
SteamID64: 76561198116100475
SteamID32: [U:1:155834747]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77917373

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2013-11-27 14:23:22 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-02-02 09:10:46

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
Saibot2013-11-29 06:11:46

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
I live in2023-04-01 02:25:49

URL History

URLTime Changed 02:25:49

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Total: [874] | Deleted: [5]

Peter83000Offer sent.2024-06-24 02:04:25
L0S K0LK0SPlayboi Carti2024-06-12 13:04:59
🖤omegaΩJuten Tach, nochmal fast 10 Wochen extreme-Real-Life Simulator gespielt, waren coole Games dabei wie Koch/Tierpflege/Autowasch/Gartenumbau/Hausausbau/Computertechniker/Heimwerker/Kelleraufräum - Simulator, aber an diesem langen Wochenende wird endlich mal wieder PC gezockt. Auch wenn die Grafikkarte verstaubt ist. Und wenn nicht, dann lasse ich wenigstens ganz viele Grüße bei dir da. Auch wenn ich die treuloseste Steam Tomate bin, deine Pinnwand wird nun einfach so von mir vollgeschrieben, und zwar so richtig, sogar mit bunten Bilderchen dazu. So! Haste jetzt davon, also sei herzlich gegrüßt!2024-05-29 07:59:57
🖤omegaΩHey will mich endlich mal wieder melden. Bin seit 5 Wochen schon wieder in einer kompletten Gamingpause und kann mich irgendwie seit weit über einem Jahr nicht mehr so richtig motivieren. Interessen und Prioritäten ändern sich eben. Trotzdem lasse ich ganz liebe Grüße da und hoffe dass alles soweit okay ist (?). Macht euch alle einen schönen Feiertag morgen und habt eine tolle Zeit egal ob drinnen oder draußen. Bis bald, euer Omega-Männeken2024-04-30 09:15:24
0to10b_creativeHave a nice day!2024-04-02 18:09:01
Tyler DurdenFrohe Ostern!2024-03-31 09:49:43
RichieHappy Easter2024-03-31 04:24:08
Klaus(\___/)(= ‘.’=)(”)__(”)Happy Easter!2024-03-30 10:58:03
SR.CHA|N:)2024-03-23 15:23:58
𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐍I feel good and I'm happy to be here again. Thank you very much for accepting the request2024-03-22 04:57:00
DekuYoo minna, dattebayo! <32024-03-11 15:00:26
WeeHammySaw your reviews and was blown away with how in-depth they are!2024-03-08 21:58:05
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2024-02-29 16:55:36
🖤omegaΩja denke ich auch so - die kiste rennt nicht weg. aber aktuell ist zuviel neues passiert, merkst du ja bei dir auch, da hat man andere prioritäten. danke für deinen kommentar, alles gute und viel erfolg mit der sprache2024-02-27 11:50:29
🖤omegaΩHallihallo , wollte dir nach ein paar Wochen erneuter Abwesenheit mal wieder einen netten Gruß dalassen. Ich hoffe es geht dir gut?! Ich verliere immer mehr das Interesse an Gaming und Reviews. Wir befinden uns in so einer aufregenden Phase aktuell mit dem Umzug ins Haus, jetzt fängt bald Gartenarbeit an und wir haben noch immer Kleinigkeiten umzubauen unterm Dach. Ich konnte eine Blockade in der Hüfte nach 8 Jahren lösen lassen und bin viel aktiver. Die Hunde werden also noch intensiver gejagt haha. Das tut mir sehr gut und daher finde ich nicht so die Ruhe um am PC zu sitzen, obwohl es viele coole neue Simulatoren gibt. Was machst du aktuell gerne so? Lass mal von dir hören. Schöne Grüße sendet dir der omega-määän2024-02-27 11:39:30
maxpowercolombia0890gracias por el mk xl, saludos desde colombia :)2024-02-10 11:59:12
DekuRelax, don't worry my dear friend Have a awesome weekend2024-02-02 07:22:49
🖤omegaΩDer olle Omega-Mään wünscht Dir ein schönes Wochenende! Ab in den Garten und bei 20°C den Hund etwas jagen Viel Spaß egal was du vorhast2024-01-27 06:37:17
Y3RTI enjoy your style reviews and the games you play.2024-01-17 02:47:04
wasabi™Wishing you an awesome Wednesday Saibot2024-01-10 09:39:52
𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐍Nachdem ich deine Reviews gesehen und einige davon gelesen habe, konnte ich der Freundschaftsanfrage nicht widerstehen :) Was das schreiben angeht sehe ich das bei meinen genauso wie du bei deinen und das Kompliment für das Profil kann ich genauso zurückgeben.2024-01-08 02:47:16
wasabi™Have yourself a fantastic weekend Saibot2024-01-05 12:05:33
WONDERなパンI stumbled across a few reviews of yours I agreed or vibed with. Figured I'd drop you a follow/invite. Cheers.2024-01-04 00:38:52
DanikaHi! I sent you a friend request. After I read your review on Cavern of Dreams, a game I'm interested in (and your review contributed to that c:), I checked out some of your others.They're excellent, and I'd love to see them around the store when I'm checking out more games. Amazing effort <32024-01-01 17:24:51
👉ĐØŁŁØ-on-DECK👈+Rep for the reviews2024-01-01 13:45:15
🖤omegaΩProst Neujahr2024-01-01 09:56:00
noguchiithank you for trading!2023-12-26 08:22:15
🖤omegaΩFrohe Weihnachten und glückliche Feiertage. Ich hoffe ihr könnt Zeit mit euren Lieben verbringen. Bei uns hat sich vieles verändert und das zeigt immer wieder, man soll die Zeit nutzen, die man gemeinsam hat. Liebe Grüße schickt euch der olle omega mään mitsamt Anhang.2023-12-25 07:05:44
FeenaMerry Christmas2023-12-25 00:38:53
DaliamonMerry Christmas!2023-12-24 15:47:31
wasabi™Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Saibot2023-12-24 15:00:50
KlausIn Steamland we game, with controllers in hand,Christmas pixels glowing, in a virtual land.Santa on Steam, his sleigh now tech-powered,Delivering joy, quests, and loot showered.New Year's countdown, ten, nine, and then,Gaming resolutions, victories to win.May your frames be high, your ping be low,Happy gaming holidays, let the good times flow!2023-12-23 04:23:30
DekuMerry Christmas everyone. And Happy New Year 2024! Remember: The real treasure is the friendships we've made along the way and I wouldn't achieve anything without you. Let's continue to create unforgettable memories on Steam and build even stronger bonds. It’s time to go party, let’s do this! We deserve it. Stay awesome, stay epic, and game on!⠀ ⠀ Love & Peace Your Tenny ~2023-12-22 09:12:59
SaibotNOOOOOOOO NISHIKIIII2023-12-22 08:23:22
JuJitzuChop Goblins sweep2023-12-22 08:06:26
EltaninHi! Added because you're a fellow Yakuza fan and you write nice reviews2023-12-21 14:14:01
HalfmindHello! Added you after seeing reading one of your excellent reviews and visiting your profile--awesome game showcase!2023-12-18 05:27:02
phetuspoliceGreetings. You've a lot of reviews + games. Cheers ^_^2023-12-09 19:32:23
wasabi™Cheers for the add Saibot, great to meet you Awesome profile you got going here, also big fan of Yakuza myself Have yourself a great rest of the weekend mate2023-12-02 15:22:02
Je/s/usBased Yakuza fan.2023-11-30 22:17:23
TheCorpseThank you ^-^2023-11-26 07:28:09
TheCorpseI saw your profile while I was surfing on the activity section. And your profile interests me now. Great reviews, amazing game choices. I am sending an invite to you with best wishes, cya gamer ^^.2023-11-26 07:25:29
🖤omegaΩWill dir mal wieder nette Grüße dalassen und ein schönes Wochenende wünschen. Hoffe es passt soweit alles bei dir? Auf bald, viel Spaß noch Lg, Omega.2023-11-24 12:04:24
Hairy MaryThank you for your friend request. I recommend adding Jela'n below.2023-11-16 01:04:15
Jela'nMany games and friends in common, invite sent your way, hope you can accept.2023-11-15 16:52:10
TembersomHi, since u asked…: I added u to exchange game recommendations2023-11-14 14:23:43
DekuTʜᴀɴᴋs ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴠɪʙᴇs.2023-11-14 13:44:18
Shrimp SimpYAKUZA!!!!!2023-11-12 06:39:44
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2023-11-09 15:07:00
🖤omegaΩHeeey, nachträglich schönes Halloween und vorsorglich entspanntes Wochenende. Bin wieder in Steam zurück, wir sind final ins Haus gezogen. Jetzt beginnt ein neuer schöner Abschnitt im Leben. Bin also wieder öfter für einen Chat zu haben, falls Interesse besteht. Na denn, tollen Abend noch und wir lesen uns bald. LG der omegamään2023-11-02 16:14:27
🖤omegaΩIch sende allen meinen lieben Kontakten nochmal schöne Grüße aus der alten Wohnung. Ab Montag wohnen wir endlich im eigenen Haus und ich werde daher wieder einige Tage nichts beantworten. Also auf ein letztes Mal, habt ein tolles Wochenende, und macht das beste aus dem windigen Regenwetter (mir gefällt es ja sehr). Bis ganz bald, euer Omega Määän2023-10-20 09:50:40
Roastysent request due to a respect from running the curator group of For Retro and would like to suggest some retro games the curation might have missed2023-10-01 14:10:42
🖤omegaΩ🖤Der olle Omega-Mään wünscht dir ein schönes Wochenende und ganz viel Spaß bei allem, was du vorhast. Die Tage werden kühler, der PC wird sicher wieder öfter laufen. Liebe Grüße2023-09-15 12:45:32
charmingHello, I added you because I enjoy reading detailed reviews/discovering new games to play...AND Kiryu ;'32023-09-07 15:13:03
Tennyson ✅Have a nice weekend2023-08-25 15:44:54
🖤omegaΩ🖤Hallöchen, melde mich endlich zurück. Hoffe es ist dir bzw euch gut ergangen. Wollte nur mal kurz auf deinem Profil vorbei schauen. Hoffe wir laufen uns wieder öfter bei Aktivitäten im Status usw. über den Weg. Schöne Grüße zum Wochenende sendet der olle Omega2023-08-25 12:17:51
Saibot@ColdShadowz - Thank you for your comment! Means a lot :)Accepted!2023-08-16 06:26:52
ColdShadowzAdding you to be able to track your reviews. Saw a review of yours pop up and really appreciated it.2023-08-16 06:25:47
Tennyson ✅"👨‍👧‍👦 Happy Father's Day! 👨‍👧‍👦 ( on Brasil )Celebrating all the amazing dads who inspire and support us on our journey. May this day be filled with love and special moments with your families. Enjoy! 🎉🎈 #FathersDay #FamilyLove" Can you give me a awards on profile or my screenshots, reviews.... • Grateful for all of you! Thanks a lot2023-08-13 12:49:34
Saibot@semmelboesel ; @Mr.SkarKasm - Both accepted! Thank you for your great message - means a lot! :)2023-08-10 09:29:48
Mr.SkarKasmI added you cuz..... KIRYU-CHAN!also your oceanhorn review.2023-08-10 08:20:58
semmelboeselI was stunned by the review From oceanhorn and how much effort you put in. Then I checked your Profile and there I saw more of it. I'm not a chatty person, just wanna check out your profile and reviews from time to time. Greetz2023-08-10 02:14:40
Zombie []I love what you do with your reviews and the fact that they are there to help the dev and not shame them2023-08-03 07:10:41
Have A Nice LifeU write good reviews2023-08-03 03:46:50
Karas RiderHello, I really appreciate your detailed reviews and I'd love to read more of them :D2023-07-30 17:26:36
🖤omegaman-x Ω🖤Hey will dir mal wieder schöne Grüße dalassen und ein erholsames Wochenende wünschen. Also viel Spaß und wenn`s was gibt, melde dich ruhig. der olle omega2023-07-28 07:12:46
Saibot@日月星沉 - Thank you so much for letting me know! Will definitely push this in my library in order to play it now. Awesome work! ♥2023-07-25 07:08:12
日月星沉Hello! I saw Faith of Danschant in your Library. Recently we have finished an English Translation Mod for this game. If you're still interested in playing this game, maybe you can have a try: ) 07:06:26
janner66Hi Saibot. I just sent you an invite to see if you wanted to review for our curator IndieGems. We could have a quick chat about it if you like, but it works the same as Summit, yet we mostly have a stock of games to choose from in our curator connect rather than rely on requests, although we do that also. We only curate Indie games though. If you're interested give me a shout. Thanks :)2023-07-23 13:46:53
REDA_X_N1Very good trades, fast! thanks2023-07-19 01:58:20
sabeerareeb™added from steamtradesAlso a fellow trails and yakuza fan lol2023-07-16 23:17:43
M4rhunInterested in the ascent trade2023-07-15 16:21:39
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2023-07-15 06:52:12
vigoradded to buy tf2 keys2023-07-14 14:01:06
SaibotOf course – welcome to the crew.2023-07-11 01:18:19
Reanu KeevesCan I add you? I want to add you because you have a very detailed review for games and I think that is a valueable..2023-07-10 18:21:58
🖤omegaman-x Ω🖤Sorry ich habe eben dein Profil gehackt. Werde dir ganz viele Grüße und Blumen dalassen. Ob du willst oder nicht. Beste Wünsche gehen raus an all meine lieben Kontakte, genießt das Wochenende Euer Omega Oh ziemlich viele Emojis, sorry nochmal. har har2023-06-30 06:33:38
Dr. NonuThanks, you also have a nice profile!2023-06-08 13:13:38
DaliamonI appreciate the time and effort you put into writing your reviews, I wanna be able to write like that someday xD so excuse me for adding you2023-05-20 03:47:14
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2023-05-19 05:38:40
delenn13Thanks for the invite. Nice profile.2023-05-16 07:16:54
aquatorrentsick screenshot showcase2023-04-29 20:46:40
SaibotAccepted and thank you for your kind words - means a lot2023-04-27 08:50:29
K450zHello, I love the reviews you do for games, I add you as a friend to never miss a review.2023-04-27 08:47:31
SaibotWelcome aboard partner2023-04-26 05:41:11
InexorableJoeI added you because I saw a nice review that you left about a game. Your profile is nice. You seem to have put a lot of work into it. Well done.2023-04-26 05:14:21
SaibotWelcome to the crew and thank you for your nice words2023-04-26 00:52:07
dyldylyour account is sick and your reviews are super well made2023-04-25 18:18:16
Ω🖤omegaman [inaktiv]tra la li und tra la la......der OMEGA lässt dir schöne Grüße da2023-04-22 11:25:34
Saibot@BatteryAcid - Definitely! I've played 0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and thus "ended" the Kiryu Saga.I'll definitely Start "Judgment and Lost Judgment" ans "Like A Dragon" soon enough.One of my favorite franchises of all time! :)Thanks for your comment.2023-04-14 05:35:37
BatteryAcidi like how out of the thousands of games u got its clear yakuzas one of your favourites.. goes to show yakuza is the GOAT2023-04-14 03:18:50
🖤omega-man-x ΩHey, ich lasse euch einfach mal wieder nach längerer Zeit ein paar nette Grüße auf den Profilen da. Bin etwas abgetaucht im Real-Life, denn die Planung des Umzuges ins große Familien-Haus ist größer als gedacht. Hoffe ihr hattet alle schöne Ostern. Finde es so toll von euch, nicht gelöscht zu werden, auch wenn man (mal wieder) ein Onlinemuffel und Gamingfaulpelz ist. Danke. Vorsorglich schönes Wochenende an alle meine lieben Kontakte gewünscht.2023-04-13 07:52:56
Tyler DurdenFrohe Ostern! :-)2023-04-09 01:50:51
SharkYAdded you from Summit Reviews ^^2023-04-06 12:16:47
Krypton RRStumbled upon your profile 🔥🔥🔥2023-04-02 23:14:38
나는 한국에 없다i'm public:)2023-03-30 15:28:26
PsyKeyEpic profil GG2023-03-29 23:36:10
Mohammed RomanAdded to buy tf2 keys2023-02-17 14:02:53
🖤omega-man-xViele Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende sendet dir omega-man2023-01-27 16:44:51
🖤omega-man-xSooo, da bin ich wieder..... Weihnachten überstanden..... und wünsche dir einen gesunden Start ins neue Jahr. Hoffe du kannst 2023 deine Ziele erreichen und es wird schön für dich. Lieben Gruß omega2023-01-02 18:06:58
SR.CHA|NHappy new Year2022-12-31 11:00:45
DarkstarSchöne Festtage wünsche ich Dir2022-12-29 17:23:57
Black FrostThank you, and don't worry I understand, it's that time of year after all, so it makes sense to spend time with your family.😄 I spent Christmas by myself, but I did called my family members to wish them merry christmas though.2022-12-26 17:17:14
Black FrostMerry Christmas Saibot, and Happy New Year!2022-12-25 00:09:43
Drasco。 ° ˛ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ˚ • 。。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ 。 ° 。 ° 。• ˚ ˛ * ★MERRY★ *˛ • • 。CHRISTMAS • ˚ ˚ • ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚。* ★And a Happy New Year★ • ˚ ˚˛ *__Π___*。* ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • ˚ ˚*/______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛*|田田 . .|門| ˚¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°2022-12-24 08:47:12
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・ℳerry ℭhristmas~2022-12-23 04:21:51
🖤omega-man-xHabt ein friedliches Fest und lasst es besinnlich angehen. Wir verreisen morgen und feiern dieses Jahr ein größeres Weihnachten als sonst. Daher wünsche ich jetzt schon Frohe Weihnachten für Dich und deine Liebsten. Das nächste Jahr wird spannend. Passt auf euch auf, bleibt gesund und denkt an die, die es nicht so gut haben. Liebe Grüße sendet Dir der "Omegaman".2022-12-21 16:05:18
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2022-12-19 04:49:00
SR.CHA|NVOCÊ RECEBEU O LOLÓ DO HEXA 💚💛💙┏ ┓╭╯ ╰╮┃loló┃┃ ┃┗━ ━┛BAFORA E REPASSA2022-12-05 13:25:48 to add2022-12-02 14:57:04
🖤omega-man-xWill nur mal schnell nette Grüße da lassen und einen schönen 2. Advent wünschen2022-12-02 05:25:21
TFXadded to trade2022-11-25 16:19:27
Mz CookiesYour game taste is so varied it’s great. Then I saw SpongeBob 100% and it’s confirmed that you’re cool2022-11-25 16:16:52
MajordomoGamer girl, I approve2022-11-25 15:32:13
RivaL[.]ReNeGaDe@Catnaps.TTV Says the guy who watches Hentai and is into fiddling cats. What? You can't get any real ♥♥♥♥♥? LMAO!2022-11-25 15:27:37
Saibot@Catnaps.ttv - I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean, but the double standard with the "TTV" in the name, as if anyone would care to open your Twitch stream... hilarious. Thanks for the laugh! ♥2022-11-25 14:04:03
Snapslol the ego in your details post for your profile, brah get over yourself.2022-11-25 13:59:47
SaibotAccepted. Now let me tickle you.2022-11-21 14:32:41
Flavius Claudius JulianusI’m a simple man. I like ticklish beards. The beard in your avatar seems like it would tickle me. That’s why I added you. You could ignore my friend request, but are you not a little curious what could come after? Are you open to the possibility of having both of our minds blown?2022-11-21 14:27:05
🖤omega-man-xViele Grüße und schönes Wochenende vom omega-man2022-11-18 09:35:29
keyman4Always cool to see someone with over 10k achievements. A budding hunter myself2022-11-15 13:51:52
Maxrocks95i just wanted to add you so we can be friends, and i see that you enjoy what i consider a game of colture :)2022-11-11 13:32:06
Black FrostI gave up trying to catch all fish, so I think I was on 1st Class Fisher for my fishing rank and I was 2nd Rank Detective for my detective ranks. As for the books, I collected all the crossbell times newspapers and missed one book from the Back Alley Doctor Glenn series. That was volume 6 by the way, the one you get from one of those fisherman after you complete that urgent quest that involves you looking for and fishing with Joachim...What makes it funny is that, it was the one time I didn't want to talking with anybody, and it screw me over!🤣 Also I was over 200 hours in. But yeah I had a great time playing it. I also just read your review, and it was great!2022-11-05 19:00:01
Black FrostI'm glad you had fun with it, and yeah I guess that side quest can get annoying if you don't have enough recipes for it, lol, But if you want to talk about annoying side quests then, look no further then that "The Many Famous Views of Crossbell" side quest. I was trying to get full dp on it, and it got to a point while used a guide for it. I was mad when I found out that I have to wait until the 4th day of the Anniversary Festival because I was trying to knock out all the side quests that I've receive. I was trying to play it the casual way myself by trying not to look up guides and talking to everybody....It was tiring, but fulfilling. I only missed like two recipes, one where you get it from the show 10 recipe side quest, and the other where I have to check the wooden board in Ash Tree Inn in Armorica Village, in Chapter 1 day 1 no less...2022-11-05 18:59:08
Black FrostThat's great to hear! I'm doing good myself as well. Cool, I'll make sure to check it out. I also finished the game on my PS4 last Saturday. I think that was the point of the Special Support Section doing mundane support request to win over the citizenry, but other than that it's your run of the mill Trails sidequest, so I guess I was used to it. lol! That's great that you've enjoyed the story, I feel the same as well. Also it's a Trails game after all, so they going to be long and visual novel like. So did you bother with completion? Did you get all the books and what not?2022-11-05 17:51:02
Black FrostHey Saibot, long time no see. How you're doing, and did you finished Trails from Zero yet?2022-11-05 17:30:20
🖤omega-man-xIch lasse dir schöne Grüße auf deinem Profil da und wünsche ein tolles Wochenende // Just sending nice greetings and a great weekend for you2022-10-29 13:01:53
SR.CHA|N🎃 ĦȺᵽᵽɏ ĦȺłłøwɇɇn 🎃2022-10-29 08:47:47
marianne~When witches go riding,and black cats are seen,the moon laughs and whispers,‘tis near Halloween.2022-10-24 11:31:52
🖤omega-man-xHey, ich lasse dir liebe Grüße da und wünsche ein tolles Wochenende Bin aktuell nicht so oft online, aber hoffe dass es dir gut geht Lg omega2022-10-21 07:50:02
SaibotOkay Mr. private Profile and game banned guy lmao2022-10-13 08:06:15
󠀡󠀡your profile is the definition of cringe lmao2022-10-13 07:46:18
🖤omega-man-xWollte einfach mal wieder paar nette Grüße dalassen und das schon vor dem Wochenende. Etwas Chaos im Leben muss sein LG omega2022-10-06 08:39:41
BerserkerBarbieHallo Saibot :) Ich bin durch ein Review auf dich aufmerksam geworden und sende dir nun diese Freundschaftsanfrage um keines mehr zu verpassen Auch deine Screenshots finde ich toll Würde mich auf jeden Fall freuen, mehr von deinem Content im Activityfeed zu sehen LG2022-10-03 07:36:18
Black FrostHa, ha! Yeah, that's the only thing you can do is not take them seriously. I can't blame you, Steam got it made when it comes to having all the Trails games under one roof. Us PlayStation players just got worry about getting the Sky games on here, but Nintendo Switch players have it worse... Oh yeah, same here. I want to play the two Crossbell games first and then go back and play the whole series in chronological order. Heh, that's the spirit! As long as you're having fun, that all that matters. lol, Agree.2022-09-26 14:36:29
Black FrostWell a little bit of everything really: people still whining about the zerofield Translation Spreadsheet, posting naked pictures of Van from Kuro no Kiseki on twitter, telling people to boycott the English official release, cursing NISA on twitter, posting "spoilers" on nisa showcase steam, just to name a few. I'm not into drama either, it just been one headache after another listening to them. I think the PS4 version is fine for what it is, people don't really play Trails games for graphics anyway, so I will be getting that version, but I am glad you're going to have a enhance experience with the PC version. Ouch! If you think that sucks, wait til you get to Cold Steel 2...2022-09-26 14:17:33
Black FrostSo, you been keeping up with all of this craziness that have been going down in our Trails fandom? Lol2022-09-26 13:43:11
Black FrostI'm doing good too, thanks for asking.2022-09-26 13:38:23
Black FrostThat's great to hear! How you been by the way?2022-09-26 13:32:31
Black FrostHey Saibot! Are you ready for Trails from Zero? It's coming out tomorrow and I can't wait!😁2022-09-26 13:19:28
SR.CHA|NHave a great day2022-09-25 10:23:39
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2022-09-24 07:16:50
Re1denshiHi, nice to meet you!2022-09-12 14:25:35
🖤omega-man-xEin super entspanntes Wochenende für dich und schöne Grüße / / Have a nice and relaxing weekend, my friend2022-09-09 13:37:32
AllyYou disabled comments but I had to give your Y5 review an award, top effort!2022-08-25 17:18:49
🖤omega-man-xJa schönen guten Tag, möchte nur schnell einen netten Gruß hinterlassen und mich dann ganz schnell wieder verstecken. Bin zwar seit +4 Wochen irgendwie Anti Steam und Gaming genervt *gg* aber ein schönes Wochenende wird trotzdem gewünscht. Also pass auf dich auf und hab Spaß Omega2022-08-12 11:38:24
Saibot@bag fumbler - I just checked the controller settings and you are right. Why is that feature not bound to any XBOX Button wtf?Same as "Looking back" it's also possible with select...I'll edit my review thank you for your feedback! :)2022-08-10 05:37:45
funky loot purveyorhey, i read your revolt review and in this segment you claim 'you can only steer your racer from one camera perspective' however when pressing F1 you can zoom the camera on your car, and when you press F1 a second time you enter first person perspective. just a heads up2022-08-10 04:40:14
Jack Nolddor // ⇄ TF2 Keys1 key if you sell on steam market gives you about 2€ balance and it cost 2.20€ so similar to 3 copies of that game2022-08-08 13:48:52
Jack Nolddor // ⇄ TF2 Keyspack is usually 2.80€ on sales 13:36:47
SR.CHA|Ngood weekend2022-08-06 10:54:19
🖤omega-man-xNa du, ich lasse einfach mal wieder einen lieben Gruß bei dir da. Mach` was schönes am Wochenende Omega2022-08-05 16:10:23
MajordomoAdded since you recently joined SR group2022-07-09 14:23:20
RivaL[.]ReNeGaDeHaha my bad. Sleeping for a few hours a day the last week has my brain in another dimension.2022-07-08 15:15:14
RivaL[.]ReNeGaDeAdding you because reviews and screenshots2022-07-07 16:48:54
MetroAdded since you recently joined SR group2022-07-07 15:57:32
Jumpin' Jack FlashYou make really good reviews. Keep up the good work2022-07-04 18:55:31
gaijin ganjalord (weed exchange)thank you for writing your review in bold. it was more important than the other reviews, and I might have missed it if you did not do something so obnoxious.2022-07-03 22:50:56
🖤omega-man-xHeyhey ich lasse Dir einfach mal einen lieben Gruß auf dem Profil da und wünsche ein entspanntes Wochenende2022-07-01 06:39:02
SR.CHA|NHi, just dropping by to say that the sale is near, are you excited to buy?2022-06-23 12:06:45
SaibotNo thanks - with your -6 Reps I'm not interested2022-06-14 08:50:48
SergejAccept me I’ll buy your keys2022-06-14 08:15:29
baboanti-epic necessary friend2022-06-12 14:23:22
Tyrant Slayerbased EGS shill destroyer2022-06-12 11:22:29
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Saibot2022-06-07 13:32:46
🖤omega-man-xNa, ich bin mal so frei, und lasse einen kleinen Eintrag da. Also schönen lieben Gruß von mir2022-05-27 14:29:53
renfieldAuch Dir ein rauchiges (Grafikkarten) Wochenende2022-05-20 06:09:58
ᚺᛒᛖαrcoDa das Wochenende wieder vor der Tür steht: Habe ein schönes und sonniges ... *wünsch*2022-05-20 04:55:51
SR.CHA|NJust passing by to wish you a great start to the week.2022-05-08 17:55:50
SR.CHA|NJust passing by to wish you a good start to the week and a good sale!2022-05-01 16:59:44
Hudson633Cool reviews2022-04-27 19:49:03
SR.CHA|NHi, just dropping by to wish you a good start to the week.2022-04-24 09:52:52
SR.CHA|NHello how are you? Just passing by to wish you a happy Easter and a good weekend.2022-04-15 23:51:00
🖤omega-man-xFrohe Ostern an alle meine lieben Kontakte. Ich wünsche euch schöne Tage und viele bunte Eier /// Happy Easter to all my dear contacts2022-04-14 20:51:46
SR.CHA|Nhow is your weekend going? Take the opportunity to relax and have fun. Take care.2022-04-10 12:15:24
SR.CHA|NEnjoy the weekend to rest and have fun.2022-04-02 10:48:22
SR.CHA|Nhey! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, rest and have fun!2022-03-26 18:05:22
Drekimunryou will never obtain true poopsaibot status2022-03-20 04:59:39
🖤omega-man-xWünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende und viel Spaß // Have a nice weekend and a lot of fun2022-03-19 07:16:42
LillyWeil du ein nettes Profil hast und ich neue nette Kontakte suche. Ich habe dich gefunden unter einer Review Und ich wünsche schonmal ein schönes Wochenende2022-03-18 14:07:24
Black FrostI'm doing great thanks for asking. I was especially, feeling great yesterday. I Had me a large pepperoni pizza from Papa John's with some bread sticks on the side. Man, Dante from the Devil May Cry series would be so proud, ha, ha! So how is Germany over there? I know a lot of crazy stuff going down with Russia right now.2022-03-15 16:52:50
SaibotI'm good how are you my Friend? ♥2022-03-15 09:26:03
Black FrostAww, lol! I know, I'm just playing. So, how your doing today?2022-03-14 17:20:12
SaibotI Really don‘t bite i just cant handle stupidity :D2022-03-14 17:17:08
Black Frost"All that being said, I don't bite, I swear!"Not even a little nibble? 😏😉2022-03-14 17:13:53
SaibotIf they take away YOUR CHOICE where to buy - its anti-consumer no matter how you twist it.They take away MY FREEDOM to buy where I want and where I want to support.That has nothing to do with competition or whatever you want to name it - its simply disgusting Fortnite Money Cash.If my stake is only available at a bakery I will not buy my stake there because I want to buy my stake where I'm used to buy it and where I feel at home.♥♥♥♥ you for stealing the stake from my most beloved store.2022-03-14 06:07:38
SaibotWho are you and from which corner are you crawling out from?2022-03-14 02:05:48
SR.CHA|NGood weekend. Enjoy.2022-03-12 06:02:47
macadded about a emote2022-03-09 00:27:16
SR.CHA|NHey! Enjoy your weekend. Rest, and have fun, and be at peace.2022-03-05 20:11:42
Paycheck-66Pleasure to meet you. I too appreciate like minded individuals and active people.2022-02-27 01:30:39
Set Your Heart AblazeThank you, me and my people really appreciate it. Nobody is safe in my country, but we are fighting for our lives, for the civilized world. We are holding the line2022-02-26 16:47:57
SR.CHA|NHey! Have a nice weekend, even with everything that's going on. Strength everyone.2022-02-24 20:56:01
ᚺᛒᛖαrcoDanke Dir nochmal und 15 Euronen für fast doppelte Spielzeit sollte passen.Hatte nur ein wenig "Panik" gehabt, das es nach 2 Stunden langweilig wird シ2022-02-24 14:52:58
SR.CHA|NHave a great weekend. Take a rest.Tenha um ótimo final de semana. Descanse.Хороших выходных. Отдохни.Passe un bon weekend. Repose toi un peu.良い週末を。 休憩してください。اتمنى لك نهايه اسبوع جميله. خذ راحة.Buon fine settimana. Riposati.2022-02-17 20:44:42
SR.CHA|NHave a great Valentine's Day and a good start to the week!2022-02-14 19:51:03
🖤omega-man-xI wish you a nice weekend and some time to relax Have fun !2022-02-11 17:28:30
SR.CHA|NHow was your week? Have a nice weekend to rest and have fun.2022-02-11 05:33:29
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2022-02-08 10:38:57
Rainer ☣Vielen Dank für die Info bzgl. Seph! Tut mir sehr leid das zu hören, ich hab es mir bereits gedacht. RIP2022-02-05 11:35:55
SR.CHA|NHow are you? Enjoy the weekend!2022-02-03 21:56:09
SR.CHA|NHave a good start to the week.2022-01-31 06:08:52
SR.CHA|NHave a nice weekend, take the opportunity to rest and have fun.2022-01-29 09:10:08
DrugojaHello there Why, your wish is my com... motivation :D Nice to meet you2022-01-25 11:52:45
SR.CHA|NHow are you? Have a great start to the week!2022-01-23 19:24:49
SR.CHA|NHave a nice weekend, have fun!Bon week-end, amusez-vous!Хороших выходных, весело провести время!أتمنى لك عطلة نهاية أسبوع سعيدة ، واستمتع!Schönes Wochenende, viel Spaß!Tenha um bom final de semana, divirta-se!2022-01-21 06:28:42
SR.CHA|NHave a good start to the week, enjoy!2022-01-16 20:08:38
Rominvictus..... (¯`v´¯)♥.......•.¸.•´....¸.•´... (☻//▌♥♥/ \ ♥♥2022-01-16 01:16:06
🖤omega-man-xIch wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende und gute Erholung / Have a nice weekend and enjoy your days2022-01-14 07:48:47
SR.CHA|NAnother weekend coming, take the opportunity to have fun, study, play! Have a great weekend!2022-01-13 21:39:00
SR.CHA|NAnother beginning of the week, enjoy studying, working and playing.Have a great start to the week.2022-01-10 06:13:26
SR.CHA|NAnother beginning of the week, enjoy studying, working and playing.Have a great start to the week.2022-01-10 06:13:26
JacketMutilatorReally appreciated your thread on Nier Replicant. Thanks for the link to the save files!2022-01-09 06:32:44
SR.CHA|NHave a good weekend!Tenha um bom final de semana!¡Tener un buen fin de semana!Bon week-end!Хороших выходных!أجازة سعيدة!2022-01-07 21:15:13
SR.CHA|NI hope this year you are very successful. Enjoy the day and have a good start to the week.2022-01-02 10:26:50
marianne~Time is like a flowing river, no water passes beneath your feet twice, much like the river, moments never pass you by again, so cherish every moment that life gives you and have a wonderful New Year.2021-12-31 13:42:32
jHnI wish you a good start into 2022 Stay healthy2021-12-31 11:09:00
𝕊𝕆𝕃ℝ𝔸ℂHappy New Year 2022! May your troubles be less, and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door!2021-12-31 08:14:36
SR.CHA|NComing to the end of the year, take the opportunity to celebrate, have fun and in 2022 may many good things come to you. :-)2021-12-31 07:47:35
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・★ NEW YEAR ☆2022!2021-12-30 12:15:49
korvkentHappy New YearС Наступающим Новым годом2021-12-30 08:19:23
SR.CHA|NHave a great day and a happy new year!2021-12-29 17:58:27
SR.CHA|NLast week of the year, enjoy this year of parties, games, work as it should be. the important thing is to start the year well, have a great day and a good start to the holidays and a good end to the year.2021-12-28 09:53:13
Giliath OsborneHello another Trails and Yakuza lover2021-12-27 08:41:27
SR.CHA|NAnother Christmas approaching, and enjoy your day, whether playing or having fun, the important thing is that you have a great day.2021-12-24 09:59:20
korvkentMerry Christmas!2021-12-24 09:02:45
🖤omega-man-xFrohe Weihnachten für Dich und den Leuten, die das Fest mit dir verbringen. Wünsche eine friedliche Zeit und schönes Beisammensein. 🎄 (und danke, dass mir niemand meinen 3-wöchigen Rückzug übel nimmt, ich werde mich wieder öfters melden).2021-12-24 06:55:23
SR.CHA|Nℳ𝒆𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°2021-12-23 19:11:14
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・ℳerry ℭhristmas~2021-12-23 07:08:26
SR.CHA|NSale começa dentro de algumas horas. Aproveite o dia de muitos games, tenha um feliz natal e próspero ano novo.Sale starts in a few hours. Enjoy the day of many games, have a merry christmas and a prosperous new year.La vente commence dans quelques heures. Profitez de la journée de nombreux jeux, passez un joyeux Noël et une nouvelle année prospère.Распродажа начнется через несколько часов. Наслаждайтесь днем ​​множества игр, веселого Рождества и удачного Нового года.2021-12-22 07:54:07
𝕊𝕆𝕃ℝ𝔸ℂIt seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year 2022. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★Merry*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* Christmas*★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥Everyone ♥ ˛* ˛*.°( . • . ) ˛°./• ‘♫ ‘ •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。*(…’•’.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛ …2021-12-21 09:25:12
🖤omega-man-xEinen schönen 4. Advent für dich und deine Familie. Genieße die Weihnachtszeit. Happy 4th Advent for you and your family. Enjoy the Christmas season.2021-12-19 06:51:52
SR.CHA|NReady for sale? Have a good weekend.Preparado para a sale? Tenha um bom final de semana.Готовы к продаже? Хороших выходных. Prêt à vendre ? Bon week-end.2021-12-18 04:45:38
RDANice review on Nier...2021-12-16 18:35:25
🌴♱Evangelion Unit01♱🌴[6:02 PM]Saibot: Playing a Fighting game for the story is like watching porn for the plot. Like who does that.2021-12-10 17:08:55
SR.CHA|NHow's it going around? Just passing by to wish you good fun and a great weekend.2021-12-10 15:23:24
SaibotI accepted your cool invitation from a cool guy. Let's continue to fight the good fight and ♥♥♥♥ epic. ♥2021-12-10 08:51:50
Trundlevery cool dude with chad opinion2021-12-10 08:49:35
🌴♱Evangelion Unit01♱🌴please add mei hate epic games as well2021-12-05 09:36:22
Kalvusfriended because Falcom is the best2021-12-04 14:15:37
SR.CHA|NHow was your week? Alright? Have a great day and have a nice weekend.2021-12-03 16:19:22
🖤omega-man-xEin schönes Wochenende und am Sonntag einen ruhigen 2. Advent für alle meine lieben Kontakte. Passt auf euch auf // A nice weekend and on Sunday a quiet 2nd Advent for all my dear contacts. Take care of you2021-12-03 06:49:30
🖤omega-man-xGuten Abend und viele Grüße in meine ehemalige Heimat2021-12-02 17:05:52
KEKadded you because i love you2021-11-30 20:37:16
SR.CHA|NGood weekend! Enjoy the sale!2021-11-26 14:00:02
SR.CHA|NHow was your week? I hope you have a good weekend!2021-11-19 08:39:29
vxstvHahaha, you are like me, I also love games way too much and lately got addicted to adding them to my inventory : D, I would love to be your friend so I hope you'll accept my friend request.2021-11-14 07:05:36
SR.CHA|NHow are you? have a great day and a good weekend!2021-11-11 10:42:55
SR.CHA|NHave a great day, and have a nice weekend!2021-11-05 19:17:44
Katia LavettThank you so much for the tip! I'm going to check them out.2021-11-05 01:26:30
Saibot@Moxie McMoney - 1) Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night2) Axiom Verge3) The Messenger4) Momodora5) Shantae (Is more of a platformer but has some metroidvania aspects as well)I gave you more options since i dont know which type of game you want. All of them are better platformer-wise than Ori.2021-11-04 15:35:32
Katia LavettHi! I liked your review to Ori and the blind forest and wonder what metroidvania games you'd recommend to someone who found Ori and Hollow knight challenging?Have a great week!2021-11-01 06:46:38
SR.CHA|NHave a great halloween day! Happy holidays, good games and have a good start to the week!2021-10-31 14:07:58
SR.CHA|NHow are you? excited for halloween? enjoy2021-10-28 21:44:01
SaibotAccepted - Thanks for making a comment + I'm always down to learn more about people in my Activity Feed since I'm quite active there. Looking forward to your stuff there :)2021-10-25 09:27:32
Tiny-_-DreamerAwesome FFXiV screenshots, as well as the others and GIFs I checked on your profile! Don't you mind befriending each other? Maybe we will have more to share with each other at the Activity section while checking the new creativity there? ^_^2021-10-25 09:25:45
ʀᴀᴛᴇᴀ xᴅᴀʀᴋ✨∴。 *  ・゚*。✨・  ・ *゚。   *  ・ ゚*。・゚★。  ✨ ☆゚・。°*. ゚*  ゚。·*・ 。 ゚* 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂! ○ °    ゚ *.。☆。✨ ・  * ☆ 。・゚*.。    * ✨ ゚・。 * 。     ・ 。 ゚☆2021-10-24 14:54:29
SR.CHA|NHave a great day, stay well and have a good time!2021-10-23 12:42:52
nikolaelfHello! I like your reviews and your taste in games. Please accept my friend request!2021-10-19 07:26:19
SR.CHA|Nhave a great day and stay safe!2021-10-15 18:13:29
SR.CHA|Nhave a great weekend, a great weekend rest and a good start to the week! stay safe and take care!2021-10-09 10:38:32
SR.CHA|NHave a great day and a great weekend!2021-10-01 20:47:05
SR.CHA|Nhow are you going around have a great weekend and a good week!2021-09-25 11:31:51
SR.CHA|Nhave a great weekend rest and a great start to the week!2021-09-19 09:13:27
SR.CHA|NHave a great weekend and a good start to the week! stay safe!2021-09-12 09:15:26
SR.CHA|Nhave a great weekend of good games and good fun!2021-09-04 10:08:39
SR.CHA|Nhave a great weekend and stay safe!2021-08-28 09:42:17
SR.CHA|Nnice to meet you!2021-08-27 17:21:29
Saibot@Dzoom - Selbstverständlich. Ich will schließlich auch davon mehr, also sollte man sowas immer kaufen und wenn es günstiger ist durch verifizierte Third-Party (Keys) Seller :-)2021-08-04 15:24:06
(Cobalt)DzoomNice das du die ps games auf steam unterstützt. Hoffe auch auf ein Days gone 2.2021-08-04 15:10:12
ʀᴀᴛᴇᴀ xᴅᴀʀᴋDa sag ich mal dito2021-07-03 11:08:55
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Have a great weekend~2021-05-15 04:21:41
SaibotWe Moderators have to stick Together :DAccepted! :)2021-05-02 14:18:10
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥Hey found you on Epic Game Sucks, im a moderator there and just added to be friends, talking and sharing things (screenhots etc) you have some nice screenshots as i do have, united we are strong bro, best wishes from Brazil to Germany!2021-05-02 14:04:44
X.+rep ♥♥♥♥ epic :)2021-04-09 18:06:45
SaibotThank you and welcome :)2021-04-05 15:21:46
crimsonsogoodI just saw your review on my steam mainpage. and give a visit to your page.. btw, you got nice profile.2021-04-05 15:10:45
Wrill+rep he has the same name as my friend2021-04-05 12:46:20
SaibotNot a single game (except first Party Games) are on EGS forever. Ubisoft for example isn't coming to Steam but they already said that they're not releasing on Steam so its an exception.Everything else comes to steam within a year. It will trust me - Square Enix is too greedy when it comes to moneey.2021-03-10 11:14:01
HabeeberzYou think it'll come to Steam as well?? If so Im hyped!!!2021-03-10 08:44:18
Saibot@Habeeb - thank you haha.I'm so hyped to play Kingdom Hearts on PC via STEAM in a Year :)I'm also happy that you're working on staying healthy :)Happy Gaming my Friend!2021-03-10 08:27:23
HabeeberzHeya! Just wanted to let you know I've fulfilled two out of your three wishes. "1. No delays on Cyberpunk 20772. I want Kingdom Hearts on PC3. I want everyone to stay healthy in these troubling times"1. Unfortunately it was quite buggy, but you got no more delays. 2. Done, but unfortunately it will only come to Epic Games.3. Still working on it.2021-03-10 06:19:03
SaibotNo ty. Ignored because of your reputation. Thanks for the offer though.2021-02-22 14:49:15
[High]Techツadded to discuss a trade2021-02-22 14:47:22
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2021-01-19 16:34:31
PreatorHey mate, checked out some of your reviews, and really enjoyed the content!2021-01-18 04:49:27
Lufkaduisburg is not far from you, how about explaining me in person how to evolve into 21st century ?2021-01-16 03:22:16
10acityAdding since your reviews are great! Always good to see more JRPG fans.2021-01-07 10:15:34
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・★ NEW YEAR ☆ 20212020-12-31 12:36:31
PlisskenLove your profile! Merry Christmas!2020-12-28 16:19:08
korvkentMerry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021!2020-12-26 05:23:04
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・ℳerry ℭhristmas~2020-12-24 13:02:41
Tyler DurdenFrohe Weihnachten!2020-12-24 08:02:51
RichieFrohe Weihnachten2020-12-24 06:38:10
amakaracyanMerry Christmas2020-12-24 01:37:25
Sir Erkalis KveykvaJrpg fam2020-12-21 09:46:00
Tyler DurdenHi Saibot, interessantes Profil und viele gute Reviews. Auch wenn mein Englisch nicht das Beste ist schicke ich mal eine Freundschaftsanfrage. :-)2020-12-10 02:40:30
AzinCrazy game collection bro2020-12-03 23:31:08
crashinguniverseAmazing game collection and reviews. Keep it up!2020-12-03 12:14:09
Sir Erkalis KveykvaJrpg family2020-12-03 07:45:02
Sears - کєдґک -hey i came from steamtrades, want to talk about trading something, add me if u can2020-12-01 14:46:29
ValkyrieMoonI hope you are having a sublime week my friend Game On and Enjoy All Happy Holidays as well2020-12-01 14:05:22
TeddyThank you kindly stranger2020-11-30 12:09:00
TitoioAdded for a quick trade including Steam Wallet2020-11-20 11:08:05
HabeeberzHello! Thanks for believing I could brighten your feed! I'll do my best! It'll be fun seeing you around in the activity feed! I'll get on those wishes ASAP!2020-11-20 10:24:47
DimbhajaYou rock! And so do your guides and reviews :D2020-11-19 08:19:35
SaibotHaha welcome back to the good side! :D2020-11-19 08:16:46
DimbhajaThanks dude. Yeah I'm totally safe, changed PW and activated 2FA. Also won't be dumb enough to click suspicious links in a half-asleep state again lol.2020-11-19 08:14:09
SaibotI did block you because you re-added me shortly after I deleted you.I unblocked you an hour after otherwise you can't make a comment here. If you're safe feel free to add me back.2020-11-19 08:11:39
DimbhajaThanks for pointing out my account was hacked, man. I fixed it quick, and I understand why you unfriended and blocked.2020-11-19 08:05:39
SpaceCouncilThanks for the kind words!2020-11-15 10:13:27
korvkentHappy Halloween2020-10-31 10:11:53
RichieHappy Halloween 2020!!!2020-10-31 09:15:44
|| TITAN ||™Happy Halloween, stay safe and have fun there2020-10-31 01:57:38
ValkyrieMoonWhen witches go riding and black cats are seenValkyrie Moon laughs and whispers 'Tis near Halloween2020-10-30 20:06:36
ErickI added because I really like how you review games and I respect that.2020-10-21 12:56:42
costasHey Sailbot, just came to say that there is a formal fix to Frosty manager with MEC without having to revert to an early version of Origin. I posted it on your community post. Thanks.2020-10-01 06:06:42
TamasterGreetings, i added you because i saw some of your reviews and liked them.2020-09-13 00:25:03
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Have a great weekend~2020-09-11 04:07:24
Saibot@BlackIce - Sorry I'm not dealing with Traders who got zero Reputation and I dont want to be the first to experience this.I'm trading with codes for a high amount of €. The Chance of getting scammed it soo high sorry.2020-09-09 01:16:32
BlackIce #1Hi Saibot, I have read about your offers on the site And I would like to add you to know about offers you are making regarding steam wallet code,to make deals with you.Best wishes2020-09-08 17:38:32
Vatra77Hi, 50 pound steam wallet for 75% paypal2020-09-06 03:40:16
SaibotI'm not interested in talking to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ - thanks though2020-08-27 06:29:26
󠀡󠀡Hi, do you have a moment to talk about your gaming addition and unhealthy buying habits on Steam?2020-08-27 06:12:52
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Have a great weekend~2020-08-22 12:47:50
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2020-07-17 11:06:18
ExcrescenceLovely profile, Just added,feel free to accept.2020-07-16 16:39:28
Dylan112i feel like ive seen your name somewhere before. Are you famous?2020-07-02 09:52:11
Halicorvery fast organ donor +rep2020-06-30 11:29:31
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2020-06-24 04:04:04
TensenumaHave a great weekend!2020-05-02 05:51:11
sauhan77heyho, bin beim Stöbern über dein Profil gestolpert und dacht ich schick dir mal ne Anfrage :)2020-04-26 14:22:09
Murphy__###__##_##_##___##_##___##_________####_##___##_______##___####_##__##_______#___##___##__##__#______#__##__###__#___##__#____#__##_____##__#____##_##__##_##________##____##___##__##___#___________#__#_____________#_#____@_____@____#_#____/___@__\\___#_#____\\__/#\\__/___#___#_____W_____#_____##_____##_______##### HAPPY EASTER2020-04-13 03:02:40
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・~~Happy Easter!~~2020-04-12 11:09:59
BobbyHill295He sail its me carl im on my old one but look my other account has been hacked so please dont answer it!2020-04-10 12:25:32
MurphyHave a nice Sunday and stay healthy my friend2020-03-29 03:22:57
ValkyrieMoonHappy V Day to youGreat weekend to you too2020-02-14 15:39:06
Mitchzap65Hey, I read your review on Bug Fables and I liked it a lot. However, on your second con point you mentioned that there was no way to re-read spy lines without wasting a move. But in case you don't know already there is a way! Just check the bestiary in the journal and it will give you not only a general description of the enemy, but also each characters' specific lines. Thought you would like to know that (again in case you didn't no worries)!2020-02-06 23:34:38
Nadia BearSame interest.2020-02-02 05:59:08
VeXfruebd2020-01-26 05:32:37
ValkyrieMoonHope you have a super weekendGame On!!!!2020-01-11 17:09:35
ConkerGlad you like the music, can never have too much Mirror's Edge2020-01-11 08:21:13
ValkyrieMoonIf you ever want to play Risk of Rain 2 together, look me up. Or look me up anyway lol, cheers!!!2020-01-01 18:38:31
ValkyrieMoonHAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!Cheers to a new fantastic 20202020-01-01 18:37:53
faXcooL 愛 Level Up ServiceHappy New Year!2020-01-01 10:25:28
RichieHappy New Year!2020-01-01 04:41:45
korvkentHappy New Year 2020!2019-12-31 12:45:08
nikuHAPPY NEW YEAR2019-12-31 07:41:35
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2019-11-15 05:56:57
enoxNice Penis2019-11-11 02:29:16
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Нαvє α ทicє ∂αy2019-11-04 14:46:14
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Happy Halloween!2019-10-31 16:00:09
Murphy........^v^╠═╣ A P P Y ..........^v^……..╠═╣ A L L O W E E N,,,,,..-^v^-… ....-^v^-............-^v^-2019-10-31 01:55:24
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Happy Halloween👻2019-10-30 03:12:03
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺You're breathtaking!2019-10-29 04:58:49
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Hope you're having splendid weekend!2019-10-12 13:33:46
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺SPAM 🏓 THIS 🏓 PONG 🏓 TO 🏓 FREE 🏓 HONG 🏓 KONG 🏓2019-10-11 11:23:35
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Hope you're having splendid weekend!2019-10-05 18:10:52
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Have a great weekend ahead!2019-09-27 16:10:17
Capacityliked your artwork and screenshots of Trails in the sky :)2019-09-24 14:36:20
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Hope you're having splendid weekend!2019-09-21 19:08:07
RichieWeekend!!!2019-09-06 15:28:49
𝑨𝑽𝑮𝑽𝑺𝑻𝑽𝑺Ayyy fam! What's your favorite colour?2019-09-03 18:08:36
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・~~Have a nice weekend~~2019-08-23 13:08:03
76561197963472083Added from steamtrades2019-08-22 17:34:12
Crimson-AlbedoI've come to a crossroads of sorts and wanted to make some steps in clearing some chaos with some social issues. This being said I'm doing a massive purging of my current friends list. It's nothing personal or anything. I just feel like stepping back from a majority of my social obligations regardless of how required they actually are for a time will help me to get some things on a better track. If you added me because you enjoy my writings; you can still read them through my discord or group which will remain up (Although my life is about to get pretty busy for a while so there won't be as much). If you want me to stay a part of a group you are in or as a friend; just shoot me an invite and I'll probably accept once I feel things are alright again.2019-08-14 12:20:08
datheladded to trade 11 csgo for control2019-08-13 11:18:17
faXcooL 愛 Level Up ServiceHave a nice weekend!2019-07-19 11:05:05
SaibotDu scheinst nen größeres Profilbild zu haben als Hirn. Ich hatte dich bereits akzeptiert aber 30x denselben Review zu posten ist selten dämlich. Du bist irgend nen re ta rd - fk off.2019-07-16 08:37:42
DeafNein, Nein, Nein, das war ein typo, meinte eig. Borderlands3. Borderlands4 wirds möglicherweise sowieso nie geben, weil Randy nicht aufhören kann upsie doopsies zu machen.Ja echt, 10% kaufen bei Steam, 10% bei EpicGames und die restlichen 80% gehen zu Gamestop für Collectors Edition und SteamGuthaben. Babo, add mich bitte! xD2019-07-16 08:35:48
Saibot@Scarlizz - He's confused. EGS pooped in his head ♥ xD xD xD xD2019-07-16 05:31:27
ScarlizzBorderlands 4...? lul :D2019-07-16 05:27:01
SaibotThe Other 10%? The Other 10% Bought it on EGS. Just wait.2019-07-16 05:23:46
DeafWhy i add you: I enjoy Anime... and Hentai too! Beside i got Warch Dogs Legion, Ancestors, Borderlands4, Shenmue3 and Vampire: TM Bloodlines 2 pre-ordered on EpicGames, Steam is over Bich~~~ xDP.S. No i did not, i'm the other 10% who have to wait 1 year for these games to come back to Steam. xD2019-07-16 03:37:10
🔰Sabaôdy🔰thank you for telling me about CP2077 and Epic store stuff. Have a nice day!2019-06-10 14:07:39
The DudeWow, Vivi mit Kippe!?2019-06-10 13:28:20
JimPanse11Hallo Freut mich dich kennenzulernen2019-06-10 09:45:19
thirdkeeperIf you're interested - please feel free to join the Far Cry 3 Crew - More info on myself, and a link to the Crew steam group is on my profile page. - Best Wishes -2019-06-03 12:29:47
Chad Thundercockh3h3h3h3hh32019-06-03 09:13:51
Arsenal Miki'ello there! Not the MOST active person on the feed, but I check it every now and then.A question, huh? Ask away, buddy2019-05-21 15:04:13
ǸıκoÐeᴜsHave a great week2019-05-20 08:52:46
Hash!Moin, warum nicht?Ich mag Leute die viele Screenshots machen. :)2019-05-18 04:25:46
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・Happy Easter!2019-04-21 18:52:04
Gabriel! Santos, Mariano.ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴇᴀsᴛᴇʀ!2019-04-21 14:45:05
RichieFrohe Ostern!!!!2019-04-21 12:25:52
ValkyrieMoonappy Easter My Friend!!Enjoy!!2019-04-20 18:11:56
🌸Thank you for accepting! It's nice to meet you and I wish you a nice weekend and Easter as well!2019-04-19 12:00:55
🌸Added since I like your screenshots and wanted to see more of them in the feed :)2019-04-19 11:55:36
MiraaklesAwww thanks! Nice to meetcha!2019-04-15 12:46:41
New Zangief is goatedAdded for some questions2019-04-06 12:09:32
ThunderSinAdded for tekken 7 if you don't mind2019-04-03 18:48:07
RazorfenWell, I only wish the new Fire Emblem coming to NS to be an actual good game.2019-04-01 09:57:53
Murphy*...*...*...*...*...*...*Have a nice Day *...*...*...*...*...*...*2019-03-19 07:27:44
NongimYou're welcome aswell Thanks for the accept2019-02-11 16:21:39
NongimAnd you have a nice profile2019-02-11 16:18:27
NongimBruuh if you don't want to accept me, just decline2019-02-11 16:17:40
NongimDo i need to have a reason to add you?2019-02-11 16:14:08
Avant-Garde Lilithwhat a cool proflie!2019-02-07 17:01:23
MushulTrade offer ^^2019-02-06 19:06:17
ǸıκoÐeᴜs+Rep Nice person & Good friend!2019-01-15 13:04:11
90sVibeThanks dude. Happy New Year to you too buddy2018-12-31 21:42:04
ConkerHappy New Year!2018-12-31 16:40:04
Gabriel! Santos, Mariano.ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ 2019!2018-12-31 10:38:23
90sVibeThanks alot for the gift dude. It is much appreciated!2018-12-29 00:44:44
korvkentMerry Christmas and Happy New Year!2018-12-26 07:13:25
Gabriel! Santos, Mariano.ᴍᴇʀʀʏ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs!2018-12-24 15:17:22
ChokapikMerry Halloween2018-12-24 08:59:44
RichieFrohe Weihnachten2018-12-24 03:57:43
Murphy❊..(✿.(,)❊|::::|.☆¸.¤ª“˜¨✿|::::|)/¸.¤ª“˜¨˜“¨❊|::¸.¤ª“˜¨¨˜“¨✿%¤ª“˜¨¨❊#ª“˜¨ Μ€ŘŘ¥ ĆĦŘƗŞŦΜΔŞ ΔŇĐ ĦΔРР¥ ĦØŁƗĐΔ¥2018-12-23 11:54:44
ConkerMerry Christmas & Happy Holidays!2018-12-22 15:01:31
Feena•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.•*´❄*•  (☆*✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & A ℋappy ℋᴏʟɪᴅᴀʏs-✦✦ *☆ ) *•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´❄`*•..•*´*•.✩.•*2018-12-19 18:05:50
NEET4tfkeys + 2 sack of gems is max I can pay..if that works for you add me..2018-11-23 09:09:25
SaibotSince CSGO Case keys are more expensive I would prefer 5, since I already want 5 CSGO case keys. I still loose liike more than 1€ if you agree on that counter offer since cSGO Case keys are more worth than TF22018-11-23 09:04:32
NEETHi 4 tf2 keys for metal gear survive?2018-11-23 09:01:18
DrFeelGoodhi2018-11-17 13:34:29
freehourboostAdded from steamtrades2018-11-11 07:31:01
MrSanderGamer+rep see your da cool duudddddddddddd2018-11-03 11:40:01
ConkerHappy Hallween2018-10-31 13:24:52
Wicca-sanOh I'll get out alive alright! All my spymasters are cats, my bodyguards are Germans, and I keep coming back till I get it right.... So it might take me a bit :-P2018-10-25 04:32:19
jHnHave a great weekend!2018-10-13 05:25:16
r/watchpeopledieinside+REP , Nice and straight forward guy. Can trust anytime. Thanks for trade man2018-10-03 11:40:03
roughnecksCurrently FREE and in your wishlist: 12:39:20
roughnecksThanks for adding me, see you around2018-09-16 09:17:20
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・~~Have a nice weekend~~2018-09-15 03:39:13
yamapikaryaAdded to sell 11 Horizon keys.2018-09-04 12:13:47
ρоѕιтяои_τʜᴀɴкs ғᴏʀ τʜᴇ ᴀᴅᴅιτιᴏɴ.sᴇᴇ ʏᴏυ ᴏɴ τʜᴇ ғᴇᴇᴅ.2018-08-27 15:46:06
ClassicVinylAre you ready for the weekend? It’ll be great if it is pointless, relaxing and funny.Have a good one.2018-08-25 11:32:38
thomasselckWish you a nice and relaxed weekend2018-08-25 09:33:20
DJSUPAdded to trade2018-08-07 14:32:27
][P][Hey, thanks for the invite and nice meeting you.2018-07-21 01:56:56
Saibot@ClassicVinyl - It took me 2 Seconds in your overall Screenshot section to find out that you STILL screenshot Bosses from Games. Tokyo Xanadu and YS Seven. You dont want to tell me that showing a Boss it no Spoiler? Please. I wanna enjoy what's coming without knowing whats coming. To see the Area and know which boss will show up is clearly a Spoiler for me no matter what.2018-07-20 17:27:03
Saibot@ClassicVinyl - I've told you multiple Times - PLEASE Upload Screenshots Spoiler Free. People who are playing the Game and are not that deep into the Game or people who want to play the game in the future will get spoilered.You decided to learn and marked your screenshot as spoiler. There are STILL Screenshots who are not marked as a Spoiler. Bosses from Games. You show bosses in your Screenshots in the Game. Its automatically a Spoiler for me and i warned you.That's the only reason. The ONLY reason. I warned you. You didn't learn so I took the consequence out of it. Same for your wife (?).I like Spoiler-Free Screenshots. Thats why.2018-07-20 17:20:55
GilroxFreut mich zu hören. Und ja, trotz über 800 Leute, schaffe ich es noch, meinen Feed komplett zu checken. ^^ Gerne bin ich auch für ne Runde Chatten zu haben. Auch wenn der Chat bei mir oft am dauerblinken ist. ^^2018-07-19 12:30:17
GilroxHey, danke fürs Adden! Freut mich dich kennenzulernen. :)2018-07-19 12:15:39
Luigi?Enjoy your weekend!2018-07-13 10:40:12
KnightAvengerWishing you a relaxing weekend. ^^2018-07-06 20:41:58
.RichieWish you a lovely Weekend!2018-07-02 11:59:33
XeeranWarum nicht? ;) Könnte auch das von Jan kopieren.2018-06-16 15:57:34
Green Amozonka*^+rep ANIME <32018-06-16 00:55:17
KnightAvengerHave a relaxing weekend. ^^2018-06-15 20:24:15
FeenaHave a lovely and fun weekend my friend2018-06-15 17:43:41
ArielThanks2018-06-13 17:21:15
SaibotThanks to EVERYONE who found me through Feena!2018-06-13 08:17:01
nerlochHello Saibot, you have stellar reviews, keep up with the great work Feena pointed me this way, nice to meet you2018-06-13 03:51:42
Lord KurtisSaw Feena mentioned about you.2018-06-13 00:58:26
CueritoHi there! we are the crazy Feena´s friends2018-06-12 19:09:15
Crimson-AlbedoGreetings. Saw Feena had mentioned you were a cool perosn and such. Glad to see another person who provides excellent content and enjoys gaming. Happy Gaming ^_^2018-06-12 18:19:17
CYBERPUNK87Hello! Good to meet you Saibot. Our mutual friend Feena sent me your way.2018-06-12 16:13:36
NaotaHey Saibot! Feena said you might like to add some friends.2018-06-12 16:01:00
🐈‍⬛MsKitteh🐾Hello Saibot! Feena has also sent me this way. Sending you a friend request if that's ok2018-06-12 15:48:11
GaldereHey Saibot. Feena has recommended your reviews to us.2018-06-12 15:28:00
⌬ Codified ⌬Feena sent me this way, as did so many others2018-06-12 14:52:20
🐺СӉЄҠѺ թѦСӉ🐺Hello! Feenas's friends are my friends too Nice to meet you!2018-06-12 14:49:24
Primarch AurelianHallo "Saibot" Feena hat nur gutes über dich erwähnt, da wollt ich mal meinen Beitrag zu leisten und dich mal hinzufügen, freue mich von dir zu lesen.2018-06-12 14:36:03
tess_erzsebetYou are absolutely correct! Thank you for accepting!2018-06-12 14:35:01
SaibotThank your everyone! Enjoy your Time! :-)2018-06-12 14:33:45
fenmalainFeena sent me this was as well. Nice to meet you!2018-06-12 14:32:49
tess_erzsebetThe one and only lovely Feena had wonderful things to say about you2018-06-12 14:29:46
.RichieWish you a lovely Weekend!2018-06-08 22:57:11
90sVibeHey buddy, just wondering how your finding Bless Online so far? Whether it's an MMO worth playing? Thanks dude2018-06-03 08:14:21
.RichieWish you a lovely Weekend2018-06-01 05:51:59
.RichieHello there! Wish you a lovely Weekend Hope you get to spend it with your loved ones and enjoy it to the fulest! It would be really nice if you could join my steam group ,of course if you don't mind not forcing anyone to do it 04:50:58
cerhigood:) have a good week!2018-05-21 05:07:21
SaibotSorry @cerhi Recieved! Marked :)2018-05-21 05:05:47
cerhi hello there. i sent you new key.2018-05-21 05:05:07
DarkstarGrüsse aus der Schweiz2018-05-16 15:28:39
DarkstarCoole Seite. Top!2018-05-16 04:29:18
NIRVANA78And i nice day to you too.2018-05-12 17:53:14
NIRVANA78I am sorry about that...I just read your "Basic information". My bad ...Apologized and thanks.2018-05-12 17:50:21
NIRVANA78I added you because i found you profile through a mutual friend and i found you profile interesting. Thats the reason.2018-05-12 17:04:51
ValismaAdd because you are a trails in the sky fan2018-05-11 22:17:31
ilkeadded for monthy refferal2018-05-11 19:36:24
polarbearbFor monthly referral2018-05-10 15:11:42
DZODZI+rep i sold 60 keys to him, I was first in trade and everything went smoothly :)2018-05-10 13:16:29
GatlingAdded you for trading cs:go keys2018-05-05 10:07:18
Sweenyneed referral link for humble2018-05-04 22:51:35
ÇevikAtmacaFor monthly referral2018-05-04 17:33:27
ThePotatoTurtleAdded for monthly referral for 3 keys :D2018-04-30 19:45:45
okcerSHi there! Added you for HB Monthly referral. c:2018-04-30 05:48:59
ReddishSteamtrades- Monthly Sub. Will message you later tonight.2018-04-29 10:24:58
Crow ArmbrustAdded you because trails fans2018-04-28 04:38:32
vitashaHi bro! wanna use you refferal for 3 keys! Pm me2018-04-26 07:04:14
Bruce Wayneadd for trade2018-04-23 16:02:48
Astracus+rep Honest and friendly trader2018-04-19 11:10:32
Drasco¡ʎɐp ǝɔıu ɐ ǝʌɐɥ2018-04-19 01:27:39
Nagel ☮Although I haven't any proof that you really can speak German I accept your request -Willkommen auf meiner Friendlist2018-04-18 12:57:54
AstracusI wanted to ask if you're still giving 3 CS:GO keys for a subscription on HBM with your link2018-04-15 05:09:23
NIOadded for trade2018-04-08 11:39:38
thomasselck::: (\_(\ *: (=’ :’) :*•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»Have a Happy Easter ¸¸.•´¯`2018-04-02 09:52:04
RichieFrohe Ostern!2018-03-31 06:19:38
「Menano」Have a great easter weekend!2018-03-30 19:44:25
SHOW CAULKHeyho! Ich habe kürzlich ein Review von FF 15 von dir gelesen und habe ein paar Fragen zum Multiplayer, ob ich es mir kaufen sollte. Dachte da kannst du mir etwas weiterhelfen :D2018-03-30 07:38:16
DrascoHi, Saibot Willkommen auf meiner FL& schönes 'Eierfest'2018-03-29 17:43:07
K I R I N+rep2018-03-29 11:13:11
dragonfly59+Rep very good trader :)2018-03-28 03:18:37
Mtcadd from steam trades :32018-03-26 12:43:45
Moggie ᵥ₂+rep.Nice Profile.Can you sign my profile?2018-03-26 03:03:46
ClassicVinylFriday is my second favorite word that begins with the letter F. My most favorite word that begins with the letter F is “friend,” because I have a friend like you. Have a great weekend2018-03-23 12:08:15
NovaScotiaSeanVery nice to meet you2018-03-22 14:53:22
FeenaThank you for the friend invite, I hope you are having an amazing week~2018-03-20 15:05:53
[StwA] AsbestbrezelWunsche dir einen angenhmen Sonntag2018-03-11 05:42:44
「Menano」Have a nice and relaxing weekend!2018-03-09 13:38:49
PSYGo 🌍 ALpHa ⁧⁧ ☕🧐nice to meet you2018-03-04 19:59:16
AntennaSnakeSure :) Nice to meet you2018-03-04 11:08:13
DimbhajaAdded you for your great AC:Origins review!2018-03-04 08:38:42
anonfreakAdd weil wir bei AC:O mögen :D2018-02-26 13:52:11
GauravNikoBellicNice to meet you and nice profile :D2018-02-24 06:35:31
HambugerHelpersRetardedBrotherI think youve got an amozing mmount of godly games2018-02-22 00:07:22
White_WolfDude can u like try to 100% Witcher 3?2018-02-20 08:11:29
Rasty MeowNice games2018-02-18 07:56:56
Thatweirdguy's HeroAwesome job mate on Assassins Creed Origins !! congrats from AUS2018-02-17 04:54:58
AnaveraSaw some good FFXII screenshots from you! That plus friends in common and a nice profile makes me want to see more of you on the acitivity page :)2018-02-16 08:12:13
Bongohave 10 keys2018-02-10 14:32:24
SaibotAccepted! :-)2018-02-04 11:50:17
LordGandhiiAdded to have some people to talk to on the activity feed!2018-02-04 11:49:37
AkiraThank you for the gift and have a nice day!2018-01-26 23:44:35
AceI'd like to sell some CS:GO Keys2018-01-14 03:22:45
SaibotDont need it anymore, thanks tho!!2018-01-13 10:33:52
JackedJacketJabronigot a copy of pillars of eternity2018-01-13 10:31:03
AkiraAdded for feed. :)2018-01-05 03:59:42
90sVibeHappy New Year 2018 dude2018-01-01 15:59:49
RichieHappy new Year!2017-12-31 18:05:08
ClassicVinyl〃´`)   ,·´ ¸,·´`) (¸,·´ (¸*♥ 𝓑𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓼 &          𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓 ♥〃´`)                    ,·´ ¸,·´`)                  (¸,·´ (¸*20182017-12-31 15:49:57
☮ GD_Anirudh100 ❤Happy New Year2017-12-31 12:31:37
ConnecteD\_Happy New Year!2017-12-31 12:19:23
✿ My ✿✿•.¸¸.•*`*•.¸✿¸.•*`*•.¸¸✿•.¸.¸.•*`*•.¸✿May this holiday seasonleave you with precious memories:A holidays filled with love and lightlove and joy all around.A New Year with continuing blessingsfriends, family, good work, great fun,and delightful surprises.✿•.¸¸.•*`*•.¸✿¸.•*`*•.¸¸✿•.¸.¸.•*`*•.¸✿ *•.¸♡ Happy New Year 2018 ♡¸.•*2017-12-31 09:55:04
Gin the CatI am sleepy =(2017-12-29 10:26:53
SaibotAccepted :)2017-12-27 15:21:18
☮ GD_Anirudh100 ❤Similar taste in video games. I see you love JRPGs. Falcom is my favorite. so...... that's why. you can ignore it if you like.2017-12-27 14:52:17
Rattlesnake8Thanks for the friend request. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!2017-12-25 15:28:59
๖Leelah★ Happy★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ••。★ Holidays,Saibot !! ★ 。* 。° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_*。*˚˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */____/’\。˚ ˚ ˛˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門| ˚…………….. ✿♥✿…………….vStay safe2017-12-24 16:04:07
SaibotThanks everyone! WIsh you the same!2017-12-24 05:00:58
Turbo KillerWish you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year my friend!2017-12-24 04:58:00
KerionChristmas is cancelled!YOU told Santathat you have beenGOOD this year... He Died Laughing2017-12-24 04:26:17
RichieFrohe Weihnachten2017-12-24 03:19:55
🌟 taipaN-[CE] 🌟~Merry Christmas!~2017-12-23 12:49:32
Dextromethorphan88iヽ      /ヽ       | ゙ヽ、    /  ゙i        |   ゙''─‐'''''''''"    l     ,/             ゙ヽ     ,i゙    /          \     i!     ●      ●  ,l     ゙i,,   *   (__人__)  ,/      ヾ、,,          ,/      /゙ "         ヽ    /             i!  ( )        i   !   i!.,    γ" ⌒゙ヽ   l   l  γ'.ヽ     i     i,__,,ノ   i,__,,ノ_,, 丿     ヽ,_,,ノ"。˛. *☆MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR*.。˛*☆2017-12-23 07:52:46
ConkerHappy Holidays!2017-12-20 08:17:37
VariedMarksWishing you a wonderful and safe day my friend <32017-12-17 06:35:22
D's Journal-rep. :^)2017-12-15 13:20:53
RichieWarmes Weekend2017-12-15 09:36:48
ClassicVinyl˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°2017-12-09 01:01:08
Aηgєℓ∂υѕтWish you a wonderful 1st Advent :)2017-12-03 04:09:56
warthonJust read your WoFF review and was impressed with your calm head at the comments. Would not mind keep up with your reviews going forward.2017-11-22 10:49:27
ArcoYHHey, I added you because of your reviews, so I can get to them easily if you don't mind. Good job with them anyway!2017-11-21 16:08:22
Saibot@Gir - Re-sent a Friend request. Sorry for declining at first. Welcome to my Friend List :-))2017-11-21 14:54:34
GirJust sent you a friend invite, Classic Vinyl's wife irl here, didn't want you to think it was out of nowhere!2017-11-21 14:01:28
SaibotNo ty.2017-11-17 15:22:17
Fshabwvw 🤍I want one key! pay with pp2017-11-17 15:17:24
PonyeaterSo you played the new Hack re-release. How is it? You like it?2017-11-12 21:32:51
✿ My ✿HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!2017-10-31 04:50:03
Aηgєℓ∂υѕтHappy commercial day! 🦇2017-10-31 04:33:16
VariedMarksHappy Halloween!!! Have a safe and spooky one.2017-10-30 16:31:19
G*59♥1getit+rep q2017-10-28 08:24:52
Jestyr22Adding literally bc of a question regarding Evil Within 2, google isn't being any help without spoilers2017-10-18 22:13:23
Tagmeadding for the cute icon x32017-10-18 13:00:48
GHOST+rep thanks for that key!2017-10-17 16:01:13
Marty+rep thanks for that key!2017-10-08 07:41:08
RuggedHey, i'd like to trade for Castle of no Escape 2.2017-10-08 07:35:10
misutGood trader, easy and fast trade! +++REP!!!2017-10-07 17:16:31
КудринаAdded for castle of no escape 22017-10-07 15:33:17
MEraI like pokémon :) hahaha no problem!2017-10-07 09:25:38
vigoradded for trade2017-10-07 04:51:59
Dr_Assadded for sell keys2017-10-02 09:39:44
Saibot@Jesús - Prices are for non-Vanilla so no ty :)2017-10-02 09:09:00
coutner stirke1.95 vanillas2017-10-02 09:07:09
Saibot@Jesús - 1.95$ per key?2017-10-02 08:55:44
XitilonHi, I'm Castle of no Escape series developer.2017-10-01 16:10:08
coutner stirkehey! are you buying csgo keys? got 250++2017-10-01 15:51:53
i have a visainspired me to get the game Metroone of the best reviews on steam2017-09-24 09:00:47
».skiNNNy.'◈Have A Nice Day2017-09-18 00:25:01
Shantanu (S->TF2k ₹120 UPI)Added to buy some CSGO keys.2017-09-11 10:54:32
Aηgєℓ∂υѕтHappy Sunday :)2017-09-10 12:41:46
' عُ 🌙you are welcome !2017-09-09 23:20:24
KerionROSES ARE REDDIAMONDS ARE BLUEI WILL FIGHT ANY ♥♥♥♥♥THAT ♥♥♥♥♥ WITH UNOW SEND THISTO EVERYONE WHOSEBACK U GOT+88_________________+880________+880_______________++80________++88_____Homie____+880_________++88_____________++88__________+880___________++88___________+888_________++880____________++880_______++880_____________++888_____+++880______________++8888__+++8880++88___________+++8888+++8880++8888___________++888++8888+++888888+80_______++88++8888++8888888++888______++++++888888fx88888888888_______++++++88888888888888888_______++++++++000888888888888________+++++++00008f8888888888_________+++++++00088888888888__________+++++++0888f8888888___________+++++++08888l888888____________+++++++88888888882017-09-08 17:26:35
».skiNNNy.'◈have a nice weekend2017-09-08 17:24:45
AkshayThanks Yannick,Have an amazing week and weekend!2017-09-06 14:01:32
90sVibeHave a great weekend and week buddy!2017-09-02 18:02:33
KerionHave a fantastic weekend! Have a Pepes'tic weekend! Have a baguestic weekend! Have a GUD VAN!2017-09-01 10:02:09
SupraBoundAdd 'cause you look kind (:2017-08-25 15:43:15
⭐M0J⭐ ✔i traded for now but i can get more keys for the evening i added you2017-08-23 08:54:12
Ulf SteinkeEL FOR LIFE2017-08-17 13:36:57
Sascha231 CSBRO CaseOpening.comadd for csgo Key buy2017-08-13 14:13:31
beather+rep I went first with paypal for cs:go keys buy2017-08-13 01:55:51
AkshayHave an amazing week Yannick.2017-07-31 16:08:39
Wicca-sanDrat Steam, it messed with my friends list AGAIN...2017-07-24 13:49:45
AkshayHave an amazing week.2017-07-24 07:51:57
KerionHave a good one, be strong!___- _/ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° \ _ノ ヽ ノ \_`/  `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ(  (三ヽ人  /  || ノ⌒\  ̄ ̄ヽ  ノヽ___>、___/   |( 王 ノ〈   /ミ`ー―彡ヽ.   / ヽ(_/  |  |  / | |2017-07-18 17:17:22
MarioBrother1234+rep2017-07-16 05:33:31
Spect3rSorry for not specifying my reason before. I think you are someone interested in screenshots, looking for people like that. That is the reason i added you.2017-07-15 07:00:13
AkshayHave an amazing weekend Yannick.2017-07-14 07:37:41
Ofol 87+rep thx for the cards2017-07-13 12:34:33
Gin the CatHEY!!!2017-07-07 18:09:43
AkshayHaveAnAmazingWeekYanHope you're enjoying evil within2017-06-26 14:47:40
Saibot@kurome - ty for answer :)2017-06-20 16:47:09
aesop10-30 are on time out, plase ask again in 2-3 days2017-06-20 16:41:53
Aηgєℓ∂υѕтDanke für den Tip mit dem Kinomodus2017-06-18 07:28:13
Angel WarriorRespect is a duty for all2017-06-18 06:50:05
AkshayH A V EA NA M A Z I N GD A YY A N2017-06-18 02:26:53
#NVHey there and nice to meet you! Thanks a lot for those kind words and the add. Fun fact: you definitely don't need a lot of luck here, your nice little comment was more than enough. :PWish you a good start in the weekend. ...und jetzt sehe ich doch glatt einen deutschen Wohnort. Egal, Text ist schon geschrieben. :D2017-06-16 08:50:48
SaibotUhm okay? If you change your mind, go ahead and re-add me :)2017-06-13 12:38:05
RarE^Hello!I added at first to buy mafia 3, but i don't need anymore :) i left message on steamtrades when i aded anyway, but thanks for your time!2017-06-13 12:37:36
One41I have a question. Do you still have the Tales of Berseria steam key for trade? I saw it on your old trade thread2017-06-09 21:20:49
SaibotI dont have Games to Idle? So... Declined.2017-06-09 18:49:50
Sascha231 CSBRO CaseOpening.comi sent friend req for idle games 4 you2017-06-09 18:49:32
𝕊𝕆𝕃ℝ𝔸ℂHave a wonderful weekend 18:17:50
Hecate but christmasyadding for dark souls 22017-06-09 14:03:46
AkshayHave an amazing weekend2017-06-09 04:53:15
Dead Man WalkingI wanted to sing some russian songs with ya2017-06-08 15:05:58
rutte960+rep, idled a game for him, trustworthy trader2017-06-05 07:18:13
Gin the Catbuy me games!2017-05-31 16:25:51
๖LeelahThanks saibot!!! !! Same to you! ^-^2017-05-31 02:13:07
Saibot@tinch - welcome :)2017-05-30 10:35:02
813717821y21831+rep helped me get a refund for a pretty expensive game, thanks bro2017-05-30 09:35:42
AkshayHave an amazing weekend sai stay happy and healthy2017-05-26 05:21:30
LKHabe eine frage ist echt kein troll oder so :D2017-05-23 09:23:56
LKHabe eine frage :)2017-05-23 09:22:52
AkshayHave an amazing week sai2017-05-22 01:15:02
AkshayHave an amazing weekend2017-05-20 08:06:04
𝕊𝕆𝕃ℝ𝔸ℂHappy Gaming Weekend2017-05-19 16:34:42
Felix CHUCRUTE [1-7]Thank you for providing accurate date information.2017-05-17 10:44:13
AkshayHave an Amazing week sai stay happy and healthy2017-05-16 00:12:17
✿ My ✿Hello Sai Always happy to meet like minded peeps2017-05-08 18:17:00
90sVibeHey! Thanks alot for the game buddy! I appreciate it2017-05-06 08:21:17
AkshayHi sai, Have an amazing week stay happy and healthy with your family.2017-05-01 04:23:05
Dextromethorphan88..._.....____________________, ,....../ `---___________----_____]8= = = = = = D...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/.....), ---.(_(__) /....// (..) ), ----"...//___//..//___//.//___//WE TRUE HOMIESWE RIDE TOGETHERWE DIE TOGETHERsend this GUN to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get a 13 your A TRUE HOMIE2017-04-25 04:42:50
Aηgєℓ∂υѕтHappy weekend :)2017-04-21 13:00:39
AkshayHave an amazing weekend.2017-04-20 22:25:51
jwolffadelHave a nice week !2017-04-19 07:32:44
KerionHappy Easter Day    ,.ーーーーーーー__     ,,.ィ"           )    /                \  /    / ./  /|  !  ,     ',  |   | .,'  /´|___/| /! |  |  ヽ  !   | .| /r‐‐r└' !、 」_!`| |  |   |  !/|、 弋_,リ    |_lj |/ .,'       ,  |   |  ⊂⊃     '  ⊂!  /、  _ ,,,/,'.'/   |   |  |      ',=/^^)==ニ二__  l  l 周末快乐   |   |  ト    _/ ̄::く`ー-'、      ̄\', .,'  |   |  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:::::::::::/:::::::|  |   ∧   !::::::::::::::::::::::::/:::::ノ  |   / l  |::::::::::::::::::::/i::::::/  | ,イ  !  |:::::::j ̄ ̄::::::::l2017-04-15 19:40:59
Aηgєℓ∂υѕтHappy easter :)2017-04-15 15:03:40
jHnA wonderful weekend and Happy Easter!2017-04-15 03:48:53
AkshayHave an amazing weekend.2017-04-14 13:40:13
𝕊𝕆𝕃ℝ𝔸ℂHappy Weekend2017-04-14 10:25:11
Saibot@Sarge - If you come close to me with your honest opinion - keyword is OPINION, then I'm never salty. But if someone trys to manipulate me with the sort of "FACTS" which aren't facts at all, I always reply "Salty" :P2017-04-12 14:00:27
SargeNo, thank you for not being salty about it!2017-04-12 11:44:21
90sVibeHave a wonderful week2017-04-09 09:46:28
seph.authanks again for listening. right back at you.2017-04-08 09:43:37
Ashesadded for trading2017-04-07 14:08:00
Alexander StyleHave а wonderful weekend!2017-04-07 11:23:35
sinexcuse me i have a question2017-04-05 12:24:10
RenFound you on ST. Interested in Lego City Undercover. Hit me up when you can.2017-04-05 11:19:56
AkshayHave an amazing week.2017-04-02 14:05:54
Czan The Araner+rep, trustworthy and nice person ;)2017-04-01 06:31:36
HeeehThank you for selling the nice background! :)2017-03-31 08:12:40
jHnHave a great weekend!2017-03-31 07:30:04
ZephyrHaha, anytime! Glad I could help.2017-03-27 09:35:35
AjayHey, hab dein Kommentar bei sgt foppers activity feed gelesen und bin begeistert :D2017-03-25 09:35:27
jHnHave a great weekend!2017-03-25 05:44:08
Teejayx6💜 💙 💚 💛💜 💙 💚 💛💜 💙 💚 💛💜 💙 💚 💛💜 💙 💚 нεү үσυ! нαvε α sυρεя ∂υρεя ωεεкεη∂! нσρε ℓιғε's тяεαтιη' үσυ ωεℓℓ!💜 💙 💚 💛💜 💙 💚 💛💜 💙 💚 💛💜 💙 💚 💛💜 💙 💚2017-03-25 04:36:49
Alexander StyleHave a wonderful week!2017-03-20 17:11:41
jwolffadelHave a nice week m82017-03-20 15:52:26
'ovsepAll is well, thank you for the opportunity.2017-03-16 13:54:42
jHnThanks, same to you friend!2017-03-14 15:34:06
kov.21Have a nice week!!!2017-03-13 11:52:38
AkshayHave an amazing weekend2017-03-11 13:03:38
AdettHave a great weekend!2017-03-11 06:58:10
NagiHave a nice weekend Sai chan~ ♬2017-03-11 06:03:21
Σέλευκος ΝικάτωρHave a nice weekend2017-03-10 17:42:23
☠P.E☠ Nucular Friezto play homefront resistance2017-03-10 11:38:35
jwolffadelHave a nice weekend2017-03-10 06:20:47
90sVibeHello, I'm adding you because you're into JRPGs and I'm just getting into them2017-03-08 07:37:07
Sir SquirtsalotI sent friend request cause of the dank ass berserk pictbh2017-03-08 00:31:12
alixR4Yo, can we trade together? I just wanna see ur price :)2017-03-07 11:26:10
jwolffadelHave a nice week!2017-03-07 07:35:01
kov.21Have a great week.2017-03-06 13:31:00
Mr. Nice GuyHey danke fürs adden btw wünsch dir ein schönes wochenende2017-03-04 07:11:52
NickoNice to meet you2017-03-04 05:45:22
Burnout6010All right. Even though I've already played the first NieR on X360, I do hope they'll end up remastering it on PC. It would certainly help a lot of people, just like you, get into Automata seamlessly while still being able to enjoy the tremendous qualities of the first NieR without getting spoiled. :)2017-03-03 13:17:42
Burnout6010No problem man, did you end up getting Automata? Or playing through the first NieR before?2017-03-03 12:50:11
axelWe have lots of the same games2017-03-03 11:47:10
SoloJust wants u know my version of preorder it is not like in the store now ,as you can see it is written unknown package 100494,anyway i'm just offering ty for reply2017-03-02 13:39:24
SaibotDominate the Bolivian wildlands with the Deluxe Pack which includes: - The Huntsman rifle.- The Huntsman motorbike.- 3 emblems.- 3 weapon camo.- 3 character customization items.- XP booster.SO If your Pre-order Copy is just the Normal Game for 59,99 instead of Deluxe Edition which is the Same price, I'm not interested :-)2017-03-02 13:35:01
SaibotWhiche Edition? Deluxe?2017-03-02 13:28:51
LilCutie32If you're always worried about crushing the ants beneath you... you won't be able to walk.2017-02-26 15:47:21
ChokapikHave a gud week-end2017-02-25 10:21:48
Teejayx6Have a great weekend (。♥‿♥。) (✿ ♥‿♥) ♥╣[-_-]╠♥2017-02-25 09:44:44
stoned raidersHast 'n guten Spielgeschmack und beträchtliche Anzahl ^^ dachte ich schicke dir mal ein friend request2017-02-23 12:10:37
Manas+rep2017-02-22 00:29:45
Akshayhave an awesome week filled with full of action of berserk2017-02-21 21:51:03
Captain Baba Smileyno prob bro i was gonna sell it for 24 keys but you got it so enjoy :D2017-02-18 13:29:36
Captain Baba SmileyI didnt see your profile had access to comment my apologies2017-02-18 13:03:28
Captain Baba SmileyYour post on steamgifts was closed for berserk and i didnt know if you were still interested in it2017-02-18 13:02:54
T. Vizslagz for 1k collector! and have a nice weekend =)2017-02-18 04:17:15
PeczIm, adding you becuase i have a few questions and id like to be your friend2017-02-17 15:54:18
...RuBiKsCuBeExcellent and fast trader!REP2017-02-17 14:34:42
Vlad+rep thanks for the trade!2017-02-17 05:26:51
Teejayx6Have a great week ahead!★(¯`·.·´¯) (¯`·.·´¯)`·.¸(¯`·.·´¯)¸ .·×°× ` ·.¸.·´ ×°×2017-02-14 01:05:36
RaigekiTrustworthy trader +REP!2017-02-13 15:19:32
ilyamahello ! Invitation for subnautica and the witness ;)2017-02-13 14:15:25
FelipeGratz level 1002017-02-13 07:00:32
FøxxxHi2017-02-09 12:40:00
MEĐIICHave a great day and its my Birthday today YAY =)2017-02-08 10:19:07
SaibotNever convert Cards! You loose hella Money just for 1-15 Gems. Not worth it! Sell Cards if you dont wanna make badges out of it.2017-01-29 07:21:47
Baboon ♛Ⓡthnx, i converted a few :D2017-01-29 07:21:12
Saibot@Baboon - When you have 1000 Gems you can make a "Sack of Gem" out of it, and that Sack is worth 80 Cents.Never Convert Cards into Gems. Never.2017-01-29 07:02:55
Baboon ♛ⓇI have 70 steam gems, are they worth any ?2017-01-29 06:55:24
Teejayx6“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.”- Bill WattersHave a great weekend!!2017-01-28 00:33:09
ⓀⒾⓈⒹⒺ™Added you for SFV2017-01-27 15:24:55
ruriHe-Hello! Your screenshots looks great2017-01-27 11:14:08
Akshayi like your screenshots and artwork so i added u2017-01-27 02:16:44
͔͔BumperGiant2>⁧⁧Buy SkinsAdding for the idle service ^^2017-01-26 17:24:53
Chad Thundercockthanks nice to meet you2017-01-26 07:21:33
Vroldo PowerHello Saibot, we've updated our demo game Legrand Legacy.We try to reduce combat timed hit occurence and make monster information user friendly.Dialogue and story hasn't changed, so you don't have to re-play everything.I hope you can give feedback to us again.cheers.2017-01-26 06:14:28
TeddyThanks for the invite bud, I'll see you around2017-01-25 14:18:49
SybotYou are not me.2017-01-25 05:07:46
MannyCheck my profile out2017-01-24 19:48:36
Answays!2017-01-24 13:10:57
Saibot@Butthead - Dankeschön :-)2017-01-23 12:28:50
🍀 Butthead 🍀jaja hat sich aber auch gut gelesen..ich dachte genau das selbe nach dem letzten patch2017-01-23 12:27:55
Saibot@Butthead - Wieso? Ich erzähle doch lediglich die Wahrheit...? :D2017-01-23 12:16:48
🍀 Butthead 🍀Richtig gute Deus Ex Review (:2017-01-23 12:15:59
Wicca-sanThanks for the heads up. Still broke though, so still have to wait to see lol. Hopefully they process my check today.2017-01-20 15:27:58
☭Nell☭Hi. Nice to meet you! Amazing view profile.2017-01-19 15:17:03
Vanilla「バニラ」Gotta like Olivier. He's awesome.. XD2017-01-18 06:13:48
daizen1Thank you for accepting my friend request I hope I get to play games with you soon :D2017-01-16 15:47:41
AdettHave a great weekend!2017-01-14 12:14:32
Nemesistnx dident know havent played it but i want to2017-01-13 08:39:29
SaibotSadly... Yes... Game was great tho2017-01-08 04:52:19
A respectable black policemani aggre with ur csgo review csgo is ♥♥♥♥ and toxic community2017-01-08 04:51:07
MiaNot a problem. I’ll ask next time.2017-01-06 18:36:08
YorikThanks Hello friend! Glad to meet u!2017-01-06 10:54:19
nxkxnHey I would like to add you for activity feed! ^^Have a good day!2017-01-06 10:40:33
IrresponsibleCaptNathanNo problem!Very glad to meet you!2017-01-05 15:36:30
THE TENTHThanks for leaving me a message Nice to meet you Looking forward to see you in the activity feed as well2017-01-05 09:51:23
𐂃𐂃ALSO Happy New Year!2017-01-02 22:16:12
𐂃𐂃Hello, Dam you have a lot of games!2017-01-02 22:15:43
DeckeЯNice to meet you my friend2017-01-02 10:09:20
ConnecteD\_Hey! Nice to meet youHappy New Year2017-01-02 07:37:56
korvkentHi! Nice to meet you2017-01-02 07:04:20
NightPhoenixHappy New Year2016-12-31 15:17:01
War of the Bones'sHey SaibotHappy new year to you and your loved ones. May 2017 be a year filled with kinder challenges for us all. Best Stefan2016-12-31 11:56:49
Kerion+ 1 x)2016-12-31 10:55:56
RichieHAPPY NEW YEAR2016-12-31 07:16:40
Teejayx6May the New Year bring you success, prosperity and fulfillment and you enjoy your life with heavenly satisfaction.*°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆❤♫❤♫❤.•*¨`*•..¸☼ ¸.•*¨`*•.♫❤♫❤♫❤2016-12-31 07:08:58
queensdickyou are the one ! i am not gay but... you know2016-12-31 04:49:13
☠ LUMBERJACK ♆•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸      ▂╱▏  ALL THE BEST IN 2017   |___|     ╲ ╲    YOUR EXO   |000|      ▕╱▔   |000|    |000|  ━╖ ┏╭━╮┳━╮┳━╮┓ ┏   ✫   |000|   ╟━┫┣━┫┣━╯┣━╯╰━┫  ‵⁀) ✫ ✫ ✫.   \00/   ━╜ ┗┛ ┗┻  ┻┏━┓ ┃  `⋎´✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•✫    \0/      ▕╲▏Ⓔ▕╱╲▏ ╙━━━╯    ✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫     ||   ━━┓ ┓╥━┓╭━╮┳━╮     ☻/ღ˚ •。     ||     ╰━┫╟━ ┣━┫┣┳╯     /▌*˛˚      ||     ╰━╯╨━┛┛ ┗┻╰━━━   / \ ˚2016-12-30 16:19:44
KerionHappy Birthday!2016-12-25 06:56:26
ClassicVinylMerry Christmas and all the best in 20172016-12-24 19:02:21
Czan The Araner…….... (¯ ´¯)...…….…... / | ............♫ Warmest wishes♫……… ...*•♥•*...................♫ for a ♫…… ... *♥♫♫♥*'...........♠♫ Merry Christmas ♫♠… .... *♥•♦♫••♥* ................♥.. and a...♥..... *♥☺♥☺♥☺♥* ........ ♠♫ Happy New Year♫♠.....*♥•♥#♠*♥#♥•♥* '....*♥♫♥♥♫♥♥♫♥♫* '...*♥♥☺♥♫♥♫♥☺♥♥*'..*♥♥♣♫♥♣♥♥♣♥♫ ♣♥♥*''*♥♥♣♥♫♥♥♫♥♥♫ ♥♣♥♥*'.......... ╬╬╬╬╬...........2016-12-24 13:51:31
LV-426My Dear Friend I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year "2017"2016-12-24 09:15:41
NecroniksMerry Cнrιѕтмαѕ!2016-12-23 18:04:36
RichieMerry Christmas2016-12-23 17:52:24
☠ LUMBERJACK ♆ℳᴇʀʀʏ ℭʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs & ℋᴀᴘᴘʏ ℋᴏʟɪᴅᴀʏs!!!˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*2016-12-23 13:38:32
Teejayx6Happy Christmas! I hope 2017 treats you well2016-12-23 08:27:53
marianne~A silent night, a star above, a blessed gift of hope and love. A blessed Christmas to you !2016-12-22 17:48:55
IcyGlareNice to meet you2016-12-22 17:33:04
RichieHappy Winter Sale2016-12-22 11:46:25
JPWish you a wonderful holiday and a happy new year, hope all of your dreams come true2016-12-22 10:46:29
♔.sir.lunchalot.♔Vielen Dank für die Einladung2016-12-18 15:11:19
Jan van Speyk+rep2016-12-18 14:57:12
☠ LUMBERJACK ♆I accept yours ask of friends. Satisfied to know that my screenshots pleases you And I wish you good Sunday2016-12-18 10:04:21
๖LeelahTy for the friend invite!! I look forward to seeing you as well in the activity feed!!! See you around!2016-12-16 15:29:52
The-Skull-Will-ConquerIts that time of eat lots of Turkey and drink lots of BEER!! We get up early Christmas day..........having kids thats the price you pay!! But its ok and its your they enjoy the day,smile on their face!! One thing over the years i've learnt..........dont overcook the turkey,no one likes it burnt!! But quick before things your MOM she'll set you straight!! Then all sat around the Christmas tree..........faces happy,full of glee!! Presents waiting to unbox..........GOD YOU PRAY FOR NO MORE SOCKS!! Anyway all stay safe and in fine fettle.....oh and one last thing.....LONG LIVE THE METTTTTTAL!! And heres a video to put us all in the mood!!!!! 15:16:35
SpunTMThx . Viel Spaß noch im Netz ..2016-12-12 14:19:47
RELIKuno✨und danke für's adden. Dein Profil kann sich aber auch sehen lassen ...ich wünsch dir 'ne entspannte Woche2016-12-12 13:36:53
SaibotUlala astral! You're welcome :))2016-12-08 07:36:50
POW!Nice reviews man. Trusty and honest opinions and not too many words. Thanks for sharing info2016-12-08 07:14:47
M͕͕͗͗i͕͕͗͗y͕͕͗͗o…/\_¸_/\ ..(=•_•=) …ღ*ღ.•* (¯`•\|/•´¯) ☆*゚ ★☆╮*゚ nice to meet you2016-12-05 13:25:26
Sku+rep strong player2016-12-04 11:56:53
FreemanGood man.2016-12-02 05:24:35
SɢᴛFᴏᴘᴘᴇʀ™A very kind and generous friend on Steam.2016-12-01 14:13:54
Crash_KhanThank you for the invite. It’s a pleasure to meet you.2016-11-26 16:32:12
Vroldo Powerwow amazing, really. That's very fast.Alright, We'll waiting for your review!2016-11-26 09:15:27
Vroldo Power1.7h? Did you defeat the boss?Anyway, thanks for playing my game.I've opened feedback forum in discussion panel. I think you should post your thought there.It's easier for us to collect all feedback.If you please, please our kickstarter campaign. Just sharing it will be helpful for us.Cheers!2016-11-26 08:54:03
hrsn+rep voted a cheater off2016-11-26 05:14:26
DigitalSlowBurnHappy Thanksgiving!2016-11-24 08:58:54
TrippyCatThanks a lot! Your Screenshots are great too!2016-11-21 08:54:46
TrippyCatThanks for the add! Nice To Meet Ya!2016-11-21 08:52:21
TrippyCatThanks a lot! Have an awesome week!2016-11-21 08:51:25
AkioHello! Nice to meet u!2016-11-17 14:56:14
☠Lady☠Darkness☠there! Thanks for inviting me! Nice to meet you. I wish you a lovely rest of the week and happy gaming mate!2016-11-17 14:36:29
petru+rep2016-11-17 09:51:54
Dextromethorphan88you are welcome2016-11-13 12:48:27
jHnkann ich nur erwiedern! schön dich zu treffen!2016-11-12 10:54:51
MancSouljaThey are the guys who made Burnout, but they left Criterion after EA bought it.2016-11-10 15:02:27
MARLLO♥♥♥♥♥2016-11-09 13:35:11
K01๛Abu´Jo0drep+2016-11-05 13:42:53
Alfredo GarciaSchöne Wochenende :)2016-11-04 17:11:43
tatowow profile2016-11-03 14:34:16
BunnyThank you dear!2016-10-30 14:35:27
The-Skull-Will-ConquerIn the sky they pass on by........flying past the moon!! Spreading fear and casting spells........darkness will fall soon!! In the graveyard they do rise.......wanting to be fed!! Preying on the living souls........fear the walking dead!! From their coffins they do have some gruesome fun!! But they'd best be back by dawn.......for they fear the sun!! In the dark the moon does shine.......and you hear them howl!! Walking,running for your you hear them growl!! For its the time when dark things stalk us all......and its the time when we all know the fear!! For its the time we dread and hate......and its the time we thank god its only once a year!!2016-10-30 13:41:41
.Happy Halloween2016-10-29 08:09:32
MithrimHi, thanks for the invite, nice to meet you!2016-10-28 19:16:16
tboneHi thank you for the invite very nice to meet you2016-10-26 15:17:31
marianne~It is my pleasure to call you a friend; thank you for the invite...2016-10-23 17:14:48
HymnosHello and nice to meet you2016-10-18 09:08:45
Bazooka!!same to you saibot :) enjoy gaming and have fun!2016-10-16 03:13:01
ZhevGreetings, dig the profile. Thanks for the add:)2016-10-14 12:06:15
AlafianHey danke für die Freundschaftsanfrage, nett dich kennen zu lernen.2016-10-13 16:26:57
Bazooka!!One small crack does not mean that you are broken,it means that you were put to the test and you didn't fall apart.-Linda PoindexterEnjoy Gaming and Stay Healthy.2016-10-13 11:34:58
RichieDanke für den Add! Wünsche einen schönen Sonntag :D2016-10-02 04:54:06
moondog+rep review belter2016-09-29 15:50:41
Albin♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HACKER. REPORTED AND SCAMMER2016-09-28 13:02:41
Jusjor♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nazi ♥♥♥♥♥♥ GO DIE LIKE HITLER YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥2016-09-28 12:59:38
Jusjor♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hacker2016-09-28 12:59:22
ClassicVinylHiya Saibot just wanted to say that I like your profile and the games you play.Tossing you a friends invite2016-09-27 22:15:35
Bazooka!!enjoy gaming enjoy your weekends :)2016-09-23 08:52:55
KiraHi there thanks for the add and nice to meet you ..... (¯`v´¯)♥.......•.¸.•´....¸.•´... (☻//▌♥♥/ \ ♥♥2016-09-14 13:31:43
Slavic DriverHey nett dich kennenzulernen :)2016-09-11 07:30:39
Spirit World Field GuideHiya Saibot, pleasure meeting ya2016-09-11 03:38:45
DigitalSlowBurnHello2016-09-11 00:02:16
SRGHi there! Nice to meet ya! Like your profile2016-09-10 14:19:17
ScoRrpioOoThanks for the add! Nice to meet you!2016-09-10 11:10:18
Thaxs (Axel)Hey! Thanks for the add :)2016-09-10 08:58:29
NagiHello, Nice to meet you ♬2016-09-10 08:07:01
TheTrueProphet+Rep Also a Final Fantasy lover!2016-09-09 00:54:39
'ovsepHello, nice to meet you!2016-09-04 12:07:37
Kerion~hallo!2016-09-02 09:04:35
renfieldSo machen wir das2016-08-23 16:38:59
renfieldHallo Saibot. Willkommen in meiner Freundesliste2016-08-23 16:36:27
AdettHello! Thanks for the add and nice to meet you.2016-08-22 08:54:38
ConkerNice to meet you dude :)2016-08-21 12:31:46
Bazooka!!Thank you for your friend invitation :) Have Fun & STAY COOL2016-08-21 09:24:38
EllieHi there Saibot - pleasure to meet you! Thanks for the request, See you on the activity feed2016-08-13 12:15:40
Bremio-rep neoretard2016-08-05 10:59:27
Salem-rep salty and insulting for no reason2016-07-30 10:19:22
Princess Gay Xhaxx!2016-07-20 19:32:21
ironChin43haxor2016-07-20 03:34:41
mrthunderxxgod gamer best person :D2016-07-13 15:42:58
Chlodziakcheater...2016-06-18 07:32:41
noodles((:Spread the love <: FF Fan!:)2016-05-13 05:01:22
Caustic CrisisYou are right Tales of Symphonia is a great game man! Enjoying it a lot right now even though i'm play games on ps3 and ps vita lulz.. gah i have so much games so much hardware to play games and don't have the time :(2016-02-02 18:37:31
Lonrot@Saibot roger that!2015-12-28 09:41:00
不要我先閃Merry Christmas2015-12-25 04:45:47
AngfuciousThanks for coming to my profile to answer my question. That is the first time anyone has done that. Very much appreciated!! :)2015-10-20 07:51:55
mroczna_sarnaWe did it my friend :)2015-10-12 13:58:49
FleuoraHaha thanks for acc...Lets be a good friend...2015-10-12 06:34:47
Dimension TravelerGood luck in FF V, thanks for your broadcast!2015-10-07 14:13:46
Brother Erxkum+Rep, coole Kerl Deutsch!2015-10-06 09:16:28
🌻Chudah🌻Thanks for the friend request! Have a great day! :D2015-08-24 13:36:28
🌻Chudah🌻You're very welcome!2015-08-13 06:30:02
SaibotNo Problem, mate! :-)2015-08-06 18:05:10
Frivocah sorry :p2015-08-06 18:02:37
SaibotBot Kevin i dont made that giveaway. A Friend made it, and shared his link with me. I just made some advertise for the giveaway, thats it ! :-)But you're welcome i guess? :D2015-08-06 17:55:30
FrivocThanks for the toz giveaway <32015-08-06 17:22:39
TrickZZterA friend invitation from a fellow JRPG fan.2015-08-06 13:28:10
🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)Well, since you linked me one of your forum posts, I was able to stalk you and see your other posts too (in various threads/forums). My hunger of stalking being unleashed and now unsatisfied, I decided to add you sothat i can watch closely your activity on my feed. RIP personal space.2015-07-29 18:04:44
🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)Sure, it's very refreshing to read a normal comment once in a while, after those trading comments. I slept for 4 hours roughly, I spent the next 2h in zombie mode trying to wake up but it didn't work so I went What title? and why weren't you allowed to update it?2015-07-27 16:03:22
RAID NoirI thought you should be able to update the title now?2015-07-27 06:24:00
🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)Neither does Max Madness, he's just trolling.I usually look like one of the following:a) b) c) d) e) f) Please select from above which applies to you the best.2015-07-26 12:49:49
🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)Oh I want to accept, but I think it's more fun to spam your profile. Don't pay attention to what Max said, he likes to makes jokes2015-07-26 12:08:39
🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)Actually I slept like a baby, I was really tired last night after not sleeping for 2 days. So, what's new with you? Not gonna send you a friend request, it's more fun like that :))2015-07-25 18:13:05
RAID NoirJust wait for it lol. ONly 1 day remaining2015-07-25 06:59:05
🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)OOOOH... thanks for the feedback, I left one for you too :)2015-07-22 05:42:19
🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)Thank you very very much for the coupon! I'm gonna buy & play it right away :)2015-07-20 11:52:42
StirnGlatze@FLUXKOMPENSATORJa Geht ne, für uns wars halt nich lustig :D weil wir 6:0 gegen euch weil ihr einfach gar nix getroffen habt und dann aufeinmal gehen 2 mates übelst ab :D2015-07-18 14:00:25
mroczna_sarnaHello, good to see Tales lover on steam. May be Maxwell be with you ;) Thx for all the support on the forum - not many people are aware (pc gamers) about this awesome series.2015-07-16 12:00:04
DeltaBladeXSaw your topic, and was going to respond, only to find it locked by the time I was done typing. I've posted a question I had in the topic below. Also, sorry about the results of your giveaway. ---As someone who has owned seven different Tales games and only beaten one of them (Phantasia, which I enjoyed along with the first two Star Ocean games), which of these would you recommend for a another attempt to get somewhere in the series?Tales of the Abyss (3DS)Tales of Symphonia (Gamecube & PS3 copies )Tales of Graces f (PS3)If you are wondering why I only list off four of the games I've had, the other three are Symphonia Chronicles (a sequel that I won't be touching any time soon) and the PSP games, where I no longer own either the system or games.2015-07-04 06:52:21
***Hi thank you for inviting me to awesome BIG giveaway event Nice knowing you as JRPG fans.2015-07-02 08:19:12
UnknownO.o+rep very friendly trader2015-06-21 14:35:34
ateszThanks for the game!2015-06-21 04:08:15
Artaxeus+rep, very nice person to deal with, would trade again, thanks mate!2015-05-25 12:31:39
BlandoI wouldn't say no to that Battlepaths offer my friend.2015-04-11 20:13:04
Insomniac JackWe played russian roulette. He said he would do it but wanted me to go first, so I did and then he did too. We both lived. +rep, would pull trigger again2015-04-05 05:56:43
loonis+ rep, very good trader2015-03-26 14:42:35
Gransi+rep trustworthy, friendly trader2015-03-17 10:51:55
Lord Chud+rep he is good yes good soo yeah hes good yeah2015-03-15 12:52:21
Shyyni+rep, very friendly and very nice :)2015-03-06 08:59:14
苍月の丘+rep. very nice and friendly trader, trustworthy;D2015-03-03 03:07:22
Tomek+Rep, good and trustworthy trader. :-)2015-02-26 05:33:25
SeriousComedyAppreciated your offer on a trade for Gauntlet. I am unfortunately engrossed in another game that I just bought, so I'll have to take a hold on your offer for now.2015-02-24 15:25:14
4ern0Vikrep! great guy ))2015-02-16 23:43:37
samueli love u too ;)2014-09-01 10:40:31
Goku+rep great trader2014-08-24 08:11:52
Blackloch°+ rep, thanks for a great trade!2014-08-13 07:32:59
timɘ_bendeяHi, no thanks, already bought the game in the meantime :)2014-08-10 02:52:16
Astow+ rep, polite and friendly, nice trade ! :)2014-08-07 15:35:09
HyptronicNice & friendly Steam user. Would definitely trade in the future! :-)2014-08-07 14:04:56
Firesth+ rep, nice trade2014-08-06 18:43:16
akhsavi+ rep, negotiable - thanks for trade2014-08-06 13:05:55
Saskuerino+ rep polite and fast trader2014-08-06 12:33:58
Obawan+ Rep, polite, considerate, very friendly trader!2014-07-24 07:39:38
Random+Rep very nice trader fast and easy!2014-07-23 18:23:37


Total: [542] | TF2BD: [0] (0.00%) | SB: [4] (0.74%)

Legolas2024-05-30 15:08:05
(29 days)
765611983760040042024-05-25 10:12:10
(34 days)
D_Dramo2024-05-24 05:42:57
(36 days)
765611991386795892024-05-14 09:12:42
(45 days)
RandomAlec2024-05-11 21:31:40
(48 days)
AnarcoPunkRJ2024-05-09 05:23:11
(51 days)
765611980736356722024-05-08 02:13:33
(52 days)
765611980461571062024-05-01 10:20:53
(58 days)
Pipelopes2024-04-26 14:52:16
(63 days)
tuninggamer2024-04-19 15:43:02
(70 days)
2024-05-18 03:05:37 (42 days)
Co0oL4EveR2024-04-12 12:01:30
(77 days)
2024-05-18 03:05:37 (42 days)
Jazz591072024-04-10 04:56:03
(80 days)
Pogger✅2024-03-30 08:15:33
(90 days)
Atilex2024-03-24 03:49:46
(97 days)
OMNICRON (away until July 31st)2024-03-22 03:08:20
(99 days)
Katashi2024-03-20 14:53:45
(100 days)
Milan2024-03-10 08:39:53
(110 days)
WeeHammy2024-03-09 03:24:11
(112 days)
765611979933161172024-02-24 17:26:51
(125 days)
765611984096117442024-02-22 12:00:38
(127 days)
Pixie Karaam On Youtube2024-02-21 07:01:22
(128 days)
765611993952226432024-02-20 05:57:19
(129 days)
Einsamkeit2024-02-19 14:30:42
(130 days)
2024-04-07 08:09:10 (82 days)
richard2024-02-03 06:07:27
(146 days)
Deku2024-02-02 05:34:20
(148 days)
troubledenix2024-01-29 03:07:01
(152 days)
RipperG2024-01-20 04:39:25
(161 days)
Y3RT2024-01-17 04:55:22
(164 days)
affunguy2024-01-16 05:55:24
(164 days)
good_cat2024-01-13 13:43:24
(167 days)
Zange2024-01-13 07:22:59
(167 days)
2024-05-18 03:05:37 (42 days)
Now 52024-01-12 16:01:35
(168 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
pusspeepers2024-01-11 09:21:32
(169 days)
pmarco961 ALLKEYSHOP2024-01-11 07:01:10
(169 days)
sabeerareeb™2024-01-10 12:33:42
(170 days)
⛩-LighteningOne-⛩2024-01-06 15:09:19
(174 days)
2024-04-21 02:44:33 (69 days)
765611980632429032024-01-05 18:00:46
(175 days)
765611979798304932024-01-04 07:17:28
(176 days)
MegasMatey2024-01-03 12:01:27
(177 days)
Danika2024-01-01 18:57:51
(179 days)
👉ĐØŁŁØ-on-DECK👈2024-01-01 14:24:31
(179 days)
noguchii2023-12-25 23:14:34
(186 days)
Eltanin2023-12-21 14:14:41
(190 days)
BOROXIDAS2023-12-20 12:45:24
(191 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
Skittle2023-12-19 12:39:25
(192 days)
765611980331981562023-12-18 05:46:23
(194 days)
765611983641083602023-12-15 10:14:31
(196 days)
2024-05-18 03:05:37 (42 days)
Hallak652023-12-15 06:14:45
(196 days)
765611980266083492023-12-10 06:41:37
(201 days)
d0tcommie2023-12-07 12:06:12
(204 days)
wasabi™2023-12-02 15:18:43
(209 days)
Lucci2023-12-01 10:45:35
(210 days)
☆დ✦ Miya ✦დ★2023-11-29 05:24:44
(213 days)
TheCorpse2023-11-26 07:26:18
(215 days)
Klaus2023-11-26 07:12:41
(215 days)
Arshdeep2023-11-17 12:18:22
(224 days)
Jela'n2023-11-16 01:31:37
(226 days)
Hairy Mary2023-11-16 01:03:12
(226 days)
Tembersom2023-11-14 14:43:16
(227 days)
OMFG RETARD2023-11-01 15:29:53
(240 days)
765611980438116282023-10-24 10:16:56
(248 days)
ZENITH2023-10-12 01:56:10
(261 days)
__YouloFT2023-10-07 05:10:59
(266 days)
Roasty2023-10-01 14:25:33
(271 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
IT'S RIGA, BABY!2023-09-14 10:51:39
(288 days)
Hex: Bot 2 †2023-09-09 13:22:32
(293 days)
charming °゚º❍。2023-09-08 05:10:57
(295 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
Realtione etc.2023-08-30 12:55:33
(303 days)
Dagarlo2023-08-25 02:19:12
(309 days)
765611980545365572023-08-16 06:26:26
(318 days)
Mr.SkarKasm2023-08-10 09:29:09
(323 days)
semmelboesel2023-08-10 04:54:37
(324 days)
Zombie2023-08-03 07:12:11
(330 days)
desert sand feels warm at night2023-08-03 06:33:49
(331 days)
Ceaseless Duality2023-08-02 22:03:05
(331 days)
Karas2023-07-31 03:07:55
(334 days)
765611981370934202023-07-30 16:40:11
(334 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
yoshirules2023-07-24 06:58:27
(340 days)
janner662023-07-23 14:20:58
(341 days)
REDA_X_N12023-07-19 01:48:08
(346 days)
M4rhun2023-07-15 16:38:09
(349 days)
vigor2023-07-14 14:05:01
(350 days)
765611981135566242023-07-11 01:17:55
(354 days)
765611982742257192023-07-06 10:24:28
(358 days)
Heath2023-07-03 01:25:44
(362 days)
Snacchia2023-06-25 16:46:52
(369 days)
AJAV2023-06-20 16:01:32
(374 days)
Dr. Nonu2023-06-08 13:11:49
(386 days)
(ESP)Lilichis2023-06-07 06:21:19
(388 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
ol'aphasicpete2023-05-29 08:05:44
(396 days)
NikeY"2023-05-27 12:23:20
(398 days)
Lucas Kane2023-05-26 19:10:20
(399 days)
zvya2023-05-26 02:06:28
(400 days)
765611988684215012023-05-20 06:19:51
(406 days)
Duke2023-05-18 13:45:51
(407 days)
delenn132023-05-16 07:15:28
(409 days)
foregone.umx2023-05-15 15:08:54
(410 days)
🌊XᗩᎩ💜℮ᖇ🌴2023-05-15 14:44:04
(410 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
765611995062598802023-05-15 13:14:11
(410 days)
Avenger_AD2023-05-12 10:02:06
(413 days)
765611992059475152023-04-27 08:50:44
(428 days)
765611981384403122023-04-26 05:28:17
(430 days)
765611981702240902023-04-26 00:51:28
(430 days)
765611992131212062023-04-23 13:18:54
(432 days)
Guard1aN RB2023-04-09 06:13:10
(447 days)
SharkY2023-04-06 12:38:21
(449 days)
Krypton2023-04-03 01:22:46
(453 days)
outbloomin2023-03-21 14:11:01
(465 days)
Komorebio_2023-03-09 01:55:04
(478 days)
765611981716254552023-03-04 15:23:11
(482 days)
JestersFear2023-03-01 04:55:37
(486 days)
W:June(10.5e)2023-02-18 15:23:47
(496 days)
Quirky Custodian2023-02-10 13:39:26
(504 days)
Chimera2023-01-31 21:35:52
(514 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
KTH2023-01-31 12:57:13
(514 days)
Infected_Dreamer2023-01-27 16:41:35
(518 days)
Freypa242022-12-21 07:42:44
(555 days)
Kidomaro2022-11-25 17:24:48
(581 days)
Flavius Claudius Julianus2022-11-21 14:31:06
(585 days)
WarChaser2022-11-18 13:17:27
(588 days)
BerserkerBarbie2022-10-03 07:37:10
(634 days)
Underdrill2022-09-26 06:27:22
(642 days)
Okuu2022-09-25 16:42:16
(642 days)
PROblem*2022-09-20 09:28:07
(647 days)
Nuit Calme2022-09-18 13:25:21
(649 days)
Re1denshi2022-09-12 14:24:09
(655 days)
Jokerini2022-08-28 10:13:12
(670 days)
Darkill 4K2022-08-25 06:20:26
(674 days)
Eisen2022-08-15 05:34:12
(684 days)
Altering2022-08-04 11:48:27
(694 days)
Shadow_Dragon_SM2022-08-02 16:05:07
(696 days)
Alonia2022-07-12 05:24:37
(718 days)
Majordomo2022-07-09 14:25:47
(720 days)
RivaL[.]ReNeGaDe2022-07-08 15:14:07
(721 days)
765611981108256532022-07-08 01:07:05
(722 days)
Metro2022-07-07 15:57:24
(722 days)
Elysian ♡2022-07-07 15:52:43
(722 days)
🦊Λℚ𝓤ΛƑΛᗯҜᔕ🦊2022-06-25 18:59:49
(734 days)
Jonny2022-06-17 05:32:01
(743 days)
RoadToValhalla2022-06-17 04:09:14
(743 days)
765611984161886242022-06-14 05:16:44
(746 days)
babo2022-06-12 14:25:23
(747 days)
Hi_pizza2022-05-16 04:04:46
(775 days)
765611984051963382022-04-07 09:35:51
(813 days)
PrometeheusCZ2022-04-05 16:02:31
(815 days)
GaTh2022-04-04 03:13:13
(817 days)
MEGApow2022-04-04 02:04:55
(817 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
Pika! Pika!2022-03-31 06:30:33
(821 days)
PSYGo 🌍 ALpHa ⁧⁧ ☕🤖2022-03-30 16:10:59
(821 days)
Veselchuna2022-03-25 07:00:54
(826 days)
Duke2022-03-22 02:48:41
(830 days)
resnick2022-03-21 15:31:00
(830 days)
bͫuͬgc2022-03-20 18:56:25
(831 days)
Sleepy2022-03-19 11:30:05
(832 days)
Luni2022-03-18 14:07:58
(833 days)
Combat Unit: Medicae2022-03-09 13:00:09
(842 days)
Chaotic Mewka ✠2022-03-05 12:17:31
(846 days)
djalma2022-03-03 15:07:56
(848 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
765611990870990372022-03-03 13:02:34
(848 days)
ᚺᛒᛖαrco2022-02-28 05:32:16
(852 days)
Set Your Heart Ablaze2022-02-26 17:03:41
(853 days)
Paycheck-662022-02-26 13:11:32
(853 days)
Talla2022-02-24 12:47:53
(855 days)
ARC952022-02-05 14:26:05
(874 days)
Drugo⚸a2022-01-25 11:50:26
(885 days)
crashinguniverse2022-01-07 07:28:22
(903 days)
765611980875926772021-12-30 12:18:46
(911 days)
Julio one deag Iglesias2021-12-13 03:51:18
(929 days)
Trundle2021-12-10 08:51:22
(931 days)
765611983610790982021-12-06 08:24:28
(935 days)
Kalvus2021-12-04 14:19:33
(937 days)
🖤omegamääänΩ2021-12-02 16:03:48
(939 days)
putorenas2021-10-27 15:09:15
(975 days)
Tiny-_-Dreamer2021-10-25 09:26:33
(977 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
nikolaelf2021-10-19 08:45:26
(983 days)
765611980716364212021-09-09 13:38:00
(1023 days)
SR.CHA|N2021-08-27 17:20:28
(1036 days)
[MaNiAc]2021-08-24 03:44:55
(1040 days)
ʀᴀᴛᴇᴀ xᴅᴀʀᴋ2021-06-21 14:05:39
(1103 days)
The Little Rumbery Boy2021-06-01 12:17:44
(1123 days)
Scarlizz2021-05-01 15:46:58
(1154 days)
bonerowner2021-04-10 05:45:35
(1176 days)
Joek2021-03-20 14:02:12
(1196 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
Grebber2021-03-02 13:05:13
(1214 days)
Raidax2021-02-21 08:07:37
(1223 days)
Preator2021-01-18 06:32:46
(1257 days)
☯ dreamer ☮2021-01-13 03:56:45
(1263 days)
Sati2021-01-02 09:28:32
(1273 days)
Tyler Durden2020-12-10 03:12:38
(1297 days)
Mace2020-12-04 14:25:06
(1302 days)
Caped Crusader2020-12-04 06:12:41
(1302 days)
Sears - کєдґک -2020-12-01 14:50:39
(1305 days)
Mz Cookies2020-12-01 04:46:30
(1306 days)
Teddy2020-11-30 12:08:22
(1306 days)
Araripe2020-11-29 16:06:43
(1307 days)
302020-11-24 12:26:30
(1312 days)
David Bergkång2020-11-20 02:41:44
(1317 days)
765611980277287302020-11-19 09:01:00
(1317 days)
Dimbhaja2020-11-19 08:12:50
(1317 days)
SpaceCouncil2020-11-15 10:13:36
(1321 days)
FrenchFryAGoGo🍟2020-11-10 20:58:01
(1326 days)
PW⭐️PW2020-11-10 12:54:16
(1326 days)
|| TITAN ||™2020-10-28 10:57:22
(1339 days)
Tamaster2020-09-13 06:14:55
(1385 days)
aperager2020-08-25 04:20:47
(1404 days)
Sr Chimichanga2020-08-01 05:29:14
(1428 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
smasma2020-07-09 08:13:51
(1450 days)
shuz2020-06-13 10:33:35
(1476 days)
B4FOM3T2020-06-08 06:12:53
(1482 days)
mYm2020-06-08 02:47:35
(1482 days)
sauhan772020-04-26 15:09:18
(1524 days)
765611983055615992020-04-09 12:36:22
(1541 days)
Macho2020-04-06 00:57:54
(1545 days)
765611980510220452020-04-05 07:33:09
(1545 days)
DarkTerminator2020-04-03 16:28:59
(1547 days)
Competizione2020-04-02 02:24:45
(1549 days)
Calamity2020-02-24 08:25:29
(1586 days)
StormSonic2020-02-22 17:28:15
(1588 days)
765611979860695722020-02-16 16:48:40
(1594 days)
765611981090265032020-02-09 14:43:06
(1601 days)
Carlwheezer2020-02-06 15:22:45
(1604 days)
Sejk2020-01-14 06:19:28
(1627 days)
Miobelix2020-01-10 06:08:38
(1631 days)
Jirkis2020-01-07 08:57:20
(1634 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
Kendi2020-01-03 17:19:22
(1638 days)
stef2019-12-24 19:05:14
(1648 days)
Tobi.byte2019-11-24 14:35:29
(1678 days)
way2tired2019-11-09 06:09:48
(1693 days)
Crimson-Albedo2019-09-22 08:44:52
(1741 days)
765611980452231832019-09-09 17:11:06
(1754 days)
Dodder84(Hun)2019-08-25 14:12:19
(1769 days)
cXc2019-08-24 05:47:22
(1771 days)
Domenico2019-08-21 11:51:12
(1773 days)
honestkiddy2019-08-02 13:17:44
(1792 days)
realtylerd2019-07-06 06:59:15
(1819 days)
Sigmar's Sausage2019-06-21 14:58:17
(1834 days)
JimPanse112019-06-10 09:45:23
(1845 days)
DeKleineKabouter2019-06-10 03:33:26
(1846 days)
Tindels2019-05-21 15:04:15
(1865 days)
MagicDN2019-05-04 13:07:40
(1882 days)
🌸2019-04-19 11:58:55
(1897 days)
⊹⊱ Miraakles ⊰⊹2019-04-15 12:45:45
(1901 days)
3v1lcl0n32019-04-12 19:15:54
(1904 days)
Odin2019-04-12 18:08:33
(1904 days)
rusoo72019-04-07 15:15:29
(1909 days)
765611982104310692019-04-07 12:09:42
(1909 days)
Mike2019-04-05 16:56:10
(1911 days)
ThunderSin2019-04-04 13:29:01
(1912 days)
TFX2019-04-02 15:14:19
(1914 days)
Razorfen2019-04-01 10:02:03
(1915 days)
Rominvictus2019-03-18 09:30:24
(1929 days)
RarE^2019-03-05 04:36:36
(1943 days)
zerorayne2019-02-28 13:37:25
(1947 days)
Frost_47 🎸🎸2019-02-24 07:01:55
(1951 days)
NovaScotiaSean2019-02-22 07:14:50
(1953 days)
⛓ Avant-Garde Lilith ⛓2019-02-07 17:01:52
(1968 days)
zzzwlagga2019-02-01 14:40:03
(1974 days)
Kevin692019-01-05 20:32:12
(2001 days)
AcidFluxMx2019-01-04 13:11:25
(2002 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
HorusDecem2019-01-01 13:17:11
(2005 days)
rinrinada2018-11-26 10:52:34
(2041 days)
SketCZ2018-11-25 16:11:23
(2042 days)
pilF2018-11-19 13:31:46
(2048 days)
Uncle Tom™2018-11-10 15:29:31
(2057 days)
Nima2018-11-06 12:52:37
(2061 days)
765611980241764082018-11-05 05:34:09
(2063 days)
Leandros2018-11-03 13:48:22
(2064 days)
Emil2018-10-29 10:27:24
(2069 days)
Kranolf2018-10-28 15:04:30
(2070 days)
SmackS2018-10-28 10:22:11
(2070 days)
AUTOBY2018-10-20 06:10:23
(2079 days)
VengeancE2018-10-11 09:21:35
(2087 days)
⭐M0J⭐ ✔2018-10-05 12:50:12
(2093 days)
ScandalBags2018-10-03 09:35:59
(2095 days)
765611980455251652018-09-24 11:57:47
(2104 days)
DABATELLO2018-09-03 09:20:47
(2125 days)
][P][2018-07-21 01:56:00
(2170 days)
Gilrox2018-07-19 12:14:58
(2171 days)
MarioS -2018-07-04 12:04:21
(2186 days)
Crow2018-06-17 14:36:23
(2203 days)
Xeeran2018-06-16 15:58:58
(2204 days)
Ariel2018-06-13 17:20:47
(2207 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
kac415562018-06-13 12:47:41
(2207 days)
nerloch2018-06-13 04:24:17
(2208 days)
Cuerito2018-06-12 23:15:07
(2208 days)
Raye Skylark2018-06-12 23:15:05
(2208 days)
Killer Rabbit
[Sourcebans MARK]
2018-06-12 23:15:03
(2208 days)
Darklurker2018-06-12 23:15:01
(2208 days)
Naota2018-06-12 17:27:01
(2208 days)
Мизантроп2018-06-12 17:26:57
(2208 days)
Galdere2018-06-12 17:26:53
(2208 days)
🐈‍⬛MsKitteh🐾2018-06-12 17:26:50
(2208 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
⌬ Codified ⌬2018-06-12 14:52:43
(2208 days)
🐺СӉЄҠѺ թѦСӉ🐺2018-06-12 14:42:26
(2208 days)
Sam2018-06-12 14:34:07
(2208 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
Cyberiada2018-06-12 14:32:09
(2208 days)
fenmalain2018-06-12 14:32:00
(2208 days)
tess_erzsebet2018-06-12 14:28:54
(2208 days)
Murphy2018-06-12 14:09:40
(2208 days)
KillaZ2018-06-11 08:13:11
(2209 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
Darkstar2018-05-16 06:50:31
(2235 days)
NIRVANA782018-05-12 17:36:57
(2239 days)
🌙 polarbearb 🍉2018-05-10 15:21:14
(2241 days)
DZODZI2018-05-10 12:56:42
(2241 days)
Nuni2018-05-07 11:15:10
(2244 days)
SergiekuPlayer2018-05-05 13:10:06
(2246 days)
Vir_Spread2018-05-05 04:42:06
(2247 days)
ÇevikAtmaca2018-05-05 03:53:38
(2247 days)
Sweeny2018-05-05 03:53:36
(2247 days)
tatatalleres2018-05-04 13:35:52
(2247 days)
ThePotatoTurtle2018-05-01 02:31:25
(2251 days)
okcerS2018-04-30 09:20:12
(2251 days)
Reddish2018-04-29 10:49:47
(2252 days)
Crow Armbrust2018-04-28 04:40:07
(2254 days)
vitasha2018-04-26 12:18:43
(2255 days)
Nagel ☮2018-04-18 12:56:22
(2263 days)
Rōnin2018-04-14 04:34:54
(2268 days)
Rippo2018-04-08 04:31:47
(2274 days)
Cune2018-03-30 07:42:58
(2282 days)
Drasco2018-03-29 17:42:17
(2283 days)
Dremlin2018-03-29 14:03:18
(2283 days)
dragonfly592018-03-28 02:10:00
(2285 days)
765611980900592802018-03-28 01:20:35
(2285 days)
karmHAM2018-03-27 22:58:21
(2285 days)
shetef2018-03-27 16:31:50
(2285 days)
Anubis6A2018-03-27 14:43:15
(2285 days)
hatephis2018-03-27 14:06:39
(2285 days)
-=LOGO$=-2018-03-27 13:55:46
(2285 days)
The Trump Storm2018-03-27 13:08:30
(2285 days)
TEXYMAN2018-03-27 13:06:28
(2285 days)
i.verveer2018-03-27 12:55:13
(2285 days)
d2018-03-27 12:50:44
(2285 days)
765611981173458802018-03-27 12:48:51
(2285 days)
barondeghost2018-03-27 12:42:36
(2285 days)
Sipalman2018-03-27 12:36:08
(2285 days)
headholo2018-03-27 12:33:37
(2285 days)
im0nit2018-03-27 12:31:25
(2285 days)
LOS ÑACKSON PE Mister Lay2018-03-26 12:43:57
(2286 days)
petskuletsku2018-03-24 11:59:55
(2288 days)
2024-05-21 22:03:28 (38 days)
sgt. Z3ryk2018-03-21 13:08:24
(2291 days)
Feena2018-03-20 15:05:24
(2292 days)
AntennaSnake2018-03-04 11:07:39
(2308 days)
.᠌ ⁧⁧SQiR2018-03-01 16:11:52
(2311 days)
amakaracyan2018-02-25 02:43:12
(2316 days)
GauravNikoBellic2018-02-24 06:34:54
(2316 days)
765611980292626762018-02-19 14:06:42
(2321 days)
=IM=2018-02-08 23:59:38
(2332 days)
Soulless2018-02-06 09:12:05
(2334 days)
Pinkman2018-02-06 03:50:56
(2335 days)
Wind Of Memory | 蝶戀兒2018-02-04 13:27:29
(2336 days)
LordGandhii2018-02-04 11:49:57
(2336 days)
chuCKY2018-02-02 02:14:05
(2339 days)
thomasselck2018-01-27 18:55:50
(2344 days)
Zerg Rush Unit2018-01-21 10:43:54
(2350 days)
『莉栖』・:*Vincent*:・2018-01-21 06:01:25
(2350 days)
Svampplockaren2018-01-16 00:44:28
(2356 days)
Nightspirit2018-01-02 15:24:32
(2369 days)
☮ GD_Anirudh100 ❤2017-12-27 15:21:08
(2375 days)
Rattlesnake82017-12-25 15:27:22
(2377 days)
Liquor2017-12-24 04:01:34
(2379 days)
Mirashea2017-12-23 05:57:25
(2379 days)
Prejudgedkiller2017-12-02 14:49:15
(2400 days)
PREMEX2017-11-27 08:14:09
(2405 days)
765611980321397122017-11-22 12:16:00
(2410 days)
ArcoYH2017-11-22 00:26:08
(2411 days)
雲の争い | Cloud Strife |2017-10-22 14:46:01
(2441 days)
GHOST2017-10-17 15:58:52
(2446 days)
Dioman2017-10-09 14:36:41
(2454 days)
ReadingLies2017-10-09 12:53:01
(2454 days)
misut2017-10-07 17:13:46
(2456 days)
Polis Özel Harekat2017-10-07 15:34:59
(2456 days)
Nonobisha2017-10-07 13:19:29
(2456 days)
Kingodavid2017-10-07 09:24:17
(2456 days)
Sergio2017-10-07 08:56:07
(2456 days)
skyler.2017-10-07 08:39:57
(2456 days)
Emilyn2017-10-07 07:53:30
(2456 days)
apobawer|Kein Steuerhinterzieher2017-10-07 07:25:10
(2456 days)
BoTy quattro ®2017-10-07 05:33:22
(2457 days)
殺人者2017-10-05 12:47:41
(2458 days)
1/100 Scream2017-10-03 03:13:49
(2461 days)
| TheOnlyOrange |2017-10-02 16:29:50
(2461 days)
(Sosa)Wayne2017-10-02 14:14:49
(2461 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
aragon7892017-10-02 11:42:34
(2461 days)
Dr_Ass2017-10-02 09:41:12
(2461 days)
Xitilon2017-10-01 23:13:59
(2462 days)
Cage JRPG Fanatic2017-09-18 00:01:46
(2476 days)
copperlee12017-09-17 03:34:55
(2477 days)
Shantanu (S->TF2k ₹120 UPI)2017-09-11 10:58:24
(2482 days)
Erroneous2017-09-09 05:35:59
(2485 days)
765611980594996302017-08-21 11:54:24
(2503 days)
Ulf Steinke2017-08-17 13:36:34
(2507 days)
765611980520138952017-08-16 00:15:39
(2509 days)
Durante2017-08-13 23:23:17
(2511 days)
Malone862017-08-05 15:17:41
(2519 days)
☁️☆ DRAW ☆☁2017-08-05 14:10:34
(2519 days)
Wicca-san2017-07-24 14:35:32
(2531 days)
Ofol 872017-07-23 14:18:15
(2532 days)
765611983127280632017-07-22 09:21:34
(2533 days)
Der Blonde2017-07-20 06:59:20
(2535 days)
765611980824626482017-07-04 14:04:14
(2551 days)
「Menano」2017-07-01 16:43:30
(2554 days)
Xonox 子格2017-06-28 10:05:40
(2557 days)
Halcyőn2017-06-23 18:25:29
(2562 days)
Blur2017-06-21 03:23:58
(2565 days)
Ally2017-06-16 13:39:39
(2569 days)
#NV2017-06-16 08:47:42
(2569 days)
Hecate but christmasy2017-06-09 14:03:58
(2576 days)
DeXX_´-´_\2017-06-06 09:35:09
(2579 days)
rutte9602017-06-05 05:11:14
(2581 days)
riptide2017-06-04 08:15:31
(2581 days)
« »2017-05-27 09:08:26
(2589 days)
Alice2017-05-04 08:13:18
(2612 days)
Vitro2017-04-11 16:03:06
(2635 days)
The Dragon Ace2017-04-07 20:35:37
(2639 days)
McSnake2017-04-04 13:52:43
(2642 days)
Insomnia2017-03-30 13:52:25
(2647 days)
luckz2017-03-22 16:24:54
(2655 days)
765611980409045952017-03-15 09:01:28
(2662 days)
Joe2017-03-08 14:59:47
(2669 days)
90sVibe2017-03-08 07:57:26
(2669 days)
Mr. Nice Guy2017-03-04 07:10:46
(2673 days)
Nicko2017-03-04 05:44:48
(2674 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2017-03-01 13:01:52
(2676 days)
ValkyrieMoon2017-02-27 23:17:29
(2678 days)
stoned raiders2017-02-23 12:10:07
(2682 days)
Pierrot2017-02-23 08:51:21
(2682 days)
NoelDeirrow2017-02-22 16:20:13
(2683 days)
𝕊𝕆𝕃ℝ𝔸ℂ2017-02-20 15:23:45
(2685 days)
AGK902017-02-17 15:17:24
(2688 days)
...RuBiKsCuBe2017-02-17 02:10:01
(2689 days)
Vlad2017-02-17 02:09:59
(2689 days)
Wolfystein2017-02-15 09:16:01
(2690 days)
Raigeki2017-02-13 15:07:13
(2692 days)
vamptibor2017-02-12 12:23:00
(2693 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
JohnStalker_CZ2017-02-12 12:02:26
(2693 days)
Aleks2017-02-11 14:58:35
(2694 days)
Frasse2017-01-31 09:03:32
(2705 days)
ratta-tat-tat2017-01-29 05:58:32
(2707 days)
ⓀⒾⓈⒹⒺ™2017-01-27 15:24:45
(2709 days)
Akshay2017-01-27 02:19:46
(2710 days)
͔͔BumperGiant2>⁧⁧Buy Skins2017-01-26 17:27:00
(2710 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2017-01-23 15:13:42
(2713 days)
Volcom232017-01-21 09:22:07
(2715 days)
olex2017-01-19 14:06:10
(2717 days)
ABiZU2017-01-19 11:25:30
(2717 days)
daizen12017-01-16 15:45:58
(2720 days)
765611980051755072017-01-11 12:49:28
(2725 days)
Luigi?2017-01-09 11:08:04
(2727 days)
THE TENTH2017-01-05 09:49:38
(2731 days)
Amadeus2017-01-05 05:41:41
(2732 days)
ConnecteD\_2017-01-02 07:37:04
(2734 days)
korvkent2017-01-02 07:03:22
(2734 days)
Sleepies2017-01-01 23:09:37
(2735 days)
🌟 taipaN-[CE] 🌟2017-01-01 17:21:42
(2735 days)
Kruxarn2016-12-31 19:20:51
(2736 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2016-12-31 05:47:54
(2737 days)
Casper2016-12-30 16:43:35
(2737 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
PlyrStar932016-12-29 10:44:01
(2738 days)
Murvcv2016-12-22 18:53:10
(2745 days)
Luquitas2016-12-19 12:13:08
(2748 days)
๖Leelah2016-12-16 14:05:56
(2751 days)
jongizombie2016-12-16 06:06:56
(2751 days)
T. Vizsla2016-12-11 15:16:31
(2756 days)
outofpurelove2016-12-05 13:08:48
(2762 days)
765611979828885562016-12-01 23:21:05
(2766 days)
SEMISOFT2016-11-27 23:53:25
(2770 days)
Crash_Khan2016-11-26 16:31:26
(2771 days)
Pantomime2016-11-17 13:54:04
(2780 days)
Dextromethorphan882016-11-13 12:48:11
(2784 days)
Spieler_022016-11-13 11:48:44
(2784 days)
jHn2016-11-12 10:54:19
(2785 days)
tbone2016-10-26 15:16:13
(2802 days)
marianne~2016-10-23 17:12:38
(2805 days)
Necroniks2016-10-21 09:40:10
(2807 days)
taytothief2016-10-19 13:29:16
(2809 days)
Kosmozuikis2016-10-16 17:13:17
(2812 days)
CHELTAN2016-10-15 05:33:09
(2814 days)
BCC2016-10-15 04:26:48
(2814 days)
AbedsBrother2016-10-14 13:09:27
(2814 days)
Zhev2016-10-14 12:05:58
(2814 days)
Alafian2016-10-13 16:26:01
(2815 days)
niku2016-10-06 14:57:49
(2822 days)
Σέλευκος Νικάτωρ2016-10-03 12:04:35
(2825 days)
Fancy Fish2016-10-02 10:19:41
(2826 days)
Richie2016-10-02 04:53:29
(2827 days)
Arimajinn2016-09-29 09:25:39
(2829 days)
765611980389859922016-09-23 06:59:24
(2835 days)
Gin the Cat2016-09-20 12:01:41
(2838 days)
765611980437476382016-09-20 06:13:59
(2839 days)
Frykas2016-09-10 14:31:57
(2848 days)
B1ackadd3r#ハチロク(Hachi-Roku)2016-09-10 12:06:07
(2848 days)
Mephisto2016-09-10 11:25:21
(2848 days)
Tiklyt2016-09-10 05:17:11
(2849 days)
Thalatte™2016-09-07 14:39:16
(2851 days)
+*~Kirito~*+2016-09-07 10:11:29
(2851 days)
Kerion2016-09-02 09:04:10
(2856 days)
trinner2016-08-31 05:14:35
(2859 days)
hell naw.2016-08-28 01:38:30
(2862 days)
Doomguy2016-08-25 19:46:50
(2864 days)
renfield2016-08-23 16:35:38
(2866 days)
Aηgєℓ∂υѕт2016-08-23 14:01:17
(2866 days)
Joschi61162016-08-23 08:59:44
(2866 days)
Adett2016-08-22 08:53:39
(2867 days)
Eric~Draven2016-08-21 16:01:14
(2868 days)
2024-04-06 06:55:50 (83 days)
Conker2016-08-21 12:31:10
(2868 days)
Bazooka!!2016-08-21 09:24:41
(2868 days)
Mr. Max-2016-08-18 07:51:48
(2871 days)
What is love2016-08-17 01:15:39
(2873 days)
SleepY2016-08-15 10:14:06
(2874 days)
765611980179312082016-07-19 13:04:14
(2901 days)
in2016-07-13 12:35:22
(2907 days)
MBcoder2016-07-10 05:21:13
(2911 days)
λ.w.t19982016-06-30 08:53:55
(2920 days)
765611980563170502016-04-14 07:10:50
(2997 days)
TroLL2016-01-09 16:27:11
(3093 days)
765611982630762002015-12-22 08:24:08
(3111 days)
765611980597528202015-12-22 06:26:00
(3111 days)
Furiseto2015-12-09 11:49:42
(3124 days)
shio2015-11-20 10:13:43
(3143 days)
NightRain2015-10-24 14:09:38
(3170 days)
8Beet2015-10-12 23:29:31
(3182 days)
.Seigo2015-10-12 08:48:59
(3182 days)
LightninGRusH2015-10-12 08:37:52
(3182 days)
CRYPTiCEXiLE2015-10-11 03:35:53
(3184 days)
Shinrin Cole2015-10-10 11:46:42
(3184 days)
.Loug2015-10-10 06:50:34
(3184 days)
765611980780957032015-10-08 05:20:20
(3187 days)
Dimension Traveler2015-10-07 14:15:33
(3187 days)
765611981557037032015-09-22 10:40:23
(3202 days)
TrickZZter2015-08-06 13:28:08
(3249 days)
aurorable12015-08-06 08:43:25
(3249 days)
🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)2015-07-29 18:04:50
(3257 days)
olfox¹2015-07-02 11:46:09
(3284 days)
765611980049106462015-04-25 16:18:12
(3352 days)
serebix2015-03-06 07:56:07
(3402 days)
765611980415578552014-12-14 15:31:55
(3484 days)
765611979881379322014-09-04 21:18:59
(3585 days)
neytiri4552014-04-20 15:24:54
(3722 days)
765611980535706132013-12-27 12:03:50
(3836 days)
765611979943383722013-12-03 12:23:10
(3860 days)
Halicor2013-12-03 11:54:29
(3860 days)
765611979995432942013-11-28 11:28:02
(3865 days)