol Win, cause she has the neck tatt & she's from Brazil so she probably had to fight her 9 brothers for portions of moqueca on the reg2022-10-21 21:44:25
Sp!T_ShineSome of those dudes I nvr heard of I'm out of the loop.TJ Win, even thou he kinda a douche at times, O'Malley Win cause he had some pretty cool finishes The grils..... Katlyn and Manon both look like the 2nd grils name so I guess I'll go with Manon cause she's from France where the naked ladies dance2022-10-21 21:39:01
MoonI think its time for Lord Lightfoot to become PM of England hehe2022-10-20 23:12:39
Moon Should re-edit the title to: "Karen Uncensored: featuring a black nazi/painter/genius."2022-10-19 21:00:43
Sp!T_ShineI think I've seen that trailer pop up 10 times in the past week. Anything I watch has that trailer. I can't escape! Do they know something??? Heeeeyyyy I'll be the skinny fat frosting in the middle of our oreo trupple2022-10-19 17:51:51
Moonoh my goodness, best trailer ever! lets go see it in the all nude theater. Hehe me you and spitty should be a trupple >.<2022-10-18 18:41:58
Sp!T_ShineDude is prolly global elite 17:04:22
Moonwhy no one high5 you they all say they hate u o.o2022-10-18 13:44:59
Moonnaga is bootiful medjay slut2022-10-14 22:36:45
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥ you booby Leeee!! 18:27:24
Mooni am medjay i protecc the innocence >.<2022-10-14 18:23:48
Sp!T_ShineShe just needed to scream a lil more and nothing would have happened. 18:33:26
MoonI hate ppl2022-10-13 18:21:25
Sp!T_Shineu ow2 on the reg now? whats ur main? do they have dead silence and krill stricks like CoD?2022-10-12 16:46:07
MoonHope you had lots of not fun playing overcuck without me hope you lost a lot2022-10-10 01:59:54
MoonMaybe find him someone to sue and make a few thousand dollars hehe2022-10-09 05:16:34
Sp!T_Shineheeh ditto me have boner for bear wit cigar2022-10-07 15:47:18
MoonI wanna get first place on every map with uncle dolan duck2022-10-07 14:02:46
MoonIs it you hate me cause I'm a medjay, or I'm a medjay cause you hate me?2022-10-06 01:08:22
Not AnashaYou smell2022-10-05 11:19:40
kuntananever left2022-10-04 19:29:01
Moonwhy do my poops feel so much better when I watch ben shapiro on the toilet o.o2022-10-04 12:18:35
Sp!T_Shinethere is a matrix 1 & 2? damdangit...2022-10-03 21:41:38
MoonThis guy told me he only watched godfather part III because he thinks the 1970s is too racist.2022-10-03 20:44:19
Triple Deviljhohe probably only watched Terminator 2 as well.2022-10-03 19:02:09
Sp!T_ShineTate bul bul all the time 18:16:34
Triple DeviljhoYou believe that dude? He skipped the first game lmao2022-10-02 17:05:32
Sp!T_Shinemove the damn bottom of yo body!! 18:17:41
Sp!T_Shineohh! hopefully 1st one is gooder and more funner2022-10-01 17:31:03
MoonHehe no one buys me dyper snyper costume for Dota 22022-10-01 12:22:16
Sp!T_Shineacca bacca eww2022-09-30 16:39:46
MoonHaca paka 22022-09-30 09:53:51
CrowZer0wtf is that2022-09-30 09:05:17
MoonI bet you don't even want to watch Hasanus pikus with me2022-09-30 09:00:33
Sp!T_Shinewhat was moon's main on Dota 2?2022-09-29 18:22:48
Sp!T_Shinethose can be my pronouns2022-09-29 18:18:47
Sp!T_ShineI can't, I'll get hooked2022-09-29 18:12:45
Sp!T_ShineI don't get it either, when they do the uwu voice they sound like chipmunk & i don't have enough time to fappy2022-09-29 18:11:43
Moon look its when we meet hehe why they call you old fightah tho? ._.2022-09-28 20:22:51
Moon-rep doesn't invite me to watch weiner train with him cause he hates me and thinks rosh Hashanah is a fake holiday2022-09-26 16:29:03
MoonOh you hate me2022-09-26 10:21:22
MoonHow did they know? They doxxed you?2022-09-26 08:48:50
Sp!T_Shineits a hate-love2022-09-26 05:26:43
Moon you like my waifus pancake butt?2022-09-25 14:15:34
MoonIs that a secret 😳 my pronouns are she/they2022-09-24 08:37:49
Moon._. You call me when I was watching por.... When I was working2022-09-23 11:25:28
MoonOh. You hate me.2022-09-23 07:12:19
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ creepy why do these people try to communicate with you i nthe weirdest ways2022-09-22 19:45:24
Moon I didn't know that ben shapiro went trans2022-09-22 02:20:04
MoonThanks for the steam points love uuuuuuuuuuu!2022-09-21 10:07:24
santecan i have some steam points sire2022-09-21 01:37:30
CrowZer0No you didn't say you live me this time2022-09-21 00:45:08
santegive me that steam points love2022-09-20 22:20:32
santejustt random guy can i ask for some steam points pleaseee2022-09-20 22:20:21
Moon how many shugga hoolis you think she has a day 😳2022-09-20 16:20:23
Moonsee not everybady hates you ._.2022-09-20 16:10:13
CrowZer0thank you for loving menow who are you?2022-09-20 14:38:15
santehello can i have some steam points pleeeeeeeeeasseeeeeeeeee love u2022-09-20 13:24:35
Moon we play tekken like this o.o?2022-09-19 14:37:36
MoonBi me geme whr u panch trrst .-. 00:35:01
Moon+rep taught me aim training in 1.3 hours in kovaaks and it got me global elite 03:05:22
CrowZer0I don't even register how I missed all these messages, I allegedly unsubscribed from my own page... oops2022-09-17 19:08:48
Moon"I'm sorry I hate you, just don't take it personally "2022-09-17 08:01:56
MoonHey they both can work at applebees! My homeless guy can be the hostess (give him a cute pink apron that says "Homeless, but not Heartless ")Your homeless guy can be the guy who brings out the candles and birfday cake, as you can clearly see he has a lot of experience lighting ♥♥♥♥ up2022-09-16 22:01:46
Sp!T_Shinehe just trying to show cops he wanted to apply for apple bee's host position2022-09-16 21:17:35
Sp!T_Shinepoor guy, I hope they didnt hurt him2022-09-16 21:15:21
Moon Denver/Boulder also has some really amazing and cyoot people!2022-09-16 21:09:15
Sp!T_ShineYou should move to Arizona and hear all the good stories from my street peeps 20:58:50
Moon YouTube algorithm foundy waifu2022-09-15 18:54:28
MoonWhy is your name crowzero? Is it cause you eat all the crows and now there are zero of them?2022-09-15 13:15:27
Moon uh oh ._.2022-09-14 23:17:35
Moonbetter than your racist mexican chili puke2022-09-12 20:50:21
Sp!T_Shineopps got my years all mixxed up, im old2022-09-12 17:47:08
Sp!T_Shineole tony after fight all happy pickin joemo up, tony said he was back, u think dina really gonna keep him goin with more fights? seems like he was last second pick and had balls to take fight and money even with loss. but i like tony, his younger years is when I was followin ufc the most, early lidddell, vunderful wanderlei, ortiz and you fav fighter bispinger years2022-09-12 17:40:54
MoonGluten free but it's vegan so who cares I wanna bulk up like Jasmine2022-09-12 12:21:50
Moon I hope this hooli order is very joocy joocy o.o2022-09-12 01:50:19
apolloI've always wanted to be a famous YouTuber?2022-09-11 21:22:44
Moon-rep added grom to be bff with .-.2022-09-10 02:50:18
Moon why u no tell me about your second youtube channel ._.Hi guys! Just a simple teenager that loves games and YouTube. Hope you guys will support me. Don't forget to like and subscribe! Thanks!2022-09-09 16:42:09
Moonis your dog named bee2022-09-06 14:24:20
Sp!T_Shine 00:41:06
Sp!T_ShineOOhh the whiate boy from and 1, prolly makes beter bread doin youtube, did you get new best friend pupps? so cute!!!2022-09-02 18:26:33
MoonSorry, I didn't know you hated pictures of my delicious fish and chips. Don't take it personally I was hungry and didn't have a cup of roice2022-09-01 23:05:17
CrowZer0.-.2022-09-01 00:43:23
Moon wow Chunky yogurts nephew is so good at valorant2022-09-01 00:41:45
Moon shadowghost went from silver 1 to silver 2 I'm very proud2022-08-31 18:15:02
Mooncongratulations on not smoking crack for a month!2022-08-31 16:51:31
Moon why do I love aslanyan videos so much 😳2022-08-31 15:12:36
Not Anashajennie emailed me, she hates you MORE2022-08-31 03:03:46
Sp!T_ShineHell ya, I love seeing campers eat a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ giant bag of dicksvv nice shot 17:24:00
apolloAll flicks no tracking 16:24:53
MoonUr rally welcum for deh hentai game of your life hehe maybe she can replace ur mammy2022-08-30 11:19:54
CrowZer0I'm rally hurted by your mean words 8 cried to my mummy about it and told my therapist2022-08-30 07:06:55
Самый_Дикий(>‿◠)U guys funny. Honestly u two trying to support each other just by making a post on ur profile. U rally got offended. Lol2022-08-30 04:43:11
CrowZer0He might aswell be wearing a teletubbies or power rangers outfit super adorbs, also when they think sak a deek and you live with mummy is original and offensive lol2022-08-30 00:12:46
CrowZer0I love it when a guy with an anime of gets tough online, he thinks he's the star of narutoballz so cyoote2022-08-30 00:07:25
MoonHow ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ normal and natural do you consider the crowleys of the world and their obsession with hiloli pron? Had to be from the countless hours of hentai and abuse from real life people.2022-08-29 19:56:55
MoonI think its cause they spend most of their life watching hentai/anime in their bedroom plus they have some kind of mental health problem so the only friends they have is a screen that screams HIHI KIMOCHI WHATS THIS STICKY STUFF ON ME!2022-08-29 19:54:09
CrowZer0I might be unemployed and live with my mummy but at least I don't fap to cartoons of kids like you do weirdo2022-08-29 17:44:19
Самый_Дикий(>‿◠)34 piece of ♥♥♥♥ kid who lives with his mum. Don’t cry mummy boy or should I call u ♥♥♥♥♥ boy ?2022-08-29 17:01:47
CrowZer0Steam stalkers are so weird lol! Leave my. Hot wheels screenshots alone weirdos!2022-08-29 03:25:57
Moonlel I heard you use logic HAHAHAHAHAHAH2022-08-28 08:51:42
MoonI do2022-08-28 04:49:06
MoonCan you add me? 😘2022-08-28 03:12:32
Not AnashaYou smell2022-08-28 01:09:35
Sp!T_Shinebut i prolly watch it cuz he rocky2022-08-26 21:40:54
Sp!T_Shineit can't be.......2022-08-26 21:39:14
Moon I guess you are not excited to watch this brand new show with me ._.2022-08-26 15:17:16
MoonHe's an extra zombie from king of the zombies, a film from 19412022-08-26 14:30:05
MoonI think pacman found his calling imagine if we did this with our hooly hehe 21:14:21
Moon+rep told me im a likable personality2022-08-24 14:59:11
CrowZer0GagaWhat?2022-08-24 11:21:17
公园gogo2022-08-24 05:45:06
MoonHi I had a lot of hooly, are you doctor fart?2022-08-23 22:49:52
Sp!T_Shinebest served with dauphinoise potatoes and deagle head shot2022-08-23 17:24:31
Moonof course hehe but i make them derank too so its good2022-08-23 14:07:20
MoonCrowZer0 (CrowZer0) 2 hours ago Next up is de ranking with Deagle practiceCrowZer0 (CrowZer0) 9 hours ago Next up is de ranking with Deagle practice2022-08-23 14:06:52
Moonnext up is lamanjun eagle masta >.<2022-08-23 01:49:45
Moon hooly brodder?2022-08-21 15:31:43
MoonThey were really good.2022-08-21 10:34:08
MoonHi my name is Nathan, I went to one of the top business schools in Canada with really good grades.2022-08-20 14:49:57
Moon I never would have thunk it2022-08-20 11:41:38
Sp!T_Shineohh shnapp u started a guild on POE and no invite2022-08-19 21:29:38
Sp!T_Shinewhat's black edition?2022-08-19 20:13:08
Sp!T_ShineOhh I did take your advice and quit working weekends, but now I just turn into lazy veggie and sit like potatoe, lay on couch and browse webby people fighting on internet if potatoe is actually veggie or fruit, so maybe I turn into a lazy fruit, utt ohh2022-08-19 20:11:27
Sp!T_ShineGoing crazy at work, letting it consume my life. Not eating much, losing weight, stressing out on dumb work stuff beyond my control. Play a little bit of game log out, watch half a movie get bored, back to work, hehe Hopefully back to normal soon. =)2022-08-19 18:33:13
Moonbut you have jambalaya flavored heul hehe ?2022-08-18 20:23:26
Moon lets go to Louisanna and get dat jambalaya2022-08-17 16:58:25
MoonHis name is Hapchi Machinegun ._.2022-08-16 03:38:19
MoonIf we have a band I want to be the finger snapper and also the person that blows the jug bottle. Should I get his dumb and dumber haircut too?2022-08-14 13:47:31
MoonWomen Grey xxxlarge hehe2022-08-12 12:06:26
Moonnot even carlos mencia would steal his jokes2022-08-11 17:41:42
Sp!T_Shine heh, he so cwoote2022-08-11 15:51:11
MoonYou also live on the 40 year old virgin islands?2022-08-08 17:47:01
Denisesup2022-07-30 11:42:38
Moon@spitty that woman could give some of her teef to Crowley2022-07-29 04:38:40
MoonIrina is real, ♥♥♥♥ the haters. I let her use my credit card to buy some sephora gift cards to buy more makeup for her real pictures. What innocent boy would do such a fing?2022-07-29 04:38:20
Sp!T_Shineeverything everywhere all at once gud? tempted but looks like acid trip2022-07-27 16:49:34
Sp!T_Shinedang, that chick looks like she is stackin a whole nother row of upper teeth above those giant gums. i wonder if her g/f knows how it feels to be with a famous vvvv2022-07-27 16:46:41
MoonLooked up their star player hevdig shes perty 03:02:01
Moon"England reached their first major women's tournament final since 2009"I'm glad and proud for England.... Not for having good foosball teams, but for going woke and deciding to hire the wimmin with the biggest sluggers. Seems like these days there are more baseball bats in other sports then there were before2022-07-27 02:56:04
MoonThey locked up martin luther king jr. (the old school blm) up when he was innocent and he came out with more falafelsaphy writings!2022-07-26 14:59:11
CrowZer0Why tf would I want an offer from someone trade banned when I can buy anything I want?2022-07-23 14:29:06
ᗪᗩᑎᗷEᖇᑎᗩᗷhave an offer for ya, added mate.2022-07-23 13:48:15
♥ mushbrain ♥wuddup cr0wman2022-07-22 21:11:00
Sp!T_ShineThis is a thing now?? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 17:02:43
Sp!T_Shinenot sure what breed she is, but damn them ears on Denise woo hoo2022-07-22 16:56:26
Sp!T_Shineshe's dope but I think this pup has even better taste 16:53:03
Sp!T_Shinewhen I was 16 i got a 75 mustang 2 which pretty much looks identical to a ford pinto, probably the lamest looking mustang ever made. i was proud2022-07-22 16:46:26
Sp!T_Shinei would have been happy with a pink bike with a banana seat and a flower basket when i was 16.2022-07-22 16:44:09
Sp!T_Shinetrying to offer her daughter a C class Benzo...... cheap ass mom2022-07-22 16:40:53
Sp!T_Shinepfffttt no woman should ever have to work.... girls mom is so unreasonable..... 16:37:21
Erinya my ass fat2022-07-22 16:34:00
kuntanaya my ass fat2022-07-21 18:46:57
MoonI heard british virgins don't got teef2022-07-21 17:12:13
CrowZer0no 1 plays deathpoop with me :(2022-07-21 17:10:40
Moonbtw im bisexual2022-07-21 17:01:17
Moonyour profile is very homoerotic2022-07-21 17:01:06
MoonAdd beats by doctor Mario he has something important to tell you.2022-07-21 16:47:18
MoonBritish VIRGINS Island ._.2022-07-21 16:46:22
MoonYou can never remake the true innocent it will always be a fake2022-07-21 05:50:21
MoonOh my goodness I thought you died2022-07-21 05:50:00
Sp!T_Shinehaha, freaking brutality2022-04-22 12:22:02
Moon 07:50:43
Sp!T_ShineHe's gettin side bewb! I was looking for that chick, I thought she was hispanic or black, haha! 12:28:53
Moono.o he showed up to the show after they talked about his daughter's ♥♥♥♥♥R.I.P. Andrew you were a good friend2022-04-20 05:19:01
Moonhehe and ari shaffir is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ but howard stern is jelly that only sadcat boomers listen to his show and everyone else listens to podcasts2022-04-12 01:51:49
Moonnew victoria secret model is perfect waifu2022-04-12 01:51:18
Mooneverybody there be like IMY OBAMA! IMY IMY! >.<2022-04-08 14:23:41
Sp!T_Shinelol, like when you have a family get together and grandpa is walking around mumbling to himself.vvv2022-04-07 16:31:42
Moon why do they bully my favorite president2022-04-05 21:46:24
Sp!T_Shinejust an innocent peanut helping an orange rise to the top2022-04-04 21:53:48
Sp!T_Shinelol2022-04-02 13:48:18
Moonoh look at me im crow i go pishpish on mousepad to clean it2022-04-02 02:03:15
Sp!T_Shinei nvr seen that, good thing he walked away, l like B, he don't need his brain more musheedd2022-04-01 20:10:51
Not Anashayou gonna write that type of thing publicly now? ;)2022-03-31 00:17:00
Sp!T_Shinelol Will Smith's relationship is open to everything except jokes2022-03-28 09:51:08
Sp!T_ShineJust bad acting or real? haha 22:40:51
Sp!T_Shinehope your new Mickey D's job has good lunch benefits2022-03-22 12:25:06
Sp!T_Shinenew cyberspunk update, only reason to fire it up"Added the showering interaction to the Nomad Camp."2022-03-22 12:24:09
Moonthis is the great grandson of my red dead character, they kept it good in the bloodline so that banjo talent never goes away2022-03-22 03:19:18
Moonthat fat boi needs t keep dancing but only drink snakejuice diet till he finishes high school2022-03-22 02:43:44
MoonHope you have lots of fun working at Mcdonalds tomorrow without me. Hope you win.2022-03-21 21:24:36
MoonEverybaddy hates me 😳. My boomer watch is old it doesn't have functions like tell time like yours2022-03-20 11:10:36
Sp!T_Shinericky's lickin' snakes2022-03-18 20:59:22
serenamoon2022-03-18 08:57:26
Moon red dead 3 graphics look really good O.O2022-03-17 21:14:35
Sp!T_Shineu been taking joe bogans ALPHA BRAIN? no more brain fog2022-03-17 15:43:29
Sp!T_ShineI finally topped out at my company. Went to boss to ask for a raise and he told me "that was it", no more and that the next position up would be his and he wasn't having that. I take home $1300 salary per week. No benefits, no health insurance, no 401k/retirement, absolutely nothing but a pay check. It will take me a little over 2 months to get my contractors license starting May 1st, once I heal up from renal stenosis surgery I then am going to be attacking the housing market and will be highly successful. I have the drive, motivation and sobriety to kick some ass and I'm in Murica, let it rain. No honestly it will be a slow process but I think it will be the best career move of my life. From employee to entrepreneur is my goal. =)2022-03-17 15:20:34
Sp!T_ShineI have 3 more work days till I resign from my 16 year electrical company. I'm soo excited! Only took me 44 years to figure out I should be doing this on my own. ^--^2022-03-17 14:20:27
Sp!T_Shineis it cool, what does the watch do? I was gonna get a fit bit or something a while back but there was so many cons compared to pros. does it work with google pixel xl android?2022-03-17 14:19:10
Sp!T_Shinethank you sensai, all my pick axe mining on core keeper is really toning up the arms and wub handles too!2022-03-17 07:52:00
Sp!T_Shineohh dude, when arnold baby threw that biker and he landed on the hot grill in the kitchen ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Gold2022-03-12 11:24:19
Moonlol I I want to call one of the adult films "I'm about to swallah for a dolla :O"2022-03-11 17:24:02
MoonBulk? ._. Then why did he finish it all in one innocent sitting?2022-03-11 15:54:25
MoonYour lil brother spent 65 dollars for me to go hunting with him last night ._. He said you were too drunk and wouldn't know2022-03-11 11:47:51
Sp!T_Shinethx for the wonderful innocent ♥♥♥♥♥ asmr,2022-03-10 06:56:52
Moon I wish I said it like this before ._.2022-03-06 12:22:53
Sp!T_Shineweekly mark meme, nailed it i wanna see the vid of the chick breaking her neck on the smith machine. gym accidents are inspiring2022-03-06 11:45:09
MoonLOL Tim Dillon is such a troll I'm so exicted to see him later this month2022-03-06 05:44:02
Sp!T_Shineabout the only reason i would try taking tren at 44 yrs young 23:06:17
Sp!T_Shine& rightly so he should find a horse to bury that massive rock crawler in, that way no child support later! woot woot2022-03-03 16:52:05
Sp!T_Shinehonestly I nvr knew, and it was shocking!even the horse would be jealous of that d2022-03-03 16:47:44
MoonYou don't really want to play streets of ragequit with me ._. i gueth2022-03-03 07:46:30
Sp!T_Shinewhoa, sounds like a crazy alphaphant2022-03-02 20:16:20
CrowZer0.-. axxident just wanted cyoote globe2022-03-02 11:47:00
MoonOh lvl 2802022-03-02 07:36:42
Sp!T_Shineya & the most bestest fricken MONKEY exhibit was CLOSED!! lvl 49 on LA. I am so sick of fetch questing. Lvl 50 is when the game is supposed to "get good" , lots of dungeons etc. can't bring my dudet out of the server im in & of curse any of me friends are on other servers and starting a new character is never gonna happen. put another 60 hours in to grind to lvl 50, ♥♥♥♥ that ♥♥♥♥have fun at work eating jelly beans & diet pepsi2022-03-02 06:59:19
MoonI'm on my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 12 hour lunch break ok2022-03-01 02:26:47
MoonI'm just an innocent cyootie patootie ._.2022-03-01 01:04:27
MoonWhy you asking me to eat your pizza 😕 u fink I'm fat?2022-02-28 15:15:40
MoonLol so many bots in the comments2022-02-28 06:00:24
MoonYou hate me and don't want to play dying light wiff me cause u eat too much pizza and watch Brooklyn 9112022-02-27 12:49:37
Sp!T_Shineu keep getting older?2022-02-26 22:32:38
MoonHehe I hope you enjoy it gyros are lit2022-02-26 18:37:48
MoonI'm bad at gsylorant2022-02-26 04:29:43
CrowZer0.-.2022-02-26 04:26:08
Not AnashaHappy Birthday 🎉2022-02-26 01:26:13
Not AnashaTo the most2022-02-26 01:26:03
Not AnashaInnocent boi2022-02-26 01:25:56
Moonhey izan what do u fink about gyros?2022-02-25 23:17:13
Moonhappy birfday! What did you get me .-.?2022-02-25 18:17:36
MoonWhy does the crow have big Beek but somal deek?2022-02-24 21:04:21
Sp!T_ShineI felt like I was flying thru a tunnel when I cummed here2022-02-24 16:59:44
MoonIf we go to war with Russia I guess hazbully will be enemy2022-02-23 15:09:57
MoonHas big boi borgir vibes2022-02-23 14:48:55
Moonuh oh another epstein friend in prison slips over a banana and the camera axxidently didn't catch it >.<2022-02-21 22:00:54
MoonI wish I had a sense of humor. +_+2022-02-21 18:00:25
MoonHahaha I love Ryan Long, always asks the greatest political questions! Those two wimmin that got mad at the question really weren't playing ._. It's not like They don't talk about who get bigger dinguses Biden or trump2022-02-21 17:59:23
Denisecute avatar2022-02-20 19:54:07
Moonlol look at the comments, the ♥♥♥♥2022-02-20 15:51:47
Moon I'm so excited2022-02-20 15:50:01
Sp!T_Shine I don't blame her for the change, she looks soo much better now2022-02-19 15:32:12
MoonI gueth they don't want a vegan worker o.o2022-02-17 13:32:43
Moon LOL what the ♥♥♥♥ kind of questions are these??2022-02-17 13:29:05
Sp!T_Shinecrap im installing lost ark, i hope it sucks2022-02-16 19:36:12
Moon I am studying for my fitness exam2022-02-14 13:46:14
Sp!T_Shine They should start a cooking show!!2022-02-13 17:44:49
Moon I want some of that persian cuisine2022-02-13 16:27:10
Sp!T_Shinemen of culture today we cook lamb and potatoes over a campfire 14:07:12
Moon Jordan Peterson is such a bully :(2022-02-12 12:43:32
Sp!T_Shinedid you try that yoga pose? i almost nailed it2022-02-11 21:00:49
Moon-rep got me fired for holding my pish pish too long that I peed all over Amazon van2022-02-11 18:12:12
Sp!T_ShineI'm on either ep 3 or 4. but ya I like lil redneck spinners, but u would think they would have a hotter chick for that role. even the black capt or whateve is kinda a weird character for the role.2022-02-11 16:39:46
Sp!T_ShineHAHAHA, dead.....are you serious? do they have him wearing spice girl shoes just for the show? Lordy2022-02-11 07:09:48
Sp!T_Shinefinished ep 1 Reacher, crazy ass show, dude is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ jacked, whole thing reminds of some columbo meets walker texas ranger meets power rangers2022-02-10 20:26:38
MoonDon't believe the propaganda, Abdu is eating a veggie borgir2022-02-10 20:20:54
Sp!T_Shineooo well tanks for the beautiful yoga partner2022-02-10 07:10:09
Moon 10:52:17
MoonI beat you didn't register your borgir comes with a side of misogyny2022-02-09 10:51:59
Moonu ate borgir without me?2022-02-07 20:47:13
MoonI think you hate akaash because you hate indian beards and nan bread2022-02-05 16:18:58
Moonthis is a gabagool advertising2022-02-05 16:18:28
Sp!T_ShineSome of us aspire to attain the turtle shell physique of RoganAnd that's only possible with copious amounts of nandrolone and pastahaha, best comment on wanna be fabio's video on roids. why they tease him about lip fillers, I hope that's not true..... if so what a dork2022-02-04 16:49:38
Moonsome juice are good lol I love tammy dalla2022-02-03 12:01:52
Sp!T_ShineI like the brunette to the left, she looks psycho and super b itchy, girl next door cut ur pee pee off vibes. she was all grossed out by the fellatio but she probably blows every guy & gril on the set after anal......2022-02-02 20:07:00
Sp!T_Shinei think that makes bs even cooler. he tries to hook up with his friends gf's and is completely shameless about it. his comment about the ferrari "if you have a nice looking car people are gonna try to get blowjobs from it" haha, i don't think lee givs af about the gf thing, i bet his beef if there is any is over something besides women. dime a dozen for those dudes2022-02-02 20:01:55
Moonthe essence of the original movie is completely shattered hahahaha good job liongaytes and pauly whowa2022-02-02 15:44:42
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that conversation went from olive garden to "rap" music2022-02-02 15:42:26
Moon what you don't think the leaning tower of cheezah is funny?2022-02-02 15:31:48
Sp!T_Shinered dot indians can grow some bad ass beards2022-02-01 17:53:17
Sp!T_Shinethe bearded indianthe balding indianthe thicc booty indian3 things that I havent seen from our navajo indians here in AZ3 names that would be great for a dive bar here in AZ2022-02-01 17:52:27
Sp!T_Shinebecause caribou have amphibian ears2022-02-01 17:46:36
Sp!T_Shine"That might be the nicest thing you have ever done in your life, thank you" muahaha definitely using that at work on someone tomorrow2022-02-01 17:32:27
Moontakes me three times yo register2022-02-01 16:30:01
MoonThat might be the nicest thing you have ever done in your life, thank you2022-02-01 16:19:39
Moonshe about to pop a vax in yo ass 09:29:08
MoonHappy African American History Month! How will you celebrate?2022-02-01 08:02:28
MoonHi I'm preacher and I shot 36 people with a double barrel shotgun. It was pretty lit.2022-01-31 04:57:26
Moondiaper special 03:13:26
MoonI really like Edward from Cowboy Bebop he/she is my favorite character.2022-01-30 15:21:06
MoonIn honor of soviets you should turn on big horse deek mod2022-01-30 05:12:33
Moon this had me cracking up hahaha2022-01-29 21:42:27
Moonoh my goodness nice background you must really like the tiger year2022-01-28 12:57:22
Sp!T_Shinethe woman with 8 year olds body, that ♥♥♥♥ got cringe & wild asf haha2022-01-27 19:52:56
MoonI hate you, but I REALLY HATE MOON. I don't trust you, you're an a hole and make fun of me all the time. You talk behind my back, I see the chatlogs my racist ped0 psychotic cousin showed it to me. You're not innocent 😖🙄 you bully me!2022-01-27 13:53:56
Moonforgive me padre I know I'm not a weeb but I liked resident evil 2 ._.2022-01-26 23:29:46
Sp!T_Shineshe's right, fit people are so mean with their food/life/vaxx choices and such2022-01-26 16:02:14
Moon the amazon customer service told me to do this when I tried to return my controller I thought was broke ._.2022-01-24 17:43:03
Moonhe likes berbin2022-01-24 16:58:19
MoonHow come there are only JEWZ in the challahcost museum?2022-01-24 15:07:19
MoonDarlene doesn't need a vax because covid doesn't effect the beautiful2022-01-24 14:56:43
Sp!T_Shinewhy is it that every person with a disability is now being mocked that its a vaxx side effect? so sad, young girls SHOULD get vaxxed so they look like the beautiful eugenia cooney, i saw her eat in a video so don't say its cause she don't, and i didnt see a vid of her throwin up so that's proof... 11:48:13
Moonshe makes my pants stretch too :p2022-01-24 02:22:36
Sp!T_Shinehomeboy looks like he is having a hard time staying healthy just sitting on the couch, breathing all heavy, flush like a grape2022-01-24 00:09:57
MoonThere is no such thing as enough vaccines2022-01-22 17:36:30
MoonMeyer2022-01-22 17:35:53
MoonWyatt u be a good boy and tell that Byrd beech to stay away from Zeke HE'S MY BABY If you do that I'll let you ram your cute wittle Oscar meter weenie in my stinky farmer ♥♥♥♥♥2022-01-22 17:35:36
Sp!T_Shine2 giant meat egg rolls, 6 crab puffs, huge bowl of wor wonton soup, happy family delight (pawk, chimkin, beeth, shrwmp, scallap) with heavy noodle, no rice2022-01-22 14:56:36
CrowZer08 took innocent nap hehe2022-01-22 13:17:15
Moon o.o Masta?2022-01-22 01:12:04
Not Anashanobody feelss like you so2022-01-21 23:52:33
Sp!T_Shinei took Hooks advice on the corsair obsidian case. after about six months of regular cleanings a bunch of different things started to fall apart and thumbs screws started stripping until the tempered glass side door would not stay on. Solid advice, 10/102022-01-21 08:39:41
Moonthank you please, I just got a new job. I am now the greeter at a walmart, thank you please! I am so polite and so good at saying THANK YOU PLEASE this was the only position they saw that would fit me Wad of Gor is pretty lit >.< Kratos said what we all wanted to hear INDEED2022-01-21 02:14:12
Moon motha faqqu is u gonna vote or is u aint?2022-01-19 17:16:18
Sp!T_Shinebest game review ever!!!2022-01-19 16:34:45
MoonA very surprising title on my recommended list and one that I continously keep finding me and my friends going back to. People ask and wonder why I spend so much time in this game, when I have "better" triple a options available.Simply, this game is well worth the price and hasn't had the marketing and hype it deserves and other big studios get. It's a fantastic tactical shooter.The class system is sublime, everyone on the team has a role to play and victory depends on people doing their job and working as a team. This is something most other shooters lack where it's mostly about killing the enemy. In this the Specialist must lead with their arsenal of weapons, the breacher must breach, and the snipers must snipe and cover.The majority of my gameplay is in Co-Op with my homeys and waifus, checkpoint/conquest on massive maps with different objectives make it awesome.#hypetrain Day of Infamy standalone, and Insurgency 2.2022-01-19 16:21:14
MoonHehehe I was such a cyoot majestic reviewer back in the day (21 year old)2022-01-19 15:47:53
MoonYou know of a glory hole, but have you heard of a lori hole ?2022-01-19 15:46:03
Sp!T_Shinepffttt kratos only wishes he could pull off a bad ass exit move like this... 18:26:35
Moon okay then wikipedia...2022-01-17 01:41:51
MoonHe only sends ME pictures of shorts, dirty ones too2022-01-17 00:12:55
Not Anashasend pics of shortss2022-01-16 23:30:06
Moondeez chimken wings that ron likes to eat actually are killing corona VIRUS2022-01-16 03:29:34
MoonMasta was nearly vegan by minimizing2022-01-16 03:25:54
MoonThem eyebrows though2022-01-14 13:22:28
Moon 00:25:35
Sp!T_Shinewas that some kinda trick, when the dude pulled up his cellphone in the video it had my birthdate on it. not only was the overthinking video tripping me out but then I was like wtf!!2022-01-13 18:06:57
Moontapor now vapor :( cobra kai vhs is ovah2022-01-13 00:00:51
Moonneely headless how can someone be neely headless?2022-01-12 16:07:01
Moonlel I've seen that who is the real cyber bulbul in karate kid before hahaha where is my waifu darlene2022-01-10 16:40:10
Moon 00:35:54
Moonbanzaiiiii!!!!2022-01-09 22:37:10
Sp!T_Shine3d printed knuckle chop sticks = no mo hot cheetos fingers while fapping, yes!!2022-01-09 11:20:33
Moon one fing mexicah full of iz mezzicans2022-01-07 23:24:58
Moon was eating some chicken tenders watching this, very entertaining.2022-01-07 22:24:27
MoonI sale for nort and we get our imaginary bulbul sucked by black walkers2022-01-07 21:25:29
Sp!T_Shinehoping to get on evga's que for a 4090TI in october and then wait 6 months to get called for it. get the $1200 (feel bad selling for that much) from ebay on the 11th for the 2080TI i sold and then hopefully can do the same with the 3080TI down the road. its pretty screwed that the market is insane right now. some people saying "well I will just skip the 3000 series and get a 4000 series card" tards.....pretty sure its gonna be the exact same bs when the 4000 series comes out.2022-01-07 21:06:56
Sp!T_ShineThe monitor is stuck on a UPS truck in Goodyear AZ. So I got off work 4 hours early to be home to sign for it and it's not coming till tomorrow morning, (thanks for keeping me updated UPS ugg)I went a little nutty and picked up the secret lab magnus desk and a pair of audioengine A2+ speakers. i don't want to use the monitor stand so i also picked up a ergotron monitor arm ($400 ridiculous) Its the only monitor arm that will support my monitor with no sag or worries and wanted a lifetime arm. Spent a few days doing research on stupid monitor arms. Got some new artwork above the gaming desk, no anime, should be pretty dope.2022-01-07 21:06:51
Moonhahaha what a sharkie mark! been waiting 3 years for this movie and still hasn't come out2022-01-06 23:20:11
Moon my algorithm on YouTube is literally sh!t2022-01-06 12:29:35
Mooni dont steal vpn i borrow2022-01-05 22:53:17
Moon you can dance like him too ._.?2022-01-05 18:28:59
Sp!T_Shineya I haven't been this sick that I can remember. tested negative for covid twice but this is the slowest recovery yet. maybe age. maybe false negatives on the test, who knows, but it has been nice sitting at home. I pulled a boo boo and purchased my dream monitor that I have been looking at since 2017. Comes Friday. I give up on this really extreme 1080p monitor, it gave me an edge in game, no doubt, but Vanguard and BF2042 are in such bad shape currently, they are not even really worth dumbing down the eye candy for as of now. Selling my 2k on ebay and I will save this TUF monitor for when they patch up the games in a few months down the line. I can't even bring myself to really play any games but competitive fps on this monitor cause I got so used to 2k.Here is my new baby. Back to low frames for me =) 09:37:14
Moon you fink he wanted him to play mambo number 5?2022-01-03 22:30:57
Moonresident evil is scary! skrake! skrake! >.<2022-01-03 21:08:48
MoonHappy weekend NOOT NOOT,I hope 2022 is super great year for you and you only keep evolving yourself (I also hope you keep winning). Lief should never get boring, there is always something new for the innocent to do and to learn. You still haven't even had a nuttah buttah? and when you try that there is always something new like a bagel bite (spoiler: I saw a plate of bagel bites in the new cobra kai episode forgive me lel). So relax you are doing fine. Thank you for all the things you helped me with this year and also finding a good "library" of books . u r tru frend gooby, i gueth even though everybady hates me and you want me to swallow a razor blade. keep your chin up and please have a great new please year! Call GP please if you need help please. gooby please. P.S. just don't be depressed. Your ASSociate,SugarPlum2021-12-31 18:07:06
Sp!T_Shinethe wimins that be created fromin teracial relations are proof that God is cool with it2021-12-31 11:50:55
MoonWow Boulder has been in the news twice this year one for a mass shooting and another for a mass fire2021-12-31 09:59:10
MoonDANIC do you love me? 22:07:19
MoonWhy are you addicted to lemon lip blam ._.2021-12-30 16:26:35
MoonMacdolans or boobookeek? Go.2021-12-30 16:23:50
Sp!T_Shinei paid 3.99 to rent matrix on prime and then i didnt get to finish, lame peeps, they only give 48 hours to watch movie, not enough time for people who can't sit still for long, and my tv is wall mounted and directly in line with my bed so I'm always laying down watchin movies so I never make it thru a movie without munching on some carbs or jerky and thennn I fall asleep and I can't watch it later? Kim K looked fab in her holiday dress & I didnt2021-12-30 13:17:51
MoonYah u so strange yahhhh u no innocent boi u silly boi2021-12-30 06:32:58
MoonI bought sugar free gingerale because of this article2021-12-30 06:28:03
Denisebobo2021-12-29 21:02:45
Sp!T_Shinereeves still needs to come out da closet2021-12-29 18:59:07
Sp!T_Shineive nvr had a diet coke, i might try, ate whole family size bag of sour skittles rewatching matrix 1st time in ovr 2o years, remember nothign aboutt he movie, its like the 1st time watching it, yay2021-12-29 18:58:14
MoonWtf how did their mom come up with Diet Pepsi cancels out sugar lolol2021-12-29 18:11:00
MoonNow I'll never know the troof2021-12-29 09:36:21
MoonVideo was removed 😭2021-12-29 09:36:09
Moonoof im watching a hentai called cowboy beepboop2021-12-28 14:36:59
MoonI got to find myself a nice conservative woman "saving" herself" for marriage 🤧2021-12-27 15:55:34
MoonHow come you don't get me challahcost shoes ._.2021-12-27 14:34:00
Moon this sounds almost perfect for Mayor Beetlejuice's campaign theme for President 2024 #BePrepared2021-12-27 10:33:52
Not AnashaCUZ I am nnumba 22021-12-27 10:33:42
MoonSince when were 1980s horror movie monsters allowed to be mayor's? She be giving Beetlejuice a run for his money too2021-12-27 10:17:28
Moon Because with an approval rating of 28% who wouldn't worry that democracy is a threat?2021-12-27 08:18:10
MoonWhy u make fun of my car axxxident my back still hurty wurty oof2021-12-27 08:03:09
MoonAOC really trying to target the demographics in my pantzu 😛2021-12-27 08:02:41
MoonYes Trixy was found at the bottom of the bottle2021-12-26 04:38:26
MoonI drank the whole bottle of wild turkey and I met my best friend2021-12-26 04:10:43
CrowZer0Hshsgsgsgw lol2021-12-26 02:37:34
Sp!T_ShineI knew there had to be somebody out there who liked him too 00:21:50
CrowZer0I'm up at 5.40 on my day off no alarm OK then2021-12-24 23:47:02
MoonPfizer, Moderna, J & J, Astra Zeneca, Covishield, Nova Max and SinopharmNamed them all2021-12-24 15:27:02
MoonNo one wants to sit next me to at benihana because they think I hVe covid and I told them I took all the vaccines and boosters 🤧2021-12-24 15:25:47
Moon it's true it's true2021-12-24 13:41:41
Moon wanna go to christmas benihana with me and steve cacarell? ._.2021-12-24 11:46:54
Moon merry crowsmas yoga!2021-12-24 11:26:34
MoonLol Joe Biden literally turned white house into a nursery home2021-12-24 10:38:31
MoonThis is what happens when your coworkers tell people to just call their physician ._. They send the nurses over2021-12-24 10:37:45
Sp!T_ShineDrove to the office in the rain and on my way there he texted me to take day off. Wish he would have told me so I didnt go to bed at 7pm last night...... Time to rank up on BF2042, woot woot2021-12-24 07:05:16
Sp!T_ShineHappy Crowsmas! that is one cute santa crow =) I'm going to work today just to test out the boss. See if he has a heart or not, grinch better give me a bonus!2021-12-24 06:08:28
MoonHappy Crowsmas2021-12-23 19:46:10
Moon this is a weird scene from the new spooderman I don't remember...2021-12-23 13:21:34
MoonJust don't be depressed2021-12-23 08:08:38
Moonsteam needs to get vaxxed2021-12-22 20:05:11
MoonHey there,Steam does not offer discounts to purchases made before or after sale periods.We are unable to offer the difference in price or provide an exchange.Best Regards,2021-12-22 20:04:38
Moonoof that cacafe pills I took making my heart beat crazy all day .-.2021-12-22 20:02:49
Sp!T_ShineI tried that recently and they just refunded the whole game and then I was like ♥♥♥♥ it I'm not gonna repurchase if they wanna be babies like me. HAHAHAAH2021-12-22 19:19:47
Moonk i buy you 100 euros and its half priced 2 hours later... Should I be a JUICE and try to get my 50 cents back?2021-12-22 13:35:45
Not AnashaThank youuuuuu croowww ❤️❤️2021-12-21 21:59:16
Sp!T_Shinecamel lasagnanummy2021-12-20 17:36:09
Sp!T_Shinewait... the camels? those poor camels, after they die a horrible painful botox-ticity camel death i hope they eat them..... like i hope the camels come back to life as zombie camels and eat the humans.2021-12-20 17:35:19
Moonshe looks so presidential when she wags her finger at me and gets agressive2021-12-19 16:23:20
Moonyeahhh the president is "joe biden" (winky face) BUT MY NAME IS KAMALA HARRIS2021-12-19 16:21:37
Sp!T_Shinedang she was fun to watch, wild turkey, doesnt that come in plastic bottles2021-12-18 20:35:07
Moon If Jamesonmakes jack and jill this funny I gueth I better get some2021-12-18 17:43:36
Moon hi Mirra2021-12-18 12:02:31
MoonAll these yoga and stretching videos cured my depression2021-12-18 11:52:53
Sp!T_Shinesounds like a solid variant name, or the name of warf's gay lover on star trek2021-12-18 09:54:52
Moonpuff puff kimochi whats this sticky stuff on me2021-12-18 00:19:07
Moon oh my goodness kamala is living in the future2021-12-17 16:36:29
Moonshut the fyck up and take the vaccine!!!2021-12-17 16:20:57
Moon time for some squat lessons2021-12-16 02:47:16
Moon so that's what happened to shadowghost2021-12-16 02:42:46
Not Anashabut im gonna stop crying stop feeling stop thinking about you my babe*some korean lyrics*2021-12-15 21:29:59
Sp!T_Shineok I'm a nerd, I had to look up the when the dude brought his 10,000 homies up the hill there was 40,000 badder vatos ready toc-walk on dem fools, so the 10,000 retreated back down the hill.its probably all a lie thou, just like girls pooping2021-12-15 16:33:12
CrowZer0water we dune hair?2021-12-15 12:46:16
Sp!T_Shinei feel like i'm settin myself up for a rick roll, lolzz2021-12-14 17:13:49
Sp!T_Shineoh for sure!she got a nofap vid? just want a peek2021-12-14 17:12:37
MoonI fapped to her nofap video >.<2021-12-14 17:08:38
Sp!T_ShineWow, Kamala really getting out to the public, now she stars in the penile length vid Moon linked below. She amazing2021-12-14 16:27:33
Sp!T_ShineHey gril, your last name must be Pfizer, cause you just made my heart stop.2021-12-14 16:25:55
MoonHey man you know what they say, you can't get no cavities if you ain't got no teef2021-12-14 16:06:22
MoonI'm giving you a bonus for having so many bonuses2021-12-14 15:12:40
Moonfor few months put that torture device on your pingas, and maybe (JUST MAYBE) you will gain 1-2 cm.... oh my goodness that's like double my size!2021-12-13 14:48:01
Moonthis video isn't for me, it's uh, for my boyfriend 14:44:06
MoonLeon is a beautiful African American man he gonn tap all dat ass2021-12-13 14:17:22
MoonWhen you see delivered just remember to TAP DAT A$$2021-12-13 14:00:55
MoonPRAY THE GAY AWAY I IS DELIVERED delivered fried chicken!2021-12-13 02:17:51
Moonim an alcrowholic and I like it!2021-12-13 02:12:54
Sp!T_Shinethe post interview is great, the dude says he immediately went back to suckin pee pee on the reggie2021-12-12 13:37:51
Sp!T_Shinedabnit I'm too manly for that!!watches the whole thing with a big smile and am completely mezmorized, sad when it ended..2021-12-11 13:56:10
Not AnashaHottien Po2021-12-10 22:05:10
MoonWhy are the crows eating the flowers I don't get it2021-12-10 10:23:38
MoonI guess u don't want to drink alcrowhol with me ._.2021-12-09 21:41:31
Not Anashafinaalllly his comments are not private :3 UwU2021-12-09 21:17:29
Sp!T_ShineIt gets better :43 mark when the lyrics go.....behind her, behind her, chook a lulu ligerbehind her, behind her, goat drummer drummer 17:41:22
CrowZer0Consume2021-10-17 00:35:08
CrowZer0Excrete2021-10-17 00:34:54
CrowZer0Recuperate2021-10-17 00:34:41
CrowZer0Survive2021-10-17 00:34:28
CrowZer0Proliferate2021-10-17 00:34:15
CrowZer0Expire2021-10-17 00:34:01
Moonomg mumfluencer's have the greatest blogs, especially when they give me advice on tucking my penis.2021-10-16 22:13:56
Moonmuth be nieth streaming to me for a minute lel2021-10-16 22:13:09
Moon ayaaaaaa WHY U COOK SO BAD JAMIE OLIVE OIL2021-10-16 22:12:23
Sp!T_Shinewho is you? you as cute as a bug's ear2021-10-16 21:33:16
Sp!T_Shineye I had been in the EVGA que since Feb of this year and I finally got my chance. I didn't think it was ever going to happen and I refused to pay scalper prices. So along with MSRP I used the Elite member affiliate code and got an extra $40+ off. Still was dumb cause I stepped down to 1080p now but I guess I kept the trend alive. EVGA 980ti, 1080ti, 2080ti and now this waste of money. still not a 4k card, maybe 10 more years and 4k high refresh will be a thing....2021-10-16 19:44:04
MoonJoe Goldberg with his cyootie hearts making me blush2021-10-16 18:13:56
Not Anashayou have stolen my heart oh yeahhh2021-10-16 07:52:37
MoonI found Butchd's future waifu 22:32:25
Sp!T_Shine10/10 would recommend. Am now radiant in valorant thanks to this.2021-10-15 20:25:30
Sp!T_ShineEVGADear Valued Customer,This email is being sent in response to your request to be notified with availability updates for product 12G-P5-3967-KR and this product was marked as being in stock on 10/14/2021 at 10:50 AM PST.Due to this being a limited supply product you have 20 hours to complete your purchase from the time of receiving this email.Crap..... I said I wouldn't but I did it. $1377 for the 3080TI FTW3 Ultra....Be here October 18th. Meh, hopefully I can sell my 2080TI for a few bucks. I'm dumb.../.2021-10-14 17:55:13
Moonbro your profile is lame you don't even have epic business cards like wetrowave2021-10-14 15:22:15
MoonYah oof i saw your anger management screen shot where Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson are sharing a bed. I don't get it.2021-10-14 09:32:42
Moon mmmm its healthy im gonna put it in my vegan stew2021-10-13 22:46:30
MoonI wish more sharks like you were vegan ._.2021-10-13 22:43:45
Moonoh. you took my cookie cucker review personally?2021-10-13 22:39:17
Sp!T_Shinethat one was all over the top in a bunch of reviews but I have never had any luck with wireless meese, always felt like a wee bit o lag espec when melee on shower with my dad game2021-10-13 18:55:53
Sp!T_Shineumm where the heck has this mouse been all my life...freaking amazing2021-10-11 18:53:52
Sp!T_Shinethey should have made me a special zowie ec1a++ because these are some of the hugest hands the world has ever seen, so huge in fact, there have been shoe manufactures across the world that have been interested in making shoes for my hands because they are so impressively large.2021-10-11 06:12:22
Sp!T_Shineon its way lelpush the g502 to the side thxx2021-10-10 20:59:44
Sp!T_Shinewhen you want a new mouse so you watch hours of mouse reviews and it ends up you have been using the #1 rated mouse for the last 2 years. so you buy a stupid artisan mouse pad to appease 17:35:03
CrowZer0SLAP2021-10-10 11:28:47
Not AnashaKISSIE2021-10-10 11:04:36
MoonI love the scene when Dickie Moltisanti goes into Tony's room and says "yous mama says she wants to know you gonna be a goods kid now? So is you are or is you ain't? " as Dickie pulls himself closer to Tony while giving him bedroom '♥♥♥♥ me now' eyes. Tony grins and replies "No ways, I'm always gonna be Uncle Dickies secret little whowa." Tony then moves his beefy big hands onto Dickies fat meatbawls.That scene got really juicy juicy when uncle Dickie screwed Tony doggy style and choked him out with his fingers pinching Tony's nose just like Tony does to his son Christopher in the future. Great homage to one of the most brutal scenes from the original series!2021-10-08 09:32:39
CrowZer0shut up fat loser2021-10-07 23:38:45
Not Anashaimy ily iky2021-10-07 12:19:29
Not AnashaCrowienzo2021-10-07 12:19:10
Not Anashacrowie is my number 1 😔2021-10-07 12:18:43
Triple DeviljhoKung Pow Chicken with Fried Rice2021-10-06 21:19:20
Moongawd daam is censored lel is steam run by the Taliban?2021-10-06 15:39:26
Moon ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hippie music...2021-10-06 15:38:36
Sp!T_Shinethe comments when people don't understand theo's humor.but I'm still not sure if he actually started a "hospital bills are too high" movement or not... i think he got me there ^--^2021-10-05 18:40:52
CrowZer0go away my alt account2021-10-03 18:29:05
Moon YAHHH I am no longer a silly boy, I am a silly....2021-10-03 18:22:38
Moonyou want my cookies? they are juicy juicy2021-10-03 10:40:23
CrowZer0I'm just an innocent 33yo eBoy manchild.2021-10-03 08:36:51
Moon Remember when this was your favorite movie?2021-10-03 07:56:29
Sp!T_ShineI'm more excited than a puppy with two peckers2021-10-03 06:29:12
Moonlol" tony is sitting by bench on the basketball court, he notices an african american man playing a basketball shirtless"I died.2021-10-03 03:55:49
MoonTony likes his gabagool dark and long2021-10-03 03:51:10
Not Anashau wantswaaaaaaap2021-10-03 03:02:43
MoonI can play furry elise on my geetar .-.2021-10-02 14:32:55
MoonBetter yet learn to play fur elise on the recorder also and you can be a two time fingering machine2021-10-02 14:32:34
MoonOOF I saw pulp fiction.... it was ok2021-10-02 13:42:36
Moon this is how I am when pressing my cookie cucker2021-10-02 13:10:12
Moonnapped for 14 hours2021-10-02 12:59:27
Not Anashayou look like the type of person who goes to store just for soseg ;p2021-10-02 11:00:44
Moonshe was of no use to me, I sold her to a wealthy young black gentleman by the name of pacman.2021-10-02 07:40:44
Moonwould you neuter your dog if she was trans?2021-10-02 06:08:31
CrowZer0I think my dog is trans so I don't presume their gender2021-10-02 06:06:16
MoonWow, nice double comment.2021-10-02 05:49:25
MoonWow, nice double comment.2021-10-02 05:49:22
Moon this is my market2021-10-02 05:49:11
Moonmy granny sluts are making me cookies2021-10-02 04:40:18
Sp!T_ShineI love when DW drops f bombs to the media, its the best2021-10-01 16:53:48
Triple Deviljho6 gang rep2021-10-01 00:40:58
MoonShort people are cancer ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ disgusts me2021-10-01 00:39:15
Shmigged.....................,,-'´ . . . _,,,,,';:-,.......................................,-(c\ \`;-=´,_,-~-, \`.................................,/ . . .¯'\, º ,/.'-~°,' .¯`'-,.............................../ . . . . . .¯,_ ~--~',, . . .'\...........................| . . . . . . . . ¯¨¨¨(̅_̅_̅_̅((_̅_̲̅м̲̅a̲̅я̲̅i̲̅j̲̅u̲̅a̲̅n̲̅a̲̅̅_̅_̅_̅() ڪے.................| . . . . . . . , . . . .`'-, . . . |........................../\ . . . . . . ."-,,,-'~-~' . . . '|.......................,/'`\,`'-, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /\..........░█▀▄░█░█░█▀█░░█▀▀░▀█▀░█▀▀░█▀█░░█░█░█░█░█▀▀█░▀▀█░░█░░█▀▀░█▀▀░░▀▀░░▀▀▀░▀▀▀▀░▀▀▀░░▀░░▀▀▀░▀░░░Send this to 10 of your friends and win an iPod Touch2021-09-30 22:19:37
MoonLel thanks for buying me a game where I touch cookies all day with my mousey wousey when you know I'm clearly on a diet ._.Guess now I HAVE TO play it2021-09-30 21:34:13
MoonOf course they YouTube doesn't let me watch Colby fight because he's a trump supporter fakkit that trained in jui-naziu♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2021-09-30 21:33:07
Sp!T_Shinedang holmes u b killin dem cuckie achievemints, 1 game has more acheiev than all mine together2021-09-27 17:58:30
Moonoh.... uhhh.... OOF can I get a cup of rice? :rice:2021-09-26 06:06:37
Moonwhy do you tell me to get adventure caterpillar when there is no caterpillar???2021-09-24 00:38:22
Moonmakes a billion cookies doesn't give one to me2021-09-23 21:09:17
Sp!T_Shineit should be simple pimple right? wth2021-09-23 18:33:19
Sp!T_Shinesimple dimple, pop it squish, pop it squish, pop it squish2021-09-23 18:32:51
Moon one of my favorite Butters moments2021-09-23 17:36:44
Moonewww why would I want to get an upgrade cheevo do I look like winky face2021-09-23 01:08:17
Moonhope you have fun disconnecting. hope you win.2021-09-22 22:23:45
Moon“I know words. I have the best words.” - Donald Trump2021-09-22 03:48:11
Moon Damn I didn't know diaper and shadows dad had a youtube2021-09-22 01:25:22
Moonimdb is a virus website.... VIRUS!!!2021-09-22 01:24:53
MoonLululu I got some apples2021-09-21 16:37:20
Moon 16:35:38
MoonThis new generation of kids be watching streamers and not playing the games themselves lel. I member this episode too2021-09-21 16:33:55
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ does pewdiepie remind me of diaper master lol2021-09-21 16:32:13
Sp!T_Shinesaw that today at lunch, theo got dem moves, schnoob got lucky2021-09-21 16:25:36
MoonIs it normal for you to bite me in bed?2021-09-21 16:24:29
MoonBRB I'm coming to landan and I'm bringing my cowboy hat, country geetar and all the guns I can find yeeehaw2021-09-21 13:58:31
MoonThe only Denver nuggies I give a ♥♥♥♥ about are the ones that you put in the air fryer cause at least they don't lose every year at basketball2021-09-21 13:56:57
Not Anashapedo for you2021-09-20 22:19:39
Sp!T_ShineSNATCHit feels like 20 years since I watched that movie i can't member any of it, just the filthy name2021-09-20 18:39:39
Sp!T_Shinehahaha, that silly girl was standing on a tiny pillow to make her look asian2021-09-20 18:28:13
Sp!T_Shine*think2021-09-20 18:26:10
Sp!T_Shinei don't that was bean that girl took in her brown star2021-09-20 18:25:42
Sp!T_Shinewhats ap with all the U food FC vids, food stuff getting wrecked2021-09-20 18:25:13
Sp!T_Shinethe tracers i really thought it was something like that toou make things so much easier to understand sometimes i don't even think ur hoomanit did stutter like a desert ♥♥♥ sloth with no frame cap or maybe my imagination and the forums were doing a mental test like some adolf trump mind control crap to make me think it stuttered2021-09-20 18:19:27
CrowZer0._. pedo2021-09-20 14:57:08
Not Anashaafter me though ;p2021-09-20 00:44:07
Not Anashainnocent most cutest in the worldz2021-09-20 00:43:58
Not Anashasleepiest boyz in the worldz2021-09-20 00:43:43
Sp!T_Shineray tracing means absolutely nothing to me but I left it on for giggles and shiz2021-09-18 05:45:41
Sp!T_Shinedeaf poop is dope so far. only did opening mission thou. 2k everything as high as it will go/ultra w/ all ray tracing maxed out, motion blur & head bob turned off, vsync off, gsync on, capped at 60fps, never dips below or any stutters that I can tell. fun game. Can't quite keep everything cranked and RayT maxed and locked at 120fps, little dips here and there so I just locked at 60fps. no prob2021-09-18 05:44:26
MoonShe reminds of when the blonde guy from dumb and dumber is taking a ♥♥♥♥2021-09-17 15:15:38
Sp!T_Shinehe looks like a penisbut he is fun to watchdats gey2021-09-16 05:40:02
Sp!T_Shineso riceist2021-09-15 17:56:05
MoonIt was his ore, he actually needed that so he can fuel his kite surfing jetpack theorizer... You took it from him and now he can't kite surf no mo'.2021-09-15 17:46:40
MoonLook heres what you do, empty your savings, go to vegas stick half of it on black, you lose? try again what are the chances you lose all of it? if you fail you work for more, if you wihn you can buy crowie pizzaYou told me this before ._. I lost all my 50 dollar savings.2021-09-15 17:44:33
Sp!T_Shinemy farts are deadly if you feed me brocollini2021-09-15 17:41:49
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥ I'm already old2021-09-15 17:37:17
Sp!T_ShineMoon and I will come live with you when we get old and you can sapport our habits!! =)2021-09-15 17:36:43
MoonProfessor Rice is a true trend setter: 1. Rice was putting on a helmet mask in stores before everyone started copying him with covid masks. 2. Rice told me I lived in Mexico when I said Colorado, because he knew that they will all move here and TERK ER JERBS. 3. Rice showed us his ugly ratdog and called it beautiful before body shaming was ever considered a thing.2021-09-15 17:32:34
Sp!T_ShineOn the thread you started....This way this guy talks sounds mighty familiar.... HAHAHAHASteeb has DEATHLOOP Sep 14 @ 8:23am Nowadays a lot of pc gamers are just a bunch of cucks coming from console , who just spend 2000$ on rigs and pretend the moon.Nobody even try to scale settings or understand them or do little, very very little search.Just use v-sync and limit framerate, VOID Engine sucks we know it, it doesn work well with unlocked framerates, you rysk to play with 40 ms of frametime.Since it's very hard to maintain stable 120 fps even with beefy rigs, it's better to go with 60.rtx 3080 ryzen 5600x playing at 1440 very high settings (NO Amd FSR), 60 fps rock solid, no issues or stutter WITH v sync enabled from nvidia control panel and locked framerate !! even if i have a 165hz monitor2021-09-15 16:43:14
Moon he should debate Bob Dylan on yom kippur bro2021-09-15 15:57:32
MoonThis is worse than I imagined lol. Do you think there is anybody in the audience that came just to hear him play harmonica and nothing else? I hope so! Maybe if that smart wheelchair dead guy, stevey hooksguru, was alive he could invite him give him a synthesizer harmonica and they could battle it out without needing to debate afterwards Would be the best yummy kippur ever!2021-09-15 15:54:55
Moon Don't tell me they aren't the same person2021-09-15 15:38:47
Moonwhy Eric Weinerstein look like the secretary of education with a wig on :/ 15:37:24
MoonSharkie (CrowZer0) Just now This comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information).k2021-09-15 15:35:19
CrowZer0yOu ArE LoOKING aT tHE mOST iMpoRTANT oBJECt iN THE uNIvERSe2021-09-15 15:35:15
Moon5 more hours till the JEWolocaust sets in2021-09-15 15:35:09
CrowZer0Don't call me WEINSTEIN, my name is WINE STINE 15:34:55
CrowZer0You should be yomming your kapoor and hash roshanah2021-09-15 15:34:02
Moonsharkie want nom nom? I made garbanzo noodles and balaga-knees2021-09-15 15:33:05
CrowZer0Oh ho it vary nithe!2021-09-15 14:15:55
MoonMuth be nieth watching the office2021-09-15 13:15:36
CrowZer0crowien po2021-09-15 09:27:38
Not Anashatell me you look like someone without telling me you look like someone ;p2021-09-15 09:00:19
CrowZer0 02:40:41
Not Anasha 00:17:20
Sp!T_Shinegotta wait, its like fine wine, let it age a bit, get a few patches, them o.positive review ratings start pouring in, passes half life on the m-score, boomnah, just waiting till I gets a day off from milking deez goats2021-09-14 18:13:43
Not Anashahow rude2021-09-14 09:32:57
CrowZer0The post below =How to tell me you're redacted without telling me you're redacted.2021-09-14 09:30:27
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥♥♥ died when he describes fighter and the kid 18:09:32
Moon HAHAHA you crack me up2021-09-12 19:08:13
MoonNo friends = Everyone who is your associate is an alt account2021-09-12 18:43:48
CrowZer0Apparently you're my alt account2021-09-12 18:33:34
MoonIt's all about balance bro gotta mix some roids and estrogen pills, make a little cocktail with some apple cider vinegar and snake juice. MMM!2021-09-12 18:28:37
MoonActually we should rename counter-terrorists to Black Live Matter and terrorists to Trump supporters2021-09-12 15:44:05
MoonYes this is my alt men, I also want to remove myrage and dast 2 from playable maps. They are xenophobic and offensive, we should have Jan 6th scene of Washington DC and any other southern yeehaw ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ replaced instead. Also all "DEFENDERS" should be African American and/or Mexican trans people, while the "ATTACKERS" are white men.#TalibanLivesMatter2021-09-12 15:38:49
Not Anasha 10:29:40
Mooneww ewww ewww its batman2021-09-11 21:44:03
Sp!T_Shinei remember the scare a month ago (scarier than quadzilla) with the 3090's but I thought they fixed it by adding frame caps, but I guess not if that dudes 3080's getting fried now. "(Amazon Studios) The company is free from liability, as this is a closed beta, and everyone who installs these agree to a license that absolves the developer of damage to property resulting from its use. Jeff 1 upedI'm an EVGA fan gril so I'm pretty bummed its just EVGA cards =(My first 2080TI from EVGA went bad so I advanced RMA'ed it and they had a new card to me in a few days and then I uninstalled the bad one and sent it back. Hookski snookems out2021-09-10 16:10:15
kuntana3080* remember when I was dominating you in csgo that one time. Bring. It. On.2021-09-09 18:25:55
Sp!T_ShineYour fav training partner picking fights with errbody, poor MB 16:22:29
Moonwhy not 72 hours2021-09-07 17:32:37
Sp!T_Shineshe looks just like sharky twin sister, only she has sword and smaller bewbs2021-09-07 16:59:46
MoonBi me geme whr u shute trrrst2021-09-07 12:13:34
MoonI hope when he loses again they do trump 2028 vans2021-09-06 18:24:26
Not AnashaOppa!2021-09-06 06:56:41
Sp!T_Shineasjia look sumo compar to paintd stijck2021-09-05 17:12:46
CrowZer0i'm innocent shut up it was only 10 hours ._.2021-09-04 11:45:19
Not Anashau look like someone who sleeps 12 hours ;p2021-09-04 10:56:57
MoonOh nom nom, you didn't 17:17:23
Sp!T_Shinetheo trolling hopefully or is this one of the many side gigs?2021-09-03 16:32:12
Sp!T_Shinehospitals are for the sheep just like politicsHAHAHAHA SHUT UP2021-09-03 16:31:21
Sp!T_Shinetoo many omega's from your fish diet sharkie poo2021-09-03 05:18:57
Sp!T_Shinethe time stamp that it started at made me think there was a girl laughing in the car with him, had no idea they were watching it. I thought Tiny was gonna be doing the horizontal greased-weasel tango with some dime in the front seat2021-09-02 18:11:01
CrowZer0go eat your sad piece of bread2021-09-02 06:37:23
Not AnashaAnime? More like aniNOTme😡2021-09-01 07:59:10
Sp!T_Shinequinton was super interesting, kinda shocking, gonna use the ♥♥♥♥ pills he suggested and give to a friend to try2021-08-31 17:52:57
Sp!T_Shinethe best parts were when B-rad-lee was quiet2021-08-31 17:50:44
MoonI expel myself 7 times a day... I expel my dots twice a day however2021-08-30 21:15:18
Sp!T_Shinehow many times can you fav and rate the same artwork? serious question, I thought it was a one pump dump kinda thingy2021-08-30 16:18:37
Sp!T_ShineI love edamame! I put in my breakfast smoothie every other day, num nuyms2021-08-30 16:17:13
MoonI get angry when I think about mommy2021-08-30 10:43:57
MoonDo I get a monthly discount if I read book upside down too .-.?2021-08-30 00:29:51
CrowZer0Check out my new boipusay pics and cam shows on onlyfans and follow my tiktok2021-08-29 13:00:41
BetaCheck out my new twd portfolio thank you2021-08-29 08:57:23
The Wolf┌──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┐     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    └──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┘Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? Love you 15:22:54
MoonI think you're irk'n for a skrirk'n2021-08-28 07:34:17
Sp!T_Shinestache is on point, strong delivery on shape and colorization, was that ur cousin Cassius on shark week?2021-08-28 04:50:39
CrowZer0its been 10 years...2021-08-28 04:16:30
MoonIn 5 years from now beats is gonna show us how much of a megachad alfa he is2021-08-28 03:41:34
Moon Which DC movie did you do this to him ._.2021-08-27 13:01:02
MoonI like your moustache2021-08-26 23:13:30
Not AnashaLel nice profile2021-08-26 23:11:14
MoonLel nice profile2021-08-26 22:49:58
Sp!T_Shine think I would look pretty in a shirt just like that2021-08-26 17:33:29
Sp!T_Shineheh, that hat's more than my last flex fit hat2021-08-25 19:35:28
Sp!T_Shinewhoa, money bags biggy spends2021-08-25 19:34:37
CrowZer0*messages me at 4am* k2021-08-25 03:32:06
CrowZer0Guess you didn't register I was sleeping2021-08-25 03:31:51
Mooni gueth you don't even register discord2021-08-24 22:09:33
MoonWhy you don't wanna watch the office (Steve Carell) with me ._.2021-08-24 21:50:41
Sp!T_Shineshe supar king size snakkers & hangryskinny girl runnin for her life2021-08-24 05:30:36
Beta"Bᴇʜɪɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ sᴍɪʟᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ᴀ ʙɪᴛᴛᴇʀ sᴀᴅɴᴇss ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ᴇᴠᴇʀ sᴇᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴇᴇʟ." - Tᴜᴘᴀᴄ Sʜᴀᴋᴜʀ2021-08-23 08:38:26
MoonYou seem like the type of guy that puts plastic forks and knives in the dishwasher2021-08-20 04:31:03
Sp!T_Shineasking for2021-08-19 17:30:39
Sp!T_Shinedoes porkchop have a tik tok account?2021-08-19 17:30:23
Sp!T_Shineasking for a friend2021-08-18 17:10:43
Sp!T_Shinedoes porkchop have a bf?2021-08-18 17:10:29
Sp!T_ShinePropahhh! & worth it if they added some new lady boyz in towni smashed that same hershe too many times to count and would love some fresh wonton2021-08-18 17:00:35
CrowZer0oh my goodness ._.2021-08-18 02:09:52
BetaThis person is scamming people on steam, please report him for scamhe scammed hundreds of people Thanks in advance2021-08-17 20:22:06
CrowZer0i need new sieve for my french press coffee :(2021-08-17 03:20:05
Not AnashaI h8 u cuz u give me csgo itch , now im conflicted between csgo and dota2021-08-17 01:28:54
Not AnashaimBeciLe2021-08-17 01:27:41
Not AnashaNever assume anything about anyone2021-08-17 01:27:28
Not AnashaY u look so Chinese 😏2021-08-17 01:27:08
Not AnashaMyatiimatics 🥺2021-08-17 01:26:54
Not AnashaHappy 2 years 😒2021-08-17 00:30:09
MoonI never would have thunk it...2021-08-16 17:58:01
CrowZer0Are you saying I'm a.... JEW?2021-08-16 17:15:57
Moonlel you are such an ari gold 16:47:18
MoonHell yeah bro, VICTORY!!!!!2021-08-16 16:32:27
Gin the BoxI'm still holding. I'll not pull out before you do.2021-08-16 15:49:44
Moonthx bro for teaching me dota yesterday, I finally learned how to tango a tree for life force2021-08-14 19:14:56
Not AnashaBOBO2021-08-14 11:25:28
Sp!T_Shineit reminded me of a sea monkey exhibit2021-08-13 17:33:07
Sp!T_Shine wat did the tongue bopper thingy sound like on your clouds?2021-08-13 17:31:27
CrowZer0Everybody bullies the crowie cos I'm the cutest 33 year old man child in the world.2021-08-12 11:45:12
The Wolf┌──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┐     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    └──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┘Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? Love you 09:06:41
Sp!T_ShineTheo's There a pee Tuesday's2021-08-10 16:58:02
Sp!T_ShineTherapeutic Theo Tuesdaymeh..doesn't flow2021-08-10 16:56:22
Sp!T_ShineRiley is way chill, maybe a touch of high functioning autism or asperger’s.I get along with people like him very well. My assistant at work of many years has the same personality. He doesn't speak unless he is spoken to about 95% of the time.Sometimes I play a self gratifying game where we will sit and eat lunch out,I won't say a word for as long as I can stand (sometimes for a good 15 mins) and then I just start smiling and end up bursting into laughter. I'm retarded I know....But he is the best co-worker I have ever worked with because of his personality.He never bugs me and just lets me haul ass and work, and only ever comes to me if he has a good question. Never just to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ or mess around. I have to come to him every single time I wanna mess around and relax at work and he is always working non-stop. super smart but he will never start a conversation.... ever.......absolute beast of an electrician.I love it and him!2021-08-09 17:34:52
Sp!T_ShineHeh, shawty was born a year after highschool.....2021-08-09 17:25:57
CrowZer0No clue who you are but thanks!2021-08-07 02:33:15
Krew || MODE AionNesfShow off his great victory in turbo game ez loser2021-08-07 02:18:01
Sp!T_Shine 18:38:55
Triple DeviljhoCan't a bro just have a giggle? Something wrong with giggling??2021-08-04 19:14:18
Triple Deviljholol2021-08-03 19:46:50
Not Anashai want your wand ;)2021-08-03 10:00:53
Moon._.2021-08-02 16:55:46
Moon-rep Don't believe him, he is lying! He doesn't live in the UK he lives in Mexico. Lel.2021-08-02 06:35:28
Sp!T_Shinetat gangster fweaking fluffy trio badge dude. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2021-08-01 02:20:14
The WolfHave a great day, dear friend!2021-07-31 03:38:32
CrowZer0NO HES THE KING OF OMAN2021-07-30 17:24:01
Dao of Eithan Areliusomg so many games, is your father the king of Saudi Arabia?2021-07-30 15:56:08
Moon LARRRRRRYYYYYYI didn't know that Bobby Lee was on an episode of curb2021-07-30 15:50:46
CrowZer0*2802021-07-27 00:02:02
Lunga-rep have a 240HZ and still silverino2021-07-26 22:27:21
Sp!T_ShineOo teen yoga challenge next!2021-07-26 17:33:59
Not Anashai will always remember2021-07-24 11:15:54
Moongiff me 04:31:13
Sp!T_Shinelad review cracked me upCB5.0 out of 5 stars Expensive AF - BUT....Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2021Style: 35" Curved UWQHD 200Hz HDR1000TRUE HDR1000 with 512 local dimming zones. 3 Games... If you try 3 games, you will be ruined for life and understand the magnificence of this display. nothing else compares, including OLED.Sea of ThievesCyberpunk2077Immortal Fenix RisingHave fun looking at anything else after.. If you can afford it, this will be the last display you want or need until it become unrepairable..2021-07-22 17:18:30
Sp!T_Shinebeen keeping my eye on this since it was 1st announced. seems like 5 years ago or something.lots of delays from Asus etc. now that its sorta available (scalpers) its tempting but I don't think even a 3080TI/3090 can do 200 fps to match hz on AAA eye candy games so most likely I will wait for 4000 series or move from 2k straight to a 4k 144hz+ if the 4000 cards can hang with it. 17:10:41
Sp!T_Shinea few MS slower is no issue at all2021-07-22 16:24:16
Sp!T_ShineOo, which ones are you looking at? I went from TN to IPS and I will only buy IPS in the future, so bootifull!!2021-07-22 16:23:44
Sp!T_Shinei thought it was cage's run at forest gump lol2021-07-20 15:21:18
Sp!T_Shinepig looks good, but then he going ham on a blt sandwich right infront of piggi2021-07-19 17:29:56
Mildcool player2021-07-19 16:20:56
Not Anasha for you.2021-07-18 18:41:59
Not AnashaTell me am I mistakenCause I don't have another heart for breakin'Please don't let me goI just wanna stayCan't you feel my heartbeatsGiving me away2021-07-18 18:41:41
BetaHello my friend, would appreciate you very much if you could check out my youtube video, stay safe 06:51:47
MoonCan I do a payment plan of 1 dollar a month2021-07-17 14:07:21
V I R A L\  ヽ    i  |     /   /    \ 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚎𝚗𝚍! ! ♥              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ー         ,:'          ::::::::、 __        ,:' /       \   ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,、           :::::::::: /    /       ,:'        : ::::::::::::`:、            ,:'         : : ::::::::::`:、2021-07-17 05:52:31
Sp!T_ShineHello, it's me1 week agohaters i’m really sorry for little mix being more talented than your favs that must be hard for you guys :(2021-07-16 19:21:42
Sp!T_ShineI watched "lil meow mix" vid with no sound, that was a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trip. Heh, you're prob spot on, asus or somebody will 1 up. So will it run off my phone data while I'm at work in the porta pottie goin beast mode 75-2 on TF2 with no TP?2021-07-16 19:03:00
feroHave a nice Weekend2021-07-16 14:20:29
Not Anashaim lonely2021-07-15 23:14:40
Sp!T_Shinethe 512gb model also features an anti-glare etched glass screenabsolute must have feature eh?I want one just to have one, kinda an addiction.2021-07-15 18:37:01
MoonYou sound like the type of person that thinks barbecue sauce is too spicy.2021-07-15 17:25:09
MoonI never woulda thunk it...2021-07-15 15:46:44
Moon Is this what you did before using the thermometer? ._.2021-07-15 10:00:16
MoonHey Crowdalorian? You got a problem with people from the south ?2021-07-13 17:21:05
Sp!T_Shineuggghh that chempk sounds soo goood, I got lil Juanito's beef/sausage minestrone in my mouth & down my throat for 8 nights in a row. made a giant crock pot on day eff. is good with wasa crackers an benecol hahahaha2021-07-13 17:17:34
Sp!T_Shineeww 16:21:45
Sp!T_Shinefull on ace, even his pinky toe is being an acehole to his other toe!! 15:22:50
Sp!T_Shineactually going to game would be awesome thou2021-07-11 15:15:18
Sp!T_Shinedo you actually sit there and watch the whole game? , futbol is about as fun to watch as golf for me. Deep down instide Schaub knows he is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ douche, but goes with it for $, views, etc.2021-07-11 14:50:37
Sp!T_Shinewoke up to the great news! Now if my Phx Suns win today, its a pretty "wholesome" day ;)2021-07-11 08:50:18
Not Anashaill 1v1 you in the boxing ring :D2021-07-09 22:32:27
LungaNOOB2021-07-09 19:01:16
Sp!T_ShineI thought you would have five of dem by nowdidn't think russell brand had it all up in him, shocked 15:37:54
Sp!T_Shineha, just notice the dino u got me, =) c i really am r-waord2021-07-08 19:10:33
Sp!T_ShineAll this parpool rayne is really terrifjic2021-07-06 17:40:27
Sp!T_Shineme is cleverly retardedshe wanna shuffle so bad, she so sad 17:38:56
DarkHave a great day friend.2021-07-06 14:39:50
CrowZer0parpool?2021-07-06 14:04:45
Not Anashaooooh purple2021-07-06 13:48:40
Mooni jest HUEEEEE2021-07-06 04:54:06
Mooni gueth you are a jester lel2021-07-06 04:54:02
Moonlel epic profile bro xd2021-07-06 04:47:37
Not Anashasomeone's been naughty today2021-07-04 19:08:41
Not Anashasays i look like GOGO from kill bill oooof2021-07-04 19:08:13
Not Anashahot dog and balonie chicken and macarioni with honey2021-07-04 19:07:30
Not Anashaim an international super spy.2021-07-04 19:06:43
MoonLol retarded isn't censored?2021-07-04 05:07:21
MoonIt's retarded af2021-07-04 05:07:09
MoonWhy are you sending me so many hearts ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ you seemed pressed about it2021-07-04 05:04:23
Moon lil aslanyan is so cute borgir!2021-07-04 04:24:19
Moon Lil aslanyan with his borgir sauce is cyoot!2021-07-03 13:32:48
Sp!T_Shine"Or you could just dream of kissing him"HAHAHA, that little booger comes up with ♥♥♥♥ quick just like Uncle T2021-07-03 10:45:03
MoonYou're such a pteREDACTle2021-07-01 16:33:54
Moon lel reminds me of my favorite stubbs the zombie song2021-06-30 15:50:28
Moonoooooo I love old people music!!!!2021-06-30 15:45:12
Sp!T_Shinethey have action figures!!! Hell ya2021-06-29 16:02:47
Sp!T_Shinehahaha, Bradley is to me as Mark is to u.....2021-06-29 15:56:20
Evhr fbi utf get r for you.2021-06-28 22:36:05
Not Anashai like basmati rice wbu2021-06-28 21:24:54
MoonYou look like the kind of guy that waxes his mustache2021-06-26 10:42:37
Sp!T_ShineLMAO, if Ben Stiller put a wig and a muscle suit on, spot on.2021-06-26 05:15:07
Sp!T_Shinemaybe its a mullet man crush2021-06-25 17:08:53
Sp!T_Shineborn in the back of a greyhound bus, I'm stupid when Theo laughs even if its something retarded I start smiling and chucklin2021-06-25 17:08:37
Moonyeehaw cowboy gittyup! im a trailblazing cowboy explorer2021-06-25 12:25:20
Moonlel thanks bro I love wetro wimmin2021-06-25 03:08:31
Sp!T_ShineI am always jealous of you because you are cuddling with pillow and i cannot....2021-06-23 18:41:30
Sp!T_Shinewatched at lunch with no volume, AJ took his shirt off, looked like a threesome was going to break out at any moment2021-06-23 15:19:41
DeniseOgre2021-06-22 17:13:27
MoonHunter Biden getting a foot job while smoking crack on the couch was the best art he has ever done.2021-06-20 22:47:42
Sp!T_ShineThat was better than 99% of rap2021-06-20 16:13:22
Moondo u even matty matics bruh?2021-06-19 19:10:07
CrowZer0Shut up loser2021-06-19 16:54:56
Not Anashado not break my heart2021-06-19 15:00:49
Sp!T_Shinehehe, foreplay 17:18:03
Not Anashaboy my body dont lie outta my mind let it rain over me, im rising so high outta my mind let it rain over me AIYIYIYI AIIYIYI LET IT RAIN OVER ME2021-06-16 20:37:42
Sp!T_Shinefreakin pressed bruh2021-06-16 05:20:12
Moonwhy do all these ppls bully me ._.2021-06-16 02:45:52
Sp!T_Shinebleat, brrr. burst, cough, growl, grunt, low, moan, moo, sneeze, snore and snort.2021-06-15 16:59:51
Not Anashahmmm feeet2021-06-15 14:23:16
Moonlel joe rogan wants to wreck his balls into michael cyrus' mouth hey I also know a guy who said he loves to hug underage girls Corrected it by saying ain't nothing sexual about it too!2021-06-15 00:35:08
Sp!T_ShineOh boy Oh boy Oh boy!! Guess what I have for you? Free to watch till some long time. You go claim watch now Big shout out to Animator and Fuzz, still rolling dem balls ^---^2021-06-14 17:52:09
Sp!T_Shinewhoa she is even morer and betterer than the frogapprove of eating her veggies for hourswent to her channel for a couple minutes2021-06-14 17:28:17
MoonDon't stop believing in your special personality ^^ hehe mwahif you keep your chin up (with your mask on) and have a great weekend, anything is possible!2021-06-13 18:55:40
✘ FacuVg ✘Maybe there’s only a dark road up ahead. But you still have to believe and keep going. Believe that the stars will light your path, even a little bit.Have a lovely day and stay safe! 🤍2021-06-12 18:57:19
Sp!T_Shinedid it 1st try, but had to fight back a smile 20:06:38
Sp!T_ShineGood ♥♥♥♥♥ while cruising on the Vespa in Cyberpunk!! 18:51:45
Sp!T_Shinerice & beans, beans & rice2021-06-06 19:04:39
Not AnashaFATHER CHRISTMAS2021-06-06 16:44:05
feroHave a nice Weekend2021-06-04 16:38:08
Sp!T_Shineomg omg butt wink2021-06-03 14:28:34
Eχis†enƵHave a great Weekend2021-06-03 12:58:36
MoonParry hotter is pretty lit2021-06-03 03:05:41
MoonOh my goodness your cumments are open!2021-06-03 02:29:06
Not AnashaOH NO HIATUS FOR JUNE? I GET TO SPAM HEHE2021-05-31 21:49:03
CrowZer0Community hiatus for May, DM me if online or just message me on Discord: CrowZer0#06662021-05-01 06:24:56
MoonSirius Black Lives Matter2021-05-01 03:41:57
bbbHave a wonderful day2021-05-01 01:11:53
Feebs❤Have a nice Thursday and enjoy the rest of the week2021-04-29 15:18:02
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike !"Aw, poor baby, chipped a fang." -Leela "Hey, I got a busted ass here! I don't see anyone kissing it." -Bender "All right, I'm coming." -Zoidberg2021-04-29 15:16:52
Moonbut why he bully the fightah .-.2021-04-29 14:15:38
Moon imy ari <32021-04-29 14:13:23
The Wolf┌──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┐     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    └──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┘Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? Love you 12:26:13
MoonThis person goes around telling me how to lose weight through a vegan diet while wearing a Mac n cheese shirt .-.2021-04-29 11:47:06
MoonWell-done kaybabs taste like rocks.2021-04-28 09:16:59
JoolioThe Eagle, the Bear and the Dragon. Place your bets ladies and gentlemen.2021-04-27 12:52:04
CondorOne💖 If you can Rate this artwork that would be quite epic 💖 💖 💖2021-04-27 05:51:16
ThisPersonStillhello2021-04-26 10:50:26
CrowieMy favourite big brother!2021-04-26 10:18:51
Sp!T_ShineI got Chris mixed up with Joseph Costello, separated siamese sisters maybe? 18:19:04
niswexmrrr2021-04-25 03:17:53
CondorOneWait a minute. I just spotted an inconsistency. Could this be the work of the CIA? Look closely... below the stream. "10,000 viewers". What the heck? There's only 7 million people in the world, how could there possibly be 10 million viewers right now?2021-04-24 18:20:39
DarkHave a nice weekend, mate2021-04-24 12:53:14
MoonHi y'all, I've been stuck on silver 3 for nearly 7 years. CSGO is the only game I play so it's a little lame, but I wanna get to silver 4. I usually do the best with the umpa-lumpa or R8. I don't really understand why people hack, and I always scream to my cousin "HE'S A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HACKER!!!" To my cousin Crowley. I'm also always top frag now, because I bought a 600 dollar super computer. Either I go 6+ kills or I abandon the game. I also like to play with my brother, Diaper Master, because he screams CHIX WITH DEEKS all the time and cuz he's a really good sniper. I never saw the point in flashes or smokes, cuz always gets ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ butthurt angry when I use them for some reason. I just wanna get kills and rank up, but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HACKERS keep shooting me before I can throw my mouse at Diaper's tiny head. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HACKERS DO TO WON BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!!!~ShadowGhost2021-04-24 10:36:18
MoonLel shadow ghost wished he had that pc2021-04-24 10:15:12
conZhelacan you boost me in cs pls2021-04-24 08:58:45
CrowZer0You're kidding me right? Typical anonymous loser coward who I have never interacted with nor know, making uninformed assumptions and going out of your way to leave comments on a strangers profile and incorrectly calling me a kid.So to sum it up, stupid, weak, coward, loser, wrong and basically a loser and a waste of space, that about sum it up you inbred worthless excuse of an oxygen thief? Don't step to me unless you're a masochist who enjoys being humiliated and ridiculed. I'd wish you a nice day but with your psychological profile I know you hate yourself go choke on a frankfurter you maggot.I don't seek nor need the attention of worms and you need to do a little research before calling a grown man a kid.2021-04-24 07:47:25
d!ChTattention seeking kid ...2021-04-24 01:19:37
The Wolf┌──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┐     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    └──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┘Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? Love you 23:36:10
Not AnashaHi y'all, I've been stuck on GN1 for nearly two months. CSGO is the only game I play so it's a little lame, but I wanna get to GN2 or GN3. I usually do the best with the AWP or AK. I don't really understand how people throw games, cause I've been killed more times being burnt alive with molly, or trying to switch places than they've helped me. I'm usually top frag or bottom frag with sometimes being middle frags. Either I go 30+ kills or less than 15. I also like to rush a lot specially MID CAUSE WHY THE ♥♥♥♥ NOT, and feel that my team always rushes too slow. I'd be the first one on sight like 10 seconds before everyone else because I sprint with my knife out until I'm there while my team is still at spawn 5 seconds after start. Help2021-04-23 22:55:09
Not Anashanah I prefer to call you CROWIE2021-04-23 22:53:10
tristardegg2021-04-23 20:07:52
Sp!T_ShineHAHAHAHA if anybody got fooled by that they have to be pretty special 18:33:46
Sp!T_ShineMr. CZ is Kingdom good?2021-04-23 18:31:24
CrowZer0HAHAHHA WHY U BULLY ME OLD MAN?2021-04-23 16:19:52
MoonYou are cyoot for the human race2021-04-23 16:15:25
CrowZer0gabriella, mova, pasta, mefisto, mephi, froo, to beautiful jewish princess, banned on main, created new acc to get to nova 4 while queuing with hackers getting deranked to nova 1 and then hacking on TF2 to randomly come on my profile and leave a comment. Loser needs a life.2021-04-23 15:50:06
CrowZer0Random kid from Chile on alt account because his main got banned. Big sad.2021-04-23 15:47:16
CrowZer0Ty for your input it means a lot to me coming from an alt account created in February no clue who you are nor does anyone care! Ciao2021-04-23 15:11:34
паприкаYou are disgrace for the human race2021-04-23 14:50:35
JoolioOne thing about politicians, once they are bought, the stay bought.2021-04-23 13:25:22
CrowZer0best song 4eva 11:39:41
CrowZer0sumtimez i wonder how i cud possibally ever have a gud weekend without ppl on steem wishing me it2021-04-23 11:33:01
MoonOk then2021-04-23 11:31:15
Moon Yeah you can't tell me vegans aren't super duper strong2021-04-23 09:24:00
JoseeHave a great weekend~! 💙2021-04-23 06:50:26
Sp!T_Shinea gender neutral baby reveal,Allah The Only GOD is proud or pride maybe2021-04-22 18:20:12
Sp!T_Shine3080Ti---- "a small headed big footed lil sister"Take my money!!!Nah, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna wait till the 4000 series and possibly make the leap to 4k if it can push 200fps like a pickled herring.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA nope2021-04-22 18:06:24
arrozhi have a good day2021-04-21 09:47:58
MoonI'll play it again when I get a cup of rice lel2021-04-21 07:56:35
MoonYouTube has the cyootest free speech awards ever!2021-04-20 12:43:52
The Wolf┌──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────┐     𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎~    └──── :PurpleNeon:・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚:PurpleNeon:. ────┘Could you rate & favorite my artwork please ? Love you 12:17:39
Sp!T_Shinebest song fur sexxx 18:48:31
tristard<32021-04-18 16:32:52
MoonSo it's ok to mutilate and chop your cat's balls off, but to feed it a can of tuna is immoral?2021-04-18 08:54:59
Moon just feed him a cup of rice2021-04-18 08:51:41
JoolioIf you have to stifle free speech, scrutiny and discourse with laws, you must have something to hide.2021-04-18 08:28:12
TWPanda77祝你过一个好天〜2021-04-18 03:43:38
Feebs❤Have a nice Saturday evening and an overall nice weekend2021-04-17 11:49:30
Sp!T_ShineNew diet that works!! 19:05:16
2freetznew review: 12:24:18
V I R A L\  ヽ    i  |     /   /    \ HAVE A NICE DAY ! ♥              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ー         ,:'          ::::::::、 __        ,:' /       \   ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,、           :::::::::: /    /       ,:'        : ::::::::::::`:、            ,:'         : : ::::::::::`:、2021-04-15 08:44:02
Moonbery booring2021-04-15 06:37:50
Moontrue deektective season 1 was amazing, I guess now I HAVE TO watch season 2-3...2021-04-15 04:13:06
JoolioViolence should not be the first recourse or solution to everything, but sometimes it's the answer.2021-04-15 02:02:09
Sp!T_ShineHow could anybody Asian Hate?!?! Too Amazinballz 17:55:31
Sp!T_ShineNo guest appearance from Big H in his sons vid?!Pops coulda grinded on that pigtailed blackies booty, phewww2021-04-14 17:33:53
Sp!T_ShineWatch out holmes, TNMT clan leader been gettin his swole on!! 17:27:34
Sp!T_Shinewhoa little Hanks, that is a strange one to learn. I guess it pays off somehow?2021-04-14 16:35:18
Moonrussians think when I ask for commend that I want comments .-.2021-04-14 12:51:09
The Wolf 22:31:52
Not Anashait was a good movie2021-04-13 12:05:10
V I R A LHeya my friendヽ(・∀・)ノPls help me rate these 2 pls ! ( also if you have any artworks or stuff you want me to rate back, pls throw the link in my profile! ) Thank you very much and have a nice day ! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚2021-04-13 08:43:18
Moonwhata cyoot daddy :D2021-04-13 08:42:42
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike !The attraction between Bernard Shaw and Desmond Tutu is based on their differences. Bernard Shaw is a perfectionist, but Jerry Lewis is more social. St. Augustine feels guilty about having emotional needs, but Ivana Trump feels no guilt about satisfying them. 🏺 📞 🧹 📏 🏿2021-04-13 01:03:38
Sp!T_ShineAll my myspace notifications are for girls with caterpillars for eyebrows, some giant fuzzy rollie pollie ones, some more skinny meal worm sized. either way its been very strange in da brows.2021-04-12 19:14:52
TWPanda77今天玩得開心點〜2021-04-12 10:44:19
Mooncan't believe you don't like Connor McGregor2021-04-12 08:42:27
The Wolf Rate 4 Rate / Fave 4 Fave2021-04-11 11:37:38
Moonshe had a cool youtube channel tho .-.2021-04-11 02:06:53
Moonhehe cyoot profile ^^2021-04-10 20:00:22
arrozhey bbies<3, go add my alt 14:36:08
Moonlel u adopted?2021-04-10 06:12:48
RequiemHave a great weekend!2021-04-10 01:08:32
0xxrangex0xSigned by +1+range+1+2021-04-09 20:43:25
JoolioLocusts don't hang around the wasteland.2021-04-09 18:19:13
feroHope you have a great Weekend2021-04-09 08:01:17
A.B.O.O.D___..,,__   ,.。='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''<``彡 }  _...:=,`'    ︵  т ︵  X彡-J<` 彡 /  ミ  ,_人_. *彡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,。---.,,  ./    ヽ /゙''```\;.{    \/     Y   `J..r_.彳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  I wish you a wonderful and safe weekend. ^-^2021-04-09 06:33:34
arrozi'd appreciate it if you'd join my group cutie :3 14:04:22
arrozhope you have a great week bby <3 <3 <32021-04-08 12:44:09
Feebs❤Have a great day2021-04-08 12:19:15
Sp!T_ShineSounds like the coach in the background is saying "mma mma bro" .....good advice.....poots and giggles 17:22:27
MoonSUP BRO?!2021-04-07 05:07:36
2freetz⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ Please like my new reviews: 13:02:12
Moonsupreme got beat mg2021-04-06 03:43:59
Moon 03:43:42
Not AnashaCan I get an owa owa ?2021-04-06 02:37:09
Moonthat giant chocolate milkshake was delicious not gonna lie2021-04-05 21:53:21
Moonyour voice puts jelly in my boipoosi2021-04-05 16:29:36
Moon5 nerds in the clan and they write this ♥♥♥♥ lol2021-04-05 16:24:50
MoonYo! Welcome to the TNMT clan's very own Steam group. We're a small clan of dudes and dudettes that mostly just play games together and chat ♥♥♥♥ about, to and with each other on a regular basis. As for games, we most actively play a variety of titles, including (but not limited to): Planetside 2, Rainbow Six Siege, Everquest 2, Cards Against Humanity, Among Us, and Sea of Thieves.We do accept applications to join us, but keep in mind: just because you've applied does not mean you'll automatically be accepted. We choose our members with great care to avoid drama and to reduce interpersonal friction in the clan. Present yourself well, and we might accept you.2021-04-05 16:23:42
Not AnashaYou look like you stepped on a Lego2021-04-05 01:18:50
MoonHAHAHA IM ADOPTED LEL2021-04-04 15:31:39
MoonEpic fail bro2021-04-04 10:40:30
JoolioWhy do you seek the living among the dead?2021-04-04 10:02:09
Not AnashaHave a great week my tomato2021-04-03 23:22:20
Sp!T_ShineSemi-decent brutality for a so called underground gig, fun channel, thou someone gonna get drain bramage from all them back of the head blows. poof 20:43:18
Sp!T_ShineDid you try the "arm all the way back" thing? reach around new fun is found2021-04-02 19:15:14
A.B.O.O.D___..,,__   ,.。='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''<``彡 }  _...:=,`'    ︵  т ︵  X彡-J<` 彡 /  ミ  ,_人_. *彡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,。---.,,  ./    ヽ /゙''```\;.{    \/     Y   `J..r_.彳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  I wish you a wonderful and safe weekend. ^-^2021-04-02 14:20:28
MoonYou keep telling me how I should give this new Kong vs Zilla movie a watch :/. I don't wanna be that guy, but it looks like the studio was a bit stingy on the budget? 07:35:53
Moonlel were u adopted? #metooAPRIL FOOLS MY PARENTS LOVE ME HAHAHA2021-04-02 00:22:15
MoonI2021-04-01 23:24:10
MoonM2021-04-01 23:24:07
MoonY2021-04-01 23:24:04
Sp!T_ShineThat's how I feel when I haven't ordered anything from Amazon for more than a day....#wheremypackage2021-04-01 18:17:33
arrozi would appreciate it if u joined my new group <3 09:54:16
Rubbaok2021-03-31 09:44:46
jellymoonbun 💜What2021-03-31 09:36:08
niswexI want milk2021-03-30 23:56:02
MoonLel ur adopted2021-03-30 14:30:07
arrozactually addluvs#2480 <3<32021-03-30 13:29:50
arrozadd my discord <3 luv#24802021-03-30 11:29:41
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike !Gee, Toto, I don't thinkwe're in Kansas anymore.2021-03-30 03:17:05
Moon you been using the wrong fat2021-03-29 19:22:58
✘ FacuVg ✘Have an amazing week! 🤍🖤2021-03-29 08:32:29
feroI wish you good Health and Luck, have a nice start into the Week2021-03-28 22:04:44
TWPanda77祝你有美好的一天〜2021-03-28 05:30:42
CrowZer0 03:09:55
MoonOh it works now kol2021-03-28 03:05:57
MoonCrowZer0 (CrowZer0) 5 minutes ago This comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information).2021-03-28 03:05:43
CrowZer0LOL WHAT a cLoWn2021-03-28 03:00:34
CrowZer0I DO NOT accept random friend invites from people whom I've never even played with. I DO NOT accept so-called "team invites" to so-called "competitive teams" that allegedly and supposedly compete for money, because 100% of those supposed "invites" are insanely obvious scams.Ergo: It is 100% impossible for any of you brainless scammers out there to trick me in any way whatsoever. I've never fallen for any of it, nor will I ever fall for it. Why? Because all of you scammers are rëtârds and I'm infinitely more intelligent than all of you combined. So don't even bother trying.And seriously. Don't bother trying to invite me to ANY of the groups here on Steam. I won't join them, and all you'll achieve with your invite is to annoy me. If even that much.If you're going to add me, leave a comment on my profile BEFORE doing so to explain why you're adding me. Otherwise, it's an instant block and report.2021-03-28 03:00:12
MoonI wanna join the dumb clan steam group too!2021-03-28 02:57:45
CrowZer0Oh no you blocked me? Please unblock me or I might cry. Have fun with your trash clan loser. Byee!2021-03-28 01:44:55
Captain Seasickk. and I should give a shït about what you say because...? oh wait, that's right. you're just some random retârd on the internet that I'll block within minutes and then forget about in seconds after that. have a nice lack of a life, trash :)2021-03-28 01:33:25
CrowZer0cos it's probably the bestest clan in the worlds ever or more likely I have no clue what you're talking about, tryna get into a loser clan? LOL if you mean requesting to join your group it's probably to troll you.Grow a brain u mong2021-03-28 00:47:35
Captain Seasickwhy are you trying to get into my clan's steam group?2021-03-28 00:41:18
Sp!T_ShineThe fake crow dude sucks green donkey ♥♥♥♥♥ doo daa doo daa2021-03-27 18:52:21
Sp!T_ShineThx, I know the vid will be around for eternity, so why does my brain say I have to watch it now?!?CP2077 deff ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up, no achievements unlocking now, not that it matters, nobody plays games for achievements right? That would be the r-word.... HAHAHAHAHAHA SHUT UP!!2021-03-27 18:50:50
CrowZer0Mr w1ck (waanabe keanu character) suddenly decided to become Crow1ck last year. Grow a personality you actual worm be original for a change and trying to jup on others bandwagon lol.2021-03-27 12:30:17
CrowZer0Yeah jump on the Crow bandwagon you beta loser lolYou're more a worm than a wannabe Crow, squirmy sad and weak. Wannabe peasants.2021-03-27 11:52:31
CrowZer0Biggest egirl simp ive met lol 11:46:15
Feebs❤have a great weekend2021-03-27 07:25:40
Moonnice fancy pants award2021-03-26 23:42:26
Birbyz:2021-03-26 14:07:01
2freetznew review please check it out: 13:53:20
Moonyou blocked me on myspace first.2021-03-26 05:47:00
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike !♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ In an age when the fashion is to be in love with yourself, confessing tobe in love with somebody else is an admission of unfaithfulness to one'sbeloved. -- Russell Baker ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ One expresses well the love he does not feel. -- J.A. Karr ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥2021-03-26 00:51:42
Sp!T_ShineI wonder if Andrei still wears his fangs, that was the coolest back in his prime. All worked up with his hairy chest and fangs!!! Ahh- woooooo! 17:07:05
MoonHEHE have a great weekend2021-03-25 15:44:53
MoonHello add me please I have reached my daily invite limit. I'm interested in your★ Butterfly Knife | Damascus Steel (Field-Tested) & ★ Karambit | Damascus Steel (Field-Tested)2021-03-25 00:25:32
Sp!T_Shine\  ヽ    i  |     /   /    \ SO SAUCY ! ♥              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ー         ,:'          ::::::::、 __        ,:' /       \   ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,、           :::::::::: /    /       ,:'        : ::::::::::::`:、            ,:'         : : ::::::::::`:、2021-03-24 06:45:41
The WolfHello my friend! Could you give rate & favorite to my artwork? I'll really appreciate it! 23:05:53
V I R A L\  ヽ    i  |     /   /    \ HAVE A NICE DAY ! ♥              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ー         ,:'          ::::::::、 __        ,:' /       \   ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,、           :::::::::: /    /       ,:'        : ::::::::::::`:、            ,:'         : : ::::::::::`:、2021-03-23 22:59:08
Feebs❤Have a great week2021-03-23 08:23:23
CrowZer0you're welcome for the win "G"2021-03-23 00:53:07
layedhi2021-03-23 00:46:53
GTOXIC as hell2021-03-23 00:28:51
Sp!T_ShineThnks mang2021-03-22 21:24:07
ShmiggedThanks mister.2021-03-22 13:01:58
Sp!T_Shineyour profil is cool and it ware nice2021-03-21 15:34:28
Sp!T_ShineAnd I thought I had seen everything......... Thank you 15:33:00
arrozdonating spider sperm <32021-03-21 12:48:39
MoonShut up or nut up m82021-03-21 09:26:10
MoonYour profil is cool and it ware nice2021-03-21 09:21:23
✘ FacuVg ✘Hope you weekend is going great! 🤍2021-03-20 19:38:51
rickyour profil is cool and it ware nice2021-03-20 16:41:43
CrowZer0You're a brand new account created in December, with not even a one year badge and 18 friends, clear alt/new account. What do you want from me?2021-03-20 14:40:36
CrowZer0Why?2021-03-20 14:39:38
rickcan you add me ??2021-03-20 14:37:08
Raptor 14:19:14
Moonhow is your peri peri vegan chicken?2021-03-19 18:26:49
Mooneww eww ewwwwww2021-03-19 18:26:35
Sp!T_ShineTheo is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Gold dude!!! I love when you send those, I never remember to check their stuff when I get my little free time.2021-03-19 17:15:38
arrozcomment ifu want to eat spider sperm w/ me2021-03-19 12:08:07
A.B.O.O.D_........................./>  フ.........................|  _  _ l....................../` ミ_xノ...................../     |.................../  ヽ   ノ............... ..│  | | |............/ ̄|   | | |............| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)...........\二つ Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe. ^-^2021-03-19 06:08:52
arrozhi, wish u the best week2021-03-18 21:52:07
MoonSay deagle 5 times fast2021-03-18 18:16:06
Sp!T_Shinemy cuddles come with insertion of fingers and thumbs2021-03-17 14:44:49
Moonu want me to cuddle a nazi2021-03-17 12:46:52
CrowZer0[4:00 PM]GrunzJr: I wanna cuddle with a girl.2021-03-17 11:47:25
Joolio“War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other.”2021-03-17 08:31:59
Sp!T_ShineGame gave me motion sickness like never before. Not sure what they were thinking but the entire time there is like a swelling in and out of the screen, hahaha, swelling.........2021-03-17 06:55:56
PC007* Have a Great Day and Stay Safe *2021-03-16 16:31:03
layed𝖧𝖾𝗒 𝗎𝗁𝗆, 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝖺𝖽𝖽 ?2021-03-16 12:01:08
Mr. Nice GuyGuten Morgen mein Freund2021-03-16 06:42:01
♥ mushbrain ♥buck buck mother clucker2021-03-15 19:57:56
Sp!T_ShineRight at the start She/he says the huge mic gives her/him flashbacks, and the host points at the camera and says"whats up dad!!!" HAHAHAHAHAMy kinda stuff, had to keep watching after that2021-03-15 19:26:26
Sp!T_Shine:P2021-03-15 19:06:14
Sp!T_ShineIt let me say "nuttin at all" maybe I was wrong2021-03-15 19:06:04
Sp!T_Shinepretty soon can't say nuttin at all.2021-03-15 19:05:36
Feebs❤Have a great week2021-03-15 18:37:43
CrowZer0Bought account probably vacced in 1-2 months. 13:45:26
CrowZer0Kid literally bought account 1-2 months ago max and he's mad I called him out. talk about sad2021-03-15 13:44:30
CrowZer0SIP Trunk 39 minutes ago your life is your steam profile... sad time lolI guess he mad I rejected his add. LOL.2021-03-15 13:44:00
arrozhave a good day2021-03-15 13:17:49
SIP Trunkyour life is your steam profile... sad time lol2021-03-15 13:04:12
Mr. Nice GuyHey nice to meet you2021-03-15 11:53:47
CrowZer0amazing2021-03-15 11:09:51
rick(:2021-03-15 11:00:37
rickI like kebab too2021-03-15 11:00:02
layed>.<2021-03-15 06:30:44
MoonTrotThat R over there2021-03-15 02:06:42
CrowZer0tbf shes my thot2021-03-14 16:40:25
Evhr fbi utf get rthis ♥♥♥♥♥ lice LOL thinks I'm joking2021-03-14 16:38:46
CrowZer0ikr2021-03-14 16:38:26
ninfetas_hunter2002thot ( )2021-03-14 16:20:53
Evhr fbi utf get ryou want slap?2021-03-14 16:15:05
CrowZer0you wish2021-03-14 16:13:22
Evhr fbi utf get rim your gf2021-03-14 16:12:30
CrowieImposter2021-03-14 04:04:37
layed>•<2021-03-13 21:49:21
2freetzplease like my new review2021-03-13 15:11:31
Sp!T_Shineaww its a cutey lil adorbs pigger!2021-03-13 07:17:30
TWPanda77Have a super weekend~2021-03-13 06:20:48
layed>•<2021-03-13 02:07:11
2freetzhow's life? +Metro 2033 is free rn if u havent got it yet2021-03-12 18:47:01
Moon I know you have heard of a 30 dollar steak, but have you heard of a 75 dollar steak?2021-03-12 10:31:31
feroHOPE YOU HAVE A NICE WEEKEND2021-03-12 10:05:08
layed>.<2021-03-12 08:58:25
arrozyou're cute2021-03-11 16:21:48
layed>.<2021-03-11 13:28:46
CrowZer0oh hi mark I didn't know it was you2021-03-11 09:31:47
arrozhi2021-03-11 08:05:06
Sp!T_ShineDon't tell Schaub but Schulz could pass for his lil bro from dem angles2021-03-10 18:40:22
мÄҢmỢuÐ MÙstăfáThe biggest challenge of life is being yourself , in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else."Have a wonderful week and stay the way you are. ❤👌2021-03-10 07:13:18
Not Anasha;p hehehehehehe2021-03-09 23:04:47
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike !♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question? -- Lily Tomlin ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Love is the only game that is not called on account of darkness. -- M. Hirschfield ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥2021-03-09 17:03:51
CrowZer0shut up loser you distract me when i play so I crash my car and then you don't like me fasting so you buy me pizza2021-03-09 14:22:39
Not Anashashows me Cyberpunk. LOL gets on the passenger seat of the car to escape from police xD2021-03-09 13:04:32
Feebs❤Have a great tuesday and a great week overall2021-03-09 08:26:12
♥ mushbrain ♥i like ur bg2021-03-08 20:01:23
Sp!T_Shinecan you lick my screeny please, I will lick your screeny 14:47:03
2freetzcan you like my screenshot please? i'll like back: 07:09:43
CrowZer0Wow, even when i TRY my best on US and ASIAN servers on faceit i still can't seem to win with 200 ping :(2021-03-08 06:23:50
CrowZer0how did you know im a 33yo virgin?2021-03-08 06:21:07
ᴍakⱯ2k hours on cs 40% winrate on faceit ur a shame2021-03-08 06:20:44
JoseeHaii, Have a nice day~~!2021-03-08 06:05:39
✘ FacuVg ✘That's deep, i wouldn't know...2021-03-08 05:56:55
jota他是种族主义者。 杀了我妈妈2021-03-08 05:30:38
Not Anashacomment on my profile before I eat your peanut butter sandwich2021-03-07 21:48:41
arrozgoodnight everyone2021-03-07 20:28:28
✘ FacuVg ✘I love crows 🖤2021-03-07 16:16:21
arrozcomment on my prof before u smack u with my slipper2021-03-07 15:28:07
KuyyyGood night~Hope u enjoyed ur weekend!2021-03-07 14:52:19
arrozhey i love u hi hi love love you hi love2021-03-07 12:56:32
arrozhave a good weekend :)2021-03-07 12:21:01
CrowieAre you my alt?2021-03-07 08:13:40
ෆั ˢんんん ෆัgood time2021-03-07 08:06:44
Joolio“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”2021-03-07 06:20:49
Evhr fbi utf get r??????????????????????????????????????????//2021-03-06 16:05:16
Not Anashahelooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo2021-03-06 15:43:11
Not AnashaWE WATCHING A MOVIE OR ???2021-03-06 15:39:45
Игорь Алексеевич+rep carried lost game2021-03-06 09:48:20
0xxrangex0xHave a nice day!2021-03-06 08:55:11
ෆั ˢんんん ෆัᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵗⁱᵐᵉˢ2021-03-06 08:51:31
Moonyour pfp is so cyooot omg2021-03-06 01:16:17
En1ks+rep2021-03-05 12:50:03
Sp!T_ShineHell ya, but only if she's 5'3" hahahaha scary2021-03-05 12:49:07
Sp!T_ShineI'm pretty sure to get into his gym you have to be at least 201lbs and 9% bodyfat. They have a scale and skinfold test upon membership. I guess that keeps the pleebs out of his gym. lol2021-03-05 12:31:02
MoonFrieza isn't cyoot, he's cringe bro.2021-03-05 12:30:09
Sp!T_ShineBest part is 3rd comment! Powerlifting gals are all kinds of proper T H I C C.And then the gloves come off on the replies. ha she dope thou 19:11:29
Sp!T_Shinenot my place to judge.. but I would love to see Brendan beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of him .2021-03-04 17:14:17
Sp!T_Shinenothing wrong with using PED's. but when you push the idea to youth that something is achievable by eating chicken, broccoli and taking his stim supp its kinda weak sauce.2021-03-04 16:44:27
Sp!T_ShineI can't stand B.Martyn, such a d-bag, 2 faced clown, if you have less than millions of social media followers he won't even look your way. tries to pick up on teenage girls and on top of that I think he claims natty. lolz The 2 black dudes were cool.2021-03-04 16:39:13
Sp!T_Shinesounds like a great maintenance approach to combat the need for a walker, wait wats dat?!?!? Do I see a grey feather? ^--^2021-03-02 19:13:39
Sp!T_Shinehaha, welcome to becoming a senior citizen, now you can get 5 cents off of your McDonald's coffee. YAYAYAYAYAYAYA2021-03-01 18:52:45
MoonMakes fun of my pictures of cornbeef2021-03-01 17:16:20
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike ![] "It's hard to be mad at someone who misses you while you're asleep." -CalvinOften it takes some calamity to make us live in the present. Then suddenlywe wake up and see all the mistakes we have made. But it is too late to changeanything. -- Calvin"When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade." -Susie "I say, when life givesyou a lemon, wing it right back and add some lemons of your own!" -Calvin2021-03-01 15:46:47
Kuyyy早上好2021-02-28 20:37:37
Moon+rep gave me a great birfday weekend2021-02-28 18:14:52
MoonI got twice as many kills in 2 rounds than you did in 14.And you think you can come here and talk.Pathetic. A nobody. A nothing... Talking to the best in the world.You're not worthy of this, yet I indulge you. I'm a god. I'm a legend. I am everything.Go home buddy.2021-02-28 08:54:50
Eχis†enƵHДVΞ Д GЯΞДΓ ЩΞΞҜΞИD2021-02-27 08:22:55
ferostay safe2021-02-26 21:56:35
Sp!T_ShineHappy Birthday!! 18:13:13
Sp!T_ShineCrowZer0 and Taylor Swift are now friends.Can you ask her what Joe Alwyn's pee pee tastes like?2021-02-26 17:15:49
Kuyyy元宵节快乐!记得吃汤圆哦~2021-02-26 07:19:42
Sp!T_ShineMy calendar has like 15/15 Crow/Moon B-days. U guys r are a bunch of old farts by now!!2021-02-26 06:19:58
Moonhappy birfday i gueth2021-02-25 21:53:29
Not AnashaHappy Birthday Boba2021-02-25 20:44:04
Sp!T_ShinePffttt, You probably co-op-ed the main mission Gimme Danger without me2021-02-25 18:27:13
Sp!T_ShineThat's all true, rather watch a dime shuffle dance/workout/or take a poop than get naked most the time.2021-02-25 18:25:02
MoonLucy Rayω❤ 35 minutes ago I know it's so random but I made a huge mistake towards you. Could you please add me as soon as possible? I have something to tell you and its really important . I just want to talk with you in private about this matter.2021-02-24 20:08:00
Kuyyy晚安~2021-02-24 15:11:16
Joolio“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”― Confucius2021-02-24 07:56:50
Sixara™Hello, Game on!2021-02-24 05:05:01
WiseAnimeSenpaiHave lovely day!2021-02-23 13:33:46
CrowZer0I did it to avenge my brother.. .2021-02-23 13:18:15
Moonhow could you lie to me about being a banker? ?2021-02-23 09:51:46
Joolio“If I am mad, it is mercy! May the gods pity the man who in his callousness can remain sane to the hideous end!”― H.P. Lovecraft2021-02-22 07:08:59
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike !|| CONFUSING RIDDLE: |Q: Why did the astrophysicist order three hamburgers?A: Because he was hungry. idk2021-02-21 20:26:13
Sp!T_ShineNot saying for sure or maybe but ya maybe I would rock skinny jeans or at least try them on in a dressing room somewhere maybe just once if I had his lower body. Maybe..........2021-02-21 17:01:17
Sp!T_ShineAlways wearing dem skinny jeans2021-02-21 17:01:13
Sp!T_Shinelolz B-dawg cracks me up2021-02-21 16:56:18
MoonI think he AAAAANDDDD MUTTEEDDD me2021-02-21 14:39:07
Not Anashafine no more toxicity from me then2021-02-21 12:03:10
KuyyyGood day to you2021-02-21 09:18:48
WiseAnimeSenpaiI hope you have a lovely upcoming week!2021-02-20 21:22:55
Moon Subtle, do you know of the zombie whisperer theme song?2021-02-20 08:47:34
ParanoiaThe weekend arrives and it goes very fast Make it worth it!2021-02-20 08:27:07
Not Anasha:)2021-02-19 23:08:24
CrowZer0oh are u mad cos we won?2021-02-19 19:32:24
CrowZer0who tf r u?2021-02-19 19:31:54
MoonCUTE2021-02-19 17:19:07
MoonI am hangry for sum peetzee2021-02-19 15:25:04
Not AnashaI will always be glas for you.2021-02-19 09:31:46
CrowZer0Tries to add me again, lol BLOCKED.2021-02-17 15:13:11
The BricksterThis profile is gay asf ngl2021-02-17 14:58:15
Not Anashayou my fungicide2021-02-17 12:17:22
Moonuhhh crow are we... are we friends?2021-02-17 08:08:01
ParanoiaSure let's be friends2021-02-17 07:32:55
JoolioFlorida man clings to the hood of a semi truck driving down an interstate for NINE MILES in insane video before troopers intercept vehicle! 22:36:21
Sp!T_ShineDid you eat cereal out of your Chien Po mug? Thought that was forbidden but oh well2021-02-16 18:31:49
Sp!T_ShineThx, Theo said it was delicious!!2021-02-16 18:30:09
Kuyyy早吖~2021-02-16 17:09:36
layed⠀       ⠀⠀⠀⠀2021-02-15 17:24:33
[real]legitA true gamer.2021-02-15 16:53:44
Not Anashahahahahahaha2021-02-15 14:30:05
JoolioWhat do you call a Wood Elf who doesn't lie or cheat or steal? A dead Wood Elf.What is the thinnest book in the world? Redguard Heroes of the War of Betony."How is your wife," asked Zalither. "She's in bed with laryngitis," replied Harlyth. "Is that Argonian bastard back in town again?"2021-02-15 06:54:19
Moon Denver has its own nuttah buttah butchd2021-02-14 07:26:49
KuyyyI hope you all had a great time today , if not i will give you a hug hahaha :p2021-02-14 04:56:41
Kuyyy晚上好~2021-02-13 10:21:10
Sp!T_Shineg.o.t.y. if I was 82021-02-13 07:27:53
Moon+rep sending over his kaybabs and cheeken to colorado2021-02-12 18:15:24
Sp!T_Shinethen we could read every shard together and trade skirts and dildos2021-02-12 17:05:00
Moonmy name is alfa, and i want wattah for my daughtah2021-02-12 16:27:53
Not Anasha-rep plays dota2021-02-12 11:30:33
MoonMe: Should I order some chicken fried steak?Crow: Is it chicken?Me: No, it's not chicken. It's a steak.Crow: So why is it called CHICKEN fried steak?Me: I don't know padre, it's American. It's also called country fried steak.Crow: k. 10:16:19
JoolioA Dark Elf man killed his wife after catching her making love with another man. When the magistrate asked him why he killed her instead of her lover, the man replied, "I considered it better to kill one woman than a different man every week."2021-02-12 10:12:33
Moon You always ask to play racism games2021-02-12 09:53:01
Sp!T_Shinewho am I evenHAHAHAHAHAHA SHUT UP2021-02-11 17:49:35
Sp!T_ShineCypher S> Buff Balance is my alt account2021-02-11 17:47:53
Kuyyy除夕快乐~2021-02-11 15:25:12
MoonLunar is my alt account2021-02-11 12:06:51
CrowZer0lol some people[16:43]Cypher S> Buff Balance: can you write a comment on my profile? i will give you what to writeif thats okay?2021-02-11 11:36:10
♥ mushbrain ♥mow2021-02-11 09:01:34
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike ![] You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. -- CalvinNothing I do is my fault. -- CalvinAs a math atheist, I think I should be excused from this. --- Calvin, to Hobbes2021-02-11 04:31:49
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥ ya,Love the dude in the red stay puff marshmellow jacket, mohawk and man purse. I WANT HIM AS my next CyberPunk character!!!! 19:33:58
Sp!T_ShineI hope you have a great rest of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ week dude, like that and ♥♥♥♥2021-02-10 19:18:56
Sp!T_ShineThat's a ton of ♥♥♥♥ to be, holee smolee brolee. Those kinda vids... I try my hardest not to get involved in any social media kinda stuff i.e. facebook, ig,reddit,twatter, etc etc... But my coworker always be flashing dem vids with dimes doin retarded or cool ♥♥♥♥ and so I installed how do you say it? Tiikky Tocker ya ya The tic tac one and now I'm hooked on stupid short vids at lunch and I used to take a little quick like 20 min meditation/nap but now its a fap so sad poo2021-02-10 19:17:56
MoonThat message you sent me really touched my cultural appropriate heart in a very #metoo kind of way . I am a proud fat feminist myself! Obese lives matter 15:25:05
Moonhaha they are tommy wiseau underwear all made in usa2021-02-10 02:43:00
Not Anasha:༼ つ🥞 ◕‿◕ ༽つDo You Wanna Pancake?༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ🥞Okie! Here Is Your Pancake!2021-02-09 22:18:44
Eχis†enƵHave a great Day2021-02-09 11:41:50
KuyyyGood day to you ~~2021-02-09 07:04:41
Sp!T_Shinesnort snort snort2021-02-08 20:05:42
"User"*boop*2021-02-08 19:42:57
Kuyyy晚安~2021-02-08 15:54:19
Betaᴱᵐᵇʳᵃᶜᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵉᵃᵈᵂᵉ ᵉᵐᵇʳᵃᶜᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶠᵉᵃʳˢᵂᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃˡᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵈᵉᵃᵈ𝓢𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓑𝓮𝓽𝓪2021-02-08 10:25:14
CrowZer0Don't tell me what to do, you're not my real mum.2021-02-08 09:14:21
Rockycultivating mass2021-02-08 04:56:20
kuntanashut up u missed me2021-02-08 00:12:33
Denisethe weeknd2021-02-07 16:58:03
MoonJust be good.2021-02-07 15:22:49
RIPit doesn´t matter. just try to be a good human2021-02-07 15:09:31
RIPi think not so huge like ur2021-02-07 14:57:17
MoonChicky peas chicky peas! Tofu and spaghetti! Soy beans and some jelleh!2021-02-07 14:57:16
Moon-rep doesn't eat tofu balls wirg spaghettiHe eats meat balls with pig and chicken instead2021-02-07 14:37:28
bbbThanks!2021-02-07 14:28:21
bbbHave a wonderful day2021-02-07 13:10:22
Extreme(ист).2021-02-07 11:26:19
Gin the Boxadded me back after i made millions with GME. coincidence i guess2021-02-07 10:59:23
JayyHAVE AN AMAZING DAY (\__/) ||(•ㅅ•) ||/   づ2021-02-07 10:34:49
ICEEM! Nice to meet you!2021-02-07 07:52:27
Moon400 degrees for 7 minutes HAHAHA2021-02-07 07:38:11
Moon Pacman teaching me to how to cook a pizza2021-02-07 04:59:45
Emiren+rep2021-02-07 04:09:01
Sp!T_ShineBuzz- Buzz Buzz BuzzBuzzy Buzzzz2021-02-06 20:25:21
Not AnashaHave a great weekend HONEY2021-02-06 19:10:54
KuyyyHave a great weekend sweetie2021-02-06 14:23:38
Moonim good btw im bisexual2021-02-06 07:55:10
MoonAyyy! How's your week goin' fam?2021-02-06 03:44:56
inactive and won't come back - myour sleep schedule is the definition of royally ♥♥♥♥♥♥. fell asleep at 3am, woke up 6am and fully awake. the ♥♥♥♥ is this ♥♥♥♥2021-02-06 00:01:43
Moonhey man i can get peece of that nuttah buttah man? thx mannomonomonomonomonomom2021-02-05 20:39:54
Sp!T_Shinethx mang, came way too early, barely scratched the surface of the game I hope...2021-02-05 17:19:36
MoonWhy r u such a bully? Just cause you have a lightbulbul doesn't mean you have to be one too2021-02-05 12:52:29
Moon;) ;) bby doll ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ u remind me of my 2 year old sister ;o ;D ;) ;P2021-02-04 23:26:16
MoonSorry I was starvin. Don't take it personally.2021-02-04 04:32:41
Sp!T_Shinelook at those little stems go!!! just look at them, just look at them 20:03:46
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ padre u aint nevah had a taco unless u got a taco from tacobell hahaha2021-02-03 02:00:40
Sp!T_Shineso it started with him talking about shoving his mic up his ass, the moment I realized this may be good2021-02-02 18:36:40
CrowZer0just like the comment below HA HA2021-02-02 05:26:30
slasherNot afraid of what others think that i wrote. Just felt like what i wrote was pointless2021-02-02 05:17:57
CrowZer0hes a good kid2021-02-02 05:05:03
MoonI think he was hungry. Don't take it personal.2021-02-02 05:04:27
CrowZer0Why do people write comments then delete them afraid of what others think of what they wrote?2021-02-02 05:00:42
Sp!T_ShineBetter than any 6ix9ine lyrics, not sure what Cholena is saying :P 17:55:45
MoonI gueth u don't register I made a good pish-pish Don't take it personal I'm starvin2021-02-01 16:45:12
CrowZer0I was.2021-02-01 15:08:25
CrowZer0instead of talking to me like a man you write essays and take screenshots like a beta lol bye2021-02-01 14:02:08
CrowZer0tl;dr2021-02-01 13:54:42
Gin the Boxnice hOlE2021-02-01 08:08:10
slasherfdfd2021-01-31 16:18:22
MoonI bullied my starvation :(When I said I fasted 7 days you said why not 8?2021-01-30 13:53:35
CrowZer0bullies, are you guys bullying my 30$ super speakers?2021-01-30 12:38:55
Sp!T_Shinesh-ieettttt2021-01-30 12:37:41
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2021-01-30 12:37:27
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥♥♥ works2021-01-30 12:37:19
MoonRe - tart2021-01-30 12:21:09
MoonReeeeeeeeeee - tart2021-01-30 12:20:53
MoonYou can say tart but not ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2021-01-30 12:20:41
Sp!T_Shinecan't say t-ard..... Wow, ah cause iz wacist2021-01-30 11:43:12
Sp!T_ShineCool side of Theo, talking all clear was trippyEverybody calling Schaub a tard in the comments got me good!!2021-01-30 11:41:34
slashercheers ~ big milestone for me2021-01-30 08:12:18
ShmiggedYou keep flexing that 3060ti someone finna jug that hoe.2021-01-29 09:14:06
Moonk hope you have fun playing cumpootard games wiff out me hope you win2021-01-29 07:01:32
MoonWhy does everyone keep calling me old, I'm really hip and killer diller man. I don't get it.Hey your new pc is gonna be dynomite baby! Heard the 3060 TI is faster than 10 Gene Krupa's on Great Depression Cocaine 03:46:55
Not Anashaill make a cup of coffee for your head2021-01-28 19:03:08
Not Anasha-rep just cause.2021-01-28 19:02:43
Not Anasha+rep deranked myself to sem #noregrets2021-01-28 19:02:28
Not Anasha-rep took me to gn42021-01-28 19:02:17
Not Anasha 18:59:37
Not Anasha 18:59:10
Not Anashaexcited for this guy's new pc2021-01-28 18:58:07
Not Anasha129932021-01-28 18:57:56
Moonmine too .-.2021-01-28 17:55:34
Sp!T_ShineSent Hooks an email about your new rig, He wants you to add him he has something important to tell you.Hooks Jr. Out2021-01-28 17:55:33
Sp!T_ShineFinally you will be able to actually get 56fps to match your 56hz monitor, All 14 glorious inches of it running at 720p. Hit registry heaven!!! Get ready for the endless hackusations thou. Can't have great gear without the nooblets trying to flex.My card barely beats yours and mine was almost $1500.2021-01-28 17:54:24
MoonMy name is alfa, and I want my daughtah2021-01-28 17:20:52
MoonThe reason I do bad though is I always get hungry during a game of csgo, I have to go afk and make some rice and then I accidently abandon because I've been gone for too long.2021-01-28 16:19:42
slasherQuote me on that and say it to me everytime that i say that something is holding me back from reaching level 10 in faceit.2021-01-28 15:27:24
slasherGood players will rank up, bad players will always find something to complain about.2021-01-28 15:26:55
Shmiggedhey bro I know you aint tryna step up in my ♥♥♥♥ bro *mute mic* *unmute mic* yeah sorry bro that my girl bro I gotta get off bro man but my girl she finna irk me bro fr like I cant even *mute mic* *unmute mic* nah fr bro I gotta go bro she irkin me2021-01-28 13:36:03
Moonhappy tubby shvitz2021-01-27 18:56:59
MoonI gueth you don't even register in 45 minutes I'm about to end my starvation2021-01-27 17:14:57
Moon Crowley grandpa?2021-01-26 13:22:42
Sp!T_Shineso you're watching another man that you paid play video games using your account?odd Bobbald Lee 15:53:46
Sp!T_ShineDoh It won't let me compare your dates on CSGO achievements with mine. It worked on everybody else. SAD ELEPHANT MONKEY BALLS EMOTICON2021-01-25 14:33:47
MoonHow come you don't fast with me 😢 are you scared you'll get dehydrated?2021-01-25 14:19:58
Not AnashaThanks2021-01-24 22:41:43
MoonVery toxic :(2021-01-24 14:41:06
slasherMoon got some jokes haha funny2021-01-24 14:02:25
MoonHahaha u rank me up!2021-01-24 13:04:18
slasherMoon level 5, i will quit if you start playing faceit and make it to 5 legit.2021-01-24 09:27:55
Sp!T_Shine Show up with your nutsack all braided and MS13 tattooed on it. HAHAHAHAHA so gangster wtf2021-01-24 07:36:58
Sp!T_ShineHelper asked why I was laughing so much during lunch. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Theo ♥♥♥♥♥2021-01-23 17:22:20
MoonI guess I know what SENSEI CROW wants for his birthday HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 17:56:02
Moonbecause you didn't get vegan bone-in buffalo wings and also you make fun of me for being an amy schmooker lover2021-01-22 11:52:17
Moonhe also kind of looks like sanic2021-01-21 22:23:07
Moonwhy does your octopus have a dreamcast symbol on his head2021-01-21 22:22:51
Moonmakes fun of me for starving wow2021-01-21 20:37:53
MoonMoon Jan 17, 2015 @ 12:11pm YAH my name is subtle,I like a young boys with tight buttholes,Angie with a nurse outfit and I like to cuddle,I build the first NASA shuttle,I am a pro snowboarder that rides on a shovel,My abandoned farm in Canada is in big trouble,Silly boy always going to chuckle,The fighter cracking his knuckle,I'm subtle and all my lies make people puzzle.Moon Jan 17, 2015 @ 11:58am Have you heard of the one they call Masta?No one drinks warm milk any fasta,Shooting zombies with super ray gun blasta,His beautiful wife calls him the bagel bite pastor,Because he is truly Masta of disasta,2021-01-21 12:36:15
Moonthey aren't chicken wings.... they are chickpea wings2021-01-21 12:31:51
CrowZer0Why does everyone keep gifting me poop games? Such mean cyber bullies. Super poop. Not my poop. Super dooper poopy party. I want a toilet.Meanies.2021-01-21 12:07:19
Moonvery angry octopoosi2021-01-20 14:55:27
CrowZer0Thank you for the take my points award?2021-01-20 14:16:27
Not Anashaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2021-01-19 23:30:20
Sp!T_ShineAll achievements are earned 100% legit2021-01-19 18:45:14
MoonBiggest wacist in the world2021-01-19 15:28:23
Moonexcooooooz me? It's Israeli African-American2021-01-19 12:54:22
CrowZer0Hahahah you're so stupid.2021-01-19 11:00:39
Jossynothing racist by saying the word ♥♥♥♥♥, the biggest racists in the world live in the UK2021-01-19 10:57:57
CrowZer0He's so proud of his achievements, I haven't done any since 2017 and I still have more than him lol.No one cares about your achievements loser go achieve something in life2021-01-19 10:45:12
CrowZer0Oh no he blocked me So he claims he's an Israeli black guy he throws n bombs and claims. He's not racist cencors his comment cos he's a coward then blocks me and comments on my profile. HaaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaLoser2021-01-19 10:42:09
Moon[09:38]Jossy: i've blocked octo crow calling me a racist for no reasonLOL2021-01-19 10:39:26
Moonoh nooooo pls don't block me racist2021-01-19 10:38:57
Jossylol u gonna get blocked if u call me a racist again2021-01-19 10:38:11
MoonI can't help my dislikable persønality2021-01-19 10:37:44
Not Anasha:(2021-01-19 01:44:37
Sp!T_ShineI'm cyber meleeing all kinds of dudes with a my 419dps dildo. This is just like real life!!2021-01-18 18:54:55
Sp!T_ShineCobra K comes recommended by you?2021-01-18 18:07:17
Moonhehe have a great weekend!2021-01-17 23:25:24
Not Anashathanks cowieeeee2021-01-17 21:47:38
Moon+rep fixed my tiktok feed2021-01-17 19:46:49
Sp!T_Shine*Yo'ure2021-01-17 19:20:51
Sp!T_ShineY'oure telling me paying for ppv would have almost been worth it?2021-01-17 19:19:53
MoonHehe who said I laughed? I was crying.2021-01-17 10:10:35
Sp!T_ShineYour'e going to have a lil beast on your hands2021-01-17 07:24:55
Not Anashachicken wing chicken wing2021-01-16 19:40:55
MoonJust don't be stupid . 18:47:46
MoonI'd rather be a trump supporter than watch black panthers matter again2021-01-16 18:42:40
slasherwtf is this chicken wing cringe fest2021-01-16 06:03:29
Not Anashapanda2021-01-15 23:02:18
Sp!T_ShineThats what we hat to sit on and every piece of furniture s odomized you as you sat on it wtf HaHAHAHA2021-01-15 17:47:24
Sp!T_ShineThe intro was ♥♥♥♥♥♥ cause that is soo dead spot on truth. and funny as hell,2021-01-15 17:33:20
Moon this is kinda racist2021-01-15 15:22:04
Moonyou formatted my computer on a silvah plattah2021-01-15 15:09:09
Moonamazon said my new 600 dollar super computer can run csgo on medium settings2021-01-15 13:53:26
MoonI didn't even register where 1.6 terabytes went2021-01-15 13:12:06
Not AnashaSTOP STEALING MY CHCIKEN WING SONG2021-01-15 13:08:09
MoonChicken wing chicken wingKetchup and tomatoesFrench fries and potatoes Pacman got some tacos2021-01-15 09:23:25
Not Anashawhere ur neck at2021-01-14 19:41:57
slasherCobra kai season 3 sucked..2021-01-14 15:14:08
Moonexplain your seasoning!2021-01-14 15:07:30
MoonI'm going to expose the true crowie dw I know all his secrets like the fact that he took a tomato from his grandma hahahahahahahaahahaba2021-01-14 10:26:04
MoonHehe ur a nan bread dipped in Mango laciLet me guess... You are busy watching cobra Kai season 3? XD oh is that why your name is SENSEI crowie? Hahahahaha2021-01-14 10:24:15
MoonJust don't be a2021-01-14 10:14:41
Not Anashamean2021-01-13 19:11:26
Moonwhy do u hate me?2021-01-13 17:55:19
Sp!T_ShineIt's janky and ancientMy first 10 years ago with great background music 16:23:42
Denisestream after hours2021-01-12 12:44:43
Sp!T_ShineThose are all the good grils mommy told me about2021-01-12 09:03:01
Sp!T_ShineI tried the phone tappy thing, didnt make me pweety2021-01-12 08:59:19
Moon+rep didn't body shame me for eating a whole box of nuttah buttah2021-01-11 19:00:16
Not Anashalet me sing for you2021-01-11 18:35:11
MoonI cant afford no Disney plus2021-01-11 16:10:59
Not Anashaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2021-01-09 21:04:25
Moon don't worry no animals were harmed in the making.2021-01-09 20:55:06
Not Anasha 23:23:56
Not AnashaWhat's that supposed to be about, baby?Go free up your vibe, stop actin' crazyYou know I give you the good lovin' dailyTry and pull that, got me actin' shady2021-01-08 23:23:24
Not Anashalike a million lil stars, spelling out your name.2021-01-08 23:16:30
MoonJust don't be depressed lmao2021-01-08 20:50:48
Triple Deviljhojust don't be in the UK lmao2021-01-08 19:35:44
Moon bobbys a good kid2021-01-08 18:34:06
Sp!T_ShineThe cutest blatch doing it 16:53:56
MoonI need to train to beat cobra kai season 32021-01-08 14:18:28
Not AnashaLOL2021-01-08 13:10:56
Not Anashamakes the best omelette2021-01-08 13:10:52
Sp!T_ShineSame grandma that force fed me raisin pie and tried to touch my "no no"2021-01-08 06:21:23
slashercobra kai season 3 was trash man :/2021-01-08 05:50:21
Moonyou watched cobra kai season 3, didn't you??? HAHAHAHAHAHAH2021-01-08 05:45:54
Triple DeviljhoNo. It made you happy.2021-01-07 21:55:48
Triple DeviljhoI hope that makes you happy2021-01-07 20:22:50
slasheralright bet haha2021-01-07 14:07:36
Not Anashawho is Ashley2021-01-06 19:26:20
CrowZer0I miss Ashley2021-01-06 13:44:55
MoonMango Laci enjoys sucking BBC stud while taking it from the ass by step-father.2021-01-06 13:04:09
CrowZer0I got caught out, my names from cobra kai.2021-01-06 12:29:16
Not AnashaMessage received 🌚2021-01-06 11:49:44
Not Anasha-rep "says he's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ busy"2021-01-06 11:49:18
MoonHe caught you... you watched cobra kai.2021-01-06 11:45:20
CrowZer0Thank you for the hearts I guess?2021-01-06 11:39:59
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2021-01-06 11:36:41
CrowZer0I unblock everyone on my block list a couple of weeks ago. Some of these tards have been blocked since 2017 or earlier, I don't even remember who they are especially when they hide behind private profiles lol, yet they watch me, follow me, when idgaf about them, and call ME a loser. Holy crap some people are born stupid.2021-01-06 11:35:44
Moonor was it Cwinton Cummings?2021-01-06 11:28:33
MoonYou're real name is Ian Harris.2021-01-06 11:28:01
CrowZer0Because I'm pretending to be something I'm not. I'm sorry for being Hilaria Baldwin... I'm not really innocent or a crowie or the cutest boy in the world, that's all animal appropriation. I guess I got caught.2021-01-06 11:27:19
Moonhahahahaha u loosa why u get bullied by random virgins?2021-01-06 11:25:32
CrowZer0These morons who I don't even know or remember really need a life. Sad, uneducated, ignorant lowlifes living with mummy in their late 20s. Lololol2021-01-06 11:11:15
CrowZer0These losers watch my profile yet I'm the loser, lol!2021-01-06 11:06:26
Black MambaStill a loser and still lying and pretending to be something your not on steam? lol2021-01-06 09:56:35
Sp!T_ShineRicotta flavored LMAO. That made my day, love, love, love when Theo goes crazy random. Nothing better!!2021-01-05 16:56:04
Moonif u wanna be ♥♥♥♥♥ be ♥♥♥♥♥! 12:00:39
CrowZer0He commented on YouTube he wants to stop this "feud" I laughed so hard. Haha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha haha2021-01-05 10:43:52
Moon15 but them feet tho2021-01-05 06:51:08
CrowZer0lol is a good boy2021-01-05 06:39:30
CrowZer0 He's making fanboy vids of me hahahaha! 06:02:07
CrowZer0I'ma Jewish Pakistani femboy, next he's going to add Chinese vegan.2021-01-05 05:12:01
MoonI think all soyboy-lol wants you to do is step on his little teensy worm . if he hasnt chopped it off already that is2021-01-05 05:06:28
CrowZer0This kids so mad I probably slept with the girl he was crushing and creeping on lol!2021-01-05 04:59:43
Moonhehe ur cute2021-01-05 04:57:44
CrowZer0I never realised I was a Jewish Pakistani femboy. Thanks for enlightening me. bye!2021-01-05 04:55:07
TXIYou literally sound pakistani HAHAHA 04:51:05
CrowZer0Do you realise how stupid you are or are you completely oblivious? Do you think you're being funny? Like what's your issue, I mean stupid/creepy/loser we already have gathered, are you fat and ugly? People don't like you? Parents abuse you? How do you think you're being funny? Do you enjoy being berated because I remind you of your dad? Hire a dominatrix. I'm done with you, you seem like the sorta guy who's either gonna kill himself, become a rapist or a school shooter, you're that stupid and sad. Good luck loser, people like you need it. #hashbrown bye!2021-01-05 04:50:55
TXISheffield MMA Academy correct?2021-01-05 04:48:25
TXI"angry as me stepping on a worm does" You step on worms? That's kinda weird man, and you don't feel any emotion? See a therapist... use my promo code "lol"2021-01-05 04:46:34
CrowZer0You're literally like a kid stalking me. Me getting angry at you is like me getting angry at an 11 year old obsessed with me saying hahaa you ugly you fat did I make you angry? Hahahaha I win. That's you a moron.2021-01-05 04:32:33
CrowZer0Also I could have deleted your comments and blocked you at any time lol. You make me as angry as me stepping on a worm does. You kids who live online start thinking someone's angry when they type or speak in facts lol. The fact that you think you could mentally effect me in any way is hilarious! I keep you around because I feel sorry for you and amusing at the same time, keep going loser. Facts are still the same. You are the private profile loser on my account stalking me for over two years. You're sad af and only making me laugh and face palm. Nothing else. But good luck with your mental issues I have a feeling life hasn't been good to you if you're this moronic.2021-01-05 04:31:01
CrowZer0Your English is terrible you're not from England. And we are in lock down, but as soon as it is over, eagle fight club, ball Street! Or you can pick any gym of your choice in Sheffield. Come show me what a big boy you are. Ask for femboy crowie.2021-01-05 04:27:46
Moon@lol do you have a mental illness?2021-01-05 03:40:24
TXIYou know what, let's go mate, I live 10 minutes out of sheffield add me and give me a place to meet up, let's go man I'm down2021-01-05 03:35:13
TXIcry some more Femboy Crowie2021-01-05 03:34:18
CrowZer0Your words are empty loser, that's why your mum wishes she had swallowed you.I'm pro choice for a reason.2021-01-05 03:33:40
CrowZer0You're too young.Too dumb. Too stupid. Too weak. To be able to do anything to me lol. Facts remain the same, you are a loser. Who is online scared with a private profile probably an alt account coming to my profile making yourself look like a fool. People with your level of intelligence and cowardly will never ever be on my level. You can talk all the crap you want, won't change the situation. You're a loser, I don't know you nor care about you. Your life is so sad you're obsessed with me for over two years. Lol.2021-01-05 03:32:45
CrowZer0K now I understand why he's stalking me for 2 years, he has a crush on me. Join the queue buddy.2021-01-05 02:06:54
CrowZer0._.2021-01-05 01:19:02
Moonjust stop talking juice.2021-01-05 00:35:32
Moonur such a juice talker2021-01-05 00:35:18
CrowZer0Wow how original and mature. Silence it's time for my run.2021-01-05 00:31:13
CrowZer0I don't get it, does he think he's "trolling me" or "attacking me" I mean he's incredibly low iq if he doesn't realise pointing evidence of him having screenshots of comments I made over 2 years ago when he has a private profile and I have no clue who he is just shows that he is probably a loser or has severe mental issues. All he is doing is making himself look moronic, on top of being a huge coward lol. Sad af. Hope your life gets better you loser kid. Keep stalking me lol.2021-01-04 09:15:00
CrowZer0I guess I has a very memorable impact on this imbecile's life lol.2021-01-04 09:08:13
CrowZer0Over 2 years judging by his screenshot. Sad sad kid. He posted it like "remember this" XD LOL CRINGe. Nope... I make thousands of comments dumbass lol idgaf about lowlife losers like you who would probably be washing my car irl lol2021-01-04 09:06:30
Moonso he waited 2 years on a block list just to write some stupid random message on your profile?...2021-01-04 09:04:18
MoonI never woulda thunk it...2021-01-04 09:02:46
CrowZer0I didn't realise I was Jewish, thanks for letting me know. Seriously you're some random with a private profile, who I don't even know, on my profile leaving comments 2 years after I blocked you... I feel sorry for you.2021-01-04 09:02:46
TXIdude you're literally jewish, stop talking jew2021-01-04 08:15:54
CrowZer0Why is this idiot I blocked 2 years ago still here. Holy crap there are some sad kids in this world.2021-01-04 07:54:43
slasheri guess i am just sexually frustrated2021-01-04 02:24:04
TXII used your code and didn't work???2021-01-04 02:02:03
CrowZer0Hello weirdo with mental issues, try promo code crowie, I don't know who you are, I don't care who you are, you are a loser. Bye2021-01-04 00:20:29
TXI"Maybe it was a mistake clearing my block list. This loser remembers me from a 2 year old comment lol, sad." Still a little angry waawaa baby then, huh?2021-01-03 22:59:03
slasher+rep pooped a lot after eating Greek food2021-01-03 10:38:56
Moonwhy these people bully you? 2 year ago I don't even register what who blocked me2021-01-03 09:35:03
CrowZer0Maybe it was a mistake clearing my block list. This loser remembers me from a 2 year old comment lol, sad.2021-01-03 08:37:20
CrowZer0No... And I have no clue who you are, yet you know me. Loser.2021-01-03 08:36:30
TXIremember when you said this bro? HAHAHAH ♥♥♥♥♥♥ cringe2021-01-03 03:33:44
Sp!T_ShineI would have gone with ddr2 ram and an i3 but if you wanna have a snail for a pc dats fine wit me2021-01-02 09:49:55
Moonidk but i cried during the john kreese flashback scenes, very emotional2021-01-02 05:36:10
Moonmmmmmm this vegan mung dahl bowl with spiced carrots, turmeric cauliflower and cocunut yogurt is delicious2021-01-02 01:00:02
Not Anashago back to ur pc, oh wait2021-01-01 21:22:49
Moon you look likea Puerto Rican WHOWA2021-01-01 21:14:14
CrowZer0I don't have a diary and your house smells.2021-01-01 20:37:44
Not AnashaYou left your diary at my houseAnd I read those pages, you really love me, baby2021-01-01 20:04:52
Sp!T_ShineHooks Jr. out2020-12-31 13:28:45
Sp!T_ShineIntel unless you have gone amd and liked it. I have always thought that the brain of the pc is probably the one thing that should be put on a pedestal even thou as far as gaming goes the gpu is way more important. But ya the cpu has always been Intel for me even thou Amd's Ryzen are getting there and are better for the price. Also I am vain in some aspects so Intel fits.2020-12-31 13:28:32
Sp!T_ShineI have always stuck with Asus for Mobo's. Had 2 of the TUF/Sabertooth boards and loved them both. Probably wait till 4000 series for my next build. Maybe 2 years away?2020-12-31 12:49:43
Sp!T_Shine3060ti looks like a great card, beating the 1080ti at 1080/1440p I believe. Haven't done any real research on the 3000 series after I found out the 3090 wouldn't be worth it for me. I would get EVGA if it was me thou just because of the superior customer service and the ICX coolers are super nice. Exciting doing a new build, giggity giggity2020-12-31 12:47:14
Sp!T_ShineStill a great board thou.2020-12-31 06:16:28
Sp!T_ShineProbably the little thermal armor covering or something. They got a little excessive with it on those motherboards a couple models. Good luck.2020-12-31 06:16:12
slasheri run from my problems so i joined track and field2020-12-31 04:49:28
Not Anashachicken wing chicken wing hot dog and balonie2020-12-30 21:02:04
Sp!T_ShineCrowie and ☠ Ninefingers are now friends.WAtch out Crowz that dude listens to Joe Rogan podcast and said he kisses girls!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Sicko2020-12-30 18:05:12
Moonoh hi doggy2020-12-30 11:30:53
Charlie Brownxd2020-12-30 05:07:02
CrowZer0I'd rather be me irl and silva in game than be ge and half of me irl (still superior to 99% of these weak, ugly,fat, stupid, loser beta's)2020-12-30 02:57:22
slasheralpha irl beta in cs and with a chicken pic to prove it2020-12-30 02:53:55
slashermore likeSlasher: you dont know how to aim so make your crosshair bigger2020-12-30 02:52:49
MoonHA HA HA why u bullying me2020-12-30 02:52:17
Sp!T_ShineDid the bird going thru the WORMhole on your bg get the WORM, or is it TILTED BRUh?2020-12-29 18:51:03
Not Anasha:(2020-12-29 15:02:18
MoonXD tilted bro epic2020-12-29 08:05:44
CrowZer0Why are you still here. Go get a life.2020-12-29 07:28:17
Charlie Brown:-D2020-12-29 07:11:24
Charlie BrownxD tilted2020-12-28 06:39:01
Lunga+REP HE EAT JUICY PUCY LIKE THOMSON2020-12-27 15:01:52
MoonI slept a heavy 7 hours 11-62020-12-27 07:15:33
Moon i wish my pencil was long2020-12-26 20:56:15
MoonHope you have fun sleeping without me hope you win2020-12-26 19:31:28
Sp!T_Shine*honest2020-12-26 11:56:23
Sp!T_ShineJake Paul vs Rupaul HAHAHAHAHAHA would make that my 1st hones pay per view2020-12-26 11:56:01
CrowZer0keeps commenting on my profile yet I'm salty HA HA HA HA, promocode crowie2020-12-26 10:33:50
CrowZer0yes im very salty and commenting on YOUR profile go away no one cares2020-12-26 10:32:35
Charlie Browni was trash i know that and i was playing better than you :-D salty little ♥♥♥♥. tirsk2020-12-26 09:34:18
Moonfor all the times i cyberbulbul u for eating so much onion rings 08:27:55
Moonyah bully me cause i eat kettlebells2020-12-26 02:31:33
Not Anashawuv2020-12-25 23:18:16
Triple DeviljhoThank you, I really do need all the help I can get. I appreciate that.2020-12-25 19:08:20
MoonI never would have thunk it, not in a million years.... That my best friend in the whole wide world.... Is a JEW >.<2020-12-25 16:33:17
Triple DeviljhoMakes fun of my game choices 3/102020-12-25 15:50:42
Not Anashasometimes I don't wanna be happy2020-12-25 13:04:46
Moonmy name is alfa and i want my daughtah 07:36:03
MoonHope you had fun napping without me hope you win alof2020-12-25 02:48:23
MoonKMGKEEPING MOON GREAT2020-12-25 02:32:32
Sp!T_ShineDidn't know about the profile awardsI give you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ crazy award2020-12-24 19:08:22
Not Anashaew2020-12-23 22:08:45
MoonI gave you hilarious award cause HA HA HA U CRACK ME UP2020-12-23 19:01:59
Moon"omg so toxic hehe" that should be one of your quotes2020-12-23 19:00:22
Sp!T_Shinetri curious trans street kid time just like me2020-12-23 18:40:19
Moon+rep showed me picture of his pink lemonade monster energy drink. Told me he doesn't get why Canadians and Americans have to be so fat but it's obvious our portions for energy drinks is a lot less so we move less. He also told me how much he wants to put his hot creamy cheese on my juicy meatballs2020-12-23 15:53:32
CrowZer0I love stupid people. Like you, my screenshots and open match history in clearly show me boosting myself solo q to mg lol! Yes when I win 12 and 8 in a row solo queue I booster myself.P.s. You player with me on 2 days no sleep and you were still trash. Lol2020-12-23 15:14:11
Charlie Browncause ure boosted ♥♥♥♥ and u know it too :-D cant handle mg rank. jesus xD merry xmas2020-12-23 13:40:23
Charlie Brown:-D2020-12-23 13:39:28
Moonsubtle the butthole and masta of disasta?2020-12-22 22:12:41
Moonzombie whispah?2020-12-22 21:04:34
Moon when crow is eating and I axe him question about Christmas very bully2020-12-22 16:03:19
Mooni cant use mic here. are u idiot? and on the game i dont remember hearin u either :-3♥♥♥♥♥♥ probably had you mooted and didn't even register lol. Also, why the ♥♥♥♥ can't you use a mic?2020-12-22 15:31:16
CrowZer0Silly kids are so tough and cute online, it's ok my grandma is tough online too.2020-12-22 09:27:43
CrowZer0if im so bad why are you matched with me? :(dude go away you're a loser2020-12-22 09:06:32
Charlie Brownand also how the ♥♥♥♥ u play so bad.2020-12-22 09:04:52
Charlie Brownуспокой свои сиськи мальчик :-D2020-12-22 09:04:38
CrowZer0then you must be deaf, not sure why you're here2020-12-22 09:00:33
Charlie Browni cant use mic here. are u idiot? and on the game i dont remember hearin u either :-32020-12-22 08:43:49
CrowZer0i understand you sound like a 12yo squeaker, it's 2020 use a mic.2020-12-22 08:35:45
Charlie Brown-rep stop using controller2020-12-22 08:32:49
Moon.-. Why u send me kpop. this racism2020-12-22 08:06:50
Moonbut i eat so much >.<2020-12-22 02:06:11
Not AnashaTHANK YOU CROWIE2020-12-21 21:09:31
Not Anashay'all just bullies2020-12-20 15:21:24
MoonEnter the world of my block list good bye2020-12-20 15:00:06
Mooninvite me to one more of your stupid groups and i'm blocking you. not joking my block list is x2 the size of my friends list2020-12-20 14:59:51
MoonPlease don't randomly add me I'll most likely block if you have a low steam level comment if you really need to add me. Give a Valid reason (note the valid reason can not be the fact you want my name on your profile use my steam group for that) my friends list is almost full and i can't add everyone sorry2020-12-20 14:59:35
Not Anashastarted when we were younger you were mine, my boo2020-12-20 13:12:57
Moonate too many tacos2020-12-20 01:13:27
Sp!T_Shinenope, sounds kinda awful, but bosses friend has a kid that would only eat hotdogs with mayonnaise and hot cheetos until she ended up in the hospital. Stupid parents2020-12-19 15:00:42
CrowZer0*DEAD* tiberiu‎ : Raportul împotriva lui Crowie a fost trimis, id raport 3454018781116891798.2020-12-19 12:38:35
MoonI think you just hate me cuz I'm a mtftm transgendered lesbian2020-12-19 09:58:14
Moon she got a big ass2020-12-19 09:13:26
Moon ha ha ha this guy's cracks me up! Like a skinny mustached version of Vito from sopranos. #gabagool2020-12-19 08:43:30
MoonTells me they eat too much food. Just stop being hungry.2020-12-18 23:40:10
Not Anasha-rep doesnt heal me ;p2020-12-18 23:36:27
Moonan obvious "smurf" with 78 adr baits teammates and still loses I bet2020-12-18 20:04:35
CrowZer0 Lol he has won 2/6 and every game he's carried. I guess all his teammates are toxic.2020-12-18 20:02:03
CrowZer0 300 comp wins, highest lem, in dmg getting outplayed by nova's if you're a smurf you're terrible I smell a trash bought account lol.2020-12-18 20:00:38
CrowZer0kids tryna igl constant yapping and backdoor driving while bottom fragging on round 1 where I get a 3k, 3v1 we are ct, they say NO KIT and run away while I defuse then say HAHHA LUCKY, I mute them and im toxic? LolOlOl2020-12-18 19:57:17
MoonI can't afford no toof brash2020-12-18 19:55:55
Moonwow sad ranks LOL2020-12-18 19:54:56
CrowZer0 nice rank bro2020-12-18 19:52:27
CrowZer0how is a dmg bottom fragging with a nova 4? LoLol2020-12-18 19:49:42
CrowZer0you and your buddy got muted on round 2, and all I did was callouts nice try tho2020-12-18 19:49:21
notez-rep toxic af2020-12-18 19:47:19
Moonyou're stream isn't working?just don't invite me.2020-12-18 16:32:57
Moonmaybe sex in the city 2020 is my favorite show?2020-12-18 10:18:33
Moon just don't be depressed.2020-12-17 22:47:34
MoonJust don't have cancer.2020-12-17 19:22:43
Sp!T_ShineThis species can't really be this materialistic can they? I'd buy her C-Fil-A too 19:11:01
Not AnashaI would hit you but that would be elderly abuse ;p2020-12-17 18:22:49
MoonYou're so sweet no one has ever said something so nice to me before.2020-12-17 17:10:27
Moonk u have disney+ without me? hope you win2020-12-16 20:17:43
Moonthats the nuttah buttah dancehahaha ♥♥♥♥ king Geoffrey ♥♥♥♥ the senate2020-12-16 20:17:24
MoonI laughed hard when he said she honestly still has the best argument to vote for Bloomberg.2020-12-16 18:43:41
MoonHa ha ha u get me a cannoli in Brooklyn. This is what happen when silly boy become fightah yahhj2020-12-16 18:40:32
MoonArent pomegranate vegan though2020-12-16 18:11:35
MoonRoll on that stomach when you eat dem tacos .-. '-' .-. '-' .-. '-' .-.Pacmans momma ha ha ha 17:30:04
Sp!T_Shine USC>UFC2020-12-16 13:34:16
Mooni wz tld 2 fk u2020-12-16 08:40:46
MoonWhy did u delet me2020-12-15 23:53:21
Not Anasha-rep has me addicted to lost2020-12-14 23:31:35
Not Anashayou look like you can't swim2020-12-14 13:10:27
MoonLil crowie or lil adorbs, always remember that you are unique, special and most importantly beautiful. Hehe you always make me giggle when you send pictures of your food ^^. Keep your chin up and have a great weekend!2020-12-14 07:04:29
MoonYou know what your problem is crowie? YOU'RE TOO CUTE HAHAHA2020-12-14 05:57:00
Sp!T_ShineLooks like the script of TRT is working for Don "the heavy hoofed" Donkey.2020-12-13 11:09:20
Sp!T_ShineGood way to hook up with high quality Milf's. "I'm the guy who gave your kid the PS5" "slurp, slurp, nibble, nibble"2020-12-13 11:06:21
CrowZer0Don't be a weak spined coward, when you write something don't be a lil bich and then later delete it. 10:27:10
CrowZer0Why did Varvuss poo delete msg?2020-12-13 10:26:24
CrowZer0No idea who you are but ok then.2020-12-13 10:22:50
MoonI think I finally found my favorite pooping song 08:47:11
MoonThat is the reincarnation of Jesus. Omg, thank you for that! Never would have thunk it, that I would cry at a youtube video of people being generous to the homeless creatures HAHAHA Tim Dillon cracks me up!2020-12-13 08:44:35
MoonHa ha ha hope you enjoy watching Amazon prime without me. Hope you win.2020-12-12 14:43:24
Sp!T_ShineOhh snap, who is the rat king?2020-12-11 13:37:27
Not AnashaTenant Tenant2020-12-11 12:35:58
♡copycat♡+rep daddy 🥰😍2020-12-11 02:55:33
Sp!T_ShineSaid the dude managed a Macaroni Grill and then immediately says "I made that up" :lunar2019laughingpig :♥♥♥♥♥♥ Theo 18:50:27
Sp!T_ShineI'm just hoping to loot enough emeralds so I can craft some bowling ball sized ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with wings of inertia to keep my cyber partner happy.2020-12-09 23:26:50
Moonk i gueth ur a cyberbullbull 2077 too2020-12-09 15:10:32
Moonha ha ha u tricked me i want diet ben n jerry strawberry shortcake2020-12-08 18:47:55
CrowZer0I'm suing Domino's pizza because I specifically asked for DIET BEN N JERRYS COOKIE DOUGH in the comments section and they claim they don't do it, even though they do diet coke?!?!?2020-12-08 18:46:24
Not Anashayou meanie2020-12-08 18:31:49
MoonCut ur pubes ALRIGHT2020-12-08 18:16:02
Not AnashaDon't say I didn't say, I didn't warn ya2020-12-07 12:18:05
Not AnashaLosing him was blue like I'd never knownMissing him was dark gray all aloneForgetting him is like trying to know somebody you've never metBut loving him was redRed2020-12-07 12:15:15
Not AnashaCause every inch of you is perfectFrom the bottom to the top2020-12-07 12:13:15
Not AnashaWe were walking on moonlightAnd you pulled me closeSplit second and you disappearedAnd then I was all alone2020-12-07 12:12:48
Not AnashaI was in my zone, before you came along, don't want you to take this personalBlah, blah, blah, I be like nah to the ah to the, no, no, no2020-12-07 12:11:14
Not Anashaice cream chilling chilling ice cream chillling2020-12-07 11:56:57
CrowZer0Sorry, some kind of error has occurred: You've been posting too frequently, and can't make another post right now.2020-12-07 02:36:23
MoonYah I told this cyber bulbul in a game yesterday I'm a famous YouTuber and then he said my voice sounds gay and am an annoying retarded liar really hurted me. So I axe him question "oh, I didn't know you were from Washington? " and for some odd reason goes silent for two minutes makes his profile private, changed pfp and abandons game. His friend called me a FAAKIN DOXXER I didn't know looking at someone steam profile is doxxing2020-12-06 16:26:06
MoonWhy is van so mean to good boys from good family2020-12-06 16:09:28
MoonBi me the geme whr u shte trrrst2020-12-06 16:06:28
Not Anashatoday my dog use my account and it installed cheats and i got vac ban. but dog say he apologizeWoof woof woof woof , woof rawr woof woofSincerely,Woof2020-12-06 13:43:37
Not Anashay u get vec ban men2020-12-06 13:32:10
Moonoof marone2020-12-06 06:59:26
Moon 06:13:02
Moondo u know deh mattymatics2020-12-06 05:40:39
Sp!T_ShineBest music to listen to while playing CS:GO!!!!! 23:08:56
Not Anashaone day one day i was really really raelly really sad2020-12-05 22:09:03
Moon4ever crowie, i want to be 4ever crowie! dont you want to be crowie 4ever? 4ever.... 4EVER!!!2020-12-05 20:45:17
slasherGot global back after 4 days but my aim is trash trash. Only my superior human gameplay knowledge holds me up2020-12-05 16:06:46
slasherActually i put it on my wishlist while i was in matchmaking so i dont forget it2020-12-05 16:06:14
slasherhahahha2020-12-05 16:05:54
Moonthat fat ♥♥♥♥♥ no giff cookie she deserved it2020-12-04 15:40:46
Moon-rep say he will cyber bullbull me when he goes to sleeps2020-12-04 13:51:31
MoonHe also eat blue gluten free cookies in the classroom of Nevarro2020-12-04 13:46:56
MoonIf I saw grugu in real life I'd give him all my CBD.2020-12-04 13:27:20
Not Anashamy eyes hurt cuz ur profile bling bling2020-12-03 21:22:47
MoonWhy is baby yoda a carnivore? He should be vegan2020-12-03 19:41:13
Moongolden shower in my eyes2020-12-03 19:35:42
CrowZer0my profile is sp bright it's hurting my eyes2020-12-03 19:23:59
Moonmuth be nieth being gold2020-12-03 18:40:21
Moonbroken fang fist2020-12-03 18:33:34
CrowZer0No I don't want to follow your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ curator page which doesn't even have good strategy games you weird anti social loser.2020-12-02 10:17:10
CrowZer0Beware, adds and begs 10:14:01
+ REP very friendly player! Thanks for game!2020-12-01 14:41:00
CrowZer0aww u and your buddy both got banned and lower tf :(2020-12-01 12:17:07
pikii34COMEME LA POLLA PEDAZO DE SUBNORMAL2020-12-01 12:15:01
MoonSpider-Crow, Spider-Crow. He's so rich, he's the Spider-Crow. SPIDER-CROW, SPIDER-CROW! He owns the sooper market cause the Spider-Crow! LOOK OUT, HERE COMES THE SPIDER-CROW!2020-12-01 11:56:23
Not AnashawaZUP ha u get it? no ok2020-11-30 21:11:03
Sp!T_Shineshe is dope, dem stems, she probably reps my 1RM squats on the daily PROPAHHHHHH!! I only Squat when I pee2020-11-30 19:01:16
Not Anashaboo2020-11-30 03:09:31
Not Anashatoxic person2020-11-30 03:09:11
Moonith vary nieth2020-11-29 22:13:30
Moonforgive me padre, I didn't know gabagool was an offensive term to the ginzos2020-11-29 17:44:23
Sp!T_ShineLove that, Some of the ♥♥♥♥ Theo says..... Ok most of the ♥♥♥♥ Theo says is exactly what I'm thinkin like a 1/3 of the time.....It's like I have a long lost genius brother 1/4 of the time...... maybe my great great grandpa Earl thought cousin Emma was a snack. Not sure how that would relate....ohh wait2020-11-29 13:37:10
slashercrowie 4evaaaaaaaa2020-11-27 05:06:27
BigJD-rep u r trolling me hard :)2020-11-25 02:17:17
Not AnashaWhy did she get me a spoon?2020-11-24 18:07:30
Not Anashai want u so bad nae mami mami appa2020-11-23 16:03:08
Triple DeviljhoI was told by my lawyers to say IMY.So. IMY2020-11-22 21:05:27
Sp!T_ShineI refuse to use mods and taint a perfect game, prolly y I got bored after 10 minutes.....2020-11-22 10:18:40
Not Anashaawwwwwwwwww2020-11-20 19:11:40
MoonThanks padre every birfday I enjoy the kicking and screaming I only wish I registered the poor dehydrated piths of sheets that change diapers for a living That is what my birfday is all about. Oh well, hopefully next year my pc can run all these games P.S. do you want your hiloli back?2020-11-20 00:37:03
Not Anashai put my hands up in the air sometimes saying ayo get some mayo2020-11-14 15:15:27
Moonalfa is "losing her head" without her daughta2020-11-14 02:55:15
Not Anashai like you2020-11-14 01:30:00
Not Anashablack pink in your area2020-11-13 22:35:53
Sp!T_Shine What he said2020-11-13 22:02:48
ShmiggedSorry, haven't been on steam2020-11-13 18:36:17
Not Anasha 01:05:31
Not Anashafrom stable to stumble and evermorei'll say goodbye to my demons and all my breakeven ever yours2020-11-13 00:53:52
Not Anashai liked the fact that you burnt your grilled cheese2020-11-12 23:52:45
Not Anashaup down right left2020-11-12 23:52:34
Triple Deviljho22020-11-12 19:51:33
MoonIf you told me you were dehydrated FOUR times I would have known, but three??? Not even a sadcat would get away with that2020-11-12 18:36:32
Not Anashaso come on spin me around and I don't wanna go home cause when you hold me like this you know my heart skips skips a beat2020-11-12 00:22:51
Not AnashaSomebody once told me the world is gonna roll meI ain't the sharpest tool in the shed2020-11-11 13:22:16
slasheri knew you had a crush on me since the beginning ... that explains everything...2020-11-11 04:14:39
CrowZer0(Counter-Terrorist) JAVATOJONES‎ @ Bombsite A : crowie, could u say "Hi, I'm Batman" ?._.2020-11-10 15:03:13
Sp!T_ShineCrowie (snuggle bug) has added The Land of Crows to their wishlist.2020-11-09 18:46:00
Not Anashay u expose me :(2020-11-07 13:55:09
Not Anashaty crowie :')2020-11-07 13:39:19
Sp!T_Shinelololl bahh Barbie Sparxx vids!! Its like a redneck Rick Roll2020-11-07 13:23:01
Sp!T_ShineJustin never hit it so Gomez is still untainted. flatty booty cutie patootttii2020-11-07 13:19:15
CrowZer0Moon (Aslanyan) Just now This comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information).2020-11-07 12:56:34
Moon+rep Oh my goodness.... Crowie invited me to her safe-space slumber sleepover and made me the BEST vegan gluten-free pizza I have ever tasted! I couldn't even tell the soyperoni wasn't murdered hog . Was really hard to eat since I had to wear the corona mask the whole time, but super delicious!2020-11-07 12:56:21
Sp!T_ShineAdorbs avatar, Is it pronounced Uzi or Ohhzi?2020-11-07 11:52:51
Not Anashaspot spot spotlight2020-11-05 21:47:59
Sp!T_Shine 20:08:03
Sp!T_ShineDoesn't count, didn't touch down the choco starfish, plus with such light weight he ain't gonna get no where. pffftttt amateurs...... 06:31:03
MoonWow, how inspirational. Martin Luther King Jr. 2.0 makes me proud to be POC2020-10-27 03:29:50
Sp!T_ShinePedrob is a super hot gamer gurl2020-10-26 21:08:35
Sp!T_Shinetruth hurts2020-10-26 21:07:03
CrowZer0● (Counter-Terrorist) Pedrob‎ @ Bombsite A : very erotic voice btw._.2020-10-26 14:43:07
Sp!T_ShineInteresting one2020-10-26 06:45:27
MoonBorat 2 :D Jagshemash the hype is real!I'm going to hate the movie and be very bored .... NOT!2020-10-24 06:37:07
Sp!T_Shineneed re-up of crowteine, fam hooked, works great as instant laxative, make poopin like grease lighting.2020-10-22 19:06:38
Not Anashadance with me2020-10-20 22:35:57
Not Anashawhen you're taking courses like rangeland ecology, geomatics, rhetorical communication and econ and stuff like soil science plant science you tend to forget that aluminium is a metal. Some of us aren't as bright and smart ya know what I'm saying?2020-10-20 22:35:40
Moon+rep Brags to me about being silver 2 when I'm stuck in silver 12020-10-20 17:38:44
Moonpart of miyagi-do training:fat on, fat off. But more fat off.2020-10-19 13:46:34
Moonyou are proud of fat, you keep fat and die. If I fat shame, you lose fat and live. You're welcome Fatty-San2020-10-19 13:45:54
CrowZer0Why you fat shame me?2020-10-19 13:43:35
MoonMr. Miyagi love chicken and cake. If you make him big chicken and also cake (maybe with ice cream), I allow mamushka in miyagi-do LONG TIME.2020-10-19 13:42:39
MoonWhy do u cyber bully the jew2020-10-19 11:20:06
Not AnashaKNOCK ON THE DOOR TOTOTOTOTO2020-10-18 22:20:00
Not Anashaa life thats what all of us need2020-10-18 22:18:38
Not Anashasick of all these imitators*DEAD* kapitan bonio‎ : off*DEAD* kapitan bonio‎ : fester*DEAD* kapitan bonio‎ : reportPlayer: Uncle Fester - Damage Given-------------------------Damage Given to "kapitan bonio" - 138 in 1 hitDamage Given to "Kongonaut" - 122 in 4 hitsPlayer: Uncle Fester - Damage Taken-------------------------Damage Taken from "kapitan bonio" - 26 in 1 hitDamage Taken from "Kongonaut" - 48 in 2 hitshonestly , same.2020-10-18 22:18:07
CrowZer0Stupid kids in a stack trying to act tough online and then crying. Typical.2020-10-18 20:45:08
CrowZer0Are you the kid who owns a "law firm"?2020-10-18 20:44:12
RUMPELHULL ★™Ur mum gey <32020-10-18 20:19:40
MoonI know man who say they no like power only peace. His name was masta of distasta, he call u fighta and call me silly boi.2020-10-18 16:23:44
Not Anasha-csgo2020-10-18 14:15:49
MoonLegit might write in Uncle Fester and Mr. Miyagi on my ballot for presidency, what do you think?2020-10-17 20:11:41
Sp!T_ShineWhen Bert does that giggle and his buddies just stare at him with no expressions.......... DA BEST2020-10-17 16:44:17
Not Anashacrowieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee2020-10-16 22:58:36
MoonAhhh, mamushka not just dance only. Mamushka for whole life. Whole life have a brotherly love. Everything be better.2020-10-16 11:51:41
MoonI hear Uncle Fester joined Cobra Kai, this is unacceptable2020-10-16 07:09:10
Sp!T_ShineOnly thing missing is a pet monkey on her back while she acts like a human horse head.......Ohh I could watch that for hours and never get bored.2020-10-15 19:32:19
Sp!T_Shineepisode 2 tomorrow, have to get my 8 hours of little big headed baby beauty sleep2020-10-14 21:05:17
Sp!T_Shineloool Marlon Brando seriously took 18" of limp ♥♥♥♥ from the Cuban Superman? That's hotttt2020-10-14 21:03:08
CrowZer0weirdo2020-10-13 10:25:28
Not Anashathanks2020-10-11 22:19:22
Not Anashabut idc vroom vroom goes car2020-10-11 22:19:15
Not Anashaand idk y you're so far2020-10-11 22:18:56
Not Anashayou r my star2020-10-11 22:18:38
Not Anashayou r my sunshine2020-10-11 22:18:29
Sp!T_ShineNext fat bald guy says "I love all my queens over 18" Seems like a good dude2020-10-11 19:43:40
Not Anashafeetbeel meneger2020-10-11 14:16:51
Moonthe fly is the mark of the devil?... HA HA HA2020-10-10 13:03:00
CrowieWhere my country gone?2020-10-10 06:57:03
Sp!T_ShineMan you listen to some funny podcasts, wasted my lunch at work today watching that. Funny as ♥♥♥♥2020-10-07 18:28:42
Sp!T_ShineU to can be neeenja with the right plant based carnivore diet2020-10-06 19:59:25
CrowZer0Moon 2 weeks agoMoon: How do you even get callusses from kettbells?Me: If your kettlebells weighed more than 5lbs and weren't pink and you did them every day like I do maybe you would get them.Moon today: HAHAHA I'VE HAD CALLUSES FOR YEARS HAVE YOU NEVER HAD THEM?2020-10-06 14:29:18
MoonOh ho? You want tuu bee neenja? You must first learn Kung Flu. CHYNAAAAA2020-10-03 19:06:54
raszywhat is your quirk???:32020-10-02 00:48:53
Sp!T_Shinebut she didn't sleep with Dids or jR. they just hung out and chilled like besties do, maybe played some miniature golf together or went to one of those family fun frisbee golf courses and scored a few holes in one. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SHE ♥♥♥♥♥♥ EVERYBODY ♥♥♥♥♥♥ EVERYTHING still sloppy 10,000s might not be too bad2020-09-29 19:20:52
Not Anasha 19:52:10
Sp!T_ShineSo when do your 2 arrive? 19:53:57
Sp!T_ShineJ. Murphy vid was straight out of a In Living Color skit. Nice legs on the half Korean half Filipino girl.2020-09-25 19:40:59
Sp!T_ShinePeople like that don't really exist, Its a facade2020-09-25 19:38:05
Moon BREAKING NEWS: Multiple Mexican Child Terrorists spotted driving a monster truck and driving over white people.2020-09-25 13:35:33
Not Anasha+rep thankful for this guy2020-09-25 13:10:19
Not Anasha+rep downloaded phineas and ferb for me2020-09-25 13:10:11
Not Anashaeats like chien PO2020-09-25 13:09:54
Not AnashaI'm a gummy bear I'm a gummy bear2020-09-25 13:09:37
Not AnashaThanks to you I was singing the ninja song2020-09-25 13:09:28
Not AnashaNO COMMENT2020-09-25 13:09:13
Not Anashathat old woman who possibly is a KAREN deserved to be slapped for being racist2020-09-25 13:09:07
Not Anasha-rep makes fun outta me for my WethoriCAl ExWeGEnce2020-09-25 13:08:45
Not Anasha-rep there's a monster in his houses that eats all his food wonder who it is2020-09-25 13:08:29
Not Anashayea crow are you wearing half pants2020-09-25 13:08:14
Moon Omg, thank you for sharing your blister-inducing, KB juggling routine. I just love how you can do it while on a strict keto vegan diet! Now when Whiskey comes to visit I can show him some magic tricks and get a good sweat out of it as well2020-09-24 09:11:37
Sp!T_ShineNever even picked up a KB before. I know I'm a disgrace. I do want to incorporate them and buy a few pairs once the covid prices go down. Can't justify paying $4+lb from scalping dick♥♥♥♥wads. If you could send me an instructional video about a good KB only glute workout with an adorable thick booty brunette that would be great, truly great.2020-09-23 19:33:27
MoonMmmm I love vegan tacos with no mayo from KFC. I remember eating it last time and it had no taste, but its okay cause I know every bite I take is another vegan chicken that doesn't get eaten.I give it an.... Hmmm 8/10.2020-09-23 04:41:09
MoonWhat would your last meal be?2020-09-22 23:28:52
Not Anashaits so sad toooooo think about the goooooooood times you and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII cause baby now we got Bad BLOoD2020-09-22 22:29:18
Not Anasha-rep FOXIC2020-09-22 22:28:49
MoonIf they got incredible hulk underoos for me I'm set :D2020-09-22 19:01:00
Hamaxer-rep annoying2020-09-22 14:53:19
Moonso many -rep I agree with Sp!t_Shine. This is serious cyberbully, he takes rep on steam very seriously!+rep One time he traded me his knife for a emoticon that has an arrow inside a butthole2020-09-21 19:58:06
Sp!T_ShineOMFG all those -rep, those (Legion) people are meanies, don't be mean people, Crow is my friend and he is nice guy, no woolly bully, he have mean kabobs sometimes thou, but mean food is nice food, honey and lemon water makes for +reps. Greek Gods with mustaches and short shorts, gey men! 13:55:52
Not AnashaWhy is she looking at me like she wants to eat me? ._.2020-09-20 23:19:22
MoonLOL at first I thought it was gonna be like a Howard stern fan making a fake voice of trump.. "you did a great job, right? will watch it believe me. I just got out of a huge rally 35000 people big people lots of great people it's true it's true. People love me they tell me things."2020-09-20 17:05:22
Crowie-rep fat2020-09-19 12:32:12
Not Anashabut i can't helpppp falling in loveeeeee with youuuuuuu2020-09-15 21:34:46
Not AnashaWise men say only fools rush in2020-09-13 22:55:23
MoonYou know what your problem is? you're too nice!2020-09-13 11:59:03
Ayylmao1911Holy hell, this guy is still alive.-rep2020-09-12 02:48:38
Not Anashasso call me a pessimist but I don't believe in this :v:slugheart: but i believe in you2020-09-11 12:13:03
LungaANGELO IS THE BEST2020-09-10 17:42:17
Moon bit toxic2020-09-09 20:59:11
Sp!T_ShineShocked she didnt get some bewbs yet. Song bumps. She keepin it real like Shaquille Oneal in high heels.2020-09-09 19:49:05
Sp!T_ShineShe copying my boy Eazy! May his white ars rest in peace! 19:43:39
Sp!T_ShineIts cause Cardi B is white and she tries way too hard to act black. Come on girl, you know you a cracker so just represent. jeez2020-09-09 19:34:20
Sp!T_ShineIs that really one of the lyrics? Come take a dive in my P word? HAHAHAHA I made it about 10 seconds in and the smell of rotting fish was just too overwhelming. and I love me some horrible and great rap/hip hop just the same. and I like thicc girls too when done right. but yeck2020-09-09 19:31:25
MoonDamn, Ben really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ himself on that one. He should make it a regular thing where he reviews lyrics of "feminist" rap videos.2020-09-09 11:48:01
Sp!T_ShineAnd that is what I am talking about kind sir2020-09-08 19:40:42
Sp!T_ShineI got my WAP grill ordered. Shi t dey gonn c me mirin an muggin from a grip full city blocks!! my heat be blapp blapp nizz on da strempth2020-09-08 19:39:02
LungaLMAOOO ITS NOT XDDD2020-09-08 17:58:26
MoonMY favorite anime 02:03:50
CrowZer0Currently OfflineLast Online 13 hrs, 5 mins agoKamala Harris 2020! (and biden) (Aslanyan) 56 minutes ago 12:24:04
Moon 11:26:52
Sp!T_ShineCrowZer0 (cinnabun) played Worms Reloaded, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, Sanctum, GRID, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Mafia, Arma 2, War of the Roses, Grand Theft Auto 2, World in Conflict, Saints Row 2, L.A. Noire, Grand Theft Auto III, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Crysis, Grand Theft Auto, BioShock, BioShock 2, Max Payne, Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2, ARK: Survival Of The Fittest, Hitman: Absolution, Garry's Mod, Bad Rats, and Chivalry: Medieval Warfare for the first time.So many cherries popped in 1 day!2020-09-05 19:39:26
Sp! give tree fiddy to a good cause2020-09-02 19:15:20
Sp!T_ShineWhy does your wishlist only have $1000 games on it? U must be a cheap date, the better you treat me the better it is for you in the bean bag chair after dinner. .2020-09-02 19:15:01
Sp!T_ShineAnd it was GOTFY a decade ago to! Emo's rule2020-09-02 19:08:58
CrowZer0No, I don't need your help.2020-09-02 09:12:13
Lunga-rep he wants my ig to rape me2020-09-01 19:06:08
CrowZer0._.2020-09-01 02:23:10
Not Anasha-+rep2020-08-31 19:38:08
Not AnashaNever met someone who loves coffee and pasta as much ;p2020-08-31 19:37:40
Sp!T_Shine 17:53:18
Crowie._.2020-08-27 10:47:44
CrowieaNJELIKA :DROOL:2020-08-27 10:37:47
Moonthis is how you flerted with me men???2020-08-27 04:24:07
MoonSorry mane I don't play with no silvahs2020-08-27 02:35:54
slasherNo problem bro. I am glad i could help a handicaped elder gamer2020-08-26 03:56:27
Not Anashaba dum tss2020-08-25 21:34:16
Crowie-REP IMPOSTER2020-08-25 08:08:15
Not Anashafly me to cobblestoneand let me play among the CTs2020-08-24 17:05:13
Moonwhy u call him a ♥♥♥♥♥♥? u know it hurted him badly2020-08-23 13:51:29
xXxMomDistroyer2013Its Laughing my ass off ♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-08-23 13:46:08
MoonWhy do I have all these weeaboos debating each about black Lives matter on my profile?2020-08-22 19:02:06
Sp!T_ShineBoth fighters look phenomenal. Haven't followed UFC in quite awhile, but I would go with the smaller of the 2 guys, just cause the other dude looks like such a beast, he needs to be humbled. Anyways SHINIGAMI would woop both their culo's with one mewb and a fat roll tied behind his back!! His attire alone could defeat the largest Philistine army! 20:44:11
Sp!T_ShineGO CHEW ON A STICK!!!2020-08-21 20:37:53
CrowZer0IMA MAKE MY PROFILE PRIVATE NOW COS I DISH OUT BS AND WHEN PEOPLE RESPOND WITH TROOF I GOTTA HIDE MY TRACKS LIKE THE COWARD MY MOMMA RAISEDHAHAHAHAU TOO NICEImagne being a 40yo "ripped" fat man called pacman who has a really BIG DINGUS, who has to go private profile after being called out on his pedo bs HA HA HA2020-08-20 19:56:00
MoonHahaha they were tacos, I lied but they had chicken in them . did you know I'm a big fan of rap? But I only listen to Tupac.Like saying I'm a big fan of Tarantino but I've only seen Death Proof2020-08-20 19:19:34
MoonI just had so many wings I gotta roll on my stomach for a little bit BRB2020-08-20 18:07:44
CrowZer0I don't understand how people debate or argue with no information, opinions and assumptions vs facts and truth and then WONDER why they're so stupid.2020-08-20 15:00:56
CrowZer0Maybe he doxxed me, I mean I've always been clean shaven but sure I'll be fat neckbeard who runs 5 to 6 miles daily on an 8 day waterfast who is fat.2020-08-20 14:56:09
MoonYou're not fat don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Everyone else is just too damn skinny, how did he know you have a neckbeard tho2020-08-20 14:43:41
CrowZer0hahaha yes classic coward move, delete comments, block and then leave a comment lolbelieve whatever makes your sad existence more bearable fatman, I can be a fat nerd with a neckbeard if it makes you feel better, just keep adding underage girls, lying and talking about how ripped you are when you're obese as a 40yo man and being a silver after 5k hours of csgo, I would never block nor delete you cos you're a joke lol2020-08-20 14:34:38
ꜱᴘᴀᴄᴇᴍᴀɴI stopped reading your comments. You are trying to hard lol. You are clearly a fat nerd with a neck beard. Have a nice day sir and enjoy the blocked world2020-08-20 14:21:41
Sp!T_Shineu like that delicious toasted bagel smothered in butter.then after the butter sinks into every little tasty nook and cranny.the spreading of magical strawberry cream cheese begins.long stare at masterpiece as rotation of the bagel in hand begins.just a 360 or maybe flip it to admire the butter that dripped down the sides.then throw in trash and walk away because that's too many carbs for this beta soy boy. 18:47:23
CrowZer0Just like everyone knows that Kim jung un is a kpop star everyone knows jennie Kim is a North Korean spy duh! this is why I hate steam, idiots like this nicks k won't even look me in the eyes irl but online they act tough behind their screen lol. ♥♥♥♥ off you braindesd ♥♥♥♥.2020-08-19 13:55:52
MoonYou don't even know me. Don't ever comment non sense on my profile ever again. DONT TOUCH ME BRO!2020-08-19 13:51:22
CrowZer0I don't understand how stupid dumb ♥♥♥♥♥ like this are allowed to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ interact with people.2020-08-19 13:47:18
CrowZer0Nicks k, you are one dumb sad ♥♥♥♥. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you're thick. I feel sorry for how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid and sensitive you are and how sad your life must be. Everyone knows jennie Kim is a North Korean spy. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mong.2020-08-19 13:45:16
Lunga-rep he hecker and use SBINVOT RIPORT PLIZ MI NO LIK THIS MIN2020-08-19 10:16:28
Nicks K.You don't even know me.2020-08-19 07:06:03
MoonStop asking me stupid political questions, do I look like a senator???2020-08-18 22:03:15
CrowZer0I feel like all these people who call me a "hacker" when I'm playing bad don't have any clue how to even watch a demo. :/2020-08-18 21:30:43
CrowZer0Dragon's Sin of Wrath 25 minutes ago perma banned comes for hacking ♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-08-18 21:28:45
CrowZer0Oh WhY dO yOu WaNt tO dO iT lIve sO yOU cAN dOXX mE?Child.2020-08-18 21:28:20
CrowZer0His response to my "how did you not understand my question" was I'm a bully and mean. LOL2020-08-18 21:27:01
CrowZer01 game ban on record | Info119 day(s) since last banLol hacker is calling me a hacker, he's that bad. Must be a sad day in a 5stack getting stomped on by 5 solos and crowie :(2020-08-18 21:25:41
CrowZer0 Adds me for a "debate" tells me he works in EMT, when I lay out livestreaming conditions and even suggest if he feels more comfortable I can come solo to his discord with his friends starts crying "stop bullying me" and "you're a fraud" and "what's your Youtube" Lololol2020-08-18 21:24:46
CrowZer0Second guy in a day to call me a hacker, I'm so flattered rn Best part they were a 5 stack LOL2020-08-18 21:21:48
Sp!T_ShineI'm not a hacker, its called tactical camping. I had my gun up waiting like the usual so called tactical camper, you came into my killing field and I eliminated you and your team mucho times It's ok, keep practicing and you will get gud. U shud see my run and gun son. Goin hard since 2021.2020-08-18 21:17:19
xumbreonTV aka friendly nachtaraperma banned comes for hacking ♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-08-18 21:03:26
CrowZer0I haven't played in 3 days, I considered my play was very bad. Yet you consider I hacked? Lol 2500 hours and this bad ey?steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_download_match%20CSGO-KuyKD-JLp26-rCnur-vxjwT-QmztJHere's the game for the world to see where I "hacked" lol.2020-08-18 17:40:24
CrowZer0:v share the demo with the world lol2020-08-18 17:37:57
MrProTiiX-rep haacked2020-08-18 17:36:13
Not Anasha+rep met this guy one year ago 🥂🥂 there wasn't a day where he couldn't make me laugh2020-08-17 21:28:53
Lunga-rep he is my crush but he don't crush me back :c2020-08-17 18:34:20
samplexampleaccept2020-08-17 08:08:01
MoonThanks for the invite, I'm actually crying from being invited2020-08-16 18:49:16
CrowZer0All you mongs who keep adding me and keep getting rejected, if I don't know who you are or where you found me, stop adding me, my comments section is obviously open leave a message.2020-08-15 01:16:24
CrowZer0Squeaker kids going through puberty online should learn to stfu in a game you shouldn't be playing in the first place.2020-08-14 14:36:26
Not Anashastoh-ker is me2020-08-14 14:21:55
Moonmy name is joey how u doin?2020-08-14 11:24:34
MoonI worked for Ted Cruz by accident because I thought he was cute. Didn't know he was part of the republican Reich at the the time.2020-08-13 10:50:47
Moonu get kaybab but where is fn-falafel2020-08-12 16:42:09
MoonI don't wanna wait! For our lives to be over! 16:26:44
MoonWell I think you are very pretty, beard or no beard2020-08-11 10:04:13
CrowZer0Don't get me started on the incel male feminazis.2020-08-11 10:03:08
CrowZer0What's the difference between a heterosexual biological male and transexual male to female lesbian?Just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ words.2020-08-11 10:01:55
CrowZer0Mainly its me highlighting how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid the sjws and the gender spectrum is. There's a phenomenon of males saying they are female. With no hormone therapy. No operation. With beards. Who want to enter women's bathrooms. There are boxing competitions that allow this ♥♥♥♥. Where I could be gender fluid. Enter a female boxing tournament. No tests. No questioning. And then I can go back to being male next week. Because I'm gender fluid ofc. I'm for gender rights but don't ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ignore the science and make ♥♥♥♥ up.2020-08-11 10:01:23
MoonI'm a pre-op MTF trans lesbian.oh ho? pulling a tenshi2020-08-11 06:52:22
Sp!T_ShineThis cumment is awaiting analbliss by our automated bagina chick system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ harmful ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (e.g. twinkss on websites that attempt to steal information)2020-08-10 19:11:24
CrowZer0+Rep after getting carried he attempts to kick me last round, and lower his trustfactor even further. Braindead's be braindead. LOL2020-08-10 11:46:59
CrowZer0 Round 1 cache, this clown doesnt vote for timeout when we have bot and guy says his friend is dc. He GIVES BOMB TO BOT, runs alone to b, dies and says GGWP STUPID TEAM BLAH BLAH etc etc, guy reconnects, he submits report, and starts abusing team about how bad they are, and talks about SCOREBOARD, when it;s round 3 and he has 3 kills. I ask him why did he not vote timeout, he says BECAUSE MY MOTHER NO SUCK HIM GOOD. Pure braindead. I shut this dumbass down when everyone saying mute him, he ended up muting me when I asked him "are you ok bro, how is life, what are you doing". He came to play apprently and not speak.After scoreboard completely changed. And he's bottom fragging, so did his attitude LOL. Yo dumbass, keep lowering your trustfactor with your behaviour.2020-08-10 11:46:34
Not AnashaThis comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information).2020-08-09 16:04:39
Sp!T_Shinedid'nt know they made stix., I'm missing out. used to be 2 things on the menu when I was growing up, Cinnabon and Minibon. Maybe milk or soda. Pepsi and a Cinnabon, yechhh2020-08-09 14:12:14
apollok2020-08-09 13:36:07
Sp!T_Shinehope u have fun with your cinnamon sticks2020-08-08 21:04:59
apollocannot relate men2020-08-08 13:18:42
CrowZer0>has never eaten so much food that you feel 8 months pregnant with the Mountain's triplets.2020-08-08 13:17:55
apollo[2:08 PM]sadcrow: HA HA HA IM PREGNANT2020-08-08 13:16:38
MoonI see I see but where is :sadmoon:?2020-08-08 07:18:44
Moons3g1 is lit2020-08-07 23:54:03
Moonwe hype dawg2020-08-07 05:34:44
Not Anasha+rep "filming myself"2020-08-06 19:32:32
apolloJust you wait, I'll be pro 6k hours at 10 hours a day2020-08-06 17:44:55
CrowZer0Spending 8-12 hours a day over the course of 4 years in something and getting nowhere and flexing about hours... Lol.Imagine if I did that to people in the gym when I'm trashing on their 2 years of experience fighting against me when sparring.Looooser2020-08-06 17:01:29
CrowZer0kid also censors his steam profile comments instantly LOL.♥♥♥♥ toolbag2020-08-06 16:42:38
CrowZer0Kid crying in DM for 20 mins straight every time someone kills him about how much better he is. Leave a +rep on his profile, joins discord rages in chat about how good he is and his 5k hours.Join his discord say hi, insta bans people.WHAT A KID LOLOLOL2020-08-06 16:40:40
MoonOne day this Hiloli will ride the dragon and burn every city she sees2020-08-06 14:11:13
MoonIt ain't Bernie, It's Hilloli with a smaller benis2020-08-06 13:58:14
CrowZer0(That was actually a very bad game for me and I thought I had no hitreg on you, I didn;t realise I was the reason you ragequit.)2020-08-06 08:53:34
CrowZer0lol ty, watch the demo2020-08-06 08:52:49
Taviwallhack noob2020-08-06 08:22:31
Not Anasha;p yes2020-08-05 22:46:01
Moon-rep deranks to silver 4 but still says "Sorry padre, I don't play with silvers"2020-08-05 15:29:04
Sp!T_ShineCali lead warning on my fermented pea protein, HELL YA! 19:15:19
CrowZer0abi toofas why u bully me who even r u :(2020-08-04 10:09:59
eddyha ha ha u crack me up2020-08-03 20:48:00
Sp!T_ShineOwn a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.2020-08-03 14:01:43
GRe3eNNNMother ♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot2020-08-03 12:16:14
Not Anashayou are a kukukoowo :v hehe2020-08-03 11:57:17
CrowZer0On second thoughts due to the number of notifimications and things to go through... I couldn't be bothered, I just marked everything as read lol. If anything is important just leave another messag or DM!2020-08-02 06:13:30
Sp!T_ShineKilling em with kindness2020-08-01 19:21:04
CrowZer0Haven't been online since Thursday, I'll respond when I can.2020-08-01 18:57:00
Pegasusr2d2 golden eye mah friend2020-07-31 11:21:53
ExtasseRawk Hard ♥♥♥♥2020-07-30 18:27:13
Angels fight devils with grace???2020-07-30 14:27:06
H4CK3R MANThe only reason i comment on your profile is because you keep replying. The other threads are merely a conicidence2020-07-30 13:52:56
CrowZer0You have actually been following me for 8-9 hours, I suspected aspies etcbut I didn#t wanna be that guy using "autist" as some form of diss. I'm glad you r now obsessed with me men. Now I understand why my comments about you being a loser hit home. Next time instead of cryin just be a man and be all bro I AUTIST Y U BULLY ME.It's ok i donut judge i'll accept autist fanbois too2020-07-30 13:45:44
H4CK3R MANYou should probably go to bed, it's for the forum's best2020-07-30 13:40:48
CrowZer0But go away men this boring people I care bout be spem me on phone n stuff2020-07-30 13:39:39
CrowZer0LOL I knew it, I am not autistic. I am 3 days sleep deprived enjoying some high level nootropics. Which give me a feeling of being ultra drunk with no drawbacks, while beig extremely focused, one of the negatives is, IDGAF about peoples opinons or how I come across. I am AWARE of how walls of texts etc come across, but it's just reaction, rn I'm checking a youtube video and not even looking at what I'm typing lol.But yes lets jmp to U AUTIST.Etc ofc.I am in pefect health. I have never been ill. Blah blah blah.2020-07-30 13:39:22
H4CK3R MANLol, me too. But im not attacking everybody with walls of text2020-07-30 13:34:07
JaySo your actually autistic?2020-07-30 13:31:57
CrowZer0dud but cringe is lit fam lik why u wotch me innit, all these autists. #GBCyeh bruh ur chill init depression is ♥♥♥♥ up bruh, yeah my mum dont get me innit fam, like for my birfday i wanted like an 15 pc, instead she got me a ryzen, fml :( school is hard bro so much pressure no one gets me innni im getting all d's its ok tho im gonna produce musikn mek artYou're beneath me shoo2020-07-30 13:19:25
CrowZer0Yes I have full blown Autism, yet you're here "watching me". Do you not get it?Your sentence, your phrases, the way you type "dude your literally cringe". Your inability to get your head out of your stupid existence and you are asking me wheher I'm Autistic. Was that your only conclusion? Or would you like to hazard other guesses you chav. Here's the best part about your type lol. You're all tuff n kewl n ♥♥♥♥ online innit tho, bet you're all shy and quiet n stuff irl. Yu;re here watching me.WHYWHO ARE YOU.HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THE IRONY OF YOUR STUPIDITY.Would you prefer me to stoop to your level to play in a way you understand?2020-07-30 13:17:21
Jaydude your literally cringe, im watching you write paragraph over paragraph when the obvious main intention of these people are just trolling you. Do you have like actual autism?2020-07-30 13:11:16
apollomust be nice having all these friends on your profile2020-07-30 12:57:29
MoonI guess NOW I HAVE TO add you2020-07-30 12:31:19
MoonCrowley too busy and cool for me :( said he had to go shoot up 33 brits with a sawed-off shotgun (candy-apple skinned)2020-07-30 12:29:38
Moonmy profile is open what u talkin about2020-07-30 12:26:43
CrowZer0Guess you blocked me, I can't even register a comment on your profile Moon.WHERE CROWLEY AT?2020-07-30 12:06:29
CrowZer0You are STILL FOLLOWING ME AROUND AND STALKING ME LIKE 7 HOURS ONWARDS ALL OVER FORUMS LOL. Go away you mong, me responding on my profile isn't an attack on you. Yo haker man add me on discord, CrowZer0#1140 give the mic to your dad or guardian or whoever, we gotta start nipping your psycho/stalker vibes in the bud.2020-07-30 12:04:57
MoonHA HA HA U CRACK ME UP! Classic steam comments. Look at all these raging spergs, did special ED run out of baby carrots or some ♥♥♥♥? where they come from? HA HA HA2020-07-30 11:45:01
H4CK3R MANI commented cringe on a comment of yours for ♥♥♥♥ and giggles and you proceeded to attack me over my user name and a picture mocking my username.Are you really the one getting attacked here?2020-07-30 11:38:16
CrowZer0Yo idiot, once again, you or whoever those other idiots were with their oh so funny meme profiles, who I have never encountered or no off. came to MY PROFILE, attacking me. Me responding is, harrassing/attacking lol? Get your brain fixed.Glad the UK/USA governments don;t have same mentality. I guess I would have been an "attacker" for defending (a little excesivelly) when people tried to rob me. Lol oopsie.2020-07-30 11:31:12
CrowZer0Another nobody, inb4 delete amirte.Your SR scam attempt ban, and gambling scam alert is cringe lol. Your vac ban is cringe.Your life, existence, friends list, your "hehehe lemme join in and comment and get in on the action". Loser, go do you. YOU CAN LEFT NOW MEN2020-07-30 11:28:20
H4CK3R MANWe are not the one attacking everybody...2020-07-30 11:27:31
CrowZer0Lemme get this straight lol. Groups of idiots, team up decide to "attack me" or teach me a lesson. (As cowards do lol.) Fail ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ miserably, delete comments, etc etc. Then go off on their profiles, and literally, 4-5 different people talking about me in 2-3 pages of comments (making things up lol). So I call them circle jerk cowards etc and I'm "harassing them". One guy is claiming hes 30, both calling me "kiddo" and I'm harassing. And youkeep coming back lol. GO AWAY. You're too stupid to deal with.2020-07-30 11:24:27
H4CK3R MANReport my comments then. I haven't recieved any warnings yet2020-07-30 11:23:02
Jaybruh, this comment section is cringe2020-07-30 11:22:58
H4CK3R MANEcho?2020-07-30 11:22:14
CrowZer0Who am I harassing, lol give example please? Who are these people "trying to leave me alone".You mean the random cowards who ganged up all circle jerking each other patting each other on the back like, "yo lets go get the big bad crow". Then try to sound smart, get proven stupid,delete comments, leave. I'm harassing "those" people or you?Also nice try on the "disrespectful" report on my community comments lol. Are you stupid. Do you not seehow ToS works? Do you not understand, if you're crying about "disrespectful" and breaking ToS, wtf do yu think your constant troll/offtopic/ "cringe" comments are? You know what, you;re stupid. I ain;t even gonna "bother" reporting you. Cos that's like a ♥♥♥♥♥ move lol.2020-07-30 11:20:11
H4CK3R MANPeople are trying to leave you alone but you proceed to harras them2020-07-30 10:43:56
CrowZer0Lol adorable, delete your comments, go on to your own profiles then start commenting about me and discuss me amongst your friends for 2-4 pages. Some of the things I'm reading are HILARIOUS.Tell me more how huge a fan of hentai I am lol.2020-07-30 10:38:08
CrowZer0Lol, that last part was kinda mean. .-.2020-07-30 08:19:11
CrowZer0Lol when cowards, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ etc delete walls of text. I'm gonna keep my ♥♥♥♥ here to make it look like I'm talking tomyself it's cool lol. It's ok buddy, go "delete your comments", go hide, go cry etc, go acting like the weak lil waste of sperm you were. Your mum should have swallowed you.2020-07-30 08:18:55
CrowZer0You're not even a thread lol. I stand by my words though, if you don;t understand or realise how stupid/sad it makes you to be focused on flexing your only sense of accomplishent "hackerman" as something special, and making comments about STOP CALL ME HACKER, JUS BLAH, yet there are no comments or accusations about it lol. You are... obvious af and that comes across as sad. The rest were actual legitimate questions. WHEN YOU GO TO SCHOOL/WORK/SEE YOUR GF/BF. IS THIS HOW YOU TALK? DO YOU SPEAK LIKE "YEH ITS CRINGE BRO XD" OR DO YOU ONLY COPY THIS ♥♥♥♥ FROM OTHR PEOPLE TO FIT IN "ONLINE" COS YOU DON;T ANYWHERE ELSE?I'm throwing assumptions and questions at you lol, and it's amusing I'm right. It would be fun if you responded something I completely didn't expect. THIS IS A MEME, I'm married, blah blah. But instead now yu're actuallyfollowing me around for 3-4 hours?2020-07-30 08:17:02
CrowZer0And I explained why you're one word/profile etc is atrocious. I do not remember what SPECIFICS I said to you tha was so memorable lol. I think I said you're sad for flexing and trying to pull attention to how many people call you a "hacker" in game that this has become your identiyy, and that is sad af. Did I make assumptions and the ask general questions like, yo how would it feel to know you have dedicated x amount of times to something that is meaningless because you're not good enough to make it pro, and you're too socially stupid to do much irl. Was it along those lines? I don't know what I specifally said, because I said identical things to multiple people lol.2020-07-30 08:10:54
CrowZer0Lol, I am older than your "suspected" according to age on your profile. I know what I'm doing but let me explain something quite logically to you. If you come to my profile randomly saying SUPERIOR COMPLEX, YOU WRITE ESSAYS, YOU ARE KIDDO.And I state, I'm in a lot of different threads, topics all over the place, that isn't me "proving" something you said, it's what I've repeated over and over lol. You could be the atheists I called stupid for abandoning religion and latching on to sci fi. You could be the religious people I throug atheist nonsene at. You could be the bro science brigade on afinils. You could be the tech support idiots, who make stupid claims. I called some HEMA martial artists larpers, I spent time telling vegans how they're very idealistic (very easy to trigger). Then I spent time telling carnivores why they're murderes and have no morals. My main focus rn tho is explaining credit history to someone rn.2020-07-30 08:05:53
Echo NO AimWhatever floats your boat, kid.2020-07-30 08:01:01
CrowZer0Again, I write things, which I know will trigger people, because they're sensitive, then I go away a little and see what happens. When I say in the last couple of hours I have randomly said things in different things and topics partly toplay devils advocate or to see how people react amuse me. I am not joking.It's cute you think somethig that takes me 1-2 minutes to blurt out is a "huge novel". Bodes well for you.2020-07-30 07:59:53
Echo NO AimSee? Kiddo doesn't even know what he's doing.Thanks for proving that to all of us.2020-07-30 07:57:49
CrowZer0WHAT FORUM? Lol.2020-07-30 07:56:29
Echo NO AimJust look how this guy is still writing huge novels.As someone else on the forum already said, this dude can't express himself without writing huge rant novels. Just ignore this little troll. Should spend more time on writing his diary.2020-07-30 07:52:19
CrowZer0Why do these kids keep calling me a kid. Like stop assuming.I'll put a majin buu profile for lols and type like the russias I find in game for amusement.Doesn't mean I'm 14 or a "kid" lol. I was born on the year of the dragon on a year that coincides with china's luckiest number, and at the same time, neo nazi HH stuff. Go2020-07-30 07:48:25
CrowZer0@Cookie just saw your second comment now lol. Once again. Multi tasking, main focus is on listening to JRE meming post malone. I have a lot of tabs open and doing things, if someone says something, and I respond, it's like me hitting a tennis ball back. As fo your profile, I spent roughly, 15-20 secnds on it. I didn't care nor ant to psychoanalyse you further, I do not understand your points about metal gear or the wire, ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPESS ME? Cute. I said it before your favourite TV shows are meaningless to me lol. Just give's me a snapshot into your brain. You're basic.2020-07-30 07:45:24
CrowZer0Again, YOU BEING CLEVER, OR STUPID doesn't matter to me. These walls of texts are for MY BENEFIT, ENJOYMENT, brain farts, notes of my thoughts. I do it by myself against myself you idiot. Stop assuming lol. I don't know how to explain this, YOU THINK I'M TRYING TO FLEX MY INTELLIGENCE OR WIN. OR SHOW HOW CLEVER I AM. (I don't care lol.). I'm doing a mental exercise and experimenting with streams of conciousness and flow states. If you don;t have the ability to critically think, express critical ideas, argue against your own beliefs for your own sense of devil's advocate, you haven't encountered the things I am talking about. I don't care. whether I win or lose, I'm NOT TRYING TO WIN. I'm reacting with nonsense to see what you canc come back with. It's menta chess you idiot. I'm having fun. Toying with your percieved intellects. My favourite part is when you actually realise how stupid you are. Wait for it.2020-07-30 07:41:02
CrowZer0My profile is an actual meme. It also changes sporadically to make me look like an idiot or meme whatever combination of a steam/online subsect I'm meming. Go to web portal, or steamid, check my profile changes lol. What I do is INTENTIONAL. I don't care how bad/ugly my profile looks, I find something amusing, talk about something with friends and do something because it is "funny". Look men I am weeb now, look I'm pervert, look I'm edge lord, U dont hav a clue, sssh. I would impersonate/do a better job of a peaky blinders fenboi with game of throne quotes. But, that's so boring. Once again you silly kid, WHERE DID YOU FIND ME, WHAT ARE YOU REFERING TO. What political terms, WHERE DID YOU FIND ME? SHAPIRO? VEGANS? JRE? ANTIFA? PROUDBOYS? MIND? GAB? WHAT POLITICS. Advice, don;t make assumptions, petty, yes. But I really am not acting/reacting thing the way you think I am. I am not joing when I say I am in a call laughig my head off at how stupid you people are.2020-07-30 07:37:31
CrowZer0@Hacker, you said you were leaving like 3 comments ago. I am reallllly not joking,or lying or anything when I express, the more idiots come at me. The more I grin, this is FUN to me. I'm actually so important to you losers, you're STILL HERE lol. Like go away hacker man, you've been following me around for what 2-3 hours now lol? You have said you're gone/leaving 2-3 times. Go lol. But seriously, a little advice, what you think is "backlash" or punishment? Or what is amusement for me. It's fun. This is a new map of csgo for me bro. I like challenges, I LIKE people criticising me. I like people trying to "psychoanalyse me". I got a little excited thinking maybe Echo studied a little psychology, turns out he just threw around a theory he read. :(2020-07-30 07:28:47
CookieClicker :)1. Your profile by comparison doesn't look much better anyway. It's like someone accidentally splurged a bunch of sh*t onto it and called it a day.2. Maybe I shouldn't have said "politics". "political terms" would have been a much better choice. My bad.3. Called you a ♥♥♥ because you're the perfect embodiment of one;Overly petty, will cling onto every single nook and cranny of an argument just to have the last word, will go to incredible lengths with enormous walls of text that basically amount to "i am clever, you are stupid".2020-07-30 07:25:39
CrowZer0Writing, INCOHERENT, WALLS OF TEXTS, COMPLETELY AWARE OF THE POTENTIAL RIDICULE, is one "amusing" to me. two, a little mental exercise, three. Public/open come at me. But mainly it's due to the effects of some nootropics I'm having fun with/ high levels of productivty and a little over three days of no sleep.2020-07-30 07:23:50
CrowZer0@Echo, no one has triggered me.... If you're making a specific point you're really gonna have tobe specific, I don;t know whether you found me on Steam, a Discord Server, Reddit, Youtube, Gab, Mind havearound 44 tabs open right now lol. Be specific. Cute but no, I actually can't really stop the "flow" of text right now. Well not can't it's more, I'm enjoying it lol. You wouldn't understand because you wouldn;t get, it's a form of creative thinking, amusement, expressing my thoughts, ideas OPENLY to be criticsed, to play a mental game of chess. Your conclusions are way too assumtive, should have asked more questions to see if you are right instead of jumping to a conclusion. :( Big sad. I'm writing two books. I can write very fast. Sometimes I enjoy just blurting my thoughts quickly as a form of amusement/entertainment. It's a combination of factors you wouldn't understand with your rudimentary understanding of psychology.2020-07-30 07:23:45
CrowZer0@Cookie, you're missing thie point, I do not care, your top5, 10 or 20 are meaningless. It's your choice of actions. You amongst (a lotof 14 year old turkish, and russian kids I encounter in game.) Tend to idolise or decide PEAKY ♥♥♥♥♥♥ BLINDERS M8 is what you decide to represent your profile with. I've seen the entire thing, it is atrocious, trashy and crap. You are basic.Here's what I do know. I know I have no clue who you are, yet here you are on MY profile. Politcs where, where the hell did you find me? It would help if you provided sauce, You called me a ♥♥♥... Oh so very confused. Why you think I'm Italian.... My paragraphs of utter nonsense bought you here child, it's cute you didn;t have to be shamed of your liking for peaky blinders, just because I think it's for plebs, you enjoy it away mate.2020-07-30 07:15:35
CrowZer0Echo rando, "superiority complex" see cookie this guy made a better statement. Echo, close but no dice, for example I don't have any "delusions" of who I am nor am I making any grand claims lol, it's because of encountering people who think some of the simple things I say are "delusions" my ego, confidence is better. Also it's not a defence mechanism, I really, don't care about others opinions (unless I respect them.) But you not understading things like this again just confirms my findings lol.2020-07-30 07:07:16
Echo NO AimI like people like you. -someone writes a keyword which triggers you-you: write a huge wall of text proving you can't express yourself within a few sentencesThis reminds me of some kids getting angry and trying to show off how smart they are on a gaming platform spouting insults and nonsense wherever they show up. I really enjoy your forum rants. Now post some more nonsense and keep entertaining us.2020-07-30 07:06:06
CrowZer0God Complex, no. Arrogance, hell yes. Confidence ♥♥♥ yes. I am completely ♥♥♥♥ aware of my abilities, interactions, experiences in life. Enough to know, someone who is worthy of my time, respect, intelligence, strength. I'll break it down for you, me KNOWING you are an idiot, or that you are oh so predictable, and another sheep, thinking you're special, doesn't mean I think I'm God, any less than when you see a stupid child. God complex no, if you had said "delusions of grandeur" you would have made more sense and logically, I would have agreeed with your reasoning. Go away tho, It's 1pm I actually have things to do now. :D2020-07-30 07:00:14
Echo NO Aimsuperior complex2020-07-30 06:57:15
CrowZer0Who or what is CookieClicker...? What is a "♥♥♥"? I'm oh so very confused. Why am I Italian? :/Lol. All I have to say about you is this. I have 0 idea who you are or where you foun me. 2, you are of the opinion that "Peaky Blinders" is a good TV series, it's actually trash. Then you're doing a game of thrones quote in third person on your profile.You're basically an online basic beech. Shoo.2020-07-30 06:53:27
CrowZer0You can doubt all you want. Lol. I'm not trying to insult you, I'm trying to make a very honest point. Your opinions, doubts, thoughts, are as meaningful or as amusing to me as a 2-5 year old kid trying to be clever might be to you. I am not lying to you lol.2020-07-30 06:48:42
CrowZer0I'm glad that's your only reactin and understanding to what I say lol. I'll make a nice video for you when I impersonate your generation and how you speak and behave to explain how absurd language you think is "cool" is actually ridiculous.Xsqueeze, buddy, you're still not getting it, I don't care. I can deduce by a combination of factors, your reaction that you are (likely a kid) and completely stupid. It took me about 20 seconds, to see your name is XsqueezeMe (my 12 year old cousin is xDloLepIc) etc etc. Your sense of humour seems to think some amalgamation of the original doge dog is "funny". You put on edgy digital code in your profile. I think I did that crap on myspace when it wasn't copy and pasta 20 years ago. You're struggliing with 140fps on 1024x768 in csgo I could go on everything I got about who you are in less than 20 seconds lol, based on what you say etc. You are not "worthy" of research. Pls FIND SOME LIFE PURPOSE.2020-07-30 06:45:39
CrowZer0I don't think I called you a "kid" I don't care if you're a kid. I called you a loser, predictable, sad, stupid, etc etc. I also gave you general life advice you chose to ignore lol. I am not doing this out of pleasure in insulting you, I'm amusing myself and just "reacting" to your absurd responses. Your age etc don't mean jack to me, I've been doing the exact same ♥♥♥♥ since I was a kid myself lol. Vs "adults". You actually think, I care, about being "banned" from steam community discussion threads were mostly I'm just facepalming or in need of a little "thank fk I'm not one of these people". Xsqueeze, before I respond or continue with me could you please confirm you're not like under 18 or something, I don't want to bully kids.2020-07-30 06:35:02
WellVexedI don't think about myself that way, if you would do a lil' bit of research you'd find out the truth, BUDDY!2020-07-30 06:33:57
CrowZer0I got lost a lil track in a phone call, partly watching post malone get roasted on jre, and reading responses to bro science mongs on nootropics, and explaining to an idiot how Armodafinil isn't the same as Meth. How sleep psychosis isn;t permanent etc etc. We can continue this I promise.What you think are "big words" and "walls of texts" I can literally spit out in a minute, while freestyle rapping about something. I get it. it's impressive to you. (My point exactly.)I do things to amuse myself actual mongs will never understand. Because my brain isn't as slow as yours.2020-07-30 06:30:22
CrowZer0Then along came my buddy Xsqueeze, trying to be mr HEY GUYS IMA GOODY TWO SHOES, HEY GYS I "THINK" THAT YOU SHOULD STICK TO OP (which we were but you missed) AND BLAH BLAH, PLS NOTICE HOW HELPFUL I AM IN COMMUNITY AND A DO GOODER MAYBE I CEN BECOME MOD? OMGOMGOMG MAYBE I CEN GET SOME ONLINE VIRTUAL POINTS AND HAVE SOME SELF WORTH?But anyways, all I did with you was "word play" I wasn't dissing you, I was making vague philosophical statements. "What you THINK, is meaningless, this isn't creative, philosophical or something that requires THOUGHT, or OPINIONS". I'm using LOGIC and FACTS, here's a fact for you bro, you trying to lick ass, be a backseat mod, in a community in which you aspire to be something, is literally breaking a backseat mod. Like why are you looking for virtue signal points, on an online forum? Hence you, are stupid. This offended you to such a great extent you felt the need to -rep me lol. Sorry guys I would have responded sooner.2020-07-30 06:30:18
WellVexed'bro' you have 1 job to do in that case, ADD AND DISCUSS OVER CHAT! not on public forum.2020-07-30 06:27:37
CrowZer0Lol. "hackerman" me explaining why you are, will always be a loser or atleast beneath me you took to mean is "insulting". Big lul times were when you said "you like to use big words to insult people" When I generally tone myself down and make things "more understandable" for the cs community. I died.Also xsqueeze, I feel like if I was to decimate you with words, you're so thick you wouldn't even get it. Let me try, keep in mind, this is speed typing and I'm in a call lol. Me and another mong were having a nice discussion, about me basically being right, explaining to him he doesn't know what "IP" means, and he's making stupid claims and to just search it. I was having fun with him. I kept explaining why he's stupid. He started with insults/ went on to "trying to act smart." When I explained he was using salty wrong, his entire tone and style of typing changed. Stupid people are so much fun to predict/play with.2020-07-30 06:20:49
WellVexed-rep has no life, waste his time in keyboard wars that are meaningless, childish. Do all of us a favor and discuss your negativity over a private chat with other keyboard warriors.2020-07-30 05:54:01
DrewI've never seen star wars2020-07-30 03:27:15
Sp!T_ShineSpike Crowgeladded Rules & Tips for Steam Community: Contributing Positivity and Avoiding Bans to their favoritesTotally normal, nothing to see here..... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-07-29 17:36:41
Not 23:57:11
CrowZer0stop lying and posing2020-07-27 16:33:44
Baby Saturnliars? and posers? grow up dude what are you 30 now? 40? message me if you wanna talk. Its simple dont pretend to be my friend when you disconnected from me2020-07-27 16:31:43
CrowZer0no time for liars and posers, u always gotta front lol2020-07-27 16:29:55
CrowZer0lol fk odff u poser2020-07-27 16:25:47
Baby Saturnif you wanna continue it, message me. if not then dont bother me.2020-07-27 16:21:48
Sp!T_ShineMay everything today and beyond work for your good, and may all your wishes come true. Happy New Week to you, my dearest friend.2020-07-27 13:46:29
Not 13:26:42
Not 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊2020-07-26 13:09:48
Sp!T_ShineMeh, If I had to, like maybe if I was really bored and had nothing better to do. Little taste if it was the only thing on the menu. Twist my arm Ouch 18:23:30
CrowZer0Hello dum dum here are some of my "made up numbers" I mean it wasn't discussed to death for over a year on youtube gaming channels, reddit, pc gaming sites, discussions etc for a year. Why r u so clueless and getting mad at facts in answwer to a question lol?I know schools are closed n shizz right now but here's a free lesson, before yapping crap make sure you know what you're talking about, g0ogeley is ur frend men, you typ quastan lik dis n it ansa u. quit your whining2020-07-23 10:42:09
CrowZer0Why are you arguing with me lol, go argue with the stats. Instead of asking me when, google the valve stats you mong.I don;t know who you are, or why you're on my profile, but you are clueless. You are pulling numbers and stats out your poo poo hole.You're so stupid you're spending 20 hours on a "dead game".If your definition of a "dead game" is the most played game on steam for over a year hitting over a million (pre covid) then yes ok dum dum it's a dead game, I don't expect you to know better, how stupid must you be to get your account "hacked" lol. why r u even here spamming ur rage lol2020-07-23 10:37:55
Maieraxt #fixcsgo1 to 1.2 million player peak? when? at corona times but still not the right number cause 50% of the "Steam cs go accounts" are for cheater to have them in the back when they got banned people who just idle and buy skinsBots maybe 10 20 % of the steam accs are created by steam himselfCs go is dead any game have 1 cheater Esea faceit is not a option is allready investet with people who use Privat cheats and only a few poeple have access to this cheatseven on big events lans are cheatercs go is only a skingamble game nothing more bye noob2020-07-23 10:28:51
CrowZer0note to self, spootify men i do nat underpants lik y r u so stupit with podcasts, like de functionality, now show playing, continuing where you left off, algorithims is very sub par men, lik how r u going to axtand library wid jre axclusive and bros lik how r u pramise him lik 3hr videos men do u think of bitrate etc?men plis rn free apps r doing better functionality2020-07-23 04:15:52
青い珊瑚礁Do you love me?)2020-07-22 22:24:55
Not Anasha-rep2020-07-21 15:37:58
MoonI'm about to swallah for a dollah :O2020-07-18 12:39:47
Not AnashaYou bully me first2020-07-17 11:27:10
Sp!T_ShineJust so you know Mr. Don't need you, never didI'm working on getting my fermented pea protein farts bottled and sold as the vaccine for Covid-19. Gonna save the world and retire in the nicest double wide trailer you ever seen!2020-07-16 18:58:29
Sp!T_ShineYou're a lima bean and I'm Caitlyn Jenner's butt plug.2020-07-15 18:45:14
Moon-rep calls my poop a diarrhea poop because i forgot to invite him2020-07-15 07:53:16
Mooncahoots wiff who?2020-07-15 07:07:08
Moonmy only friend is the bottle because im a dislikable personality2020-07-15 07:04:42
Mooni got scared u would fite me for the 5 dollars i owed u2020-07-15 07:03:37
Moonk your picture is alive2020-07-14 12:28:03
MoonYou're tig tho, Sadistik is Juice2020-07-14 12:19:41
Not AnashaWhy did you change name. I like knowing you have 3 premium Spotify account left LOK2020-07-14 10:28:37
Not AnashaLoL2020-07-14 10:28:05
Sp!T_ShineA light back scratching might feel kinda good thou But you know she sits there all day and taps those things on the table non stop, Probably sounds like a heard of Velociraptors running around 24/7. Holy crap! Imagine if her and like 10 of her friends were all hanging out and just tapping those damn velociraptor nails all at the same time. Clicky Clicky Clack Clack "come pick my nose for me cause I can't" Clicky Clicky Clack Clack "and pick Tanya's nose too while your at it" Clicky Clicky Clack Clack Giving me anxiety dude!!!!!!2020-07-13 18:31:18
Sp!T_ShineU linked that vid just so I would smh over and over at the size of her nails.............. Who in the ♥♥♥♥ thinks that ♥♥♥♥ is attractive? Actually its better looking than the bear claw looking nails Russian chicks be sporting. Yikes!?!?!?!? Wtf happened to a nice looking set of nails on a woman? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dracula, hipster, im trying so hard to be different but come off fake as ♥♥♥♥, can't live without my starbucks and my cellphone don't and won't ever leave my hand, if you don't own a crib in Scottsdale, ♥♥♥♥♥ I just don't and won't cook and only eat out on days that end in Y, I believe it cause I saw it on TMZ punk ♥♥♥♥♥.2020-07-13 18:14:54
Not Anashastop making fun out of meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee2020-07-12 17:32:33
alcrøwhol poisoning38, Jerry!2020-07-06 21:24:09
Not Anashaew 3/10 for joke hehe2020-07-03 16:11:09
Not Anasha"but i believe oxygen is rated as no1"yea it better be we need it to breathehhaha i has the funny2020-07-03 10:08:35
Sp!T_Shine"just give me a headsup next time" Dayyuuummmm he told you what's up!!!HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA SHUT UP IM HURTEDAt least my taste in music isnt this bad/good 18:10:07
♥ mushbrain ♥close it2020-06-29 20:32:38
CrowZer0I don't know whether your English is bad or whether you're trying to be funny, either way you're boring me, go away.2020-06-29 16:56:26
Barnijust give me a headsup next time2020-06-29 16:53:14
Barniidc that you betrayed me2020-06-29 16:53:02
CrowZer0An auto message over two years ago sent to hundreds of people lol, still doesn't change I don't know who you are. lol2020-06-29 16:12:57
Barnibut you commented on my profile.2020-06-29 08:29:22
CrowZer0I don't know who you are...2020-06-29 06:30:49
Barniman why you unfriended me :(2020-06-29 05:08:37
Sp!T_Shinemakes my weighted vest look lame 22:24:52
ManiK+rep bullied me in CS2020-06-27 04:53:58
Not Anasha-rep doesn't share prawn crackers2020-06-26 23:00:01
Not Anashahmmm2020-06-26 22:59:32
Not Anashamy eyes hurt :v too bright2020-06-26 18:52:54
eddyWHY THE ♥♥♥♥ YOU REMOVE ME MOTHERUCKER2020-06-26 17:21:41
Shmiggedwuz it mah eyez?2020-06-26 14:51:56
♥ mushbrain ♥:2020-06-26 14:26:05
♥ mushbrain ♥I don't really like the gold either, but I already bought it + a bunch more pointless emotes2020-06-26 12:16:33
LungaWhy u rep me i love u ❤️2020-06-26 11:17:08
Not Anashafancyyyy2020-06-25 21:44:18
Not Anasha"i don't like the name whalien" ok2020-06-24 02:59:21
CrowZer0waaah waaaah whine whine whine waaah waaah2020-06-22 22:50:45
Autistic Dumpster Baby (◡‿◡)but u played worse LOL u played urself2020-06-22 22:43:41
CrowZer0yet im higher ranked than u LOL2020-06-22 22:39:53
Autistic Dumpster Baby (◡‿◡)worst player ever2020-06-22 22:35:53
Not Anashales go out for coffee, jk.2020-06-22 15:31:31
Not Anashai am sofa king we todd did2020-06-22 15:31:04
apolloare you alive? i've been worried...2020-06-21 20:51:42
Evhr fbi utf get rhm2020-06-21 19:57:36
Sp!T_ShineLet me waste a few seconds of your time with some amateur garbage!! 18:23:48
Hazilly+REP2020-06-15 21:53:39
Sp!T_ShineHappy Nature Photography Day!!! Mother ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Onion Ring Day is only a week away! F UCK yA!!!!2020-06-15 18:46:10
CrowZer0Thank you for birfday wishes everyone even though a few months late!2020-06-15 11:03:46
Not AnashaCouple thousand miles is just a little space.2020-06-14 19:10:00
VirgoLizhappy birthday!- from big buff, big ♥♥♥♥ dude2020-06-13 13:43:34
Kalkkikeppihappy birthday2020-06-13 13:41:25
RaptorsdadHappy Birthday my man!2020-06-13 13:40:28
Not AnashaGo to sleep.2020-06-11 00:18:33
RaptorHappy Birthday have a nice day brother2020-06-10 12:45:55
Oswald MosleyWot?2020-06-10 12:34:57
Not Anasha-rep bullies cause I'm bad @ Rocket League2020-06-07 22:20:36
Not AnashaYou have been kicked from this group.trying not to cry...2020-06-07 19:09:38
apollowhy you cyberbully me men2020-06-07 16:46:35
apolloCan't believe you deleted me, at some point I thought we were actually friends. But I was wrong, you're just like everybody else.2020-06-07 16:45:20
Sp!T_ShineKosher Belle Pickles! Mmmm2020-06-06 07:20:41
Sp!T_ShineWhere your gal been? 16:47:20
Sp!T_ShineMy coworker been stalking her for awhile.... He says she would dump whoever she was with if she met him in an instant. Every time I run into him on the jobsite he's like "hey bro did you see the latest Hannah youtube vid?" And then I start laughing at him and roll my eyes and say "♥♥♥♥ ya, I watched it 3 times ."2020-06-05 16:27:17
Sp!T_ShineCrow lives matta2020-06-05 05:40:46
Not Anasha:( -rep makes fun outta me2020-06-04 20:24:04
Not Anashayes you should spread butter all over ._.2020-06-04 12:41:41
Not AnashaWHAT HAPPENED IN 7/17/19?????????????????????2020-06-02 16:20:32
Not Anashai will oberwatch u2020-06-01 15:00:28
Lunga-REP HE STEAL MY KILL (JK +REP LOVE U )2020-05-31 13:41:23
Sp!T_ShineLil BrowsRapper from the King and the Sting podcast. LIVING THE DREAM2020-05-27 18:55:11
Sp!T_Shinebetter than most ♥♥♥♥ out2020-05-27 18:52:27
Not Anashayea I'm not interested either honestly2020-05-27 18:16:22
Sp!T_ShineI never experienced any bugs with it that I can recall. I got stuck on some club mission and went on to something else. I give up soo easily on games and just got buy another...2020-05-26 17:33:06
Sp!T_ShineDon't ♥♥♥♥ with Scott, I knew he was gonna kick Brad's ass. Scott's been training at 23rd Universe's Llama's Den so he was more prepared I think. 06:28:45
Not AnashaDon't waste my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ time.But I want to spend time w/y :(2020-05-23 14:11:34
Not Anasha“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”Doubt2020-05-23 14:11:03
Not AnashaFatty needs her food :( why bully2020-05-20 01:16:34
Moonha ha ha u crack me up2020-05-19 20:06:26
CrowZer0you sent me this already on disco2020-05-19 19:10:57
Not 15:13:36
Not Anasha+rep Gn3 plays like Gn12020-05-17 14:19:03
Not Anasha-rep YELLS @ me 24/7/365 or 24/7/366 if leap year2020-05-17 14:18:44
Not Anasha+rep is a coconut head is a pineapple head is a pig kheekheekhooo2020-05-17 14:18:05
Not Anasha-rep is a fatty so I call him fatty2020-05-17 14:17:16
Not Anasha-rep is mean to me all the time2020-05-17 14:16:54
Not Anasha-rep is a big bully2020-05-17 14:16:40
Sp!T_Shine Wow, some people's skill sets are insane.2020-05-16 16:50:53
Not 15:45:52
Not Anashaits ma ma may FIESTAAAAAAAAAAa2020-05-14 00:49:52
Not Anashaoh why do you make me cry2020-05-14 00:49:28
MoonDon't talk about my brother Gold, I love that kid more than anything ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! even though he forgot I exist I gave him back the candy apple2020-05-13 10:17:47
CrowZer0Third world peasants in csgo games really need to learn how to communicate with teammates in games other than the usual I ♥♥♥♥ UR MOTHER I REPE UR SISTAR.2020-05-13 07:12:36
MoonI moved out of Pittsburgh! I live now in a place where there are bars strictly for Irish murderers and pedarases2020-05-12 08:38:37
MoonMy teef hurt from drinkingall thst jack n coke I work as a computer administrator where I play Nintendo all day.... Errr I mean I'm a security officer.2020-05-12 08:36:05
Not Anashaur super nice guy mr simp2020-05-12 01:53:08
Edu+rep sexy2020-05-11 22:34:15
Lunga+rep good team mate friendly and kind2020-05-11 19:44:11
LimeTifaew2020-05-11 15:21:25
Not Anashajingle bells crowie smells, all crows ran away2020-05-10 23:06:52
Moonha ha ha blocked2020-05-10 16:29:41
MoonMoon Jan 21, 2014 @ 8:56am Haaallo nice meet you2020-05-09 17:16:26
Not Anashai will flip your house. thanks.2020-05-09 15:50:13
Not AnashaI KNOW ITS Z2020-05-09 14:51:16
CrowZer0z2020-05-09 14:50:59
Not Anasha-rep lefft me 4 dragon boll e2020-05-09 14:50:01
MoonPerfection Personified (♥♥♥ Crowzer0) Feb 23, 2019 @ 4:33pm Guys please stop... I'm very depressed right now my dad died. HAHA YOU GUYS ARE SO GULLIBLE, you believed me I'm a master manipulator I sh!t you not this was actually said to me by a fat 28yo pulpety who is best friends with a 17yo.*Sends pic of what looks like human puke* YEAH THIS IS DINNER (wonders why he has constant diarrhea).DIARRHEA IS LIT FAM!2020-05-09 10:58:29
MoonMoon Feb 23, 2019 @ 4:41pm Hi my name is Wetro! I like eating juicy meat :D, but not steaks I can't afford that.... I mean the bisexual kind of meat my dead-beat father (no pun intended) used to force feed my mouth.I also think that working in the office is really cool, I'm the coffee boy. They laugh at me when I ♥♥♥♥ up printing for them on the copy machine and they make me do it again and again! There are hot girls there and I said hi to one of them and they said hi back to me and then I got a boner and she saw. It was really lit, she said uh okay buddy I'll see you later! SHE SAID BUDDY TO ME SHE LIKES ME IM GONNA ♥♥♥♥ HER ONE DAY, but not now I am busy crying on steam to the other people that laugh behind my back.Oh yeah I also have diarrhea. I think its cause I eat too much gross unhealthy food, I don't blame myself though :( I am very weak willed.2020-05-09 10:58:19
MoonZma dreams hahaha u crack me up2020-05-09 08:22:52
Not AnashaAHAHHAHAHA SHUT UP2020-05-08 18:06:34
Not 16:44:22
Not Anashacrowsonified2020-05-08 16:44:16
Not Anashakoreaboo is you2020-05-08 15:37:34
Not AnashaUnder an orange sunWe dance with no shadowsThere is no such thing as decided farewellsMeet me in that memory that was once beautifulForever young2020-05-08 15:37:00
Not 18:51:34
Sp!T_ShineWhat the fricken froggy is Valorant?2020-05-07 16:36:09
Sp!T_ShineMy wishlist is all ♥♥♥ kered up2020-05-07 15:46:12
Sp!T_ShineEpic, Bethesda, Battlenet , Uplay launchers mostly. But ya, the VapeXhale Cloud EVO has me couch locked watching shows/movies more than on my PC for the last couple months.2020-05-07 15:37:53
MoonSorry, I don't play with silvers HA HA HA2020-05-07 12:42:19
MoonPUSH PUSH PUSH2020-05-06 17:55:09
Moon take my hand big boss man2020-05-06 16:39:30
Not Anashai dislike ".-." mine2020-05-06 15:10:56
Not CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THIS SONG2020-05-06 15:01:08
Not Anasha♥♥♥ THE CHEESE2020-05-06 15:00:23
Not Anashasee you in a year or two or three or four go out the door2020-05-06 15:00:04
MoonHAHAHA YOU CRACK ME UP2020-05-06 12:07:05
MoonHa ha ha BRB I need to roll on my stomach too many tacos for one man2020-05-06 12:06:42
Sp!T_ShineYES!! I stayed up all night learning the dance moves that the Kristin Kreuk looking one was doing.2020-05-06 11:28:12
Moon+rep axxidently gave me 100 euros on steam <32020-05-05 17:50:30
CrowZer0oopsie was an axxident2020-05-05 15:44:04
MoonYou can idle all the games you want, but we all know 847hrs of poop in my soup is legit.2020-05-05 12:41:34
Sp!T_ShineYeah, I already got everything I need. 07:22:35
Sp!T_ShinePro Piggy Poggy Pog Pwner2020-05-05 07:17:32
Triple DeviljhoPigeons are better. lol2020-05-03 19:39:33
Not Anashasenga khachiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2020-05-03 15:17:11
Not Anasha-rep2020-05-03 15:15:37
Not Anasha"2 busy for you" ok2020-05-03 02:05:17
Not Anashasleepy head2020-05-02 15:53:50
Not AnashaHey, you are a bigger bully2020-05-02 15:52:36
Moonsorry I block vegans.2020-05-02 01:31:54
CrowZer0trust this spineless worm to delete his cringe comment 23:10:05
CrowZer0i had you on my fl maybe a week over two years ago deleted and forgot about you, yet losers like you are still obsessed, you're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ american trying to act like you're an english football supporter go get your mental issues fixed, I would laugh and make fun outof you, but you're beneath me and it would be cruel2020-05-01 19:26:24
Sp!T_ShineHumans..... nobody would ever do that kind of stuffHumans..... hand lower turds when more than 6" long2020-05-01 18:26:10
Not Anashaquentin + tarantino = quarantino (easier way to say it)2020-05-01 16:48:02
Not Anasha"go ♥♥♥ YoURsELF" ok :(2020-05-01 16:01:25
CrowZer0@scarecow fanks for your insignificant feedback, it made a meaningful difference to my outlook on life2020-05-01 06:41:29
Not 00:03:48
ScareCrowedgy profile2020-04-30 23:40:27
Not kpop band from England :v2020-04-30 15:42:24
Not AnashaCome kheekhee khoo khiw me, can't wait2020-04-30 13:44:55
Moonyou don't know what rich is men, it is clean air and bottle of water2020-04-30 12:19:48
CrowZer0yes and businessmen dont know nature2020-04-30 06:29:15
ropzdogNorway is the richest country in the world.2020-04-30 05:59:24
Moon a music video about your best friend2020-04-30 03:26:01
Not Anashaamma steal your Kheekheekhookhoo2020-04-30 01:53:25
MoonLol I love when Joe Rogan interviews himself2020-04-28 17:28:29
Not Anashano I said I needed you :V:aurora:2020-04-27 22:27:38
CrowZer0everybady bul bul me :(2020-04-27 21:48:41
Moon"Brb I just had some water so I need to poop"2020-04-27 20:22:03
Not Anasha"make shower" okay2020-04-27 20:19:57
Not AnashanOm nOm nOm MhMMM TrAIL mIX YuMMy NOm NOm CruNCH2020-04-27 14:46:25
Moon 06:04:40
cpCoconut is not a nut2020-04-27 04:50:42
CrowZer0this is why you're a coward, you delete msgs and continue crying like a lil bish2020-04-27 04:25:51
CrowZer0u mek mi cri men why u bully me?2020-04-27 04:24:39
<---pArLiT@--->death cancer ♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-04-27 04:24:16
unkown+rep2020-04-27 03:12:06
CrowZer0why u so mean to my sister2020-04-27 03:11:55
CrowZer0im so taxic i ranked up 01:14:35
Moonha ha ha2020-04-27 01:14:07
CrowZer0says the guy who got kicked for team kills and i just ranked up AGAIN2020-04-27 01:14:03
Muttley@Rusty-rep toxic player2020-04-27 00:59:54
B T KToxic ♥♥♥♥2020-04-26 20:14:51
Moon 19:12:42
Sp!T_ShineAn extra $1200 is going to change my life forever. What to spend it on? I'm not even sure. I've never had that much money. I might wear my mask and go to the candy store and buy all the sour skittles and edible butt plugs. I could get an all day pass to the roller skate rink for my whole company and we could all hold hands (wearing gloves ofc) and do the hokey pokey. Nah, I think I will just upgrade my pc, always wanted dat high fps like y'all killerz!2020-04-26 18:41:20
Not Anasha 13:56:54
Not Anashathese emojis match your profile2020-04-26 13:55:42
Not 13:54:47
Not Anashacome back2020-04-25 14:44:50
Sp!T_Shinelike omg just do a little hair flip, make eye contact and it's game over.2020-04-24 18:21:36
Gin the Box+rep bought me a 36k gold maserati phone yesterday2020-04-24 15:58:05
Triple Deviljholol get rekt'd kiddo. lol2020-04-24 15:19:36
Moon._.2020-04-24 13:07:16
Moonhows your Asian friend in the crazy house doing?2020-04-24 13:04:25
MoonAdd me as friend :) HAHAHAHAHAA SHUT UP U CRACK ME UP2020-04-24 10:31:10
Moonhow much mct is in your head bro?2020-04-22 23:43:28
Not Anashayour profile makes me want to KMS sorry2020-04-22 18:03:56
Sp!T_ShineHAHAHAHA My M.O. is Mongfish2020-04-22 16:10:40
Shadow Wizard Money Ganggg2020-04-22 16:03:14
CrowZer0yo dumbass, me asking you who you are doesnt mean add me from a private alt account u mong if you are stupid and I don't know you I am not interested in knowing you2020-04-22 09:55:13
CrowZer0who tf are you and why would I add you? :/2020-04-22 09:23:12
aBsoLuTEIm on a friend adding cooldown, mind adding me plz?2020-04-22 09:04:14
Not Anasha-rep doesn't care 'bout ahsana2020-04-22 03:00:46
Not Anasha-rep has changed.2020-04-22 02:34:32
Not Anasha-rep calls me a gold digger.2020-04-21 16:57:48
Not Anashabut u mah coconut head tho bro2020-04-21 16:06:29
ManiK-Rep, insulted my dota skills :(2020-04-21 12:28:39
Not AnashaHOW DARE YOU QUESTION MY FOOD2020-04-20 19:34:40
Gin the Boxhi can you please help me to become a better white knight2020-04-20 17:13:26
Not Anashawill you love me even with my dark side?2020-04-20 13:59:24
Not Anashanever called it cantelope, called it CALOMEL2020-04-20 13:57:41
Not Anashachicken being fried in hot ass oil > being murdered2020-04-20 13:56:55
CrowZer0I thought you "quit steam"2020-04-20 11:15:14
MoonYo Tony, you wanna race chuchu trains?2020-04-19 23:22:21
Not Anasha-rep yelled at me for wasting 3 minutes of his time when I was just explaining I didn't mean 4g but 5g and Idk WHAT ANYTHING MEANS.2020-04-19 15:22:12
Not AnashaI'm just testing new games2020-04-19 15:21:18
Not AnashaYou got to meYou saw through meYou're in for it nowYou're all I wanna doI only wanna dance with youWhatever I got to doI want you to myself tonight, alrightI only wanna dance with you2020-04-18 22:02:31
Not AnashaSo I got your message, are you having funWith your fugly girlfriend? I've moved onCan I hit you later? Gotta get to stageIn a brand new city, getting laidI know I said I wouldn't talk about you publicly butThat was before I caught you lying and cheating on me, slutI was down for you hardcoreWhile you were out trying to scoreFound out you're full of it2020-04-18 21:59:54
Not AnashaMy friends think I've gone crazyMy judgment's getting kinda hazyMy sleep is gonna be affectedIf I keep it up like a lovesick crack headWhat you got, boy, is hard to findI think about it all the timeI'm all strung out, my heart is friedI just can't get you off my mind2020-04-18 21:13:58
Not Anashai cry for crow reasons.2020-04-18 17:34:49
Not Anasha-rep -rep-repmade me cry2020-04-17 22:50:19
MoonI thought I deleted you pacbutch2020-04-17 22:44:38
CrowZer0hahaha u crack me up2020-04-17 17:10:04
MoonMy neighbor knocked on my door said I'm too loud when I game and hope that I stop kicking and screaming2020-04-17 10:21:08
MoonOMG AMANDA U REKT HIM2020-04-17 10:18:37
Not Anashafatty wants you2020-04-16 19:10:40
Not AnashaI don't care what people sayThe rush is worth the price I payI get so high when you're with meBut crash and crave you when you leaveHey, so I gotta questionDo you wanna have a slumber party in my basement?Do I make your heart beat like an 808 drum?Is my love your drug?Your drug, uh, your drugUh, your drug, is my love your drug?2020-04-16 16:32:54
Not Anasha-rep YELLS AT ME 24/72020-04-16 16:25:12
Not AnashaBoy you got my heartbeat runnin' awayBeating like a drum and it's coming your way2020-04-16 16:19:33
Not AnashaStephen, stephenWhy won't you call me?StephenWhy won't you call me?I saw you in your tight-ass rocker pantsYou saw me tooI laughed 'cause I was completely trashedAnd I watched your ugly girlfriendSneer across the roomAs if I really care that she's here with youAll I know isYour my object of affectionMy drug of choice my sick obsessionStephen, why won't you call me?I'm sitting here waitingWhy won't you call me?Stephen, I'm feeling patheticI can't take rejection stephenWhy won't you call me?I've got guys waiting in the line for me too playMy evil girly games with all their mindsJust watch me I've got it downTo a simple art just bat my eyesLike thisAnd there's a broken heartBut somehow you turn the tables, what the hell?I can charm the pants of anyone else2020-04-16 16:13:55
Not Anashayoure not famous crow.2020-04-16 16:11:57
slasherSaying that you will carry me in a any FPS game is a blasphemy.2020-04-16 15:10:25
Not Anashano its grow a pear. Its ke$ha's song.2020-04-16 13:07:26
MoonMy name is Alfa and I want my daughtah2020-04-15 12:24:47
Not Anasha 19:39:52
Not Anasha-rep doesn't know the fact that I only watched streams for him 😔2020-04-14 09:18:04
Not Anashai'm flexing cause I have 20 dollars2020-04-13 21:14:48
Not Anasha-rep makes me cry lol jk2020-04-12 01:49:21
Sp!T_ShineIs that code for- you want arugula blackberry salad?2020-04-11 13:44:13
Sp!T_Shine+rep. was nice and quick.2020-04-11 13:35:50
MoonHA HA HA U RANK ME UP2020-04-10 17:00:59
Not Anashathis one round in overpass ..... you think you helped me2020-04-09 23:51:55
Not Anasha-rep DIDNT CARRY ME. HAD TO CARRY MYSELF2020-04-09 23:51:33
Not Anasha-rep ruined my CS:GO2020-04-09 20:54:16
Baby Saturnits your son papa crow2020-04-08 21:03:35
Not Anashai got your background2020-04-08 16:11:07
MoonMoon‎ : why dont you ♥♥♥♥ your own mom and give yourself a brother2020-04-08 01:54:03
Not AnashaI am half "ashley" ok2020-04-07 23:03:02
Not AnashaI want to get the new scout fever dream, but I feel like if I do I will start trying to use it and my winrate will drop to 1/10 out of my current 3/102020-04-07 19:34:39
Not 15:40:52
Not Anashafine i guess i'll just cri then2020-04-07 15:40:17
Sp!T_ShineLettuce be shy no longer. Lettuce go to our strength. Lettuce offer hope. Lettuce tell the world that a new age is not only possible but Lettuce eat Lettuce smothered in ranch with an extra large diet coke. Lettuce lie to ourselves.2020-04-07 12:58:44
Moon-rep this vegan makes fun of my alt accounts diet and fatometer2020-04-07 12:13:43
slasherZowie should make an ad showing how adults with special needs play with their mice2020-04-07 11:51:42
Not Anashaif you don't spam me i will kill you. baby no lie2020-04-07 01:01:46
Not AnashaLOL2020-04-07 01:01:24
slasherCrow thinks his new mouse will make him good at FPS games. HA HA HA2020-04-06 21:34:53
Sp!T_ShineI'm fond of Moo. I like how Moo think.2020-04-04 18:25:00
apollotoilet master2020-04-03 17:28:22
Not Anasha-rep doesn't carry me to Gold Nova2020-04-03 12:19:48
Not AnashaIll never give you away2020-04-03 12:19:09
Not AnashaDancing around the living room lose me in the sight of you2020-04-03 12:18:57
Not AnashaSmell of cookie dough is a bit 🆗2020-04-03 12:18:37
MoonI am on hiatus, working remotely.2020-04-03 11:48:49
Moonthx for the toilet I guess...2020-04-03 09:58:55
CrowZer0It looks like you've been attempting a lot of purchases in the last few hours. Please wait a while before trying again.doesn't even let me gift everyone :(2020-04-03 08:36:05
CrowZer0*dying2020-04-03 06:05:01
Not AnashaOh wow watch out Bois and girls this guys got MAGs2020-04-02 21:42:37
Not AnashaI gOt TWo mAgs Of CofFEe2020-04-02 21:42:20
Not Anasha✂ you2020-04-02 21:42:02
Not AnashaOops cry2020-04-02 21:41:50
Not AnashaYou so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ precious when you crt2020-04-02 21:41:45
Not AnashaYou're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you2020-04-01 14:16:40
Not AnashaYeah, you just want attentionI knew from the start2020-04-01 14:16:26
Not AnashaMaybe you just hate the thought of me with someone else2020-04-01 14:16:12
Not AnashaJK BYE2020-03-31 23:16:48
Not AnashaGIVE ME ATTENTION2020-03-31 23:16:41
slasherDoes this make a me a psycopath?2020-03-31 15:05:24
slasheri listen to mozart and i shoot heads in my deathmatch2020-03-31 15:05:16
Not AnashaWho you calling cutey huh2020-03-30 15:04:07
Not AnashaI want to live in a world where being ignorant is a choice and idiotic not an option.2020-03-30 15:03:57
Crowie-rep2020-03-30 06:22:15
100Balas+rep2020-03-28 02:46:39
Sp!T_ShineEven nicer to handsome fellas like yourself ^---^ tee hee hee2020-03-27 19:01:04
CrowZer0drunk anasha :d2020-03-27 01:52:56
Not AnashaHey I'm a wild oneIll show you a side if me that you haven't seen2020-03-26 23:20:29
Not AnashaHahahahahahahaha2020-03-26 23:20:05
Not AnashaThinks hes good2020-03-26 23:20:01
Not AnashaAgahagahagaha good no a 3 rgubjs he's cugoood2020-03-26 23:19:51
Not AnashaI'm out bye2020-03-26 22:13:35
Not AnashaHahaha2020-03-26 22:12:59
Not AnashaMgajajaksjaaaj2020-03-26 22:12:54
Not AnashaShowcase2020-03-26 22:12:39
Not AnashaWhere is it It should be on your shiecaee2020-03-26 22:12:34
Not AnashaScreenshot2020-03-26 22:12:17
Not AnashaWhere's your hold Nova 3 svreenshir2020-03-26 22:12:11
slasherHell man were were 400 years under the Ottoman Turks. That ♥♥♥♥ hurt2020-03-26 19:41:37
Sp!T_Shine FACT2020-03-26 19:34:16
slasheryour virus is owning us chinese guy2020-03-26 17:31:41
slasher♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥2020-03-26 17:31:31
slasherwait are you chinese?2020-03-26 17:31:20
CrowZer0today I learned I am a chinese man with a cleft lip.2020-03-25 22:55:57
CrowZer0oh pikachu kid found my main account? good boi :)2020-03-25 22:55:05
slasherHAHA it went as you would probably expect. I sent a meme with coronavirus and said. Is everything ok there? She responded: I am in Italy anymore, I am back, everything is fine. I liked her message and never said anything again. ♥♥♥♥ her xd2020-03-25 22:51:01
$wankCo2beta4me2020-03-25 22:46:14
slasherSUPER SECUCER GIVE ME STRENGTH2020-03-24 01:43:36
slasherSo quarantine isnt that good for my sanity and mental health. I sent a message on my EX that was doing erasmus in Italy to see if she is ok with all thats happening. I guess i am beta ♥♥♥♥♥♥, well i will update you when she responds ( if she does ) xd NOT A COPY PASTA ITS REAL STORY CROW2020-03-24 01:43:22
Sp!T_ShinePlus the ♥♥♥ only owns 50 VR games...... ♥♥♥♥♥ please, I've turned down more than 50 opportunities to star in my own VR games, let alone the millions of titles I own. (not including my huge collection garbage pail kids cards) FACT!!!!2020-03-23 20:42:35
Sp!T_ShineWhoever wrote that has no clue on how to properly write a sentence without going on and on and on and sounds like a complete self centered moron and probably does't even own a matching pair of moosebumps.2020-03-23 20:36:31
slasherYo my ♥♥♥♥ is improve2020-03-22 20:55:19
Sp!T_ShineStop adding me you incests, eeyore's and boozers.2020-03-22 10:34:33
CrowZer0shut up "alfa" I don't play with NOVA 1'S ha ha ha2020-03-21 20:29:05
Moonandddddddd muted2020-03-21 18:50:49
CrowZer0bite me2020-03-20 20:51:33
Not AnashaIN LOVE WITH YOUR PROFILE BACKGROUND. What did you think huh 🤔 😏😏😏😏2020-03-20 20:45:08
Not AnashaI think I’m in love2020-03-20 20:44:38
Not AnashaBut this is it , it’s the right time2020-03-20 20:44:11
Not AnashaI’ve been meaning to tell you and I can’t keep it to myself anymore2020-03-20 20:43:57
Not AnashaI want everyone to know crow...2020-03-20 20:43:42
Not AnashaAnd I think It’s best to do it here publicly2020-03-20 20:43:27
Not AnashaI’ve been meaning to say something to you ....2020-03-20 20:42:54
Not AnashaOkay this is it2020-03-20 20:42:37
Not AnashaDude there’s no limit to steam comments is there2020-03-20 20:42:31
Not Anasha+rep drinks a lot of water like one should2020-03-20 20:42:10
Not Anasha-rep doesn’t watch the invisible man with me2020-03-20 20:41:47
Not AnashaDucking piece of ♥♥♥♥ still no limit2020-03-20 20:38:57
Not AnashaBut seriously though, have you thought about it. Like deeply. Tom deserved better you know.2020-03-20 20:38:47
Not AnashaHonestly you know what bothers me. Like Tom the cat. Like he spent all his life trying to eat Jerry but Jerry was way smarter. It’s not fair. It just makes you cry cause you think today is the day where Tom gets Jerry but no. It’s one of those days where Jerry wins again. And it’s so sad and heartbreaking ok Idk where I’m going with this.2020-03-20 20:37:36
Not AnashaWHATS THW ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LIMIT SOMEONE TELL ME2020-03-20 20:33:26
Not AnashaI don’t wanna be somebody I just wanna be meeeeeeeer2020-03-20 20:33:14
Not AnashaPeople like to talk about others (Lalala)Why do they care so about other people's lives (Lalala)Sorry but mind your own businessIt's none of your businessI do my own business2020-03-20 20:31:30
Not AnashaWeird2020-03-20 20:30:03
Not AnashaStill can comment2020-03-20 20:29:58
Not AnashaOH gO tAlK To _______ go tAlK to _____ when I spend almost half of my day with hm I wonder who 😏2020-03-20 20:28:41
Not AnashaI guess I’ll have to see2020-03-20 20:26:09
Not AnashaWhat’s the limit for steam comments2020-03-20 20:25:46
Not AnashaCarry me to gold nova🤤2020-03-20 20:24:13
Not Anasha“Gold Nova 2”2020-03-20 20:23:52
Not AnashaI forget 🤤2020-03-20 20:22:30
Not AnashaIs this how you spam2020-03-20 20:22:24
Not AnashaI didn’t miss a lot it seems 😏2020-03-20 20:22:14
Not AnashaWho hurt you 😔2020-03-20 20:21:51
Not AnashaHonnnnneeeeyyyyyyyyyyyy 👄2020-03-20 20:21:41
Not AnashaI DON'T WANT YOUR FRIENDSHIP - well I mean what do you want then 🤤I DON'T WANT YOUR COMPLIMENTS - but I don’t give you any compliments. I diss you 😔IM NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR NUDES, DEPRESSION, LONELINESS, TRADING, BEGGING i do nut care fk off you losers - wait who is begging . Begging for what 😏2020-03-20 20:21:27
Not AnashaWhat did I miss here2020-03-20 20:19:10
Not Anasha😏 Bite me is a metaphor . What are you talking about Mr?2020-03-20 20:19:01
Not AnashaAnd if you didn't like talking to me. Then it would've been fine to tell me to leave you alone. But we where talking since December. And I just dont understand why you just decided to do anything right now. If you want to ever talk again please let me know. But I'm going to leave you alone now Like I’m done. All this time I thought you were my friend but no. I’m sorry for everything2020-03-20 20:18:12
Sp!T_ShineWhat a story Aardvark2020-03-20 15:38:46
slasherYes2020-03-20 15:17:04
CrowZer0idc about your level, game counts or billionaire status either lol, stop2020-03-18 14:59:05
CrowZer0these unknown tards adding me with "pls leave comment before adding" on their profile but can't do the same cos they're special fk off u mongs im not interested in ANYTHING you have to offer.I DON'T WANT YOUR FRIENDSHIP I DON'T WANT YOUR COMPLIMENTS IM NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR NUDES, DEPRESSION, LONELINESS, TRADING, BEGGING i do nut care fk off you losers2020-03-18 14:57:09
Moon Hi, my name is Alfa... and I have noBODY2020-03-16 16:24:34
MoonBreaking news: Your favorite animal is protecting us from Corona virus 19:16:04
CrowZer0I don't watch hentai for sexual purposes, I enjoy the stories and art style, also the dialogue is usually very philosophical and thought provoking.2020-03-15 12:21:18
apolloand I thought you were on nofap2020-03-15 00:23:42
CrowZer0I think your logs are messed up I've been logged in constantly on 4 different devices.2020-03-14 18:09:24
REEtard2kHello my friend, this is a moderator of™ . We have noticed you haven't logged in for 4 weeks, we're just checking to see that everything is okay with our biggest fan. Since you visited us last time we've updated the Gay section with many videos we know you will enjoy. See you soon2020-03-13 23:17:07
Moonthats a bit racist mr oopstomization2020-03-13 22:40:22
defaultesWaah waah who lost who won? :D ez2020-03-13 22:00:06
CrowZer0waaaah waaaah ping 6 second delay waaaah waaaaah cri moar2020-03-13 21:14:33
defaultesthe fact that i won the game and made you toxic shows how much brain you have.All these money that you flex with shows how much of an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you are too.Thanks for the comment on the profile and thank you for the ez game i had against you :)2020-03-13 21:03:54
Sp!T_ShineWhat!?!?!? How dare you!!!!! It's African American Mesa or ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Mesa. Not diggin it so far but I have only set up graphic options after I set up my controls I will be giving a full review.2020-03-12 18:43:58
apollohelo you are batmen2020-03-10 20:39:46
Not Anashaout of all the things I said, that's the part you care most about. me making a comment on your voice lol okay CROW. I SEE HOW IT IS.2020-03-10 19:45:05
MoonYou missed a call from CrowZer0 that lasted a few seconds.Today at 3:10 PMYou missed a call from CrowZer0 that lasted a few seconds.Today at 3:10 PMYou missed a call from CrowZer0 that lasted a few seconds.Today at 3:10 PMYou missed a call from CrowZer0 that lasted a few seconds.Today at 3:11 PMYou missed a call from CrowZer0 that lasted a few seconds.Today at 3:12 PMYou missed a call from CrowZer0 that lasted a few seconds.Today at 3:16 PMYou missed a call from CrowZer0 that lasted a few seconds.Today at 3:29 PM2020-03-10 16:40:09
MoonKeep your chin up and have a great weekend!2020-03-08 12:34:25
Not Anashacause you a pineapple head my friend and will always be one2020-03-07 13:32:14
MoonWut? Wut? U maek me gold Nova 2 pls men2020-03-07 09:56:45
MoonIs that a SOYsage (vegan sausage ) or are you just happy to see me2020-03-06 12:04:08
Sp!T_Shinedem musacs thou 11:40:11
Not AnashaOooooooohhh I'm lion I'm a queen 🤢2020-03-05 14:52:56
Not AnashaCLC devil2020-03-05 14:52:39
Not AnashaDId ShE Have PlAsTic suRgeRy2020-03-05 14:52:33
Not AnashaLip & hip - Hyuna2020-03-05 14:52:10
Not Anasha-rep doesn't want me to get better2020-03-05 14:06:37
Not AnashageyZero 🙈😏2020-03-05 14:06:22
Sp!T_ShineYes Please!! Don't shower or shave down there, I like it raw2020-03-04 17:59:36
MoonDo I look like a vegan??2020-03-04 12:27:51
CrowZer0i have no idea who you are or why you are here, but you're way too ugly to be the real anythingon a sidenote, all you randos adding me with no comments nothing in common and level 200 weeb hentai profiles like, no. Stop2020-03-04 10:38:55
Not AnashaRude2020-03-01 10:25:47
Moon this has got to be the most annoying vegan I have ever heard2020-02-29 22:59:31
Sp!T_Shine53 years young! Dude is cool as fiznuck! 18:16:34
Sp!T_Shinepistol squat for me bby!!2020-02-28 15:03:09
CrowZer0*yawn*2020-02-28 10:01:33
CrowZer0Ok one idiot asks me for a gift on MY BIRFDAYanother idiot tells me to eat a cake when she knows I'M GLUTEN FREE AND RIGHT NOW ON A 7 DAY WATER FAST.K thanks idiots.Thank you sadistik <32020-02-26 20:12:27
apollohappy birthday crow2020-02-25 22:00:11
Not AnashaCrowie, Happy Birthday. Better eat a cake 💘💘2020-02-25 21:55:24
MoonHappy birfday!!!! What did you get me2020-02-25 18:49:04
Sp!T_ShineCS:GO 2 is gonna be epic. Can't wait. I probably won't be as leet as I am on the orginal CS:GO but who knows maybe I will get paid to stream my games so a famous youtuber can use my footage and just put his little picture in the corner and claim its his gameplay but its really mine and I got paid mad cheeeedar for it and even got club puss on the reggies cause my level of pwn just makes panties drop. But ya, CS:GO 2 see ya there soon!2020-02-25 18:28:16
Moonur ugly2020-02-25 00:34:58
Evhr fbi utf get rchoke on coffee2020-02-20 22:15:17
Not Anashachoke on coffee2020-02-20 20:26:38
Not Anashabully2020-02-20 19:42:11
Not Anashabully2020-02-20 19:42:04
Not everyone screams at me2020-02-18 14:05:29
Not Anashashut up mr stupid2020-02-17 17:05:22
Not Anashafancyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy youuuuuuuuuuuuuu2020-02-17 16:35:02
Not AnashaSHUT UP2020-02-17 15:18:44
Not Anashabetty bought some butter but the butter was bitter so betty bought some more butter to make the bitter butter better2020-02-17 15:18:40
CrowZer0toxic af2020-02-16 03:10:57
Not Anasha10/262020-02-16 02:16:56
Not Anashagay2020-02-16 02:16:51
Moon-rep hangs up on me because I told him I eat steaks and he can't eat it cause his teeth all ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and the only thing he can eat is burritos from taco bell2020-02-15 19:30:33
Not Anashamy friend STEWIE2K BISSSHH YOU WISH2020-02-14 22:35:46
MoonHope you have a fun valentine's days without me hope you win2020-02-14 22:22:02
Not Anashagayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy2020-02-14 21:59:40
Not AnashaI'm calling 911 Crow2020-02-14 18:53:07
Sp!T_ShineHe starts freestyling!!!2020-02-14 18:32:02
Sp!T_ShineLets get groovy!!!lmao2020-02-14 18:30:49
Sp!T_ShineHell ya he's is live!!!!! 18:30:36
Sp!T_ShineSo many sideways v-jays dancing in the wind!! HOT HOT HOT2020-02-14 18:27:29
Sp!T_ShinePistol Squats....... Dear Lord give me the strength to not be a puss y......2020-02-14 18:24:12
Sp!T_Shinelol2020-02-14 18:06:08
Sp!T_ShineDid you finish CSGO yet? Was the end boss really that difficult?2020-02-14 18:03:59
Sp!T_Shine*gaynes2020-02-14 18:01:54
Sp!T_Shineits not gay at all... if its for gains2020-02-14 17:59:35
Sp!T_ShineI just look for the 2 biggest guys in the gym and have them hop on my d ick and then I do full-deep-ass to grass squats while looking into the mirror at each other.2020-02-14 17:58:24
Sp!T_Shinedayuummm....... one day maybe.....deez 2.5lbs ers are killers2020-02-14 17:56:14
Sp!T_ShineReverse dumbbell lunges got my wheels all noodled out. Paded toilet seat would be nice.......2020-02-14 17:53:40
Not Anasha-rep asks me to bang on people's walls and scream at them2020-02-14 10:29:07
Not AnashaWhy you hating on meWhy you being mean to me2020-02-14 03:53:17
Not Anashayeh she has to do homework n ♥♥♥♥2020-02-13 19:28:37
Sp!T_ShineThey are all my favs, how can I chooose. They don't netflix and chill with white boyzzzzzz2020-02-12 21:31:21
Not Anasha:( oh ok i'll see myself out2020-02-11 17:59:02
CrowZer0I was obviously dissing you being a Global and smurfing in silver and trash talking all game.2020-02-11 17:58:43
Not Anashafor a moment i thought you was dissing me :|2020-02-11 17:57:48
CrowZer0yeah thats what I thought, delete comments and close profile, keep smurfing in silver, whatever lowers the psychologists bill and makes you feel better about your measly existence I guess.2020-02-11 17:55:15
CrowZer0alleged globals solo q surfing is silver is like me fighting a 5 year old and bragging about how tough I am = LOSER2020-02-11 17:53:20
CrowZer0yeah cos you were there to carry me my last 4 wins in a rowkeep making your tiny epeen feel bigger by "smurfing in silver" and trash talking entire game mong2020-02-11 17:51:25
regina backwardstypical mm loser who gets carried2020-02-11 17:42:23
Not Anashastop yappping2020-02-11 16:58:19
CrowZer0lol 13:03:01
CrowZer0WhAt dId YoU sAy?2020-02-11 12:47:29
CrowZer0Pardon?2020-02-11 12:25:28
Not AnashaLOSER2020-02-10 22:05:17
Sp!T_Shine"I'm a random guy. I shake a hand and make a friend. I don't do egotistical things."Vanilla ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ice2020-02-10 08:52:56
Sp!T_ShineThe hot July moon saw everything 07:13:18
Not AnashaLeave me alone you stupid, selfish ♥♥♥♥, go ♥♥♥♥ yourself and get the ♥♥♥♥ out of my life. hm2020-02-09 19:40:03
Sp!T_ShineIve been rocking it on low quality and still only getting 17fps at 1280x1024. Time for an upgrade but I spent all my money buying games for cute steam anime grils.2020-02-09 17:34:55
Sp!T_ShineHey homie2020-02-07 21:59:50
Evhr fbi utf get rwhy you flexing on your comment section mr weirdo xD2020-02-07 10:27:53
Evhr fbi utf get riiiiiiiiiii wannaaaaaaaaa saveeeeeeeee your heart toniiiiiiiiiiighthe'll only break it leave you torn aparti can be no superman but for you i can be superhuman2020-02-06 11:27:37
Evhr fbi utf get ryou should open your eye but they stay closed2020-02-06 11:25:39
Evhr fbi utf get r♥♥♥♥ you meanie2020-02-05 20:29:23
Evhr fbi utf get rdamn i sound ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ obsessed LOL yeet no regrets2020-02-05 20:29:16
Evhr fbi utf get rLEAVE ME LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO2020-02-05 20:27:39
Evhr fbi utf get r+rep cake2020-02-05 18:53:12
Evhr fbi utf get r-rep is probably annoyed at me2020-02-05 18:52:57
Evhr fbi utf get r-rep doesn't let me sing2020-02-05 18:52:45
Evhr fbi utf get r-rep2020-02-05 18:52:30
TeethNah nonce thats her profile name, annoying af voice2020-02-04 10:58:28
TeethUnfunny girl? something like that lmao2020-02-04 10:49:15
TeethHow the ♥♥♥♥ do i find you on someone elses profile, commenting the exact reason i was looking at it 10/102020-02-04 10:07:50
TeethMaybe not to your knowledge.2020-02-04 08:12:50
TeethSpread em2020-02-04 07:49:30
Not Anasha-rep left2020-02-03 23:45:37
Not Anashai regret my group decisions2020-02-03 10:31:28
MoonGirls will notice you more when you are fatter because it's hard not to2020-02-03 08:18:40
Moon 01:56:23
Not Anasha12000💕2020-02-02 23:51:45
Not Anasha-rep bought dark water :(2020-02-02 23:51:34
Not AnashaI apologise in advance2020-02-02 23:51:13
Not AnashaI'm honestly scared of hurting you2020-02-02 23:51:00
Not AnashaWhen life gives you lemons , make lemonade2020-02-02 23:50:50
Not Anasha-rep he walks from CT spawn without a pistol2020-02-02 23:50:39
Not AnashaLol chill I'm just kidding2020-02-02 23:50:17
Not AnashaLike your profile is a solid 10/102020-02-02 23:50:10
Not AnashaLike I don't understand why you don't add me2020-02-02 23:49:57
Not AnashaHey that's kinda mean. I wanted to add you2020-02-02 23:49:47
CrowZer0If you mean why I didn't accept your add, it's cos I don't want nor need more friends and don't accept strangers or people I don't know or who aren't friends.2020-02-02 23:43:04
CrowZer0YOU TOLD ME TO WRITE IT2020-02-02 23:36:47
Evhr fbi utf get rthats not funny2020-02-02 23:36:34
CrowZer0if i blocked you you cant comment2020-02-02 22:39:18
★ ÇΆЯМ∑ŁÎŊĦØ √ΙΙ ★why you block me?2020-02-02 22:25:31
Not Anasha& he's back2020-02-02 19:47:46
Sp!T_ShineJust got a call.. Looks like the chicken pot wants to cage fight your mixed grill.2020-02-02 12:54:26
Sp!T_Shine 12:38:22
Sp!T_ShineMy store bought chicken pot pie said to tell your deluxe mixed kabob meal to ♥♥♥♥ off!2020-02-02 12:35:18
Not Anashawhy are you yelling.2020-02-01 15:24:50
MoonWhy u fink kkk people are good people? They jus ignorant scared and hateful2020-02-01 14:03:00
MoonI think you are just mad because I lied to you about my dad dying2020-02-01 08:38:38
MoonBtw I'm bisexual2020-02-01 08:34:53
MoonCACA-rot or red dead 22020-02-01 08:34:37
Moonur an office worker?2020-02-01 00:06:06
CrowZer0im sorry i rekt you and u called me a hacker when im trash lol2020-01-31 23:55:40
CrowZer0Lol hope u enjoy your loss2020-01-31 23:52:47
CrowZer0wHat dID U sAy u liL stupid Braatty sis?2020-01-31 18:20:08
Not Anashago f yourself you retarded piece of gum2020-01-31 16:32:52
MoonWhy am I still alive?! I handed you everything on a silver platter and all you do is hate me!2020-01-31 15:33:03
._.lol2020-01-30 21:40:58
Moonwhy u hate tacosaurus?2020-01-29 23:08:22
Not Anashayou piiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssss meeeeeeeee offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff2020-01-29 19:57:59
Not AnashaYOU WISH2020-01-29 19:42:58
Sp!T_Shinehaha, I chose that randomly the other day. I wish I could copy and paste for when the sad pig that no one wants to play with comes back.2020-01-29 17:48:46
Not Anashaonly in whose dream LOLOLOLOL HAHAHA ok2020-01-29 10:31:03
Not Anashaout of whose league LOL LOL ROFL LMAO2020-01-29 10:29:42
Moon+rep invites me when I am in shower2020-01-29 07:48:19
Sp!T_ShineThat bone in pork chop just made my no-no hard2020-01-28 18:42:19
Sp!T_ShineMoon called you a Crowley... What a nice compliment!!!2020-01-28 18:39:36
Sp!T_Shineme wanna eat oreo thin mints with milk all by myself2020-01-28 18:38:17
Not Anashabye, hate you2020-01-28 11:30:27
Not AnashaIf I'm stressing you out, why don't you go? You're wasting your time with your lies so. You've been breaking me down, now it's enough. 'Cause you would do it again and again ohh! I hope that you'll be gone soon, I can't take much more oh no! ok2020-01-28 11:30:20
Moon 08:01:20
Moonur the biggest crowley I have ever met. brb im gonna go order myself the McCrownald special2020-01-27 21:54:16
CrowZer0I'm just a worthless pig that no one wants to play with.2020-01-27 21:22:08
Moonwhy did u delet me?2020-01-27 21:15:47
Sp!T_ShineA pig's pig is a pig who engages in activities that are traditionally viewed as pig-tastic, and who earns the respect of other pigs. Such pig may also be described as “the ♥♥♥♥,” emphasizing their pigish personality. They tend to be domineering, confident, and bold.2020-01-27 18:50:52
Not Anashaoi sad person, your profile makes me cry, please change it2020-01-27 17:12:04
Not Anashayou so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ precious when you smile JK you a pig oink2020-01-26 22:21:51
Not Anashadontbuydark water2020-01-26 22:21:35
Not AnashaThis user has also played as:If you piss me off I'll buy it.AnashaUljima DwaejiUljima AnashaSad Pigdidnt even raisei cry cos u yell, not even yelliI'm assmaticWhat did you say?Pig2020-01-26 22:19:53
Moonmy lunch 21:05:43
MoonI'm playing uno offline how did u kno2020-01-25 22:01:44
slasherDamn nice cage you got there! Crafty! It actually turns me on ....2020-01-25 17:29:02
Not Anashasttttttopppppppppppppppppp2020-01-25 17:27:46
slasherJoe ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Goldberg.2020-01-25 17:12:11
Moon when you tell me I are perty2020-01-25 16:38:20
MoonI wish that was my job2020-01-25 16:34:57
Not Anashanope. bye f*** you2020-01-25 15:41:15
Not AnashaGO MAKE BULGOGI WITH SOMEONE2020-01-25 15:37:08
Not Anashacheck you own fudging mic2020-01-25 15:11:20
MoonWhy did you hit Lisa, mark?2020-01-25 11:44:55
Moon real cinema2020-01-25 01:15:00
apollowhy u delete me2020-01-24 23:34:35
Moonwhy u bully my Paulie2020-01-24 18:53:43
Not Anasha-rep noob2020-01-23 21:50:02
Evhr fbi utf get r♥♥♥♥♥♥ hell mate2020-01-23 18:25:13
Not Anashayou smell bad2020-01-23 17:58:55
Not Anashadont tell me what to do2020-01-23 17:58:49
Not Anashaamma steal all emojis2020-01-23 17:58:42
Not AnashaNon, j'aime n'etudie pas la Francais parce que c'est ennuyeux et difficle2020-01-23 15:08:15
Not AnashaNO. CROWIE< NOT A, always2020-01-23 15:05:02
Not Anashalol no no crowie>piggy2020-01-23 14:58:47
Not Anashayou ain't crowie bohoo2020-01-23 14:56:49
Not Anashayou just want attention lalalalalala2020-01-23 11:28:41
Sp!T_ShineFunk ya Pizzle 19:43:13
Sp!T_ShineWho is this cooking dude, Did Rachael Ray go trans? If so, not bad, would still bang with kielbasa on cs;go cruise ship this summer.2020-01-22 18:33:21
Sp!T_ShineVegan Pig2020-01-22 18:27:32
Gin the Boxbig big sad2020-01-22 16:05:13
CrowZer0big sad2020-01-22 16:03:41
Gin the BoxCrowy deleted boxy2020-01-22 16:03:20
Not Anashaok2020-01-22 13:52:54
Not Anashaok2020-01-22 11:19:42
Moon 00:12:36
Moonpinky like it up the stinky , and brain like to bring the pain2020-01-22 00:04:00
Not Anashayea the next day you miss the massage place so no happy endings2020-01-21 11:27:49
Not Anashawatch me stop history2020-01-21 11:27:16
Not Anashai really like your ugly ass profile2020-01-21 11:27:00
Evhr fbi utf get rk2020-01-20 18:18:23
Not Anasha╠╬╬╬╣╠╬╬╬╣OK! WHO ATE MY╠╬╬╬╣CHOCOLATE!! YOU DID╚╩╩╩╝2020-01-20 11:01:20
Not Anasha╔══╗♫ *´”)║██║ ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ♫ ♪║(O)║ (¸.•´ (¸.• ♫ ♪╚══╝ LOL WHAT2020-01-20 10:54:25
Not Anashapls change profile pic thanks.2020-01-20 10:51:54
Sp!T_Shinesad pig pic be given me Buffalo Bill vibes2020-01-20 08:03:28
MF BROOMcalled me cute2020-01-20 02:42:00
Moon New graphics are amazkng2020-01-19 18:32:30
Moon+rep taught me how to eat sardines2020-01-19 18:09:24
FATALJuice controls the media2020-01-19 17:59:34
Moonmp5 that is one ugly dog2020-01-19 12:33:53
Supreme SCCM-rep, he got ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by my MP5-SD :3 <3 MUAHAHAAH2020-01-19 12:01:17
Moonpigs control the media2020-01-19 09:29:57
CrowZer0[14:58]Pigaras: what u want[14:58]DRAGONBORN: No There is nothing[14:59]Pigaras: why u add me[15:00]DRAGONBORN: Just[15:00]Pigaras: you are fat?[15:01]DRAGONBORN: No xD[15:01]Pigaras: i only accept fat people i dont like skinny[15:19]DRAGONBORN: well then i'm fat[15:19]Pigaras: i hate fattys bye2020-01-19 09:20:21
CrowZer0lol he adds me, deletes his comment, these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-01-19 08:44:43
MoonLong lost*2020-01-19 08:34:43
Moon Idk why this was recommended to me but his long American twin brother would offer you a cup of diet coke if he saw you come to him.2020-01-19 08:28:56
Moon+rep cyber bullies anyone that doesn't like anime2020-01-19 08:16:46
CrowZer0cyberbully2020-01-19 06:46:57
Moon awww2020-01-19 00:18:13
MoonYeah I lied about my dad dying for attention, so what? btw I'm bisexual2020-01-18 23:08:40
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Rasputin this guy!2020-01-17 22:30:02
Sp!T_ShineDat money shot tho Oo2020-01-17 18:25:40
CrowZer0racist2020-01-17 03:31:36
Not Anashagrow a brain2020-01-16 23:05:38
CrowZer0apparently i cant say bly4t2020-01-16 15:01:29
CrowZer0blyat2020-01-16 15:01:06
Not Anashawhat are you yapping about2020-01-16 11:29:40
Not Anashawondering when our next argument gon be HMMMM2020-01-15 23:35:52
Not AnashaIdentity theft isnt a joke JIM! millions of family suffer every year2020-01-15 20:30:46
CrowZer0I'M GOING TO SLEEP DON'T GET MAD!2020-01-15 17:43:38
CrowZer0 23:16:03
Sp!T_ShineI made it to the end. I want my cookie 18:16:46
Sp!T_ShineI wanna deep fat fry your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-01-14 18:02:48
Not Anashabig headed person2020-01-13 16:42:58
Not Anashaok weird2020-01-13 16:42:09
CrowZer0Sustainability in action. 🤢2020-01-13 16:09:37
CrowZer0 bigsad2020-01-13 16:08:27
Not Anashajk I take my thanks back2020-01-12 23:29:20
Not Anashathank you crowwwww for listenin'2020-01-12 18:09:36
CrowZer0lol loser <£2020-01-12 16:18:23
Not Anasha♥♥♥♥ off bye im deleting everything2020-01-12 16:16:41
Not Anashayikes we got a proud ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ here who thinks I'm obsessed with him when its clearly the other way around2020-01-12 16:08:49
Not Anashayou wish you were Soyeon2020-01-12 14:55:37
MoonHas food in mouth and still says "buu hungry"2020-01-12 12:40:10
MoonFat man buu is stupid2020-01-12 12:37:47
CrowZer01. Your face is stupid2. You smell3. YOU GO CHOKE ON RAMEN WEIRDO!4. Why the hell are you making noises like Dora in finding nemo?5. Cry more6. Go report my group again lol.I'M NOT GONNA CONTINUE FOR YOUR SAKE LOOOOOSER!2020-01-12 05:45:08
CrowZer0 03:25:04
Not AnashaCHILDISH CHILDISH CHILDISH2020-01-12 03:05:14
Not Anasha♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ childish as ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ communicate2020-01-12 02:28:34
CrowZer0Stop abusing me!2020-01-12 02:04:43
CrowZer0It’s safe to say that I’ve never felt this empty in my life before. So numb & so hopeless. So much pain and so many tears. I hope I wake up from this.2020-01-11 23:29:58
Moontells me he is fasting,*Two minutes later*I WANT RAMEN AND EGGSk2020-01-11 20:23:47
MoonTooth loose! Tooth loose!Kick off the Sunday booze!Please, padrie, pull out my broken tooth!2020-01-11 14:11:21
MoonHope you have fun playing cowboys and Indians without me. Hope you win.2020-01-11 14:05:14
Baby Saturnkisses for papa and mama2020-01-09 18:29:22
Sp!T_ShineAnd I was like "are we supposed to eat the sand?"Shrooms are awesome! They got nothing on yo shuffle baybee2020-01-09 18:13:48
Not AnashaBULLY2020-01-08 21:30:35
Not Anashabully2020-01-08 21:30:29
Not AnashaShut2020-01-07 22:54:32
Not Anashaup2020-01-07 22:54:28
Sp!T_ShineI missed it2020-01-06 19:32:10
Moon 04:55:122020-01-05 23:56:02
Triple DeviljhoDude looks like he is trying to get me to buy weed after English class2020-01-05 19:51:01
Moon you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ whowa!2020-01-04 23:53:55
MoonTony is just a big fat Italian bully2020-01-04 23:42:13
Moon-rep calls me 4 in the morning 10 times then when I answer hangs up.2020-01-04 23:03:17
Moonwhy did u delet me?2020-01-04 18:54:06
Evhr fbi utf get ryea I don't understand why these weirdos add you too honestly like you're not even active like I'm so confused. Like wth right?2020-01-04 18:14:50
MoonSleeping is bad mkay2020-01-04 14:58:40
Sp!T_ShinePicked up the wireless adapter for my Vive. Its pretty cool but it gets a little warm after a long session on "Misha & Friends Hentai Tentacle Party 3" Hope u are doing good with your CS:GO. Are you going on the CS:GO Carnival cruise this year? Beats said to add him. Hope you had a great New Year std free!2020-01-04 13:58:30
CrowZer0I don't understand where you weirdo's keep finding me or why you idiots keep adding me. I'm not active on steam nor do I have time or care about randoms adding me. Go away lol.2019-12-30 19:18:13
𝔸𝕄𝕀ℕ𝕆ℝ𝔼𝕏this gives me "the ravens fruit" vibes.. cause the crows and ♥♥♥♥2019-12-30 17:43:03
Moonmakes coffee when I tell him im joking2019-12-29 00:11:35
Sp!T_ShineMerry Christmas2019-12-25 15:52:22
Kita-rep bad and toxic teammate2019-12-24 00:11:59
CrowZer0Because you didn't invite your sister to play uno with me!2019-12-23 12:26:36
MoonWhy did u block me?2019-12-23 08:06:26
Sp!T_ShineAnd, I ain't with the Laudy DaudyI just ♥♥♥♥ and leave my kids in these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bodyI just wanna make it big and tell'em that I'm sorryTell'em that I never ment it but I love to partybul bul lyrics2019-12-22 11:50:45
Not Anashalol thank you crow :')2019-12-22 10:17:07
CrowZer0racooncuck i played with you I don't even know when 1-2 months ago yet you keep coming back here.get a life you loser, GET OVER ME.I'm glad I had such an impact on your measly ♥♥♥♥ existence, but you're as irrelevant as my morning poop.2019-12-21 21:27:39
raccoonmilk-rep2019-12-21 21:21:54
CrowZer0I feel like the time I accidentally mixed Ectasy, Cocaine, and Absinthe, I'm that hyper.But I've been fasting.2019-12-21 21:15:53
sparkyEngrish2019-12-20 23:46:05
raccoonmilkRep+2019-12-20 03:16:06
Not Anasha11802 haah2019-12-19 16:21:40
Not Anashak2019-12-19 16:21:32
MoonHope u have a very berry Christmas without me hope u win2019-12-18 21:14:28
Sp!T_Shine+rep ♥♥♥♥♥ Kwanzaa ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ pineapple ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ 24/72019-12-18 16:18:42
Sp!T_Shine lickeey lickeey baam baaom2019-12-16 19:44:49
MoonSend this to Crowley 19:51:30
MoonWow sugar plums mixtape is lit... You know what else is lit? 19:47:22
raccoonmilkRep- cool guy2019-12-14 04:24:31
PlasimodoTiny ♥♥♥♥ and born ugly2019-12-12 21:21:32
CrowZer0I own hentai games I must be a virgin.Truer words have never been spoken.2019-12-12 20:23:25
CrowZer0 19:34:07
RoppoFAT FAAAAGGGOOOTTTT2019-12-12 19:30:44
RoppoFATNESS LEVEL 10000000002019-12-12 19:30:29
RoppoFAT PEACE OF ♥♥♥♥2019-12-12 19:30:19
RoppoFAT♥♥♥♥2019-12-12 19:30:09
Moon-rep hackar2019-12-10 19:21:18
CrowZer0● *DEAD* Waldo the immigrant that escaped‎ : shot by the awp● *DEAD* Waldo the immigrant that escaped‎ : and didnt die● *DEAD* Qoshаqаn >_< (Smile Slim)‎ : xD● Odin's favourite son @ Bombsite B ● (RADIO): Smoke Out!● CrowZer☯‎ : yes im using armour hacks2019-12-10 18:46:45
CrowZer0Either bad attempt at troll or really stupid, either way waste of time, but thank you for the LOLS.2019-12-10 18:40:54
CrowZer0I'm awping MID T side DUST 2, this idiot CT runs into lower tunnels I go outside tunnels and awp him he says WALLS AND AIMBOT.So bad.2019-12-10 18:39:09
CrowZer0LOL2019-12-10 18:36:59
SkraVa-rep cheater2019-12-10 18:36:32
Evhr fbi utf get rIt’s cause you’re asian2019-12-07 12:20:52
CrowZer0 Will wait for the ban wave.2019-12-07 00:29:25
CrowZer0Watching demo now, blatant toggles stfu lol2019-12-07 00:27:59
princess exo = DEAD1100 hours in-game? get good2019-12-07 00:27:34
raccoonmilkCool guy2019-12-06 04:42:27
raccoonmilk♥♥♥♥♥♥2019-12-06 04:42:19
Sp!T_Shinetotes adorbs baby yeda!2019-12-05 19:33:50
MoonI'm gonna hack u if you don't have any artichokes beech2019-12-05 19:20:35
Moon3:17 already?2019-12-04 21:28:34
CrowZer0Not even online.Not even home. Not even active. And losers I don't know keep adding me. I'll be back this weekend idiots.2019-12-04 20:45:27
MoonDude, wheres my daughtah?2019-11-30 23:40:10
Triple Deviljholol2019-11-30 19:35:18
MoonHope you have a fun thanksgiving without me. Hope you win.2019-11-28 13:19:22
Evhr fbi utf get rNIEN NEIN NYEN NYIEN NIEYN2019-11-27 18:28:16
Evhr fbi utf get rNOPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeee2019-11-27 18:27:59
MoonMah*2019-11-27 17:24:49
MoonWhere is my doetah?? I want mag doetah, she my babeh.2019-11-27 17:24:37
Not Anashapika pika2019-11-26 20:42:35
Not Anashaok2019-11-26 20:42:18
NOT PINK IMPOSTORlol2019-11-24 13:30:37
NOT PINK IMPOSTORokboomer2019-11-24 13:30:30
RuinYes2019-11-24 00:14:20
MoonToo*2019-11-23 23:26:20
MoonI took much cbd and slept 5 hours2019-11-23 23:26:08
Not Anashacoconut macaroons coconut macaroni2019-11-23 17:21:25
Not 17:20:48
Not downtowwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnn2019-11-23 17:16:21
MoonI will minimize my vegan diet today and eat a hooman2019-11-21 20:42:51
Moonu jelly I'm employee of the month2019-11-17 15:23:28
CrowZer0ill have 2 slices as long as dat a$$ is in between dem slices2019-11-16 17:58:33
baseplatedo you want a slice of bread2019-11-16 16:01:53
Sp!T_ShineHey Crowzee hope you are doing well.2019-11-16 15:05:12
Not 05:52:04
MoonHope you have fun getting high at work without me. Hope you win.2019-11-15 20:28:08
apolloHave a wonderful weekend :)2019-11-15 19:23:12
CrowZer0k2019-11-15 18:52:39
Not Anasha+rep obsessed with de Jennie Kim2019-11-11 01:36:53
NOT PINK IMPOSTORno yea?2019-11-11 00:40:37
Not Anashaits cause I'm Asian, isn't it?2019-11-10 21:58:17
Moon Padre why does this storm have this name2019-11-09 10:36:55
Not sorry sorry sorry2019-11-08 21:47:22
Sp!T_Shinedem ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2019-11-08 17:53:25
Sp!T_ShineThat's too cute! I think he wants to have baby PsyCrows with you.2019-11-08 17:11:31
Moonsanshi 4 hours ago you are the wall come discord and talk tomorrow. Im gonna scream the ♥♥♥♥ out of you2019-11-08 13:56:22
CrowZer0My voice is the worst thing he has ever heard. Oh no he hurted my feelings I sound like a 15yo virgin. :(2019-11-08 09:52:45
savantSeems to me like he's scared to post it on your page2019-11-08 09:51:06
CrowZer0I don't think this moron realises he can comment on my page 09:40:32
MoonI frak ur mother u treegarard2019-11-08 09:17:55
MoonLOL WHAT A WETARD2019-11-08 09:17:23
CrowZer0I triggered someone so hard they made a fan video of me! 09:06:18
Not Anasha+rep 😢 this guy💖2019-11-08 02:07:13
Not Anasha-rep MEAN MEAN MEAN MEAN2019-11-07 22:08:07
MoonTells me he gets pizza, shows me picture of fried chicken.2019-11-07 20:01:49
DreamDo you speak England?2019-11-05 15:49:51
Not 22:47:22
apolloo.O2019-11-04 04:52:01
Not 17:27:08
Not 17:24:08
CrowZer0i teech u de engreesh and istory2019-11-03 17:23:51
Not 17:23:19
ILLY❀who tf is you fam2019-11-03 16:12:58
CrowZer0im a little girl who lives in mummys basement2019-11-03 13:57:47
MoonIn the park*2019-11-03 12:17:50
MoonSo after kite skiing in the I was like hungry and like I walk into the 7-11 (Gonna go buy some more like protein bars and sugarfree red bull) and out of nowhere this Indian dude was like "sir you can't wear a helmet in this facility, you are scaring the customers and children". I was like "bro cut your Indian mustache and then talk to me THIS IS A LIKE A FREE COUNTRY!? IF I WANNA WEAR HELMETS I WEAR HELMETS", then he went on about how it's not public property and he has every right to kick me out so he brings his Muslim or Mexican friend out from the back said he was like security and he grabbed me by the nuts and threw me out the store. Moral of the story is bro don't wear helmets in public property unless u want your nuts to be taken for ride.2019-11-03 12:17:25
Not Anasha-rep make some milk2019-11-03 01:06:20
Moonnice helmet2019-11-02 19:37:45
Sp!T_Shinee grils need wuv too2019-11-02 00:14:49
slasherMan what is this name i will report you2019-11-01 06:15:04
Not Anasha-rep throws fire2019-11-01 01:29:04
MoonAre you silver 3 yet?2019-10-30 23:06:48
MoonK now I HAVE TO work2019-10-30 01:58:59
Not AnashaUNZOPING2019-10-30 00:06:06
Not Anashagonna let it burn burn burn when the lights lalalalal they dont know what they lalalalal giving love to the world , we can light it up up up so they can't put it out out. K idk lyrics2019-10-29 10:58:35
Not Anashatime for the moonlight2019-10-29 10:57:14
Not AnashahEy i'M AdDinG yoU beCAuSE yOU aRe A kOreAbOo <32019-10-29 10:56:58
Sp!T_ShineI can't choose they all look the same! Lil Adorbs-able!2019-10-29 06:56:03
Not AnashaKragel2019-10-29 02:47:19
Not Anashauh._. amma just ship ramen to you <3 ;p2019-10-28 22:33:57
apolloCrowZer0Today at 10:31 PMLolI'm acting mad at my gfFor not wishing me a happy brothers dayShe's very confusedo.O2019-10-28 21:51:54
Moonthe soup was good XD2019-10-27 20:08:51
Moonyou remind me of someone2019-10-27 16:15:10
Not Anasha 00:34:46
MoonK u lied to me. This whole time I thought you had a big meaty vagine.2019-10-26 12:32:29
CrowZer0 06:21:36
CrowZer0Yes mr ebash pro I'm a lady 06:20:03
CrowZer0oh this guy thinks im trans2019-10-26 06:18:43
CrowZer0im a lady2019-10-26 06:17:20
✪ 6'1 hound @ office pcprobably has a man-face and male hormones but still can't hang with the boys2019-10-26 06:16:26
CrowZer01st place at eBash LAN with team NO GOOD -- 7/11/2015Washed up former FPS pro. Full time MILF Daddy.2019-10-26 06:15:50
CrowZer0Josue Acosta add me if you want2019-10-26 02:33:34 PUBG, Overwatch, CSGO, Titanfall 2, Rainbow Six Siege2019-10-26 02:12:07
Not 18:24:59
CrowZer0you just carried u dumb cuck2019-10-25 17:07:45
Fredrick FazbearingtonAN AS SHOLE PLAYER STAY FAR2019-10-25 17:07:04
Sp!T_ShineThe new COD MW is awesome! I got to play for a whole hour before bed last night. My other buddies stayed up all thru the night and are still playing right now. Nerds!!!!2019-10-25 06:54:50
Not Anashaso toxic , -rep left me to take a nAp2019-10-25 00:41:32
Not Anashahow about you learn the difference between your mute button and mine2019-10-24 22:17:00
Not AnashaCrowZer0Today at 8:55 PMif ur mic isnt workingcan u ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ type to tell me thatidiot *mutes me and says Is YOuR mIC bROkeN*2019-10-24 22:06:22
CrowZer0Random people with private friends, games, etc stop adding me I have 0 interest.2019-10-24 21:53:46
Not Anasha난 당신이 그리워요2019-10-23 22:52:47
Matty Icesus af2019-10-22 00:40:50
Sp!T_ShineCome on over!2019-10-21 13:49:49
Sp!T_ShineNot sure if you like dat dark meat but I made some insane slap your mama chicken drumsticks using indirect heat on my grill. Little salt and pepper and then some light bbq sauce coats at the last 10-15 minutes of grilling. I got some Guinness and spicy coleslaw to go with it. Redneck power!!2019-10-21 13:26:51
MrDrPhrogWho tf are you2019-10-20 08:36:09
Not Anasha“Somehow the silence seemed to connect us in a way like words never could.”2019-10-19 17:33:16
Not *inserts cheese emoji*2019-10-19 17:32:12
Not ~2019-10-19 17:31:27
Not Anashaits happening2019-10-19 17:31:11
Moon Why you make the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fight over you?2019-10-19 16:44:27
Sp!T_ShineOo2019-10-19 16:10:38
Not Anasha"sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xoxo.."2019-10-19 15:27:42
Moon you asked who my favorite joker is2019-10-19 15:21:36
Deniseyes boi2019-10-19 14:54:42
Gin the BoxThank you uncle crowy, hope you recovered from your back pain2019-10-19 12:50:30
IphoneFPS+rep funny boy,message me back so i can sub and follow you on twitch2019-10-19 05:30:33
Wavesteralmost 1k hours at cs go D: man your russian must be perfect now :D2019-10-19 02:21:42
Not you need to calm down ;)2019-10-18 22:38:52
Not what did i just discover lol2019-10-18 22:38:07
Not 22:36:00
MoonR.I.P. Cache2019-10-18 18:10:42
MoonCrowZer0 (♥♥♥ Crowzer0 Eric) 4 hours ago Have you tried the new beyond burger and impossible meat burger? They're both delicious more so than tofu and soy beans, but still taste like poop, but at least I am following a more PLANT BASED diet!This is the hardest thing I have ever read. I'm scared padre.2019-10-18 17:34:05
Not Jpop LOL2019-10-17 13:28:59
Not Anashaoh my mistake oh my mistake2019-10-17 11:45:57
Moon you like my toortol?2019-10-17 02:40:21
Not Anashabig lol 21:58:29
Sp!T_ShineOn the daillly? That's PROPAHHHHHH!2019-10-16 19:37:36
Not AnashaListen. Its not that difficult.Get two slices of bread. Toast em' ; Take out nutella and put it in de bread. Then take some cheese and put it on the bread too and TADA, you've created a masterpiece2019-10-16 17:34:04
♥ mushbrain ♥Thx broie. I’ll share it w u2019-10-16 07:37:14
slasherNot really into this fight thing, i am more into killing with kindness <32019-10-16 04:53:51
Not AnashaThe real question is - what are YOU gonna do about it ._.2019-10-16 00:08:12
Not AnashaHey, don't make fun of my keeleng floor skills2019-10-15 23:18:32
Sp!T_ShineShe slept in the PAQUI chip box after the video. 18:40:27
Sp!T_ShineUncle Crow, I miss sitting on your lap while watching Glee reruns2019-10-15 18:27:33
Not what a cute song2019-10-15 14:04:06
slasher♥♥♥♥♥ we need to talk.2019-10-15 10:31:54
Not 20:52:48
Not big sad2019-10-13 18:54:10
Not 18:44:51
Not 18:12:37
Moon can't get more american than this2019-10-13 15:40:41
MoonUh Crow? Are we?.. Are we FRIENDS? #SarryNotSarry2019-10-13 13:58:20
slasherWill chocke and spank the next one man! Trust me on that2019-10-13 05:09:02
Not i wannnnna swwwwingggggggggggggggg from the chandelier ~2019-10-12 17:21:56
Not Anasha*inner peace*2019-10-12 17:16:04
Not Anasha*breathe in breathe out*2019-10-12 17:15:59
Not 17:15:47
Not Anasha 17:15:30
Not Anasha 17:15:19
Triple Deviljhowhat do you mean by lifetime supply? Is every single piece ever made is right there at my disposal, or is it like Amazon prime? Does it include the dolls and figures?And can it be my right nipple instead?2019-10-12 16:33:15
Gin the BoxStop taking xtc in clubs with your friends2019-10-12 12:28:52
MoonHope you had a lot of losing in destiny 2 without me. Hope you win a lot.2019-10-12 11:55:11
muffy♥♥♥♥ techies2019-10-12 10:18:05
Not AnashaHey, identity theft isn't a joke Crow! ;p <32019-10-11 19:14:33
Moonhope you have fun sleeping without me.hope you win.2019-10-11 19:05:27
MoonYou look like the kind of guy that wears hats with propellers on them.2019-10-11 14:06:06
Sp!T_ShineThat's hot, did it smell like sperm?2019-10-11 06:56:26
Not Anashakeeeeleeeennnggg floooorrrrrr2019-10-11 04:04:47
Moondiarrhea?2019-10-11 00:20:04
Not Anasha"Why your Wismar Sheene have cookie dough" - Crow, 2019 calls walmart, wismar sheene2019-10-10 21:12:57
Moonk you dont even register my birfday...2019-10-10 19:31:43
Sp!T_ShineCrowZer0 and Not Anasha are now friends.Ohh Ho!!!Hope you have fun sipping warm honey water without me.Don't forget to have a great day and brush your tongue!2019-10-10 18:19:31
Not AnashaBoy, I'm all that you want but not what you need, tell me why do you still love me?2019-10-10 11:14:01
Not Anashaauhfduiahfuihewfuiewhifuhweuifhwe2019-10-07 16:55:07
Not Anasha+rep cause spams2019-10-07 16:55:02
Not Anasha-rep cause spams2019-10-07 16:54:53
Not Anashawhat nice spams2019-10-07 16:54:47
Not Anasha 21:39:19
Not AnashaMyatimatics be kinda difficult but meh~2019-10-06 18:10:57
Not Anasha+Rep cause I hate him ;p2019-10-06 18:10:40
Not Anasha 18:10:07
slasherYou are aware that Thanatos is a Greek word right?2019-10-06 08:27:48
Not Anasha 18:08:48
Not Anasha 17:47:08
Not Anashared 17:44:36
Not Anasha 17:44:14
Not Anasha 17:43:34
Sp!T_ShineWhatcha gonna do to celebrate when you get to a 1000 hours on CSGO? Gyro party?2019-10-05 11:05:15
CrowZer0thats not what i said rtard2019-10-05 06:36:23
Not AnashaI hate this persons voice but i dont dislike it ok2019-10-05 05:45:34
Not Anashacute2019-10-05 00:49:45
Not Anasha 20:59:48
Not Anasha big sad :(2019-10-04 20:58:11
Not Anasha lolz2019-10-04 20:57:26
Sp!T_ShineYou look great today!2019-10-04 15:23:21
Not LOL2019-10-03 21:02:16
Not i2019-10-03 20:55:47
Not 20:49:54
Not Anasha-+ rep I hate this guy.2019-10-02 14:47:46
Not 14:46:31
Not 14:45:07
Not Anasha 14:44:22
Sp!T_ShineYou have the best smile!2019-10-01 18:43:18
slasherTeach me abundance!2019-09-30 15:02:55
Not Anasha 22:14:08
Not Anashalaughs at my screenshots :(2019-09-29 20:46:59
Not Anashabully2019-09-29 20:46:51
Not Anashaso mean2019-09-29 20:46:48
Not AnashaI got let you goI got let you goI got let you goI got let you goBeatI got let you goI got let you goI got let you goI got let you gook2019-09-29 14:37:04
Not Anashathey were nice songs2019-09-29 14:36:24
Not Anashajk2019-09-29 14:36:18
Not Anashaon me profile2019-09-29 14:35:38
Not Anashayou post2019-09-29 14:35:33
Not Anashasuch weird songs2019-09-29 14:35:29
Sp!T_Shinethis reminds me of 2010 Steam, its cute..2019-09-28 16:57:03
Not AnashaIs it easier to stay? Is it easier to go?I don't wanna know, oh2019-09-28 16:51:56
Not Anasha 16:51:28
Not Anasha 16:47:13
Not Anashamaybe2019-09-28 16:35:01
Not Anashamaybe2019-09-28 16:34:58
Not Anashano2019-09-28 16:34:55
Not Anashano2019-09-28 16:34:53
Not Anashayes2019-09-28 16:34:50
Not Anashayes2019-09-28 16:34:48
Sp!T_ShineSoo HawT!!!2019-09-28 14:35:00
Not Anashawhat a sad song 20:56:33
Not Anasha 20:50:26
Not Anashakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk2019-09-27 17:19:39
Not Anashai hate you :)2019-09-27 03:27:05
Not AnashaC2019-09-26 21:57:46
Not AnashaR2019-09-26 21:57:36
Not AnashaO2019-09-26 21:57:30
Not AnashaW2019-09-26 21:57:23
Not Anashaoh2019-09-26 21:57:14
Not AnashaCurrently In-GameCounter-Strike: Global OffensiveJoin Game2019-09-26 21:57:10
slasherI should have choked her just like your little crow2019-09-26 11:42:02
WavesterNaan (Hindi: नान, romanized: nān) is a leavened, oven-baked flatbread[1] found in the cuisines mainly of Western Asia, South Asia, Myanmar and the Caribbean.[2][3][4]Contents 1 Etymology 2 Varieties 2.1 Western Asia 2.2 South Asia 2.3 Myanmar 3 See also 4 ReferencesEtymologyThe earliest appearance of "naan" in English is from 1803 in a travelogue of William Tooke.[5] The Persian word nān 'bread' is attested in Middle Persian as n'n 'bread, food', which is of Iranian origin, and is a cognate with Parthian ngn, Kurdish nan, Balochi nagan, Sogdian nγn-, and Pashto nəγan 'bread'.[6] Naan may have derived from bread baked on hot pebbles in ancient Persia.[7]2019-09-26 08:35:17
Not AnashaWell I hope and I pray that you do understandIf you did all you have to say isYeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeah yeah yeahI'm waiting for youYeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah2019-09-25 23:06:50
Not AnashaI never meant to break your heartI won't let this plane go downI never meant to make you cryI'll do what it takes to make this flyYou gotta hold onHold on to what you're feelingThat feeling is the best thingThe best thing alrightI'm gonna place my bet on usI know this love is heading in the same directionThat's up2019-09-25 23:06:09
Not Anasha 23:04:56
Not Anashayou do you bud :)2019-09-25 02:34:36
Moon she was just whowa2019-09-24 20:47:30
Sp!T_ShineeZZYY PeaZZY 19:59:28
Sp!T_ShineI fall in love with Steam users based on their anime avatars and then stalk them silently across shoutboxes and groups even though I know they probably look about as attractive as I do2019-09-24 17:33:23
Wavester🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 Have a wavey rest of the week !2019-09-24 16:49:59
slasherIndeed my dude. I need to realise that I am an ascended being that is the product of millions of years of fine tuned evolution leading to a specimen that is neither human nor god.2019-09-24 07:43:35
Moon Why did the matty-matics books look so sad? Because it had so many problems2019-09-24 00:01:43
Moonyou like fishsticks?2019-09-23 22:54:16
Moon 22:54:07
Not Anashastill more Kawaii than YOU2019-09-23 17:20:59
Sp!T_Shinedey lil adorbs2019-09-23 16:56:53
Not Anasha.-.2019-09-23 12:37:23
Not Anasha[Saturday 22:17]CrowZer0: k toxic and afk2019-09-23 12:07:21
Not Anasha[Yesterday, 01:15]CrowZer0: But I still want.. ONE STEP KAKAWIWAB. Ive never been to uh ooverjabe2019-09-23 12:06:56
Not AnashaI loved the ice-cream but I didn't like the flavour ok2019-09-22 22:44:00
Not Anashacookie duuuh2019-09-22 22:40:52
Moon 15:20:32
Sp!T_Shinethey are like tiny sour skittles, I guess I want the green one. At least its worth sucking on.....2019-09-21 19:08:21
slasherWatching videos like "10 signs that you are being manipulated" makes me think even more and I am bit scared xd. Pretty sure i was being :P2019-09-21 17:50:52
Sp!T_ShineThey are all like 4'6" tall. My ex was 5 foot and it was really weird at times. Like dating a little kid. My hands were bigger than her feet. I guess one good thing is they make your d ick look huge.... lol2019-09-21 09:39:10
Not Anasha:D2019-09-21 03:56:33
Not Anashathank you2019-09-21 03:56:28
Not AnashaYada yada yada yadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2019-09-21 03:55:59
aborted<32019-09-21 02:46:51
WavesterFinland (Finnish: Suomi [suo̯mi] (About this soundlisten); Swedish: Finland [ˈfɪnland] (About this soundlisten)), officially the Republic of Finland (Finnish: Suomen tasavalta, Swedish: Republiken Finland (About this soundlisten to all)),[note 1] is a Nordic country in Northern Europe bordering the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia, and Gulf of Finland, between Norway to the north, Sweden to the northwest, and Russia to the east. The capital and largest city is Helsinki. Other major cities are Espoo, Vantaa, Tampere, Oulu and Turku2019-09-20 07:45:15
Not Anasha 18:23:56
Not Anasha 18:12:57
Sp!T_ShineSir. Newton Clarence Aug 7 @ 7:07am Oh yeah?! I bet you can't even suck your own ♥♥♥♥! Radhog Aug 7 @ 5:37am I suck so much more ♥♥♥♥ than you Sir. Newton Clarence Aug 7 @ 5:11am I suck everyone's ♥♥♥♥ Radhog Aug 6 @ 11:49am I suck your ♥♥♥♥* proplayer/K1mil Aug 6 @ 11:43am i suck you ♥♥♥♥2019-09-19 06:29:44
Not Anasha LOL2019-09-18 23:26:08
MoonHEY FATTY2019-09-18 16:58:37
Not Anashanew tella2019-09-18 13:48:47
Not Anasha k2019-09-18 02:52:54
WavesterCoca-Cola, or Coke, is a carbonated soft drink[1] manufactured by The Coca-Cola Company. Originally intended as a patent medicine, it was invented in the late 19th century by John Stith Pemberton and was bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coca-Cola to its dominance of the world soft-drink market throughout the 20th century. The drink's name refers to two of its original ingredients: coca leaves, and kola nuts (a source of caffeine). The current formula of Coca-Cola remains a trade secret, although a variety of reported recipes and experimental recreations have been published.2019-09-18 00:37:25
Not Anashak aight2019-09-17 21:56:47
Not Anashak2019-09-17 21:56:40
Not Anasha♥♥♥♥♥.2019-09-17 21:56:32
Sp!T_ShineBattleTag SpitShine#14822019-09-17 17:40:25
Sp!T_ShineGetting ready for the new COD. Closed beta starts Thursday, Cya there!!!2019-09-17 17:34:13
Not Anashaoho name stealerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ;p2019-09-17 01:28:30
Not Anasha 01:10:40
Not Anashado you ever feel like a plastic bagdrifting through the winds wanting to start again2019-09-16 17:47:55
Not AnashaLOL2019-09-16 17:47:18
Not Anasha*spam spam spam*2019-09-16 17:46:55
Not Anashahow are ya2019-09-16 17:46:47
Not AnashaOh hello2019-09-16 17:46:43
Not AnashaWe're like na, na, naThen we're like yeah, yeah, yeahAlways like na, na, naThen we're like yeah, yeah, yeahNo, we can't make up our minds'Cause when we think we've got it rightWe go na, na, na, naNa, na, na, naNa, na, na, naNa, na, na, na2019-09-16 12:56:19
Not Anashayada yada yada2019-09-16 00:18:33
Moononichan where do babies come from :>2019-09-15 19:03:53
DukhatMedium aged man, my good sir. Also to 2212Ap, male vocals are better However.. spicy fruit (never saw these 2 words combined) could change my mind!2019-09-15 18:27:45
Not Anasha don't @ me.2019-09-15 18:23:58
CrowZer0Don't be a follow through young man, whoever you are and wherever you found me.2019-09-15 18:20:53
Dukhat"𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨"I thought about maiming someone,I reckon I better go do some of that then.Huzzah!2019-09-15 18:18:14
Not AnashaWhen my eyes open morning pulls me into the view, noI guess I'm only acting in the way that you do.Just being alone, no.Only time tells me more than I hope, all that I know isI'll be finding a fortnight alone and behold.I know I shouldn't have let you go.2019-09-15 14:38:36
Not AnashaHow does it feel to leave me this way,When all that you have's been lost in a day?Everyone knows, but not what to say.I've been wonderin' now2019-09-15 14:37:56
Not Anasharagequit just fo u2019-09-14 19:16:31
MoonHope you have fun Vaping caca flavored ejuice without me. Hope you win.2019-09-14 09:39:47
Not Anashabasic boi playlist2019-09-14 04:43:51
Not Anashacome pleh cs2019-09-14 01:02:37
Not Anasha 19:35:08
Not Anasha 19:34:06
Not Anasha 19:33:26
Not Anasha twwwwwwitttttttttt2019-09-13 19:28:21
Not Anashakpop spam cause idk2019-09-13 19:24:32
Not Anasha 19:24:24
Not Anasha 19:21:37
Not AnashaI’m ready to go on my wayI have nothing to say, go awayWhat more can be said?Even if I get mad, that only hurts my lipsSo I wanna do whatever I want tooBicho Malo2019-09-13 19:21:31
MoonHahahaahahahah shut up2019-09-13 14:28:35
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2019-09-13 14:28:27
muffypweety pwincessss2019-09-13 09:03:49
CrowZer0i would OHO the out of Jennie and Rose jk don't kill me2019-09-13 02:24:57
Not Anasha:D2019-09-13 01:54:58
Not AnashaEW you.2019-09-13 01:54:55
Not Anashaoho Lisa2019-09-13 01:54:52
Not Anashaoho Rose2019-09-13 01:54:48
Not Anashaoho Jisoo2019-09-13 01:54:44
Not Anashaoho Jennie2019-09-13 01:54:37
Not Anasha 18:31:02
Not AnashaGoodbye my lover.Goodbye my friend.You have been the one.You have been the one for me2019-09-12 17:33:34
Moon this song reminds me of Clinty Cummings2019-09-12 15:29:47
Not Anashaintro to weather and climate is kinda hmmmmmmmmmmm2019-09-12 11:29:26
Not AnashaDarling, nobody said that it would last foreverThat doesn't mean we didn't try to get thereI never said that we would die togetherThat doesn't mean it was a lie, rememberNobody said that it would last forever2019-09-12 11:29:13
Not AnashaHead in my hands, cold coffee on the tableWish you the best, I would if I was ableMorning light, it stings a littleOut of my mind, I don't remember callingHad too much tonic wine; sometimes, it does the talkingHope you know I wish you all the love you're looking for2019-09-12 11:26:58
Not AnashaPANCAKES WITH RICE2019-09-12 01:04:34
Moon 19:30:20
Not AnashaPuke emojis from phone don't count2019-09-11 18:52:31
Not Anasha“All of a sudden I didn't fit in anywhere. Not at school, not at home...and every time I turned around, another person I'd known forever felt like a stranger to me. Even I felt like a stranger to me.” bruh, this tho2019-09-11 18:52:21
Not Anasha"Next time you're faced with a choice, do the right thing. It hurts everyone less in the long run.”2019-09-11 18:50:56
Not AnashaAin't got much to doToo old for my hometownWent to bed at noonCouldn't put my phone downScrolling patientlyIt's all the same to meJust faces on a screen, yeahBruh my favourite part2019-09-11 18:47:26
Sp!T_ShineU can't resist my corn dog shaped toes and hairy thigh gap!!2019-09-11 16:22:28
CrowZer0 15:06:32
Sp!T_Shine, messing with Phoenix cops! 20:59:37
Not Anashabought skittles. k bye2019-09-10 20:35:18
Not Anashacouldn't find smarties2019-09-10 20:35:12
Not Anashauh sorry but I forgot de lemons2019-09-10 20:34:59
Not Anasha*spam alert*2019-09-10 20:34:50
Not AnashaNow I'm shaking, drinking all this coffeeThese last few weeks have been exhaustingI'm lost in my imaginationAnd there's one thing that I need from youCan you come through, through2019-09-10 20:34:44
Moonhahaha oh hai doggy! Are you going to see The Room this friday ?2019-09-10 17:29:03
Moonoh ho?2019-09-10 16:11:29
Sp!T_ShineChampion homeland black and white ex pandas...... 22:13:50
Not Anashayada yada yada2019-09-09 19:18:01
Sp!T_ShineThat stash knocks mines d ick in the dirt 18:18:30
Not Anashai trjust you too LOL2019-09-08 22:06:38
Moonsheetles - taste the Acehole2019-09-07 23:41:45
MoonSheetles - taste the ♥♥♥♥♥♥2019-09-07 23:41:30
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ - taste the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2019-09-07 23:41:04
savantI found blades under your pillow again... what's going on??!?!2019-09-07 20:50:41
Not AnashaI guess my words don't really mean anything2019-09-07 20:49:34
Sp!T_Shineu have a bear hanging in your pic????are you cutting yourself in the closet?please PM me on myspace right away2019-09-07 20:45:51
savantyou made your profile private? r u ok???? were all here 4 u2019-09-07 20:20:29
CrowZer0LOL drunk spitty is best spitty!2019-09-07 19:00:22
Sp!T_Shine#MakingYourPopsProud 18:29:19
Sp!T_ShineIf you’ve had a productive week, then you deserve to play hard and have fun this weekend but if the reverse is the case, it’s time to re-strategise and plan for a successful weekend. Whichever it is, I wish you a peaceful weekend.2019-09-07 18:27:35
Sp!T_Shinehave a great weekend i hope you have lots of fun without me, hope u win a lot2019-09-07 18:24:47
Sp!T_Shine 18:00:08
Sp!T_Shine 16:49:52
Sp!T_Shine 16:45:49
Sp!T_ShineIt's me cause I sit when I peeIt's you cause you stand when you poo2019-09-07 16:42:57
Sp!T_ShineKinky Kelly said she likes your name2019-09-07 16:22:22
slasherthanks for making me cry2019-09-07 15:23:25
slasherNice man i just broke up and i see your name2019-09-07 15:23:18
Not Anashacri if you need toooooooo2019-09-07 13:43:00
Not Anashaits you, you you you you2019-09-06 23:56:31
Sp!T_ShineI had grilled brats with broccoli and bean dip for dinner.... totally normal2019-09-06 21:11:02
gaS2drawlswhat, who are u2019-09-06 20:31:09
Sp!T_ShineHave a great weekend and remember to do a heavy dusting of your horn and berries with lots of gold bond powder before going out into the brony/anime night clubs!2019-09-06 18:57:57
Moon k?2019-09-06 18:51:41
muffykpoop star2019-09-06 15:33:13
MoonQuoting Britney Spears I see... K, I didn't even register the first thing you see in the video are crows :sadcrow:2019-09-06 13:30:07
Not Anashau a cri bby so2019-09-06 13:24:57
Not Anashacri bby2019-09-06 03:59:40
Not Anasha9992019-09-06 03:34:18
Not AnashaOKAY WEIRDO2019-09-06 03:34:14
CrowZer0You're too loud crowyour mics too low crowi can hear you mute crowstop laughing crowi cant hear you crowyoure too loud crowomg there's no pleasing u2019-09-05 22:26:08
Not Anashaspeak LOUDER2019-09-05 22:16:01
Not AnashaI2019-09-05 19:32:14
Not Anashacan2019-09-05 19:32:12
Not Anashaspam2019-09-05 19:32:05
Not Anashatoo2019-09-05 19:32:02
Not Anashaactually going to call 999 you weirdo.2019-09-05 19:24:14
MoonI bought Tekken 7 NOW I HAVE TO play it, I gueth....2019-09-05 13:34:21
Not Anashamaple syrup pancakes2019-09-05 01:10:36
Not Anashabyeeeeeeeeeeeeee2019-09-04 20:39:40
Moonyou know what your problem is crow? you too nice HA HA HA2019-09-04 08:05:24
Moonbtw im bisexual2019-09-04 07:48:19
Not Anasha:(2019-09-04 00:36:09
CrowZer0Moment of silence for comb, R.I.P.I think you have me confused with someone else, I'm too shy and nervous to ever be in a call let alone HANG UP on anyone!2019-09-03 17:38:37
Not Anashalol you hung up on me.2019-09-03 15:54:50
Not Anasha9992019-09-02 23:27:40
Not AnashaNONONONO2019-09-02 11:28:18
Not Anashak i will2019-09-01 18:37:51
CrowZer0LOL shut up2019-09-01 18:37:36
Not AnashaJoin Request Denied - June 16th @ 11:05pm - Croweaboo's membership request was denied by Not Anasha2019-09-01 18:37:15
Not Anashaawjhdajidhaijshdasojdasdasodaslkjdasd2019-09-01 18:19:48
Not Anashak, love the name2019-09-01 17:18:34
Not Anasha._. okay2019-09-01 04:05:33
Not Anashaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 8am2019-09-01 02:53:39
MoonYou didn't even register I was kicking and screaming after I told you three times?! I guess I'll have to just return the favor.2019-08-31 19:57:05
MoonCrow... Are we friends?2019-08-31 19:56:04
MoonK. I see how it is... You left me like you left my brother. hope you win a lot without me.2019-08-31 19:55:36
MoonDo you even register that I'm dehydrated?2019-08-31 19:54:38
MoonYou know what's your problem? You're too nice.2019-08-31 19:53:01
MoonI gave you everything on a silver platter and you don't even imy me2019-08-31 19:52:19
Not Anasha KOREABOO2019-08-31 19:04:30
Not Anasha"I can smell like a dog" - Crow, 20192019-08-31 14:31:12
Not Anashacause I had to2019-08-31 03:25:26
Moon it looks delicious2019-08-31 02:14:51
Not Anashai mean those songs on your bio tho, hMMMMMMMMMM2019-08-30 20:27:03
MoonDo you want my hairy-backed bulbul? 16:38:15
MoonGet it I said buulbuul like buu and bulbul2019-08-29 16:32:30
MoonFat buu has a tiny Majin BUUl-BUUl2019-08-29 16:31:00
MoonYou can have your back, but you can't take your2019-08-29 12:07:18
MoonYou know what's your problem? You're too nice.2019-08-29 12:03:27
MoonYou think Majin Buu sexy?2019-08-28 19:24:41
Sp!T_ShineI'm fond of the doggys name in that vid Moon posted and his ambition!!!2019-08-28 17:14:38
Moon oh Hai doggie2019-08-28 12:16:49
CrowZer0Oy vey2019-08-28 11:25:59
Ayylmao1911Because I can. ♥♥♥♥ yoy2019-08-28 07:39:54
CrowZer0Why are you on my profile after months Lior fat alien kid?2019-08-28 00:47:40
Not Anasha 19:56:53
Ayylmao1911:(2019-08-27 12:23:28
Moon I found your best friend on YouTube, forgive me Padre.2019-08-27 11:46:36
Moon+rep let's me win at deek swords all the time2019-08-27 11:39:38
Not Anasha-rep for no reason2019-08-26 22:04:55
MoonDo you like my fat Italian wife voice?2019-08-26 18:26:04
MoonJanny why are you yelling at me!! It's hard to lose weight I'm trying the Atkins diet but I miss my blood sugar being high2019-08-26 18:23:06
CrowZer0Day 2 of heatwave alert. Checks weather 26-27c today, that's not too bad.Brew 1l of black coffee, liquid sex, deeelicious.Uh oh, overheating, head feeels hot. Why em I so hot.Checks weather, current weather 31c real feel 32c. MOTHER FKKKERS****Checks internal thermometer room is currently 34c with fans on.GG crow, great bank holiday time for cold shower no 2.2019-08-26 10:05:39
CrowZer0No one ever waits for me. :sadcat:2019-08-26 09:26:25
MoonHow come you didn't wait for me on a 5th @community servant?2019-08-25 22:25:04
gay firemanme and some friends were waiting on anasha for a fifth2019-08-25 21:41:12
MoonOi mate give me that nuttah buttah on a silvah plattah2019-08-25 13:00:51
Not Anashacan you make up your mind2019-08-25 11:14:44
CrowZer0:sadcat:2019-08-25 04:54:20
apollocan i have a cool profile picture like yours?2019-08-25 03:41:45
Sp!T_Shinebrunettes rule the planet... but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gotta give it up for the cornflakes sometimes..... 01:33:49
Not Anashayou came in de way so2019-08-24 23:05:29
MoonI'm deleting you because my borderlands don't work forgive me Padre (borderlands 2 works though)2019-08-24 20:49:19
MoonPishizor hates me cause I never did level 100 first room on nacht Der untoten2019-08-24 20:30:03
MoonHahaha cookie doe!!! You crack me up2019-08-24 20:19:37
MoonHe didn't even buy me my favorite Italian candy2019-08-24 19:26:18
Not AnashaStop lying .2019-08-24 19:18:58
MoonI'm starvin!2019-08-24 15:01:49
CrowZer0i hate this heat2019-08-24 14:37:10
MoonWe pish pish at the same time <32019-08-24 13:44:21
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥ it long and ♥♥♥♥ it hard2019-08-24 12:33:47
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥♥♥ A2019-08-24 12:33:08
Sp!T_Shineyou can say ♥♥♥♥♥♥ without it being censored????2019-08-24 12:32:57
Sp!T_ShineThose chippers look noms noms. Woke up and started drinking. I love wasting my days off work doing nothing but getting wrecked. I think I am gonna start smoking weed again insteads of drinking. Not sure, had a bad panic attack last time I smoked thc oil. 98% thc or some ♥♥♥♥. While I was high I was looking at my pc propped up next to me on my desk and thinking "wow I'm a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ nerd." lol Then I started doing dumbbell flys and it felt like my arms were made of rubber.2019-08-24 12:30:00
Sp!T_ShineChilli n Lime I like your name. Its sour and tart but has potential for a shart!2019-08-24 11:29:50
Sp!T_ShineOhh ♥♥♥♥ is that her? it looks like her, she even looks better with more clothes on. I wanna sniff her fartbox2019-08-24 11:28:30
CrowZer0Moon: So she got run over by a busMe: AHAHAHAHAHA Moon: :/ why is that funny...?Me: AHAHAHAHHA I DONT KNOW SHE GOT RUN OVER BY A BUS NO WONDER SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE HAS DOWN SYNDROMEMoon: You need years of therapy2019-08-24 09:54:38
CrowZer0K so I'm a chicken and a dog I might as well be a farm2019-08-24 03:19:55
MoonOh hi doggie2019-08-23 21:59:56
Sp!T_ShineRedemption 17:47:56
Sp!T_ShineThe end of no fap.......... 16:58:31
MoonHow come you don't imy me. K.2019-08-23 11:37:49
MoonI handed you everything on a silver platter and all you do is want me to die2019-08-23 11:07:30
MoonHangry vegan hope you enjoy your soy latte without me2019-08-22 16:44:25
MoonGae2019-08-22 13:47:28
CrowZer0Apparently I'm going to a Sheffield United football match., k.2019-08-22 12:18:06
MoonThey cut our peenus off but not our tongues 😜2019-08-20 18:39:49
CrowZer0BLACKPINK are a korean copy of ♥♥♥♥♥cat dolls/spice girlsprove me wrong2019-08-18 05:27:36
CrowZer0Why do you like kpop?Omg x is soooooo cute/hotI LOVE THEIR DANCE MOVESTheir videos are soooo colourful k2019-08-18 05:25:39
CrowZer0People who do not speak nor understand Korean but list k-pop as their favourite genre of music are sheep, idiots and/or have mental issues. Prove me wrong.2019-08-18 05:19:53
CrowZer0UFC 241 was awesome baby!Very happy with Romero v Costa went how I wanted.Not happy with Diaz v Pettis but went how I thought.Berry happy with Cormier v Miocic, went how I wanted but not how I thought it would.#abudhabihype Khabib v Poirier Sep 9th! Predickshun, Khabib mauls him 99% Poirier gets fluke hitter in a flurry 1%2019-08-18 02:35:54
Sp!T_ShineIt sucks getting old. I want my 20's back.. 13:29:06
Not Anashasays the person who's having ant ice cream2019-08-17 10:49:26
Not Anashano time to listen to an 8 minute song like wtf2019-08-17 04:32:53
MoonI handed everything to you on a silver platter and my children hate me.Just kill me already!!!2019-08-17 02:41:49
MoonMajin bulbul2019-08-17 02:30:32
Sp!T_ShineProbably the most technical rapper ever....... 02:21:59
Sp!T_ShineSomebody buy this guy a Doritos Locos Taco.... 02:10:04
Sp!T_Shineduupes em all, dead or alive!!!2019-08-17 02:02:46
Sp!T_Shine 02:01:19
Sp!T_ShineThe realest rappers there ever was never had ♥♥♥♥ on John Popper2019-08-17 02:00:01
Sp!T_Shine2pac greatest ever......where is my thumbs down emoticon????2019-08-17 01:57:49
Sp!T_Shinelol2019-08-17 01:57:14
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥♥♥ dude is joke as far as MC's go, but ya, he has money....2019-08-17 01:55:49
Sp!T_ShineNobody in the shower is ever like...... 01:51:58
Sp!T_ShineI shared it abroad to the masses.... a few buddies at work..2019-08-17 01:45:04
CrowZer0my girls a brunette with blue eyes padre, forgive me2019-08-17 01:42:49
Sp!T_ShineU always go brown bear hair chickas......ftw2019-08-17 01:40:32
Sp!T_Shineshe not as sour patch as the last thou..... 01:39:42
Sp!T_ShineYour "I tink u lik wut u c" vid is evil yo....2019-08-17 01:36:14
CrowZer0they were idiots, and one guy was "4 ranks above me"eediots so you named yourself after this song..>?!?!2019-08-17 01:36:07
Sp!T_ShineIt was fun to watch for a bit thou, seemed like you were trying to give your advice to team mates to run back and heal etc.2019-08-17 01:35:08
Sp!T_ShineWhen I found out Call of Duty is supposed to have cross platform and bunch of other lies..... 01:27:14
Not AnashaYes , moon is bullying me. Ask him to stop please2019-08-17 01:17:48
CrowZer0well that's one way to eat a sausage2019-08-16 21:18:10
MoonI like my coffee like I like my peenises... Dark, full of cream, and burning the back of my throat.2019-08-16 20:53:41
MoonI see how it is. You left me like my brother did. Got your own place, your own job, your own money, and your own girlfriend. Hope you have fun with without me. Good luck winning.2019-08-16 18:27:35
MoonPooping 8 times a day is very healthy2019-08-16 16:47:28
MoonExcuse me >< my tummy hurting from all these tacosGotta go lay on my back and stretch my stomach2019-08-16 13:02:10
MoonNaow man you gots to play for picks2019-08-14 14:40:32
MoonDanic do u love me2019-08-10 01:43:25
Sp!T_ShineStill only watched 1st episode and it was bad a ss, time is not on my side to watch probably the best series in a long f ukken while. But I will catch up this weekend hopefully.2019-08-09 22:37:03
Sp!T_ShineThat is my job and I'm getting paid well for it so I must.... Actually her brunette counter part in the bathroom is much tastier but personality triumps for Star girl... I went full nerd.2019-08-09 22:32:35
CrowZer0oh ok, yeah I randomly respond in discussions when im queueing for a match and forget lol2019-08-09 04:56:55
1MantisPhoenixFrom dota 2 discussions :) words that are wise; like a dota1; lite2019-08-09 04:28:35
CrowZer0I don't think I played with you, not sure if you're part of a Discord group I'm in, although your words are very flattering, I don't know where you found me and I generally don't accept adds unless I know who the person is or where they found me.2019-08-09 03:49:07
CrowZer0Uh where did you find me?2019-08-09 03:32:11
1MantisPhoenixI like you already because you're honest. Some American, in comparison, has a private Steam profile. Gives wrong IT information, has been using a PC for one year longer than me in life, but i think he's bluffing, and mocks a simple command launch option for Grim Dawn. Such a pathetic sod, so I blocked him from seeing my profile/. But you, in c omparison , are a light of inspiration. Check you out, say hey; leave some loves on the wall, and wish you a blessed future., ♥∞2019-08-09 03:18:12
MoonHA HA HA you crack me up!2019-08-08 23:40:40
MoonLOL2019-08-08 16:39:46
CrowZer0Meanwhile someone else being racist, talking about raping my mother sister, and multiple comments about school shootings on screenshots Steam doesn't act on for over a week!2019-08-08 16:09:59
CrowZer0Apparently some idiot got offended by comments about potatoes not being apples and steam support being as incompetent as they are deleted a couple of pages of comments.Voila! keep up the good work.2019-08-08 15:45:14
Gin the BoxPatata2019-08-08 04:38:02
MoonPenitz sword2019-08-07 15:15:34
CrowZer0dis is moon hes my boifrand and very protective of me2019-08-07 15:09:29
MoonThat is one needy hamasexual ugly weeaboo mother faker2019-08-07 15:08:54
voyagerThank's bro i know i just drip swag like a broken faucet.2019-08-07 15:08:51
CrowZer0you must be really cool to have more than one account, i wish i could be cool like you2019-08-07 15:08:23
voyageronly the good ones.2019-08-07 15:07:58
CrowZer0oh wow you have smurfs, do all of them have vac bans?2019-08-07 15:07:34
voyageright i got more smurfs. Im just here until you decide to stop responding.2019-08-07 15:07:10
CrowZer0until you reach your daily limit of posting too much, go ham fatty2019-08-07 15:06:24
voyagerNahh i'm good. I think i'll hang around here.2019-08-07 15:05:52
CrowZer0I DONUT CARE ABOUT YOUR FATASS PROBLEMS, GO TELL YOUR THERAPIST, you couldnt afford my time now go away fatty2019-08-07 15:04:59
voyagerBro i was 415 pounds at the start of this year (After spending 8 months in a wheelchair) as of today i'm down to 330 pounds so i'm happy and i don't plan on stopping.2019-08-07 15:04:01
CrowZer0nah dont lie no one fat is proud of it, they just act like they're okay with it cos they're too mentally weak to move their fat ass and cant stop filling their mouths with junk food to fill the emptiness they feel inside, its ok, you're misunderstood a special little acne ridden majin buu looking weeb, keep doing you, as amusing as this is for me, go away im tryna sing along to spice girls2019-08-07 15:02:55
voyagerdiet taste like ♥♥♥♥. Im a fat ass ♥♥♥♥♥ and proud bout it my G2019-08-07 15:00:08
CrowZer0silly kid go away i don't WANT to cyber bul bul you or make you even more suicidal, go away child for your own sanity, go watch some bible black eat some low fat taco shells and enjoy your diet dr pepper. now fk off before u start hurted my feelingz2019-08-07 14:55:36
voyagersorry. i'll change it from yelling, I enjoy getting degraded. Keeps me in my place2019-08-07 14:53:35
CrowZer0why would I read your profile? i skimmed it knew exactly how you are and got all the info i needed (waste of time and space) and sorry 2 dissapoint you, im not yelling, Im mostly facepalming and laughing at how sad you must be.2019-08-07 14:52:11
voyagerThat's cool. Keep insulting people cause of their interests. also did you not read my main i like getting yelled at lmao2019-08-07 14:51:04
CrowZer0move the fk on you weeb, if you really want to be humiliated and abused go hire a dominatrix, you're wasting your time, more importantly mine2019-08-07 14:50:12
voyagerI only "added" you is because my main can't comment anymore2019-08-07 14:49:18
CrowZer0 yeah no, learn to read.Wtf makes you think I would honour you with a place on my friends list after calling out what a spastic you are? Go watch some hentai you worthless mong.2019-08-07 14:35:25
Sp!T_Shineabout half way thru episode 1, My bed time but I might ask mommy and daddy if I can stay up late and finish it.2019-08-06 21:13:21
Sp!T_ShineI think its just the steam Tuesday update crap. It showed everybody offline a few minutes ago for me. Or maybe Lord Gabe hates me2019-08-06 18:32:04
CrowZer0i cant respond on your profile padre keeps telling me it can't be found...2019-08-06 18:19:56
Sp!T_ShineOk Im gonna watch episode 1 tonight while eating my rabbit food dinner.2019-08-06 17:28:52
Sp!T_ShineJebus! Its that good?2019-08-06 17:24:36
Sp!T_ShineHopefully start watching the show this weekend =-)2019-08-06 16:30:20
CrowZer0i dare cos im me you faggoat2019-08-06 15:41:56
konekowow how dare u2019-08-06 14:38:22
MoonShe is drawing me pictures of the moon2019-08-06 14:23:45
MoonShe is not an animal, she is a free woman that likes blue nail polish.2019-08-06 14:22:56
MoonHaha what a silly "billy butchd" boy2019-08-06 14:09:33
CrowZer0 14:08:14
CrowZer0oh its my grandaughter k, sry mistook u for every other weeb here2019-08-06 14:05:19
CrowZer0who dafuk is dis2019-08-06 14:02:31
konekograndpa is gay2019-08-06 13:15:09
MoonTo live and die in Sandusky, Ohio2019-08-06 12:45:41
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭hahaha i believe it big boi.2019-08-06 12:32:54
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭Yes Irish with Scottish blood or so i've been told by someone in my family who's done a family history check2019-08-06 12:23:07
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭No doubt.Id think the same thing if i was you hahaha2019-08-06 12:21:54
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭Really?Spanks fo lettin meh know.Not a Satanist in fact i loathe the satanic posers on here.I enjoy horror though.Been into it since i was a kid.2019-08-06 12:19:45
CrowZer0i'm feeling mischievous, this is usually when get naughty and annoy people ignore people play doto2019-08-06 12:19:34
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭Been Roman for centuries2019-08-06 12:16:03
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭I'm Roman Catholic.Always have been always will be2019-08-06 12:13:40
CrowZer0my face when grils who are stupid and boring try to over exaggerate their character by trying to be edgy, dark or "weird and quirky" you aint fooling none hun2019-08-06 12:10:56
CrowZer0Me: have you seen the boys on amazon prime yet?Moon: not yet, I will. 8 hours later. Moon: k I finished it Me: wtf all of season one? Moon: it was only 8 1 hour episodes Me: k2019-08-06 11:40:37
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭nothing like a bloody rare vegi burger!!2019-08-05 18:52:34
Moon um... What episode of King and the Sting is this one O.O2019-08-05 18:15:36
MoonWhy did u delet me fatty?2019-08-05 13:34:16
CrowZer0if i deleted u today it's cos u added me and i forgot who you are, don't bother adding again, gain some self respect you mongrel2019-08-05 12:46:17
CrowZer0"dormant butt syndrome" aka pancake butt, aka skinny fat hoe who only squats to poop out her soy burger 12:19:53
Sp!T_Shine+rep, has a really nice f ukken butt2019-08-03 17:56:17
Sp!T_ShineImma check it out2019-08-03 14:12:26
CrowZer0 11:44:16
CrowZer0my mummy will appreciate that2019-08-03 11:38:52
MartyI feel sorry for your mother, raising such a loser2019-08-03 09:39:49
Martyabsolute melt2019-08-03 09:39:15
Moon so this is where beats has been this summer2019-08-02 20:51:49
MoonWe already borrowed like 30 trillion from the Chinese. What's another 3 trilly gonna do?2019-08-02 20:44:38
Sp!T_Shineeat my horn till it bleeds u ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥2019-08-02 20:31:55
MoonWho gives a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mushroom about saving the environment, when it's too late? 1000 bucks a month sounds better!2019-08-02 20:12:56
CrowZer0Ok mr 30 min radiance on undying with 14 houses in the uk but sounds like he lives on a council estate and can't form a sentence together! Tell us more about your construction company in Belgravia (where there are no construction companies) lol2019-08-02 19:59:07
MartyWhat a complete melt2019-08-02 19:21:22
Sp!T_Shineyou so damn mad at me in your pic2019-08-02 19:06:19
CrowZer0they all commended me because i told entire enemy team im a cute girl2019-08-02 16:52:43
CrowZer0[22:39]Antihero Complex: who dis[22:39]Sumiya: me tinker[22:40]Antihero Complex: tinkerbell?[22:40]Sumiya: wanna play?[22:40]Antihero Complex: oh from last game dude im not really a girl[22:40]Sumiya: ye[22:40]Antihero Complex: i dont have webcam[22:40]Sumiya: haha i know ur voice2019-08-02 16:52:27
CrowZer0Me: Hi warlock, why did you save your ult to farm ancients instead of the enemy t2 tower with us?Warlock: stfu u ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥This was so hilarious because the warlock said this in a very thick irish accent.The doto lyf chose me2019-08-02 16:43:48
CrowZer0A new one, I got called a ♥♥♥♥♥, I laughed so hard I spat guiness all over my screen, true story2019-08-02 16:42:47
Sp!T_ShineYa, but she got nice wheels and tires2019-08-02 16:25:53
CrowZer0In one week I have been told I sound like a 13 yo, an old man, a "gay" batman, a russian, and a radio presenter. The voice acting is going well.2019-08-02 07:21:42
CrowZer0i sound like "batman" k2019-08-01 07:23:34
CrowZer0then i had a toffee latte2019-07-31 11:57:26
CrowZer0pro tip break the apple pie and put it in the mcflurry, fank me later2019-07-31 11:55:40
CrowZer0im really fat my brunch was over 2600 calories, large big mac meal, 20 mcnuggets, rasberry flake mcflurry, apple pie and a large coke.2019-07-31 11:55:07
CrowZer0stinky poo poo head and turkey slaughterhouse plz stap u are rly hurted my fragile fat 13yo feelingz, u make me feel sad n cry.2019-07-31 09:37:25
Sp!T_ShineCS:GO pee pee head, let me teach you how to dip your pickle in my yogurt and splatter it all over my back. AWP my fuzzy horn irl fagoat2019-07-30 17:00:34
BadMeetsEvil1k mmr noob mother ♥♥♥♥♥♥ are u even good at anything in your pathetic life you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dog??? maybe you should go kill some children in school and then suicide like your american friends2019-07-30 16:07:05
BadMeetsEvilmentally retarded american mother ♥♥♥♥♥♥ your mom is a american ♥♥♥♥♥2019-07-30 16:01:33
BadMeetsEvilworthless piece of ♥♥♥♥ toxic player2019-07-30 16:00:11
BadMeetsEvileat pizza all day and ♥♥♥♥ your own mom cuz u're an american idiot2019-07-30 15:59:28
POPPIN' DEM MOTOROLAZlol this fat 13 year old practically lives for cs go and is still silver. RIP2019-07-29 23:15:27
Moonlmao your so toxic2019-07-29 04:00:13
Moonlu lu lu i got some apples2019-07-28 19:49:17
Moondo u love toorkish people2019-07-27 21:13:04
Moonu ar amerikan eediot2019-07-27 21:11:27
Sp!T_ShineYour name gets me kinda warm and fuzzy inside2019-07-27 20:39:00
Sp!T_ShineReally should be the Theo and Brendan theme song! 19:57:44
MoonEbay > Amazon2019-07-27 14:41:01
Extasse:(2019-07-27 04:10:09
CrowZer0didnt i already reject your add fagoat2019-07-27 03:42:09
ExtasseUr mum gaey2019-07-27 03:36:03
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭How DARE you Johnny....i only listen to rap.I'm really just a poser who hates everything else!2019-07-27 00:28:05
apolloomggg ty for the comment you made my day, i hope you have a great weekend too2019-07-26 12:51:27
Moonwhy u dont even imy me2019-07-25 21:20:12
Moonyou're hot your country too2019-07-25 20:02:54
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭True musical genius 09:04:40
CrowZer0lol 14:34:18
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭Sign my profile,and like my art big boi!2019-07-23 08:02:39
Triple DeviljhoThank you, I will find a doctor to help me with this.I will show you the results.2019-07-21 18:32:27
Moon:> baby doll2019-07-21 11:35:54
Sp!T_ShineBootylicious2019-07-21 08:10:40
dlwlrmaFYI.. Korean and Japanese are different xD2019-07-21 04:12:43
CrowZer0i think im still drunk2019-07-21 03:36:47
CrowZer0omg inbreds stop adding me, leave a ♥♥♥♥♥ msg at least after i reject you 4x2019-07-21 03:34:39
Triple Deviljhoteach me on how to make my butt look big2019-07-20 19:29:43
dlwlrmaHello Fellow korean.. Sarang hae hyung!2019-07-20 10:47:59
Sp!T_ShineCheck out Middle Men on Prime. Kick ass movie!2019-07-19 23:01:19
Sp!T_ShineOH HOHAHAHAHAHA SHUT UPI'M HURTED2019-07-19 15:54:29
anttokay im down ;)))2019-07-19 15:04:14
CrowZer0@akua id let you eat my booty as long as my gf can watch and then eat yours2019-07-19 12:59:40
Moonpadre pls i got lost in the pittsburg forest and lost 5 dollars :>2019-07-18 18:51:21
anttwhat if i... ate your booty... hahaha just kidding..... unless?2019-07-16 13:59:48
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥ say ♥♥♥♥ nothing2019-07-15 19:12:49
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭hahaha Harry has gots sum tig ole bitties!2019-07-15 01:32:04
Triple Deviljhoteach me on how to make my butt look big2019-07-14 19:37:31
CrowZer0who2019-07-14 00:14:46
JaydenXD XD XD2019-07-13 22:58:55
apollohe bullied me and i cried2019-07-13 22:12:51
CrowZer0 22:10:49
Sp!T_ShineThe Hooch2019-07-13 17:22:22
Sp!T_ShineGG another 30 day detox, I'm excited!2019-07-13 17:01:43
CrowZer0doto 2 ez 19:55:24
apollo6x6 pls? i need comments for my profile2019-07-07 12:16:04
apollosigned2019-07-07 12:15:37
Sp!T_Shine 18:00:46
Sp!T_ShineyO what up Baby Chickle2019-07-06 17:59:58
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭u queer johnny2019-07-06 17:21:14
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭 22:23:00
apolloMy name is Artour Babaevsky. I grow up in smal farm to have make potatos. Father say "Artour, potato harvest is bad. Need you to have play professional Doto in Amerikanski for make money for head-scarf for babushka. "I bring honor to komrade and babushka. Sorry for is not have English. Please no ♥♥♥♥ pasta coperino pasterino liquidino throwerino.2019-06-29 19:14:00
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭You haven't been active lately.Come give me sum u ♥♥♥♥2019-06-28 10:23:42
Sp!T_ShineYou haven't lived till you snorted a sour candy worm up each nostril at the same time2019-06-27 17:55:28
Sp!T_ShineMy favorite beer glass is mad at me....I poured Hurricane High Gravity into it.2019-06-27 17:53:13
Sp!T_ShineThere is no rage on your page lately. Nobody saying that you are a 14 year old child living in the basement feeding off mom's credit card. Nobody calling you a dota 2 noob. Nothing.... What is happening???? All is lost.. All is lost... 17:50:55
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭hahaha incest is the best put ur sister to the test!2019-06-21 17:45:04
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭spot on nuuuuga!!2019-06-21 17:41:05
Sp!T_ShineKissing his sister! Good advice for the virgin.That's brotherly love. Bible says brotherly love is a must. So it's legit2019-06-21 15:35:17
Denisek2019-06-19 23:19:56
Sp!T_ShineU gotta try the lemon-juice e.nema, its fabulous!!2019-06-19 20:49:47
muffyOmg c.h.i.n.c.hoppa is censored2019-06-19 10:24:42
muffyChinchoppa chinchoppa2019-06-19 10:24:16
Sp!T_ShineErrrbody know u gotta be a big D ick if you wanna hit it 20:04:19
Sp!T_ShineR.I.P. RM2019-06-15 19:02:24
Sp!T_ShineMy nizzle Ralphie May 19:02:13
Sp!T_ShinePart 2 19:01:28
muffy:DDDDDDDDDD2019-06-15 18:04:44
Sp!T_ShineDance wit me carnal 16:43:40
Sp!T_ShineFor rednecks in someone's backyard, not so bad, lmao2019-06-15 16:02:07
Sp!T_ShineA little better fight from that same channel. 15:58:53
Sp!T_ShineONION D.ICK!!! 19:53:45
Sp!T_ShineSometimes this channel has some pretty good fights. I check it out like once a week... 19:42:47
Sp!T_ShineThe one I was thinking of, the guy is like in a subway station or something, very tight nit corners.2019-06-14 19:36:39
Sp!T_Shinethat's normal food for fish.. mice always swim in the sea :P2019-06-14 19:35:27
Sp!T_ShineI remember that one, or one very similar where the he picks like 4 dudes apart one by one.2019-06-14 19:34:35
Sp!T_ShineYa I remember watching that years and years ago. His snorting makes me horny2019-06-14 19:33:14
Sp!T_Shineopps I went to edit it cause I wanted a better punch line.... hehe 19:32:29
Sp!T_ShineNooooooo Don't Eat Mickey!!! 19:24:09
♥ mushbrain ♥i love cheese and i love toast2019-06-13 21:33:33
konekodo u wanna play mc sometime together,, i have my very own pro server,,2019-06-13 20:08:34
Sp!T_ShineWhy's it gotta be CyberPunk 2077, I will be 100 years old...2019-06-13 18:46:28
Sp!T_ShineBig D ick Daddy can you please make time move forward to April 15th 2020, K Thx2019-06-13 18:44:36
Sp!T_ShineDayuum that is an expensive ♥♥♥♥ dabbler! Does it come with a pair of pajamas worn by Burt Reynolds?2019-06-13 18:11:27
♥ mushbrain ♥As long as they r cool w it it’s cool w me 😎2019-06-13 10:49:04
WavesterDer Rhabarberkuchen ist eine süße Backware mit kleingeschnittenen Rhabarberstangen. Obwohl Rhabarber ein Stängelgemüse ist, wird er offiziell zum Obst bzw. Obsterzeugnis gezählt.Häufig wird der Kuchen noch zusätzlich mit Streuseln oder Baiser überzogen. Der Teig kann ein Mürb- oder Hefeteig oder eine Sandmasse sein.[1] Die Kuchenform ist variabel; Rhabarberkuchen werden sowohl auf dem Backblech als auch in der runden Backform gebacken. Weitere Abwandlungen sind Rhabarberkuchen mit Pudding-, Grieß-, Quark- oder Eierguss und die Zubereitung als Tarte.2019-06-13 09:20:41
♥ mushbrain ♥“I have a bf” xp but we cud still chill. Making dinner is an underrated skill2019-06-13 08:28:42
Sp!T_ShineLex fan's be hating!!!2019-06-12 19:15:35
Sp!T_Shine LMAO, Just keeps him around as a side piece, that was funny as ♥♥♥♥!!!!!!!!!2019-06-12 19:13:53
konekoam at work,,2019-06-12 19:05:36
Sp!T_Shine 17:44:37
OxyJen'Wow that sounds pretty interesting2019-06-12 15:04:16
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭hahaha K2019-06-12 13:26:54
Ayylmao1911Okay. DATE ME.2019-06-12 13:03:30
konekowow such big peepee energy,,,2019-06-12 12:55:08
Triple DeviljhoI don't know what it is like in Britainland, but we aren't allowed to be owned by anyone anymore.2019-06-12 00:16:09
Triple DeviljhoI dont own a sofa?2019-06-11 22:44:31
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭hahaha i watched like half of that vid.Funny stuff!2019-06-11 10:16:27
Ayylmao1911sp00ky gh0st2019-06-11 03:46:03
Sp!T_ShineI hope I'm still not working at this age. But if I am, I hope I'm half as cool as this fella. 19:19:49
Ayylmao1911Your face looks like Me but worse.2019-06-10 15:10:04
Sp!T_ShineOr maybe post fight, either way he looks tore up!2019-06-09 19:15:23
Sp!T_ShineThis pic!! haha Brendan either just woke up or got a hold of Joe's stash!2019-06-09 19:14:43
konekowait a minute... WHO are u2019-06-09 18:48:27
Sp!T_ShineKNow all I get are youtube recommends for King and the Sting......2019-06-08 15:44:40
Sp!T_ShineUncle Crow, why don't u touch my no no anymore?2019-06-08 15:25:52
Sp!T_ShineTopanga, but I did crust up many socks to Kelly when I was a tweeny!2019-06-08 13:21:19
Shmiggedthanks2019-06-08 10:28:30
𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓯𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓭cause i hate u.....naw i had a community ban fo slappin around some foo2019-06-07 20:44:45
konekono... das u.2019-06-07 19:28:00
MoonRip offline 31 hours2019-06-02 19:49:37
MoonK2019-06-01 00:02:22
CrowZer0 20:44:26
MoonK. I change my bed sheets and I still am a psychopath. What do I do?2019-05-31 15:51:21
konekoself love best love change my mind2019-05-31 09:23:04
MoonHello, you!As it's mental health awareness month, I figured I'd check on all of my friends.So how are you doing? Is life treating you alright? I have been poor at responding lately but I'm available most of the time on discord or Patch if you need me.Here's a reminder that you are cared for, that your feelings are valid and that you have a huge potential, even though it doesn't seem like it right now.Take care of yourself, get some water to drink, take your meds if you forgot, perhaps shower or change your bedsheets/clean your room, it'll help alot on your mental health.I really hope you are doing alright, remember that you are in my friendslist for a reason. Either we got along well, you are dear to a friend of mine (which means I care about you too), or I have seen you/your profile and see what an unique personality you have.So no matter what you feel like, no matter how hard people are neglecting you, there is always someone out there that's thinking about you2019-05-31 05:21:22
MoonHAHAHAHAHAH SHUT UP!2019-05-30 23:15:51
MoonCrow.... are we friends?2019-05-30 23:15:43
MoonExplain your seasoning...2019-05-30 23:15:30
Moondo u even register I said I was sick??? TREE TIMES I TOLD U2019-05-30 23:15:22
MoonYou know what I think? I think you are just a confused carnivore with the hots for rhonda patrick2019-05-30 23:15:02
Moonstop getting so emotional! It's just a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ helmet no need for security bro.2019-05-30 23:13:36
konekoguess whos bacc bacc, bacc agen gen gen, crocros bacc bacc, tell a fren fren fren2019-05-30 17:20:56
Sp!T_ShineHit me up on Myspace yo!2019-05-29 18:32:38
Sp!T_ShineMy mom says I'm special too!2019-05-29 15:50:11
Gin the BoxNice song2019-05-29 03:41:25
Sp!T_ShineOhhhh that edgy avatar got me wet!!!2019-05-27 14:22:29
Moonbulbul*2019-05-27 02:44:41
MoonStop being confused about your penis-size.2019-05-27 02:44:31
Crowiehodor2019-05-26 23:03:26
Evhr fbi utf get rdo u like 2 hav sex with goats?2019-05-26 22:25:44
Moon This is what happens when Beats doesn't have us anymore.2019-05-26 15:22:41
JackTheRipWitchI do not think so, I know it2019-05-26 14:37:35
♥ mushbrain ♥o hey, it's me.2019-05-25 22:12:14
Moon k u said u dont sleep... What is this?2019-05-25 22:03:02
konekoSay that again and ill cut your throat2019-05-25 16:38:32
konekoI will cut u2019-05-25 16:26:01
Moon+rep nice poopstache2019-05-25 09:25:12
dementia gaming-rep nice butt buddy ya got there ;^)2019-05-25 09:11:19
konekoCos am gei2019-05-25 03:04:54
Sp!T_ShineI rollI poop2019-05-25 01:51:29
Sp!T_ShineDota 2 to ezy for meCSGO no skill game2019-05-25 01:51:01
Valkay2019-05-24 23:10:53
MoonHave you considered becoming a real man? Then maybe you should stop being a hunter, fighter, leader, emotionally strong, car man, disciplinarian, and appliance fixer 16:54:46
MoonAsks me why I "blocked" him on whatsapp. He didn't even register he has been texting/calling the wrong phone number for 3 days2019-05-23 23:36:31
Moonk2019-05-23 21:20:25
MoonShietty2019-05-23 18:19:40
MoonMuch better than that shirty show altered caca2019-05-23 18:19:24
MoonSaw the first season of Ozark... God dann rednecks2019-05-23 18:18:19
Sp!T_ShineGetting pegged by your gf with a fist shaped strap on doesn't make you gay2019-05-23 17:57:42
Gin the BoxDon't cry it's gonna be ok2019-05-23 05:54:43
MoonIt's Alcrowhol poisoning time! 22:51:14
Sp!T_ShineIsn't Grey Worm Michael Landon's side kick in the hit show Bonanza?2019-05-22 20:03:43
MoonI don't not like grey worm cause he is black, I just don't like him cause he is trans.2019-05-22 19:51:00
Sp!T_ShineGrey Bama has my white worm vote2019-05-22 17:37:02
MoonLegend has it he works at walmart now... Making sure he HODOR for every customer.2019-05-22 14:00:28
MoonIf you ever have problem with poop again I have extra gift for you on my hodorcycle 13:54:34
Moon this is my hodorcycle, very fun hehehe2019-05-22 13:53:06
MoonWant a ride on my hodorcycle?2019-05-22 13:51:51
MoonVery beautiful greybama picture you've got2019-05-22 13:37:53
MoonLmao wtf he is a rapper? He is not nearly as good as Lil Hodor:"Will the real Hodor please Hodor, please Hodor!""I'll take you to the Hodor shop I'll let you lick my Hodor-pop, Bran don't you stop!"2019-05-22 13:37:30
konekoCrocro cyber bul buls me2019-05-22 11:41:05
konekoHi I'm Michael Jordan, stop it, get some help.2019-05-22 08:41:41
konekoWinter is coming.2019-05-22 00:18:34
MoonPadre its nearly June and its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ snowing2019-05-21 15:29:49
konekoKawaii crocro2019-05-21 14:11:31
MoonI think someone deleted me cause I like deer hunting . That or they just don't respect the king of the Hodor.2019-05-21 11:06:37
konekoSkeem man *kisses teeth*2019-05-21 09:44:37
konekoHodor2019-05-21 03:41:26
MoonHodor?2019-05-21 00:34:58
konekoKing of the north2019-05-20 23:32:07
ExtasseAll hail Brann the Broken, Breaker of sibling incest, Survivor of high falls, Master of LSD2019-05-20 20:55:09
MoonWhen Jon pets ghost in the end I wish he said:"OH HAI DOGGIE "2019-05-20 17:27:26
Mooni haff no bulbul, but i still have tongue.2019-05-20 17:24:20
CrowZer0After I see the beautiful Missandei I understand why men without bul bul wish to go to the isle of naath. 17:23:14
MoonIt is like when in lord of the rings bilbo baggins writes book called lord of the rings, hehehe they write book called a song of fire and ice. hehehe like in lord of the rings classic joke, no turion in book. History man fabricate history it funny hehehe broken boy is funny.2019-05-20 17:21:52
CrowZer0Game of thrones now proudly sponsored by starbucks 17:21:01
CrowZer0The game of thrones final season took an extra year to make, they needed an extra year so they can film more in winter, it was so powerful in episode two that you couldn't see anything because it was so dark. So much so when the dothraki charged in they couldn't see where they were going and charged all the way into kings landing.2019-05-20 17:18:59
MoonTHE THRONE IS MADE FROM 1000 SWORDS Throne actually looks like it is made from 20 swords.2019-05-20 17:17:02
MoonWhy do you think I came all this way ?2019-05-20 17:16:28
Moongiff me new bulbul and I wil unsully my pantzu for my dragoon bich2019-05-20 17:15:49
Moonkneel before your KING, the broken boy who have beatles haircut!2019-05-20 17:14:59
CrowZer0You will always be my Queen.2019-05-20 17:14:51
MoonI love travel to exotic lands with my deekless army, we will have big disneyland party in the isle of naath. It is very bootiful, and jon snow is very nice boy hehehe.2019-05-20 17:13:04
ExtasseCrow, can you please ♥♥♥♥ my tight boi ♥♥♥♥♥?...if not, i bet you masturbate with your Mother's dildo in your ass while you think of your Dad ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ the ♥♥♥♥ outta' ur mouth ♥♥♥♥♥. have a good day friend :)2019-05-20 17:06:49
Moonyou not interrested in me?2019-05-20 17:04:52
CrowZer0oh my goodness y u guise bul bul the bambi he teech me the engrish because im so poorly edumacated :(2019-05-20 17:00:11
Moon inb4 you delete it.2019-05-20 16:49:36
apolloye i bet that ♥♥♥♥♥♥ didnt even go to skool2019-05-20 16:49:23
MoonBambi.tch's English Course 101: "Don`t add me for free stuff or smalltalk , im not interrested" small talk*small talk,*I'm*interested*.* "If i don`t ask for your opinion i most likely don`t wanna hear it" I*opinion,*I*.* 9 mistakes in just two sentences, I'm very INTERRESTED!2019-05-20 16:47:34
FraggettI hope you never procreate you uneducated dumb piece of s.hit2019-05-20 13:56:37
CrowZer0yah teech me engleesh plz2019-05-20 13:53:34
CrowZer0foress uwu weld me some metol2019-05-20 13:51:36
FraggettSeriously? You can't even spell Forest in your Mothertongue aged 30+? Lmao what a joke you are, go take some English Lessons pleasePathetic C.unt2019-05-20 13:34:14
FraggettAs a noun, forest is "A dense collection of trees covering a relatively large area. Larger than woods" or "Any dense collection or amount" or " A defined area of land set aside in England as royal hunting ground or for other privileged use; all such areas".As a proper noun, forrest is "surname topographical fromMiddle English dot for someone who lived or worked in a royal Royal forest " or "given name male fromsurnames transferred from the surname".2019-05-20 13:34:09
CrowZer0He has never had an important word to say in his sad existence. That's why he cries all the time.2019-05-19 19:28:26
MoonGood luck with brexit. Hope you have a lot of fun without me.2019-05-19 16:21:09
CrowZer0Bambi do you love me?2019-05-19 16:20:27
FraggettWho cares, block me f.aggot2019-05-19 16:20:04
CrowZer0Bambi go away u smell like my dinner2019-05-19 16:18:17
CrowZer0[22:16]Луна: No I'm gonna go wok Need to shower havent in 8 days[22:16]CrowZer0: wtf[22:16]Луна: Lol Longest ive gone no shower is two weeks When I was camping[22:17]CrowZer0: k2019-05-19 16:18:05
FraggettYes interresting, i guessed so, anyways good luck with the Brexit! And God shave the Queen, or something2019-05-19 16:17:28
CrowZer0I'm very sexually frustrated I haven't emptied my nutsack in 3 days.2019-05-19 16:14:39
MoonReddit is lit 15:59:25
FraggettDamn you got angry xDI guess things are not going to well for the big bad crow, no more top models to ♥♥♥♥ every night? better times will come again, dont worry, even i feel bad reading that frustration out of your text, chin up m8, yea that asschin right there, wish you good fortune2019-05-19 15:49:42
CrowZer0Dis what I call an Asstrian ♥♥♥♥♥♥, kid blocks me cos he's scared of me making him look like the fool he knows he is and doesn't want people to know, but talk's crap on my profile constantly. Go watch some hentai and fap to forrest videos u cuck stop coming here I aint interested in your BS.2019-05-19 12:54:11
CrowZer0california vibin@Bambi how does your liver taste?2019-05-19 12:52:23
konekoNo u2019-05-19 07:06:55
CrowZer0i fell asleep watching batman vs ninja turtles true story2019-05-18 23:18:32
FraggettTeddy FriendZone™2019-05-18 12:22:57
Moon 01:15:45
Sp!T_ShineAs I gently place my large black hand on this blonde ladies head and pull her closer to my side, I think to myself "Is it worth 8 dollars for half of a homemade Apple Caramel Pie?"2019-05-17 20:38:53
Sp!T_ShineGetting eaten alive by 1000's of rats just isn't the same without you2019-05-17 17:40:17
Moon k k2019-05-17 04:26:54
Moon k2019-05-17 04:25:07
MoonDANIC DO U LOVE ME?2019-05-17 00:46:20
Moonwhy is everyone cyberbullying me?2019-05-16 17:24:12
konekobeastmaster642019-05-16 16:49:49
♥ mushbrain ♥maow~2019-05-16 04:25:25
Moon DANIC! Do you love me :3?2019-05-15 13:41:10
MoonWhy is no one in my lobby?2019-05-14 16:49:05
Baby Saturnpapa cutie2019-05-13 00:59:47
konekoCroCro2019-05-12 06:37:21
Triple DeviljhoRed lobster a ♥♥♥♥ for lobster. It suck2019-05-11 17:51:39
MoonCrocro, ur kitn is bulbul me2019-05-11 17:25:13
Sp!T_ShineRage 2 tries to pre load every few minutes making steam lag.....!st world problems...2019-05-11 17:11:09
Sp!T_ShineJeez..... And I thought Samson had it bad with Delilah2019-05-11 17:10:11
Mooncalls me on discord and says "forgive me padre I need to make pishpish "2019-05-11 16:55:56
Moon 16:55:15
konekoCrocro, ur watermelin is bulbul me2019-05-11 16:44:29
Sp!T_ShineThat OverKIll song was sick!! I bet your buddy SurfBird would dig the ♥♥♥♥ out of it!!2019-05-11 16:32:00
MoonWatermelin anyone?2019-05-11 16:09:04
Sp!T_Shineyes..... are you inviting me over for lunch??2019-05-11 15:56:52
yung robitussinyes,,,,,,2019-05-11 15:28:50
Moonlil PEEPee is just pewdiepie with tattoos all over2019-05-11 15:12:15
Moonswitchbladecoke heyGothboipoosi make a peepee shakeblack furblack goatgothboipoosi in the ashoooole2019-05-11 15:08:47
CrowZer0In high school I was a lonerI was a reject, I was a poserMultiple personalities, I'm bipolarI swear, I mean well, I'm still goin' to hellWitchcraft, love chantsWhisper in my ear, put me in a trance2019-05-11 15:04:49
yung robitussinu have to ask filth2019-05-11 14:56:39
MoonI don't even talk to this guy..2019-05-11 14:56:29
CrowZer0how else does a coot e gril like me get e cummies?2019-05-11 14:53:35
yung robitussinorsomeone that gives you attention connoisseur2019-05-11 14:51:47
yung robitussinu mean e-boy connoisseur2019-05-11 14:51:29
CrowZer0das very mean things to say im a meme connoisseur2019-05-11 14:50:58
yung robitussinincoming angee kid and crying "e-hoe"2019-05-11 14:50:04
MoonI'm in a call with wetrocuck and excaca right now and he told me you still imy him and thought he was the most beautiful femboy ever... k. btw ur bisexual2019-05-11 14:49:58
CrowZer0a match made in heaven2019-05-11 14:49:32
yung robitussinyes, lets hate the world together, nothing else matters2019-05-11 14:47:03
CrowZer0do u even imy me?2019-05-11 14:46:15
yung robitussinyo sicc shirt2019-05-11 14:45:47
yung robitussindo u imy me too2019-05-11 14:45:20
MoonHey you know where I can find this shirt in my size: #FilthIsLit2019-05-11 14:44:25
yung robitussinno u2019-05-11 14:42:24
yung robitussinik, my peepee hurts too2019-05-11 14:41:14
CrowZer0it hurts2019-05-11 14:40:53
CrowZer0im trash2019-05-11 14:40:49
yung robitussinstop playing the victim2019-05-11 14:40:16
yung robitussinno, you're a cow2019-05-11 14:40:10
CrowZer0im just filth2019-05-11 14:39:37
yung robitussinbro im tired of living2019-05-11 14:39:03
CrowZer0dude thats so mean2019-05-11 14:37:49
yung robitussini will never add u again :( nothing matters anymore sad emoji sad emoji2019-05-11 14:36:14
koneko♥♥♥♥♥♥ struk, glubal oofensive2019-05-11 08:48:42
MoonLOL2019-05-11 02:47:30
Sp!T_ShineRegular Matter, Dark Matter, Wassa Matter2019-05-11 02:30:44
Sp!T_ShineWhat the did I miss and what is all this cuckery homoerotica bulbul? It's too gushy and gay for me i like it rough and hard like to hear stories of when a biker gang bang squirts all over the back of a soyboy tramp at an arbys parking lot. Enough cu.m on the back for a slip n slide that dobby from harry pothead can use. #LivinTheGoodLife2019-05-11 02:28:07
MoonDeep down you know when you feel for someone and i miss her to bits cant wait to see you and be together again i miss you and love you loads babe i cant be without you but i dont wanna loose you i wanna grow old with you i cant wait till we got are own gaf and have are own family i love you loads babe cant wait to see you and too have cuddles and kissies i promised you stuff and i have stuck by my word baby i make you happy and i look after you like the right man should do it is me and you against the world babe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 💕💕❤❤❤❤❣💓💕♥️💖💘🌍🔐😘😍🥰💖💖💙💚💋2019-05-11 02:19:54
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike !Regular Matter, Dark Matter, Wassa Matter2019-05-10 23:40:17
Sp!T_ShineGuinness Stout with rare steak and big blue shrimp (extra heavy vein in) and grilled veggies.The magic is in the shrimp poo.2019-05-10 22:50:47
Denisek2019-05-10 21:33:43
Triple Deviljhook thanks.2019-05-10 21:02:48
Triple Deviljhowhat does that have to do with anything. I want to know if you prefer Lobster.It is not that hard to understand. So once againLobster?2019-05-10 20:35:33
Triple DeviljhoI asked you a question. It was, Lobster?2019-05-10 15:08:10
Triple DeviljhoI said, Lobster?2019-05-10 14:31:19
MoonI hate drama2019-05-10 13:54:42
helllol2019-05-10 13:34:50
Ayylmao1911I love u2019-05-10 13:20:26
CrowZer0trust a soyboy like excah to delete all the comments, CCUUUUCK CONFIRMED2019-05-10 11:18:32
CrowZer0pls stop cyber bul bul u realy hurted my feels2019-05-10 10:39:40
CrowZer0i believe you mean *asschin2019-05-10 10:33:22
meownice chin2019-05-10 10:32:10
CrowZer0fk growing up bich im peter pan2019-05-10 10:31:06
meowgrow up you 30 year old virgin2019-05-10 10:29:36
Paradoxur a literal fruit man what u even saying hahaha2019-05-10 10:07:56
Paradoxdont cry man2019-05-10 10:02:26
Sp!T_ShineMercury free albacore tuna sandwich...... Goals!!!!!!2019-05-09 18:48:47
Sp!T_ShineI don't believe it, I demand to sniff your 17:26:37
Triple DeviljhoLobster?2019-05-07 17:11:25
Gin the BoxWOW, beautiful background as her owner :D, princess have a excellent day ;)2019-05-07 13:31:58
Wavesterno he is alive in mk112019-05-07 13:28:47
ParadoxLETS DO IT BRO im ready2019-05-07 13:23:23
CrowZer0xc90, s500 and a3 actually2019-05-07 12:25:13
Wavestercrow owns a C63 and Rolls Royce ! how is it in your malibu villa btw ? :D2019-05-07 12:22:48
WavesterCrows C63 makes noise when he rolls through your city !2019-05-07 12:21:41
yung robitussinNlGNOG2019-05-07 12:17:00
Sp!T_ShineThere are 2 kinds of people, those who have pooped in the shower and liars.2019-05-06 19:13:55
Wavesterlets spread some love here ❤❤❤😍😍😍😍2019-05-06 14:33:11
MoonAww u have profile picture of you hugging me2019-05-06 13:53:54
ParadoxAnytime brother2019-05-06 09:48:31
apolloThis is a bully-free zone2019-05-05 22:54:51
Moonwho are all these cyber bulbuls?2019-05-05 22:28:45
Moonwhat the ♥♥♥♥ is going on?2019-05-05 22:28:32
CrowZer0I'm confused so you're still stalking after I deleted you in August 2018 and commenting with alt accounts is because I'm 30?... Makes sense bruh.2019-05-05 18:42:11
CrowZer0Lol Joe2019-05-05 18:40:27
CrowZer0Joe it's sad you stalk this hard, you should watch "You" on Netflix it was written about you.2019-05-05 18:13:56
CrowZer0If I knew the DBD community was so much fun I would have started this game earlier.2019-05-05 18:12:31
Banain the WaynDC dont play with him, ♥♥♥♥♥ kiddi2019-05-05 18:11:21
Sp!T_ShineIf you get a chance sometime, gotta try this!! 17:08:45
CrowZer0Ohhh you think because girls buy me games, keys and csgo knives I must be poor! Lol. Smart boy stay in school.2019-05-05 15:13:57
CrowZer0Is this guy under the impression they my money comes from mummy and daddy?2019-05-05 15:12:04
yung robitussinI SWEAR2019-05-05 14:40:05
CrowZer0*pride, do you see that lylat? I don't even edit or delete my mistakes. I own them like a man. You will never be half the man I am. Betta good luck with your Brazilian chaturbate2019-05-05 14:06:04
CrowZer0Let's speak facts, you're a worm. You're weak, both mentally and physically, and you spend your life like an autist playing mind numbing crap no one gives a crap about cos you have no sense of price and achievement in life. You're a loser. Both your girls said so!2019-05-05 14:04:53
CrowZer0Show me one example, of where I have ever flexed my money on Steam or mention my money anywhere. Even on discord. Go.. I dare you. You won't find ♥♥♥♥ cos it doesn't exist, peasant mentality. You can be done with me all you like, life has been done with you from the start. Loooooserr2019-05-05 14:03:19
lylatI'm done with you, my dude. Got better things to do, like earn my own money! :P2019-05-05 14:01:32
CrowZer0I never pretend anything, show me where I ever said I'm rich? Me not being from a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and 10x wealthier than you doesn't make me rich. I aint a scared lil c.uck like you, I ain't gonna delete your ♥♥♥♥, keep going lol.2019-05-05 14:00:38
lylatYou guys are so funny, defending each other after ♥♥♥♥ talking on their backs, that's what I call a quality friendship. Btw, you know what's more of a joke than me? a guy pretending being rich, but in reality being poor as ♥♥♥♥2019-05-05 13:55:53
CrowZer0Because I'm an Elitist person, and you're a joke.2019-05-05 13:52:16
lylatSays the guy with "SAVAGE" in his showcase, lmao.Anyway, I don't get why are you commenting on my profile, we don't have anything or anybody in common anymore.2019-05-05 13:49:24
VacsvcskicvskiKak dela2019-05-04 04:48:18
CrowZer0Some russian joined was that you?2019-05-04 04:45:18
Ziddyfunny guy. y'like memes, sport?2019-05-04 03:08:44
CrowZer0chakalaka2019-05-03 23:54:21
Ayo ;)stop inviting i don't play with kids2019-05-03 23:50:13
CrowZer0very sorry for ruining your game bro 23:06:55
CrowZer0why u so butthurt i carried ur game2019-05-03 23:01:18
CrowZer0k2019-05-03 23:01:00
Best WorldИграет со своим другом геем. Портят игру. Постоянно ебуться))) Да и катку руинят)2019-05-03 23:00:43
MoonI crave heroin cause I'm malnourished, not because I'm a junkie.2019-05-03 16:18:15
\\why you shoot me2019-05-03 04:10:58
anttdaddy, is that you?2019-05-02 20:48:44
Sp!T_ShineWelcome black holmes, for once in my life I have more steam hours than you2019-05-02 19:56:18
Ayylmao1911Yala insahlla ya habibi.2019-05-02 16:37:51
MoonBut they don't rub bellies like you do2019-05-02 16:06:01
MoonA bunch of bird cucks from your clan are harassing and bullying me on my profile. Can you ask them to stop please? Thanks. ~Moon2019-05-02 14:22:24
Ayylmao1911I know right. Habibi2019-05-02 14:02:36
CrowZer0>tfw you haven't gamed in a couple weeks and miss it, now I'm sat here with nothing to do, and no mood to play anything. #firstworldproblemz2019-05-02 11:34:39
CrowZer0Im bk stp cryin!2019-05-01 14:51:41
WavesterOffline since 6 days :( this is madness :D2019-04-30 10:45:59
a T Msavage2019-04-28 23:56:29
apolloRIP Crow :(2019-04-28 13:15:37
Moon3 days offline RIP CrowZer0 He was tru frend2019-04-27 14:59:16
MoonMoon ain't never coming home2019-04-26 16:57:10
Moonyou never even asked to watch game of thrones with me, but you decided to do it anyways fagoat. you pith of ♥♥♥♥ dont even imy me when its my birfday and tell me to stop kicking and screaming in csgo. I bet you are cheating on me with nofap, u r a homosaxual (btw im bisexual).k good luck on your quest to miyagi dohope you win a lot2019-04-24 21:26:37
a T Mtumblr2019-04-24 15:54:07
CrowZer0Deep tissue massage, sauna, ribs and now grandpa is smoking a Mary jane, then ill be napping and going to see my bobo.These online worms who live in a basement all greasy sweaty and mad at the world cos they realise they're losers and safe and anonymous on steamu are literally what I excrete from my boipuss and flush down every day after coffeine! Go ham kids, if I wake up grumpy tomorrow I might give you the attention you lack.2019-04-24 12:29:46
yung robitussinNever seen dogs being fans of someone2019-04-24 11:11:40
boopyikes you really are so mad about my existence ghandi2019-04-24 11:05:52
gianniFat ugly ♥♥♥♥♥♥ lmao2019-04-24 10:05:33
Moon♥♥♥♥ sleep I just finished cobra kai2019-04-24 09:12:19
CrowZer0Fat ugly thots make the most generous of lovers though.2019-04-24 08:54:29
yung robitussinBooooooorrriiiiiiing. vThe only thing that your peanut sized brain can come up w is calling someone fat, ugly, thot.Grab a dictionary, plenty of words there2019-04-24 06:58:30
Gandhos♥♥♥♥♥♥ hell ur cringe imagine tryna white knight a fat egirl neck urself2019-04-24 06:27:40
boopOK DEN2019-04-24 01:43:30
MoonYou have a very cute profile2019-04-23 15:18:45
Lexie ♥Beep2019-04-22 02:44:12
Sp!T_ShineYoutube and its recommends, pfftt...... 18:35:21
Sp!T_ShineHappy Easter Vato, give it to the Easter bunny gently2019-04-21 11:13:59
alcrøwhol poisoningOi, where's your Steam loicense?2019-04-18 16:59:22
Moon Look what I did to DaddyBambi! After destroying the anoos, I blew my load into his ugly face and then skinned his ass for a cream soda ! Nothing is better than good deer ♥♥♥♥♥!2019-04-18 13:26:59
boop 11:53:28
CrowZer0Hello children of steamu have yourselves a good Easter weekend, eat lots of eggs and kill lots of bunny's I'm prob gonna do an online detox, in case I do not respond to discord/WhatsApp!2019-04-18 11:27:33
CrowZer0If my chin dimple is an asschin you can call my cheek dimples asscheeks and while you're at it call my abs asscracks I'll see you next week if you haven't visited the forest yet Bambi, don't let your grandma on the pc again!2019-04-18 11:23:36
WavesterHappy Easter to you as well Bambi. Greet the forest for me !2019-04-18 10:53:04
FraggettYea i hope you will choke on that Egg you asschinned f.aggot, glad to see you care for the games i play, happy easter2019-04-18 07:57:11
yung robitussinI was surprised when you said hes 28, I thought its a salty 13 year old, damn dude, my 4 year old niece is more mature than you.2019-04-18 06:36:59
CrowZer0I really don't *want* to cyber bul bul you Bambi and I don't see how I can possibly bully a 28 yo man who seems to enjoy getting abused by me. Why else would he randomly come to my profile? But you make it oh so easy. Go play some rocket league, fap to some hamster pics or whatever it is you do. I know you crave daddy's attention but I'm at work drinking coffeine then planning my easter weekend in Landan. I'll eat a Cadbury creme egg in your honour.2019-04-18 03:14:30
CrowZer0Crowley I think you have the wrong profile.2019-04-18 03:07:15
CrowZer0@Baby Bambi, I wrote one response to you, you wrote more. I don't think you know what an essay is. If you don't care, about my opinion, how am I in your face if you're posting on my profile you imbecile? I get you have potatoes for brains, but think before you speak. Pro in what? Schooled in what? The difference between me and you is you're a 28 year old man child who will forever live in a sh*t hole because you're stupid. I wouldn't hire you to make my coffee. Yo genius, how am I wasting your time, when I forgot who you are and you post on my profile? Just go visit the forest already like you said you would. Or keep coming back, I love laughing at you.2019-04-18 03:06:52
FraggettI dont give a ♥♥♥♥ if you dislike me ♥♥♥♥♥♥, i couldnt care less, you are nothing to me, you can stop writing essays i dont have time neither do i care about your irrelevant opinionNow get the ♥♥♥♥ out of my Face you, dont you have another online debate to be on to get roasted with your pathetic half knwoledge? was fun listening you wannabe "Pro" getting schooled xDYou are a joke Dude, didnt even show your Face there, you have nothing then a Big Mouth, your a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke CrowNow stop wasting my time, you are boring as ♥♥♥♥ honestly2019-04-18 01:38:50
alcrøwhol poisoning@Moons/favorite/favourite/s/flavor/flavour/2019-04-18 01:28:30
alcrøwhol poisoningGo home, little ♥♥♥♥♥.2019-04-17 22:04:28
Moonwhats your favorite flavor cummy bear2019-04-17 21:32:47
Sp!T_ShineJust drip-dry the next time you take a S*it, its Fabulous Hope you are having a great week eating nothing but lentils and hummus.2019-04-17 19:04:47
yung robitussinone of the bestest peopul.2019-04-17 13:20:55
WavesterCause pathetic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ with him. Easy explanation2019-04-17 13:10:12
MoonWhy are u cyber bullbulled2019-04-17 12:57:28
CrowZer0I hate using steam on phone if anyone wants to be verbally humiliated hmu on disco CrowZer0#1140, I won't be back till next Tuesday.2019-04-17 04:13:07
CrowZer0Lol wtf is going on here? Childish Bambino, Uwu the destroyer, why are you here? I understand you're a cuck who enjoys being humiliated and abused, but I'll do it for free just come visit me. I don't care about your antics nor your petty existence just go pay 300 euros for more egirls phone bills, or being told your "girlfrand" doesn't have a mic when she would call me late at night and tell me not to tell anyone. If you really enjoy humiliation and degradation so much get "nikki" to get a dominatrix outfit. You know I dislike you Bambi and take pleasure in your pain, so why the f*ck would you come here? Stay in your corner boy.2019-04-17 04:07:25
WavesterSo i go off again. Crushing idiots on online platforms bores me. Good night ;) btw.. My alarm clock goes 6:30 am. See you until than xd2019-04-16 20:24:07
WavesterxDThe only one that is mentally ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is you my friend. We can see that already on how you react on a small joke. Why do you always cry when your internet gf leaves you? Haha she is living 4000km away xD. Probably you can't find one in Austria cause you are pathetic. Braindead within.... K... Im a nurse... You bend metall... See the difference? Not without sounding arrogant but what the ♥♥♥♥ do you think you are? Some kind of King and compensating everything in online games and on a platform. Yeah you are such an adult... idiot xD2019-04-16 20:12:18
Sp!T_ShineBE BOLDBE SMOOTHBE POWERFULCategory 5 Hurricane High Gravity Malt Liquor 8.1% alc./vol. I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.~~ W. Churchill2019-04-16 17:18:04
FraggettDont you have to post "Penis" somewhere and giggle about it like a 10 year old with your mentally backwards kindergarden gang?You are not worth my time idiot ♥♥♥♥, piss offMore like Braindead Within2019-04-16 14:38:05
WavesterHey Bambi.Have you already been at the forest?2019-04-16 12:15:15
FraggettDid you know the Freibar is a Sam User? oops2019-04-15 22:48:49
Baby Saturnpapa <32019-04-15 22:02:48
MoonA Lannister always pays their debts! Unless its a hooker that your midget son loves, cause he died from it hehe :32019-04-14 21:19:53
yung robitussinit's a pretty flower atleast2019-04-14 08:38:32
MoonVegans think that cow farts is causing global warming, but have they considered what THEIR nasty soy and kale farts do to this planet? No, of course not cause cows aren't Ve.... Wait #EatMeat2019-04-13 13:25:39
MoonKeep your chin up!2019-04-13 12:40:59
CrowZer0i dnt even know why they all bul bul me cyberly2019-04-13 12:23:33
Ayylmao1911SadistiK 2 hours ago Have a nice weekend :) Beats 3 hours ago Have a nice weekend :) Moon 5 hours ago Have a nice weekend! :) Vetraax 7 hours ago Have a nice weekend! :)2019-04-13 12:05:20
Ayylmao1911nou, gay fkboi2019-04-13 12:02:21
apolloHave a nice weekend :)2019-04-13 09:41:10
MoonHave a nice weekend! :)2019-04-13 06:23:02
Wifey MaterialHave a nice weekend! :)2019-04-13 04:13:26
CrowZer0If loving myself was a really big crime I'd be in jail doing real hard time.2019-04-13 00:30:09
Slaggy PattyI'm glad you love yourself, you must have come a long way in life.2019-04-12 23:43:14
CrowZer0I don't know which one of those would be worse.2019-04-12 23:18:34
CrowZer0I've said it before babygurl beats, if you were a girl with daddy issues me and you would be getting it on like marvin gaye.2019-04-12 21:57:52
yung robitussinwe liv in the uk, theres rain every second day2019-04-12 06:14:09
yung robitussinRain drop, drop top2019-04-12 05:26:56
Moonu don't even make me coffee anymore2019-04-11 23:06:18
Moonk2019-04-11 23:05:54
CrowZer0k2019-04-11 20:32:29
CrowZer0beats if i click accept will i regret it?2019-04-11 20:31:25
yung robitussinare u sure paps2019-04-11 20:11:34
Mooncovfefe2019-04-11 19:10:34
CrowZer0i swear to drunk im not god2019-04-11 16:53:03
Sp!T_ShineIf ever in New York, 1st on my list to try this dudes food. I'm not a veggie hero at all but damn this looks amazing!! 21:13:23
MoonBand*2019-04-10 14:19:49
Moon I didnt know your bans did Woody Guthrie covers2019-04-10 14:15:16
Sp!T_Shineup for benis swords?2019-04-09 18:39:23
♥ mushbrain ♥o rly2019-04-08 21:32:16
The Mercury Crow♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it's you again!! SHOCK HORROR!2019-04-08 02:34:28
Slaggy PattyI love my fans <32019-04-08 01:04:31
Moonshow me bobs and benis2019-04-07 13:59:37
yung robitussinChupacabra ahahahahahah2019-04-07 12:39:01
CrowZer0oi big mac princess i cant pst no more i wanna be 1 of 52019-04-07 12:04:52
boophmmmm2019-04-07 11:44:39
boopoh i see2019-04-07 11:42:23
boopcan't tell if that's sarcasm or not2019-04-07 11:29:00
Ayylmao1911yes, reel as fekk2019-04-07 11:16:30
CrowZer0when crowys in that mood were u really dont wanna be ♥♥♥♥ with him rn2019-04-07 10:52:22
yung robitussinAlpacas2019-04-07 10:26:16
Ayylmao1911k2019-04-07 10:25:41
Ayylmao1911[6:24 PM]CrowZer0: i wanna stuck stick my micro penis in your gaped anus2019-04-07 10:25:38
Slaggy PattyI don't play hard to get with betas.2019-04-07 00:43:09
Slaggy PattyCan't say the same. xoxo2019-04-06 23:51:05
CrowZer0i hope u have a great weekend2019-04-06 23:06:58
MoonSorry to inform you slasher but lil adorbs has been cyber bullbulled off the internet and commited steam suicide. Too many people copying her profile :(2019-04-06 19:13:36
slasheryoo lil moon why did you have liladorbs name you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ imposter2019-04-06 17:59:33
MoonHehe I'm a funny coot wittle princess ethot :3 are you a girl? Lets erp dont tell my boifrand ^^2019-04-06 17:56:08
slasherNot all who wander are lost.2019-04-06 17:45:58
MoonNoot noot Scrake Scrake! Don't worry bbydoll I can protect youIts me sugarplum! *Scrake winks* ;) he winked at me >< I'm really wet♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ don't leave me like my brother did I never leave you noot noot u protected me good jab!*Sugarplum deleted dislikable persønality and changed name to MintChip.2019-04-06 17:26:32
Wavester 16:58:57
Moon 15:53:01
Moonnobody IMY me :(2019-04-06 15:24:09
WavesterThats my stuff m8 ! Nice ♥♥♥♥ !2019-04-06 14:43:45
Sp!T_Shinenobody IMY me2019-04-05 21:08:03
a T Mbig lady too the right2019-04-05 19:08:21
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that's like Maury's talk show - Man or Woman? Guess wrong almost every time.2019-04-05 18:32:12
Sp!T_ShineCrystal Meth at its finest!! I would know...... 18:26:51
Sp!T_ShineI like the black ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in that vid2019-04-05 18:23:38
Sp!T_Shineadorbs lets all the boys sip from her nappy milkshake2019-04-05 18:22:04
Sp!T_ShineOnce is a great while I have to be edgy too2019-04-05 18:20:57
serena-rep fat2019-04-05 17:59:02
Raul4dNxtoxic asf -rep2019-04-05 02:58:00
CrowZer0k2019-04-04 19:00:44
Slaggy PattyGimme gimme more2019-04-04 18:10:38
Slaggy PattyIs that supposed to be an insult?2019-04-04 18:10:27
Slaggy PattyWhat are you going to do about it ♥♥♥♥♥♥?2019-04-04 18:00:54
LINGERING WILLyou mean my gf2019-04-04 17:36:26
Waveblah blah2019-04-04 15:35:40
Moonforgive me padre have you seen Lainey? She ain't in Crowleys basement anymore2019-04-04 13:33:44
MoonI fought in Vegannam, did you?2019-04-04 11:41:09
CrowZer0i am ignoring adds from all idiots I do not know, you can collect fktards2019-04-04 10:53:44
yung robitussinPaps begoneth2019-04-03 08:30:22
Moon+rep deranked me from gn1 to silver 4 in one night2019-03-31 21:42:52
Moonwhere are my panties?2019-03-31 01:25:54
MoonTells me he is a vegan but orders Challah bread when HE KNOWS they put eggs in them.2019-03-30 19:09:57
MoonForgive me padre I paid 20.00 2.00 dollars for it.2019-03-30 17:07:53
MoonActually its a cold2019-03-30 13:26:38
MoonFyi I'm dehydrated2019-03-30 13:26:27
MoonI told you 3 times I'm puking my guts out every 2 minutes I guess it didn't even register2019-03-30 13:26:14
MoonMy grandma gave me a tomato and told me to stay away from the jews padre forgive me2019-03-30 13:25:27
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2019-03-30 13:25:04
MoonCan u loan me 5 dollars :>2019-03-30 13:24:59
MoonAsk if she got any lettuce.2019-03-30 13:17:55
Sp!T_ShineI only had those 2-24 ouncers. They were so delicious. 8.0% alc thou so after a month off I could feel the teasing buzzz2019-03-29 18:53:47
yung robitussinI been dry and ate some rice, that's how2019-03-29 18:06:13
yung robitussinIt me ♥♥♥♥♥2019-03-29 17:40:02
yung robitussintfw your paps sounds like 16 years old2019-03-29 17:12:12
CrowZer0@Rick retardious learn to read you desperado, i see u added my granddaughter too, pedo2019-03-29 07:02:53
Gin the Box 05:41:57
Gin the Boxthank you but no bday gift, k2019-03-29 05:40:06
yung robitussingey2019-03-29 03:25:20
alcrøwhol poisoningThen come to PA, you ponce.I instigate enough bar fights for the both of us.2019-03-29 02:34:11
CrowZer0you tried to molest me2019-03-28 23:43:44
alcrøwhol poisoningHappened*Whiskey does nothing for my grammar.2019-03-28 23:38:49
alcrøwhol poisoningAmongst everthings that happens, I still miss you dudes.2019-03-28 23:31:12
Bo0nklol2019-03-28 22:37:40
Sp!T_Shine 18:00:07
Sp!T_ShineBone Toma was great. I just forgot I had seen it.2019-03-28 17:51:41
Moonøh hø?2019-03-28 17:06:31
CrowZer0In between weddings and babies one does not have time for steemu drama2019-03-28 15:17:25
CrowZer0fan bois and fan gurls pls stop adding im not interested in what you have to offer, if i know you id accept, if I dont know you leave a comment first so i know why2019-03-28 14:52:39
Sp!T_ShineI went to start watching Bone Toma and it said resume..... I was like wait, what? So I hit play and the credits were rolling. I watched it awhile ago and forgot. haha, U probably told me about it last year or something. It was a bad ass movie.2019-03-27 18:33:50
MoonThanks Diaper.2019-03-25 17:39:35
Moon its very interesting story Mark!2019-03-24 17:06:45
MoonHA ha HA ha What a story Mark!2019-03-24 17:00:41
CrowZer0Spoiled nothing bruh most these dweebs are citing captain marvel as the best moovee evvva2019-03-24 10:51:25
Sp!T_ShineSorry if I spoiled it for any one else here wanting to see the movie. Don't read my comment......2019-03-24 10:12:59
Sp!T_ShineYeah, that was a good flick. The percentage talk that Gibson does is catching. I went back and watched the bank scene with the new mom a few times in. I'm kinda sick in the head. I about died laughing when they are sitting in the car during the stake out and Vince is taking forever to eat and Mel said "a single red ant could have eaten that faster" lol2019-03-24 10:11:33
CrowZer0I IMY joy and janny rattin so hard2019-03-24 02:57:57
Ayylmao1911of course I'll get hard from it, the hell you mean2019-03-23 12:23:31
Ayylmao1911♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LIES THEN EH?! STEAM IS LYING TO BOTH OF US?2019-03-23 12:20:44
CrowZer0I can't invite you when I'm not even online2019-03-23 12:18:45
CrowZer0fake news this must have been thursday2019-03-23 12:15:43
Ayylmao1911[Yesterday, 2:14 AM]CrowZer0: CrowZer0 (PieceOfShit) invited you to play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive[Yesterday, 4:31 AM]CrowZer0: CrowZer0 (PieceOfShit) invited you to play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive2019-03-23 12:00:20
Sp!T_ShineI actually gamed for more than half hour last night without getting bored Division 2 is pretty fun so far. Just rolling around solo in it. Vince is dope, probably gonna watch it tonight on prime off my new tv. Day 27 of detox, was really hard not to drink last night. I like to do 30 days off like 2 or 3 times a year, but I would rather drink on weekends and not drink on weekdays but once I start then its an everyday thing. I'm so used to drinking while I kick back and game. Doing without seems kinda boring. haha2019-03-23 11:11:10
Sp!T_ShineLet me know how it is. I might watch it tonight too2019-03-22 17:29:30
Buttermilk Crisp Chicken TendiesSup2019-03-22 12:52:33
Sp!T_ShineI like it when Uncle Crow touches my no-no2019-03-22 07:36:33
Moonwhatsapp?2019-03-21 18:02:22
MoonNo refunds for steak-lovers that have buttchins LOLOLOLOLOL LOGIC2019-03-21 17:45:26
Moon just remember chicken ain't nothin but a bird2019-03-21 17:12:33
MoonI like your profile background! It makes me hungry2019-03-21 17:11:26
ttv/Katty_n o2019-03-21 15:16:15
ttv/Katty_feisty2019-03-21 14:44:25
ttv/Katty_wow ty stalker2019-03-21 14:30:37
CrowZer0336 months padre2019-03-17 08:57:41
MoonHow many months old is your gf in the pic?2019-03-16 21:23:02
Ayylmao1911Gay as ♥♥♥♥.2019-03-16 16:19:00
Sp!T_ShineThumb in the butt had me laughing so much. that dude is hilarious2019-03-15 20:35:10
MoonValve can go suck a Pingas I'm never gonna stop ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cursing2019-03-15 17:20:29
CrowZer0yup cant even talk about my pu$$y cat2019-03-15 15:42:56
CrowZer0im really curious what the fk sjw steem is censoring now apparently now you can;t even say ♥♥♥♥♥2019-03-15 15:42:44
MoonWow ♥♥♥♥ steam2019-03-15 15:23:24
MoonHer penis*Not his penis2019-03-15 15:23:14
MoonYou are racist for not calling me by my preferred pronouns2019-03-15 15:22:15
MoonWow your gf is very big and strong! Her blue shirt looks so pretty2019-03-15 13:37:17
MoonLearn my pronouns Fagoat2019-03-14 20:49:09
Sp!T_ShineSome kinda thug life-chicken mafia going on there!2019-03-14 07:33:40
Mooni imy him2019-03-13 16:26:02
MoonIs hooksguru a real person?2019-03-13 16:25:48
Sp!T_Shine 10:22:50
yung robitussinYou deleted me big sad2019-03-09 00:01:22
yung robitussinAnd I'm nu emo ;w; stop bul bul me2019-03-08 18:33:26
yung robitussinThankyou paps2019-03-08 18:18:35
CrowZer0I don't even know who this kid is posting videos from 2006, the ♥♥♥♥.2019-03-08 16:40:02
Captain Picards Balls 20:32:42
Sp!T_ShineU name Snott Fuss now? I like it HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA SHUT UP IM HURTED2019-03-05 06:30:56
CrowZer0WAITYOU'RE CROW?2019-03-04 17:42:33
CrowZer0since betaback in 09my playlists prove thatBeatsToday at 22:03finallyyou used the word betawithout referring to meCrowZer0Today at 22:03stfu u betaBeatsToday at 22:03k im kms2019-03-04 16:03:54
CrowZer0 The drops at 47, then I bust a nut at 1:08, but wait for it to build don't skip. 1:49 it changes again and then again at 3:30.2019-03-04 16:02:30
CrowZer0your life is cheat day2019-03-04 15:20:04
MoonI bet you like your steaks rare HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH SHUT UP2019-03-04 14:00:34
CrowZer0Wait sadistik is a guy?2019-03-04 13:56:05
MoonI'm depressed my egirl told me she is a catfish, her/his name was sadistik2019-03-04 13:55:34
CrowZer0Go afk in a phone call, put on Umbrella Academy on stream and 2 people join. K2019-03-04 13:54:24
CrowZer0Why is your profile private you emo ♥♥♥2019-03-04 13:52:35
MoonFound dead in Pennsylvania ?2019-03-04 13:52:10
CrowZer0If anyone else tries to spoil UFC 235 for me I will pull out your intestines with my fists. And not through your mouth.2019-03-03 12:03:28
CrowZer0I always thought I was more like herpes... I keep coming back. OR JUST WHEN THEY THINK I'M GONE I'M BACK!2019-03-03 11:56:00
Gin the BoxSome people are like aids... You can never fully get rid of them.2019-03-03 11:30:24
Ayylmao1911♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that pic i sent was a ♥♥♥♥♥♥' afterparty, we went into someone's apartment. ♥♥♥♥ you2019-03-02 09:54:13
Sp!T_ShineThat was hard to watch, so much cringe, lol2019-03-02 07:06:52
Moonbtw im bisexual2019-03-02 05:20:46
Lexie ♥Oohh what's your family name in it? I mostly afk but I do play the actual game every so often2019-03-02 01:39:56
𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊(ง︡'-'︠)ง2019-03-01 22:36:32
𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊n_n thx. I haven’t been on much. Nice 2 hear from u 8)2019-03-01 21:32:10
CrowZer0hi frogette imy2019-03-01 21:14:46
𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊:]2019-03-01 21:08:51
WavesterI know some guys that this fits to ;)2019-03-01 19:01:57
Moon[5:43 PM]CrowZer0: ok gimme 5 mins i need ♥♥♥♥ number 3[5:43 PM]Moon 🖤: O.O did you eat mexican food?[5:44 PM]CrowZer0: no I ate a large pizza 2 servings of chicken kickers and wedges then today i ate a mixed grill i sent u pics padre I ♥♥♥♥ around 10am after my coffee again around 6pm now its 12am time for no 3 so basically 8 hours, 6 hours now another 6 hours[5:45 PM]Moon 🖤: so it takes your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ hours to develop a new bucket of ♥♥♥♥ six*2019-03-01 18:51:39
WavesterYour Fortune Cookie:Speak softly, and carry a big stick. Your lucky numbers are:21 - 50 - 93 - 3 - 55 - 82019-03-01 18:10:12
MoonPadre im not even on your top 6 friends list let alone the top of it!2019-03-01 16:41:53
MoonSo you had two condoms this whole time and didn't tell me??2019-03-01 16:36:12
MoonThanks for the bisexual trade2019-03-01 16:32:20
Ayylmao1911Oh wow. I didn't know. I'm half gay.2019-03-01 16:07:22
MoonOh yeah, supaman also doesn't do drugs... Its Celtic Sea Salt.2019-03-01 15:04:31
MoonI didn't know Betaman did cocaine, oh ho?2019-03-01 15:00:49
MoonOh hai retro I didn't know you were also bisexual2019-03-01 14:38:01
Gin the BoxTINTIN2019-03-01 02:50:02
CrowZer0I also use three screens, don't get butthurt if I don't see your messages! 12:45:57
CrowZer0Now I'm listening to I started this 4 hours ago, and I'm only 1.5 hours in.2019-02-28 12:38:31
Captain Picards BallsAlex Jones2019-02-27 23:36:46
Sp!T_ShineSausage stuffed turkey for dinner with broccoli soup. Ya kinda sounds weird. I danced around in a loin cloth to please the turkey Gods so it should be yumms.2019-02-27 18:29:24
CrowZer0I wish sitting on my PC and doing nothing or playing games didn't bore me.2019-02-27 18:11:05
Sp!T_ShineIt's a cat??? I thought it was a gowillla.2019-02-27 18:02:36
CrowZer0 17:57:01
CrowZer0hu defak iz u picaroo ballz?2019-02-27 17:56:57
Captain Picards BallsJesse the ♥♥♥♥ Lindgard couldn't handle our Allison !2019-02-27 13:47:35
Ayylmao1911listen here, wait, today's your birthday?2019-02-27 09:50:00
CrowZer0He's your classic real life loser. Talk's crap online cos he's nice and safe, but a beta like him would get bich slapped in front of his family in rl and he knows it. But I'd be too busy laughing.2019-02-27 09:06:41
CrowZer0The only way retro ever makes me do anything is in his dreams, then he wakes up to reality and cries. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2019-02-27 09:05:16
MoonHappy birfday!!!! Where is my gift2019-02-25 19:01:22
CrowZer0bk on wednesday, retro fans!2019-02-25 14:41:25
yung robitussinno u2019-02-25 14:20:48
Budgieugu2019-02-25 14:16:35
CrowZer0@buggy 14:01:49
Budgiethis is so sad :(2019-02-25 11:48:37
CrowZer0Steam is no longer allowing me to comment on non friends it says I have been posting too frequently.2019-02-25 00:48:58
Budgiei have weak arms please no2019-02-25 00:47:34
Slaggy PattyI do have a thing for blondes.....2019-02-24 23:31:24
CrowZer0You stay away from Kuntana u ho she's mine2019-02-24 22:54:29
Slaggy PattyI bet it's really cute.2019-02-24 22:52:49
Slaggy PattyWell your 'girlfriend' must see something in you sweetie. Bless her heart <32019-02-24 22:33:25
Slaggy PattyIt's ok, I won't tell cutie. ;)2019-02-24 22:24:29
CrowZer0If I had known people would have enjoyed my rants and voice notes about cucks so much telling me it's hilarious and I should start a youtube channel... I would have done more of these years ago.I love how 4 different people were utterly confused and thought I was JOKING about him making jokes about me liking steaks, they had to see it to believe it. Also the "office worker" description had multiple people face palming and ask "wtf does that even mean". (Exactly) Don't get me started on hot asian sugar momma you incel. See Retro pulpety this is what happens when you have CONVERSATIONS WITH INELLIGENT ADULTS INSTEAD OF DEPRESSED MEME KID 16YOS ON STEAM. Your mum should have swallowed you.2019-02-24 18:34:20
Mooni finna eating steak2019-02-24 18:09:46
CrowZer0rememeber when I debated confused holistic naturopaths on youtube about keto and carnivore diet?2019-02-24 17:26:31
kuntanarazon burn ingrown hairs lol2019-02-24 17:17:52
kuntanaew i'm not touching your hairy prostate2019-02-24 17:08:42
CrowZer0I wish I didnt insta delete all his whatsapp images or could be bothered to go through my thousands of pics to show you the crap he was eating2019-02-24 17:06:55
kuntanai used to be a feminist, then i got my degree in massage therapy so now i am a misogynist.2019-02-24 17:06:46
MoonOmg You want pizza instead steak??? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH SHUT UPomg xdxdxd lul #LivingTheGoodLife #OfficeWorkersMatter2019-02-24 17:01:17
MoonN E O NIts lit famalam I finna be getting retro.2019-02-24 16:52:50
CrowZer0[22:40]Shermane: yo wtf ill go on live debate for 10 games[22:40]CrowZer0: fite me ♥♥♥ WHY ARE U CALLED CROW ZERO IS IT COS U KILLED ALL THE OTHER CROWS BRO LOL[22:40]Shermane: did he say this?[22:40]CrowZer0: no u did u muppet2019-02-24 16:41:17
yung robitussinheloi am 28i libe wit mi mami dres like a sketi hit up underage people for nudes 🍜i'm virgin even tho i'm bi2019-02-24 16:09:17
Triple DeviljhoYou made me waste 8 minutes of my life. I am beyond disappointed that I expected more out of this. I cannot bring to words, how I actually feel about that. Jesus Christ.2019-02-24 15:44:16
kuntanaoh my goodness2019-02-24 15:38:09
kuntanacommuntity2019-02-24 15:37:05
kuntanapeople of the trans communtitty2019-02-24 15:36:36
kuntanastop cyber bullying my people2019-02-24 15:31:51
CrowZer0I'm still facepalming about me prostituting my chin to chinese sugar mommas. Like what idiotic 15yo told him that was actually funny?2019-02-24 15:29:38
MoonThank you, but you can use it if you make it famous and if its about LONDON.2019-02-24 15:28:15
CrowZer0I just got a copyright infringement notice from Moon Inc. I have been asked to credit my CHINese girls joke to Moon.K2019-02-24 15:25:41
Moon"I was apparently prostituing my chin to CHINese girls. "K2019-02-24 15:23:12
MoonHey, fyi btw I just wanted to tell you I'm bisexual.2019-02-24 15:17:22
MoonHis office works sounds similar to prison work. I bet washes their drawers for zoomzoom and wamwams2019-02-24 15:07:34
MoonChinZer0 is so cheeky2019-02-24 15:04:52
CrowZer0[20:53]CrowZer0: no bro office work is lit[20:53]Beats: its junk[20:53]Beats: what does thay even mean office wor[20:53]Beats: work there are offices for prostitutes[20:54]CrowZer0: you are the 4th person to ask me thatI'm an office worker bro, it's lit fam!2019-02-24 14:55:56
yung robitussinyea leave him the frik alone you freaks2019-02-24 13:58:31
CrowZer0can thots pls stop adding me on discord to tell me i sound "angry and hot" when you do that ♥♥♥♥ i dont thirst over you like retrocuck I feel disgusted2019-02-24 13:50:10
yung robitussinno paps2019-02-24 13:28:22
CrowZer0There is literally nothing you could say or "know" about me that isn't publicly available on my profile or to anyone who asks. I literally have never censored nor deleted any comments on my profile from me or others. Including my local gym, my address, my name or anything. It's okay bruh, keep stalking and taking screenshots and telling me girls on steam "stalk" you when they don't even know who you are. You are... a Retro God after all. You are only a god in your bathroom you waste of air lol.When you're from Gdynia, Poland and dissing London...2019-02-24 10:16:32
CrowZer0When a 28 year old fat guy who lies about depression and the death of his dad, never had a relationship in real life and "edating" 16-17yos on steam thinks calling me "prostituting my chin (apparently)" and having an "asian sugar momma" is somehow dissing me, I get the popcorn, sip the coffee and keep laughing. He's also an "amateur photographer" because he took a pic of a pigeon with his iPhone. His idea of dissing me =LOL YOU EAT STAKES BRO (did you mean steaks?)LOL YOU HAD A SUGAR MOMMA BRO (k)IM GONNA SCREENSHOT SOMETHING OUT OF CONTEXT FROM OVER A YEAR AGO (LOL WHAT A LOSER)MY BEST FRIEND IS A 16YO KID ON STEAM. (Wow.)Are you really this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid? Or are you "master manipulating me" again?2019-02-24 10:01:22
CrowZer0Dating a girl 4-5 years older at UNI is apparently a sugar momma. NEW META I can't take the level of comedy anymore. LOL.2019-02-24 09:56:36
CrowZer0I was apparently prostituing my chin to CHINese girls.2019-02-24 09:55:30
Ayylmao1911where, i want to also2019-02-24 09:54:06
CrowZer0Would someone care to enlighten me how "eating steaks" "having an asian sugar momma" apparently, (something about prostituting my chin) are considered disses?2019-02-24 09:52:47
Ayylmao1911Woahhhhhhhwoahhh2019-02-24 08:50:05
CrowZer0I'm making coffee and reading stories about how I prostituted my chin at the age of 17, more comedy gold.2019-02-24 07:38:20
CrowZer0BRB gonna call my asian sugar mumma apparently.2019-02-24 07:37:40
MoonYes and I take "amateur photos" of upskirts at my wonderful office2019-02-24 04:22:41
CrowZer0Oh sorry I'm really scared what will you do? Call me a steak eater, take screenshots of my open comments section and send your 17yo best friend at me that you have never spoken to? Please don't2019-02-24 00:27:51
MoonDon't ♥♥♥♥ with an officer worker ♥♥♥♥♥.2019-02-24 00:26:13
CrowZer0I guess the same kind of loser who lies about his dad dying so he can get sympathy. LOL. And then call himself a "master manipulator". I wish I had more facepalm emoticons.2019-02-24 00:24:52
CrowZer0How big of a loser do you have to be to stalk someones comment section that you don't even know, take a screenshot, keep it for over a year and then post it to your twitter and artwork? (Like it's a secret, when the comments are still there and open).And you wonder why people think you're a cuck lol.2019-02-24 00:21:41
CrowZer0No bro it's pure genius, take a screenshot of my comments IN CASE I DELETE IT. (Something I have never done.)I wonder what the sad truth is, he took a screenshot of my comments from when he didn't know me over a year ago and kept it that long...? Or he went through hundreds of pages of comments to stalk and find it!2019-02-24 00:17:47
Moonpls don't, I might run for president one day.2019-02-24 00:14:38
CrowZer0I have NEVER deleted nor censored any of my comments anywhere.2019-02-24 00:12:20
CrowZer0My fanboys tweet and make artwork of my comments on steam from a year ago. This guy so cool I wanna be just like him!2019-02-24 00:10:44
Lexie ♥Awwwwe so sweet2019-02-23 22:55:49
FR0ST_™Ty for the kind comment2019-02-23 21:54:16
CrowZer0k what is it, enjoy your 7 day ban bro2019-02-23 21:44:58
Moon+rep heard he cleans the toilets the best at "The Office"!2019-02-23 18:31:50
CrowZer0+She deflorowed my friend Logan. do you like how I spelt deflowered? also how I spell stakes big fat joocy stakes ofc2019-02-23 18:28:03
CrowZer0Cleaning the office technically makes me an office worker padre, don't forget I'm a master manipulator.2019-02-23 18:26:35
MoonI'm sucidal ♥♥♥, but I love talking about dragonball z !2019-02-23 18:23:24
MoonBRUH R U REAL WETRO FROM THE YEAR 1984?2019-02-23 18:11:51
MoonThis track is so lit i finna gonna ♥♥♥ in my face XDXDXD 18:09:48
Moonyou have a really lit profile famalam2019-02-23 18:07:29
CrowZer0AHAHAHAHHAA shut up!2019-02-23 17:41:39
MoonHi my name is Wetro! I like eating juicy meat :D, but not steaks I can't afford that.... I mean the bisexual kind of meat my dead-beat father (no pun intended) used to force feed my mouth.I also think that working in the office is really cool, I'm the coffee boy. They laugh at me when I ♥♥♥♥ up printing for them on the copy machine and they make me do it again and again! There are hot girls there and I said hi to one of them and they said hi back to me and then I got a boner and she saw. It was really lit, she said uh okay buddy I'll see you later! SHE SAID BUDDY TO ME SHE LIKES ME IM GONNA ♥♥♥♥ HER ONE DAY, but not now I am busy crying on steam to the other people that laugh behind my back.Oh yeah I also have diarrhea. I think its cause I eat too much gross unhealthy food, I don't blame myself though :( I am very weak willed.2019-02-23 17:41:32
CrowZer0Padre there are two hot girls who work in the office next door I might talk to them. (Me thinking, holy crap this guy is such a loser... and giving me a thirsty rapist vibe.)2019-02-23 17:37:15
MoonShe ain't got RGB lighting, but she got coleslaw and donutholes right in the RAM2019-02-23 17:34:14
CrowZer0Guys please stop... I'm very depressed right now my dad died. HAHA YOU GUYS ARE SO GULLIBLE, you believed me I'm a master manipulator I sh!t you not this was actually said to me by a fat 28yo pulpety who is best friends with a 17yo.*Sends pic of what looks like human puke* YEAH THIS IS DINNER (wonders why he has constant diarrhea).DIARRHEA IS LIT FAM!2019-02-23 17:33:47
Sp!T_ShineBut does she has RGB lighting?2019-02-23 17:31:30
Moon Speaking of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in the bathtub, Don't you love how they don't even need to censor it's vaggy crotch because she got that whole family guy Peter Griffin sinking tummy blubbery going on?2019-02-23 17:29:44
Sp!T_ShineThis rubber ducky is cheap and is Neutral - Suitable for men and women 17:27:25
CrowZer0Probably the best comedy I have ever witnessed. 17:27:09
MoonI can't afford a rubber ducky so I use little pieces of orange cheetos doodoo instead2019-02-23 17:25:14
Sp!T_ShineIt's only ok to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in the tub, not in the shower.Rubber ducky likes to tow his new buddy around.2019-02-23 17:22:05
CrowZer0i axxidently left football manager on for 4 hours while afk again oopsie2019-02-23 17:20:05
Moon-rep leaves me after 3 hour conversation because I said "I have to ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in the shower"2019-02-23 17:19:09
Sp!T_Shine Thx for the carry. That was lit of you.2019-02-23 16:44:32
MoonWahhh wahhhh I'm crying about muffy and nutella deleting me Wahhh WahhhYou pith of caca making fun of music I don't even listen to2019-02-23 15:21:22
CrowZer0When you and your life is so dull your entire identity becomes a genre of music. Can you be more basic?2019-02-23 14:48:06
CrowZer0A sub-genre of synthwave.Is that really a thing? Iz it lit?@spitty it is amongst kids who didn't grow up in 80s and 90s who see it as "classic" aka retro, its sad when grown men do it to fit in with teens lol.2019-02-23 14:47:13
Ayylmao1911still busy puking from last time2019-02-23 12:57:23
Sp!T_ShineretrowaveSynthwave with a dark dystopian cyberpunk noir aesthetic;A sub-genre of synthwave.Is that really a thing? Iz it lit?2019-02-23 12:15:22
Sp!T_ShineB--HOLE2019-02-23 12:12:50
Sp!T_ShineIts good for your BHOLE2019-02-23 12:12:30
Sp!T_ShinePooping out chicken wing bones is lit yo2019-02-23 12:09:47
Sp!T_Shineiz lit yo2019-02-23 11:39:12
CrowZer0I am a 28 year old Polish "office worker" who is fat, ugly and full of pimples.My "best friends" are 16-17 year old kids online who have never even heard me and know nothing about me, but they are my best friends because we send each other MEMES and say "its lit fam" on the daily, even though I can't pronounce this sentence properly. I also like to either lie about my dad dying and depression so I can get sympathy from my 17 year old online besties.RETROWAVE IS LIT FAM!2019-02-23 11:37:59
Sp!T_ShineHow is the new Yakuza????? Did you beat it? Did you die? Was the end boss cool? How much oriental food did you try? Did you bang slant eyed lady boys in the fart box? How many egg roll make real man grow chest hair?2019-02-22 18:34:14
yung robitussinshare nan...2019-02-22 09:42:42
yung robitussinOmw rn, can i play w your nan though2019-02-22 09:15:47
MoonBeats said add him, he has something important to tell you.2019-02-21 23:17:59
yung robitussinNever been better paps2019-02-21 06:29:56
WavesterNice, nice man2019-02-21 05:23:09
Slaggy PattyUgh come ♥♥♥♥ me, I miss you.2019-02-20 14:43:10
yung robitussinno u2019-02-20 14:11:17
MoonDo u swallah for a dollar? :O2019-02-20 13:14:23
Slaggy PattySweetie my 'father' is my daddy and he's dead. Doesn't change a thing...2019-02-19 22:20:25
WavesterOne day in Norway D: !!!!Come to Trontheim and we will crush gym !2019-02-19 19:38:07
yung robitussinNoobhead paps2019-02-19 14:37:24
MoonMy grandma ran out of tomato so she GIFF me GIFF card2019-02-19 12:24:45
MoonErr 20 dollar2019-02-19 12:17:20
MoonForgive me padre I'm about to eat a 100 dollar breakfast >_<2019-02-19 12:16:35
MoonWho the ♥♥♥♥ are you..2019-02-19 12:09:01
Slaggy PattySweetie my dad has been dead for years, try again.2019-02-19 11:42:18
Slaggy PattyWho the ♥♥♥♥ are you..2019-02-18 22:04:38
MoonUh Crow? Are we friends?2019-02-18 13:46:48
CrowZer0Did EVERYONE delete me?2019-02-18 12:32:33
CrowZer0Why can't I see my own friends list I haven't even hid it.2019-02-18 12:32:22
Gin the BoxGreat choice2019-02-17 03:42:02
CrowZer0ty bois today im getting recommended catplant asmr videos and some new deliciousness called bell delphine OHO2019-02-17 03:39:48
Moon Which diet is he on?2019-02-17 02:26:55
Sp!T_ShineObviously your doing your crossfit routine all wrong..... 18:05:32
CrowZer0no gucci 09:03:44
baseplategucci gang2019-02-16 07:42:40
CrowZer0Pics or it didn't happen.2019-02-16 05:59:30
baseplatei bought a gucci belt2019-02-16 05:58:21
CrowZer0Maybe.2019-02-16 05:57:20
baseplateyes2019-02-16 05:56:54
CrowZer0No you are a Hinjew 05:56:19
baseplateno im hindu2019-02-16 05:55:35
CrowZer0You were a jew.2019-02-16 05:55:11
baseplateno he was a jew2019-02-16 05:54:46
CrowZer0Buddha was a Hindu...?2019-02-16 05:54:33
baseplatejesus was a jew2019-02-16 05:53:59
CrowZer0I am the lord and the only law I allow to rule me is reason.2019-02-16 05:53:21
baseplatei praise the lord, then break the law2019-02-16 05:52:50
CrowZer0BENZONAH2019-02-16 05:51:06
baseplateshalom2019-02-16 05:31:03
ꜱᴘᴀᴄᴇᴍᴀɴdont disrespect a legend.2019-02-16 02:58:27
Sp!T_ShineI like to talk to myself, its totally normal...........2019-02-16 02:23:42
Sp!T_Shinethat was probably me2019-02-16 02:07:24
CrowZer0"9 new comments on your profile"I see 2 wth did I miss?2019-02-16 01:40:18
Sp!T_Shinewell then its a big fat NO2019-02-16 01:22:14
Sp!T_Shinebut does she have slip on rubber crow feet shoes?2019-02-16 01:22:01
MoonNah this is TRUE vegan beats 16:04:10
CrowZer0i cant even say ji zz its official the sjws have taken over steam2019-02-15 15:48:56
CrowZer0the only anabolic steroids in your system is the man jizz you consume on the daily2019-02-15 15:48:30
CrowZer0 13:39:38
MoonYou forgot to addGender: Does it matter?2019-02-15 13:22:29
STROMINIC back2019-02-15 04:57:08
Moonk2019-02-15 00:21:15
MoonWon't even imy me or watch brawl on cell block 99 with me2019-02-14 17:17:23
Cheddar BobBut... I'm your dad.2019-02-13 13:01:50
CrowZer0BACK ON FRIDAY SCRUBS!2019-02-13 11:47:39
yung robitussinno u2019-02-13 09:57:49
Sp!T_ShineI was drunk but now I'm sober and I don't think that rhymed, I'm a horrible white boy rapper and I deserve to have my mouth washed out with soap and I need to repent and I'm probably gonna have the ♥♥♥♥♥ today cause I ate a whole box of shredded wheat last night and bought a game from steam that I already had free with Origin premier and ohh look a whole giant empty bag of habanero mango beef jerky. Sorry God.2019-02-10 06:48:31
Sp!T_ShineCrowZero rhymes with ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥camel spider ♥♥♥♥ing pop my♥♥♥♥♥♥Seth Rogan ♥♥♥♥♥♥cherry♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥covered in♥♥♥♥sour dough bread♥♥♥with anal ♥♥♥♥♥♥giving homeless guys ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ Hillary's hairy ♥♥♥♥2019-02-09 22:40:05
Cheddar BobJayness2019-02-09 15:19:01
yung robitussinOhayou cow-chan, ogenki desuka?2019-02-09 14:47:28
MoonAre you confused? 14:33:51
Ayylmao1911gay2019-02-09 13:22:43
yung robitussinmoooooooo2019-02-09 11:48:02
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//Hii :)2019-02-09 11:35:56
Sp!T_ShineSlumbuddy poo poo and pee pee on profile2019-02-09 10:50:14
kasaNo Can Do Papa Crow ❎2019-02-09 08:55:50
Gin the BoxYou did first!2019-02-09 01:52:23
Ayylmao1911Gay profile. Yes.2019-02-07 21:53:52
MoonEric the asschin steak lover2019-02-06 15:41:58
CrowZer0no steemu drama 2day pls kidz, ima be with my grill and papa no care about steem2019-02-06 14:53:57
CrowZer0RETRO WAVE IS LIT FAM2019-02-06 13:55:26
WavesterGUCCI GANG , GUCCI GANG , GUCCI GANG2019-02-06 10:34:06
slasherGOLD GANG2019-02-06 05:10:07
MoonPadre can you hear me?2019-02-05 21:16:24
Moonyour emojis? K.I think he is confused about his health and his sexual orientation.2019-02-05 21:07:56
CrowZer0 Tl;drkeep using my emojis and calling yourself padre you born beta, do your "friends" know all your personality a poor imitation of others.Have they heard your barely eligible squeaky voice?Why say you're american, when you're latvian bro?2019-02-05 19:31:35
CrowZer0After telling him I'm busy and muting him. Losers get so butthurt after a delete.Actually thinks hes on my level, lol, k.2019-02-05 19:23:46
MoonMat the orphan-cuck Muffy lover.2019-02-05 18:22:12
MoonMat the orphan-cuck Muffy lover.2019-02-05 18:22:06
MoonMat the orphan-cuck Muffy lover.2019-02-05 18:21:47
nMatehappy new year !! we wish you nothing but good luck in the future !!2019-02-04 23:02:02
yung robitussinno u2019-02-04 18:49:23
Sp!T_ShineThats a very nice gift and a great starting rig. You're gonna get him hooked on pc gaming. hehe2019-02-04 18:27:55
yung robitussin 16:34:38
yung robitussini swear to god2019-02-04 16:34:27
Triple DeviljhoYou haven't seen true hentai yet my friend,I know a guy. I'll get you in touch do not worry.2019-02-04 16:33:51
Moonyou hacked my tinder?2019-02-04 16:23:23
Ayylmao1911g a y2019-02-04 15:03:48
Wavester 13:55:09
MoonI got 1024 problems but a Cherokee ain't one.2019-02-04 13:42:07
harryIt's ugly as ♥♥♥♥ but it's better than anything else on that ♥♥♥♥2019-02-04 13:27:56
harryIt's cancer2019-02-04 13:23:30
harryWhat the ♥♥♥♥ is this on your profile2019-02-04 13:21:36
Wavestercool2019-02-04 13:13:59
CrowZer0k2019-02-04 13:11:14
The Brickster他媽的你這個笨蛋有毒他媽的 !2019-02-04 13:07:15
Wavester DOTA2019-02-04 12:41:02
Wavestermerry chong ching fest2019-02-04 12:40:51
CrowZer0every wan is turning yellow dis so racis2019-02-04 12:36:18
harrynop2019-02-03 16:07:01
harryI now have a FAT pink condom on my profile2019-02-03 14:30:01
harryBuying that emote rn2019-02-03 14:28:08
harryI got the fattest ♥♥♥♥♥2019-02-03 14:27:01
Gin the BoxWhen I close my eyes, I'm lying next to you, and I don't want these memories to fade like pictures do in these picture frames 08:09:02
Ayylmao1911Sogay.2019-02-03 07:08:40
MoonYou like my username2019-02-03 05:29:02
MoonBeyonce is a stoopid Bleach2019-02-03 05:26:32
yung robitussinNo, e-thots have evolved2019-02-02 21:02:34
Sp!T_ShineMaybe it's always been, I'm just blind.2019-02-02 19:08:07
Sp!T_ShineThis used to be such a friendly place to come relax, unwind, smoke a cigar and eat a bloody rare steak. Now its a super kinky, club naughty, who's your daddy kinda place. I'm turned on2019-02-02 19:06:29
WavesterSmooch yourself2019-02-02 16:15:38
Moon-rep woke me up to Beyonce music2019-02-02 12:46:00
CrowZer0You should have started muting us when you got tilted too, cos I specifically told my team, watch this, the more he tilts the worse he will play.Why do you think they kept spamming "??" every time you died?2019-02-02 09:28:20
CrowZer0 Match ID right here bruh, open up Dota, download the replay, you do know how to do that right? And watch it from my perspective, and then you will see how bad you are.2019-02-02 09:24:45
Ayylmao1911♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ FIGHT!2019-02-02 09:23:40
CrowZer0Point is you're too blind to realise, I accrued 20k hero dmg in the last 15 mins lol. You're too bad man, it's ok add me I'll boost you too. ;)2019-02-02 09:22:25
CrowZer0Lol. You're so bad you don't even know. I directed that Doom, he wanted to jungle. I told him his pick, and where to play. I told them exactly what I was going to do. I told the SF not to worry about getting killed Invoker only has x. Homey, you're too blind to see, I was farming, my jungle, your jungle, my shrine your shrine and every lane. I directed the wards. They fought when and where I told them, they pushed where I told them. I told them to group and avoid fights when I saw them coming. IF the doom didn't win it, I would. My 397 last hits guarantee that, but you're too blind to see. 8.1k building damage, and 20k hero dmg, and I avoided every fight like the plague for 20 mins. Because I saw your line up, I know I ♥♥♥♥ spectre, and I kept eyes on his farm and items, idiot went defusal first when I saw that at 15 mins I lolled and I knew we were gonna win even though you were winning. Next time don't trash talk. That's the only reason I goaded you. ;)Nice ragequit bruh2019-02-02 09:21:10
okshrimpYou know even the pros ragequit sometimes. You honestly didn't do much, you should thank doom for that game and my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ team that couldn't be left alone for 1 second without being team wiped. You've played dota a lot urself, you should know that it's not a single man game. I took your mid in 6 or 5 minutes and killed sf a couple of times, if my team could just survive and keep a tiny pressure on your towers then I would rape you in your own jungle. I came to your jungle once in early game and a jungle creep saved you by soaking up the sunstrike damage after my combo.2019-02-02 07:42:44
CrowZer0im the anti mage that made you rage quit after you started ♥♥♥♥ talking in this game You're terrible and I knew I would win which made your early ♥♥♥♥ talk, victory and rage quit more sweet.2019-02-02 07:34:20
okshrimpim the best invoker eu, who are you?2019-02-02 07:22:10
CrowZer0Kicking is screaming is the most inspirational movie ever2019-02-02 04:34:28
Sp!T_ShineTo kick and scream is to live and dream..... Donald John Trump2019-02-01 19:47:56
Moon Sylvia is that you?2019-02-01 12:38:21
MoonPadre why do you kick and scream to yourself in your comment section?2019-02-01 12:33:03
Ayylmao1911♥♥♥♥, you.2019-02-01 07:02:45
yung robitussinI mean crow2019-02-01 05:52:08
yung robitussinSorry cow2019-02-01 05:52:02
yung robitussinAbsolute mad lad2019-02-01 05:42:14
Sp!T_ShineNot Godly enough for me2019-01-31 22:11:08
Sp!T_Shinerefunded...maybe next time...2019-01-31 22:10:13
CrowZer0Why they always delete comments after defeat, they never take it like a man!2019-01-31 21:23:19
Sp!T_ShineSend him my way. I give Dota 2 lessons on the side for free. boy ♥♥♥♥♥ pics are appreciated thou2019-01-31 19:00:32
CrowZer0 Joined my stream and apologised. I forgiff you.2019-01-31 18:02:02
CrowZer0For those who play dota, imagine foosball where a striker asks his goalkeeper to pass him the ball please and stay back because he's not helping by trying to score. Then the goalkeeper responds with oh you're so toxic and mean. :(IdiOt MucH? Go back to school you waste of resources and air.2019-01-31 17:09:27
MoonHey manyak, wanna see how much candy I can fit in my mouth?2019-01-31 13:12:21
MoonWhen I ask him how did babysitting my sister Lainey go he sings me this: 12:36:42
Ayylmao1911who the ♥♥♥♥ is crow, a ♥♥♥♥♥♥' bird?2019-01-31 11:00:06
yung robitussinshhhhh hooman .. atleast i'm not a furry2019-01-31 10:54:38
Moon This happened in Pittsburgh that weary, dehydrated night...2019-01-31 05:49:39
Ayylmao1911Why are you friends with ayylmao 9112019-01-31 00:51:15
Wavester 23:55:02
Teddy FreiBär™Welcome back! Where have u been? In a forest?2019-01-30 11:19:51
CrowZer0silence fatty ill sleep when i want2019-01-30 00:04:56
MoonChickenZer02019-01-29 16:59:24
CrowZer0cyberbullied already [22:21]Moon_Shine: pith of ♥♥♥♥[22:49]CrowZer0: who the ♥♥♥♥ r u ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ u got pic of hairy ♥♥♥♥♥[22:53]Moon_Shine: says the ♥♥♥ who is choking black chicken2019-01-29 16:57:11
CrowZer0since i only fk furrys and ur ♥♥♥♥♥ looks pretty furry, fine but at least buy me some taco bell first2019-01-29 16:55:17
Mooni wz tld 2 fk u2019-01-29 16:54:19
CrowZer0@rose id rather be a furry than a vegan furry like u2019-01-29 16:51:07
yoink+rep nice profile mate2019-01-29 16:10:51
Gin the Box<3.2019-01-29 15:54:52
yung robitussin-rep furry2019-01-29 15:53:49
w1Cknice main profile2019-01-29 15:00:09
Ayylmao1911IT, ARE BACK2019-01-29 14:00:12
Ayylmao1911THEY, ARE BACK2019-01-29 13:59:50
Ayylmao1911HE IS BACK2019-01-29 13:56:31
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺i like duks n diks2019-01-29 13:50:44
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺All the vegans on Steam should be afraid now2019-01-29 13:45:35
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Great cumback2019-01-29 13:45:00
Baby Saturndeleted me? wow papa v mad2019-01-26 15:14:28
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺DADDI2019-01-22 10:52:20
游学者叮当peace2019-01-20 00:14:19
Sp!T_Shine+ + =2019-01-17 21:04:57
Moonalways keep your chin up2019-01-13 13:13:24
Mooncheer up noot noot!2019-01-13 13:13:04
Triple Deviljho♥♥♥♥ trains.2019-01-12 16:02:17
Triple DeviljhoWhat.2019-01-12 15:38:04
Triple DeviljhoDoes the Queen have a bird fetish? Why are Swans royal property? I am already confused.2019-01-12 15:35:08
Triple DeviljhoJust give me a minute with that royal slut, I would pound her harder than the blitz did to London.2019-01-12 15:25:37
Triple DeviljhoTell me how to get arrested in London. Besides calling Soccer, Soccer.2019-01-12 15:10:25
MoonYou're too logical bro2019-01-11 15:53:12
Sp!T_ShineU can't say 1 900 F uck My P ussy? Lame, I give up...2019-01-10 21:24:00
Sp!T_ShineVegan Lives Matter!!2019-01-10 21:21:24
Sp!T_Shine1 900 ♥♥♥♥ My ♥♥♥♥♥2019-01-10 21:12:00
MoonWhat number?2019-01-10 20:51:19
Sp!T_Shine*number2019-01-10 20:25:52
Sp!T_ShineWas that you that texted? Didnt recognize the numer.2019-01-10 20:25:37
MoonWhere you hiding lil lainey?2019-01-10 13:58:36
Ayylmao1911You're back to life!2019-01-08 14:43:31
Ayylmao1911Hello friend.2019-01-06 22:51:42
MoonChicks with ♥♥♥♥♥ chicks with ♥♥♥♥♥!!!!2019-01-05 22:39:30
MoonI see u are in cahoots with the one they call diaper master2019-01-05 22:07:08
Sp!T_ShineAnd then turtle soup was served! Nom nom nom 19:53:30
CrowZer0lol vegans 14:48:32
SpengaWhy do you reject me :(2019-01-05 03:13:01
MoonForgive me padre for I have sinned2019-01-04 21:47:17
CrowZer0I just wanna play sum doto but ppl on steam either think im their priest taking confession or their psychologist2019-01-04 18:03:32
CrowZer0Friday, 4 January 2019[Yesterday, 18:33]mrBEAVERHOUSEN: Soy is my middle name[Yesterday, 18:34]CrowZer0: your mum should have swallowed you[Yesterday, 18:34]mrBEAVERHOUSEN: My best female friend stopped being friends cuz I called out vegans called me a psycho for eating meat[Yesterday, 18:40]CrowZer0: u have weird friends[Yesterday, 18:41]mrBEAVERHOUSEN: idk what hapend she was a hot redhead thot and then went vegan and converted to islam[Yesterday, 22:44]mrBEAVERHOUSEN: new year new meSaturday, 5 January 2019[00:01]mrBEAVERHOUSEN: i havent jerked off all year[00:01]CrowZer0: k2019-01-04 18:01:47
CrowZer0k2019-01-04 18:00:43
SpengaLove you lots XX2019-01-04 16:35:08
MoonIts me... sugar plum!!!2019-01-04 16:04:40
Moon-rep told me his favorite flavor is bbq sauce2019-01-04 15:41:49
CrowZer0If I can't knock out 99.9% of vegans in 1 min flat I'll go vegan myself.2019-01-04 12:26:04
CrowZer0weirdos please stop adding me, even with generic profile comments I'm simply not interested in getting to know you2019-01-04 10:20:43
CrowZer04 unknowns on me profil ok men2019-01-04 10:18:33
Cock GobblerNice profile!!!2019-01-02 09:28:04
Cheddar BobHsppy New Year Ya filthy animal.2019-01-01 09:57:50
Gin the BoxHappy new year yung thug2019-01-01 05:20:46
SpengaIm your secret lover ;)2018-12-31 18:54:37
SpengaI am your secret lover ;)2018-12-31 18:53:46
Sp!T_ShineHappy New Year. Stick your pee pee in a drunk poo poo2018-12-31 15:38:22
CrowZer0I hope everyone has a good new years eve, I know I will, see ya'll next year!2018-12-31 10:19:44
Neigeik^^ top 250 support eu west2018-12-31 07:45:12
CrowZer0you are very whalecum for the carry2018-12-31 07:35:44
Neigegood game ^^ was rly funny haha gg wp2018-12-31 07:22:20
Gin the BoxSure, just need to schedule an appointment so you can pose for me2018-12-31 06:47:00
CrowZer0i still dont know who u r2018-12-31 05:12:56
SpengaThe best <3 +rep;32018-12-31 04:10:15
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Happy New Year!2018-12-30 17:25:05
Moon"I'm exactly where I want to be"That's such a gut instinct thing to say.2018-12-30 16:36:08
Wavesterok nice. how much for the second? xD2018-12-30 13:35:00
CrowZer0I would rather aim for the dream and fail rather than settle for mediocrity and succeed.2018-12-30 09:11:39
CrowZer0[15:09]BeatsByDrMario: but just some thot idc if shes vegan[15:09]CrowZer0: there thats a crowzer0 original for you fatty i would rather aim for the dream rather than settle for mediocrity.[15:10]BeatsByDrMario: my dream is to go on a date with a hot girl[15:10]CrowZer0: wait[15:10]BeatsByDrMario: there you go[15:10]CrowZer0: Im gonna improve it[15:10]BeatsByDrMario: couldnt care less about vegan[15:10]CrowZer0: i would rather aim for the dream and fail rather than settle for mediocrity and succeed. there #copyright and alll that ♥♥♥♥2018-12-30 09:11:31
SpengaBut I do though2018-12-29 23:58:59
Sp!T_Shinewatching2018-12-29 21:12:38
Sp!T_ShineIm pretty wrecked... had to abandon my clan on Black Ops 4 cause I got bored. Gonna go launch some early fireworks off in the back yard and grill up some brauts. Tons of sauerkraut and a litle bit of deli mustard and try to find the fight streamed.2018-12-29 21:02:41
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that little guy is annoying...I wasnt that bad........2018-12-29 20:53:09
Sp!T_ShineI sounded like this eating that meatball sub.... 20:51:54
Sp!T_ShineI went and got 3 more 40 ouncers with 2 home made meatball subs from this little mom and pops deli. Never ever had such a good meatball in my life. Gonna spread the word on this place. He came from NY but moved to Wisconsin and now AZ... Soo good I was making caveman sounds with every bite eating the subs...2018-12-29 20:45:04
Sp!T_Shine8.1% 25 ounce curls. Be in bed by 6pm. 15:21:14
CrowZer0don't love me im a very bad bad man2018-12-29 14:59:01
CrowZer0:/ you don't even know who i am, WHO ARE YOU KID WHY DO YOU GO AROUND ADDING STRANGERS TELLING THEM YOU LOVE THEM?2018-12-29 14:58:38
SpengaI love you2018-12-29 14:47:20
Sp!T_ShineIt's cuz ur 1 group has more style than Tank Abbott in crocs and a mustard staind wife beater.2018-12-29 14:46:52
CrowZer0why does steem say im in 5 grups when im only in 1?2018-12-29 14:31:38
CrowZer0Petit Saï Saï 🎅🏻 10 hours ago Add me <3I've said no twice and even asked you why, stop adding me you inbred.2018-12-29 12:43:47
Sp!T_Shinejon imondrugs again and again and again jones2018-12-29 11:53:02
Sp!T_ShineJones is an idiot. I hope he gets his p unk a ss beat down. Thou he will probably win.....2018-12-29 11:51:04
CrowZer0no2018-12-29 08:04:00
SpengaAdd me <32018-12-29 02:20:45
Ayylmao1911not gonna lie though, it was pretty hot2018-12-28 18:59:24
Ayylmao1911But it is pervy to send me nudes of pizzas. Yoo2018-12-28 18:49:44
CrowZer0i dont think im doing veganism right 18:49:06
Sp!T_ShineI blame Destiny 2 and large holiday meals!!!!2018-12-28 18:48:04
CrowZer0There is nothing ♥♥♥♥♥♥ pervy about eating pizza on the toilet while watching pronhub2018-12-28 18:45:55
Ayylmao1911Ew. Perv.2018-12-28 18:23:58
Sp!T_ShineIs that blue nailed chica applyin the correct amount of pressure to yer head?2018-12-28 17:00:32
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.2018-12-27 16:22:56
RamyMe too xD I'm just leveling up for fun without spending a penny. I collect keys from giveaways every once in a while and idle the cards and craft badges :)2018-12-27 08:54:43
Ayylmao1911P l s though. :(2018-12-26 15:06:12
CrowZer0 12:21:34
RamyOh then go for 3-69 next year.Merry christmas2018-12-26 04:10:15
Ayylmao1911You sun of a beach.2018-12-25 12:27:10
Gin the BoxI feel glad you didn't forget Boxy lil crowy.Merry christmas to you too .2018-12-25 10:41:51
Teddy FreiBär™Hope u have a merry berry -mas too!2018-12-25 06:59:11
Sp!T_ShineMerry Christmas my Crizzle! 22:29:33
MoonHappy Kwanzaa2018-12-24 17:45:08
Ayylmao1911DO U?2018-12-24 10:26:01
CrowZer0Merry Crowmas to all!2018-12-24 10:19:39
CrowZer0I'll be back after xmas stop the offline msgs fagoats!2018-12-24 10:19:21
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Merry Xmas!2018-12-24 10:03:00
Ayylmao1911Marry KissMyAss <32018-12-24 10:00:06
Ayylmao1911Stop ignoring me. You know I love you:( please answer my calls.2018-12-23 16:49:27
Ayylmao1911henlo, still gay.2018-12-23 09:25:43
♥ mushbrain ♥meow meow meow2018-12-23 01:31:24
Sp!T_ShineBigger C lit than most D icks. Creatine and real food only........ 18:52:30
Sp!T_ShineI got the fever for the Crow Beak!!!!!!2018-12-22 18:46:52
izandouble fake news2018-12-22 13:35:14
VeeSlaysi had an accident2018-12-22 11:38:42
izanI’m birthday fluid which means I can identify as having a birthday whenever I want2018-12-22 05:53:55
MoonYour avatar looks like a penguin pith of ♥♥♥♥2018-12-22 05:26:09
MoonMy rainbow ♥♥♥♥ is lit2018-12-22 03:07:02
izanthat's fake news2018-12-22 00:06:32
Ghostedʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ʜᴏʟɪᴅᴀʏ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ2018-12-21 20:28:43
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead!2018-12-21 19:04:02
Sp!T_ShineI would take it as both, on one side they are asking if you are on illegal drugs but on the other they are marveled by your God like aesthetics.2018-12-21 17:31:00
Ayylmao1911okay dad, i'm sorry2018-12-21 17:12:20
CrowZer0They didn't have usada in cage rage ;)2018-12-21 16:34:49
Ayylmao1911perhaps, I did hear that you like some cheese possy2018-12-21 14:14:25
AlarielleCouldn't be further from an sjw. Nice try, fggt.2018-12-21 13:46:18
CrowZer0today i was asked if im on roids, didn't know whether i should be offended or flattered2018-12-21 12:54:49
CrowZer0After breaking a 7 day fast this morning I no longer have the ability to eat more than one meal a day. There goes my chinese takeout plans And hello again 8pack abs its been a while.2018-12-21 12:45:13
MoonMoony gang moony gang moony gang moony gang2018-12-21 06:33:29
CrowZer0k2018-12-21 05:08:03
Viwu's Level Service #2*BEEP BEEP* Card sets delivery :3 - Have a lovely day! <3 ^.^2018-12-21 05:04:20
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Imma wrap a steak around my boi♥♥♥♥♥ for some extra THICCNESS padre2018-12-20 13:55:30
Ayylmao1911join my grup pls2018-12-20 13:41:36
CybereddThere's an error adding friend. You do me.2018-12-20 08:00:31
RamyI'm okay with a threesom2018-12-20 07:58:49
CrowZer0k sure2018-12-20 03:54:14
CybereddWill ya let me add you?2018-12-20 03:38:11
CrowZer0k2018-12-20 02:14:38
CybereddJust wanna make friends, mang.2018-12-20 01:19:14
nMatek2018-12-19 23:51:39
Moon ^ dis why Crowley delet me cause i kik and scream2018-12-19 21:21:13
MoonOh ho? You downloaded the Will Farell documentary of me Padre ain't gonna eat2018-12-19 21:13:28
Sp!T_ShineHow I sounded before my grilled pork chop dinner after only having a breakfast shake 15 hours earlier before work. 20:11:31
Ramygo to lvl 2-692018-12-19 13:20:11
xAurora_nice level2018-12-19 13:12:42
CrowZer0k2018-12-19 08:03:31
CybereddThere's a bar named after you.2018-12-19 07:13:36
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great week ahead!2018-12-17 12:53:41
MoonEver see a man ♥♥♥♥ a Pringles can before?2018-12-16 14:13:52
Sp!T_ShineI bet that dude blows some serious mud after all that food.2018-12-16 01:50:16
Sp!T_ShineI copy and pasted this message2018-12-15 19:17:22
MoonBefore I go Crossfitting with my girlfriends, we like to make ketchup smoothies and picnic over at the park2018-12-15 15:15:11
CrowZer0came out of beta this year2018-12-15 14:56:00
CrowZer0yeah brave didn't exist in 2017, and i used palemoon 7 years ago when it was good, you gonna recommend me windows xp next?2018-12-15 14:47:31
CrowZer0@beats your mum should have swallowed you.pretty sure I told you about pale moon and it has been ♥♥♥♥ since waterfox, you love to regurgitate info on topics you have no clue about from what other people with those who know = your classic moron who tries to act smart, annoying childish ♥♥♥♥ like this is why i've deleted you multiple times.take this as your first and last warning.2018-12-15 14:18:36
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Let's debate in my bed padre2018-12-15 12:39:42
CrowZer0stop using googel start using stop using chrome (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ casuals), firefox start using 05:12:28
CrowZer0[10:23]Cyrus the Vyrus: wtf are you doing dude it says your playing every game on steam at once ? :D it stopped thank christ[10:45]Cyrus the Vyrus: oh no man steam need to get their ♥♥♥♥ together2018-12-15 05:06:59
Sp!T_ShineIn Soviet Russia lentil bean soaks you first2018-12-15 00:06:05
MoonYou seem like a confused carnivore go educate yourself2018-12-14 23:27:15
MoonWow bro u dont even use your gut instinct. I bet you are one of those mentally challenged people that use logic.2018-12-14 22:50:48
Sp!T_Shine4:00 mark... Do you think she would like me even thou I'm hung like a jelly bean?2018-12-14 19:29:02
CrowZer0#crossfitis4r4tards2018-12-14 16:17:21
MoonCross fit is for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-12-13 23:04:59
Sp!T_ShineDid you knock his D ick in the dirt?2018-12-13 19:48:28
Sp!T_ShineDidu win?2018-12-13 19:48:11
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead!2018-12-13 19:08:18
Moonscholarly vibe2018-12-13 13:16:32
MoonDebating is for ♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-12-13 12:16:42
CrowZer0I'll be live debating this idiot at 7pm gmt. 10:55:30
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Epic please stop making the female fortnite skins so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hot 😫. Every time I turn on the game I get a massive boner. I can't handle my self. Sunstrider is gorgeous with her tight ass, and swimsuit and blonde hair. Ohh epic please stop. I can't play the game for more than 15 minutes because my boners hurts so bad. Don't even get me started on nog ops, with her eyes and sexy, thicc ass in jeans and the red Christmas sweater. Ever since the skin got released today I haven't been able to stop jerking off. I love her so much. I wish she was real so I could ♥♥♥♥ her for real. Somebody out there please make a porno as the female fortnite characters. I can't help myself.2018-12-12 18:32:33
Sp!T_ShineYour fav Vegan is back sporting her toned arms and thighs once again. 20:55:16
Baby Saturni will always be the first born, i will murder and drink the blood of the others if they dare to step up to me2018-12-11 17:23:09
MoonFruity-Gainz2018-12-11 16:43:01
jellymoonbun 💜Well, hf with that :D2018-12-11 15:57:12
MoonMy soy milk brings all the izans to the yard2018-12-11 15:37:26
MoonSoysterone is lit2018-12-11 15:34:41
jellymoonbun 💜That sounds wrong tho xDI'm not little Dx2018-12-11 14:43:39
jellymoonbun 💜No u! DxI just feel too watched. u.u2018-12-11 14:08:58
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Hey you SCHOLARLY SLUTS📕📙📒📗📘📓💨 It's FINALS WEEK ✔️📝❌so while you're HITTING THE BOOKS 🖐📖 don't forget to SLAP YOUR MONKEY ✋🐒 Remember, D's get DICKgrees! 🎓📜🎓📜 So while you guys are ANALyzing ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in COCKulus 📈📉📈📉📈 Looking at BONDAGE in CUMestry ⛓⚗⛓⚗⛓ Working for your money in ECUMnomics👙💋💶 Writing your papers for LIT 🚬🗞📖📃💋📝🚬 and feeling the FORCE in PhyDICKS 🚗💦👅🚗 Finals? 😳😭🤓 More like FINAL-ly time ⌚️ to SUCK some teacher ♥♥♥♥👨🏻🍆👅 for that 🅰️‼️‼️ 😂👌💦 Send ➡️ this to 🔟 sexy schoolgirls 👧🏽 and boys 👦🏾 who got curves ↪️ bigger than the biology 🐘 final. Get 5️⃣🔙 and you'll get ♥♥♥♥🍆👀 longer ↔️ and harder than calculus problems 💯📈 Get 🔟🔙 and someone will do u all night 👉👌🌠 like a final study guide 📝😏2018-12-11 13:31:07
jellymoonbun 💜I think i can now live on my own, Sensei. Ir not longer needed. ;-;"2018-12-11 13:11:25
jellymoonbun 💜Always? Does he see me 24/7?2018-12-11 12:39:09
Baby Saturnmissed ya papa, i miss mama moon 22018-12-09 20:22:17
Baby Saturnobviously i was talking about a murder of crows u big poopy butt, boop ♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-12-09 20:22:02
MoonSoy boy2018-12-09 15:55:43
jellymoonbun 💜Bcs steam didn't allowe me to answer anymore. My life was very depressing for a very short second. How could i live without my Sensei :( *insert dramatic music here*2018-12-09 02:47:04
♥ mushbrain ♥mmm mushy potatos2018-12-08 20:13:39
Moonall armenians are armenian comedies2018-12-08 19:47:41
Haydnyou have a pic of a black crow, that's corvidae appropriation2018-12-08 18:15:15
jellymoonbun 💜:(2018-12-08 17:26:50
Sp!T_ShineWe could play penis swords if your up for it? U nvr let me win thou..2018-12-08 17:25:30
Sp!T_ShineNow I can't play nothing for more than a minute without a crash. I sold and shipped out my 1080TI last week. So I have no backup gpu. I knew I should have held on to it for longer. Now what I am gonna do? I'm pretty much fapped out and I ate all my leftover pizza. 1st world problems..........2018-12-08 17:23:41
♥ mushbrain ♥yes. i have a mushbrain and a mushheart :) im all mush2018-12-08 14:58:30
Sp!T_ShineShe is pretty much perfect, but I bet she has a f ukked up personality. Like all she wants to do is sit around and watch sports all day play video games and give head non stop.... what a b itch.2018-12-08 14:40:24
CrowZer0hey fatty just click the one below, click my username and see my playlists ?!?!?!?!?! profit2018-12-08 14:26:22
CrowZer0i made this one just for you mr fattyhousen 14:23:34
CrowZer0im feeling generous so ill stop neglecting you fatty have one song my playlists are public anyway 14:19:19
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Today I attempted to insert a whole cantaloupe melon into my anus because the local shops had run out of apricots (I buy a lot). Using about a gallon of butter, breathing techniques and a few hours I managed to finally get it inside. However it was too uncomfortable so I tried to ♥♥♥♥ it back out.This is where things got confusing because rather than a melon sliding out half a dozen apricots did. Now there is a chance that I just blacked out upon excreting the cantaloupe and it rolled away somewhere and that I happened to have a dozen or so left over apricots lying around my rectum from earlier but I cannot for the life of me find the melon anywhere.I think I may have the power to anally turn melons into apricots. Further experimentation will be required of course (once my rectum has recovered) but if this turns out to be true then I may be able to solve world hunger.2018-12-08 12:50:54
Sp!T_ShineMy new gpu went all dinosaur thumb on me..... Evga sending me a new one this week....2018-12-08 12:19:32
CrowZer0new youtube "add friends to discuss videos function"yeah add me on youtube so we can discuss cat videos, the merits of veganism and whether certain music videos are 99% porn and 1% musik2018-12-08 11:33:09
jellymoonbun 💜Yea i guess i am not ready at all. Maybe i will change my life when i'm dead. It's easier then.2018-12-08 07:33:45
jellymoonbun 💜Aww i rly appreciate that, but no thx. c:2018-12-08 07:28:07
jellymoonbun 💜You wanna kill me? <_<2018-12-08 07:26:36
jellymoonbun 💜Sensei, pls rescue me *bow*2018-12-08 07:20:56
jellymoonbun 💜But i've been told my whole life :( my lofe is a!!2018-12-08 07:00:07
Baby Saturnif you dont understand what that means your new name will be crowcuckzero2018-12-07 23:31:25
Baby Saturnid prefer to be a murder2018-12-07 23:31:01
Triple DeviljhoShe thinks water boils? That smells like a thot.I don't accept this relationship, and as your newly self-appointed father since of 30 seconds ago, I will not approve this at all.At least it isnt one of those league ♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-12-07 19:05:13
id prefer to be a wolf tho :<2018-12-07 16:00:45
MoonWho the ♥♥♥♥ names a fly Gilbert? I have a pet worm named Donald.2018-12-07 15:04:57
jellymoonbun 💜They are healthy, k? u.u2018-12-07 13:45:23
jellymoonbun 💜I have no Steak. I'm too poor to eat good meat :c four cheese Pizza ftw2018-12-07 13:27:18
jellymoonbun 💜Yea i know, but it's tasty af2018-12-07 13:15:12
jellymoonbun 💜I eat meat. Burn me.2018-12-07 13:13:40
Triple Deviljhostill have no idea who it is2018-12-07 13:05:28
Triple DeviljhoYou change girlfriends every other month. I haven't kept track since last year.I have no idea who to even tell.2018-12-07 13:01:00
Triple DeviljhoDude I can't get anyone to sleep with me. Stop flexing on me.2018-12-07 12:58:58
Triple DeviljhoBe careful, I heard he likes sleeping with other people's wives.So you better watch them.2018-12-07 12:47:43
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead!2018-12-07 08:24:49
H2018-12-07 07:18:42
E2018-12-07 07:18:38
N2018-12-07 07:18:32
T2018-12-07 07:18:18
A2018-12-07 07:18:09
I2018-12-07 07:17:59
id never steal ur toms2018-12-07 03:57:03
Triple Deviljhodead. rip2018-12-04 00:07:33
Sp!T_ShineBuild starts in the morning and your wifey should do gay pron with other grills.2018-11-30 19:29:11
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Eric Harris in essence.I hate black people.I hate Jews.I hate gays.I hate racists.I hate homophobes.I hate Brooks Brown.I hate white people.I hate Mexicans.I hate French Canadians.I hate Mongolians.I hate Native Alaskans.I hate anyone wearing a white cap.You know what? I hate the human race. ♥♥♥♥ you all.Literally, I want to ♥♥♥♥ you all.Unless you’re Dylan.Well… Maybe Dylan.No ♥♥♥♥ tho.2018-11-30 16:55:34
G U Y2018-11-30 06:04:34
gonna wear it tonight when we netflix chill2018-11-30 05:58:55
GONNA COSPLAY DAT FOR U <32018-11-30 05:58:36
a friend of mine .. is goin to a concert of hatsune miku XDDDDD2018-11-30 05:58:26
a www. a playlist for us? THIS IS SO ROMANTIC*-*2018-11-30 05:56:14
im gonna sing this all night to you <32018-11-30 05:56:00
ahegao faces make me instantly ♥♥♥. HOLY u have no idea2018-11-30 05:52:43
im totally into tentacles.2018-11-30 05:52:29
i got a lot of hentais. - ALL YOURS2018-11-30 05:51:27
were mnarryd so we gotta do dat together. WAIT. u gotta do dat alone first. (u probably smell bad) BUT THEN we can do it together2018-11-30 05:51:00
ofc u can have half of my animu collection2018-11-30 05:50:03
homeless problem FIXED2018-11-30 05:49:26
aand then u can stay forever.2018-11-30 05:49:17
we should marry and stuff. ..2018-11-30 05:49:03
my place or yours?2018-11-30 05:47:45
OMG!. were a perfeeeeeect match ! i got purple pubes !2018-11-30 05:47:29
OFC DATS ME !2018-11-30 05:46:19
gimmie more PLS !2018-11-30 05:46:06
i L O V E what u did ! holy im soo horny now!2018-11-30 05:45:53
SEND ME UR ARTISTIC NOOOOODS !2018-11-30 05:41:34
CrowZer0Padre pls this is what was so important I had to check steam, after I told you I was out with my gril? Idc bout psycho rose.2018-11-30 03:22:28
Moon Do you even doink it?2018-11-29 17:53:13
bleeum.. ok2018-11-29 15:39:55
not watching anymore xdd ~!2018-11-29 13:10:18
im not a man.. so no need to play mans games xd2018-11-29 12:45:09
DUDE. stap inviting me to that S H I T T Y dota thingy !2018-11-29 12:36:39
BLABLABLA.2018-11-29 12:30:13
MoonI aint got no kale padre e boli2018-11-28 02:55:13
Sp!T_ShineSay what? I'm a slut and I take it in the butt, don't pull out when you nut, thrust it deeper in my gut,Eggs are easiest to peel right out of the ice bath. Soft-boiled eggs require a much gentler touch when peeling.2018-11-27 18:48:30
then go dye urs purple ! xd2018-11-27 12:18:55
yeaaa ofc ill accept u xd2018-11-27 12:09:46
Moonwater is vegan2018-11-26 14:43:07
CrowZer0 13:36:59
CrowZer0Yeah no thanks.2018-11-23 21:35:11
MoonCome*2018-11-23 21:17:24
Moon♥♥♥ back later2018-11-23 21:17:13
MoonOh ho? Muth be nieth being a savage2018-11-23 21:16:14
CrowZer0thats it beats you know to bow to your sensei2018-11-23 16:40:00
Teddy FreiBär™Let's starve together... =)2018-11-23 08:17:08
Wavester@moon. Indeed... #thegoodlife lol2018-11-23 03:22:35
♥ mushbrain ♥happy thxgiving or watever2018-11-22 18:48:00
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead!2018-11-22 16:33:45
Moon:D #LivingTheGoodLife2018-11-22 12:41:27
Wavesterhaha ye thank you :D no i didnt knew that as well :D2018-11-22 12:28:54
MoonForgive me padre my borderlands 2 is broken and now I need to delete everyone.2018-11-22 06:36:00
MoonCome back later2018-11-21 10:58:32
Moon-rep so toxic2018-11-20 19:13:35
MoonGood luck in your game.Hope you have a lot of fun.2018-11-20 19:13:12
MoonNerd: *gargling sound* They are in B.Crow: Hot. You have a sexy voice.Nerd: *gargling sound* Andddddd muted.Crow: k.2018-11-20 17:59:58
CrowZer0k2018-11-20 16:04:36
Wavesterk2018-11-20 04:03:57
CrowZer0Biggest troll update in years, this gonna be fun! 15:43:49
CrowZer0k2018-11-18 13:00:20
CrowZer0k2018-11-18 11:56:50
CrowZer0k thx jabba afk for 76 mins in doto2018-11-18 04:46:26
Triple Deviljho2 inches?, thats 4 inches bigger than me.2018-11-18 00:39:24
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Bend me in bed like Uwu-chan bends his metal rodes padre2018-11-17 21:15:18
Triple Deviljhohey gurl, why yo peepee small?2018-11-17 18:21:18
Moonyou drink too much water padre2018-11-17 00:26:27
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!Thanks to you I just spent the last hour watching his stand up.Havent laughed so much in quite awhile!Love you nizzle2018-11-16 19:24:15
CrowZer0Thursday, 15 November 2018[20:56]₪ The0ne (Rémi): AYYY[20:56]CrowZer0: AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY[20:56]₪ The0ne (Rémi): DJ CAPPY AYYY TARGET PRACTICE PAYIN' OFF[20:56]CrowZer0: PAYIN OFF2018-11-16 15:01:09
YO! wtf is goin on mr whatsapp spammer xd 40 msges? xDD2018-11-16 14:52:51
MoonForgive me padre its all I have other than my grandmas tomato2018-11-15 19:28:23
CrowZer0Expect nothing but the best!2018-11-15 13:04:01
不機嫌Lucy WRLDExpect nothing less2018-11-12 02:30:59
Sp!T_ShineThx for the game, makes me wanna hook my Vive up again and break out the bottle of lotion.2018-11-10 20:22:32
Eric CartmanHave a good day! <32018-11-10 12:48:36
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺🤕Hit 👊 or miss😳 I guess 🤔they 👉never ❌ miss, huh 😕😕? You 🙌got 🤪a boyfriend😍, I bet 🎰😶he 😨doesn't 👎kiss 😘😘 ya🤭 mwah💖 😻He 🧐gon' find 🔍🔍 another girl 👶 🤩and he 😮won't😤 miss👌 ya🙀 He 🤤gon' 😲skrrt and hit 👊👊 the dab😎 like 😄😄 Wiz 🤠Khalifa🤑2018-11-10 12:39:25
Moonu play too much data ppl2018-11-10 01:44:31
Sp!T_Shinethat was ♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome2018-11-10 00:26:00
nMatewow Have GREAT DAY !2018-11-09 22:12:10
Wavester10K.002 comments2018-11-09 12:50:21
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead!2018-11-09 08:46:11
MoonCongratulations on 10,000 cumments u dehydrated tomato eating pith of ♥♥♥♥2018-11-08 18:41:54
HaydnHope ya saw lots of fireworks,didn't actually get round to seeing any2018-11-06 14:39:31
VeeSlaysayy V for Vendetta is one of my fav movies2018-11-06 04:41:16
Baby SaturnWhaaaaat2018-11-05 19:57:16
游学者叮当hope you have a wonderful day - -.2018-11-04 23:04:08
Ayylmao1911what money? yo yo?2018-11-04 14:01:16
CrowZer0That was the quickest community ban I've seen... within 5 mins of reporting the link...2018-11-04 09:11:52
CrowZer0Don't click the link below sounds like your classic phishing/scam link.2018-11-04 09:00:13
♥ mushbrain ♥wut2018-11-04 06:49:23
Sp!T_Shine (best comment on the video) last time I was in alaska I was charged by an enraged sow (female bear), that ol' ♥♥♥♥♥ must have weighed a good 1500 lbs and was around 12 feet tall when she stood up. all I had was my trusty swiss army knife.. I used it to carve a club out of a thick oak branch as she was barreling down the hill towards me.. POW, right in the kisser. I threw her over my shoulder when she was stunned and squatted her for 100 reps. I could have done more but I didn't take my pre-workout that day.HAHAHA SHUT UP I'M HURTED2018-11-03 22:54:44
Void Enjoyed 17:38:49
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead!2018-11-01 16:18:44
CrowZer0 16:39:36
DeniseHave a nice day, Crow2018-10-30 14:12:14
Gin the BoxArms around youTe amo mami let me hold you2018-10-30 06:36:42
CrowZer0k2018-10-29 12:25:18
Void EnjoyedHence forth, your you shall be known as Dork Moolingnian2018-10-28 05:39:19
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Ayyy fam! What games ya' gonna pick on this year's Steam Halloween sale? Assuming your desired titles will be featured on this sale of course2018-10-27 07:34:03
CrowZer0k2018-10-27 06:05:17
MoonMy vegan pizza ingredients are this:1. cauliflower2. canola oil3. organic tomatoes in a can4. broccoli5. soy sauce6. tofu7. soy sprouts8. soy beans9. vegan doritos2018-10-25 21:06:23
Triple DeviljhoAlmost as unique as Water Polo.2018-10-24 14:51:20
Triple DeviljhoFirst playthrough, get the quality of life mods.So your bug fixes, and graphically improvements if you are a graphics ♥♥♥♥♥. Definetly the rebalancer so its not a bullet sponge hell.The Unique Unique mod so your unique weapons are actually unqiue. 3D scopes will make it so its not a black outline on the screen when you scope in.and if you are interested in make your own base get Homemaker, if not Sim Settlements so the AI builds them for themselves.2018-10-23 16:27:59
Triple DeviljhoTeach me how to Cricket.2018-10-22 23:47:14
CrowZer0I would respond on your profile but it's closed, and we spoke on your birfday silly!2018-10-22 21:43:06
heeeeeeey :3 how r u ? we havent talked in ages o:2018-10-22 16:37:40
MoonDota 2 pith of ♥♥♥♥2018-10-21 12:37:50
Sp!T_ShineI would throw 2 grand at it right now if I had an inside buddy who worked at EVGA and could slip me one thru the back door at the headquarters2018-10-20 23:53:08
Sp!T_ShineIt could be months till I can combo this card with my 9900K........ 23:51:06
Sp!T_ShineThat feeling when you just want to throw your money at hardware companies but they are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up the preorders with limited stock.....Makes me wanna cry..... First world problems...2018-10-20 23:49:44
CrowZer0your profile is private so i cant respond, but pls bro no shrimp im a vegan2018-10-20 15:06:36
Sp!T_ShineI would wrap you in my beard and breast feed you like a baby goatzero2018-10-19 21:57:31
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Ayyy fam! Whatcha' gonna do on this year's Halloween? 🎃2018-10-19 16:17:14
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Today I found out that my mom is a hentaisu(苛右ゐ)and a lesbian (yuri). I saw her clitoris-sama touch my girlfriend's clitoris-sama and they were like "uwaaa~!" and "nyaaa~!" (ノ´ з `)ノ ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ ( ─‿‿─)♡ IT'S SO CUTE (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) (o^ ^o) They were cuddling for 3 hours straight, so I decided to fap to it and when my penis-kun (I refer to him as big cummy-kun) ♥♥♥-ejaculated (pissed with sperm-sama) This felt SO GOOD (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) When they finally noticed me, my GF just jacked me off and we went ahead with our day. I love my GF because she touched my twitchy penis-kun twice till it ejaculated(イやニ). Isn't that awesome? ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ My cousin (鉛温ヵ)also joined later and we had a good time together. o(≧▽≦)o Sweet home Alabama. ヽ(*・ω・)ノ I hope they do this again sometime in the future (っ˘ω˘ς )2018-10-19 15:56:01
MoonVegan gains told me he drinks olive oil because he farts a lot and olive oil makes him not fart a lot. Just dropping some #veganwisdom2018-10-19 11:53:39
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead!2018-10-18 17:08:59
Moon-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stole my 600 dollar computer2018-10-17 13:55:36
Sp!T_ShineI pro farm solo2018-10-15 19:40:13
MoonTrue, farm together is an adult only game.2018-10-15 16:30:59
CrowZer0I don't have time for these childish games Moon, I am busy pondering on some serious questions about life and the universe.For example, how did I get this chilli sauce on my nose?2018-10-15 16:12:52
MoonU cyber bully your best friend on their birfday? K.2018-10-15 15:41:32
MoonYou smell like someone that eats too much meat#VeganThug4Lyfe2018-10-15 01:08:27
Void Enjoyed 20:22:43
TittyTwisterHave a great weekend!2018-10-12 08:16:57
MoonFarm Together? Why not ♥♥♥♥ Together?2018-10-11 13:18:52
MoonNever judge a Crow by how vegan he is.2018-10-11 01:34:04
Baby Saturni miss you and moon <3 best buds forever2018-10-10 21:45:58
Bunny[22:28]CrowZer0: brb# piss in my drink2018-10-10 15:29:07
MoonNever judge a game by a trailer.2018-10-10 03:20:52
Bunnywowowo you use the only screenshot without me as your steam screenshotk2018-10-10 02:54:39
Ayylmao1911Heres a message from me to you. ♥♥♥♥ you.2018-10-10 02:07:22
Sp!T_Shine 16:50:19
Bunnythen leaves me for doto2018-10-09 15:25:13
Bunnyrefunds my gift2018-10-09 15:25:03
Void EnjoyedI refunded that Turd, as soon as I saw the first gameplay.2018-10-09 14:51:54
CrowZer0Do not buy Overkill's the walking dead, it is is ♥♥♥♥. It has L4D2 graphics, clunky ♥♥♥♥♥♥ UI and gameplay, 62£ reeeefunnnnded2018-10-09 14:30:05
Void EnjoyedSuffer and Die.-Death Knight2018-10-09 14:07:56
MoonTo Crow,I just want you to know that, while you might not think you have much of a family in the way of steam, You're definitely part of my family. As this summer passes I hope to continue to find fulfilment and joy in your life, and I hope you can do the same with me and the rest of us. in 2018 and beyond.Despite your past I am not hesitant in being proud at the man you are becoming. You've grown a lot in the past year with graduating high school and going to college, and I hope as you reflect upon last year that you realize your accomplishments are worthy of being proud of.You've been a better friend than I could have ever hoped for, and never would have expected to be as lucky as I am to have you in my life. I love you as a brother, and you know when I say something like that, I mean it.With all my heart, I mean it.2018-10-09 14:05:40
Void EnjoyedDeath is only the begining Paderesito.2018-10-09 12:00:56
BunnyLAPTOPPPPPPP2018-10-08 11:44:53
Sp!T_ShineMcChicken can go back to promoting whiskey and running his mouth.2018-10-07 17:42:20
Bunny♥♥♥♥♥ YOU SOLD ALL MY NUTS?2018-10-07 06:10:16
Wavesterdid he fight gainst lesnar ?2018-10-07 04:48:45
Bunnyk2018-10-07 03:26:10
CrowZer0UFC 229 went as predicted! Glad that loud mouthed♥♥♥♥♥♥talking Conor McGregor got dominated and his♥♥♥♥♥♥kicked in!2018-10-07 02:08:10
Wavesteruwuuuu2018-10-06 14:38:57
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Omgush 😱😳 you ☝️ SILLY 😜 sausage 🥩 🍖 you a very very silly 😛 sausage LET ME SEE 👀 THOSE SAUSAGES GO * shlap shlapy* THAT SOUND 💢 IS SO MESMERISING 🤤😆😆 OMGUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH I MIGHTTTT BURST OUT A SAUSAGE THAT WAS STUCK UP lè anùs 🙄 🍩2018-10-06 09:00:04
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺uWu2018-10-06 08:52:30
Bunnyasks me to spend his diamonds2018-10-06 08:22:21
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead!2018-10-05 16:18:15
Sp!T_Shinepink monkfish to blue banana2018-10-05 16:06:40
Bunny-rep cheater2018-10-05 14:50:15
Bunny-rep doesn't wanna hold my hand in Human: Fall Flat and runs away from me2018-10-05 14:50:03
CrowZer0ty padre but that wasnt even a good game for me2018-10-05 05:22:50
Mooncheater2018-10-05 05:21:41
Satifercheater2018-10-05 04:50:17
Bunnywuvshie2018-10-04 15:28:33
Ayylmao1911Level 350 ftw.2018-10-04 13:53:24
Bunnywe kinda need to level to 265 and 365 cause this ♥♥♥♥'s ugly2018-10-04 07:17:23
MoonIt was nice being in a call for 25 hours with you, I loved hearing you sleep and waiting till you woke up. Pith of ♥♥♥♥2018-10-04 05:30:32
Sp!T_ShineCrow Z is more like a love bird2018-10-03 20:21:28
Moon Vegan Gains eating meat O.O2018-10-03 16:38:07
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.2018-10-03 14:01:39
Mochiilyalisse+rep toxic fat kid2018-10-03 07:57:24
☆Be'lakor☆+rep2018-10-02 21:01:36
MoonUh oh! Buth-ted!2018-10-02 13:08:03
MoonYou wish you could eat boneless buffalo wings like psycho rose 🌹2018-10-02 13:02:36
MoonHey steak diet is really fun!2018-10-01 21:57:44
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great week ahead!2018-10-01 15:31:57
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺BOO!! Sorry did I scare you?! WASSUP GURL😉😉😊 ITS COCKTOBER 😈🌚🍂🍃🍁 AND IF YOU👈🏽 ARE GETTING THIS👇🏽😘 IT MEANS UR A HALLOWEEN 👻🎃 HOE😏😩👅💦 every year in Cocktober the jack o slut🎃 comes to life🙀😻🙌🏽👏👏🙌🏽 coming to harvest 🍁🍂🍃 his hoes for THOT-O-WEEN😏😏💥💥🎈🎂🎉 send this to 10 other Halloween Hoes or else you a TRICK🎃👻👻 🎃 IF YOU GET 4 BACK UR A THOT-O-WEEN TREAT😋 IF YOU GET 6 BACK UR A SLUTTY WITCH ♥♥♥♥♥👄😍✨🔮 BUT IF YOU GET 10 BACK UR THE SPOOKIEST SLUT ON THE BLOCK😜💦⚰🎉🎉💯🎃 If you don’t send this to 1️⃣0️⃣other thots💁😩👄 you will get NO ♥♥♥♥ 👋 this COCKTOBER🎃😉😜2018-10-01 15:15:42
MoonPadre won't even eat my soy sausage2018-09-30 18:41:36
TittyTwisterHave a nice upcoming week!2018-09-30 08:26:11
Moondo u swallah for dollah?2018-09-30 01:27:02
Sp!T_ShineGrow me some funky Italian radicchio on dat der farm please2018-09-29 21:05:14
MoonYou make me wanna punch a hole in my wall, forgive me padre2018-09-29 00:29:14
MoonI told you three times I had a dehydration puke-a-thon... Do you even register?2018-09-29 00:27:24
MoonCuckgratulations2018-09-28 14:09:19
Moon10,000. K.2018-09-28 14:08:56
Moon♥♥♥♥2018-09-28 14:08:44
MoonOf2018-09-28 14:08:38
MoonPith2018-09-28 14:08:32
BunnyCrow on my farm 2 days ago:-spends all my diamonds on winery and a second useless house-Crow today:-“Why do you have a winery you don’t grow grapes”-2018-09-27 16:24:46
Baby Saturnwhata big gay2018-09-26 20:28:58
MoonUh oh Buth-ted!2018-09-26 19:47:56
AlarielleNo2018-09-26 10:26:26
MoonOH HO I'm a good guy I just made 60 (and counting) mistakes!2018-09-25 21:19:28
MoonU don't even imy my grandmas tomatoes2018-09-25 16:17:31
MoonThe most toxic person I have ever met2018-09-24 21:55:00
Moonmaking me*2018-09-24 15:31:26
MoonForgive me padre, i didn't mean to hang up the phone because you were making jealous with your steaks.2018-09-24 15:31:18
Moonoh ho? Who is goatzer0 is a homosaxual?2018-09-24 14:40:55
Bunny♥♥♥ u addicted farmer2018-09-24 13:02:08
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great week ahead!2018-09-24 06:17:57
Bunnysays i have a ♥♥♥♥ farm then takes pics at my farm2018-09-23 16:10:07
Sp!T_ShineI got the more narrative part early in the game and have not played since. It is fun, maybe 20 bucks worth of fun.2018-09-22 17:25:39
xoLeonieNo problem haha2018-09-22 16:05:11
MoonMember Left - September 22nd @ 4:27am - CrowZer0 left group2018-09-22 08:42:19
MoonMy money is against it, but my heart is rootin' for ya2018-09-20 19:55:41
Moon3 more years till you are better than all of @Beats tic toc tic tic.2018-09-20 19:54:14
Mooni wz tld 2 blk u2018-09-20 12:45:46
CrowZer0You're whalecum, good luck on your journey in losing your virginity.2018-09-20 12:45:46
MoonThanks for leaving me for a better life ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Hope you enjoy your gf, job and working out more than changing diapers .2018-09-20 12:36:44
Sp!T_Shineya I'm not impressed. Looks like I am gonna wait till next series. :/2018-09-19 22:30:44
Void Enjoyed 11:38:24
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Jack 👦 and Jill 👧 went up ⬆️👆 the hill ⛰️🌄 to smoke 🌬️🚬 some marijuana 🍁😮 but jack got high 🤾🤒 and grabbed her thigh 🍗🧐 and said 💭🗣️ "I know you wanna". Jill said yes 🤭😵 pulled up her dress 🤯🤑 and then they had some fun 🙃🤯🤐 but silly Jill 👻😶 forgot her pill 🙀💊 and now they have a son 🙉👪 he eats the sugar 🖖 and tells lies 🙊🤫 and lives a happy life 😏😜 but Jill got drunk 🍸🍹 and pulled out a knife 😯🔪 she looked at johnny all so calmly 😪🤨 and said "you have ligma" 😎😵 he blew a fuse 💥 and grabbed a noose ➰👋🎣😴 and yelled 👻 "YOU EAT ALL MY BEANS ♥♥♥♥♥♥" 💩🤖👩‍🔧2018-09-18 12:57:32
TittyTwisterHave a nice Week!2018-09-18 07:25:02
MoonForgive me padre I didn't know you were so dehydrated2018-09-17 19:53:00
MoonKicks and screams when I ask him to have a good weekend...2018-09-17 19:49:57
CrowZer0Oh the backwards idiot is commenting on something from 1st of July Yeah I "stole" your kills with your 35k damage vs my 109kNice braincells you have there don't waste them.2018-09-17 12:38:04
CrowZer0@ the mong with mental issues below me, I don't even know who you are.2018-09-17 12:36:38
Metamorphosenoob see replay i win mid you lost lane hahaha only steal kills noob2018-09-17 10:32:52
Sp!T_ShineI hope so too. I have this one on auto notify thru my email, so the second it is available I'm going throw my money at it. It's going to be about a month till the FTW3 2080TI card is ready for the public so by then there should be plenty of reviews done by Gamers Nexus, Jayz 2 Cents etc..Crossing fingers, 1400 bucks is a big chunk of change to throw at a card if I am only gonna see a small improvement over my 1080TI.2018-09-15 15:59:07
THË CRØW GØHHey Crow-Buddy Sick Profile-Picture & Profile Have a nice Weekend2018-09-15 08:36:05
CrowZer0global elite smurf who takes screenshots of casual I lolled2018-09-14 13:09:56
CrowZer0Flex 29 minutes ago you have no social life so you compensate it with buying levels on steam since thats what you invest your life intois so sad and has such a good social life he finds random people on a gaming community to ♥♥♥♥ talk on.♥♥♥♥ off kid you're irrelevant to me2018-09-14 13:08:16
CrowZer0Hi mr no social life, you have 18 hours more than me in game this week.2018-09-14 13:06:44
MoonBetter watch out Crow your new (Pakistani?) fanboy Flex is holding like 900 dollars. He must work at very busy 7-11...2018-09-14 12:44:49
Jonahyou have no social life so you compensate it with buying levels on steam since thats what you invest your life into2018-09-14 12:37:17
CrowZer0random level 2 cuck with 1 game, i lolled2018-09-14 12:36:33
Jonahstupid wanker ♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-09-14 12:34:32
MoonPadre tells me he is starting a new vegan diet and shows me a picture of This ->2018-09-14 10:36:54
Ayylmao1911Lmao.2018-09-13 12:04:53
CrowZer0Why are you two Alex's fighting each other, this isn't the zombie whisperer way.2018-09-13 11:56:22
BUTCHDcomment2018-09-10 16:08:46
Moon@Beats I need help with some of your new pickup lines, asking girls what university they go to (inside of a university) didn't work.2018-09-10 15:58:58
Moon"My back! My back! It hurts!""Why does it hurt?""I ate an apple ><"""2018-09-10 12:13:31
Sp!T_ShineNope didnt get a chance. Had to go to bed early for work.2018-09-09 17:17:14
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺CANDY!!!2018-09-09 14:02:38
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great week ahead!2018-09-09 09:51:47
Sp!T_ShineI wanna tickle your taint with my pinky toe2018-09-09 08:48:13
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//hi man2018-09-09 08:29:44
Moon+rep His gyros are lit.2018-09-08 15:33:36
MoonExplain your reasoning.2018-09-08 15:27:16
Triple Deviljhowe doing it Dublin, so I can get wasted at the same time while slapping an Irishman.2018-09-08 14:21:56
Triple DeviljhoFight me. Middle of Town at noon. Bring your best Cowboy getup too.2018-09-08 13:16:56
Void EnjoyedI watch gay porn🤐😲 but when i♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ i make sure 😤to say no ♥♥♥♥😁👍 🍆2018-09-08 10:42:37
TittyTwisterHave a great Weekend!2018-09-08 01:04:03
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺I watch gay porn🤐😲 but when i ♥♥♥💧 i make sure 😤to say no ♥♥♥♥😁👍 🍆2018-09-06 13:25:13
MoonDo you even negan?2018-09-06 13:17:49
MoonDeleted killing floor 2 padre my computer cant even run it2018-09-06 03:19:01
Void Enjoyed 02:13:54
AzwornHere is a banana just in case you get hungry. Oh! I'll also give you a slice of melon.2018-09-05 20:30:19
Triple Deviljho82018-09-05 19:20:41
- MiLLeNiuMt h e _ h e r o _ y o u _ n e e d2018-09-04 17:17:42
Sp!T_ShineCrowZer0 has joined S.Worth.Muthe be nithe being a high roller..2018-09-03 17:11:06
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Homies over hoes 🍆💦2018-09-01 18:20:02
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.2018-09-01 16:59:18
MoonHow's kicking and screaming in 144hz ?2018-08-31 21:04:20
♔ ⚠ STANK ☣ ⊕nice profile2018-08-31 18:43:23
shiny in wonderlandBully and ill bully u2018-08-31 17:28:30
MoonU don't even imy me ♥♥♥2018-08-31 15:19:59
AT13buzy benchmarking2018-08-31 08:59:41
CrowZer0hes really pro this heedle he twitch streams to 48 followers on nova 1 LAGIC2018-08-30 17:42:12
Moonwhy u so hangry2018-08-30 17:41:38
CrowZer0sack my deek heedle2018-08-30 17:40:46
JamiedkTrolling ♥♥♥♥2018-08-30 17:37:57
JennyferYo I trade my pudge arcana for any 10 Dota2 loading screens - if you want send me trade offer, I will accept2018-08-30 03:47:14
CrowZer0Send more.2018-08-29 17:57:11
Garry's Mod :-)Please stop adding me I don't know you, Thanks.2018-08-29 17:56:34
ezgaming♥♥♥♥ off I dont want to buy your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ cheats LOL2018-08-29 17:55:36
CrowZer0*yawn* done responding yo your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ troll attempts.2018-08-29 17:54:35
ezgaminglol 10x bought accs imagine trying to scam people for p2c subs2018-08-29 17:54:02
CrowZer0Send one screenshot of me adding you and I'll send you 10 games of your choice. Lying retarded ♥♥♥♥. Try harder.2018-08-29 17:53:38
CrowZer0♥♥♥♥ off you mong, you have a banned account with 10 games and ♥♥♥♥ items, wtf would I scam from you when I have 10 alts with 10x your accounts worth.LAGIC2018-08-29 17:53:06
ezgamingedgy ♥♥♥♥♥♥ quit adding me LOL2018-08-29 17:52:51
ezgamingquit trying to scam me wtf2018-08-29 17:52:10
gamerwomp womp2018-08-29 17:47:53
MoonI heard your mama is having twins... I'm sorry for your loss.2018-08-29 10:40:46
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//hi2018-08-29 03:50:25
MoonOlive Juice.2018-08-28 23:25:51
Sp!T_ShineKnock Knock Who's There?Olive Olive who?Olive you.2018-08-28 23:03:25
gamerboob2018-08-28 19:18:22
D.O.L.G*HELLBOY*♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-08-28 18:43:35
D.O.L.G*HELLBOY*idiot2018-08-28 18:43:28
Sp!T_ShineThat is a big negativo.Just had grilled steak sandwich on a french roll with mozzarella chesse, tomato, onion and mayo. With a huge side of thick sliced french fries and about a cup of fry sauce to dip em in.Gotta keep my slender figure intact.....2018-08-28 16:22:07
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Don't eat animals, that is sick. I'd rather violate myself with a very sharp stick. Don't eat animals, that is sick. I'd rather spread my legs and let you give my balls a kick.I'd rather do anything than hurt my animal friends. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Veganism is what we need. Embrace kindness. Get rid of greed. Veganism is what we need. Don't pay for animals to bleed.2018-08-28 15:59:05
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Don't eat animals, that is sick. I'd rather hit my head with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥' brick. Don't eat animals, that is sick. I'd rather swallow ♥♥♥ from a zombie's ♥♥♥♥.Don't eat animals, that is sick. I'd rather burn my testicles with a candle wick. Don't eat animals, that is sick. I'd rather cuddle in the woods with a drunken hick. Veganism is what we need. Embrace kindness. Get rid of greed. Veganism is what we need. Don't pay for animals to bleed.2018-08-28 15:58:46
MoonDo you only eat grass-fed humans? Or do you allow yourself for the non-organic flesh?2018-08-28 15:39:53
MoonBy rice pudding I mean challah bread2018-08-28 15:37:37
MoonAwesome I get to eat as much rice pudding as I want and poop once twice every hour. How is your cannibal diet?2018-08-28 15:36:04
Ramyyeah its healthy but "vegans avoid meat, poultry, and seafood, but they also take it a step further by eliminating all animal products from their diet. This includes any type of animal milk and eggs"2018-08-28 13:03:25
CrowZer0#vegan gains 13:00:13
Ramyvegan = gay :)2018-08-28 12:58:29
CrowZer0My journey into veganism continues.I just had 2 rib eye steaks, a 4 egg omlette and a chunk of chese!#vegangains2018-08-28 12:56:00
AT13 15:46:11
AT13Thanks for the cute msgs on whatsapp2018-08-27 15:29:16
Bunnyofc my wuvsh2018-08-27 15:26:43
AT13Protector of Puppies2018-08-27 15:08:32
MoonMy favorite episode of Girls is season 2 episode 3 ofc2018-08-27 12:04:31
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great week ahead!2018-08-26 16:34:42
Void EnjoyedDo you even have a cocaine habit?2018-08-26 04:28:08
Bunnywuvsh you even tho you hate me in csgo2018-08-25 20:06:53
Triple DeviljhoI'm upset, I can't swear at you anymore.I can still make fun of you for being British.Britbong2018-08-25 18:21:18
Sp!T_ShineDo you even Chicken Attack bro? 16:47:00
shiny in wonderlandanti vegan lmao2018-08-25 14:32:58
shiny in wonderlandHealthy2018-08-25 13:40:31
boopiei have the best badunkadunk2018-08-24 21:37:17
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Uhm😤 by the way👩MOM 🙆They're not 🇨🇳 Chinese cartoons 📺💻it's called 😡ANIME!!!😍😍 GOT IT?!?! 😤😠 And they're ❌✋🙅NOT CHINESE!!! 🇨🇳 They're JAPANESE!!!!!!🇯🇵 🎌 So you'd better apologize 😱🙏🙇👎to me and my Waifu 👫💏RIGHT NOW 😡😠2018-08-24 16:31:33
Sp!T_ShineMy Nizzle My Nizzle...... 16:07:59
CrowZer0Crowy's bubble baths are VERY manly!2018-08-24 13:46:59
BunnyLOSING ALL MY INNOCENCE2018-08-23 15:42:20
Sp!T_ShineGonna wait till benchmarks come out to see if its even worth the upgrade. If so I will be getting the EVGA FTW3 Ultra 2080TI with extra habanero cheese, grilled mushrooms and grilled onions.2018-08-22 19:58:47
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Vagina's are so kawaii omg (。◕‿‿◕。) when you grab her by the ♥♥♥♥♥ & it starts leaking its like its happy to see you ≧ヮ≦ or when they get all puffy and look at you like "owo nya?:3" hehe~ manko-chan is happy to see me!!(ヮ^) & the most adorable thing ever is when squirt-chan comes out but they're very shy so u have to work hard!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ) but when manko-chan & squirt-chan meet && they're blushing &&& all like "uwaaa~!" (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ hehehe~ manko-chan is so adorable (●´Д`●)2018-08-22 15:31:39
BearGoesRawrno u2018-08-22 14:43:41
MoonU don't even register my cold dehydrated tomato u pith of ♥♥♥♥ have to tell you 3 times2018-08-22 11:18:03
CrowZer0To the 10 dumb ♥♥♥♥♥ who added me today and got rejected, learn to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ read or go back to school.2018-08-22 10:27:48
MoonGive me the 1080ti I need a new door stopper2018-08-22 07:40:49
Sp!T_ShineYou can have my 1080TI if you want it, otherwise I'm gonna throw it in the trash like I did with my last video card.2018-08-21 17:01:21
Sp!T_ShineYou finally joined the GA clan!!!!Ya, my preorder is in on the 2080TI. Its gonna let me play games at 1280x1024 on my 14" monitor like a champ. Can't wait.2018-08-21 17:00:33
Bunny42018-08-21 14:27:12
Bunnystreams me the same song 3 times in a row2018-08-21 14:24:57
不機嫌Lucy WRLDXD2018-08-21 12:27:51
CrowZer0it's where you manage little weebs and turn them into men2018-08-21 11:28:26
不機嫌Lucy WRLDFootball manager is where u manage balls or2018-08-21 11:01:36
AT13Hell no2018-08-21 03:15:42
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺TOP 10 DISNEY MILFS10-Carrie Fisher9-Carey Price8-Fisher Price7-Cruella De Ville6-ChewbaccaHey guys, now that we are done with the first half of our countdown I just want to thank you guys to hit up that like and subscribe button as well as talk to you about our first sponsor; extenze.Back to the countdown. 5-Adolf Hitler4-Yoda3-the Trump family2-Ichiro Suzuki1-the ice cube trays in my freezer2018-08-20 15:02:19
Baby SaturnMajin Buu? I’m kid buu 🤑2018-08-20 14:22:57
Vervaticuslooking t h i c c2018-08-20 10:58:43
BunnyCrow "Do you have a wireless mouse?"Me "yes"Crow "Oh that's why you're so ♥♥♥♥"2018-08-19 15:24:12
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great week ahead!2018-08-19 14:56:00
TittyTwisterAwhh, got something else to twist?2018-08-19 14:39:22
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.2018-08-19 14:28:24
TittyTwisterplease let me twist your titties first, after u may choose one game!2018-08-19 14:26:41
CrowZer0I'M GONNA DRIVE TO A FOREST!2018-08-19 13:43:22
CrowZer008.19.18 UWU2018-08-19 13:39:23
DeniseHave an amazing weekend!2018-08-18 17:01:44
SharerGreen is superior2018-08-18 16:43:18
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺IM BLUE DA BA DEE DA BA DIE2018-08-18 13:25:37 trade eu2018-08-18 02:59:52
Ergyd CrwnNoob, ♥♥♥♥♥♥, stupid and salty kid.2018-08-17 19:24:49
BunnyFRIED CHICKEN2018-08-17 18:37:58
Bunnybumface & chicken2018-08-17 18:36:44
CrowZer0envlaving2018-08-17 14:23:55
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Ayyy fam! What's your favorite movie?2018-08-17 14:19:45
shiny in wonderlandSushi's the best2018-08-17 13:59:59
CrowZer0Bulletproof Coffee with Hot Lava Java = Heaven2018-08-17 13:56:36
shiny in wonderlandadded u cos u dont like sushi2018-08-17 12:48:42
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺All the other kids with the pumped up ♥♥♥♥♥ You better run, better run, outrun my cummies😩💦💦💦 All the other kids with the pumped up ♥♥♥♥♥ You better run, better run, faster than my cummies😍💦 All the other kids with the pumped up ♥♥♥♥♥ You better run, better run, outrun my cummies 😩💦💦💦 All the other kids with the pumped up ♥♥♥♥♥ You better run, better run, faster than my cummies 😍2018-08-17 12:36:22
Bunnycrow "Orange you're cute but you're muted"crow "don't bully orange he's a kid"2018-08-16 19:12:11
CrowZer0fake news2018-08-16 18:06:57
Bunnyvoice chat with crowcrow "IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTEWSHH"...crow "IT DOESNT EVEN MATTESHHH"...crow "IT DOESNT EVEN MATTESSSSSSSSH!!!!!!!!!!!!"2018-08-16 18:05:01
Bunnycarry ,me bb2018-08-16 15:45:32
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead!2018-08-16 14:38:52
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺The gun 🔫 goes bang 💥, Mommy 👩 dies 💀☠️⚰️But we 👨👧 don't 🚫 care, Daddy 👨 just sighs 🌬️😤No 🚫 thoughts 💭 in her 👩 head 💆, no 🚫 blood 💉 in her heart ➡️♥️⬅️,"That stupid 📖🚫 ♥♥♥♥♥ 💃 can't 🚫 tear us apart." 💖💕💓2018-08-16 12:49:44
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺The Cummies 💦 are dripping ⬇️💧from my hole 🍑I can't 🙅 stop working 😩😫💪 on Daddy's 👨 pole 💈😫Mommy 👩 shoots 🔫, her shots all miss 😂Daddy 👨 and I 👩 share a special ☄️ kiss 💋One ☝️ round left 👈, Mommy 👩 takes the gun 🔫She rests 💤 the barrel 🛢️ on her tongue 👅"Goodbye 👋 world 🌍, and goodbye 👋 cheater! 👨I hope you're happy ☺️😄 with your stupid 📖🚫 wife 👩 beater!" 👊2018-08-16 12:49:32
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Daddy 👨 touches ✋ my 👧 thicc ass 🍑He 👨 tells 🗣️ me 👧 I'm a pretty 👸 lassPuts his penis 🍆 in ➡️🍑⬅️ my butt 🤤😫😥Oh my god ➕, I'm such a slut! 💃💦Mommy 👩 sees 👀😲 us, and she's mad 😡😠😤"I'm sorry 😓😔hun, the sex 🍑🍆💦 was bad!" 👎🔚Mommy pulls out ⬆️ guns 🔫 akimbo 🔫👩🔫Because she hates 😲😠 her little bimbo 👧2018-08-16 12:49:16
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺If my girl👧😍 and my beyblades💯🔥 are both drowning🌊😦 and I could only save one😄☝️️ you can Catch me letting it rip at my girls funeral😅👻💀 Cause it's beyblade before getting laid🙏👊 😠💯😭2018-08-16 12:48:03
游学者叮当If I had time and money, I would go to Europe someday2018-08-16 11:42:22
游学者叮当Thanks dude2018-08-16 11:41:15
BunnyOld man? You ask no money, you are old man2018-08-16 10:23:49
Bunnybest crow zippo2018-08-15 19:18:37
Bunnycarried me to nova 1 even tho i wanted (and deserve) silver 1 thanks2018-08-15 19:17:13
Bunny1 MORE WIN TILL MY RANK2018-08-15 17:34:57
izantaters2018-08-15 17:26:55
Ayylmao1911You told me to wait outside shirtless. I am. Waiting for you. All I see is police cars dawg.2018-08-15 17:26:38
Ayylmao1911Still waiting here. Did I get scammed?2018-08-15 17:26:16
Ayylmao1911Wheres the crack I ordered? Man I spent like 6 shekels on it.2018-08-15 16:38:18
CrowZer0But I was up all night2018-08-15 16:22:12
Bunnysleeps all day2018-08-15 14:15:49
Sp!T_ShineSour Skittles>Sour Patch KidsDid you get to try out Blops 4? Overwatch might be next for me.2018-08-15 06:47:55
Sp!T_ShineMonster Hunter World is lame as f-uck.....I'm enjoying it2018-08-15 06:44:11
Ayylmao1911I don't. It is always warm.2018-08-14 21:53:52
游学者叮当I had a vacation to Bali and Singapore for about two weeks. Super fun!2018-08-14 21:20:19
izanI’ll trade her to you for a BLT and some potato salad2018-08-14 20:47:56
Ayylmao1911Yeah. Not sure who you heard it from. But that's fake news. And who said I'm wearing condoms anyways?2018-08-14 16:42:30
AT13you2018-08-14 16:32:24
AT13are2018-08-14 16:32:21
AT13a2018-08-14 16:32:17
AT13♥♥♥♥2018-08-14 16:32:12
Sharer-rep worst streamer2018-08-14 15:36:58
CrowZer0I dont like private profiles2018-08-14 15:31:33
ChtleHow r u feel free to add me2018-08-14 14:21:50
ChtleHey2018-08-14 14:16:49
Bunnyquick give me a kissIt didn't workWell it was worth a shot2018-08-13 15:54:09
Bunnyi like goats2018-08-13 15:52:57
CrowZer0go away peasant i dont want to carry you again and your 5$ mic with your goat crying in background2018-08-13 14:15:51
KosmatTarikatlondom londim londim londom lodnom2018-08-13 14:10:01
AT13crowy2018-08-13 13:42:01
Ayylmao1911Perhaps maybe I do m92018-08-13 13:28:54
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺kwet2018-08-13 10:33:18
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺smol P E N I S2018-08-13 10:31:20
DerKifferᴴᴬᵛᴱ ᴬ ᴺᴵᶜᴱ ᴰᴬʸ2018-08-13 08:23:41
ShubiI carry a dragon ball super majin bu trading card in the back of my phone case2018-08-13 06:53:19
ShubiMajin BUUU2018-08-13 06:52:55
AwagelThings need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.2018-08-13 06:00:36
☦ Crazee Orthodox Possum ☦gay2018-08-12 19:56:43
izanI make the best custom asmr joi videos for an unbeatable price2018-08-12 17:59:26
BunnyCrowZer0Today at 12:08 AMMaybe ish good for your hatchesBunnyToday at 12:08 AMhatches :joy:CrowZer0Today at 12:08 AMWhat rice you want ringsideBunnyToday at 12:09 AMwhaaaaaaaatCrowZer0Today at 12:09 AMQ BY RIFEYKU AAKE UK TOMOTOESk2018-08-12 17:10:14
Ayylmao1911Uhhhh2018-08-12 16:54:38
Void Enjoyedone night in Bangkok makes the hard man humble.2018-08-12 16:54:18
ME TROLL THE MATCHMeatballMeatballSpaghetti underneathRavioli RavioliGreat barrier reef2018-08-12 14:23:03
Ayylmao1911Leave a comment before adding.2018-08-12 14:03:16
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺 Big black C O C K2018-08-12 10:05:30
Sp!T_ShineOnly complaint about black ops 4, beta doesnt have hard core Its runs super smooth, no lag. I havent even been called a n-igger yet......2018-08-12 10:03:43
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great week ahead!2018-08-12 10:01:32
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺excuse me ♥♥♥♥♥ 🍑😤🍑 but did i just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 🖕 see 👁 you literally ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 🖕 saying heck on 🔛🔛 my christian ✝⛪ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 🖕 minecraft server ⛏ ? you ♥♥♥♥♥ 🍑🐕🍑 ass 🍑 ♥♥♥♥, i bet 🎰 you don't even have 🈶 any victory ✌✌✌ royales and your 👉 ass 🍑 gets up ☝☝☝ here 👈👈 challenging our great 🇬🇧🇬🇧 admins? i will blow your 👉 ♥♥♥♥ 🍆 off the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 🖕 planet 🌕🌕🌕 you imbecilic bastard😎😒😡. oh you thought🤔 your 👉 smart 🧠🧠🧠 ass 🍑 could get 🉐🉐 away with saying🤭 that rude 🖕🖕🖕 ♥♥♥♥ 💩 on 🔛🔛🔛 my server but NAH❎❎❎ you ain't. ♥♥♥♥ 🖕👦🖕 your 👉 ass 🍑 and both your 👉 moms 😱😱🤯😤😎😂2018-08-12 09:44:37
CrowZer0all very true2018-08-12 09:36:16
Bunnyp.s. you forgot that you also chase little girls online! and that you decide my life2018-08-12 09:30:55
Bunny+rep best viewer, tells me i suck at driving and need to buy better clothes2018-08-12 09:28:08
Ayylmao1911Theres no middle? I wanna be 25.2018-08-12 08:35:33
CrowZer0It's very boring, I'm either a 40yo fat virgin living online or a 14yo kid living off mummys credit card in the basement depending on who you ask.2018-08-12 08:34:32
Ayylmao1911Your life must be interesting.2018-08-12 08:32:30
CrowZer0No drama just a regular day.2018-08-12 08:31:00
Ayylmao1911Damn. I joined middle of some drama. I'll come back later.2018-08-12 08:16:47
CrowZer0Once again you green haired wackjob you are on my profile talking random ♥♥♥♥ talking about how I harassed you when I don't even know who you are.I mean you seem incredibly insignificant, stupid, uninteresting and a waste of my time, and since you aren't even telling me how I am "bullying" and "harassing" you I'm going to conclude you're just another ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ imbecile. And I have plenty of professional help thanks!2018-08-12 08:16:35
Ayylmao1911What have I ever done to you?2018-08-12 08:15:01
𝒜𝒹𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒You need professional help. Google "I need psychiatrist because I am retarded walking around steam and bullying random people for no reason." Have a good one.2018-08-12 08:14:26
CrowZer0Did I sexually harass you somehow? Cos green haired pale vegan losers are really not my type.2018-08-12 08:01:30
CrowZer0You are on MY profile yet I harassed you? How so you SJW ♥♥♥♥♥ and who the ♥♥♥♥ is this guy your cuckboy?2018-08-12 08:00:41
René♥♥♥♥♥ what the ♥♥♥♥2018-08-12 07:53:39
𝒜𝒹𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒Lol you don´t even know who you harass online ? I guess you should write the names down then so you don´t forget when somebody shows up then lol.2018-08-12 07:52:07
CrowZer0Who the ♥♥♥♥ are you retarded green haired pale vegan looking ♥♥♥♥♥ and why are you on my profile? @Adelle2018-08-12 07:42:35
𝒜𝒹𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒What the ♥♥♥♥ are you talking about? I think you have way too much free time.2018-08-12 07:40:58
boopie+rep finally adopted me2018-08-12 01:24:58
sanjyI want avatar recommendations2018-08-11 13:07:29
izanowo2018-08-11 06:14:51
Bunnyu stole all my good pink bg's2018-08-11 05:38:29
THË CRØW GØH+rep nice Profil Pic2018-08-11 04:44:32
CrowZer0Bambi gets sadder 19:35:03
CrowZer0I got blocked by my own chin. Lest we forget. 18:54:44
CrowZer0Uwu go talk to your other alt account "Nina" she's the only one that cares for you now.2018-08-10 18:52:12
CrowZer0The best part is when your gf told you daily she's going to bed at midnight and then up gaming with others till 4. NEW META2018-08-10 18:51:35
CrowZer0Uwu tell me, how you "date" someone, but never hear them or speak to them in a call, then get used for money, and verbally abused.Does it feel good? UWU2018-08-10 18:50:45
CrowZer0LOADING OLDER MESSAGES...CrowZer0s Ass Chin:hello sir zer0how is your day goingfxdok we dont talk then, cya my idiot xDSorry was busy watching a movie with YOUR gf that you had for 8 months but never HEARD.UWU2018-08-10 18:49:51
CrowZer0Did it turn you on, to be used abused and degraded, and think you are a man?Tell me, why didn't you go to the forrest like you told her? UWU2018-08-10 18:48:56
CrowZer0Did you enjoy that more or did you enjoy it more when she called you a cuck and a ♥♥♥♥♥♥?2018-08-10 18:47:45
CrowZer027 born stupid, live stupid you will die stupid and ugly, hey your ex says you look like you have down syndrome and you're easy to use.DID YOU REALLY PAY 300£ OF HER PHONE BILL?That was the best joke.2018-08-10 18:47:20
CrowZer0if you're gonna diss my chin at least use my pic2018-08-10 18:45:49
CrowZer0my namw is uwe cos my parents hated me and i enjoy being lied to used and abused by a little girl UWU2018-08-10 18:44:28
Bunnydeperted2018-08-10 17:49:21
Bunnystole my bgs2018-08-10 17:49:17
BunnyWhen I turn on my aimbot, I aim straight for your heart <32018-08-10 15:44:48
BunnyMy AK isn't the only thing that penetrates well2018-08-10 15:44:36
BunnyDon't worry baby, I'm using protection. I bought head armor.2018-08-10 15:44:22
Bunnyif my body was de_inferno, would you rush this banana? ;)2018-08-10 15:44:09
BunnyIf you were a CSGO map you would be de_licious!2018-08-10 15:43:24
Bunnynice bg2018-08-10 15:23:27
AT13owo cute asf2018-08-10 15:17:29
CrowZer0pls dont cyberbully im just a cute lil bambi lost in a forrest2018-08-10 15:15:45
AT13GAY PROFILE.2018-08-10 15:15:05
CrowZer0When you're too scared to say ♥♥♥♥ face to face, but like to act like a little ♥♥♥♥♥ who does ♥♥♥♥ with a fake alt account, then ♥♥♥♥ yourself in a 1on1 chat = cuck uwu.Maybe you should drive to a forrest?2018-08-10 14:36:00
CrowZer0Bambi red sausage ♥♥♥♥ with pimples is my fanboi 14:31:16
CrowZer0When a 27yo man names himself after a disney character and says a Zer0 is going through puberty.2018-08-10 14:25:20
Bunnyuwu2018-08-10 14:11:45
CrowZer0 Is a pimple ♥♥♥♥ little ♥♥♥♥♥ who sounds like a 12yo high pitched version of hitler with a little shnitzel red looking ♥♥♥♥.Dumb ♥♥♥♥ actually makes alt accounts with girls names to send himself hearts and chat ♥♥♥♥ about other people he doesn't have the balls to say anything to.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pathetic loser.2018-08-10 13:16:55
Sp!T_ShineBlack Ops 4 open beta starts Saturday!!!! You gonna play wit me??2018-08-09 18:44:30
shiny in wonderlandcos im juicy and finger lickin good2018-08-09 15:32:57
shiny in wonderlandHELLO U GOTTA LEARN HOW TO TALK TO A PROPER MERMAID SIR2018-08-09 15:30:13
Bunny-rep cant play comp with me cause our levels are too far apart2018-08-09 15:02:21
AT13UWU2018-08-09 11:52:38
AT13ihy2018-08-09 10:08:19
Ed Sheeranbunny you ♥♥♥♥♥ adddddd me please I CAN HELP YOU I SWEAR I PROMISE YOU DUDE I PROMISE YOU PLEASE BUNNY I SWEAR BONEY bunnY* please2018-08-08 17:53:16
Bunny3 B, LONG, MID DOORScrow "SHUT THE ♥♥♥♥ UP"2018-08-08 14:59:41
AT13*in your dreams* ... I JUST GOT MAD2018-08-08 13:49:39
AT13I don't cheat please dont call me cheater2018-08-08 13:14:42
CrowZer0uh huh2018-08-08 13:07:56
Ed SheeranThat's false those screenshots are faked I don't cheat please dont call me cheater i work long time long time to get my skill u mong2018-08-08 13:06:40
CrowZer0Jumped into a casual with him was blatantly hacking and got kicked by his team. 13:03:59
AT13 FeelsGood asf2018-08-08 12:11:26
Moon-rep I tried to do an terror attack on him but he remember to show me his shield of pork2018-08-07 22:17:41
AT13imy too Crows2018-08-07 10:47:26
Bunnyoopsie i mean neon revolution2018-08-06 11:03:38
Bunnyif u buy me neon rider2018-08-06 11:02:57
soundIM CALLING THE POLICE2018-08-05 20:03:22
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great week ahead!2018-08-05 19:15:25
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺 19:00:15
Triple DeviljhoI'll block you with my ♥♥♥♥.2018-08-05 16:19:19
CrowZer0my malwarebytes always blocks my mixtape2018-08-05 16:16:11
CrowZer021:39 JK You are a spastic cos you went out of your way to comment on someones profile you don't know cos you are a beta cuck. So I called you a beta cuck. In turn you deleted your comment, and wrote a love letter on my profile. Again another weak ass ♥♥♥♥♥♥ move and you made it seem like I was telling you my issues and problems (brain issues? take some cod liver oil).You then censor and delete your ♥♥♥♥ and make it seem like "I'm crying" when that was all I said. You are a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I M B E C I LE.21.41, TOOK 1.5MINS OF MY PRECIOUS TIME COS I NOT ♥♥♥♥♥♥ LIKE YOU.So go away with your "you're worth my precious time ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" I enjoy exposing morons like you and it takes me less than 2 mins, while I speak, play and talk to people. 2 MINS is all I need for a cuck like you. Now ♥♥♥♥ off you beta ♥♥♥♥♥♥.2018-08-05 15:42:45
CrowZer0Already deleted his weak ass comments, what a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cuck. LOL2018-08-05 15:38:16
CrowZer0This is "crying" apparently. 15:36:14
ButteYou're right, I prefer not having idiotic comments on my profile. And since we never talked before I don't see any reasons for you trying to argue or even assume my age or anything concerning me since you're mpst likely going to fail. Or even responding to comments on other people's profiles. Seems like a waste of time to me. I might be a waste of time and space aswell. However, still good enough for you to spend your precious time on me. Thank you for that! Next time, don't cry to katu. Try explaining your issue personally. Might help solving your issues aswell. I'll delete my comments soon and you're most likely not gonna be able to post anything again.2018-08-05 15:06:18
CrowZer0@Allusion, I didn't bully JK kid in CSGO, but keep assuming, and I completely forgot about you, welcome to my stalker fan club kiddo, how's your 5.5k rent?2018-08-05 14:44:52
CrowZer0best trade ever 14:32:56
CrowZer0I'll deal with JK the mong and Allusion my stalker in a bit, I'm a busy boi! 14:24:58
✪ LOCANELol dam crow so you really have no life, playing csgo just to bother people smh grow up kid😭😭2018-08-05 08:13:31
snow+rep2018-08-04 22:17:50
snow+rep Good Player2018-08-04 22:15:19
Captain Picards BallsIm a Liverfool and Proud !2018-08-04 21:37:12
游学者叮当Have a nice day crow! I'm on my vacation rn! So much fun2018-08-04 21:11:29
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Ayyy! What's your favorite video game fam?2018-08-04 17:41:56
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Ofcourse daddy! <32018-08-04 17:30:00
Bunnylajic2018-08-04 17:26:15
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺You invited CrowZer0 to play Big ♥♥♥♥2018-08-04 17:03:08
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺My love2018-08-04 17:00:27
izanCute pix are the best2018-08-04 16:29:03
CrowZer0GOD SAVE OUR GRACIOUS QUEEN2018-08-04 16:11:01
vaporeon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ british ♥♥♥♥♥-repgo vote brexit you ♥♥♥♥ and ♥♥♥♥ your queen2018-08-04 16:06:57
BunnyMy wuvsh,I want to ask you to accept me back on steam, even tho I have acted like an idiot before when you accepted me again.I won't do this again when you accept me. I know I can be an idiot with you, but I also know the great times we've had.And I would love for us to play games on Steam again and just be normal on here. I'm sorry for all the times I've been stupid.I add you because I know we can be fine like back in the days again, and cause I want to show you I can. We've talked about this and we know I understand what you want, and by adding you, and you accepting me, I can prove it.I acknowledge my mistakes and I'll watch it, I need you with me to learn and understand.So, thanks for being in my life and giving me that virtual slap in the face to see when I act stupid., and I hope you can accept me.Call it majic.XO2018-08-04 15:34:51
vaporeon-rep ♥♥♥♥ off ♥♥♥♥2018-08-04 15:31:19
WavesterAdd me on WhatsApp and i send you some....not2018-08-04 14:39:39
RamyLet me get back home from my vacation I have many to send >:)2018-08-04 13:50:53
MoonWhy u send me picture of u cooking worms?2018-08-04 13:44:02
MoonThey can ride my stickshift2018-08-04 13:35:39
jessePapa bless mate2018-08-04 13:12:01
Baby SaturnI’m thinking about going back on steam but then I’m also thinking about the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and money 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑2018-08-04 12:53:52
Baby SaturnPapa papa papa2018-08-04 12:50:48
Ed Sheeranwell it turns out im on your friends list child ♥♥♥♥♥♥ so maybe stop trying to have sex with little girls like me on the intenret2018-08-04 11:22:41
CrowZer0 if this imbecile adds you he is no friend of mine just a stalker2018-08-03 22:41:49
barbeirinho do jacarezinhouuuu xdxd2018-08-03 20:25:31
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Mah beautiful bby Crow <32018-08-03 17:44:31
Sp!T_ShineThey say "too much big ♥♥♥♥ is good for you"2018-08-03 17:33:15
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺buy me AK47 Neon Rider FN pls. I'll send you my boypussi pics2018-08-03 16:56:26
BunnyCurrently In-GameBig ♥♥♥♥ Broadcasting Live2018-08-03 15:19:59
AT13Ihy2018-08-03 12:58:41
MoonU shud eat a Falafel burger2018-08-03 12:47:18
Moon Better not show this to Crowley and 95% of steam idiot community2018-08-03 02:07:49
Sp!T_ShinePretty dope, only seen about half these, guess I missed some ♥♥♥♥..... 18:41:46
Sp!T_Shine"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow."~ C.K. Chesterton. Don't give up yet. I care about you, have a great day!2018-08-02 16:28:07
Baby SaturnHehehe2018-08-02 01:15:57
muffyfofito2018-08-01 16:26:47
Bunnywhy did u2018-08-01 12:31:38
Sp!T_Shinehaha, that made me snicker. I don't know why I didnt think of that2018-07-31 16:29:20
Bunnythanks 4 nice profile2018-07-31 16:23:28
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺UWU 14882018-07-31 14:14:54
RamyNudes for gifts ?2018-07-31 12:40:09
Gin the BoxIt goes to 12 when I'm on faya2018-07-31 11:04:42
眩晕麦奎尔yea she's a queen worth a lot of $$$$$2018-07-31 10:27:33
Gin the BoxDude you're talking to the 5x12x3 god. My ♥♥♥♥♥ are legit af2018-07-31 09:58:25
Bunny4u2018-07-31 08:23:14
CrowZer0k 08:18:21
CrowZer0Bunny 1 hour ago Deletelaughs at me for being a noob in csgo@Bunny ♥♥♥♥ off and leave me alone you toxic disease.2018-07-30 18:58:57
Bunnylaughs at me for being a noob in csgo2018-07-30 17:30:51
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺DADDY!!! 😩🍆💦2018-07-30 13:56:57
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺♥♥♥ back2018-07-29 14:32:35
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺uwu2018-07-29 13:57:14
Wavester-rep .. cant send me back gifts or cs go keys :(2018-07-29 02:52:01
Moonizan y u blk me? u dont think my gyros are lit?2018-07-28 23:59:32
Moon Mikehawklong says add him and he has something important to tell you.2018-07-28 23:57:12
Ed SheeranGuess who came across a specail someones profile. Me. Add bro.2018-07-28 18:23:23
izanNot me, definitely you. I don’t drink alcohol2018-07-28 18:09:43
Bunnylove u silly2018-07-28 17:35:45
CrowZer0 15:15:04
Bunny-rep can't send me back messages2018-07-28 15:13:21
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺uwu2018-07-28 14:59:41
Bunnybest trollborn worldbest daddy worldbest widow world2018-07-28 14:56:29
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Ayyy! What's your favorite music fam?2018-07-28 14:46:39
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺 Squirrel OP2018-07-28 14:15:23
RamyWelcome to the 2K family2018-07-28 13:58:09
Wavester ok .... xD2018-07-28 13:06:12
Sp!T_ShineSomething to relax to by the pool on a beautiful saturday..... 12:27:23
Sp!T_ShineThis guy is a hacker he killed me when we were playing plz ban him2018-07-28 12:23:50
ttv/Katty_k.2018-07-28 12:08:22
ttv/Katty_Congrats ♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-07-28 11:29:03
AT132K games ! 2K games ! 2K games ! 2K games ! 2K games ! 2K games !CONGRATS JERK2018-07-28 11:24:51
Wavester2K games !!!!!2018-07-28 07:05:15
AT13yes.2018-07-28 02:52:42
AT13Currently In-GameCounter-Strike: Global Offensive2018-07-27 17:48:21
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend!2018-07-27 14:19:06
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺tiddies2018-07-27 14:14:45
Gin the Boxxp2018-07-27 02:09:21
♥ mushbrain ♥i'm the 420th member in that vegan group u invited me to a while back xp2018-07-27 00:44:46
Sn0wbeastno more to say2018-07-26 17:00:54
FirstAbsolute kush monster2018-07-26 16:27:00
Ronnie SwolemanA meme lord2018-07-26 16:26:32
Gin the Boxoopsie you did it again2018-07-26 16:23:09
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺"Answer me now... Did you ♥♥♥♥ my mom?"2018-07-26 14:27:21
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺"Why you always die you mother ♥♥♥♥?!"2018-07-26 14:24:04
Gin the BoxThat's not what you said during our late night call last night2018-07-26 14:18:33
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Ez katkaEz kebab2018-07-26 12:58:36
Gin the BoxOh ho me on what's app and steam at the same time2018-07-26 12:53:09
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Do you like hurting other people?2018-07-26 12:08:19
Sp!T_ShineShe is freaking sexy!! I would eat the corn out of her turd.....2018-07-25 16:34:10
H4kpoppy pie2018-07-24 16:33:13
MoonU even mixed a can a spaghettios with a slice of bread and cheese? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ its the crowley special2018-07-24 16:12:50
Gin the BoxHappy birthday2018-07-24 14:38:46
ttv/Katty_THANKS MATE 🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚2018-07-24 09:24:59
Moon+rep got me to silver shadowghost2018-07-24 00:42:40
Bunnythank youu2018-07-23 17:01:42
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺8=====👊D8====👊=D8===👊==D8==👊===D8=👊====D8👊=====D8=👊====D8==👊===D8===👊==D8====👊=D8=====👊D💦💦2018-07-23 14:53:45
♥ mushbrain ♥where be my HUG2018-07-22 22:05:50
Moonand your ass is covered in syrup2018-07-22 14:59:20
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺👨Daddy 👨🐿️eats🍴😛 my😈 pink 🌸🍥🎀♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🍑🍑 🕔While🕐 i 👧👩suck🍭😘🌬️ his🤫🤭😳 footlong 👣📏📐🍆pole🎏🎣💈 He 👨👨licks😛😜🤑 it🍑🍑, bites👄🍴 it, chews😫😭 it good✔️✅ I 💦♥♥♥💦 so😈 hard😫😫 just😶 like i 😌😩should😩😈 ⏰When⏰ he🍑 🛑stops🛑✋i beg👏 for😭 ☝️👆more😩 I 👀see👀 the🅱️ blood❤️👹 🏃run🏃as it 🌊🌊pours🍵 Daddy's👨 👿😡angry😡 at the ❎stain❎ He 👣👞kicks 😩me 😭so ❎hard, i 💦♥♥♥💦 in 😩pain😫 👨Daddy👨 goes🏃 and 😭gets👆 a 🗡️knife🔪 He👨🗡️ stabs🗡️ me😭 and 👨he 🌊drains💦 my ❤️life❤️ He 🐏rams🐏 my 🍑ass🍑 with his ❤️bloodied🅱️ 🍆♥♥♥♥🍆 I 💦♥♥♥😭so 😩hard😫🅱️😎 "IM PICKLE RICK"😍😎2018-07-22 14:54:06
MoonYour eggs look like pancakes2018-07-22 14:25:48
Gin the Box+rep +rep me for no reasons2018-07-22 12:11:45
CrowZer0 09:40:34
AT13I DONT WANNA PLAY PUBG WITH YOU2018-07-22 09:34:56
AT13 no ty.2018-07-22 09:34:29
THË CRØW GØH___________________$$____________$$ __________________$___$________$___$ __________________$_____$$$$$$_____$ __________________$____sss___sss____$ __________________$____іі_____іі_____$ _________________$_______$$$________$ _____$$$$$$$$_____$_______$________$ ___$$________$_______$$_________$$ ____$_________$_____$___$$$$$$___$ _______$______$____$__$________$__$ _______$_____$____$__$__________$__$ ______$____$___$$$$__$__________$__$$$$ _____$___$____$____$__$________$___$___$ _____$__$_____$____$__$________$__$____$ ____$___$______$____$__$____$_$__$____$ ______$__$______$____$___$_$_____$___$ _______$___$$$$$_$___$___$_$____$___$ __________$$$$$_$____$____$_____$____$ ________________$$$_$_____$______$_$$$ _____________________$$$$___$$$$$2018-07-22 08:07:16
Sp!T_ShineI play games because I like to feel that I have become a master of the world or space i'm playing in. I like games with achievements as well as those without. I enjoy feeling like I have special powers that are usually granted to the person playing a game. I live for adventure and love the beautiful sceanery in most types of fantasy or role-playing games. I fancy midgets with sand dollar sized nipples and like to dress up as a duck billed sand walrus when I'm not binge watching classic WWE matches (not that ♥♥♥♥♥ UFC ♥♥♥♥)2018-07-21 20:41:42
Sp!T_ShineThank you for accepting my friend add. It appears we share a common interest in women with flat asses and breasts. Hope you have a nice day today.2018-07-21 20:32:18
Sp!T_ShineI have a great respect for the Earth and all that dwells within it, I hope you find a measure of peace today and everyday as you journey through life and in cyberspace. Thanks for taking the time to read this :))2018-07-21 20:29:01
CrowZer0SHUT UP PUM!2018-07-21 16:30:34
AT13OFF DRAMA PLEASE.2018-07-21 16:30:20
CrowZer0What a miserable ♥♥♥♥ Bunny is, as soon as I accept you again you publicly start causing ♥♥♥♥ with people on my stream then tell me I ruined your night for telling you not to start drama on my stream? ♥♥♥♥ off you ♥♥♥♥♥♥, I knew I shouldn't have accepted you back. Miserable ♥♥♥♥♥.2018-07-21 16:06:26
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Tell Yusuf to plant kebab at B2018-07-21 14:19:23
AT13Haram to play cs go2018-07-21 13:07:20
Gin the Boxwho r ya?2018-07-21 05:23:49
ttv/Katty_♥♥♥♥ off, box.2018-07-21 05:18:12
Gin the Boxk2018-07-21 05:16:58
ttv/Katty_k2018-07-21 05:16:06
Moonk2018-07-21 05:15:44
Moonk2018-07-21 05:15:42
Moonk2018-07-21 05:15:40
Moonk2018-07-21 05:15:39
Moonk2018-07-21 05:15:36
Moonk2018-07-21 05:15:34
AT13no more steak pictures. TYLets share eating them ?2018-07-21 02:59:47
Moonpith of ♥♥♥♥ goes to sleep when Moon wants to phone sex2018-07-21 01:09:45
MoonMy poop looked like nestle crunch bars2018-07-20 19:14:56
Sp!T_ShineThx man, my poo was a solid no wiper!2018-07-20 16:18:03
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend!2018-07-20 14:26:45
jesse~Don't forget to hide the body on your way home owo~2018-07-20 10:05:41
Kiwicat.Thanks2018-07-20 08:18:34
AT13Buy new pc and learn how to play csgo ♥♥♥♥2018-07-20 07:40:41
slasherSorry for being inactive my brother , i hope you know ily2018-07-20 07:15:52
Eric CartmanScrew you, im going home.2018-07-20 07:01:27
Bunnyvery2018-07-19 14:40:56
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺This snake spits venom if ya' know what I'm sayin' yo2018-07-19 14:35:12
CrowZer0next dumbass to ask me if i know how to spell idle gets bitchslapped2018-07-19 13:44:46
muffyWololo2018-07-19 11:00:24
muffy 04:34:58
CrowZer0Bulletproof coffee and two steaks, I'm a hungry boi!2018-07-18 10:36:20
AT13pupu2018-07-18 09:02:02
Moon♥♥♥♥ those nasty and disgusting vegans. Don't they realize they cause a herbal holocaust everytime they eat a greasy salad-burger?! I know how much you care about the poor little planties being slaughted everyday... It must hurt seeing those cruel vegan nazis HUNT DOWN all our sentient veggie friends without giving them a chance to fight back. I'm sure they wouldn't eat their own pet trees and pet flowers that they grow in their backyard, but if it comes all pre-packaged and from a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ facist farm those sick bastards don't think twice about what those murdered greens had to go through.I'm very proud of the carnivorous health choices that you are making Crow. It's smart and virtuous. Believe me, it's true it's true. #SteakGains2018-07-18 05:04:36
THË CRØW GØH| ゙ヽ、    /  ゙i        |   ゙''─‐'''''''''"    l     ,/             ゙ヽ     ,i゙    /          \     i!     ●      ●  ,l     ゙i,,   *   (__人__)  ,/      ヾ、,,          ,/      /゙ "         ヽ    /             i!  ( )        i   !   i!.,    γ" ⌒゙ヽ   l   l  γ'.ヽ     i     i,__,,ノ   i,__,,ノ_,, 丿     ヽ,_,,ノ"~´ Crow Buddy2018-07-17 15:26:21
Sp!T_ShineDo you think I got a chance?I like spicy noodles too!!!! 15:20:10
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Just waking up in the morning gotta thank GodI don't know but today seems kinda oddNo barking from the dogs, no smogAnd momma cooked a breakfast with no hogI got my grub on, but didn't pig outFinally got a call from a girl want to dig outHooked it up on later as I hit the do'Thinking will i live another twenty fo'I gotta go cause I got me a drop topAnd if I hit the switch, I can make the ass dropHad to stop at a red lightLooking in my mirror not a jacker in sightAnd everything is alrightI got a beep from Kim and she can ♥♥♥♥ all nightCalled up the homies and I'm askin' y'allWhich park, are y'all playin' basketball?Get me on the court and I'm troubleLast week ♥♥♥♥♥♥ around and got a triple doubleFreaking brothers every way like M.J.I can't believe, today was a good day2018-07-17 13:59:51
MoonYour ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is about to enter the twilight zone2018-07-17 13:47:47
Triple DeviljhoPuerto Rico a ♥♥♥♥♥♥.They ain't even got power.2018-07-17 12:53:58
Bunnymajical lagic.CrowZer0 - 07/10/2018WooooAngerkannsheepeed2018-07-17 08:00:45
Triple DeviljhoYou know what, ♥♥♥♥ Wales.And the Faroe Islands2018-07-16 18:57:02
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺+rep fellow kebab foodporn enthusiast2018-07-16 14:26:42
Wavesteryou stream on steam... why not on twitch2018-07-16 13:24:35
MoonThanks for the spicy chicken tomato pasta bake! It was really delicious but it made me really sleepy also made my butt really hurt after I woke up.2018-07-15 22:56:40
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺I understand. You found paradise in America. You had a good trade, you made a good living. The police protected you and there were courts of law. So you didn't need a friend like me. Now you come and say "Don Corleone, give me justice." But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me "Godfather." You come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married and you ask me to do murder - for money.2018-07-15 13:40:41
muffyI dun want to!2018-07-15 04:02:03
AT13No drama please. STOP SPAMING ME.2018-07-14 17:13:45
Bunny+rep plays me mozart2018-07-14 15:35:57
Bunnynice bg2018-07-13 17:56:37
AT13You need to thank me for that avatarCrowZer0: thanks pumpum Pum.: You are welcome ♥♥♥2018-07-13 17:15:47
AT13Toot That Whoaaaaaaaaa Whoaaaa2018-07-13 15:58:10
Sp!T_ShineIs he smelling the roses? 15:56:39
muffyoh yes it is2018-07-13 15:14:15
Bunnyorcs2018-07-13 14:39:32
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead2018-07-13 13:38:07
AT13Heels please2018-07-13 11:51:04
AT13Hola man2018-07-13 06:34:29
WIll Smith??????? hi man2018-07-13 01:52:22
Bunnyhabibi i will slap yer ass yew stewpid2018-07-12 13:31:36
Bunnystroopwafel2018-07-12 09:36:35
Sp!T_ShineTrippy vid.. I likey2018-07-12 05:52:51
AT13STOP WATCHING PORN * ♥♥♥ alert*2018-07-12 03:54:30
AT13Idk ur mom is too hot for me2018-07-11 23:13:16
Triple DeviljhoThe US is playing a better sport. Didn't have time to bother with your European hackysack2018-07-11 18:18:53
Triple Deviljho2 - 1. Lol2018-07-11 17:06:53
AT13L o s e2018-07-11 16:28:11
MoonFat Buu sings good 16:21:59
Moonfat buu gay for mister satan2018-07-11 16:16:42
Mooni wz tld 2 blk u2018-07-11 15:51:08
CrowZer0BLOCKED 15:49:28
Gin the Boxu wanna kill boxy with baguettes uh? com get som2018-07-11 15:47:59
BunnyIT'S COMING HOME2018-07-11 14:58:02
ttv/Katty_go ahead cuck2018-07-11 14:09:15
ttv/Katty_what if I ain't?2018-07-11 13:29:43
ttv/Katty_smh. ː♥♥♥♥youː2018-07-11 12:41:48
CrowZer0Can't respond on your private profile moomoo!2018-07-11 12:19:23
AT13Come and fight me bish2018-07-09 23:41:30
游学者叮当super busy these days. long time no see. how's everything going my ♥♥♥♥♥?2018-07-09 23:21:13
𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊Thx crowie ~(*o*)~2018-07-09 23:11:20
AT13Gayfat2018-07-09 15:27:13
RamyI wish you a wonderful day!2018-07-09 10:38:42
Gin the Box<3.2018-07-09 09:00:05
MoonThank you for this great tutorial on how to be a pith of ♥♥♥♥ bubble gum 03:20:49
AT13The power of Christ compels you to eat that candy2018-07-08 18:45:38
muffyDon't turn me into a candy please2018-07-08 18:01:12
muffyThanks Crowy! Feels good to be a minor still And thank you very much for the gift2018-07-08 17:55:16
Ramyfeels kinky :p2018-07-08 17:07:12
AT13Stealer2018-07-08 16:02:08
muffyDaddy's girl2018-07-08 15:51:40
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great week ahead2018-07-08 14:51:36
AT13 SHE'S THE CUTEST GIRL ON DISCORD2018-07-08 14:42:40
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.2018-07-08 14:11:04
Bunnyily and i'm an idiot. thanks for still being in my life2018-07-08 13:30:14
Sp!T_ShineThat ♥♥♥♥ is goals as ♥♥♥♥ actually. The bread and soup looked so bomb!!2018-07-08 01:31:52
Sp!T_ShineJelly of your tiny UK home!! 01:30:13
AT13thank you for the gifts Sugar Daddy2018-07-07 19:19:31
AT13fatty fatty boy eatting all the time2018-07-07 19:12:27
FraggettPretty much what i thought, will be an interresting fight nonetheless tho2018-07-07 16:20:30
Sp!T_Shineand Tank Abbott of course......2018-07-07 12:35:03
Sp!T_ShineGary Busey..... pfft, everybody knows that2018-07-07 12:34:06
FraggettMiocic or Cormier?2018-07-07 12:27:28
MoonI showed no mercy when I shoved a PSP Vita up the fat Aslanyan son's ass of Daniel Larusso.2018-07-07 01:25:36
DeniseGracias!!!!2018-07-06 23:39:02
muffyput sum kebab sauce2018-07-06 18:14:30
Sp!T_ShineThey see me rollinThey hatin 18:06:44
Baby SaturnNo papa but I hope you had a amazing day on fourth2018-07-06 16:08:27
muffysinfkboostr pgoje2018-07-06 14:38:47
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Notice me senpai!2018-07-06 13:36:01
Moon-rep doesn't share his can of spaghetti with me2018-07-06 00:30:22
AT13Ive heard that you are playing with a bunch of unskilled players Feels bad right??2018-07-05 18:12:53
ttv/Katty_imy.2018-07-05 17:27:00
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a fantastic weekend ahead2018-07-05 13:27:32
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Hey, baby, what is your problem? Huh, you got a problem? You're good looking, you got a beautiful body, beautiful legs, beautiful face, all these guys in love with you. Only you got a look in your eye like you haven't been ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in a year!2018-07-05 09:03:26
MoonYou don't need no stinkin' queen when you got guns, Walmart, and Kentucky! KEEP AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!2018-07-04 21:56:16
Triple Deviljhomy true power? Fool you are not ready to learn. I spent 260 on a butt sex toy to use as a pillow. You are not ready for this.2018-07-04 20:15:29
AT13 ok.2018-07-04 18:38:44
Sp!T_ShineYou're welcome to ♥♥♥ over tonight and shoot your fireworks all over my back yard2018-07-04 16:29:41
AT13i was just meming your lover hoe, chill your ass2018-07-04 14:33:35
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.2018-07-04 08:49:58
AT13i said bye2018-07-03 14:21:57
AT13?????2018-07-03 14:21:43
AT13Ty for the spam2018-07-03 14:21:38
AT13??2018-07-03 14:21:32
AT13No dead.2018-07-03 14:21:29
Triple DeviljhoMonsoon, Typhoon.2018-07-03 12:49:45
AT13smells like a bull2018-07-03 12:01:54
Triple DeviljhoLagoon2018-07-03 11:40:14
ttv/Katty_hi h0e2018-07-03 10:51:51
Triple DeviljhoTycoon2018-07-03 09:59:52
Triple DeviljhoPoon2018-07-03 09:55:33
Gin the BoxHello lord Brit.2018-07-03 07:31:00
muffyim not pudge2018-07-03 06:48:22
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Also... I predict another heart spam on this page Don't get upset pls I just like mah scripts lul2018-07-02 16:33:10
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺NO!I'll send you more BOI puccy pics + ass shots P.S. My ass looks better than hers2018-07-02 16:31:04
AT13Picking up girls on a hot summer day !!2018-07-02 13:00:27
Sp!T_ShineThe ufc bugs are kinda cool too :P2018-07-02 10:30:00
Sp!T_ShineWow you're such a bully!!!!! 10:29:13
MoonYou can't think of dying when the bottle's your best friend.2018-07-02 07:58:32
Sp!T_ShineHis gyros are lit2018-07-01 17:19:21
AT13K2018-07-01 16:50:31
AT13R2018-07-01 16:50:29
AT13E2018-07-01 16:50:26
AT13J2018-07-01 16:50:24
AT13Lil2018-07-01 16:50:20
AT13retardo :ci hope that u enjoyed it PervZer02018-07-01 16:48:06
CrowZer0getrekt ♥♥♥ 16:34:47
AT13 Jerk2018-07-01 16:14:52
muffythank you for the aids!2018-07-01 15:23:24
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great week ahead2018-07-01 09:05:29
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Yes! Its all about good angles and filters mate2018-07-01 07:45:31
AT13Silver ♥♥♥♥2018-07-01 06:27:33
Moonpeepee on me too like the Russian girls do to my favorite president2018-07-01 01:05:49
izandeal2018-07-01 00:28:35
CrowZer0It's a pic of a Crow ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on the Moon.2018-06-30 23:45:55
MoonThat is a bootiful picture of a Crow and a Moon2018-06-30 22:32:37
CrowZer0Middle lost11 kills, 19 deaths... kcompared to my 26 kills and 9 deathsyour net worth is 24k while mine is 40kyou managed 388 last hits in a 1 hour 12 min game, I had 600.My 690xp per min vs your 491, my 719 gold per min vs your 477you did35k damage as sniper, I did 109k (you are retardly bad and don't see it)you did 3.1k building damage as a sniper i did 8.1kYou are utterly moronic and what's worse you actually think you are better.Delete dota, stay in school.2018-06-30 21:38:24
CrowZer0You are trash 21:31:57
CrowZer0Hi sniper 21:31:36
Metamorphose50 min farm like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-06-30 21:31:11
Metamorphosenooob trash gamer2018-06-30 21:30:59
Gin the BoxBroadcasting Live - 542 viewers2018-06-30 18:24:11
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺If only her face was looking just as good as her butt2018-06-30 18:20:46
AT13Currently OfflineLast Online 9 hrs, 34 mins ago2018-06-30 17:09:49
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺I like collecting games and cut marks on my arm2018-06-30 16:24:00
muffybest hedgehog EU2018-06-30 16:15:34
ttv/Katty_k.2018-06-30 14:36:08
ttv/Katty_hmmm I didn't get an invite2018-06-30 14:31:51
AT13CrowZer0 invited you to watch their broadcast of PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDSok ! but you are lucky asf to get the m42018-06-30 14:31:06
RamyDeal ! just sign here , here and here2018-06-30 14:22:28
RamyI wanna sign a nudes contract2018-06-30 14:17:45
ttv/Katty_Obviously not you.2018-06-30 14:16:09
AT13DOTO toxic player ...2018-06-30 12:30:54
ttv/Katty_imy2.2018-06-30 11:02:59
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺If you send nudes I'll share my Steam library with you2018-06-30 07:08:54
AT13crowsen2018-06-29 20:27:53
muffyHave a lovely weekend!2018-06-29 16:17:20
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Send nudes and I'll buy you games2018-06-29 16:16:04
muffybecause there is no sweet one :kolobok:2018-06-29 14:43:59
muffyI'm kissing myself2018-06-29 14:40:34
ttv/Katty_d2018-06-28 17:42:37
ttv/Katty_r2018-06-28 17:42:36
ttv/Katty_i2018-06-28 17:41:38
ttv/Katty_n2018-06-28 17:41:35
ttv/Katty_k2018-06-28 17:41:32
ttv/Katty_oops!2018-06-28 12:07:31
CrowZer0Thanks steam 11:39:53
ttv/Katty_sends me gifts even tho i'm rude afTHANKS PADRE2018-06-28 11:28:27
CrowZer0You ain't gotta say I love you just because I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you just say my name.2018-06-26 16:10:00
Sp!T_ShineCorn on the cob!!!! 20:11:03
Sp!T_ShineHe's a happy pup, he just had a huge meal of kabobs so he looks like dat.2018-06-25 17:39:28
CrowZer0Bad Crow's feast on dead bears.2018-06-25 15:49:11
ttv/Katty_Ofc spaz2018-06-22 07:49:08
ttv/Katty_Muth be nithe recieving pictures of my pizza, muth be nithe2018-06-22 07:36:56
Sp!T_Shineya ya, the trailers look sick. Lots of violence, sex and 16:11:41
ttv/Katty_k.2018-06-21 14:01:15
CrowZer0open your comments u spaz2018-06-21 14:00:37
Sp!T_ShineThey had to die, cause they disrespected me saying that Bo and Luke Duke were banging Daisy behind the scenes and that is just a BOLD FACE LIE.It was Uncle Jesse that was laying the pipe down Daisy's dirt road. And anyways Bo and Luke were too busy sucking each other off while Boss Hogg was rubbin one out with his thumb up his butt in the corner watching. Jeez, everybody knows that ♥♥♥♥....Don't disrespect my 80's t.v. shows damnit2018-06-19 20:55:09
ttv/Katty_It was fun carrying u.2018-06-19 15:23:24
ttv/Katty_By accident, smh.2018-06-19 08:00:41
Gin the BoxBad vibes forever.2018-06-19 07:56:59
ttv/Katty_It's messing up comment notifications too, tf.2018-06-18 18:34:30
CrowZer0Thanks steam for messing up showcases.2018-06-18 17:52:17
ttv/Katty_muth be nithe rejecting to play dbd but doing ez 100%'s, muth be very nithe.2018-06-17 18:45:15
ttv/Katty_muth be nithe farming achievements, muth be very nithe.2018-06-17 18:22:37
ttv/Katty_ohho, thanks for dying first all the time Crow2018-06-17 17:57:02
ttv/Katty_I forgive you for leaving me while I was hurt padre2018-06-16 18:22:27
ttv/Katty_imy.2018-06-15 14:17:14
Sp!T_ShineDiablo 3 - season 14 is starting tomorrow. Been working on a new Necromancer. I'm a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ nerd. Hope you are doing well and progressing to 15 reps with 405 lbs on the bench press one handed.....2018-06-14 18:55:06
Sp!T_ShineRoses are redViolets are blueAnd so are my balls2018-06-14 18:54:30
ttv/Katty_hi crowleyIMY2018-06-14 18:48:55
Sp!T_ShineDid you pwn on Realm Royale? 0.1 hrs is all it should take to become pro..2018-06-11 18:15:23
Triple DeviljhoIf thats the case, I can get why people get hyped for those horse derbies. It is like beach volleyball for them.2018-06-09 17:59:20
Triple DeviljhoI blame horses for furries. First they wanna ride the horse, then they wanna ♥♥♥♥ the horse, but thats illegal. So they make a human horse. Now its acceptable to ♥♥♥♥.Centaurs tho. Centaur > Anthro Horses.2018-06-09 17:51:33
Triple DeviljhoYou can't forget about the horse protein drink though. 17:46:07
Triple DeviljhoName your preferred type of semen, mine is boiled.2018-06-09 17:40:32
ttv/Katty_Ohho2018-06-09 10:07:28
ttv/Katty_Muth be nithe having 255 hours in the past 2 weeks, muth be nithe2018-06-09 07:56:11
ttv/Katty_Hi boxi2018-06-09 07:51:59
Gin the BoxDon't forget to take your2018-06-09 07:34:23
ttv/Katty_Close nuf2018-06-08 20:54:14
Sp!T_ShineThey say at a certain age you just stop caring......"♥♥♥♥, that was like 4 years old for me"..... (Joel Scott Osteen American televangelis)2018-06-08 19:02:08
Sp!T_ShineWalter's got nothing on you amigo!!! 14:07:01
Sp!T_ShineJohn Goodman just doesnt boner me up like he used to...2018-06-08 13:28:05
Sp!T_ShineI have'nt got too much play time on it since I only have about an hour a day of free time. So its either play video games or furiously masturbate to Betty White on re-runs of the Golden Girls. So most times I choose Golden Girls. So far its a great game. Not sure why all the bad reviews. Sucking the blood from dirty mice is really neato....2018-06-08 12:57:38
ttv/Katty_imy.2018-06-08 10:19:48
Baby SaturnIm a flesh pound because I pound my flesh every night 😤😤😤😤2018-06-08 01:56:35
Sp!T_ShineYou're black! And backer then ever!2018-06-06 16:31:45
ttv/Katty_.2018-06-06 06:00:45
Sp!T_ShineCrow is on vacation with her again........... 15:19:03
ttv/Katty_Imy2018-06-01 08:42:02
Baby SaturnUr a clot? Ur a angry clot aren’t u crow2018-05-31 23:53:28
Sp!T_ShineAdd me if you want a fleshlight molded to exact specifications of my lovely man bits....2018-05-28 21:09:48
Sp!T_Shine41 years young, male and addicted to local honey. 🌸 #SugarSpitty 🌸Nurse, Gamer, Animal Lover, Fitness Guru, Cosplayer. Do-er of All Things.2018-05-28 20:34:56
Sp!T_ShineIn a personal aspect, I work 2 jobs one as a nurse practitioner and the other as a veterinary assistant. I do a lot of cardio stuff to keep me fit: running, sprinting, kettle bells, power yoga. I love drawing because it not only eases the mind but it also helps me to concentrate. cooking is hella fun, being able to try out different meals makes me happy inside. I have 3 dogs, 2 birds and six cats, animals are the best.2018-05-28 20:31:13
Sp!T_Shine✖ I do not answer personal questions. My computer time is for global socializing with friends, not an open invitation for creeping about to date me in person. You are not going to woo me into a real life date. I will not ask you personal questions, I expect you to do the same.2018-05-28 20:30:30
Void Enjoyed 19:08:45
Sp!T_ShineOhh Snap!!!! Watch out for dem teeth!!! 17:59:54
Eric CartmanHave a nice day. <32018-05-28 13:09:45
Baby SaturnYou’re now crow to me, I’m retiring papa and mama. Just as I have retired from steam ♥️2018-05-26 22:21:42
ttv/Katty_NOOT NOOT2018-05-26 17:55:39
ttv/Katty_ty ♥♥♥♥2018-05-26 17:52:10
Haydnello beautiful2018-05-25 20:47:05
zThat’s incest uwu2018-05-25 18:12:08
Deniseawww buen cuervo2018-05-25 12:15:55
Bunnyd**k2018-05-25 12:01:43
Bunny17:58 - Bunny: 2 dubel17:58 - Bunny: duvel17:58 - CrowZer0: 2 dubel17:58 - Bunny: duvel17:58 - CrowZer0: dubel17:58 - Bunny: DUVEL17:58 - CrowZer0: DUBEL2018-05-25 11:18:28
ttv/Katty_I hope he does.2018-05-25 09:09:30
CrowZer0i cant find grils anywhere im so fugly2018-05-25 08:33:32
CrowZer0dont say that kat u spack he will actually add u and show u his blood sausage2018-05-25 08:31:56
Bunnykat maybe you and him can eat kasazanka together2018-05-25 08:29:05
ttv/Katty_I like him2018-05-25 08:27:41
CrowZer0How I treat Bunny is between me and her and none of your business, considering you don't know either one of us and we both don't like you, weirdo lol.2018-05-25 08:25:38
CrowZer0LOL2018-05-25 08:24:19
CrowZer0why is this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ still here, go away no one likes you2018-05-25 08:17:26
CrowZer0Then he adds bunny. LOL2018-05-25 08:14:16
CrowZer0Random loser comes on my profile who starts telling me about me. K2018-05-25 08:13:38
CrowZer0Facts are facts fat boy, you're a pathetic loser who fails at everything he does, you sit in your mummys basement and you comment on people you know nothing about behind the safety of your computer screen cos it makes you feel better about your sad existence, good luck to ya fatty.2018-05-25 08:12:42
CrowZer0I didn't turn down 4 girls yesterday and today who added me! I go around looking for steam girls!2018-05-25 08:11:41
BunnyLOL please go away you're only making a fool of yourself talking about things you have no clue about2018-05-25 08:11:04
CrowZer0Yes my profile has my asl and looking for girls here!2018-05-25 08:10:52
CrowZer0some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ fanboy who obviously has spoken to others about me is chatting ♥♥♥♥ cos hes a sad loser, hes fat hes polish and he eats kasazanka all day2018-05-25 08:10:20
ttv/Katty_wtf is going on2018-05-25 08:08:53
CrowZer0#I'm gonna go back to wasting money on pretty Dota 2 cosmetics now.2018-05-25 08:06:55
CrowZer0Fanboys will be fanboys, lol ♥♥♥♥ off you sad pathetic loser.I can't stop laughing. You're so sad you're stalking me and I don't know you nor give a ♥♥♥♥ about you, lol GO AWAY. Loser.2018-05-25 08:06:32
CrowZer0lol this guy doesnt even know me, what a loser2018-05-25 08:04:47
Bunnyhey Hëllvis why don't you post with your own account? it isn't blocked, and it's too obvious already2018-05-25 07:59:18
BunnyCASANOVA2018-05-25 07:51:58
CrowZer0losers will always be losers who stalk me when I don't even know who they are, bye bye lil ♥♥♥♥♥, keep proving how sad you are caring about me and what I do that you feel the need to comment when I don't care who you are lol. get a life2018-05-25 07:47:00
CrowZer0random private profile scrub wh don't mean ♥♥♥♥ to me commenting on my profile ahahhahah2018-05-25 07:41:10
Bunnywhat up2018-05-25 07:25:13
Baby SaturnI hope you’re doing well crow.2018-05-24 23:32:48
ttv/Katty_what2018-05-24 14:03:23
Sp!T_Shine 16:14:17
ttv/Katty_THANKS2018-05-23 11:13:32
Triple DeviljhoBalls2018-05-21 17:20:32
ttv/Katty_wut2018-05-21 14:09:46
Bunnyi'll dyn2018-05-21 14:08:30
ttv/Katty_ohho i fanboy now2018-05-21 14:06:32
ttv/Katty_but but but crow pls, u're the best at dota, teach me2018-05-21 13:59:15
CrowZer0Dota tards with private profiles stop adding me!2018-05-21 13:58:05
kuntanaIMY2018-05-21 03:19:40
Bunny14:01 - Bunny: already done??14:01 - CrowZer0: i died14:01 - CrowZer0: :(14:02 - Bunny: awww 14:02 - CrowZer0: UR A GAY14:02 - CrowZer0: U CHEATER14:02 - Bunny: k14:02 - CrowZer0: ima eat14:02 - Bunny: i died14:02 - Bunny: okiiiii14:02 - CrowZer0: NOOB14:02 - CrowZer0: hahah#14:02 - CrowZer0: rekt2018-05-20 07:03:46
Bunny-rep sleeps during the day2018-05-19 11:19:01
ttv/Katty_Ohho2018-05-19 07:55:25
Bunnykat has 10 more games than you2018-05-19 07:42:25
ttv/Katty_CrowZer0 has added Katie to their wishlist.OHHO2018-05-18 21:01:37
Bunny*Crow and Bunny in voice call*Crow makes pee soundsMe: oh okay.......Crow: No it's not what it sounds like, i'm washing my handsMe: I know the difference between peeing, i hear a stream in the toiletCrow: *flushes toilet*Me:2018-05-18 19:33:03
Bunnysleeeepyhead2018-05-18 15:09:53
Sp!T_ShineMake me chicken noodle and sponge bathe me. I'm soooo sick2018-05-18 05:54:34
Triple DeviljhoSorry, all I heard from that is: I believe everything those Health Magazines in Hot Topic tells me about food.2018-05-17 15:55:14
Gin the Boxme talk English very well2018-05-17 13:11:09
ttv/Katty_Wow so kind box2018-05-17 11:14:51
Gin the BoxD'accord vieux loup de mer2018-05-17 11:12:03
ttv/Katty_Ohho2018-05-17 11:10:16
BunnyLike do you know who I am? I’m a super genius. I have an IQ Of 170, I’m probably smarter than Albert Instein. By the time I was in kindgergarden I was reading at a college level. I actually have the intelligence to understand these kind of jokes but of course the uneducated masses wouldn’t even be able to begen to understand the depth of this modern art. Of course I like Classical Art more it takes a special person like me to to understand it. I made teachers so angry because I would often inform them how they were wrong. It’s not my fault I’m smarter than them on the subject.2018-05-17 10:39:35
Gin the Boxbae2018-05-15 09:06:58
Sp!T_ShineWhat do you think of Slay? I got hooked on it at first even thou I'm not much of a card game junky..2018-05-14 17:45:35
Bunny23:21 - CrowZer0: ill turn\23:21 - CrowZer0: lih t off23:21 - CrowZer0 is now Offline.2018-05-14 16:22:33
Bunny23:20 - CrowZer0: i lick to click and pause etck2018-05-14 16:21:36
ttv/Katty_k. ty2018-05-14 14:15:10
Gin the Box:)2018-05-13 16:15:28
Gin the Boxhahahahahahhaah2018-05-13 16:15:24
ttv/Katty_:yo:2018-05-13 15:54:53
ttv/Katty_Ohho muth be nithe being on family share, muth be nithe2018-05-13 12:38:31
Bunny+rep lets me play Slay the spire2018-05-13 12:33:29
Bunny-rep sleeps 10+ hours2018-05-13 12:33:09
ttv/Katty_my favourite ♥♥♥2018-05-12 21:25:19
ttv/Katty_01:54 - CrowZer0: oi01:54 - CrowZer0: SLAG2018-05-12 20:01:29
ttv/Katty_ohho2018-05-12 19:55:57
Triple DeviljhoThen get a dog girl with a ♥♥♥♥, if you try hard enough you can tie the knot with her.Or take it.2018-05-12 17:24:01
Triple Deviljhohomie, don't act like you wanna ♥♥♥♥ a centaur, or a dog girl. She a literal loyal ♥♥♥♥♥, what more do you want?2018-05-12 16:23:17
Triple Deviljhob r i t b o n g2018-05-12 16:13:27
ttv/Katty_)))2018-05-12 14:52:00
Sp!T_ShineOn the fence about getting PUBG. I'm a run and gunner so I'm just not sure......2018-05-12 14:18:53
Sp!T_ShineDue to regional price differences, the gift you are trying to send cannot be sent to the recipient's region.Dats pretty gay.........2018-05-12 11:09:42
Sp!T_ShineI thought we were throwing back Stella Ar-taints and smashing kabobs tonight.....2018-05-11 21:27:51
CrowZer0 10:12:10
BunnyIt's always funny to see them come out and prove how hard they stalk. especially Maha but she has proven that many times2018-05-11 10:11:29
Sp!T_ShineThx homeslice!2018-05-11 06:00:42
Gin the BoxAdded because handsome. Thankyou!2018-05-10 17:53:41
CrowZer0Fangirls stop adding, not interested.2018-05-10 15:37:32
CrowZer0Bye bye worthless ♥♥♥♥♥, all you did was drag me down.2018-05-10 12:26:57
CrowZer0Stupid drunk ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ who never learns, and acts like a retarded ♥♥♥♥ actually makes me log into steam just to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ delete her. Not once in your life do you show you can learn or grow up, and I wouldn't have said or done ♥♥♥♥ if you didn't act like such a ♥♥♥♥♥ and 4x I told you to stop. ♥♥♥♥ off out of my life Bunny, I'm done.2018-05-08 17:32:31
Sp!T_ShineAre we gonna go see the new Star Wars together? 17:21:27
ttv/Katty_fistful. huh2018-05-07 16:02:57
zewwu >w<2018-05-07 15:57:43
Triple DeviljhoI am actually not from the North. Please refer to me as a Dixie. Thank you, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Brit.2018-05-07 12:16:50
Gin the BoxHey! I'm glad it works well on you. The results are amaziiiiing, i told you !Keep eating your vitamins & your vegetables, keep working out hard (1 speed & agility from The Asylum + 1 pure cardio from Insanity for your warm-up this week), also don't eat carbs & no cheat meal !!!!2018-05-07 11:53:11
Triple Deviljhoh o r s e p u s s y2018-05-06 20:32:29
BunnyYOUUUUUUUUU 9000 comments2018-05-06 18:18:43
BunnyWUSVH2018-05-06 18:18:31
ttv/Katty_‘but’ nice one bun2018-05-06 16:25:30
Bunny but me this plz2018-05-06 16:17:12
Haydnhey babe yeah Im looking after myself ;) Hope all is well with ya <32018-05-06 16:10:50
Gin the BoxLOL2018-05-06 09:57:51
Bunnywakes up same time as me, whatsapps a bitthen falls asleep for at least 4 more hours2018-05-06 09:50:45
ttv/Katty_f off :(2018-05-05 17:30:14
BunnyGRILLED CHEESE2018-05-04 14:14:00
Sp!T_ShineU have a rock hard2018-05-03 19:42:02
Triple Deviljhoc o c k2018-05-03 17:10:18
SilentRoseGood Morning! Your home news system sponsored by the AMFEED, Has registered your return to consciousness, CrowZer0. You have been asleep for XXX hours and XXX minutes! And now THE NEWS!Young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration And that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and you are the imagination of yourself.Here is Tom with the weather.2018-05-02 06:15:21
Bunnyxo your slave ♥♥♥♥♥2018-04-30 13:05:59
ttv/Katty_Noot noot, imy padre2018-04-30 09:37:33
alcrøwhol poisoningC H A T T A N O O G A2018-04-29 22:33:03
Bunnyily imy2018-04-29 07:13:37
Gin the BoxIloveyou.2018-04-29 05:02:51
CrowZer0Buttercup stop being a little ♥♥♥♥♥ and come on my profile or Discord, STOP ASSUMING, I do not control or tell Bunny to do ♥♥♥♥ you dumb ♥♥♥♥, she does it on her own. It's not my style, ♥♥♥♥ you, ♥♥♥♥ Gin the ♥♥♥♥♥, and ♥♥♥♥ teddy the "crow is a bad man, im deleting mutuals cos hes a bad influence" crying over online girls = beta ♥♥♥♥♥♥ just like you.All 3 of you are worthless lowlife beta cucks who irl, won't even dare look me in the eyes FACT.♥♥♥♥♥♥. IF you wanna talk MY PROFILE IS OPEN U FAT ♥♥♥♥, as is Discord, stop beign a little ♥♥♥♥♥ all your life, I ain't gonna lay a smack down on you, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ worthless ♥♥♥♥♥♥. You're fat, with man boobs, you look like you have down syndrome and you;re creepy af confirmed by 6 GIRLS.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ weird ♥♥♥♥. Go get a better job, a brain and some more cigars. OR SPEAK TO ME YOU LITTLE ♥♥♥♥. I will ♥♥♥♥ you so hard you will love me.2018-04-28 21:15:46
CrowZer0LOLI CONTROL EVERY GUY ON BUNNY'S LISTIS GIN CRYING AGAIN? AGAIN NOTHING TO DO WITH ME U DUMB ♥♥♥♥ASSUMPTION IS THE MOTHER OF ALL ♥♥♥♥ UPS.And ♥♥♥♥ teddy hes a cuck, I dont care if you know him 5 or 10 years ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ started talking ♥♥♥♥ about me when I didn't say ♥♥♥♥ to him. ♥♥♥♥ HIM, ♥♥♥♥ you and ♥♥♥♥ your whole crew, cucks.2018-04-28 21:10:36
CrowZer0IM BEING CYBER BULLIED BY A LIL GIRL AND CROW ONLINE OH I WAS JOKINGstfu u ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ur such a mong, NEVER ON MY LEVEL2018-04-28 21:06:38
CrowZer0I lolled so hard at buttercup.2018-04-28 21:05:13
Sp!T_ShineI do what I wanna do...ban me please.....2018-04-28 20:24:12
Sp!T_ShineI love the COD peeps..........2018-04-28 20:19:07
Sp!T_ShineYou guys are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pathetic. Your lives must be absolutely terrible that you have to micro manage a server. Your motto AND I QUOTE! "WERE OLD * WERE TIRED * WERE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ *" is a contradiction. You cuss on your website....but you out law cussing on your server. Tell me now, HOW THE ♥♥♥♥ DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? ITS AN M RATED GAME. I cant stress that enough. If you want a childs game, go play plants vs zombies FFS. Single player cusses more than i do. You all are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiots and need to grow the ♥♥♥♥ up. ITS AN ADULT GAME. EXPECT ADULT LANGUAGE. And I know you will come back with "It's our server." No it isnt, stfu. You lease the server. It isnt yours. You are what make the PC gaming community so terrible. Quite being ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.2018-04-28 20:17:30
Bunnyi'll remember mew as a heromoving walls = rip2018-04-28 18:42:06
Sp!T_ShineThis is what I am ripping back tonight....... tastes like a baby diaper 18:33:49
BunnyI wish I got that drunk #facts2018-04-28 18:22:51
Bunnymew keep it coming with the comments I love them2018-04-28 18:22:37
Sp!T_ShineYour the Kung Pao Shrimp to my Phoenix and Dragon2018-04-28 18:09:21
CrowZer0Then his butthead cuck has to get involved OF COURSE, cos he's so tough, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mr potato head looking ♥♥♥♥♥♥. I remember being 14 with x's in my name and COOL NAMES LIKE "EVIL WITHIN" OH HO how tough you must be. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mong.2018-04-28 17:32:53
CrowZer0These kids online just chat ♥♥♥♥, out of the comfort of their chair and just keep assuming ♥♥♥♥, cos they're too stupid to see past their monitors and cry and get sensitive! OH NO HES A BAD MAN, HE'S MEAN HES INSULTING DELETE HIM! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hell loser grow up get a life. I ignore them mostly, cos they're amusing or a joke to me, I'm like thank ♥♥♥♥ I'm not this guy. But they assume and laugh like beavis and butthead cos they think they're so funny or right while anyone with an iota of braincells just laughs at them. I was offline four days, I was busy with work and life, I come to chill and play a couple games, and someone points me to Gin the cuck still ♥♥♥♥ talking while I forget about that ♥♥♥♥♥.2018-04-28 17:31:58
CrowZer0Spitty said it best, but in my world if a cuck steps to me, he will regret it, problem with these online circle jerk mentality kids group hugging each other is that it's safe and they can say and do ♥♥♥♥ they know they won't irl. Cos it is their life. If anything irl, I'm a zero tolerance to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ type of guy, if you step to me, you're gonna get either ♥♥♥♥♥♥ mentally and realise your mistake and if it comes down to throwing down, then hell you just made my day I can always quote self defense if someone steps to me outside of the ring. It's like Christmas nah mean?2018-04-28 17:31:55
Sp!T_ShineReel it in CZ, reel it in..... LMAO2018-04-28 15:34:09
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥ em all. Matters what mood I am in but sometimes when I am super drunk on teamspeak with my buddies playing Call of Duty and get disrepected by somebody on the other team that thinks I am cheating or try-harding too much and I kinda go off on em. Then I feel bad the next day looking back and think "why the ♥♥♥♥ did I let some person that is online that doesnt have my fps skill and that I have never met get to me like that?" For the most part I just look retarded to my online buddies cause I go off on the person and talk ♥♥♥♥ back and pretty much stoop down to thier level. I have a hard time letting things go when I am in the moment, Then the next day I am just shaking my head. But to be honest I really don't give a ♥♥♥♥ how I act online cause its just a fake gaming world anyways. ♥♥♥♥ em all.2018-04-28 15:32:54
Sp!T_ShineHell no you are NOT forgiven.... I love you just the way you are2018-04-28 15:04:28
CrowZer0Some more facts for you kids, when armed police come to my house, they call me "sir". When I am speeding on the motorway and stopped by police and they find out who I am, they apologise and call me sir. Haven't met anyone on my level or who meets me and then wants to ♥♥♥♥ with me, in the UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Croatia, USA.But three sensitive cucks with no balls think they're on my level.I'll say it once again kids, "assumption is the mother of all ♥♥♥♥ ups". At least know your facts and don't assume about someone you "think" you are challenging. It's really quite basic, go read a book.2018-04-28 14:33:43
CrowZer0Sounds like the three armed men who broke into my house in 2015 to hurt me, and when they ended up hospitalized I was on trial for attempted murder and greivous bodily harm. Funny people.2018-04-28 14:29:22
CrowZer0#when a big punchbag looking cuck says he wants to beat me up and talks ♥♥♥♥, then when I retaliate I'm a "cyberbully".2018-04-28 14:27:27
CrowZer0Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.You stalk so hard and meme yourself.You use cuck, padre BECAUSE OF ME.You stalk THAT HARD.And you don't see how sad and delusional you are?I don't know whether to feel sorry for you or to laugh at you.2018-04-28 13:48:00
CrowZer0Don't "act" like something you are not.Don't start something you can't handle or finish.Do not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ assume.Have the balls to not be weak cowards all your life.Done. Now ♥♥♥♥ off and cry. ;)2018-04-28 13:45:02
CrowZer0In what world must you live, how sensitive and weak you must be to get offended at words and be so butthurt about it.SAD SAD LIFE.Seriously I wonder about these people in their daily lives, do they have mental conditions where they are delusional and think they're liked? Or are they as I imagine, meek sad people who sit in a dark office and have no social life or relationships and put on this fake mask online to act like kids?Question what do your work colleagues, family parents etc think about your bear/cat profiles? Oh, they don't know? Big surprise.2018-04-28 13:42:54
BunnyComplain about drama, then create it yourself by posting sad comments on eachothers profile, then get butthurt when there's a reaction back2018-04-28 13:40:15
CrowZer0Openly invited you to comment, or add or talk. Now either be men, or keep being the cucks you are. Either way, you are publicly being addressed, and I don't censor.Come at me if you have balls.2018-04-28 13:35:11
CrowZer0Buttercuck, Gin the Cuck and Teddycuckbear.If you're gonna come at me, do it directly don't be the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and cowards I know you to be. Have the balls to speak to someone directtly or one on one. But don't act like sad little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ online talking behind peoples backs and then cry when I come at you.You don't want drama or trouble? Mind your own ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ business and stop keep coming back when I forget about you. Live your sad little lives and I'll forget about you. If you WANT to fight or have some ♥♥♥♥ to say. I'M HERE MY PROFILE IS OPEN, I NEVER CENSOR OR DELETE ANYTHING. Discord CrowZer0#1140 Open invitation to come at me or talk or say whatever the ♥♥♥♥ you want to. But I know your type. Sad little lives, delusional weak, cowardly. All you do is get in a circle jerk group where you pat each other on the back and talk about others. I'll happily and easily 1v3 you. And it wouldn't be fair on you. Fact.2018-04-28 13:35:08
BunnyThe only thing he'll be doing is brag about steaks and putting cigar pics on his steam profile because no one outside of his little steam bubble gives a crap. Oh and stalk peoples profile, wasn't he going to sell his account? But hey, at least he graduated right? Because that's really special?2018-04-28 13:34:15
CrowZer0I try to be "humble". I never "brag". I state facts.Here are some facts for buttercuck and co. I'm smarter than 99% of people. And if you were smart you would either realise or find that out yourself, but keep assuming you know me, when you don't. ;) You're just too stupid.I don't brag, but if I did, I could pick 10 different things off the top of my head.Keep bragging about £30 steaks, cheap cigars and wine, because to people who know it's like a kid the first time he has played a computer game. It just shows how stupid you are (thinking it's expensive or the #goodlife). And how low classed and peasant like your ghetto mentality is.Do not brag about "education and a job". In my world those are BASICS EVERYONE HAS. No one brags about it. And don't brag to someone whose education and work you have no idea of lol. Assumption is the mother of all ♥♥♥♥ ups, can you read?2018-04-28 13:24:27
CrowZer0Hasn't seen me, doesn't know who I am. I don't care if he's 200kg I'd still bench him and use him as a meat punch bag. Fat ♥♥♥♥ looks like he lives on junk food and ready meals with his acne distorted face and man boobs and he's gonna BEAT ME UP lol.Before calling someone "uneducated and stupid" find out who you're talking about.Before saying you're going to "beat me up" again find out who you're talking about.#theretardlife2018-04-28 13:18:05
Bunnybeat you upbiggest joke of the year2018-04-28 13:11:53
Bunnywow you're trying to say i have no ass?2018-04-28 12:50:59
BunnyBtw you really confuse me Crow, I thought you were 17 and living off mummy's credit card?????? helloooo2018-04-28 12:42:15
BunnyWow I'm amazed tbh you could figure out that bad english " are used by yourself and your mates as well xD". Too bad I already graduated when I was 19 . But at least we're blessed with yet another good laugh, thanks Always funny when people are clueless and continue to make a fool of themself2018-04-28 12:41:15
Bunnywuvshie2018-04-28 08:32:02
Gin the BoxIt's because you're not enough hypocrite and fake2018-04-28 03:14:10
Sp!T_ShineI don't slang or bang but I got man titties like an orangutang2018-04-27 19:39:49
Bunnyps i obsess over a girl online because I don't even know how to talk to a girl in real life and she needs attention back2018-04-27 17:12:49
BunnyI keep forgetting people only wanna be my friend because I have more games than the average steam user..... and they expect gifts. Oops my bad for thinking people actually give a ♥♥♥♥ about me when I'm IRL just a pathetic loser. Guess my real life doesn't differ much2018-04-27 17:10:30
BunnyLet me spend all my money on Steam! Cause that really shows how rich I am.#truefact real rich people don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about showing off on steamNo need to pose2018-04-27 17:05:14
BunnyI will keep telling you to delete someone that's never done anything nor talked about me (cause they don't care) because I am so insecure about me and my own life2018-04-27 17:03:38
BunnyI bought a watch yesterday €20 top quality #livingthegoodlife2018-04-27 17:02:28
BunnySame2018-04-27 17:00:17
BunnyI also need to stalk peoples profiles because I realise my own life is way too sad, and actively post about them. Because if I don't I don't feel like I accomplished anything in life, even when I'm at work I'm on Steam all the time. #buymegifts #livingthesadlife2018-04-27 16:57:31
Bunnywhat is love??????? I don't know what love is2018-04-27 16:56:00
Bunnyp,s. i don't have anything in life except steam and don't know how to have a basic chat with a person2018-04-27 16:51:58
Bunnyxoxo ulle2018-04-27 16:50:50
BunnyI liked a girl for about a year and she didn't like me back and left me for a common friend, and then I acted like I never liked her anyways2018-04-27 16:49:52
BunnyI will attack any guy that I'm afraid of and say they're a girl collector because I don't have any brain cells2018-04-27 16:48:43
Bunnyevery girl I like doesn't like me back and just uses me for gifts D:2018-04-27 16:47:36
BunnyI will rage quit every group you're in when I don't get any love back because I'm sad and need love :(2018-04-27 16:46:55
BunnyI'm only 5!2018-04-27 16:46:39
Bunnyagreedand gifts plz D:after we accepted!2018-04-27 16:46:33
ttv/Katty_ohho2018-04-27 10:57:13
Bunnythanks u not orange wearing dork2018-04-27 10:44:25
Gin the Boxme love you noob2018-04-27 02:58:51
Gin the BoxYou don't need to buy me games2018-04-27 02:32:10
Sp!T_ShineSing you sweet love song cause I love you 19:58:40
ttv/Katty_FORGIVE ME CROWLEY IMY2018-04-26 17:03:52
Bunnythat's my fav avatar2018-04-26 13:08:52
ttv/Katty_kys cuck2018-04-26 12:53:08
CrowZer0id respond onn your profile but its closed2018-04-26 12:43:40
Bunnyhipls acceptxo{spoiler] sorry for being a ♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-04-26 12:41:01
游学者叮当It's been a long day without you my friend.2018-04-25 22:03:33
Sp!T_Shine 19:54:40
Sp!T_ShineI was a fool for ever believing you when you said you would change.Never again.2018-04-24 19:51:24
ttv/Katty_aw thank u boxi, that's ofc about me :)2018-04-23 12:21:21
Gin the BoxWhen my skin grows oldWhen my breath runs coldI'll be thinking about youAbout you2018-04-23 12:11:41
SilentRose 09:24:56
Gin the Boximy2018-04-22 12:50:14
ttv/Katty_imy2018-04-22 12:36:55
zSowwie sowwie >.< i mass cleared at like 6 am2018-04-22 10:56:29
Gin the BoxIn the end it's Pizza & Ice Cream2018-04-21 15:12:41
Bunny's till2018-04-21 14:44:52
BunnyIn the end it’s him & I2018-04-21 14:43:56
BunnyI don't care how far you go from me, I know you're still my baby2018-04-21 14:43:36
GlitchJust added to play Pubg or Kf22018-04-20 20:08:13
ttv/Katty_k.2018-04-20 15:49:57
ttv/Katty_wowe where's mine boxi :(2018-04-20 15:14:32
Sp!T_ShineWhen I heard Black Ops 4 isnt going to be boots on the ground. 15:04:48
Sp!T_ShineThis dude kinda reminds me of you with your singing. Look how fast Katie changes her story about having a bf. 14:26:25
ttv/Katty_It's a cat m8, it's for me2018-04-20 09:53:12
Bunnyit's gr8 m82018-04-20 09:29:16
Gin the BoxHello both of you, I found a very nice t-shirt, you guys should check it out! ^^' 09:27:21
ttv/Katty_I THOUGHT YOU’D DO SIX2018-04-20 09:21:41
BunnyHI KAT I WAS ALREADY DONE2018-04-20 08:58:26
ttv/Katty_I ruined your spam comments2018-04-20 08:56:06
ttv/Katty_Hi bun2018-04-20 08:55:45
Baby Saturnpapa is it gay to like chickz with dickz2018-04-19 18:56:10
Gin the BoxYou bully too much ppl you actually neer talked with :(2018-04-19 15:36:59
Gin the BoxBecause you are bullying other steam users, that is very mean!2018-04-19 15:17:04
CrowZer0why am i being bullied2018-04-19 15:03:59
Gin the Boxbunne2018-04-19 14:56:43
ttv/Katty_k.2018-04-19 14:33:00
Bunnyk2018-04-19 14:31:54
ttv/Katty_xD2018-04-19 14:31:30
ttv/Katty_alwyas2018-04-19 14:31:23
Bunnylove the contrast between me and kat's comments alwyas2018-04-19 14:29:42
ttv/Katty_die2018-04-19 14:20:10
ttv/Katty_ u make me look like the bad one2018-04-19 13:04:26
ttv/Katty_19:01 - CrowZer0: sucking ♥♥♥♥♥ i man2018-04-19 13:02:39
Baby Saturni dont care about 99% of these people papa, only mama and you!2018-04-19 12:28:51
Bunnymeatballs=spaghettik2018-04-19 11:29:16
Bunny-rep makes me jealous with meatballsand messes up my bed2018-04-19 11:29:09
CrowZer0LOL2018-04-19 11:13:53
CrowZer0Never tell your password to anyone.19 April 201817:11 - CrowZer0: who are you?17:12 - Kyojin: just think and feel if you really are a good person? you lack patience17:12 - Kyojin: GOOD LUCK17:12 - CrowZer0: who are you17:12 - Kyojin is now Offline.2018-04-19 11:13:49
Sp!T_ShineIt be all up on that ♥♥♥♥...need to take it slow and enjoy it from top to bottom. JEEZ 21:13:24
Baby SaturnPapa papa papa papa2018-04-18 20:02:15
ttv/Katty_k.2018-04-18 17:44:55
Gin the BoxOooooops, I didn't mean to make it masculine.I meant chienne ofc, big chienne2018-04-18 17:35:17
Gin the BoxIts the same for you chien2018-04-18 17:34:22
Gin the BoxWhy do I keep getting notification while I'm not subscribed oajfbslabfkajfbfkdjzvsksndk2018-04-18 17:17:38
ttv/Katty_ripperino2018-04-18 17:06:30
Gin the Boxmy fav...crow2018-04-18 11:13:10
Bunnyi love you2018-04-18 06:51:07
anttI'm Gonna unfriend all my friends on steam in about 3 seconds because I hate people ;-;2018-04-17 22:58:29
ttv/Katty_It’s your song, huh?2018-04-17 07:56:47
ttv/Katty_:)2018-04-16 16:04:57
ttv/Katty_:))2018-04-16 11:35:12
Bunnyif you were a cs map you'd be de_licious2018-04-16 08:30:22
Bunnycrow: lets do csgo i’ll show you the game it’ll only be a warmup like 30 mins-1 hour later-crow:you’re going to bed? it was supposed to only be a warmup!ooooops2018-04-15 20:54:04
Bunnyhello can u come back plz2018-04-15 15:33:00
Bunnywow you already got 2, so impatient2018-04-15 07:06:45
ttv/Katty_u? :)2018-04-14 23:57:26
ttv/Katty_tyty2018-04-14 19:41:22
Sp!T_ShineSo what you wanna do, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥I got a pocket full of rubbers and my homeboys do too2018-04-14 18:56:40
snzhello :D2018-04-14 13:35:44
Gin the BoxOh! Hello Shira2018-04-14 10:57:25
snzI really hoped to sew a majin crow picture lol2018-04-14 03:15:11
anttmaster steam profile helper2018-04-12 19:15:45
Sp!T_Shine 18:00:53
Gin the BoxI was joking come on. :D Consider me as you want me to.And I know that you silent notifications dw.2018-04-11 17:05:00
Gin the BoxI'm glad to see you consider me as a headache2018-04-10 18:23:57
ttv/Katty_k.2018-04-10 17:11:16
Gin the BoxWow. Not even subbed to boxy ? Rude2018-04-10 16:50:10
ttv/Katty_he’s a cuck like u2018-04-10 16:29:12
Gin the BoxKatu :(2018-04-10 11:02:14
Raiding go brrWhy so mean T_T2018-04-10 10:55:37
CrowZer0Deranged. sureKid. kautistic okI didn't delete anything lol, I never do.2018-04-10 10:35:06
CrowZer0I just got trolled so hard, I feel really sad.2018-04-10 10:31:23
CrowZer0weebbannedStaffordshireI lolledbye kid2018-04-10 10:30:09
CrowZer0It's okay, you amused me a little.Let me know when you want that kebab, wait who is Riccoz2018-04-10 10:29:16
TXIwasted yo timetrolled yo asshave a nice week- some white guy whos never been in a fight2018-04-10 10:24:06
Raiding go brrOk carm down what have i done2018-04-10 10:16:39
ttv/Katty_Do you think we’re that brain dead to not realise?2018-04-10 10:13:18
Raiding go brrYou know hes trolling you right2018-04-10 10:11:56
ttv/Katty_Muth be nithe being Turkish and living in Enfield, muth be nithe2018-04-10 10:05:28
ttv/Katty_I love how you attack family members now, your insults are getting better and better.Turning to the internet to insult pple because you get no attention irl, get a life2018-04-10 10:03:57
TXIalso acts like he's a god but really hes an autistic kid who forgot to take his medsyo parents must have neglected yo ass fast af2018-04-10 10:00:58
ttv/Katty_Wow such a 14yo :)2018-04-10 10:00:37
TXIDeranged kid who spammed my profile and stalked megot his autism gang to try and attack me and then deleted everything he postedsmh, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ loser2018-04-10 09:59:42
ttv/Katty_Trolling 14 year olds?How about you learn some manners and not insult someone based on their appearance you pathetic kid.2018-04-10 09:49:20
TXITrolling 14 year oldshard ass innit famchill out innit2018-04-10 09:45:12
♥ mushbrain ♥Either way u kewl in my books n_n 👌🏻2018-04-10 09:28:09
VeeSlayshey, crow! I just wanted to say that I have a full time job..! i get so much money now .. wanna go out for 45£ spaget?? its nothing for me... u know im "livinthegoodlife ;)2018-04-10 09:10:13
ttv/Katty_k2018-04-10 08:54:25
♥ mushbrain ♥u r da best2018-04-09 21:25:08
Sp!T_ShineDance wit me bbbyguuurlllll 19:05:10
Gin the Boxme lov u2018-04-09 13:06:11
CrowZer0I've never been a fan of fake, weak, cowardly people whose actions are so blatantly obvious to all but themselves. It's laughable. I can excuse and overlook many flaws, but lies and disloyalty I will not tolerate. Man the ♥♥♥♥ up and stop interfering in things that aren't your concern, and stop being such a sneaky snake who tries to but fails miserably in twisting the truth. You should have known better than to try that ♥♥♥♥ with me.#♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ "friends"♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ delusional ♥♥♥♥, if you make a mistake or get caught out you man the ♥♥♥♥ up not lie and dig your own grave.Go ♥♥♥♥ yourself cos no one else will. I never woulda thunk it not in a million years.2018-04-09 10:22:36
ttv/Katty_no padre2018-04-08 08:18:05
CrowZer0padre pls i cant even respond on your beautiful avatar2018-04-08 07:43:42
Gin the BoxHoobastank2018-04-08 07:42:26
ttv/Katty_Crowley misses u2018-04-08 06:56:21
ttv/Katty_Noot noot2018-04-08 06:45:31
ttv/Katty_It’s not racist2018-04-08 06:44:19
ttv/Katty_Crow just ate himself2018-04-08 06:44:10
Moon"Ain't nothing wrong with a man that watches pedophilia. Ain't nothing wrong."-Noot Noot2018-04-08 02:52:12
Moonimy2018-04-08 00:48:08
♥ mushbrain ♥U hax2018-04-07 21:45:20
ttv/Katty_Imy Crowley2018-04-07 21:42:23
Mooni gave her candy she gave me a hug it was the best feeling ever padre2018-04-07 21:37:31
Moonhey babydol wanna see a man ♥♥♥♥ a pringles can :>2018-04-07 21:37:15
MoonI never would have thunk it not in a million years that my best friend the person I trusted the most IS A JEW2018-04-07 21:36:54
MoonI was puking every 30 minutes padre2018-04-07 21:36:34
Moonkicking and screaming I cant play with that2018-04-07 21:36:27
Moonoh ho? muth be nieth playing with moon2018-04-07 21:36:16
MoonSteam in all aspects2018-04-07 16:43:07
ttv/Katty_k2018-04-07 09:17:00
Baby SaturnGET HIM HE IS THE FALSE SHEPERD2018-04-06 22:56:24
Sp!T_ShineLong lost redneck goat cousin of GoatZero. Poor goat. 21:45:35
♥ mushbrain ♥how do u have 300 hours on that bad game + no acheivements. did you just leave it open ?2018-04-06 21:43:08
Triple DeviljhoI saw a bird getting hit by a truck, and it reminded me of you.2018-04-06 17:02:46
antti like being bullied >:) don't stop there please2018-04-06 15:32:33
anttooof what a nice profile really atristic and beautiful2018-04-06 15:17:32
Moonyou are a nootnoootholic2018-04-06 13:40:14
Moonk.2018-04-06 13:39:06
Sp!T_ShineI forgot to mention I have vintage Andre the Giant nudes if you are interested in looking at uncircumcised penises.2018-04-05 21:15:48
Sp!T_ShineI'm 13, My fav game is Fortnite and I love hot cheetos. I like to watch pro wresting (cause I know it is real even thou haters say its not) and I like to watch Jersey Shore reruns. I am known for being edgy and sometimes I paint my fingernails black. If I could come back in another life as anyone it would be John Cena cause he is the best actor and real fighter in the world.2018-04-05 21:09:55
Moonslo2018-04-05 19:13:56
Triple DeviljhoI can't spell and be fast at the same time. Thats why people call me slow2018-04-05 19:13:20
ttv/Katty_k.2018-04-05 18:24:01
MoonLove and kindness are never wasted.2018-04-05 18:23:50
Sp!T_ShineSigned by SpiTistik2018-04-05 18:11:28
apolloΞsɪɢɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ sᴀᴅɪsᴛɪᴋΞ2018-04-05 17:48:12
Moonthis ain't insurgency ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-04-05 05:41:26
Moon-rep goes peepee when we get naded2018-04-05 01:28:54
Sp!T_ShineThe name is SpiTMy sources are legit♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with orangutan titsAnd 9 inch clitsWhile I snort ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥When I rage quitCause my gyros are lit2018-04-04 22:23:45
Sp!T_ShineA little glass never hurts the ass2018-04-04 22:13:03
Sp!T_Shinereal men drinks pieces of glass and enjoy the poops there after2018-04-04 22:11:27
Sp!T_Shine 22:10:26
Sp!T_ShineThey found shards of glass in those beers. But only in the glass bottles. Its a big recall and probably law suits in the working. If you drink the S.A. out of the can then its safe. Be safe and drink the glass shards. Life is to short to worry about what's in your beer. :P2018-04-04 22:09:51
Triple DeviljhoThat ass can't be a piece of meat, that ass a vegan ass. avoid that ♥♥♥♥ homes.2018-04-04 21:53:38
Triple Deviljhohtat k. Is this some Euro thing?2018-04-04 21:47:19
Triple DeviljhoThat wasn't 500 words, but I like you and you seem to determined in your reasoning.B+2018-04-04 21:45:08
Triple DeviljhoHow can you be a vegan and a meathead at the same time? It just doesnt make sense, explain it to me in 500 words.2018-04-04 21:39:44
Astarteyour girlfriend Bunny is very beautiful!2018-04-04 21:10:22
MoonK Padre u don't even imy me2018-04-04 15:26:35
Triple DeviljhoDamn son, how come your mom let's you have that many sluts? Mine only allows me 2.2018-04-04 15:00:45
Triple DeviljhoI am many things but I am not one of your 40 steam sluts. I can be though, I also enjoy free items and attention, but I have a buy in starting price at 4992018-04-04 14:39:59
ttv/Katty_Thanks m8!2018-04-04 14:05:19
MoonI slept 11 hours2018-04-04 11:58:38
BunnyEating a €6 Subway every week #livingthegoodlife2018-04-04 11:30:59
Bunnyhi "e-husbando"2018-04-04 11:10:56
Bunnybb2018-04-04 09:59:49
Bunnymy idiot who keeps dying to motorcycles2018-04-04 07:51:05
Moon Want some spaghettios?2018-04-03 22:44:36
ttv/Katty_Crowley misses u2018-04-03 21:04:45
Baby Saturnpapa do u love me2018-04-03 20:10:19
Moona steak for 30 dollars sounds nice but not with this girl. Nope .....2018-04-03 16:02:15
Moona steak for 30 dollars sounds nice but not with this girl. Nope .....2018-04-03 16:02:14
Moona steak for 30 dollars sounds nice but not with this girl. Nope .....2018-04-03 16:02:12
Moona steak for 30 dollars sounds nice but not with this girl. Nope .....2018-04-03 16:02:10
Moona steak for 30 dollars sounds nice but not with this girl. Nope .....2018-04-03 16:02:05
Moona steak for 30 dollars sounds nice but not with this girl. Nope .....2018-04-03 16:02:03
Bunnyyes2018-04-03 15:08:44
BarniHoly CrowZ Da Vinci2018-04-03 14:05:46
BunnyEverybody here wants you, my wuvshhhh2018-04-03 11:27:02
SilentRoseDel Kathryn Barton and Brendan Fletcher brings Oscar Wilde's The Nightingale and the Rose to vivid live in this animation masterpiece featuring Mia Wasikowska, Geoffrey Rush and David Wenham. 04:12:44
Moonyou drive like a butterfly without wings2018-04-02 22:46:11
BunnyCrow and me in a voice callCrow: "OKAY BYE!! "1 sec later -Crow calling me back-Crow "K I didn't realise it would hang up and I had to call back"HAHA IDIOT2018-04-02 17:08:02
ttv/Katty_:/2018-04-02 17:00:35
MoonWhere's mine Boxxxy?2018-04-02 16:58:00
ttv/Katty_I always respond tf :|2018-04-02 16:32:31
Gin the Box@kat they werent at this time2018-04-02 16:24:13
CrowZer0@Boxy your comments are closed!2018-04-02 16:16:35
ttv/Katty_bc ur comments were private??2018-04-02 16:15:02
Gin the BoxYou didn't answer to my last one so2018-04-02 16:08:02
ttv/Katty_Where's mine? :)2018-04-02 15:27:54
Bunny-rep sleeps all day doesn't answer whatsapp call2018-04-02 14:19:07
Bunnylemme kill you back with a frying pan2018-04-02 07:01:53
MoonGIFT ME PLZ D:2018-04-01 23:47:33
Mooni fapped through out your dream story2018-04-01 23:13:21
Baby Saturn👂🏽LISTEN UP👂🏽 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥❕❗️The 🐰Easter Bunny🐰 is CUMMIN💦💦💦 and he's gonna put his 🐣🐤♥♥♥♥🐤🐣 in your 👅🎀pink basket👜😫 get ready for your 🍭jelly bean🍭 to be licked👅👅👅 and your 🍳easter eggs🍳 fertilized🌱 april showers🍆💦💦💦 brings horny✨ may 🌷flowers🌷 Jesus✝ ain't the only thing ⤴️rising⤴️ this Sunday🙏🏽⚡️😉 it's time to let that 👶🏽baby making👶🏽 spring 🌧 rain drizzle all over that 🐱♥♥♥♥♥🐱 send this to 1️⃣0️⃣ of your sluttiest💋 spring hoes👠💄 to get something 💥special💥 in your 🍑buttercup🌼🌼😩 if you 🚫don't🚫 send this to 1️⃣0️⃣ of your 🔥baddest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔥 you won't get your 🍬candy🍬 eaten😭 🍆💦2018-04-01 22:43:13
MoonHe only celebrates Kwanzaa on Easter2018-04-01 20:02:10
Sp!T_ShineHappy Easter! Hopefully you got to diddle the bunny's bean2018-04-01 18:06:14
antthappy egg hunt day2018-04-01 13:52:17
CrowZer0Only an imbecile is offended when none was intended.2018-04-01 10:29:49
ttv/Katty_xD2018-04-01 10:18:02
Bunnycongrats on 450 perfecte2018-04-01 07:37:24
Void Enjoyedwowaweewa nice avatar - how much?2018-04-01 05:59:13
MoonOnly 580,963 achievements?2018-04-01 02:19:17
MoonWas nootiful2018-04-01 02:17:15
Bunnylove your encouragement btw‘♥♥♥♥♥♥’2018-03-31 22:02:59
Bunnythanks for dying for me2018-03-31 22:02:26
BunnyBEEP BEEP ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BUNNY IS HERE2018-03-31 22:02:09
AliasedThat's right kid, fight me irl.2018-03-31 20:01:19
Moonspeling is ♥♥♥♥2018-03-31 19:04:56
Bunny[23:44, 31-3-2018] Crow: Um conurbations2018-03-31 19:03:34
Sp!T_ShineHow I sound when I am crying cause there are nothing but campers hiding behind claymores on the other COD team. 18:39:08
Sp!T_ShineDaddy Likey! A tune that is supposed to heal the mind, soul and body. Used by the ancients to cleanse the spirit and relax the mantra while allowing ones mind to enter a God-like state. 17:40:38
Moonk.2018-03-31 17:06:56
ttv/Katty_k.2018-03-31 17:06:02
MoonCopy Kat2018-03-31 17:05:10
ttv/Katty_Oh ho?2018-03-31 16:57:33
MoonOh ho?2018-03-31 16:51:44
MoonGuten Morgen2018-03-31 16:02:35
Bunnywuvshie2018-03-31 10:50:55
Bunny+rep2018-03-31 08:08:39
Gin the BoxHangover hangover.2018-03-31 04:49:49
Moon♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ padre! your words are sweeter than a can of spaghettios :>2018-03-31 04:00:41
ttv/Katty_getting blocked for wishing someone a nice day, k :(2018-03-30 21:03:13
ttv/Katty_k.2018-03-30 20:49:13
BunnyBest pubg partner ever2018-03-30 20:45:28
BunnyCrow "Okay I get another pee..i mean...go pee"2018-03-30 19:18:46
MoonHappy Passover2018-03-30 14:50:42
BunnyNice avatar2018-03-30 09:22:50
Bunnysilly2018-03-30 07:10:19
Bunnyyou2018-03-30 07:10:09
Bunnylove2018-03-30 07:10:02
Moon 22:44:21
ttv/Katty_:>2018-03-29 22:41:57
ttv/Katty_i pushed you into the ball but k.2018-03-29 21:56:54
Moonsend me pictures when you make the bunny soup2018-03-29 18:37:42
Bunnywow i thought ur name was cute then you changed your avatar2018-03-29 15:13:22
AstarteI believe in you, but my gun not!2018-03-29 12:18:16
ttv/Katty_Cake is gone padre2018-03-29 08:53:36
BunnyI dreamed we were playing Fortnite and you kept going like "THERES SOMEONE HERE!!" and i was like "where?????" and you completely gave up on giving me directions cause i'm blind anyway.Gonna be fun in PUBG2018-03-29 08:35:01
Bunnysenpai2018-03-29 07:41:07
Bunnyoni channnn2018-03-29 07:40:54
Moon-rep calls me just to remind of what a dehydrated piece of ♥♥♥♥ I am2018-03-28 23:00:22
BunnyPrincess we got 159 scrakes on wave 23 gg2018-03-28 21:58:10
Astarteso you've changed profile with the real Bunny, nice2018-03-28 17:45:17
Bunnyfortnite is fun....even without you..... OK I JEST :(2018-03-28 15:28:33
Bunny~nuzzles cheek~2018-03-28 07:40:13
Bunnyowo2018-03-28 07:40:03
游学者叮当I lost my bao bei crow again.2018-03-27 21:23:45
anttspit has a good point tho... How much crow could a crow crow crow if a crow could crow a crow?2018-03-27 21:10:47
MoonLMAOOO spitty that made me piss my pants and I'm not even wearing any2018-03-27 20:42:23
Sp!T_ShineNeckbeards are cool...... HAHAHAHAHA SHUT UP2018-03-27 20:37:41
Sp!T_ShineIt has a long neck, A name of a bird, Feeds on cargo of ships, It's not alive,What is it? Its not my ♥♥♥♥♥ Crow.2018-03-27 20:35:47
Sp!T_ShineWhat one piece of advice would you offer to a newborn crow?2018-03-27 20:30:49
Sp!T_ShineWhy did the crow cross the road?2018-03-27 20:29:08
Sp!T_ShineHow much crow could a crow crow crow if a crow could crow a crow?2018-03-27 20:28:45
Sp!T_ShineDo crows sleep with their third eye open?2018-03-27 20:27:34
Sp!T_Shinehaha, u didnt see that cause you are sleeping2018-03-27 20:26:14
anttcuck2018-03-27 20:16:16
ttv/Katty_hi2018-03-27 20:13:43
MoonWhat a noot noot wittle bunny you are2018-03-27 19:42:10
Moonwe are still hotter than izan though2018-03-27 19:33:08
ttv/Katty_no ty2018-03-27 18:54:54
Moonkat "i don't like cucks"me "you're a cuck"2018-03-27 16:24:05
Bunnyyes are u the idiot who didnt see the shed?2018-03-27 15:30:29
Bunnyhello we played Fortnite squads thought i should add you2018-03-27 15:13:30
ttv/Katty_ty2018-03-27 15:04:20
ttv/Katty_tru2018-03-27 15:01:14
ttv/Katty_u ok?2018-03-27 13:54:47
ttv/Katty_wistful too eh2018-03-27 13:44:24
ttv/Katty_k2018-03-27 13:24:33
Bunnyi like u in leather pants2018-03-26 14:52:27
ttv/Katty_imy2018-03-26 14:09:51
Moon1:15 PM - Moon: muth be nieth being back1:18 PM - CrowZer0: k1:26 PM - CrowZer0: BACK FROM WHRE1:26 PM - Moon: DENVER1:26 PM - CrowZer0: did u even bring me an omlette1:26 PM - Moon: I did1:26 PM - Moon: but i ate it m91:26 PM - CrowZer0 is now Offline.K2018-03-25 21:48:03
Moonnew silicon valley tonight D: gifts pls2018-03-25 18:17:24
MoonWhat are you doing down there?2018-03-25 15:44:23
MoonOh thats why my ass hurts so much this morning...2018-03-25 15:42:23
Bunny+rep watches porn with me2018-03-25 14:17:27
Moon-rep doesn't watch porn with me2018-03-25 14:14:40
Bunnywhere are the 6 screenshots?2018-03-25 12:56:57
BunnyMe "I'm gonna go take a walk 15 mins"Crow "Do 10 mins then i can wash my face etc and be back"22 mins laterCrow "Be back soon"2018-03-25 11:23:18
Bunny-rep stole my hot wings2018-03-25 10:27:32
Bunnylmfao idling:- weeb games- bunny/rabbit games- crow games2018-03-25 07:55:03
Bunny+rep will cook for me2018-03-25 07:14:32
Bunnylevel 360 with me when?2018-03-25 07:13:35
Bunny-rep doesn’t taste my pancakes2018-03-25 07:09:32
Bunnyweeeebbb alert2018-03-25 07:09:17
ttv/Katty_+rep recommends gr8 movies2018-03-24 19:22:19
Baby SaturnGive me kiss2018-03-24 19:04:26
Bunnyimyx692018-03-24 19:02:21
Gin the Boximyx102018-03-24 18:58:52
Sp!T_Shine 18:47:43
Gin the BoxMorning' crowy!2018-03-24 10:46:20
Bunnyimy2018-03-24 06:58:45
Bunnyily2018-03-24 06:58:41
Moonpieth of sheet rages and deletes me cause his computer can't even run borderlands 1 but it can run borderlands 2 and 3 perfectly2018-03-24 03:25:32
ttv/Katty_♥♥♥♥2018-03-23 21:59:02
MoonWhen you manage to buy a 30 pound steak and act like you own the world #LivingTheGoodLife2018-03-23 21:32:01
ttv/Katty_-REP CHANGES CHATLOGS2018-03-23 20:57:44
ttv/Katty_Bunny 16 minutes ago I just love nooldles :lovez:Bunny 6 minutes ago send me nooldesnooldles vs nooldes2018-03-23 20:37:50
Bunnysend me nooldes2018-03-23 20:31:02
Bunny</3</3</32018-03-23 20:26:14
ttv/Katty_k.2018-03-23 20:23:15
BunnyKAT STOP IT FFS2018-03-23 20:22:58
ttv/Katty_nooldles2018-03-23 20:22:45
BunnyI just love nooldles2018-03-23 20:21:18
anttcall me, its always 2am when you call me, when you know that i dont wanna be lonely and i could use a hit of your crazy, yeaaah2018-03-23 19:20:27
MoonI will call you a ♥♥♥♥♥ and delete you sad2018-03-23 17:05:20
Moonyes very sad2018-03-23 17:04:55
Baby Saturngive me kissies cutie patootie2018-03-23 16:40:15
Gin the Boxno. it doesn't work bun.2018-03-23 16:39:51
BunnyIMY102018-03-23 15:36:12
Bunnyimy52018-03-23 15:21:51
Gin the BoxImy42018-03-23 13:31:14
MoonImy32018-03-23 13:28:22
ttv/Katty_imy22018-03-23 10:49:23
Bunnyimy2018-03-23 10:48:36
Gin the BoxOh, i meant, Have a good night lil whippersnapper, sleep well2018-03-23 09:39:42
Gin the Box'Morning!2018-03-23 09:11:40
MoonSend cute pics pls :)2018-03-23 04:35:03
mondayim your 8,400th comment2018-03-22 22:20:26
Sp!T_ShineThx for the lovely tune,My dog will have nothing but peanut butter poops for days now.2018-03-22 18:20:01
Bunny*goes back to her alt account*2018-03-22 17:32:10
BunnyMicropenis?IM LEAVING YOU2018-03-22 17:31:55
Gin the BoxMicropenis rly ? So the ones you sent me yesterday are fake!! I'm supa supa angry now2018-03-22 17:02:05
CrowZer0Someone has been exposing my nudes... how they know about my micropenis I don't know.2018-03-22 16:46:37
Gin the BoxBut I can't accept...sorry..2018-03-22 15:50:16
Gin the BoxThank you ! You're so kind, I didn't expect that.2018-03-22 15:48:56
BunnyYou're secretly dating some girl that has 2 accounts but you're gay!!!2018-03-22 15:48:24
CrowZer0I'm stealing your girl but I'm gay.Pro logic bruh!2018-03-22 15:46:34
Gin the BoxCan u loan me 59.99 dollars?2018-03-22 14:38:57
MoonPadre can u loan me 5 dollars?2018-03-22 14:36:10
Gin the BoxYou are a sumptuous splendour.2018-03-22 08:13:52
Bunnyimy2018-03-22 08:03:26
Bunny+rep let me be better in kf2 so i felt better2018-03-22 07:42:51
Sp!T_ShineHa, those gyros must have been lit2018-03-22 07:23:05
ttv/Katty_k.2018-03-22 00:23:24
Moon-rep ignores I died and goes "oh no!" to random cutie in game2018-03-22 00:02:44
ttv/Katty_-rep blames me for him dying2018-03-21 22:06:31
ttv/Katty_Gj nub2018-03-21 22:03:58
Moon+rep carried bunny in rocket league but doesn't even know how to fly2018-03-21 21:36:30
ttv/Katty_always grumpy.2018-03-21 15:33:21
ttv/Katty_totally2018-03-21 15:23:06
BunnyOH OKAY2018-03-21 14:23:05
ttv/Katty_k2018-03-21 13:06:46
ttv/Katty_wow2018-03-21 13:06:34
BunnyThank you, that's what I did it for2018-03-21 12:58:31
ttv/Katty_ty2018-03-21 11:54:09
MoonSry I have a cyber Bullbull fetish2018-03-21 11:30:00
CrowZer0I didn't get like 13 notifications...2018-03-21 11:26:18
MoonPieth of sheet2018-03-21 11:22:53
BunnyYou're welcome! ooohh waaait2018-03-21 08:25:55
Bunnyx2018-03-21 08:25:35
BunnyI will fix it2018-03-21 08:25:33
Gin the Boxget out you two, you're ruinning my botiful message to crow2018-03-21 08:22:45
Bunnygin the box stalks crow confirmed2018-03-21 08:07:01
Gin the BoxYou're so2018-03-21 07:19:48
Gin the Box♥♥♥♥♥♥'2018-03-21 07:18:56
Gin the Boxprecious2018-03-21 07:18:49
Gin the Boxwhen2018-03-21 07:18:40
Gin the Boxyou2018-03-21 07:18:35
Gin the Boxsmile2018-03-21 07:18:32
zMaybe c:2018-03-21 00:56:49
zNice butt2018-03-20 18:04:44
antthe gives decent fashion advice.2018-03-20 17:58:47
BunnyBaby we got to get outLet's get out of this townI want an ocean view, somewhereAs long as I'm next to you, I don't careI don't wanna live my life in circlesI just wanna find an empty roadLet's get away from here, let's go2018-03-20 17:12:57
MoonMazel tov*2018-03-20 13:34:33
MoonCrow told me he is 30 but I have proof he is 13 Mazel on your bar mitzvah padre2018-03-20 13:34:22
CrowZer0 This guys spot on, I'm supported by Bunny she pays for everything.2018-03-20 13:32:06
Gin the BoxUnemployed mailman2018-03-20 13:29:28
BunnyWow crow please tell me what you are?Are you 17 y/o or are you 30 y/o?Are you unemployed? Then how come I use you for your money?IM SO CONFUSED?You have a heart on your profile that's linked to a song. You're an alt account!2018-03-20 13:10:54
BunnyAgreeed2018-03-20 12:53:37
ttv/Katty_crowley forgives u2018-03-19 23:42:04
Void EnjoyedCrow I didn't know you used to be in old movies : 18:48:03
CrowZer0 LOL2018-03-19 12:19:07
CrowZer0I am dying of laughter.2018-03-19 11:58:11
CrowZer0 11:34:09
CrowZer0 Weirdo adds me, to ask me about two girls on my friends list to tell me that they are the same person, when I know for a fact they are two different girls.Some people's stupidity is astounding. 16:28 - Bambi: why the name almost similiar typing and emotes similiar and both songs linked with hearts on account on top16:28 - CrowZer0: you must not know a lot of girls16:28 - Bambi: ya i dont believe that ♥♥♥♥ for a second but thanks for having a chat2018-03-19 11:30:25
Bunnyis it working?2018-03-19 09:56:27
Moonits snowing here too padre wtf but its like the slushy gross snow2018-03-18 19:06:26
Bunny-rep accepts my expensive gifts then doesn't use them2018-03-18 17:04:26
Moon-rep says my boi♥♥♥♥♥ isnt hairy enough2018-03-18 16:38:45
Moonforgive me padre I was gonna tell you a taco bell or mcdonald joke but all I can afford is spaghettios2018-03-18 16:37:16
BunnyIly2018-03-18 16:02:32
Sp!T_ShineIt aint the size of the snake, its how much the snake saved by switching to Geico.2018-03-18 11:59:22
Gin the Boxhi2018-03-18 11:42:10
Baby Saturni never liked that song tbh2018-03-18 11:09:16
anttanime is a superior artform2018-03-17 23:26:04
anttbigdaddylildick2018-03-17 22:35:31
Sp!T_ShinewE gonNa Be Kangs an ♥♥♥♥♥♥ on Blops4?2018-03-17 21:24:04
BunnyGIFTS? D:2018-03-17 20:41:04
ttv/Katty_k.2018-03-17 19:14:56
MoonOHOHOHOHOH!2018-03-17 18:33:16
snzThey are so much better than kats mozart Smiley2018-03-17 18:26:35
snzGoku defeated : freezer , boo , ginyu force and golden freezer , brolyGohan defeated : cell , bojakGoten gohan goku defeated : revived brolyVegeta defeated: -----------------2018-03-17 18:23:51
snzOmg you got goku and vegeta smiley.I am trying to get that super sayajin blue goku wallpaper for 5 euro !2018-03-17 18:14:40
BunnySTOOOPIDDDDD2018-03-17 17:54:05
MoonShocked he took time out of his busy schedule changing diapers and masturbating to loli porn just to passively aggressively stalk us2018-03-17 17:39:16
MoonWhat a dumbass does he really think we won't know who it is?2018-03-17 17:38:27
MoonWhy do you make fun of me when all I got is spaghettios2018-03-17 17:24:55
Bunnyimy2018-03-17 17:15:10
MoonITS ME!!!! SUGARSLUT!!!2018-03-17 17:04:01
MoonOh no Ted left our groups??? What will we do!!!!2018-03-17 17:01:23
BunnyCrow drinking "Oh my god i forgot how much red bull looks like my piss"2018-03-17 16:57:02
ttv/Katty_<--- daddy2018-03-17 16:54:32
ttv/Katty_noot noot!2018-03-17 16:40:35
Sp!T_ShineDance wit me Shabach! 16:24:16
Sp!T_ShineMy dota2 skills need sharpening2018-03-17 16:18:47
Sp!T_Shineteach me how to play sensai monkfish2018-03-17 16:18:07
Bunny22:10 - CrowZer0: OK22:10 - CrowZer0: BRB22:10 - CrowZer0: k22:10 - CrowZer0: bye22:11 - CrowZer0: ok22:11 - CrowZer0: brb22:11 - CrowZer0: YES22:11 - CrowZer0: brb22:11 - CrowZer0: ok22:11 - CrowZer0: brb22:12 - CrowZer0: ok22:12 - CrowZer0: byeYou're SO tired2018-03-17 16:12:40
Bunnysuck suck2018-03-17 15:19:42
MoonFirst kiss song2018-03-17 14:44:43
MoonPlay this at my birfday crow2018-03-17 14:42:28
Bunnywhen crow tries to make music 14:40:43
MoonI told you 3 times I'm dead it didn't even register2018-03-17 14:36:43
Sp!T_ShinePOMF POMF! KIMOCHIWhats this sticky stuff of me?They play with me untilI smell like salty coins and milk~2018-03-17 14:31:17
BunnyCurrently OfflineLast Online 1 hrs, 34 mins agoLiar u talked to me a min ago2018-03-17 14:29:06
Moonoh ho? 14:26:03
ttv/Katty_k.2018-03-17 14:21:26
MoonWe are gonna need a lot of nutella2018-03-17 14:19:45
MoonLets fite .... naked2018-03-17 14:17:25
BunnyOH HO2018-03-17 14:14:11
MoonOh ho? Muth be nieth being asleep2018-03-17 14:09:50
CrowZer0im so confused rn forigve me padre i havent slept2018-03-17 14:06:56
MoonToo many notification stop being so popular2018-03-17 13:41:51
Sp!T_ShineGood luck, nephalem! May Kadala be generous and your deeds of valor always be remembered. Durp.....2018-03-17 13:39:38
Sp!T_Shinelol, couldnt stop binge watchin ♥♥♥♥♥♥ flute vids. Thx for that.....2018-03-17 13:29:33
BunnyCongrats on 430 perfects2018-03-17 12:36:06
ttv/Katty_wtf2018-03-17 12:20:59
Sp!T_ShineHola Hola Pepsi Cola Senor Crowla2018-03-17 12:14:34
Gin the Boxok i have pity for you so i accepted it2018-03-17 11:59:25
ttv/Katty_wtf is that2018-03-17 11:59:20
Gin the BoxDon't ever play yourself2018-03-17 10:58:25
snzLets give that public profile for my first time a try2018-03-17 10:47:54
CrowZer0i wud respond on ur profile m8 but u one dem guys who too scared to open public profile innitcant be scared all your life2018-03-17 10:44:56
snzLol2018-03-17 10:41:19
CrowZer0i tht it was a 2 way strapon?2018-03-17 10:39:04
snzAslong kat wont come with her giant glued dildo on her i am fine2018-03-17 10:38:01
CrowZer0aight m8 meet me after school behind the dustbins innit2018-03-17 10:36:59
snzAllright lets go padavan2018-03-17 10:34:01
Bunny1v1 me penis swords2018-03-17 10:23:06
ttv/Katty_imy slut2018-03-17 09:34:22
Bunnycheevo slut2018-03-17 06:49:36
Bunnyimy slut2018-03-17 06:10:03
MoonIMY slut2018-03-17 05:03:35
Moon Izan: Make a change... Love yourself2018-03-16 23:26:06
ttv/Katty_I already liked it2018-03-16 23:05:41
ttv/Katty_-rep, kept dying in kf2 and had the lowest amount of kills every gameSAY WATAH2018-03-16 22:43:51
ttv/Katty_LOL2018-03-16 21:00:41
MoonWant my ?2018-03-16 20:59:09
ttv/Katty_Want my ?2018-03-16 20:58:36
MoonWant my ?2018-03-16 20:53:29
ttv/Katty_crowley forgives u :>2018-03-16 20:21:26
ttv/Katty_BC I'M THE BEST2018-03-16 20:20:58
Sp!T_ShineBout time my ♥♥♥♥♥ 16:42:24
MoonEat your ka-kabob2018-03-16 15:14:21
Gin the Box weew2018-03-16 12:32:47
ttv/Katty_:))2018-03-16 12:10:54
Bunnybest voice call/screen share ever where you are sleeping and listening to smooth music hahah2018-03-16 09:59:08
anttSientate chica!2018-03-16 07:31:44
BunnyCrowZer0 - Today at 12:43 PMLove the 109 BTWThe 10pK♥♥♥♥ in2018-03-16 06:43:41
BunnyCrowZer0 - Today at 12:14 PMA lotHappenI'm even a serial killerehmmmmm2018-03-16 06:15:00
Bunnyeverybody here wants you, my waifu2018-03-16 04:21:19
Bunnyhi boxbox2018-03-16 04:11:53
Gin the Boxhi bunbun2018-03-16 03:52:56
Bunnyi wake up when you go to sleep2018-03-16 03:38:05
BunnyBb2018-03-16 03:35:46
ttv/Katty_gn ♥♥♥2018-03-16 02:01:40
Gin the BoxOhCopying only 5% to make me embarrassed kAdios2018-03-16 01:38:57
Moonhi2018-03-16 01:28:39
ttv/Katty_hi2018-03-16 01:05:17
ttv/Katty_'Pretty Little Slags'2018-03-16 00:36:40
ttv/Katty_ur lit2018-03-16 00:26:53
ttv/Katty_izan said he'd give me keys if i sent him pics2018-03-16 00:24:40
Mooneat ur pizza fatty2018-03-16 00:11:32
ttv/Katty_President Moon Crowley2018-03-16 00:09:25
ttv/Katty_:hillary:2018-03-16 00:00:48
ttv/Katty_Thank u, I chose it myself <32018-03-15 22:36:17
ttv/Katty_ 21:04:55
ttv/Katty_k.2018-03-15 20:55:20
Moonwht u fink bout dem black lief mattah?2018-03-15 19:21:26
Bunnywhat chu doing daddy2018-03-15 18:31:34
Gin the Boxwish u were my third grandpa2018-03-15 17:57:22
CrowZer0i cant keep up with these notificationsim an old man2018-03-15 17:51:12
BunnyIn high school I was a lonerI was a reject, I was a poserMultiple personalities, I'm bipolarI swear, I mean well, I'm still goin' to hell2018-03-15 17:20:47
Moon:ghlol:2018-03-15 17:20:24
BunnyIdk what you're getting lube for2018-03-15 17:18:55
CrowZer0*gets popcorn and lube*2018-03-15 17:16:20
ttv/Katty_fu22018-03-15 17:12:46
Bunnyfu kat2018-03-15 17:09:44
BunnyLOOK2018-03-15 17:09:38
ttv/Katty_both as autistic as one another2018-03-15 16:57:04
ttv/Katty_"languae'2018-03-15 16:56:45
ttv/Katty_'cuber bul bul'2018-03-15 16:56:30
BunnyInb4 kat cyberbullies me by making fun of "languae"2018-03-15 16:54:09
Bunnyeverybody here wants youMY WUUUUUUUUUUVSHMY WUUUUUUUUUUUUVSHOr in crow languae "my wife"2018-03-15 16:53:51
MoonK. Send a picture of pizza when he knows I'm on keto2018-03-15 16:34:49
Bunnykgkgkg2018-03-15 14:22:08
Bunnyoh ho?ur whalecumohiyotadaimadiscomuth be nithe2018-03-15 14:21:58
Gin the BoxCrowZer0 has added House Party to their wishlist.2018-03-15 12:11:06
Bunnyily2018-03-15 07:51:11
Void Enjoyedהכל יחסית טוב אח שלו. מה איתך מותק ?2018-03-14 19:31:38
Bunnycrow: What we this embryo you gotwhat he means ‘what was this email you got’2018-03-14 15:13:38
ttv/Katty_alresdy2018-03-14 14:04:40
BunnyHi2018-03-14 14:03:32
Bunnyyou’re alresdy caught in it2018-03-14 14:03:25
MoonHi2018-03-14 12:30:43
ttv/Katty_Hi2018-03-14 07:51:28
Gin the BoxHi2018-03-14 07:26:35
ttv/Katty_ofc, president moon is the best2018-03-14 06:09:47
CrowZer0Crowy never starts with people, unless they're complete imbeciles that need to be taken down a peg.Most people are so stupid and weak compared to me, I feel like I'm superman fighting kids. Sure they're morons, but i feel bad for what I see as morons. Stop hating on me, cos I'm smart, successful, handsome, confident, strong and winning.Fanboys need to stop being sad.2018-03-14 06:07:58
CrowZer0@moon I didn't troll anybody I remember this kid coming to my profile spewing hate and telling me how hates 14yo kids like me living off mummy's credit card. Because I made a joke on a friends page lol. So I invited him to. Some nice steam groups that he might enjoy, and then his reaction was spectacular. Sometimes steam and online communities provide so much entertainment in terms of how stupid people online are.2018-03-14 06:03:21
Moon LOL remember when you trolled this guy?2018-03-14 01:09:23
ttv/Katty_'That annoying song from The Walking Dead.' LOL2018-03-13 20:33:52
Moon this is your fave song2018-03-13 20:29:22
Baby SaturnPapa here are some kisses2018-03-13 19:06:08
Moon this is what I like2018-03-13 16:25:50
ttv/Katty_tru2018-03-13 15:39:52
Bunny-rep keeps repeating how i should've never put my laptop where it is now WHILST I CAN'T TURN BACK ANYMORE AND AM ALREADY SAD2018-03-13 14:55:06
ttv/Katty_Little Lamb? HAHAHA OKAY2018-03-13 14:24:56
MoonWhere is tango2018-03-13 14:21:29
MoonRepawted2018-03-13 13:41:38
Gin the BoxOh, yes, thank you for that.2018-03-13 13:06:08
ttv/Katty_k.2018-03-13 12:11:57
ButteNo worries, I just released the racing pigeons!2018-03-13 11:53:37
ButteI already received them anyways and sent them around the world. :)2018-03-13 11:45:03
ButteWanna unfriend her? :>2018-03-13 11:37:26
Butte17:33 - kat.: ye usually crow spamming17:33 - kat.: or those other oneskatu. gives no sh*t about us but you... :c2018-03-13 11:35:17
Gin the BoxCrowZer0 5 hours ago Procrastination is the death of all great minds. - CrowZer0 2018Another word you stole from us, k.2018-03-13 11:04:38
Bunny-rep re-uses a vocaroo2018-03-13 10:15:17
CrowZer0Procrastination is the death of all great minds. - CrowZer0 20182018-03-13 05:35:45
Moon-rep left me in the middle of a zombie record game to feed his children, hanzel and gretel, warm milk and bagel bites2018-03-12 21:07:41
MoonI can't copy and paste anything you say because all you do is show me your boi♥♥♥♥♥ and ♥♥♥♥ pics2018-03-12 21:00:53
Bunnyliar i hate the yellow badge2018-03-12 18:16:19
Bunny00:07 - CrowZer0 / Idle: what r u talking abou lol00:07 - Bunny: the hardstyle song00:07 - Bunny: from russia with greatness00:07 - Bunny: da tweekaz2018-03-12 18:08:46
Sp!T_ShineLittle black dress designer Givenchy dies aged 91 No loss.. she looks best naked anyways. 18:08:29
Bunny23:42 - CrowZer0 / Idle: lol23:42 - CrowZer0 / Idle: did i really say f23:42 - CrowZer0 / Idle: lol23:42 - Bunny: yes23:42 - CrowZer0 / Idle: what23:42 - CrowZer0 / Idle is now Offline.K.2018-03-12 17:43:15
Bunny-rep scares me by saying he's finishing off work then not replying for 3 hours and his last reply was "F"Turns out he was napping.2018-03-12 17:42:07
Bunnyoohh keep shaking that ass for me princess2018-03-12 17:18:09
Gin the BoxYeah, I'll jam witcha everyday2018-03-12 17:15:14
BunnyLEET IT GOOOOOOOOOO2018-03-12 17:13:36
MoonVitaminK.2018-03-12 17:12:44
CrowZer0k2018-03-12 17:10:14
MoonGood Liver is actually full of vitamin K2018-03-12 17:09:34
Bunnyi sold it for a new liver2018-03-12 17:07:37
MoonBunny where is your ?2018-03-12 17:06:59
Moonill grab you by the boi♥♥♥♥♥2018-03-12 17:06:40
Bunny:aurora:2018-03-12 17:00:46
MoonBelieve me Its true its true2018-03-12 16:59:53
Astarte-rep not enough crows on my profile2018-03-12 16:58:45
AstarteIt's stronger than me!!! I can't avoid2018-03-12 16:55:01
AstarteNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY!!! Easter haven't came yet!2018-03-12 16:44:53
MoonThanks for the game ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-03-12 15:47:32
Gin the BoxALORS ON DANSE2018-03-12 06:29:27
Bunnycan’t ever resist you2018-03-11 19:07:37
Astarte-rep have more achievements than me2018-03-11 18:37:37
BunnyI forgot my blow job at your house, can i come over and get it?2018-03-11 17:41:42
BunnyYou run track? cause I heard you relay want this ♥♥♥♥.2018-03-11 17:40:01
BunnyMy ♥♥♥♥ just died, can I bury it in your vagina?2018-03-11 17:37:57
Bunnyi did it by hand too2018-03-11 17:35:24
Bunny♥♥♥♥ why is it crooked2018-03-11 17:35:12
MoonWell with a fat izan it will attack you unless you stand still2018-03-11 17:11:01
Bunnystreams kf2 for me, sucks at it and keeps standing still to chat with people2018-03-11 16:47:54
Bunnyowo2018-03-11 16:18:35
Bunnywants me to dress up as a nun first2018-03-11 16:17:26
MoonD: Don't worry Kat.... He will return the favor2018-03-11 15:49:20
ttv/Katty_D:2018-03-11 15:45:43
MoonI called you an annoying kicking screaming pieth of ♥♥♥♥♥, lied to you about how "sick" I was, took all your pity and gifts over the years, and WORST of all told you that you don't even register....#HappyBirthday Forgive me padre didn't want to worry you2018-03-11 15:45:18
MoonIt was cheap and it came out when I typed "poop" in the steam store2018-03-11 15:06:27
MoonLol really?2018-03-11 15:05:05
zNo. But i still got cake c:2018-03-11 00:11:16
Gin the BoxOfc everybody does hate him. The opposite would be surprising.2018-03-10 17:48:31
Bunnyi take everything back2018-03-10 17:42:23
Bunnyu suck bye2018-03-10 16:52:11
Bunnydidnt mean it2018-03-10 16:51:56
Bunnyoops wrong profile2018-03-10 16:50:23
Bunnyhey @ everyone ily crow k bye2018-03-10 16:49:35
Bunnyoh ILY2018-03-10 16:47:49
MoonForgive me padre I was only returning the favor2018-03-10 16:22:38
antt-rep he knows i'm weak and cant do one arm things yet2018-03-10 16:17:07
Bunny+-rep buys cereal at 10pm2018-03-10 15:30:23
Astarteactually, my nick remind me this: 11:37:13
ttv/Katty_t h a n k s2018-03-10 08:44:02
Bunnynobody like i doooo2018-03-10 07:26:40
Bunnyimy2018-03-10 07:07:05
Sp!T_ShineYaY, Gramps is gonna have a heart attack2018-03-10 06:27:52
MoonDo you even imy me?2018-03-10 02:10:19
antt+rep he teaches me everything ❤2018-03-10 01:42:57
Baby Saturni smell sweet cherrys being popped, has your cherry been popped?2018-03-09 23:12:27
Bunny+rep doesn't let me sleep on the floor2018-03-09 18:58:56
Bunny-rep won't play Overcooked or genital jousting at his house2018-03-09 18:58:17
Bunny-rep doesnt play RL Battleblock KF2 hero siege or anything with me2018-03-09 18:57:59
Bunnyk2018-03-09 18:48:51
muffya tree bleeding is very real, what are you talking about ?2018-03-09 18:20:08
Astarte"♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with me is just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with yourself", I'm scare now2018-03-09 18:07:21
Astarteand?2018-03-09 18:06:21
Astartehahaha I'm hetero, sorry2018-03-09 18:02:59
BunnyPur´posed`lyadv. 1. In a purposed manner; according to purpose or design; purposely.A poem composed purposedly of the Trojan war.2018-03-09 17:34:57
BunnyCrow: Well in behhhinjnf2018-03-09 17:33:33
Bunnycaus you have a sweet ass2018-03-09 17:26:23
Gin the BoxI did indeed.2018-03-09 17:11:28
MoonPiethOfSheet2018-03-09 13:16:54
Bunny‘i might go to sleep when you go’said crow 10 hours ago2018-03-09 06:53:51
CrowZer0Everyone unblocked. 01:03:35
ttv/Katty_I HAD IT FIRST2018-03-08 22:55:31
MoonD:2018-03-08 22:00:30
Teddy FreiBär™Sorry... took me a while...2018-03-08 20:22:35
Bunny+rep plays music for me when im bored waiting for my game to be done2018-03-08 18:54:19
游学者叮当Chewmian and jioze are great2018-03-08 18:33:09
ttv/Katty_Good2018-03-08 18:17:59
Moonyou ruined my heart spam you cuck2018-03-08 18:17:35
ttv/Katty_>:(2018-03-08 18:17:12
ttv/Katty_:steak:2018-03-08 18:17:04
Bunnyno one cares2018-03-08 17:09:56
Bunnyoh thanks i'm really proud of that2018-03-08 16:02:36
Gin the Box 12:57:35
Moondescribe to me your food like a fat person would2018-03-08 12:57:02
Bunnyhappy international woman’s day u beautiful grill2018-03-08 11:27:18
Bunny"At this rate i'll finish work in an hour" ok i shut up> You're online on steam.k.2018-03-08 09:57:32
Sp!T_Shine=2018-03-08 06:28:28
ttv/Katty_Crow: You’re 🐳2018-03-08 06:05:02
muffyspiffu2018-03-07 20:41:53
Bunnysay some more ♥♥♥♥ and i'll get crow out of my played games2018-03-07 16:01:26
BunnyMY NAME IS JESSICA2018-03-07 14:35:38
ttv/Katty_k.2018-03-07 13:57:17
ttv/Katty_aye, made me wanna kms2018-03-07 13:53:27
Bunnyyou literally memed me yesterday, did you change to be a different person overnight?2018-03-07 13:44:54
Bunnyinb4 you think you should meme "dmbass"2018-03-07 13:41:55
Bunnyur 1 hour behind dmbass so it was 5 for you2018-03-07 13:40:47
Bunny-rep kept me up till 62018-03-07 07:02:35
MoonWould have called myself Gin the ♥♥♥♥♥, but we both know that was already taken.2018-03-07 01:46:18
Moon66.7 hours past 2 weeks?why no 66.7 gifts for moon in past 2 weeks?2018-03-07 00:10:50
MoonI'm addicted to you don't you know that I'm toxic2018-03-06 23:24:24
BunnyCrowZer0 - 01/06/2018I quit smokingit was so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ easylol2018Had beeen...REALLLLY good to me :smile:Do you wanna be my friend?Or do you wanna ♥♥♥♥ off? :smile:i know you're scaredBunny - 01/06/2018I went to the toilet.2018-03-06 20:04:46
Bunnyr u srsi am back on ur list 1 day and you edit chats already?2018-03-06 20:02:34
CrowZer0no... and what is gfl?2018-03-06 18:48:19
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎remember me from gfl2018-03-06 18:34:25
Bunnymiss me with that bs.2018-03-06 18:20:23
Sp!T_ShineHell ya, as long as it is really, truly boots on the ground without any wall running or boost jumping I will be all over it. Can't wait. So happy they are gonna put another year of boots on the ground COD.2018-03-06 17:58:30
ttv/Katty_wtf2018-03-06 17:41:05
Baby Saturnact tough? fronting? hmmm2018-03-06 17:38:17
Bunnythe only good thing you did was the avatar2018-03-06 17:28:59
Bunnyu ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up my proifle2018-03-06 17:27:37
ttv/Katty_rip me2018-03-06 17:03:12
Bunnyk2018-03-06 16:47:59
Bunny♥♥♥♥ off ur not even my friend get away from my page2018-03-06 16:16:02
Bunnythat's a huge ass2018-03-06 15:41:56
Bunnyit's beautiful where did you find that?2018-03-06 15:35:15
MoonNo it was a compliment I love big juicy fat asses2018-03-06 12:55:21
Void EnjoyedYes we are.2018-03-06 12:11:12
Baby Saturnwho?2018-03-05 20:09:53
MoonI am a cyber psychiatrist, I specialize in:-Post-CyberBullbull-Stress-Disorder-Nootnootism-Vegan withdrawal--Being a cuckizan I can't help you if you suffer from being a pieth of sheet though2018-03-04 22:07:28
游学者叮当ni hao2018-03-04 21:35:55
游学者叮当o ha you gozaimasu2018-03-04 21:35:18
Baby Saturnawww you called me son :') but papa i shall bring honor and build my own empire, i shall conquer the world, will you join me on this noble adventure.2018-03-04 21:28:51
slasherMSG me when you want boost with @moon2018-03-04 18:49:25
livet deluxeITS BEDTIME ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BYE2018-03-04 18:06:05
♥ mushbrain ♥HhhhMmmmmmyesssssss2018-03-04 18:05:50
ttv/Katty_♥♥♥♥ on ♥♥♥♥ action here bois2018-03-04 18:04:14
ttv/Katty_oooooo2018-03-04 18:04:06
CrowZer0:facepalm:I'm supposed to be keeping the drama and public life low key...I can resist anything but temptation.Ok now send noods plz2018-03-04 18:04:05
livet deluxeLOVE ME SENPAI2018-03-04 18:03:01
livet deluxeI DID2018-03-04 18:02:56
ttv/Katty_u better join his groups otherwise he'll hate u2018-03-04 18:01:04
livet deluxebruh, fanboy indeed2018-03-04 18:00:30
ttv/Katty_23:58 - roid: this dude23:58 - roid: omfg so funny23:58 - roid: hahahahah23:59 - roid: damn23:59 - roid: he just made my day23:59 - roid: with that comment hahahahahahAnother fanboy?2018-03-04 17:59:43
livet deluxe10/102018-03-04 17:58:40
livet deluxeCOME AT ME BISH2018-03-04 17:51:31
Til mit der Brill'™I AM THE NOOTNAT!2018-03-04 16:15:53
anttit isnt here yet gosh2018-03-04 16:00:52
Moondenver omlette is one of our great cuisines, but I bet you have never heard of rocky mountain oysters.2018-03-04 15:24:27
ttv/Katty_LOL2018-03-04 15:17:28
MoonUrban DictionaryspackThe sound that a blast of ♥♥♥ makes when hitting a hard surface, such as a bathroom tile floor.K2018-03-04 15:10:35
ttv/Katty_wtf? i said i don't want any u spack2018-03-04 15:05:14
MoonIdle = I'm making bagel bites2018-03-04 15:01:19
ztoo many creepos online so it's better this way for now ^=^ hows you gramps2018-03-04 14:59:16
MoonHe got the sexy ass from squating and teabagging peoples faces for 63 hours on warframe OH HO MUTH BE NIETH2018-03-04 14:54:58
Gin the Boxthat's hours of squats2018-03-04 14:53:07
ttv/Katty_yes, who isn't?2018-03-04 14:51:01
Moonswaffle2018-03-04 14:45:24
Moonmaking love to me is making love to yourself2018-03-04 14:42:34
ttv/Katty_SEXY ASS PROFILE MATE2018-03-04 14:40:03
ttv/Katty_what2018-03-04 14:37:35
Gin the BoxYeah. how are you?2018-03-04 14:29:14
Moony u leef me for a comedy show?2018-03-04 01:15:43
Sp!T_ShineIs it normal for my kubrow to drag her butt on the ground non stop?2018-03-03 23:15:34
MoonI just came here to say IMY2018-03-03 17:32:16
Moonmi tarzan i fk a monkey2018-03-03 17:09:11
MoonIf you are depressed just remember to keep your chin up and always remember how great your weekend is!2018-03-03 15:21:56
anttwait yes i did ;-;2018-03-03 14:56:29
anttr u deprrssed again crowy2018-03-03 14:49:58
muffyit's for a good cause2018-03-02 20:20:28
DeniseAnd you should change yours to "I'm a repressed ♥♥♥♥♥♥, DM me to ♥♥♥♥ my ass"2018-03-02 19:18:04
Sp!T_ShineMosh with me bby squirrel 18:22:13
Baby SaturnMmmmm thickboi2018-03-02 09:02:54
Gin the Box The new of X2018-03-02 08:19:24
Sp!T_ShineIs your Crowy ready to breed with Morgana and make kubrow ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥?2018-03-02 06:32:03
ttv/Katty_I hope you enjoyed the spam2018-03-02 04:39:31
ttv/Katty_02:05 - CrowZer0: on something that gets discunted02:05 - CrowZer0: k02:05 - CrowZer0: discounted2018-03-01 20:05:25
HaydnHappy birfday ya fanny, Will ya be my daddy?2018-03-01 17:24:11
muffyhiyo2018-03-01 16:34:30
ttv/Katty_(:2018-03-01 15:12:03
ttv/Katty_k.2018-03-01 13:53:22
Gin the Box 13:46:49
HaydnIts ♥♥♥♥♥♥ snowing m82018-03-01 09:07:30
Sp!T_Shineloogie loogie loogieits a song about spit with a hot brunette in it2018-02-28 17:51:41
MoonMaybe you should just drink some water and you wouldn't feel so "sick" all the time u pieth of ♥♥♥♥2018-02-28 17:39:48
Gin the BoxYes indeed! And I don't want to miss it!2018-02-28 16:26:58
Gin the BoxPlz not me :(2018-02-28 15:15:05
Gin the BoxSuch an upsetting profile summary.2018-02-28 14:51:23
Gin the BoxNice writing2018-02-28 13:12:01
Gin the Boxits APPEL MOI PAPA*but nice try2018-02-28 13:11:16
zBubble butt ^^2018-02-28 12:27:03
ttv/Katty_Hi u2018-02-28 10:26:13
HaydnMans getting them peng gallys ;)2018-02-28 07:51:34
DeniseHow dare you >:(2018-02-27 20:09:45
Sp!T_ShineNothing spells fun like M-o-n-k-e-y-j-i-z-z2018-02-27 18:12:12
Moon 17:58:17
ttv/Katty_xp2018-02-27 17:32:42
HaydnI like tekken and dogs :(2018-02-27 17:29:21
CrowZer0@easy no everyone deleted me all 800 people2018-02-27 17:28:24
ttv/Katty_what kind of question is that?2018-02-27 13:00:13
EASYCleared your friendlist?2018-02-27 12:56:22
ttv/Katty_CrowZer0 - Today at 15:24 YouTubefreakazoid73Turtle OrgasmKat. - Today at 15:25f offnoLOLCrowZer0 - Today at 15:25LOLLOOK AT HIMSO CUTE2018-02-27 09:26:27
ttv/Katty_kill me crow pls2018-02-27 08:31:00
ttv/Katty_he insults u and says he'll beat you up yet we're the bad guys?2018-02-27 08:29:31
ttv/Katty_WE ARE CYBERBULLIES BROOOOOOOOOO2018-02-27 08:29:04
muffyoops2018-02-26 18:00:58
kuntanaHappy Birthday daddy crow ily!!!2018-02-26 17:39:47
ttv/Katty_<332018-02-26 14:27:49
ttv/Katty_stfu ♥♥♥♥2018-02-26 14:20:38
VeeSlaysoh... okay! I will get up and take some nudes for you right now! special ones 4 u2018-02-26 14:01:41
ttv/Katty_hi u2018-02-26 13:42:11
VeeSlaysI will send you all my nudes2018-02-26 13:15:29
游学者叮当yeah crownix2018-02-26 07:34:16
游学者叮当the old crow is dead. now you are the new one2018-02-26 07:24:12
muffyLol got it right after you posted comment2018-02-26 07:15:10
Sp!T_Shinebday party?, shave your feathers and do the jiggy2018-02-26 07:00:48
游学者叮当Happy birthday bro! crow's back?2018-02-26 05:12:10
VeeSlaysHappy birthday!!2018-02-26 03:36:54
GrimStriderHappy birthday!!2018-02-25 23:21:15
Evhr fbi utf get rHappy birthday!2018-02-25 19:12:45
ttv/Katty_np spastic2018-02-25 18:48:09
Moonhappy birthday2018-02-25 18:44:51
ttv/Katty_HAPPY BDAY CROWWW2018-02-25 18:40:33
ttv/Katty_Don't put it on your wl if you don't own it :(2018-02-25 18:22:01
muffyHappy birthdaaaaaay!2018-02-25 18:02:10
muffyI just did you a favour! Now you can live your best days!2018-02-25 17:10:33
ttv/Katty_I can live my best days without you2018-02-25 15:49:25
ttv/Katty_stsbbed2018-02-25 15:39:25
MoonOh yeah.. Happy early birthday ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-02-25 15:39:00
Moon-rep gave me the worst days, stsbbed me one thousand times and then complains like a victim.Pieth of sheet I hope you meet someone that makes you realizes why you never worked out... But it didn't even register.2018-02-25 15:38:18
MoonColder than a night in the Pittsburgh jungles2018-02-24 22:45:00
Sp!T_Shine*too2018-02-24 19:21:42
Sp!T_ShineWorking straight thru the weekend so I'm trying to stay offline so my COD buddies don't bug me to play WWII. If they see I am online playing a game they expect me to at least come on teamspeak and I am just to hermit crab and burnt out lately to do it.2018-02-24 19:21:24
Sp!T_ShineIm hooked on Kingdom Come Deliverence lately, its a pretty good single player rpg so far. Using some nexus mods to make it more fun.2018-02-24 19:18:55
Sp!T_ShineI was kinda torn on which follower to use also, I can't remember if you can use the kubrow and a follower bot at the same time. But I think you have to choose one or the other and so once my kubrow started eating raw chicken and beef and was getting nice and buff I think I just started to take her along for the ride.2018-02-24 19:17:21
Sp!T_ShineCan't remember, been too long, I will try to fire the game up some time this coming week and check, I still have a ton of currency, I bought a big package cause the game was free and I was digging it back then. I turned my Call Of Duty buddy Jigsaw onto the game back then and he plays it non stop ever since and he barely plays COD now. He is actually cancelling his Black Ops 1 server that he has been running for like 6 years because he just plays Warframe now. :P2018-02-24 19:14:25
Moonbtw nice profile picture2018-02-23 17:29:00
Moonungrateful pith of ♥♥♥♥2018-02-23 17:26:25
MoonBe thankful you got a frozen tomato and not spaghetti-o's2018-02-23 17:26:09
Sp!T_ShineI stroked my kubrow for 45 hours straight2018-02-23 17:14:38
Sp!T_ShineFor every 30 minutes of playing video games you are supposed to take a break and do 1 hour of rigorous cardio or fap excercises.2018-02-23 17:01:15
ttv/Katty_kys2018-02-23 14:27:09
ttv/Katty_20:25 - CrowZer0: this is20:25 - CrowZer0: mme n u tho innit20:25 - CrowZer0: 14:27:06
MoonForgive me for being offline. I didn't want to worry you padre.2018-02-23 13:37:13
MoonBeen on no-poop for 4 days now and already feel the super powers Really just hope I don't fart line.2018-02-23 13:32:22
ttv/Katty_cuck2018-02-23 12:51:04
Gin the BoxBritish accent is2018-02-23 12:05:29
ttv/Katty_Unfriend me then u cuck2018-02-23 05:25:26
Sp!T_ShineTaking night classes to become a baby mortician, seemed like a positive career choice. Plus its a panty dropper pick up line when I'm at the clubs ho hoppin.2018-02-22 19:20:27
MoonTell that to the President2018-02-22 19:06:07
daddyBoth parties need to make a commitment to eachother, not just one person. Not all of us have the free time to talk, whatever, we both have nothing to lose.2018-02-22 18:54:07
MoonDo you even know how to fry a cucumber?2018-02-22 17:56:21
Gin the BoxIndeed. 39, that's quite low. I feel like I don't deserve our friendship.2018-02-22 17:36:37
ttv/Katty_39 friends wowowowowow2018-02-22 16:58:45
DeniseGive me a few years and I'll do it ;)2018-02-22 16:56:22
Gin the BoxWoo r u ? in ginna block u if u keep spamming me2018-02-22 14:53:11
ttv/Katty_in ginna2018-02-22 13:02:26
MoonI'm gonna*2018-02-22 12:59:20
MoonPiece of ♥♥♥♥ in ginna steal your wheel chair and sell it for a brand new rollie watch2018-02-22 12:58:55
Gin the Box1v1 warframe 10 pm GMT +1 after the brit awards, you ll see if its a bad mouse2018-02-22 12:39:12
CrowZer0And like a lil cuck deleted all of his messages, lol!2018-02-22 12:26:27
CrowZer0Why are you still here? Go away live your life.2018-02-22 12:21:06
CrowZer0That's why he will forever be "dumb".He didn't know, now he knows.2018-02-22 12:19:13
ttv/Katty_u can't grow legs. wtf? xD2018-02-22 12:18:26
CrowZer0buh bye Darijen, good luck in life and your music!2018-02-22 12:16:00
daddydamn2018-02-22 11:20:19
ttv/Katty_G4y4u2018-02-22 05:50:51
MoonYou should +rep me for that lucky punk2018-02-21 21:32:41
antt-Rep After a good game in csgo, i added him because he seemed like a cool guy. We got chatting, over the next couple of months we became good friends. Lots of banter, lots of great CS and most importantly true friendship. I invited him to my house for a csgo lan party. He said he was coming so i was looking forward to meeting him in real life. When he arrived at my house, he pushed me against the wall and started nibbling my ear, i felt his hard ♥♥♥♥ push against my leg. I punched him and then 1 tapped him. Turns out he was gay. Don't trust this guy.2018-02-21 19:48:46
MiyaviHOW DARE YOU catfish me2018-02-21 18:36:23
anttcan i trap you ;)))2018-02-21 18:18:05
Sp!T_ShineCan I be your dirty little kubrow?2018-02-21 16:55:49
Gin the Boxrekt by your own country2018-02-21 14:23:53
Gin the BoxLOOOOOL2018-02-21 14:23:44
Gin the Box 14:16:06
ttv/Katty_♥♥♥♥2018-02-21 13:41:31
ttv/Katty_♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-02-21 13:41:26
ttv/Katty_u2018-02-21 13:41:23
ttv/Katty_off2018-02-21 13:41:21
ttv/Katty_♥♥♥♥2018-02-21 13:41:18
Gin the Boxuvsme warframe 10pm2018-02-21 13:39:56
Gin the BoxNope, 4. But im good with that, i don't need more ♥♥♥♥2018-02-21 13:39:16
Gin the BoxOh, I do have an alt account named James Moriarty too2018-02-21 13:36:47
ttv/Katty_die2018-02-21 13:30:53
Evhr fbi utf get r<32018-02-21 12:57:38
ttv/Katty_stfu2018-02-21 10:42:39
ttv/Katty_hi ♥♥♥2018-02-21 09:25:20
anttI hope the po po catches you for looking at my 12 year old discord picture !!!!2018-02-21 07:38:07
ttv/Katty_thanks2018-02-20 18:10:36
ttv/Katty_23:59 - Gin the Box -: PS:23:59 - Gin the Box -: Crow is a big noob00:00 - Gin the Box -: And Takeshi Kovacs even more2018-02-20 18:04:50
Gin the Boxyes it is, why it wouldn't be2018-02-20 12:29:27
ttv/Katty_hi cuck2018-02-20 12:23:02
MoonCLAP ON (clappity clap) CLAP OFF (clappity clap)2018-02-20 12:21:03
Moon_2018-02-20 11:04:40
edYes.2018-02-20 03:09:15
Gin the Boxhi plz rate & fav my artworks nd i ll do the same thxthx2018-02-20 03:07:25
游学者叮当Oh that's quite easy, I'm good at cooking Chinese food ;)2018-02-19 21:11:55
MoonCrowy was a good friend2018-02-19 17:53:26
ttv/Katty_wow ragu is cheating on me with Crow?2018-02-19 15:42:45
VeeSlaysthanks babygirl, its gone now tho2018-02-19 15:37:09
♥ mushbrain ♥we r alrdy friends silly2018-02-19 14:44:44
CrowZer0@Mulzaren you are very welcome, what's my name? I also did it around 3 weeks ago and you just noticed. BYEEE2018-02-19 13:16:10
游学者叮当Love you Eric, marry me 😏2018-02-19 12:51:30
CrowZer0@AsunsJonas I'm only gay on a Thursday unfortunately for you it's Monday.2018-02-19 11:29:37
anttim never stressed being ur friend cause i know you LOVE me :^)2018-02-19 11:01:58
anttSaw you like street fighter and cats and were from the same group steam friends, but if you don't want to add me that's OK2018-02-19 11:00:57
ttv/Katty_Hi cuck2018-02-19 08:34:17
Soviet GrootAre you gay?2018-02-19 05:29:26
游学者叮当It's so stressful to be your friend cuz idk if I'm still on your friends list tomorrow. But I just wanna say you are always a friend of mine whether you delete me or not daft dude.2018-02-19 04:23:21
游学者叮当I don't want to add you, I just want you. Is that OK?2018-02-19 03:29:03
MoonSend cute pics pls2018-02-19 02:03:28
Baby Saturnadded for chicken sandwiches and moon pies.2018-02-18 18:28:53
zOnly added for occasional erp sessioms c:2018-02-18 16:50:09
Gin the BoxHi, first i would like to say you are very pretty ^^' (without wanting to sound draggy xD) well I own a pretty big discord server, and if you want you could join so we can chill & play games sometimes if you mind, I see we do have nekopara game serie in common, so thats nice :Dhere is the link : Hoping to see you soon! :)2018-02-18 16:25:06
MoonSunday, February 18, 20182:55 PM - Moon: Hi who is this and why did you add me3:00 PM - jack is now Online.3:04 PM - jack: Hi I'm Jack, well who wouldn't want to be friend of the moon 😉 anyway nice to meet you 🙂3:05 PM - Moon: why did you add me though3:05 PM - Moon: did you go to crows comments or some ♥♥♥♥3:09 PM - jack: Saw you like street fighter and cats and were from the same group steam friends, but if you don't want to add me that's OK2018-02-18 16:10:30
MoonFagoat2018-02-18 15:50:03
DeniseHave a lovely day2018-02-18 15:45:56
edTak.2018-02-18 15:23:32
CrowZer0forget your girl, im the one you want, we both know it, we could have a warframe/altered carbon orgy think about it2018-02-18 14:44:38
Liebre_De_FierroXD not too sure if my girl would allow that2018-02-18 14:30:39
ttv/Katty_k. kys.2018-02-18 14:27:19
CrowZer0@kage you should marry me2018-02-18 14:21:17
Sp!T_ShineDo you like to play with dolls? Are you a collector? If so, we have a great news for you!2018-02-18 14:20:09
Liebre_De_FierroI love your name, just started watching the show last night and saw your name on the Warframe section of the fourms2018-02-18 14:19:42
ttv/Katty_k.2018-02-18 14:11:02
Sp!T_ShineIts your pet, the girl in this vid can explain why you should love your pet. 10:29:56
Sp!T_ShineMy kubrow tried to eat me2018-02-18 09:40:17
MoonForgive me padre I was dehydrated2018-02-18 05:36:20
ttv/Katty_Congrats on the unban, Moon2018-02-18 02:56:57
MoonOh ho? Did It even register that I was dehydrated?2018-02-17 20:47:28
MoonFreedom2018-02-17 20:26:27
Barninetflix is life!!2018-02-17 15:49:28
Barniyou know why...because netflix is something you have to pay monthly forthat's what makes netflix dumbi still love netflix btw2018-02-17 15:49:12
CrowZer0why is netflix suggesting things i downvoted? :/2018-02-17 12:25:52
CrowZer0why is netflix so stupid? 12:23:22
Sp!T_ShineIt was good at first, but it's like masturbation, you have a good time and then you hit your peak and then you question why your fapping to horse porn.2018-02-17 12:08:04
CrowZer0I love drunk spitty2018-02-16 23:58:34
Sp!T_ShineI skyped with your best buddy Hooks tonight and he said he misses CrowZeePoo and wants to give lots of hugs and tech support.2018-02-16 22:44:41
Sp!T_ShineWeird I know who you are, people comment adding a I don't leave keep who2018-02-16 22:25:00
Sp!T_ShineWeird people who keep adding when I don't know who you are, leave a comment.2018-02-16 21:27:05
DanielleHonestly an amazing show2018-02-16 17:51:32
Sp!T_ShineYes, I pack a 2 inch meat cannon2018-02-16 17:04:29
♥ mushbrain ♥hewwo2018-02-16 16:40:24
ttv/Katty_enjoy spastic2018-02-16 13:54:57
CrowZer0Weird people who keep adding when I don't know who you are, leave a comment.2018-02-16 13:39:00
CrowZer0I remember when roses persona was "no drama, kindsteam user, have a great weekend <3"That's what a call hypcritcal and f a k e2018-02-16 07:31:24
CrowZer0I'm just some boring neckbeard who she used to call daddy, and someone who has deleted her multiple times. Basically she's full of ♥♥♥♥, because I never showed any interest in her. She's also a pathological, deluded liar, who goes on about hospital bills, food stamps and is stupid as ♥♥♥♥ and INCREDIBLY jealous of Sophie.Buh bye RosssseGo tell someone else about your buffallo wings, literally creamed herself and wanted to skype with me while in a group call with witnesses, I just always found her disgusting and below me.2018-02-16 07:30:55
Sp!T_ShinedAts wAcist2018-02-16 07:01:53
PS1 Lain IwakuraI don't care enough to add strangers anynore, nor do I really feel special that some dude on Steam decided to unblock me.2018-02-16 03:55:05
ttv/Katty_Oh dear, it's you. Have you improved on your trolling skills?2018-02-15 18:03:22
Sp!T_Shine 17:57:43
Sp!T_ShineOh dear, it's you. Have you improved on your trolling skills?2018-02-15 17:55:40
PS1 Lain IwakuraOh dear, it's you. Have you improved on your trolling skills?2018-02-15 16:39:37
zhi gramps c:2018-02-15 15:55:49
ttv/Katty_Thanks cuck2018-02-15 14:04:58
游学者叮当The old crow can't come to the phone right now...2018-02-15 12:07:29
游学者叮当rip dude2018-02-15 12:06:29
ttv/Katty_ily2018-02-15 11:09:32
VeeSlayskiss me2018-02-15 10:22:44
ttv/Katty_.2018-02-15 09:50:48
ttv/Katty_Wowe.2018-02-15 09:44:57
Gin the BoxDon't tell kat ; )2018-02-15 09:40:12
ttv/Katty_hi2018-02-15 09:11:43
Gin the Boxhi2018-02-15 09:10:51
ttv/Katty_14:44 - Takeshi Kovacs: I WAS MADE FOR ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ YOU BABY YOU WERE MADE FOR ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MEE14:45 - Takeshi Kovacs: I CANT GET ENOUGH OF YOU BABY, CAN YOU GET ENOUGH OF ME?2018-02-15 08:52:28
ttv/Katty_:(2018-02-15 08:42:10
ttv/Katty_cuck2018-02-15 08:39:33
ttv/Katty_CrowZer0 - 26/01/2018No2018-02-15 08:36:52
ttv/Katty_CrowZer0 - Today at 14:25HONEY IM HOMEKat. - Today at 14:25HI ♥♥♥♥CrowZer0 - Today at 14:25wheres my tea ♥♥♥♥♥Kat. - Today at 14:25UP YO ASSCrowZer0 - Today at 14:25kdivorcedGET DIVORCED ♥♥♥♥♥2018-02-15 08:34:37
antti wish i was pretty like you :( i bet you got a lot of valentines2018-02-14 17:49:22
kuntanaTak2018-02-14 14:46:26
游学者叮当Where's my bro crow???2018-02-14 06:25:22
antthot pic2018-02-13 19:54:02
Sp!T_ShineWho dis pretty guy?2018-02-13 17:57:47
Gin the BoxI guess you ve just finished a movie or a TV show2018-02-13 14:10:33
Gin the BoxWhy that name2018-02-13 14:09:52
ttv/Katty_Duh, of course2018-02-13 08:22:43
ttv/Katty_Thanks idiot2018-02-13 01:27:17
Gin the BoxMorning2018-02-12 06:23:15
ttv/Katty_:(2018-02-12 00:03:42
游学者叮当The song is soooooo great! Love it and thank you so much2018-02-11 19:39:45
Sp!T_ShineThat was a great one! I was rollin, I love his podcast shows2018-02-11 17:53:26
kuntanaIMY2018-02-10 14:14:15
Gin the Boxoh, you're that kind of ppl2018-02-10 12:05:15
Gin the Boxfeeling happy2018-02-10 06:56:37
ttv/Katty_delete me then, cuck2018-02-10 05:47:34
ttv/Katty_Friends 55WOWE I FEEL SPECIAL2018-02-10 05:44:16
Sp!T_ShineActually, it's only gay if balls touch/you kiss. Otherwise no shame in helping out a bro, bro.2018-02-09 17:30:48
Sp!T_ShineHaha, who was it that was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about me changing my name and playing in a server that I didnt think I was welcome in? And then this? Talk about “the pot calling the kettle black.” LMAO!!! Reel it in Vortex, .....Vortex Jan 28 @ 12:28pm Hi Stowe, you'd be wise to read your chat logs for 1/28/18 between 2:00-2:30pm. I was in there (name Franknthein) and was immediately & continually harassed by punk kids...I went in under this name because I'm not sure I'm welcome, since you dropped me from your friends list months ago. Anyway it is what it is2018-02-09 17:24:03
Sp!T_Shineiz nithe..... HAHAHAHAHAHAH SHUT UP NECKBEARD2018-02-09 16:55:54
anttyou: "if i can bench over 30lbs"2018-02-07 22:06:47
EverythingPLEaSE2018-02-07 17:25:32
EverythingGOOGLE ORDER SAUSAGE ROLLS2018-02-07 17:25:13
Everythingsausage rolls please2018-02-07 13:49:04
Gin the BoxI do agree with the being under me.2018-02-07 12:57:13
anttThis cutie crow helps me when I'm down and stuff and he's such a great guy2018-02-07 08:20:54
Gin the BoxI still have your invite active tho2018-02-04 16:24:37
Gin the Box+ lol even the vegans don't want you2018-02-04 16:24:21
Gin the Boxif I d send roses to everyone (or similar emotes), they would lose their interest and their symbolism D:2018-02-04 16:22:31
CrowZer0You have been dropped from 1 groupRemove notice Vegan GamersKicked today @ 7:50 PM2018-02-04 14:39:36
VeeSlays(° ͜ʖ°)2018-02-04 14:00:57
VeeSlays these vocals get me ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hARD MAN2018-02-04 13:55:14
VeeSlays:D2018-02-04 13:54:00
VeeSlaysgod I love carnifex2018-02-04 13:52:15
VeeSlayshere have some chillstep 13:49:47
VeeSlaysthat was pretty chill my dude2018-02-04 13:47:11
ttv/Katty_wowe <32018-02-04 13:34:43
VeeSlayskatu is bae but ily2 ok2018-02-04 13:34:11
Gin the BoxI usually don't give hearts tho.The isn't a normal/common heart2018-02-04 13:27:50
VeeSlaysily2018-02-04 13:26:01
rageDaddy crow2018-02-04 01:17:53
ttv/Katty_Yet you call someone that?2018-02-03 23:13:43
ttv/Katty_feelsspasticman2018-02-03 23:02:34
CrowZer0I cringe whenever someone says "chu" or calls someone "daddy"2018-02-03 22:40:56
ttv/Katty_k.2018-02-03 14:09:00
Everythingwhat kind of black magic is going on on this profile2018-02-03 14:08:26
ttv/Katty_stfu noob2018-02-03 14:05:52
jackCrowie where did u fly2018-02-03 05:23:21
THE CROWHave a wonderful weekend!2018-02-03 03:31:48
EverythingMy rectal cancer makes ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ feel like anal. Thanks for reminding me.2018-02-02 22:05:09
Baby Saturnhmmmmmmm2018-02-02 18:30:10
Sp!T_ShineAdded for friend cause you seem like a really hot chick with a ♥♥♥♥. =)2018-02-02 17:07:58
Sp!T_Shine10,000 calories later I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ bet, I am jelly thou, that sounds soo good.2018-02-02 17:05:19
Everythingi would like to request you stop making poop comments on my comment is not very appropriate.I enjoy our platonic relationship and you know that i have a SCAT fetish and it's making it very difficult for me.2018-02-02 16:42:56
CrowZer0To people who keep adding me to get rejected, learn to read.2018-02-02 14:37:29
CrowZer0@ItsBlueHunter because I have no clue who you are and no memory of ever interacting or speaking with you.@ᓰᖇᓰᕲᑘᒪᘿ👽 Same as above.2018-02-02 13:37:59
Gin the BoxDo I look like I'm left out Bad and Boujee ?2018-02-02 12:19:32
JibsTheCowboy 10:58:57
ItsBlueHunter™why did u unfriend me daddy crow :(2018-02-02 09:54:44
spica.*have a great weekend!2018-02-02 07:55:33
DeniseI'm glad to hear that! I've had a couple of rough days, but everything is good now :)2018-02-02 07:51:56
anttDADDY CROW2018-02-01 20:15:35
ttv/Katty_go grab bleach, noob.2018-02-01 12:53:14
DeniseHi Crow! How have you been? Have a wonderful week :)2018-01-31 21:11:46
MartyFailure is success if we learn from it.Malcolm Forbes2018-01-31 14:58:01
7omStand up and be counted, show the world that you're a man;Stand up and be counted, go with the Ku Klux Klan!We are a sacred brotherhood who love our country true;We always can be counted on when there's a job to do!2018-01-31 13:46:12
Bunny 17:13:00
Bunnywut2018-01-30 13:56:01
ttv/Katty_cuck2018-01-30 13:10:20
Gato Sexo7u72018-01-30 10:55:53
zuwu2018-01-29 21:16:04
游学者叮当Eric my bra thanks so much and have a whole good week poop!2018-01-29 19:49:28
Bunnygo ♥♥♥♥ urself2018-01-29 19:04:25
Bunny♥♥♥♥♥ are so cute omg(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ when you hold one in your hand and it starts twitching its like its nuzzling you(/ω\) or when they perk up and look at you like" owo nya? :3c" hehe ~ penis-kun is happy to see me!!(^ワ^) and the most adorable thing ever is when sperm-sama comes out but theyre rlly shy so u have to work hard!!(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧ but when penis-kun and sperm-sama meet and theyre blushing and all like "uwaaa~!" (ノ´ヮ´)ノ: ・゚hehehe~penis-kun is so adorable (●´Д`●)・::・2018-01-29 18:04:02
ttv/Katty_20:56 - fatty katty: cuck20:56 - CrowZer0: ♥♥♥♥20:57 - CrowZer0: suck a duck2018-01-29 14:58:14
ttv/Katty_die?2018-01-29 14:37:36
CrowZer0 14:37:25
Bunny21:14 - Bunny/ broken laptop ☠: when i was 13 i had a flip phone21:14 - CrowZer0: well21:14 - CrowZer0: when i was in a high school21:14 - CrowZer0: i was a loner21:14 - CrowZer0: i was a poser21:15 - CrowZer0: multiple personalities21:15 - CrowZer0: bipolar2018-01-29 14:16:18
Butte/>  フ      |  _  _ l      /` ミ_xノ      /   Crow |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)  \二つ2018-01-29 13:59:49
Bunny20:24 - Bunny/ broken laptop ☠: it just looks funny now lol20:25 - CrowZer0: u look funnyk2018-01-29 13:25:39
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2018-01-29 13:17:37
ttv/Katty_D:2018-01-29 13:10:16
crowNever saw crow poop before in my life. Maybe i should.2018-01-29 03:40:20
rageAND IT FEELS SO GOOOOOOD2018-01-28 16:05:29
❤ Lusty ❤ill poop on your face!2018-01-28 15:00:57
Spenga:(2018-01-28 13:36:25
Til mit der Brill'™yep, very wise :D2018-01-28 12:47:51
mentally||iLL \\ ✪ //As always!!!2018-01-28 12:23:10
L u yIs gud profile2018-01-28 05:26:17
Sp!T_ShineMaria came from Nashville with a suitcase in her hand she said she'd like to meet a boy who looks like Hooks2018-01-27 21:34:13
CrowZer0@wulfx I don't know who you are I don't even remember removing you or that you were even on my friends list... that's why I removed you?2018-01-27 15:06:19
bruhwhy do you always remove me , am i doing something wrong to you?2018-01-27 14:59:00
CrowZer0I'm such a girl collector.2018-01-27 14:30:49
ttv/Katty_972018-01-27 14:21:35
ttv/Katty_Crow is your name, right?2018-01-27 14:04:13
CrowZer0@Matt, ♥♥♥♥ off. Idon't have time to explain to a stupid person how they are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid. GO AWAY, WE HAVE NEVER SPOKEN WHY YOU SO BUTTHURT OVER DELETE WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW MY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ NAME? Jeeeez weridos online.2018-01-27 14:03:18
SpengaWhat makes me stupid ?2018-01-27 13:26:54
ttv/Katty_cuck2018-01-27 13:11:54
CrowZer0Lol no but it's your fault for never speaking to me, and me not knowing you. The point about the games wasn't money, it was common interests. Your stupidity, the way you type and your reaction let me know you are a moron, so good deletion. Buh bye.2018-01-27 13:10:43
Spengamy fault i dont have money? to buy games2018-01-27 13:08:53
SpengaNo idea who you are, we have never spoken, I don't like the look of your profile, you only seem to play F2P games. You seem to be very memey/trolly kid. Not my cuppa tea. So yeah I deleted you.2018-01-27 13:08:38
Spengawtf is wrong with you2018-01-27 13:08:30
ttv/Katty_101 friends WOWEEEEEE2018-01-27 13:07:00
CrowZer0@MattNo idea who you are, we have never spoken, I don't like the look of your profile, you only seem to play F2P games. You seem to be very memey/trolly kid. Not my cuppa tea. So yeah I deleted you.2018-01-27 13:03:44
Gin the BoxIndeed!102!Damnation! Wanted a fresh start ?2018-01-27 12:47:27
ttv/Katty_102 friends, WOW!2018-01-27 12:10:57
SpengaYou removed me :(2018-01-27 12:08:50
SuperKitKat.exeHave a great week!~ ♥2018-01-27 11:20:43
antt>2018-01-27 10:48:17
anttwe beat you then, we can beat you now2018-01-27 10:47:03
anttwe won2018-01-27 10:45:55
anttwe only left because how ♥♥♥♥♥♥ we were treated :) at least we don't unfairly tax like you did2018-01-27 10:12:13
游学者叮当A cup of tea can make you more spectacular (≖‿≖)✧2018-01-27 10:07:04
游学者叮当Hey CrowBottom (≖‿≖)✧ Thanks for the new inviting and hope you have a nice weekend poop!2018-01-26 22:55:07
JakeU-S-AU-S-AU-S-AU-S-A2018-01-26 20:48:23
anttWe beat you in a war and can do it again :^)2018-01-26 20:21:10
anttfor the AMERICAN2018-01-26 20:14:55
antti also like fish and french fries2018-01-26 18:11:04
BunnyI prefer fish & chips2018-01-26 15:28:39
🐈‍⬛MsKitteh🐾Have a lovely weekend with egg & chips!2018-01-26 12:09:00
crow- crow - crow2018-01-26 09:55:39
spermokusicielR.I.P. Peep2018-01-26 06:36:50
alexpizza for sure2018-01-25 17:33:15
Bunnyk u send other people hearts and im whale ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-01-25 16:58:22
Bunnyur whalecum2018-01-25 16:49:30
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2018-01-25 12:14:23
ItzBartHave a nice day :D2018-01-25 10:03:59
Rawaf xDHave a nice day2018-01-24 14:12:27
󠀡󠀡𝔅𝔢𝔫:DevilStar2018-01-24 13:31:54
ttv/Katty_Suck a ♥♥♥♥.2018-01-24 11:49:25
Gin the Box sounds good2018-01-24 08:43:24
BunnyCrow vvvv2018-01-24 08:18:38
Bunny- playing overwatch -me; Don’t go behind those walls symmeta put a bunch of her turrets there!*1 min later*Crowd THEYRE DEAD LETS GOOOO *gets killed by 10 turrets*me:2018-01-24 08:18:17
mentally||iLL \\ ✪ //Yea, That's true xD2018-01-24 06:18:56
Su-Metal is WaifuKFC without a doubt m8.2018-01-24 05:48:23
Legacyxblood401A 100 count chicken mini meal2018-01-23 20:41:20
BunnyWOOT BOXXXXXXX2018-01-23 19:05:14
ttv/Katty_stfu cuck2018-01-23 18:49:20
EffyWoah, some answers turned out to be a bit sexual, but I have to play innocent and say: french fries and maybe ice cream as dessert2018-01-23 16:52:51
Bunny21:56 - Bunny: DOE VOOR MIJ PARTAT21:56 - Bunny: PATAT*21:56 - Bunny: EN ZE BETASTEN MIJ21:56 - CrowZer0: pattotie21:56 - Bunny: JE MOET NIET AAN ME ZITTEN21:56 - Bunny: MOET OM 3 UUR OP21:57 - Bunny: EN VAAK DENK K AAN VROEGER21:57 - Bunny: IK WEET WAAR HET BEGON21:57 - CrowZer0 is now Offline.k2018-01-23 14:57:34
Bunny21:51 - CrowZer0: im not trying to desuce u21:51 - CrowZer0: seduce2018-01-23 14:51:44
Bunnythat moment when you're both dancing to crazy frog and have a playlist filled with old songs2018-01-23 14:35:50
Mattamy last meal would be sushi2018-01-23 13:57:34
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2018-01-23 11:38:57
SweetYoungsimple things, rice beans and meat2018-01-23 10:36:48
❤ Lusty ❤you xD2018-01-23 10:33:18
B2HThe flesh of my enemy cooked by Gordon Ramsey.2018-01-23 09:38:30
HaydnI was going to say something dirty, but it seems unoriginal. So I would go ahead and say, Nothing.2018-01-23 08:16:38
NephosBacon and rice2018-01-23 07:56:33
AstromatikerMy last meal would be a black olive2018-01-23 04:57:27
TrundleMy last meal would be something fancy with beautiful gal2018-01-23 03:43:22
daddy♥♥♥♥♥ is good, mixed with LSD2018-01-23 00:10:56
XsilenceRBuff chicken pizza and a cold one with the boys2018-01-22 22:39:23
ItsBlueHunter™My last meal? I would say it's grilled porkchop2018-01-22 22:00:41
Rawaf xDMy last meal would be a big double cheeseburger with french fries2018-01-22 21:23:48
risei eat ass btw2018-01-22 21:11:22
游学者叮当My last meal would be you.- -2018-01-22 20:43:46
spica.*my last meal would be poop2018-01-22 19:52:17
slasherMy last meal would be pu$$y2018-01-22 19:31:06
anttmy last meal would be my bf's ♥♥♥♥ ;)2018-01-22 18:07:37
zProbably puffer fish because why the ♥♥♥♥ not2018-01-22 18:07:12
Sp!T_ShineLast Meal? That's easy, probably my favorite flavor of popsicle....♥♥♥♥2018-01-22 17:42:24
EverythingBy the gods! It's Coronis and he has blessed me with his words of wisdom.My last meal would be a reeses peanut butter cup (not plural just one peanut butter cup) and a chicken brain.2018-01-22 17:38:46
TonyDimesMy last meal would probably involve something with fish. At the moment a salmon pinwheel with crab.2018-01-22 17:05:52
🐈‍⬛MsKitteh🐾Can I get back to you on that.....2018-01-22 16:18:28
Gin the BoxYours ?2018-01-22 15:51:31
Gin the BoxBut im not sure tho2018-01-22 15:39:45
Gin the BoxThe girl I love in front of me at the same table with a random meal on that I'll not eat.2018-01-22 15:39:38
hundred。                 ゚   .              . ,         .  .        .      。                   ゚         。   .        .     .          。  .   .           𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓦𝓮𝓮𝓴ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .         。                 ゚   .              . ,         .  .        .      。                   ゚         。   .        .     .          。  .2018-01-22 14:53:00
BunnyLol, epic...2018-01-22 14:52:38
DeniseHello Crow! My last meal would be spaghetti, without a doubt. What about you?2018-01-22 14:45:56
LunanaiBoring is my middle name :)2018-01-22 14:11:32
SilentRoseFried Rose-Petals with Pepper-Thorns...The Cramps - Human Fly And you, what do you fancy your last meal to be, my black-feathered friend?2018-01-22 14:08:54
SupraBoundPuddin with cream haha, and yours?2018-01-22 14:05:14
Joaco_T100Ice cream ^^2018-01-22 13:57:24
M4RC3L0♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-01-22 13:52:57
mentally||iLL \\ ✪ //Probably sum Chips as always2018-01-22 13:49:23
breadsticksAye! Of course fam2018-01-22 13:46:55
breadsticksProbably Hamburger2018-01-22 13:45:38
ttv/Katty_no2018-01-22 13:45:01
ZireaelFish and Chips2018-01-22 13:43:20
ttv/Katty_and wow, I feel special2018-01-22 13:43:09
ttv/Katty_ur mum2018-01-22 13:43:00
Til mit der Brill'™I mean if its my last one i can at least try a bit from myself! It would be a waste otherwise!2018-01-22 13:39:42
BunnyWho's Your Daddy2018-01-22 13:38:56
≛VAMI≛The prison warden2018-01-22 13:35:22
Til mit der Brill'™A steak, medium rare, propably some fries, duck, chicken filet and a piece of my ear! Followed by lemon ice cream as a dessert!2018-01-22 13:30:34
Barniass2018-01-22 13:29:23
DryOuT_1T-Bone Steak :P2018-01-22 13:27:30
ragePIE ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)2018-01-22 13:27:26
barryVaseline on toast2018-01-22 13:23:34
7omspareribs with honey2018-01-22 13:23:15
illinoize ☁some alien's kids2018-01-22 13:22:12
DynnySomething nice2018-01-22 13:19:50
LunanaiFood :)2018-01-22 13:08:34
Bunnykfc2018-01-22 13:04:21
kuntanasushi2018-01-22 13:04:13
CrowZer0I've deleted over 150 people to whom I have no memory of ever interacting or speaking with... If you feel strongly about it, just leave a comment and readd.2018-01-22 13:00:34
Gin the BoxHello!2018-01-22 11:35:32
BunnyWe all float down here2018-01-22 08:51:33
BunnyWhere are you going, tits?2018-01-22 08:51:13
THE CROWHave a nice day2018-01-22 08:09:37
hundred:)2018-01-21 12:50:58
LXXII WIV.(¯`v´¯)        .`•.˯.•´ ∧_∧    /( ^ω^。)つ/⊂  ノしーJ        𝓱𝓪𝓿𝒆 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝒆 𝔀𝒆𝒆𝓴2018-01-21 06:12:57
nʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ғɪɴᴅ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ ᴛᴏ sᴍɪʟᴇ2018-01-21 04:35:16
CrowZer0And now you will be forgotten.2018-01-20 18:53:54
CrowZer0And now you have been blocked.2018-01-20 18:53:27
[CN] Jeffery DahmerYou Have Been Visited By The Dancing Nazi!: ♥♥♥: ♥♥♥: ♥♥♥ Goodbye Now ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!2018-01-20 18:51:41
[CN] Jeffery DahmerYou Have Been Visited By The Dancing Nazi!: ♥♥♥: ♥♥♥: ♥♥♥ Goodbye Now ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!2018-01-20 18:51:26
[CN] Jeffery DahmerYou Have Been Visited By The Dancing Nazi!: ♥♥♥: ♥♥♥: ♥♥♥ Goodbye Now ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!2018-01-20 18:51:19
[CN] Jeffery DahmerYou Have Been Visited By The Dancing Nazi!: ♥♥♥: ♥♥♥: ♥♥♥ Goodbye Now ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!2018-01-20 18:51:15
BunnyLol I thought I went to my own page and went to the comments and saw your"you have now been deleted"was like......k2018-01-20 18:48:09
CrowZer0You have just been deleted.2018-01-20 18:47:26
[CN] Jeffery DahmerYou Have Been Visited By The Dancing Nazi!: ♥♥♥: ♥♥♥: ♥♥♥ Goodbye Now ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!2018-01-20 18:44:32
Gin the BoxMeanie2018-01-20 12:27:56
Bunny15:51 - CrowZer0: AHAHAHHAA15:51 - CrowZer0: HAHAHA15:51 - CrowZer0: DIE15:51 - CrowZer0: ♥♥♥♥♥2018-01-20 09:03:42
Sp!T_Shinesomeone deleted my post.... It was about tiny unicorns wearing g-strings and eating bbq chopsitcks trying to get into a Puff Daddy concert..2018-01-19 22:14:59
Bunnyor even better:02:48 - CrowZer0: yeah02:48 - CrowZer0: i cant ride a bike02:48 - CrowZer0: ill drive thanks02:48 - Bunny: i'll ride u02:48 - Bunny: oh02:48 - CrowZer0: 02:48 - Bunny: that sounded wrong02:48 - CrowZer0: ♥♥♥♥ off02:48 - Bunny: lol02:48 - Bunny: I CAN02:48 - Bunny: DONT WORRY02:48 - Bunny: I GOT U2018-01-19 20:09:44
Bunny02:48 - Bunny: i'll ride u02:48 - Bunny: oh02:48 - CrowZer0: 02:48 - Bunny: that sounded wrong2018-01-19 20:08:53
Chuck ✌Have a great weekend2018-01-19 18:36:34
Sp!T_ShineKettlebells....... I threw up last time my gym partner ran me thru his routine with those ♥♥♥♥♥♥ things. It was a Sunday morning after a full night of drinking and mexican food so i had an excuse.2018-01-19 17:55:04
Sp!T_ShineHey you made it black! How was your road head? Did you meet any hot Slovakian water dogs?2018-01-19 16:37:27
HaydnOnly the real ones with the big ♥♥♥♥♥ get vacced. As my mother once told me, ♥♥♥♥♥ out for haramby #realones #420blazeitfggt #daddyrapedme2018-01-19 15:16:47
LXXII WIV.have a good weekend.2018-01-19 12:07:10
fest-Good weekend friend <32018-01-19 09:54:25
ttv/Katty_ofc not2018-01-19 09:23:01
Matta☻/ღ˚ •。* ♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛★* 。 ღ˛° 。* °♥ ˚ • ★ *˚ .ღ 。/▌*˛˚ღ •˚ ˚…just sprinkling a little love on your page. ~♥~˚ ✰* ★/ \ ˚. ★ *˛ ˚♥* ✰。˚ ˚ღ。* ˛˚ ♥ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ enjoy your weekend!2018-01-19 08:49:37
BunnyMe and you2018-01-19 08:03:24
CrowZer0@Noscarnova ez spam ez blockRejected you months ago, rejected you again, you seem to be obsessed with people online, get a life.2018-01-19 07:24:37
BunnyIn the end, it's him and I2018-01-18 16:31:45
NovaCan you not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ read? I don't know you, don't add my alt, after creeping adding and randomly messaging girls on my discord. Bunny banned you, that's how you will stay. Go away.2018-01-18 15:15:13
NovaCan you not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ read? I don't know you, don't add my alt, after creeping adding and randomly messaging girls on my discord. Bunny banned you, that's how you will stay. Go away.2018-01-18 15:15:11
NovaCan you not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ read? I don't know you, don't add my alt, after creeping adding and randomly messaging girls on my discord. Bunny banned you, that's how you will stay. Go away.2018-01-18 15:15:10
NovaCan you not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ read? I don't know you, don't add my alt, after creeping adding and randomly messaging girls on my discord. Bunny banned you, that's how you will stay. Go away.2018-01-18 15:15:08
DEFCON 3whatup hoei love yooou omg look at meee im soo lonely with my internet life :D 14:11:10
BunnyThaaanksss2018-01-17 09:58:40
CrowZer0I'll be back by Friday/weekend kids, Crowy is going on a little trip!2018-01-16 18:15:53
HaydnHad a snake with chimichurri dressing, but now mi burps taste leik garlec. Could suck off a vampire and kill the bastard2018-01-16 18:03:46
⚡Snake⚡Plissken⚡ Hooks gets called out here2018-01-16 07:12:54
⚡Snake⚡Plissken⚡Added you cause you love Hooks2018-01-15 22:20:59
JeLomunBunny is hanging out with Eagle?: 16:22:20
Gin the BoxOh really, i didnt see, mb2018-01-15 13:08:35
Gin the BoxHow are you?2018-01-15 11:26:43
Bunny23:58 - CrowZer0: wtf is up with my tuping2018-01-14 16:58:55
Bunny23:49 - CrowZer0: cowboy bebop anime viebs23:49 - CrowZer0: noe of this new weeb ♥♥♥♥2018-01-14 16:49:45
Bunny22:43 - CrowZer0: i just wanna fill it up22:43 - CrowZer0: its like a new toy2018-01-14 15:50:56
BunnyGood jab on 3502018-01-14 15:49:53
Bunny22:01 - Bunny: yea you can replay level 1 over and over again so you just memorise the solution-minutes later when crow plays the game-22:24 - Bunny: U dun ♥♥♥♥♥♥22:25 - Bunny: why do you keep doing new levels22:25 - CrowZer0: how?22:25 - CrowZer0: imnot on new?22:25 - CrowZer0: am i22:25 - CrowZer0: OH22:25 - CrowZer0: I CAN DO SAME ONE?22:25 - Bunny: ... YES2018-01-14 15:27:18
Bunny.......2018-01-14 14:49:46
CrowZer0you just said yes to aziz ansari? ewwww2018-01-14 14:49:34
Bunny;) yes2018-01-14 14:48:56
CrowZer0 14:48:41
benzikpahave a gday.2018-01-14 13:27:28
Sp!T_ShineNot drunk enough, can still walk a line perfectly crooked2018-01-13 15:15:07
BunnyI literally did2018-01-13 15:12:28
Everythingi bet crows taste like chicken2018-01-13 13:41:10
Gin the BoxI guess I can't compete with your pill box2018-01-13 12:17:44
nʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟʟ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢᴀᴍᴇs2018-01-13 10:38:48
Gin the BoxSECOND ?! REALLY ?2018-01-13 07:31:24
Sp!T_ShineIt simply is not true? I know, butterflies, more important than 300 deaths which are based on the number of high school, I have peace.Monkeys trained to fight, and I'm not a military sniper. You anything, but it was not. We wanted to determine the sex. I mean, I see the face of the earth.If you think you can find something on the Internet? Evo cars. Be prepared for hidden spy network in the United States to attack the larvae of intellectual property rights, I must say better. The storm destroyed painful memories. Half of the chickens died. You can do it anywhere and I can already killed hundreds of hands. This is wrong, but smaller oil reserves, like an old man "that some phones Navy to play ugly." But now we can not pay ridiculous prices. I do not want to disrupt their wounds.Half of the chickens died.2018-01-13 04:44:22
Sp!T_Shinebacon wrapped, shrimp and cheese stuffed peppers>♥♥♥♥2018-01-13 03:27:38
Everythingravens>crows2018-01-12 22:03:17
WinterHave a great weekend, my friend!2018-01-12 20:52:28
CrowZer0Some people are truly bewildering with how fake they are.2018-01-12 20:06:55
Rawaf xDwish you a great weekend2018-01-12 18:02:37
KirekHiii2018-01-12 16:23:18
CrowZer0Buh bye Tmk!2018-01-12 14:06:35
tmkHey bro, im sorry2018-01-12 13:06:52
CrowZer0gotem2018-01-12 11:53:58
ttv/Katty_u're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥2018-01-12 11:50:44
CrowZer0you make youself look bad m8 11:49:44
ttv/Katty_17:45 - CrowZer0 - Idle/Afk: While a few dogs are taking my position, I will take their mothers in the dog position2018-01-12 11:47:20
ttv/Katty_stop trying to make me look bad u cuck.2018-01-12 11:43:48
CrowZer060 games to idle... this should be fun! 10:02:21
Sp!T_ShineGonna go eat at the Y after work.2018-01-12 07:14:02
Antonio Calio www.anzus.lifeCROW <33333333 I'm best zombie player in WORLD <32018-01-12 04:19:46
EffyYou should write a book, sir Crowzespeare2018-01-11 15:47:00
ttv/Katty_cuck2018-01-11 14:31:03
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2018-01-11 14:04:36
zEvery time i play ow lol2018-01-11 13:51:41
anttdO yOu kNoW tHe wAy??2018-01-11 10:31:00
Matt_''Pineapples are baby palm trees''- Predatores 2K182018-01-11 07:10:16
游学者叮当If we don't meet again, die well.- Illidan Dingdang2018-01-11 01:03:35
Chyi( ゚∀゚ )/             ハ_ハ    ⊂   ノ     ハ_ハ           ('(゚∀゚ ∩     (つ ノ     ∩ ゚∀゚)')       ハ_ハ   ヽ  〈     (ノ    〉  /     ハ_ハ     ('(゚∀゚∩   ヽヽ_)          (_ノ ノ    .∩ ゚∀゚)')     O,_  〈                    〉  ,_O       `ヽ_)                    (_/ ´  ハ_ハ            HAPPY NEW YEAR!            ハ_ハ⊂(゚∀゚⊂⌒`⊃                            ⊂´⌒⊃゚∀゚)⊃2018-01-10 20:54:22
😴💤Have a lovely weekend!2018-01-10 19:42:07
M4RC3L0Have a great week2018-01-10 18:19:13
ManoelHave a nice week2018-01-10 17:36:07
WarPriestHave a nice week2018-01-10 16:58:45
recaydxGn2018-01-10 16:32:18
wshm787878deep♂dark♂fantasy-Van darkhome2018-01-10 16:03:49
barrySimplicity is the ultimate sophistication.-Chicken Flamboie2018-01-10 15:33:06
Psycomancer"The future is not a straight line. There are many different pathways. We must try to decide that future for ourselves."-Kiyoko, Akira2018-01-10 15:28:03
≛VAMI≛If I'm not back in five minutes... just wait longer.-Ace Ventura2018-01-10 15:18:30
What's the origin of the word "Boob"?The "B" is the aerial view, the "oo" is the front view, the "b" is the side view.2018-01-10 15:17:51
Joaco_T100Have an awesome day!2018-01-10 15:15:05
ᴬᴹᵀ+Lovely weeks,2018-01-10 15:12:32
Everything!unsubscribe2018-01-10 15:06:47
ttv/Katty_suck a ♥♥♥♥ crow-kat2018-01-10 14:59:11
HaydnAnd sure thing man will do, something new and im really liking itt :D Congrats on skyrim 100% :D2018-01-10 14:51:21
HaydnI will sho u de way of de devil2018-01-10 14:50:36
ttv/Katty_TY2018-01-10 14:43:47
ttv/Katty_CONGRATS ON SKYRIM 100%2018-01-10 14:31:37
HaydnDo you know de way?2018-01-10 09:43:28
Eric CartmanIt was Sweet. :P2018-01-10 07:44:27
SpengaMy weekend was great and you ? <32018-01-10 00:53:23
Sp!T_ShineEmerson's tig oles2018-01-09 18:42:46
Baby Saturnaw papa, how has 2018 been for ya.2018-01-09 15:26:58
Matta。                 ゚   .              . ,         .  .        .      。                   ゚         。   .        .     .          。  .   .               𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              . ,         .  .        .      。                   ゚         。   .        .     .          。  .2018-01-09 12:50:14
JibsTheCowboyweekends just like any other dayz no difference buddy thanks for askin though we should game somedays :)2018-01-09 09:49:36
ÆngelMy weekend was boring...2018-01-09 09:38:54
HerrWaltzhow was your weekend2018-01-09 06:44:10
SupraBoundAmazing♥     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .             𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀 ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .   .。  .  𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝒹𝒶𝓎     。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。2018-01-09 03:53:51
usbyeiHappy New Year2018-01-09 03:52:38
jack;) 02:48:32
VeeSlaysTHANK YOU2018-01-09 00:56:08
AlkozSigned By Xanarchy.2018-01-08 18:34:09
Ramonamazing*2018-01-08 18:16:32
RamonAmezing, you bro?2018-01-08 18:16:22
mentally||iLL \\ ✪ //Awesome!!!2018-01-08 17:45:59
Gin the BoxThis one is better 13:29:12
Rinckerqz csgofast.comHow was your weekend?2018-01-08 13:07:11
LXXII WIV.great thanks, yours dude? <32018-01-08 12:35:05
Gin the BoxAnd you, how was your weekend? Sorry if i answered this late.2018-01-08 11:05:12
MattaSplendid! How was yours?2018-01-08 09:27:24
wshm787878very super nice week2018-01-08 09:20:59
AstromatikerMy weekend was all about Netflix & Chill2018-01-08 07:12:08
alexhold kjeft2018-01-08 05:41:24
alexhold kjeft2018-01-08 05:41:18
alexhold kjeft2018-01-08 05:41:12
alexhold kjeft2018-01-08 05:41:03
alexhold kjeft2018-01-08 05:40:57
alexhold kjeft2018-01-08 05:40:50
B2HHave a good week2018-01-08 05:05:13
fuckduppoohlike milk2018-01-08 04:46:11
tmkGood2018-01-08 01:12:50
- SkullerGreat thanks for asking2018-01-07 23:50:34
Delete^^Have a nice week2018-01-07 21:48:19
DerkyliciousNot bad played some games with some friends and ate some good food :D How about you?2018-01-07 21:19:26
Triple DeviljhoHey, you little thing what are you doing here by yourself? Oh one of those types. If that is the case, how about we stop talking and get serious here? How much does it cost me to get my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥?2018-01-07 21:07:27
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つHave a nice week2018-01-07 20:37:23
OnionBroHave a great new week!2018-01-07 19:49:00
GartusHello man. Nice profile2018-01-07 18:17:55
barbeirinho do jacarezinhonice man, and yours?2018-01-07 18:17:01
Joaco_T100My weekend was great ^^ thanks for asking, how about you Crow?2018-01-07 17:12:37
エヴァIt was great! Slightly stressful but not too overwhelming. How about yours?2018-01-07 16:29:09
TezlakipukaMy weekend was nice, saw the new Star Wars in cinema with friends and good achievement progress.What about you?2018-01-07 16:19:56
Chocobobo19Nice but short and yours?2018-01-07 15:51:08
BLAZERma boi2018-01-07 15:44:03
ღARIZAღHi hi! It was great! Thanks for asking c:Hope yours was well~2018-01-07 15:17:07
jeesusteippiMy wknd was good, hbu?2018-01-07 15:13:34
Su-Metal is WaifuIt was alright wbu? c:2018-01-07 15:01:16
ZireaelFineeee thx :) and ur ?2018-01-07 14:49:49
Seventh~SanctumHad a great weekend thank you :D2018-01-07 14:45:26
encoreMine was great, what about you?2018-01-07 14:09:17
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡RestMainly preparing for school and planning to do some community service.2018-01-07 14:08:20
BMy weekend was good, how was yours?2018-01-07 14:02:49
Manoelvery good2018-01-07 13:59:56
⎛⎝Eminem⎠⎞Get some mf mods first and well, nice achievement hunting btw2018-01-07 13:59:36
⎛⎝Eminem⎠⎞Useless!2018-01-07 13:55:22
Sp!T_ShineI drank a 24 pack of beer and fingered my booty hole mostly. How was yours?2018-01-07 13:54:07
≛VAMI≛I ate too many of too many2018-01-07 13:52:34
AlbedoIt was about yours?2018-01-07 13:50:23
Dank Kitty the Dog Slayeruneventful... but i got a package from newegg.....2018-01-07 13:41:53
BrigglyoIt was good! Yours?2018-01-07 13:40:20
Okan123hgIt was great,how was your weekend?2018-01-07 13:40:05
ッ Arnaud ッWas a great weekend, drunk with friends, now listening to music2018-01-07 13:38:49
♥ mushbrain ♥Weekendy2018-01-07 13:33:26
DynnyGood good, you?2018-01-07 13:31:44
FRESH MILKgood weekend i like ur artwork2018-01-07 13:27:02
not sharepretty good, how was yours bud?2018-01-07 13:18:22
.OddyAlso amazing profile2018-01-07 13:16:19
pussyDestroyeryou the best man in the world >32018-01-07 13:14:58
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡RestI spent most of my time preparing for the week ahead. How about yours?2018-01-07 13:14:20
≛VAMI≛Sleep was part of it, i'll tell you that for sure2018-01-07 13:14:18
Til mit der Brill'™That's how it has to be done2018-01-07 13:09:27
HaydnIt was an expensive weekend ill tell ya that haha, but thankfully nice and relaxed. Wbu? :)2018-01-07 13:09:07
❈Dåяκångêl❈Дglaaad to read this, so i wish u an awesome rest of the Day2018-01-07 13:08:02
JeLomunMy weekend was like usual nothing special but pretty relaxing how was yours?2018-01-07 13:05:49
ivannswordGood! Have a nice day!2018-01-07 13:04:59
FunkyliciousHeya mate ! My weekend was good thanks I hope the crow had a nice weekend too2018-01-07 13:04:44
BackFischiMy Weekend was very good. How about youre weekend ?2018-01-07 13:04:17
.OddyMy weekend was awesome, how about yourself?2018-01-07 13:03:35
🐈‍⬛MsKitteh🐾My weekend was nice & relaxing thx how was yours?2018-01-07 13:01:42
MaltradakMein Wochenende war gut danke ;D2018-01-07 13:00:42
Til mit der Brill'™Could be out of a "smalltalk 101-book" It was relaxing :D Hope yours aswell!2018-01-07 13:00:28
M16 🔞My weekend was very nice, thanks2018-01-07 12:59:25
ᴬᴹᵀi got the hornyst weekend of all the time, and you2018-01-07 12:57:51
M4RC3L0My weekend was great my man, hope yours was great too2018-01-07 12:56:35
ttv/Katty_♥♥♥♥ bc you keep messaging2018-01-07 12:54:20
❈Dåяκångêl❈Дmy Weekend was very good, hope ur's too2018-01-07 12:53:38
illinoize ☁Heya! Pretty nice, with lots of cakes and sweets <3Hopefully you've got the same lovely and christmas mood as me2018-01-07 12:47:08
ttv/Katty_xD2018-01-07 12:43:58
ChikoHave a nice day my friend2018-01-07 08:21:20
CrowZer0D E S P E R A T E2018-01-07 08:11:05
CrowZer0New levels of retardation every day!2018-01-07 08:06:14
CrowZer0I'm very confused. One day I decide to delete people I have known for 1-2 years because we don't talk anymore, then I decide to go to groups and ask randoms to add me!MAKES SENSE LOL2018-01-07 08:05:19
ttv/Katty_Why are u such a ♥♥♥?2018-01-07 04:54:40
CrowZer0I didn't know it wasn't automatic!2018-01-07 04:20:59
CrowZer0I sent you the key Xamras, enjoy.2018-01-07 04:20:40
CrowZer0I love coffee.2018-01-07 03:14:14
Gin the BoxJust stooooop dang dang dang dang2018-01-06 20:54:00
Gin the BoxWtf I didn't even notice you both were arguing2018-01-06 20:53:40
zohaiyo2018-01-06 20:18:17
raszyuur gay2018-01-06 19:00:06
JeLomunHave a nice weekend2018-01-06 16:35:24
VeeSlayshope you're doing alright m82018-01-06 15:42:58
EASY<32018-01-06 14:41:54
CrowZer0Too all my haters!I don't ♥♥♥♥ with youYou little stupid ass ♥♥♥♥♥, I ain't ♥♥♥♥♥♥' with youYou little, you little dumb ass ♥♥♥♥♥, I ain't ♥♥♥♥♥♥' with youI got a million trillion things I'd rather ♥♥♥♥♥♥' doThan to be ♥♥♥♥♥♥' with youLittle stupid ass, I don't give a ♥♥♥♥, I don't give a ♥♥♥♥I don't I don't I don't give a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about you or anything that you doDon't give a ♥♥♥♥ about you or anything that you do I'm out, adios amigos!2018-01-06 13:56:57
CrowZer0Crowy had a good day, he woke at 5:30am, he had a gret workout, had a great steak,mushrooms tomatoes etc, chill day nice shopping spree, now he was going to chill with a nice movie, but just when I thought I was out, some mong pulls me back in.2018-01-06 13:49:03
ttv/Katty_no thx2018-01-06 13:48:27
ttv/Katty_wtf is that2018-01-06 13:45:47
CrowZer0I like drama u mong!Sometimes some morons just need to ♥♥♥♥♥ slapped nah mean?2018-01-06 13:43:02
ttv/Katty_I WAS TRYING TO GET RID OF THE DRAMA CROW2018-01-06 13:42:12
CrowZer0@Weasel, you tried to add me and anyone on my FL that seemed like a girl including my little sister, and my friend Fiji who isn't even a girl but was joking with a girl pic and name.I know of at least three girls who have deleted and then blocked you, and many who have told me you are a creep.I have been in servers on Discord where people post your chat logs and screenshots and laugh and all share notes on how weird you are. You decided to randomly mention me to someone your exact words being "I hate his guts". I never came for you, nor said ♥♥♥♥ about you, I see you as a ♥♥♥♥ stain on my shoe. I don't act you ♥♥♥♥, I just have a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tolerance policy for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.If you don't like me calling you a douche or calling out your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, maybe stop talking about me? You reap what you sow you maggot.I know your type, you're a worm. Now ♥♥♥♥ off.2018-01-06 13:39:45
WeaselI never wanted or asked of you to be my friend so you might want to correct yourself, I only mentioned you to a friend because i just happened to see your comment and sure while i didnt say anything to you personally thats because i can decide for myself if im going to say something or not, so thats not your problem, i was just saying that i dont like your acting, i never said that i hated you personally, but i mean why am i wasting my time if you are just gonna say something different and still make me look like a bad guy here, so i think saying anything more than this is just waste of time, we will just go in circles and everyone saying different thing2018-01-06 13:35:20
DeniseThat's interesting, my friends also liked that episode. Did you liked "Metalhead"? Everyone hated it! I'm going to star the new season next week probably, and see what's the big deal. I hope you have a great day, Crow!2018-01-06 13:34:16
CrowZer0If I'm a douche for calling a ♥♥♥♥ a ♥♥♥♥ after he talks ♥♥♥♥ about me for no apparent reason, and not choosing to be your friend because I didn't approve of your creepy pedo/rapist vibe and jokes then I guess I'm a douche. Now ♥♥♥♥ off.2018-01-06 13:28:35
CrowZer0You randomly go to someone and tell them "I hate his guts" when I have never done anything to you. You're a coward. You ♥♥♥♥♥ about me mnths after I've forgotten who you are and then I'm the douche? LOLThe brain on some people.2018-01-06 13:27:39
CrowZer0@Weasel a bit of a ♥♥♥♥ move going around telling people you hate my guts but no balls to say it to me right? Lol. Why? Because I don't like creepy rapist vibe weirdos? Lol ♥♥♥♥ off.2018-01-06 13:26:54
WeaselIm not butthurt, im just saying that you are being a douche for no reason, but whatever, suit yourself2018-01-06 13:26:26
CrowZer0@Weasel saying I don't care about you means I do not think nor remember you until someone tells me "this guy is talking ♥♥♥♥ about you". Then you're so insgnificant I have to wonder why, then I remember... Ah it's the pedo kid, who girls found creepy because he kept making weird jokes and references. All I did was delete you and you're still butthurt about it months afterwards. LOL Get a life. Stop being creepy. Buh byeeeeee2018-01-06 13:25:36
Joaco_T100Have an awesome day!2018-01-06 13:23:42
WeaselIf you didnt care you wouldnt be posting on my profile in first place and there is no reason to be rude and call me stuff, you are acting immature like that but w/e your choice, cheers2018-01-06 13:23:23
CrowZer0Everywhere I go... my haters follow! 13:20:04
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2018-01-06 12:05:24
ttv/Katty_>:(2018-01-06 11:50:23
Synth::2018-01-06 10:37:40
Synth::2018-01-06 10:37:37
Synth::2018-01-06 10:37:12
tatatalleresHave a great day!2018-01-06 08:28:31
Gin the BoxIt's hard to help a confused person by being far from her2018-01-06 07:26:10
daddy<4.52018-01-06 05:46:07
CrowZer0Lol, some people have their heads too far up their ass to ever accept any wrong doing or admit their flaws. When you're sheltered, weak, cowardly too afraid of your own shadow and stressed about stupid ♥♥♥♥. What they SHOULD be doing is fixing themselves, not making excuses and feeling sorry. But oh whale, ignorance is bliss and I guess some people are just born to be idiots. My biggest flaw is probably holding people to my own standards.2018-01-06 05:28:54
Sp!T_ShineWhen she doesnt know what she has till it's gone...... 05:08:01
CrowZer0My two biggest dislikes, the idiotic and ignorant, when you're a combination of both, with no personality, no redeeming qualities, don't on top of that take generosity and kindness as weakness and forget your place and act like a ♥♥♥♥ to someone because you're fake as ♥♥♥♥ and on a pedestal. Lol GET A GRIP! Omg how could you say that to me? I'm such a victim!2018-01-06 04:56:13
CrowZer0I game an average of 8 hours a day on Steam alone, I don't work cos mummy and daddy pay for everything! I'm not counting my hours on Overwatch.My life is entitled and easy as ♥♥♥♥. Yet I'm constantly stressed, lazy and wonder why after 5 years I'm still failing college. Oh I'm never wrong, always right, everyone else is "retarded". Uh huh okay honey.2018-01-06 04:52:12
CrowZer0I'm fat and have a negative body image!Ok Crow go workout?Ugh no working out is succcch a chorrrrre.Uh... okay? Why what else are you doing?OMG I woke up at 2pm after sleeping for 12 hours, then I ate breakfast and watched youtube videos, btw my mummy and daddy pay for everything, I'M SO STRESSSSED cos of school work and no one gets my pain and all I did today was sit on my ass, play games, watch videos. MY LIFE IS SO HARD AND STRESSFUL.Uh yeah Crow the problem is you.2018-01-06 04:44:22
Sp!T_ShineI'm trying to work des angles yo, firing my tesla death ray2018-01-06 04:42:25
Zireael<332018-01-06 04:14:27
Baby Saturn♥♥♥♥♥ what2018-01-06 04:14:20
LXXII WIV.<<<3332018-01-06 04:00:44
CrowZer0don't worry vesgo I'm only writing here because this person is so sad all the do is stalk me!2018-01-06 03:43:27
CrowZer0#FILTEREVERYPIC cos that's what they're for, not for fun, but to make you "look better" LOL2018-01-06 03:42:52
vesgoForget about them Crow2018-01-06 03:42:44
CrowZer0Just another "user" someone who uses people, until they realise how disgusting you are. If you're not smart, interesting, attractive, at least be humble and nice? Nope? Not even that? LOLOLOLOLo2018-01-06 03:41:12
CrowZer0When you get blocked and messages get deleted for editing purposes!YES EVERYONE KNOWS YOU'RE FAKE AND YOU BEFIRNED PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY BUY YOU ♥♥♥♥! Haha!2018-01-06 03:39:59
barryHave a great day!2018-01-06 03:18:30
Baby Saturn 03:09:08
Baby Saturn♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ BETTER WATCH YOUR NECK 03:06:48
Baby SaturnPOP A ♥♥♥♥♥ THEN I GO OUT MY WAY 03:04:32
󠀡󠀡Rep2018-01-06 03:04:06
Rangęda ツ+Rep, Have a great weekend2018-01-06 02:33:59
ttv/Katty_u’re the cuck to my aurora2018-01-06 02:28:12
ttv/Katty_You’re a big ol’ meanie! Imma tell my mum on you!!!2018-01-06 02:19:17
ttv/Katty_Drink bleach2018-01-06 02:13:12
ttv/Katty_08:02 - CrowZer0: What u mean no u dumb ♥♥♥♥2018-01-06 02:02:46
≛VAMI≛<32018-01-06 01:23:51
Artall+reeeeeeeeeeeeep <32018-01-06 01:04:53
CrowZer0.#haroon 1 hour ago Sign me pls2018-01-06 00:12:28
Derkylicious<3 :D2018-01-05 21:26:06
Dank Kitty the Dog Slayer+rep <32018-01-05 20:57:46
Dank Kitty the Dog SlayerMerry Un-Birthday to You!!!2018-01-05 20:57:16
srkn34<32018-01-05 20:51:13
not share<32018-01-05 20:42:57
MaltradakSchönes Wochenende dir2018-01-05 19:20:26
CrowZer0I really hate you, and you're really irrelevant to me, but I'm unblocking you everywhere.2018-01-05 18:46:15
CrowZer0I'm so mad I'm gonna kick you out of my group and then leave it myself.2018-01-05 18:45:50
CrowZer0LOVE BAUERS2018-01-05 17:20:04
CrowZer0LOL WHAT A DUMBASS!hahahhahaha2018-01-05 16:21:43
CrowZer0Even though I won't speak to you for months, if you buy me a game I will send you lots of kisses on your profile and act like you're my BFF!2018-01-05 16:19:02
CrowZer0My life so awesome!All I do is play ♥♥♥♥♥♥ games just so I can get another hundo and feel like I'm doing something with my life! I'm full of ♥♥♥♥, never keep my word and am overly emotional. Dying rn!2018-01-05 16:17:41
ttv/Katty_:/ sad lief2018-01-05 15:35:43
Gin the Box@bauer I really want to know it too but they didn't want to answer me :/2018-01-05 15:34:29
CrowZer0We were meming you.2018-01-05 15:20:56
Gin the BoxIt's because you're such a generous patron.2018-01-05 14:41:00
CrowZer0When steam trolls you. 14:31:03
Gin the BoxThis is in reference to the capacity in ml which represents 3 cups.But just call it La Cafetière.2018-01-05 12:09:26
VeeSlaysof course!2018-01-05 11:26:48
HaydnWow thats so hot...Can you find one where she ♥♥♥♥♥ in the diaper? Get back to me.2018-01-05 11:25:27
HaydnHahahahahahah brooooo They better be 18- hue hue2018-01-05 11:13:59
VeeSlaysDo u still love me2018-01-05 11:09:52
CrowZer0Apparently after 11 years of smoking, I suddenly decided I'm going to quit smoking and it has been easy as ♥♥♥♥.Apparently Superman ain't got ♥♥♥♥ on me.2018-01-05 09:54:33
Sp!T_ShineI wish!!! Hope you are doing well, I have been hooked on my HTC Vive, havent played a non vr game since I installed it Saturday. Blows my mind.2018-01-04 18:46:43
VeeSlaysVaporwave is noice m82018-01-04 16:52:05
ttv/Katty_22:04 - CrowZer0: best movie22:04 - CrowZer0: Same!!!2018-01-04 16:05:06
ttv/Katty_Nice m8, u changed the wording, gj!!!! 22:00 - CrowZer0: recommend me a good movie22:00 - kat: idk any m888822:00 - kat: i don't rly watch movies anymoreee22:00 - CrowZer0: useless2018-01-04 16:02:55
HaydnI said babes, mans not hot2018-01-04 13:43:50
HaydnThe girl told me take off your jacket2018-01-04 13:43:42
ttv/Katty_rekt kid2018-01-04 12:40:58
CrowZer0Bunny's games are now available for you to play. Wait wut?2018-01-04 10:44:21
spica.*keep warm2018-01-03 22:34:46
Moogal™Thanks a lot and a happy new year!2018-01-03 15:38:57
Astromatikerᶤᵐ ᶰᵒᵗ ˡᶤᵛᶤᶰᵍ - ᶤᵐ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵏᶤˡˡᶤᶰᵍ ᵗᶤᵐᵉ2018-01-03 08:57:17
fabo@idleI wish you a happy new year too.2018-01-03 05:03:04
SupraBoundThanks for the playlist! ♫2018-01-03 02:19:52
NephosHappy new year!2018-01-03 00:15:08
ttv/Katty_cunr2018-01-02 20:11:47
Baby SaturnHappy new year cunr2018-01-02 20:11:34
Baby SaturnHehehehe2018-01-02 20:11:08
DeniseHello Crow, Happy New Year to you too!!! Oh and what a shame, I haven't seen the new season yet. Did you finished it?2018-01-02 09:56:06
rageWishing you many good poo's in 2018! <32018-01-01 23:04:28
Zen∧∧ ∩                   ( ゚∀゚ )/             ハ_ハ    ⊂   ノ     ハ_ハ           ('(゚∀゚ ∩     (つ ノ     ∩ ゚∀゚)')       ハ_ハ   ヽ  〈     (ノ    〉  /    ハ_ハ     ('(゚∀゚∩   ヽヽ_)          (_ノ ノ    .∩ ゚∀゚)')     O,_  〈                    〉  ,_O       `ヽ_)                    (_/ ´  ハ_ハ            HAPPY NEW YEAR!              ハ_ハ⊂(゚∀゚⊂⌒_`⊃                            ⊂´__⊃゚∀゚)⊃2018-01-01 13:00:22
Arabuhappy new year2018-01-01 10:51:18
bastosHappy New Year!2018-01-01 09:22:58
iR0DHappy new year :)2018-01-01 08:36:24
daddyHappy New Year!2018-01-01 08:34:13
SynthHappy New Year _______0__o_o__o_0_0_o_o__0______0___o__o__o0_0__o_o__0_____0___o__o_o__0_0__o___o__0____0_o___o___o__0_0___o___o__0____00o0000o00o0o0_0o00o00oo0oo0___000o0o00000o000_000o00o0o000o0___00000o000o000o0_000o000o00000o0___0o00oo00o0o00o0__0000o0o0o00000___0o0o00000o00o0___000o0o0o0o0o00____0o0o0000o0o0_____0000o00o00o0_____0000o0000________ 00o000o000______0000000___________0000000 ________00_________________00_______00___________________00______00_____________________00_____00_______________________00____00_________________________00_00000000___________________00000000---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheers! ----------------------------------------------------------------------2018-01-01 06:03:23
crowHappy new year, wish your poop the best aswell2018-01-01 00:56:54
ཧᜰ꙰ꦿ➢Iήsͥⱥnͣeͫhappy new year2017-12-31 23:47:05
》 Insanity ✔Happy new year2017-12-31 21:39:32
Sp!T_ShineHey you Appalachian 14 toed frog-giraffe from the banks of Dorwald that eats nothing but hot dogs covered in mayo. HAPPY NEW YEAR!2017-12-31 17:39:23
エヴァHappy new year!2017-12-31 16:01:56
ღARIZAღ~HAPPY NEW YEAR!2017-12-31 15:09:31
EASYHappy New Year :)2017-12-31 15:01:37
Eric CartmanHappy New Year Pal! <32017-12-31 14:50:53
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡RestThank you very much Crow. May this new year be a joyful ride for you and your family. Here’s wishing you a great year ahead. Happy New Year!2017-12-31 14:50:12
LoomismannHappy New Year <3 Have a nice New Year. Start good with it.2017-12-31 14:38:44
zHappy New Year2017-12-31 14:28:40
Indecta™HAPPY NEW YEAR!!2017-12-31 14:18:55
James MackeyHi dude I wish you a great happy new year full of happiness for you and the rest of your family members.2017-12-31 14:02:41
ZireaelTy very much Crooow !!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 and stay positive like u are :-))))2017-12-31 13:36:41
skincred"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man."—by Benjamin FranklinHAPPY NEW YEAR 20182017-12-31 13:33:35
a sprite bottle˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•. (☆*✦✦Happy New Year! ✦✦ *☆ )2017-12-31 13:01:57
breadsticksʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟʟ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢᴀᴍᴇs!!!!2017-12-31 12:48:21
Spatz·.·´¯`·.·★·.·´¯`·.·★𝘽𝙮𝙚 𝙗𝙮𝙚 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟕·´¯`·₂₀₁₇.´¯`·.,.~ Happy New Year !(_\ヽ   \\ .Λ_Λ.    \( ˇωˇ)      > ⌒ヽ    /   へ\    /  / \\    レ ノ   ヽ_つ   / /   / /|  ( (ヽ  | |、\  | 丿 \ ⌒)  | |  ) / ノ )   Lノ (_/2017-12-31 11:38:24
Phantom [bluestreak]Happy New Year !2017-12-31 11:35:36
illegurlHappy new year!2017-12-31 11:34:18
ChyiHappy new year2017-12-31 11:34:09
Funkylicious•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸      ▂╱▏  ALL THE BEST IN 2018   |___|     ╲ ╲        |000|      ▕╱▔   |000|    |000|  ━╖ ┏╭━╮┳━╮┳━╮┓ ┏      |000|   ╟━┫┣━┫┣━╯┣━╯╰━┫  ‵⁀) ✫ ✫ ✫.   \00/   ━╜ ┗┛ ┗┻  ┻┏━┓ ┃  `⋎´✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•✫    \0/      ▕╲▏Ⓔ▕╱╲▏ ╙━━━╯    ✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫     ||   ━━┓ ┓╥━┓╭━╮┳━╮     ☻/ღ˚ •。     ||     ╰━┫╟━ ┣━┫┣┳╯     /▌*˛˚      ||     ╰━╯╨━┛┛ ┗┻╰━━━   / \ ˚2017-12-31 11:14:23
ivannswordHappy New Year!2017-12-31 11:11:21
rise1v1 me no clothesu wont x0x02017-12-31 11:09:49
Encrypted Ka0sHappy new years2017-12-31 11:08:18
Dank Kitty the Dog SlayerHappy New Crow Year!!! May All Your Crow Be Merry And Bright!!!2017-12-31 11:03:00
luciano57Have a Happy New Year! too and thx for playlist hahaha2017-12-31 10:47:57
Matt_Merry New Year 20182017-12-31 10:36:19
SpengaLove ❤️ you2017-12-31 10:11:04
YisThank You and Happy New Year to You Too2017-12-31 09:57:42
TrundleHappy New Year2017-12-31 09:45:47
Clairvoyant-Happy new year 2018~2017-12-31 09:33:56
≛VAMI≛Happy New Year2017-12-31 09:01:01
游学者叮当happy new year crowcky2017-12-31 08:56:00
MaltradakDanke deins auch !2017-12-31 08:51:57
Happy new year :)2017-12-31 08:35:46
fest-Happy new year :)2017-12-31 08:35:25
spica.*happy new year!2017-12-31 08:33:48
kuntanaHappy new year crow2017-12-31 08:32:47
OnevyHAPPY NEW YEAR :)2017-12-31 08:31:56
Bunnyhappy new year2017-12-31 08:29:04
shroudHappy New Year!2017-12-31 08:27:25
fars lille tøjdyrhappy new year2017-12-31 08:26:25
M4RC3L0Have a great new year2017-12-31 08:23:52
WinterHappy New Year Crow!2017-12-31 08:18:20
🐈‍⬛MsKitteh🐾♥〃´`)  ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸*♥ 🇭🇦🇵🇵🇾 🇳🇪🇼 🇾🇪🇦🇷 ♥〃´`)               ,·´ ¸,·´`)              (¸,·´  (¸*♥2017-12-31 08:16:07
hundred˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.(☆*✦✦Happy New Year! ✦✦ *☆ )2017-12-31 08:13:40
PAPA BORBi wish you clarity in the years to come <32017-12-31 08:06:29
7omHAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 !!!2017-12-31 07:55:11
markeloff™〃♥´`)   ,·´ ¸,·´`)  (¸,·´ (¸*♥Merry Christmas &           Happy New Year 〃♥´`)                     ,·´ ¸,·´`)                    (¸,·´ (¸*♥2017-12-31 04:38:19
BunnySure dear2017-12-30 17:24:47
BLKWaveHave a Happy New Year . Leave whatever toxicity that may have affected you in 2017 and move forward with what you only care for in 2018, have a good celebration!2017-12-30 16:11:23
ZireaelCroooow u are the best !!!! Crow :))) HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! :-)))2017-12-30 12:28:53
CrowZer0People need to learn to read before adding, if they demonstrate they either can't read or the choose to ignore what I write in terms of LEAVE A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ COMMENT. Straight up ignore.2017-12-30 08:30:35
CrowZer0@Fiji, you don't learn. You do not tell Crow what to do.2017-12-30 07:59:13
Baby Saturni need your opinion on something, get back to me asap.2017-12-30 02:43:40
ッ Arnaud ッI enjoyed the music, thanks. Have a great weekend2017-12-29 22:14:43
≛VAMI≛˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.(☆✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & a ℋappy 2018!✦✦*☆ )*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*2017-12-29 17:18:25
Sp!T_ShineCrowey, Crowey Doo,Took a Poo,Spitty thought it was candy,Spitty took a bite,And turned all white,And that's the end of poor Spitty2017-12-29 17:06:23
󠀡󠀡𝔅𝔢𝔫http://Have a wonderful2018..2017-12-29 16:10:29
Spenga<32017-12-29 14:48:58
🐈‍⬛MsKitteh🐾♥〃´`)  ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸*♥ 🇭🇦🇵🇵🇾 🇳🇪🇼 🇾🇪🇦🇷 ♥〃´`)               ,·´ ¸,·´`)              (¸,·´  (¸*♥2017-12-29 13:34:24
M4RC3L0нappy new year 20182017-12-29 13:05:20
DeniseI hope you have a lovely day, Crow! Enjoy Black Mirror2017-12-29 12:52:21
GreexøffHappy New Year!2017-12-29 12:49:13
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-12-29 11:45:37
EASYI'd need some dancing courses before I can do dancing :P2017-12-29 11:39:51
ෆั ˢんんん ෆัgreat Song, good Weekend2017-12-29 11:26:23
doc on 240hzThat was sooo chill2017-12-29 11:08:59
B2HYes I remember watching kungfu panda.2017-12-29 11:05:45
☢ Anonim ☣+TOP 11:03:48
WinterEyyy! Thanks for the comment, Crow! I'll get ready for that New Year's Eve dance ;)2017-12-29 10:45:04
CrowZer0eople celebrating Christmas 4 days late, wut?2017-12-29 09:41:01
anttfav or fav? ok ur my fav. now im ur fav. gottem2017-12-28 13:08:55
Bunny18:25 - CrowZer0: AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA18:26 - CrowZer0: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥2017-12-28 11:27:43
BunnyU suckin?2017-12-28 09:49:31
CrowZer0You single?2017-12-28 09:38:54
CrowZer0I've never been in the closest, I'm openly gay.2017-12-28 09:10:50
CrowZer0Lol! Comes on my profile, no clue who you are then calls me Creep. AHAHAHHAHAHAAGo away you imbecile.2017-12-28 09:07:17
CrowZer0Hi Oluja, 22 year old German kid who speaks bad Dutch and Finnish.Go away.2017-12-28 09:05:23
CrowZer0You are a moron with a private profile who I don't know on my profile, messaging in broken English. LOLOLOLA common trait in my haters is stupidity, you are no different.2017-12-28 09:01:22
CrowZer0:/ Private profile, go away weirdo!2017-12-28 08:49:08
ttv/Katty_ofc m82017-12-27 19:20:17
BunnyCow assHorse face2017-12-27 16:50:30
『₮empuƦa』How you feeling? Have a good christmas? Keep your head up crow baby!2017-12-27 14:47:08
Sama ♡Have a nice week and Happy new Year <32017-12-27 12:31:59
CrowZer0You have already been deleted, did something confuse you in assuming I need you? ♥♥♥♥ off. @HyperEx2017-12-27 11:13:11
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-12-27 09:34:58
caos/\_____/ヽ       /''''''   '''''':::::::\ _      . |(●),   、(●)、.:| |当|   +      |   ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::| |:::::|、    .   |   `トェェェイ ' .:::::::|(⊃E) +       \  `ニニ´  .::::: /:: / Eノ    +    ,,.....イ.ヽヽ、ニ__ ーーノ゙ ̄|  |    :   |  '; \_____ ノ.| ヽ |  |        |  \/゙(__)\,|  i、  |        >   ヽ. ハ  |   |ヽノ2017-12-27 09:17:17
ttv/Katty_suck a ♥♥♥♥, cuck2017-12-27 03:40:44
BunnyADD ME ITS IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2017-12-26 19:13:51
CrowZer0Yeah just went through your historic friends and previous profiles.Lol no thanks. I don't care about retarded steam drama.2017-12-26 19:13:00
CrowZer0Important to who?What's it regarding, because I have no clue who you are.2017-12-26 19:10:14
HULKSMASH1337add its important2017-12-26 18:57:11
Bunnyk e x p o s e d2017-12-26 16:52:24
CrowZer0You called me a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! 16:51:46
Bunny♥♥♥♥♥♥ who doesn't accept my gift2017-12-26 16:49:24
SupraBound𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽, 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀!     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .             𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀 ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .   .。  .  𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝒹𝒶𝓎❢     。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。2017-12-26 15:26:18
zi gots gifties bc i'm spoiled ^-^ did you get lots of gifts?2017-12-26 15:11:41
caioYE ♥♥♥♥ ME2017-12-26 15:11:26
zni hao :D how was your christmas?2017-12-26 15:05:38
CrowZer0Deleted 220 so far today. I've organised categories. Friends are... friends I know well and have spoken to or known for years. Known associates are people I know well and talk to often, probation are people I have spoken to but don't know well yet, these three categories will not get deleted. Delete immune are people in my group or who have messaged me/my profile in the last month or so.Invite sent are people I have no clue of/no memory of interaction with who have been sent an invite to my group, and will be deleted unless they're in it.Private profiles, low level, inactive profiles will likely get deleted if I have no clue who they are.2017-12-26 15:03:41
James MackeyHi there, I wish you a wonderful day.2017-12-26 12:23:54
venusADD ME PLS2017-12-26 11:12:41
doc on 240hzye I know, been there2017-12-26 10:28:23
CrowZer0It's annoying sifting through them when I'm tryna find someone, or the stupid trade requests I get daily. And when someone says something to me "remember we spoke on bonfire night" I'm like.. who are you?2017-12-26 09:58:55
doc on 240hzlul, deleting streak huh crow2017-12-26 09:52:42
MaltradakI like bananas more !2017-12-26 09:50:19
ttv/Katty_u2017-12-26 09:40:13
CrowZer0120 Deleted so far. More to come later, steams being stupid2017-12-26 09:39:47
CrowZer0 08:25:20
MaltradakBruh. Hey !2017-12-26 07:01:10
BLKWaveHey! Hope you had a good holiday m8!2017-12-26 05:44:17
H̵A̴B̴I̸L̷A̵Hey!Nice to meet you.2017-12-26 05:40:42
risehey bb grill hmu 4 sw33t timez #nohomo#maybealilbitofhomo2017-12-26 05:39:21
CrowZer0Anyone who has spoken to me, or left a message on my profile in the last two months are fine.2017-12-26 04:12:11
CrowZer0Lol don't worry, we have spoken, and you respond to profile messages.The people getting deleted are the ones I have no recollection of speaking to, people who don't respond to wall stuff, are inactive, low effort/private profiles, no groups, friends, games, interests in common.2017-12-26 04:11:26
crow* Message " Don't remove me, hohoho "2017-12-26 04:09:02
CrowZer0I'll be gradually cleaning out my friends list with people who I don't interact with via chat/comments or activity. If we have spoken or you have left a message on my profile or joined my discord or group you're fine.2017-12-26 04:04:07
OnevyMerry Christmas & Happy new year!2017-12-25 21:18:31
crowyou too, bro.2017-12-25 18:08:32
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ мєяяу ¢няιѕтмαѕ2017-12-25 13:50:54
Matta★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★Merry*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* Christmas*★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥FairyWorld ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛ ...2017-12-25 07:28:20
MifałMerry Christmas! <32017-12-25 06:54:56
Indecta™Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!2017-12-25 06:24:01
wshm787878Merry Christmas!2017-12-25 05:03:14
fuckduppoohLet it snow my little Crow and yea have a good new year. But please dont eat to much u will be fat (2017-12-25 04:18:04
WinterMerry Christmas Crow!!2017-12-25 02:56:51
ෆั ˢんんん ෆั。 ° ˛ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ˚ • 。。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ 。 ° 。 ° 。• ˚ ˚ ˛ * ★MERRY★ *˛ • • 。CHRISTMAS • ˚ ˚ • ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ 。* ★And Happy New Year★ • ˚ ˚ ˛ *__Π___*。* ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • ˚ ˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛*|田田 . .|門| ˚¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°2017-12-25 02:31:38
doc on 240hzMerry Xmas and fap as much as you can2017-12-25 01:22:14
EffyMerry Christmas Crow! Have a crowtastic day !2017-12-25 00:03:03
Misa˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.(☆✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & a ℋappy 2018!✦✦*☆ )*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*2017-12-24 23:52:50
jess [DND]Hello!It's Christmas! I hope you enjoy every moment you spend with family, any gifts you receive and the love you spread. I wish you all of the peace and joy that there is to offer. I look forward to see us continue to grow as the year passes. You're more important than you know.𝑀𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒,𝒥𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒸𝒶2017-12-24 23:10:45
游学者叮当merry christmas!!2017-12-24 23:08:23
Delete^^˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.(☆✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & a ℋappy 2018!✦✦*☆ )*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*2017-12-24 22:09:01
ttv/Katty_Meowiekatmas!2017-12-24 20:53:08
Dank Kitty the Dog Slayer+rep Merry Kissmoose!2017-12-24 20:18:36
ttv/Katty_Yo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, she's mine2017-12-24 19:51:25
ZireaelMerry CHRISTMAS :)))))2017-12-24 19:24:10
Bunnynice xmas2017-12-24 18:09:09
kuntanaMerry Christmas Crow! ily imy2017-12-24 17:50:09
daddyMerry Christmas2017-12-24 17:08:03
ttv/Katty_Have a nice Christmas m82017-12-24 17:03:52
NephosMerry Christmas!2017-12-24 16:56:04
DynnyMerry Christmas!2017-12-24 16:30:51
EverythingWhen my mother was a little girl she was bullied every single day. She hated school more than anything she got bitten, clawed, her hair pulled and was almost rape. She would beg her parents not to send her to school because she would be tortured. After 2 years she had enough and saved her money up and purchased a 9 mm from some of adults that would hang around the school selling pot, heroin, guns, ect you name it they would be selling it. Anyways one day she was finally ready she had it all planned out. She was gonna walk to school and find that black piece of ♥♥♥♥ that would bully her every day and shoot him dead. And who would care right? It was the 90's who would care about some black stupid animal? And so she did she shot it 6 times almost nothing left of it after she was done. She did get charged though after PETA showed up and was baffled that a 15 year old girl shot a crow 6 times. Moral of the story is crows are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.2017-12-24 15:56:52
DeniseMerry Christmas, Crow! Hope you have a wonderful day2017-12-24 15:49:41
JeLomunᗰᕮᖇᖇY ᑕᕼᖇIᏕTᗰᗩᏕ & ℋαppy Ɲєw Ƴєαɾ!!2017-12-24 15:48:14
🐈‍⬛MsKitteh🐾•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.(☆*✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & A ℋappy 2018✦✦ *☆ )*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*2017-12-24 15:43:17
Til mit der Brill'™Havenice free days aswell and relax :D2017-12-24 15:42:13
Blacknovaahℳᴇʀʀʏ ℭʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs & ℋᴀᴘᴘʏ ℋᴏʟɪᴅᴀʏs!!!˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*. /______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°2017-12-24 14:33:50
Tezlakipuka˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.(☆✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & a ℋappy 2018!✦✦*☆ )*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*2017-12-24 09:32:03
Chuck ✌Merry Christmas 🌟🎄🌟🎄2017-12-24 08:13:21
Delete^^˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.(☆✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & a ℋappy 2018!✦✦*☆ )*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*2017-12-24 08:06:13
ttv/Katty_Sticking to 210 for now2017-12-24 07:52:55
hundred•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.(☆✦✦𝒲𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶 Merry Christmas and ℋᴀᴘᴘʏ 2018 !! ✦✦*☆ )*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛¯˜"*°••°*" ˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°2017-12-24 07:43:20
ÆngelMay you live a long and happy life, kind Lady/Sir I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018 With kindly regards, Your Pothead Simon.2017-12-24 06:22:06
Better Call VelociMERRY CHRISTMAS!2017-12-23 17:31:54
DeniseThank you!! Luckily everything went well with my finals, so now I'm free :) Hope you are doing fine2017-12-23 17:09:42
MilimMerry x-max2017-12-23 15:43:51
ttv/Katty_19:02 - CrowZer0: that would mean ordering from atleast 2 diff pizza19:02 - CrowZer0: *places2017-12-23 13:03:02
WinterHappy Holidays! :--)2017-12-23 11:05:42
ttv/Katty_ay, thanks m8! :D2017-12-23 08:58:32
H̵A̴B̴I̸L̷A̵Happy Holidays! Have a nice Christmas day!2017-12-23 08:57:49
flo*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.(☆✦✦Merry Christmas and Happy New Year✦✦*☆ )*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.2017-12-23 08:03:11
CrowZer0Hi Kuri2017-12-23 05:29:26
stop looking at mecrazy guy2017-12-23 05:28:56
vesgo♥〃´`)  ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸*♥Merry Christmas &            Happy New Year ♥〃´`)                    ,·´ ¸,·´`)                   (¸,·´ (¸*♥2017-12-23 02:03:13
ttv/Katty_Thanks m82017-12-22 21:36:30
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-12-22 15:14:01
✞Mєℓℓу✞cяу✞*+.´,.,..´.`?.´.?.,`+.´..,.`.-*´..`.´,.´..`.*´..´.Das.`.°´.´..`..-.´*..`.-´.`.´.Weih-`.´.-.-.`..`.´. .`.+. °`.´nachts-´.`*.´.`.´.,.`*.´,.´-..`tännchen´. °´..`.+…-`.´.`wünscht ein .´.`.´..`.`.*,?.`froooohes und`.`.´.´.`.*´ tief verschneites`.`.´.´.`Weihnachtsfest 2017´.`.´.´*..`.-´.`.´..`#.´.-..`..`.´…-`,°.´..`.+.°`.´.#‘.´..`.´..`, Schönes Wochenende ein tollen 4.Advent und ein wunderschönes Weihnachtsfest2017-12-22 04:24:01
ttv/Katty_Asks to play, plays like ♥♥♥♥, DOESN'T SLEEP.Cuck.2017-12-22 02:33:33
CrowZer0I2017-12-21 18:27:10
CrowZer0D2017-12-21 18:27:06
CrowZer0L2017-12-21 18:27:01
CrowZer0I2017-12-21 18:26:52
CrowZer0N2017-12-21 18:26:47
CrowZer0G2017-12-21 18:26:39
Baby Saturnpapa papa2017-12-21 17:56:43
ttv/Katty_ofc m82017-12-21 17:02:18
DeniseHave a great day, Crow!2017-12-21 15:02:56
GeekFPShahaha ty for the comment to remind me of that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ;)2017-12-21 14:25:35
ttv/Katty_I wish m82017-12-21 07:09:02
nʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟʟ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢᴀᴍᴇs2017-12-21 05:06:23
Sp!T_ShineMuth be nithe having 1,205 gaymes to play, Muth be nithe.......2017-12-20 22:17:03
HaydnOops2017-12-20 08:44:06
HaydnWaitwut2017-12-20 08:44:01
HaydnI like 5 year olds2017-12-20 08:43:51
Y0USSBest ♥♥♥♥♥♥ to take it in his butt, ever.2017-12-20 00:43:51
Dank Kitty the Dog Slayer+rep The answer is The Crow Lives in all of us.2017-12-19 23:40:25
irezumiBecause you didn't make an anology you made a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ insult and you're just trying to cover it.2017-12-19 23:20:45
CrowZer0Explain your reasoning.2017-12-19 22:48:33
irezumiYea I'm pretty sure you don't know what anology mean.2017-12-19 22:04:41
CrowZer0No I made an anology... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I don't know how to speak to spastics, let me dumb it down do you like Egg Dwop soup?2017-12-19 21:57:30
irezumiLmao, you can't think of anything to say so you call me a 5 year old. Typical idiot2017-12-19 21:55:34
CrowZer0Amusement Benson, talking to 5yos is amusing sometimes too.2017-12-19 21:15:50
rease.ɪᴛ's ᴀʟᴍᴏsᴛ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs, ɪᴛ's ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ sᴘʀᴇᴀᴅ sᴏᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ.sᴏ ɪ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡɪsʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀғᴜʟ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs.ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇs ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ, ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʀᴇᴀsᴇ ...2017-12-19 21:12:21
irezumiI'm a hater for telling you to go outside, okay. "you are meaningless to me" yet you reply to every one of my comments2017-12-19 21:00:44
CrowZer0You're just another hater passing on through, you are meaningless to me.2017-12-19 20:28:41
irezumiThat's what I thought.2017-12-19 20:23:12
CrowZer0I'm very butt hurt pls use lube next time.2017-12-19 20:21:39
irezumi@CrowZer0 Funny how you get butt hurt after I tell you to put down the games and go outside. And come up with original insults next time2017-12-19 20:21:02
ttv/Katty_>:(2017-12-19 18:21:35
CrowZer0Skyrim is fun even without you...2017-12-19 18:03:39
CrowZer0@Benson, you went out of your way from your sad existence out of stupidity and ignorance to seek me out and tell me to go out. You're a waste of space and too stupid to even explain ♥♥♥♥ to. Go away kid. Stay in school.2017-12-19 17:15:41
irezumi@CrowZer0 you're acting like thats normal, well guess what? it isnt.2017-12-19 17:11:31
CrowZer0Thank you for the lols! Continue making a fool of yourself.2017-12-19 16:56:18
CrowZer0Bunny if you're going to continue acting like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ imbecile and emo all the time, go ♥♥♥♥ yourself. Your behavior is ABSURD. Even your friends think so!Oh, too late. After I block you this time, leave me alone.If you can't handle alcohol, then stop drinking it.Stop feeling sorry for yourself.I'm tired of being patient with you all the time. Don't add me back or come into one of my streams this to say you miss me.BYE BYE!2017-12-19 16:21:37
Gin the BoxI don't know why he restriced the video tho, we frenchs are a good audiance2017-12-19 12:08:16
Gin the Box+ I can't use a proxy right now, so i'll watch it later2017-12-19 12:05:43
Gin the BoxWell I have a King Size bed so that should be enough to play2017-12-19 12:05:17
ttv/Katty_17:48 - CrowZer0: EMO CROW2017-12-19 11:49:42
Gin the BoxAnd with this question, you asked me to be your game partner2017-12-19 11:48:11
Gin the BoxWell its something really playfull that you usually do on a bed with a game partner2017-12-19 11:47:30
ttv/Katty_u're the worst2017-12-19 11:10:31
ttv/Katty_go get bleach u cuck2017-12-19 11:07:24
ttv/Katty_I do floss pls2017-12-19 10:29:19
HaydnSign pls ;)2017-12-19 10:24:41
Gin the BoxBenson Il y a 8 heures "3,227.4 hours past 2 weeks" go outsidelol, such a fascinating specimen2017-12-19 08:42:17
SupraBound。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .             𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀 ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .   .。  .  𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝒹𝒶𝓎❢     。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。2017-12-19 01:10:42
CrowZer0@Benson Hi genius how many hours are there in two weeks?You must either be new to Steam or idiotic, which is it?2017-12-19 00:15:28
irezumi"3,227.4 hours past 2 weeks" go outside2017-12-18 23:42:42
HaydnI know :(2017-12-18 16:04:44
ttv/Katty_She's the best, what can I say.2017-12-18 14:32:13
CrowZer0if a girls hot ill call her hot im not one of those cucks who lies about it2017-12-18 14:27:13
𝒵illahexposed2017-12-18 14:26:30
CrowZer0e x p o s e d2017-12-18 14:25:26
𝒵illah21:23 - 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓩𝓮𝓻0: calm the ♥♥♥♥ down ♥♥♥♥21:23 - 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓩𝓮𝓻0: i said21:23 - 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓩𝓮𝓻0: allaria21:23 - 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓩𝓮𝓻0: not u21:23 - Bunny: o u dont know its me21:24 - 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓩𝓮𝓻0: ...21:24 - 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓩𝓮𝓻0: how can it be you21:24 - 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓩𝓮𝓻0: shes REALLY hot21:24 - Bunny: it's my 2nd account21:24 - Bunny: sorry21:24 - 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓩𝓮𝓻0: ...21:24 - 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓩𝓮𝓻0: no way2017-12-18 14:24:54
𝒵illahBully2017-12-18 14:24:42
ttv/Katty_and kat, bad person too >:(2017-12-18 14:10:20
CrowZer0Crow gets online to 27 steam notifications, offline messages, Discord and Whatsapp messages, I just want a smoke and drink! I'll respond when I can.2017-12-18 10:26:18
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-12-18 09:51:31
Gin the BoxYou removed your kind words in your info box, too bad.2017-12-18 07:14:01
arturiomoshhnyjHave a Nice Week2017-12-18 05:04:08
😴💤Wish you a merry week!2017-12-17 18:15:42
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡RestDamn, never mess with the crows I guess2017-12-17 17:56:24
B2Hhave a good day2017-12-17 14:53:39
Baby Saturnbig ♥♥♥♥ fiji pull up and squeeze yo ♥♥♥♥♥ like a squeegee, uh ya, uh ya pop another pill throw my bills at the mills while pumping that thottie all up in the hill uh yeah, fast car, uh ya cocaine, yaaaaa witchblade, switchblade yo ass ♥♥♥♥♥2017-12-17 14:23:50
Sp!T_ShineMoon has some competition.... :D 13:37:48
麻生海咲have a good day c:2017-12-17 13:11:36
VALHALLHave a great day2017-12-17 11:37:22
Bunnynever had it, can u make it for me?2017-12-17 11:34:17
Bunny-rep doesn't kill kats2017-12-17 09:12:44
ttv/Katty_+rep, kills bunnies2017-12-17 09:12:29
Bunny-rep kills bunnies2017-12-17 09:10:47
FranI added you because I collect people with 742 Badges, I hope you accept and we can be best friends and watch Bee movie together2017-12-17 08:46:19
crowCrow's perception, ain't anything but a paradox, human conception like a stereo.And yet we continue to swallow, like it just something to borrow. Like photo in my memo, you are ♥♥♥♥ like a riot, hurt my feet like a lego.2017-12-17 08:34:50
NephosHave a nice weekend!2017-12-17 08:09:51
DynnyI like your poems2017-12-17 07:52:05
я усталHave a wonderful weekend2017-12-17 07:24:11
Sp!T_Shine......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二eat my ♥♥♥♥ and die from my aids....2017-12-17 00:22:37
PlushechkaHave a wonderful weekend2017-12-16 22:36:52
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-12-16 22:00:07
Bunnyanyways i love you and i hate u bye2017-12-16 18:20:18
Bunnyur welcome2017-12-16 18:18:55
Bunny♥♥♥♥♥♥2017-12-16 18:17:14
Sp!T_ShineMUTH BE NITHEIt iz nitheIz vury nitheIz nither than nitheIz the nithest kinda nitheIf nithe had a nither twin sister, that kinda nithe2017-12-16 16:20:57
SilentRosePeople say I'm crazy doing what I'm doingWell they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruinWhen I say that I'm o.k. they look at me kind of strangeSurely you're not happy now you no longer play the gamePeople say I'm lazy dreaming my life awayWell they give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten meWhen I tell that I'm doing Fine watching shadows on the wallDon't you miss the big time boy you're no longer on the ball?I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and roundI really love to watch them rollNo longer riding on the merry-go-roundI just had to let it go 13:08:53
G.Michelakosno galimera is kalimera!!! :)2017-12-16 09:35:39
ttv/Katty_thx m82017-12-16 07:30:15
Zireaelஇڿڰۣ-ڰۣ—...இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ—.*♥*...║║║║╔╗╔╗*♥*...*♥*.╠╣║║║╗╚╗.....*❤**♥*....║║╚╝╚╝╚╝.........2017-12-16 05:26:17
Gin the Box 13:27:05
iR0DHave a nice weekend ^_^2017-12-15 07:24:46
DrSlasherHave a nice day !2017-12-14 23:03:44
Gin the Box I've put a lot of time on it and that's how I get rewarded.2017-12-14 18:15:11
DeniseI just saw your comments, finals are killing me. Anyway, have a nice day, Crow. Hope you're doing great2017-12-14 18:09:21
Bunnythe ugly green is gone2017-12-14 13:57:55
TestThis guy knows his ♥♥♥♥ +REP don't forget to leave me one back ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, i know where to find you! you hear me? xD2017-12-14 09:40:14
я устал˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°。˛. *☆MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR*.。˛*☆2017-12-14 08:49:59
SituuI like the badge bruh :o2017-12-14 08:21:17
CrowZer0Situation you're still here? oh ho?2017-12-14 07:51:51
Bunny:thebutt: oh ho2017-12-14 07:33:29
SituuNice badge btw2017-12-14 07:20:31
BunnyOh well, another idiot added to my block list. If people act like that I don't care anymore2017-12-14 07:16:34
CrowZer0I'll be starting my christmas carols early this year, here's a preview of whats to come! 07:08:30
Gin the BoxYou finally created your own group like every others popstars of steam Wishing you that it gets bigger than China.2017-12-14 05:20:05
TrundleIt is nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. John Templeton2017-12-14 05:03:43
JamtownHave a good weekend2017-12-14 04:18:41
Marcosdonalt+rep cool2017-12-14 01:56:02
VALHALLWonderful profile2017-12-14 01:20:57
BunnyON DISCOOOOOOOOOORD2017-12-13 19:03:36
Bunnybb2017-12-13 17:41:05
Gin the BoxWhy you got a twelve car garage and you only got six cars?2017-12-13 17:39:40
BunnyGOOD JAAAAAB2017-12-13 15:55:46
CrowZer0I hope I always find a way to poop!2017-12-13 14:50:20
nι нope υ alwayѕ ғιnd a reaѕon тo ѕмιle2017-12-13 14:15:58
nι нope υ alwayѕ ғιnd a reaѕon тo ѕмιle2017-12-13 14:15:51
Situudidn't mean it that way but alright2017-12-13 13:48:32
CrowZer0I don't care what you use the group for. I hit request on 100s, yet you're the only one commenting on it. I'm glad I made you feel special. Now I need food.2017-12-13 13:26:43
Situuwell I only use that group for tag in wingman with the 2nd admin in the group but alright2017-12-13 13:18:32
CrowZer0I just requested to join 5 more, took me 3 seconds.2017-12-13 13:16:03
CrowZer0@SituatioN I request to join any/all e d g y/e m o, stupid/funny groups with small membership for ♥♥♥♥♥ and giggles, I don't know/care who owns it.2017-12-13 13:14:18
ttv/Katty_lmao, that song! xD2017-12-13 13:04:02
Situunice apply to my loudgang group2017-12-13 13:02:49
OnionBroHave a happy holiday!2017-12-13 09:53:26
Bunnyimy2017-12-13 08:01:08
CrowZer0i was responding on ur profil men ur very well c\ame2017-12-13 04:33:31
DrSlasherThank for accepting my friend request <32017-12-13 04:30:21
AerynN.c is Natalie Crow I give credit where credit is due2017-12-13 02:58:35
VeeSlaysI'll bring donuts!2017-12-13 02:52:38
VeeSlaysWill u still luv me even if im not ur son2017-12-13 02:45:58
VeeSlaysBut I wanna be the one and only son2017-12-13 02:38:43
VeeSlaysHey, dad!2017-12-13 01:57:31
DryOuT_1J2017-12-12 23:55:21
MMD+rep+rep2017-12-12 23:45:06
ZenHave a great week!2017-12-12 17:41:34
❤ Lusty ❤Have a wonderful week sweetie!2017-12-12 17:08:41
7omYou must be the change you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi2017-12-12 15:32:07
ttv/Katty_wtf xD2017-12-12 14:10:59
BunnyNO WORRIES, BUNNY THERAPY IS HERE2017-12-12 13:57:23
BunnyCalls me 30 mins early2017-12-12 13:57:06
BunnyCalls me to see a picture of his nachosCalls me to see a picture of his handCalls me to see a picture of the snow2017-12-12 13:56:56
breadsticksι нope υ alwayѕ ғιnd a reaѕon тo ѕмιle2017-12-12 11:04:53
游学者叮当have a good poop too!! love uu2017-12-12 09:53:29
Bill★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★Merry*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* Christmas*★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥Everyone ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛ ...2017-12-12 09:10:04
B2HHave a good day2017-12-12 07:45:41
𝒜𝒹𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒/ ¯¯`フ         , '' ` ` /       !   .        , '      レ  _,  -' ミ        ;          `ミ __,xノ゙、         i     ミ   ; ,、、、、 ヽ ¸      ,.-‐!       ミ  i    `ヽ.._,,))     //´``、     ミ ヽ     (¯`v´¯).    | l    ` ーー -‐''ゝ、,,)).       .`·.¸.·´     ヽ.ー─'´)2017-12-12 07:16:36
阿根廷人晚上好!记得天天要开心2017-12-12 07:06:30
xxI wish you a lovely day ~2017-12-12 06:29:07
dusps@VAMI lol xD2017-12-12 05:54:43
≛VAMI≛I was going to tell you a poop joke but it's really crappy.2017-12-12 04:32:07
VemixHere is a how to make an eggnog for your troubles. 4 cups milk 5 whole cloves 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 12 egg yolks 1 1/2 cups sugar 2 1/2 cups light rum 4 cups light cream 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmegCombine milk, cloves, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, and cinnamon in a saucepan, and heat over lowest setting for 5 minutes. Slowly bring milk mixture to a boil.In a large bowl, combine egg yolks and sugar. Whisk together until fluffy. Whisk hot milk mixture slowly into the eggs. Pour mixture into saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly for 3 minutes, or until thick. Do not allow mixture to boil. Strain to remove cloves, and let cool for about an hour.Stir in rum, cream, 2 teaspoon vanilla, and nutmeg. Refrigerate overnight before serving.2017-12-12 02:44:11
rageGreat advice. I did do a good poo just now too. Love = Crow <3Happy Holidays and a safe 2018 for you and your loved ones!2017-12-12 01:07:27
fuckduppoohhave a good day with love from poohe <32017-12-12 01:07:10
ttv/Katty_In your comment on my profile you put a crow there, that isn't a cat m8.2017-12-12 00:53:23
✞Mєℓℓу✞cяу✞(??)....(??).( ? o ? )..(??)--(??).(?????)-(?????)*.+*.+*.+*.+*.+*.+*.+*:++.*.+ schwub *.+*. diwub +*.+*.+*.+*.+ fliegen kleine Sterne zu dir *.+*.+*,+*.+*.+und grüßen dich ganz Lieb *.+*.+*.+*.+*.+ *.+*.+ von mir *.+*.+*.+*.+*.+*.+**.+*.+*.+*.+*.+ *.+*.+*.+*.+*.+*.+*.+*.+*.+*2017-12-12 00:51:15
znice butt2017-12-11 22:30:54
DENAXEnjoy your weekend!!!!2017-12-11 22:15:09
EverythingAs a gamer with alzheimer's these changes with steam are making me so angry i can barely think.2017-12-11 21:49:20
kuntanaimy dad2017-12-11 19:58:30
crowᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ ᶤ ᵈᵒᶰ'ᵗ ᵘᶰᵈᵉʳˢᵗᵃᶰᵈ, ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ ᶤ ᶰᵉᵛᵉʳ ʷᶤˡˡ        ᵇᵘᵗ ᶤᶠ ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᶠᵉᵉˡᶤᶰᵍ ᵇʳᵒᵏᵉᶰ ᶰᵒʷ, ᶤ ᵖʳᵒᵐᶤˢᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃᶰ ʰᵉᵃˡ    ᵖʳᵒᵐᶤˢᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃᶰ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᶤᵗ ᵒᵘᵗ, ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒᶰ'ᵗ ᵍᵒᵗᵗᵃ ᵇᵉ ˢᶜᵃʳᵉᵈ        ᶤᶠ ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᶠᵉᵉˡᶤᶰᵍ ᶰᵘᵐᵇ, ᶤ ᵖʳᵒᵐᶤˢᵉ ᶤᵐᵃ' ᵇᵉ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ      ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒᶰ'ᵗ ᵍᵒᵗᵗᵃ ᶠᶤᵍᵘʳᵉ ᶤᵗ ᵒᵘᵗ, ᶤ ᶰᵉᵉᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵒ ᶠᵉᵉˡ         ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒᶰ'ᵗ ᵍᵒᵗᵗᵃ ˢᵐᶤˡᵉ ᵇᵘᵗ ʷᵉ ᵃˡˡ ᶰᵉᵉᵈ ʸᵒᵘ, ˢᵗᶤˡˡ2017-12-11 19:42:42
ttv/Katty_cute ♥♥♥♥♥ m82017-12-11 18:57:25
😴💤Wish you a merry week!2017-12-11 18:23:45
NephosHave a nice day!2017-12-11 17:51:07
tatatalleresHave a amazing day2017-12-11 16:20:57
AerynRead a book,sip some tea.Create art,climb a tree.Seek adventure,on land and sea.Stay young at heart,be wild and free.-N.cLike a crow,Chasing the butterflyLike a crowfly so high in the sky :)2017-12-11 15:38:10
TrundleHave a nice week and wish you more merrier2017-12-11 15:17:16
CrowZer0People are resources!2017-12-11 14:25:06
Senso ✔have amazing weekend :)2017-12-11 14:23:19
Gin the Box Maybe because you're addicted to friend requests D:2017-12-11 14:22:25
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-12-11 14:10:44
CrowZer0Ok fine, 2 months.2017-12-11 14:08:11
CrowZer0Easily checked on steamrep, steam id etc. 14:07:09
CrowZer0Then it's your loss padawan, I've accepted 600 adds this past month!2017-12-11 14:01:47
Gin the BoxI usually don't either2017-12-11 13:58:56
CrowZer0That's because you haven't added me Box. I don't add.2017-12-11 13:51:48
Gin the Boxsteam://friends/message/id/76561198083472159it doesnt work2017-12-11 13:45:57
Lil_PandaHave a nice week2017-12-11 13:43:56
EffyExactly what I need ! Have an awesome week. Stay warm Oh and have a good poop too2017-12-11 13:42:48
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡RestThanks, have a wonderful week2017-12-11 13:35:39
besiwrldThanks2017-12-11 13:28:55
i have crippling depressionhave a wonderful working weekend xD2017-12-11 13:10:40
WarPriestthx, have a great week2017-12-11 13:08:57
Laqinta+rep Legendary Player2017-12-11 13:06:19
CrowZer0I'll reiterate.bae 1 hour ago ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴏɴ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ. ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʙɪɢ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs ɪs ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀғᴜʟ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴏɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴀᴄᴛs. One of the most stupidest things I've read in a while.Now go back to drooling over Tumblr and contemplating how no one gets you and life is so hard.Imbecile.2017-12-11 13:06:19
CrowZer0LOL, moron alert.2017-12-11 13:02:38
KATO [acc for sale]gtfo2017-12-11 13:00:37
M4RC3L0Awsome comment as usual, have a great week2017-12-11 12:58:39
VeeSlaysshe spits out the feathers2017-12-11 12:40:58
VeeSlayswhat does the polish girl do after sucking a ♥♥♥♥?2017-12-11 12:40:51
caioHEIL CROWYYY2017-12-11 12:35:30
anttpfft, who doesnt love crowy2017-12-11 12:33:30
ttv/Katty_Love the -rep2017-12-11 12:17:09
Sp!T_ShineIts cause I love you. That's why I breast fed you till you were 13, and always used baby wipes on your tight little difficult brown after you went poopy.2017-12-11 12:11:10
SilentRoseI had killed people and buried them in my backyard. Bad people who needed to be ended. This is how I created my fictions.I killed them by writing stories about them in which they died and taking the stories and crumpling up the pages. Then I would take a shovel and dig a hole and shove the pages in and cover them up with dirt.Then I would say a few words about their souls and refill the bird feeder or rake the leaves.sometimes the people died in life sometimes they didn't. But always after I buried the pages, my writing would be enriched. - This World Is Full of Monsters by Jeff VanderMeer 08:43:46
Baby Saturnɪ'ᴍ ᴀ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴀғᴜᴄᴋɪɴ sᴄʜᴇᴍᴀ ʙᴏʏ, ɪᴍ ᴀ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍᴇʀ ʙᴏʏɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢɪʀʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴏɴᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ʙᴏʏʙᴀʙʏ, ɪᴍ ᴀ ʙᴇᴀᴍᴇʀ ʙᴏʏ2017-12-11 04:38:04
Lil_PandaHow do you guys do. Tge heart2017-12-10 23:11:19
crow- Wish u have a great week, bro crow2017-12-10 19:48:54
CrowZer0BUH BYE BYTE2017-12-10 19:15:39
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike !I'm banned from Discord?2017-12-10 18:58:16
CrowZer0Can't be bothered to click it.Do you like the ban of you and your alts on my Discord?2017-12-10 18:56:26
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike !Do you like my profile?2017-12-10 18:55:56
CrowZer0I'm glad I deleted him.2017-12-10 18:53:40
CrowZer0bytewho?Oh the cuck who cries a lot and is too afraid of people hearing his voice?2017-12-10 18:53:23
Bunnywow it's byte2017-12-10 18:52:13
¡ byteframe 😗 is ladylike !why is moon banned?2017-12-10 18:49:05
Bunnyright, are u called ǤøȺŧFᵾȼꝁɇɍ there too? huh2017-12-10 16:54:46
Bunnyexposed our names2017-12-10 16:46:51
BunnyǤøȺŧFᵾȼꝁɇɍ - Today at 11:39 PMdidnt do that in other serverthinkuse drhthmand worked fine🇨🇺🇹🇪 🇱🇮🇱 🇸🇱🇺🇹 - Today at 11:39 PMthinkuse drhthmǤøȺŧFᵾȼꝁɇɍ - Today at 11:40 PMIM IWWSHUT P]2017-12-10 16:46:39
Haydnits a hard life :(2017-12-10 16:33:38
Haydni know2017-12-10 16:33:31
Baby Saturn╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭ lemme suck on ya ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bbg ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭2017-12-10 16:14:52
ttv/Katty_m a m m a2017-12-10 15:08:03
VeeSlaysd a d2017-12-10 15:05:06
DryOuT_1Have a happy 2. Advent and a good weekstart2017-12-10 14:58:55
BunnyNo they're mine2017-12-10 13:44:08
ttv/Katty_COME ON LETS GO AND PLAYYYYYYYY2017-12-10 13:16:44
ttv/Katty_cuck2017-12-10 11:03:17
я усталHave a nice day2017-12-10 06:28:36
Baby Saturni love u papa2017-12-10 02:47:11
Sp!T_ShineI would wear a thong and tuck-it for a bucket of KFC2017-12-10 02:43:04
Sp!T_ShineCan I itch your butthole for a dollar?2017-12-10 02:40:52
ttv/Katty_baff2017-12-09 21:57:03
ttv/Katty_ofc, u're ♥♥♥♥2017-12-09 21:50:59
Sp!T_ShineOnly if donate to my wall of sperm2017-12-09 19:56:46
Sp!T_Shinecummin on my back is lit yo2017-12-09 19:36:06
CrowZer0lol Ashm4n I don't give a flyign ♥♥♥♥ about you, you keep coming back to me and deleting your ♥♥♥♥, go ♥♥♥♥ yourself lol. YOU COME TO ME FOR MONTHS ON END.All you do is make us laugh.2017-12-09 19:06:16
BunnyMe > JunkratCrow > IM NOT DRUNK!!!!!!!2017-12-09 19:03:25
BunnyLong Island Iced Teas are lit2017-12-09 18:20:38
Sp!T_ShineThese Gyros are lit yo2017-12-09 18:18:42
AngloArmsHa u liberal skinny pigeon toe lookin punk cuck can't you see i do it to piss ur fragile insecure delusional disrespectful stuck up chicken neck pissant u make me sick ur profile is *****kek2017-12-09 18:17:11
FranYou're my favorite not-in-friendslist guy! <32017-12-09 18:07:17
ttv/Katty_LOL2017-12-09 17:38:22
CrowZer0Ashm4n SERIOUSLY? You're like herpes you keep coming back!2017-12-09 17:37:41
BunnyI think we are all insecure, and there is nothing wrong in accepting that. But the problem arises when we try to counter this insecurity by cultivating this illusion of control, and we start taking ourselves and everything we know too seriously. - Sushant Singh Rajput Crow2017-12-09 17:18:56
B2H"I want people to be afraid of how much they love me" - Michael Scott 𝑪𝒓𝒐𝒘2017-12-09 17:17:37
BL-8Shame on you and your -discovery :D2017-12-09 16:51:24
EverythingOne time I had a kid come over to my house and tell me that my house was small and boring. So then I told him that my house was small because I had an amazing secret basement full of games and toys that I never tell anyone about. This kid wanted to see it really badly at that point, so I told him to wait outside the basement door so I could get the games and toys ready for him. I took a bucket of glitter mixed in with super glue and set it up on the top of the basement door. I gave the kid the cue to come inside, and when he opened the door, I stabbed him.2017-12-09 15:29:32
BlacknovaahWhich type of letter are u using in your name? I really love them2017-12-09 15:10:59
CrowZer0...2017-12-09 14:43:13
Baby Saturnpapa lets go get some kebabs and alcohol2017-12-09 13:06:42
ttv/Katty_nais song2017-12-09 12:15:24
هايدن.....................„-~~'''''''~~--„„_..............„-~''-,::::::::::::::::::: ''-„..........,~''::::::::',:::::::::::::::: ::::|',.....::::::,-~'''¯¯¯''''~~--~'''¯'''-,:|.........'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : ::: : |,'........|:::::|: : :-~~---: : : -----: |.......(¯''~-': : : :'¯°: ',: :|: :°-: :|.....'....''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'...............|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP......,-''\':\: :'~„„_: : : : : _,-' NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN__„-';;;;;\:''-,: : : :'~---~''/|;;;;;/;;;;;;;\: :\: : :____/: :',__;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',. .''-,:|:::::::|. . |;;;;''-„__;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;\. . .''|::::::::|. .,';;;;;;;;;;''-„;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;\. . .\:::::,'. ./|;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;\;;;;;;;;;;;',: : :|¯¯|. . .|;;;;;;;;;,';;|;;;;;;;;;',;;;;;;;;;;;\. . |:::|. . .'',;;;;;;;;|;;/;;;;;;;;;;\;;;;;;;;;;;\. .|:::|. . . |;;;;;;;;|/;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;|. .\:/. . . .|;;;;;;;;|2017-12-09 10:53:43
هايدن___________________________######____________________________________######_____________________________________####_______________________________________##______________________________________######___________________________________#######___________####__________________#########__________######________________###_######__________######_______________###__######___________####_______________###___ ######______________##################____ ######______________##################+REP######________ ______#################____######________________###_______#####_____######_______________###_______#####______######______________###________#####______######_________#######_________##########_##############____________________________________________2017-12-09 10:28:18
ttv/Katty_I'll grab some nowww!2017-12-09 10:13:29
CrowZer0You forgot to mention YOU WANTED TO SEE MY NACHOS AND YOU WANTED TO COME AND STEAL THEM!Stop editing the truth jackass!2017-12-09 09:52:07
BunnyMe > StudiesCrow always > FOCUS! STUDY! Crow makes nachos > Calls me while studyingKKKKKKKKK2017-12-09 09:26:26
CrowZer0Another moron blocked.If you don't understand basic English don't message me like a moron. 07:51:47
я усталHave a nice week2017-12-09 07:41:23
Sp!T_ShineIF YOU LIKE TO SUCK DIRTY ♥♥♥♥ AND WANT AIDS ADD ME. thx....2017-12-09 03:11:34
游学者叮当ZHOU MO YU KUAI !2017-12-08 21:24:23
SkyoneHello, If you dont mind, check my new csgo bhop frag video :D would appreciate if you leave a like thanks2017-12-08 20:15:55
spica.*Have a noice weekend2017-12-08 20:02:30
DeniseI couldn't agree more with you, crow. Have a great weekend2017-12-08 19:54:06
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-12-08 18:56:25
😴💤Have a lovely weekend!2017-12-08 18:45:35
Nyxianhave a nice weekend2017-12-08 18:40:21
Bunny in 21 mins2017-12-08 17:20:37
ZenHave a beautiful weekend!2017-12-08 17:17:30
ᴬᴹᵀGood Player, in csgo etc..2017-12-08 17:11:37
ᴬᴹᵀnice dude, +rep2017-12-08 16:59:23
BunnyCrow > Invites me to watch his broadcastCrow > Can't you hear me?Me : I hear your music louderCrow: STOP ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MESSAGING ME WHEN I'M IN GAME2017-12-08 15:58:07
Bunny22:56 - 𝑩𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆: I hear ur music 1000000%22:56 - 𝑩𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆: and u22:56 - 𝑩𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆: 10%22:56 - 𝑪𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒁𝒆𝒓0𝒔𝒆: SUT UP2017-12-08 15:57:29
CrowZer0k2017-12-08 15:40:27
AminosWoW2017-12-08 15:10:49
AerynI am The Nothingthe fear of mankindtake all that is preciousleave nothing behindCrushing thy bonesand crumble thy soulI lurk in the shadowsI'll swallow thee whole-N.C2017-12-08 12:12:53
阿根廷人晚安2017-12-08 10:45:18
ttv/Katty_Private comments would though2017-12-08 08:52:57
THE CROWWe will live forever2017-12-08 08:23:18
rageCrows <32017-12-08 07:22:35
iR0DEnjoy your weekend2017-12-08 06:38:16
ෆั ˢんんん ෆั. ° º  °  •        • . ' o  .   . ° . ° °   . ˚  . ˙ 。  . .    ☆  .   .。       .  ˚ .   ° .   ° . * •   ★   ★  ★     * 。• ~ . ° º  ★ °  •  º★.  . ° ° ⛄❄️🎅❄️ Hᴀᴘᴘʏ Wᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ ⛄❄️🎅❄️  .• . .★★  . ˚  . ˙ 。  . .    .   .。         .  ˚ .   ° .   ° 。• * •  ★  ★   ★* 。 •   。•  . ° º  ★ °  •  . .    .   .。  . .  ° 。2017-12-08 04:36:08
breadsticksPotato <<32017-12-08 04:22:20
DiSiJQuestion is the answer)))2017-12-08 03:02:21
xxIf THIS is a question, WHAT is the answer2017-12-08 00:58:47
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡RestSince “this” is the question then “what” is the answer2017-12-08 00:45:59
Laqinta+rep good player2017-12-07 23:49:26
wshm787878emmmmmm i dont know2017-12-07 23:34:43
WarPriest。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .               𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2017-12-07 22:21:01
Su-Metal is WaifuI dunno, I'm retarded lel2017-12-07 21:54:00
麻生海咲the answer is unavailable2017-12-07 21:40:16
luikaYou too2017-12-07 20:35:45
Sp!T_Shine 19:59:20
recaydxGn <32017-12-07 19:45:27
zI’m a proud christian nun. I don’t partake in the devils forbidden fruits.2017-12-07 19:37:21
zClothes save our precious eyes from being molested tyvm2017-12-07 19:31:19
ivannsword<32017-12-07 18:17:20
麻生海咲tanks ^-^2017-12-07 14:55:26
CrowZer0 B l o c k e d 13:55:53
ttv/Katty_i thought about copying and pasting my comment til they got removed but I was being nice2017-12-07 13:24:08
Bunnythx kat for ruining the 6 posts on 1 page2017-12-07 13:21:10
ttv/Katty_a pair of qts2017-12-07 13:20:01
BunnyAnd I love you so2017-12-07 13:17:39
BunnyAnd I want you to know2017-12-07 13:17:33
BunnyThat I'm always be right here2017-12-07 13:17:27
BunnyAnd I want to sing2017-12-07 13:17:21
BunnySweet songs to you2017-12-07 13:17:08
BunnyBecause you are so dear...2017-12-07 13:16:55
ReKohi bro2017-12-07 11:24:27
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//Hi :)2017-12-07 11:17:27
CrowZer0To everyone who rated and faved my guide, thank you!I conducted an interesting social experiment to see peoples reactions. 90% Were kind, and polite. A couple were arrogant, weird or rude, they got deleted. (Good way to weed out the trash.)I shall commence my responses and douchebaggery on profiles when I can, if you message me and get my bot, I'm idling AFK. Leave a comment on my profile if you want my attention or hit me up on Discord if you use it.I hope everyone had a great poop today!2017-12-07 10:05:15
SupraBoundSweet profile, nice to meet you2017-12-07 09:43:58
B2Hcheers2017-12-07 08:33:12
ttv/Katty_Me too, m82017-12-07 07:58:23
ttv/Katty_good self-esteem :)2017-12-07 07:52:17
Bunnygood self-esteem :)2017-12-07 07:51:22
win chynnGood self-esteem :)2017-12-07 07:39:09
Frank+rep nice profile2017-12-07 04:33:12
GrīmazI shall be dead in a quarter of an hour. … To die by the hand of one's own people is hard. But the house is surrounded and Hitler is charging me with high treason. "In view of my services in Africa" … I am to have the chance of dying by poison. … If I accept, none of the usual steps will be taken against my family … It is very much in their interest to see that the affair does not come out into the open. ~ Rommel to his son.2017-12-07 04:18:12
zi bet you shower naked, you slut2017-12-06 23:13:40
DeniseIt's good to see you promote physical activity, having a sedentary lifestyle is nothing to be proud of. Oh, and cool music by the way. Have a nice week2017-12-06 19:06:01
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-12-06 18:18:36
CrowZer0I would appreciate a rate and favourite on this guide if you can, if you need something rated and favourited back just leave a comment with a link on it and I'll do the same, thanks. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE!2017-12-06 18:08:59
Bunny[19:45, 6-12-2017] Crow: My bathtub is now nice and clean[19:45, 6-12-2017] Crow: Cos I wanted a baby2017-12-06 14:09:29
Slasher.*☆҉ .˛* *˛.* *. ˛*.。˛.*☆҉ ˛. * *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *: .* .。˛* .。˛*˛.*.。˛*˛.* *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. * *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *: .˛* .。˛* ..˛.˛.*☆҉ .˛* ˛*.。˛*˛.* *. ˛*☆* ˛. * *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *: .˛* .˛.*☆҉˛* ..˛.*。˛* ˛..°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . * *.. .*˛*.。˛* .。˛ 。˛*. ˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆: ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *: ..'• ˛*.。˛**. ˛. .°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. * ˛*.。˛* ˛*˛. *.*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°2017-12-06 13:51:02
CrowZer0y u axpose me men? sing me profil x6 for luv men2017-12-06 13:20:54
SCHUMANNNice profile2017-12-06 13:06:40
≛VAMI≛Nice profile, adding you2017-12-06 12:24:41
ivannswordHace a good day !! <32017-12-06 11:48:18
LXXII WIV.<<<<3333332017-12-06 11:44:46
SHARPCool Profile2017-12-06 10:48:48
VeeSlaysi accept donations2017-12-06 10:35:46
win chynnin everything2017-12-06 10:08:03
WarPriestGET PUMPED AND HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!2017-12-06 09:57:49
ttv/Katty_Enjoy ♥♥♥2017-12-06 09:24:33
Bunnyghello can i ghev your Dosh Glasses | Vault | Precious plz ??? 4 freE?xD l0l +rep!!!2017-12-06 09:20:21
Dark roseNo luck, ALL SKILLZhave a great weekend:)2017-12-06 09:08:38
Bunnyacknowledged i sent a heart, doesn't send one back.k2017-12-06 08:25:15
win chynngood luck2017-12-06 07:06:24
Gin the Boxesketit2017-12-06 06:05:35
alexTy for the comment2017-12-06 05:14:52
ZireaelTy for a nice music and beuty comment !!! :) For u 04:48:58
carpe diemyes i like lil pump2017-12-06 04:21:01
M4RC3L0Have a good day my man2017-12-06 03:27:23
spica.*sending virtual poop2017-12-06 03:26:55
NephosHave a nice week! And thanks for the encouragement.2017-12-06 03:11:32
Chikothanks for            encourage me2017-12-06 02:58:34
Igor R.Nice video Pump Up Songs + rep +like2017-12-06 02:57:51
Albireo`Have an awesome week2017-12-06 02:54:38
ttv/Katty_Coffee sucks as much as u do2017-12-06 02:54:15
ttv/Katty_Thanks for sending it twice u cuck2017-12-06 02:49:57
DynnyAmen brother2017-12-06 02:49:14
DiSiJHave a wonderful week2017-12-06 02:42:28
Soul King<3 love you2017-12-05 18:24:20
Soul King● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ . ...somewhere   ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.   . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ ★☾ °★ .    .   . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .        * .  ☾ °  ¸. ...Way up high* ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★ ★ ° . .    ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ . ... in the Universe...   ° ☾ ★ ° .   . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○ You're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥: .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸. ● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .   ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★2017-12-05 18:23:52
BrigglyoCongrats on the 300 perfects2017-12-05 16:17:30
tatatalleresHave a nice Week!2017-12-05 16:11:25
Matta____           /      \          /  ─    ─  \        /   (●)  (●)  \        |     (__人__)     |         \             /        /           \       /              \       | |            | |       |  |            | |       | |            |. |       | |              |  |         | |               |  |2017-12-05 15:17:51
ttv/Katty_rekt kid2017-12-05 14:46:50
VeeSlaysbut i like your crow.. and your roses...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2017-12-05 14:36:14
VeeSlayssry.. but kat is my one and only.. it was meant for her.........................2017-12-05 14:35:37
ttv/Katty_hei2017-12-05 14:32:13
VeeSlaysHey babe, how are you?2017-12-05 13:24:28
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡RestLmao <32017-12-05 13:10:49
я усталa good working week2017-12-05 12:08:39
Soviet GrootTinder is blocked in my country2017-12-05 11:12:40
WarPriestʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ2017-12-05 10:53:47
Most sane D2 playerHave A Great Day!2017-12-05 10:37:02
ivannswordHave a good day !2017-12-05 10:21:19
CrowZer0@AsunsJonas No I'm not gay, and if I was, I'm way out of your league. Try Tinder, good luck.2017-12-05 10:14:31
DryOuT_1<3 :32017-12-05 10:03:47
Soviet GrootAre you gay?2017-12-05 09:09:35
阿根廷人时差终于正常了~晚安2017-12-05 08:03:12
BillLove the comment I needed a good laugh the timing was perfect Thanks REP+2017-12-05 07:20:02
ArizeOn the 12th day of Christmas My fish drowned.Amen Happy Christmas kappa2017-12-05 06:56:18
daddyOh for christ sake2017-12-05 06:39:47
B2HWhat you and the bearded man did was confidential. You should not have told me.2017-12-05 06:38:50
OnionBroHave a great day!2017-12-05 06:38:48
disttikonʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ2017-12-05 06:29:29
я усталOn the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me a case of genital warts and a partridge in a pear tree. Santa used to visit me in my room every Christmas and told me not to tell mummy.2017-12-05 05:57:18
Vanilla.👑 <>< 👑Have a Lovely Day!     />  フ      |  _  _|      /`ミ _x 彡      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)_)  \二つ2017-12-05 05:05:00
M4RC3L0Your comments are always the best man2017-12-05 04:37:15
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//hi2017-12-05 03:15:05
游学者叮当 share a Chinese song with you hope you enjoy 。◕‿◕。2017-12-05 02:53:06
rageWell, arent I lucky to have a friend that cares!2017-12-05 02:51:12
游学者叮当Wow we nearly have the same favs.. Thanks bro (•̀ω•́)✧2017-12-05 02:39:36
CrowZer0Have a playlist 02:35:40
rageInteresting... Thanks for sharing?2017-12-05 02:35:30
游学者叮当He's too lazy.... I want new songs:/2017-12-05 02:34:46
游学者叮当人帅JB累 :)2017-12-05 02:27:55
Dale GribbleHO HO HOOOOOOOOOOO2017-12-05 02:16:29
Dank Kitty the Dog Slayeron the first day of christmas my true love gave to me a date with Edward Cullen.2017-12-05 02:16:29
xxI wish you a lovely day ~2017-12-05 02:10:38
fuckduppoohi will be at the bridege and watching on you till you see me in the dark dark night of december....2017-12-05 01:55:10
not shareYikes2017-12-04 21:01:56
『₮empuƦa』Not you, dumb ass! lol preemptive autism on KF2. Idiots trying to leave comments but forget their profile is private sometimes. Just beating them to the punch.2017-12-04 18:25:52
Bunny> play ow> crow plays Lucio> win a matchCrow: IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS DANCING2017-12-04 17:40:44
CrowZer0Not even on my friends list, wishing me goodnight, k.2017-12-04 17:22:52
recaydxGN2017-12-04 17:21:02
Everythingstay woke2017-12-04 16:57:39
Nyxianhave a nice week !!2017-12-04 16:51:31
ttv/Katty_True m82017-12-04 16:48:08
zMust be nice :p2017-12-04 16:43:23
ttv/Katty_I’m dead D:2017-12-04 16:25:55
『₮empuƦa』yes yes kappa2017-12-04 16:22:24
Pariah StateHave a nice week!2017-12-04 16:02:33
not shareI doubt my first poo can be as great as your crow. Hopefully you have a great week too! ;D2017-12-04 15:46:39
CONSOLEGAMER/ ¯¯`フ          , '' ` ` /       !    .        , '      レ  _,  -' ミ         ;          `ミ __,xノ゙、          i     ミ   ; ,、、、、 ヽ ¸       ,.-‐!       ミ  i    `ヽ.._,,))      //´``、     ミ ヽ     (¯`v´¯) .    | l    ` ーー -‐''ゝ、,,)).       .`·.¸.·´     ヽ.ー─'´)2017-12-04 13:23:02
ttv/Katty_gimme gimme2017-12-04 12:47:19
ttv/Katty_I KNOW WHAT THEY ARE BUT I'VE NEVER HAD THEM2017-12-04 12:45:04
Bunny-rep plays kf2 without me2017-12-04 11:30:51
『₮empuƦa』Nice music tastes! FOR ONCE.2017-12-04 10:49:51
SAV_2TRAPPY_BROADWATER-FARMHave a great week, and i also hope your poo is spectacular <32017-12-04 10:35:09
Bunny(i have 2 HA)2017-12-04 10:22:28
CapoThanks! you too =)2017-12-04 10:19:51
ttv/Katty_I’m at college, I can’t :c2017-12-04 09:45:07
BunnyMe > Leaves at 3.45 comes back at 4.39Crow: SHE STUDIES 30 MINS AND TAKES 10 MIN BREAKSK2017-12-04 09:41:21
BunnyHere have cheesy emoticon art Good jaaab2017-12-04 09:37:46
pulHave a lovely week!2017-12-04 09:35:26
𝓼𝓱𝓸𝔁𝔂Have a great day2017-12-04 08:34:39
TrundleThanks and have a great week too2017-12-04 08:26:43
VemixHave a great week and make your first pee be splendid!2017-12-04 08:17:50
Albireo`have an awesome week2017-12-04 08:09:44
LXXII WIV.Have an awesome week dude. 🤘🤘🍻🍻2017-12-04 07:20:43
uxedanthav a nice weeek broh2017-12-04 07:15:38
Daniel DrawerHave a nice week!2017-12-04 06:56:34
wshm787878Have a nice weekend~2017-12-04 06:54:02
versachyHave a nice week as well bud.2017-12-04 06:31:23
EnginoHave a nice week aswell :)2017-12-04 05:24:39
WinterHave a great day!2017-12-04 05:15:42
HiperHave a great week my friend 💪👌2017-12-04 04:49:20
xxI wish you a lovely day ~2017-12-04 04:02:31
zi like the non-dark profile gramps c:2017-12-04 03:35:01
M4RC3L0Have a awsome week my man2017-12-04 03:17:10
Igor R.Have nice final year2017-12-04 02:55:30
Aerynlol Have a great week as well2017-12-04 02:54:16
caosHave a great week and may your first pooo be spectacular!2017-12-04 02:50:56
CtlllI wish you a great week too2017-12-04 02:42:18
Djarin_Have A Nice Day2017-12-04 02:39:10
rageI wish you a great week and many great futures poo's as well. ^_^2017-12-04 02:37:31
Soo Lee KoNice stats2017-12-04 02:37:20
Chuck ✌Ty m8 wish you a great day too2017-12-04 02:36:39
Soul KingHave a great week and may your first pooo be spectacular!2017-12-04 02:34:32
ZireaelYeah, ty very much u too :)2017-12-04 02:31:09
Su-Metal is WaifuYou too fam.2017-12-04 02:21:15
Baby SaturnPapa2017-12-03 18:23:58
ttv/Katty_muth be nithe being emo2017-12-03 16:13:45
ttv/Katty_21:14 - 𝕷𝖎𝖑 𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖜: muth be nithe2017-12-03 15:17:03
Bunnytru tru2017-12-03 14:12:18
Bunny#6000 from meeeeee2017-12-03 13:27:19
Bunny59992017-12-03 13:27:09
Bunny59982017-12-03 13:27:06
Bunny59972017-12-03 13:27:01
Bunny59962017-12-03 13:26:50
BunnyA L L M Y F R I E N D S A R E D E A DP U S H M E T O T H E E D G E2017-12-03 13:03:31
游学者叮当Dirty laundry... I like this song. Have a nice week btw2017-12-03 10:52:06
fuckduppoohi like dis guy2017-12-03 08:17:11
MisterKebab+rep richie2017-12-02 23:50:43
TrundleHave a nice week2017-12-02 23:26:29
ttv/Katty_ofc never2017-12-02 17:47:36
ttv/Katty_lil idiot2017-12-02 17:03:18
𝕥𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣+rep2017-12-02 16:26:34
Psycomancer/ ¯¯`フ          , '' ` ` /       !    .        , '      レ  _,  -' ミ         ;          `ミ __,xノ゙、          i     ミ   ; ,、、、、 ヽ ¸       ,.-‐!       ミ  i    `ヽ.._,,))      //´``、     ミ ヽ     (¯`v´¯) .    | l    ` ーー -‐''ゝ、,,)).       .`·.¸.·´     ヽ.ー─'´)2017-12-02 15:54:32
『₮empuƦa』xD!2017-12-02 15:10:42
AlcoholicHave a good weekend! 🔊 15:07:10
Sp!T_ShineSo I heard you like your ♥♥♥♥♥ and coffee the same?BLACK AS ♥♥♥♥ 14:47:40
Sp!T_ShineNot emo enough, need more closet cutting2017-12-02 13:55:42
CrowZer0I think marvi wants to show me his boi♥♥♥♥♥2017-12-02 13:54:57
ttv/Katty_wtf, Marvi2017-12-02 13:53:48
Gin the BoxLove is my cigarette..      nah. i'm kidding. this sentence sucks. this sentence really do sucks.      this sentence really do sucks right?                 Wishing you happiness                     L O L              2girls1cup2017-12-02 13:47:19
『₮empuƦa』nipaaaah~2017-12-02 13:43:18
Sp!T_Shine For the Bird, aint so bad right? Lmao2017-12-02 13:30:56
CrowZer0 13:28:20
Sp!T_ShineI'm idle/afk or busy, leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can if it's important. Don't spam, alternatively leave a message on my wall or Discord. This is an automatic message.2017-12-02 13:07:14
CrowZer0Idling 30 of Bunny's weeb games rn, that should be fun!2017-12-02 12:20:29
Bunnyis all i haveeeeeee2017-12-02 10:21:16
BunnyI am sorry for being an idiot and proving it so many times2017-12-02 10:20:54
ttv/Katty_Marvi D:2017-12-02 10:20:51
Gin the BoxKat. D:2017-12-02 10:20:16
ttv/Katty_Cute Gin m82017-12-02 10:09:30
Gin the BoxHope it'll get better.2017-12-02 10:01:42
『₮empuƦa』Preciate' the invite, but I'm actually not single lol2017-12-02 08:55:47
я усталHave a nice weekend and good mood!!!2017-12-02 07:24:48
skipssign pls i love you <32017-12-02 05:20:42
₪ The0neMy love since 20112017-12-02 00:06:04
Sp!T_Shine-REP... Came into my old man 60+ year old ts server and asked when the last time we got some ♥♥♥♥♥2017-12-01 23:32:51
游学者叮当Crow Zero is back. New head portrait is good btw.2017-12-01 21:00:07
游学者叮当晚安好梦 梦到尿床 ;)2017-12-01 10:52:04
HaydnWhen u so focus on the gud ku$h2017-12-01 10:20:15
Baby Saturnpapapapapapa2017-12-01 10:06:33
matrHSI like your vibe2017-12-01 10:03:44
CrowZer0 I have told you many times, I DO NOT LIKE YOU, YOUR CUCKY ♥♥♥♥♥ BEHAVIOR STOP ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ADDING ME YOU DIMWIT.2017-12-01 07:41:14
DryOuT_1:32017-12-01 01:17:04
spica.*have a nice day2017-12-01 00:54:34
游学者叮当TGIF!嗨起来!!!2017-11-30 20:50:48
Sp!T_Shine+rep traded strawberry milk for clear oversized anal beads2017-11-30 19:01:11
Sp!T_ShineI am Darken and yes my private is on my profile. My question is missing info in my him, so have guide on commented2017-11-30 18:58:24
anttMy poop was great, thanks!2017-11-30 17:40:40
DarkenI am Darken and yes my profile is private. My question is what info is missing in my guide, so have commented on him2017-11-30 16:54:26
CrowZer0Who the hell is Darken with a private profile2017-11-30 16:20:30
Bunny+rep Market bans me2017-11-30 15:58:38
『₮empuƦa』love u bby2017-11-30 15:28:20
BunnyMERRY HAPPY THANKS BIRTHDAY!2017-11-30 14:04:00
AlbedoRate for Rate? Dude please:) 14:00:39
DeniseHave a wonderful day2017-11-30 13:26:24
NephosA new day has come!2017-11-30 13:18:46
𝓼𝓱𝓸𝔁𝔂Have a great day2017-11-30 13:18:16
BunnyObviously2017-11-30 11:52:57
wake-Have a nice day2017-11-30 10:50:07
BunnyCrowZer0 - Today at 5:15 PMim learning how to learn to use the force from ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ jar jar binksK2017-11-30 10:19:07
HaydnMerry Chistmas2017-11-30 08:50:43
阿根廷人曾经害怕过错 直到后来错过如今为了不错过却又犯下了不少过错 ....晚上好~!2017-11-30 08:07:19
Bunnyloses his phone then finds it in the cupboard with the bread. k2017-11-29 17:03:24
Bunnyhangs up on me 4 times in a day. k2017-11-29 17:01:50
Baby Saturnlove you papa2017-11-29 16:44:45
gone.Have a nice day!(>‿◠)✌2017-11-29 16:08:21
CrowZer0My auto response bot is back.2017-11-29 14:15:22
CrowZer0And now blocked. If I don't know you I don't give a ♥♥♥♥.2017-11-29 14:08:39
CrowZer0How easily I delete idiots.29 November 201719:55 - ✪Goobis^: ay20:06 - Lil Crow - Idle/AFK: Afk idle20:06 - Lil Crow - Idle/AFK: cant you read?20:06 - ✪Goobis^: oh lol20:06 - ✪Goobis^: well you aren't now ;)20:06 - Lil Crow - Idle/AFK: bye bye20:07 - ✪Goobis^ is now Offline.2017-11-29 14:07:48
BunnyAUTOCORRECT!2017-11-29 14:03:41
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//Hi2017-11-29 13:33:07
momkeyyou play video games more than you breath oxygen2017-11-29 10:40:58
Slasher\  ヽ    i  |     /   /     \  !               ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,              ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,   ー         ,:'          ::::::::、  _        ,:' /       \   ::::::::',      二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.    ̄       i  ''' (__人)  ''''    ::::::::::i     -‐      :             ::::::::i            `:,、           :::::::::: /     /       ,:'        : ::::::::::::`:、 Have a nice day!2017-11-29 10:36:45
MASTERSTRONGCOCKARISESHave a nice day2017-11-29 09:06:20
阿根廷人晚上好~!2017-11-29 08:26:56
游学者叮当I can't hear you bcs I don't wear my glasses = =2017-11-28 20:58:13
游学者叮当Have a nice Wednesday2017-11-28 20:57:14
𝒫𝒶𝓎𝐷𝓊𝒸𝑘Hi2017-11-28 18:24:40
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//Hi2017-11-28 15:02:23
Bunnyhi2017-11-28 12:10:38
mr worldwideshut up anime-watching object2017-11-28 11:26:25
anttCAS БОЛЕЗНЬ is probably both a virgin and a miserable loser :)2017-11-28 10:55:53
CrowZer0@CAS БОЛЕЗНЬI would rather be a virgin for life rather than be a miserable loser like you for a day.Keep up the hate, it makes me laugh and feel blessed that I was born me and not you.2017-11-28 10:51:35
dawid.+rep2017-11-28 10:38:57
mr worldwideVirgin2017-11-28 09:32:39
阿根廷人有时会疲惫但我不会被击溃到凌晨还没睡要把握每一个机会 ....晚上好朋友!2017-11-28 08:42:04
VeeSlayshi2017-11-28 08:30:23
tricklil joke2017-11-28 06:32:20
Evhr fbi utf get rMuth be nithe being a crow! Muth be nithe!2017-11-28 04:33:50
游学者叮当I translated it in English on my own2017-11-27 21:08:58
Bunnywuvsh2017-11-27 20:37:31
NephosHave a nice day!2017-11-27 20:17:29
游学者叮当A heavy rain pours far away from my place, my time Hiding in quiet times, forgetting carefully Choose those sunny days, walking along the lonely coastline Singing to myself in whispers, I must be sober and go down on my own2017-11-27 20:07:09
ttv/Katty_01:05 - Lil Crow: its ez01:05 - Lil Crow: if bunny cud do it2017-11-27 19:05:41
Baby SaturnIn japan we don't say 'I love you' we say 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚2017-11-27 18:54:18
Sp!T_ShineZippity ZeeZippity DooLet me poo In your shoe2017-11-27 18:20:11
B2HNice poem, cheers buddy.2017-11-27 18:18:59
BunnyTEAM TROLL BORN2017-11-27 17:32:55
麻生海咲enjoy ur night love2017-11-27 17:25:05
CrowZer0Winner of the vnote request went to 16:07:45
CrowZer0 L O L N O!2017-11-27 15:42:52
CrowZer0I love it when kids try to teach me ♥♥♥♥ I've known for years like it's a revelation, lets me know my initial perception of "imbecile" was right.Buh bye extinct Dino, I don't like you, then again no one does.2017-11-27 15:28:12
CrowZer0Je bent Nederlands en idk ik heb internet vrienden nodig want ik ben sociaal onzeker en durf geen echte vrienden te maken in het leven ~ 1 like = 1 friend2017-11-27 15:22:59
CrowZer0imy lil poopy2017-11-27 15:18:39
Bunnyur his #1 fan#bipolarloner2017-11-27 15:17:25
Bunny Song of the day2017-11-27 15:14:43
CrowZer0only bunny molests me2017-11-27 15:14:18
BunnyIn high school I was a lonerI was a reject, I was a poserMultiple personalities, I'm bipolar2017-11-27 15:14:14
CrowZer0prikkelbaar2017-11-27 15:10:12
BunnyI been ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hoes and popping pillies man i feel just like a rockstar2017-11-27 15:03:32
CrowZer0@kamizura another fanboy? get in line.@saur try a massage or fapping2017-11-27 14:49:10
ces+rep profile helped me relax :)2017-11-27 14:17:00
tricklil ♥♥♥♥♥2017-11-27 11:55:56
Bunny-rep still hasn't come to eat his nuggets2017-11-27 09:43:18
BunnyHi2017-11-27 09:29:42
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//Hi2017-11-27 08:40:52
VeeSlaysHi2017-11-27 05:48:23
ttv/Katty_Hi2017-11-27 04:36:23
Bunnythat's a -repi dont like cycling in the rain :(2017-11-27 04:07:34
CrowZer0Muth be nithe using quotes2017-11-27 03:29:18
baeyzahi use some of those too,2017-11-27 02:44:42
CrowZer0Why thank you2017-11-27 02:00:20
baeyzahgreat quotes you got there2017-11-26 22:28:17
游学者叮当Merry Christmas!2017-11-26 21:32:11
Triple DeviljhoI would cuks your cuck2017-11-26 18:23:49
ÆngelOh man sorry, why you got 4k deleted tho?Why you got banned :c2017-11-26 15:49:25
Sp!T_ShineThere is hope for olde farts like me2017-11-26 15:35:03
CrowZer021:21 - Lil Crow: that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥21:21 - Lil Crow: imbecile21:21 - Lil Crow: bunny21:21 - Lil Crow: i invite allt hese people21:21 - Lil Crow: and that moron21:21 - Lil Crow: accidently closed off coments21:21 - Lil Crow: and im like21:21 - Lil Crow: my fans are usually vocal2017-11-26 15:24:34
ttv/Katty_21:21 - Lil Crow: that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥21:21 - Lil Crow: imbecile21:21 - Lil Crow: bunny2017-11-26 15:24:07
Bunny k2017-11-26 14:59:12
VeeSlaysr00d2017-11-26 14:57:38
VeeSlaysi feel left out not owning :aurora: :(2017-11-26 14:56:49
VeeSlaysdon't wanna give SF naughty thoughts here2017-11-26 14:55:40
VeeSlays♥♥♥♥ I'M SORRY OKAY. Only with you babygirl2017-11-26 14:55:10
ttv/Katty_Crow is admin of single gamer fanclub2017-11-26 14:54:22
麻生海咲otay2017-11-26 14:46:53
VeeSlaysWTF2017-11-26 14:38:56
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//Nice night2017-11-26 14:36:34
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//Okey2017-11-26 14:36:12
ttv/Katty_don't make him sad2017-11-26 14:34:20
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//Why më -rep ☺2017-11-26 14:33:18
ttv/Katty_of course2017-11-26 14:32:15
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//+rep2017-11-26 14:31:26
ttv/Katty_Another fanboy2017-11-26 14:27:15
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//Thé best (1.000 game OMG SO NİCE) :)2017-11-26 14:25:04
ttv/Katty_suck a ♥♥♥♥2017-11-26 14:18:36
ttv/Katty_D:2017-11-26 14:18:08
VeeSlaysKat tried and she failed. YOU WILL FAIL TOO.2017-11-26 14:12:04
muselkhi2017-11-26 14:11:17
VeeSlayscrowjob2017-11-26 14:09:32
SF:// ` Single Gamer `//Hi2017-11-26 13:42:58
Evhr fbi utf get rThe most handsome, intelligent and strong Crow in the world!2017-11-26 13:19:02
CrowZer0@ Filip/Sunseeker, stop stalking me. Stop your lies, adding me and acting like someone else, joining my stream then adding me. B L O C K E D, weird kid get a life.I told you months ago you're dead to me, trying to change your identity and acting like someone else just proves you're a weird individual.STOP kid. Go away.2017-11-26 09:56:32
NephosCrow is the best. Have a nice day my dear friend.2017-11-26 09:35:35
carpe diem<<<<<3333333332017-11-26 03:44:41
я усталʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋᴇɴᴅ!2017-11-26 03:05:44
Sp!T_ShineWhy did the chicken cross the road? Well, you see, it’s actually quite complicated. It all started when the chicken’s wife began to cheat on him. Every day, when the chicken was at work, his wife would set up a Tinder date with other avian species. Her favorite tended to be the eagle, who she wanted to establish a long-term relationship with. For around three hours a day the chicken’s wife and her side bird would have rough, kinky sex in the chicken’s bed. Surprisingly, this went unnoticed by the chicken himself for nearly two years. One special Valentine’s Day, though, he decided to surprise his wife and came home from work a couple hours early.2017-11-26 01:53:41
Sp!T_ShineOn the way back he picked up a bouquet of beautiful red roses and a box of only the fanciest chocolates. Upon arriving home, the chicken swung open his bedroom door to find his wife and the eagle doing it doggy style.2017-11-26 01:53:30
Sp!T_ShineWhile it certainly looked enjoyable, the chicken was very upset that his wife of several years decided he wasn’t enough and wanted more sex than he could provide. In shock, he dropped the bouquet and the chocolates to the floor, the elaborate wrapping crinkling and falling apart, and the box busting open a bit.2017-11-26 01:53:14
Sp!T_ShineThe chicken’s face showed shock, then confusion, then anger. Meanwhile, the eagle flew out the window, and the chicken’s wife dropped to her knees, begging for forgiveness.2017-11-26 01:52:54
Sp!T_ShineThe chicken had had enough. He pulled the pocket knife he always kept for safety out from his coat and ended his lost lover’s life with one slashing motion, the blade sliding through her jugular as if it were butter and the knife was red-hot. In his shock he had become a mindless, emotionless being, but as he slid back into reality, the gravity of what he had done hit him, and he fell to his knees.2017-11-26 01:52:32
Sp!T_ShineHe immediately knew he had to end the pain, to end the confusion, to end the suffering. And there was only one way to do that. So the chicken looked for a road to cross, and saw a mental health facility across the street.2017-11-26 01:52:05
LABISTA | ТвинкSup. I think you will like this offer: - clantag SC - clantag DC - clantag S4L - clantag CLPIf interested in buying, unsubscribe to me :]2017-11-26 01:20:26
游学者叮当have a nice weekend!2017-11-25 23:06:58
Triple DeviljhoI would suck you ♥♥♥♥.2017-11-25 20:16:01
caioI prefer kf22017-11-25 20:12:44
caioi like crabs2017-11-25 19:42:11
[CN] Jeffery Dahmerbest guy i ever met 100%2017-11-25 17:42:55
Bunny thanks2017-11-25 16:40:42
ttv/Katty_shut up2017-11-25 16:35:27
CrowZer0k2017-11-25 16:33:36
Bunny got even better2017-11-25 16:22:06
Bunny When bae draws the outline of his apartment for you2017-11-25 16:19:01
Sp!T_ShineI love dat shorty, she got a big juicy booty for dayz2017-11-25 15:47:18
Rangęda ツ+Rep Have a great weekend!2017-11-25 14:26:01
BunnyUr a liar for calling me a liar2017-11-25 13:27:29
BunnyCrow: I'm gonna nap wake me up when you wanna play. Ok wake me up in 20-30 mins.Me after 25 mins *calls* > Crow wakes upMe "Wanna play OW/Kf2?"Crow *fell back asleep*Me *wakes crow up a second time*Him: WHY DO U WAKE ME I WILL PLAY WHEN U WANTMe: NowCrow *Fell back asleep*ffs2017-11-25 12:57:51
DryOuT_1:32017-11-25 11:50:48
Bunnyr00d2017-11-25 11:46:55
BunnyD O N O T A D D M E2017-11-25 09:48:35
Rawaf xDThis is my main account. i don't have alt account2017-11-25 08:47:29
阿根廷人周末愉快~!最近有点膨胀不好意思2017-11-25 06:46:05
Baby Saturnmy hoes been getting reckless lately2017-11-25 01:25:15
Baby Saturnkissu is actually my mistress.2017-11-25 01:24:13
zi'm actually your mistress, lowkey tho2017-11-24 23:25:01
BunnyLil Crow & Lil Bunny2017-11-24 20:37:19
zsorry, i'm being an edgy teen :c2017-11-24 20:15:28
JPThear you go lil crow just like you wanted haha thanks for supporting my music <3 18:27:27
BunnyCutest way i've ever heard it2017-11-24 18:19:47
CrowZer0CrowZer0posted a statusI might change my name from CrowZer0 to L I L P O O PWhat do you guys think about this? Rate up 15 people rated this up, including Cosmic Cousin, Sp!T_Shine and هايدن (haydn)2017-11-24 16:41:08
Mistaken BaconA woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood2017-11-24 16:16:47
BunnyThe ting goes skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-kaSkidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boomSkya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dunPoom, poom, you don' know2017-11-24 16:15:26
Baby Saturnғɪᴊɪ's sᴏɴɢ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʏ 12:34:55
CrowZer0Slander...2017-11-24 12:06:37
ttv/Katty_In the gift you told me to 'kys' and sent '' so stfu2017-11-24 12:05:11
ttv/Katty_:D:D:D2017-11-24 11:50:48
󠁳⁧⁧ 󠁳✞+repAwesome profile2017-11-24 11:37:18
阿根廷人周末的我。异常帅气2017-11-24 10:23:51
ttv/Katty_looks ♥♥♥♥2017-11-24 09:26:34
Admiral GoatWho the hell cares about woodchuck in a goat’s world??? :-02017-11-24 08:29:57
Молод и ахуененHave a Lovely Weekend!2017-11-24 07:13:28
crowyea, wait. m not a baby2017-11-24 06:18:26
siLvyFPSHave a nice day2017-11-24 00:13:14
❤ Lusty ❤Happy Thanksgiving!2017-11-23 21:41:37
zHappy thanksgiving gramps2017-11-23 19:49:06
HaydnWe dont celebrate thanks giving ya goof xD2017-11-23 19:35:21
Baby Saturn♥♥♥♥ WITH MY SET2017-11-23 17:31:50
SharerI want me some voice note :^)2017-11-23 14:32:56
Baby Saturnhappy thanksgiving papa2017-11-23 14:00:06
Sp!T_Shine(•_•)∫\ \___( •_•)_∫∫ _∫∫ \ \Happy Thanksgiving!2017-11-23 12:18:04
BunnyThen dies himself2017-11-23 12:12:54
BunnyStays in a house he locked himself into till all his teammates die-rep2017-11-23 12:12:32
Mistaken BaconA woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood2017-11-23 11:58:52
NephosHave a great thanksgiving my friend!2017-11-23 11:18:29
B2Hcheers2017-11-23 11:05:53
antthehehe word play yaaa <32017-11-23 10:00:03
ŽvΞrcaIf a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck an amount equal to 700 pounds2017-11-23 09:50:36
breadsticks-29 wood2017-11-23 09:44:58
daddyLil peep is a gay ♥♥♥♥, is that enough?2017-11-23 09:27:36
anttas much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood2017-11-23 09:27:15
kámoš 2x zabil Mambose ♿69 -le funni2017-11-23 09:25:11
Bunny262017-11-23 09:22:28
JeLomun422017-11-23 09:17:25
Igor R.+ REP2017-11-23 09:10:59
阿根廷人晚上好2017-11-23 08:27:57
VeeSlaysand the answer is many woods2017-11-23 08:14:05
VeeSlayspls pick me for your giveaway!! if you send me a voice note you will be entered in the giveaway of a voice note reply from raggie himself... a great honor............. happy thanksgiving!2017-11-23 08:13:46
游学者叮当粉红墙上画凤凰 凤凰画在粉红墙 红凤凰 粉凤凰 红粉凤凰 花凤凰 红凤凰 黄凤凰 红粉凤凰 粉红凤凰 花粉花凤凰Respond on my profile for nothing :)PS: WISH YOU A HAPPY THANKSGIVING !2017-11-23 08:12:49
Til mit der Brill'™pi*22017-11-23 07:59:27
DynnyI'd have to say 5 and a half2017-11-23 07:57:41
SilentRoseTo be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting. - E.E. Cummings2017-11-22 14:08:07
ttv/Katty_he's ♥♥♥♥, i gotta remind him that on a daily basis2017-11-22 13:33:48
ttv/Katty_yes2017-11-22 13:33:26
BunnyNice contrast between mine and kat's comments2017-11-22 13:21:25
ttv/Katty_kys2017-11-22 13:20:26
Bunnythankssss my love2017-11-22 13:18:04
Bunnyyou're whalecum2017-11-22 13:01:25
Bunnyyou own it2017-11-22 12:58:56
BunnyNever2017-11-22 12:57:06
asoi want you to have a great weekend , hehe2017-11-21 22:48:14
Sp!T_ShineThank you for using my service! Looking forward to have a deal with you again :)2017-11-21 21:45:16
JeLomunGood night2017-11-21 18:44:51
Sp!T_ShineHa, that's one of the best ascii arts ever!2017-11-21 16:59:50
ttv/Katty_ihy2017-11-21 16:56:16
Bunny"I am genuinly, truly, yours"2017-11-21 15:07:35
Baby Saturni love you papa2017-11-21 13:27:48
gone.enjoy the rest of the week!2017-11-21 11:55:06
HaydnAs-salāmu ʿalaykum2017-11-21 09:38:39
HaydnSkyeeeet Skyeeeet2017-11-21 09:37:51
Молод и ахуененʎɐp ǝɔıu ɐ ǝʌɐɥ2017-11-21 08:58:28
𝒵illah<32017-11-21 05:42:50
zyou love club music lel2017-11-20 23:14:12
游学者叮当IDFC (•̀ω•́)✧2017-11-20 22:49:55
游学者叮当I'm gonna review all of his song now2017-11-20 21:37:11
游学者叮当It sounds good too... I've only heard do re mi before.2017-11-20 21:36:34
Bunnyhuehue true story 10/102017-11-20 16:25:04
Bunnyfeels2017-11-20 11:48:58
Bunnyk2017-11-20 10:23:31
CrowZer0ok that didnt work2017-11-20 10:23:10
CrowZer0@Crowlicious DROFDARBRADFORD R A D F O R D2017-11-20 10:23:03
BunnyHey, let's just vibe!2017-11-20 09:31:13
hoaxHave a nice week and stay motivated2017-11-20 09:24:52
alcrøwhol poisoningN------------------------N------------------------N------O------------------O------------------O-----------------D-------------D--------------D--------------------------N--------N---------N------------------------------------O---O---O---------------------N---O---D---N---O---L---O---N---D---O---N---------------------O---O---O-------------------------------------N--------N---------N--------------------------D-------------D--------------D----------------O------------------O------------------O------N------------------------N------------------------N2017-11-20 07:28:06
游学者叮当I've been listening to Talk is overrated the whole night....2017-11-19 20:35:05
Admiral GoatHappy New Year!2017-11-19 19:11:10
ttv/Katty_of course2017-11-19 17:29:19
Bunnyfun to play with2017-11-19 17:03:59
ShadowBCfun to play with2017-11-19 16:14:36
BunnyGRATSSS ON 280 PERFECTS2017-11-19 15:47:55
MoonThx for sign my profile. So lit!2017-11-19 13:04:32
Bunnyif we post that we get blamed for being sexually active u know? and then you get that "hunting little girls" thing again:2017-11-19 12:53:53
CrowZer0k spoilsport2017-11-19 12:51:14
Bunny19:48 - CrowZer0: find what hard perk cheevos and hard map cheevos u need19:48 - CrowZer0: and what u dont have to 10 yet19:48 - CrowZer0: illpluf in headset19:49 - Bunny: i dont think i need anything hard2017-11-19 12:50:25
MoonHey u have good profile. Very much aesthetic with pretty theme. Sorry I say, but u add me pls? I jus like design and be good friend.2017-11-19 12:44:11
ttv/Katty_nais m92017-11-19 11:14:25
CrowZer016:18 - Bunny: ....16:18 - Bunny: what?16:18 - Bunny: Lol16:18 - CrowZer0: shut up16:19 - CrowZer0: i need coffee2017-11-19 10:24:57
Bunny17:18 - CrowZer0: i tt17:18 - CrowZer0: i was screenshots17:18 - CrowZer0: ghlol2017-11-19 10:23:24
Bunnyyou know what? go ♥♥♥♥ yourself fran-2017-11-19 10:15:29
HaydnSure thing see ya at the pub!2017-11-19 10:08:21
HaydnI em back in the yookay naow2017-11-19 10:01:40
Bunnymuhhh precious2017-11-19 09:25:39
Bunny[15:33, 19-11-2017] fran: i want it to be winter[15:33, 19-11-2017] fran: and snow[15:33, 19-11-2017] Crow: It is anger[15:34, 19-11-2017] Crow: Our winter[15:34, 19-11-2017] fran: it is anger our winter?[15:34, 19-11-2017] Crow: She to[15:34, 19-11-2017] Crow: J in not making much absence2017-11-19 08:35:27
Bunny> accidentally votes to kick crow> 2 people vote kick himRIP2017-11-18 21:03:38
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-11-18 19:53:20
ttv/Katty_Ofc2017-11-18 19:34:08
ttv/Katty_stfu mong2017-11-18 17:22:58
FranI couldn't have done this without you either <32017-11-18 17:13:38
BunnyPlease don't forget the fact you are uneducated!2017-11-18 15:43:34
ttv/Katty_Oh, you're 17? Did your mummy pay for those levels?2017-11-18 15:22:43
Bunnythank you for paying for my levels2017-11-18 15:11:13
🔞Jaws🔞Well since you seems to like crows, I thought you might like this character, a talkative crow named Crow2017-11-18 14:17:19
🔞Jaws🔞Because of your Steam ID. There is a character named Crow and he is known to be one of the most liked character of the game! He is really funny and got a lot of unforgettable quotes2017-11-18 14:13:00
🔞Jaws🔞You should play Dreamfall Chapters, there is a character you'll love for sure!2017-11-18 13:52:04
MoonI went to Canada's top business school with really good grades2017-11-18 12:59:48
CrowZer0A simple one line would have sufficed...2017-11-18 12:37:38
BunnyLook, love. I am sorry for the way I behaved to you yesterday. How I don't notice how ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I sound to you when you are nothing but nice to me when we talk. I made it seem like you are the ♥♥♥♥♥, but I am! I told you to delete me, when we had a chat about that before where you said I shouldn't threaten you with that. I told you to do that and that was my mistake. That was the reason you deleted me, cause I was acting like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥.You are my baby and I love you! I am sorry for how much of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I am towards you, and everyone reading this can know. I will try my best to be the bummy you'd like me to be! But I hope I can be your little ♥♥♥♥♥♥ You always make me happy, and I'm sorry I sometimes do the opposite to you!Jewoshyyy ish one heww of a dwuggggg. I couldn't be without your great covers, wuvsh!TL;DR. I am a ♥♥♥♥♥♥, idiot, and I am the one who ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it up yesterday by telling you to delete me and acting like a ♥♥♥♥♥.2017-11-18 12:32:55
CrowZer0get in discord2017-11-17 17:24:18
VeeSlayshenlo.. i miss ur voice.. i miss the way you sing me to sleep..2017-11-17 17:17:00
CrowZer022:49 - Darth Bunny: LOVE THIS22:49 - Darth Bunny: SONG22:50 - Darth Bunny: when is discord done22:50 - Darth Bunny: also need to pee22:50 - Darth Crow: how do i know lol#2017-11-17 16:51:03
Bunny23:12 - Darth Crow: Im just not a ♥♥♥♥♥♥2017-11-17 16:13:14
NOISY9klike my artwork plshave a nice day2017-11-17 15:34:22
ttv/Katty_shut up, idiot2017-11-17 15:29:56
『₮empuƦa』Hope you're feeling ok <32017-11-17 14:34:06
SpengaLove ❤️ you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️2017-11-17 14:28:28
OnevyHave a good weekend bro!2017-11-17 13:06:37
白夜行Have a nice weekend! recipes, they were stolen. sorry.2017-11-17 12:45:13
crowby sweet u mean ♥♥♥♥ don't you2017-11-17 12:14:42
crowwish u a ♥♥♥♥ weekend2017-11-17 11:32:31
hoaxI wish an amazing weekend2017-11-17 11:19:27
ttv/Katty_HELLO2017-11-17 11:19:05
JeLomunHave a beautiful weekend2017-11-17 10:13:04
gone.have a good weekend!2017-11-17 09:00:34
BunnyCONGRATS ON 200+ K2017-11-17 08:07:00
76561198368690634Have a nice weekend!2017-11-17 07:40:20
Bunnybb2017-11-17 07:37:26
YisHave a great weekend2017-11-17 06:45:33
iR0DHave a nice weekend2017-11-17 01:30:00
DryOuT_1:P2017-11-17 00:59:16
远离邪恶,我退党团队<棒棒哒!>2017-11-16 22:13:36
luikaHope u have a nice weekend~My friend~2017-11-16 20:40:57
ttv/Katty_stfu u mong2017-11-16 19:13:14
BunnyGOOOD JABBBBBB NOOT NOOT2017-11-16 17:20:53
ttv/Katty_rekt noob2017-11-16 16:44:51
Bunnyhere2017-11-16 16:44:41
Bunnywowwwwwwwwwwwww2017-11-16 16:43:07
ttv/Katty_shouldn't she have ur sausage?2017-11-16 16:42:37
CrowZer0k ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amirite2017-11-16 16:42:11
BunnyOkay2017-11-16 16:41:50
ttv/Katty_bunny I'll buy a pizza and we can share it2017-11-16 16:41:25
ttv/Katty_♥♥♥♥ u crow2017-11-16 16:40:54
CrowZer0[22:38] Bunny: 22:30 - Darth Crowღ: i have a sausage22:30 - Darth Crowღ: and a pizza for you[22:38] Bunny: WTFFFFF[22:38] Bunny: TO KAT[22:38] Bunny: ♥♥♥♥♥♥[22:38] Bunny: U TELL ME[22:38] Bunny: TO SHARE[22:38] Bunny: AND U GIVE IT TO KAT2017-11-16 16:40:21
Bunny[23:21, 16-11-2017] Crow: Don't think I can do this,[23:21, 16-11-2017] Crow: Help me out have half?HE TRIES TO SHARE WITH MULTIPLE PEOPLE, ♥♥♥♥♥ ASS2017-11-16 16:40:01
CrowZer0Can u2 idiots pls share2017-11-16 16:39:50
ttv/Katty_22:28 - Darth Crowღ: so i left it covered in the microwave for later22:30 - Darth Crowღ: so22:30 - Darth Crowღ: in short22:30 - Darth Crowღ: i have a sausage22:30 - Darth Crowღ: and a pizza for you22:30 - Darth Crowღ: enjoy u cucksry bunny, it's mine2017-11-16 16:37:35
BunnyROOKWORST2017-11-16 16:23:05
ttv/Katty_Ofc idiot2017-11-16 16:20:37
MoonMuth be nieth being a lil peepee fan2017-11-16 14:55:04
Bunnyokkkkkkkkkkk that's rude2017-11-16 14:19:29
ttv/Katty_g4y2017-11-16 14:18:13
Bunnyhot2017-11-16 14:10:33
Bunnyhot voice2017-11-16 13:43:50
ttv/Katty_hot voice2017-11-16 13:38:50
CrowZer0I'm so tired of people drooling over me, pls stop.I know I'm sexi ok?2017-11-16 13:29:29
Sharerhot voice2017-11-16 13:25:51
TivoriaYou can have it :)2017-11-16 12:10:06
atoMicBut I would walk 500 milesAnd I would walk 500 moreJust to be the man who walks a thousand milesTo fall down at your doorDa da da (da da da)Da da da (da da da)Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh daDa da da (da da da)Da da da (da da da)Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh daDa da da (da da da)Da da da (da da da)Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh daDa da da (da da da)Da da da (da da da)Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh daAnd I would walk 500 milesAnd I would walk 500 moreJust to be the man who walked a thousand milesTo fall down at your door2017-11-16 09:44:24
Bunnymine2017-11-16 06:47:22
Smokeruined the train -rep2017-11-15 22:58:28
ScootieJust for you2017-11-15 22:12:40
CrowZer0As long as you sign it with a chocolate residue that's cool with me.2017-11-15 22:10:44
ScootieI'll sign your ♥♥♥♥ with my ass.2017-11-15 22:06:47
somWow, done as promised thanks2017-11-15 22:05:32
Moon𝐻𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜, 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒾𝓃𝒸𝓇𝑒𝒹𝒾𝒷𝓁𝑒 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓌𝒽𝑜𝓂 𝐼'𝓂 𝓈𝑜 𝓁𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓎 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝓎 𝒷𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹.Welcome to Friday. In preparation for takeoff, please ensure all negative attitudes are properly stowed. On behalf of your captain, Jack Daniels and myself, welcome aboard. I expect sunshine and good attitudes today for our trip. Enjoy the ride2017-11-15 20:06:06
ttv/Katty_02:04 - Darth Crowღ: People get really obsessed with me.02:04 - Darth Crowღ: They can't believe someone can be so intelligent and handsomd and strong all in one.2017-11-15 20:05:46
ttv/Katty_Ofc, sing some more pls! :(2017-11-15 15:32:00
BunnyLmaooo too edgy2017-11-15 14:21:32
☽Band|T**Have a nice day!2017-11-15 10:18:13
白夜行Cheers mate!2017-11-15 10:03:23
ZireaelNice Vader <32017-11-15 04:01:09
mister sirRemember me2017-11-14 23:23:32
mister sirHey2017-11-14 23:23:26
Sp!T_ShineIt twas a bootiful song, full of2017-11-14 18:19:14
MoonGyros r leet2017-11-14 17:02:50
Void Enjoyed 16:21:46
daddyBootifuul <32017-11-14 15:49:29
BunnyI HAVE A REALLY WEIRD BELLY *sends pic*2017-11-14 15:06:48
BunnyUR GF OF 2 MONTHS IS REALLY UGLY2017-11-14 15:05:44
BunnyHOW DID YOU GET SO MANY GAAAAAAAMESSSSS??????I bet you're sending nudes to people2017-11-14 15:03:39
CrowZer0 14:50:03
Flowereh2017-11-14 14:48:34
Flowerhentai? plz show link2017-11-14 14:41:32
Bunny 14:40:46
Flowertell me you weren't sober2017-11-14 14:40:42
HaydnPwugshh not Dwugshh2017-11-14 13:28:38
VeeSlayslet me feel your embrace2017-11-14 13:05:12
VeeSlaysoh bby pleaaaese2017-11-14 13:02:13
VeeSlays 12:59:42
7omNice voice2017-11-14 12:46:59
BunnyOh, wow. Can i get an autograph?2017-11-14 12:40:25
VeeSlaysof course she can! but she can't touch, ok?? only watch....!2017-11-14 10:15:57
CrowZer0HOT, she wants to know if she can watch!2017-11-14 10:14:26
VeeSlays dont tell ur gf i sent u this ok??? its 4 u only.......2017-11-14 10:11:30
VeeSlays 09:52:08
ttv/Katty_I think after that recording you should be in the group xD2017-11-14 09:47:28
VeeSlays Have a great week :')2017-11-14 09:16:35
BunnyMy dad is my father and he does my mother.2017-11-14 08:35:27
ttv/Katty_u're the worst. :(2017-11-14 08:07:13
atoMicnot bad hahaha2017-11-14 07:25:37
iR0DHave a nice week too :)2017-11-14 07:24:21
76561198368690634Have a good week!2017-11-14 07:18:28
ZooVeRHello2017-11-14 07:10:01
wshm787878hello,new friends!2017-11-14 06:49:05
crowWish u have a great weekend aswell2017-11-14 06:29:14
HarryNice profile!2017-11-14 02:40:10
NephosHave a nice day!2017-11-13 21:18:57
ttv/Katty_I think I will, it was pretty gud2017-11-13 20:09:16
ttv/Katty_Best poet m8, everyone needs to read. Katsidious is blind misdirectionWhat's reality with all these prescriptions?Feels like I missed my salad and ate inand ate inBroken eggs, but I chase that omletteThese dolls have my blind devotionMy mind is gone and I'm freeIt's empty in this burger, without cheese, without cheese2017-11-13 19:26:02
WarPriestHave a great weekend2017-11-13 18:32:21
Nyxianhave a nice weekend aswell ;DD2017-11-13 15:40:20
ttv/Katty_kys2017-11-13 15:27:34
Batt.exeEeeeeee boy2017-11-13 14:15:54
siLvyFPSNice pic bro :32017-11-13 14:00:05
lilTøxicyo dis dude dont like memes, -rep him xd2017-11-13 13:41:42
jarredi'll be waiting2017-11-13 13:39:47
DynnyBut.. it's monday2017-11-13 13:31:47
anttI hope you have an amazing day and rest of the week2017-11-13 13:15:40
The Saddest BoyHave a great weekend!!2017-11-13 13:15:20
jarredcan u ASMR me2017-11-13 13:13:46
ttv/Katty_xD2017-11-13 13:11:37
EnginoAhm.. it's monday but.. have a great upcoming weekend aswell ^^2017-11-13 13:10:20
DryOuT_1wtf xDDD2017-11-13 13:06:32
Mattihihi thank youu!! have a wonderful day!!2017-11-13 13:06:20
✨Planets✨Have a Wonderful Day M.Tezcan :))2017-11-13 12:43:33
Bunny18:50 - Darth Crowღ: OH WHALE18:50 - Darth Crowღ: SUCKS TO BE U2017-11-13 12:37:44
ttv/Katty_yes pls2017-11-13 12:36:48
Bunny19:28 - Darth Bunny: i killed him19:28 - Darth Bunny: HAHAHAHA19:28 - Darth Crowღ: im mvp19:28 - Darth Crowღ: i doubt that......2017-11-13 12:34:14
Bunny17:50 - Darth Crowღ: OHIYO18:26 - Darth Crowღ: GO18:26 - Darth Crowღ: FYCK18:26 - Darth Crowღ: YOURSELF2017-11-13 11:27:36
Bunnythis profile's comments*2017-11-13 09:01:58
Bunnythis profile has become so gay, only my hearts are acceptable2017-11-13 09:01:13
Lorindion9966699999966699999966699966669996699999996699666996699 9966999999996999999996666996699666699666996699666996699 9966699999999999999966666699996666699666996699666996699 9966666999999999999666666669966666699666996699666996699 9966666669999999966666666669966666699666996699666996699 9966666666699996666666666669966666699666996699666996666­ 99666666666699666666666666699666666999999966999999966991)Highlight the text2) Press Ctrl and f3) Press 9 and see what happens :D :D2017-11-13 07:45:50
win chynn𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝒲𝑜𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀             |\_/|             | ・x・ |    \_____/    |      |         |     \       ノ   ((( (/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄(/ヽ)2017-11-13 06:27:48
zfilthy heart collector dansgame2017-11-13 06:09:16
kinshiiBe honest, be kind, and share the love. ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ2017-11-13 05:26:05
L u yI am too lazy to do that huge heart so here's a mini one <32017-11-13 03:12:15
FoltestFrom with love2017-11-13 02:54:12
游学者叮当(づ●─●)づ2017-11-12 22:30:33
PlushechkaHave a hella wonderful week2017-11-12 21:10:11
BHave a nice week!2017-11-12 20:17:05
Clairvoyant-Have a great day! Good luck on your games! <32017-11-12 19:46:39
Djarin_Have A Nice Day2017-11-12 16:57:57
Sp!T_Shineplz sex im horny2017-11-12 15:20:19
ooops+rep Nice friend :)2017-11-12 14:25:41
Nyxian<32017-11-12 14:23:30
MoonWhat are you doing down there?2017-11-12 13:56:20
siLvyFPSSigned by Silverado2017-11-12 13:47:56
Bitcoin Wizard+rep Helpful and trustworthy ✔️2017-11-12 13:14:33
lilTøxic+rep very nice indeed2017-11-12 13:05:47
lilTøxic+rep very nice indeed :spacecacos2017-11-12 13:05:41
Loomismann<3<3<32017-11-12 11:26:26
KelfumaDo you really mean what you said?2017-11-12 11:25:56
HaydnDammit i dont have a pickle emoticon2017-11-12 10:58:26
HaydnTickle my pickle :pickle:2017-11-12 10:58:07
JeLomunHave a nice Sunday2017-11-12 10:29:52
crowWish u have a great week2017-11-12 10:11:34
Albireo`Have a great day2017-11-12 10:08:45
NOISY9ksign my profil pls2017-11-12 10:08:03
GreyFlow<3 <32017-11-12 09:55:55
ivannswordHave a nice day2017-11-12 09:50:34
srkn34。                 ゚   .              . ,         .  .        .      。                   ゚         。   .        .     .          。  .   .               𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              . ,         .  .        .      。                   ゚         。   .        .     .          。  .2017-11-12 09:47:05
fabo@idleHave a nice day2017-11-12 09:36:29
Batt.exehave a nice day bro2017-11-12 09:32:49
Dynny+rep2017-11-12 09:32:05
󠀡󠀡+ rep bro <32017-11-12 09:30:20
rage。                 ゚   .              . ,         .  .        .      。                   ゚         。   .        .     .          。  .   .               𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              . ,         .  .        .      。2017-11-12 09:30:18
KingCranaus<32017-11-12 09:29:20
WarPriest+rep2017-11-12 09:23:28
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-11-12 09:22:44
versachyHave a nice week!2017-11-12 09:15:02
Arabu+rep2017-11-12 09:14:00
Nekoruagood nightXD2017-11-12 09:10:42
► Faraon ◄love2017-11-12 09:10:22
MatataC2017-11-12 09:08:31
DantallosHave a good week2017-11-12 09:05:26
Maltradak^^2017-11-12 09:04:43
ttv/Katty_Nice song m82017-11-12 06:47:56
Sp!T_ShineAre you always hungry or what? 22:34:58
Sp!T_ShineMUTH BE NIETH BEING STALKED BY ME2017-11-11 22:21:40
❤ Lusty ❤Have a good weekend sweetie!2017-11-11 22:15:40
Moongyros are lit2017-11-11 18:24:14
rage。                 ゚   .              . ,         .  .        .      。                   ゚         。   .        .     .          。  .   .               𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              . ,         .  .        .      。                   ゚2017-11-11 17:06:56
HaydnIm dying ffs xD2017-11-11 16:05:31
HaydnMonday 6:00am KLM and returning Sat 12:00. Definitely next time bro :p2017-11-11 12:11:09
HaydnRussian flag or Dutch flag... You decide2017-11-11 11:01:14
HaydnCome to the Netherlands with me2017-11-11 11:00:58
HaydnI know bb, all these other steam sluts want to be like me... But I'm just too ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ unique that I be stuntin' on these hoes2017-11-11 07:41:39
Bunnynasty2017-11-11 05:17:33
MoonFaggoat2017-11-10 22:02:59
MoonThis is what I get for imying you and "have a great weekend!"-ing you every week.K.Cool.Thought we were associates.2017-11-10 22:02:44
CrowZer0deeorhato2017-11-10 22:01:28
ttv/Katty_04:00 - Laa-Laa.: suck a ♥♥♥♥04:00 - Darth Crow: bunnys04:00 - Darth Crow: <32017-11-10 22:01:03
CrowZer0No ♥♥♥♥ you.2017-11-10 21:59:43
MoonGo sleep u drunk Faggoat2017-11-10 21:59:27
Sp!T_ShineCrow... you are my very best friend. Does that mean we won't have arguements? Of course we will, but we recover from it quick and we can always return to how things were. I love you and thank you for being who you are, for being there for me and for trying your hardest. I look up to you for how strong you are, how you don't necessarily wear the emotions on your sleeve and the professional vibe you provide. Keep your beautiful chin up and keep doing what you do. 20:33:31
Sp!T_ShineWe rednecks have 1 rule...... 20:08:18
MoonHave a great weekend!2017-11-10 18:42:30
ttv/Katty_You blew my cover m82017-11-10 17:13:07
ttv/Katty_Shut up, idiot (:2017-11-10 16:55:28
anttily2017-11-10 16:40:07
licehave a nice weekend!2017-11-10 16:30:09
BunnyDarth Bunny & Darth Crow2017-11-10 15:54:07
ttv/Katty_My little pony... wow you’re so funny!2017-11-10 14:22:28
Tivoriahello there2017-11-10 14:11:15
Til mit der Brill'™Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.2017-11-10 13:57:45
ttv/Katty_Ooooo, okay but I usually just idle it when I’m not at pc anyway2017-11-10 13:32:07
AsianStep off my girl k thx (;2017-11-10 13:12:43
Mistaken Bacontiny kek2017-11-10 08:05:21
MissPinkPrintʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᵍʳᵉᵃᵗ ʷᵉᵉᵏᵉᶰᵈ2017-11-10 04:14:03
Sp!T_ShineI looked at your profile going to add you since your a girl, found out your a weabo.2017-11-10 00:20:42
Misamay the fork be with spoon2017-11-09 22:59:57
Haydndank avatar2017-11-09 22:04:51
anttI LOVE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE JUST LOVE ME Back <33 hehexd2017-11-09 21:14:26
NephosMay the fork be with you.2017-11-09 21:12:39
anttadding you cause i love you2017-11-09 18:21:37
Blue Birdcrow-ow-ow-ow-ow echo-oh-oh-oh2017-11-09 18:00:30
ttv/Katty_;)2017-11-09 17:48:33
Bunnythree2017-11-09 16:59:58
CrowZer0 15:44:22
Bunny22:42 - Darth Crow: DADDY22:42 - Darth Crow:2017-11-09 15:44:03
Baby Saturncrow youre such a show! <32017-11-09 14:40:58
Bunnyok thnx 4 milk2017-11-09 13:54:30
Moonbut likes to use forcey fun time too2017-11-09 12:43:43
Til mit der Brill'™It is over Nootican, I have the highnoot!2017-11-09 12:37:33
BunnyGreat! I killed about 9 penguins today. My goal was 10, but the night is young2017-11-09 12:34:21
MoonYODA man2017-11-09 12:30:14
BunnyI like the Darth Crow and Darth Bunny.2017-11-09 12:24:27
BunnyYes. Wanna be my SITHnificant other?2017-11-09 12:19:03
potatoI want you to be happy and healthy! Good day to you!2017-11-09 11:50:25
7omWhere do crows go to get a drink?The crow bar!2017-11-09 10:51:14
BunnyWhy was your profile private?2017-11-09 10:37:31
CrowZer0@Bunny why are your comments closed you emo ♥♥♥♥♥?2017-11-09 10:34:12
BunnyWow why didn't you let me out now? Exams are over!2017-11-09 07:11:07
Sp!T_ShineJordan was a strange bear. A good bear, but a strange one. He can no longer go into an office supply store without having a little bit of a chub. He's a sucker for those places. So much so, sometimes he even uses his own earwax if he cannot simply take the smell of those pesky, but sexy wooden writing utensils. But why? What makes them so great? Jordan likes to think, that it's because they can erase mistakes. Considering the fact that he feels most living beings on this earth are mistakes, he often fantasizes about their extinction. This is his escape. Just a bear, his ear wax lube, and some pencil porn. Long live Jordan.2017-11-08 19:51:18
jarredi am fine with 2 dudes having a romance, i am fine with ice skating, but if a gay as ♥♥♥♥ looking dude dances & looks like a girl while ice skating with a inner monologue of i am bringing out my inner woman to impress ♥♥♥♥♥♥ boy nr 1 over there and that makes that dude excited, ♥♥♥♥ bro that crosses the line2017-11-08 18:15:58
gone.amazing profile dude :]2017-11-08 16:03:40
daddyDude I think you might have something wrong with your brain. Why are you trying to be all cyberbully on me. Do you really think anyone cares about you. You talk to people like they are trash. Why would you want to come off like that. Does it make you feel tough? Are you trying to make up for having a small smelly ♥♥♥♥? You need to see a shrink. Have fun going through life wondering why people don't like you. I'll give you a hint though, you try to make others feel like ♥♥♥♥. But you have failed on me. I know what you are. See, the thing is, I'm a nice guy. You on the other hand can't control your stupidity. You really don't even realize that you are a jerk ,do you? When your older maybe you can look back on times like this and see that you where unnecessarily rude to people you don't know. Right now you think you are being cleaver and it is just a fun time. Keep treating people like you do and see where you end up.2017-11-08 15:52:57
Baby SaturnDude I think you might have something wrong with your brain. Why are you trying to be all cyberbully on me. Do you really think anyone cares about you. You talk to people like they are trash. Why would you want to come off like that. Does it make you feel tough? Are you trying to make up for having a small smelly ♥♥♥♥? You need to see a shrink. Have fun going through life wondering why people don't like you. I'll give you a hint though, you try to make others feel like ♥♥♥♥. But you have failed on me. I know what you are. See, the thing is, I'm a nice guy. You on the other hand can't control your stupidity. You really don't even realize that you are a jerk ,do you? When your older maybe you can look back on times like this and see that you where unnecessarily rude to people you don't know. Right now you think you are being cleaver and it is just a fun time. Keep treating people like you do and see where you end up.2017-11-08 15:22:31
CrowZer0Ty for the comments past couple of days, haven't been on Steam at all, I'll reciprocate wall messages and commence usual ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ either tomorrow after work or Friday.2017-11-08 14:36:22
ttv/Katty_Dude I think you might have something wrong with your brain. Why are you trying to be all cyberbully on me. Do you really think anyone cares about you. You talk to people like they are trash. Why would you want to come off like that. Does it make you feel tough? Are you trying to make up for having a small smelly ♥♥♥♥? You need to see a shrink. Have fun going through life wondering why people don't like you. I'll give you a hint though, you try to make others feel like ♥♥♥♥. But you have failed on me. I know what you are. See, the thing is, I'm a nice guy. You on the other hand can't control your stupidity. You really don't even realize that you are a jerk ,do you? When your older maybe you can look back on times like this and see that you where unnecessarily rude to people you don't know. Right now you think you are being cleaver and it is just a fun time. Keep treating people like you do and see where you end up.2017-11-08 14:28:42
Bunnywrong person cuz:CrowZer0 - Today at 9:25 PMKhkhkhYour rainbow in your poop2017-11-08 14:26:30
Sp!T_ShineDude I think you might have something wrong with your brain. Why are you trying to be all cyberbully on me. Do you really think anyone cares about you. You talk to people like they are trash. Why would you want to come off like that. Does it make you feel tough? Are you trying to make up for having a small smelly ♥♥♥♥? You need to see a shrink. Have fun going through life wondering why people don't like you. I'll give you a hint though, you try to make others feel like ♥♥♥♥. But you have failed on me. I know what you are. See, the thing is, I'm a nice guy. You on the other hand can't control your stupidity. You really don't even realize that you are a jerk ,do you? When your older maybe you can look back on times like this and see that you where unnecessarily rude to people you don't know. Right now you think you are being cleaver and it is just a fun time. Keep treating people like you do and see where you end up.2017-11-08 10:27:07
eddyDude I think you might have something wrong with your brain. Why are you trying to be all cyberbully on me. Do you really think anyone cares about you. You talk to people like they are trash. Why would you want to come off like that. Does it make you feel tough? Are you trying to make up for having a small smelly ♥♥♥♥? You need to see a shrink. Have fun going through life wondering why people don't like you. I'll give you a hint though, you try to make others feel like ♥♥♥♥. But you have failed on me. I know what you are. See, the thing is, I'm a nice guy. You on the other hand can't control your stupidity. You really don't even realize that you are a jerk ,do you? When your older maybe you can look back on times like this and see that you where unnecessarily rude to people you don't know. Right now you think you are being cleaver and it is just a fun time. Keep treating people like you do and see where you end up.2017-11-08 07:59:38
MoonNever tell your password to anyone.2:57 AM - mor: and i never did this before no2:57 AM - mor: and i never did this before no2:57 AM - mor: and i never did this before nooooooooo2:58 AM - Moon: who are you?2:58 AM - mor: lol2:58 AM - mor: ok2:58 AM - Moon: what lol2:58 AM - mor is now Offline.yah she delete me2017-11-08 03:59:48
KingCranaus<3<32017-11-07 20:40:50
MoonHELLO my name-a Borat. Thx you for add and very cool profile. I like.... NOT2017-11-07 12:47:57
TivoriaLove you <32017-11-07 12:43:38
HaydnEast of Eden.2017-11-07 12:27:45
Mistaken Baconbig potato2017-11-07 07:32:40
Better Call VelociRemember remember 7th of November xD2017-11-07 03:41:26
DyeHave an amazing week!2017-11-06 21:40:36
NephosHave a nice week!2017-11-06 19:33:33
WarPriestHave a nice week!2017-11-06 17:57:33
JeLomunTell me a meme2017-11-06 17:52:41
✨Planets✨Have a Wonderful Day M.Tezcan :))2017-11-06 16:53:43
Batt.exeGo flood2017-11-06 15:52:41
Batt.exeHi bro2017-11-06 15:51:27
Flowerhearth2017-11-06 15:44:05
Zito+rep2017-11-06 15:20:00
breadsticks 15:17:39
breadsticks 15:14:40
jeesusteippi₆⁶₆2017-11-06 12:52:40
jeesusteippi₆⁶₆2017-11-06 12:51:43
jeesusteippi₆⁶₆2017-11-06 12:51:41
jeesusteippi₆⁶₆2017-11-06 12:51:39
jeesusteippi₆⁶₆2017-11-06 12:51:37
jeesusteippi₆⁶₆2017-11-06 12:51:35
Baby Saturnpapa he added me but i ignored it before u commented.2017-11-06 10:03:23
B2HSo random2017-11-06 07:34:52
HaydnMerry November2017-11-06 06:42:19
jenWhat a hecking weirdo2017-11-06 05:30:10
ttv/Katty_Enjoy idiot :D2017-11-06 04:37:08
Readable Nameι ωιѕн уσυ α ηιcє ɗαу!2017-11-06 02:07:34
Readable Nameι ωιѕн уσυ α ηιcє ɗαу!2017-11-06 02:04:43
Dukhat'Never trust a skinny chef.' LOL2017-11-06 01:59:00
Racunnice profile :32017-11-06 00:31:39
CrowZer0I requested to join more now.2017-11-05 23:25:32
CrowZer0@157cm anime girlwith private profile is calling me a weirdo, I lolled, back to bed2017-11-05 23:09:12
远离邪恶,我退党团队have a wonderful day.2017-11-05 20:27:52
jenYou're such a weirdo why do you request to join my groups2017-11-05 20:20:55
MoonOh my goodness. Thx u.2017-11-05 19:23:35
NephosHave a nice week!2017-11-05 19:18:32
CrowZer0If you're messaging me in the next hour, I'm not online it's steam on android being stupid refusing to sign me out, discord or leave a comment instead.2017-11-05 17:05:27
CrowZer0Yeah, reported and blocked.Do not click the link below.2017-11-05 16:34:28
turtleboidont worry the death was quick and painless :D2017-11-05 16:01:01
CrowZer0How dare you eat my pet chicken?2017-11-05 16:00:07
turtleboithey cant taste as good as chicken, turtles should only be companions wait what do penguins taste like :o2017-11-05 15:59:31
CrowZer0But they taste delicious, as do penguins.2017-11-05 15:57:43
turtleboi:( turtles aren't meant to be eaten2017-11-05 15:57:18
CrowZer0Mmmmm turtle soup2017-11-05 15:55:20
turtleboiamazing background !2017-11-05 15:49:45
Bunnyturkish star wars it is2017-11-05 15:49:19
zBonfires are for white people2017-11-05 14:32:39
✨Planets✨Have a Wonderful Day M.Tezcan :))2017-11-05 14:01:04
Baby Saturn🤔 is 🤔 it 🤔 gay 🤔 if 🤔 i 🤔 stick 🤔 my 🤔 ♥♥♥♥ 🤔 in 🤔 her 🤔 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 🤔 and 🤔 call 🤔 her 🤔 daddy 🤔2017-11-05 13:59:39
PicklesRemember, remember the 5th of november?2017-11-05 13:48:39
PicklesGuy Fawkes was a pretty L i t dude Happy bonfire night!2017-11-05 13:46:18
Sp!T_ShineYa I watched the highlights last night. Pretty cool2017-11-05 12:56:22
BunnyI post something 2 hours ago and there's 2,5 new pages, pfffff!2017-11-05 12:44:44
Sp!T_ShineWell thank you big guy2017-11-05 12:44:00
MeowOne#hey2017-11-05 12:32:48
DryOuT_1hehe2017-11-05 12:28:44
CrowZer0Guy Fawkes was bae2017-11-05 12:25:27
7omGuy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes2017-11-05 12:23:09
SenfBurn it down! ;)2017-11-05 12:17:08
ttv/Katty_Thanks, idiot2017-11-05 12:10:12
Flowera2017-11-05 12:09:16
Til mit der Brill'™I do not even know that exists xDDD2017-11-05 12:02:51
lilTøxic+rep very nice indeed2017-11-05 04:20:48
rise10/10 would Zer0 in on that ass2017-11-05 04:11:34
KelfumaI actually had to look up what that meant. That is funny.2017-11-05 03:15:29
skr1K games, must be a huge nerd tho :D2017-11-05 01:56:08
CrowZer0Some people are stupid, they think they can just change name and no one will notice ha!2017-11-05 01:06:46
daddy@cate Quit changing your name and profile picture you dirty stalking ♥♥♥♥.2017-11-05 01:05:05
Moonmuth be niethe2017-11-05 01:59:53
Moonu want toilet?2017-11-05 01:50:43
CrowZer0No I called you homophobic you moron. Because you called me a weirdo. For being in an LGBT group and assumes I was gay just because I support them.2017-11-05 00:07:39
cateyoure using homophobic as an insult whilst ur in a lgbt groupi think ur the stalker2017-11-04 23:59:13
daddy♥♥♥♥ the rollie, ♥♥♥♥ the AP, roll with the iced out patek, already sent nudes via letter, wait for the postman.2017-11-04 23:05:54
ttv/Katty_stfu idiot2017-11-04 22:53:44
NeekzuYou're very warm. Hot.2017-11-04 21:13:46
daddyIm desperate for your patek2017-11-04 20:52:03
BunnyP.s. I'm 23. Nothing pedo about that guess you gotta learn.2017-11-04 20:29:37
BunnyMust be a sad life when your 2 week girlfriend sends her boobs+ belly snapchat to other guys and her belly + thighs pic to say she "got an ugly belly' and keeps calling guys daddy when they tell her she should stop2017-11-04 20:22:26
CrowZer0You should be able to tell from my "wall" that I'm desperate and a virgin.2017-11-04 20:21:06
BunnyUr 2 months gf is really ugly ecks deeBut ur 2 weeks gf calls everyone a daddy and gets emo when they dont acknowledge her and her ugly belly button But we got nobody to love! -9/102017-11-04 20:19:27
Misahappy weekend =]2017-11-04 19:58:20
CrowZer0@gewp I'm guessing you're my new stalker now?Yes I call ignorant, homophobic stupid people who randomly come to my profile and tell me to kill myself both ignorant and idiotic. Especially when I'm not even gay. ;)2017-11-04 19:15:58
cate-rep calls people idiotic and insignifactbest not delete this kappa2017-11-04 18:48:40
BunnyGARETT OF RIVIA2017-11-04 16:55:27
✨Planets✨Have a Wonderful Day M.Tezcan :))2017-11-04 16:06:51
BunnyBest profile, just the featured group sucks2017-11-04 16:06:28
DryOuT_1ich reached lvl 40 yeah xD :D2017-11-04 15:01:30
『₮empuƦa』CROW HAHAH, WHAT?! HAHAHAHA2017-11-04 12:53:43
MoonI can't read it cuz the font is broken on my android phone.2017-11-04 12:41:34
FlowerI am 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚2017-11-04 12:07:55
jeesusteippiNever trust a T H I C C B I H2017-11-04 12:05:54
DoDookok xD <3 TY2017-11-04 11:53:25
Jamtownive never seen a skinny person drink diet coke2017-11-04 11:41:18
ÆngelOHHHHH now i get it LOL2017-11-04 11:11:14
ÆngelSkinny chef?2017-11-04 11:10:50
76561198368690634Never trust a fat fitness coach2017-11-04 11:10:06
BMHave a nice day!2017-11-04 11:09:10
VeeSlaysGreat point! Heck, I'll never trust a skinny chef ever again2017-11-04 11:09:08
VeeSlaysOh, how come? :02017-11-04 11:05:28
ynHave a fantastic week2017-11-04 10:58:28
tatatalleres;) Have a nice weekend!2017-11-04 10:36:52
breadsticksNever hide inside a trash can2017-11-04 10:22:51
allywhat owo2017-11-04 10:13:06 follow me CrowZer0 bruh2017-11-04 10:01:58
CrowZer0Tae Kwon Do, Dsd Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Boxing, Jkd, Krav Maga, BJJ. NO KARATE just crow fu.2017-11-04 10:01:09
Jonny_RottinLOOL i knew that would get you!!!2017-11-04 09:59:54
CrowZer0NOT KARATE!2017-11-04 09:59:24
Jonny_Rottin^.^2017-11-04 09:59:22
CrowZer0Considering you're 5ft6 that would be fitting.2017-11-04 09:59:07
Jonny_Rottini wana feel safe in your big strong karate arms2017-11-04 09:58:28
Jonny_Rottincan i be the little spoon?2017-11-04 09:57:32
CrowZer0Masochism isn't purely sexual. And you should know I'm a crude, basal lewd creature.2017-11-04 09:57:01
Jonny_Rottiny does it always have to be about sex crow cant we just..... snuggle2017-11-04 09:55:06
CrowZer0Ah that's why you keep coming back for more. I'm a dom, not a dominatrix bro, that's what you need.2017-11-04 09:54:03
Jonny_Rottini actually prefer to lose winning all the time is no fun tbh2017-11-04 09:52:38
CrowZer0Sure Jonny, have a win baby boi, you need one.2017-11-04 09:51:48
Jonny_Rottinso what ur saying is you do think of me >.~2017-11-04 09:50:18
CrowZer0But I don't unless I see Deadpool or Eric Cartman on South Park, also... I sawjkolaf there, he stays on block list his love and fanboyism is too much even for my ego, I only need one cheer leader and I have her.2017-11-04 09:48:49
Jonny_Rottinjust promise me you will never forget what we had with the penis and the butts...and be sure to come by and put a nasty comment on my profile from time to time so i know you still think of me2017-11-04 09:46:04
CrowZer0Jonny if you're such a masochist and enjoy a beating you should hire a dominatrix bro. You're not my type...2017-11-04 09:44:50
CrowZer0♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with me is just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ yourself.It's on the warning label, they never learn Keeps me amused though.2017-11-04 09:43:27
Jonny_Rottini just....i just... miss fighting with you and that ego so much crow ;c2017-11-04 09:39:51
CrowZer0@gewp I don't delete anything not even my own mistakes, I say quite often I'm very anti censorship and believe strongly in freedom of speech. If you're a coward, delete your own ♥♥♥♥, I deal with 5 morons like you daily and will forget you in a couple of hours, remember my first response? i n s i g n i f i c a n t@janny, I mass cleared my block list only kept a couple of stalkers on, I told you people fall in love and stalk me, just didn't expect you on that list.2017-11-04 09:37:07
Jonny_RottinHEY!! dont unblock me....because then i have to come whisper sweet nothings in your ear2017-11-04 09:28:18
CrowZer0Wowowo why are these 2 ♥♥♥♥ defending me wowowo you know I prefer fighting alone vs everyone don't ruin my fun! cucks2017-11-04 09:24:30
ttv/Katty_or you could just not comment and go away?2017-11-04 09:21:18
cateif ur gonna say 'bye', then u sohuld block me or delete my comments or something2017-11-04 09:19:33
BunnyBUHH BYEEEEE2017-11-04 09:17:37
CrowZer0@gewp you were fun when I woke up and was bored, now I'm talking to and dealing with people I actually like, enjoy and respect. So buhhhh bye.2017-11-04 09:15:57
catebecause you asked for it:take quotes literally sometimesm8 this is the internet, english and grammar dont existthou shalnt assume my intentioncoffee is abd fro u - stop drinking italso since you liek quotes so much:(nvm all the ones i found were ♥♥♥♥ and common sense)2017-11-04 09:01:34
Bunnyomg stop making it look like i do anything u ♥♥♥♥♥♥2017-11-04 08:39:01
CrowZer0Squirtle Squirtle!2017-11-04 08:17:24
jarredwtf does sweatpants have to do with busting a nut?2017-11-04 08:12:25
CrowZer0I can't take your typing, spelling or idiocy seriously.Your grasp of English is lacking.Your lack of understanding "passion rules reason" makes me facepalm.One of its meanings are that emotions cloud judgment, another is that people do things when emotional, angry, upset, happy. Another is ironic because it describes a spastic like you, who is so triggered by someone's profile you try to be funny or smart but only prove yourself to be more moronic than you realise.Whatever you're trying is failing, unless it was to prove you're a moron, or try to get attention online with retarded comments because you lack attention in real life and lead a sad existence. Please do continue amusing me, I find the workings of a morons mind fascinating. Is ignorance truly bliss? Or does your self loathing and hate lead to these cries for help, attention seeking and emotional outbursts? Brb, I'll get some more coffee child.2017-11-04 07:59:18
catealso'~Passion rules reason. 'no. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ no.'i raped her but with Passion - therefore i outrule all the laws'2017-11-04 07:26:52
cateso youre calling me idiotic and insignificat, yet say you love im no mathematician but i fell somethings not right herealso u bothered to comment on my comments, whilst saying im basically worth nothingalso u linked me to bloody rap how dare u2017-11-04 07:25:26
ChiDDeMaster gaymer2017-11-04 06:28:47
cateu ♥♥♥♥♥ gay, lesbian, bisexual and/or transexual entity2017-11-04 04:57:11
cate'~If I can, I will. If I could, I would. ' kiLl YoUrSElf2017-11-04 04:56:04
potatoHF ON WEEKEND !!!2017-11-04 04:17:37
fuckduppoohHi) Have a good week)2017-11-04 03:40:02
Sp!T_ShineThat track is sooo right...... Had to switch from headphones to speakers for that ♥♥♥♥. That bass is PROPAAAAAAHHHHH2017-11-04 01:34:11
riksyok.2017-11-04 01:13:37
kuntanaimy2017-11-04 01:03:44
breadsticks(> ” ” <)( =’o'= )-(,,)-(,,)-2017-11-04 00:38:10
Haydncrowy give good surrogacy to the goats of eurasia2017-11-03 23:01:41
ttv/Katty_pls stop being a noob in kf22017-11-03 22:43:18
HaydnSpooky Bukkake?2017-11-03 21:05:04
zHow do you have spooky sex?You nut in her and now you’re both scared c:2017-11-03 21:00:15
MoonYou have been visited by Alex the Wizard Have an awesome weekend chick.2017-11-03 20:54:01
zotryiaimma steal your waifu2017-11-03 19:45:44
CrowZer0Next person I catch writing/deleting messages on my profile gets deleted/blocked. It's annoying.2017-11-03 18:46:27
Gin the Box+rep, g o a t2017-11-03 18:32:24
DryOuT_1No souce just ketchup :P2017-11-03 18:22:11
LaeHave a back2017-11-03 17:39:58
白夜行Here is your drink, sire.2017-11-03 17:06:05
白夜行Have a nice weekend!2017-11-03 17:04:22
NoenkuHave a nice day2017-11-03 15:47:08
Bunnyfunny2017-11-03 15:25:11
BunnyUr lucky you said your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ sentence on voice so i have no proof2017-11-03 15:23:58
Bunny"Best way to mood your boost' - Crow2017-11-03 15:12:38
Sp!T_ShineThe leech is as fat as a football and the snake is a king cobra head first.2017-11-03 14:25:40
Sp!T_ShineWould you rather have a snake or a leech climb into your peehole?2017-11-03 14:24:07
Triple DeviljhoEveryone hates what they cant understand.Thats why I get called racist.2017-11-03 14:19:44
Sp!T_ShineGive me a video link of a song about the first time you met a girl and fall in love and then she runs off with a wild donkey and they have a female donkey baby that you meet later on in life and fall in love with.K Thx2017-11-03 14:17:26
Triple DeviljhoWhy would I ban you?You provide more entertainment when you are set free.2017-11-03 14:17:21
themanfromtheUK+rep2017-11-03 14:11:38
Bunnylmao2017-11-03 14:10:48
Triple DeviljhoEither my steam is broke, or I was being stupid, but I just got a steam message you sent me like 10 days ago.To answer it, I do not know where the collectibles on the Forest are.2017-11-03 14:07:51
MoonU ♥♥♥ fk Janny ratin wiff me? Beeg gungbung2017-11-03 13:56:39
ttv/Katty_Worse medic ever2017-11-03 13:02:16
ttv/Katty_stfu idiot2017-11-03 12:29:30
HaydnI wz tld 3 blk u2017-11-03 11:07:10
MoonI wz tld 2 unblk u2017-11-03 10:32:33
CrowZer0Just stop Ashm4n I do not like you, we've been through this!2017-11-03 09:09:52
dankerman12sup dawg2017-11-03 06:25:45
izzieI'll never unblock you sorry2017-11-02 22:18:43
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-11-02 21:39:22
Sp!T_Shine 18:23:19
Sp!T_ShineNo mom could hate that beautiful little face.I know my mom loves you.2017-11-02 18:05:49
CrowZer0My mummy hates me too2017-11-02 17:57:09
Sp!T_ShineThey are just jealous cause their mommy hates them.2017-11-02 17:55:55
Sp!T_ShineMoon be sweet talkin again.....Other half of the world is playing COD WW2. I wish I had some Asian or Aus all deep up in me so I could play early too!2017-11-02 17:53:47
CrowZer0I just woke up wtf did I miss?2017-11-02 17:49:20
Sp!T_Shine**blushes2017-11-02 17:38:39
MoonI said cuck not hunk :P2017-11-02 17:37:51
Sp!T_ShineDid they add me at least?2017-11-02 17:36:38
Moon@spit_shine Someone deleted me because I said "Make a change.. Add a cuck"2017-11-02 17:27:37
Sp!T_ShineWhat! The junior high drama on steam makes me laugh. MORE PLEASE!!2017-11-02 16:57:50
alcrøwhol poisoningSo says Moon while using an emoticon of Ellen.Oh Ellen, pedestal Ellen, pristine-pure Ellen; oh Ellen the clean! Scum filth.2017-11-02 16:44:42
Gin the BoxSo this is what happens when two Britons are quarelling over each other, thats splendid! btw i was on the emo 0 guy's side2017-11-02 15:03:55
MoonPlease stop the steam drama I'm too virtuous and kind to handle such language2017-11-02 14:22:10
Bunnysad world2017-11-02 14:14:41
MoonHAHAHAHAHA I said bleach I'm funny now, right?2017-11-02 14:06:56
MoonI go offline since I'm scared and frightened of Izan and his underage girlfriends D:2017-11-02 14:02:17
CrowZer0All this cyber bullying is really confusing me, I'm an old perverted man with too much money. I'm an emo kid, who types like a ten year old, I'm broke. I'm really confused.Can all my haters and admirers please reach a concensus?2017-11-02 14:01:22
CrowZer0Well I hope you enjoyed the show stranger!2017-11-02 13:59:22
yousa gaeyNah, but seeing you with those pathetic responses fit for a child aged 10 is rather sad. My Help-O-meter is broke anyway. So yeah, keep my words of guidance in mind! Pappa Danny out.2017-11-02 13:58:15
ttv/Katty_#kyscuck2017-11-02 13:57:47
CrowZer0You bored me with your first post, but I gave you a chance, now it's just sad, surely you can do better?2017-11-02 13:55:45
yousa gaeyI mean, drugs are easy to get and you can OD if you so desire. I mean, you're a pretty big pack of atoms, surely with a big ol' peanut inside that head so think of something - just make sure that it's new and unique! Maybe drowning in acid?2017-11-02 13:54:52
CrowZer0That's it? I need more help.2017-11-02 13:52:41
yousa gaeyNo problem man! Always to help out a brother in need.2017-11-02 13:52:08
CrowZer0Yes, you got me in one, whoever you are that I don't know that decided to come to my profile to tell me this!2017-11-02 13:51:03
yousa gaeyDo you call yourself Zero because you are a literal zero? I mean, you're begging for attention on the internet like a lifless sad wreck who doesn't really have much human contact outside of their fantasy world so it really suits you. Fear not! You can fix this because I heard there is a sale on ropes and stools but if you want to stick to good old blades or even bleach then be my guest; make sure to pass away somewhere isolate for best attention results.2017-11-02 13:49:50
CrowZer0No I'm not that guy who first mined BTC when people didn't even know what cryptocurrency was, 12 years ago. Lol.2017-11-02 13:47:52
MoonI saw your erection over that .00000001 BTC transaction, don't lie!2017-11-02 13:41:36
CrowZer0Sign of a coward and worthless human being, talk ♥♥♥♥ then get rid of all evidence. Lucky you're 17, I'll leave you be.2017-11-02 13:29:29
CrowZer0When someone blocks you, edits responses then responds back to make themselves look good. = HAHAHAHA GOOD LUCK IN LIFE.2017-11-02 13:22:36
Gin the Boxb less funny plz2017-11-02 12:35:35
DryOuT_1:P2017-11-02 12:35:07
BunnyWow first you request to join our personal group then you ADD??? WOWOWvvvv2017-11-02 12:32:32
DoDoPURPLE <3 ADD PLS2017-11-02 12:29:34
BunnyGirl, come show me your true colorsPaint me a picture with your true colors2017-11-02 12:28:32
MoonGyro cakes are lit.2017-11-02 12:17:22
DryOuT_1Happy new yeahr ^^2017-11-02 11:51:04
CrowZer0Trolls, idiots and imbeciles will be blocked without warning.2017-11-02 10:31:48
DryOuT_1:P idk why i wirting XD2017-11-02 10:26:45
Bunnyo2017-11-02 08:32:05
Bunnyx2017-11-02 08:32:02
Bunnyo2017-11-02 08:31:58
Bunnyx2017-11-02 08:31:55
Bunnyo2017-11-02 08:31:50
Bunnyx2017-11-02 08:31:47
KelfumaAre you a competitive player? You have a ton of playtime hours on Dota 2.2017-11-01 21:32:31
KelfumaMy mother's cousin lives over there. I've never been to the UK though.2017-11-01 21:16:47
Kelfumalol okay. Hm, I have family who live in the UK, London area.2017-11-01 21:10:08
BunnyI2017-11-01 21:01:46
Bunnyyou2017-11-01 21:01:43
KelfumaHey, nice to meet you.2017-11-01 20:58:42
Bunnydumass, dumass!2017-11-01 20:29:02
ttv/Katty_hi h0e2017-11-01 20:26:37
MoonUh Crow? Are we associates?2017-11-01 18:55:17
BunnyGood night2017-11-01 18:47:21
MoonSorry sir, could I put you on hold for just a moment? I have a client I need to communicate with on steam to make sure he has excellent support!2017-11-01 17:41:08
ttv/Katty_sukadik2017-11-01 17:32:34
BunnySexy Goat - Today at 11:22 PMFfaFdsFdsFfaOmfgFfsBummy - Today at 11:22 PMU ok?2017-11-01 17:22:59
Icey ✌HAPPY HALLOWEEN2017-11-01 17:18:49
MoonIt don’t matter none of this matters...and I think I can speak for everyone when I say that......I’m pretty awesome ❤️2017-11-01 16:53:25
Baby Saturnare you saying christ pratt is ugly or do you not believe i have decent body structure u fat ♥♥♥♥2017-11-01 14:27:49
MoonI just called to say.... IMY! I just called to say I really IMY!2017-11-01 11:04:53
Bunnyyou're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ but you're my ♥♥♥♥♥♥2017-11-01 09:59:05
LoomismannHave a nice week :P2017-11-01 09:07:30
daddyBrain dead, nothing in there so it's black on black.2017-11-01 07:25:01
daddyShoot ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2017-11-01 07:23:33
boopcats r kewl!2017-11-01 07:18:43
CrowZer0HA THEY ALWAYS delete all their messages in defeat, haha so easy!2017-11-01 07:16:21
CrowZer0I'm just tryna enjoy my black coffee and smoke while I blast some music, kids today.Assumption is the mother of all ♥♥♥♥ ups. Don't ever assume you think you know how I'm feeling or what I'm doing. You'll be wrong. I ♥♥♥♥ post to amuse myself. You did a terrific job of entertaining me elora. Tooooodles2017-11-01 06:59:58
CrowZer0And honestly I really am not reading your messages just laughing how easy it was to trigger you with a half asleep and jokey "e d g y" jackpot2017-11-01 06:58:00
CrowZer0I'm not even mad lol so I'm doing is laughing at you, ask cake what I'm saying on discord hahaha2017-11-01 06:57:03
CrowZer0One I'm not nice, never claimed to be, in fact you will always see me claim in an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and a ♥♥♥♥. ♥♥♥♥ nice, I'm not a ♥♥♥♥♥ I'm a ♥♥♥♥. 2 I'm not fighting you cos I'm not coming back lol. You're a child, who has no clue who they're dealing with. You're like a gnat on my windscreen you think you're fighting me, but you're insignificant lol. Go away cutey pie!2017-11-01 06:54:06
CrowZer0♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, tldr pls child stop. You don't wanna make me wake up, I'll forgive your transgressions because you're just a lil kid who doesn't know what they're dealing with. I love knocking smiles off smug faces who bite off more than they chew. But feel no joy taking candy from babies you know?once again, I am not even reading your responses lol. Begone edgy thot. (you're way too ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ easy and stupid)2017-11-01 06:50:03
CrowZer0Honey please stop, cos I'm not even reading your messages!2017-11-01 06:46:58
CrowZer0I told you to go away 6 comments ago, why is an 18yo kid trying to patronise me this is adorable.2017-11-01 06:45:30
CrowZer0HI HONEY, HOW MANY HOURS ARE THERE IN 2 WEEKS AND HOW MANY DOES IT SAY IVE PLAYED? Stay in school for the love of the future generations.2017-11-01 06:44:05
CrowZer0I have never played those games imbecile!BEGONE EDGY THOT2017-11-01 06:42:20
CrowZer0BEGONE EDGY THOT don't mebuhbyeeeee2017-11-01 06:37:37
CrowZer0If I grace your profile with my beautiful and honorable presence. And you delete my message?1. You can go ♥♥♥♥ yourself. 2. You are dead to me!2017-11-01 06:35:42
zObviously trick c:2017-11-01 06:33:43
NephosHi!2017-11-01 03:11:11
CrowZer0Fanboys and fangirls, if you're a retarded cuck like Jonny_Rottin, this is the expression you will get from me as I laugh at you. Also anyone who spams my bot, I will just close your window and not read what you said. If I haven't know you for more than 6 months, you don't know what my name is or how old I am, quite frankly I do not give a ♥♥♥♥ about you and I will insta delete you at the slightest hint of annoyance. (Deleted 4 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ so far today.)Happy Halloween Jonny, go ♥♥♥♥ off, you lost your chance with both me and lil adorbs.2017-11-01 00:03:14
CrowZer0You can hear how salty I am on my stream2017-10-31 21:55:29
Jonny_Rottinlool salty >:32017-10-31 21:40:15
CrowZer0No one gives a ♥♥♥♥ Jonny2017-10-31 21:35:42
Jonny_Rottini have a penis?2017-10-31 21:30:24
MoonVery nice Crow and Moon. Bien.2017-10-31 20:38:26
jarredwell what trick will it be?!2017-10-31 20:22:41
HooksGURUTreat 🍭 obviously! Have a great night fella. Don’t let the fan-club overrun you.2017-10-31 20:09:14
jarredtreat2017-10-31 19:33:14
Haydnthen 6662017-10-31 19:13:43
HaydnWinter sale baby2017-10-31 19:13:38
HaydnTruck or Traet?2017-10-31 19:13:18
Sp!T_Shine♥♥♥♥♥♥ trick-♥♥♥♥♥! As the border brother kids who live in the neighborhood say---TRICKTREAT--- I guess they can't say OR..... Who knows...... I should just give them rocks but they would end up thru my windows so I give them carmel coated onions.2017-10-31 18:20:12
Bitcoin Wizard+rep Helpful ✔️2017-10-31 17:57:34
booptreat2017-10-31 17:49:44
ttv/Katty_ur mom2017-10-31 17:29:18
GreexøffHappy Halloween!2017-10-31 16:39:03
MoonI'm calling Al Sharpton2017-10-31 15:29:57
MoonAll of the women on 'The Apprentice' flirted with me — consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected. A sexual dynamic is always present between people, unless you are asexual.-Donald Trump2017-10-31 13:59:29
76561198350900537Happy Halloween too! thank you!2017-10-31 12:16:54
MoonI didn't dress up for Halloween literally2017-10-31 12:15:48
Dyinghappy halloween papa bless2017-10-31 12:06:40
エヴァHappy Halloween! Have a great one!2017-10-31 08:45:31
Ængel#HappyHalloween my dear friend ;)2017-10-31 08:37:05
SANPELLEGRINOHappy Halloween2017-10-31 08:08:22
Bunnyoh that was 52017-10-31 06:53:33
Bunny62017-10-31 06:53:20
Bunnyforess2017-10-31 06:49:11
Bunnyhate you2017-10-31 06:48:39
Bunnyloser2017-10-31 06:48:29
Bunny♥♥♥2017-10-31 06:48:19
*Altruist*♫♥ (Forever alone)Happy Halloween2017-10-31 06:23:46
fabo@idleYou too2017-10-31 03:57:31
мяуYou too♡2017-10-31 03:45:48
🔮LOL Happy Halloween2017-10-31 00:28:47
uxedantH A P P Y H A L L O W E E N2017-10-31 00:13:21
zmm your most recent game doe2017-10-30 22:27:46
CrowZer0♥♥♥♥ off dickead stop adding me. Fake piece of ♥♥♥♥. 21:39:48
Tsushima🎃It´s Halloween🎃🎃 Happy 🎃 Halloween🎃 🎃 By: 🍔🍕Shaggy 🎃2017-10-30 19:49:07
HaydnHappy Hanukkah2017-10-30 19:24:26
远离邪恶,我退党团队Happy Halloween2017-10-30 18:59:26
远离邪恶,我退党团队Happy Halloween2017-10-30 18:49:24
Sp!T_ShineSame to you baby boi. Happy Halloweenie2017-10-30 18:11:41
Bunnyyou're disgusting2017-10-30 18:05:55
Baby Saturnlemme suck on that titty2017-10-30 17:32:46
Sama ♡......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2017-10-30 17:21:05
KerzachBe always happy, my very kind friend ^_^2017-10-30 17:16:43
CrowZer01v1 me penis swords.2017-10-30 17:09:40
DryOuT_1^^ i am the real Eric :P :D2017-10-30 17:08:36
DryOuT_1:P2017-10-30 17:06:42
WavesterHappy Halloween , happy Hanukkah , merry Christmas and a happy new year to you too ! :D2017-10-30 16:32:12
Noenkuthanks i wish you the same..2017-10-30 16:25:52
B2HWhen you get presents don't forget to say "ez".2017-10-30 16:22:27
bastosHave a good Easter!!2017-10-30 16:19:12
alcrøwhol poisoningBut it's April.2017-10-30 16:14:51
DantallosHave a scary Halloween!!!2017-10-30 16:09:01
BunnyMerry birthday!2017-10-30 15:45:13
BunnyHappy christmas!2017-10-30 15:42:59
✨Planets✨Happy Halloween!2017-10-30 13:43:06
Bunnyowo2017-10-30 13:09:27
Bunny'what should i get? beer or wine?''beer''ok wine it is'2017-10-30 12:53:41
BunnyIronic2017-10-30 12:12:58
Bunnycant you find someone in your age ? or is your goal to hunt girls online??????2017-10-30 12:12:15
ttv/Katty_D:2017-10-30 11:42:50
Bunnythat's no news2017-10-30 11:19:56
BunnyMuth be nithe hunting little girls2017-10-30 10:15:51
BunnyNo pen2017-10-30 10:01:37
TezlakipukaHappy Halloween!2017-10-30 08:49:41
DryOuT_1Happy Halloween2017-10-30 05:29:26
B2Hyo yo yo have a good week2017-10-30 04:00:42
not shareu wot m82017-10-30 00:12:29
zhave a spoopy day gramps2017-10-29 23:20:19


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