miserable asshole

SteamID64: 76561198099662062
SteamID32: [U:1:139396334]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:69698167
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099662062/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099662062

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2013-07-23 20:02:56 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-05-24 17:54:47

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Click on the SourceBan tags to expand them
SourceBans: In 3 Lists
* Skial:
   - Permanent:
* FirePowered Gaming:
   - Expired:
* Sappho.io:
   - Permanent:

Persona History

NameTime Changed
miserable asshole2024-05-24 17:54:47
Smelly2024-05-22 10:29:40
broccoli brain2024-05-18 07:07:17
nibbly bit2024-05-14 03:22:15
funky stump grumpy dump2024-05-11 20:55:05
dumpy mummy2024-05-10 11:00:04
prick tickler2024-05-09 02:59:01
funky gunk2024-05-08 05:38:52
vegan cannibal2024-05-05 07:10:35
washed-up high tour2024-05-01 21:18:22
You Go To Therapy2024-04-26 23:34:00
Smelly2024-04-23 06:25:01
765611980996620622024-04-06 07:38:05
cunt gunk2024-04-03 23:41:24
Smelly2024-03-25 22:51:39
The Gerogerigegege2024-03-23 04:07:44
Malignant Cunt2024-03-11 06:25:25
Chinese Lathe Disaster2024-03-02 14:09:37
2 Flamingos in a Fruit Fight2024-02-25 05:47:32
Death Dump2024-02-22 03:06:15
Horrendous Genitals2024-02-07 23:50:15
third world stabbing2024-02-07 03:29:48
Top Playa Hater 20232024-01-04 22:06:16
#1 Playa Hater 20232024-01-04 05:13:10
Fred Shitbreath2023-12-03 16:19:17
Discounted Palestine2023-11-27 23:17:45
Smelly2023-11-02 03:34:48
$14.99 Palestine2023-10-14 20:53:48
765611980996620622023-10-14 04:30:37
Israeli baby decapitator2023-10-12 06:07:08
Smelly2023-09-10 14:44:19
Cunt Kabob2023-09-09 02:43:58
necrotized diabetic foot2023-09-02 03:36:17
Smelly2023-08-31 11:24:21
fat stupid ugly person2023-08-30 22:10:54
Smelly2023-08-23 10:15:00
fat stupid ugly person2023-08-21 17:07:13
Smelly2023-08-11 03:33:11
fat stupid ugly person2023-07-28 13:51:49
Smelly2023-07-28 04:09:04
fat stupid ugly person2023-07-25 12:13:06
Smelly2023-07-22 01:57:48
fat stupid ugly person2023-07-06 05:08:56
shit scum2023-06-30 22:59:56
Smelly2023-06-26 05:02:49
fountain of hope and goodwill2023-06-21 00:25:10
being ignorant is awesome2023-06-19 11:52:13
the poo ass2023-06-17 00:24:40
being ignorant is awesome2023-05-26 22:24:26
Smelly2023-04-23 23:09:06
Sex Dwarf2023-04-14 23:55:59
Smelly2023-03-17 22:10:07
Ear Punisher2023-02-24 01:53:46
Smelly2022-11-30 13:11:16
gaslighting professional2022-11-30 13:09:23
boiled angel2022-11-28 12:16:51
kick me and I WILL find you2022-11-27 14:41:29
The Excitement of Tandy2022-11-27 14:33:40
Proctologist2022-11-21 20:42:39
Kick Proct and we finish2022-11-21 20:27:00
Smelly | tacobot2022-11-21 19:55:25
Revolting Cock2022-11-20 11:48:57
Smelly (trackpad+noF1+nosnd)2022-11-17 12:53:37

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
cables from2024-05-15 22:04:54
cables from2023-10-24 01:16:49
cables from2023-01-06 13:27:19

URL History

URLTime Changed

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2024-05-15 22:04:54
Friends-Only2024-05-14 03:22:15
Public2023-01-31 17:57:48
Private2023-01-19 21:40:57
Friends-Only2023-01-08 23:02:38
Public2023-01-06 13:27:19


Total: [2015] | Deleted: [221]

maxximus #KILLTF2-rep bot hoster, slur slinger, racist, and worst of all evil orange man ((tr*mp)) supporter DO NOT INTERACT.2024-05-31 17:00:45
ParamountADHDhow much is your white russiaaaaaaaaan. I'll give 18 keys for. :32024-05-31 11:07:19
› Casual ChickenMy account is valuable don't add me2024-05-30 05:42:08
Hermit))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))2024-05-24 04:57:30
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}I believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is the only begotten Son of God and the Messiah who is the Word and the firstborn of all creation (Col 2:15), the beginning of the Creation of God (Rev.3:14), who became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14). Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life: no one can come to the Father, Yahveh, except through Him (John 14:6). In Him, dwells the fullness of the Godhead (Col 2:9). I believe in His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14), that He led a sinless life (2 Cor. 5:21) and that through His atoning death (Heb. 9 and 10) and bodily resurrection, we are saved by grace through faith in Him. I believe in the physical/literal return of Jesus Christ as the King of Kings to rule on this earth from Jerusalem.2024-05-17 21:44:02
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}ya i banned cas chick as well haha2024-05-16 17:46:04
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}ty for the kind compliments XD2024-05-16 17:45:33
itgoodyou had the voice of a hillbilly, the brains of a cow, and are so easy to manipulate ty lil bro2024-05-15 23:35:31
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}good well banned him back2024-05-04 13:23:15
› Casual ChickenThat was me2024-05-04 01:11:34
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}haha dude banned me2024-05-02 00:29:16
Strawberry {JESUS IS LORD}xd2024-04-15 18:11:23
『m』『r』 『U』wsupp yo!2024-04-15 09:03:48
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}snipers camping van2024-04-14 23:28:02
76561198099662062i went camping my man2024-04-14 15:00:52
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/12/6733519291686510682/?ctp=32024-04-13 05:35:32
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}hers back2024-04-09 19:29:44
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}sssmmmeeellllllyyy2024-04-09 04:54:32
Strawberry {JESUS IS LORD}come back smelly2024-04-09 03:33:56
Banana {JESUS IS LORD}hey smelly2024-04-09 03:33:41
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}his name is fine in friend list just not on profile2024-04-07 20:42:06
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}ye but that only usually happens when they issue name bans they revert it to that2024-04-07 20:41:41
mrswormsweatIt's his SteamID642024-04-07 17:07:50
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}xD ur name is numbers, y tho :D2024-04-07 16:59:28
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}smelly did you get name banned again2024-04-06 15:30:48
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}+rep good player2024-04-06 14:17:50
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}yes2024-04-06 14:13:29
BTimes8do u think i can become a respected mvmer only playing boot camp2024-04-06 14:11:31
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}by not using cheats and being respectful of others2024-04-06 12:57:50
BTimes8how do i become a well respected mvmer guys2024-04-06 12:33:39
› Casual ChickenI've seen u aimbot2024-04-06 00:10:58
› Casual Chicken0 proof Jesus boy2024-04-06 00:10:25
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}as ive learnt from my best friend david langler, dont feed the trolls2024-04-05 23:37:27
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}i gave u 2 excellent proofs muting u now since u just troll2024-04-05 23:08:09
› Casual Chicken"spread truth" shows 0 proof of me cheating or being called a cheater get a life2024-04-05 23:07:09
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}ty i know my brain is rotted cause i have autism so thats more proof what i say is correct you call me brain rot just proves what i say is true cause it strengthens my truth that i have autism, so ty for the kind truthful words about me much appreciated2024-04-05 20:25:36
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}nah i prefer to spread truth over liesyou can spread lies if you want youre entitledbut i will stick to truthits cute tho how u prefer to lie and spread misinformation, ill give ya that2024-04-05 20:24:32
› Casual ChickenYou're brain rot and spreading false rumors2024-04-05 20:23:32
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}proof is in the pudding as the saying goes2024-04-05 18:05:59
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}standing in front of me while me doing heavy strat on empire, throwing milk at scouts instead of heaviesnot all cheating comes in form of aimbot, godmodeother forms of cheating include griefing your team2024-04-05 18:05:47
› Casual ChickenShow me cheating2024-04-05 17:42:34
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}ty but i believe em2024-04-05 11:16:47
› Casual Chickenive never been called a cheater youre on something good2024-04-05 11:01:43
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}just repeating what i learned from other mvmers2024-04-05 10:56:46
› Casual Chickenso send me a trade offer of all ur unusuals kthx2024-04-05 10:43:56
› Casual ChickenBlueberry {JESUS IS LORD} 9 hours ago its casual chicken the 2c infamous cheater hahabro what even2024-04-05 10:41:51
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}its casual chicken the 2c infamous cheater haha2024-04-05 01:34:48
› Casual ChickenNo2024-04-05 01:30:16
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}when the Lord Jesus returns for his own (saved people) God the Father will destroy this earth with fire and cast all unbeliever and the devil into the lake of fireJesus will rule in the new earth where theres no sin, all peace, for 1000 years then we return to heaven2024-04-02 20:42:01
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}not true reallyif you faith in Jesus Christ as your savior from your sins you have eternal life in heaven and the new earth so no you dont have a very short life you have eternity which is infinite2024-04-02 20:40:20
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}who dis2024-04-02 19:17:10
Obama Runtz tap inYo add me its urgent2024-04-02 18:13:18
madmanyo can you tell travis to add me2024-04-02 18:13:03
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}hehe.jpg2024-03-21 20:28:12
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}ok2024-03-19 19:21:55
Smellyyes but i will probably have to mute you. my ears are sensitive2024-03-18 23:17:04
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}should i play tornado alarm on micspam when i do mvm2024-03-17 16:37:49
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}wow smelly is my neighbor and he keeps me awake all night with smoke detector alarm for 10 hours video on youtube2024-03-15 16:42:54
Herbie RubbitThis man is my neighbor and he keeps me up every night with bongos, loud music, babies crying. There's a pungent odor omitting from the entire property, so egregious that Josef Mengele wouldn't have even gassed the Jews with it. Three weeks ago he had a frigate delivered to his doorstep, but had no proper way to stow it. The frigate has been tipped over in the middle of the road since and he won't stop climbing it, swinging his bull whip in the air and firing off his battle cannon. He's a disease to this planet and if you encounter him, block him immediately if you don't want your peace of mind torn away from you.2024-03-15 14:09:52
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}blocked him liked i muted him ingame2024-03-11 00:24:41
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}smellys not a clown hes good player like me2024-03-11 00:24:17
CorpseClown2024-03-11 00:11:07
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}thats good dont want you mocking/bullying others, i try to take the bullying away from others and put it on me2024-03-07 15:09:38
Smellydude you're burying all the funny comments2024-03-07 00:20:13
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}ok im on2024-03-04 22:07:07
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}ill be on kiwi later if u wanna do mvm2024-02-28 14:28:33
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}hey man im on this account wanna do mvm?2024-02-24 13:17:49
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}not gona be using steam for awhile just gona be on xbox for time beingcya in may for some mvm2024-02-23 11:04:20
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}hey its smelly2024-02-20 11:07:16
SmellyHallelujah2024-02-19 18:02:03
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}hate sin, love sinner2024-02-19 08:24:10
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}all i said was transgender tardsthats not insulting the person, i only insult the sin2024-02-19 08:23:53
Smellydang it2024-02-18 13:39:08
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}im banned on main again so have to post on this account bruh2024-02-18 03:04:14
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}its corny, but i love me2024-02-15 14:35:45
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQooPqlG8so2024-02-15 13:03:33
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}xbox > PCchange my mind2024-02-15 06:12:37
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}that song is so wrongif you fight youre acting like a little kidreal men talk it out with wordsme using words against bad video game players means i take the W as i dont resort to childish bickering and fightsW = talk it out with wordsL = fight like a wuss2024-02-15 01:39:04
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}what you gonna do when ♥♥♥♥ hits the fanare you gona stay and fight like a manyou gona play hard like you say you areyou gona fight or you gona run get your bodyguard2024-02-15 01:36:06
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}how is smelly toxic he anti toxic like me getting rid of the mvm trolls2024-02-14 23:01:32
Smellyprobably something ridiculous, like 2000 keys. if you have an offer I am happy to hear it but I am not looking to sell it2024-02-14 22:41:34
BandaiHey, could you remind me your price on the SU beggar’s? Forgot what you said when we chatted2024-02-14 22:27:47
Punkhead- - -rep bad player, toxic, harassing, verbally assaulting, and racist. Repeatedly kick me for just trying to play, almost 3k hours and started playing tours on engineer and was top scoring and kicked me from 5 different maps. Caused other players to leave then griefed multiple maps by pushing bomb carrier to end of map. When I left the map and rejoin another game we completed the map is 20 minutes and I top scored with over 1.3k score 🤣2024-02-14 19:22:03
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}want to see my comp genrated pic2024-02-13 16:38:47
Smellyyes, it was a commissioned self portrait2024-02-13 16:37:44
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}is the guy in your pic really you2024-02-13 16:32:28
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}trains gender time2024-02-13 14:29:38
SmellyBecause I like trains a lot2024-02-13 14:29:07
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}i scroll thru ur groups and see trans this and lgbt that2024-02-13 14:26:49
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}but why u in trans group2024-02-13 14:26:34
SmellyYes2024-02-13 14:25:45
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}doing what we can to make mvm great againno refundsno gasno scorchno scotresno airblastno hitmansno crutch2024-02-13 14:12:34
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}when you get a chance give me a low down of they said here i cant read it cuz they blocked2024-02-13 13:20:09
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}ty smelly for teaching me that spy is crutch strat, now i can call out others like you do2024-02-13 13:19:39
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}o well i reported all 3 of em ez reports2024-02-13 13:08:35
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}long story short i was brass beast heavy doing the aggro strat and ended up with more damage then the brass beast heavy who idled at dispensermr 400 tour goes refund spy so i call him out as smelly wouldhe gets super salty and infuses with rage cause of jealousy thats im better then him that i can do aggro heavy and survive buster explosionsi say "spy is crutch for bad players"he says to me so why dont you play iti say to him " well thats why i dont play it proves im not bad LOL"2024-02-13 13:08:20
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}You've blocked this playerview this commentYou've blocked this playerview this commentYou've blocked this playerview this commentYou've blocked this playerview this commentYou've blocked this playerview this commentsadly i dont know what they saygood thing i blocked them but i know its the salty kids2024-02-13 13:04:00
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}lol the kids coming to smellys profile <3 i side with smelly he is against spy crutch too2024-02-13 13:03:37
HarralanderWatermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)2024-02-13 13:02:20
HarralanderWatermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)2024-02-13 13:02:18
HarralanderWatermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)2024-02-13 13:02:16
HarralanderWatermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)2024-02-13 13:02:13
HarralanderWatermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)2024-02-13 13:02:10
HarralanderWatermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD} left the game (Removed from match by system)2024-02-13 13:02:07
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}i told him smelly says hello2024-02-13 12:47:31
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}lol kicked by 400 tour cause i told him spy crutch was bad when refunded to spy for giant meds2024-02-13 12:46:51
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}dude trying to add me to insult me when i dont need to impress him2024-02-13 00:04:39
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}i dont care if i suck i dont live to impress you2024-02-12 18:39:40
Smellythank you Watermelon2024-02-12 13:41:58
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}welcome to tf2 after 9 years in development hopefully it would have been worth the weight2024-02-11 03:40:02
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}24 in died and the new one i ordered is 27 in2024-02-10 19:36:59
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}using a 14 in for now2024-02-10 19:36:33
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}? my monitor died so had to order a new one2024-02-10 19:36:14
Smellyhow can I get on your wavelength, watermelon?2024-02-10 19:35:31
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}my monitor died smelly ordered a new one2024-02-10 19:02:31
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULk8-DGC7Hs2024-02-09 13:21:51
SmellyI have not2024-02-07 19:46:20
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}be honesthave you ever held poop in so hard it forced it self out thru your nose?2024-02-07 16:05:19
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}this girl is on fire2024-02-07 15:45:23
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}cables from Guam2024-02-05 04:40:21
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}ur from guam?2024-02-05 04:40:05
Smellysounds delicious2024-02-04 15:32:37
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}is delicious i think its a new jersey term2024-02-04 08:24:32
Smellywhat the heck is a pork roll?2024-02-04 03:09:39
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}hey smellydo you preferbread rollsausage rollpork rollORRICK ROLL2024-02-03 23:55:53
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}hey dont let me catch you on here again!2024-02-03 17:02:32
cgpunk_ (she/her)+rep Pro MVM Player2024-02-03 14:35:50
QuinlanTop Playa Hater 2023 left the game (Client Disconnect)That was easier than I expected.2024-02-03 11:43:53
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}we strutting2024-01-25 09:59:29
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}stay strut dude2024-01-23 02:46:35
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}hey smelly wanna play it takes two or a way out sometimei got the game on gamepass ultimateyou dont need to own it just down the free friend pass client and add me on EA play so we can play2024-01-20 21:47:24
Bandaiwould you take 450 keys for your beggar's bazooka2024-01-17 12:39:43
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}for sure2024-01-17 03:10:04
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}brutalsavagerektabsolutely taken down2024-01-17 03:08:01
Smellyhow could they know2024-01-16 23:18:18
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}someone told me you like french friesis it true?2024-01-16 21:34:41
cgpunk_ (she/her)Amen.2024-01-09 09:56:14
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}2017 what?its not even 1993 yet2024-01-09 09:40:19
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}they pushed me into pit so i left match2024-01-07 22:43:17
Smellyyou may post one happy halloween per year ONLY2024-01-07 22:12:41
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}fred flintstone2024-01-07 16:10:15
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}who fred2024-01-07 16:06:24
BTimes8can we stop harassing fred2024-01-07 10:16:36
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}fred who?2024-01-07 08:52:48
KinaIdfk why but i got your alias "Fred ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" living rent free in my head for the past 3 days2024-01-07 04:04:13
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQooPqlG8so2024-01-04 17:32:40
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}exactly those who talk trash about others seemingly have something wrong with themselves2024-01-04 02:04:57
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}talking about yourself, glad to know ur trash2024-01-04 00:39:39
Philibert | Buy Bp's/Qs'sMvM trash2024-01-03 20:27:21
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}lol censored2024-01-03 08:38:54
:)♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2024-01-03 03:31:38
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}>tips accepted for mvm carriesno2024-01-02 01:52:44
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}loli joined a xbox discord group looking for players1st thing i see is someone getting bullied into changing their trump avatarinsta left the group2024-01-02 01:52:20
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}LMAOdude sent me xbox live message"lose cops in truck dummy"i said " no i dont think i will"2023-12-31 22:54:48
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}divided2023-12-30 16:38:24
Dannymultiplied2023-12-30 16:33:50
Char B>Backpacks w/ 5000 Pureadded2023-12-30 12:10:01
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}long story short, this guy called me a loser in gtai said very calmly, " ty im proud to be a loser, if it means im not immature like you"gg2023-12-29 07:48:53
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}sup brah2023-12-29 06:36:56
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}ya dawg2023-12-28 02:16:02
Smellyi am so dang svelte2023-12-27 17:34:01
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}i want to thx u smelly for being svelte player in mvm <3 💓2023-12-27 10:11:16
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}havent been on pc in a week been playing xbox2023-12-26 13:27:05
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}lol my xbox gamertag is akimboassassin82023-12-21 12:18:27
Ass assin+ rep nice profile2023-12-20 22:49:01
SmellyFrig off Clyde2023-12-18 15:39:45
BTimes8i hate Fred ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2023-12-18 12:51:28
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}hey old friend2023-12-18 03:01:42
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}laptop is connected to friends but not desktop2023-12-15 20:12:33
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}great steam friends is disconnected againim being facetious2023-12-15 20:11:47
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUsBljESbag2023-12-15 09:04:02
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}oooh big scary bear2023-12-15 00:10:39
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}you silly goose, you2023-12-15 00:07:40
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}am i tacobot yet2023-12-14 22:58:48
QuinlanI suggest learning the fact that actions we make have consequences.2023-12-14 20:00:52
SmellyI suggest reading the New Testament2023-12-14 19:56:42
QuinlanIt doesn't matter at all if it was 2, 10 or 20 years. One more thing... how does me kicking you make me angry? xD I had lots of fun doing that2023-12-14 19:54:02
QuinlanAnd how does that justify you? You never apologized even. You behaved like an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ torwards me back then, so how do you expect me to treat you? You didn't care how you treated me back then, so why should I ?2023-12-14 19:51:26
Smellyagain, 2+ years, I am a very different player now but it seems you are still the same extremely angry individual. I just want to play my game, I am not sure what you want other than to just mess with me.2023-12-14 19:49:47
QuinlanIf back then you behaved like "grown up person" I would have no reason at all to votekick you.But noooo.... of course you being toxic to me was okay, but when big bad Quin returns the favor its bad :(2023-12-14 19:46:10
Smellygrow up2023-12-14 19:44:02
QuinlanQuinlan : You makred me on tacobot for being a 'gas ape' despite I played Sniper whole matchFred ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ : and you are still upset about that 2 years later?Quinlan : Not to mention you were ultra toxic to me in that matchBloodline Continuity : oh boy tacobotQuinlan : Yeah, you never apologizedFred ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ : that's unhealthyQuinlan : So is being a tacotardFred ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ : i wont argue with thatAt least on that we agree2023-12-14 19:30:58
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}hi snuut2023-12-14 07:46:13
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}hey snuut say to naic hat for me2023-12-14 07:09:28
Snuuutdamn, he already blocked me? xD that was an ez victory and a fast one... watermelon admitting defeat quite early :Dthanks for confirming my superiority the way like plenty of other ez victims before I AM A GOD i sensed ez prey and i was right. what spitting some truth does to people ;P2023-12-14 06:59:52
Donald Trump Gaming TTVadd me to trade?2023-12-13 22:58:32
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}why are there so many misnomers on steam?2023-12-13 22:45:23
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}rofl2023-12-13 13:37:21
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}lol got banned from OT for posting trump ascii2023-12-13 12:55:35
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}pwned another noob, haha, ez2023-12-13 12:45:56
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}You've blocked this playeri wonder who900 players blocked dont feel like viewing the comment to know who2023-12-13 12:38:12
Snuuutoh hey watermelon how does it feel that there are always gas passer pyros in MvM everywhere, and that you're utterly powerless to do anything against it? must suck to be you, huh? ;P2023-12-13 08:10:52
Snuuutdamn, it takes quite a lot of desperation to put so much effort into trying to distract from successfully being called out xDDDhey watermelon i'm still waiting for you to prove that "valve literally said they didnt intend for it play that way in mvm it was a pvp weapon"i also asked you to please point out the part where i "agreed" with you on the incredibly valuable gas passer, but unfortunately for you, you failed incredibly miserably :Dand since you keep providing more and more delicious opportunities to publicly put you into shame, i'd like to ask you to please do a very simple task and just copy paste a part out of one of my comments where i'm being "salty" rather than successfully making fun of you ;)since you're such ez prey to me, i'd like to thank you in advance for 100% NOT being able to do any of that in your next comment and continue to satisfy the sh!t out of me by letting me witness your desperation2023-12-13 08:09:35
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/12/4029096764569986618/#c40290967645701867782023-12-13 07:46:04
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}wow snuut is still salty? wow2023-12-13 07:07:04
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}hey smelly we need to play some mvm again, lemme kno when u on2023-12-13 06:59:19
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}ah blocking system at its finest i dont even have to read his posts or listen to him (i havent even read one his posts yet, not even the first one he wrote) xD2023-12-13 06:46:10
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}you keep proving me so well i dont even have to answer you you know gas passer wasnt intended and you keep proving it by being so saltyidk who patriot it but i bet he was a chad player at mvm like me i want to be like this (so called patriot) he must be a true CHAD2023-12-13 06:45:12
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}🧂i want to thank you for being salty kind sir, take this salt dear snuut2023-12-13 06:43:50
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}yep ty snuut ur attitude cracks me up, u didnt fail mei was hoping for u get to get salty and leave and boy did you deliveri want to thank you again for the many laughs you have given mei was depressed cause my cat died from leukemia but you sure brightened my dayty and i applaud u kind sir2023-12-13 06:43:11
SnuuutYEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS... that is the attitude i was hoping for... oh boi i'm gonna have a lot of fun with you, hopefully you last at least as long as the young Patriot did why do i STILL not see proof, that "valve literally said they didnt intend for it play that way in mvm it was a pvp weapon"? xDDDDDDoh and since you keep on providing irresistible and delicious opportunities to humiliate you even further, i'd like to ask you to please point out the part where i "agree with you on the gas passer", and of course i'm also gonna predict with ease, that you will 100% NOT be able to do that in your next comment and therefore continue to feed me the exact entertainment that i'm here for :)go for it and keep falling for my traps. i promise you from the deepest bottom of my heart that i will not stop humiliating the absolute sh!t out of you, as i never get tired of such supreme first class entertainment2023-12-13 06:41:48
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}😭sad but true 🎺2023-12-13 06:37:05
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}boy snuut sure fails at argument and reason & logichow little does he knowbut im glad he agrees with me about gas passer in mvm, he got that thing rightbut i DO find it funny how bored he is and is about to throw a tantrum and leave =)2023-12-13 06:36:07
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}xD i love how snuut confirms his success over me that i won, guess i win again2023-12-13 06:34:45
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}@and to keep on pushing the knife and to torture you even more, i'm gonna ask you AGAIN:would you please be so kind and prove, that"valve literally said they didnt intend for it play that way in mvm it was a pvp weapon"yes glad you agree that gas passer wasnt intended for mvm, ty for pointing that out sweetheart2023-12-13 06:34:03
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}lol snuut is sure dumb enough to feed me love and and reply to me xD2023-12-13 06:33:18
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}ohh poor snuut must be so confused right now that i wont give into his poor lack of an argument(he must know very little about how the real world works)he will get bored of me complimenting him eventually :Panyways ty snuut, glad you agree with me <3 bye sweetie chums2023-12-13 06:32:53
Snuuutohh poor watermelon, little do you actually know :Di am certainly not getting bored and not going to leave when i got someone who's actually dumb enough to reply to me and feed me ;Pi absolutely love how you keep confirming my success over you with every comment you post that does not contain the requested evidence, but desperate distraction attempts instead, which is quite embarrassing for you :)and to keep on pushing the knife and to torture you even more, i'm gonna ask you AGAIN:would you please be so kind and prove, that "valve literally said they didnt intend for it play that way in mvm it was a pvp weapon"i purposely asked that question, knowing you will 100% NOT be able to do that in your next comment, which is quite humiliating for you, and at the same time grands me yet another ez victory over you and satisfies me to the core2023-12-13 06:30:59
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}wow snuut is back, ty snuut for the kind words <32023-12-13 04:03:01
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}lmaothis bruh says males and females cant be friendsi had female friends in school , smh2023-12-13 03:03:16
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}@Fred ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (smelly) 55 minutes ago snuuut i have missed you so muchSAME xd2023-12-12 20:41:26
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}not gona argue with snuut, ill just keep agreeing with him to suit his fancy until he gets bored and leaves XD2023-12-12 20:05:27
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}proof is in the pudding, my friend, proof is in the pudding2023-12-12 20:05:05
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}ty snuut for agreeing with me, ur so kind2023-12-12 20:01:03
Smellysnuuut i have missed you so much2023-12-12 19:45:50
Snuuutso due to your refusal to provide actual evidence in order to back up your claims, i must assume that my question cornered you to a point where you rather respond with bad distraction attempts, which leads me to the conclusion that you're not able to back up your words it only took me one single short comment to achieve an ez victory over yet another anti gas passer ape, therefore you can consider yourself easily destroyed and added to the already huge collection of outtalked anti gas passer apes even tho you didn't even engage in an argument, which is sad cuz i love outtalking the reasons why i took this opportunity are because first of all you did not provide evidence to your claim right away, which always gives you a major advantage in arguments, as evidence is a mighty weapon. and i simply included logic into my thought process: why did valve not already fix something allegedly "unintended"? xD2023-12-12 19:35:20
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}the proof is in your comment that you agree with me, im rather stoked you agree with me2023-12-12 19:16:21
Snuuut"valve literally said they didnt intend for it play that way in mvm it was a pvp weapon"i asked for proof, where is it? xD2023-12-12 19:15:15
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}wow snuut actually agrees im shocked (and rather stoked tbh)2023-12-12 19:13:22
Snuuuti sense ez prey, so i'll just go for it :D"valve literally said they didnt intend for it play that way in mvm it was a pvp weapon"proof pls, thank you2023-12-12 19:09:13
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}blocked him so i dont have to read his replies another win for me <32023-12-12 18:34:56
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}@KaCharlie 1 hour ago So if explosive headshot on Sniper is intended, isn't that game breaking?What about rocket specialist?Crit canteens and Canteen Specialist?those are all intended as they were in mvm since day 1 as you can see GP was added later so you proved your own argument faulty thus making it so i dont have to argue anymore, good luck and thanks for the easy win proving your own point infalliable, so ez when your target makes a fool of himself so i dont have to, thx for the win 💗2023-12-12 18:33:56
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}they added EH to sniper cause sniper was lacklusterpyro was already op in mvm without GP and valve literally said they didnt intend for it play that way in mvm it was a pvp weaponso why should i seethe when valve themselves said it is unintended?cry moar little kiddie, seethe cuz ur bad at mvm i will continue laughing at bad players and be happy i dont seethe like u2023-12-12 18:32:03
I hate it hereSo if explosive headshot on Sniper is intended, isn't that game breaking?What about rocket specialist?Crit canteens and Canteen Specialist?2023-12-12 16:39:57
I hate it here@watermelon it's still in the game, explode on ignite is an intended feature, seethe about it :)2023-12-12 16:25:40
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}who2023-12-11 22:52:41
Smellymy friends status with someone on steam does not reflect my opinion on them personally or their actions2023-12-11 22:40:11
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}i will do my civic duty of reporting gas users for sure2023-12-11 22:25:12
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}@KaCharlie 2 hours ago you realize that by reporting gas passer users, you're being toxic for people using an intended feature in the gamegas passer was not intending to abuse mann up so the ones using it are the ones being toxic, we are being honest and anti toxic by duting our civic duty of reporting people for using an unintended side effect to mann up2023-12-11 22:22:58
I hate it hereoh i've known ping for a while now, i've just never played with casual chicken, again who's MibWib and why are you on his fl when tacobot lists him as a blatant cheater2023-12-11 22:04:42
Smellykinda proving my point that you should learn about the people you are throwing games on orders from...2023-12-11 21:49:52
I hate it herewho the ♥♥♥♥ is casual chicken2023-12-11 20:29:57
Smellyfella do you really think ping from another world and casual chicken are reliable sources of information2023-12-11 20:24:08
I hate it herealso fred who's miBwib?2023-12-11 19:52:34
I hate it hereyou realize that by reporting gas passer users, you're being toxic for people using an intended feature in the game2023-12-11 19:47:50
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}we are anti toxic by reporting cheaters and gas passer users2023-12-11 19:46:03
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}whos toxic2023-12-11 19:45:40
I hate it hereand for being anti toxic you sure are toxic2023-12-11 19:44:47
I hate it hereDude you gotta support cheaters less and deflate your ego before your head bursts mr "MvM GaWd"2023-12-11 19:43:32
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/12/4031347929698176699/2023-12-07 23:08:30
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}here is his gas passer, here is his airblaster2023-12-04 18:07:37
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}hes a little troll baby, short and stout2023-12-04 18:06:04
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}huh idk u2023-12-04 00:53:53
AndBoneAh yes me the best mvm player its been yearsStill a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on tacobot2023-12-04 00:53:06
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}its good hell isnt censored so ppl know its a real place2023-12-03 15:24:26
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}why2023-12-03 15:24:06
Smellyvalve loves satan2023-12-03 15:22:55
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}i wonder if hell is censored2023-12-02 22:09:15
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}why is ♥♥♥♥ censored, its not bad word2023-12-02 22:09:00
Smellyfred fred fred fred fred fred SH!TBREATH2023-12-02 22:07:40
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}fred ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥?2023-12-02 22:00:23
Smellyyes2023-12-02 13:11:20
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}BAUS2023-12-01 20:35:22
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}sup dawg, like a baus2023-12-01 20:34:57
Blueberry {JESUS IS LORD}ctrl v timenothing2023-11-15 23:30:05
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}quick press ctrl v and paste it here https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099662062/recommended/1029690/2023-11-15 23:29:42
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}dude i blocked2023-11-15 22:15:04
Smellyeho is2023-11-15 18:09:21
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}he still arguing on ur profile 3 months later, smh2023-11-15 11:47:00
Smellywould2023-11-10 21:19:33
Libertarian Femboy+rep subscribed to my onlyfans2023-11-10 21:01:46
deluhello2023-11-05 10:19:44
Sparrocan we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person... I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that i’ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I don’t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isn’t as fun when you’re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart.2023-10-25 02:29:08
IcycrevasseYea no worries, just drop a screenshot or something in the suggestion comments and i'll re-vise it eventually2023-10-22 15:42:51
ILC | DelsinC+rep isnt rich just irresponsible with money2023-10-18 21:02:43
CybxrzzworkshopWendell2023-10-18 01:21:49
jammosdarmn2023-10-14 16:27:34
$14.99 PalestineNo2023-10-14 15:40:28
jammoscan i..2023-10-14 04:02:11
$14.99 Palestineisn't that the stuff they force feed the geese to make?2023-10-13 23:52:52
jammoscan i have ur foies no mery2023-10-13 23:37:58
R^4still looking for Phosphorous Stately Steel Toe?2023-10-04 11:18:23
Alfonso BasilHey Brother added because im interested in your El Jefe2023-09-20 18:06:48
👍TF2.BET (Owner)GG, i can help you on2023-09-12 14:56:48
Y_COMIENZOso true, altima!2023-09-08 18:30:00
Banana {JESUS IS LORD}sad2023-09-08 08:39:19
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}lmfao, still arguing i see2023-09-08 04:12:32
Y_COMIENZOvery nice altima2023-09-08 00:51:53
Cunt Kabobyou lose y_comienzo2023-09-07 19:43:24
Banana {JESUS IS LORD}muted blocked and reported u for now2023-09-07 00:07:25
Banana {JESUS IS LORD}ty for proving my point2023-09-07 00:06:51
Y_COMIENZO@altima1. i am not a cheater2. i am a schizo of course its a compliment2023-09-03 15:15:58
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}ThePatriot(WarVeteran) Aug 24 @ 5:26pm CgTranny indeed bet that guy is 😂2023-09-01 21:40:05
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}Y_COMIENZO Aug 24 @ 8:22am schizo clonesyes schizo is a compliment cause it means i have brain sense and not a fool like YOU2023-09-01 21:39:41
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}im having meltdown to call out cheaters like YOUY_COMIENZO Aug 23 @ 11:27pm why is altima having a meltdown2023-09-01 21:39:12
ThePatriot(WarVeteran)CgTranny2023-08-24 16:26:23
Y_COMIENZOschizo clones2023-08-24 07:22:59
Y_COMIENZOwhy is altima having a meltdown2023-08-23 22:27:32
Banana {JESUS IS LORD}sad indeed2023-08-23 22:01:10
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}very sad2023-08-20 01:41:50
Banana {JESUS IS LORD}bumping threads to gain visibility lmao2023-08-15 13:01:25
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}Reason:Please refrain from bumping threads to gain visibility.lmfao i get a warning for this2023-08-13 12:05:56
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}VJBASE_BOT_TEST 01 Aug 5 @ 1:20am you're bad at mvmnice private profileopen wide or the big bad monster will get you for lying2023-08-12 20:49:41
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}you do youi do methats my flava2023-08-12 19:25:42
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}dont leave me pls i beg2023-08-12 12:47:19
Smellyoh no i have to jump to a new account now2023-08-12 12:42:59
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}found u smelly2023-08-12 10:59:23
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}no that would be me2023-08-08 20:26:04
VJBASE_BOT_TEST 01you're bad at mvm2023-08-05 00:20:46
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}smelly is against cheats just like meYOU are the cheater supporter here, not us2023-08-04 22:25:55
ThePatriot(WarVeteran)You're listed on the pizzbot sh!tlist ape2023-07-23 16:40:37
Hens with ties enjoyerAdded, since I was interested in discussing about the price for one of your unusuals, just to make a deal together during tomorrow.2023-07-23 15:21:01
dingleberrymvm stands for rogue lineage get your facts straight bro2023-07-19 20:41:47
fat stupid ugly personi dont know what that is i only play mvm and baldurs gate2023-07-19 19:46:05
skinny smart handsome person-rep this guy plays rogue lineage2023-07-18 23:05:07
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}yeah -rep, take that boyo2023-07-18 22:13:20
skinny smart handsome personalso -rep2023-07-18 21:17:52
skinny smart handsome personcomment on guestpo's profile again see what happens bro you are straight dookey doo doo at tf22023-07-18 21:15:17
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}i was born after 88 i dont know anything but crts and analogs2023-07-17 10:30:58
fat stupid ugly personbut snuuut was born after 1999 he doesnt know anything but tiktok and vape2023-07-16 23:26:36
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}im on snuuts side for the record2023-07-16 21:55:08
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}whoa, he just accused someone of lying, we have a bad*** ova he'2023-07-16 21:54:14
sappyboi4interested in offering, get back to me whenever, thanks ;P2023-07-16 21:36:52
SnuuutPatriot darling i absolutely defeated you... come up with new lies please :D2023-07-16 05:17:29
SnuuutPatriot darling i ended you entirely... come up with new lies please :)2023-07-15 03:33:16
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}sir and i say sir, you have more cash then that robert fella has de neros2023-07-14 21:44:08
fat stupid ugly personI think this snuuut is an imposter. I don't think the real one would say "cope harder2023-07-13 10:58:02
Snuuutcope harder ipod kid born after 1999 who only speaks 1 language, i ended you, it's over ;)2023-07-13 09:45:22
SnuuutPatriot darling would you please be so kind and provide that screenshot of my scrap tf join date again and claim that it is my steam join date? xD2023-07-13 01:23:44
Snuuutyou know the drill sweety: get rekt ipod kid https ://imgur. com/a/442pBhj new lies please ;)2023-07-13 01:14:12
barry steakfriesthere fighting has reached other comment sections oh ♥♥♥♥2023-07-12 18:32:26
Snuuutas usual: get rekt ipod kid ;Phttps ://imgur. com/a/zMnXHwEPatriot i ended you... new lies please ;)2023-07-12 14:18:45
SnuuutPatriot my darling it is over... i destroyed that coping mechanism of yours with a simple google search result screenshot of my keyboard... i ended you entirely, new lies please :)2023-07-12 13:48:47
SnuuutPatriot darling cmon man xD that's just a very very awkward coping mechanism, please try again :Dand since you keep ignoring my question whether you want me to end you on this profile the same way i currently do on bill's profile, i'll provide those pictures anyway, cuz it's just way too much fun to own you and watch you suffer ;Phttps ://imgur. com/a/zMnXHwEget absolutely rekt, ipod kid born after 1999 who only speaks 1 language, i just owned you like there's no tomorrow and I ENDED YOU ENTIRELY!!! xDDDD2023-07-12 12:44:58
SnuuutPatriot darling can you please answer my questions :)do you want me to end you on this profile the same way i ended you on bill's profile? do you want me to own you literally beyond any human comprehension with pictures of german products, items and things from my household and around me? ;)and why do you only focus on the keyboard picture with which i severely owned you, especially when i provided a screenshot of a simple google search result of said keyboard in question, and why do you purposely ignore the incredibly devastating picture of a few Pfennige and a D-Mark? :))))))))2023-07-12 12:03:51
SnuuutPatriot darling why don't you provide that screenshot of my scrap tf join date anymore with your claim that it would be my steam join date? "when I google "kraut" it shows me a result from the Oxford Dictionary telling me it means a German person" LMFAO so you just literally admitted that you were wrong before i provided my evidence, in order to prevent me from owning you with evidence ;)Hey Patriot darling what about i end you on this profile the exact same way i ended you on bill's profile? i have plenty of german products, items and other things around me... do you want me to own the absolute sh!t out of you with such pictures? and please remember to do that thing with the scrap tf join date again :D2023-07-12 11:34:04
SnuuutPatriot darling unfortunately for you, a fluent german speaker would know that you have to provide fußball as a context in order to use the word Klatsche as a synonym for a defeat, otherwise the most common interpretation for that word without any context is a beating, a slap, or clapping / clapping hands, and in rare cases it can also mean to gossip... sad that you don't know such basic german knowledge :Dthis word can have multiple meanings, a context is mostly necessary ;PNow please be a good toy and do as your master & owner commands, and provide that screenshot of my scrap tf join date again and claim that it is my steam join date, so i can then own you again with a simple screenshot of our by steamid sites confirmed steam join dates :)))oh and if you want, i can destroy you with simple google search results which prove that "Kraut" is a synonym for a german person AND german soldiers... would you like me to own you with that evidence? cmon tuff guy, say yes2023-07-12 09:56:32
SnuuutPatriot darling can you please continue to provide that screenshot of my scrap tf join date again, and claim that it is my steam join date, while i then continue to own you with a simple screenshot of our by actual steamid sites confirmed steam join dates? :)))btw you might wanna doublecheck that screenshot of me being "owned with phrases of my native language", cuz changing the wording of my answers isn't really gonna work when the result remains the same ;Pi want that screenshot of my scrap tf join date againnnnn, cuz a very funny part of it is also the fact that it shows my TF2 inventory from over 5 years ago, and 5 years ago was 2018.... but didn't you say i joined steam in 2019?? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD2023-07-12 00:16:09
SnuuutPatriot my dearest darling of course i'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart by continuously failing so damn miserably with that screenshot of my scrap tf join date and claiming it to be my steam join date, while i continuously own the absolute sh!t out of you with an actual steamid site result screenshot of our by steamid sites confirmed steam join dates too bad that your improvising goes wrong so badly, since you can't provide a steamid site result screenshot of our steam accounts, since i've already done that and own you like there's no tomorrow :Dhere it is again, and as always: get rekt ipod kid born after 1999 who only speaks 1 language ;)https ://imgur. com/a/5P0GjpZplease try again, and please keep up the failure with that scrap tf join date in your next comment, i genuinely do not get tired of it2023-07-11 16:16:24
SnuuutHi Patriot darling, make up excuses for your defeat as much as you want sweetheart, but here is once again the screenshot of our by actual steamid sites confirmed steam join dates with which i keep owning you for over a year... you know the drill, sweety:get rekt ipod kid ;)https ://imgur. com/a/5P0GjpZ2023-07-11 11:18:44
SnuuutPatriot darling thank you for once again providing a screenshot of my scrap tf join date and claiming it to be my steam join date here is once again the screenshot of our by actual steamid sites confirmed steam join dates, and as usual: get rekt ipod kid born after 1999 who only speaks 1 language ;Phttps ://imgur. com/a/5P0GjpZ2023-07-11 11:05:36
SnuuutPatriot darling can you please provide that screenshot of my scrap tf join date again and claim that it is my steam join date? :Dcuz i'd like to own you again with a simple screenshot of our by steamid sites confirmed steam join dates, and remind you of the fact that it is proven and confirmed that i joined steam in 2007, a full decade before you joined steam in 20172023-07-11 09:27:28
fat stupid ugly personI have not ONCE deleted a comment2023-07-11 08:58:46
SnuuutSmelly by deleting my unbelievably devastatingly humiliating comment to my toy Patriot here, you literally confirmed my suspicion that you also deleted my comments in your "guide" :Dhere is said comment, go ahead and try to protect Patriot from the devastating evidence it contains by deleting it again ;PYaaaaay Patriot provided my scrap tf join date again and continues to claim it to be my steam join date... thank you sooo much my dear hey Patriot darling here once again the screenshots of our by steamid sites confirmed steam join dates... get rekt ipod kid, you have been ended ;)https ://imgur. com/a/5P0GjpZ2023-07-11 00:00:49
fat stupid ugly personclyde cash2023-07-10 15:14:58
BTimes8why are toxic trolls trying to mess with a vet that is just plain wrong2023-07-10 14:08:17
fat stupid ugly personConfirmation of what?2023-07-10 13:54:33
SnuuutSmelly thank you for the confirmation ;)2023-07-10 13:15:54
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}This comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information).2023-07-08 22:51:39
Snuuutdamn Patriot darling thank you sooo much for continuously providing that screenshot of my scrap tf join date and claiming it to be my steam join date, i'm never getting tired of it, please keep doing that xDand here are once again actual steamid site result screenshots of our steam join dates, please come up with a new lie, you have been owned on that subject ;)https ://imgur. com/a/5P0GjpZ2023-07-08 20:31:48
SnuuutPatriot darling thank you sooooo much for once again putting a HUGE smile on my face by providing a screenshot of my scrap tf join date and claiming it to be my steam join date xDDDi genuinely love you <3https ://imgur. com/a/5P0GjpZ ;)it is over for you, please come up with new lies, sweetheart2023-07-08 19:42:45
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}for sure2023-07-08 19:11:41
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}+rep best mvm'er2023-07-08 18:54:30
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}+rep bext mvm'er2023-07-08 12:32:00
knee gearsbe warned, this user has nude images saved of a minor. please keep your distance from this reprehensible creature. Also mad NN2023-07-08 02:43:42
Snuuuti wonder if someone is trying to protect someone, by deleting my incredibly humiliating comments in a certain "guide" :D2023-07-07 21:24:56
fat stupid ugly person<32023-07-06 12:19:35
BTimes8thankfully people like this exist in the world, best mvm player ive met2023-07-06 12:18:29
BTimes8+rep humble MvM player, knows everything about mvm, wonderful communication, teaches new players how to play the game. first game with him he taught me how to play and told toxic trolls to shut up2023-07-06 12:18:03
fat stupid ugly person"Worst" is a funny way to spell "nicest and most humble and talented"2023-07-06 11:44:43
spunghbdobUnfortunately people like this exist in the world, even after their balls drop. Worst MvM player I've met.2023-07-06 05:32:51
spunghbdob-rep Egotistical MvM player, know it all, mic sounds like when the bomb hit Hiroshima, and heavily toxic for no reason. First game with him said "ok guys listen to me and only me don't say anything unless spoken to."2023-07-06 05:32:11
› Casual ChickenBozo aimbotter quit clowning2023-07-06 02:18:44
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}i may buy 1 tix for repeats again in august2023-07-05 22:41:18
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}no mvm for me for awhile i got rid of all my mvm tix to buy trading cards for summer event leveling profile2023-07-05 22:40:56
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}cringe2023-07-05 22:40:04
AUBREY FROM OMORISmelly2023-07-05 21:40:19
മനുഷ്യപുത്cringe man needs to ask for help to his friends2023-07-05 20:05:39
fat stupid ugly personWrong2023-07-05 18:50:32
മനുഷ്യപുത്correct2023-07-05 18:31:31
fat stupid ugly personIncorrect2023-07-05 16:47:31
മനുഷ്യപുത്cringe af im the best mann up player u stfu2023-07-05 09:07:15
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}who2023-07-01 20:15:45
› Casual Chicken2 trash based aimbotters below me2023-06-28 15:27:01
fountain of hope and goodwillno this is patrick2023-06-20 22:21:34
Dannyno, I am danny2023-06-20 21:47:23
Gawri am danny2023-06-20 21:44:56
being ignorant is awesomeI think they're actually legit danny2023-06-20 21:08:55
DannyHello, I am proxy buying for a very rich investor from China. They have taken an interested in your "Beggars Bazooka". Please reach out soon as they would like to purchase it at a very fair price.2023-06-20 21:01:03
StaraptorAmatinadded for interesrt in ur beggars!2023-06-20 18:29:44
being ignorant is awesomeThat is an excellent idea2023-06-19 14:23:08
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}aussi farm to the max2023-06-18 17:24:23
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}you get 5x loot your self and my 42023-06-18 17:24:02
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}dude, you could supply me with tix for 4 accounts and i idle on all em while u do 2 man with dementiayou can have all my loot from all 4 accounts2023-06-18 17:23:39
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}i only have 4 pcs that can run the game thomaybe idle on 4 and let 2man run it2023-06-18 17:22:38
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}should i buy ticket on 5 accounts and idle in mann up, 1 player do the work?2023-06-18 17:21:33
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}check dms2023-06-16 18:26:50
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}talking about gas passer, not actual gas irl2023-06-16 18:26:40
the poo assIt was totally because of gas. I did not pass out.2023-06-16 17:40:47
the poo assBIG fan of idling2023-06-16 17:40:33
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}+rep idles in spawn during gas outbreak2023-06-16 11:53:08
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}gg ty for standing your ground against those idle players and gas users2023-06-14 00:38:31
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}but srsly im working on degree then job most likely2023-06-13 23:28:49
being ignorant is awesomei meant the nerd that tried to scam me2023-06-13 22:08:44
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}no i dont think i will2023-06-13 17:38:20
being ignorant is awesomeget a job2023-06-13 17:29:41
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}is he really banned?2023-06-12 22:42:21
SmellyMy alt: https://steamcommunity.com/id/furukamvm/2023-06-04 23:19:33
mrswormsweatit has no internet2023-06-02 23:56:12
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}Would you go on vacation to the international space station?2023-06-02 23:33:04
Emily (still on vacay)A black woman is talking. Listen and learn.2023-06-02 17:23:38
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}reported V2023-06-02 12:10:41
DNC ZZZpedophile2023-06-02 09:07:58
being ignorant is awesomehow could i forget you?2023-06-01 22:31:54
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}hi old friend, remember me?2023-06-01 22:14:01
Ученик T1mal'аweird2023-05-30 18:30:08
Just OKKinda cute..2023-05-26 22:20:17
mrswormsweatokay but well do you think he will live to over 50 years old2023-05-26 19:37:59
Dannyidk man, I was born before 1999 and my back kinda hurts.2023-05-20 20:24:49
HazardL2023-05-13 17:41:07
mrswormsweatBill Gates is still alive so could you ask him why?2023-05-05 14:16:24
Buzz OGKSent a req, wondering if you still played MVM2023-05-04 21:46:18
chessWhy is patriot so unbeliavbly based2023-05-02 03:12:32
SmellyI went back in time and voted for Hitler2023-05-01 22:44:45
mrswormsweatthat is like hitler for president for the US in 20242023-05-01 22:21:16
SmellyPatriot 20242023-05-01 21:27:35
Smellypatriot did you just disrespect america?2023-05-01 18:38:44
mrswormsweatman I think it is definitely becoming rocket surgery because of all the ♥♥♥♥ comments getting made over time to say is snot or patriot born in 2000 or later but oh well2023-04-27 23:15:14
chessyo momma snuuut...............2023-04-25 16:12:18
mrswormsweat@Snuuut it is 2017 instead of 2003 because ThePatriot did not show his old Steam account yet2023-04-24 00:39:01
DannyHELLO Smelly! I hope you are having a good day! I am adding you to discuss purchasing your Fire Glazed Differential Girdle Spring. Can't wait to hear from you!2023-04-22 22:12:01
joeythis is literally the "weekly hobo knife fight" meme but for mvmers2023-04-20 01:15:20
muri#freesmelly2023-04-19 06:05:36
joeyFight! Fight! My money's on Patriot always. Snuuut needs to step up his schizo game, soon Patriot will be the new king of MvM mental illnessers. No offense, Patriot. It is an honorable title to hold.2023-04-18 19:17:07
Danny@Snuuut why did you delete all your comments?2023-04-18 18:16:40
joeythey were on fried's too2023-04-17 22:16:18
Sex Dwarfthis has been their argument grounds for 60+ pages2023-04-17 21:34:58
joeyyoo found the new argument grounds for patriot and snuuut, get the popcorn mom2023-04-17 21:21:41
DannyParty at Patriot's house!2023-04-17 20:27:09
Sex DwarfAnother Patriot victory2023-04-17 18:27:12
Noobie-rep leaves a false comments telling half the story2023-04-16 17:44:34
chromOf course, that does make sense. Thank you.2023-04-05 10:02:18
SmellyI will think about it. writing mvm guides is not really how i want to spend my very valuable free time, at least for a while2023-04-04 21:49:51
chromIt would be incredibly helpful if you could make a detailed guide on Spy in MvM, seeing as you've ranked him as one of the second best classes to play. I wish to evolve and not play like an ape.2023-04-04 21:40:24
SmellyPatriot you didn't let the femboy muscovite off the hook did you? He still has pronouns2023-03-27 21:57:36
DannyShould you say born before 2000 since in your own words anyone's who DOB has 19xx is god?2023-03-26 13:35:24
Muscovitewow you just do this to everyone huh? you think being born before 1999 is some sort of privilege and makes you better than everyone else lmfao2023-03-25 09:06:47
DAVEword word!2023-03-23 08:36:54
Muscoviteso you're like, a 48yr old who plays TF2 and insults ppl in their profile comments for no reason... lmao pretty sick life u got!2023-03-22 07:20:23
SmellyYou know this is not true I have proven to you I was born in 1975.2023-03-21 19:57:44
SmellyPatriot I am currently suing Tacobot for illegally using my likeness and slandering my good name. I have never been a part of tacobot, anyone saying otherwise is part of a smear campaign.2023-03-21 13:56:57
SmellyGo eat your bangers and mash and give your dad his computer back2023-03-21 13:24:22
DFH02spam report this prick2023-03-21 00:26:31
DFH02toxic piece of ♥♥♥♥, even if its meant to be ironic just pure toxicity2023-03-21 00:12:30
(Voice) Dotheboogey678 blw.tf-rep not letting others have fun2023-03-17 16:50:33
weed soldierHis name is true bro let his dog drown for a game2023-03-16 14:23:29
gosutoxic noob kick on sight2023-03-11 16:22:23
Cordae - Have Mercyalso I used to own that cmoon steel toe thing is sick2023-03-11 00:52:36
Cordae - Have Mercywat happen2023-03-11 00:52:20
SmellyWhy don't you ask someone who is in tacobot2023-03-06 15:27:08
SmellyI knew you were a Jew2023-03-06 15:19:56
SmellyWtf why would you live in Israel2023-03-06 09:47:31
SmellyDu bist ein Affe2023-03-04 22:51:53
Smellypatriot have you never installed an OS?2023-03-03 17:15:20
Smellysnuuut it has been like three years can we be steam friends now? I will let you humiliate me as much as you want2023-03-01 23:52:10
SmellyI was hacked2023-03-01 21:56:14
SmellyI have numerous impersonators2023-02-28 20:39:19
SmellyI already told you I was never in tacobot2023-02-28 15:44:09
:KSLVNOH:-Rep used to be a good friend of mine who was born before 1999 just like me in 1975 but then he started joining the low IQ players and playing with them. He's probably too far gone and has become just another low IQ cyberbully loser.2023-02-26 22:46:18
SmellyAm I gonna have to turn the hose on you two again?2023-02-26 17:24:21
maxwellI am the worst high tour scout you have ever seen.2023-02-22 22:17:49
maxwellI am the worst high tour scout you have ever seen.2023-02-20 22:29:21
maxwellI am the worst high tour scout you have ever seen.2023-02-20 08:37:41
Smellyyes I play with cheaters and you are a five foot four blonde girl2023-02-20 02:48:28
› Casual Chickenques with aimbotters claims its its pve so free loot and has aimbotters on his friends list L tacobotters are aimbotters2023-02-19 10:51:50
techcalled me a cheater for no reason whatsoever2023-02-19 09:41:27
SmellyThe profile on tacobot.tf claiming to be me is a gergez alt, an imposter. I have never been involved with tacobot and I am wholly opposed to it. They have been consistently harassing and slandering me for 2+ years now.2023-02-17 11:17:10
Santa Heavybasically-mvm is a serious game mode-no fun allowed- if they don't abide your rules then automatic kick-no variety-"anti-toxic"2023-02-17 11:06:38
Blookyesdon't comment on my profile gas monkey2023-02-15 01:29:34
clowndickim always down for mvm so when im on and your on & down send invite2023-02-10 00:18:41
❤ Cute Femboy ❤Outed me using co,ck aimbot >:(2023-02-06 19:30:09
TheNumbDigger#7083-rep MY MvM RULES1. No fun allowed.2. Loot is the only thing that matters.3. Press F4 immediately when the round ends or you will be kicked for slowing down my tour.4. No medic, scout, pyro, demoknight, pill demo, non-beggar soldier, or spy under any circumstances.5. No speaking unless you are asked a question, in which case you will promptly and politely answer.6. No buying resistances, health on kill, canteens other than crit, or similar useless crutch upgrades.7. If you allow yourself to die, you will be kicked.8. If you allow your buildings to be destroyed, you will be kicked.9. Unbind F2.10. Understand that I am the greatest MvM player who has ever lived or will ever live, and that I don't need you. Playing with me is a privilege, remember this.2023-02-05 16:28:35
AlwaySleepy | carrybot.tfsorry, I don't carry monkey pyros. If you enjoy it, go on 8))2023-02-02 14:03:38
› Casual ChickenJohnboy and mibwib both aimbotters / known que aimbotters yikes2023-01-31 22:59:07
Victoria<32022-12-29 23:31:50
VJBASE_BOT_TEST 01you suck at mvm2022-12-29 01:52:14
medved+ rep autistic 0 iq ape2022-12-24 06:10:59
DJ SeinfeldAlright fair enough2022-12-17 16:54:41
SmellyIf you are going to use exploits to make the game easier, then just play an easier tour, or better yet, unbox crates.2022-12-17 16:44:02
DJ SeinfeldDidn't know placing my teleporter on a cliff would make anyone this upset, and I left the game only in order to restart my toaster of a computer. Sorry about that2022-12-17 16:38:20
Strawberry {JESUS IS LORD}https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1970918331601805802/9D8B376FFDF08FF096D95B54AF8A361F220D5B0D/2022-12-10 10:50:28
Sex!!-rep too smelly for my tastes2022-12-08 21:24:56
maxwellok2022-12-07 20:13:25
SmellyI mean Ted Bundy was nice to everyone too2022-12-04 01:57:51
Ahumanoops I read something that was on page 15 and didn't realize it was so old2022-12-03 23:16:28
AhumanI like how Flarez is actually a decent person who is nice to everyone, and people give him ♥♥♥♥ for no reason.2022-12-03 23:15:48
Benroe2013Huh? Why do you want me to commit not alive anymore?2022-12-01 11:07:04
AssertiveGingerjust adding to ask a question, feel free to ignore2022-11-27 19:08:31
SmellyThey chose their fate. If they had kicked you like I asked then we would have completed the game without incident; instead they decided to side with a toxic troll and faced the consequences.2022-11-21 21:38:56
ProctIt's crazy how someone who is anti-toxic made an entire lobby of new players leave.2022-11-21 21:27:28
SmellyYes, I am anti-toxic. You were toxic to me therefore you were punished2022-11-21 21:00:28
Proct"i am a avid anti-toxic mvm player who just plays for fun" - biggest loser2022-11-21 19:26:21
Rakeshyou still havent answered why your cocc is revolting...2022-11-21 18:49:56
Koffie ΩMvM Shenanigans2022-11-19 21:29:21
✪ SparroI have a crush on you...2022-11-18 21:33:22
Uncle Larryit took me 30 seconds to do it i deserve an award2022-11-16 18:40:29
Uncle Larry@Smelly yes now give it here2022-11-16 18:39:38
bubbleok boomer2022-11-16 11:36:11
Smelly<32022-11-16 10:32:38
Strawberry {JESUS IS LORD}im removing u from my friend list97%..........................ERRORunable to remove u when we true home dawgs2022-11-16 02:18:15
Smellydo you want an award?2022-11-15 22:02:31
Uncle Larryi just made a group called "anti-tacobot"2022-11-15 21:45:05
Uncle Larrywhy do tacobots care about a 10+ year old game's pve mode where you battle bots and get loot for doing it, it isnt a threat against humanity or even a threat at all.2022-11-15 21:34:55
-GoV- ShrawnDon't know how to warn people,so i'll say it to you directly. Caught an "high-"tour" cheating,the name's grandpascrops. You commented on his profile in the past.He went sniper in MvM Hamlet 6/7 and started to land headshots no stop with no pauses from scoping whatsoever. Also headshotting a Giant robo-demoknight 2 times during the middle of the charging phase in mid-air, and he did that twice in a row to the very next giant robo-demoknight. Very clear to notice since he'd Carbine's passive activated for those shots. I've left the lobby the moment i've realised it. Consider to kick it on sight. Thanks2022-11-14 19:50:35
maxwellok2022-11-14 06:41:29
mrswormsweatWhat happened to you, sunny?2022-11-13 21:09:27
swift@ssunnyssunny #burgerbot.tf i feel for you... guy's just toxic and an idiot lol2022-11-12 21:32:50
swiftawe. you're so good at the game. have a great day buddy. :)2022-11-12 21:32:15
SeveruS Snape-rep toxic airblast pyro troll and we completed :)))2022-11-12 21:05:26
KandaHauK-rep toxic pyro airblast troll2022-11-12 20:30:43
Smellymake me2022-11-12 16:59:38
SmellyIf you lack the skill to pocket the best mvm class, then you should not be playing medic. Simple2022-11-12 13:18:14
swiftdude if i followed you, i would have died like the 7 times i tried to follow you. i can pocket you, but not if you're that far up lol. i muted your ass right away, toxic mf.2022-11-12 12:57:09
Uncle Larryif you look in their direction, they go into man-child mode and put you on a site where more of them live and make you a literal target(along with 1000+ people)and the sad thing is some of these members of tacobot were really good in the past, smelly's past shows him as a really good trader, getting rep left and right.2022-11-12 11:37:03
SmellyWrong, you are slandering me, I have never failed to name 3 talking heads albums2022-11-12 11:26:50
rob.fat mouthbreather go neck yourself kid2022-11-12 07:23:15
Ruuben Soto (King-Ohger)rudes player ever kill yourself ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and delete your golden weapon ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ bag2022-11-11 20:27:27
Big pleasure to find a determined player. Determination leads to victory. My respect2022-11-11 20:18:35
Smellyyou ALWAYS pocket the demoknight. It is just an unspoken rule of MvM but you are obviously a noob. If you would remove your head from your ass and drop your colossal ego then you might not be so useless.2022-11-11 16:25:36
swift-rep toxic af, average tf2 player wanting a pocket med lol2022-11-11 12:12:21
GrandeScoglioadding to ask a question2022-11-10 16:19:17
SmellyThen why did you get kicked for it?2022-11-08 17:45:17
GoofballmaniacLOL VOice chat is not kickable haha2022-11-08 15:33:34
Smellyyou were kicked for using voicechat without permission2022-11-07 20:59:32
Goofballmaniacthis guy is a jackass vote kicks me for having fun in a tf2 mvm match when he was doing cubone language when i tried to do it they just troll and remove me from the match no wonder why they are named smelly2022-11-07 20:58:00
Smellyyou refused to press f4 with the whole team asking you to and were voted out as a consequence. you have nobody to blame but yourself2022-11-07 20:38:55
HeadlessM8toxic lvl1002022-11-07 20:24:51
Romramwow… a week and no response from my plaything Patriotit seems ive won very quickly and humiliated Patriot my plaything so much that he quit writing back xDDDDez victory :)2022-11-07 08:02:18
Strawberry {JESUS IS LORD}LOL some scrubs got caught by policethey had a little caesars box with chewed pizza and 2 pistols in the pizza trying to hide itbest part is the pizza box had the COD MW3 promo on it angry gamers?2022-11-06 20:43:36
Strawberry {JESUS IS LORD}LOL yes clown fo sho"clown was known sign for peace now the wicked symbol it is todayglad clown is getting back its former glory2022-11-06 20:40:02
ZriimenLOL!!! This comments section is a GOLDMINE clearly run by a CLOWN!!! LOL!!!LOL!!! It's HILARIOUS to see Patriot getting humiliated on every profile he shows up on!!! LOL!!!LOL!!!2022-11-06 16:52:42
Strawberry {JESUS IS LORD}i blocked and removed some cheater supporters off my friend list todayfeelsgoodman.jpg2022-11-06 16:04:47
Strawberry {JESUS IS LORD}his reputation is over 200! but only 1 friend2022-11-05 19:38:53
Smellyof course I will, it is an honor2022-11-05 19:31:58
Strawberry {JESUS IS LORD}you gonna do it?(not a scam)2022-11-05 19:15:18
SmellyMust be my lucky day2022-11-05 18:48:39
TF2.BET (Owner)TF2 bet want to sponsor you, for channel2022-11-05 18:03:33
Cake LoverSorry I don't know you though so2022-11-03 18:59:32
RomramPatriot my plaything why are you AGAIN calling me an alt of Snuuut without evidence? Patriot my plaything where is your proof, without jumping to conclusions from my join date, that i am an alt of anyone? why are you failing to answer this so many times? :) Patriot my plaything you keep humiliating yourself with your embarrassing comments, it's so entertaining, please continue forever2022-11-01 20:22:30
RomramPatriot my plaything where did anyone else acknowledge how much you "owned me"? :) and Patriot my plaything why did you block me if i'm an alt of Snuuut? if i was, wouldn't that provide you with an easy way to humiliate him? it's pretty clear you're scared of me humiliating you more and more and i am asking you AGAIN, with even MORE humiliating questions:-where is your proof that "cyberbully apes" came to your profile to cry?-where is your proof that you were born before 1999?-where is your proof that i am an alt of Snuuut like you say i am?-where is your proof that i was born after 1999-where is your proof XJT blocked you?as always you were too easy to humiliate Patriot. i await the next time you come to serve me more hilarious opportunities to outtalk you :) better luck next time darling2022-11-01 16:14:53
SmellyI think he's just a coward2022-11-01 11:08:46
mrswormsweatWe could latter have at least 15 people fighting in a big war on a single comments part of a main page where we all are against each other that there are over 3 messages per hour where the starting of each message is like, "Smelly, Romram, Snuuut, ThePatriot, Nick, zedigy, Arky, xjt, cgtranny, Black, Interceptor, Corrax, and others my toy or plaything... a giant 1,000 character block of text," and we do not listen with us making distraction attempts, so is that war what we want at all since that does not seem like a great way of using comments for a reasonable purpose, because I do not think anyone can win such a war, also this is already becoming insane without any sign of stopping with the Patriot starting to talk with Snuuut since December of 2,021, which I at first did not read the message due to it being a big amount of messages until about two weeks latter when I noticed it was something bigger as I am aware of? I do not think the answer should be yes and believe you will agree.2022-10-31 23:59:28
SmellyOh God they're multiplying2022-10-31 19:13:59
RomramPatriot my plaything you have yet to prove i was born after 1999 and that you yourself were born before 1999, when are you going to provide evidence of either claim? x)also i recommend not faking screenshots, i saw that you tried that on Snuuut and as a fellow intellectual i will not fall for it either :P2022-10-31 18:16:15
Romramand Patriot my plaything why do you keep sending links when i already told you i wasn't clicking on any? xDDDDDDDDDDalso what does changing my name have to do with anything? also you should put some more forethought into your actions x), it's so obvious that you blocked me because you're desperate to escape being humiliated by me. next try sweetie2022-10-31 18:11:42
RomramPatriot why do you keep jumping to conclusions when i had already explained why i'm not an alt of Snuuut? x)i've already humiliated you by debunking your point about my steam account creation date i also don't speak german, which Snuuut does, so that's another reason why i'm not him :Pthank you again for showing how self-destructive you are and serving me yet another opportunity to outtalk you, as always you were too easy Patriot2022-10-31 18:08:41
RomramHAHAHAHA oh Patriot you are so easy. again, where is your proof I am an alt of Snuuut? if you can't answer that's already proof of my victory x)thanks for serving me another easy victory patriot, as always you're too stupid to understand how much more vastly intellectual the people around you are xD2022-10-31 17:30:39
Romramhi Patriot i see on yet ANOTHER profile you've called me an alt of Snuuutat least you were onto something with my join date x)unfortunately for you i've intelligently predicted that you would bring it up... which is why i made a new account just to humiliate you after seeing how easily Snuuut destroyed you xDDDDDDD2022-10-31 16:10:17
Flamongo b&gt; Skins / War Paintsheya, are you maybe considering selling ur gauzed gaze? would be cool as im interested so just add me or lmk plss :))2022-10-31 08:47:06
Romramhow is a twitch link proof of anything?2022-10-30 14:01:19
Romramhello once again Patriot :)watch as i humiliate you with ease using a simple question xD:where is your proof that you humiliated flarez and herald, or exposing anyone?i'll wait while you can come up with an answer... x)2022-10-30 13:57:12
FierceYour support was appreciated.2022-10-26 22:10:57
nfozSAID TACOBOT CRINGE MOMENT2022-10-24 18:46:41
Smellyplease, no more verbal abuse, i cant take it, I'm about to drive to the rope store and then the rickety stool store2022-10-24 18:35:32
nfozbraindead kid (tacocunt)2022-10-24 17:36:05
Smellyso i ask you a serious question and your reaction is to insult and block me2022-10-21 20:27:02
Smellyyou must be the reason AOL went in the sh!tter2022-10-19 14:17:34
Static~idk how to learn ;_;2022-10-17 20:56:21
dallas payday 2goofy2022-10-15 20:20:37
Z6RAdded for "Massed Flies Executioner"2022-10-14 09:29:31
Smellysnuuut sie sagten sie sind kein deutscher2022-10-13 21:04:55
VannaOh my Jesus these guys would argue over a dog turd2022-10-13 20:50:28
Vannai do believe he wishes to start smacking time -Vanna2022-10-12 20:54:09
CronoThePatriot(WarVeteran) : gas passer equippedThePatriot(WarVeteran) : The Patriot obeys no man besides our lord and savior Jesus Christ consent to play Pyro NOT requiredThePatriot(WarVeteran) : gas passer and airblast upgrades equippedRedSonOfOdin : yo this is my first tour anyone care to help?ThePatriot(WarVeteran) : I exact the lord's will by denouncing the falsely righeous and the high tour virginsThePatriot(WarVeteran) : The Patriot obeys no man besides our lord and savior Jesus Christ consent to play Pyro NOT requiredThePatriot(WarVeteran) : The Patriot obeys no man besides our lord and savior Jesus Christ consent to play Pyro NOT requiredIPlayGamez : pyrosThePatriot(WarVeteran) : kick CronoIPlayGamez : why?ThePatriot(WarVeteran) : high tour virgin false profitThePatriot(WarVeteran) : baby rages whenever someone goes Pyro2022-10-12 20:05:53
SmellyI'm convinced this is two chatbots stuck in a loop2022-10-10 18:27:48
Mr.Krabsomg just stop you are wasting your life it's not even funny anymore2022-10-07 15:19:00
𝕬𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖘get a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ life u fatass virgin tacobot, and type in ur cringy site faster ur tears about my *cheating* the list will keep getting added ,so others would see how much a joke you kids are2022-10-04 23:38:21
SmellyNo that's Guacamole hour2022-10-03 15:15:48
Epsilon-11 B/bonk helms 1.8 refDo you by any chance eat bread on the 3rd day of every month at 5:41 PM?2022-10-03 13:30:11
Velcroratio2022-10-02 16:08:33
SmellyIf you equate "not abusing refund every wave" with "failing the wave 50 times" then perhaps you should learn how to play MvM before qing for what is intended to be the hardest tour2022-10-02 13:22:56
Santa Heavymerry smissmas2022-10-02 10:24:58
HaroldSold the hand sorry2022-10-01 18:04:14
The Dyslexic GamerYou can still enjoy the process while it goes quicker. I'm pretty sure not everyone wants to retry waves 50 times because someone wants it to be "fun"2022-10-01 13:16:50
Smellyif all you care about is gambling faster then why don't you just unbox crates? you get to flush your money with zero risk of enjoying the process2022-09-30 21:29:01
The Dyslexic Gamergot mad over me making a wave going faster. pretty much a basic mvm hightour tbh. lmao2022-09-30 20:50:06
Vanna-rep big baby for mvm exploits dipey wipey2022-09-30 20:17:05
flarez+rep his first grandchild helped significantly with my car payments while i was facing the risk of it getting repossessed, coolest grand dad i know.2022-09-29 20:09:02
AndBoneman it feels long more aussies and playing mvm happy now still the same old toxic engi gaming2022-09-28 20:37:24
Venarti don't understand what and why you hate me, however i wish you a good day and hope your days are positive2022-09-27 22:31:12
SmellyI don't think I'm cool, I am cool2022-09-26 20:30:56
HipsterH00vytacobot thinks hes cool, get a life and go outside every once and a while. a real social interaction would really help you in your future!!!2022-09-26 20:27:52
Santa Heavyho ho ho2022-09-26 19:32:03
Epsilon-11 B/bonk helms 1.8 refDo you pee in the shower by any chance?2022-09-25 20:48:54
mrswormsweatThat account you showed was made in 2017 instead of being made as a purpose to fake a screenshot steamid.io/lookup/76561198361299032 -> steamid . io/ lookup/ 765611983612990322022-09-24 15:54:02
y_regreso, the wrestling catPatriot my favorite toy2022-09-23 19:22:49
SmellyI'll show you my floppy disk2022-09-23 17:48:38
☢️Hazard☣Like those people in comments getting into your childhood stuff, and these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ keep their own profile private xd. I don't really favour your grind, but I respect it a lot, but ♥♥♥♥ they do is outright disgusting.2022-09-21 07:06:56
y_regreso, the wrestling catHi Snuuut. I responded to you 5 days ago on my profile. Where are you?2022-09-20 11:30:48
Santa HeavyI did ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ read your guide 💀2022-09-19 22:15:14
☢️Hazard☣Despite his mvm toxic grind... why tf people try to dox him?2022-09-17 20:32:55
Skifter YukrumZack Snyder's Justice League, now on Blu-Ray and DVD in all good retail stores!2022-09-14 15:32:00
Bogos the bintedPress sort inv for crying out Loud your inv is cancer2022-09-12 05:35:00
KNOTnever stops complaining on mvm lol and throws fits whenever something doesnt go his way2022-09-08 17:40:04
Santa Heavyif you had told me that you had a guide on pyro then I would've followed through with you2022-09-07 19:32:37
CHILDREN HIDE FROM METheSchizo(BornAfter1999)2022-09-07 15:02:45
y_regreso, the wrestling catSnuuut, how am I your toy?2022-09-05 17:00:01
y_regreso, the wrestling catI feel like Snuuut eventually starts copy pasting all of his arguments, which is why no matter how you respond to them he will ask the exact same questions.2022-09-05 16:45:41
CHILDREN HIDE FROM MEi did not try to make it look that way, you can see a thing that says MESSAGEi wanted to show what your account actually looks like to the world..2022-09-04 21:29:46
CHILDREN HIDE FROM MEit did, the game started and the bots didnt spawn. i didnt include that part because i figured theres no point2022-09-04 21:22:26
CHILDREN HIDE FROM MEyou are2022-09-04 21:20:44
CHILDREN HIDE FROM MEhttps://youtu.be/vwEc1-eId2Q2022-09-04 21:17:22
SmellyTop Gun was a terrible movie2022-09-04 13:05:00
gamer481wtf2022-09-03 23:07:38
Smellybeanz is a comment deleting coward2022-09-02 08:22:26
beanzHow to epic troll in mvm: Try to kick someone on last wave for not playing the game at 100% efficiency at all times, Have vote fail cause players in lobby have more iq than a monkey, Go afk like a child and dodge getting kicked with retry, Have us win the game easily anyways cause you aren't that valuable to the team anyways. like and subscribe2022-09-01 22:46:54
Strykerand what wold the funny goofy and fun loving man do if i use gunslinger engi on mvm?2022-09-01 16:42:11
SmellyI am not only fun at parties I am a goofy and fun loving man at all times2022-09-01 16:36:09
Strykermf must be very fun at parties2022-09-01 13:34:47
SmellyWho are you2022-09-01 13:15:00
[h+]^3 JORGE♥♥♥♥♥♥ sat AFK in MVM2022-09-01 10:03:22
benny harveybro u hella gay2022-08-31 06:25:15
SmellyAre you talking to me?2022-08-30 19:47:21
TweetiPoor little snowflake, can't play the game without his dickriding lackies carrying him☠️ Get a life bro2022-08-30 19:15:23
ุุุุis that why you keep your profile under lock and key, because you are so notorious for making tb break down on the verge of suicide?2022-08-30 00:46:59
SmellySnuuut why don't you talk smack to me anymore? I am beginning to believe I'm not a tacobot clown.2022-08-29 12:02:26
y_regreso, the wrestling catSnuuut, when did I claim someone else deleted them? You keep strawmanning and inferring things, you must be desperate. Please provide proof next time, something you're clearly incapable of doing. Also, the most logical explanation here of course is that you were such a sore loser you destroyed all the evidence of me and Nachi humiliating you for months straight by reporting them to steam. Also, if I did delete my comments and if your comments "humiliated me" like you say they do, wouldn't it only make logical sense for me to delete your comments too? Checkmate Snuuut, you were too easy.2022-08-28 17:44:11
y_regreso, the wrestling catSnuuut, where is your evidence of me deleting all of my comments from our conversations? That is wishful thinking since I have been trying to figure out who deleted my comments as well. Because of your attempt to make people think I deleted them, I bet it was you, actually.Snuuut why do you always make false statements about me? You still haven't provided any evidence that you humiliated me, or any evidence that I deleted my comments, especially out of "pure fear", and where is the evidence that I am giving you exactly what you want? In reality Snuuut, you are the toy and I am your master and owner.2022-08-27 12:33:28
AndBoneafter 2 years of playing mvm and being on tacobot im still epic engi gamer2022-08-26 13:01:19
SmellyI am 472022-08-26 09:42:41
y_regreso, the wrestling cat"currently Patriot is my absolute favorite toy".Clearly this means you know that you cannot beat me, and that I am better than you. You can claim I'm not challenging at all, and you still haven't shown ANY evidence that I was an opportunist and got out of that situation out of fear. I got out of that situation since I washed by hands of you. Coward.2022-08-26 08:47:06
y_regreso, the wrestling catHe spent the better part of 2021/early 2022 in my comments, so it makes sense2022-08-25 13:42:30
Smellyit's been years and he still won't talk to me2022-08-25 11:48:54
y_regreso, the wrestling catSnuuut, when are you going to respond?2022-08-24 21:08:14
undiagnosed schizophrenic sigmaThePatriot(WarVeteran) are you pb2022-08-22 08:50:20
VJBASE_BOT_TEST 01you suck at mvm2022-08-22 03:18:28
SKULL COLLECTOR0 iq2022-08-21 09:59:17
Mr.KrabsSo much evidence that I was born before 1999 unlike you and even more will become available on September 1st which is the first day of school and you'll be at school and I'll be online and I'll write several comments to let you know of course it's different based on what state you live in so I'll comment throughout the entire month of September just to make sure aside from September 21st since that's my nephew's 70th birthday and also September 11th is 21st anniversary of 9/11 so I probably won't be online then either but other than that expect 1000 more messages from me in September!2022-08-20 17:43:48
y_regreso, the wrestling catsnuuut you have not responded to me on nick's profile. does this mean i humiliated you? if so i'm sorry :(2022-08-20 09:41:41
Mr.Krabsarent you supposed to be 140 years old2022-08-19 17:39:19
SmellyHe's like 140 actually2022-08-19 15:05:59
Mr.Krabsyou turned 22 before 1949? Did not know we had a 90 years old here2022-08-19 14:54:41
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}why did he censor himself?2022-08-15 19:42:29
Kiwi {JESUS IS LORD}SirFdrDrip : smelly ur lazy ass better play this gameMatias : tacobot is for inbred ******* :)2022-08-15 19:41:56
undiagnosed schizophrenic sigmagive me your adressgive me your adressgive me your adressgive me your adressgive me your adressgive me your adressgive me your adressgive me your adressgive me your adress2022-08-15 17:03:33
SmellyI gave you a very simple choice; kick the cheater or I would stop carrying you. You chose not to kick the cheater and you chose to fail the wave 4 times because you suck. I don't know why you are complaining when it was your decision.2022-08-15 14:27:54
dallas payday 2this guy got mad that we didnt kick a guy who went spy once and idled and entire server, couldnt even kick him. best part is he got just a botkiller2022-08-15 14:25:36
dallas payday 2my god this guy sucks he made it so that we cant kick him from mvm and now we're just carryin dead weight it sucks so much2022-08-15 14:09:02
undiagnosed schizophrenic sigmahi ThePatriot(WarVeteran)2022-08-15 05:58:57
SmellyFella I told you black sabbath and talking heads are two of my favrite artists but you wouldnt listen. Also Hi snuut I am glad this guy lured you back to my comments2022-08-14 14:48:26
Venart+rep knows how to play mvm pretty well2022-08-13 16:46:12
SmellyThis comment section is reserved for players with a Mann Up Evolution Coefficient of .75 and greater. Begone.2022-08-13 16:11:28
WachinLol, I just saw your description on tacobot.tf and it's the most schizophrenic, Classist, Egocentric thing I've seen in years.2022-08-13 15:08:08
Lemonade!Why are you in advanced tours?? You can't even stay in a game because you got votekicked... It isn't that hard not to be toxic a video game, it would be beneficial to your time if you stopped getting votekicked2022-08-11 22:06:22
A JukeboxWelcome to MvM, don't let this anus put you off.2022-08-11 13:55:53
Commando Booce"misinfo" my ass2022-08-10 14:10:17
Commando Booce-rep thinks spy is viable in mvm + bozo + tacobot.tf2022-08-10 07:36:51
Dane-rep went spectator in mann up to get carried. Since you can't kick spectators in mann up we had to re-lobby2022-08-09 14:02:40
Papaya-rep you should stay away from this guy in the mann up moderecently i spotted smelly in a game on mecha engines bigrock map and he threatened to grief the game because his toxic friends told him toif you spot him while he is alone you are most likely fine but you should kick himif you spot him with other high tour players, especially members of tacobot, you should just leave yourself because they will kick you just to have fun2022-08-07 14:21:23
PiklzThank you for your comment! The match has been clipped and submitted for review.2022-08-06 02:21:21
Wheeezytry out the new 9mm food challenge2022-08-04 03:35:27
ZoskapaiAdded to ask about an offer of yours2022-08-03 17:23:26
popslumcheers spec2022-08-02 17:22:46
SmellySorry, "wee lad"2022-08-02 17:12:23
popslumAngloid? North Ayrshire is in Scotland, not down south.2022-08-02 17:08:51
SmellyI just saw you are an Angloid. Explains a lot. Please crawl back to Cockenballtershire and out of my comment section.2022-08-02 10:18:45
SmellySee my last comment. It was one of those reasons. I'm not going yo waste my time attempting to communicate with creatures that are too unintelligent to learn to play before joining advanced or expert Mann Up.2022-08-02 10:17:28
popslumyou literally joined and did ♥♥♥♥ all, it was a fresh lobby, you had made no comments, nothing had happened. twice.2022-08-02 09:27:02
SmellyI don't know who you are, so I can't say. Could be any number of reasons: use of prohibited class/weapons, unauthorized use of text or voice chat, delayed F4, low tour count. You tell me.2022-08-02 09:23:20
popslumand you did it to my lobbies why?2022-08-02 03:44:26
SmellyI said there was no point to continue playing because someone was abusing refunds to remove all challenge from the game. At that point it just wins itself, so I figured I'd do something else for a while.2022-08-01 22:40:05
TheFinalKatawwww what a little edgy boooyyy :)2022-08-01 20:29:40
popslum29th July, unless i misread the statement. but my point stands regardless.2022-08-01 17:07:34
SmellyWhere did I state that?2022-08-01 13:27:36
popslum"preserving my livelihood" aside from the fact that you've stated you don't need to play the game any more, so there isn't a "livelihood" to reserve. not to mention that you're genuinely just a prick. there's nothing more to it. i don't understand how people like you will genuinely waste your limited seconds on planet earth this way.2022-08-01 12:38:01
SupermoonBud, you need to crawl out of your own ass for your own sake.2022-07-31 22:27:40
SmellyBecause I have a responsibility to stop undeserving trash from stealing loot from good players. It's a matter of preserving my livelihood.2022-07-31 16:48:50
popslumwhy do you care so much about what others do to complete missions? if it's difficult for some players then that's how it is. it doesnt affect you at all, leave people be, and actually do something in game please.2022-07-31 16:34:38
SupermoonNah2022-07-30 20:48:09
Smellyif you want it to be easier then why don't you play two cities or steel trap?2022-07-29 18:25:20
SupermoonNo true scotsman would ever pick spy to make a round easier!2022-07-29 18:15:45
SmellyIf it were just a game then you would play boot camp. Mann Up is NOT a game. There are rules that must be followed and any respectable Mann Up player has an obligation to enforce those rules.2022-07-29 16:50:46
Supermoon"Unworthy" bud sit down and understand when a game is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game jesus2022-07-29 16:31:13
SmellyIf you are incapable of finishing with 5 players, then you are unworthy of loot. Go play oil spill.2022-07-29 16:18:19
popslum-rep sits in spectator mode and wont leave2022-07-29 16:05:57
SmellyI sat in spectate because there was no more reason for me to continue playing. I got my loot and you got to suck all the fun out of the game. I don't understand why you're complaining, it's a win-win situation.2022-07-29 15:52:07
Smellyimagine being so bad at spy after 100+ tours in the operation he's most effective in and being able to only play him on a single wave. also imagine being so clueless that you don't know to deal with giant meds without using an exploit. even more imagine lobbying with an aimbotter2022-07-29 15:42:20
Supermoon-rep imagine calling someone a noob for picking Spy on the wave he's actually viable and sitting in spectate like a ♥♥♥♥♥ ass ♥♥♥♥♥.2022-07-29 15:17:46
smyersI required more cat pics2022-07-27 23:44:26
☽Jones☾best spectator2022-07-27 21:56:48
A JukeboxAight my bad, you're still dumb for thinking anybody cares about policing a 3 round in pub mvm lobby that someone was cheating on. It's not hard nor does it take long to get that far in without cheats. You clearly just wanted to wave your ♥♥♥♥ around and took any excuse you could get to have power over the rest of the lobby.2022-07-26 07:10:34
SmellyI didn't even do that crap in your game you're just mad you couldnt get cheatard carried2022-07-25 22:19:52
Smellyevery -rep from a troll is really a +rep2022-07-25 17:46:42
Dr. Kaleidoscope-rep2022-07-25 17:38:20
VelenoLet the evil thoughts win, kill yourself.2022-07-25 17:17:31
GrengleJust by looking at this guys profile you can tell hes a major neckbeard.2022-07-25 17:09:58
The Silly Man+rep just by looking at this guys profile you can tell hes a major neckbeard2022-07-24 16:34:54
QuinlanHey smelly, you don't have to thank me for reseting your wave 6/7 while you went into spectator mode2022-07-23 18:47:05
maria.tafolla.2008-rep just by looking at this guys profile you can tell hes a major neckbeard2022-07-22 21:53:55
1969 ford f100dope2022-07-22 00:16:26
SmellyI work for valve2022-07-21 23:25:06
1969 ford f100How are you in spectator mode in MVM?????????????????????????2022-07-21 23:14:38
Levi NamoHey look, it's the man's who said a dispenser from Engie is crutch. Best we remove Engine from MVM since he's a crutch. While we are at it, let's remove Medic, Scouts Mad Milk Upgrades, Soldier's Rocket Specialist, Demo's ability to use his sticky bombs, Pyro, Heavy's Brass Beast, Snipers Explosive Headshot, and Spy2022-07-21 21:58:16
Gold Titanium Sulfur Carbonhi icey2022-07-21 20:39:18
undiagnosed schizophrenic sigmahe is indeed very fat2022-07-21 03:51:29
no longer silly (milkomeme)-rep you type like you're fat2022-07-21 03:40:43
dementiaI'm legitimately confused what this triggered idiot is even upset about.2022-07-20 02:34:51
SmellyYou've got the wrong man2022-07-20 02:32:19
SmellyGuess my secret's out2022-07-16 22:50:49
a70274-rep https://tacobot.tf/2022-07-16 16:03:05
your abusive drunk dad-rep keept spaming f4 on mvm and was idle if someone wouldnt listen to him (aka dumbass)2022-07-16 06:11:36
heI'm going to be completely honest. Your rules are completely stupid. Don't bother with this guy, he's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot.2022-07-15 05:38:56
undercooked waffleadding for low man2022-06-14 19:23:40
:)sup assface2022-06-10 18:24:56
Sir Junken #saveTF2you friend with whezzy2022-06-07 00:07:39
CZS (Abbreviation)bro dead ass is serious this is pathetic imagine being a tacobot.tf member2022-06-05 20:58:02
TwistedLandsrule 5- shut the ♥♥♥♥ up2022-06-05 12:41:43
SmellyRule 5- No speaking unless you are spoken to. Begone.2022-06-05 12:01:24
CZS (Abbreviation)bro are you for real on your tacobot.tf rules or was it a joke?2022-06-05 00:49:02
OkaMeowTMme when tacobot.tf is bad2022-06-01 19:17:15
TwistedLandslmfao this guy unironically put his "mvm rules" on his tacobot profile2022-06-01 09:41:05
Gearpunkdo it plz2022-05-30 19:27:29
SmellyApologize immediately and I might, MIGHT, not kicklist you.2022-05-30 17:24:36
Gearpunki don't care honestly i just find it funny2022-05-30 15:57:36
SmellyLooks like you missed Rule #52022-05-30 15:40:04
GearpunkI like how the first thing on your tacobot profile is "RULE 1: NO FUN ALLOWED"2022-05-30 13:58:04
xsorburaxyou are listed on the tacobot website2022-05-28 18:38:33
Smellyidiot2022-05-28 18:35:26
SmellyI am not a tacobot2022-05-28 18:11:16
Smellyit' PvE why do you care if people cheat2022-05-28 17:30:22
SmellyPU$$Y comment deleter + blocker2022-05-25 21:02:30
National Anti-socialistWe are affiliates not friends.... remember that2022-05-25 13:35:15
ꜱᴛʀᴀɪᴅᴇʀ- rep don't even know this guy, but people tell me he ate a$$2022-05-17 15:33:33
Watermelon {JESUS IS LORD}crying? and tell me hacker, u so noob bro hahaha2022-05-12 07:54:39
zunkyadded for a trade2022-05-05 23:28:12
undiagnosed schizophrenic sigmaok frozen corpse stuffed with dope2022-04-30 11:42:20
Smellyit's s self portrait dummy2022-04-30 11:41:04
dudebroYour pfp is probably what you look like, you Tacobot.tf scum!2022-04-30 05:30:56
dantoadded 4 question2022-04-30 05:02:44
Hell-metcant help you with that, i only ever play 1-man2022-04-30 00:41:36
Mr. SlaveYou own a store2022-04-22 14:42:34
BartCloninice Anal ♥♥♥♥ and Agoraphobic Nosebleed references in your nickname history2022-04-22 14:17:30
LUKAthirty tours, refusing to play and constant ♥♥♥♥ talking and being an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥? yeah go ♥♥♥♥ yourself. i've seen higher tier people with a cooler attitude and better playstyles than you. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2022-04-22 07:43:28
Smellybelow user approves of cheating in MvM2022-04-21 19:44:13
tomm+rep really bad at bomb locking :)2022-04-21 19:43:18
ShadowLucarioHi man, saw your tacobot.tf profile and was wondering if it was a troll or not? If it is nice job on the satire as it works well against those who think tacobot users are toxic but I am unsure if its serious or not.Have an amazing day2022-04-20 05:19:24
FierceCurrently it's not for sale, but if I ever plan on selling it I'll let you know. Also +rep good player good unusuals.2022-04-13 00:02:07
Alexander James Donahoe-rep eats ass2022-04-10 16:02:51
Mackjoe-rep being a ♥♥♥♥ for no reason in a friendly mvm match2022-04-10 15:54:34
Smellythat's better than playing a wave then leaving cuz you can't carry, PU$$Y2022-04-08 22:09:13
Imazéim gonna leave every game youre in2022-04-08 19:38:54
arkyomg hello2022-04-08 16:50:34
undiagnosed schizophrenic sigmaI am NOT a vegetable.2022-04-08 15:43:46
SmellyCome Nerevar, friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Heart and Akulakahn, and bring Wraithguard, I have need of it. Come to the Heart chamber, I wait for you there, where we last met, countless ages ago. Come to me through fire and war, I welcome you! Welcome Moon-and-Star, I have prepared a place for you! Come, bring Wraithguard to the Heart chamber, together, let us free the cursed false gods! Dagoth Ur welcomes you Nerevar, my old friend... but to this place where destiny is made, why have you come unprepared? Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where YOUR destiny is made. What a fool you are, I'm a god! How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence! How could you be so naive? There is no escape, no recall or intervention can work in this place! Come! Lay down your weapons! It is not too late for my mercy...2022-04-08 15:39:33
Factorio &gt; Satisfactorywhat's your problem dude ? you were the toxic one and the game go get some sun light you very much need that2022-04-08 15:07:04
undiagnosed schizophrenic sigma+rep unintentional 3 man2022-04-06 16:58:07
Wooden ShoesF42022-04-04 21:03:16
warcabnikAdded about the Phlog2022-04-04 10:01:21
LeoF42022-04-03 21:39:24
Black Ops Nexon Zombies+rep Fellow MAP2022-04-03 00:06:54
warcabnika Double Spelled Strange Specialized Killstreak Phlogistonator2022-04-02 15:49:51
Homebredexpert chad2022-04-02 14:37:58
Wheeezyif youre too old.. then you enjoy feeling more powerful over a younger auidence? kinda gae mannnn2022-03-30 18:21:32
Smellyi dont mess with opioids i'm too old for that sh!t2022-03-30 18:11:57
WheeezyDamn how tf did I not get kicked. Clearly it's not as important as it needs to be then dawg. I forgot about you. See how easy it is to get over problems. Especially a robot game. You get online daily yourself. So help and talk to people instead of sitting there being mad expecting others to do what you want And knowing you have friends in a lobby makes you safe from being removed prolly knowing yourself you're prolly mid. Just cheill dawg. Take a perc 7.5. I got shi od. Hmu. Good prices! Tell ya friends. 🦧2022-03-30 13:37:32
Smellysounds like you need a lesson in trolling2022-03-30 12:46:18
AceNa I honestly enjoy trolling you, it seems kicking mvm players is the only satisfaction you get in life so kick me as much as you like bud I know you want to.2022-03-30 12:24:24
Smellyseems like your feelings are hurt considering you felt the need to seek out my profile and leave a snarky comment because you didn't get a free ride2022-03-30 12:13:36
AceIm sorry I hurt your feelings on the internet oh no :(2022-03-30 12:02:12
Wheeezydont comment lol when you have friends that dont even care for youre better judgement, running around being a racist knowing damn well you'd get the living ♥♥♥♥♥ beat out of you if you were to portry your qualities irl. just stop trying to be something ur not.. stop following ur toxic path.. youll realise its pointless.2022-03-27 05:03:38
Smellybegone cheater2022-03-25 14:07:33
Smelly@ItsyBitsy I'd be happy to discuss this with you but since all you can do is talk smack about hats that have nothing to do with MvM and block me, I don't think I'm going to get anywhere. I'm assuming you blame me for failing that wave, because sniper doesn't do enough tank damage? What about your engineer friend that didn't use the widowmaker, or the scout that didn't use his gun, or yourself, playing vaccinator medic? I didn't have a tantrum, or even get mad until you kicked me for pressing F4. If anyone was having a meltdown, it was you. Every mission can be beaten with only two players, and many of the waves can be beaten by a single skilled player. And even if we did lose the wave, so what? That's more enjoyable than sitting doing nothing while waiting on a sixth. I haven't encountered anyone in MvM as aggressively stupid as yourself in a while. Thanks for the entertainment.2022-03-19 14:41:14
Derbicould you stay in game, instead of joining and leaving indefinitly?2022-03-19 14:26:09
Jeremy Clarksoncalls someone a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ then leaves the game, a true tf2 player i see2022-03-19 14:17:39
Diva of DespairWhen your theme is that you can't afford nice unusuals & you throw childish tantrums in MvM after messing up your team's run lol2022-03-19 14:14:31
ur stepmom10. Understand that I am the greatest MvM player who has ever lived or will ever live, and that I don't need you. Playing with me is a privilege, remember this.2022-03-14 18:02:15
SmellyYou were not given permission to use this comment section.2022-03-13 16:18:25
ur stepmom10. Understand that I am the greatest MvM player who has ever lived or will ever live, and that I don't need you. Playing with me is a privilege, remember this.2022-03-13 11:15:38
*Waliaadded for potencial trade2022-03-10 09:32:09
Smellycreep2022-03-07 03:06:07
Thalassiusamen2022-03-05 21:13:06
eatyou2022-02-25 15:20:46
Chopsmiss me?2022-02-25 03:30:52
undiagnosed schizophrenic sigmaadded for 2 man inshallah2022-02-24 13:33:14
flarezwho is the person below even talking to2022-02-22 16:07:01
Wega38 "If you allow your buildings to be destroyed, you will be kicked."not my fault people like you don't allow pyro or spy at all. that fact you think engineer has the capability to down bombs entirely on his own is appalling. you must be really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid.9 "Unbind F2."TF2 added this bind for a reason. so I'm going to use it when I want, loser.10 "Understand that I am the greatest MvM player who has ever lived or will ever live, and that I don't need you. Playing with me is a privilege, remember this."I hope you understand that if you try and make a comeback to my argument or delete or report this. you'll just prove that you suck at least 1 million di cks per day.2022-02-19 20:58:34
Wega26 "No buying resistances, health on kill, canteens other than crit, or similar useless crutch upgrades."you don't want us to die as shown in 7. but you dont want us to get resistances or health on kill either??? what do you want from us dumbass.7 " If you allow yourself to die, you will be kicked."i hope you die in every MvM match you are in so you get kicked from all of them and go bankrupt. it'll teach you to get a real job.2022-02-19 20:58:28
WegaAwnsering everything he says on the tacobot website1"no fun allowed' fu ck you. I'll have as much fun as I want. this is a game2 "Loot is the only thing that matters." wrong. you friends, family, fun, and livelihood matters much more. but i bet you don't have any of that.3 " Press F4 immediately when the round ends or you will be kicked for slowing down my tour." it doesn't take that long for a round to start, you must be really impatient if thats your top 10 problems. grow up.4 "No medic, scout, pyro, demo knight, pill demo, non-beggar soldier, or spy under any circumstances."Gas passer Gas passer Gas passer Gas passer Gas passer Gas passer Gas passer Gas passer Gas passer5 "No speaking unless you are asked a question, in which case you will promptly and politely answer." I'm not your fu cking discord kitten. I'll speak whenever the fu ck I want to. you aren't a god. but clearly shown in 10. you think you are for some reason. I hope the real god smites you and you die.2022-02-19 20:58:03
SmellyBigot2022-02-19 13:07:49
ICEomorphismmaybe dont reproduce if youre relying on tf2 keys to support them2022-02-19 12:56:25
K03YAdded because of your comment2022-02-17 14:28:34
gergezruxik, that is enough.2022-02-13 18:46:39
RacistI can show you what a cute cat boy is. It's pretty simple. Step.1 Go to your bathroomStep.2 Look in the mirrorStep.3 UwU2022-02-13 16:29:02
SmellyI don't know what that is, a cat boy2022-02-10 12:57:30
RacistIt's free real estate for you, on the condition that you're a catboy2022-02-10 01:38:35
Smellythat's tim heidecker2022-02-09 16:49:02
RacistMy rectum for you https://prnt.sc/26sen292022-02-09 15:30:08
The Zaza Knighthey man, i wont be toxic about that mvm match, i hope you stop doing that, with that being said, have a good day2022-02-08 20:44:01
RacistI've learned that there are worse people on this planet than you, my nemesis. You may literally be Hitler but there is a warm place in my heart for you, daddy2022-02-08 03:08:21
Braxol Quickselling New PricesI'm looking to re-price a hat you traded, just need to check what the exact trade was2022-02-07 18:25:13
Doctor Mobiushe needs to take tf2 a little less seriously2022-02-07 14:46:04
y_regreso, the wrestling catSo true!!!2022-02-04 22:30:05
SmellyNo I'm not, my razor keeps jamming2022-02-04 22:27:29
y_regreso, the wrestling catsmelly are you a femboy2022-02-04 22:24:05
Magical SpoonSent you an add, i can send you the offer2022-02-04 06:03:38
Magical SpoonSend me an an offer!2022-02-03 19:59:22
🐷George🐷 DiscountingSend me2022-02-03 17:29:34
🐷George🐷 DiscountingOk2022-02-03 17:29:12
PiotreXcan you resent offer2022-02-03 17:25:08
The Silly Man+rep this man will ruin YOUR game2022-02-03 00:40:01
engineer gaming-rep this man will ruin your game2022-02-02 17:21:07
SmellyNot compared to playing demoman, no. Touching grass might require effort yes, but certainly not skill. Anyone can do it. Whilst only a select few can play demoman.2022-02-02 12:07:27
chef peepee kill jeffyim not the one writing paragraphs to prove something meaningless about a video game. does touching grass not take enough skill for you?2022-02-02 11:34:06
Smellyfella I'm not the one crying in someone else's comments, nor am i the one who complains about something as inconsequential as a noob scout missing money2022-02-01 19:30:21
chef peepee kill jeffybruh I get you, you get no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, chillax.2022-02-01 19:04:33
SmellyWhile sniper is good to play and easy on every wave.2022-02-01 18:13:02
SmellyAdditionally demoman requires the skill to know which waves and missions it works on, such as bone shaker wave six and empire escalation waves 1-4.2022-02-01 18:12:49
chef peepee kill jeffyi dunno man sounds like a cope to me2022-02-01 17:49:09
SmellyCrit demo takes a tremendous amount of skill. You have to manage your canteen money, know what upgrades to buy, know where to stand, know where to click the ground, and know when to right click. I have to use my left hand to push my canteen button. Meanwhile you click on heads that move slowly in vectors with zero penalty for missing, while you touch yourself with your left hand.2022-02-01 17:43:06
chef peepee kill jeffy>criticizes me for sniper taking no skill>switches to critspam demo>lol2022-02-01 17:34:45
jooajust a fan.2022-02-01 17:17:40
Stan KirkmanI'll offer on the phantasm El jefe2022-01-31 00:29:51
Stan KirkmanAdded to ask about an item2022-01-31 00:26:22
:)low tour2022-01-30 23:28:15
nokiwas trash frontier but that funds my next oil spill tour )2022-01-28 23:55:14
noki+rep carried me with stock sticky on mecha, got aussy from him2022-01-28 23:21:14
MajixedRod Munch : i think your brains would look beautiful splattered all over your bedroom wall you stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Confirmed kill. when did mvm stop being toxic hour roddy ? I will now go cut myself and spread blood over bedroom wall. Accept friend request I will send pictures. Mayb we can set sumthin up? Mutual interests? I look forward to taking our relationship to the next level.2022-01-27 04:46:55
Thalassius2 man?2022-01-24 23:42:44
hmOkay?2022-01-24 23:29:24
Gold Titanium Sulfur Carbonhm's inventory is currently private.2022-01-24 23:15:28
hmAh yes, another brain dead tacobot piece of garbage. Good job on scaring away low tours. We need less tacobotters and more people who like to have fun, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.2022-01-24 23:14:44
xyso"seek help" dumbass mf lmfao2022-01-23 17:55:10
♥~Fluffybutt~♥Remember to wash your ass after sweating in mvm otherwise it leads to swamp ass2022-01-19 06:15:14
Krookieeschecked the tacobot website to have a laugh, read your description on the website, actual comedy my guy, thank you for actually making me laugh aloud while reading something about a gamemode that is supposed to be casual and about teamwork, thank you soso much2022-01-19 06:08:26
:)you're dumb2022-01-17 18:42:48
Potatotalkin bout some meta at least I was useful than just killing giants that sniper already been doin2022-01-16 21:00:30
Smelly@burntpotatofries learn how to play your own class before judging other people. In expert mode whining we don't have a pyro for tanks and you won't use the widowmaker. Cry some more, meta nerd. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27222199732022-01-16 19:14:52
Potato-rep mighty talk for someone dying all game2022-01-16 19:12:32
:)You suck2022-01-16 18:56:17
Slambushnot sure if you care but Ms Freakshow is back2022-01-16 13:24:41
:)idiot2022-01-15 21:11:44
maxximus-rep zionist shill2022-01-15 20:34:36
itzzzYou're always free to add me back2022-01-15 14:43:41
Ti LOVE bonk2022-01-13 22:59:24
mAdding you in regards to your sensei cauldron, looking to nab one for my collectionnn2022-01-12 23:20:56
:)your mom2022-01-12 20:38:27
RichieAdded to trade.2022-01-11 01:43:05
SmellyWho are you people2022-01-09 19:04:50
walter whyFixed exploit where players could use "retry" in the console to reset the MvM timer and prevent the wave from starting2022-01-09 07:22:50
Gold Titanium Sulfur CarbonWhat a group of butt heads. Just WOW. We 4 manned it without your dumb A$$ playing.2022-01-08 00:16:56
ShadeAh yes, I found the other Demonflame stately steel toe.Mine's better because mine is Spec Killstreak. (That's a joke don't take that seriously lol.)2022-01-06 20:32:21
Smellyno I'm still a loser2022-01-06 13:43:38
D-rep skinny winner2022-01-06 00:51:18
SmellyJoke's on you I'm dangerously underweight2022-01-06 00:47:53
D+rep fat loser2022-01-05 22:00:12
Mossy-rep fat loser2022-01-05 21:36:17
Smellyit's true. i am a deeply unhappy individual2022-01-05 19:45:57
SamFloAntonioWhat a sad tacobot boy you must be...2022-01-05 19:00:21
capricci+rep extremely kind to randoms always chill and spread good vibes2022-01-05 13:27:31
Dwtf don't smell me2022-01-03 01:16:19
Smellyisn't using steam conforming to this world2021-12-29 14:35:35
maja blastyeah be like jesus. stop havign pronouns2021-12-29 11:00:15
Child of GodPronouns are conforming to this world... I already told you that kiddo. Repent and give your life to Christ or move on and burn.2021-12-29 10:58:14
Smellyvagina butt "christian" blocked me because i asked where jesus indicated that using the pronouns of my God-given gender was wrong2021-12-28 17:32:59
Gold Titanium Sulfur Carbonschizo :)2021-12-28 17:10:11
Child of GodEnjoy getting blocked. Typical fake christian. better repent!2021-12-28 17:03:43
AnnoChild of jesus go touch grass lol get a life2021-12-28 16:57:21
Gold Titanium Sulfur CarbonYou sound like you're really interested in christanity :)2021-12-28 16:12:36
maja blastmy man jesus doesnt have pronouns2021-12-28 15:41:12
Child of GodYou have been removed from our group as you have been told about your comments and also your now conforming to the world with pronouns. We wish you the best and hope you repent and get your life together! Quality over quantity.2021-12-28 06:56:42
Jihad Joeconfirm it2021-12-27 23:13:50
Gold Titanium Sulfur CarbonPU$$Y meet me in a GYM ♥♥♥♥♥. I know you'd SH*T your pants if you saw how big I am. How does a WIDDLE D*CK man have sex ?? Do you use your A$$ ?? MANgina Man !!!!!!!! Tell your mom i will miss her BIG A$$ V@GINA on Only Fans. You are a nasty A$$ B*TCH.2021-12-25 04:23:38
LimeDogWhat a weak loser. You really can't handle someone not pressing f4 for 20 seconds? Your pitiful bot can't even keep you in the game! Don't worry tho I'll name my golden pan after you, just to piss you off a little more. Tacobot losers like you should try going outside and socializing.2021-12-24 21:52:08
Mechanical Menacecan we twin with massed flies trash mans now???2021-12-24 20:34:33
The Silly ManSamFloAntonio 48 minutes ago What a weak loser. You really can't handle someone not pressing f4 for 20 seconds? Your pitiful bot can't even keep you in the game! Don't worry tho I'll name my golden pan after you, just to piss you off a little more. Tacobot losers like you should try going outside and socializing.2021-12-24 18:37:05
George FloydWhat a weak loser. You really can't handle someone not pressing f4 for 20 seconds? Your pitiful bot can't even keep you in the game! Don't worry tho I'll name my golden pan after you, just to piss you off a little more. Tacobot losers like you should try going outside and socializing.2021-12-24 18:00:01
ChrstinWhat a weak loser. You really can't handle someone not pressing f4 for 20 seconds? Your pitiful bot can't even keep you in the game! Don't worry tho I'll name my golden pan after you, just to piss you off a little more. Tacobot losers like you should try going outside and socializing.2021-12-24 17:57:50
SamFloAntonioWhat a weak loser. You really can't handle someone not pressing f4 for 20 seconds? Your pitiful bot can't even keep you in the game! Don't worry tho I'll name my golden pan after you, just to piss you off a little more. Tacobot losers like you should try going outside and socializing.2021-12-24 17:47:15
ᗜˬᗜ Nɛρ¹⁰⁰i have tacobot ips, u leave Tacobot tf. or i will ddos the main site, and take it down for 300 hours2021-12-23 16:35:42
Smellyuh oh2021-12-23 13:59:10
MiningJack777♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ high-tour that wants to be at the top of the scoreboard to boost their "ego" and hates new players. Wow, just like 2b2t.2021-12-23 13:49:08
ᗜˬᗜ Nɛρ¹⁰⁰i have tacobot ips, u leave Tacobot tf. or i will ddos the main site, and take it down for 300 hours https://youtu.be/twnSJfiRaPE2021-12-23 10:42:53
p0N+rep Carry Demoman thanks mate, carry hard on last wave, very very hard2021-12-17 02:10:32
SEFFadded to put an offer on the massed flies executioner2021-12-16 01:19:06
AndBonecope2021-12-13 19:58:51
Smellyyou are not a chad you pissed your pants because i asked someone to switch off med and then had a meltdown on the mic2021-12-13 15:59:03
AndBoneits been 1 year and im stil the chadest mvm player2021-12-13 13:19:36
Sniffer+rep great player2021-12-13 00:02:39
Sniffernice person just makes mvm to easy2021-12-12 23:58:56
RacistY don't you like me2021-12-11 17:02:02
Ahumanlove ♥♥♥♥..2021-12-06 21:39:43
RacistDo you like me2021-12-04 20:21:48
National Anti-socialistThe only chad to list someone for cheating on degroot keep +rep2021-11-30 09:34:02
drunkieoozing doritos from armpits2021-11-29 17:57:09
Papayawhat is the greatest bind to ever exist2021-11-18 19:55:08
Lord Zukosorry about that MM, tried to F2 the kick but the apes F1'd it. anyways, +rep, made the greatest bind to ever exist2021-11-18 18:28:01
Papayacan i get a ring2021-11-18 17:15:35
Smellyget good nerd2021-11-18 14:49:36
Zboub-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥ refund mvm2021-11-18 14:43:34
:)ur in love with me2021-11-17 18:17:26
Purple Disco Machinethanks for the carry you are the bestest the best best player on all of tf2 (team fortress 2)2021-11-16 17:35:40
F1uuntlol took down tacobot.tf hackuzation2021-11-16 14:59:41
despacito (canción)fy2021-11-15 12:36:40
Smellyall g2021-11-14 19:59:29
LeoSorry for leaving decoy had to do something2021-11-14 18:33:05
MapelAlright sounds cool2021-11-14 12:37:47
George FloydSnuuut i luv u2021-11-13 23:34:57
MhussHi sn***t, join cleanseal church2021-11-13 20:14:43
George FloydSnuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)Snuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)Snuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)Snuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)Snuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)Snuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)Snuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)Snuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)Snuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)Snuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)Snuuut 4 hours ago Hi frankwhat's the definition of "rent free"? :)2021-11-12 19:00:14
BIDEN DEEZ NUTSSnuuut please implant your fertile german seed within my loins2021-11-12 18:08:59
Smellyaccept my friend request and I'll show you snuuuty2021-11-12 17:16:54
Purple Disco Machinebork bork xD :D2021-11-12 15:48:20
SmellyHi Snuuut2021-11-12 15:38:02
Crazy Daveheavy is one of the easiest classes to main nerd (coming from a half heavy main)2021-11-12 14:10:28
NosferatuSo you lost to a nerd.... lol im a chad heavy main noob2021-11-12 13:59:10
Smellygo away nerd2021-11-12 13:47:59
NosferatuDude you lost 20-8 and just started ♥♥♥♥ talking me outta no where hold this L while your mom holds deez nuts ez win ngl2021-11-12 13:18:55
Smellyaccurate name2021-11-12 12:57:07
Nosferatu-rep went 20-8 in mge and got mad at me after he lost as if i did something then he tried fighting me again just to go 2-22021-11-12 10:33:45
Darrel45 (upcoming)+rep i didn't get a australium so i cannot get you a pizza sorry <32021-11-12 01:45:31
chef peepee kill jeffymad2021-11-08 17:49:43
stinkyrat4576mad2021-11-08 17:49:42
SmellyI'm a busy man2021-11-06 15:07:22
QuinlanHe won't, as he probably doesn't have any xDTacos only talk, but they never do a 5h1t.Next time just type "retry" in console, so you can switch class to pyro and airblast robot off from the gate :)2021-11-06 09:08:08
F1uuntWhen and where will you upload and link?2021-11-05 16:22:04
F1uuntCould you send me your proof of me hacking? On tacobot it says you are willing to give it on request. I'm genuinely curious not arguing.2021-11-05 15:17:28
SmellyWill upload + link2021-11-05 15:16:47
DildanoVibratodo you ahte retarded mvm players2021-11-05 07:09:06
QuinlanI believe you have ability to read. I just explained who I am.2021-11-05 03:55:53
SmellyI have no idea who you are2021-11-04 22:36:38
QuinlanOh hey Smelly, you marked me on tacobot for almost everything possible after I voted you off in 2020 at last wave. looks like you were really mad on me for it. You even marked me for using gas passer, while I was literally playing sniper trough all waves xDI guess you marked me for everything just because you were in rage but after a month or something, your report on me disapeared for unknown reason.Did you realize that you lied to your tacobot friends by fake marking me in rage and removed your report or what?Its such a beautiful thing, how you, tacobot clowns, are getting so mad after getting votekicked xD2021-11-04 22:18:51
Nick Curhjavascript:void(0);2021-11-04 21:25:42
skunkjust saw your comment, if you ever change your mind in the future let me know!2021-10-31 22:35:26
Queenalmost fell for my trap on mvm. I wish you slipped on that banana2021-10-25 15:34:57
Kimokeep that to yourself2021-10-22 15:56:14
SmellyNo misogynistic language on my profile2021-10-22 15:34:17
4 Pints Of Eggnog+rep, great guy, gets MEGA hoes.2021-10-22 14:15:03
Kimo-rep ruined my life, f.uck you2021-10-14 18:49:55
Danizk0They never knew, we gave no warning2021-10-09 07:05:10
Smellythey took the bait2021-10-08 23:44:58
Danizk0Decided to check r/tf2 and saw some stupid post about you. You're gonna be famous! :D2021-10-08 20:24:21
Purple Disco Machinereddit when bad = fun game2021-10-06 11:24:52
Gold Titanium Sulfur Carbonwhat happened this time2021-10-05 13:54:41
ThalassiusHow long till the reddit squad pulls up2021-10-05 13:29:43
SmellyI griefed on your mum2021-10-02 18:56:18
Do1itt1E-rep who gave you perpission to pick and choose who does what in an online game! who gives you permession to grief on people, how do you live with to much salt? hehe2021-10-02 18:27:50
SmellyWho gave you permission to use this comment section?2021-10-02 17:59:23
Mad Rat!Dude I saw your thing on tacobot.tf... its a wonder people even play MVM anymore with people like you ruining the fun for everyone in the server.2021-10-02 17:17:09
Smellyi thought we bonded over our mutual dislike of ms freakshow, i feel betrayed2021-10-02 17:16:02
Smellywhat the hell are you talking about2021-09-28 12:17:46
Do1itt1Eyou are not nice person uses expoits and then proceed to claim best in the world, no good, leave TF2 pleaseor party up with your other , salty ignorant no gooders!2021-09-28 04:18:13
Racistno2021-09-28 01:50:33
QuorthonWhatever is nice on a cold winter night with the window open2021-09-20 15:02:10
Smellyimpaled northern moonforest is the only good black metal band2021-09-20 15:00:38
QuorthonSo does your momyike2021-09-20 14:55:25
SmellyBlack metal sucks2021-09-20 14:54:26
QuorthonAnyone who cant beat Doom Eternal on Ultra Nightmare is a smooth brain, you can't change my mindbut than again, I don't talk like that.2021-09-20 14:47:52
SmellyAnyone that doesn't press F4 as soon as possible upon loading in is a drooling vegetable, you can't change my mind2021-09-20 14:44:09
QuorthonYou dont even ask or suggest a strat, you just drop an insult on people you dont know, and leave. Do what you want2021-09-20 14:36:03
Smellyany mission can be beaten with 2 players. why should I wait around when I can find people that are actually willing to play the game?2021-09-20 14:31:05
QuorthonThere were 3 of us. I stayed in that server with the other guy for 5 minutes before leaving after you left. You basically said, "I'm not gonna carry[insert strange insult]" Brah, ur toxic2021-09-20 14:24:14
Smellyleaving because you wont press f4 means i have a jesus complex?2021-09-20 14:21:13
Quorthon-rep loser with a jesus complex2021-09-20 14:09:56
Smellymost 12 year olds are virgins i think2021-09-15 15:07:12
lexaurin 1,512 yo virgin lol2021-09-15 15:06:03
Arctic Fleshokay, but why play a random audio file for no reason? Attention? Laughter? Annoyance?2021-09-15 13:55:22
Smellysee below comment2021-09-15 13:51:48
Arctic Fleshwell from my perspective, i try to play with a group of people i dont know, and sometimes first impressions tell me if im gonna work well with them or struggle with them. when you started blasting a random phone call conversation, im sitting here like "why?" Why not just keep the phone call to yourself rather than forcing me to mute you?2021-09-15 13:49:04
Smellywhat's spam is subjective, lots of people think it's funny and ask what i'm playing, and the rest of them just mute me2021-09-15 13:37:07
Arctic FleshPlayers were leaving the game probably due to the micspam. On top of that, why micspam in the first place? You gotta think about it from the teams point of view2021-09-15 13:29:52
Smellyis it really less trouble to kick me than mute me2021-09-14 22:17:00
Arctic Flesh-rep micspamming2021-09-14 20:40:57
Smellynot my problem their connections are bad, and theres nothing stopping them from buying upgrades during the wave.2021-09-14 20:25:59
Smellysend gabe an email then2021-09-14 20:22:15
HOODSTAINlegit the only people who were actually connected and spawned into the server when you pressed f4 was me, you, and a heavy, there was like 3 people still trying to connect and by the time they spawned in the counter was at like 20 second. Again you are just really impatient and should slow the ♥♥♥♥ down anyways.2021-09-14 20:17:28
Mechanical MenaceHey, I just wanted to talk about your trash man and seeing if it could possibly join my collection2021-09-14 20:09:22
ThalassiusIm convinced people who need 2 whole minutes to upgrade are the same people who get extended test taking times in school2021-09-14 19:24:38
Smellythere is a reason the game doesnt start immediately when one person readies up...that time is for you to get ready. then you press f4. if 2 minutes isnt enough for you to pick a class and buy upgrades, then maybe you shouldnt be in mann up?also i dont seem to be the one complaining that the team wasn't ready2021-09-14 19:02:32
HOODSTAIN>plays TEAM fortress 2>doesn't allow team to get properly ready by immediately readying up when others haven't even spawned in>complains that team wasn't ready2021-09-14 18:15:35
Smelly1. i press f4 when i am ready, not when the whole team is. they can press f4 when they are ready, thats not my responsibility2. those were the drops from my last game, if you would perhaps learn to read you would know it said "has found" not "has traded for"2021-09-14 17:43:41
HOODSTAINit was deadass wave 1 and nobody else was even remotely ready let alone even spawned in your ♥♥♥♥♥ ass is just impatientalso there was a trade in chat mentioning you with a ♥♥♥♥ ton of robo parts2021-09-14 17:40:47
Smelly1. i always f4 immediately, i dont need to wait for randoms to do whatever BS they are doing between the waves to play the game 2. i dont know what trade you are referring to 3. i got invited to a lobby and didnt want to deal with the heavy the whole game2021-09-14 15:54:40
HOODSTAIN>joins mvm server>readys up when engi hasnt even joined>does a dumb trade>leaves2021-09-14 15:41:37
Black Falcon.Not too into those items. Mainly looking to sell it for 2 golden pans, but appreciate the interest2021-09-13 17:06:37
Nick CurhPlus Reputation. Half decent nudes, pretty bad ♥♥♥♥♥. Id game with again. Can you imagine cheating in Mann vs. Machine like some of these clowns in your comment section?2021-09-13 13:21:02
Racisto2021-09-12 01:57:03
Ducke-rep gives bad head2021-09-12 00:35:28
Racistplay2021-09-12 00:31:13
Mr.Crowley+rep2021-09-06 20:54:35
Cloakagamingactual ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ clown2021-09-06 14:20:30
LuckyMan is still mad months later, I can sense the hairs growing from his neck.2021-09-02 18:41:10
Strawberry {JESUS IS LORD}if u want mvm add me2021-08-27 05:10:33
Thalassiuss....smelly2021-08-27 00:03:58
Smellyif youd listen to what im trying to say...the point of mvm isnt to collect money, its to kill robots. if my choices are between getting an a+ but doing about 1k damage per wave and missing 30 something each wave and outdamaging everyone else, im gonna choose the latter. and im not mad, i was in your shoes once, all i can ask is you consider what im saying2021-08-26 23:50:42
SchlankerStay Mad LOL XD OMG UR CRYING2021-08-26 23:45:07
Smellyman you guys traded a carry so that you could have $500 extra dollars at the end of the game. this isnt even some high tour vs low tour BS, the fact that you fellas lost multiple times after i refunded my gun upgrades per your request should tell you something2021-08-26 23:42:21
Roger RogalOutplayed.2021-08-26 23:11:07
exnoOUTPLAYED LOLLLLLLLLL2021-08-26 23:11:07
Homemade Insulin Vendorhello sire how is your glucose? add me I got something for you!2021-08-26 22:18:05
despacito (canción)is smelly2021-08-24 02:00:50
SapplyI only left because i wanted to q with a friend :((2021-08-21 15:20:28
yung RApper:)2021-08-19 20:55:21
Smelly:(2021-08-17 12:33:07
EviLvirgin tacobot user2021-08-17 05:48:21
Nick Curhthis guy is a massive n-word :grr: he told me and my friend to stop playing pyro when everyone else was already playing the necessary classes. my friend and i are from the balkans, and dont understand english very well. Smelly, insulted my friend and me's speech quality and swore he would "make sure we never finsh a game again." he is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ as3hole and can eat sh!t and d ! e!!!2021-08-13 13:20:16
AirButBackwards :)yes, i did B)2021-08-11 18:46:58
Smellyyou got me2021-08-11 18:45:35
AirButBackwards :)-rep tacobot2021-08-11 17:56:10
MR DRIPPYBONESCafé Mochas, but you know what? I'm not seeing any Insane Cappuccino. The hell's going on man? lip smack ♥♥♥♥ it. We'll just get the mocha. ♥♥♥♥ it. cuts to outside the Walmart Just got out of Walmart, and I bought like, 12 cans of Madrinas. Even though I get that ♥♥♥♥ for free, just want to let you guys know. Flex. drinks Madrinas can Madrinas can clatters on the pavement Ahhhhhh. I'm outta here. scooter drives off cuts back to outside the Walmart Just want to let you guys know, I came back for the can. Okay I'm gonna recycle it, I'm an adult. And, you guys could head on over to madrinascoffee.com/irl , type in your zip code, find a local Walmart near you, and get your own Madrinas. Alright? See you guys later.2021-08-09 12:48:22
MR DRIPPYBONESDo I look like Summit yet? Yeah. Hey guys so this is Shroud, I got a really important announcement for you guys. Ummm....... Madrinas is being launched in over 700 different Walmarts across 43 different states, and I'm gonna make a 10-15 second clip of me going over there, going over to the Madrinas shelf, picking up a Madrinas. You guys are going to go with me. Don't know what I'm going to do with it, drink it probably, who knows. But yeah, just thought I should let you guys know. cuts to Walmart Hey what's up guys we're here at Walmart. We're at the Madrinas shelf here. So they got some Cold Brew Blacks, in here. They also got some Café Vanillas. And lastly they got some2021-08-09 12:48:12
Nigerian_Forsenhelo, i added you to make a report on tacobot.tf2021-08-09 05:17:15
Toxic CoffeeI think I want to ♥♥♥♥ on the bible bro, forgive me later???????2021-08-07 21:35:35
SmellyUnnecessary. The ONLY goal in MvM is to kill robots as quickly as possible, and scout ks bad at this.2021-08-07 20:55:40
sunny" No medic, scout, pyro, demoknight, pill demo, non-beggar soldier, or spy under any circumstances." can you elaborate on scout?2021-08-07 20:21:03
Gold Titanium Sulfur Carbonfitting profile description :)2021-08-03 10:46:13
mipptacobot me daddy!~2021-08-03 10:38:47
SmellyReported2021-08-02 20:15:50
trashbinEveryone has permission to comment as long as you have commenting set to public, fool.2021-08-02 11:34:09
AhumanDo I have permission to comment?2021-08-02 09:05:21
SmellyYes2021-08-02 08:49:08
SmellyABSOLUTELY no commenting without permission2021-08-01 13:06:40
trashbinthat description on tacobot... jesus christ2021-08-01 10:06:16
Jakob_77tacobot ♥♥♥♥♥♥ that sucks ♥♥♥♥ for cash2021-08-01 04:56:32
Gold Titanium Sulfur Carbonfitting profile description :)2021-07-30 09:14:31
mipptacobot me daddy!~2021-07-30 07:02:44
Cross Bearer 4 ChristSorry to be a bother..... However we have rules in our ministry that you are a part of and your name is highly inappropriate so I am asking if you can change it. God bless you and hope you come to Bible study soon with us...2021-07-25 06:00:05
pdizzlewon what exchange he left the game after his buddy quit cuz he didnt want to get kicked kinda owned no cap fax no printer suit no tie2021-07-25 03:38:14
Ahumanpdizzle 31 minutes ago why u leave kiddo u just got ownedHe bomb locked you for a full hour, just to troll you. You leave 2 comments on his profile without any context. You look like a dumbass. He won the exchange.2021-07-25 03:31:54
pdizzlewhy u leave kiddo u just got owned2021-07-25 02:58:45
pdizzle-rep bugging out mvm game so we couldnt win worst mvm player lol2021-07-25 02:02:25
Gold Titanium Sulfur Carbonrecall canteen supremacist's inventory privacy is set to "Private". They are unable to receive trade offers.2021-07-25 00:08:56
A Queercope2021-07-24 17:15:57
hueycatboy GROOMER2021-07-21 16:50:36
Jonskanstaco tacoo2021-07-21 13:58:23
AhumanThe Last Salmon Man Jul 11 @ 9:34pm I'll pay you to move in with me and be in remp character full timeYou will never be able to pay me enough. Unless you are paying for my Viagra as well.2021-07-17 09:28:55
oddschoolSmelly is a falsely accused boomer2021-07-12 02:18:50
TomieI didn't know smelly was a child.2021-07-11 21:59:26
Thalassiusyou might end up unable to walk if he is always in character2021-07-11 21:54:24
SmellyI'll pay you to move in with me and be in remp character full time2021-07-11 21:34:41
Ahuman!! REMP Owner 14 hours ago LMAO - PU$$Y, I spelled one of the words correctly, and got hearts. And I wanted to make sure your F*CKING V@GINA BUTT got to read the word I meant. You understand, I don't want you to miss ONE SINGLE WORD !!!!!!!!!!!!2021-07-11 09:43:18
how do i requeue?who are you2021-07-10 19:07:10
SmellyAnswer me pu$$y2021-07-10 17:41:37
Smellyand also i wasnt throwing, i was playing wrench engie. let people play how they want, you toxic control freak.2021-07-10 16:21:51
Smellyso why is it ok for the low tour pyro to throw the game but not for me?2021-07-10 16:20:40
LadyOfTheLaketoxic controlfreak, when we wouldnt do exactly what he wanted he kept throwing the round -rep2021-07-10 15:44:06
kreinto+rep2021-07-09 16:58:09
Silly bunny thing?+rep cool gass pyro :)2021-07-06 14:54:56
Jam+rep gas pyro w12021-07-06 14:54:48
Luckynoticed your tacobot rating on me xd, dumbass was stalling in games and not participating in helping the team, thats why u were kicked idiot.2021-07-05 20:41:47
TeknoLooking to buy your lvl 0 Amby2021-07-03 00:28:58
zefir- ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2021-07-02 15:44:17
Fred Shitbreath+rep modestly attractive2021-07-01 00:37:07
AhumanQuote from !! REMP Owner: My dear Mr. Smelly | Tacobot.tf, In 1894 a friend of mine shipped as a deck hand on the steamer Tacoma, Capt John Davis. They sailed from San Francisco to Hong Kong China. On arriving there he and two others went ashore and got drunk. When they returned the boat was gone. At that time there was a famine in China. Meat of any kind was from $1 to 3 Dollars a pound. So great was the suffering among the very poor that all children under 12 were sold to the Butchers to be cut up and sold for food in order to keep others from starving. A boy or girl under 14 was not safe in the street. You could go in any shop and ask for steak – chops – or stew meat. Part of the naked body of a boy or girl would be brought out and just what you wanted cut from it. A boy or girls behind which is the sweetest part of the body and sold as veal cutlet brought the highest price. John staid there so long he acquired a taste for human flesh.2021-06-28 22:48:27
SmellyHi Ralph2021-06-28 18:15:31
!!!! Happy New YearPU$$Y Galore.2021-06-25 01:48:55
Chopswow my idol sent me a friend request2021-06-23 17:16:14
Blue YettiAre any of your toes for sale mr boot man?2021-06-21 02:44:31
Cartel de SinaloaAdded to ask a question about an item, not from your collection2021-06-18 12:19:30
BadUncleNickadding to offer on your green black hole pyro unusual2021-06-14 14:24:19
Thalassiusmust drink more wine and eat more bread for huut2021-06-14 11:08:06
AhumanGergez, huut sent me a friend request. I accepted. Now I am removed.2021-06-14 10:45:23
gergezpray for jesus harder2021-06-13 12:15:13
SmellyHe deletes his whole friends list seemingly at random2021-06-13 12:11:54
Ahumanwhy did huuut remove you?2021-06-13 07:58:14
SmellyI still got em I just changed the showcase to flex how many times I've clicked on robots2021-06-12 19:45:04
SmellyMe too2021-06-12 17:51:29
Ahumanhuuut removed me2021-06-12 08:53:54
Cross Bearer 4 ChristThe link to our new group for our ministry! :) Love you and God bless! https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TakeUpYourCross We have discord and invite your friends to our group <3 Love you!2021-06-09 12:09:27
caboosei friended you2021-06-08 23:13:24
Smellyif you want me to teach you the upgrades and ♥♥♥♥ feel free to add me. otherwise just practice / experience. solo q, carry bad players, guaranteed to improve2021-06-08 22:59:58
cabooseHey I heard you and your friends named taco bot are good at mvm how do I br good at mvm2021-06-08 22:32:30
AhumanThere was the time in the birthing room2021-06-07 12:09:16
im 100% defiantly jay-zThere was also that time at the mcdonalds pall pit2021-06-05 16:25:53
AhumanThere was that one time in the burn victim ward2021-06-05 09:53:47
SmellyThere was that one time in that parking lot2021-06-04 16:48:04
im 100% defiantly jay-zI have no idea how you are Im just gonna roll with it2021-06-04 16:26:28
deluxeuseraccount sharing with ape police I see2021-06-04 13:20:03
SmellyD...d..deluxeuser!?!?!? In my comments?!? I love you so so much deluxeuser I worship the ground you Rocket jump on please give me attention deluxe daddy2021-06-04 13:10:08
deluxeusertoxic2021-06-04 09:03:10
im 100% defiantly jay-z-rep the best waifu ever2021-06-03 03:52:48
braindredd-rep tacotard2021-06-03 00:13:04
Ahuman+rep great trader2021-06-01 02:26:47
im 100% defiantly jay-zyes smelly we all do2021-05-30 23:53:59
Smellythey all do2021-05-30 21:26:59
despacito (canción)smelly, i think adbone secretly wants to have a relationship with you2021-05-30 20:59:01
Chopsim a tails kinda guy2021-05-30 20:56:20
Smellyglad you're still thinking about me a year later2021-05-30 18:41:36
AndBonethe guy that put me in tacobot still to this i play mvm knowing my "toxic behavior" is roaming servers2021-05-30 12:18:34
im 100% defiantly jay-zdid your baby boomer monster energy juice run out and now your mad? bunny boi2021-05-30 03:30:06
killer bunnyi hope u die ♥♥♥♥♥♥2021-05-30 02:26:02
Goofy GooberPretty chill guy no cap2021-05-29 17:50:22
SmellyI promise you my parents are far more disappointed in me for other reasons2021-05-29 17:18:00
im 100% defiantly jay-zImagine going through 9 months of a pregnancy for a child then years later in his life he has a meme boot that goes on your head on his profile...was it worth it?2021-05-28 23:40:09
despacito (canción)sorry man had to sleep yesterday2021-05-24 09:34:08
Ahumanwhere do dead comments go2021-05-24 09:12:17
Chloé+rep has a lot of boot2021-05-23 21:58:02
despacito (canción)alr2021-05-23 14:18:33
SmellyTonight , I got stuffs to do today2021-05-23 14:16:55
despacito (canción)when we playing2021-05-23 14:10:51
SmellyOil spill is not fun2021-05-23 13:52:41
SmellyYes2021-05-23 13:50:06
despacito (canción)hi smelly do u need another ee critspam and maybe u get 400k2021-05-23 09:27:20
National Anti-socialistThis guy claims to play mvm for fun, but has a level 1 Oil Spill badge. He also called me a ♥♥♥♥♥ and it hurt my feelings a lot. Until this guy apologizes, I'm sorry but, I'm going to have to take extreme measures-rep2021-05-23 02:02:29
Max1996-rep, far too toxic in MvM.2021-05-22 05:56:50
Ahumanwhere do dead comments go2021-05-19 23:46:24
Smellymine disappeared2021-05-19 22:51:15
Ahumanhe deleted his comment2021-05-19 21:05:14
Ahumanwhy use gas passer when you can use shield bash2021-05-19 19:53:54
AhumanI pressed f4 once and the game started2021-05-19 19:10:10
Smellyif you want 90 minute games then find 5 other australians and keep your slowness confined to a single lobby, thanks2021-05-17 19:08:26
Do1itt1Enot offended, it's just annoying having to wait every wave for someone who is inconsequential to press f4. pressing f4 is not a rush, some of these kids need time to work out upgrades, little rest in between waves, you sir just plain impatient! please be more patient, and also stop kicking players that have done nothiong wrongyou sat in spawn and taunted over me not gbetting kicked...YOU DID WRONG2021-05-17 18:06:49
Smellyapology accepted... was probably too quick to call a kick on you, was in a foul mood2021-05-15 23:06:13
Smellynot offended, it's just annoying having to wait every wave for someone who is inconsequential to press f4.2021-05-15 21:59:23
Smellyk2021-05-15 21:11:52
Shiko Kirufailed to tacobot style troll and reset. you can't do anything right lmao.2021-05-15 21:08:32
Shiko Kiruthis guy is really bad at mvm. like the worst engie player ever to exist.2021-05-15 20:53:02
TOMn00b2021-05-15 07:52:41
Don_CorleoneAdded to ask about something. Its not to trade im just curious about something2021-05-14 10:52:17
Chopslast thing i saw was ♥♥♥♥ that tp spot until my power went out, no swearing pls2021-05-13 23:38:36
yorudanlol2021-05-13 17:27:08
Eggplanxhi smelly2021-05-13 07:24:20
Slobek Buying Backpacks&amp;keysHey, i added you to ask about something :)2021-05-11 02:22:53
despacito (canción)d2021-05-09 16:19:54
TFrom Smellys profile he seems like postal 2 is his favourite game because he can hurt women because he thinks being able to be abusive to women in a video game is one of the best feelings2021-05-09 12:42:37
ThalassiusI have a sister?2021-05-08 18:19:29
Crazy Dave♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ your sister doesent "clean" the gene pool2021-05-08 18:17:22
ThalassiusThe gene pool is stagnant and I am the minister of chlorine!2021-05-08 18:05:03
SmellySpot on2021-05-08 17:58:24
im 100% defiantly jay-zFrom Smellys profile he seems like postal 2 is his favourite game because he can hurt women because he thinks being able to be abusive to women in a video game is one of the best feelings2021-05-08 17:42:26
despacito (canción)+rep demo ee carry +rep tacobtot2021-05-08 14:02:33
SmellyRent free2021-05-08 12:00:59
"dorks" yeah i can tell you are a beta male ♥♥♥♥♥♥2021-05-08 04:16:44
conradinterested in your beggars bazooka #36, ty2021-05-07 02:28:51
R9♥♥♥ love tacobot2021-05-05 10:00:04
Chopslol, i dont remember, havent played 2c in months, havent checked mvmlobby until now since i got banned for no reason a yr and a half ago2021-05-03 00:04:33
Chopsgas arse?2021-05-02 23:51:33
Chopslol, thanks, told you i was a fan of yours2021-05-02 23:11:57
TorodoI have sent too many fa I'm not a scammer really long story2021-05-02 18:22:04
SmellyI think I saw you in game a while ago. Go ahead and add me but I'd prefer to have a specific reason why2021-05-02 18:15:48
Torodocan we trade ? I ask first about my vac bann maybe you don't want me to have him your fa2021-05-01 14:44:31
Ahumanbig fat milky peccs 11 minutes ago "TIn what world are you the better man?2021-05-01 14:22:25
Corpsy"Times kicked for speaking the truth (started count 10/11/20): 17"Had to see why you where jealous on your mentally ill friends profile, you're just as of not more Ill for getting this bent out of shape over video games 😭 truth be told just end your life already 😂 you clearly are depressed.2021-05-01 14:08:48
Bob-rep autist2021-05-01 11:44:35
AhumanI am one of his hoes2021-04-30 22:00:47
Smellywhy toxic2021-04-30 21:50:20
GREYGOOSE TV359 tours 0 hoes2021-04-30 21:48:27
AhumanSmelly this is why I have over 5000 screenshots of matches, just in case I have to prove someone wrong. Not that I upload all of them.2021-04-30 20:55:28
TacoCome on man, he was carrying us, y u kick, so mean2021-04-30 20:37:59
Smellyyou did 20k damage in 6 waves go back to boot camp2021-04-30 20:00:57
ZonkedOutYT-rep kicked on wave 6 for no reason2021-04-30 17:24:05
AhumanThey love watermelon ‮ https://gyazo.com/a96d0fad74ce91c9129c27ce685accec2021-04-30 16:29:49
ム⁧⁧LoordeYo yo yooooo juuuust wonderin' would'ya be willin to part with your spooky sleeves? for a price ofc~2021-04-29 13:31:08
SmellyNo2021-04-29 11:10:39
76561199027876344hello mate, can you send me friend request? I have something for you2021-04-29 05:15:45
Smellyseth putnam profile pics are gay2021-04-28 00:20:54
Heavy War Metal de Colo Colo-rep toxic "people"2021-04-27 23:03:31
feetlover54Added to trade2021-04-27 07:27:46
Hey, you know Coach keeps his seI am mentally ill2021-04-26 16:56:43
SmellyWhy is that my problem2021-04-25 11:43:54
Crazy DaveWe do a little trolling2021-04-24 22:26:58
Hey, you know Coach keeps his semhuss and oddschool are pyro trolling me rn and i have photo evidence lol2021-04-24 22:04:50
WendellWendell2021-04-23 20:04:40
VeeMr. Smell Y i have come to realise the error of my ways and fully denounce cheaters after putting more time into honing my MvM craft. it would be wonderful if you could put a comment on my profile such as "positive reputation gain, had a character arc, still a sloot" in a vernacular to which you are most familiar.2021-04-22 18:02:28
Hey, you know Coach keeps his sei need to talk to u about ur friend toby12f2021-04-20 23:14:32
heartsmack me hard misses smelly.2021-04-19 09:16:58
AhumanNo smelly is a good player that prefers off meta. Freakshow went to throw gas, stood out in the open, died immediately, then blamed me and left.2021-04-17 08:55:55
PREX2000kinky2021-04-17 01:42:00
PREX2000so is this guy so2021-04-16 23:34:02
Ahumandude prex Miss Freakshow is an actual ape https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=24595053962021-04-16 22:56:59
PREX2000lol2021-04-16 22:55:54
Smellygo back to the vegetable aisle you'll shrivel if you don't get misted soon2021-04-16 22:52:31
Ahumanlol2021-04-16 22:48:47
PREX2000lol2021-04-16 22:47:32
Smellybegone pizzabot2021-04-16 00:54:16
SapplyJesus christ was a heretic2021-04-15 23:27:47
Ahumansup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls2021-04-15 15:48:57
Smellyno2021-04-15 15:16:29
[A]DmiralPitbulsup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls2021-04-15 14:56:03
AhumanHis soundboard was fun2021-04-14 07:39:59
ⁿ_ⁿHonestly don't remember. But probably a ton xD2021-04-14 01:16:01
Denzel CrockerThanks for the entertaining match today, made my night XD2021-04-13 23:28:54
hemidemisemiquaverervery bright2021-04-13 21:43:38
Co-Kain VEVO+rep lives up to his name2021-04-13 02:51:28
yung RApperDo not Add tacobotsDo not talk to tacobotsDo not Trade with tacobotsDo not play with tacobotsthe group famously known for kicking/griefing/harassing/racism/scamming plenty of videos to explain via youtube, simply search up their namehint: in bill gaither's profile he literally says he supports scammers, and he was community banned FOR SCAMMINGtacobots are the toxic bottom of the barrel and will brainwash you into thinking their the good people, that couldnt be further from the truth. Google them.2021-04-11 00:59:57
BandaiI would very much like to buy your strange professional concheror, is there any chance at all you'd be able to sell it?2021-04-09 17:53:34
Smellyyou can ♥♥♥ in my ass for 100 TODs2021-04-08 22:52:03
Kimohello! sorry for scare, but just notice profile on the Steam Community. you know how hard it are to find girls who play video game nowadays??? well, Im glad I stumble apon this little prof cause I gotta say.... ur prety cute!! ^ ((sorry for scare, no trouble ) well... I was wondering if u wanted to play tf2 with me (Im a plat heavy, so I can carry my little princes if need. =-}) CUZ I really want someone to pub wit me.. hey hey, maybe even I could get you unusual as little gift. you like scorhing? Me too, me too. anyways any, do you maybe have Skype? (no scare. no scare, I iust like meating eye to eye.) if we skype, I think we could have some good buddy commucation. :)) ( i can even turn down my speedcore music in the background if you want...) add me if you want please, I jsit need friend maybe even girlfriend, to play video with.m I can be the perfect guy for you, trust!! ill buy whatever, do whatever, okay?? jsit pick up that phone and CALL. :)2021-04-08 20:53:10
Crazy Davebecause they're a toxic meta-wh*re who apologizes after being toxic to prevent being called out2021-04-08 18:25:09
AhumanImagine thinking med or engineer is needed to win Yeah, they help. You can win without them. Also, why did you write a -rep and then apologize for being rude?2021-04-08 18:09:57
Knightalso i didnt mean to say rude things i was just pissed off today cuss of other stuff2021-04-08 17:14:52
im 100% defiantly jay-zwell im a fella fart smella then2021-04-06 01:02:49
Eggplanxin this world you're either a smart fella or a fart smella2021-04-05 22:40:41
im 100% defiantly jay-zyes a very funny smelly man2021-04-04 16:18:07
BrazenBridge23funny man2021-04-04 15:33:09
AhumanLMAO2021-04-02 19:28:30
Smellyfella you made it clear you had no problem with wasting time when you refused to press f42021-04-02 18:19:55
AhumanLmao2021-04-02 17:45:24
CallMeNick-rep toxic af in mvm waits in spectator mode to waste our time2021-04-02 17:42:13
im 100% defiantly jay-zsmely u smely2021-04-02 17:16:43
Smellystop deleting my comments pu$$y2021-03-31 21:49:17
Smellyim curious what you consider carrying if it isnt "having more damage than the rest of the team combined and letting people ♥♥♥♥ around"2021-03-31 20:04:12
Emmacarry? you have an interesting concept of carrying lmao what ever ego boosted i guess2021-03-31 19:59:22
Smellymad cuz carrier left? if you dont want ppl to leave your games maybe you shouldnt be obnoxious and kick for ZERO reason...2021-03-31 19:57:49
AhumanEmma Just now played hundreds of tours and still has no clue what they're doingYour friend is a douche, and you dare insult your carry. What kind of ass are you? Do you mind not lying on people's profiles?2021-03-31 19:57:17
Emmaplayed hundreds of tours and still has no clue what they're doing2021-03-31 19:55:21
SmellyNot kidnap just borrow him for a while I'd take him back to the ♥♥♥♥♥ store after a little while2021-03-31 18:37:31
Ahumansmelly do you want to kidnap LJ2021-03-31 17:18:08
yung RApperahuman abuse me rn2021-03-31 13:25:57
Ahuman-rep smellys solecism is insane, he gets MAD and RUDE when I want to check my phone, eat a meal, take a shower, and take a nap instead of pressing f4. Like, jeez, give me a minute.2021-03-31 13:24:08
yung RApper-rep kicked me for having small peen2021-03-31 12:20:49
AhumanSmelly, did you delete his comment like a bunch of hearts?2021-03-31 07:39:14
SmellyDidn't touch your comment. I'm assuming you don't have the mental ability to post comments properly either?2021-03-31 01:05:37
Crazy Davewhy are you oppressing him black2021-03-29 20:40:20
AhumanHumor is subjective. It may be funny to those around you when you stub your toe, but it's all on you if you think it's funny too.2021-03-29 14:52:28
SmellyIt's not a joke. I love diddling kids and want everyone to know it.2021-03-29 12:14:06
ุุุุmaking yourself look like a chomo isnt a joke, if that's your sense of humor, its pretty ♥♥♥♥ my guy2021-03-29 12:11:13
AhumanBlack | Pizzabot.tf √ 1 hour ago and my god dude why are you still in nambla? So either you are big troll, or giant dumbass, because him being in that group is an obvious joke. I think the fastest way to tell it is a joke is by clicking where it says "our leader", which will redirect you to https://steamcommunity.com/id/geel9/ If you are serious, you are an oblivious cuddy. You pretend to lucubrate over smelly yet fail to catch a simple joke. Regardless if you are a troll or not, everything you say holds no value. Continue to gride your wrists for a stress free life.2021-03-29 09:53:05
ุุุุand to copy your stupid comment smelly, "you're pro-pedophilia, that removes all credibility you may have had.... please go away"2021-03-29 08:43:10
ุุุุAhuman a few known tacolosers use anti-f2 exploit, forgive me if i said it was a script, but its not, its an EXPLOIT, ya know, the same thing that "cheaters" do? so tacobot is equivelant to cheaters, lmao.Also let's not forget when they broke into the private pizzabot steam group last month, yeah totally not exploiting steam guys.Also smelly, pizzabot does support cheaters, but its mvm, LITERALLY NO ONE CARES! is your ego that high that you go ape sh it like any other taco?and my god dude why are you still in nambla? that ♥♥♥♥ alone makes me sick, you like little boys or something??im not the only member of pizzabot, we just closed the group so you losers would stop sending itzzz's furry porn alts into our group, now we're securely in a chat and if you are tacobot you will be ip/phone banned on site2021-03-29 08:40:57
Smelly@Black and Almighty Gaben, you guys are cheaters. That removes any credibility you may have had...please go away2021-03-28 19:11:34
SmellyI can't tell you the last time I stalled a game, unless it was a cheater lobby, and if you defend cheaters then there is really nothing more I can say to you. Sure I try to kick people, but it's a co-op game and kicking is an option for a reason. I don't throw tantrums if the vote fails. At the very worst I'll just leave the game.You don't know me. The fact that I use a certain piece of software to maintain a list of people I don't want to play with doesn't mean I have anything in common with people that get their jollies yelling at children and throwing games.2021-03-28 19:04:03
Smelly" But instead you chose to be part of a community of tryhards who often kick or stall games and ruining fun for everyone instead of letting people play how they choose."You started talking smack to me before the game even started. I didn't say a word or do anything that could even be considered remotely toxic. I get why you kicked me. I would have kicked me too. But do you not see the irony in criticizing me for kicking people that refuse to cooperate in a coop game, and then doing that exact thing to me and my friend few minutes later? And then you come on my profile and say I'm the one who kills people's fun and doesn't let them play how they want to.Why is it okay for you to kick people but not me? Do you really not see how you are contradicting yourself?2021-03-28 19:03:58
Smellyrent free2021-03-28 18:48:40
AhumanAlso, if you hate tacobot so much, you ought to join this. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Enchiladabottf Pizzabot is ass blasted, and they support cheaters. Black | Pizzabot.tf √ is the only pizzabot player I've seen, and he just spreads misinformation like saying tacobot uses a anti-f2 script. I don't think he is actually a pizzabot member, just a weird troll.2021-03-28 18:41:41
Ahumanread from top to bottom2021-03-28 18:26:09
AhumanHe didn't know he was getting the ring. I was spamming "I am giving you a gas passer" and "equip the gas".I named the ring Gas Passer.Smelly is, and I am sure, one of the nicest tacobots I've met. He was the first high tour player I actually got to play with. When we first met I was playing shield bash. He didn't give me any ♥♥♥♥ for it. I have had a lot of kicks, a lot of -reps, a lot of ♥♥♥♥ in chat for not using a kritz and shield bashing with a quick fix. Smelly said nothing to me. He was, at the time, one of the only experienced players that didn't attack me for not using a kritz. I've met a lot of great people through him. Since he was taking a break, and probably won't be online that often anymore, I wanted to do something special for him. My appreciation for giving me the time of day.2021-03-28 18:25:59
AhumanNow, granted, I didn't expect it to take so long for me to get him the ring. He had to set his inventory to friends only so I could send an offer. Then I had to convince him to accept the offer. Then I had to spam for him to unwrap it and equip it. It was aggravating to get kicked, and now that I mull it over I understand why we were. Regardless, even knowing now that I was giving him the ring, you are acting like an ass. You could have seen that he received it in game chat.I think that maybe you are just more mad at tacobot than you are with either of us. I had him change his name to add the tacobot tag in so it would say "Tacobot accepted gas passer". Just sucks that I had to take my screenshot from the main menu.2021-03-28 18:25:54
LuckyI did the second most damage that match and died twice, I don't see that as being carried by someone who did no damage at all. If you have clarified instead of spamming binds in the chat (like crying about a gaspasser) and said we were doing a ring exchange, we would have waited for you. But instead you chose to be part of a community of tryhards who often kick or stall games and ruining fun for everyone instead of letting people play how they choose. Keep whining kiddo2021-03-28 17:33:39
76561199059833430Dumb tacobot ruins games of every1. Nobody likes nolifers like you dude, get the ♥♥♥♥ out and never come back to tf2 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ piece of ♥♥♥♥ <32021-03-28 17:33:09
ุุุุ>gets mad people associate him with tacobot>is a member of the toxic waste known as tacobot>tacobot members harass, dox, kick, grief>wonders why he's getting hate for being a member of this toxic waste dump>is in a steam group for nambla, which is basically a pro-pedophile group"wHy aM I sTiLl gEtTiNg HaTe????"also dont act like you arent toxic, you're one of the first tacos i found and you were an absolute FOOL in that game, with 2 other tacos, shut up, get mental help for your children addiction, and get out of tacobot before they fall2021-03-28 17:30:57
Purple Disco MachineThat's the deal with association, tbh2021-03-28 16:38:52
SmellyI am mad. I'm tired of dealing with stupid a$$holes like you that start crying the moment I join the game because I'm part of a "toxic group" even though I've said and done nothing. You would think someone who is ostensibly anti-toxic would have some patience for someone trying to receive a $100 gift from a friend. But no, you like 75% of people who claim to be anti-tacobot are full of sh!t, you go back on your "let people play how they want, it's a game" nonsense the moment you stop being carried. I would have stopped playing a long time ago if I didn't have a massive tolerance for stupidity... it's the arrogance and complete lack of self-awareness that pisses me off.2021-03-28 15:53:59
Luckyyeah, you were doing the least amount of damage and doing nothing, your medic barely healed anyone. imagine being this mad a day later2021-03-28 15:47:19
Smellytoo stupid to press tab and look at numbers...2021-03-28 15:31:57
Luckydont see how its hypocritical when u were standing in our game doing nothing for our team :^) neither did your medic buddy who sat and did nothing the entire game, not even heal. cry more baby waaah waaah2021-03-28 15:26:55
Smellyi call you out on your hypocritical ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ so you delete my comment and block me. really helping out the anti-tacobot cause yeah?2021-03-28 14:18:04
Luckyshut up smelly tacobot neckbeard -rep you smell like poo poo pee pee2021-03-27 21:03:26
Beaser Selling for Zelleadded since you want the cat hat2021-03-27 15:19:05
ุุุุthis is a reminder that this man is in a group called nambla, which, if you look on google, says this: "The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States."basically this tacobot is pro-pedophiliahide your kids.2021-03-27 15:02:56
Ahuman♥♥♥♥ head, mann up is the comp version of MvM.2021-03-27 14:59:10
Poseidonbro tf u saying u gonna -rep me for having fun ♥♥♥♥♥ u got like 13 essays about the game ITS FOR FUN NOT SOME COMP2021-03-27 14:50:09
AhumanI was banned from pizzabot2021-03-26 18:17:15
𝒦Hopefully you don't remember but I'm sorry I carryed your game the other day. I dislike refund abuse but I should have just left rather than mess with the whole lobby.2021-03-26 18:17:02
Legendary Collektorbut cbt2021-03-26 17:23:50
Ahumanim accepted into pizzaboat2021-03-26 14:37:24
Tgear down pizzabot2021-03-26 13:33:41
SmellyWho are you2021-03-26 13:26:04
Lord Vader-rep2021-03-26 12:04:45
THopefully you don't remember but I'm sorry I griefed your game the other day. I dislike refund abuse but I should have just left rather than mess with the whole lobby.2021-03-21 13:39:24
Nick Curha parcel!?? I didn't order no parcel now what kind of company is this? You running a scam?2021-03-20 11:18:59
AhumanI can take 87 ♥♥♥♥♥ in 4 minutes. What can YOU do?2021-03-19 17:55:39
SmellyThis ugly little snow flake snowflake has more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ than a cow pasture. You can smell this mutt thru the internet lines. He is trash at tf2 because trolling and ♥♥♥♥ talk is his only skill. Quit tip jack ass Life doesn't start till you get one. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ taco ♥♥♥♥♥ loser.- ROADKILL on 2020-09-23 16:19:452021-03-19 14:07:51
PailLikewise Smelly. Always a pleasure when we get the chance2021-03-18 00:03:08
man go sus zoneXD, delusional2021-03-17 06:23:50
Smellyall i did was respond in kind after my vote on the griefing pyro failed. why toxic? let people play the game how they want wtf2021-03-15 12:35:37
Jocus-rep involved with tacobot.tf and is a toxic player threw the game because they didnt get their way like a child, cry some more2021-03-15 01:00:15
Tacogod?2021-03-14 23:25:52
man go sus zonethinks he is funny2021-03-13 15:02:34
Floofy_Boihere from mvm saw chu boots2021-03-13 02:17:10
Floofy_Boiboot man2021-03-13 02:15:01
The Demon Of PwnageBruv why you have so many left boots. Share some with the rest of us.2021-03-07 15:24:46
Smellyyes, nothing more toxic than leaving a game because you don't want to play with vegetables. if you don't want carriers to leave your games then maybe you shouldn't stick your fingers in your ears and yell tacobot when someone asks you to be useful...2021-03-06 14:11:11
Oceanic | tuesday maybeofc a no life tacobot f4ggot... get a life ladyboi2021-03-06 14:08:41
Zestybridgetacobot.tflmao2021-03-06 14:03:39
Nick Curhhi. i have a hat you might be interested in adding to your collection. my hat consists of many unique qualities and alterations only applicable to this hat. My hat has features and utilities that can only be found extremely rare and sparced out in the current team fortress two economy. My hat has hat like qualities consisting of a list that spreads miles in length and american football fields in girth. My hat is unique and one of a kind. If you are interested in viewing and receiving a presentation of this hat please write to me. كثير النعم الابن الحقيقى له2021-03-04 21:32:45
BLNK!maybe an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ but has the skill to back it up +rep2021-03-04 20:20:07
feetlover54Added for trade2021-03-02 17:21:32
Ahuman> rotten ♥♥♥ sockYep. Let me add that to my insult vocabulary, I will put it next to "cuddy with Microcephaly".2021-03-01 20:05:12
Devvo COSS Pinstead of putting negative rep comments about getting kicked for taking 2 years to ready up - heres a lesson - READY UP2021-03-01 09:26:09
rainAh nvm, it said error cannot add comments on page2021-02-28 19:47:56
rainLmao you blocked me2021-02-28 19:47:46
Smellyit's not a conversation, you came here to cry because you are slow and upset by a voiceline that reminds me how slow. you are a vegetable2021-02-28 19:42:12
rainImagine not being able to have a conversation without calling someone else a vegetable. Perhaps you should expand your insult vocabulary you rotten ♥♥♥ sock.2021-02-28 19:39:04
Smellyall you had to do was press f4, veggie2021-02-28 19:36:33
rainwe had enough time for upgrades and such, but you kept spamming ready, it was annoying.2021-02-28 19:31:31
Smellylol imagine getting triggered and kicking someone twice because two minutes isn't enough time to buy upgrades on wave one2021-02-28 18:46:16
rain-rep spamming ready in mvm, a ♥♥♥♥.2021-02-28 18:08:49
Devvo COSS Pkarma it is because your friend is hot garbage at mvm2021-02-24 13:49:21
SmellyI keep voice chat off most of the time so I can't comment if he was being abusive toward you. If that is the case then go complain on his page not mine. I just know that on bigrock as a sniper it's often really annoying having people stand on the rock as it draws fire toward you.2021-02-24 11:16:02
.karmait wasnt anything huge, big man. your friend was being extremely toxic, especially toward me and my duo. if anything, the best option would be to re-queue and leave things as they are, cuz toxicity never helped the world. im not gonna act like i wasnt toxic, but u get my point :^)2021-02-24 03:58:59
Devvo COSS P+rep good mvm player2021-02-23 18:57:54
SmellyAsking people to stop griefing their teammates isn't being a meta slave.2021-02-23 18:56:13
.karmatake your own advice and stop being such a meta slave. Especially in bootcamp (:2021-02-23 18:06:15
Sapplyim stuff2021-02-23 17:15:30
Smellycheater2021-02-22 21:41:22
Just A Hyena.+rep MvM god!2021-02-20 23:20:10
Smellydeal2021-02-20 21:40:53
SmellyCan I get belly pics?2021-02-20 21:17:33
SmellyI am a heterosexual, ayran male with autism who lives a sedentary lifestyle and eats(mostly junk, meaty and cheesy) food. And as a result of said lifestyle and diet, i have a big, soft, jiggly, protruding jelly bellyThe ubermensch2021-02-20 21:13:28
SmellyCBT2021-02-18 21:45:36
AhumanAn erection, apparently. It's the only way this man's corpus cavernosas supposed to get engorged with blood. How else is he supposed to ♥♥♥?2021-02-17 19:59:39
Smellyfella why would you cheat in mvm, seriously like what do you get out of that?2021-02-17 18:50:00
AhumanHdolf Aitler you talk a lot of ♥♥♥♥ for a guy with a private comment section, private game achievements and a vac ban2021-02-17 18:40:08
SmellyWow I never thought about it that way. I have left tacobot, found Jesus, and removed my F1 key. Thanks for saving me.2021-02-17 18:31:17
ุุุุtacobot, you, and everyone who supports it is cancer. Stay mad, get good at mvm, its pve no one cares.2021-02-17 16:39:41
SmellyI had my socks on2021-02-17 09:03:59
Ahuman+rep this guy ♥♥♥♥♥♥ with his ♥♥♥♥♥ and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ then ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ grabbing his ♥♥♥♥ and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ without ♥♥♥♥ or lube, turns around and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ all over ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and my face,I call him the next day and he acts like none of this happened.2021-02-16 20:25:09
Smelly*why listing you2021-02-09 13:11:42
SmellyIf my memory is correct you whined about toxicity over the microphone and refused to move your dispenser someplace helpful because I asked the medic to switch. Do you not understand why people that behave like you shouldn't play co-op? Serious question, I am genuinely confused by listing you for such behavior makes me a sh!t biscuit.2021-02-09 13:11:12
AndBonethe ♥♥♥♥ biscuit that put me on tacobot.tf2021-02-08 23:44:22
Ahuman+rep got my mom pregnant but paid for the abortion2021-02-03 22:34:14
Smellythanks. sorry i went afk2021-02-01 18:31:19
MrCounterMaxPressed F2 for you, it's been a rough couple of days for you it seems. Hope I can do better if we run into each other again2021-02-01 17:58:54
SmellyI didn't leave because we failed I left because I didn't want to play with a gas spamming pyroand no, nobody cares about +/- reps i just leave them to feel powerful2021-01-30 13:20:39
Veeactually, after reading his whole page, I have a newfound respect for this MvM chad, i really do hope i run into him again because he is probably a very good player, and even though i disagree with the cheater stance- mine being if people go through the effort to cheat in a PvE game then good for them I don't need to kick up a storm- I do think he is someone who cares about the game enough to hone is craft, and i fully respect that. really needs to relax though, do people actually go around reading comments and counting how many +/- Reps people have?2021-01-30 08:13:15
Vee<32021-01-30 07:56:33
Vee+rep a fun and engaging player, says he is there for a fun challenge then leaves after 1 round fail.2021-01-30 07:56:22
Smelly:(2021-01-28 13:45:04
Smellywho are you2021-01-27 21:40:06
SmellyWe had lost last wave Mannworks three or four times and this dummy refused to switch to a damage class2021-01-26 11:47:05
RedbonkySmelly bro don't force people to play a class2021-01-26 04:16:02
Sneakyratoh no scout careful or else the taco ♥♥♥ is gonna put you on the list for not sucking off his 1/2 incher2021-01-25 23:27:04
SmellyYou were told to switch class at least three or four times. The first votekick on you even failed, and you still wouldn't switch. Stop making stuff up2021-01-25 22:13:59
Micro_WhimsyWdym trash talk dude. And I was still upgrading.2021-01-25 21:41:23
SmellyBeing inexperienced isn't an excuse to refuse to listen to your team and trashtalk people.2021-01-25 21:39:20
Micro_WhimsyImagine regularly checking a profile to sh** talk them when it was my second tour of expert. How sad that you have to release your middle school depression.2021-01-25 21:16:44
alejandro.guvera.2007I did not enjoy the U.S. department of commerce and their unusuals dropping my average fps by 302021-01-25 11:33:43
Redbonkywhat is retrovaporizenebulizer2021-01-25 05:41:44
Whas Good+ Rep, was racist to that cu ck Mitch McConnel :32021-01-24 22:44:54
Imazéboot fetish2021-01-22 15:36:02
Smellygotta be a real sissy to delete comments LOL2021-01-22 15:17:17
Smellythis nerd hates fun2021-01-21 21:58:23
𝒦Big - rep, keep trolling and do ape things on mecha2021-01-21 20:22:38
Hamilton Beach 2SL Toasterstinky stinky STINKY!2021-01-19 22:30:07
valpipHey, reply to my messages when you can2021-01-19 08:43:52
Smellytyty2021-01-18 21:42:23
GreninjaFrom MvM pal! +rep, has great knowledge in MvM and gave amazing tips as well, also nice boot collection man!2021-01-18 21:40:23
Smellythe "stealing damage" argument is kinda dumb, as is the "it finishes games quicker" argument, since it is far from the quickest way to finish most waves. My gripe with it in general is that the upgrade is way, way too cheap, and it enables you to do significant damage with zero skill required, which for most new players, means they don't learn how to actually play pyro effectively.2021-01-13 13:13:42
SmellyIt's a soundboard, I don't actually hate ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, jews, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2021-01-13 10:51:46
RedbonkySmelly why do you hate ♥♥♥♥ and wtf is a beter2021-01-13 03:32:28
Smellyhi2021-01-11 13:59:45
Redbonkysmellllly2021-01-11 12:14:34
SmellyI think it's a funny hat and they're cheap2021-01-11 12:07:57
Redbonkysmelly wtf is that video, it says it game out like a fortnight ago2021-01-11 04:10:00
Smellypretty hilarious thats wqhat i think2021-01-10 22:44:18
Smellydefinitely doesnt make demo or sniper obsolete. demo can instakill any giant, and sniper has a pretty much infinite skill ceiling, whereas you can't really get any better with gas. probably the reason I dislike it the most is that many people think pyro is weak without gas, which just isn't true. getting good damage as pyro without gas just demands much more of the player than throw gas, recharge, throw, repeat.2021-01-10 22:11:28
Smellyhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2130071554 This explains it pretty well. I wouldn't say I hate it on two cities and mecha since it's far from the most unbalanced / OP thing there but on tours that don't flood you with money it's just ridiculous...you can upgrade it wave one and on some missions keep up with heavy or sniper with zero skill or game sense required2021-01-10 21:00:24
TOMit is sad day2021-01-04 09:58:11
gergezthere will be no talking on this profile 0 tours2021-01-03 14:55:51
RedbonkyTOM I do not believe Sir Smelly is a furry, I am sorry to get your hopes up2021-01-03 04:01:58
The Little Red Tractorohhhh looks like i'm the moron here, but i really appreciate you for the guide and words of wisdom on your profile2021-01-03 00:55:16
SmellyI am the guide creator2021-01-03 00:40:56
The Little Red Tractornow, i haven't played mvm in ages, but i came here from the tacobot guide, and i'll have to give you and the guide creator full thanks for enlightening me on the issues, and wish that i keep such thingns in mind in the case i ever come back to mvm.2021-01-03 00:26:15
chrisadding because chad2021-01-02 19:55:42
Sneakyratbecause your a crybaby tacobot ♥♥♥♥♥♥ who has a sook when their precious kicks fail.get a life loser2021-01-01 20:18:07
Major PayneBecause he wasnt the one being a baby and staying in spawn.2021-01-01 20:17:39
SmellyWhy kick me then? Why is it ok for the soldier to be useless but not me?2021-01-01 20:15:40
Major PayneI mean we did perfectly fine without you while you stayed in spawn, playing as a spy and using the box trot lmao.2021-01-01 19:31:21
SmellyEverything was just fine until you voted to keep the soldier deliberately making the game harder, Mr. "I play for loot and just want to get it done." Let me ask- why is it ok for this soldier not to press F4, and to be worse than useless, actively harming the team by shooting reflect pyros repeatedly, but not ok for me to sit in spawn and press f4 as a consequence? Please enlighten me because I am clearly missing something.2021-01-01 19:28:31
Major PayneWhat a horrible mvm player.2021-01-01 19:23:19
Hamilton Beach 2SL ToasterPeen2021-01-01 01:15:10
Pureskinadd me pls2020-12-27 17:21:34
RedbonkyAh yes, a fellow meta hater2020-12-22 13:39:26
punkiifGravitonArc : sniper jesussmelly | tacobot.tf : whatsmelly | tacobot.tf : explosive headshot is for tryhards2020-12-22 12:44:48
Mhuss+rep fills a slot to prevent ape randoms from joining with checked noob box and f4's while eating. I hope u enjoyed ur food2020-12-22 10:15:49
♫Dr.Cloud♫+Rep Toxic Tacobot Guy2020-12-22 09:06:47
RedbonkyYea he doesn't play TF22020-12-21 14:53:42
Smellywho are you2020-12-21 11:56:03
Ivy-rep toxic for no reason2020-12-21 08:54:13
CookieninjaThanks man! This front runner will be with me for a loooong time & wow that's a bargain for back then!2020-12-20 16:09:24
Nick Curhdrugs booze and bad genetics lets goooo brother huzzah whoooahhh2020-12-20 15:54:20
SmellyFunny how the people that grief my games always come back and try to save face2020-12-20 13:33:38
a14Hope u get more ausies in the future gl2020-12-20 08:43:15
a14Nah g im not mad xd i still laughing to this day2020-12-20 08:42:58
MhussI've been encountering a lot of cheaters in mecha, added in case i dont have kick mayority2020-12-18 08:18:00
Co-Kain VEVOhe did the funny "hoes mad" twitter meme and derailed your argument, not sure you can recover from this one smelly ://2020-12-16 17:13:20
Smellyjust so everyone knows- this clown is mad because we kicked him after he idled a wave because the top-damaging demo was using pills instead of stickies.2020-12-16 17:06:57
a14i never -reped2020-12-16 13:09:57
a14LMAO2020-12-16 13:09:51
Co-Kain VEVOy are u an toxic talko bot meanie >:(2020-12-16 06:12:03
Smellyidling is fun2020-12-15 16:25:20
gergezhey smelly mvm is meant for fun just let people play how they want if they want to play gunslinger pistol so be it just quit being a toxic ashshole2020-12-15 16:05:52
Smellyimagine buying full metal capacity then refusing to buy 2 way because you dont have the money2020-12-15 15:50:24
REAL MEN DO WORKimagine -repping anymore lol2020-12-15 15:23:06
Smellyno I think you are the mad one because you decide to throw because the top damaging demo won't use stickies, then come to comment on my page because you were kicked2020-12-15 14:12:16
a14hoes mad ;)2020-12-15 14:06:02
Smellybecause australian mvm players are always either uber canteen heavies or gas pyros2020-12-15 11:28:04
Co-Kain VEVOJust kidding DG is epic2020-12-15 00:19:46
Co-Kain VEVOvvv DeathGod if he was 122020-12-15 00:19:38
Sneakyratnot to mention i asked what class you wanted me to go and you were silent2020-12-14 23:21:02
Sneakyrati was upgrading to start with second why tf does the fact im australian mater and im have tours ♥♥♥♥♥♥ so... just admit your a crybaby.im allowed to play whatever damn class i want you and your 12 types of diabetes wont change that2020-12-14 23:20:13
Smellyjust saw you're australian, that explains a lot2020-12-14 23:16:40
Smellyb!tch I said "no pyro" at least twenty times and you were silent. typical zero tour bs you dont understand english until the votekick comes up2020-12-14 23:15:03
Sneakyrati mean it seemed a lot like this kid was crying...also im sure he neglected to tell you i was willing to swap until he tried kicking https://imgur.com/a/jQ0DqbC2020-12-14 23:08:49
Co-Kain VEVOGotta love how insecure flocks of people are crying about "salt" but they're the ones who took initiative to leave a profile on your comment. But hell, what do I know. I'm an evil tacobot bully!2020-12-14 22:37:03
SmellyYour brain on the gas passer2020-12-14 22:21:28
GoozratPretentious, entitled, elitist, prick2020-12-14 22:16:59
Sneakyrat"no pyro" - this kid-2020-12-14 22:14:01
Lord Vaderimagine getting salty over someone going pyro lol2020-12-14 22:10:08
SmellyI leave your game because it's no fun to carry someone that does nothing but airblast and throw gas and I'm a crybaby? You want me to grief you next time?2020-12-14 18:09:39
Creativeyoure such a crybaby about other people's playstyles, my god, how sad.2020-12-14 18:02:42
SmellyI think it is your fault you pollute gear grinder with your cancer playstyle.2020-12-14 17:50:07
Smelly"-rep uses gas" is toxic?2020-12-14 17:49:20
CreativeLol, dont be so toxic xdnot my fault, that you dont like my playstyle lmao2020-12-14 17:23:06
Smellykicked me last wave or some ♥♥♥♥ i dont even remember2020-12-13 23:10:28
Redbonkybut it's mvm how did you "♥♥♥♥" him2020-12-13 14:47:34
Redbonkynani2020-12-13 14:47:11
Cogar'fu ck ed'its just censored2020-12-13 14:44:35
Redbonkywhy is kicked bleeped?2020-12-13 14:43:26
CogarTacobot boy got ♥♥♥♥♥♥ lol. Farewell loser2020-12-13 14:30:30
Jimmy Firecockcringe lord type beat2020-12-12 14:26:08
Mhuss+rep he saved me from the hell of mechape2020-12-12 12:42:35
RedbonkyProton wtf did you do to make Smelly not say something bad about you2020-12-11 06:54:13
Numnutssup imma add u btw i like urr comment on my profile2020-12-11 06:22:07
SmellyYou didn't use your kritz charge once despite me spamming medic...you contributed next to nothing, I don't see how that's not a valid reason to kick2020-12-10 20:38:16
Wax Candle-rep toxic, kicks for no reason wave 12020-12-10 20:01:25
EdexmanHi man, I still have the Spellbound steel toe and I'm willing to hold it reserved for you, just need confirmation that you're interested. Add me if you want2020-12-10 12:01:15
D3vi1i added you beacuse i want morer friends2020-12-10 03:29:26
gergez>you are ordering me around despite us being able to win>You pout and do nothing causing us to lose the roundidk sounds like u cant win, got mad bc the carry didnt want to carry u, unluckyBtw if ur interested I have contacts specialized in carrying trash like you for a low price, even discounting when bulk ordering carries, you sound like a perfect customer. hmu if interested2020-12-09 15:57:13
bird>you are ordering me around despite us being able to win doing many things, and medic isn't a bad thing at all>You ignore and insult me>You pout and do nothing causing us to lose the round because you were our main tank damage>you are immature and obviously a MvM loser based on your description.2020-12-09 15:52:41
Smelly>I tell you precisely what to do to pass the wave>You ignore and insult me>I dance because I'm tired and don't feel like busting my ass to carry people that won't pull their own weight>You fail wave within a couple minutes and immediately leave because you know you have no chance at winning without me>Come cry on my profile because I wouldn't carry you>I'm a "small child"2020-12-09 14:10:05
birdplease note me and my friends are laughing at your mental retardation, thanks have a nice day.2020-12-09 13:52:03
birdsmall child2020-12-09 13:49:21
birdif you don't do what he wants he will just start taunting lmaooo2020-12-09 13:49:17
birddamn this loser is tacobot nerd2020-12-09 13:49:00
Redbonkyvut hat is it?2020-12-09 05:55:47
Sullythat piece of crap hat that you're talking about! is the next team captain!2020-12-08 21:12:53
Edexmanadd me if you want to buy the spellbound steel toe.2020-12-05 15:51:56
Redbonkyyes2020-12-05 14:00:36
Redbonkywait what2020-12-03 12:50:49
AhumanGood scout too.2020-12-03 12:45:44
Redbonky+-rep he exists2020-12-03 12:09:22
Ahumanextremely good sniper in mvm. ++rep2020-12-03 12:01:09
gergezcome and check out urself2020-12-02 23:59:55
Redbonkywat2020-12-02 14:42:23
kosher salt6106 Catina St New Orleans, LA 701242020-12-02 14:23:08
RedbonkyOI HAVE YOU DONE YER BLOODY SPANISH YET2020-12-02 06:20:13
CrystalStarLightalright2020-11-30 15:12:34
Smellycrystal please use punctuation, i have to use my entire daily allotment of brain power reading your commentsgas if abused removes all of pyro's weaknesses, ie ammo, long range combat and general squishiness and encourages a very passive playstyle wherein the player only uses their flamer to recharge gas. so they are useless against giants and tanks, 2 things pyro can excel at with a minimum of skill requiredhigh tour gas is ok it's just 90% of the randoms that use gas are only useful for crowd control at best and actively detrimental at worst2020-11-30 14:41:00
CrystalStarLightok i feel u on that one when they ask for a heavy and i just sit there get like 5 shots in and its dead what im i even doing here to tell them hey ur doing a good job and how would u play pyro?2020-11-30 13:58:46
Smellytbh I don't dislike gas that much I just dislike that it is so easy to use and most of the random low tour pyros are completely dependent on it for damage and have no idea how to actually play pyro effectively. I'd rather play with a gas pyro than a good demo, at least the pyro leaves the giants for me to kill2020-11-30 11:00:51
RedbonkyBonk! Atomic Punch - Cherry Fission is bad while we're on the topic of bad ♥♥♥♥2020-11-30 04:43:27
CrystalStarLightbad but not the worst demo does a better job since he can do both gaint and small medics2020-11-29 19:31:48
Smellygas bad2020-11-29 17:26:33
CrystalStarLightand i have also come to say yes now is the time to get up form sitting down smelly u where right if thats what u wanted me to say i kinda forgot lol2020-11-29 15:25:38
CrystalStarLighti mean looks like he was in a mvm match left/got kicked tho im not here to take sides plus i can see why gas passer isnt the best tho it isnt the worst2020-11-29 15:22:27
RedbonkyWdym Crystal2020-11-29 14:18:32
CrystalStarLightwow u sure got a handfull here smelly2020-11-29 14:15:42
Redbonkyyou didn't tho2020-11-27 11:31:02
SmellyU remove me ape after I teach you to play spy :(2020-11-27 10:43:10
RedbonkyCocaine double-digit IQ is not equivalent to tryharding, and none of them are at fault, 1 person being "bad" isn't gonna mean you're gonna lose,2020-11-27 05:13:42
RedbonkyAt least 1 due to the simple fact that TF2 isn't ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Counter Strike and I'm assuming you were in said lobby2020-11-26 03:23:57
Certified Komsomol FemboyAll 6 people in a Mann Up lobby have bought tickets. If 5 of them actually want to progress, and one of them is messing around, how many players should be kicked?A. 1B. 3C. 2D. 52020-11-26 00:04:49
Co-Kain VEVOAll 6 people in a Mann Up lobby will have bought tickets. If 5 of them actually want to progress and the sixth is being a sperg with their spec ks strange degreaser and max airblast upgrades then who is to say the other 5 players are the ones at fault? We "gatekeep" MvM to keep awful players and trolls from ruining the experience for anyone with double digit IQ or higher2020-11-25 20:33:15
Smellyok what about it2020-11-25 14:16:03
#J4G"The fact that you paid for a ticket does not entitle you to play however you want" OMEGALUL2020-11-25 13:37:35
Redbonky??2020-11-25 12:22:05
SmellyI keep getting pills stuck in my nose on account of my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up sinuses, it is very unpleasant and I can taste them melt and drip down my throat2020-11-25 12:16:08
Redbonkywe're not frned anymore (ignore the fact that gas passant isn't even in any of my pyro builds)2020-11-25 12:10:32
Redbonkyomae wa mo... SHINDEIRU2020-11-25 12:08:56
Smellybecause i dislike gas2020-11-25 12:03:46
RedbonkyHOW DARE YOU BE CALLED GAS DISLIKER D:<2020-11-25 11:48:50
Redbonkyhow do you attack someone who has left2020-11-25 04:57:20
Co-Kain VEVO>makes an effort to attack someone who simply left because the team was bad>le meme arrowsNot sure smelly can recover from this :///2020-11-25 03:06:48
DOOM Slayer>gets upset about gas passer>instantly leaves when everyone disagrees>we're already on wave 5yeah ok2020-11-24 23:28:32
CrystalStarLighti see welp im not getting involved just wanted to know2020-11-24 18:59:14
Smellyyou guessed it. veggie couldn't press f4 because demo boyfriend needs precious pre-round crickies2020-11-24 18:55:00
CrystalStarLightmvm disagreement?2020-11-24 18:52:49
SmellyAt least I'm not a pu$$y that deletes comments! Shouldn't bother you if it isn't true!2020-11-24 15:54:41
Mindkek- rep useless trash2020-11-24 12:15:05
Releera+rep for making life less painful2020-11-23 20:55:19
CrystalStarLightthanks lad was looking for that line for a while gotta wait now for what idk2020-11-23 19:11:55
Baumber:)2020-11-23 13:35:13
Smellyjean luc picard's mouth is much much bigger than his brain2020-11-23 13:26:28
Redbonkyoh yeah Jean-Luc Picard, that guy i met on KAG2020-11-23 13:19:14
ImazéJean-Luc Picard : u guys ttaco bot group2020-11-23 12:28:04
Smellymore of a bump guy2020-11-23 11:10:50
Redbonkyo ok, here is the line: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------2020-11-23 05:31:46
CrystalStarLighti didnt? also hey smelly how bigs the line man or better yet where is the line?2020-11-23 05:00:35
value engineerThank you!2020-11-22 12:55:47
RedbonkyWAIT WHY IS CRYSTAL AGREEING WITH SMELLY *Audible Confusion*2020-11-22 03:29:38
Zab+big rep An actuall helpful Person that isn't toxic, or sacastic for that matter.2020-11-21 16:41:40
-Rouxx--rep toxic bastard2020-11-21 15:20:11
CrystalStarLightthere was tho but guess everyone in taco forgets about it like that 1 awkard time u had at that 1 party2020-11-21 14:20:59
Smellythere never have been and most likely never will be retry bots2020-11-21 14:19:33
CrystalStarLightthey did have the retry spam bots back then and a couple retry bots have popped up so taco might get called out for that not saying they are the reason tho2020-11-21 14:05:39
Smellysome of them are bad some of the time but I was just making fun of the mass hysteria surrounding tacobot2020-11-21 13:46:26
RedbonkyAre we the bad guys?2020-11-21 13:33:55
Redbonkybut... I THOUGHT MEXICAN FOOD ROBOTS WERE BAD?!2020-11-21 13:32:58
Smellythanks2020-11-21 12:58:51
Bill Gaitherhttps://mapchart.net/world.html2020-11-21 12:15:00
Smellysnuuut is most definitely not on my side lol but I think we are more alike than he realizes2020-11-21 11:59:54
SmellyI am a taco butt, the guide was a gag2020-11-21 11:59:13
Redbonky(Also I am very confused which side you are on Snuuut, you're saying bad ♥♥♥♥ about mexican food robots so I'm pretty sure you're on Smelly's side but you also said "i met the smelly | mexicanfoodrobot.tf clown" so I am very confusion)2020-11-21 11:53:55
RedbonkyDude, get some self esteem, you're more than a mexican food robot clown Snuut!You're the whole circus!Edited it to be better2020-11-21 11:52:18
SmellyThank you snuuut2020-11-21 11:10:50
RedbonkyWait why tf is a mexican food robot agreeing with Smelly?2020-11-21 04:53:40
Co-Kain VEVOThat's ape speech Crystal2020-11-21 04:14:35
Co-Kain VEVOYou said something but it sure as hell isn't english2020-11-21 04:14:22
CrystalStarLighti just said it2020-11-20 19:07:46
Smellycome again?2020-11-20 18:29:31
CrystalStarLighttelling2020-11-20 18:16:35
CrystalStarLightwell tell people or in ur words giving advise/tips u dont do it in a kind way u say no and thats pretty much it if u asked and gave them a reason why they would take it hell ik i would2020-11-20 18:16:17
CrystalStarLightoh i see2020-11-20 18:15:13
SmellyI'm the one being harassed here2020-11-20 18:13:46
CrystalStarLightharrasing more people?2020-11-20 18:10:22
Smellycomment deleting pu$$y2020-11-20 17:53:50
Sumrexlol what a guy2020-11-20 17:51:08
RedbonkyBut snuuut lost like a month ago, how did it just win2020-11-20 03:34:19
Smellysnuuut 1 tacobot clowns 02020-11-19 13:33:34
Redbonkyunsure which of us just had a stroke2020-11-18 03:35:37
CrystalStarLightbtw what happned to ur mvm list lol how are people gonna know how u want to play how u want to force people to play how u tell them ur a gift to the mvm commuity and how as soon as u join everyones gotta stfu like ur a war vet lol?2020-11-18 03:05:42
Human &quot;O&quot;competent player, atleast in mvm, however an extreme ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, stereotypical scunt, I advise muting when paired in a lobby with this guy2020-11-17 13:25:27
Redbonky+rep unsure how but has all his braincells intact even though he's a huge toxicity magnet2020-11-15 03:49:17
Duckeno idea what you're talking about..2020-11-15 02:12:31
Smellysays the man that has to use aimbot to hit heads that move slowly in straight lines2020-11-14 22:48:08
Ducke-rep crybaby2020-11-14 18:36:24
CrystalStarLightstill waiting man dam this is a long line2020-11-14 16:30:46
Bobwe didnt lose :D mad kiddo2020-11-14 13:09:20
Redbonky2BIT infant.tzr pogchamp2020-11-14 13:09:16
CrystalStarLightstill waiting2020-11-14 12:47:57
Smellytoxic = spoonfeeding advice to vegetable randoms so they can win then getting mad when they ignore you and blame you for playing sniper when they lose2020-11-14 12:43:40
Bobthis kid is so toxic i feel sorry for hes parents how did they raised this salty kid ?2020-11-14 12:37:07
Redbonkyheheeeey boii2020-11-14 12:18:59
Redbonkystill waiting for YOU2020-11-14 12:18:49
CrystalStarLighthell yea still waiting bro2020-11-14 11:26:22
Redbonkystill waiting2020-11-14 03:46:10
RedbonkyIt is.. Probably2020-11-14 03:45:59
RedbonkyIs it?2020-11-14 03:42:50
CrystalStarLighthey is this the still waiting line?2020-11-14 02:34:55
Smellyno im not ok i am deeply troubled2020-11-13 13:22:26
Smellyadd me i will teach you whatever you want if you listen2020-11-13 13:22:18
Redbonkyalso can you teach me how to commit french weaboo2020-11-13 13:20:41
Redbonkyyou ok?2020-11-13 13:19:28
RedbonkyWhat2020-11-13 13:18:26
Smellypeanut gallery2020-11-13 13:16:51
RedbonkyAnd also yes, you can definitely get all of the V-Bucks as scout without getting your french weaboo killed in the process2020-11-13 12:35:29
Redbonky*spy sounds kinda bad in MvM2020-11-13 12:32:17
RedbonkyJust read through all dis and I think that all of y'all are being too toxic to each other, just chill, especially Snuuut, spy kinda bad in MvM, you just run behind bots with -189 iq and backstab them, sounds like you can't really be terrible or amazing, so both of you are kind of wrong ~ 『PEPSIMAN』, your local Pybro2020-11-13 12:31:37
RedbonkyOOOOOOOOOO SICK BURN DUDE2020-11-13 12:25:05
SmellyAh snuuut I was starting to get worried, I hadn't heard from you in a while. If you accept my friend request I can show you just how terrible I am2020-11-12 19:34:47
SmellySo you admit that you have a poor understanding of MvM, but I'm somehow in the wrong for kicking you when YOU are the one that didn't bother learning to play?2020-11-12 16:43:39
SmellyI do have fun. Like a typical arrogant low-tour jackass you are unwilling to even consider what I am saying. You can very easily play scout and get all the money without getting your spy killed. Just don't go behind the robots I'm trying to stab, it's that simple.2020-11-12 16:40:56
qGabri3lAnd btw, I was looking through your comments and i'm not the only one saying this. As someone else said it "You're just a toxic person who took this game too seriously"One tip from me, just have fun!2020-11-12 15:00:01
qGabri3lSo, just to understand...me as a scout, collecting money, is my fault that you died like a dumbass killed by a robot? Is it? Yes, i do have poor understanding of that gamemode, sorry for not having hundreds of dollars to buy tickets so i can understand it. Next time please take a moment and think about it. I have 50 tours but that doesn t mean you can kick me. Thank you "high tour guy rage quiting"!2020-11-12 14:54:21
SmellyPlaying advanced Mann Up with such poor understanding of the gamemode that you think continuously and deliberately getting your spy killed is no reason? That's embarassing... why would you even do that?2020-11-12 14:41:37
qGabri3lKicking players for no reason? That's embarassing... why would you even do that?2020-11-12 14:35:12
SmellyWhat?2020-11-12 11:28:33
Redbonkyi saw your guide about the most supreme ways to avoid tacobots, and I must say, TRR can die and also PEPSIMAAAAAN (If my name is not currently Pepsiman I used to be called Pepsiman)2020-11-12 07:43:14
7♥♥♥♥♥♥ xPert ツ: kick pyro or no carry2020-11-11 17:22:13
シーポンタンf1 f4 nice mvm player !2020-11-10 20:17:50
TheWanderingTradesmanHey guys fun fact he's a nerd2020-11-09 14:39:43
xX_Am0nGu3_XxHey guys fun fact he's a tacobot.tf kicker2020-11-06 15:24:09
Acedia &amp; Vaingloryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPultfTW1Es add me to the hall of retardation sexy boy2020-11-06 14:40:33
Brocken Jr.please add me to the hall of retardation2020-11-06 13:23:45
SmellyHow can you simultaneously believe that I am toxic for telling you not to play pyro, then shutting up and carrying you when I realize when you aren't gonna listen, but you "just want to have fun" when you kick me for playing classes you don't like? And thanks for letting me know the rest of the idiots in that lobby were with you, now I know to watch out for all of them.2020-11-06 10:52:15
CrystalStarLightso who really sounds like there the 1 trying to force people to play there way me who couldnt give a ♥♥♥♥ what class u picked or him the high tour with a bunch of rules like he owns mvm like hes a gift to it2020-11-06 00:10:16
CrystalStarLightdude dont even go there he started this ♥♥♥♥ dont get into ♥♥♥♥ when u got no idea what happned and sure u can say that i dont like to be told what to do but if people ask me normally and not just no and no awnser and plus i was with my freinds we had a 5 man group we all had are classes and then he pops in and no he did that trying to call the shots we ask him nicely to go medic he didnt listen so the group choise to kick him he was demo then spy and mvm is about having fun how are low tours gonna learn if every high tour kicks them for trying to learn the ropes ik thats besides the point but still u got no idea how it all whent down so why even get involved this had nothing to do with u2020-11-06 00:00:00
BIDEN DEEZ NUTSHonestly, it sounds more like you queued in, tried to call the shots, and when that failed, you cleaned house to avoid dealing with the fact that you're an idiot. If you can put up better damage numbers than Smelly, then you can start telling lobbies what to do. However, it sounds like you learned an important lesson today about kicking people wrongly. And if you didn't now, trust me, you will learn in the future when you are the subject of many more vote kicks for your asinine behavior.2020-11-05 17:58:24
BIDEN DEEZ NUTSSo let me get this straight, Crystal: You call smelly a try hard because he plays a lot of mvm, don't contribute to your team at all, and just because you don't like being told what to do, you make all this racket after kicking him. I'm sorry that your personal issues prevent you from being able to maturely handle more experienced players giving you advice, but that doesn't mean you should take it out on the better players. It's nobody's fault but your own that you handled the situation like this. You kicked someone with more skill in their pinky finger than you have in your entire body, what did you expect, a gift card?2020-11-05 17:54:48
SmellyI didn't ask about my profile. That's beside the point. I think you are just dodging my question because you know you are full of sh!t. So once again: YOU tell me what class to play, YOU blame me for your incompetence, YOU kick me for playing a class I personally enjoy but you don't like, and I am the tryhard taking the game too seriously?Answer the question.2020-11-05 17:20:11
CrystalStarLightgrow up2020-11-05 17:17:53
CrystalStarLightyes u do everyone who looks at ur pf will see that u got rules for mvm and they all make u seem like a full on tryhard and that u think ur a gift to be given but ur not we play the game how we want we enjoy to play the way we want not everyone will bow down to ur play style so suck it up and stop forceing people to play ur way ur not a gift to mvm no one is2020-11-05 17:17:16
Smellyso just to clarify- YOU tell me what class to play, YOU blame me for your incompetence, YOU kick me for playing a class I personally enjoy but you don't like, and I am the tryhard taking the game too seriously?2020-11-05 17:08:01
CrystalStarLightwe where ur just a tryhard who takes a fun game to seriosly2020-11-05 16:57:29
SmellySomebody has to kill the robots. No point in reviving teammates if none of them are doing any damage.2020-11-05 16:15:28
Wolf BattlebladeIts Mann up Smelly, you work together, it doesint mean ignoring your teammates2020-11-05 15:38:24
SmellyBecause it's not my responsibility to be your safety net? You are acting as if medic is a necessity. Just learn how to not die, it really isn't hard.2020-11-05 15:36:58
CrystalStarLightwe asked u to go medic u just ignored us2020-11-05 15:32:00
Smellydo you...do you not see the irony here? you demand I devote my entire game to cleaning up my teammates mistakes and when I refuse I'm selfish?2020-11-05 15:22:51
CrystalStarLightyup becuse u dont give a ♥♥♥♥ about anyone but urself2020-11-05 14:29:01
Smellyyou kick me for refusing to play medic to keep your useless ass alive and I'm the fun police?2020-11-05 13:47:05
CrystalStarLight-rep lol delete it becuse mr king of tf2 ur not gods gift to mvm get over urself mr high tour2020-11-05 13:46:39
CrystalStarLight-rep fun police mvm2020-11-05 13:42:24
Baumber+rep Gave really good advice for MvM2020-11-04 19:52:03
master cheef-rep is gay2020-11-03 21:05:23
Mitch McConnell, Elder Demon- rep spams racist slurs like a 13 year old2020-11-03 20:29:08
Bridge Turbine10/10 Guide Would Read again2020-11-03 18:23:05
Smelly1- you begin criticizing my class choice before the game even started despite having little experience in MvM2- the entire game you were spinning bots when I was trying to stab, something that is very easy NOT to do3- you ignored repeated requests from multiple teammates to be aware of your positioning so I could more reliably kill meds and giants4- you did under 10k damage the entire gamePlease tell me how I am the toxic and annoying one2020-11-03 17:02:53
master cheefyou gave no advice you were just toxic and annoying all game2020-11-03 16:13:30
SmellyBut I figure you are just a typical low-tour know-it-all that refuses to listen to advice2020-11-03 15:17:12
SmellyI'd love to hear you explain in detail what I said that you disagree with and why2020-11-03 15:16:45
master cheef-rep trash can tf2 player dosent know what hes talking about2020-11-03 15:09:07
Sandpatch B &gt; Keys 1.76$hey ive got the last Hellfire stately steel toe in an active bp and was wondering if you were interested2020-11-02 07:57:49
ffcci like your cut g2020-11-01 19:19:22
ffcc+rep g2020-11-01 18:56:44
Dan-rep idot2020-10-30 17:58:18
gegehey is that toe with demonflame for sale? if it is could you write me the price of it in my comments. have a nice day2020-10-28 17:15:41
skateboard yogaeasiest kick of my life2020-10-28 13:16:47
GigaChad´s Grandsonyeah it isand ur welcome2020-10-27 11:58:16
SmellyYou are first person to thank me for that, gratitude is a virtue2020-10-27 11:16:38
GigaChad´s GrandsonI meant the link at the bottom of your info box lmao2020-10-27 10:05:41
torture my cock and balls pleasethe quit mvm, new players will never leave mann up, new players day by day over and over again, or just cry forever, ggs2020-10-27 00:45:46
Smellyfunny how the people that complain the most about missed money have no idea how to spend it2020-10-26 19:11:32
GigaChad´s Grandsonthx for the free hats2020-10-26 16:05:58
Smelly♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ snuuut just add me already so we can play together and blow eachother...'s minds with how good we are2020-10-26 15:01:28
SmellyThose people belong in boot camp, I will not have mercy on idiots that q into an advanced mission expecting to be carried when they can't even do the basics.2020-10-26 14:47:26
torture my cock and balls pleasei like good upgrades and those kinda stuff we know as much as you, but if you're going to play this game also pay for it you gotta be aware already that there are so many new people/who can't listen to orders or just people that don't know how to play as you can find people up to play and listen, not everyone has to be perfect if you dont like the people you joined just leave the damn game, why would you stay if you dont like it, you play this game but u can't afford other people just because everyone has to be like you, the ♥♥♥♥, you should grow up some mentally, don't play if you're gonna argue/cry like that every server you join in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h3Zx4bV0RE2020-10-26 00:07:36
SmellyI didn't even retry spam you2020-10-26 00:00:10
torture my cock and balls pleaseGot replaced for acting cringe as his friends say, bad retryspammer :L2020-10-25 23:43:53
Smellydamn right2020-10-24 14:26:06
gamer481Rule 2.Loot is the only thing that matters.2020-10-24 13:32:08
Smellymake me an offer i cant refuse2020-10-24 00:05:17
iVKazhow much for the poop hat2020-10-23 22:54:31
Smellycan I give you some money or rub your feet maybe? it would be an honor2020-10-23 18:05:54
Smellysorry Mr. Snuuut you caught me, it was lies, all of it, it was actually me that is terrible, you are right, please accept my friend request so you can teach me how to play2020-10-23 17:56:17
Smellyok mr 17k damage2020-10-23 16:46:37
WrayderNation@TMi wont, and dont have to carry mouthy little turds , like you.2020-10-23 16:44:50
WrayderNation@TMLoser.2020-10-23 16:43:38
SmellyDo you not see the irony in complaining about people wasting your time in a video game when you are deliberately delaying the start of the game? It's a GAME. Played by most people for FUN. But I also understand that it is a paid, cooperative gamemode with consequences for losing. All you have to do is respect other people's enjoyment of the game. If you want to retryspam an aimbotter, or an airblast spammer, or someone just refusing to cooperate, then knock yourself out, they violated this golden rule. The reason you don't retryspam people for not using the meta is the same reason that you don't spam knockback weapons, airblast, or use the gas--it ruins the game for other people. Some basic decency isn't asking too much is it?2020-10-22 17:53:38
unoriginalThe fact is by not using the meta your wasting people's time no matter how " good" it is.2020-10-22 17:17:34
SmellyI think you're greatly overestimating how difficult Two Cities is. Someone refusing to press F4 is preventing the entire team from playing. THAT is delaying a match. Someone using a non-meta (but still plenty viable) weapon does not negatively affect you in any way besides possibly giving you a couple more robots to kill. If you take issue with this then it reveals where your priorities lie, and you most likely have only a superficial understanding with the game mode. Matches with full meta setups are boring as hell--more or less the same game every time, with no challenge at all, basically a fight for who can kill the bots first when they drop down. I play MvM for fun, not for the loot or to watch my tour number go up, though it's certainly part of what keeps me coming back. If you want to grind tours then find five other people to q with that share your priorities. But I doubt you'll do that because you enjoy the drama and notoriety that comes with being "toxic," right?2020-10-22 17:13:27
unoriginalTheres a meta for a reason to not waste time. Do you like to delay matches? Is it ok to not f4 then?2020-10-22 16:48:09
SmellyThat's beside the point, you're just confirming my suspicions that you are indeed a meta nerd2020-10-22 16:47:07
Rat SandwichIt's pathetic how ur grownass has 3k hours in the game and defends huntsman sniper2020-10-22 16:46:12
unoriginalAre you denying that the huntsman is objectivly the worst primary for sniper? A vital upgrade is explosive head shot. Which you can't get with the huntsman.2020-10-22 16:40:15
SmellyComment below was not directed at you. I wasn't "defending an idle sniper." I was partied with him, like I do a lot, he had over 400 tours completed before resetting and has probably repeated as many. Keep in mind that you never even saw him play. Huntsman sniper is plenty effective when played properly. I've got nothing against booting useless players but retryspam is cancer and you are clearly just a dishonest loser that enjoys wasting people's time. And you weren't "throwing"- that implies we were reliant on you to complete the mission (botbash, ffs) which you apparently realized was not the case since you chose to retryspam instead, which achieves NOTHING except pissing people off, which I assume is how you get your kicks. There is nothing to "work out," I think you are an insufferable a$$hole and ostensibly an unskilled tour-grinding meta ♥♥♥♥, and you will remain on my kicklist.2020-10-22 16:39:53
unoriginalYour avoiding the fact you were defending an idle sniper. Which was what made us throw.Also neither me or ronald went pyro so I dont know why your making things up now2020-10-22 16:19:41
SmellyYes I am the one ruining the game for criticizing you for being completely useless, not you for deciding to switch off an essential class (engineer) to airblast gas pyro on a tank wave. STH 99%2020-10-22 16:01:22
HipsterH00vylmao tacobotr ruins the game2020-10-22 15:48:54
Rat Sandwichit's funny how ur in tacobot yet you're a little b1tch like the slow twinks that complain about tacobots2020-10-22 12:52:44
unoriginalAdding to discuss my placement on the kicklist, was hoping to work something out.2020-10-22 03:00:06
Smellyyes sir sorry my king2020-10-21 12:38:02
SmellySorry snuuuty I was trying to rejoin a different game, you know I would have stayed if I knew you were there. Now accept my friend request so we can extremely valuable and beautiful play gas pyro together2020-10-21 12:20:22
Smelly2502020-10-20 13:10:56
Velan+rep add me2020-10-19 09:44:21
Gold Titanium Sulfur Carbonmvm2020-10-18 19:02:08
SmellyBut I've already waited so long :(2020-10-16 23:05:13
Smellybecause I wanted to get your attention so I could tell you to accept it2020-10-16 20:35:02
*Waliaadded for trade2020-10-14 05:01:00
Smellydo you not see the irony in what you just posted2020-10-13 16:42:50
sandyou're a whiney ♥♥♥♥♥ I get getting notifications for your profile and all your messages are you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and complaining stop being a ♥♥♥♥♥2020-10-13 16:39:18
Jaèdbirds arent real2020-10-12 16:47:35
stop jurfin aroundDoes shoes you collect have a better personality than you2020-10-12 16:46:48
gamer481Rules1. No fun allowed.2020-10-11 00:33:54
Brünswick Eaglehehe f4 timer go brrr2020-10-10 13:37:27
bloatyi have a fart fetish2020-10-10 13:34:16
gamer481cant wait for the footage today! ill make sure to give you some REDDIt GOLD Frient :))2020-10-10 12:41:19
𝓧𝓮𝓞Oh. Kali is even here. Still waiting for reddit posts about me and Smelly :))2020-10-10 06:13:31
Sno-rep helped an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ inflate his ego by kicking someone who did nothing wrong.2020-10-09 23:14:30
nokiI am looking forward to that footage where he is stating racist stuff, since I know the guy better than you.You got salty at a high tour who was carrying you as he commented on a useless soldier. Cry all you want, but your footage will confirm all of this.BTW you posting it on a platform that nobody will care about AND keeping your comments closed just shows how insecure you are. Grow a pair :)2020-10-09 18:46:08
SmellyDo you think you could post it tonight? I can hardly wait.2020-10-09 18:45:28
SmellyMake sure you link me to it2020-10-09 18:44:37
nokiKali56 you only joined lobbies to insta pick engie, then leave instantly when there is another engie on the team. You did this twice before realizing that the carry you kicked was on the same lobby then pathetically called vote instantly.Get the hell out of my gamemode kid and never come back, with your sad excuse of "but he was toxic :(("2020-10-09 16:57:21
Smellykali56, get off my page, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I silent carry your useless ass the whole game until the soldier starts DELIBERATELY MAKING THE GAME HARDER, and you decide to side with him, and somehow I am the toxic one while you are refusing to crit and revive me because I don't tolerate trolls? And now you come to my comments to slander me because I called you out for being an entitled prick? Go ♥♥♥♥ yourself you dishonest ♥♥♥♥.2020-10-09 16:53:24
Straw ManImagine getting carried all the way to wave 6, kicking the demo that outdamaged everybody, then wasting energy posting petty false allegations on a Steam profile. In short, being, being a pathetic little worm like kali56.2020-10-09 16:52:22
TahahahahaGear down2020-10-09 12:57:13
NUTplus, on the whole gas passer thing, i agree its op, but that also makes it insanely good to use in mvm, if u put the recharge rate way up and max it out, you'd be doing a demomans job just as good if not better half the time if not more so then an actual pro demo main with the scottish resistence, as such people will continue to use it until valve randomly decides to nerf it, id say you cant really complain about people using it as it wont do anything to solve this "problem" you have,instead, complain to valve in support. furthermore to elaborate on my earlier comment, imagine if a game held your playtime hostage until you played precisely how it wanted you to, and every time you made one tiny mistep, you die instantly and then it happens over and over again until you are 100% precise,it would seem like the game is a huge waste of time and a rip-off correct?2020-10-09 12:51:20
NUT"there will always be people that believe it's their right to play however they want, to be as useless as they want, in a co-op gamemode just because they paid for a ticket." yes because otherwise if you forced them at say gunpoint to play how you wanted them to, they wouldint want to play anymore because a high tour player is bossing them around inside the lobby and they believe that it effectively holds their fun and enjoyment of MVM hostage unless they play 100% perfectly. nobody wants to go through that, thus whenever they encounter somebody on tacobot they spread the word that what i just described is going to happen regardless of what the map,difficulty, or the amount of players in the team is.2020-10-09 12:45:40
SmellyYou begged me to waste your time, I was only doing what you asked of me.2020-10-09 11:31:08
Smellystop stinking up my comment section dweeb2020-10-08 23:58:10
sandYou know what man, you just got me to change my mind about you, that was pretty funny. I'll see you in hell2020-10-08 23:45:20
SmellyDo you really think I would waste my time reading your comments? What you have to say means nothing to me because I know you're just some stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that wishes he was me. I KNOW that I am one of the nicest and best MvM players out there, and nothing some peabrained mongoloid such as yourself will make me feel any different.2020-10-08 22:58:59
sandYes I did read it, are you too dense to see I'm replying to it? It's funny you're fixating on it, makes me think you didn't bother reading my whole comment, how ironic. Your -rep comment doesn't matter to me anyways, its just an example of you being an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. What's with your ego problem man? You're always calling everyone an idiot, why? You think you're better than me because you have a lot of tours in mvm? Take a look at yourself man. You're a bad person and all you have to show for it is some tours, almost 4k hours in tf2, and a trade inventory. What happened to you? I looked through the comments on your profile, they used to be nice. Fix yourself man.2020-10-08 20:50:00
SmellyI felt the need to leave a -rep because you are precisely one of the idiots I described in my last paragraph, but I'm gonna assume you didn't even bother reading it.2020-10-08 20:28:20
sandOkay but you still felt the need to leave a -rep on my profile? When I was in the game for less than a minute? After cursing at me immediately upon joining? You're full of ♥♥♥♥. Everyone is calling you toxic because you are. I hope you learn some self awareness. Saying "I know I'm not an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" is a great way to show everyone that looks at your profile that you are delusional. You really think that other people are the problem? No, it's you2020-10-08 20:16:43
SmellyBecause MvM is full of entitled idiots that think my requests for them to change their playstyle to help the team is a personal attack/"toxicity." What you've heard is false, but most people would rather continue believing a lie than accept that they've been wrong, so I've just quit engaging with them for the most part. I know I'm not an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I know that the amount of bad players I carry to victory is far greater than the amount that I kick, and I know that regardless of how nicely I ask them to change, there will always be people that believe it's their right to play however they want, to be as useless as they want, in a co-op gamemode just because they paid for a ticket.2020-10-08 20:11:14
NUTi see where your coming from but why do you think half the comments section in this profile are telling you "stop being a high 1000+ tour elitist lol"? because you sound to them like a toxic prick who only cares about the amount of tours a person has and what weapon they must exactly have. from what ive heard if you dont have a meta weapon if they want one you will be outright kicked out immediatly from the match. and again, if you want tacobot.tf to sound any better to the community they themselves will have to refine/take down their tags/site or explain themselves via youtube/twitter/anything really.2020-10-08 17:48:10
Vee Nom-rep2020-10-07 22:43:32
sand-rep toxic for no reason stop being such a high tour elitist lmao2020-10-07 13:55:26
Co-Kain VEVOI suppose so, would be better to have decent players who can damage. Beats gas pyro but still your friend was being outfragged by a scout without any damage upgrades, so that's why the vote was called2020-10-03 20:21:49
SmellyI kick people if they make the game less fun for me. I couldn't care less if you are idle the whole game/bad as long as it doesn't interfere with my gameplay.2020-10-03 19:57:18
Co-Kain VEVOYeah it kinda does, thought you were a generic F2 ape. Don't tell me you're going back on your standards already, Tacobot has higher expectations than that2020-10-03 19:50:16
Smellydoesnt much matter does it?2020-10-03 19:11:55
Co-Kain VEVOif you're carrying an idle player just say so next time, we legit thought ur trader main friend was actually trying2020-10-03 18:59:51
gamer481-rep made bomb threat to my local burger king, causing it to temporarily close down when i really needed a damn wopper2020-09-29 16:57:45
Blade RunnerSure2020-09-28 15:31:36
fatjit452-rep insulted my gay furry anime pic :(((2020-09-27 18:01:38
gamer481+rep extremely friendly player, had our backs the whole time. Kept everyone together and helped us beat a really hard mvm mission. Without him we would have lost.2020-09-27 18:00:30
RikuI literally didnt shoot any uber medics and I had more damage then your garbage ass and I only joined on round 3. Then you started yelling the n word over and over like the racist piece of trash you are. So actually stfu because I dont respect you or anything a dumbass racist like you has to say.2020-09-26 15:08:48
Riku-rep An actual racist and piece of trash.2020-09-26 13:50:53
Reggievichoh he MAD mad2020-09-25 14:49:06
fatgo play with your entitled silverback gorilla friends instead of expecting people to play a certain way. actual filth, i hope someone eats your babies.2020-09-25 14:44:51
PerSixscammed me wtf2020-09-24 17:59:07
cotsstop being such a high-tour elitist lmao2020-09-24 16:50:13
gort♥♥♥♥ you and your 283 tours, hope you die in a car crash with your family :D!2020-09-24 16:36:43
chocomint icestop being such a high-tour elitist lmao2020-09-24 16:32:43
in the ballsstop being such a high-tour elitist lmao2020-09-24 16:32:40
IsAlinPrietenestop being such a high-tour elitist lmao2020-09-24 16:32:22
mihneastop being such a high-tour elitist lmao2020-09-24 16:30:47
♿ Brylan B. Woodswont stop having intercourse with my father2020-09-24 16:30:01
♿ Brylan B. Woodsdumb idiot2020-09-24 16:29:42
҉stop being such a high-tour elitist lmao2020-09-24 16:28:54
Oli B&gt;QS/BP/Bulk w/ 500+ keysHey, added because I was hoping you could help me get in contact with one of your friends who apparently blocked me at some point. I don't remember what happened, just have been a while ago, so I was hoping you could message me for him and ask him to unblock me2020-09-22 22:44:17
AppahGuess my comment didn't post earlier, mobile steam is weird. Just want to know if you'd consider parting with the strange unique beggars bazooka?2020-09-21 17:01:01
Kitty Thɘ Goblinepic mvm man i would love to spam mvm with you2020-09-20 20:44:48
Smellyturn your comments on pu$$y2020-09-18 16:58:39
TahahahahaIs it because he smells?2020-09-18 08:33:56
Scoottishcancer on society that should be removed when seen2020-09-18 07:43:59
nae nae babyfafafooey2020-09-14 20:18:10
nae nae babyfafafooey2020-09-14 20:18:08
nae nae babyfafafooey2020-09-14 20:18:06
nae nae babyfafafooey2020-09-14 20:18:05
nae nae babyfafafooey2020-09-14 20:18:02
nae nae babyfafafooey2020-09-14 20:18:00
Basicallybaba boi2020-09-14 20:16:17
Basicallybaba boi2020-09-14 20:16:15
Basicallybaba boi2020-09-14 20:16:10
Basicallybaba boi2020-09-14 20:15:58
Basicallybaba boi2020-09-14 20:15:54
Basicallybaba boi2020-09-14 20:15:50
weed cat-rep insufferable ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-09-14 20:14:19
Punchable Furrycool2020-09-13 16:08:47
🐷George🐷 DiscountingOof, was thinking about 50 pure huh, guess we cant work out2020-09-12 15:32:37
flarez+rep will carry in mecha and banter about snuuut2020-09-12 11:40:32
#J4GPlease add me. I have something important to tell you.....2020-09-11 17:03:56
🐷George🐷 Discountinghmm...Depends on how much2020-09-09 13:56:47
Nick Curhis brother2020-09-08 23:59:18
Patrickadded to trade2020-09-07 21:20:00
BBK-rep 12 year old with the smoothest brain2020-09-04 17:16:38
BBKa ♥♥♥♥♥♥ taco bot wannabe2020-09-03 17:53:33
SmellyYeah i gotchu bby2020-09-01 19:26:56
Beshmodirthe Flies headprize would go for around 316 in mixed unusuals or 280 in pure2020-08-24 15:33:07
midBunlucky2020-08-20 23:58:51
Smellymore like ego the size of the moon and skill level the size of your mom2020-08-15 19:13:00
Oshawott-rep, horrid scout, died a ton, says "dying is why he's good." an ego the size of the moon and the skill level the size of a pebble.2020-08-15 18:29:20
Smellysays the idle medic / gas pyro2020-08-14 18:55:56
Wok☣FeenAll skins no skill2020-08-14 18:33:15
Jakub-rep Dude do something with yourself, the fact that your life is worth the ♥♥♥♥ does not mean that you can compensate it in TF2, being toxic to everybody and acting like you are something more than others it's not the best way to do it, search therapy or some proffesional help, I wish you best luck....2020-08-05 03:25:21
Smellyjoke's on you i have way less than 1000 tours2020-08-05 00:41:27
Corgi-rep absolute mongrole, deserves to be castrated. kid probably scrolls through ♥♥♥♥♥ on the daily and probably keeps tacobot opened all day long keeping updated. someone do the TF2 community a favor and kill this man irl. wasted our time by complaining away from the beginning saying he was going to carry us whilst he was sitting in spawn the entire time, which we ended up kicking him twice until he couldn't join again.2020-08-04 16:08:23
LimeDogelli 7 hours ago-rep absolute mongrole, deserves to be castrated. kid probably scrolls through ♥♥♥♥♥ on the daily and probably keeps tacobot opened all day long keeping updated. someone do the TF2 community a favor and kill this man irl. wasted our time by complaining away from the beginning saying he was going to carry us whilst he was sitting in spawn the entire time, which we ended up kicking him twice until he couldn't join again.2020-08-04 04:41:37
BaklavaEnjoyer23elli 6 hours ago -rep absolute mongrole, deserves to be castrated. kid probably scrolls through ♥♥♥♥♥ on the daily and probably keeps tacobot opened all day long keeping updated. someone do the TF2 community a favor and kill this man irl. wasted our time by complaining away from the beginning saying he was going to carry us whilst he was sitting in spawn the entire time, which we ended up kicking him twice until he couldn't join again.2020-08-04 02:44:50
eli-rep absolute mongrole, deserves to be castrated. kid probably scrolls through 4chan on the daily and probably keeps tacobot opened all day long keeping updated. someone do the TF2 community a favor and kill this man irl. wasted our time by complaining away from the beginning saying he was going to carry us whilst he was sitting in spawn the entire time, which we ended up kicking him twice until he couldn't join again.2020-08-03 20:18:39
Smellyit's ok i snuuut i actually idled the whole game in your honor. thank you for your service2020-08-02 16:12:23
Uberjohnnyhorrible at mvm lulw2020-08-01 00:47:40
poopy12bad at mvm lol2020-08-01 00:46:28
festivneer-rep gay tacobot baby2020-07-31 16:31:08
xxx_birdwatcher420_xxxactual baby in mvm2020-07-30 23:22:09
AshannabudaAdded to ask a question.2020-07-30 19:09:37
trav+rep good company2020-07-29 20:33:35
TheWanderingTradesmanha ha funy word2020-07-26 00:02:25
The Strongest Man on EarthPrivate inventory. What do you expect? Auto decline these mofos for best.2020-07-25 22:23:33
Smellyi'm broke right now, add me and I'll hit you up when I get keys2020-07-24 14:40:20
The Strongest Man on EarthTrading Smoking Stately Steel Toe for the lowest price 7.5k. Send me the offer!2020-07-24 13:21:25
josabanksplayed a match of mvm with you, wanted to know what other minimalist strategies have been done.2020-07-21 21:36:11
zaza2knolife tacobot crybaby -rep2020-07-21 16:45:27
TheWanderingTradesmanplease I'd like a burger with extra burger and a side of ham. Hold the lettuce and and lettuce2020-07-15 18:41:03
SmellyBecause i shouldn't have to hand-pick players to have a game that isnt full of trolls2020-07-15 18:31:55
Myhtawhy don't you go play with all of your other tacobot butt buddies instead of ruining a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game mode you ♥♥♥♥♥2020-07-15 18:16:09
Iconic Black Babybraindead tacobot kicker2020-07-15 17:02:47
TheWanderingTradesmanStop being lazy and put me on your blacklist ♥♥♥♥♥2020-07-15 15:10:11
Smellylike rapunzel2020-07-15 15:08:04
Smellyi have very long and thick hair that would make you jealous i bet2020-07-15 15:07:56
TheWanderingTradesmanPut me on your damn tacobot blacklist you fat bald bastard2020-07-15 14:14:35
TheWanderingTradesmanI want a number #3, with a side of lettuce, but hold the cheese and add lettuce. I'd like a coke with extra lettuce2020-07-15 14:00:51
Smellywho are you people2020-07-15 12:41:17
jNovameatbal2020-07-15 03:24:23
Myhtamake the doritos tacos extra hard2020-07-15 03:21:34
Myhtacan i also get a Xtra Large baja blast with xtra baja in it. also a mcchicken and a wooper2020-07-15 03:19:41
TheWanderingTradesmanHmmg Im kinda cravin a Large Coke with some fries2020-07-15 03:19:21
Myhtayo can i get a bell beefer with 2 dorito locos tacos2020-07-15 03:18:57
TheWanderingTradesmanHey you're the taco bell order thing? Can I order a uh McChicken and Whooper?2020-07-15 03:14:36
jNovaYoure that taco bell thing right? Could you send me 2 dorito shell tacos please and a large baja blast2020-07-15 03:13:47
Myhtagod, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ knob, go get me a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ double taco bell cheese burger.2020-07-15 03:11:09
TheWanderingTradesmanPut me on your tacobot blacklist you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ knob2020-07-15 03:00:59
yoshi-rep2020-07-14 13:16:55
SnifferThere is 1 for sale on classifieds for 90 keys maybe try them2020-07-11 04:45:00
SnifferNa sorry bud in a triple set at the minute2020-07-11 04:41:03
Dellsationaln i g g e r s don't leave mvm2020-07-10 15:00:29
The Possum-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-07-07 18:21:10
Stuperfox1200 tours total to get a pan. Creamy is at 4500 tours and no pan. He had to buy mine2020-07-07 13:31:11
Smellyyou are good at winning pans yeah2020-07-07 13:22:50
StuperfoxBecause I am bad at everything.2020-07-06 21:37:27
StuperfoxI am bad at it though2020-07-06 01:37:43
H A M-rep foot fetish2020-06-30 13:09:02
Gibus Bin-rep stupid2020-06-29 17:51:13
gamer481-rep smells bad2020-06-29 14:55:24
GopherPics+rep smells good2020-06-28 21:09:00
BaklavaEnjoyer23+rep uses gas2020-06-28 16:26:44
yoshi-rep2020-06-27 20:02:04
Cinnabar-rep angry toxic2020-06-25 16:30:34
(JerkZerk) ZillaGod-rep "smelly : i will not play with gas"lol, ok fun police2020-06-24 22:22:11
Raef1 or no game - smelly>smelly proceeds to get kicked-rep toxicicty2020-06-24 22:21:40
TheLokoWuaka"Come back and cry when you aren't ♥♥♥♥" mmmmmm kind of ironic since i am playing to get better and you are there to vote kick me. lol. I am pretty sure you were the first one crying. Since you vk me :) Even if the reasoning behind the kick is wrong and toxic?2020-06-22 18:15:11
SmellyIf the kick passes, then I have a right to kick you. Come back and cry when you aren't ♥♥♥♥.2020-06-22 17:59:50
TheLokoWuakaWhat do you mean No, I said i missed money. Maybe I did mess up one time on getting money doesn't mean you have the right to kick someone for it, I have only 5 tours too. Just because your standards are high because of your over 100+ tours. Doesn't mean you apply them to new mvm players. It really shows how toxic and disappointing experience tour players are. Yall were complaining about it and name calling me so I restarted the map. And what do you mean MY it is literally a co-op you are just so full of yourself.2020-06-22 17:36:02
SmellyNo, I kicked you because you lost 140+ wave one and failed to kill snipers. You want a spot in my game, you earn it.2020-06-22 17:30:12
TheLokoWuaka-rep kicked me cause i missed money in mvm2020-06-22 16:50:54
Swkuhn-rep game crashed and proceeded to finish the mvm match without me >:(2020-06-21 22:54:06
gamer-rep retried mvm and constantly joined back because i was using the gas passer2020-06-21 20:14:03
PurpleFlux-rep annoying kid with 200 tours who thinks he's a god2020-06-18 17:26:08
SmellyYou were repeatedly warned that you would be kicked if you did not press F4 quickly. You consistently kept us waiting, so you were kicked. I'm not sure how that's "no reason."2020-06-18 17:11:32
H A M-rep is pedo2020-06-08 15:23:22
Bill GaitherI unfriended you? Wtf2020-06-08 15:08:29
LimeDogwhy the un-add? I thought we were pallys :(2020-06-06 22:32:43
Smokiocucked by a single pyro...2020-06-05 16:56:46
fish kidHowdy, adding to negotiate something on MP.tf :))2020-06-02 21:04:16
>your crewbeing the pet mouthy child doesn't make you a gang leader l m f a o2020-05-29 11:38:36
Smellynever said it was. F42020-05-28 22:14:34
claymoreits MvM, its not even difficult bro.. not much of a skill gap, all you have to do is know which upgrades to get and shoot bots.. its BOTS bro.. its not hard2020-05-28 22:05:38
claymorei never said i wanted to play second medic, i said multiple times that i wanted the med to switch so i could play medic because my frames are bad in MvM.. lmao but you wouldnt talk to me like an adult and would rather act like a child2020-05-28 20:10:31
claymorethats a nice artwork showcase, good movie ill give you that but holy sh!t yall are the most short bus riding, antisocial n!ggas ever hahaha yall get so mad for no reason lmao i know yall all got bullied PE class for not being able to do a single pullup2020-05-28 19:22:17
Marsyo i have a question about your buy offer for the misty skull el jefe2020-05-26 17:49:23
I am the one who knocks.Then why are you complaining?2020-05-26 04:24:01
DuccLol, as if i would ever play with one of you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-05-26 03:40:14
SmellyWelcome to kicklist, can't wait until you meet me or my crew again2020-05-25 23:31:26
Your whole profile comment section is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on you for being an awful person, jesusThey shoulda went harder2020-05-25 22:33:15
DuccOh, i thought you did exactly that. At least you're wasting your money with annoying players with your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ attitude2020-05-24 13:56:41
Smellyimagine playing mvm for loot2020-05-24 13:49:51
DuccGlad to see you wasting your money with mvm, you could buy those australiums and it'd be cheaper almost all of the time unless you find one on your second tour like me2020-05-24 13:24:16
Smellyas strong as ever2020-05-24 12:40:12
DuccHow's tacobot.tf going along ape?2020-05-24 11:56:05
Duccimagine getting salty at someone that plays a game different than you2020-05-24 10:51:14
Ultimagamer-rep toxic mvm player2020-05-23 22:48:29
Legendary CollektorHows the tacobot.tf work coming along?still offline to me (:2020-05-20 16:31:44
RobiAdd me +rep2020-05-18 19:45:29
Legendary Collektortell your buddy demopan to unblock me else he's an ape (:2020-05-15 11:47:55
prometheus** Imagine trying to keep a game alive but the devs don't even want to work on it anymore. **2020-05-15 10:15:04
Legendary Collektorimagine trying to keep alive a game the devs don't even want to work on anymore.2020-05-14 23:33:18
trsgrbut smelly tf2 isnt dying cause of retarded friendlies or conga idiots, its dying cause of us, trying to improve everything of the game2020-05-13 21:15:47
Smellyyou're free to play the game how you want and so am I. If you choose to use gas then I choose to idle. Imagine getting salty at people for playing the game a way you personally don't like2020-05-13 18:06:04
Wheathinsimagine getting salty at people for playing the game a way you personally don't like your part of the reason tf2 is dying2020-05-13 16:39:49
Smellyyeah your mom is much better2020-05-12 18:17:56
I am the one who knocks.Imagine being this butthurt for a group that just publicly ashames people for playing ♥♥♥♥. Well, good luck on your little journey to dox them. also "vpn exists im safe" lol you should just know how wrong you are with that.2020-05-12 03:10:55
Legendary CollektorI'm sorry you experienced that :(2020-05-12 00:23:52
SmellyBeing able to suck your own dong is pretty disappointing, I promise2020-05-11 23:21:15
Legendary Collektorno u2020-05-11 22:26:35
SmellyLick and Suck my D ick2020-05-11 21:55:18
Legendary Collektorno LSD?2020-05-11 21:48:57
SmellyPreferably heroin and weed2020-05-11 20:59:26
Legendary CollektorVPNs also exist - I'm safe :)2020-05-11 20:42:10
Legendary CollektorI can do quite a bit tbhI can use their address on sites like silk road and send illegal drugs to their house, have them SWATedthere's a lot.2020-05-11 20:42:02
Smellythis is rather amusing2020-05-11 18:04:07
I am the one who knocks.And? No one cares if you get their personal information. You do nothing with them, right?2020-05-11 14:36:07
Legendary Collektorwhois has given me their registrarI've been in contact with them as well as the Courts in the Bahamas. Turns out you can digitally submit claims to their courts.With a court order, and since these fools are dumb enough to broadcast their website to the world, I can get a court order from the Bahamas to force their registrar to reveal their dox.2020-05-11 14:10:24
I am the one who knocks.Collektor, yeah we get it, tacobot.tf bad. But who tf wants to dox them? And not like whois is going to get you far with your "dox". ♥♥♥♥ off, you are more shameful than those tacobot.tf members2020-05-11 03:04:16
Legendary Collektorhttps://www.whois.com/whois/tacobot.tf be a shame if someone made contact with your registrar2020-05-10 22:58:56
Legendary CollektorI'm not here because of dewill by the wayI'm acquiring dox to those who connected to tacobot.tfwe'll see how far it gets ;)2020-05-10 22:55:59
Legendary CollektorNo u2020-05-10 11:57:57
Balls Inspector (Official)-rep, ape2020-05-08 17:50:51
OwOitsurmom-rep, ape2020-05-08 13:00:22
Legendary Collektorhttps://tacobot.tf/ damn ya'll hiding aren't ya?scared?2020-05-08 12:11:30
Legendary CollektorC ock and ball torture (CBT) is a sexual activity involving application of pain or constriction to the male genitals. This may involve directly painful activities, such as wax play, genital spanking, squeezing, ball-busting, genital flogging, urethral play, tickle torture, erotic electrostimulation or even kicking.[1] The recipient of such activities may receive direct physical pleasure via masochism, or emotional pleasure through erotic humiliation, or knowledge that the play is pleasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these practices carry significant health risks.2020-05-08 12:10:25
FriendlyMurcAdded regarding me giving a free poster, for detail purposes2020-05-07 16:19:35
Dante (Burza)There's a lot of reasons why ewja is on tacobot, you'll find out sooner or later2020-05-06 16:51:13
🐷George🐷 DiscountingNah2020-05-05 22:09:04
LawlessCherrygo kys :)2020-05-05 10:39:04
Legendary Collektor♥♥♥♥ and ball torture (CBT) is a sexual activity involving application of pain or constriction to the male genitals. This may involve directly painful activities, such as wax play, genital spanking, squeezing, ball-busting, genital flogging, urethral play, tickle torture, erotic electrostimulation or even kicking.[1] The recipient of such activities may receive direct physical pleasure via masochism, or emotional pleasure through erotic humiliation, or knowledge that the play is pleasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these practices carry significant health risks.2020-05-04 21:47:36
Legendary Collektor♥♥♥♥ and ball torture :)2020-05-04 21:46:39
NUTbut, the tags i listed can be viable reasons for kicking IF and only IF they refuse to listen or wont change, those can be again reasons to boot someone out of the match, but some of the reasons are not needed like at all XD2020-05-04 20:07:30
NUTlike, cant they just be informed of mvm guides by Youtubers? cause calling them an ape,slave,♥♥♥♥♥♥/anything wont teach them any lessons that actually matter, if anything its going to cause them to likely leave the game entirely and never play it again because of the toxicness they experianced, or cause them to hate mvm entirely2020-05-04 20:06:23
NUTUsing a knockback rage upgrade as heavy or a knockback weapon to troll or delay the game.leavermeta: asking for meta setups when not neededmiss money: get a subpar money rating in a normal lobbynot buying the 2-way teleporter upgrade early on as an engineer.no communicator: doesn't listen or communicate to the teamNo Kritz: more severe than an idle medic, never uses kritzkreig charges.pedophilepopping meds: making uber medics trigger ubercharge in an unwanted way.retry: unauthorized usage of the retry console commandshoot buster: the unauthorized shooting of sentry busterssmartasssnipe games: leaves games in order to find ones that are in progress regularlyspread stickies: lacks positional awareness and spreading crit stickies by getting hit by blast damage near themtacohate:argues over tacobottrader: idling due to trading in-gametrash talktroll2020-05-04 20:04:36
NUTarguingbad upgradescheaterf1: vote kicks or agrees to vote to kick the wrong personf2: not agreeing on a votegas: using the gas passer (how is the gas passer op in mvm currently?)idle: never presses f4 after 30 seconds or does subpar damage. (why? how do you expect people to act when you demand they ready up in not even a minute? lol)idle medic: a medic not using the canteen specialist upgrade in a competent lobbykid2020-05-04 20:04:27
NUTHeres my question, why is tacobot.tf so intent on naming and shaming people who dont play 100% EXACTLY like you demand them to, then make a bot that breaks the tos of valve by trying to retryspam all across their servers? im curious. because as a player, ive never wanted to play mvm because of the fact i dont have any tours and that instantly makes me somehow a part of another persons ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.i even compiled a list of terms and stuff from the sites tags.2020-05-04 20:01:14
Donowatacobot more like cacabot2020-05-04 11:53:54
Legendary Collektorimagine being this dedicated to a dying game lol2020-05-03 20:56:34
The Hero N.+rep found him on tacobot, look like he's a good player2020-05-03 19:53:38
kennedyhmm tacobot bad.2020-05-03 18:08:32
Oshul-rep for taking part in the tacobot.tf website2020-05-03 08:48:54
'Moke WeedIt's about to get bananas in hereHey, look at that ape over there bathingBanana Zoo, ooh, babyDo what you wanna doBanana Zoo, ooh, shawtyMove like an animalNow go down low, don't stop nowSwing like OrangutanNow take it slow, gonna walk nowAnd watch him do his thingBut just don't tap the glassDon't tap the glassI'ma tell you, I go crazyI beat on my chest 'cause I am the bestI'm the king of the jungle and I ain't lyingGet it? I ain't lying, I ain't lying, no, I ain't no lionAnd you can tell King Kong, he don't run thisYou can't throw no monkey wretch in thisNow what's the name on my tag? That's rightBanana Zoo, ooh, babyDo what you wanna doBanana Zoo, ooh, shawtyMove like an animalNow go down low, don't stop nowSwing like OrangutanNow take it…2020-05-03 04:13:34
that Femboy dodowhy so bad at mvm2020-05-02 09:57:23
AwooLiteral manchild2020-04-29 22:23:22
Lenyou've got a lot of unusual toes2020-04-26 06:15:40
Yassineadded to offer2020-04-26 00:29:31
MorgstrosityThank you for the video, man. That piece of ♥♥♥♥ is off my friends list now.2020-04-20 19:45:57
♦ Ezkaton ♦I accepted the offer so early I almost got to kill Euronymous myself2020-04-15 17:25:43
FireIt's in the private bp of a collector. They would rather if I didn't give out their profile. It will most likely never go up for sale.2020-04-10 21:07:25
Dr. Sexsalty boi2020-04-08 14:33:30
LimeDogSir it comes to my conclusion that you as an individual have not taken part in the required ♥♥♥♥ inspection taken every week on Thursday at 6:37 PM Eastern Standard time. I am fully aware of your ♥♥♥♥ and that it has not been checked since November the 1st 2013. I'll let you know that I am a certified major in ♥♥♥♥ inspection duties and I shall proceed to inspect your individual ♥♥♥♥. Black ♥♥♥♥♥ must pay a fine of $7.53 in order to be inspected. Failure to be inspected will conclude to public hanging and your ♥♥♥♥ will be cut off and made into official French Ass Cream. Now, I order you to hereby expose your ♥♥♥♥ for inspection.2020-04-07 18:00:01
TekōI am the ape who screw up demo stickies trap and airblasted giant yesterday2020-03-26 22:25:48
ApexPredatorHI ♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-03-26 13:05:29
gergezgame was ok and looks like u care about getting better in the game so lets forget what happened2020-03-18 21:49:26
I am the one who knocks.Ape!2020-03-10 13:31:47
Bill GaitherHad an issue and whole friend list got deleted. Feel free to readd me.2020-03-09 22:59:09
Danizk0+rep skilled at mvm and a good friend of mine :)2020-03-09 16:26:55
ManaosI saw your comment, price is negotiable2020-02-29 18:24:49
Gold Titanium Sulfur Carbonhttps://steamrep.com/profiles/765611981433107312020-02-28 19:21:43
NthMetalHey, sorry man but i'm not selling the polar pullover at the moment. If I ever want to sell it, i'll let you know if you're still interested.2020-02-27 20:43:52
I am the one who knocks.Seriously, this guy must be an Einstein, with very high IQ! He's calling everyone an ape if they are not doing what this guy wants. Damn, you are very smart guy, dude!2020-02-26 16:21:32
Addison Fairweather-rep toxic2020-02-15 01:46:58
TahahahahaSpell squirrel2020-02-12 09:15:00
Roy-rep2020-02-05 23:47:21
Royyes2020-02-05 23:46:31
Afterburner (1985)+rep cool guy cool hats2020-02-04 01:09:40
TahahahahaGas is for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ok ty ))2020-01-30 23:04:49
layne-already got myself a terror watt rack sorry2020-01-30 09:05:05
ⁿ_ⁿBut one is white and another one is spelled2020-01-28 22:44:35
ⁿ_ⁿquestion- why do you wear two socks?2020-01-28 00:17:10
layne-hey are you by chance selling your terror watt rack? if youre selling it add me i got 105 keys pure2020-01-26 08:12:44
LUKAIt's been updated now. I forgot to update the guide when I edited the playlist. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh0YmJQOTGjCRT5OBC6shOOdo7p9aHYyx2020-01-11 19:29:30
aaatragic2019-12-12 20:42:02
Old Wizened FingersHey, I saw you were selling the Incinerator/Mandarin Killstreak Kit for the Bat Outta Hell but I can't use marketplace tf currently, is it cool if I add you and pay with metal?2019-12-12 17:26:44
Beaser Selling for ZelleAdded to ask ya a question2019-12-10 02:35:10
TaygeteAdded to ask abt ur Pyro unus2019-11-18 08:39:03
landvery rad in mvm2019-11-11 18:46:56
MistressAbout my Sunbeams boot you can add to discuss but note that it wont come cheap.2019-10-31 06:00:31
CrummyHeyo, you won my auction, could you pay up please? Thank you, enjoy.2019-10-24 23:30:28
Mr. Fishbun-rep stole my unusual team captain and sold it to buy heroin2019-10-14 14:33:49
SmellyIt's MAM!2019-10-06 11:54:47
ᵀᵉᵐᵖᵉˢᵗ❧愛人I suck at responding to comments sorry, i'd much prefer pure and i can wait it's np2019-10-01 17:15:12
ᵀᵉᵐᵖᵉˢᵗ❧愛人Thanks for the offer but don't think i want to go any lower than 195/2002019-09-27 03:16:46
aaano thing i have is for sell sorry2019-09-12 04:10:26
Poots In BootsWhy'd you add me mate?2019-09-09 10:20:46
gutsno2019-09-05 21:55:38
peenhi im interested in your green confetti party phantom would love to talk2019-09-05 18:37:12
RegenteBeing pre-glitch doesn't affect it at all, as these days its gonna be as difficult to sell as a post glitch one, so I could value it maybe a few keys tops over quicksell price. On the other hand, the sbtwc or the ks hats are way more interesting for a nebula all class.2019-09-04 23:53:58
RegenteIf you want the nebula translator you're gonna need to offer non 1st-3rd gen effects or be prepared to add quite a bit on top of those.2019-09-04 23:46:02
Mr. Fishbungood bitcoin seller +rep2019-08-25 14:15:07
Shadow S&gt;50+ spellsCollector quality items only came from corresponding Chemistry sets, which dropped for a limited time only many years ago. There was only one FDU chem set dropped, which I used to make my FDU.2019-08-19 00:42:20
OfflineI could only sell my space mann for pure. And the price would be way overpriced, because I wasn't really looking to sell it anyways.2019-08-19 00:17:22
Shuffle SpyIt's a legitimate question.2019-08-18 02:10:12
PrentiscoolTo anwser your questions about my two Lugermorphs. One of them is Clean Community Sparkle, which was only given to the devs of the Sam and Max Games. The Sparkle Effect also shows up in game. The other one is a Level 50 Clean Vintage Lugermorph. Normal Lugermorphs were supposed to only be given Level 5, but some were given level 50 for some reason. These became tradable when all of them became vintage. These are rare and only about 12 of them exist.2019-08-18 00:29:24
Smellyyeah, it's for sale. sent you a friend request.2019-08-17 20:04:35
The BidenatorHey, wanted to know if you're selling that purple range sniper rifle and if yes, how much is it going for?2019-08-16 22:54:07
Mono Lisoi can show you in game, there is just a lot of knifes and blood ;P2019-07-14 15:22:22
Le Sten [⇄]Added for the green Confetti Party phantom2019-07-10 23:22:14
Danizk0+rep fun and chill guy2019-06-15 15:10:21
Strange FryBy the name of "Justine" do NOT add him2019-06-05 13:52:47
SmellySo apparently there's a scammer going around saying that I am his "main account" who will give you your keys...I think he's just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with me because I called him out. So if this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ takes your keys, I have nothing to do with it.2019-06-05 13:44:25
Strange Fry+rep Friendly guy2019-06-05 13:43:21
SmellyI have had this account for many years with not a single scam allegation against me.2019-06-05 13:38:23
Strange FryHe also scammed me... :(2019-06-05 13:38:22
Strange FryWell, Justine told me that you are his main account2019-06-05 13:38:08
SmellyFella, do your research before slandering somebody. Justine has tried to scam me, is marked on steamrep, and has tons of negative trust on backpack. What leads you to believe that I am that person? I can even send you the trade logs if you don't believe me.2019-06-05 13:36:26
RolfNeksAdded to trade2019-05-10 10:04:47
The Nervous PyroHello, I saw your offer but I need at least 120. I paid about 120 too. + another nice Pyro hat in similar effect > Head Warmer 120 too. https://backpack.tf/classifieds?particle=82%2C84%2C83&class=pyro&sort=high2019-05-06 23:44:50
HoesPimp+bp rep very trust worthy2019-05-06 22:05:31
mrshpe 21bikecycle 5 wrats2019-05-02 23:15:51
Mr. FishbunAdded to scam your hat.2019-05-01 01:29:54
DJ Wickedadded to talk about ur offer2019-04-27 13:06:36
Möppy #savetf2Why thank you, somebody has to do it2019-04-21 07:23:32
SADestSADHello, i can buy your Pyromancer's Mask for 31 keys pure2019-04-20 11:05:35
Biohazard Dood+rep quick trader, nice guy2019-04-19 12:53:05
Noot Bootnot anytime soon2019-04-19 05:55:33
MajikStikkted kasinski2019-04-17 13:10:24
Afterburner (1985)This guy has pretty cool hats. :)2019-04-16 20:10:11
NoseqAdded for trade2019-04-16 15:25:08
Mono Lisosorry ive sold it , i forgot to remove the listing2019-04-16 15:10:26
Mr. FishbunI really think you're a good dude and I don't know what the ♥♥♥♥ is wrong with me to be honest, I feel incredibly guilty over what i said2019-04-13 16:54:38
Mr. Fishbuni understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore, so i didnt add you again. i really am sorry for being so abrasive. it has to do more with people i have known and have been wronged by than you.2019-04-13 16:50:13
Mr. Fishbunsorry dude, just dopesick and being an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2019-04-13 16:47:07
WaffleSent an offer2019-04-06 22:56:46
GandalfTheÜbermenschAdded to trade2019-03-12 21:46:58
interlude+rep2019-03-05 17:46:53
interludeadding you for your b.m.o.c2019-03-05 12:05:04
rwandan bruce leesent you an offer for the B.M.O.C2019-03-04 20:28:18
CourageNope 2 Keys, My price is firm.2019-03-01 13:42:46
CourageThe level 0 Jarate Im selling for 2 Keys2019-02-28 19:04:28
Mono Lisoive got offered 100 already, thanks for the offer2019-02-21 07:29:31
Tasty SalamandersEye effects don't work on Pro KS cosmetics.2019-02-14 19:13:21
John WickAdded you to pay in pure for you party phantom2019-02-11 18:59:22
toastersent a quick buy offer! add me for more details!2019-01-20 17:11:17
degenerate cultures elegyJust accept the trade when you do come online2019-01-11 06:23:25
Skrrrt ReynoldsAdded to discuss buying a glitched item2018-08-08 21:15:39
redpoemageAdded to discuss your offers on my glitched items. I'm a bit busy most of today, so it might be a few hours until I can actually talk though, sorry.2018-08-02 09:33:20
Tigress | trade.tf+rep, honest and fast trader2018-08-01 17:56:48
An Astute Businessmanmatch my bot at 2 keys + 5 ref. we both win ;)2018-07-30 23:51:22
SynthNo, sorry2018-07-30 21:49:43
HollyI see you have many useless craftable TF2 items So I can give one of my hats for all of them. Check my profile (link in bio) and send me steam trade offer if its ok for you. Thanks for attention!2018-06-20 02:27:06
ogusersSent Trade.2018-06-10 10:38:51
TyRaeL twitch.tv/tyraeltrNot selling my pans like bulk2018-06-02 14:17:24
Sujaktrading2018-06-02 08:36:56
nierodaBuddy!2018-05-28 21:26:27
gamer481\/ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dumb ass sold his unusual for some vintage bonks XDD2015-08-22 21:30:25
ICECOLDWRXSTBuddy #GONEINDEFINETLY A ♥♥♥♥♥♥ is a all these ♥♥♥♥♥,♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥,♥♥♥ Guzzler, ♥♥♥♥ swallower, Ugly, Fat, Retareded, Likes dildos up his ass, Takes big and small men in every hole2015-07-19 03:16:11
gamer481kill your self pls. thnkx2014-12-25 07:24:57
ChimaeraLovely.2014-12-07 15:47:41
SmellyBecause I sold the other 14002014-12-06 17:20:17
ChimaeraWhy do you have four pages of frying pans?2014-12-06 11:13:54
gamer481ur nans anus was in my prison2014-12-06 10:59:08
SmellyI'm not in prison.2014-12-06 10:32:54
gamer481ill drop ur nan while im ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ her2014-11-28 23:19:57
RADKILLA[420]dont drop the soap while yer in prison.:P2014-11-25 18:09:28
RADKILLA[420]wallet collector?weird!:P2014-10-25 17:40:24
nieroda:(2014-10-23 22:18:30
gamer481he will be coming back after a awhile, i talked to him not long agoalso on his desc it says, but he doesnt even know if he will be back at that time2014-09-29 20:17:02
Monkyil miss u buddy :P2014-09-29 20:16:56
Emo Who from Whovillecan i have a taco eaten off my ass too?2014-09-15 04:07:20
gamer481k2014-08-09 02:10:37
AngelbruhI will find you and eat a taco off your ass2014-07-31 19:58:00
gamer481yah its not2014-07-22 18:27:47
n00bspwnOh ♥♥♥♥. Das not good. :L2014-07-21 19:31:31
gamer481no, he made a fake bomb threat to burger king2014-07-21 18:49:48
n00bspwnOh so thats where hes been. Did he rob another liquor store?2014-07-20 14:08:05
gamer481buddy went to juvy, he isn't coming out till next year or so, but thats only for his court order to see if he will stay or not, so he gone, sorry2014-07-14 18:55:08
gamer481william me and tross have homeland securty on our asses, so william cant get on the computer tross can either but i still can2014-06-28 11:39:35
YoungKhalifaYou should get Civ 5 to play with the Big L Dog (AKA me, BigWang69)2014-06-27 17:20:05
Anthonyy u no do it2014-06-22 22:05:59
Sentient Can+rep, quick polite trader.2014-06-10 00:23:18
like my status if you love men+Rep, quick polite trader.2014-06-08 22:06:59
PenguinSaurus+rep Super Quick Trader!2014-05-29 01:20:22
ThatDudesBoxwell sorry about that, but there will be someone else out there who would want to buy it :)2014-05-27 02:40:31
ThatDudesBoxwhat did i do? you went offline and well someone added me with one is there something i did wrong?2014-05-26 02:18:04
learning by trial and error+rep not for frubies <you know what>, but for being a good friend and a nice trader :D2014-05-23 21:00:14
sea anarchyAdded to discuss stuff!2014-05-10 21:23:28
ShekSaversHi, sorry to bother but im here to buy the Antlers ( Trade request and friend request have been sent)2014-04-30 07:15:09
{ABD} Backstaber+rep nice and fast trader2014-04-17 22:47:01
MuchemTuchemRestaurantChain+rep. Very polite and great trader! Definitely trade with him!2014-04-17 19:28:25
-1 on your teami tried and it wouldn't let me....i'm not even asian....2014-04-16 20:53:44
SmellyYou can change them.2014-04-16 20:45:00
-1 on your teammy character is asian...2014-04-16 20:17:31
Smelly:) Let's play sometime.2014-04-16 16:31:21
-1 on your teami got DayZ2014-04-14 19:46:00
Je Suis FromageBuddy is a pillar of the community. His profile said so.2014-04-05 19:33:21
ebola+rep good deal 1 ref for 1 ref :D yaz gewd deal!2014-04-05 01:09:02
-1 on your teamoh, you're not 40?!?! wow!!i missed you buddy2014-04-04 16:21:58
Smellypssst- I'm not really 402014-04-04 16:20:27
-1 on your teami love you!!! (why until friday?)2014-03-31 21:41:27
Royal St.Fattynice trader, +rep2014-03-31 14:31:33
Pyre ElsonSent a trade offer to you for Deus Specs in equal or over pay in misc and metal. Please accept.2014-03-30 13:24:09
OriaxSent a trade offer for your deus 1.44 Pure please accept it.2014-03-29 14:08:45
Elud4That didn't really PAN out for you.2014-03-23 14:43:55
SmellyThat didn't really PAN out for you.2014-03-23 14:38:21
-1 on your teamThat didn't really PAN out for you2014-03-23 01:01:26
Elud4+rep, patient trader :)2014-03-22 21:18:47
SmellyAh.2014-03-22 11:53:57
dambroTo answer why, I have a C9 Greased Lightning for 62014-03-22 01:07:07
Enders+rep Hard deals, cool hats n ♥♥♥♥ xD2014-03-21 21:29:16
YoungKhalifaeyy2014-03-17 22:06:20
Mr.Plunky+rep fair:32014-03-15 20:17:26
jomo+rep Good prices smooth fast tradeWill trade with again2014-03-02 17:39:24
Smelly( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)2014-02-10 20:44:04
Czar the Owlman-stare-2014-02-10 20:18:09
You From The Future++rep, fast rec for a rec bestest deel.2014-02-02 13:28:18
TH3D3UZ︻デ ---+rep fast, good and awesome trader2014-01-29 14:45:29
Chinggis Cunt+rep i dont know why is he reportred but he didnt scam me so i thing he is a good personBTW very good trader2014-01-29 14:12:49
n00bspwnWell i have no idea why you were reported. Youve never scammed anyone. :P2014-01-20 22:29:21
Vulpixhey he not a scamer he been reporten for no reason2014-01-20 22:14:33
Vituu+rep. Nice trader you can trust him!2014-01-10 16:43:28
VituuOk. Accepted, i'll wait.2014-01-10 07:02:28
SmellyVituu, internet troubles then something came up. Accept my friend invite and I'll send it to you.2014-01-09 19:55:14
gamer481lol2014-01-06 19:06:35
SmellyPingas, I'll have to block you.2014-01-06 18:50:52
gamer481+rep Best trader i've seen so far2014-01-06 15:14:46
PingasYou're a cotton-headed ninny muggins.2014-01-06 04:10:27
「 Kuya 」+rep patient and has good prices on items2014-01-03 15:29:45
Rigler+rep good trade :D2014-01-01 23:33:49
warm mermaidhave an awesome time up until christmas!2013-12-08 01:16:21
EmethSAS+rep fast, polite2013-12-03 17:05:43
unknown+rep this guy is just plain cool2013-11-23 17:25:33
Dyn+rep epic trader2013-11-16 16:52:32
gabb+rep. Polite, friendly, and good guy to trade with2013-11-10 20:16:56
Vybegallo+rep nice trader2013-10-28 17:20:56
Skyline_+rep great trader2013-10-26 15:40:00
gamer481sure.. lets go with that2013-10-24 20:35:00
Smelly...wonderful?2013-10-24 20:13:59
gamer481your link to your unusual is... just....2013-10-19 19:13:19
efekta&lt;e&gt;Thanks !2013-08-09 14:02:48


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
