SteamID64: 76561198102168297
SteamID32: [U:1:141902569]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:70951284
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/robot-ethusisast/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198102168297

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Private
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2013-08-09 17:36:13 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-06-07 19:45:44

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
LNX BDSKZ2024-06-07 19:45:44
LX BDK2024-05-31 21:41:12
LNX BDSK2024-05-31 08:50:41
LX BDK2023-04-01 06:20:51 [Estimated]

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Whatzit Tooyah2024-04-20 21:28:56
Mike Hawk2024-04-18 04:07:20
Mike Hawk2024-03-23 04:08:50
Mike Hunt2023-07-10 04:56:44

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/robot-ethusisast/2024-04-18 04:07:20

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Private2024-04-21 05:35:05
Public2024-04-18 04:07:20
Private2024-03-31 02:40:30


Total: [329] | Deleted: [7]

LX BDKAlso,Account may end up going private or such for some time when I eventually restructure,Hope everyone understands. Pretty busy lately as well.2024-03-29 02:53:55
LX BDKI started it off with fairly obvious implication, made jokes about me being "friend who I am not an alt of", and outright had this same username besides it for a while, hahaha.Anyway yeah, reworking some stuff gradually.2024-03-23 02:41:01
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrOh, thanks. DIdn't realize that was you heh2024-03-23 02:06:18
LX BDKThe Nineass one that many of the old wallpapers have partial credit or ownership from.And thank you, today has been OK.2024-03-23 01:48:17
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrThanks, hope you're having a good day too. And which account might that be where you'll be reuploading your wallpapers?2024-03-23 01:22:45
LX BDKAnyway, for everyone else, I'm gonna be doing some gradual restructuring, you'll probably see my Wallpapers and such shift to a different account or such eventually, so if you wonder where they went, go follow that other account.Hope everyone is having a good day.2024-03-22 19:28:58
LX BDKI can tell you're a pretty odd troll though just looking at your Profile though, so if you'd excuse me, would rather not talk.2024-03-22 15:50:43
LX BDKKinda an odd question to ask someone online left field you've never spoken to,I'm keeping myself busy IRL though.2024-03-22 15:48:03
El Jefe OsamaDo you have a job?2024-03-22 03:38:28
LX BDKComments are back to public if anyone cares, hope everyone is doing well!2024-03-18 02:36:09
LX BDKIf anyone needs me, just message via commenting on a random wokshop or art upload from me or etc. I'm still open to meeting new people, though don't accept random requests, and am aimjng to have stuff like random forum or comment posts be more scarce, internet can be a bit too terminally online nowdays, companies and their algorithm don't help with that, so I'm aiming to more conciously avoid those things.Just thinking of a more proactive focus on sorting things and not being too overly active online in those ways anymore.2024-02-22 03:46:56
LX BDKAnyway, if anyone is just curious on how I'm going, because I know a handful of people kinda follow and such,Just working through a bunch of stuff, and aiming to focus on improving life and such for myself.My comments on this profile are friends only again, as one of the things I just wanna work on, is just avoiding any uneeded stress and such including online.Plenty of nice people here, but knowing how Steam community can be at times, best to play it somewhat safe I feel.2024-02-22 03:46:51
LX BDKJust accidentally unlocked some Dead Cells achievements from using a alt save slot and save game file to test out some shenanigans invloving a outdated mod and remived blueprints...Whoops... i intended to unlock those myself normally....2024-02-22 02:41:33
LX BDKAnyway, it's 2024 now, hope everyone is having a good start to the year, mine is certainly starting off promising, and I hope others can have a good promising year too, I plan to do various things myself, not so much regarding posting here or such, but in general.Hope everything is going well, and I wish you all a good year!2024-01-07 19:34:52
LX BDKUgh, another random many months old Wallpaper randomly got taken down, was one I put a bunch of effort into too,Valve's moderation is so inconsistent, one reason I don't take making wallpapers or such seriously or a common hobby anymore.I'll see what can be done about it, but this is an annoying occasional thing, anyone who was subscribed to that one Bleached Wallpaper will probably have to resub or such though, not much can be done, Valve's rules are inconsistent, they randomly ban things that follow their demands, allow some things that breach them, and overall they contradict themselves and are inconsistent in some weird ways.2024-01-07 19:32:10
LX BDKhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3127380391 Well, as I write, this, it is the final our of 2023 where I live, to say I have had a complex year would be an understatement,I wish everyone out there a good 2024, and that you can all find your ways to find your path in life that leads to a good outcome,Best wishes everyone, a new year, a new chapter, a new set of possibilities, I wish you all well, and hope we can all find the best outcomes we can reasonably expect from this world!2023-12-31 04:08:52
LX BDKThanks, appreciated,I'm doing my best to take care of myself and set stuff up to have things go better in the future.Always nice to recieve some kind words, I make sure to wish people I see struggling well too.Lets all hope for a good 2024 everyone, 2023 was a great year in many ways.2023-12-29 21:59:46
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrI Hope things get better and I hope you have a happy new year too.2023-12-29 21:15:26
LX BDKJust letting people be aware, life is going pretty rough at the moment, I appreciate all the people I know or interact with kindness, however, I will just say, depending on how things go I may end up privating my profile potentially for a while to just help things be calm.Most people here are very nice cool people from what I see, met some cool people at times, however, knowing how the internet often is, I may just take precaution that no extra stress ends up being added through here, as Steam's userbase is known to have some real bad eggs at time.No issues have happened for me online for a bit, but yknow, just being careful and all.I hope everyone here has had a nice year and that the holidays have gone well for you, I'm probably won't be very active online much for a while, thought I should just say this in case I go private temporarily or such,Best wishes to everyone here, hope you are all doing well enough.2023-12-29 01:14:21
👠 Arrianard 💞Added because i love your profile and wallpaper2023-12-19 12:06:51
LX BDKAlso, just as a random self message post here,Damn UT Yellow is PHENOMENAL! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ masterpiece 8 Years in the making! TEVI is another phenomenal gem! Also, if anyone is curious why I don't post or talk much here anymore, just kinda prioritising my own life and etc in various ways, got a lot going on and also want to have time for myself, also I primarily message or socialise elsewhere nowdays, often Discord as I mentioned to someone else not long ago.2023-12-11 21:28:12
LX BDK@Ocean70Howdy! How are you? What's got your interest here? @TheKingIsHere,Hey, I do like doing as I say about accepting requests that way when people comment, but just airing by the side of caution as your profile seems incredibly barren and I'm pretty certain I've seen accounts with the same comment and groups be used for some very much "FREE VBUCKS NO VIRUS" style TF2 messages, keeping my guard up, hope it doesn't offend if you are a real person asking a request, message in a less Ctrl-C/V way if so.2023-12-11 21:21:53
Ocean70,.ーーーーーーー__     ,,.ィ"           )    /                \  /    / ./  /|  !  ,     ',  |   | .,'  /´|___/| /! |  |  ヽ  !   | .| /r‐‐r└' !、 」_!`| |  |   |  !/|、 弋_,リ    |_lj |/ .,'       ,  |   |  ⊂⊃     '  ⊂!  /、  _ ,,,/,'.'/ \  |   |  |      ',=/^^)==ニ二__  l  l  Hello~  |   |  ト    _/ ̄::く`ー-'、      ̄\', .,'  |   |  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:::::::::::/:::::::|  |   ∧   !::::::::::::::::::::::::/:::::ノ  |   / l  |::::::::::::::::::::/i::::::/  | ,イ  !  |:::::::j ̄ ̄::::::::2023-12-05 08:52:54
LX BDKActually, Discord is far more ideal for any talking or sending files this way than Steam is.I'm suggesting to the other person here to message me on Discord for their questions for help, LOL.2023-11-29 07:07:30
LX BDK2 people here, so I'll include an @ for each of you.@[DATA EXPUNGED]Yes, I have the OG video, I don't have a fully definitive collection of the creator's edits, but I do have most of them I think.I need to refind certian in my storage, but can add you and send the ones I already have sorted meanwhile.@stevensosa552I actually already tried messaging you in your Steam DMs to help, I guess you may have missed such, you seem unfamiliar to the social mefia aspects of Steam.Just click the MESSAGE button next to my profile to see it, Steam doesn't make it very optimal to use but I gave a reply there and a tip on how we can comminucate the issue properly and for me to assist you.2023-11-29 07:07:20
stevensosa552No problem. When ever you get the chance no rush. I actually contacted steam support with my issue. Let's see if that becomes fruitful.2023-11-28 14:47:11
LX BDKOh, sure, I'm glad to help people with some issues at times if they're nice.Just be paitent and give me time to be free and I'll try to help.It was a VERY lonf tedious messy project fixing it, took a whole day, Valve really needs to add in the kinda stuff Windows does to not let you delete System32 because it gives no warning to that.2023-11-27 17:03:36
stevensosa552Hey in your profile it said to ask you a question to type a comment instead of sending you a friend request. I didnt realize I could until I scrolled all the way down lol Anyways you think you can help me boot my steam deck up after I messed with the .local file? I saw on a thread that you were able to fix it without a factory reset.2023-11-27 10:12:57
ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 Płaski ᶻ 𝘇Old dc got banned, got new one, name is "budaprent2023-11-26 17:21:35
ᴍᴇɴ ⁧⁧ᴄʜᴏPUMP PUMP PUMP2023-11-24 14:44:18
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrProud member of the gooner army2023-11-14 05:07:35
LX BDKGot a whole mafia of goons for da boss.2023-11-13 22:59:51
GeorgeW gooner wallpapers2023-11-13 22:49:55
かぐやadd me plzzzzzzzzzzzz2023-11-12 02:01:23
LX BDKSure thing, glad you enjoy, unfortunate I haven't been able to do more in a long time due to an actic hectic life of various styles of both good and bad shakeups, but as I said do want to do more.I tried putting out a Lightweight version of my most technically demanding wallpaper rexently but unfortunately the editor isn't working properly for such.Will try again later and either get that working or some easier but still polished video ports or etc hopefully.2023-11-10 19:36:24
WOMP WOMPlove you wallpapers i can watch them daily great job man. would love to be friends!2023-11-10 17:22:39
LX BDKSure thing, I have wanted to start making wallpapers again, even have a long list of Videos and etc I have loaded in my offline I can make into them, but life has been incredibly hectic and difficult for me for around a month so I haven't had much opportunity.Would like to return to uploading some day when I feel the time is right, but I'd rather just manage what's on my plate and unwind instead of doing side projects such as Wallpapers in the meantime.2023-11-04 22:39:25
Lord Fappington the IXGreat collection of wallpapers. I'm sure i'll discover some interesting/new stuff. Request sent.2023-11-04 22:26:37
exsYou have more wallpapers than I could ask.2023-10-17 23:33:25
Excesivamente RicolinoI SEND U FRIENDSHIP :D , i hope u add me , so we can talk about NSFW games2023-10-16 07:03:16
LX BDKYeah, sure, I appreciate it when people actually ask, I'll add you, just be aware it's VERY late now and I may have to sleep soon.2023-09-27 11:33:52
C y a nCan i add you as a friend/message on here or discord? I need to ask you something rather important regarding videos2023-09-27 11:29:58
LX BDKThanks, I appreciate that, I can be very empathetic in a number of areas, even with some crudeness or edge in places I like to think of myself as someone who can think about others.And yeah, I'm going very well lately.Have a nice day!2023-09-26 23:19:24
LX BDKOh, wait, I now realise I misread the translation of your post somewhat, I guess you were copy pasting a copypasta then.Anyway yeah, your sense of humour in this way is very hard to notice to many people not familiar with you, so I thought I'd clear that up.I wonder if the original version of that comment was a genuine thing that happened between two friends, if so I hope they managed to remain friends platonically, while I've never been very involved in romance first hand (Just gently turned down a small handful of people I didn't feel for) I know it can be tricky when feelings aren't shared between a pair, and romance can complicate friendships.Ignore me wording out, but that wording and writing seems like it originates from a genuine real situation in wording, not as much irony, so I can't help but wonder like I always do about hypothetical situations. :P2023-09-26 05:39:25
LX BDKHmm? What one do you mean in particular? About the message board.I very quickly realised you were joking, but felt I should note such due to the fact this is my publically available primary profile that a number of other people look at, and they'd likely be confused and think there was something between us, your joking humour isn't very apparent to those out of the loop, so I thought I'd just clear things up before people are mistaken.Anyway yeah, feel free to DM me some time if you want to talk, though be aware I'm often busy or such nowadays, have a nice day!2023-09-26 05:31:35
KaiHalid没想到你会这么认真的回复我,我的锅,刚刚发的那句话是我在别人的留言板上看到的,只是觉得很有趣2023-09-26 05:11:13
LX BDKAnyway, for anyone following me or on my friends list, I haven't been very active here or such lately, due to a combination of being very busy and having particularly atrocious sleep, so don't expect me to plan on posting much frequently as I have larger priorities and would like to have time to chill for myself and unwind how I feel.I do have more things planned for when I do get around to more stuff, but it is not high on my priorities now and I will need both a decent opening and to be in the mood.2023-09-26 04:07:34
LX BDKHuh? TF are you talking about dude? I never asked you on a date or anything nor have any feelings of the kind for you nor anyone else I really know online, is this one of your awkward attempts at humour and trolling or such again? TBH I don't think it translates well into ENGLISH TBH. Anyway, don't mind my friend there, he's made a handful of similar attempts at trolling and gags before, I'm very blatantly bisexual but have no interest in looking for a relationship, not with someone I know or looking for options. Anyway, we haven't talked in a while dude, feel free to message me if you want to catch up, but NGL this attempt at humour or pranking isn't that potent.2023-09-26 04:03:16
KaiHalidI'm sorry, I'm sorry that I can't promise you about what you asked last time. It's the first time that I've been asked to date by a man, but I'm not gay, which will bother me. Besides, you are still asking me this question on the microphone in the game, which makes me have to leave a message here to clarify. Please stop looking for me and find someone else. I won't discriminate against you. Please don't be hard.2023-09-26 01:35:51
LX BDKWell, I guess it's fitting a Company named UNITY managed to unite the entire games industry and community into unanimously despising them.2023-09-14 19:13:21
LX BDKGod, the whole Unity Runtime Fee situation is the absolute most braindead thing I have ever seen in my life, it would bankrupt nearly every Indie dev around and cause massive damage to most AAA companies, it would be the single biggest disaster ever seen and destroy the gaming industry, it would be bigger than the burning of the Library Of Alexandria in terms of cultural destruction.Unity is absolutely gonna get class action lawsuited till there isn't a single shred of them left, biggest neon target any software company has ever had on their back, this one announcement either dooms Unity as a company/engine or the whole gaming industry, AAA companies worth many Billions are gonna eviscerate them and well deserved.It really takes the Ex CEO of EA during their winning streak of earning awards for being the most hated company around in order to make the absolute worst business move ever made to this extent....2023-09-14 19:07:09
BrzeskoVvery cute and hardworking profile2023-09-09 11:24:08
LX BDKHey guys, I've since realised most of the edits I've made have been very inefficient in terms of filesize due to not knowing how to properly render them and such since I was pretty inexperienced with that stuff, if people want I can go back and edit some of my older video Wallpapers in order to optimize the fileszie better by re-rendering them. Let me know if you want any of them done that to.2023-09-03 21:00:28
﹝⊰Jamison Valorin⊱﹞Ah I see, well it didn't hurt to put suggestions out there.2023-09-01 16:51:11
LX BDKPlus, my wallpapers in general have been recieving far less interaction in general for quite a while now, I think Steam changed it's algorithm or such.2023-09-01 00:04:50
LX BDKI'm already content with that one, and it'd take quite a bit of effort to make another.I have other plans for when I do make more wallpapers, but my work on them have been a lot slower and less consistent too.2023-09-01 00:03:33
﹝⊰Jamison Valorin⊱﹞Why not make a second one then?2023-08-31 22:22:37
LX BDKI know I don't have every single animation in it, but any more and it starts to have errors for my PC due to GIFs being resource intensive.2023-08-31 18:51:13
﹝⊰Jamison Valorin⊱﹞The camotli collection that you've created on wallpaper engine is incomplete. Just letting you know just in case you want to update it.2023-08-31 18:28:41
SomebodyDiedTruly, the internet’s creativity knows no bounds2023-08-31 16:38:20
LX BDKDude, I can't believe it, people have transformed a one of meme character with 2 lines of dialogue from a terrible game to the point they've made him read the entirity of the Bible.You gotta respect the dedication the internet has. https://youtu.be/GTh5J0HsIAg?t=12023-08-30 21:05:51
LX BDKDamn, that sucks, you have my condolences and sympathy, I know things can be tough over there, so I wish you the best.2023-08-23 11:04:41
AvA寄eeI need to use vpn to other regions to see your work in the steam workshop, while I cannot directly search for it in the wallpaper engine2023-08-23 10:20:15
LX BDKWhy can't you see them? Do you have Adult Content allowed through your Steam content filter? Or has China and such blocked that? I imagine They should be visible in the actual Wallpaper Engine App search browser, though have noticed my subs massively drop since a while ago.2023-08-22 12:14:11
AvA寄eelove your workshop,even if I can’t see them now.2023-08-22 10:51:13
killkill101Hey bro! Nice ♥♥♥♥2023-08-20 09:23:54
DreadnaughtAverage Pro Steam User Based!2023-08-14 07:02:39
LX BDKSure thing, always nice when People respect my request about commenting before adding2023-08-14 03:40:56
Ankha enjoyerHey dude, may I add you to inquire about the source for certain animation you uploaded a while back that got removed? Also think you have good taste2023-08-13 22:34:17
LX BDKThanks, I can be a bit of a debator at times, but I like to think that I can take a mesured balanced take on most things and pretty rarely will make an opening hostile move (Unless someone says something very absurd/harmful).I'm definitely one to enjoy exchanging points making rebuttals or holding a conversation/debate, espically when the vibe remains civil.2023-08-12 18:18:24
Dexaldem+rep for being level-headed, chief. Don't let them take your cool. :)2023-08-12 17:19:22
LX BDKLMAO, they banned my memes less than 1 hour after post, Blizzard never fails to dissapoint, take yout bets on how long until they claim the entire launch reviewss were "Off Topic" as well as all future negative reviews for the rest of life.2023-08-11 11:22:42
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrLol , I dont know what they were expecting releasing overwatch 2 on steam2023-08-11 10:09:35
LX BDKhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198102168297/recommended/2357570?snr=1_5_9__402 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3018480056 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3018488858 Happy release day for Overwatch 2 on Steam! Made some posts to celebrate and Welcome Blizzard to the platform, and judging by the reviews many others are doing the same!2023-08-11 09:30:26
LX BDKThanks for the compliments! :)2023-08-08 21:15:51
newtothis42+Rep awesome wallpapers and a very insightful reviewer to potential buyers2023-08-08 11:31:11
LX BDKThanks, I customize it a lot.2023-08-04 04:45:54
flowerssonHellova Profile2023-08-03 17:53:17
LX BDKI want to start making Wallpapers again, haven't done much lately, and I have a number of ideas in mind.Don't expect them to be super frequent and rapid like they once were though, my life and the way I spend my time is much more varied lately, and it was always just a for fun side hobby thing for me in the first place, I don't exactly profit off them either, I do it for fun and because I enjoy helping things be available.Also all my uploads for WPE have been preforming FAAAAAR worse for some months now anyway, not sure why exactly, maybe due to the specifics of content tags for filters filtering out a lot of people not aware of them existing.But yeah, look forward to more occasional Wallpapers of several sorts if things go as planned!2023-07-30 07:10:22
AuroraAdded about the sylvee hmvs :32023-07-19 23:35:48
Mr. UnderhillThanks!2023-07-10 03:50:27
LX BDKSure thing, I always appreciate it when someone sends a message ilike I ask instead of just ignoring my bio and only sending a request.2023-07-10 03:47:17
Mr. UnderhillMind if I add you? I agree with your opinion on the recent Skullgirls censorship and your page is a good resource for workshop and reviews of...other subjects.2023-07-10 00:49:43
Kaczor24have a nice day to you as well2023-07-05 16:16:28
LX BDKK then, well I'm gonna just try and have some time to chill, been the wildest two and a half weeks I've been through in a LOOONG time and I think I'm finally free to just unwind.Have a nice day.2023-07-05 16:12:42
Kaczor24im just a bit silly2023-07-05 16:09:57
LX BDKWell that's pretty uncalled for, and doesn't make a great first impression when starting a conversation with someone.2023-07-05 16:06:09
Kaczor24matter of fact, yes i do call everyone a schizo2023-07-05 16:03:14
LX BDKTF do you mean? Do you call anyone writing anything long in depth "Schizo"?I just enjoy typing down my thoughts on things and have a hobby of going into detail.No need to instantly be so rude.2023-07-05 15:59:52
Kaczor24why do you have schizo ramblings in your comments2023-07-05 15:56:11
LX BDKSure thing2023-07-02 08:50:27
Thykecould you add me? I need to dm you a request, I want to find the source of one of your wallpaper (I can't find it anywhere)2023-07-02 08:49:40
LX BDKWTF??!!? It just did it AGAIN midway through me placing a 5th item in my cart?What is wrong with Steam ATM?...2023-07-01 01:26:30
LX BDKLMAO, I just checked an old abandoned Skullgirls group I joined in like 2016 or so and barely interacted in because I want to leave it since the current Skullgirls devs are dead to me and found two of the earliest trolls I had met, one who organized to play a nickelodeon game with me just to scream because I made a singe youtube reply calling him a jerk for harassing a random person for months straight for having a Kirby PFP and the other who created a whole posse of alt accounts to spam me with because I had the unheard of criticism of Cyberpunk2077 being a technical disaster on launch, they had both gathered there stalking my old group I didn't use in attempt to talk ♥♥♥♥ about me, how rent free can those people get?! That's hilariously rent free. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SteamSkullgirls2023-06-30 09:52:04
LX BDKWell seems I'm only banned for a single day, which is fine by me, screw those people giving me dangerous false info but I guess it all turned out OK, hence why I was cautious only posting a single image/gif with nudity in a Hub that's not essential to me, thankful they let me off the hook easy, even if they didn't listen to what I said about sending a message instead of auto banning.2023-06-30 05:07:19
LX BDKOK guys, I had been testing the waters with posting Adult Only images/gifs in a few hubs since the SF6 Community is filled to the brim with it and several people assured me it was OK, but that is proven FALSE still, so they gave me BS info, not allowed even if you tag as Adult Only.So I guess the SF6 Fanbase is just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ unhinged and en mass breaking the rules on a colossal scale without any regard.If I knew that still wasn't allowed I wouldn't have posted it, but that's why I did it by testing with less of a priorty hub with a single GIF, hopefully they didn't perma ban me from it, this is why I hate how unclear Steam is with all of it's rules, you can never really be certian and have to guess things and risk punishment constantly.I wrote in the description I was testing waters and was unsure and requesting to take it easy on me if it wasn't OK, so hopefully I can still post my Megaman art.2023-06-30 04:51:09
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrIt is frustrating when Steam decides to randomly empty out your cart.. I've fallen victim to it many times. If only there was a warning or timer to let you know when it would happen2023-06-28 11:05:59
LX BDKDAMN IT, just had Steam throw out my huge cart of options I was considering buying during the Steam Summer Sale YET AGAIN this time like 2 days before it started..LIFE IS PAIN, I HAT-2023-06-28 06:10:16
LX BDKSo absolutely disappointed in what's happened to Skullgirls...It was my first Fighting Game and I've held it dearly in my heart ever since I first played it, I thought it was free from getting abused since it was taken away from the dirty hands of MikeZ, but seems HV and AG have a boatload of their own issues as well....So absolutely depressing, it was one of the last series I expected to make this move of authoritarian anti consumer mass censorship... They removed so many things big and small.Sucks that we just can't have nice things last... Now all we can hope is that it doesn't worsen into an Indivisible style implosion.2023-06-27 23:00:56
LX BDKI'm still mostly happy aside from this fiasco and my ♥♥♥♥ sleep tho, my life is going great aside from those two.Won't let it keep me down.2023-06-23 20:04:06
LX BDKHonestly the worst part is probably how useless Steam features to combat it are.Blocks barely do anyting, they only hide their comments until you click view and disable them from commenting on your profile, they can still reply and comment on other stuff and their notifs show in your feed still.And all 3 of them got reported and banned but only a single day each and no other reprecusions.Absolutely hopeless, Steam probably has some of the worst anti harassment tools I've seen, even terrible sites for it like Youtube are better in ways (Mutes don't still give you notifs)2023-06-23 20:01:58
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrIt's a sick world we are living in. I would just hope these TROLLS realize that what they're doing isn't funny and move on. I ran into one in a thread I made and now I'm wondering if they showed up there because I left a comment on here before. Very odd bunch2023-06-23 18:24:39
LX BDKYeah, they keep tracking me down to start ♥♥♥♥ again after that though.I think I might not even dignify any reaction or comment at all moving forward, they'll probably get bored eventually.2023-06-23 18:22:02
ChucklefuckHave you tried ignoring them?2023-06-23 17:17:32
LX BDKFFS, those douchebag trolls are still actively following me around and 1 of them has even made their bio center around a pathetic strawman directed at me that outright misrepresents everything.How rent free can these obssessive nutjobs get, I've literally never even done anything ever to them either, they're just being completely unhinged because I spent effort making a exceedingly tame Diives Wallpaper (When the ones harassing me are blatently horny too).It's shocking the levels of terminally online they are, but I won't let them ruin my days, they aren't worthy of detracting from my very positive life.Probably not gonna say much more about this situation, as the only thing that gives them meaning in life is getting under others skin, but it really is baffling.2023-06-23 09:15:00
Chucklefuckrock.2023-06-21 00:55:00
LX BDKRight back at you jester!2023-06-21 00:44:34
SmileyLoveable hentai lore master2023-06-20 22:15:06
ChucklefuckBreak yoself foo2023-06-19 18:47:07
LX BDKI think one of the trolls is so obsessed that hes trying to to defame me on discord now because I had a user with a similar Ralsei PFP to the one who initiated the whole BS and called me a "dIsCoRdgRo0M3R" with 0 basis add me and then start ERPing as a kid Im pretty certain it was him and not an actual kid because the BS he was saying was so absurd over the top I don't believe a real kid would ever sayRegardless I didnt say anything that can be taken out of context, told them to screw off, and reportedI hope it was the troll TBH because an actual kid saying that BS is even scarier to imagine but if I'm correct that's the most excessively deranged person I've ever encountered even topping KirbyHater/JackKnifedJug who added me as and played NASTB with me just so he could scream over me replying to him on Youtube over a year prior with a single short reply that he was crazy for harassing someone for months over them just having a Kirby PFPCan't believe that guy might be only 2nd now2023-06-19 18:17:00
Αη Ιnτellecτual Tsiραrbegone trolls2023-06-19 12:44:31
Chucklefuckbread2023-06-18 22:56:08
LX BDKWell all 3 of the trolls who were harassing me yesterday have gotten banned, yesterday was a major mess for me, and a prime display of how deranged some members of the Steam community can be.It was pretty stressful, but it was only one day and I'm not gonna let toxic people like that bring me down any further, my life is overall going very well (aside from abysmal sleep) and better than ever, one messy day won't stop me from enjoying my life.Cheers to everyone here that's a chill/cool person!2023-06-18 19:07:56
LX BDKHow TF am I terminally online? I've just been trying to mind my own business and have a good time, though some weirdos have been actively stalking and harassing me today unprovoked, so being in any kind of situation like that isn't enjoyable for anyone.I'm certainly online, as I'm somewhat introverted and prefer to stay at home and browse the web pretty often, but there's nothing terminal about me.Overall I'm very happy in life aside from today, doing well, got a lot of friends who appreciate me, and overall in a great era of my life.The only terminally online people I've seen today have been my stalkers like Axel.2023-06-18 01:50:42
Mentalterminally online holy2023-06-18 01:43:35
Chucklefuckno.2023-06-17 17:14:32
LX BDKHomosapianphobia is not allowed, it's pride month after all. All us monkes must be respected.2023-06-17 17:11:49
LX BDKYou certainly seem very questionable considering you're stalking all my different posts and profile unprompted Axel, just because I'm somewhat sex positive and noted something I find funny.-rep yourself.2023-06-17 16:20:18
SoulReaperAxel-rep2023-06-17 13:17:17
ChucklefuckSwewS2023-06-16 22:37:10
LX BDKYeah, maybe sometime, I'll warn you I'm not very good at SF though, I already struggle with Fighting Games to some degree somewhat often but SF I'm especially bad at aside from brief good moments, I'd be OK to try some matches some time if you want though, as I am enjoying the game.2023-06-16 20:08:26
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrHewoo. Would you ever like to maybe play Street Fighter with me sometime !2023-06-16 19:57:18
Bandido RápidoL2023-06-14 15:37:11
LX BDKJust went through a big struggle yesterday.Was trying to get a modding software to work on my Deck but couldn't work out how to get it to detect the hidden game folder, so I made the mistake of temporarily removing the . In .Local that hides it, only for that to mess up my whole deck and for me to have to reinstall Steam and awkwardly move over all my files into the new .Local folder with lots of janky issues.Spent most of last evening fixing that without any help because no one was replying and the only Answers were on Subreddits that are on Strike, and now I just woke up at 4AM after only like 4 or so hours of sleep...2023-06-14 13:34:11
LX BDKMe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9BtYEnrkg42023-06-11 18:50:30
The Indomitable Human SpiritI hope your ♥♥♥ wall crushes you2023-06-11 17:59:01
LX BDKSure thing, nice to see someone actually listen to my bio.2023-06-11 17:31:31
[unknown]Hi mate, I like your workshops stuff, and I would just like to see if i could add you?2023-06-11 14:47:14
The Indomitable Human SpiritShadow Wizard Money Gang2023-06-10 16:50:27
LX BDKI still get level 0 blank profiles sending me requests without any comment. And people asking for the "sauce" of different things I post.Does NO ONE check my Bio or any of my descriptions? I put this stuff in plain sight...2023-06-10 07:21:20
ragnarokHi just wanted to know about one of your workshop uploads if I could message / add you !2023-06-09 15:13:48
LX BDKAlso I've made some Collections/Playlists of my Wallpapers, as I think that's also a factor.I intend to make some more later.2023-06-06 14:56:16
LX BDKMake sure not to leave her on the radiator, don't want her to caramelise, like the last one...2023-06-05 16:55:48
LX BDKMy content and interaction has been doing much worse lately, so I've decided to reorganise the way I sort my posts.NSFW content will be shared to https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199412182510 SFW will be shared here https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199512206294/ This is a pain in the ass to manage though TBH, so don't expect me to constantly be on top of that2023-06-05 09:24:17
Mayor of PyrolandSolitaire2023-05-28 01:37:46
LX BDKBeatbanger needs a keyboard or controller to use, wouldn't work. Though I could make some regular Video Wallpapers of it some time.2023-05-27 18:23:55
Mayor of PyrolandBeat Banger2023-05-27 17:01:56
LX BDKIf anyone has any ideas on any Mouse Only games I can turn into Wallpapers I'm open to suggestions, I want to start making those some more, just make sure they're not actively paywalled content though, don't want my workshop purged again after all this. Both SFW and NSFW Popular and Obscure ideas are appreciated.2023-05-27 10:51:04
LX BDKYeaaaah baby game of the year every year.2023-05-16 00:38:49
QuickdrawSuper Mario Bros. 22023-05-16 00:30:53
LX BDKWell, I've now become aware of Steam's new addition of content descriptors for content ratings, I didn't know how it worked previously but have now gone through all my items and rated them accordingly, it's annoying you can't adjust ratings for items that had a rating imposed on by Steam because there's some I don't think were done correctly (Ones rated for Violence that weren't, and ones that are only rated as Nudity but not Adult Only). Anyway that was a bit tedious (350+ Posts)2023-05-09 12:08:22
SomebodyDiedHappy Late Birthday!And wooo, 69-2023-05-05 19:04:16
LX BDKOh also, I hit the funny number profile level if ya'll didn't notice.2023-05-04 21:46:56
LX BDKHad a fantastic day today, my life is going real swell lately!2023-05-04 02:01:21
✧:・.sekibanki:・✧Happy birthday new friend!2023-05-03 12:31:39
LX BDKIt's my birthday! Today is set to be a great day from what it seems, Life is finally turning around and I'm doing better than ever!2023-05-03 07:16:34
✧:・.sekibanki:・✧Absolutely correct2023-05-02 22:40:09
Αη Ιnτellecτual Tsiραrit just makes it hotter2023-05-02 22:33:42
LX BDKOh, no I didn't (also don't call her a dude then, that's transphobic).Oh well, I love trans girls anyway, but wasn't aware as I hadn't seen the original clip.NGL tho, not being able to tell the difference betwern CIS girls and TGirls & Femboys at a glance makes them even better in my eyes, a pleasent suprise that keeps you guessing.2023-05-02 22:32:04
Carnageyou know the person shaking their ass in the "mirka hmv" vid is a dude right? well trans but they have a ♥♥♥♥ lol I looked up the OG vid2023-05-02 15:31:46
LX BDKThanks, regretably I forgot to give my reason to someone with a similar bio recently, but quickly apologised and elaborated once prompted.I definitely understand how people can forget, as in that instance, but it's definitely a bit annoying when I'm still getting dozens of requests from mostly blank profiles and zero explanation.But yeah, I'm doing very well with my Wallpapers and such lately, as well as life in general.Having a good ol time, playing games, socilizing, making casual projects, watching videos, and being a bit horny.In a good place now, and it's all going nice and up for me.2023-04-29 14:43:05
✧:・.sekibanki:・✧Hell yeah! I make a point of respecting people's bios and wishes2023-04-29 14:13:21
LX BDKSure, nice to see someone that actually listens to my Bio, I still get a lot of invites from level 1 users with no customization without any reasoning of why they want to add me.So thanks for that! Also yeah, very proud of the thumnail for the Minus Moms animation, someone had already uploaded a version of it but I did my best to make my one definitive.2023-04-28 22:50:23
✧:・.sekibanki:・✧I sent a friend request! We have similar interests and I am really happy you uploaded the -8 milf dance to the ws lol2023-04-28 21:24:23
LX BDKOK, seems it's just a weird eccentric joke, TBH the Hub has fallen apart, I use Spangbang and R34Video more these days.2023-04-26 22:35:46
LX BDKUh... WTF? Did you get hacked or something?2023-04-26 22:34:11
KaiHalidWe have noticed that you have not logged into Porn Hub in the past 2 weeks. Please allow us to inquire if everything is going as usual. Since your last visit to us, we have updated more gay movies you like.I hope to see you again soon- administrators2023-04-26 21:38:26
LX BDKAlso sorry, forgot to give my reasoning before inviting, missed that Bio, appologies.2023-04-25 10:28:43
LX BDKHey, thought I'd add you because your profile and mods are pretty nice, plus we're both friends with Smiley.Hope you don't mind.2023-04-25 10:25:47
7ᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛᴲWhat's up2023-04-25 06:00:54
LX BDKHello?2023-04-24 22:51:45
Arigatoshi2023-04-24 16:05:19
LX BDKIs it just me or has the amount of interaction I've had here dropped majorly? Not sure why.2023-04-19 18:56:43
LX BDKAlso if anyone can find some good NSFW Animation/Videos that uses the Pokemon Sword/Shield Gym Leader theme as it's music and link me to it I'd appreciate it, those games were atrocious but the music is an absolute jam and I've got that song in my head, best Gym Theme in the series is from the Worst Mainline Game, pity music of that quality is stuck in such an unambitious fart of a game.2023-04-02 02:21:16
LX BDKI'm feeling like getting back into more niche Wallpapers Again, I feel I've been playing it a bit more vanilla for the most part lately, vanilla is perfectly fine too, but I started wallpapers to cover high quality niche areas I didn't see others doing, aside from a few things like the Low Poly hentai and WyerFrames Animations I haven't been doing too many.If you have any ideas on flavorful and niche content you'd like to see me turn into a wallpaper feel free to comment a suggestion, be aware more controversial content like Guro is probably a no go unfortunately due to Steam's moderation being able to snowball and me not wanting to take that risk, and they removed the option to have Wallpapers Unlisted.I do have some ideas already though, and might get started on some of those.Peace y'all!2023-04-02 00:03:05
Αη Ιnτellecτual Tsiραr-_- steam!!!!2023-03-22 09:09:47
LX BDK♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Steam deleted my whole profile showcase.... Unprompted....Gonna take a lot of work to redo that.2023-03-22 01:41:56
Zakthevictoromg this whole page is horny, i love it xD2023-03-19 08:43:16
Luteworkshop goon god, blessed2023-03-18 12:30:32
下辈子做个好人大佬 求个好友位doge2023-03-17 04:33:05
[❤] Gaming yedoadding cus i like what you post in the workshop + cool profile2023-03-12 03:44:47
LX BDKThe colours? It's a mix of special profile items, such as the 2022 Summer Sale, you can check what items people have equipped by pressing the little portrait button under another user's icon near the top of their profile.2023-03-06 04:30:35
Kaquyahey, I'd like to know how you customised your profile that much. With the coloring and stuff :)2023-03-06 03:05:33
Guyi like it2023-03-02 05:47:55
LX BDKCrazy good or crazy bad?But yeah, certainly quite a lively assortment either way.2023-03-02 05:37:30
Guyyour profile is crazy2023-03-02 05:34:14
LX BDKGood news, Meatlovers is back, but it's in an early state with us having to rebuild everything.2023-03-01 17:13:28
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrAw, it was a great server. Sad it is gone all of a sudden..2023-02-27 17:12:03
LX BDKWell Meatlovers (My friends discord server) seems to be dead.RIP, it was one of the best servers I've ever been in...2023-02-27 15:44:21
LX BDKScratch that, make it 1100 points, some generous person added a whole 1K.Guess I'm not the only person who's been ravenously wanting this LOL, I don't post often on Gamebanana (Usually just download mods for GGST and such) and would've more of my own points if I had more, but glad to see other people have demand for it.So thanks to the user who added those points, we NEED to be able to Steal Hearts figuratively and literally at the same time, like Joker was made to.2023-02-26 00:48:41
LX BDKAnyone able to mod P5R, I've made this request on Game Banana wher I currently have 100 Points and a Fallout New Vegas Steam Key on offer to anyone who mods the requested P5D outfits into P5R.I'd appreciate if anyone here would give it a shot.And yeah, honestly criminal that niether Atlus or any modder has made them wearable yet, rushing out P5R P5S and P5D all at once without having the games feature each others additions is probably the worst part of Atlus milking P5. https://gamebanana.com/requests/466852023-02-26 00:35:46
LX BDKI'm actually pretty happy with my life lately, I'm doing very well, I just also enjoy cute and sexy things a good degree.It doesn't come at the expense of the rest of my life or anything, just something I enjoy appreciating, no need to have concern.Also I'm not the one actually creating the art/animation I feature, I credit the creators in my descriptions, though I put a good deal of effort into my wallpapers by portraying content as well as I can, tying up others work in a nice bow with well edited thumbnails and other details while making them accessible and featuring them as nice decoration.Though I occasional make original Wallpapers.I appreciate your concern, but I'm doing very well lately, and am currently finally very happy with life after a number of years of stress.2023-02-23 21:01:54
Brick_BoiUhhhhhh, I'm gonna be honest, this life-style does not seem healthy. I'm okay with people having all kinds of interests but it seems you mainly focus on sex/sexual content. I'm not here to troll and bully you but someone has to say it. And looking at some of your stuff I can tell you have talent.You could use this talent to make some interesting things. And yet here you are turning P-Body from Portal 2 into a huge-assed anime girl.I have nothing against you. I'm not here to call you cringe. I'm just here to say that maybe this is not the best thing to do with your time.I hope you have a good, long, positive life.2023-02-23 13:50:49
LX BDKMan, as someone who for a very long time has been VERY critical of FNAF as a series and had a rather negative opinion, I recently decided to try giving the series a second chance after a combination of watching some videos on it (Like LS Mark's) thinking about some of the better fangames (like DSaF) being nostalgic for TLT's songs and still enjoying the confusingly well made R34, and I have to say 6 UCN and HW are actually really good.The series is definitely an inconsistent convoluted hot mess often, but seems there's actually some real strong moments I missed, 6 I'd give a very strong 8.5/10 and the ending is pretty perfect.I'm still a critic, but I've softened up to parts, I suppose I've always been somewhat tsundere about the series anyway.But yeah, wish I'd given 6 a chance back when it came out, I'd actually stopped following whatsoever after SL.SB seems to have resunk the series's quality, but I can look forward to the fanverse and play UCN and HW properly.2023-02-19 05:21:35
SomebodyDiedWooo! He lives!2023-02-10 21:27:46
PonkeyTwinkyhmmmmmmm balls2023-02-10 03:37:49
LX BDKLuckily the real Steam Support was actually incredibly useful for once and did a great job, which is a real change of pace for me, they may be incredibly incompetent when it comes to how they handle their community and moderation, but luckily when it comes to anything Security based they're very professional.Everything seems to be as I left it which is a major relief.Gonna have to change my old password and implement much more strict security now though.2023-02-09 16:42:13
LX BDKHAD A VERY SCARY MOMENT LAST NIGHT.I had my Account stolen by some jackasses on Discord pretending to be connected to Steam Support and something about an "Accidental Pending Ban", if you ever see anything like that know it's complete BS, no such thing exists and Steam would contact you within the Steam app if any such thing was happening.I saw some red flags like the date the accounts were created, but they used fear tactics to make me rush and not think things through and had somewhat convincing fake screenshots at first (though they dodged any questions I asked which is what made me realise, and they became much less convincing) and it was a much higher level scam than the usual heavily accented Microsoft employee asking for Gift Cards. Never trust anyone on Discord claiming to be "Matthew An[Valve]"2023-02-09 16:41:38
<3best wallpapers!2023-02-03 15:34:34
SomebodyDiedDitto!2023-02-02 19:23:41
e-girllove your lewd wallpapers ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝2023-02-02 09:13:41
LX BDKThanks, I've put a lot of effort into the showcases and such, It'd be better if I still had my long list of comments and discussions tho...2023-02-02 03:27:23
Kryllion Dollar$crazy profile, i love it2023-02-01 20:34:35
LX BDKYeah, it's complete BS, Steam seems to love screwing me over despite me being a dedicated customer...2023-01-30 23:58:47
Αη Ιnτellecτual Tsiραrthey deleted all your comments?2023-01-30 23:01:38
SomebodyDiedWHY, VALVE, WHY?2023-01-30 21:39:47
LX BDKFFS, Steam just temporarily locked my account and deleted all my comments I've ever made, godamn incompetence.2023-01-30 21:18:17
SomebodyDiedI think both are great!SFW or NSFW, they are pretty interesting to me!2023-01-27 16:44:54
SomebodyDiedWell, as long as you're enjoying yourself~!2023-01-25 18:15:38
SomebodyDiedThen take all the time you need! Quality work takes time, and it's fine if life get's busy, that's how it is!2023-01-24 18:15:51
SomebodyDiedOoo, enjoy that blacked HMV then!2023-01-13 22:26:37
SomebodyDiedAh well, doesn't stop us for too long!2023-01-13 19:19:37
SomebodyDiedYeesh, talk about impressive..2023-01-13 03:47:25
SomebodyDiedI'm horrible at guessing games :skull:2023-01-13 03:40:10
SomebodyDiedShame that..2023-01-13 03:39:56
SomebodyDiedWOOO! HE STRUCK GOLD!2023-01-12 17:48:30
SomebodyDied(God save us, he’s 1 level away from the funny number)2023-01-04 18:52:18
SomebodyDiedAye-aye, thanks for the heads-up!2023-01-04 18:51:59
SomebodyDiedHappy New Year!2022-12-31 23:32:26
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrHappy New Year!2022-12-31 06:47:04
SomebodyDiedgot it, chief!2022-12-28 21:36:28
Mad Manplz moar futa <32022-12-27 12:03:13
Lenaryx❄️❄️❄️Happy Hearth's Warming Eve!❄️❄️❄️2022-12-25 21:19:16
SomebodyDied♥♥♥♥, it was? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥..2022-12-25 19:49:28
SomebodyDiedMerry Christmas~!2022-12-25 19:38:23
DaMexicanMerry Christmas, you sexy2022-12-25 19:36:56
Cutlery Boxmilky2022-12-24 03:23:03
★ペリシテ人★Just be sure not to play CSGO on deck cuz it will VAC ban you.2022-12-22 05:51:49
★ペリシテ人★Do you still play Skullgirls? i haven't played since 2017 and i lost a friend who used to play it alot with me, I'd love to play Skullgirls with somebody but im very rusty and also idk how far NZ is away from me.2022-12-19 20:34:38
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrI'm not surprised. What is surprising is that it is one third of people leaving dislikes. I know some of these fetishes can upset people, but wouldn't it be easier to just ignore what they don't like? Makes no sense to me.Glad you're not letting it bother you though, keep up the good work2022-12-19 10:50:12
HotShowerFartYo do you got any of Sylvee's hmvs I missed out before she left2022-12-14 02:09:54
SomebodyDiedAtta-boy, that’s what I like to see!2022-12-09 20:27:09
Antwon from Ghetto SmoshYou don't mind if I add you right?You seem like a nice guy to chat to lmao2022-12-07 08:29:44
Antwon from Ghetto SmoshHey I just wanna know the source of your profile pictureThanks! <32022-12-07 07:41:17
SomebodyDiedif he does though, I call dibs on his loot2022-12-05 16:57:13
SomebodyDiedDon’t die on us yet!2022-12-05 16:56:50
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrHope you feel better soon!2022-12-05 14:25:35
SomebodyDiedMan put all of his stat points into luck- good on you!2022-11-22 15:00:45
SomebodyDiedSadly, my PC is broken, so I can’t have it 💀2022-11-18 07:30:45
SomebodyDiedAye, that’s a shame- she was great, perhaps even the best.2022-11-12 23:24:52
Αη Ιnτellecτual TsiραrGlad you're back. You upload some of the best content out there2022-11-11 16:42:13
SomebodyDiedAh, great to hear, finally, I can get to..we’ll, y’know!2022-10-09 19:09:28
SomebodyDiedniiiiccceee..2022-10-02 08:52:20
细水长流I really hope to see it soon.2022-09-29 11:34:45
细水长流thank2022-09-29 11:34:13
细水长流Please send more cruel videos. I like heavy taste very much.2022-09-28 21:06:53
SomebodyDiedOh, thank the heavens!2022-09-28 06:28:25
-=VimeR=-Hi,I also send you a friend request.)We can discuss something interesting.2022-09-27 16:22:26
SomebodyDiedOh- thanks, pal! I p’reciate the offer!2022-09-18 18:10:21
SomebodyDiedWHEEEE!!2022-09-18 14:46:15
PonkeyTwinkyaw hell ye 0v02022-09-18 13:54:29
SomebodyDiedaghhh- I just wanna get off in peace!2022-09-14 18:09:30
PonkeyTwinkyAw that sucks2022-09-14 07:50:06
Ocean70love your wallpaper!2022-09-13 00:11:00
Despair God Love+rep2022-09-12 15:15:14
PonkeyTwinkyI love all of your new wallpapers!!!!! dsfgsdjgfhgsdhjfgjdsgjhkgsdhjfkgjhk2022-09-12 14:55:05
SomebodyDiedWOOOO!2022-09-11 17:01:57
RELX Gen 5 Phantom: LTC DX Ver.U finally come back, congratulations, Hero.2022-09-11 11:57:29
★ペリシテ人★I'm hyperactive and my coworkers say i am too in the zone at work and rarely ever respond to gossips2022-08-30 05:45:59
Karl PilkingtonI suspect they are genuine because they are like that on every forum I see them. They usually insult, go back and edit after calming down and pretend to be the nice guy. But always has to be right. I wonder if they are on the spectrum.2022-08-29 19:22:56
Karl PilkingtonIf someone seems to be aggressively replying to your posts within the minute it is posted, it's worth taking the time to check their post history and see if they are like this on other forums. They might just be like this 24/7. Have a good day LX. I have blocked that same person for a reason, unfortunately they can still see my posts.2022-08-29 19:09:23
★ペリシテ人★Yeah man i know, i just couldn't get out of my piracy phase even at adult age, my bad.And sadly i don't know how to find the originals, so i'll have to buy the app first and subscribe.2022-08-23 00:33:58
★ペリシテ人★I tried to download your workshop items via steamcmd cuz i dont own Wallpaper Engine legally but it seems SteamCMD wont allow me without buying the app first, also i hope you get unbanned sooner, it sucks that you have to deal with this, i know first hand experience with that, i'm guessing the best way to deal with the anti-NSFW removals would be to host the wallpaper enigne content somewhere else while making a censored version on workshop with link directing to the original, anyway i hope everything's all good for you right now.2022-08-22 09:42:32
SomebodyDiedAlrighty then!2022-08-22 08:21:34
★ペリシテ人★the sperm chalice2022-08-21 23:43:37
SomebodyDiedBro Ms. Appleberry from cocomelon 😳2022-08-20 17:53:51
silversurfer_Wow nice profile2022-08-09 17:55:58
SomebodyDiedGood job, pal!2022-07-28 12:56:42
OldManFantaI'd say you handled that pretty well since you didn't give into his obvious attempts at getting an angry reaction out of you2022-07-28 05:53:31
grayknightdam LX BDK you got some patience, respect to you, i dont give anyone the time who shows aggression,, well played2022-07-28 03:31:05
Popezyou wont 1v1 tho2022-07-27 22:44:08
Popezbro its not just about the profile you dissin my review lookin like that, i believe in everyone has the right to an opinion but its invalid when you have no respect for your self2022-07-27 22:28:35
Popezjive is a weird way to spell mentally deficient2022-07-27 22:20:28
Popezi want you to look at your profile with that video playing2022-07-27 22:05:57
Popezhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP8sofAN4xc2022-07-27 21:35:13
grayknightwell you know we love your work and appreciate it, so we are all looking forward to more,, my fav at the mow is nurse mercy checkup, more vids like that wud be awesome but either way i love them all, keep it up mate, your doing a great job2022-07-27 01:54:08
PonkeyTwinky♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I love the stuff you upload!!2022-07-26 16:25:23
IMMORTALso lewd that's what i'm looking for2022-07-23 02:54:31
grayknighti so cant wait2022-07-22 04:55:08
grayknighthey im loving your taboo and hardcore wallpaper engine vids, dam sexy just loving them , plz keep up your amazing work cuz there's so many people that appreciate them, wud be awesome if you cud accept my invite too,2022-07-21 05:04:08
SomebodyDiedWho wouldn't be a fan?2022-07-19 20:30:10
Swimming RockFound your profile through your Hero's Journey review and you seem like my kind of cultured individual ;) Hope you don't mind I sent a friend request2022-07-14 20:04:48
OldManFantaDo you happen to have another place where you share content like that?A discord server for example2022-07-14 10:54:22
Namu BunnyBruh your steam account is crazy2022-07-13 21:13:36
SomebodyDiedNiiice.2022-07-07 22:14:35
Spamtønhey nice workshop stuff it make me almost ♥♥♥ almost2022-06-21 11:03:00
CinaRuststakeRocketbets.ggyou are crazy man2022-06-20 16:19:48
NexxusI don't think the crow will ever leave you be, he will likely continue to send people to CAW you2022-06-20 12:42:50
W3stBoyCool Man !!!!!QAQ2022-06-20 03:18:32
DexI kneel2022-06-19 22:10:13
DexWe will cawsider it2022-06-19 21:58:04
DexYo i got a message from a certain crow? CAW2022-06-19 21:48:54
NexxusIt's private, DM me2022-06-19 21:13:21
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-06-19 20:24:40
NexxusI need to tell you something2022-06-19 19:52:00
SomebodyDiedHE HE HE HAW2022-06-11 14:46:28
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-06-10 08:50:35
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-06-08 23:27:18
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-06-08 21:28:18
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-06-04 22:15:14
SomebodyDiedHarsh.2022-06-04 19:36:40
SomebodyDiedWOOOO! NEW WALLPAPERS!2022-06-04 09:12:24
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-06-04 07:13:25
Pat HartmanYou are a sick man.2022-06-03 15:22:06
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-06-02 20:11:34
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-05-29 22:33:39
KaiHalid哈哈哈,谁不想和大佬做朋友呢2022-05-29 21:15:21
SomebodyDiedWhat can they say? Who wouldn't wanna be friends with a star like you?2022-05-29 12:00:19
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-05-28 07:39:26
KaiHalid爱了爱了,虽然壁纸很怪异,但是很符合我的口味,哈哈哈,另外:壁纸搭配的歌曲选的不错关注了2022-05-28 01:20:46
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-05-27 21:47:33
SomebodyDiedThe forgotten can be prety fun, but I LOVE tainted judas.2022-05-27 19:04:33
SomebodyDiedAlso, nice workshop!You've...given me something to look forward for tonight, so thanks.2022-05-27 17:50:07
SomebodyDiedA true shame..Who do you like to play as on TBOI?2022-05-27 17:25:08
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-05-26 00:40:04
NunnuNLovee your workshop stuff fam <32022-05-25 07:50:33
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-05-24 17:02:46
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-05-23 08:04:54
SweetTeado you watch porn2022-05-22 19:08:48
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-05-16 21:51:41
Mad ManMoar trap wallpapers would be god tho2022-05-16 09:10:47
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-05-16 07:58:11
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-05-06 17:58:19
Mad ManNoice +REP2022-05-05 16:47:57
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-05-05 11:23:02
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-04-28 21:28:21
govoner peaunut butteryou some kind of furry?2022-04-28 14:35:15
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-04-21 07:58:12
Vinnie Souzayou play very good dude, for real2022-04-20 19:33:32
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-04-18 22:23:50
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-04-11 08:56:49
ANNOYING CROWCAW2022-04-11 07:25:50
SmashingStar64yeah it's fine, just something funny i wanted to do2021-10-08 11:09:35
SmashingStar64going off of the comment you made on my post: i was born in 2001 (sorry if that sounds rude just wanting to do something funny)2021-10-07 10:56:46
MasterX70Nail on the head honestly.But hey, hope you have a good one!2021-05-05 21:32:20
MasterX70Spitting facts on that Zoologist mod2021-05-05 20:51:27


Total: [156] | TF2BD: [1] (0.64%) | SB: [9] (5.77%)

💕 Arrianard 👠2023-12-19 20:18:12
(192 days)
WOMP WOMP2023-12-08 19:29:45
(203 days)
2023-12-28 19:18:30 (183 days)
765611991689355222023-11-27 17:03:48
(214 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-11-12 18:06:09
(229 days)
2023-12-28 19:18:30 (183 days)
765611990378805312023-11-12 02:49:23
(230 days)
CIA Agent2023-11-10 14:55:50
(231 days)
2023-12-28 19:18:30 (183 days)
765611995536320202023-11-04 22:36:24
(237 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-10-27 05:50:36
(246 days)
Excesivamente Ricolino2023-10-16 17:42:16
(256 days)
magbaevashot2023-10-05 16:06:36
(267 days)
765611983646474372023-09-27 11:50:36
(275 days)
Metal Rear2023-09-18 19:16:05
(284 days)
ℂ𝕆ℝℕ2023-08-24 02:41:00
(310 days)
killkill1012023-08-20 11:36:57
(313 days)
🔞Jaws🔞2023-08-20 09:24:14
(313 days)
Bordan2023-08-18 09:33:07
(315 days)
Kenji2023-08-16 03:36:06
(318 days)
Ravenaura2023-08-14 15:20:08
(319 days)
Psycho2023-08-06 15:36:49
(327 days)
♠️ Morgan Le Fay 👑
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-08-04 10:30:34
(329 days)
flowersson2023-08-04 04:45:28
(330 days)
765611994056937322023-08-03 03:34:31
(331 days)
2023-12-28 19:18:30 (183 days)
Brother Erxkum2023-08-02 07:33:08
(331 days)
Legolas2023-08-01 01:40:02
(333 days)
TalkinTurtle2023-08-01 01:37:46
(333 days)
SrCharger2023-08-01 01:37:21
(333 days)
Simp ATM🔐2023-07-20 00:07:21
(345 days)
Y!2!K!★2023-07-16 17:25:41
(348 days)
JIJI2023-07-11 01:17:17
(354 days)
765611979972179692023-07-10 03:50:50
(355 days)
765611981945292092023-07-04 06:22:52
(361 days)
765611981445727262023-07-02 08:50:32
(362 days)
カジム ⁧⁧ KazMotor2023-06-30 01:11:22
(365 days)
2023-12-28 19:18:30 (183 days)
LinceNico2023-06-29 14:01:28
(365 days)
young slug2023-06-29 04:11:38
(366 days)
765611981803265352023-06-28 15:16:36
(366 days)
Badger2023-06-28 04:54:23
(367 days)
MaruchanGG2023-06-16 03:10:21
(379 days)
765611981467194382023-06-11 17:31:46
(383 days)
765611988035676892023-06-09 18:15:29
(385 days)
765611995122062942023-06-05 09:14:30
(389 days)
765611980119591132023-06-03 16:33:31
(391 days)
JaydiMan2023-05-27 21:35:31
(398 days)
Dreadnaught2023-05-27 12:21:33
(398 days)
Ezra Nobleheart2023-05-27 09:09:02
(398 days)
sekibanki2023-04-28 22:45:37
(427 days)
7ᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛᴲ2023-04-25 12:23:22
(430 days)
Ari2023-04-24 22:52:06
(431 days)
765611994976118002023-04-22 03:49:21
(434 days)
2023-12-28 19:18:30 (183 days)
Tech2023-04-20 19:43:21
(435 days)
Loseira2023-04-10 06:54:47
(445 days)
765611981401345162023-03-19 08:49:45
(467 days)
765611984518551282023-03-17 05:27:02
(470 days)
Emeryn162023-03-14 21:45:35
(472 days)
2023-12-28 19:18:30 (183 days)
Flawless Eyebrows2023-03-13 22:39:45
(473 days)
VooDooPuppet2023-03-13 22:39:23
(473 days)
765611994098362292023-03-13 22:38:12
(473 days)
bong dog ®2023-03-12 07:45:04
(474 days)
Kaquya2023-03-06 04:32:09
(481 days)
🖤ASRIEL🖤2023-03-02 12:29:42
(484 days)
Guy2023-03-02 05:37:51
(485 days)
God Matthew #FixTF22023-02-27 16:16:02
(487 days)
addym2023-02-25 22:59:15
(489 days)
Schizy2023-02-24 02:13:25
(491 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-02-22 20:32:50
(492 days)
765611981131529922023-02-22 20:32:13
(492 days)
azrav2023-02-21 02:41:05
(494 days)
FOXXOF2023-02-07 04:04:39
(508 days)
765611990001158782023-01-28 22:08:45
(517 days)
765611991449740862023-01-27 08:15:24
(518 days)
765611994719090162023-01-23 06:17:20
(522 days)
765611979958446272023-01-22 16:31:11
(523 days)
Lemus Memus2023-01-18 22:40:25
(527 days)
yonaka夜中2023-01-13 09:16:09
(532 days)
765611981251208462023-01-06 03:01:49
(540 days)
2023-01-04 05:25:22
(542 days)
Decibel2023-01-03 20:58:44
(542 days)
Human After All (AA)2023-01-03 20:58:42
(542 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-01-01 21:58:34
(544 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-12-31 19:36:53
(545 days)
765611989803052112022-12-28 02:47:51
(549 days)
765611981489375302022-12-18 05:11:55
(559 days)
765611983089770682022-12-18 04:42:50
(559 days)
765611984104458842022-12-18 04:42:18
(559 days)
Dr.Meme2022-12-18 04:40:02
(559 days)
cobro ayuda en elden ring2022-12-18 04:37:42
(559 days)
Cherubic Visage
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-12-15 02:22:02
(562 days)
765611991364494862022-12-14 16:23:29
(562 days)
765611989901511172022-12-14 02:15:47
(563 days)
765611980795537582022-12-12 16:53:29
(564 days)
ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 Płaski ᶻ 𝘇2022-12-12 16:47:44
(564 days)
RedPanda2022-12-07 01:55:37
(570 days)
765611980439547652022-12-07 01:54:39
(570 days)
765611988499193032022-12-03 06:51:20
(573 days)
765611994157812582022-11-26 07:08:32
(580 days)
dumbass cat2022-11-21 22:53:01
(585 days)
SOLOMAN2022-11-21 22:51:58
(585 days)
765611991486176832022-11-16 23:44:06
(590 days)
PaulinBacana2022-11-15 20:57:47
(591 days)
Αη Ιnτellecτual Tsiραr2022-11-11 17:29:30
(595 days)
765611988341344172022-11-11 04:47:28
(596 days)
remboo12022-11-11 02:42:42
(596 days)
AZ Nevermore2022-10-22 05:21:16
(616 days)
(call me) not a cheeter
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-10-22 02:21:22
(616 days)
NineAss2022-10-21 03:38:52
(617 days)
𝚟 𝚒 𝚗 𝚘2022-09-29 09:52:07
(638 days)
765611983153001612022-09-27 16:24:00
(640 days)
765611981752506532022-09-26 23:18:37
(641 days)
我一枪就打死一头猪2022-09-25 01:05:23
(643 days)
紫苑寺无名2022-09-18 22:34:00
(649 days)
Chaos Lord2022-09-14 20:32:31
(653 days)
PonkeyTwinky2022-09-12 19:45:06
(655 days)
Hentai Lord2022-09-12 03:55:58
(656 days)
765611983983588562022-09-03 03:52:40
(665 days)
Elford2022-08-29 04:12:14
(670 days)
765611989539024192022-08-26 16:17:53
(672 days)
dreamhouse_2022-08-09 22:51:15
(689 days)
我的妻子死了2022-07-28 20:58:48
(701 days)
IMMORTAL2022-07-23 02:42:35
(707 days)
OrganicPee2022-07-21 18:56:28
(708 days)
765611981601621682022-07-16 02:12:57
(714 days)
Swimming Rock2022-07-14 20:05:46
(715 days)
765611980778758032022-07-14 19:08:33
(715 days)
765611981316658262022-07-14 17:26:52
(715 days)
VIPER2022-07-14 03:28:12
(716 days)
Vidajoven2022-06-29 03:26:23
(731 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-06-25 01:03:18
(735 days)
2023-12-28 19:18:30 (183 days)
765611980263730332022-06-22 00:32:41
(738 days)
765611989079646982022-06-18 01:29:48
(742 days)
765611992916312062022-06-13 16:53:12
(746 days)
765611990194471372022-06-12 18:20:07
(747 days)
♤スケベさく♤2022-06-10 02:16:53
(750 days)
2023-12-28 19:18:30 (183 days)
SomebodyDied2022-06-02 13:16:13
(757 days)
CASyHD2022-06-02 11:43:40
(757 days)
765611989331131862022-06-02 07:58:02
(757 days)
AcidBase2022-05-25 20:54:02
(765 days)
NunnuN2022-05-25 19:55:13
(765 days)
765611983885775032022-05-23 02:29:10
(768 days)
TrapSlayerr2022-05-11 18:05:33
(779 days)
765611987981896552022-05-09 09:39:52
(781 days)
Schrödinger2022-05-05 21:31:06
(785 days)
Just Elin2022-04-10 17:40:07
(810 days)
765611980592283332020-05-19 04:52:36
(1502 days)
Varianth | TBCCND2018-08-23 01:22:13
(2137 days)
ScummyMcDirtbag2018-08-20 01:06:36
(2140 days)
yukideumoreru2018-08-17 03:17:33
(2143 days)
765611982200647292015-12-11 16:36:10
(3122 days)
AlbinoSquid2015-11-12 14:48:05
(3151 days)
765611982069014812015-07-14 20:56:51
(3272 days)
765611982390547962015-07-14 19:54:49
(3272 days)
765611981961018572015-06-14 09:21:14
(3302 days)
Manchips2015-06-08 18:05:43
(3308 days)
765611980016345782015-05-24 05:43:39
(3324 days)
Doug Dimmadome2015-05-23 17:18:01
(3324 days)
Λ2015-04-27 02:50:13
(3351 days)
Icessassin2014-11-23 01:31:52
(3506 days)