
SteamID64: 76561198152843432
SteamID32: [U:1:192577704]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96288852

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2014-09-02 17:52:16 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-04-01 02:57:53

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
dorian2023-04-01 02:57:53 [Estimated]

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed 02:57:53

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed


Total: [672] | Deleted: [0]

knightelo2021-09-11 17:19:45
o tak oCześć BYczku2020-07-12 05:41:12
syruadd me2020-07-11 05:26:28
polakowskiHi i got 40 day grief ban. If u want to play with me add my 2nd account : 13:31:42
Owoc On TopSerwer pv2020-06-18 17:46:58
DarelGamesMam sprawę dodasz?2020-06-14 10:09:39
Pall-Mall_101+rep 20 tys zwrotka monet2020-06-11 04:59:22
Kabab+rep2020-05-25 10:28:20
76561198978915634erp2020-05-23 09:07:15
RayaNprzyjmij !!2020-05-22 16:22:48
Olikos_SL+REP2020-05-22 08:58:05
oz1eslaxzpv mam pytanie odnośnie pluginów //dodałem do znaj2020-05-15 11:19:16
xdWez mnie mordo odbanuj bo top 1 chce wbic XD2020-05-03 10:01:20
Gothei+rep legit trader2020-05-02 07:32:34
Radziu+rep2020-04-27 16:51:14
KaSa#CS.MONEY+Rep!2020-04-26 10:46:32
dorian[✓NEW' ] *Piątek/Sobota - wjedzie duży update na Serwerze [PUBLIC] ip: - Serdecznie ZAPRASZAM!2020-04-20 16:49:36
Olikos_SLkatow ja chce odzyskać moje kradyty które miałem przed resetem miałem ich 114002020-04-19 08:34:34
P2trappy+rep2020-04-18 18:30:36
Olikos_SLKatow usuń mi vipa bo on był na 7 dni a ja już go mam 2 tygodnie to usun2020-04-16 00:48:54
Domin_s :)+rep kupiłem vipa na zawsze za skiny2020-04-13 08:20:22
Phineas- rep gówn o jeban e z kupionym kontem i repami (odpalony) na serwerze nie ma takiego admina jak on2020-04-12 20:54:11
blazing_nutshotplaying like a silver2020-04-11 20:00:58
'klqs'+rep Kupiony vip przez paypal2020-04-11 09:20:56
✪ Molten-rep cheater2020-04-10 09:15:03
frosty :)+rep zakupiłem vipa smsem2020-04-08 10:10:43
gιgι αмαяσzσ 𝕎𝕎to niezły global, wychodzi z meczu przy 0:4 staty 0-0-4 nawet dmg jest o niebo lepszy od tego boostowanego nooba2020-04-04 15:01:08
Zaczu3+rep kupiłem monety :D2020-04-04 13:48:04
cizonek+rep2020-04-04 13:28:38
dorianPW - wiadomość prywatna i oddam każdemu..2020-04-04 12:11:00
MAT3USZkatow straciłem 10,000 monet2020-04-04 12:01:55
Zax zakup monet2020-04-03 13:35:41
𝙢𝙡 ♡+rep zakupiłem vipa :)2020-04-03 11:28:23
`DakOO.+rep zakupiłem vipa i monetki . pozdrawiam cieplutko2020-04-03 11:20:46
gruby kupiłem vipka selnowi :D2020-04-02 12:38:23
KerCi git lap +rep2020-04-01 10:49:28
dorian@KerC - Serwer naprawiony, a wywaliło go z powodu updated csgo.. Więc trzeba było zaktualizować all ;) pozdrawiam2020-04-01 10:38:08
KerCNaprawiaj serwa2020-04-01 04:38:14
ChrisHässlicher Mongo....2020-03-28 15:27:00
ауебалбесjivotnoe =(2020-03-27 19:23:20
k1aw0nanimal2020-03-27 19:22:36
Just_flex-rep2020-03-26 17:28:47
hujhujhujhujco to kurwa jest ?2020-03-22 12:20:57
HOTPAPIEZ-rep idiotyczne ścierwo2020-03-22 11:49:36
⚡Euforia⚡®+rep zakupiony vip przez psc2020-03-21 10:46:49
Ukrainiec na zmywaku+rep zakupilem vipa. Wszystko sprawnie i szybko poszlo, polecam tego allegrowicza2020-03-21 08:31:59
Zax !!!2020-03-16 14:41:06
✪Small ツ+rep solidna firma2020-03-16 14:21:41
𝓓𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓴𝓪+rep dobry wódz2020-03-14 16:03:49
LL_+rep2020-03-14 10:17:09
ScaN+rep kupiłem vipa za skiny2020-03-14 09:50:53
Mako+rep polecam gracza2020-03-13 15:30:35
KerC+rep2020-03-10 12:53:18
༒☢𝔁ɨᏨ+rep kupione monety i vip2020-03-10 12:52:51
gruby 65k monet kupione :D2020-03-10 12:41:02
༒☢𝔁ɨᏨ+rep Katow<32020-03-09 14:31:50
dorian@Olcia - Jak się jest idiota w przypadku jego, to nic dziwnego.. Mam nadzieję, że szybiutko dostanie VACA. Reporty oraz notatka poleciała do supportu ☺️2020-03-08 05:41:45
jp devilŻe mu skinów nie szkoda:D2020-03-07 23:09:43
walus+rep Katow :)2020-03-07 15:15:08
dorianMoi drodzy! Polecam zwolnione tempo 0.25! Typek ze skinami lata odwalony perfekcyjnie :D link do materiału OV: 14:00:34
Batson12+rep vipik kupiony <32020-03-07 03:25:32
blessed never stressedscum2020-03-06 12:54:09
gruby monety kupione :D2020-03-05 09:46:30
KunylaBot2020-03-03 14:34:45
ToreTToOO+rep zakup udany2020-02-29 06:33:01
VenNon+rep2020-02-29 02:31:20
ムbusiu™+rep kupiłem vipa :)2020-02-24 11:57:59
`DakOO.+rep2020-02-17 12:53:23
[Żarówa]TAJWAN|APTEKARZzakupiłem vipa i i jest elegancko :)2020-02-16 10:16:36
NaarwaanYkupiłem vipa2020-02-11 09:40:31
BerguS+rep za bla bla vipka ale i tak nie chciał kobyły zbanować.2020-02-10 15:02:12
gruby kredyty kupione ;DD2020-02-09 15:25:21
faktura polifoniczna+rep vipek kupiony :p2020-02-09 10:10:13
brian+rep kupiłem vipa2020-02-07 11:16:01
keep calm+rep gosciu odpisuje w 0.5 sec, bardzo szybka obsluga vip kupiony :D2020-02-01 09:48:05
gruby vip zakupiony :D2020-02-01 07:49:42
PapiteKK+rep vip kupiony2020-02-01 05:51:47
Pan Bartosz+rep2020-02-01 05:40:16
Pan BartoszChory na koronawirus2020-02-01 05:40:03
Dark Lord+rep2020-01-28 12:22:11
Magussus+smieszny gosciu dobrze gra :D2020-01-26 05:37:35
siWY-rep dla gejucha2020-01-25 14:54:24
dorian 12:14:29
✪Eryslaw✪ god in this game2020-01-25 10:20:08
xKinguuVip kupiony pozdrawiam2020-01-25 06:19:52
✪WhY_NoT✪- rep cheating2020-01-24 16:21:40
Siepa+rep good buy vip server on skin legit!!!2020-01-24 12:32:18
KrænFU CHEATER2020-01-18 14:03:17
Zliyatcomplaining about cheaters and he starts cheating himself2020-01-11 20:09:28
Daro Lew+rep2020-01-11 15:21:35
zeIN!-rep cheater2020-01-10 16:10:35
DragiIdiot Cheater.2020-01-10 14:09:39
davidgrößter huansohn deutschlands2020-01-10 12:15:51
dorianZAGŁOSUJ NA NASZ SERWER:1: 2: 11:37:26
grubyłep2020-01-05 17:37:09
pimp named slickback+rep2020-01-05 09:58:40
Keki+rep vipek zakupiony Pozdrawiam serdecznie gracza :D2020-01-05 07:23:41
Lopez człowiek impreza+REP nagrody dostarczone. Nie widziałem lepszego Właścicie2020-01-05 06:44:36
曲げる+rep wygrałem u nie go na serwie konkurs2020-01-04 10:35:31
dorianHahahahahahhahaMuszę Ci coś powiedzieć, ale niestety jesteś w szerokim błędzie dzieciaku. Oraz informuję Cie, że jesteś ZBANOWANY u mnie na serwerze. Idź gówniarzu czitowac na inne serwery społecznościowe. A VACusia złapiesz swoją drogą. Nie pozdrawiam2020-01-03 21:52:39
szumii mówi to ktoś kto sam kupił 2k pochwał :d2020-01-03 14:28:19
dorianHAHAHHA!Przecież Ty w porównaniu do mnie, to jesteś bot. Szczególnie, że grasz na legit oraz kupujesz pochwały :)2020-01-03 11:23:16
szumiile godziny nabijałes bo nie grasz na zbyt dobrze jak na 13 k godzin?2020-01-03 09:29:59
WiadeR+rep2020-01-03 03:27:18
Kunyla+rep2020-01-02 16:57:34
VIKTOR+rep2020-01-02 07:52:48
dorianUWAGA! Konto odzyskałem w dniu 02.01.2020r! Złodziej postanowił oddać mojego konto, ale tak i tak nie odpuszczę mu! Dlaczego?Ukradł sobie skiny z mojego konta oraz PINY! Złodziejem okazał się Ukrainiec/Rusek, który zna bardzo dobrze Niemiecki.. Spalił się, bo jego dane osobowe jednak zdobyłem w łatwy sposób:D2020-01-02 02:33:02
𝓓𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓴𝓪-rep napisałem do serwisu ebay oraz paypal o twoje dane osobowe oraz położenie 25 latku szwabiku szczekający w necie.2019-12-27 13:36:58
𝓓𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓴𝓪-rep Groźby na temat rodziny, że przyjedzie i wyrucha!!! SPRAWA Trafia od 6-7 stycznia do Prawnika oraz Sądu. Za kradzież konta oraz sprzedanie skinów bądź przerzucenie ich na drugie konto odpowiesz frajerze.2019-12-27 13:36:34
Magneticzdrajca narodu jeb-any , k urwa , niemiecka szmataelo2019-12-26 14:41:50
Pan BartoszGive back acc to katow2019-12-24 05:28:05
𝓓𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓴𝓪Ludzie wiedzą, że konto ukradłeś! Mam nadzieje, że konto oddasz. Chyba, że faktycznie chcesz problemy miec z prawem "NIEMIECKIM" to się spotkamy od nowego roku na rozprawie.2019-12-23 19:55:28
PAGOPlz give ACC back to katow2019-12-23 18:47:55
乡ﹴCitru5Kickgive account back to katow2019-12-23 17:00:07
ziomson frgive account back to katow2019-12-23 07:12:10
𝓓𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓴𝓪-rep. Der Dieb, der das Konto sofort mit Fellen gestohlen hat. Der Fall ging vor Gericht und bei der Polizei. Es wird vom neuen Jahr ez sein :)2019-12-21 20:03:08
𝓓𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓴𝓪-rep Der Fall wurde vor drei Wochen dem Gericht gemeldet und ich erhielt einen Gerichtsbeschluss. Ab dem neuen Jahr beginne ich mit der Diebesangelegenheit! Sie haben hochgeladen und die Dinge werden nicht verschwinden. Bis zum heutigen Tag werden Sie verfolgt und der Account wird von Bots gemeldet.2019-12-21 20:02:25
noxu+rep podpiszesz ? :)2019-12-10 15:03:32
TigerSnigel+rep 13145 hours gay2019-11-25 09:26:09
brian+rep2019-11-08 08:13:09
pimp named slickback+rep2019-10-25 11:07:46
snowmen ⛷huj2019-10-23 13:04:47
76561198868656221+rep fajny i spoko morda <32019-10-11 15:17:07
Jarosław "Kaczor" Kaczyński+rep2019-10-07 12:04:43
sleySiema! :) Ruchasz się czy trzeba z Tobą chodzić? :)2019-10-07 08:32:30
RJP_18sign my profile pls2019-10-02 09:57:02
aimstaro-Jebany kozak2019-09-30 12:40:52
FilipjeeeSsij kutaska <3 kc2019-09-29 12:03:29
offsiteZAJEBISTY CZASEM ADMIN :))2019-09-15 07:50:44
Rappio-rep2019-09-14 16:41:11
76561198121760948-rep noob p902019-09-06 09:49:15
Kunyla+rep Deagl One Tap2019-09-01 08:43:33
hasek+rep androit2019-08-23 08:49:16
sebko+rep beast2019-08-23 07:47:16
turbonolifer2019-08-21 13:12:19
wscieklyyyshifu G4skins+rep2019-08-21 08:22:36
Matti Halkanekibestia2019-08-12 14:50:11
Alexban2+rep prő2019-07-21 12:53:12
.mG Gera+rep nice guy!2019-07-17 10:03:41
F4k3itIm Cheating with Knife in my Inventory2019-07-09 05:01:20
ベンツトラ buchenwald448- nfunny dude +rep2019-07-05 12:16:40
ByDiee-+rep good player2019-07-02 05:32:50
xxxx+rep2019-07-02 05:29:20
Aomine Daikiez game low dog>owned by SYRINGE2019-07-01 15:57:35
Killu+rep very good player. God2018-08-03 15:34:00
SireThanx for this giveaway oppourtunity2018-07-20 14:04:00
Errorr csgoroll.commajor rep to this guy for being so damn helpful and friendly. this is what makes the community great2018-07-20 14:03:54
Jefors+rep I went first with IRL cash (57 SEK). No issues, very fast and smooth trade.2018-07-20 14:03:50
lancelotCan you accept me on steam? I want play with you more!2018-07-20 14:03:44
DXBXD u are best m82018-07-20 14:03:38
Jesus i am sadXD u are best m82018-07-20 14:03:32
NO TENGO PAPELESthe most grounded casual player ever, mad props to this guy!2018-07-20 14:03:26
r1pWhat a god2018-07-20 14:03:21
Furry Degenerate+rep awesome gamer2018-07-20 14:03:16
Real'Gsupernice guy with bitchtits 11/102018-07-20 14:03:10
idinaher shlyushka+rep funniest guy on mm :D2018-07-20 14:03:05
skoka buit 150+150It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥ speed demon xD2018-07-20 14:02:59
Salahamazing plays2018-07-20 14:02:54
eevee #V2Nice person Gave me coupons for nothing in return! You should trade with em!2018-07-20 14:02:48
marthamost talented casual player i've ever seen2018-07-20 14:02:43
DiquEsez mm ez life ez carry this guy is awesome2018-07-20 14:02:37
name3 people with supreme against him = ez clutch2018-07-20 14:02:27
REALFEAR csgogem.comafter 15 secs he is on ♥♥♥♥♥♥ mid :D amazing movement bro2018-07-20 14:02:21
Lovetoheat+rep headshot machine2018-07-20 14:02:15
wuts.?+rep One shoot one kill no luck just skill2018-07-20 14:02:09
Sfair trader :) +rep2018-07-20 14:02:05
PINGUIN HACKeven though we couldnt come to a deal hes very friendly and informative2018-07-20 14:01:58
Yagaiafter 15 secs he is on ♥♥♥♥♥♥ mid :D amazing movement bro2018-07-20 14:01:53
DynamoJust give him awp and wait... XD2018-07-20 14:01:48
Haza tariq99% skill 1%lucky +rep thanks for win ;)2018-07-20 14:01:42
vl3g13bfhmdffez mm ez life ez carry this guy is awesome2018-07-20 14:01:36
WsWsTRunhitable ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :D +rep2018-07-20 14:01:32
Hoppin'this guy win against flusha on FPL LOL amazing skills dude2018-07-20 14:01:28
MeowthIt's ♥♥♥♥♥♥ speed demon xD2018-07-20 14:01:20
Rem Waifuteach me how to play like you! xD2018-07-20 14:01:14
din mor+rep bought 49 keys from him via paypal2018-07-20 14:01:08
grief ban 2 weeksi hope u can be best cs go player i love u bro2018-07-20 14:01:04
futuristicowboynerf mac10 pls this guy is insane with this weapon2018-07-20 14:00:58
Jeremy From Staplestoo much for OW best player xD2018-07-20 14:00:52
xD-Q784+rep friendly and very funny guy :)2018-07-20 14:00:48
pCheaternice recoil control man :D2018-07-20 14:00:41
Snapping necks cashing BANSthanks for help with vac kick ;)2018-07-20 14:00:35
H4PPYteach me how to play like you! xD2018-07-20 14:00:30
juxiqI have an orgasm when I look at his game amazing skills2018-07-20 14:00:20
I swear im not a jew.+rep trustworthy :)2018-07-20 14:00:15
Tommy [Freeky]i love your 1taps! 10/102018-07-20 14:00:08
Duwijsusjdnkzka+rep he sent me nudes <3 just kidding xD he's awesome :D2018-07-20 14:00:02
Sr.RuLinghe gave me half the code before trade then gave he the other half after the trade2018-07-20 13:59:57
twaajsnerf mac10 pls this guy is insane with this weapon2018-07-20 13:59:52
InSaNEi don't know what to say. So +rep :)2018-07-20 13:59:47
Melaniathanks for help with vac issues!2018-07-20 13:59:46
rasqthis guy play better than cheaters2018-07-20 13:59:35
Pysk mieszny+rep sexy movement :32018-07-20 13:59:30
TIQUINHOvery friendly and helpful teammate! +rep2018-07-20 13:59:24
higher nikich bro.young and very skillful player :D u need a team bro2018-07-20 13:59:18
Manueluis+rep hes pro with negev <32018-07-20 13:59:14
SH_CSGetto.comthis guy... insane aim2018-07-20 13:59:07
Korkusuz Korkak+rep vapenation boy2018-07-20 13:59:02
neggameisterGo Pro M8 better than all globalelites (confirmed) :D2018-07-20 13:58:58
widespread since 2k14+rep awesome gamer2018-07-20 13:58:52
The InfectedI just got rankup with this guy! LEM LIFE $$$2018-07-20 13:58:46
KrUzItE Im Famous now c:Thanks to your i ranked up :)2018-07-20 13:58:40
ksearunhitable ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :D +rep2018-07-20 13:58:35
f a i t hamazing plays2018-07-20 13:58:30
Yepi :))))nice recoil control man :D2018-07-20 13:58:24
fear1337.pro2vs5 me and you xD2018-07-20 13:58:19
[MLG] Hansthis cool boy is the fastest player in cs go history!!! (faster than phoon)2018-07-20 13:58:13
SNk-BEST PLAYER EU!!!!2018-07-20 13:58:08
Diablo *fnatic waiting for you! best player +rep2018-07-20 13:58:03
s0ba ^hS♥♥♥♥♥♥ god of this game xD2018-07-20 13:57:56
lemonhaha very friendly guy :D do you remember me? we talk on last Major ^^ +rep for this guy ♥2018-07-20 13:57:50
ruska kurvathanks for free carry2018-07-20 13:57:46
Morfine+rep sell knife for bitcoins2018-07-20 13:57:40
hErr_RazvaN{road to le }most talented casual player i've ever seen2018-07-20 13:57:35
JORA 200+rep nice guy, reasonable, quick trader.2018-07-20 13:57:29
TIANITISBest gamer & friend...2018-07-20 13:57:24
kObe/GGR/this guy play better than cheaters2018-07-20 13:57:18
Old Manvery skillful player +rep2018-07-20 13:57:12
Flamerzzthanks for really good warmup lessons2018-07-20 13:57:07
u suck hehexdThanx for this giveaway oppourtunity2018-07-20 13:57:01
Samanthamost talented casual player i've ever seen2018-07-20 13:56:55
tththttfAwesome guy and safe cashout!2018-07-20 13:56:51
NIKE NAIS FARMthanks for help with vac issues!2018-07-20 13:56:44
sting4kvery patient, great communication big +rep for this guy2018-07-20 13:56:39
kokokonek+Rep - Heard you're a sexy beast2018-07-20 13:56:33
dziumbrasNice Noscopes Fam... +REP2018-07-20 13:56:29
donutWhat a god2018-07-20 13:56:22
Nymph :3 (meow)thanks for help with vac kick ;)2018-07-20 13:56:17
Oni-ChanTrade Rep Excellent trader. Polite, patient and friendly. Highly recommended!2018-07-20 13:56:12
XJMvery skillful player +rep2018-07-20 13:56:06
hhhhhhhhI think you're cheating then i watch demo... man you're best player in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game :D +rep and sry for crying on mm2018-07-20 13:56:01
Zackthis guy is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ insane :D if you play with this guy you can be sure that you will win2018-07-20 13:55:54
haxen:)best bunnyhoper 20172018-07-20 13:55:51
L'eZyliving csgo sniper legend2018-07-20 13:55:44
LepciOGood boy +rep for you ♥2018-07-20 13:55:38
NUKAGOD ZAYAIt's ♥♥♥♥♥♥ speed demon xD2018-07-20 13:55:32
momitsgamenotstop+rep ty for carry bro! we should play again =)2018-07-20 13:55:27
HvH_GoD+rep trustworthy :)2018-07-20 13:55:22
Vozkinwonthis guy plays like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ pros2018-07-20 13:55:16
xxxDeaDsexiest player alive2018-07-20 13:55:10
Frogger IDhe gave me half the code before trade then gave he the other half after the trade2018-07-20 13:55:06
Dodge da faudder Ram da daudderSign my profile please ure a god2018-07-20 13:55:00
SimplenatorJust came here to say that you are one of the most enjoyable csgo players2018-07-20 13:54:55
Friendly Nazican you give me your config? i want play like you :D2018-07-20 13:54:49
Sxprmemost talented casual player i've ever seen2018-07-20 13:54:44
Mauro :)this guy win against flusha on FPL LOL amazing skills dude2018-07-20 13:54:39
Floer Cheng YTNice Noscopes Fam... +REP2018-07-20 13:54:32
TheKost95 bullets - 5 kills amazing 1taps man :D2018-07-20 13:54:27
IceDudeteach me how to play like you! xD2018-07-20 13:54:21
What Doesthanks for really good warmup lessons2018-07-20 13:54:16
HorroR+rep cool guy2018-07-20 13:54:11
NaskyroThanks for help with steam support ;) +rep2018-07-20 13:54:05
Merku |Boosted 2.0+rep 420 blaze it 360 noscope from de_train to b window on dust II2018-07-20 13:54:00
nayeonpls sign my profile plz2018-07-20 13:53:53
JavaHookAWESOME 1V5 ACE SPARKLES VIDEO INC!!2018-07-20 13:53:48
NiVaAWESOME 1V5 ACE SPARKLES VIDEO INC!!2018-07-20 13:53:44
w a n d e r l u s t+rep positive man2018-07-20 13:53:37
T1g3ri love this guy! thnx for carry my friend <3 +rep2018-07-20 13:53:33
MeSSoFF+rep positive man2018-07-20 13:53:27
luninG | headshot machine2018-07-20 13:53:20
sleepy OW LOLbest bunnyhoper 20172018-07-20 13:53:15
Fressia+rep One shoot one kill no luck just skill2018-07-20 13:53:11
xuy+rep best Sprayer in the world 1 love2018-07-20 13:53:04
`Diabel007thanks for help with vac issues!2018-07-20 13:52:59
shaqeven though we couldnt come to a deal hes very friendly and informative2018-07-20 13:52:54
Po Prostu CziterCan you accept me on steam? I want play with you more!2018-07-20 13:52:48
Requiamazing player! =)2018-07-20 13:52:42
sTeriOFeelsGoodMan thanks for fast win2018-07-20 13:52:36
keypad+rep very smart player2018-07-20 13:52:32
SnEaKzZPaInZz | Leoyou should be pros2018-07-20 13:52:27
Teraflux+rep in peace2018-07-20 13:52:20
k1nter420/10 player2018-07-20 13:52:15
INGAMEBANSneaky guy ;P2018-07-20 13:52:09
You Can'T SToP mE^thanks for really good warmup lessons2018-07-20 13:52:04
Jacketthis guy is better than ScreaM2018-07-20 13:51:58
LIKE A BOSShaha very friendly guy :D do you remember me? we talk on last Major ^^ +rep for this guy ♥2018-07-20 13:51:53
god'thanks for help with vac issues!2018-07-20 13:51:48
sc-planecs13+rep has zeus skills2018-07-20 13:51:41
lolamazing sprayer :) better than getright2018-07-20 13:51:36
kRz+rep Only He Can Pervent Forest Fires APPORVERD2018-07-20 13:51:31
mactec+Rep - Heard you're a sexy beast2018-07-20 13:51:25
P O M P A L A N D I NAmazing team mate and great trader2018-07-20 13:51:19
nostalgiche gave me half the code before trade then gave he the other half after the trade2018-07-20 13:51:14
new act: /id/dpressed+rep friendly and very funny guy :)2018-07-20 13:51:09
Simp1e+rep best player in europe2018-07-20 13:51:04
wep+rep knife for PSC! Thanks2018-07-20 13:50:58
Juliano Likes AnalOMG he is a great player2018-07-20 13:50:53
Hayden-Chancongrats ^^ this guy win Anomaly giveaway :D2018-07-20 13:50:47
UhrenSohn3 people with supreme against him = ez clutch2018-07-20 13:50:41
Dynasty!That movement bro +rep2018-07-20 13:50:35
Rapt0r+God Like Status!2018-07-20 13:50:31
ROADHOGsupernice guy with bitchtits 11/102018-07-20 13:50:24
Lil Fusethanks for coaching m8 ;)2018-07-20 13:50:20
TheROLLEXpl ;Pamazing plays2018-07-20 13:50:15
TheLegend1337very friendly teammate +rep :)2018-07-20 13:50:09
smackpoopaGood boy +rep for you ♥2018-07-20 13:50:03
Lituk+rep best Sprayer in the world 1 love2018-07-20 13:49:57
Sam Kami+rep trustworthy :)2018-07-20 13:49:52
RatTrap'nice comeback man from 10/0 to 10/16 :D2018-07-20 13:49:46
SO ?What a god2018-07-20 13:49:41
m+rep op player2018-07-20 13:49:36
S1dneyAwesome guy and safe cashout!2018-07-20 13:49:29
zibstaWhat an awesome guy csgo god2018-07-20 13:49:25
MALKOOLUNice game. played it for about 45 min. it was cool. i found your account because you are the best guy in this game. i guess i found a cool game to play when im bored. cheers2018-07-20 13:49:19
Greatness CSGOARENA.comnice thanks for coach lessons :D2018-07-20 13:49:13
Junky March | e-HOTJust give him awp and wait... XD2018-07-20 13:49:08
Star Lord :)very friendly teammate +rep :)2018-07-20 13:49:03
StifflerFeelsGoodMan thanks for fast win2018-07-20 13:48:57
MemeMasterX (Baned ACC)very patient, great communication big +rep for this guy2018-07-20 13:48:52
shaveobsolete+rep I went first with IRL cash (57 SEK). No issues, very fast and smooth trade.2018-07-20 13:48:46
TEDI :) ON~FIRE+rep good and fair trade!!2018-07-20 13:48:40
sldxkick.+rep fast and chill2018-07-20 13:48:34
KQLY VAC BAN ?+REP Very friendly man2018-07-20 13:48:29
lelelelelel+rep really good player2018-07-20 13:48:23
I'm Vesterthis guy plays like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ pros2018-07-20 13:48:18
EnVyUs ScreaM/VERSION QUISPE :Vvery skillful player +rep2018-07-20 13:48:13
pat pat on me daddy ^w^nice recoil control man :D2018-07-20 13:48:08
Haza tariqthanks for carrying on faceit :]2018-07-20 13:48:02
internet userthanks for help with vac issues!2018-07-20 13:47:55
Mge2vs5 me and you xD2018-07-20 13:47:50
katana collector joeyfair trader :) +rep2018-07-20 13:47:46
globalelait10+rep friendly and very funny guy :)2018-07-20 13:47:40
T o mnot the best player but my god does he hit shots when he needs to, great game awareness and i'll expect him to pull off some pretty mad clutches under pressure. 9/10 player with a good looking future! from the others, he seems like a top quality guy with great trade knowledge too.. can't go wrong with him! he looks like he knows his way around a man without being gay!2018-07-20 13:47:34
S?D+rep good guy with big ♥♥♥♥....Kappa!!! :D pls sign my profile plz and much love2018-07-20 13:47:29
OneArmedBandit+rep in peace2018-07-20 13:47:22
Flashahe's killed me 6 rounds in a row on this casual game, and i'm not even mad! it's like being touched by a god every time. This is certainly a person to look up to and learn from2018-07-20 13:47:17
rZk *MOUSE DE BOLINHAfnatic waiting for you! best player +rep2018-07-20 13:47:12
Hiko Hiko HiiThanks to your i ranked up :)2018-07-20 13:47:06
h0qz3nI think you're cheating then i watch demo... man you're best player in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game :D +rep and sry for crying on mm2018-07-20 13:47:00
Hexxnice aim machine, uff yaa2018-07-20 13:46:57
global.oco+rep Best csgo sniper in the world2018-07-20 13:46:50
Rackfier+rep trusted trader2018-07-20 13:46:45
x FLEXsi+rep positive man2018-07-20 13:46:39
Mitsukithanks for fast help with steam scamer... ++rep2018-07-20 13:46:33 funniest guy on mm :D2018-07-20 13:46:28
VEVOThanx for this giveaway oppourtunity2018-07-20 13:46:22
FixeDAmazing team mate and great trader2018-07-20 13:46:16
NeovirusI think you're cheating then i watch demo... man you're best player in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game :D +rep and sry for crying on mm2018-07-20 13:46:12
Nipasexiest player alive2018-07-20 13:46:06
IIo3uTuB4uKAmazing team mate and great trader2018-07-20 13:46:01
hdf+rep great player2018-07-20 13:45:55
True+rep great player2018-07-20 13:45:50
Trkboyuthanks for fast help with steam scamer... ++rep2018-07-20 13:45:43
Katarafnatic waiting for you! best player +rep2018-07-20 13:45:38
zolikt1What an awesome guy csgo god2018-07-20 13:45:32
fixing nospread since 2k14the best in the wolrd!!!2018-07-20 13:45:28
Wiggle Master+rep best player in europe2018-07-20 13:45:23
roca-iwnl-I think you're cheating then i watch demo... man you're best player in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game :D +rep and sry for crying on mm2018-07-20 13:45:16
Teller133 people with supreme against him = ez clutch2018-07-20 13:45:10
REAL Typhon+REP man2018-07-20 13:45:06
Kappa pride+rep friendly and very funny guy :)2018-07-20 13:44:59
MalignJust came here to say that you are one of the most enjoyable csgo players2018-07-20 13:44:55
swapS -XaraNX+rep positive man2018-07-20 13:44:48
Lazy september 11Thanks for help with steam support ;) +rep2018-07-20 13:44:43
reportbotsworking+rep he sent me nudes <3 just kidding xD he's awesome :D2018-07-20 13:44:37
Shroudthanks for rankup m8 :D2018-07-20 13:44:32
lokoschmockdas | HvH?supernice guy with bitchtits 11/102018-07-20 13:44:27
Krzysztof jarzyna ze Szczecinathanks for help with vac kick ;)2018-07-20 13:44:21
-flx cs.moneyJust give him awp and wait... XD2018-07-20 13:44:15
7656119879970802630/13 amazing plays man :D2018-07-20 13:44:10
żymianin+rep fast and chill2018-07-20 13:44:06
fuCkrip 8€ :DDD+rep funny moments XD2018-07-20 13:44:00
Siri+rep nice guy, reasonable, quick trader.2018-07-20 13:43:54
mQ*fnatic loves you <32018-07-20 13:43:49
Overpasspeople like you creates best community on the world2018-07-20 13:43:42
sadboieven though we couldnt come to a deal hes very friendly and informative2018-07-20 13:43:37
Hello gaismajor rep to this guy for being so damn helpful and friendly. this is what makes the community great2018-07-20 13:43:32
ST6very patient, great communication big +rep for this guy2018-07-20 13:43:29
smile1337 #1tap?this cool boy is the fastest player in cs go history!!! (faster than phoon)2018-07-20 13:43:20
Star Lord :)living csgo sniper legend2018-07-20 13:43:15
ONETAPZ+rep Sold my knife for steam wallet code, I went first and all went well!2018-07-20 13:43:10
SEYONARACORE#this guy have ♥♥♥♥♥♥ god-mode on mm's2018-07-20 13:43:03
MikeJakunNice Noscopes Fam... +REP2018-07-20 13:42:59
Vodkavery skillful player +rep2018-07-20 13:42:54
GRIZZZLYhe is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ lolyou v2 :D nice noscopes man2018-07-20 13:42:48
HEYMOMONice person Gave me coupons for nothing in return! You should trade with em!2018-07-20 13:42:42
TMSHD5K [RM]awesome guy :D +rep2018-07-20 13:42:36
RoNNiE+rep best aimer eu2018-07-20 13:42:30
VisionZzs+rep great player2018-07-20 13:42:25
STA BUHKcsgo fnatic legend2018-07-20 13:42:20
YOU PIDOR♥♥♥♥♥♥ god of this game xD2018-07-20 13:42:15
newaccbois+REP Very friendly man2018-07-20 13:42:09
Keezy`2k+rep, legend ESL player2018-07-20 13:42:04
piercer banned from csgo/cssyou're the best player on the world or you hacking.2018-07-20 13:41:58
Nicot1nethanks for really good warmup lessons2018-07-20 13:41:52
szymixoothis guy is better than ScreaM2018-07-20 13:41:48
Slickest Rick of the westBEST PLAYER EU!!!!2018-07-20 13:41:41
eldoodakSamazing player! =)2018-07-20 13:41:36
Kajsa ankathanks for rankup m8 :D2018-07-20 13:41:31
jeeeeeeeeek5Thanx for this giveaway oppourtunity2018-07-20 13:41:25
RefNeX.demajor rep to this guy for being so damn helpful and friendly. this is what makes the community great2018-07-20 13:41:19
Walter99% skill 1%lucky +rep thanks for win ;)2018-07-20 13:41:13
Eazy-My+rep Ty for the middleman :)2018-07-20 13:41:09
KznieversTrevorslegend2018-07-20 13:41:03
SRB+rep One shoot one kill no luck just skill2018-07-20 13:40:57
[CatarinaSilva ]+rep bought 49 keys from him via paypal2018-07-20 13:40:51
Ievanpolkka+rep great, highly recommended2018-07-20 13:40:46
XxXxXxXxX!!!+rep sell knife for bitcoins2018-07-20 13:40:41
RackfierCan you accept me on steam? I want play with you more!2018-07-20 13:40:35
W1lka+rep good guy with big ♥♥♥♥....Kappa!!! :D pls sign my profile plz and much love2018-07-20 13:40:30
SKYEK!haha very friendly guy :D do you remember me? we talk on last Major ^^ +rep for this guy ♥2018-07-20 13:40:24
Lotharthis cool boy is the fastest player in cs go history!!! (faster than phoon)2018-07-20 13:40:19
Fudeuuui don't know what to say. So +rep :)2018-07-20 13:40:13
pavella rightteach me how to play like you! xD2018-07-20 13:40:08
Weso-headhunterzthis guy play better than cheaters2018-07-20 13:40:03
Dr.420It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥ speed demon xD2018-07-20 13:39:57
SmoKey hellcase.compls sign my profile plz2018-07-20 13:39:52
Sinisterthanks for help with vac issues!2018-07-20 13:39:46
Seov VacWhat an awesome guy csgo god2018-07-20 13:39:40
ecdatimizhe is smurfin in ♥♥♥♥♥♥ global elite2018-07-20 13:39:34
nurantasa2 aces in a row LMAO +rep2018-07-20 13:39:29
TeeJay+rep really good player2018-07-20 13:39:25
Omega #9xD+rep dank without reson xD KUL guy2018-07-20 13:39:19
testing b1g aexyte hakefnatic loves you <32018-07-20 13:39:12
RE ITS GRIZZ+rep good and fair trade!!2018-07-20 13:39:08
LegaL2k+rep best Sprayer in the world 1 love2018-07-20 13:39:02
soluchenCan you accept me on steam? I want play with you more!2018-07-20 13:38:56
veri guud pleieryou should be pros2018-07-20 13:38:50
XcI think you're cheating then i watch demo... man you're best player in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game :D +rep and sry for crying on mm2018-07-20 13:38:45
Maloy 6+my confucius2018-07-20 13:38:40
Slavoj ZizekSneaky guy ;P2018-07-20 13:38:35
I Raged xD+rep best aimer eu2018-07-20 13:38:30
[Expert BOT]=---Sn@ipeR=---FeelsGoodMan thanks for fast win2018-07-20 13:38:24
SNYAL-C VOL2+rep best clutcher <32018-07-20 13:38:18
pffppfpff+rep good and fair trade!!2018-07-20 13:38:12
Yarick Biceps+REP ESEA god2018-07-20 13:38:06
micc QUEE OTAA??i love this guy! thnx for carry my friend <3 +rep2018-07-20 13:38:00
maniac+rep great, highly recommended2018-07-20 13:37:55
goodnight sweet princeThanks for this player! We win 16:02018-07-20 13:37:51
Priority Mail+REP man2018-07-20 13:37:44
OBRONCALPLEMIENIAyoung and very skillful player :D u need a team bro2018-07-20 13:37:40
Jodye♥♥♥♥♥♥ god of this game xD2018-07-20 13:37:33
ZHAAAAAAASneaky guy ;P2018-07-20 13:37:28
savoryyynice aim machine, uff yaa2018-07-20 13:37:23
Frej Sjstrmcsgo fnatic legend2018-07-20 13:37:16
HundKappanice aim machine, uff yaa2018-07-20 13:37:12
Known+rep chill guy and safe cashout, sold 37 keys to him and no problem :)2018-07-20 13:37:06
Luminous+rep, legend ESL player2018-07-20 13:37:00
ZDP+rep has zeus skills2018-07-20 13:36:55
just ezthanks for really good warmup lessons2018-07-20 13:36:50
hhrhrhrrhrhthis guy plays like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ pros2018-07-20 13:36:44
LEM CREW+rep noob player cyka blyat ♥♥♥♥♥, jk n1 clutcher2018-07-20 13:36:39
RedDeadThanx for this giveaway oppourtunity2018-07-20 13:36:34
Xenon => LED :|you're the best player on the world or you hacking.2018-07-20 13:36:28
Kuz1n#CSGOD+rep vapenation boy2018-07-20 13:36:22
overwatch banned HAD TO WIN HVH+rep bought 49 keys from him via paypal2018-07-20 13:36:17
ready2die?FeelsGoodMan thanks for fast win2018-07-20 13:36:10
SuNNy` #justmouseliftigthingsI think you're cheating then i watch demo... man you're best player in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game :D +rep and sry for crying on mm2018-07-20 13:36:06
Motymost people call him hacker but its skill2018-07-20 13:36:01
Mr. Poopybuttholethis guy beats cheaters ez2018-07-20 13:35:54
EZpeezyvery friendly teammate +rep :)2018-07-20 13:35:50
[DERANK] ....+rep noob player cyka blyat ♥♥♥♥♥, jk n1 clutcher2018-07-20 13:35:43
VACWave :D+REP Very friendly man2018-07-20 13:35:37
Sh0n3 JTDm 16vnice comeback man from 10/0 to 10/16 :D2018-07-20 13:35:33
wwwww+rep friendly and very funny guy :)2018-07-20 13:35:28
IM TIRED OF CHEATERS!!!!+rep good and fair trade!!2018-07-20 13:35:22
Mojojo Banned v1Nice game. played it for about 45 min. it was cool. i found your account because you are the best guy in this game. i guess i found a cool game to play when im bored. cheers2018-07-20 13:35:16
long 9csgo fnatic legend2018-07-20 13:35:11
Marijuanai hope u can be best cs go player i love u bro2018-07-20 13:35:06
GoRdITa play with this guy 3 matches. all win. 16:3 16:6 16:9 ♥♥♥♥♥♥ insane and skillful player!2018-07-20 13:35:00
Tarantino+REP ESEA god2018-07-20 13:34:54
Gr1m.Reaper+rep positive man2018-07-20 13:34:48
Legacy nCan you accept me on steam? I want play with you more!2018-07-20 13:34:43
NarrKozz...this cool boy is the fastest player in cs go history!!! (faster than phoon)2018-07-20 13:34:37
Sara.ggmajor rep to this guy for being so damn helpful and friendly. this is what makes the community great2018-07-20 13:34:31
KEBAPCI CELALTrade Rep Excellent trader. Polite, patient and friendly. Highly recommended!2018-07-20 13:34:26
KOTXD u are best m82018-07-20 13:34:21
[Y]umLeeGo Pro M8 better than all globalelites (confirmed) :D2018-07-20 13:34:16
Johan KupsztalIt's ♥♥♥♥♥♥ speed demon xD2018-07-20 13:34:10
Lion king he sent me nudes <3 just kidding xD he's awesome :D2018-07-20 13:34:04
Team GKZ #1not the best player but my god does he hit shots when he needs to, great game awareness and i'll expect him to pull off some pretty mad clutches under pressure. 9/10 player with a good looking future! from the others, he seems like a top quality guy with great trade knowledge too.. can't go wrong with him! he looks like he knows his way around a man without being gay!2018-07-20 13:33:59
No primei love your 1taps! 10/102018-07-20 13:33:55
SweatyAsianKidhaha very friendly guy :D do you remember me? we talk on last Major ^^ +rep for this guy ♥2018-07-20 13:33:47
yARi =DDcan you give me your config? i want play like you :D2018-07-20 13:33:41
paszabiceps * pornhub.combest guy to be friends with. No scam, great friend, and helper +big_rep2018-07-20 13:33:36
The MagiciaNI have an orgasm when I look at his game amazing skills2018-07-20 13:33:31
lolek :)thanks for carrying on faceit :]2018-07-20 13:33:25
kash0Repic thanks to you, you are a good one :D2018-07-20 13:33:21
wergqrhgn12018-07-20 13:33:16
HeadShot KinGvery friendly and helpful trader (im new in trading) thanks for good and honest trade!2018-07-20 13:33:09
Patryk RoadToG2Nice person Gave me coupons for nothing in return! You should trade with em!2018-07-20 13:33:04
PRIME (HvH)+rep 420 blaze it 360 noscope from de_train to b window on dust II2018-07-20 13:32:59
Guilty Crownnice recoil control man :D2018-07-20 13:32:53
Jacob+rep very smart player2018-07-20 13:32:47
Modfgood looser, good winner. Even tho we hated eachother in the start2018-07-20 13:32:41
uh+rep love you m8 best player!2018-07-20 13:32:36
Ensiamazing plays2018-07-20 13:32:31
Di dA-K1nG*Great/funny/ and kind friend...everyone should have friend like this....He have helped me alot in bad situations [did i spell ir right?] and yeah....very goood person! :)2018-07-20 13:32:25
Hannibal3 people with supreme against him = ez clutch2018-07-20 13:32:20
wuddupmost people call him hacker but its skill2018-07-20 13:32:14
zonic . Astralismy confucius2018-07-20 13:32:08
xuybest awp user i've ever met2018-07-20 13:32:04
SkrapZ de CholokennyS v2 :D amazing awp skills mate2018-07-20 13:31:57
jon1i hope u can be best cs go player i love u bro2018-07-20 13:31:51
lsd+rep wall hacker in league of legends2018-07-20 13:31:47
gAr!uS5 bullets - 5 kills amazing 1taps man :D2018-07-20 13:31:40
H4PPY2Kfnatic waiting for you! best player +rep2018-07-20 13:31:36
N1kyrkaez mm ez life ez carry this guy is awesome2018-07-20 13:31:29
Emmett Brownafter 15 secs he is on ♥♥♥♥♥♥ mid :D amazing movement bro2018-07-20 13:31:25
Yolobot1thanks for help with vac issues!2018-07-20 13:31:19
Yeet Yeet+rep I went first with IRL cash (57 SEK). No issues, very fast and smooth trade.2018-07-20 13:31:13
Tiny04very skillful player +rep2018-07-20 13:31:07
SKOOL+rep very smart player2018-07-20 13:31:03
MICHELANGELObest awp user i've ever met2018-07-20 13:30:56
Scrolex+REP man2018-07-20 13:30:52
solisTrade Rep Excellent trader. Polite, patient and friendly. Highly recommended!2018-07-20 13:30:46
OK / KOteach me how to play like you! xD2018-07-20 13:30:40
Richard CrossovThanks to your i ranked up :)2018-07-20 13:30:36
yung tystakhe gave me half the code before trade then gave he the other half after the trade2018-07-20 13:30:30
illfuckyouall+rep really good player2018-07-20 13:30:24
Infantry_ProGo Pro M8 better than all globalelites (confirmed) :D2018-07-20 13:30:19
FusionX+rep really good player2018-07-20 13:30:14
flappp @hellcase.comwhen this guy have 0/0/7 just ask him "what's wrong" and enjoy free win xD2018-07-20 13:30:08
pycache5Sneaky guy ;P2018-07-20 13:30:03
RedShot/HeadShot ~Eminem Mode~you're insane man! :D can u teach me how2bhop pls2018-07-20 13:29:57
Wollt ihr den Totallen Krieg+rep sexy movement :32018-07-20 13:29:50
virus*you're insane man! :D can u teach me how2bhop pls2018-07-20 13:29:45
hellcase.comThanks for game m8 +rep :)2018-07-20 13:29:41
Hou[p].o0psbest guy to be friends with. No scam, great friend, and helper +big_rep2018-07-20 13:29:34
Fl@w/Bcoolest guy on the world2018-07-20 13:29:30
lowkey jLOLthis guy play better than cheaters2018-07-20 13:29:23
sadfaceFeelsGoodMan thanks for fast win2018-07-20 13:29:18
Giemez mm ez life ez carry this guy is awesome2018-07-20 13:29:13
Mac-12+REP man2018-07-20 13:29:07
RAY DONOVANbest pistol round player ever2018-07-20 13:29:01
Diaboliche's killed me 6 rounds in a row on this casual game, and i'm not even mad! it's like being touched by a god every time. This is certainly a person to look up to and learn from2018-07-20 13:28:55
road to GE ;Dthis cool boy is the fastest player in cs go history!!! (faster than phoon)2018-07-20 13:28:51
Dr. Harrison Wells+rep great player2018-07-20 13:28:45
Supreme.kennyS v2 :D amazing awp skills mate2018-07-20 13:28:39
s5g8iifvWhat a god2018-07-20 13:28:34
H0t Babes+rep nice guy, reasonable, quick trader.2018-07-20 13:28:29
iMikeee Sofy30/13 amazing plays man :D2018-07-20 13:28:23
ScreecHCan you accept me on steam? I want play with you more!2018-07-20 13:28:17
dont me+rep bought 49 keys from him via paypal2018-07-20 13:28:12
Proven at LAN+rep wall hacker in league of legends2018-07-20 13:28:06
Molly CSGOFAST.COMIt's ♥♥♥♥♥♥ speed demon xD2018-07-20 13:28:01
I Nut To Zero Two+rep Only He Can Pervent Forest Fires APPORVERD2018-07-20 13:27:56
Qialityi hope u can be best cs go player i love u bro2018-07-20 13:27:49
Nadine nadet alle wegGood boy +rep for you ♥2018-07-20 13:27:45
SerJZgaNovhe's killed me 6 rounds in a row on this casual game, and i'm not even mad! it's like being touched by a god every time. This is certainly a person to look up to and learn from2018-07-20 13:27:39
Mr.Radar+rep great, highly recommended2018-07-20 13:27:34
S! aka BukkakeKingi play with this guy 3 matches. all win. 16:3 16:6 16:9 ♥♥♥♥♥♥ insane and skillful player!2018-07-20 13:27:27
dukiiii+Rep - Heard you're a sexy beast2018-07-20 13:27:23
VETEROKmajor rep to this guy for being so damn helpful and friendly. this is what makes the community great2018-07-20 13:27:17
Stallion wallah+rep noob player cyka blyat ♥♥♥♥♥, jk n1 clutcher2018-07-20 13:27:12
PriselAwesome guy and safe cashout!2018-07-20 13:27:05
Rhohen+rep love you m8 best player!2018-07-20 13:27:00
Sophie3 people with supreme against him = ez clutch2018-07-20 13:26:55
iqsodius!this guy play better than cheaters2018-07-20 13:26:49
Pakuj Kredki i Wypierdalajhe is smurfin in ♥♥♥♥♥♥ global elite2018-07-20 13:26:44
ZaNe#gameban #nomoney4buyingaccamazing player! =)2018-07-20 13:26:39
Officer KeK+rep nice guy, reasonable, quick trader.2018-07-20 13:26:33
Info Od Boga+REP ESEA god2018-07-20 13:26:28
globalelait045 bullets - 5 kills amazing 1taps man :D2018-07-20 13:26:21
Dr.Greenthumb+rep wall hacker in league of legends2018-07-20 13:26:16
Mtxhe gave me half the code before trade then gave he the other half after the trade2018-07-20 13:26:11
Revhe is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ lolyou v2 :D nice noscopes man2018-07-20 13:26:06
steLeLe+rep sell knife for bitcoins2018-07-20 13:25:59
int main()+rep fast and chill2018-07-20 13:25:55
potatoAwesome guy and safe cashout!2018-07-20 13:25:48
What?thanks for rankup m8 :D2018-07-20 13:25:44
TopGun // I-Like_Porn10/10 player2018-07-20 13:25:38
syndrome dOwN+rep best Sprayer in the world 1 love2018-07-20 13:25:32
W8plz!+rep nice teammate2018-07-20 13:25:26
RiHe doesn't need you to tell him info<.< He already knows2018-07-20 13:25:21
HEAD HUNTERthis guy... insane aim2018-07-20 13:25:16
RussiaLegend2137can you give me your config? i want play like you :D2018-07-20 13:25:09
SmoKey, legend ESL player2018-07-20 13:25:04
rpk-my confucius2018-07-20 13:24:58
The Yellow Flash+REP Very friendly man2018-07-20 13:24:53
rxi - Mts+rep best player in europe2018-07-20 13:24:48
Man`s not hot+rep my boy ♥2018-07-20 13:24:42
love g2thanks for carrying on faceit :]2018-07-20 13:24:38
nENaDezhNiY_BraTAn+rep this guy is amazing giving out goods to people who need them thanks dude2018-07-20 13:24:32
nqzz1kNice person Gave me coupons for nothing in return! You should trade with em!2018-07-20 13:24:26
How many games can i spin+rep he sent me nudes <3 just kidding xD he's awesome :D2018-07-20 13:24:21
Stee|Series+rep cool guy2018-07-20 13:24:16
SniperCeo+rep LEGEND2018-07-20 13:24:10
Nevznice thanks for coach lessons :D2018-07-20 13:24:04
vancity jaydee+rep bought 49 keys from him via paypal2018-07-20 13:23:58
Lira+rep funniest guy on mm :D2018-07-20 13:23:53
WIX+Rep - Heard you're a sexy beast2018-07-20 13:23:48
duckk.xD+rep dank without reson xD KUL guy2018-07-20 13:23:42
Rico Trop Chaud CSGOArena.comthis guy beats cheaters ez2018-07-20 13:23:36
SICK-+Rep - Heard you're a sexy beast2018-07-20 13:23:30
XByExCeLLeNTJOP+rep One shoot one kill no luck just skill2018-07-20 13:23:24
painpls sign my profile plz2018-07-20 13:23:20
Markotoo much for OW best player xD2018-07-20 13:23:15
PUSSY SMURF EZliving csgo sniper legend2018-07-20 13:23:08
grief ban 2 weeksthose 1 taps bro :D scream talks about your 1taps2018-07-20 13:23:03
NOTMYMAIN+rep noob player cyka blyat ♥♥♥♥♥, jk n1 clutcher2018-07-20 13:22:58
That serb+rep knife for PSC! Thanks2018-07-20 13:22:51
Solotovi play with this guy 3 matches. all win. 16:3 16:6 16:9 ♥♥♥♥♥♥ insane and skillful player!2018-07-20 13:22:50
screffvery friendly and helpful trader (im new in trading) thanks for good and honest trade!2018-07-20 13:22:42
[Texsas] PROFUCKERthe best in the wolrd!!!2018-07-20 13:22:35
wonderlyi don't know what to say. So +rep :)2018-07-20 13:22:31
RETARDnice thanks for coach lessons :D2018-07-20 13:22:24
JNX'unhitable ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :D +rep2018-07-20 13:22:20
dude pls don't hate menice comeback man from 10/0 to 10/16 :D2018-07-20 13:22:14
Psychedelic Shiva-+rep Only He Can Pervent Forest Fires APPORVERD2018-07-20 13:22:09
MulTyCol0r Pvpro.comthanks for free carry2018-07-20 13:22:03
f3n0menmost focused guy on the world2018-07-20 13:21:56
teach me be legende+rep has zeus skills2018-07-20 13:21:52
Gabe+rep funny moments XD2018-07-20 13:21:47
LD RED_xD+rep dank without reson xD KUL guy2018-07-20 13:21:41
IM TIRED OF CHEATERS!!!!most focused guy on the world2018-07-20 13:21:35
LOLEi don't know what to say. So +rep :)2018-07-20 13:21:30
Drunkin' Trump+rep this guy is amazing giving out goods to people who need them thanks dude2018-07-20 13:21:23
ROGUE+rep sell knife for bitcoins2018-07-20 13:21:19
FOR MOTHER RUSSIA!living csgo sniper legend2018-07-20 13:21:13
Lex.teach me how to play like you! xD2018-07-20 13:21:07
Pala4csgo fnatic legend2018-07-20 13:21:03
MILK ME DAD+rep best clutcher <32018-07-20 13:20:58
LOX1337fair trader :) +rep2018-07-20 13:20:52
globalelait08+rep Only He Can Pervent Forest Fires APPORVERD2018-07-20 13:20:45
T H i C C.ggThanx for this giveaway oppourtunity2018-07-20 13:20:40
FsQQGreat/funny/ and kind friend...everyone should have friend like this....He have helped me alot in bad situations [did i spell ir right?] and yeah....very goood person! :)2018-07-20 13:20:35
[ Kitty ]+God Like Status!2018-07-20 13:20:28
Sonny BlackJust give him awp and wait... XD2018-07-20 13:20:24
ScreaMy (road to prime)I have an orgasm when I look at his game amazing skills2018-07-20 13:20:18
nENaDezhNiY_BraTAnIt's ♥♥♥♥♥♥ speed demon xD2018-07-20 13:20:12
Lisp + Fast Spin30/13 amazing plays man :D2018-07-20 13:20:07
RagnerJust came here to say that you are one of the most enjoyable csgo players2018-07-20 13:20:01
w o l fafter 15 secs he is on ♥♥♥♥♥♥ mid :D amazing movement bro2018-07-20 13:19:55
Kyopls sign my profile plz2018-07-20 13:19:51
Meowth10/10 player2018-07-20 13:19:45
Female Dog+rep best gamer CS:GO2018-07-20 13:19:40
Oom Pietie se Pielie5 bullets - 5 kills amazing 1taps man :D2018-07-20 13:19:34
Wall $treetcongrats ^^ this guy win Anomaly giveaway :D2018-07-20 13:19:28
REKT BY REPORTBOTi love this guy! thnx for carry my friend <3 +rep2018-07-20 13:19:22
Nig NagBest gamer & friend...2018-07-20 13:19:17
mufi (smurf)thanks for free carry2018-07-20 13:19:12
juwobHe doesn't need you to tell him info<.< He already knows2018-07-20 13:19:07
FiRe_MaNiE--HyDrA :)420/10 player2018-07-20 13:19:02
Oxycontin 80MG+rep fast and chill2018-07-20 13:18:56
Qteen Skinshoot.netthe most grounded casual player ever, mad props to this guy!2018-07-20 13:18:51
vgodthis cool boy is the fastest player in cs go history!!! (faster than phoon)2018-07-20 13:18:45
Josephhlol+rep Sold my knife for steam wallet code, I went first and all went well!2018-07-20 13:18:40
VOLAND+rep nice guy, reasonable, quick trader.2018-07-20 13:18:32
gnauoibaoashbu9airbw+rep fast and chill2018-07-20 13:18:27
Kurumi Tokisaki /this guy win against flusha on FPL LOL amazing skills dude2018-07-20 13:18:23
Maxi^k^ k*bCan you accept me on steam? I want play with you more!2018-07-20 13:18:16
PeKov LOLYOUXD u are best m82018-07-20 13:18:11
Kaannthanks for help with vac kick ;)2018-07-20 13:18:06
Fix Delete CS GO :Dbest pistol round player ever2018-07-20 13:18:01
xXx_359_B4$$_B00$73D_359_xXxvery friendly teammate +rep :)2018-07-20 13:17:54
mdma+rep Sold my knife for steam wallet code, I went first and all went well!2018-07-20 13:17:49
WaysGreat/funny/ and kind friend...everyone should have friend like this....He have helped me alot in bad situations [did i spell ir right?] and yeah....very goood person! :)2018-07-20 13:17:45
keNziNice person Gave me coupons for nothing in return! You should trade with em!2018-07-20 13:17:39
Zon'D+rep knife for PSC! Thanks2018-07-20 13:17:32
Emil The Destroyeri love this guy! thnx for carry my friend <3 +rep2018-07-20 13:17:28
76561198799707624thanks for carrying on faceit :]2018-07-20 13:17:22
Kcsingh#king+rep trusted trader2018-07-20 13:17:18
Kalita13assina mano2018-05-22 15:04:46
+rep best player nice2018-03-13 09:25:28
Rafasign pls2017-12-25 14:43:24
rella+rep2017-08-04 16:13:04
<3 israel+rep2017-08-04 16:10:24
zReTriX+rep kennyS2017-08-04 14:53:02
de1eteNICE LEGIT2017-08-04 09:19:55
happy+rep top player2017-07-28 07:44:05
zReTriX+rep good player2017-07-14 11:06:19
Billy Sio+rep great player2017-07-14 05:04:56
lel+rep insane player2017-07-13 10:19:16
〄 offlin3+rep2017-07-12 12:50:14
KEN MAGOA+ REP BEST PLAYER2017-06-30 07:44:52
Schengo+rep2017-06-30 02:45:10
ARAP ŞÜKRÜ+rep good player :))2017-06-29 15:40:19
+ZeuS++rep :)2017-06-29 15:40:01
(◣_◢)+rep nice gamer2017-06-29 09:07:20


Total: [13] | TF2BD: [2] (15.38%) | SB: [1] (7.69%)

765611981926448112024-02-25 10:18:41
(124 days)
Andrade2023-07-31 12:46:36
(333 days)
765611994408466842023-01-07 15:38:44
(538 days)
765611992396924242022-01-31 04:08:54
(879 days)
765611989809702162022-01-31 03:58:55
(879 days)
nosgov2022-01-31 03:49:29
(879 days)
isis2022-01-31 02:52:33
(879 days)
piwko mozna
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2022-01-02 23:57:02
(907 days)
Fiutek2021-09-12 13:14:27
(1020 days)
765611991036759372021-09-12 10:12:59
(1020 days)
veKTUS-dA-K1nG2021-09-10 13:57:42
(1022 days)
2021-09-10 08:22:32
(1022 days)
radek2021-09-10 08:14:31
(1022 days)