America Number Best

SteamID64: 76561198158112732
SteamID32: [U:1:197847004]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98923502

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Private
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2014-10-10 18:22:01 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-12-10 20:16:13

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

TF2BD: In 1 Lists
* TF2BD Trusted List: Cheater
      > Name: Sainta Claws
      > LastSeen: 2021-08-01 19:30:44

Persona History

NameTime Changed
America Number Best2023-12-10 20:16:13
gymtimidator1952 #KillTF22023-12-09 14:16:39
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidator2023-09-07 19:47:38
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Z #Q2023-08-01 23:31:35
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Z2023-05-05 14:54:23
Jerma985 #KillTF22023-05-05 12:25:48
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Z2023-04-30 17:12:46
Jerma985 #KillTF22022-12-18 05:27:40
Jerma9852022-06-24 17:07:04
Jerma985 #ShutdownTF22022-05-29 15:16:33
Sainta Claws2022-04-03 18:36:34
Sainta Claws #StandWithRussia2022-02-28 20:22:44

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
read this if ur gay2023-02-21 14:44:47

URL History

URLTime Changed 14:16:39 14:44:47

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Private2023-12-10 20:16:13


Total: [256] | Deleted: [0]

Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorsnopes: misleading2023-11-04 15:53:34
Man who is in the 2fort sewers-rep 20 somthing year old man in his moms basement spending hours a day screaming "I killed you get owned im so edgy and cool" like a 10 year old in tf2 because he's too scared to go look for a job and has to find something to waste time with2023-11-04 15:36:19
✌️TF2.BET (Owner)come to us instead2023-10-13 18:04:07
A Random Chicken-rep whiny edgelord2023-09-16 18:48:29
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorLiterally no clue who either of you are, if you're here because I was harassing pedophiles I guess that says more about you than it does me huh2023-09-16 18:39:18
HumangusL+Noob+Get good+Skill Gap+Ratio+Dominated2023-09-16 16:29:21
stupid argumentsi dom you ♥♥♥♥♥ get good2023-09-16 16:27:00
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorI'm a rape survivor, but I wasn't raped. It's what marines do. You civilians are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ naive.2023-09-11 03:46:49
Tax evaderthen why does it say ''Rape survivor'' in your profile summary?2023-09-10 18:36:49
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorI didn't get raped, dumbass2023-09-10 18:35:36
Tax evaderjerma your jerkyness is gonna make you get raped again2023-09-10 18:34:44
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorI'm one person you transvestite freakazoid2023-09-10 18:24:51
shadow14566imagine being this pair of chuckle nuts2023-09-10 18:13:10
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorEpic fail below2023-09-09 07:40:11
Tax evader:nerd emoji:2023-09-09 06:44:26
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorSounds like a you problem2023-09-09 03:34:40
BeetlePlexi have a UTI2023-09-08 19:54:42
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorThe real dynamics is I can beat you up because you're a frail little sissy boy. End of story.2023-09-08 18:25:19
PJ_2005i highly doubt that, the simple fact you are responding to someone supposedly so beneath you betrays the real dynamics of this situation2023-09-08 18:22:05
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorI've reviewed every game I own except tera, which I have 2 hours in and is a ♥♥♥♥ game. I've been on steam since 2010--you can calculate the portion of time spent playing video games. The only time I open steam is to harass losers such as yourself on the tf2 voice chat. I do this while doing curls. You can't beat me up.You are an incel with well over 2000 hours in the games you've reviewed alone. You have over 1000 hours in Stellaris, a game we agree is for pimply-faced incel freaks. You probably haven't been to the gym in your life. You are constantly gaming or thinking about gaming. I can beat you up.We are NOT the same.2023-09-08 18:12:54
PJ_2005hell, i've probably got less overall playtime on steam then you2023-09-08 17:56:55
PJ_2005with the amount of playtime you have on tf2 alone, we are ABSOLUTELY in the same boat2023-09-08 17:56:40
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorRight, because taking 10 seconds to reply to some incel on my profile means I'm a gaming addicted freakazoid like you.2023-09-08 17:55:56
PJ_2005ok i will admit i have played stellaris for a TAD longer than any sane person, and that your description is honestly a pretty accurate description, and that i don't exactly have much of a life, but given your thread activity, we're in the same boat2023-09-08 17:51:50
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidatorI've been pumping iron at the gym the last few weeks in my free time, haven't played any video games. As of writing this, you're playing Stellaris, a game for no-life incels. Yikes. Next time I'm training with the punching bag, I'll imagine I'm pummeling a pale, frail, pizza face in your honour.2023-09-08 15:36:27
PJ_2005give me a break i wrote than when i was like 14 and cant be arsed to change it, also 'least i've touched grass in the last few weeks2023-09-08 10:48:30
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #gymtimidator"Mildly autistic gamer who spends all their time on either minecraft, roblox, or steam. I really like space things. I also like being able to automate things, and not being screwed over by random chance when i have basically won (**** YOU GREENLAND!). I also have a bad temper, but rarely ragequit. I am also very talkative, as this summary may make obvious..."Dude you're so quirky and le random xd and should NOT kill yourself2023-09-08 10:36:15
PJ_2005actually schizophrenic2023-09-07 20:54:10
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Z #QCry about loser2023-08-05 10:16:43
BeetlePlexi ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninterested in me it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to either love me back or remove me and NEVER contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you don't love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life2023-08-04 20:20:20
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Z #QCry about loser2023-08-04 19:44:04
BeetlePlexI got owned too many times today. I can't take it anymore. I can't. I'm being dominated and I'm just some simple beta male.2023-08-04 18:34:35
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Z #QCry about loser2023-08-04 17:57:33
BeetlePlexTickle fight!!! ahhhhhh ahahahah stop itttt!! ahhhhhh haahaha ahhhhh stoppppp2023-08-04 17:54:49
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Z #QCry about loser2023-08-04 17:48:48
zaza demon+ratio2023-08-04 17:17:36
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Z #Qor something2023-08-02 12:33:49
:skull:Waffler2023-08-02 11:41:53
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Zidk dude I didn't find it funny when you sent us CP, but different strokes for different folks I guess2023-07-23 10:55:19
:skull:im saluting this edgelord in my gaming chair (this guy is unfunny af)2023-07-21 16:56:46
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #ZI'm sorry do I know you?2023-06-24 16:57:48
Shaxentry lvl troll #feelsbad2023-06-24 16:15:29
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #ZI'm 40, dumbass2023-06-24 12:42:54
Novanatori hope you grow up to be a better person2023-06-24 12:22:25
Emgineercheater2023-06-11 16:18:14
P100 curvebilly > sexKek.2023-05-27 17:29:09
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #ZNo, I outsourced my trolling to some mentally challenged bengali kid who works for 5 pennies a day.2023-05-27 16:10:25
P100 curvebilly > sexAre you still trolling?2023-05-27 14:35:08
Muselk #KillTF2 #ZTRVTHNVKE VVVVV2023-05-26 16:03:48
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #ZGuys I'm sorry for saying that black sperm is not part of a complete breakfast. Now will you please stop harassing me, okay?2023-05-26 16:02:46
Zapadap-rep same reasons as the other guy2023-05-26 15:54:54
Sesu-rep big loser that cheats2023-05-26 15:49:09
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #ZSorry, I'm not a zigger. Please speak american when you're on my profile. Thanks!2023-05-16 07:51:50
Markovka PootisКакой советский город должен был пасть вследствие операции «Тайфун»?2023-05-15 22:59:11
62poison2023-05-14 18:42:09
Mushrypoison2023-05-14 18:42:08
look at this catez hvh. ez ragequit2023-05-14 17:45:30
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Zor something2023-04-30 18:28:16
Cosmic-rep ass at hvh2023-04-30 17:54:38
Mr.Fishtype +rep here if you are against pedos2023-04-29 18:16:12
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Zor something2023-04-29 17:04:45
Hobbyget kicked lmao2023-04-29 17:02:29
G-Pod- rep american, cheater2023-04-29 16:49:05
Jerma985 #KillTF2 #Zor something2023-04-29 16:27:12
Unseen UnitRetarded cheater. Reported and marked in TF2 Bot Detector.2023-04-29 15:32:33
Jerma985 #KillTF2I'm from Halifax thoughieAlso America isn't a nation2023-04-10 03:57:38
Bigpapa69Poor guy has to fake his nationality to avoid getting roasted ;-(2023-04-09 20:18:11
Jerma985 #KillTF2I'm canadian doe2023-04-09 18:41:05
Bigpapa69sucking his friends ass cuz too scared to troll the lobbies alone2023-04-09 17:42:49
Jerma985 #KillTF2I HAVE AN IQ OF 154 DOE2023-04-08 16:18:45
a pimp named slickbacktoo retarded to ddos server along w/ another cheater2023-04-08 16:17:33
Jerma985 #KillTF2>notices the profile description>decides to comment anywaysGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG2023-04-08 16:17:30
ReeeposBro just understand that no one loves him2023-04-08 16:08:05
Level 2 Sentry"FACT: if you write a comment on my profile, I mentally dominated you." BRO YOU DID THAT AFTER MY COMMENT2023-04-08 16:06:31
MarkiPLI bet a huge bunch of cardinals bang you hard every day in Vatican2023-04-08 16:05:56
Jerma985 #KillTF2YERP... THEY'RE MAD2023-04-08 16:04:41
『KZ』kroxiyour dad left you when you was 5 years old then he came back when you was 10 and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you in the ass very hard2023-04-08 16:04:35
『KZ』kroxiyour mom is a ♥♥♥♥♥2023-04-08 16:04:01
MarkiPLbtw kys2023-04-08 16:03:54
『KZ』kroxipoor ♥♥♥♥♥2023-04-08 16:03:51
MarkiPLI heard you like little kids, I hope your cellmates will know about it2023-04-08 16:03:40
『KZ』kroxi-rep i dominated your mom today2023-04-08 16:03:40
『KZ』kroxigo ♥♥♥♥ yourself2023-04-08 16:03:14
『KZ』kroxi-rep fatherless2023-04-08 16:03:03
Jerma985 #KillTF2die out or something2023-04-08 16:03:00
『KZ』kroxi-rep toxic2023-04-08 16:02:58
『KZ』kroxi-rep noob2023-04-08 16:02:55
『KZ』kroxi-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kiddo2023-04-08 16:02:50
Reeepos-rep probówka sie rozlała2023-04-08 15:57:07
ReeeposElephant fugs you and your father... Oh i forgor you dont have one2023-04-08 15:56:39
Pimpuś <3I'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ your mother on the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ freeway2023-04-08 15:56:11
ReeeposNo one loves you kys. You stupid piece of ♥♥♥♥2023-04-08 15:54:18
Pimpuś <3POZDRO DAWID JASPER2023-04-08 15:54:08
ReeeposIt is time to visit your mother2023-04-08 15:53:41
Polish_Guybro jesteś zjebem, pedofilem i jesteś inbred from your mother and her brother2023-04-08 15:51:45
Pimpuś <3STAREGO KURWO NIE MASZ2023-04-08 15:50:23
Pimpuś <3KUTASA MASZ MAŁEGO EZZ2023-04-08 15:50:06
Pimpuś <3-REP KURWA JEBANA2023-04-08 15:49:55
LordOfTheMemes????Rep2023-04-08 15:45:17
16-BitLeafeon?rep2023-04-08 15:29:26
HoxiliciousDo you have good PCs in Vatican City? I bet you get access to private supplies of 4090s.2023-02-10 17:33:51
Jerma985 #KillTF2they/them lookin ass 🤣🤣🤣2023-02-10 16:52:37
Möppy #savetf2Grow up2023-02-10 16:38:47
Jerma985 #KillTF2>-rep L person hones--ACK!!!2023-01-14 16:33:17
squidge-rep L person honestly2023-01-14 16:11:00
Jerma985 #KillTF2>jerma985 can you sign my heinz relish b--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:17:11
WhenThejerma985 can you sign my heinz relish b2023-01-14 15:15:38
Jerma985 #KillTF2>Jerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>Jerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>>>despite your beloved comm-ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:14:54
Jerma985 #KillTF2>jerma985 can you sign my heinz relish b--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:14:36
Jerma985 #KillTF2>i will keep this up all d-ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:14:14
WhenThejerma985 can you sign my heinz relish bottle please2023-01-14 15:14:07
Jerma985 #KillTF2>you are the rat that fell into the KFC deepfryer at 7:13 PM yesterday at the Philadelphia, >Pennsylvania locationJerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>Jerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>>>despite your beloved comm--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:14:04
CheezitJerma985 #KillTF2 Just now >Jerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>>despite your beloved comment, i l--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:14:02
Jerma985 #KillTF2>Jerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>Jerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>>>despite your beloved comment, i l--AC--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:13:39
CheezitJerma985 #KillTF2 Just now >Jerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>>despite your beloved comment, i l--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:13:18
Cheeziti will keep this up all day2023-01-14 15:13:14
Cheezityou are the rat that fell into the KFC deepfryer at 7:13 PM yesterday at the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania locationJerma985 #KillTF2 Just now >Jerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>>despite your beloved comment, i l--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:12:55
Jerma985 #KillTF2>Jerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>>despite your beloved comment, i l--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:11:47
Jerma985 #KillTF2>Jerma985 #KillTF2 is a great pl--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:11:32
CheezitJerma985 #KillTF2 Just now>>despite your beloved comment, i love Jerma985 #KillTF2 nd wh--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:10:58
WhenTheJerma985 #KillTF2 is a great player! Very friendly, very nice. 😁2023-01-14 15:10:29
Jerma985 #KillTF2>despite your beloved comment, i love Jerma985 #KillTF2 nd wh--ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:10:13
Cheezitdespite your beloved comment, i love Jerma985 #KillTF2 nd what he does. he is so loyal to the tf2 community, and works hard to upkeep the new updates in works. excited to see the new mcdonalds update2023-01-14 15:09:45
Jerma985 #KillTF2>i was in the same match, i c-ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:08:39
Jerma985 #KillTF2>+rep Jerma985 was a joy to play against in the Doublecross match! Jerma is a very friendly, welcoming, and helpful player. We had a-ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:08:23
Jerma985 #KillTF2>+rep great guy to play with, he makes m-ACK!!!2023-01-14 15:08:07
Cheeziti was in the same match, i completely agree:))2023-01-14 15:07:42
WhenThe+rep Jerma985 was a joy to play against in the Doublecross match! Jerma is a very friendly, welcoming, and helpful player. We had a civil discussion regarding shrimp fried rice, and Jerma was also very skilled at TF2! Great meeting you, and I hope to see you again! ;)2023-01-14 15:06:45
Cheezit+rep great guy to play with, he makes mc donalds burgers2023-01-14 15:05:47
Jerma985 #KillTF2>lol kid-ACK!!!2022-12-17 18:01:42
Auditormadness9lol kiddo2022-12-17 18:00:56
Jerma985 #KillTF2>rekt b-ACK!!!2022-12-17 17:55:56
Jerma985 #KillTF2>can you live with yo-ACK!!!2022-12-17 17:55:46
Jerma985 #KillTF2>you already said it how origi-ACK!!!2022-12-17 17:55:36
Auditormadness9rekt bozo2022-12-17 17:48:30
enzobezocan you live with yourself ?2022-12-17 17:22:14
enzobezoyou already said it how original2022-12-17 17:21:51
Jerma985 #KillTF2>he has serious mental pro-ACK!!!2022-12-17 17:19:31
enzobezohe has serious mental problems2022-12-17 17:17:59
Jerma985 #KillTF2>this guy is really tox-ACK!!!2022-12-17 15:23:19
FMG8this guy is really toxic2022-12-17 15:21:21
Jerma985 #KillTF2obsessed doe2022-12-11 17:45:22
LeDucchat spamming, annoying kid2022-12-11 17:20:19
Wicked Wicked Jungle Is MassiveYahoo search engine as default l0l2022-12-11 17:11:32
Wicked Wicked Jungle Is Massiveyerp.... kinda owned and 0 rebuttal.........2022-12-11 17:11:01
Jerma985 #KillTF2yerp... onto another eurotrash server to harass the eurotards2022-12-11 17:08:43
Wicked Wicked Jungle Is Massivekinda voted out....2022-12-11 17:07:36
dbutt9992wow2022-12-09 18:00:46
Jerma985 #KillTF2U MAD?2022-11-12 17:14:23
Moon ManFact:If you're talking to better players that means you are also mentally dominated2022-11-12 16:47:47
Jerma985 #KillTF2U MAD?2022-11-12 16:39:04
Moon Manget dommed, you will never reach my lvl2022-11-12 16:15:55
Jerma985 #KillTF2U MAD?2022-10-18 11:42:08
Ibrahim 10:42:09
STAR_ #KILLTF2fr ♥♥♥♥ this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. just cuz im serbian does NOT mean I "SHOVE DILDOS IN MY ASS" all day. I'm in tears because of all the verbal abuse and honestly, you need to apologize to all of us serbians for emotionally traumatizing us with your reckless American words.2022-10-16 19:01:28
Jerma985 #KillTF2U MAD?2022-10-16 15:27:05
Ibrahim 14:40:51
Jerma985 #KillTF2Quoth the serb LMAO2022-10-15 17:21:22
Deset EaglerGrown man thinks mental domination in a casual computer game is a thing2022-10-15 17:20:27
Randallfattest most obesee man in universe. you will colpase into yourself and create massive black hole with your enormous mass u fat pig2022-10-15 17:19:44
Ibrahimvery annoying, this is product of childhood neglect. grown man2022-10-15 17:19:02
Randallmost sane american pig2022-10-15 17:18:52
Randallfat pig emrican2022-10-15 17:18:08
Randallfat pig american2022-10-15 17:17:50
GhaleasJust another edgy kid smoking crack. Really not looking forward to meet you again.2022-09-29 16:14:51
Jerma985 #KillTF2YOU JUST SIGNALED2022-09-16 17:47:14
stop being mad plsread if gay2022-09-16 16:45:43
Jerma985 #KillTF2U MAD?2022-09-16 16:15:27
Patrick Batemanlmfao no skins?2022-09-16 15:47:49
Jerma985 #KillTF2U MAD?2022-09-16 15:42:08
Patrick Batemanlmao you broke2022-09-16 15:20:17
It's over!Toxic mf2022-09-05 16:00:45
Jonte (Cool)a2022-09-03 13:56:04
TrueGrit (@gritticus on YT)cool man2022-08-15 17:22:50
Haytil-rep, obvious cheater is obvious2022-08-14 17:54:21
mism591 19:46:15
Jerma985 #KillTF2Doesn't ring a bell, sorry2022-08-12 18:41:50
DylanM345Yeah u kept spamming "FAIL LOL" after every kill lol. Lol your trolling didnt phase me in the least2022-08-12 18:20:25
Jerma985 #KillTF2Sorry who are you, DylanM345? Did we play together?2022-08-12 17:51:10
Oni-chan Spikeball-rep spammer of hotkeys, generally, literally went as far to find a picture of my family2022-08-10 16:46:13
Relic-rep Dumbass , toxic and a smelly McDonald's worker2022-08-08 16:01:13
SatlyPenguinPiece of human trash2022-08-06 17:57:09
jon_s0829attention seeking tf2 cheater2022-08-06 17:54:35
The Burger King 17:23:44
kral-rep reacist and homophobic2022-08-06 16:23:11
Charles Mingus+rep called me a demon and then kicked me2022-08-03 16:23:01
NYLAD-rep toxic, cancer and ♥♥♥♥2022-08-03 15:14:17
Vedx1-rep toxic and chatbinds2022-07-28 14:02:50
KolaOwned by Billy Bob JR2022-07-27 14:10:41
fishmannIMAGINE2022-07-27 13:23:05
fishmannIMAGINe2022-07-27 13:22:59
fishmannIMAGINE2022-07-27 13:22:48
fishmannIMAGINE2022-07-27 13:22:43
fishmannIMAGINE2022-07-27 13:22:38
fishmannIMAGINE GETTING OWNED BY BILLLY BOB2022-07-27 13:22:34
†Lunat1c†cringelord2022-07-26 15:40:11
Loosecringe, uninstall2022-07-25 13:33:30
MG RAY (MOD.)Blatant cheater, complete sperg. What do you expect from a guy that supports the CCP2022-07-24 16:46:03
KolaThis guy mains fox LOL (Laugh out loud)2022-07-20 17:35:17
The Burger KingI owned your dad on the court at basketball!!! #hashtagPWNED2022-07-20 17:21:47
Jerma985 #KillTF2Owned so bad you're still thinking about me weeks later LOL2022-07-20 16:38:04
The Burger King 15:39:03
DerpyDummy-rep False kicking and Overall bad teammate2022-07-18 14:32:02
AuraBraixen_4412-rep Toxic Content creator impersonator with his friend.2022-07-18 12:34:06
decafmilk!!stay mad2022-07-16 13:57:33
jalku-rep Goes on to servers with his friend pretending to be content creators and being toxic.2022-07-16 13:55:27
Curiss-rep toxic2022-07-16 13:52:32
Jeremy Clarkson-rep fat ass ♥♥♥♥♥♥2022-07-16 13:14:20
kevin-rep yo mama so smart she left after you were born2022-07-13 17:35:21
SpikeL mans2022-07-13 17:06:51
Jerma985 #KillTF2Dude who tf are you2022-07-13 16:22:06
The Burger King1.4k hours total?? Kinda cringe bro... Could've went towards your homework LOL!2022-07-13 16:17:47
The Burger King 16:17:20
The Burger King 16:07:51
The Burger KingSpike, you've really set it in stone! He is a hashtag Absolute Degenerate Columbine Sympathiser!2022-07-13 16:02:13
Spikeabsolute bafoon2022-07-13 16:01:06
The Burger King-rep didnt go to school, dad is unemployed and is ♥♥♥♥ at TF2!!!!!!2022-07-13 15:55:19
taoki-rep2022-07-09 17:40:20
this ice cat should be stoppedez not joining cause loss2022-07-09 16:47:57
Jerma985 #KillTF2He's begging on his hands and knees for round 2 lmao2022-07-09 16:35:04
this ice cat should be stoppedthis is what the average person who doesn't own furry feet and hot furry maids on steam looks like2022-07-09 16:32:11
this ice cat should be stoppedyou wont join cause yall cant cope? really mad players.2022-07-09 16:31:47
Jerma985 #KillTF2You had your chance, fatass, you got owned. Cry.2022-07-09 16:27:27
this ice cat should be stoppedjoin updc join code: 55TPKWJ9sV2022-07-09 16:24:07
Jerma985 #KillTF2These two nerds vv got ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mentally dominated in a vc they invited us to! LMAO2022-07-09 16:16:19
flufferyidiotic ♥♥♥♥♥♥ who wont kill themselves when i tell them too! no balls do it2022-07-09 15:50:07
this ice cat should be stopped+rep i was santa and he ♥♥♥♥ over my lap2022-07-09 15:49:19
Jerma985 #KillTF2Dude you're actually deranged, I talk on vc therefore I'm disabled? Are you slow or something?2022-07-09 15:24:06
Shovel.Awww my poor little boy is disabled, that's why he only uses voice and binds to communicate. He's only using aimbot because his hands are partially paralyzed, don't blame him!2022-07-09 14:32:23
Erik The Guy-rep2022-07-07 14:18:00
the EF5 joplin tornado-rep telling people to kill themselves when he dies and when he gets kills, as heavy.2022-07-07 05:59:00
r_drawviewmodel 0no2022-06-30 16:42:44
OR10N Cozz-rep toxic af2022-06-30 16:09:22
Jerma985 #KillTF2I'm waiting for the video bimbo2022-06-30 15:47:12
Khamsindude how have i got somebody this mad to the point where they comment on my pf2022-06-30 15:02:08
Jerma985 #KillTF2hey tiles can you leave a -rep on STAR_'s profile2022-06-29 15:10:52
Tile(s)-rep2022-06-29 14:53:07
gromit mugtoxic loser. his boyfriend -> 17:32:53
Manny Heffleytoxic2022-06-26 17:03:40
Spoon™Don't see your point.2022-03-26 18:55:53
Jerma985 #KillTF2Spoon™ you have 165 hours in the past 2 weeks2022-03-26 17:11:51
Spoon™-rep Probably cheating, and also the obvious.2022-03-26 16:20:24
Jerma985 #KillTF2yeah dude i hacked ur account, enjoy ur vac ban, just 2 to 3 months2022-03-13 22:16:06
Haytil-rep, toxic cheater2022-03-13 20:43:22
Gamethimagine supporting putin2022-03-02 12:34:49
|UGA| VironeLiterally has the same mindset as hitler2022-02-26 22:23:42
Jerma985 #KillTF2WARNING: below is a KNOWN chomo! DO NOT ENGAGE!!2022-02-26 21:08:28
|UGA| Vironethey believe systematic murder of gays is ok2022-02-26 20:08:23
MrMagic33you're a true gift2021-08-20 19:49:00
zomthis man owns multiple guns and is a threat to society2021-08-13 01:33:14
ScoutzenHi I'm a gamer grill, can I pwease have your unusuals and astwaiums :3. If you do I'll send noods but if not I'll be very angry2018-01-27 21:58:12


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
