
SteamID64: 76561198107215659
SteamID32: [U:1:146949931]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:73474965

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: UNK

Creation: 2013-09-14 14:14:22 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-05-11 09:04:26

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
Lans2024-05-11 09:04:26
T/5 Lans [29th Ret.]2024-05-09 06:56:37
Lans2024-03-27 19:04:15
T/5 Lans [29th Ret.]2024-02-22 16:28:30
Lans2024-01-24 04:37:20
T/5 Lans [29th Ret.]2024-01-22 14:07:00
Lans2023-11-20 15:12:01
T/5 Lans [29th ID]2021-12-02 14:04:02
PFC Lans [29th ID]2021-05-24 15:01:03
PFC Lans [29 ID]2021-05-23 17:15:04
Pvt. Lans [29th ID]2019-08-08 14:08:05
Pvt. Lans [29th 1251]2019-08-04 13:49:06
Pvt. Lans Joachim [29th 1251]2019-08-04 13:46:07
Lans Joachim2017-09-23 11:33:08
Wind Of Change achievement2017-09-23 11:09:09

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Joachim2024-01-23 17:43:32

URL History

URLTime Changed

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2024-01-23 17:43:32 [Estimated]


Total: [11] | Deleted: [0]

Glory to Arstozkafrench coh2 player2024-03-11 14:52:14
Lolii-noob tunel and camp as wraith , noob killer lmao2019-10-31 13:16:03
T.TV/plueschepups-,-2019-09-05 16:22:46
Morseeille De La Formondewhat a loooser2018-12-23 18:07:54
PowerSenpaiWhat a noob2018-12-23 17:42:15
LansAnd this ladies and gentleman is a guy that has no balls coz you can't put comments on his profile and maybe need to git gud by playing something other than Nightmare and not winning with him2018-12-23 16:58:48
TindalosBad manners.2018-12-23 16:09:38
Morseeille De La FormondeI wouldnt want to live near this sick ♥♥♥♥2018-05-11 14:38:46
PowerSenpai+repTolerable french guy2018-05-11 13:29:33
Morseeille De La Formondefrenchi2018-02-14 10:33:53
PowerSenpaiFrench fry2017-09-19 14:12:45


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
