Ultrax Emerald

SteamID64: 76561198161624964
SteamID32: [U:1:201359236]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100679618
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ultraxemerald/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198161624964

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Online
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2014-11-02 15:17:27 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-11-28 20:30:55

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
Ultrax Emerald2022-10-25 13:53:28
Dad To The Bone2022-10-24 21:54:35
Ultrax Emerald #SaveTF22022-05-26 15:34:36
Ultrax Emerald (Not A Bot)2022-05-10 23:20:09
Dark Souls™️ Gaming2022-05-06 00:58:22
Anakin Scoutwalker2022-01-15 00:43:46
The Fun Police2021-10-30 18:39:01
Officer Dickens2021-10-30 13:35:18
Black Lung2021-10-14 14:04:52
「Diavolo」2021-08-22 23:59:06

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/ultraxemerald/2023-01-06 13:32:53

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2023-01-06 13:32:53


Total: [132] | Deleted: [1]

🐾69🐾yooooooo2024-05-30 08:24:45
卄乇匚ㄒㄖ尺heyyoooo2024-05-23 04:20:48
Ultrax EmeraldWhy do people want to be my friend?2024-05-01 13:22:18
Jimmbaheey, added2024-05-01 12:29:38
✰𝒜𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒶❁can you add me?2024-04-05 10:49:28
LobotomiteI'd like to discuss potential trade. Your skin for this off gray rock2024-02-26 22:49:54
i eat beesno worries, thanks for the courtesy of responding2023-10-30 16:06:45
Ultrax EmeraldIt was one of my dream items too. Named it after one of my favorite songs.2023-10-30 14:01:44
i eat beesyou sure? i'd do a damn good deal for your scattergun, one of my dream items2023-10-30 11:47:26
Ultrax EmeraldNo thx2023-10-30 11:25:02
i eat beesadded to discuss potential trade2023-10-30 08:54:24
professional pablobest friendly action i've had, 10/102023-02-19 22:33:49
another update : grizzly blocked me because he couldn't take it xD lemme re-type on what i said to him since he can't delete my comments here"imagine cheating in x100cheats in x100 are useless"let's see what he's gonna do about it,also this is him l l l V2023-01-18 15:34:17
Ultrax EmeraldThat's fine2023-01-17 21:11:27
update : grizzly deleted my comment and your comment because he's still salty,he's so cringe2023-01-17 14:18:06
KippKipp+rep Absolute saint2023-01-16 00:36:46
minly | trade.tf+rep good teamate2023-01-15 18:05:47
grizzly is cringe,he's just a kid with a short temper and skill issue that he has to use "anti-aim" cheats xD2023-01-15 04:31:28
Ultrax EmeraldOk cool.2023-01-14 20:16:54
inrepathynah2023-01-14 20:13:28
Ultrax EmeraldActually, could you leave a comment with my information? This question is genuine.2023-01-14 17:58:58
Ultrax EmeraldGood luck with that.2023-01-14 17:54:31
inrepathylogging into ur account rn2023-01-14 17:43:59
Ultrax EmeraldThat's my multiplayer password for Fromsoftware games.2023-01-14 15:09:24
Anti-Communist Crusadercuz u gae2023-01-14 14:42:36
Ultrax EmeraldWhy should I?2023-01-14 14:17:16
inrepathyshut up2023-01-14 13:53:37
Ultrax EmeraldTacorunner427 and the other medic weren't bots. Couldn't remember the other medic's name.2023-01-14 11:17:32
Anti-Communist Crusader-rep idiot who supports not kicking bots just because theyre "not playing sniper"2023-01-14 10:39:58
Ultrax EmeraldNo idea what that means2022-12-22 17:09:24
Sadnesscan I smoke a j here?2022-12-19 11:54:54
Ultrax EmeraldWhy?2022-12-01 15:45:26
magestop breathing2022-12-01 15:44:34
SadnessI'm sorry you feel that way2022-11-25 13:55:31
Ultrax EmeraldNew Vegas sucks2022-11-25 08:52:10
SadnessPatrolling the Mojave Almost Makes You Wish For a Nuclear Winter2022-11-24 23:56:55
Ultrax Emeraldok cool2022-11-22 10:28:40
ZipzapimoncrackI don't know anyone by that name :/2022-11-22 10:09:40
Ultrax EmeraldAnd would you happen to know anyone that goes by kid96? He used to go as Extended but he changed his name recently.2022-11-22 10:00:15
Ultrax EmeraldWhat part of it is confusing?2022-11-22 09:58:23
ZipzapimoncrackWhat was your comment on my profile about?2022-11-22 09:56:41
TheMonkieKingold republic? more like ur dog water, bad game. tf2 even worse lmao2022-09-16 12:28:22
Ultrax EmeraldNot for sale2022-09-07 15:50:30
No mood, no friendsAdded to possibly trade for your grenade launcher2022-09-07 01:28:38
Jimmyfacts2022-08-16 20:25:10
TheMonkieKingbad game2022-08-16 19:24:14
Ultrax EmeraldHow dare2022-08-16 18:33:55
TheMonkieKingdark souls bad2022-08-14 19:58:06
Ultrax Emeraldidk what that means2022-05-29 17:06:20
SuperstarjoeHey wanna f​ucking mge?2022-05-29 13:05:23
Ultrax EmeraldWhy continue replying? Because it can make the situation more interesting.2022-05-28 17:06:08
SuperstarjoeEmerald are you gonna take up doug on his offer of giving you lessons?2022-05-28 12:04:21
ManeGunner6have you tried not replying - and therefore not giving satisfying reactions - to trollsjust saying man2022-05-28 10:56:11
Ultrax EmeraldOr whatever you call it, maybe "Harassment Contest?"2022-05-28 08:24:42
Ultrax EmeraldThe conversation ended. Are you a part of this "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Contest" I've heard about?2022-05-28 08:24:16
Armatanah2022-05-28 08:11:04
Ultrax EmeraldI'm in the middle of a deep conversation so you aren't going to be getting any witty remarks.Shooo~ Get gone.2022-05-28 07:40:30
ArmataValve can't revive something that's dead, broski, tf2 will stay dead as always :)2022-05-28 07:27:38
Ultrax Emerald2.You're friend has been the source of my most unique report yet.You can't hit the top unless you hit the bottom, and your friend is the perfect case for the bottom of the barrel.This "sense of superiority" argument is almost completely irrelevant. I mentioned it once on his profile as a jab to his character. I then went back to debunking his claims and discrediting him.I already mentioned the argument of perspective when it comes to winning so I won't bring that up. You aren't making a good case for legitimate concern.2022-05-28 06:48:05
Ultrax Emerald1.When I say "material," I'm referring to the words and themes you are using. What do you mean by "You did everything short of look into his personal life?" His profile is public, I used his own public information against him. Why should I resort to lies and slander when I can use the truth against him?I document and and report TF2 cheaters for fun. I don't know how if I could be any clearer.I've come across good people and bad people, I've learned how bad the problem has become over time, I've learned about some cheating communities, I've learned about some cheaters testing out private hacking tools.2022-05-28 06:47:54
Finger GunAlso, sent an add so we don't need to work with these dinky chatboxes. You can ignore it if you want, but I won't be long and the worst case senario you just remove me. I'm just really tired of these comment boxes and showing your business in the public like this is quite...trashy.2022-05-28 06:42:16
Finger GunBe better than that. Don't sink to a low level to defend your own ego which never needed to be damaged in the first place2022-05-28 06:21:24
Finger GunBased on the amount of time that has been taken from your life over something so trivial, I really can't call that a win and more really high levels of e-stalking if you aren't genuinely upset with them on some level. This sense of superiority is exactly what you've been calling him out on, and I don't really think this is intentional projecting but I am incredibly concerned about you taking what is very common craptalk as something worth the amount of effort you've put into it.If this is perceived as a win on your part, this entire thing becomes an egotistical deadlock or two people slapping each other screaming NUH UH except one is putting the other person on and one thinks this sort of thing is "winnable" in the conventional sense. You fed a troll, the troll won due tot his. If you enjoyed it, that's fine, but at the very best on a good day this is a tie. This isn't sticking up for a friend, this isn't screwing with you.2022-05-28 06:21:19
Finger GunThe steam limit thing is a bummer, yeah. 1. This isn't about material, you thinking it is actually makes this... more worrisome, however nothing about this seems fun. I won't apologize for my friend, he do what he do, but for the most part fun stopped after a few comments and this looks bizarrely personal. You did everything short of look into his personal life, and if you find this sort of thing fun...I'd rather not think you're that sort of person as well. 2. Holding out for anything form somebody you know is trying to give the runabout isn't healthy. It feeds their ego, it demeans you, and if you do find it fun you're little better than the person you claim to be analyzing. This isn't me being a ♥♥♥♥, this is actual concern in that respect.2022-05-28 06:20:36
Ultrax EmeraldI think the events of what happened two days ago speaks to the contrary.2022-05-28 06:14:56
Armatai don't need luck, tf2 is already dead from the amount of bots and cheaters l0l2022-05-28 06:13:26
Ultrax EmeraldGood luck with that.2022-05-28 06:12:37
Armata#KILLTF2 L0L2022-05-28 06:12:14
Ultrax Emerald2.I had a clear idea of his character since his second message. His insults, his stubbornness, his complete disregard for the truth; to say that it never bothered me may be a bit of a stretch, but it never angered me. I knew he wouldn't say anything meaningful but I held out hope, thinking that I could get past the facade.If anything, I'm sad that I couldn't get him break his act for at least a moment.But I feel like a week is long enough for any good test. All tests have a final question.And as a note: who says I didn't win? Besides the argument of perspective, I called him out on cheating, got him kicked from a game, shot his credibility, and debunked every claim he made against me. I even got to write a whole document about him and actually had fun doing it, I kid you not.I'd call that a win.2022-05-28 06:08:44
Ultrax Emerald1.I can't tell if this is genuine concern for my well-being or not.If it isn't, though your wording is much nicer, your material is as weak as your friend's, and this is just another thing to document in the 'friends' section of my report.You must've missed the part where I explained that I do this for fun and this isn't my first time in a situation like this.But if you are being genuine, I appreciate your concern, but I am completely fine.I had fun with this back and forth between him and I. It was good writing practice and argument practice, and I really wanted to crack his character and get some truth out of him.2022-05-28 06:05:55
Ultrax EmeraldI need to stop hitting this 1000 character limit. Hold on.2022-05-28 06:03:59
Finger GunYanno, what I find the most enlightening here is that you could have just blocked and ignored this entirely but instead had to do some kinda long winded thing to feel better about yourself and change your own perception more than the other guy's. Blocking at this point, which I'm hoping you did by the way, just really gave you stress you could have avoided had your ego been in check. For better or worse, this was never a fight you were going to win. Be you wrong, or right and they're just here to bait your responses for their own amusement. You lose either way.If you'll excuse my rudeness, it really isn't that hard to just shrug this off. It's a game, a game that you still enough to join a movement to save. Enjoy it, no need to let yourself get offended because somebody ruined a single game you were in. It happens, I get that it, but there's no reason for you to go to this length to stick it to somebody obviously here to deepen your anger.2022-05-28 05:18:53
Ultrax EmeraldExpected, but still disappointing.2022-05-28 04:16:31
made Zeroo ragequithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skz9odeewpc angry boy continues to write a college thesis about how it's not possible someone was better than him at a video game, nobody reads it, more at 112022-05-28 03:39:54
Ultrax Emerald2.I understand that you may be sad about losing a fight you no chance of winning. One can get use to winning and set up fragile expectations for themselves, your sadness is completely understandable. I wish you a well and swift recovery. And because I wouldn't want to upset you any further, I will be blocking you. I don't want any of my future messages to trigger you again.With the sarcasm out of the way; I will be giving you one final chance for the last word. If you can break character for a moment and tell the truth, or anything else note worthy, then I will let you keep the last word. I might not even block you, depending on what you say.However, if you fail to do anything note worthy, your words will not be the last and you will be blocked.2022-05-28 01:19:42
Ultrax Emerald1.Your answer:D. All of the above.Thank you for not focusing on the question this time. I didn't want it to effect your honest answer.I'm impressed with the amount of words you used. Most of your grammar was right as well.But sadly, you picked D as your answer when it should've been E.I was really hoping for a change in technique. It would've made my report a bit more interesting, but this act and your absolute stubbornness is interesting enough.2022-05-28 01:16:26
Ultrax EmeraldI hit the character limit again. One moment.2022-05-28 01:12:32
made Zeroo ragequitdeary me he's still clinging to this narrative like it's going to bring him salvation, when all it does is make him look like a fool.You called out and kicked an innocent player on a false assumption because you're a midscoring, angry little boy that can't handle being outshone; and you haven't debunked anything, you've provided no evidence of anything to the contrary, and when called out for your poor sportsmanship you cling to this narrative fantasy you've constructed in your head to make yourself feel good about your own misguided judgement when all it really does is make you look stupid.This is just getting sad now. I'm sad. You make me sad.2022-05-28 00:20:25
Ultrax EmeraldAnswer: C. Disregard for the truth.And what mistake might that be?I called you out on cheating, got you kicked from a game, I've discredited you, and I've debunked every claim you've made against me.If you don't feel the need to slander me anymore, then why were you doing it in the first place?2022-05-27 23:19:02
made Zeroo ragequityou can believe they're lies if it helps you feel better, far be it from me to interrupt an adversary when he's making a mistake.also I don't need to slander you son, you're embarrassing yourself just fine on your own.2022-05-27 22:40:46
Ultrax EmeraldWhat will his next response be? Will it consist of:A. Lies and slander.B. Debunked claims.C. Disregard for the truth.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.2022-05-27 19:20:27
Ultrax EmeraldTL;DR, You continue to lie, you have nothing on me, and you're either too dumb to change your strategy, or you don't have a strategy and you're just saying dumb things in a vain attempt to upset me.I also took a few shots at your credibility and intelligence, since you continue to slander and harass me.2022-05-27 16:15:31
made Zeroo ragequithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skz9odeewpc tl;dr angry kid who can't handle being outshone types college thesis to cope2022-05-27 08:08:28
Ultrax Emeraldtfw you hit the 1000 character limit2022-05-27 05:16:47
Ultrax EmeraldBut anyway, thank you for mentioning your hours. I forgot to bring up your additional ten thousand hours on Dota 2 in my last comment. So that's about thirty-two thousand hours in only a few days less than two years.I understand you probably don't care about me calling out your poor credibility, but it still feels worth mentioning.And congratulations on beating your previous record. Your new record is about seventy-three hours without harassing me.I figured you'd be back, since you can't resist an attempt at getting the last word.2022-05-27 05:15:22
Ultrax EmeraldI would push back and argue against your claim of my denial, but I know that you're not here to participate in any sort of intelligent argument. You're just here because you want to antagonize me. Unfortunately for you, as I have stated before, I find our conflict to be fun and interesting. That being said, I am disappointed that your material hasn't changed, though your irony is still refreshing.Sometimes, I can't tell whether or not you are actually too dumb to realize the irony in every word you say, or if you are not actually trying to maintain a valid point.Speaking of valid points, what do you have to support these "facts?" I could argue that I was outperforming you in-game and then you resorted to cheating out of jealousy, and you wouldn't have any evidence to the contrary. You shouldn't let your ego weaken your argument.2022-05-27 05:15:13
made Zeroo ragequit"I didn't deflect anything!" and now you're in denial about your deflection, how sad.you can believe whatever you want to believe if it helps you sleep at night, sonny, it's no skin off my ass. facts don't change just because you don't like them, and the facts are that you're a jealous pubber that'll only ever midscore, and I'm better than you. the scoreboard supports these facts, my hours support these facts, and you have literally no evidence to the contrary, again supporting these facts.S'okay, I still forgive your stupidity. <32022-05-27 01:04:33
Ultrax EmeraldI didn't deflect anything. I ignored the insult and questioned your reasoning for calling me an "internet tough guy." Secondly; you claim to be this innocent man constantly being accused of cheating by people who are jealous of your skills, when in reality, this is just an act to gaslight people and agitate them. And I believe the reason why you've set your played hours to be over ten thousand on both TF2 and CS:GO is to help with this act, this facade.Even though twenty thousand hours in the span of only two years is impossible.Finally; I thought you'd left because that was your second longest break from harassing me. Your longest break was about forty-five hours and fifty-three minutes.2022-05-24 03:12:00
made Zeroo ragequitnice deflectionalso, what facade?also, I never left -- some of us do have priorities other than engaging with the mentally defective, you know.2022-05-24 01:33:11
Ultrax EmeraldAm I really being a so called "internet tough guy" for correcting someone's false presumption? If you want a better example of an "internet tough guy" you should check the edge on Chris' comment.And ditch the facade. I'm not hiding behind one and the irony you bring with every word you say is starting to get predictable, boring, and grating.Furthermore; why did you come back? Your material hasn't changed, your friends don't feel like saying much, and you have nothing on me. Why are you so stubborn?2022-05-23 23:10:36
made Zeroo ragequitwow not only is he in dire need of a hug he's also trying to project himself as an internet tough guy, that's incredibly pathetic.2022-05-23 22:38:41
Ultrax EmeraldI actually punched him in the face last time I saw him.2022-05-23 21:40:30
ArmataUltrax, nice big ego l0l bet u suck ur dad's d1ck XD2022-05-23 21:37:36
Ultrax EmeraldThat is the second dumbest thing I've ever read that isn't a news headline.2022-05-23 21:03:49
Christopher J. Wilkersonemerald i bet i could knock you out in a self defense situation bro you have no muscle and no money2022-05-23 15:49:06
Ultrax EmeraldAnd why would I stop? Not only do I do this for fun, but you came to me.2022-05-23 01:25:01
Ultrax EmeraldProven my point.2022-05-23 01:22:27
ArmataEmerald, nice big ego lmfao2022-05-23 00:58:16
made Zeroo ragequitoh you're still clinging to that cope, I'd have thought you'd given that up by now. Oh well, just sell that lie sonny, you didn't kick someone for being better than you, you kicked "a cheater", totally! Eh, I suppose whatever helps you sleep easier at night, champ. I forgive your stupidity.Feel free to add me if you change your mind about that hug or those lessons, I have faith in your ability to improve. The first step to improving is admitting you have a problem. =D2022-05-23 00:52:36
Ultrax EmeraldYou spun one word on me and formed a new a lie out of it, attempting to completely invalidate the rest of what I said. I like it.But no; I personally document and report TF2 cheaters, like yourself, for fun. I've been doing it for almost two weeks now and you are the most stubborn and least helpful person I've come across. When asked, some cheaters have explained to me how some of the cheats work. Others have come here after I called them out, left one or maybe two comments, and have never returned.But for some reason you've decided to stay here and continue this act.As a genuine question; why are you still here? Are you still maintaining this act to fool others, or are you just trying to mess with me, as you have done with others who have called you out on cheating?2022-05-23 00:18:01
made Zeroo ragequitYou mean you kick people that outscore you out of jealousy, spaz out when you're called out for your poor sportsmanship, and start psychologically projecting for fun? Wow, that's... honestly pretty sad. Do you want a hug? You seem like you need a hug.2022-05-22 22:46:42
Ultrax EmeraldIs everyone else always to blame besides yourself?"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."You could've just said yes instead.And if you want to demonstrate "the power of stupid people in large groups." Over some guy on the internet, rightly accusing you of cheating in a fifteen year-old game, then be my guest. I do this for fun.2022-05-22 21:19:33
made Zeroo ragequit"never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."If having people agree with whatever stupid thing you say means you're right, does that mean if I get 6 other people to call you an actual, factual reta​rd, it'd prove you have Downs Syndrome?If so, please let me know, and I'll start collecting signatures.2022-05-22 20:43:56
Ultrax EmeraldLet's say that you weren't cheating and you wren't acting like an asshat, then why would the rest of our team vote against you? Is everyone else always to blame besides yourself?Now that's an unhealthy mindset.2022-05-22 20:11:17
made Zeroo ragequitconsidering he falsely accused me of cheating too, Chris, I believe it. This kid gets mad when you outscore him, it's really unhealthy.2022-05-22 01:27:06
Ultrax EmeraldI accurately accused you of cheating in TF2, and I didn't say the n-word.2022-05-21 20:06:33
Christopher J. Wilkerson-rep falsely accuses others of cheating in tf2, said n word in vc2022-05-21 18:49:44
Finger GunI still don't see it.2022-05-20 03:30:58
made Zeroo ragequitdunno, don't have one since I don't cheat. Perhaps you could ask the bot you refused to kick to find it for you.2022-05-20 03:20:32
Ultrax EmeraldWhich page is that quote on in the cheater's manual?2022-05-20 03:13:14
made Zeroo ragequitwhich is especially funny since I'm not cheating, but that's okay, I forgive your stupidity.You'll be good at TF2 someday, today just isn't that day, is all. I look forward to facing you when you don't rely on a bot to carry you. ^^2022-05-20 03:03:28
Ultrax EmeraldDon't think you're so special. You're not the first cheater to message me and you won't be the last.vVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVv2022-05-20 03:01:24
made Zeroo ragequitImagine being so bad at a video game you won't hit F1 and kick when I call one on a bot, and then call a votekick on a legit player so you can win. Sad. -rep2022-05-20 02:49:58
this ice cat should be stoppedcockeith and ballseith2022-05-18 04:08:49
Ultrax EmeraldThough I have never cheated on any game, nor do I posses the knowledge of how to cheat, I don't believe it to be possible for me to provide any undeniable proof of my innocence.However, that burden is not mine.2022-05-18 01:34:08
God is realUltrax Emerald 47 minutes ago JESUS CHRIST2022-05-18 00:46:31
Ultrax EmeraldNo, I don't2022-05-17 23:58:51
Ultrax EmeraldJESUS CHRIST2022-05-17 23:58:43
Ultrax EmeraldYou should take that comedy act on tour.2022-05-17 02:00:59
ShentiWatcher is right, this dude is a closet cheater with a small pecker. Stay away!2022-05-17 01:51:46
Ultrax EmeraldHa.It's funny because I don't, but your friends do, and that's why you came here.2022-05-17 01:36:40
God is realguy cheats2022-05-17 01:12:25
Ultrax EmeraldGuy cheats. Lookout.vVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVv2022-05-15 06:30:54
Shentistep up then n!gga2022-05-15 03:31:16
Rinkimeku+rep very funny2022-01-10 00:28:15
dookie diaper blowoutsoing bob2021-09-03 19:36:36
cleetthanks bro2021-08-05 21:54:59
Ultrax EmeraldIt's very possible. My computer died like 4 years ago and i just got this new one.2021-07-28 14:34:32
interbruh im about 99% sure we played together on CVG gmod like 5 years ago didnt know you were still alive2021-07-28 00:05:59
percules+rep awesome guy and awesome to trade with2015-11-19 17:23:29
K2+rep fast and easy2015-11-14 21:39:02
Yan+rep a good guy and a good trader :)2015-10-24 10:28:46


Total: [22] | TF2BD: [2] (9.09%) | SB: [6] (27.27%)

MutieCrusher772024-02-26 22:47:36
(97 days)
765611992081927312023-12-08 20:50:58
(177 days)
Mr.Poopy Pants
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-08-03 07:28:50
(304 days)
TheMonkieKing2023-07-11 22:15:40
(327 days)
765611988819083222023-04-05 22:52:38
(424 days)
Professional Freddy Fazbear2023-02-19 22:08:59
(469 days)
765611982263977922023-01-25 00:17:45
(494 days)
765611981353952382023-01-24 16:25:15
(495 days)
Steve rogers
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2023-01-11 22:25:08
(508 days)
765611991935636812022-12-31 18:14:31
(519 days)
Swish | Ham Mafia |
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-10-30 16:16:54
(581 days)
2024-04-07 09:19:35 (56 days)
Highly overworked engie2022-05-28 06:48:41
(736 days)
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2022-05-28 04:24:13
(736 days)
765611992429822382022-05-21 04:26:45
(743 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-05-11 23:55:05
(753 days)
765611982456770362021-08-06 21:01:10
(1031 days)
Shmade2021-07-16 00:57:17
(1052 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2018-08-26 19:47:35
(2107 days)
Caden82 (VAC)2017-10-23 19:19:22
(2414 days)
Jimmy2017-09-06 16:18:35
(2461 days)
765611983708780332017-06-14 21:40:05
(2545 days)
765611981238909162016-12-14 19:02:29
(2727 days)