garfield (real)

SteamID64: 76561198126985956
SteamID32: [U:1:166720228]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83360114

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2014-02-18 13:26:10 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-05-31 08:59:17

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Click on the SourceBan tags to expand them
SourceBans: In 1 Lists
* FirePowered Gaming:
   - Expired:

Persona History

NameTime Changed
garfield (real)2024-05-31 08:59:17
selling garfield art2024-05-29 07:53:27
beans is the bot safeword2024-05-28 07:35:13
garfeeeeild2024-05-20 19:35:35
binding of isaac2024-05-19 19:29:02
garfield-fuel2024-05-16 11:26:03
sadness is a closet cheater2024-05-15 22:19:40
garfield-fuel2024-05-11 21:14:52
selling garfield art2024-05-05 08:12:51
selling garfield art for tickets2024-04-28 19:04:46
gahfield-fuel(lasagna) tera.gg2024-04-20 21:37:37
add monster mash to tera.gg2024-04-17 20:11:57
garfield 'leon' kennedy2024-04-11 19:56:29
add monster mash to tera.gg2024-04-09 02:20:18
goofball2024-03-29 02:40:56
chris "garfield" kennedy the thi2024-03-24 09:48:14
the garglefield (lasnga)2024-03-17 23:34:09
garfield2024-03-09 21:46:00
garfield_fuel2023-11-07 05:15:47
selling garfield art #NEWTF2Hunt2023-10-22 17:14:28
selling garfield art2023-10-01 20:24:36
i sell garfield art2023-09-29 02:14:24
worlds unluckiest case opener2023-09-24 23:01:36
reputable garfield art seller2023-09-15 20:49:11
selling garfield art2023-04-06 10:04:10
selling ms paint garfs2023-04-06 05:12:58
selling ms paint garfield art2023-04-04 20:07:27
the ankle bandit2023-04-04 17:31:48
selling garfield art2023-03-27 04:41:04
I sell garfield art2023-03-17 22:09:32
selling ms paint garfs2023-02-08 14:28:39
evil garfield2023-01-30 17:39:10
selling ms paint garfs2023-01-06 15:46:57
ATLabstract can't win without fe2023-01-06 14:52:51
selling ms paint garfs2023-01-05 19:57:36

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Chris Pratt2024-05-29 07:53:27
gfuel2023-01-06 13:29:45

URL History

URLTime Changed 13:29:45

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2023-01-06 13:29:45


Total: [230] | Deleted: [0]

ManiacMidget+rep garfield sells really bad art and he is definitely not wanted in 38 states2024-05-30 21:59:18
Doøm+rep garfield hates cheaters in tf2 and sells good art2024-05-27 22:42:39
pebbles+rep garfield gave my first born polio <32024-05-22 00:14:30
Max Gaming+rep garfiled art i like2024-03-30 18:36:30
thgangster43+rep the best2024-02-17 12:27:31
Rndaom+-rep this guy is awesome but i also hate him, buy his garfield art and stream avril lavigne on spotify2024-02-16 17:23:56
Minkirol+rep sexy garfield splice art creator2023-12-16 17:53:15
Bombe+rep ,This lad was able to achieve one of the greatest pieces of artwork in all time in a 124x124 pic. the pic in question? a bashful garfield. I must say this guy has talent that none of us will ever get.2023-12-08 23:11:52
chris "garfield" kennedy the thisoon2023-11-17 18:12:55
Sulikhop on castle crashers2023-11-17 13:33:53
Golden Age+rep garfield is hot and sexy and makes good art of garfield2023-10-07 18:50:49
Cool Crab+rep fantastic garfield art for sale, would buy many more!2023-09-11 17:34:28
luxy+rep garfield is hot and sexy and makes good art, 10/10 gramfel2023-09-07 20:00:18
Puff^Sullivan+rep i purchased the most beautiful Garfield art from this gentleman, i have to say it touched apart of my soul i didn't know existed. thank you for what you do.2023-04-13 20:23:21
breakfast menu+rep makes the dopest art around honest to god hands down garfield or otherwise. also a sick survivor.2023-03-24 00:48:50
sanpatsu+rep the most pristine art pieces ever to be created in the entirety of the world. nothing will ever top funk little orange cat who love lasag2023-03-18 01:43:32
Magic+rep funky orange cat go crazy2023-03-18 01:41:43
matt+rep2023-02-12 18:55:20
Toom+rep repurrrtable garfield seller2023-01-16 15:46:03
Natsume+rep smokes ♥♥♥♥2023-01-02 20:31:07
JSC_KOF+ref gud garfields2023-01-01 20:17:46
Big doink randers-Rep doesnt smoke weed2022-11-18 17:51:20
KenCarsonReal+rep beautiful garfuled pictographs, legendary and awesome2022-11-16 23:42:19
darflechorf really like what he brings to the community2022-11-12 21:55:14
I sell garfield art+rep reputable garfield seller2022-11-12 21:34:10
Wuh oh+rep he has infiltrated our culture and society and makes billions off of merch despite noone ever noticing him2022-11-12 19:35:54
snortmeth+rep i put it really far in ricky2022-11-12 00:48:34
Gmo+rep excellent customer service. a good change of pace compared to the usual garfield scams2022-09-19 15:36:34
meowcat+rep best artist ever2022-09-18 22:00:29
Luis Alvagrado from Brooklyn+rep amazing garfields2022-09-07 20:49:23
I sell garfield artspogblobo..2022-08-01 16:42:27
buggarfiled......2022-08-01 16:29:10
roaldin+rep fye aah art2022-07-07 23:04:23
I sell garfield art+rep also garfield2022-06-21 21:38:52
flextape+rep garfield2022-06-21 21:16:09
I sell garfield artsex 22022-04-18 01:12:00
Suliksex2022-04-18 00:45:39
I sell garfield artJeff Hardy from The Hardy Boyz from All-Elite Wrestling2022-03-23 21:27:32
I sell garfield art+rep nice level2021-12-27 04:22:33
koobideh+rep hates dwaggy2021-11-22 18:33:00
I sell garfield art-rep plays competitive tf22021-11-22 17:42:10
koobidehdidda di da di da do do di da didda do diadada do do do da dilli doooo2021-11-21 16:16:35
I sell garfield artmugs2021-11-21 12:58:22
koobidehi want to rip his nipples off (if he would let me) so 5/102021-11-07 13:36:54
TickleMonsterUnderYourBedhe told me his favorite mug +rep2021-10-22 14:33:21
I sell garfield artHaving someone else play and think it's "practice" to sweat against someone with 0 wins on lee who I've never played before2021-10-14 19:18:56
LevelOneDungeonMy man all emotional. My buddy playing trying to practice his Hwo and this guy think these 2nd Dan matches are sweaty. LOL calm down2021-10-14 18:52:04
I sell garfield arthappened to my buddy wayne once2021-10-12 17:23:38
koobidehHello, Kitty... Welcome to your first day of training as my new pet and servant. Breakfast is every morning at 8:30 am EST. We will convene at that time if you are available.After breakfast, Master will begin his shift at work. Playtime will be between 12 PM EST and 1 PM EST. Depending on your availability, we will arrange for all manner of play, and you may request a particular manner of play if you so wish.At 5 PM EST, work will be over for the day, and Master will take you to his room, and you will obey his every command.At the end of the day, if Kitty so desires, she can spend recreational time with Master before bed. She can choose to play a video game with him, chat with him over the phone, watch YouTube videos, or go for a walk outside. Otherwise, Kitty is free to enjoy her evening hours as she wishes.If you understand all of this, and you are ready to have a collar wrapped around your neck to become Master's kitty, please respond, "yes master."2021-10-10 20:02:51
ttv lemonellaa+rep modest until you get blood on his suit2021-10-07 21:42:45
I sell garfield art-rep garfield sucks at video games2021-10-07 21:41:07
I sell garfield artaverage am 6's player who sucks at highlander spy2021-10-07 21:40:55
ttv lemonellaa+rep very positive gamer and carried our team in pub. probably a 6s god, would pull more views on twitch than b4nny if he actually streamed2021-10-07 21:39:19
I sell garfield artover double my hours and in my rank still lol2021-10-07 19:47:05
michardI have 169 hours2021-10-07 18:20:33
I sell garfield artyet you have your hours hidden, lol cope more2021-10-07 13:57:24
michardget good lol not smurf btw2021-10-07 13:31:37
koobidehHe's Garfield, your embarrassing yourself.2021-09-25 11:16:24
I sell garfield art21 hours later and he still feels the need to comment, what a sad way to live2021-09-24 22:17:01
RockafellaYou're right. See ya Salty2021-09-24 21:56:16
I sell garfield artu need something better to do lmao2021-09-24 01:04:37
I sell garfield artits my profile? damn you really are slow in the head huh boy2021-09-24 01:04:25
RockafellaIf you don't want me to answer, why do YOU answer? Were you dropped at birth?2021-09-24 01:00:08
I sell garfield artbro ur still on about this?? can you do the world a favor and stop inhaling O22021-09-24 00:57:46
Rockafellahahah Wow, God complex, we're pretty far now! I'm just sticking to the fact, you sound like an antivaxxer...2021-09-24 00:47:04
I sell garfield artstill commenting on my profile but deletes ♥♥♥♥ talk on his, god complex2021-09-24 00:36:54
RockafellaI main Xiaoyu, I'm playing this one since one week, salty boy2021-09-24 00:30:51
I sell garfield artdoesnt matter you have 900 more hours than me and ur still my rank get ♥♥♥♥ on2021-09-24 00:11:02
RockafellaI don't keep negative comments, wether it's about my way of playing or Biden or whatever. No she's not particularly easy nor hard. It's not true. Watch experts tiers opinion and you'll see you're wrong. You're just salty.2021-09-23 22:37:28
I sell garfield artyet ur the one that deleted my comment lol cuz u know shes easy as ♥♥♥♥2021-09-23 22:17:45
RockafellaSalty boy...2021-09-23 21:59:01
koobideh+rep he supports garfield2021-09-20 08:53:26
I sell garfield artnobody asked2021-09-08 12:11:00
aizenI just saw ur -rep comment, dont even remember our match or if I was the one even playing. all in good fun2021-09-08 01:32:37
I sell garfield arttook you 3 days to come up with that? and at 2 am? damn bro you must have a lot of free time on your hands2021-09-08 00:54:00
aizen-rep salty2021-09-08 00:43:56
I sell garfield art??? what are you talking about lmao im not gonna delete ur comment im on a ps4 controller2021-08-25 05:10:34
TazGo ahead, delete my comment, just like every closet cheater does in game.2021-08-25 05:08:35
TazGreat, another scripting king user. Enjoy the ban idiot. I don't understand why every single king player uses with macros.2021-08-25 05:06:57
I sell garfield artthank you2021-08-12 18:04:01
bug动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Don Cheadle 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门2021-08-12 17:49:51
I sell garfield artcan you repost this with don cheadle somewhere in it2021-08-12 17:48:34
bug动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门2021-08-12 17:46:45
I sell garfield artbro what I only just got home from vacation who is this how do you know where I live please help me meet don cheadle2021-08-12 17:43:34
I sell garfield artsame2021-08-05 18:37:50
buggot my ♥♥♥♥ out rn2021-08-05 18:25:34
I sell garfield artsmh my mh (my head) i will get on halo wit hthe boys afrter i shower2021-07-05 21:53:00
TickleMonsterUnderYourBedtfw playing tf2 and not halo with the boys smh(that means shaking my head)smh2021-07-05 21:19:08
TickleMonsterUnderYourBed+rep my family doesn't love me and I don't have an air fryer2021-06-28 01:01:14
I sell garfield artI love you too2021-06-28 01:01:14
notazuraa (one more time)+rep my family doesn't love me and I don't have an air fryer2021-06-27 05:06:40
I sell garfield arthomeboy really commenting on my profile after he lost twice2021-06-20 01:29:04
A pair of titsdisorder2021-06-19 21:59:53
carp manbro pls cry some more... its free content2021-06-19 21:30:40
I sell garfield artDo the world a favor and smog yourself to death bud2021-06-03 00:52:45
I sell garfield artLast comment kicked for putting a single point into knockback rage, problem child who can't have fun without gatekeeping2021-06-03 00:52:30
(CPC) XJT习近平思想-rep 30+ tour awful player in mvm. kicked on last wave2021-06-03 00:43:56
I sell garfield artpurple skulltrooper skin2021-05-04 14:21:59
I sell garfield arttesticles2021-04-28 14:39:41
TickleMonsterUnderYourBedg(arfield)-fuel ttvgfuel Alamogordo, New Mexico, United StatesLevel 60Auction Winner200 XPMessageyou boutta catch a fat phade bro Currently OnlineProfile Awards 4Badges 40Games 82Inventory Screenshots 11Videos 1Reviews 4Artwork 1Groups 39monster mash advocacy8 Membersintox. Gaming Community195,369 Membersℋell ☺n ℰarth7,087 MembersWorkshop ShowcaseNow where could my pipe be?Garfield you fat cat you are so big and fat why are you so fat 2,136 ratings Garry's ModCreated by - I'M SORRY FOR YOUR LOSSScreenshot Showcasethe real suicide squad 2+ 7Favorite Groupboy with gun looking sad - Public Group596Members33In-Game214Online1In ChatRarest Achievement Showcase+1,8471,853Achievements5Perfect Games40%Avg. Game Completion RateGame Collector82Games Owned64DLC Owned4Reviews15WishlistedFeatured GamesMessatsu 1Video Showcase2021-04-28 14:36:45
I sell garfield artballs2021-04-24 21:06:05
Arete5you wish i was a guy you smelly chungus2021-04-24 19:05:20
table sawdidn't have to get personal :(2021-04-23 21:29:21
I sell garfield art-rep fortnite player2021-04-23 21:25:19
table saw-rep furry background2021-04-23 18:16:21
TickleMonsterUnderYourBedgoo goo ga ga2021-04-22 15:47:35
A pair of titssure, someone who's been offline for over 100 days scammed you.2021-04-22 04:45:29
PoggoYou know that one of your friends are heartless piece of ♥♥♥♥? (Sifu Ip Man) This guy scammed me out of my items that i was collecting for 2 years and change them into keys. So yeah don't belive him his samurai or kung fu ♥♥♥♥ (his pfp is fake i reverse image searched it). Because the only thing he could really beat is his meat2021-04-22 01:50:24
table sawdoes anyone even know what this kid is trying to say2021-04-17 10:16:44
toe matar #savetf2im rent free in your head :***) im rent free wow nice head its nice in your head.... woah.... why is your brain small...???? and smooth????? woah that's crazy!!!!2021-04-17 10:01:52
TickleMonsterUnderYourBedanyone that comments after this comment is a stupid stinky loser, make this known.2021-04-15 12:28:12
I sell garfield artlives up to his name2021-03-23 10:01:25
I sell garfield arthe deleted his comment lul2021-03-14 03:42:47
I sell garfield artwhy are u venting to me at 7 am for a match you played yesterday2021-03-09 10:47:59
I sell garfield arti only play solos2021-03-09 10:47:35
I sell garfield artsomeones upset and its not me2021-02-26 11:47:47
I cream for Icecreamjheeeze2021-02-02 09:55:36
I sell garfield artand also when yo dad stops beating you2021-02-01 18:38:50
I sell garfield artay man hml when you stop watching skydoesminecraft2021-02-01 18:38:43
I cream for Icecreamlowkey still mad about something that happened 40 min ago. Let it go brudder2021-02-01 17:00:32
I sell garfield artay homie guess I hit a weak spot if you aint gonna try and make another dog ass comeback, piss boy2021-02-01 16:41:18
I cream for Icecreamstop the cap :), its just a game, ggwp2021-02-01 16:21:47
I sell garfield artwe get it bro your dad beat you as a kid2021-02-01 16:20:45
I sell garfield artlol imagine having that ego when I dodged over half your attacks2021-02-01 16:20:32
I cream for Icecreamgot mad at me for not giving hatch when he went down in 3 seconds each chase. called me a piss baby lmao. ggwp get ♥♥♥♥ on2021-02-01 16:19:41
I sell garfield artdrip2021-01-11 19:30:06
Roo ☁Slightly gay but cool dude :)2021-01-11 19:29:32
Rick Ross+rep +)2021-01-09 20:46:01
chrissent that trade offer can you accept, really want kok2021-01-09 20:43:19
I sell garfield artyeah give me a little bit busy with a tournament2021-01-09 20:30:09
TickleMonsterUnderYourBed-rep melloderp is a bigot to this society, TLDR; Melloderp lives in a society2021-01-04 19:49:47
MelloDerpi wanted to be your friend :<2021-01-04 15:23:06
I sell garfield artlol and he's trying to add me to talk ♥♥♥♥ bro i have under 100 hours in this game u need to get a life2021-01-04 15:11:59
MelloDerpHe seems like a nice guy mainly because he said for me to go hang myself on dbd when he got mad2021-01-04 14:52:03
TickleMonsterUnderYourBed-rep deleted my comment about him being obese2021-01-03 18:46:14
I sell garfield art-rep fat2020-12-26 20:46:40
I sell garfield artstay mad snuffy : )2020-11-08 04:24:48
ᴍᴇɴᴀᴄᴇ wamuu+rep has the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ audacity and honor to melee a crit boosted demoknight. respect.2019-04-13 02:50:41
:Blinky: Kreos+rep good trader2018-11-08 17:05:32
I sell garfield artyou're ultra gay2018-10-16 14:02:54
Lawrence and David's law firmgreenland?2018-10-13 20:23:40
Lawrence and David's law firmIceland?2018-10-13 19:43:05
Lawrence and David's law firmScotland?2018-10-13 17:36:36
76561198862207191+rep, nice guy and good streamerv agreed v2018-09-25 21:20:07
76561198862150192+rep fun to collab with, i like his yt channel2018-09-25 18:24:43
76561198861929710+rep2018-09-24 21:06:50
legend of da penis (Zee)nice2018-09-20 23:36:12
I sell garfield artnice2018-09-20 22:10:49
76561198861243318nice2018-09-20 20:13:24
I sell garfield artthis is so sad, alexa play despacito2018-08-04 16:52:07
legend of da penis (Zee)okay guys, now this is epic2018-08-04 16:32:16
legend of da penis (Zee)"haha" - me at the end of the world, 20xx2018-05-17 00:33:45
I sell garfield artdamn epic troll2018-03-15 18:08:42
Hatsugey boi2018-03-14 14:29:29
I sell garfield artgotta get some grub goin2018-03-14 04:23:12
TurkeywithahintofperkyMerry Christmas :D2017-12-23 23:08:42
PS1 Lain IwakuraI suffer Anatidaephobia which means I always think a duck somewhere, is watching me2017-08-11 11:31:39
★Wicked★-rep tried to bully me on roblox2017-07-17 15:20:07
PS1 Lain Iwakurasame2017-06-22 04:18:41
I sell garfield artracism2017-06-22 00:25:37
A3techTVit must be trash day2017-05-10 19:17:44
A3techTVcakeman2017-05-10 19:17:35
I sell garfield artaight fam I gotchu lemme hit you with thatbottom text2017-02-06 17:56:04
LexiFishWario2017-02-06 00:37:08
LexiFishIt's meeee2017-02-06 00:37:01
I sell garfield artnew phone who dis2017-02-05 23:16:51
LexiFishSpread my wings and fly awaaaaaaay2017-02-05 23:09:26
Rooks♥♥♥♥♥♥ pulled off a trump2017-02-05 21:58:05
Ethan ∅+rep has nice memes remember?2017-02-05 19:48:46
RooksZippy denies the holocaust2016-12-19 23:21:39
Bwettfettnice meme2016-12-05 23:08:33
Rooksboy he ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ did it, the absolute madman2016-10-09 21:38:11
RooksSpell iCup ♥♥♥♥♥2016-10-09 21:35:13
Ethan ∅i like your profile2016-10-08 18:18:45
E-CORPplays thousands of hours and deranks to nova on purpose.2016-07-12 10:01:58
RagedbybigFeel all the feels you skrub before the aliens probe you2016-05-31 19:16:36
MarcySunayy lmao *aliens away*2016-05-11 17:51:36
Ragedbybigyes2016-03-06 20:38:16
RooksSo do IRemember, no meme. They corrupt everything they touch.2016-02-02 07:39:42
Fadey!! 中出し♥5.4/6 for them memes...2016-02-01 23:56:39
Rookshappy new year nigooo2016-01-01 11:33:00
kitsuneNoice picture :p2015-12-27 17:10:33
I sell garfield artthx bb2015-12-27 14:35:23
jeI scrolled down and found more cancer. 5/72015-12-27 14:32:34
Rooksmerry christmas nignoo2015-12-24 07:49:14
Rooksno problem fam2015-12-23 06:30:16
Rookswhen is this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ going to deathrun?2015-12-02 19:08:34
Seafaring Alligator 18:45:30
SekibankiI know it is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)2015-12-01 17:26:07
Sekibanki( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)2015-12-01 16:48:04
Captain TitusWhat ?2015-11-13 18:47:06
Rooksgheys dont get posifam2015-11-11 19:49:40
Rooksg heeeeeeey2015-11-11 19:48:11
Rookssame2015-11-11 14:16:44
vyzxiaNope.2015-10-26 14:48:46
Awooshi!omai~2015-10-19 19:30:19
I sell garfield artI know right2015-10-14 18:31:52
RooksA CH2015-10-13 16:22:41
Kaptin Sir Kibbles+Rep has one AMAZING ass. 10/10 would bang.2015-10-10 20:35:41
RooksThanks dad2015-10-09 19:37:34
RooksI called them.2015-10-09 11:56:25
RooksAnd how do I do that?2015-10-08 16:55:56
I sell garfield artonly if you call upon the demons of salazaar2015-10-08 14:42:20
RooksI have 69 groups, am I cool yet?2015-10-08 06:21:18
GoobersSame.2015-08-11 15:13:44
Rooksthe memes have overcome you my friend2015-08-11 01:03:15
Goobersnerd2015-08-11 00:49:57
squishii☆Now now, theres no need to be violent2015-08-03 15:30:09
squishii☆*Spanks herself* owo2015-08-01 23:15:15
Yeezy FragsHAHAHA2015-07-28 19:46:14
Yeezy FragsWE WON LMAO2015-07-28 19:46:11
turntechGodheadDed2015-07-14 11:05:48
Big Smoke+rep very nice guy2015-03-09 16:16:05
toasty+rep Nice Trader2015-02-27 23:55:36
Seven_Naught_Six+rep You get a free gift man!! (´・ω・)っ由2015-02-26 15:36:31
I sell garfield artTrue.2015-02-08 16:29:17
turntechGodheadYou know what I don't hate? I don't hate PILLS HERE2015-01-19 18:22:51
turntechGodheadFirst line. Got it WRONG2015-01-07 18:58:03
vuxii:^)2015-01-05 10:17:31
cadius+ rep good guy2015-01-04 20:29:28
turntechGodhead+rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥' luv him!2015-01-01 18:20:17
W2leezy+rep nice trader !2014-12-31 18:23:30
QueenMavis★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★*★* 。*˛.˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* *★ 。*˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛* ˛*•*´¨`*•.¸ ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛.*。 ℋappy ℋolidays ♪*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚´¨*•.¸¸.•*´ ¨`*•.¸¸.•*2014-12-23 20:17:27
Mekk+rep, gr8 trader!2014-12-02 22:55:04
Zuushi+rep thx for the trade=)2014-11-05 18:10:15
Mikeswd+rep friendly trader2014-10-29 18:17:42
imjb+Rep2014-10-04 18:36:22
Basken+rep nice trader and person :)2014-05-30 16:38:10
a r i ♡Senpai pls2014-05-16 21:45:57


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
