
SteamID64: 76561198093697152
SteamID32: [U:1:133431424]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:66715712
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/zealottf2/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198093697152

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2013-06-06 12:29:09 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-06-07 19:21:27

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
Zealot2021-10-05 15:04:25
EdgyRick2018-06-13 21:17:57
I want to die2018-06-13 20:33:46
☭EdgyRick2017-07-15 21:40:59
☭EdgyRic2017-07-15 21:40:56
Wickerbottomisgay2017-07-15 21:17:49
Wendyismybae2017-07-15 20:58:41
Wilsonismybae2017-07-15 20:58:07
youtube.com/EdgyRick2016-11-11 16:47:53
Joe Sae2016-11-11 16:42:44

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Rick2024-06-07 19:21:27
Rick2023-01-14 02:29:06

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/zealottf2/2023-01-14 02:29:06

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2024-06-07 19:21:27
Friends-Only2023-09-15 01:21:49
Public2023-01-14 02:29:06


Total: [81] | Deleted: [0]

Rem レムHappy new year!2023-01-01 04:31:57
Moyee Man+rep2022-04-09 17:23:24
Rem レムHappy new years. Make it a good year!2021-12-31 14:31:24
Rem レムomg bro you won't believe it, everything happaned so fast. i was going to my aunts and while on the bus there was this cute chick next to me she was real hot and guess what? she took her shoes off and grasped the seat in front of her with her FEET!! it was the hottest thing i've seen i wanted badly to lean in and smell her feet and it would've been awesome as her socks were old and i could see her big toe out! i went right off to the shower once i was at my aunts and it was a great fap but turns out i came on my aunts bra and she found out and she threw me out of the house can you give me some money so i can stay in a hotel? https://discord.gg/FYCfb8Rybd2021-07-21 17:22:47
Rem レムBabe, I'm breaking up with you. It's not you, you were poggers. It's me, I'm omegalul. Im sorry if this is pepehands but it has to be done, I've just been feeling pepega and our relationship has been weirdchamp for months, it's time to end it, no kappa.2021-01-05 19:27:57
AsrielKekkersans undertale2021-01-03 23:21:53
Rem レムThe thing is, I don't want to hear about the Grinch or listen to the Grinch or watch the Grinch. I want to be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by the Grinch. And for the record this is common among women. The Grinch's bulging sack of toys to me (and many others) is what a Mack truck is to Cardi B. The fact that he's good with dogs and experienced trauma at a young age makes me want that long, fuzzy ♥♥♥♥ even more.Happy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ holidays. https://discord.gg/bWVzJ3x2020-12-03 20:08:55
Rem レム*** URGENT ATTENTION ***NEW STEAM SCAM WARNINGINTERNATIONAL CRIME SYNDICATE INVOLVED.A group of Swedish super models working in pairs pose as technicians offering to repair your computer in your homes. One takes you into a room, ties you up and performs oral on you while the other uses your computer to steal steam login credentials.So far I have been scammed 82 times this week.BE CAREFUL!!!!2020-11-09 18:39:24
Nailaga+rep RickEdgy2020-11-08 14:58:31
Edhmm, redgy ick2020-07-02 21:20:22
Rem レムEnjoy your summer sale this year!~2020-06-25 23:49:06
♡Starve Guy♡A nice person2020-04-20 22:15:48
Rem レムMerry christmas!~ And happy new year!2019-12-24 18:52:11
Rem レムHave an amazing week!~2019-11-11 17:00:58
Rem レムHave a great week!2019-07-22 14:28:15
Rem レムHave an amazing weekend!2019-07-12 15:41:58
Rem レムHave an amazing weekend!2019-06-30 01:26:16
Rem レムHave an amazing weekend!2019-06-21 19:16:21
Rem レムHave an amazing weekend!~2019-06-21 18:29:14
Rem レムHave an amazing weekend!~2019-06-14 14:14:56
NeddoFreddobeat shroud for $52019-01-04 16:30:12
WizNANI?2017-11-27 14:23:34
dvxthwish0edgy2017-11-26 14:22:10
Marf Master of DesasterThe one and only man in this world with an autism level of 0.2017-06-18 16:48:12
Mr_SveWarning my detecting system detected high edginess radiations2017-06-16 07:59:13
Wizcan some one tell me if its rick roll?2017-04-15 14:42:08
Court=Punktrust me :>2017-04-15 11:59:20
Court=Punkfor rick and morty se3 leaked images...2017-04-15 11:59:11
Court=Punkhttps://youtu.be/7P8BxyZddzU?t=82017-04-15 11:58:40
FrogmanThis guys cool. Subscribe to him! (Oh yeah, keyboards cool to)2017-03-29 23:32:41
Wizyup2017-02-06 17:13:18
ZealotOr just spam hello.2017-02-06 17:07:08
Wiznew way to block headshots get the boxtrot and use it while your in the animation of putting it over your head you cant be headshotted2017-02-06 01:13:25
Level 98 TinkatonOK.2016-12-30 16:13:47
Wizok i have to find it i saw it on a cringe comp a FURRYcringe comp so thatl take ages but you will find it2016-12-30 15:40:05
Level 98 TinkatonSCP..... Wait what? Link to the furry's video. NOW. I need to see.2016-12-30 15:22:54
Wizi saw it on a cringe comp2016-12-25 01:54:24
Wiza furry stole your meme2016-12-25 01:54:14
Wizget the watermelon were going into niagra falls to get the mystical microwave so we can destroy the evil coffe maker of death and unicorns then we will save the chocolate covered deep fried key boards of brooms and race cars2016-12-22 12:09:44
Wizget the watermelon were going into niagra falls to get the mystical microwave so we can destroy the evil coffe maker of death and unicorns then we will save the chocolate covered deep fried key boards of brooms and race cars2016-12-22 12:09:40
Wizget the watermelon were going into niagra falls to get the mystical microwave so we can destroy the evil coffe maker of death and unicorns then we will save the chocolate covered deep fried key boards of brooms and race cars2016-12-22 12:09:36
Wizget the watermelon were going into niagra falls to get the mystical microwave so we can destroy the evil coffe maker of death and unicorns then we will save the chocolate covered deep fried key boards of brooms and race cars2016-12-22 12:09:32
Wizget the watermelon were going into niagra falls to get the mystical microwave so we can destroy the evil coffe maker of death and unicorns then we will save the chocolate covered deep fried key boards of brooms and race cars2016-12-22 12:09:29
Wizget the watermelon were going into niagra falls to get the mystical microwave so we can destroy the evil coffe maker of death and unicorns then we will save the chocolate covered deep fried key boards of brooms and race cars2016-12-22 12:09:20
Wizjust added some new memes on my page and shouted you and edgy rihk out2016-12-21 14:18:41
ZealotI put cards together to get my background, it's also 0.15 on the market.2016-12-18 15:20:32
Thieneyhow did you get your background?2016-12-18 15:04:28
Wizget the watermelon were going into niagra falls to get the mystical microwave so we can destroy the evil coffe maker of death and unicorns then we will save the chocolate covered deep fried key boards of brooms and race cars2016-12-07 12:16:49
Level 98 Tinkatonget the watermelon were going into niagra falls to get the mystical microwave so we can destroy the evil coffe maker of death and unicorns then we will save the chocolate covered deep fried key boards of brooms and race cars2016-12-05 17:30:49
Level 98 Tinkatonget the watermelon were going into niagra falls to get the mystical microwave so we can destroy the evil coffe maker of death and unicorns then we will save the chocolate covered deep fried key boards of brooms and race cars2016-12-05 17:30:47
Level 98 Tinkatonget the watermelon were going into niagra falls to get the mystical microwave so we can destroy the evil coffe maker of death and unicorns then we will save the chocolate covered deep fried key boards of brooms and race cars2016-12-05 17:30:38
WizITS TO LATE2016-10-10 22:36:53
Wiz♥♥♥♥ I ALREADY AM CANCER2016-10-10 19:28:05
Level 98 Tinkaton14 15 212016-10-09 19:27:55
ZealotYou guys are retarded.2016-10-09 19:03:11
Level 98 TinkatonACTIVAT- *loading sequence 1% done* *1 hour passes* *2% done* ... why am I running this on windows xp..2016-10-09 18:59:36
Level 98 TinkatonLAUNCH THE NUKES!2016-10-09 12:46:19
WizARM THE WAR HEADS2016-10-09 11:45:18
Level 98 TinkatonWEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOO2016-10-08 22:39:11
WizSOUND THE ALARM2016-10-08 22:34:14
Level 98 Tinkaton"Let the bodies hit the floor" - Edgy Reaper's Mixtape.2016-09-02 15:48:42
Wiz.........༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ _ノ ヽ ノ \_ `/ `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ ( (三ヽ人 / | Heard you didn't raise your donger today. | ノ⌒\ ̄ ̄ヽ ノ ヽ___>、___/ |( 王 ノ〈 /ミ`ー―彡ヽ / ヽ_/ | | / | /2016-08-28 22:55:35
Level 98 Tinkaton*Pacer test music plays* Dun dun dun duuun DUN!2016-08-24 19:51:56
WizThe FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.2016-08-22 13:16:13
Zealothttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgxQPwVEtd8 Saving for later2016-06-27 23:09:18
Pan Pan ツPRETTY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EDGY M9.2016-06-23 12:03:14
ZanariffTeh MEmEs Are Real2016-06-06 18:53:14
UndefinedmaniacHaz HAXORSSSS for lamba warz2016-05-28 00:07:04
Zealot+cancer , help, I caught it2016-05-19 23:59:52
Zealothttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72rFQi8U5Z4 Saving this for l8r2016-04-17 20:56:47
FijiWater42mEMOIVS!2016-04-16 13:05:34
ZealotBut you're allergic!2016-04-16 09:37:04
FijiWater42(\__/)(='.'=)(")_(")2016-04-13 08:11:13
FijiWater42+rep Very good at being an mlg memelord, TOPKEK2016-04-13 08:09:50
BadgerovskyVery nice and polite trader :)2016-02-22 18:14:40
Preebula™+rep2015-10-03 13:58:46
Zealot(\__/) (='.'=) (")_(")2015-03-08 19:17:22


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
