
SteamID64: 76561198169972525
SteamID32: [U:1:209706797]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104853398

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2014-12-25 04:00:49 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-03-13 20:17:07

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
muhammad bandit.camp2024-03-13 20:17:07
muhammad2021-08-27 13:50:54
bob2021-08-01 14:34:55
phil mcburger2020-08-14 16:32:41
bob burgerface2020-05-30 12:36:26
ryan phillips2020-05-29 19:11:01
phil2020-05-24 16:23:01
bob mcburger2020-05-23 13:03:35
bacon breath2020-05-20 17:22:17
Habibi2020-05-20 11:09:59
false kickers on this server2020-05-06 11:51:39

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed 22:44:57

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2023-01-06 22:44:57


Total: [54] | Deleted: [0]

Zoxide-rep ate my kittens2024-03-22 04:29:00
hawk-rep played helldivers with timmy without me2024-02-24 11:01:14
hawk-rep lied about me not playing helldivers with him2024-02-20 04:45:46
hawk-rep played Helldivers without me2024-02-19 15:43:55
Zoxide-rep said he would ♥♥♥♥ my mother even though she is a daughter of god and a virgin2023-11-12 18:23:35
Blue Orangutan bandit.campThis Black Asian Monkey said 'Smell yer maw' and called me a 'wee munter' and i just have to say that as an Englishman i do not tolerate this language or anti-social behaviour and i believe that as a women you should not say this horrific language and that you should be put in a care home for life you stinky bastard, also i hooked up with yer maw and she was fit so now who's laughing-Yours Truly Adbul2023-10-28 14:50:23
hawkMe and Timmy have gotten revenge we have played euro truck simulator without him now2023-10-22 16:38:22
hawkHere I will leave the cat, friends who pass by can pet it and give it a thumbs up      />  フ      |  _  _ l      /` ミ_xノ     /      |    /  ヽ   ノ    │  | | | / ̄|   | | | | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) \二つ2023-09-30 14:23:30
Terrornator+ rep very good at minecraft pvp2023-09-30 14:09:46
EgirlSpiritWhat the ♥♥♥♥ did you just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ say about me, you little ♥♥♥♥♥? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda. I am trained in gorilla warfare. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the ♥♥♥♥ out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ words. You think you can get away with saying that ♥♥♥♥ to me over the Internet? As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. You’re dead, kid. I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent.2023-09-29 17:12:40
hawk-rep threatened to play payday 3 without me2023-09-29 12:50:22
hawkOh my god i love you so much you are like the perfect person, like you are funny smart and so beautiful like oh my god, you are just amazing and anybody would be lucky to have you cause you are just the best, ive had such a good night and its made me have a think about life and im just in shock that we might not get to see eachother again cause you are just stunning and im like wow2023-09-29 08:53:05
hawkWhat the ♥♥♥♥ did you just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ say about me, you little ♥♥♥♥♥? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda. I am trained in gorilla warfare. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the ♥♥♥♥ out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ words. You think you can get away with saying that ♥♥♥♥ to me over the Internet? As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. You’re dead, kid. I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent.2023-09-29 06:06:40
hawk-rep played euro truck simulator without me or Timmy2023-09-20 14:26:51
muhammadomg it's wee timmy2023-09-18 18:25:33
hawkseriously abby, i actually loved you, if i didnt leave the snap gcs i was in with them i would of literally shown u how much i stuck up for you, i literally have so many problems and im sorry that i was a ♥♥♥♥ person, ik u deserved betterlike idk mani just wanted to see if u loved memuch i stuck up for you, i literally have so many problems and im sorry that i was a ♥♥♥♥ person, ik u deserved betterlike idk mani just wanted to see if u loved meso i just pushed u to the limitsim glad i got the answer though n im so sorry for everything i didjust want u to read that before u blockmebecause i genuinely dont want them to hurt u lolbc they genuinely willso please at least hear me out before u block meI literally dc what ihave to do to u to prove iti genuinely dont want u getting hurt2023-09-18 18:19:16
Zoxidei just wanted to see if u loved me2023-09-18 18:18:17
Zoxidelike idk man2023-09-18 18:18:04
Zoxideseriously muhammad, i actually loved you, if i didnt leave the snap gcs i was in with them i would of literally shown u how much i stuck up for you, i literally have so many problems and im sorry that i was a ♥♥♥♥ person, ik u deserved better2023-09-18 18:17:59
hawkHere I am! What are your other two wishes?2023-09-18 18:14:36
hawkThanks for the suggestions, during the first map, we will be offering some form of PayPal payout weekly - this obviously will not apply to the BETA, although you'll be able to see what the payouts will be when joining the spawn for the first time. We won't be offering any form of BuyCraft and all payouts for Map 1 will be PayPal.2023-09-18 18:10:17
hawkThis is more of a question than a suggestion, but to answer your question, yes, there will be plenty of ways to obtain permanent ranks, however, they will be slightly less frequent that previously but in an attempt to allow more players to experience more ranks on a free to play model, you'll also receive more of a shot at temporary ranks, because obviously, they don't last as long. Thanks for the question.2023-09-18 18:10:07
hawkI have updated the times for the "Admitted Cheating" path to be more harsh, the cheating punishments can be found under different rules and are already harsh, if you keep committing the offence after the final offence it will continue to be repeated, it does not reset once you've reached the final violation.2023-09-18 18:09:54
hawkFrom the perspective of a greedy owner, the statement could be seen as flawed for several reasons. Firstly, the proposal to make any punishment for hacking a minimum of a 30-day temporary ban, regardless of whether the offense was admitted or discovered, might discourage honesty and transparency among users. If admitting to an offense carries the same penalty as being caught, users might be less inclined to admit their mistakes, which could foster an environment of mistrust and deceit.2023-09-18 18:04:09
hawkIn the United States, the growth of the beef business was largely due to expansion in the Southwest. Upon the acquisition of grasslands through the Mexican–American War of 1848, and later the expulsion of the Plains Indians from this region and the Midwest, the American livestock industry began, starting primarily with the taming of wild longhorn cattle. Chicago and New York City were the first to benefit from these developments in their stockyards and in their meat markets.2023-09-18 18:00:40
hawkJust saw the update.I look back and can't believe how long it's been when we last talked. Everything that happened, looking back, you were always one of the best I talked with on Steam.Knowing you're gone, it stings. Sometimes one forgets that behind each screen is a person, and when that person passes, it doesn't feel real. That's when it hits you. That reality continues and we continue to age, and we don't know when it'll all end until it's too late.We never met in person, but we talked and went through a lot. Stuff I won't forget, honestly. I grew as a person in countless ways, and you were always so freaking nice and polite with things.Genuinely, I hope you're in a better place, Mark. Fly high, man.Rest in peace. Gone way too soon.2023-09-18 17:57:35
muhammadThe post below is a lie I never called him an unloved orphan nor told him to kill himself. I have no comment for the rest of his accusations.2023-09-18 17:55:59
Zoxide-repI reapproached this user to try and gain an apology for jizzing and having intercourse with my cats, however when I did he responded with "smell yer maw" and "go kill yourself you unloved orphan" he was one of the few people I told about being an orphan and he decided to use that against me to try and put me down, he even called me a handful of racial slurs such as the n-word and the f slur, which I do not appreciate as I am actually half black (hence why I am an orphan the police did not like my parents very much) he has made me cry on several occasions and even threatened to kill my foster parents trying to make me relive my younger trauma.2023-09-18 17:54:26
Zoxide-repI contacted this user because he was very good in my csgo lobby, and he agreed to play with me, however after I added him we became very close friends to the point there would not be a day where we did not communicate and play games and one day I invited him over to my house for lunch! When he came over he was not the age he said he was (said he was 17 however was actually 46) I let it slide though as maybe he was just shy but he seemed really cool so I wanted to try and maintain my friendship with him, I had to go to the bathroom after lunch and came back to find out he had jizzed all over my 4 cats, and I caught him trying to put his penis inside of my female cat which has now traumatised her and she has to go through daily therapy and has never been the same.I highly recommend you DNDW this user.2023-09-18 17:50:44
hawk-rep once got 2 death threats on my profile and a few "you should kill yourself notes" after posting a image of my thread banstory was i went along with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ reply that made a long list off fake requirements for a quest in a game so i decided to add "don't forget delete system 32" as a hint that the person above was being a troll, all in all the forum mod banned me for trying to get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to delete system 32 (kinda sorta impossible on most if not all modern computers), i sent a picture of the ban to a few friends who suggested posting it on steam and the games reddit forum for the stupid nature of the ban... got called a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ after the first few mins of it being up, one hour later i had my reddit account disabled (locked idk) and moderator warning from the steam forums, also had my profile description reset for some reason2023-09-18 17:47:08
hawk-rep he called me a dirty n word many times and stole my csgo skins HE IS A DIRTY SCAMMER2023-09-18 17:45:32
hawk-rep terrorist he trhetned to hack me freinds and said he was a terrorist working for isis and was involved in the war in iraq and he was responsible for 9/11 pls ban him if u have a heart he has killed so many people and terrorized hundreds maybe even thousands of small baby good looking children and he also supports lgbtq and is very racist towards orphans and has even publicly admotted to by a child molestor/predator.he is a well known supporter of animal beasiality and he is a cannibal.he once spatt on a kid wiith crippling add and severe autism and brain damage.-rep pls ban him he is a bad man and a bad influnce to csgo and he may be the biggest menece in the worl. pls ban -rep2023-09-18 17:45:00
hawkOh I'm sorry. I just looked at your profile I didn't realize you where a lady. (And a beautiful one at that) I try my best to respect women. Especially women in gaming. As a matter of fact now I actually do agree with you. I'm sorry. Maybe you could even add me on PSN and we can play some games together. We could play GTA, overwatch, Minecraft, maybe even a little COD. add me xXxChildMolesterxXx. Sorry about my name. My cousin made it a while back. He is not a good person like me and does not carry my values.Good day ma'am.Also I PM'd you. Take a look and lmk what you think. -rep Scammer2023-09-18 17:43:11
Abdul, is a terrorist /// - rep, isnt racist enough /// - rep his name is muhammad /// + rep, is a girl /// - rep discord name is willybumbumhorny#1919 /// -rep, says he lost his virginity to a frog /// - rep also said he lost his 2nd virginity to an orange /// -rep, had a wet dream about his mum - Yours Truly : Discord Management Team -> Sam Smith2023-09-06 15:37:38
Abdul banditcamp.comhiya i saw you after the csgo game we played and i just wanted to say to destroyed everybody and you are especially great for a girl. i thought maybe you could video call me on skype soon and maybe we could chill out and listen to some calming music, i really want to get to know you more and i was wondering if maybe you would like to get some coffee soon? really i just wanted to complement you in your csgo skills and if you want my tiktok accounts its WeeWeeInTheBum0909 and you should meet up at my place in the future and we can have 1 on 1 timexXx - Your not so Secret Secret Admirerer (Abdul)2023-09-01 16:02:58
AbdulHey, i saw your profile from miles away, you stuck out like a sore thumb. I just wanted to say how beautiful you are and i think we should play some league of legends sometime. i was also wondering if you would add me on discord and maybe we could have a chat - DreamStanLover#1699 .I really think we would hit off and become the bestest of friends or maybe something more (you know what i mean) and you just seem like the friendliest person I've ever seen. Even if you decline these requests just know that i will be admiring you from afar or maybe from close - Xx Your Bestest Friend xX2023-08-22 15:00:32
Bumerstupid tard who lost 100 divisions incirclement :skull:2022-11-13 06:52:50
Bumerbig fat ♥♥♥♥ can't even kill one enemy in ready or not, proceeds to try mate with the enemy like a big noob2022-07-06 16:52:28
Phytich2022-01-31 15:46:13
Kepa ArrizabalagaOh I'm sorry. I just looked at your profile I didn't realize you where a lady. (And a beautiful one at that) I try my best to respect women. Especially women in gaming. As a matter of fact now I actually do agree with you. I'm sorry. Maybe you could even add me on PSN and we can play some games together. We could play GTA, overwatch, Minecraft, maybe even a little COD. add me xXxChildMolesterxXx. Sorry about my name. My cousin made it a while back. He is not a good person like me and does not carry my values.Good day ma'am.Also I PM'd you. Take a look and lmk what you think.2021-12-05 14:12:04
Surexx ツHᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ Sᴜɴᴅᴀʏ2021-11-21 08:21:40
Surexx ツнave a nιce weeĸend2021-11-19 13:09:08
Igor Gurrov+rep epic men in world2020-05-01 08:49:42
DFIxWade+rep is good at minecraft pvp2020-02-25 18:55:27
ching:D2019-01-06 09:56:43
ching:D2019-01-06 09:56:40
ching:D2019-01-06 09:56:36
ching:D:D:D2019-01-06 09:56:32
JOOD*dab*2018-04-16 14:17:55
diablo+rep So good at unturned, wrecks me all the time lol. Raided me xD2018-01-02 12:20:34
Irrelevant Asian+rep Atempted to buy me a kit!2017-11-19 05:16:29
Mrauksia+rep He raided me.2017-10-08 11:52:05
Vice+rep good leader2017-05-08 16:16:33
Vice+Rep good player and great Leader!2017-03-27 11:36:04


Total: [97] | TF2BD: [0] (0.00%) | SB: [1] (1.03%)

765611995446790512024-03-25 16:18:22
(95 days)
2024-04-09 10:32:42 (80 days)
Barry Alex2024-01-26 12:03:19
(154 days)
2024-04-06 08:13:23 (83 days)
765611983233194162023-11-30 11:47:34
(211 days)
765611988037290312023-11-03 16:56:41
(238 days)
Honeystey2023-10-21 21:39:44
(251 days)
765611990131603242023-10-21 21:33:48
(251 days)
765611983013745122023-10-18 14:26:55
(254 days)
765611992274283152023-10-15 13:38:10
(257 days)
765611995133716222023-10-10 14:34:51
(262 days)
765611983197918842023-10-07 14:41:17
(265 days)
sardinooo2023-09-18 20:12:19
(284 days)
765611981366224292023-09-18 18:49:15
(284 days)
765611981291697622023-09-18 15:47:58
(284 days)
765611995258018412023-07-10 17:57:34
(354 days)
765611983635185012023-06-19 16:30:32
(375 days)
2024-04-06 08:13:23 (83 days)
765611994337695292023-05-26 16:00:55
(399 days)
765611983155952272023-03-15 18:49:09
(471 days)
Chocolate Digestives2022-11-05 13:50:35
(601 days)
765611982966491102022-09-13 12:14:06
(654 days)
765611993876410122022-09-10 07:00:30
(657 days)
Ryan2022-07-16 08:18:20
(713 days)
PervvySage2022-05-07 19:44:43
(783 days)
765611992229836742022-04-14 18:47:03
(806 days)
765611992611607252022-04-14 18:45:31
(806 days)
765611988389731522022-01-12 08:39:35
(898 days)
765611981150354672021-12-03 13:18:52
(938 days)
765611992221351842021-11-30 16:48:48
(941 days)
765611988553843412021-11-30 11:19:56
(941 days)
765611981359768972021-11-29 10:44:10
(942 days)
765611979916074052021-11-29 10:00:49
(942 days)
Eth2021-11-28 09:26:45
(943 days)
765611988806303862021-11-27 18:03:45
(944 days)
Phytic2021-11-27 16:01:34
(944 days)
Demon_Dweller_182021-11-27 14:46:27
(944 days)
765611991253969832021-11-26 14:00:50
(945 days)
Fnord2021-11-26 13:49:12
(945 days)
Dzhani2021-11-15 09:06:41
(956 days)
Freedom2021-11-13 06:02:11
(958 days)
765611981810029652021-11-12 17:01:03
(959 days)
765611982957305712021-11-10 02:12:59
(962 days)
765611982580290692021-09-26 14:18:29
(1006 days)
765611990643181892021-09-25 12:41:29
(1007 days)
765611983694639882021-09-25 12:41:29
(1007 days)
765611982480105782021-09-24 16:07:37
(1008 days)
765611983055940382021-09-19 16:19:31
(1013 days)
765611988955846212021-09-18 18:42:18
(1014 days)
765611988721512452021-09-18 18:42:14
(1014 days)
765611982743507982021-08-27 15:16:38
(1036 days)
765611981964688952021-08-27 14:15:51
(1036 days)
765611991121976682021-07-05 14:57:04
(1089 days)
765611988625821962020-12-25 20:07:41
(1281 days)
Bumer2020-10-05 11:23:03
(1362 days)
765611987824051092019-09-06 12:11:27
(1757 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2019-03-09 10:53:37
(1938 days)
765611982591646442019-02-24 04:04:36
(1952 days)
Wagner2019-02-21 15:08:25
(1954 days)
Aligok2019-02-15 12:29:39
(1960 days)
765611988689286622019-01-15 13:11:36
(1991 days)
Rekker2018-09-22 15:00:42
(2106 days)
beamed by encounting2018-08-25 06:06:41
(2135 days)
765611983142634422018-05-04 15:57:07
(2247 days)
765611983626226472018-04-09 12:45:18
(2272 days)
Harrybo56052018-03-02 11:34:02
(2310 days)
765611982833627832018-01-28 07:01:23
(2343 days)
Jaidax3J2018-01-04 08:41:47
(2367 days)
Keltd2018-01-04 08:41:36
(2367 days)
diablo raiael2017-12-28 10:24:40
(2374 days)
diablo2017-12-28 10:19:46
(2374 days)
ching2017-12-17 06:08:45
(2385 days)
GingerBlyatMan2017-12-16 12:31:47
(2386 days)
765611981950153092017-12-08 15:32:04
(2394 days)
Zyper2017-12-07 10:27:10
(2395 days)
765611982886271522017-12-03 03:15:09
(2400 days)
August2017-12-03 03:15:07
(2400 days)
Jacksonaliu2017-12-02 13:14:56
(2400 days)
sidd2017-12-02 12:38:18
(2400 days)
jørgenplays2017-12-01 07:22:07
(2401 days)
BossingTim2017-11-29 12:45:22
(2403 days)
765611984266707902017-11-27 12:57:11
(2405 days)
Irrelevant Asian2017-11-19 05:15:39
(2414 days)
765611984465389232017-11-19 02:46:17
(2414 days)
Carson H. D-242017-11-16 16:06:18
(2416 days)
Ray2017-11-13 05:42:33
(2419 days)
765611983847366132017-11-12 06:12:58
(2420 days)
765611983709314592017-11-10 08:37:38
(2422 days)
$-Satan-$2017-11-08 14:47:57
(2424 days)
Switchback2017-11-07 12:32:34
(2425 days)
765611982830495352017-11-07 10:51:29
(2425 days)
DanielThePear_2017-08-08 05:55:29
(2517 days)
Realjacko_smako2017-03-06 01:59:04
(2672 days)
Alknowing2017-02-22 10:42:17
(2683 days)
765611982830673222016-06-13 15:59:04
(2937 days)
Recthic2016-05-29 05:52:24
(2953 days)
Slow Strokes Central2016-05-26 10:18:50
(2955 days)
765611981701387872016-05-21 11:09:33
(2960 days)
Tab Acid Tripper2015-10-26 11:50:04
(3168 days)
freakmaster20142015-01-24 07:22:07
(3443 days)