Private Pyle [USMC]

SteamID64: 76561198142938576
SteamID32: [U:1:182672848]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:91336424

Unique Views: 2
Total Views: 2

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2014-06-30 13:24:34 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-08-03 00:16:18

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
Private Pyle [USMC]2023-03-19 18:53:18
TartThis Bicycle or whatever2022-11-25 02:02:19
TardThis Bicycle or whatever2022-11-25 01:01:35
Ash Williams (EvilDead2)2022-10-09 00:59:37
Ash Williams2022-10-09 00:57:46
Star-Lord2022-09-15 01:11:18
NFT Star-Lord2022-08-23 23:42:07
NFT Star-Lord (ironic pfp)2022-08-04 17:27:14
NFT Star-Lord (ironic)2022-08-02 21:28:45
NFT Star-Lord_GOTG2022-07-29 20:48:00
Star-Lord {GOTG}2022-07-19 16:29:57

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed 13:28:56

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2023-01-06 13:28:56


Total: [352] | Deleted: [7]

Private Pyle [USMC]lmao you people are really going after my profile when the match is over, that's just pathetic2022-09-20 17:22:29
pewpewboioi2022-08-25 21:49:01
Private Pyle [USMC]28 day ban says so2022-08-25 18:42:25
asdasdczxgvdhsource?2022-08-25 18:21:37
Private Pyle [USMC]i've never been kicked out for false cheating accusations but you've been kicked before lol2022-08-25 18:17:50
Private Pyle [USMC]whatever, that doesn't even exist2022-08-25 18:17:21
Private Pyle [USMC]you have a vac ban and i don't, you got any proof? no? then ♥♥♥♥ off2022-08-25 15:45:06
asdasdczxgvdhstar-lord? more like blatant-cheater2022-08-25 15:19:57
Private Pyle [USMC]who2022-08-25 14:35:37
Clairvoyancei know you love me2022-08-24 02:07:19
asdasdczxgvdh-rep this guy is clearly a cheater2022-08-23 08:42:15
Bupstop sperging. it's unhealthy. please bro 🙏🙏🙏for allah cuz please fr fr ong 🙏🙏2022-08-23 07:51:49
my favorite class is the piei like NFT Star-Lord (ironic pfp)2022-08-20 15:43:48
Private Pyle [USMC]this section turned into a circlejerking fest for cheaters and doxxers2022-08-20 15:08:15
froozlesone wrong move and y'all gettin banned fo' life, this discord server aint no playground...💯2022-08-17 14:12:54
pewpewboiWhat about the blacks.....2022-08-16 18:46:27
Devvo COSS Phighly approve of the comments to black peopleopposite to the cheating2022-08-16 15:44:59
Bup-rep blatant cheater who is racist to black people2022-08-15 19:46:36
froozles-rep thought YEAT was a GANGSTER2022-08-15 08:31:32
Cardinalf*ck xarq0n!2022-08-15 05:01:37
DylanVideoGamesboy, you sure do get called hacker a lot. i wonder if i should put 2 and 2 together -,-2022-08-15 01:59:04
IRacing-rep blatant cheater, kick on sight2022-08-14 23:38:13
Private Pyle [USMC]like your rep opinion matters2022-08-14 23:06:16
Kaiser[-rep] half-brained special education student who rages in ppl's comments section like a small child when he gets killed in game, its funny lmao, keep sucking, thanks for the ez kills on you that one time2022-08-14 22:55:00
Private Pyle [USMC]Is that the most effort you can do?2022-08-10 08:55:00
God is real):<2022-08-09 13:27:47
Bup-rep cheater, please kick if you see this racist schizo2022-08-09 09:59:17
mrswormsweatIs that an atomic bomb?2022-08-08 13:37:29
doll-rep cheater and drops the n bombs on the christian server2022-08-08 07:02:19
froozleslots of people stalk me2022-08-04 17:21:25
Private Pyle [USMC]how does he even know that lmafaooo stalker looking ass2022-08-04 16:31:48
mrswormsweatIt is the casual level shown in match-making2022-08-04 15:10:53
Private Pyle [USMC]what level 28, what is he talking about2022-08-04 14:46:04
mrswormsweatI know that screenshot showing level 28 is getting old anyways with it being a Freelance level, which can be upgraded quickly compared to Elite levels2022-08-04 14:25:20
froozlesno i would have a higher casual level than level 282022-08-04 14:20:02
pewpewboiye2022-08-04 14:19:44
Private Pyle [USMC]aren't you a cheater froozles2022-08-04 14:18:57
froozles-rep cheater2022-08-04 14:17:20
Private Pyle [USMC]thanks hammyburger!2022-08-04 13:36:21
God is real+rep not cheater2022-08-04 09:12:58
froozles"he does cheat, why would i believe someone who's friends with him"Im literally the most legit legit that is legit2022-08-01 14:02:43
Peppinoehehehe am gonna screen shoot and send it to all the aperture science2022-08-01 12:01:55
pewpewboiScreen shooting2022-07-31 20:24:47
Broken GibusEpic2022-07-31 19:19:16
Private Pyle [USMC]it's a joke2022-07-31 19:16:28
Broken Gibuswhy are you an NFT2022-07-31 18:53:37
Private Pyle [USMC]I don't get it.2022-07-31 18:48:35
pewpewboipoor boy2022-07-30 13:40:11
pewpewboiTHEY NFT'ED HIM2022-07-30 13:40:06
froozles-rep stop crying goober2022-07-30 09:53:02
my favorite class is the piepoopnose2022-07-29 21:53:28
God is realno you2022-07-20 20:11:54
Alberto Angelanerd.2022-07-20 08:00:48
pewpewboiNot him2022-07-18 16:35:32
God is realgoofy aaahh bots2022-07-18 12:24:54
pewpewboiSame here2022-07-16 23:12:24
pewpewboiSimple words they like your pfp2022-07-16 23:12:21
Private Pyle [USMC]I aint reading that shie2022-07-16 22:30:15
uhmm... cheesed to meet you?Dear heavenly blessed beauty, I have been staring at your profile picture speechless and in awe for the past hour or so. That deep gaze in your star, your perfect font, all of your features just seem to all come together so well, almost angelical in a sense I suppose. The reason I am writing this is to let you know that I think I have found the most beautiful woman to grace us with her presence on our planet, and I am of course talking about you.I know this might mean absolutely nothing to you, and you probably don't get any of these types of messages/posts on Steam and in real life BUT please understand that I am being as genuine as ever when I say that you are the ultimate dictionary definition of perfection, and I hope that one day God can bestow me with a woman as beautiful as you, I would be forever grateful. I hope that this message finds you well, I do not care if I get a response to this, I am just simply stating the obvious and had to let you know how I really felt.2022-07-16 02:24:55
TANK78hey its star prince!2022-07-15 18:02:12
Professional Theophilanthropist-rep attempted to steal my ballistocardiograph2022-07-14 21:41:01
Private Pyle [USMC]yeah tututerok is one of those lame hosters2022-07-14 17:21:21
pewpewboiread2022-07-12 13:30:06
God is realyou stop hosting bots tututerok2022-07-12 13:12:07
pewpewboiand him trying to clear his name makes him sound "insane" and with enough bots, kids, and idiots, people will believe it, and clearing his name is harder, but lets be honest, what "star lord" bots are there? none2022-07-12 11:54:24
pewpewboiwith so much people after this poor boy you wouldn't think some degenerate would make fake bots to frame him and probably get him banned? as absurd as it sounds, its not unlikely to happen, and seems like you kids are foolish enough to fall for it2022-07-12 11:52:49
TututerokPlease do show me it.2022-07-12 09:41:38
TututerokThe only fake is that Star-Lord doesn't host bots.2022-07-12 09:41:28
pewpewboiim his lawyer and i got proof its not him2022-07-12 05:06:39
pewpewboifake2022-07-12 05:06:19
TututerokStop! Hosting! BOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2022-07-12 03:35:15
rendoes a small amount of coping2022-07-11 20:04:46
pewpewboiobjection2022-07-11 12:25:28
TututerokYou don't host bots, but I see your Star-Lord bots every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ match. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, buddy!2022-07-10 22:45:10
pewpewboiStarting arguments are fun cause you can expose there stupidity2022-07-10 22:34:55
pewpewboiThats a good record2022-07-10 22:34:14
this dude actually seems obessed2022-07-10 22:29:40
asdasdczxgvdhnah xar is the best2022-07-10 21:39:38
Private Pyle [USMC]you worship a lowlife2022-07-10 21:38:51
asdasdczxgvdhyou just won't tell me will ya?2022-07-10 21:31:02
asdasdczxgvdhwhat's your problem with me?2022-07-10 20:58:10
Private Pyle [USMC]I don't play comp or host bots2022-07-10 20:55:28
TututerokSTOP!!! HOSTING!!!!! BOTS!!!!!!!!!!!2022-07-10 20:52:38
asdasdczxgvdhok, did we meet in comp? why are you leaving a comment on my profile just now? :D2022-07-10 19:52:24
Private Pyle [USMC]a non-bootlicker of some guy from Illonois2022-07-10 19:50:49
asdasdczxgvdhlmao, who the ♥♥♥♥ are you supposed to be? xD2022-07-10 19:49:53
Private Pyle [USMC]tututerok is the lolcow of my comment section, you'll be on my wall of fame2022-07-10 19:08:09
froozlesYou have a horrible case of camel toe2022-07-09 21:54:23
God is realWhy u mad over his statement2022-07-09 19:47:50
froozles-rep cry me a hamburger2022-07-09 18:04:55
pewpewboino, you're wrong2022-07-09 13:21:56
TututerokExactly. The statement that Star_lord bots aren't his is really false.2022-07-09 12:25:23
pewpewboiin my medical opinion, false2022-07-09 12:24:16
TututerokUh-huh, and Star-Lord bots aren't his. Sure.2022-07-09 12:04:29
God is realHe doesn't hosts bots2022-07-09 10:18:33
Tututerok-rep hosts bots in tf2 + a dirty scammer2022-07-09 09:51:23
Charl13-rep kinda weird ngl2022-07-06 12:21:51
God is realstar lord is og2022-07-03 14:08:17
pewpewboistar lord is not bad dude tbh, and i dont even know him2022-07-03 12:51:06
Michael KnightThis guy has schizophrenia, pls stay away from him2022-07-03 12:46:17
Private Pyle [USMC]I like to delete racist comments and keep making people go mad about it2022-07-02 18:55:59
Private Pyle [USMC]the last two people who commented have restricted profiles, are you that much of a coward2022-07-02 18:55:18
gweep-rep 2 inch penis2022-07-02 17:48:38
Holocaust DenierDate and time notation in Europe2022-07-02 13:25:00
Private Pyle [USMC]Omg you're a Latino lmao2022-07-02 12:54:33
Holocaust DenierStar-Lord 25 Jun @ 10:13pm wanted to leave a comment? nice try buddy2022-07-02 10:16:52
Private Pyle [USMC]also i'm deleting his poor attempts of racism2022-06-30 21:17:26
Private Pyle [USMC]dont pay attention to "Goodnight moon" he's just another lame cheater, typically a bootlicker for Xanq0r2022-06-30 21:17:10
Private Pyle [USMC]i won2022-06-26 21:21:13
Alberto AngelaH a m .2022-06-26 00:54:17
Private Pyle [USMC]wanted to leave a comment? nice try buddy2022-06-25 16:13:23
pewpewboiNobody does2022-06-24 22:18:37
Private Pyle [USMC]lol do i even know you2022-06-24 14:20:02
iwillwingod you suck at tf2, have you considered uninstalling?2022-06-24 14:14:10
pewpewboiSweet2022-06-23 15:37:59
Private Pyle [USMC]nope, its for cosmic2022-06-23 13:05:18
pewpewboiThats not intended for me isnt it?2022-06-22 21:43:34
Private Pyle [USMC]I'm gonna be real for you, i did not followed your lawn joke at all and i think seeing yourself as a "perfect white male specimen" is pathetic and probably not true2022-06-22 16:10:37
pewpewboion god?2022-06-19 20:01:19
testosterone iv through medbeamIt pains me to see all of these closet cheaters harassing this mentally fragile mexican. Guys, he works hard day after day to make sure that the white man's lawn is looking fresh to death so that he can play tf2 at night. Please do not harass him, he is doing a noble deed of ensuring my yard looks nice so that when I invite woman over i get cool points for having a nice ass house. Thank you for your service, you lawnmower legend <32022-06-19 16:28:46
Private Pyle [USMC]jk2022-06-18 22:31:37
pewpewboi=(2022-06-18 18:46:04
Private Pyle [USMC]ignored lol2022-06-18 17:58:25
pewpewboiTrue marvel2022-06-18 15:33:59
Private Pyle [USMC]down for some party2022-06-09 00:52:59
iPhone 5sdumbass_down2022-06-09 00:42:52
all mutedwhen i was your age i was not that stupid2022-06-08 18:28:00
testosterone iv through medbeamez2022-06-07 21:34:48
Devvo COSS Prage sbaf ape2022-04-29 04:40:28
JIM ADLER THE TEXAS HAMMERsoylent manchild + otaku + aids spreader2022-04-23 18:31:32
froozlesright now2022-04-12 12:31:48
froozlesall cheaters shall give me their most expensive item in their team fortress 2 backpack2022-04-12 12:31:40
God is realALL CHEATERS ARE CLOSETED H0M0SEXUALS!2022-03-26 18:04:35
DrMieteklmao i forgot i had a buy order, thanks for your offer2022-02-10 11:44:21
pimp chimpin'also literally click my profile and you clearly see i'm not lmao2022-02-10 11:00:48
pimp chimpin'cares xDDDDD LMAOOO KID LOL2022-02-10 11:00:33
Private Pyle [USMC]Obviously the lazy american called greg whos in this comment section2022-02-09 19:26:54
pimp chimpin'who?2022-02-09 19:07:04
Private Pyle [USMC]Minimum wage slave even2022-02-09 18:47:00
Private Pyle [USMC]Hamburger slurper2022-02-09 18:46:42
pimp chimpin'burrito muncher2022-02-09 18:41:40
pimp chimpin'L bozo2022-02-09 18:35:29 20:36:02
☯Alpha no Omega☯skill issue lmao2022-01-17 02:05:46
dawg??2021-12-16 16:21:35
Private Pyle [USMC]my god, no you are not, i know you hide your pathetic actions behind unrelated steam groups and dogs in your profile2021-12-16 16:20:23
dawgim black2021-12-16 16:19:09
Private Pyle [USMC]boohoo everyone, the cheeseburger eating white supremacist is larping at me for earning more money than him2021-12-16 16:17:15
Booty Merchantim conflicted here brother.. youre telling me two different things2021-09-02 19:50:15
Private Pyle [USMC]try to write something2021-09-02 19:45:36
Private Pyle [USMC]by moving on2021-09-02 19:45:14
Booty Merchanthow will i ever recover2021-09-02 19:43:29
Booty Merchantim a degenerate? oohoo... im crying...2021-09-02 19:43:23
Private Pyle [USMC]i don't think those terms exist anyway, if you're a degenerate like the guy below me, i can't believe how low you're gotten2021-09-02 19:42:30
Booty Merchant#stretched2021-09-02 19:37:29
Booty Merchantdominations 4 days2021-09-02 19:35:05
Samm_y""only will pay 4 if its got a name or even a good dec. | add and we can discuss a better price""2021-08-28 21:53:14
Private Pyle [USMC]be original2021-08-21 21:06:48
banditmad or pissed?2021-08-18 23:31:35
poop sock+rep i am alive mate cheers for asking2021-08-17 19:49:29
Zed+rep good at rp2021-08-17 02:51:30
Private Pyle [USMC]lol you dont have the pair to say it in real life,such a coward,you need to go to the therapist at this point if you think thats "hilarious"2021-07-30 13:38:29
Joe Rogan JuicerYou seem to be pretty upset about something that isn't "real" it's a video game. Like you said don't get mad at something that isn't real and you might find yourself less mentally ill, it's different when it's being said irl. It's a video game chill the ♥♥♥♥ out.2021-07-30 06:18:37
Private Pyle [USMC]Check his australium black box2021-07-29 21:30:53
Joe Rogan Juicer-rep tried to get me kicked in a game because he didn't like one of my weapon names. Got kicked himself for making a big deal about it2021-07-29 16:36:26
bucketDamn man thats pretty gamer right there2021-06-24 17:26:02
Private Pyle [USMC]I won't say anything,at least I don't keep my comments off unlike you,are that scared and insecured?2021-06-24 17:05:50
Private Pyle [USMC]This guy below my comment wasnt kicking the brap bot for an entire match and his team was basically filled with his group 'loney server',i took photos of people and his friends spamming the usual OMEGATRONIC quotes to make the chat malfunction2021-06-23 20:46:25
bucketque2021-06-23 20:43:45
engineer gaming 64big floppa2021-06-12 17:56:26
TinyGayGuitar+rep is really good at recognizing heavy aimbots2021-04-24 17:53:22
12:18 PM · Mar 15, 2023♥♥♥♥♥ ass ♥♥♥♥♥2021-04-24 17:52:37
el xoro alex+rep un capo el kaz david2021-04-22 19:49:20
Sato+rep a nice person2021-03-13 21:13:44
THIS WILL HURT!"medic gf boohoo" :(2021-03-11 13:58:55
eL Lurkah+rep2021-02-17 02:40:33
Randohey remember that time you were too ♥♥♥♥♥ to mge lol, imma ♥♥♥ on your grave2021-02-14 17:30:48
Your personal BullyTransphobic? Why i'd be scared of you, your just gross and mentally ill lmao kys2021-02-13 19:30:35
stephen hawking pro skater+rep kind trader2021-01-23 21:19:43
rorEn SFM puedo hacer cualquier cosa que se me pida :)2021-01-07 20:21:04
rorNo tengo forma de saber, el modelo tendria que ser comisionado si eso es lo que preguntas2021-01-03 15:44:35
rorPara hacer eso hay dos opciones: O se crea un modelo del sandvich que va desapareciendo de a mordiscos, o hay que ser ingenioso con edicion de video, haciendo multiples renders de la misma animacion con y sin el sandvich2021-01-02 20:32:27
Rando♥♥♥♥♥♥ lol2020-12-24 18:41:41
Randocoward lol2020-12-23 19:24:47
artificer+rep2020-11-21 17:47:06
Licenciado Bigotes+rep2020-10-26 00:27:27
Len+rep fast trade good prices2020-10-17 13:04:26
Karl+rep for a talented virtual photographer2020-10-10 19:21:03
FS DOGUE+rep2020-09-25 15:03:39
Cotton Ole Boi+rep tf2twitter2020-09-24 00:21:03
Viioore+rep2020-09-23 15:41:58
Coronel Killgore+rep good trader2020-09-20 17:45:02
Broken Gibusyo mama gaming2020-09-15 05:59:45
Trickster's PlushieWell, ban me then! Dead profile or not, David is my best bud, so back off! :D2018-05-23 06:50:54
Private Pyle [USMC]What's your prob??2018-05-23 06:33:03
Trickster's PlushieI want you to get US caffeine.2018-05-22 20:54:35
Trickster's Plushie…….... (¯ O´¯)...…….…... / | ............♫ Warmest wishes♫……… ...*•♥•*...................♫ for a ♫…… ... *♥♫♫♥*'...........♠♫ Merry Christmas ♫♠… .... *♥•♦♫••♥* ................♥.. and a...♥..... *♥☺♥☺♥☺♥* ........ ♠♫ Happy New Year♫♠.....*♥•♥#♠*♥#♥•♥* '....*♥♫♥♥♫♥♥♫♥♫* '...*♥♥☺♥♫♥♫♥☺♥♥*'..*♥♥♣♫♥♣♥♥♣♥♫ ♣♥♥*''*♥♥♣♥♫♥♥♫♥♥♫ ♥♣♥♥*'.......... ╬╬╬╬╬.........2017-12-23 07:12:30
Private Pyle [USMC]:32017-09-18 20:44:21
Elecsprint:32017-09-17 14:01:32
Private Pyle [USMC]yes?2017-09-17 12:53:10
ElecsprintMeeM2017-09-17 12:25:18
Private Pyle [USMC]wut?2017-09-17 12:16:52
tuesdinaAbdullah thatha2017-09-16 11:51:23
Private Pyle [USMC]:3 ~2017-08-11 00:54:52
ElecsprintSpider MeeM is here !!!2017-08-10 19:50:27
Private Pyle [USMC]OWO2017-08-10 17:47:49
tuesdinaCasuida Rabid2017-07-26 11:05:16
Private Pyle [USMC]wut Qtie :33?2017-07-25 21:30:00
Trickster's Plushie( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)2017-07-25 15:17:25
tuesdina>=3 hee¿2017-07-17 14:31:26
Private Pyle [USMC]>:3 ehh?2017-07-17 14:04:00
ElecsprintBecause we need to build a wall2017-07-16 18:56:15
tuesdinaDavid dijiste que no te drogarias mas.2017-07-16 11:42:18
Private Pyle [USMC]"THWIP"And WHY Donald Trump Piss?!2017-07-16 02:31:00
ElecsprintSpider meem :32017-07-14 19:12:21
tuesdinaci2017-07-05 18:48:09
Private Pyle [USMC]tonyragegames?2017-07-05 17:07:44
tuesdinanadah2017-07-05 17:06:27
Private Pyle [USMC]kha?2017-07-05 16:44:25
tuesdinaprro los videos de tu hermano me dan miedo2017-07-05 13:02:10
Private Pyle [USMC]:v2017-07-05 13:02:03
tuesdinabaia.. no me ezperadba ezoh2017-07-05 13:01:48
Private Pyle [USMC]wait,si lo tengo agregado2017-07-05 13:00:40
Private Pyle [USMC]Se,Hermano de TakuIzu y Molk pues i dont remember xdxd2017-07-05 13:00:01
tuesdinaConoces a Azion y a Molk?!!?2017-07-05 12:59:08
tuesdinagrasa asko ocno2017-07-05 12:58:55
Private Pyle [USMC]>:v2017-07-05 12:58:36
tuesdinaYes ! A kiss 7u72017-07-05 10:11:25
Private Pyle [USMC]nein!2017-07-04 20:55:06
tuesdinaYou owe me something2017-07-04 18:27:53
Private Pyle [USMC]K :33!!2017-07-04 18:24:16
tuesdinaYeah cupcakes are yummy2017-07-04 17:14:36
Private Pyle [USMC]wut :3?2017-07-04 14:58:00
Trickster's PlushieI want cakes too :32017-07-04 09:21:15
Private Pyle [USMC]Ask to ur dad ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)2017-05-04 18:40:41
tuesdinagemmedek2017-05-04 16:03:10
Private Pyle [USMC]HehWham!Intensifies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)2017-05-03 16:21:00
Trickster's Plushie( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)2017-05-03 15:03:49
tuesdinameeeemdimedes >:C2017-03-12 20:55:21
tuesdinamedicine is baaad <-- Drugs are gud2017-03-12 18:30:11
Trickster's PlushieMedicine :32017-03-12 17:07:12
tuesdinahow much for that2017-03-03 14:11:09
Private Pyle [USMC]lol2017-03-03 13:33:34
tuesdinasexy girls, anime girls..2017-03-03 13:06:54
Private Pyle [USMC]i dunno,maybe,what kind of girls?2017-03-03 13:02:11
tuesdinahey pal, ya like girls?2017-03-01 10:25:07
Private Pyle [USMC]Yeah,DIAMOND DOGGOS2017-02-28 22:25:06
ratsamillionhey pal, ya like dogs?2017-02-28 13:19:54
tuesdinaThe card :v2017-02-17 11:46:25
Dzen(。ゝω・。)2017-02-17 07:45:49
Private Pyle [USMC]ehh,wut card?I dont remember X3(put the link pls)2017-02-17 01:06:40
A Soft Sadakothanks for the card :32017-02-16 21:49:45
Queen-Koopahelllo dude X32017-01-23 18:36:28
el brodaassssssssssssssssssssssss2017-01-22 11:49:53
A Soft Sadakookkie tony :3 ^w^ hehehe (jkjk)2016-12-26 02:54:53
Private Pyle [USMC]My name is David...[TONY] is a crew2016-12-25 03:59:44
A Soft SadakoThank you Tony!! Merry Christmas :D ~~~2016-12-24 23:33:19
Private Pyle [USMC]Lemme see..2016-12-16 21:51:15
Private Pyle [USMC]Ehhh?!2016-12-16 21:51:05
Private Pyle [USMC]I just said that I'm inspired by Cute too D:2016-12-07 23:34:52
Private Pyle [USMC]What hate m8?I don't remember >~<2016-12-07 20:21:05
Private Pyle [USMC]JOSEPHU JOSTAR2016-11-28 17:13:23
ElecsprintNice Joseph MeeM Pic !! :32016-11-28 11:06:24
Private Pyle [USMC]NAH!Im not ded!2016-11-10 20:09:51
tuesdinaHe lives dead :V2016-11-09 16:05:12
ElecsprintHe is ded2016-11-09 14:14:57
tuesdinaJaoi li kaonikáEso no signífica nada. Solo hago el tonto....2016-09-26 09:57:45
Private Pyle [USMC]TOKI WO MEEMWARE2016-09-25 20:27:05
ElecsprintZa meemrudo!!2016-09-25 15:59:11
Private Pyle [USMC]ZA WARUDO!!!2016-08-22 20:10:34
Trickster's PlushieTOKI WO TOMARE !2016-06-20 07:47:34
ElecsprintWhat happened c3 ?,2016-05-17 06:05:54
A Soft SadakoO-O!!!! Thank you David! I dont really play TF2 that often anymore ;0; Please keep them ;w;2016-05-16 01:56:18
Private Pyle [USMC]Hey I'm not Dead!I was not Online because I don't have Internet2016-04-29 20:50:25
tuesdinaYeah Rest in spaghetti meemghetti kasurighetti2016-04-27 17:14:58
Elecsprint...R.I.P medic2016-04-27 16:59:35
Private Pyle [USMC]What piss?Wanna play or what :3?2016-04-05 17:41:53
ElecsprintWell...2016-04-05 11:35:47
Private Pyle [USMC]Yeet :3!2016-01-24 15:36:40
Trickster's PlushieHAPPY BIRTHDAY MEEMGHETTI !2015-12-29 13:31:45
Dr.Gamex-MLPHehe Merry Christmas to you too ^^2015-12-24 18:38:15
Private Pyle [USMC]MeeeM❗️2015-12-12 11:27:08
Queen-KoopaWell do ^^ don't worrry2015-11-16 17:44:20
Private Pyle [USMC]Pls pray ;w;2015-11-16 16:43:09
Queen-KoopaAwwwwwww that is so cute ^^2015-09-21 18:58:32
Private Pyle [USMC]:3 OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO CUTE :33333333333333333333333333I have an cat she is calls Michelle2015-09-21 18:51:15
Queen-KoopaAww thank you, her name is Lara2015-09-21 18:48:23
Private Pyle [USMC]:3 Your cat iz cute,i saw your channel2015-09-21 17:53:44
Queen-Koopadawww thank you so much for that ^^ <3 *hug you tight*2015-09-21 17:14:53
Private Pyle [USMC]Ja :32015-09-17 17:33:50
Queen-Koopaaww thank you and if you want to, it up to you really :32015-09-17 16:15:51
Private Pyle [USMC]Ok :32015-09-08 20:59:23
The Best Antagonist_♥__♥_____♥__♥___ Copia y pega_♥_____♥_♥_____♥__ este corazón_♥______♥______♥__ en los perfiles__♥___________♥___ de la gente___♥_________♥____ a la que quieres____♥_______♥_____ para que sepan______♥___♥_______ que tienen un________♥_________ gran amigo <32015-09-08 18:35:02
Trickster's PlushieYO !2015-09-02 08:22:05
Private Pyle [USMC]Hi :32015-09-01 17:58:33
Queen-Koopahello there :32015-09-01 17:04:09
Private Pyle [USMC]MiM!2015-09-01 12:55:14
Private Pyle [USMC]MeeMvitch and Monk! radioactive Punch 5% MeeM 1% MiM2015-08-23 20:50:14
Trickster's PlushieWith MeeM-Cola and MeeMcake2015-08-23 20:49:05
Private Pyle [USMC]Yeah sure with MeeMizza2015-08-23 20:47:29
Trickster's PlushieDo you want some MeeMghettis ?2015-08-23 20:46:36
Private Pyle [USMC]*Ded*XwX2015-08-14 16:05:35
Trickster's Plushie*put a bow on Doktor head* MiM2015-08-14 15:52:55
Private Pyle [USMC]MiM!2015-08-08 16:00:01
Private Pyle [USMC]:3 huh!!2015-07-30 20:39:25
el profe de pornografiaGood times and nice moments :´32015-07-30 20:38:59
Private Pyle [USMC]Ye2015-07-30 11:27:42
Trickster's PlushieI have some cookies here... YOU WANT SOME ?2015-07-29 19:00:40
Private Pyle [USMC]Sorry.but i dont like fnaf2015-07-29 14:59:15
Private Pyle [USMC]Piss mod :32015-07-02 09:00:20
Elecsprintmod or mod ? :<2015-07-02 07:02:36
ElecsprintMeeM2015-07-02 07:01:55
Private Pyle [USMC]Benjo...XD!2015-06-27 23:14:07
Dr.BenjoYes skullgirls have much boobs. that is right2015-06-27 11:30:30
Private Pyle [USMC]DA! :32015-06-19 08:21:24
ElecsprintNope2015-06-19 07:34:52
Trickster's PlushieWell, off to visit your mother !2015-06-19 06:35:52
Private Pyle [USMC]X.X2015-05-20 23:25:16
76561198146813060Oye david2015-05-16 20:14:35
Private Pyle [USMC]HEHE not prob Piss-Gentlemen :32015-05-14 16:50:23
ElecsprintThanks for your Medikit m8.2015-05-14 02:50:37
Private Pyle [USMC]I not reported you2015-05-09 22:11:37
tuesdinaI know im not idiot but meem reported me cuz i wanted to give him an unusual my bro get2015-05-09 19:55:47
Private Pyle [USMC]is MeeM"NO MEH! :/ bruh2015-05-08 18:41:15
tuesdinamy meh!!!2015-05-08 18:08:12
Private Pyle [USMC]Hellow!2015-05-08 16:07:31
ElecsprintMeeM2015-05-08 13:38:55
Private Pyle [USMC]:32015-05-02 10:30:46
Crovcachame cuando esté jugando :v2015-05-01 19:28:45
Private Pyle [USMC]hola Gin c;2015-03-05 14:45:18
Crovbut of ses2015-02-28 14:36:17
ElecsprintMeeM2015-02-27 15:02:33
Private Pyle [USMC]Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem!2015-02-27 12:05:08
Vaken[º_>º]2015-02-27 10:19:29
Private Pyle [USMC]ya!2015-02-17 18:43:57
ElecsprintOKTOBERFEST2015-02-17 17:47:00
Private Pyle [USMC]:3 huh medicine2015-02-17 17:45:32
Elecsprint( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)2015-02-17 17:41:53
Crovbut of sey2015-02-04 21:38:55
Private Pyle [USMC]i gonna do some homework and later tf2 okay guys and gurls :p2015-02-04 16:00:36
Private Pyle [USMC]hi! :32015-02-04 16:00:00
Private Pyle [USMC]HE IS DRINKING BONK WITH COCAINE XD2015-01-31 12:18:00
Trickster's PlushieScout is not dead ! He's just eating some chicken xDD2015-01-31 10:03:15
ElecsprintScout is death not big suprise !2015-01-30 05:46:36
Private Pyle [USMC]ses :v2015-01-29 19:34:55
Trickster's PlushieMeeeeM !2015-01-29 18:36:50
ElecsprintSooS2015-01-18 08:11:23
Private Pyle [USMC]LOL2015-01-09 17:30:26
Elecsprint*snort*2015-01-09 15:20:19


Total: [126] | TF2BD: [4] (3.17%) | SB: [13] (10.32%)

ImpPlant2023-12-17 19:52:16
(168 days)
Oh no! It's Desomd!2023-12-06 01:23:35
(180 days)
I wonder Who2023-05-23 14:59:49
(376 days)
TrulyGlibly2023-03-10 00:04:09
(451 days)
Johanna Exam2023-01-15 22:01:15
(504 days)
Technicals2022-11-27 21:21:45
(553 days)
NechiWero2022-11-26 23:15:24
(554 days)
kiko marsiano
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-11-26 22:38:14
(554 days)
Ģăņţă Ïġăřăśħı2022-09-15 00:33:30
(627 days)
Damnit !!!2022-08-10 20:45:01
(662 days)
Stand Name
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-06-27 17:21:42
(706 days)
pewpewboi2022-06-18 18:46:20
(715 days)
SlimJimOil2022-06-15 02:12:17
(719 days)
crtr2022-06-09 01:03:33
(725 days)
NutColt2022-04-23 23:46:30
(771 days)
Sl33pyish2022-04-10 20:53:52
(784 days)
HaloVerde2021-12-09 18:44:38
(906 days)
CosmicStargazer2021-11-18 16:45:34
(927 days)
Sirracha2021-10-07 13:48:58
(969 days)
2021-10-03 21:19:44
(973 days)
Tewi2021-08-29 23:38:12
(1008 days)
McOTL2021-08-09 21:53:34
(1028 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-06-18 22:48:18
(1080 days)
Hujurus2021-06-16 18:55:16
(1082 days)
765611990270770472021-05-29 14:23:08
(1100 days)
insane individual
2021-05-23 22:33:25
(1106 days)
tsuki_1022021-05-19 16:14:50
(1110 days)
Saool goodman2021-05-15 21:23:54
(1114 days)
Running on Cough Syrup2021-05-06 00:26:51
(1124 days)
exocept2021-04-09 17:52:23
(1150 days)
abobobini2021-03-24 12:18:10
(1166 days)
el albañil del tefedos2021-03-08 01:38:42
(1183 days)
picklejuice7942021-02-22 14:54:12
(1196 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-02-19 23:03:59
(1199 days)
Xxkiller_of_noobsxX2021-02-13 00:23:38
(1206 days)
Lord Chungass2021-02-10 21:32:56
(1208 days)
kumbaya2021-02-02 01:33:48
(1217 days)
Notsuredude2021-01-27 00:03:12
(1223 days)
Sek02021-01-20 13:25:54
(1229 days)
765611988093094882021-01-15 20:09:58
(1234 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-01-07 20:28:41
(1242 days)
N/A ❤
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-01-07 20:27:39
(1242 days)
2024-04-06 07:37:53 (57 days)
Sik02020-12-27 22:01:57
(1253 days)
that's it, i'm going beastmode2020-12-17 22:08:06
(1263 days)
CrystalMeth2020-12-03 09:44:46
(1277 days)
TwT2020-11-25 12:01:25
(1285 days)
egg yolk2020-11-24 23:30:41
(1286 days)
Wyatt Bernstein2020-11-21 01:14:33
(1290 days)
Locar2020-11-11 17:36:46
(1299 days)
liebe2020-11-05 20:52:07
(1305 days)
Mexican Doomer2020-10-31 19:57:41
(1310 days)
Pepepollo2020-10-31 19:57:35
(1310 days)
RANDY'S RAKERY2020-10-31 01:42:11
(1311 days)
Mango Juice (classic)2020-10-30 18:34:35
(1311 days)
b2dle2020-10-27 16:32:46
(1314 days)
Neko2020-10-26 00:26:35
(1316 days)
F̶l̶u̶x̶x̶™2020-10-25 13:42:37
(1316 days)
RadDemo2020-10-16 14:39:18
(1325 days)
SlimeDolphin2020-10-15 23:00:11
(1326 days)
CSM2020-10-13 16:33:51
(1328 days)
Cotton2020-09-24 00:33:56
(1348 days)
⚡Haunted⚡ [24/7]2020-09-22 16:06:41
(1349 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-09-19 14:41:15
(1352 days)
Broken Gibus2020-09-18 14:58:39
(1353 days)
Parsifal2020-09-16 02:05:54
(1356 days)
Mor⩓ GM2020-09-11 22:16:10
(1360 days)
LowTierFemboy2020-09-11 15:31:51
(1360 days)
knicksi382020-09-07 11:37:54
(1364 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-09-05 21:00:30
(1366 days)
Meat2020-09-02 01:23:39
(1370 days)
КРИПТОШАХТЁР2020-09-01 00:33:38
(1371 days)
TheBuLLeTCaTTe2020-08-31 23:53:50
(1371 days)
Emberson90002020-08-23 18:33:55
(1379 days)
ᴿᵒˢᵇᵉˡᵗ2020-08-21 21:02:36
(1381 days)
myon2020-06-25 00:43:35
(1439 days)
SelenBright2020-06-24 23:54:36
(1439 days)
Бенсон2020-06-08 02:41:16
(1456 days)
𓆩 Adm.Wings 𓆪
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-05-27 20:57:03
(1467 days)
ynotwheelz2020-05-03 17:07:18
(1491 days)
765611982068377372020-03-23 03:47:41
(1532 days)
lookin CUTE in my jammies
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2020-02-08 23:56:58
(1576 days)
DixonCider4542020-01-21 19:53:18
(1594 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-01-18 21:26:15
(1597 days)
Sigma2020-01-14 04:03:50
(1601 days)
2020-01-13 22:31:21
(1602 days)
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2020-01-13 04:36:21
(1602 days)
solid.jj2020-01-06 15:08:00
(1609 days)
lupashtel2020-01-05 17:24:35
(1610 days)
Dzen2017-02-18 10:42:37
(2661 days)
PretzonPretzel2016-09-21 17:07:45
(2811 days)
☯EdgarvierXSan2016-09-03 14:58:57
(2829 days)
765611983034849202016-07-02 19:44:51
(2892 days)
Waluigi2016-02-18 04:48:55
(3027 days)
765611981306704522016-01-29 22:29:35
(3047 days)
Andrew2016-01-23 21:31:44
(3053 days)
Loki2016-01-14 00:24:46
(3063 days)
765611981285524712015-12-27 16:35:13
(3080 days)
765611982340591442015-12-26 14:26:13
(3081 days)
Dr.Gamex-MLP2015-12-25 12:39:40
(3082 days)
◬jonathan◬2015-12-07 22:36:16
(3100 days)
Tomoe Gozen2015-11-27 03:19:14
(3110 days)
baiksbgr2015-10-02 12:15:32
(3166 days)
YoshiBobby2015-09-22 19:31:19
(3176 days)
Queen-Koopa2015-09-02 14:31:37
(3196 days)
Castlevaniax2015-08-17 17:59:59
(3212 days)
SokoliCZek2015-08-04 00:32:32
(3226 days)
RevisOTO2015-07-30 20:40:28
(3230 days)
Alien Doggo2015-05-20 23:07:06
(3301 days)
BlackStar ★2015-05-17 01:14:36
(3305 days)
DeltaUnknown2015-05-15 14:15:25
(3306 days)
Exalinks992015-04-27 17:49:03
(3324 days)
765611981255790412015-04-10 22:52:57
(3341 days)
saso45302015-04-10 15:59:21
(3341 days)
Anekoe2015-03-31 20:15:49
(3351 days)
765611981639315272015-03-31 17:33:54
(3351 days)
Shotgun2015-03-30 16:43:31
(3352 days)
janquerwild2015-03-24 21:24:39
(3358 days)
Jackie Moon2015-03-10 17:41:26
(3372 days)
Crov2015-02-04 21:36:42
(3406 days)
Rob123fapfap2015-01-14 22:01:42
(3427 days)
Wario2015-01-09 15:10:48
(3432 days)
succ2014-10-06 21:48:42
(3527 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2014-10-02 21:31:39
(3531 days)
QVECK2014-09-25 21:38:56
(3538 days)
Drizzle2014-09-10 17:18:37
(3553 days)
Princess Emma2014-06-30 13:32:48
(3625 days)