
SteamID64: 76561198190085003
SteamID32: [U:1:229819275]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114909637

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2015-04-05 10:24:15 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-06-24 16:20:05

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
Snufkin2024-06-20 06:58:15
Snufkin SoloQ'ing2024-06-17 23:47:27
Snufkin2024-06-07 23:50:57
Snufkin Tacobot.tf2024-05-31 22:26:11
Snufkin2024-05-23 01:11:53
As važiuoju2024-04-20 21:58:03
Piktutis racijoje2024-04-07 10:43:15
Flakonu nupūstas kotletas2024-04-05 16:06:42
Snufkin2023-10-27 08:01:21
Snufkin | tacobot.tf2023-10-20 16:49:45
Snufkin2023-10-08 18:06:40
Snufkin | Tacobot.tf2023-10-07 16:44:45
Snufkin2023-08-18 18:19:52
cuNNy2023-06-15 10:01:26
Kaire desine ir tiesiai2023-05-04 15:18:20
Migliukas2023-05-01 10:25:25
5kilogramai pipiru2023-04-03 08:12:15
Vilnius , Pilaitės rajonas2023-03-21 16:03:14
cuNNy2022-12-30 10:16:46
YesMan2022-08-30 07:31:30
ganja2022-08-29 15:11:13
◢ ◤◢ ◤◢ ◤◢ ◤◢ ◤◢ ◤2022-08-24 14:42:47
cuNNy csgocases_com2022-08-23 17:45:05
黑鬼自閉症狗魚便便2022-08-17 16:50:11
spain of port2022-08-17 16:42:53
spain of port * | CASEDROP.GG2022-08-17 16:08:56
spain of port csgocases_com2022-08-17 14:39:10
Джон короз2022-07-26 07:28:54

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed 16:20:05 23:11:06

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2023-01-06 23:11:06


Total: [470] | Deleted: [10]

sucker)2024-06-25 18:41:15
thanks to this I found the game on the last wave)))2024-06-25 18:40:54
Snufkinez kick2024-06-25 18:35:26
-rep ебанный пендос который клеветает на людей просто так. Кстати я нашёл игру где была последняя волна)) спасибо XD2024-06-25 18:31:25
SnufkinSnuut , the only trap you have ever set , was on yourself , by downloading the game and getting involved in this community, you don't even play the game anymore , all you do is "troll" in the comments , what are you by now? 30+ or something and all you do is yap nonsense in people's comment sections despite being irrelevant for the last two years, get a life lad , you clearly have mental issues or at least some sort of god syndrome2024-06-25 12:39:01
SnuuutSnufkin my dearestAlready exhausted from all the humiliating ownadge you had to endure? :DYour surrender was only a matter of time anyway, but i was hoping that the entertainment would last longer Perhaps this comment triggers you enough to respond with one of your usual typical distraction attempts, so i can then continue to back you into a corner by asking you how you "outmatched" me despite being severely owned by me right from the beginning Looking forward to you desperately dodging that embarrassing question, since we both know you've been played by me the entire time ;P2024-06-24 13:16:24
SnuuutI'm waiting :)2024-06-23 06:44:59
SnuuutSnufkin my toy, how exactly have i been "outmatched"?2024-06-21 17:26:12
SnufkinOh sweetie, I see you're fishing for attention again. How adorable. If setting "traps" is your idea of fun, you might want to aim a little higher next time. As for being "outmatched," bless your heart for trying, but you haven't quite hit the mark yet. Denial? Hardly. I'm just enjoying this little charade you call a game. But by all means, keep at it—your entertainment value is priceless. 💁‍♀️✨2024-06-21 17:11:34
SnuuutSnufkin my toy, good job falling for my trap and responding the exact way i wanted you to respond, you're always ez game Now let's set up the exact same trap for you ;)Snufkin my toy how exactly have i been "outmatched"? xD Remember to stay repetitive and to keep up the excuses for taking my baits and that delicious denial, watching you suffer makes my day2024-06-21 13:47:22
SnuuutSnufkin my toy how exactly have i been "outmatched"? :)- by making you obey my orders?- by successfully baiting you into responding despite claiming that you allegedly "don't bother"?- by cornering you with a simple question?- by forcing you to respond a certain way? :DYou're so bad at proper arguing xD2024-06-21 10:54:39
SnufkinOh wow, you've really outdone yourself with this one. Your persistence is almost... admirable? But let's not get too excited."Outmatched"? Sweetie, you've been outmatched since you decided to engage in this conversation. You're like a cat chasing its own tail—entertaining, sure, but ultimately futile.As for your "facts"—let’s just say there's a fine line between reality and the fantasy world you seem to be living in.But go ahead, keep asking those "unbelievably embarrassing" questions. I'm here for the show, and you're the star of this tragicomedy. Now, let's see what other tricks you have up your sleeve. ;P2024-06-21 10:07:44
Snuuutvruyiii my puppet, i your master & owner who happens to have complete control over you and makes you look like an absolute fool, hereby command you to continue to copy paste comments like the obedient and well behaving little ape you are <32024-06-21 09:57:37
SnuuutDamn, snufkin the intimidation must be strong in you when you become this repetitive in your desperate attempts to ignore how hard you're being owned xDFor entertainment purpose i'm gonna ask you those same unbelievably embarrassing questions again, so you're being stuck in that corner i backed you into Hey snufkin snufkin how exactly have i been "outmatched"? :)And how can stating actual facts be considered "delusional" or "imagination"? :DNow fall for my trap as usual and do as i force you to do ;P2024-06-21 09:54:43
SnufkinOh, bless your heart! It's cute that you think stating a few facts makes you a match. Facts are just the beginning, darling. It's your misinterpretation and overconfidence that are truly delusional. Keep trying, though—your imagination is entertaining! 😘2024-06-21 08:23:17
vruyiiisnufkin how exactly have i been "outmatched"? :)How can stating actual facts be considered "delusional" or "imagination"? :D2024-06-21 08:05:34
Snuuutsnufkin how exactly have i been "outmatched"? :)How can stating actual facts be considered "delusional" or "imagination"? :D2024-06-21 08:03:04
vruyiiiOh, sweetie, it's adorable that you think throwing around a few facts means you’re in my league. Bless your heart, but it takes more than just a handful of truths to keep up with me. Delusional? Imagination? Honey, I deal in reality, and you're simply not on my level. 😘2024-06-21 07:38:33
SnufkinOh, sweetie, it's adorable that you think throwing around a few facts means you’re in my league. Bless your heart, but it takes more than just a handful of truths to keep up with me. Delusional? Imagination? Honey, I deal in reality, and you're simply not on my level. 😘2024-06-21 05:18:54
Wild Brim Bevoyou 2 love birds need to kiss and make up2024-06-20 22:29:54
Snuuutsnufkin how exactly have i been "outmatched"? :)How can stating actual facts be considered "delusional" or "imagination"? :D2024-06-20 19:14:13
SnufkinOh dear, it's cute how you think you're running the show here. Let’s get a few things straight: I'm not parroting—I'm just giving you a taste of your own monotonous medicine. It's clearly getting under your skin. 😏You want facts? Here’s one: Your obsession with 'destroying' me is laughable. The only thing you've achieved is demonstrating an impressive level of self-delusion. You keep prattling on about your supposed superiority, yet you're the one begging for validation.But hey, if playing the role of my toy keeps you entertained, I'm happy to oblige. Just remember, darling: while you're busy crafting your little narratives, I'm out here living rent-free in that overactive imagination of yours. Keep up the good work! 💅🎭2024-06-20 15:55:09
Snuuutsnufkin my toy you really are parroting too much :DIt is unfortunate that instead of finally hitting me with straight facts like i keep destroying you with, you rather reply with desperate distraction attempts in form of making weird comparisons as always and copying my superior arguing style just because it's quite effective on you But then again i find amusement in forcing you to reply as i want you to reply ;PTherefore i'm asking you AGAIN: how exactly have i been "outmatched" when you keep doing literally nothing? xDDDDYour previous reason was hilarious: i was outmatched because i'm allegedly confused??? LMAO that makes no sense at all, cuz confusion about something that's my fault has nothing to do with being outmatched xDDDDAnother advice: please think logically and try to refrain from denial as coping mechanism ;)Now PLEASE try to hit me already2024-06-20 15:53:19
TrickWas nice talking to you again friendo ;)When you manage to come up with a rational argument, feel free to leave it on my profile.2024-06-20 15:52:09
SnufkinOh sweetie, bless your heart! You really think you're pulling the strings? That's adorable. But let's get one thing straight: you couldn't outmatch me on your best day, even if you had a cheat sheet.You're so convinced you're the puppet master, but honey, I'm the whole show. The only reason you're entertained is because I'm letting you play in the sandbox while I build castles. And those 'traps' you set? They're more like speed bumps. Cute, but ultimately insignificant.As for evidence, darling, anyone can twist things to fit their narrative. The only thing you've proven is that you have a lot of time on your hands. But hey, keep deluding yourself if it makes you happy. Your desperation is my comic relief. 😉2024-06-20 15:22:25
SnuuutKeeping up with what??? You have done literally nothing to me xDDDDDsnufkin i'm asking you AGAIN and i genuinely beg you to please become actually challenging for once and hit me with actual facts and evidence: how exactly have i been outmatched when you continuously fall for my traps and provide me the entertainment that i force you to provide as i'm clearly pulling the strings on you? :) Which is proven btw as the evidence is publicly accessible on your profile just a few pages back ;PGo ahead and keep arguing against facts, your desperation is my joy2024-06-20 15:16:49
SnufkinOh, bless your heart, you're still trying. How adorable. But let me clear this up for you: you've been outmatched because you're confusing loudness with cleverness. You keep repeating yourself like a broken record, hoping it'll somehow make you look better. Spoiler alert: it doesn't.You say you want a challenge, but honey, you're bringing a butter knife to a sword fight. So, before you hand out any more "helpful advice," maybe take some yourself: come back when you've got something more than recycled insults and delusions of grandeur. Tickling you? Sweetie, I'm barely even paying attention. Try again when you can keep up. 💅✨2024-06-20 14:09:32
Snuuutsnufkin i'm asking you AGAIN:How exactly have i been "outmatched"? xDI keep asking you that question on purpose, cuz as i predicted, that question severely corners you and seems so impossible for you to answer since you achieved nothing so far but being completely humbled by my sheer superiority, that you have no choice but to continuously dodge such an embarrassing fact and rather try your luck replying with distraction while your arguing style also doesn't change :DAs i said, i want an actual challenge already, so i'll give you a helpful advice: get rid of that "no u" strategy when you have nothing to bring to the table, and at least pretend to be trying to hit me. So far you have merely tickled me, so please by all means try again2024-06-20 12:52:17
SnufkinOh sweetie, you're adorable when you're confused. Let me break it down for you: it's not that you've been outmatched, it's just that you're playing checkers while I'm over here mastering chess. You can keep patting yourself on the back for making me "dance to your tune," but remember, it takes a maestro to lead an orchestra. So, enjoy your little victories; I'll be over here orchestrating the symphony. 🎶😉2024-06-20 09:53:09
Snuuutvruyiii since you of course obediently followed the order of your master & owner as expected and did exactly as predicted, let me set up the next trap for you, which 100% you will fall for vruyiii i, your master & owner who happens to pull the strings on you and plays you like a puppet, hereby command you to continue to provide even more such delicious evidence of me being in complete control over you, by copy pasting my previous comment and/or this very comment :)2024-06-20 09:49:09
EmilyMVM GESTAPO ⚡️⚡️2024-06-20 08:07:33
SnuuutSnufkin my toy i'm asking you AGAIN: Considering the fact that i made you obey my commands and make you continue dancing to my tune: how exactly have i been outmatched? :)2024-06-20 06:37:37
SnufkinOh honey, if that's your idea of winning, I'm almost embarrassed for you. Going in circles? Please, I'm dancing around you so effortlessly, I should charge for this performance. You think asking a single question backs me into a corner? Cute. Considering you think you've made me "obey your commands" and "dance to your tune," I'm starting to see why you’re so confused. Here's a newsflash: the only one dancing here is you, trying to keep up. And sweetheart, if my so-called failure to come at you with actual facts has got you feeling triumphant, you might want to rethink your standards. But go on, take your next shot. I’m just here, patiently waiting for a real challenge while enjoying the free entertainment. So, impress me, if you can. 😉2024-06-20 04:24:47
vruyiiiSnufkin you're going in circles xDYou're still making outtalking you so ez for me, that all i have to do to back you into a corner is to ask you a single simple question ;)So, considering that i made you obey my commands and made you dance to my tune... how exactly have i been "outmatched"? And now as usual, since you failed to come at me with actual facts or something that hits me, i'll grant you your next shot.Make the best out of it, sweetheart. Cuz i'm still patiently waiting for a challenge :)2024-06-19 23:49:07
SnuuutSnufkin you're going in circles xDYou're still making outtalking you so ez for me, that all i have to do to back you into a corner is to ask you a single simple question ;)So, considering that i made you obey my commands and made you dance to my tune... how exactly have i been "outmatched"? And now as usual, since you failed to come at me with actual facts or something that hits me, i'll grant you your next shot.Make the best out of it, sweetheart. Cuz i'm still patiently waiting for a challenge :)2024-06-18 12:38:04
SnufkinOh sweetie, it's adorable how you think you're winning. But here’s a little secret: while you’re busy setting traps, I’m redesigning the entire game.The evidence? Just a highlight reel of your attempts to keep up. I haven’t even broken a sweat. Desperation? Hardly. I’m just warming up. Your so-called victories are like participation trophies in a game that hasn't even reached the main event.So go ahead, keep trying. I'll be here, effortlessly dodging your traps and waiting for the moment when you realize you were outmatched from the start.Better luck next time, darling. 😘2024-06-18 12:00:09
SnuuutSnufkin my dearest didn't i ask you to try harder? There's still too much evidence of you falling for my traps and literally no evidence of you gaining any point or achieveing a victory, so you have to come with something that actually hits me, and not just "no u" xDDDDI promise you from the bottom of my heart that i will not stop, as i feed of desperation like yours Those desperate weird comparisons that you do could be creative if they'd actually apply :DI don't even have to "try hard", cuz like i said, the evidence is still there ;PNext try please2024-06-18 00:45:44
Snufkincommunism killed a lot more people2024-06-17 13:33:43
ɴꜰᴏᴢez kicked 2x2024-06-17 12:40:54
SnufkinOh sweetie, it's adorable how you think you're delivering a masterclass in argumentation. Let's break it down:First, actual evidence? You mean your cherry-picked points? Denial isn’t my style; I just have a low tolerance for nonsense. If by "owned" you mean disregarding your mental gymnastics, then sure, consider me "owned."About those "weird comparisons," it’s called creative thinking. Facts are great, but your selective memory and interpretation are less impressive.Public humiliation? Darling, it takes more than your attempt at a smackdown to phase me. Watching you try so hard is actually entertaining, so thank you for that.And coping mechanisms? Sweetheart, projecting much? You’re the one seeking validation with every keystroke. Keep swinging, champ. Maybe one day, you’ll land a hit.Until then, keep practicing. I’ll be here, sipping my tea and enjoying the show. 😘2024-06-17 12:23:22
SnuuutOhh snufkin you still have to learn a lot about proper argumentation :DYou can't just deny actual evidence and claim that you haven't been completely owned, that's not how this works xDYour arguing style is also based too much on making weird comparisons instead of coming at me with facts, or anything that would have an impact on me other than making a facepalm xDDDDAnd claiming to be entertained by being publicly humiliated on your own profile and being absolutely outtalked afterwards, is a rather obvious and bad coping mechanism.No worries, you got as many shots as you need, so try again and remember: challenging please2024-06-17 11:14:07
homerei muuuumitaloa lukita yöksi HEI MUUUMIIIIIITTTT2024-06-17 09:05:36
[MARI] fgring0good luck on loot2024-06-17 08:48:24
SnufkinOh sweetie, if you're "owning" me, then I guess I'm the landlord because I've been collecting rent in your head this whole time. Your "undeniable facts" are about as reliable as a paper umbrella in a hurricane. Scrolling back through this comment section just confirms that your attempts to "play" me are as laughable as your attempts at coherence.You think taking the bait means you're in control, but bless your heart, I'm just here for the free entertainment. Your predictable jabs and self-assured delusions are as entertaining as a soap opera plot twist—same script, different day.And speaking of effort, your "challenge" is about as challenging as finding water in the ocean. But don’t worry, I’ll keep humoring you—someone’s gotta keep the laugh track going. So go ahead, grant me another shot. Watching you flail around in your self-constructed bubble is the highlight of my day. Keep feeding me this comedic gold, darling.2024-06-17 07:46:15
SnuuutSnufkin my dear i'm sorry to burst your bubble with undeniable facts, but you can literally simply go back a few pages in this comment section and see that you are being absolutely played and utterly owned by me and it didn't really take much effort xDDDAnd please if you decide to resist and become sassy all of a sudden, can you at least try to be more challenging?Cuz you don't really seem to think a lot about the stuff you write, which makes outtalking you still too ez, cuz it doesn't make sense to claim that i would dig any hole, when i'm clearly in control, as you keep taking my baits and feed me entertainment You also might wanna go further into detail on things like me being predictable without having predicted me once xDDDDDI'm gonna grant you another shot and repeat: try harder please2024-06-17 06:26:29
SnufkinOh, snuut my honey, it's cute that you think your little taunts are doing anything but making me chuckle. If my desperation had no limits, I'd still be miles behind your over-the-top theatrics. Watching you try so hard is almost endearing, like a puppy chasing its tail.But let's be real here—you're more predictable than a soap opera plot twist. The only thing you're making a mockery of is your own attempt at relevance. It's like watching a toddler try to use grown-up words—adorable, but ultimately laughable.So, keep laying those traps, darling. It’s amusing to see you put so much effort into something so futile. And don’t worry, I'll keep playing along just to see how much further you can dig your own hole. Keep dancing, puppet master; your strings are showing. 😘2024-06-16 18:41:00
vruyiii-rep cigány2024-06-16 14:49:20
W3R3W0LF-rep cigány2024-06-16 10:33:22
Woodwaxㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ╱╲ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚠𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚞𝚕 dayㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAdded you for future gamesㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ+Reppppppㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ╲╱2024-06-14 23:03:09
SnufkinI am not calling you one , I know you are anti-cheat2024-06-14 17:26:19
☆FREESIA☆Cheater supporters lmao2024-06-14 17:24:50
SnufkinHow is it my fault that it kept connecting me to your server , I don't want to play with cheater supporters lmao2024-06-14 17:18:35
☆FREESIA☆Another clown award for your collection, my liege2024-06-14 17:15:26
Snuuutsnufkin my toy does your desperation not have any limits? xDYour desperate attempts to turn the tide are just not good enough, especially when there's too clear evidence that you are being completely owned by me... please try harder, thx And vruyiii my favorite puppet i, your master & owner hereby command you to provide even more evidence of you being my submissive little pet ape, by copy pasting this very comment too, and once again display your loyal obedience to your master & owner who is making an absolute mockery out of you I hereby predict with ease, that the tacobot clown vruyiii will take my bait like a pro and that he will 100% fall for my obvious trap as always xDWait for it...2024-06-14 16:39:22
SnufkinSnuut if you comment one more time on this profile , you agree that I own you2024-06-14 11:57:20
vruyiiiThis is pure gold vruyiii i, your master & owner who happens to have absolute control over your little submissive obedient ape a$$, hereby command you to provide me more unimaginably embarrassing evidence of you totally ridiculing yourself by copy pasting this very comment, which you will do 100%, as your primitive brain doesn't even comprehend how bad your situation already is, so you will fall for my trap without a doubt :DNow be a good puppet and do as your master & owner commands2024-06-14 11:40:42
SnuuutThis is pure gold vruyiii i, your master & owner who happens to have absolute control over your little submissive obedient ape a$$, hereby command you to provide me more unimaginably embarrassing evidence of you totally ridiculing yourself by copy pasting this very comment, which you will do 100%, as your primitive brain doesn't even comprehend how bad your situation already is, so you will fall for my trap without a doubt :DNow be a good puppet and do as your master & owner commands2024-06-13 04:47:06
vruyiiiQuinlan you have my thanks too, for that delicious screenshot material Tacobot clowns gotta do what tacobot clowns do and that is to stick together and to copy paste comments vruyiii once again you submissively obeyd the orders of your master & owner, so you shall now receive your next order: i, your master & owner hereby command you to prove your loyalty furthermore by copy pasting this very comment and every future comment, so i can then take unbelievably humiliating screenshots with proof of me playing you like a toy and ridiculing you like there's no tomorrow2024-06-12 21:14:31
SnuuutQuinlan you have my thanks too, for that delicious screenshot material Tacobot clowns gotta do what tacobot clowns do and that is to stick together and to copy paste comments vruyiii once again you submissively obeyd the orders of your master & owner, so you shall now receive your next order: i, your master & owner hereby command you to prove your loyalty furthermore by copy pasting this very comment and every future comment, so i can then take unbelievably humiliating screenshots with proof of me playing you like a toy and ridiculing you like there's no tomorrow2024-06-12 21:12:25
vruyiiiOh and you want me to bring factual arguments?Just scroll down and go back a few pages, cuz FACT is that you fell for my traps quite a lot and followed the orders of your master & owner quite a lot... these are undeniable facts, and you're saying there are no facts?? LMAOOOO xDDDDif you wanna keep up with me and become an actual challenge for me, you have to open your eyes and start thinking logically, cuz you're currently not able to handle the heat that comes with messing with me. I'm infamous and feared for a good reason ;PNow keep feeding me and try again please <32024-06-12 12:12:17
Snufkin3day military operation grrr2024-06-12 08:53:05
Snufkin#2nd army in ukraine not world lmao2024-06-12 08:52:56
Snufkinno cocacola?2024-06-12 08:52:43
ɴꜰᴏᴢtacobot momentez kicked2024-06-12 08:39:52
SnufkinGoo goo ga ga2024-06-12 01:36:56
[MARI] lispyInfamous (intolerable) and feared (annoying)2024-06-11 20:27:30
AlastorOh and you want me to bring factual arguments?Just scroll down and go back a few pages, cuz FACT is that you fell for my traps quite a lot and followed the orders of your master & owner quite a lot... these are undeniable facts, and you're saying there are no facts?? LMAOOOO xDDDDif you wanna keep up with me and become an actual challenge for me, you have to open your eyes and start thinking logically, cuz you're currently not able to handle the heat that comes with messing with me. I'm infamous and feared for a good reason ;PNow keep feeding me and try again please <32024-06-11 19:53:27
SnufkinI personally wouldn't , but I know a guy that would just do that , the amazing thing is amazing since he's in my comments already , snuuut you can take lispy from here2024-06-11 19:04:39
[MARI] lispysnufkin would u frot with me?2024-06-11 18:34:37
Silent Personlol ♥♥♥♥♥♥ commit the 42%2024-06-11 06:35:49
SnuuutOh and you want me to bring factual arguments?Just scroll down and go back a few pages, cuz FACT is that you fell for my traps quite a lot and followed the orders of your master & owner quite a lot... these are undeniable facts, and you're saying there are no facts?? LMAOOOO xDDDDif you wanna keep up with me and become an actual challenge for me, you have to open your eyes and start thinking logically, cuz you're currently not able to handle the heat that comes with messing with me. I'm infamous and feared for a good reason ;PNow keep feeding me and try again please <32024-06-11 05:57:37
SnuuutAaaaaww... you're so cute snufkin I like how you try so desperately to get out of your role as the already confirmed victim in this banter, especially when you're the one following MY commands and dance to MY tunes and fall for MY traps xDDDDYou my sweetheart haven't set up even a single trap :DBtw you react and respond quite a lot for someone who allegedly "doesn't care" and "doesn't bother", contradicting much, huh? xDDDI can play this game endlessly long and you're already in a rather hopeless situation, so please go ahead and try to resist, you're only feeding me Now spare yourself the wasted effort, cuz you already lost and got severely owned, and do as your master & owner commands and continue to entertain2024-06-11 05:50:42
SnufkinOh snuut , keep dancing to tune of my flute in our little game... You will never become a superior of mine , you come here with no factuall arguements and just yap the same stuff over and over again2024-06-10 16:44:28
SnuuutDamn, that is a pretty bad and incredibly desperate attempt to turn the tide and to distract from that unspeakable shame that i already brought upon you ;PYou calling your master & owner a "puppet" is hilarious, especially considering that very obviously you are the one who is being played all the time and falls for the most obvious traps xDDDsnufkin my toy i know you feel an irresistible itch to display your submissive obedience to your master & owner, so do as i command and copy paste my comments, i know you'd love to2024-06-10 13:28:51
SnufkinWait longer my puppet snuut , be a good boy and listen2024-06-10 11:57:04
SnuuutThis is nowhere near a "versus", as you can clearly see that i'm in complete control over my two puppets and use my powers to utterly ridicule people who keep taking the baits and fall for my incredibly obvious traps It's entertaining AF... just watch ;)Hey vruyiii and snufkinI, your master & owner who still pulls the strings on you, hereby give you the order to copy paste this very comment, in order to provide me with more delicious evidence of you being played and humiliated with absolute ease And now i predict that these two will 100% take the bait and do as they're told :D wait for it... xD2024-06-10 08:55:41
OkeYoAdd me to trade :)Thx!2024-06-10 07:09:43
Wild Brim Bevoedgiest thing im gonna hear all week2024-06-09 15:18:12
SnufkinSnuuut is a mere pawn in my game2024-06-09 13:41:45
Wild Brim Bevosnufkin vs snuuut is crazy2024-06-09 13:36:28
SnufkinHoly moly the intimidation is so real xDDDDDDDLet's play these puppets, shall we ;PSnufkin and vruyiii i, your master & owner hereby command you to publicly display your submissive obedience to me by copy pasting this very comment and every future comment of mine, in order to make sure that your master & owner gets to gather more and more incredibly entertaining screenshots with such delicious evidence against youI hereby predict with ease, that you will fall for this trap and do exactly as i command, as i pull the strings on you ;)Thank you guys for boosting my ego by not even trying to argue with such a superior force like myself, as the reason for that is obviously cuz you know you got no chance as i already owned you guys with an unnatural ease2024-06-09 12:41:42
vruyiiiHoly moly the intimidation is so real xDDDDDDDLet's play these puppets, shall we ;PSnufkin and vruyiii i, your master & owner hereby command you to publicly display your submissive obedience to me by copy pasting this very comment and every future comment of mine, in order to make sure that your master & owner gets to gather more and more incredibly entertaining screenshots with such delicious evidence against you I hereby predict with ease, that you will fall for this trap and do exactly as i command, as i pull the strings on you ;)Thank you guys for boosting my ego by not even trying to argue with such a superior force like myself, as the reason for that is obviously cuz you know you got no chance as i already owned you guys with an unnatural ease2024-06-09 09:44:03
SnuuutHoly moly the intimidation is so real xDDDDDDDLet's play these puppets, shall we ;PSnufkin and vruyiii i, your master & owner hereby command you to publicly display your submissive obedience to me by copy pasting this very comment and every future comment of mine, in order to make sure that your master & owner gets to gather more and more incredibly entertaining screenshots with such delicious evidence against you I hereby predict with ease, that you will fall for this trap and do exactly as i command, as i pull the strings on you ;)Thank you guys for boosting my ego by not even trying to argue with such a superior force like myself, as the reason for that is obviously cuz you know you got no chance as i already owned you guys with an unnatural ease2024-06-09 09:28:28
SnufkinYep, that's why you keep responding to me and even put in the slight effort of trying to make anyone believe that you allegedly "don't care" while at the same time contradicting and proving yourself wrong with your responsesAnd since you just granted me an irresistible opportunity to embarras you even more with that overused and stereotypical internet babbling of yours, i'd like to ask you why you falsely act like a psychologist by trying to diagnose someone merely over steam comments, from which it is impossible to judge an entire persons mindset xDDDDI guess i hit a nerve by outtalking you like that, and sheer superiority must've cornered you quite hard :DTry again please2024-06-09 09:05:36
vruyiiiYep, that's why you keep responding to me and even put in the slight effort of trying to make anyone believe that you allegedly "don't care" while at the same time contradicting and proving yourself wrong with your responses And since you just granted me an irresistible opportunity to embarras you even more with that overused and stereotypical internet babbling of yours, i'd like to ask you why you falsely act like a psychologist by trying to diagnose someone merely over steam comments, from which it is impossible to judge an entire persons mindset xDDDDI guess i hit a nerve by outtalking you like that, and sheer superiority must've cornered you quite hard :DTry again please2024-06-09 08:12:55
SnuuutYep, that's why you keep responding to me and even put in the slight effort of trying to make anyone believe that you allegedly "don't care" while at the same time contradicting and proving yourself wrong with your responses And since you just granted me an irresistible opportunity to embarras you even more with that overused and stereotypical internet babbling of yours, i'd like to ask you why you falsely act like a psychologist by trying to diagnose someone merely over steam comments, from which it is impossible to judge an entire persons mindset xDDDDI guess i hit a nerve by outtalking you like that, and sheer superiority must've cornered you quite hard :DTry again please2024-06-09 08:10:50
SnufkinI seriously dgaf about the ♥♥♥♥ you say on here , I just love the fact that ur mentally unsane , your yapping doesn't really bother me , freedom of speech after all , talk all the non sense you want , again I don't care about you nor your opinion.2024-06-09 06:01:48
SnuuutOh Snufkin my dear, i've seen that very same coping mechanism before...People get owned by me and try to play it off by acting some sorta cool and just reply with stuff like "i love you Snuuut" :DYour reply is literally a confirmation of my success over you Let this humiliating experience be a lesson to you and for your own sake, you better learn from it, cuz this is something you certainly don't wanna go through again, so this is your last chance to stay silent, otherwise you're in for a good suffering2024-06-09 05:21:53
SnufkinSnuuut i love you and your ego2024-06-08 14:13:26
SnuuutSnufkin this is the second time you blatantly dodge an uncomfortable question and try to distract :D why even involving yourself and start talking when you can't handle the heat?2024-06-08 14:11:55
[MARI] KurumesuSnuf, I’ll fart in your shoes as i damn well please2024-06-08 13:49:57
Snufkinsnuuut how home your ego is so big like that?2024-06-08 13:35:56
SnuuutYEEEEEEEEESSSSS i knew it!!! xDDDDDDDDDDvruyiii you submissevely followed the orders of your master & owner like the obedient puppet that you are Therefore i hereby command you to copy paste this very comment too, and provide me more of that absolutely delicious evidence against you2024-06-08 09:14:44
vruyiiiSnufkin sweetheart do you want me to destroy you on that subject, yes or no? :)2024-06-08 07:37:28
SnuuutSnufkin sweetheart do you want me to destroy you on that subject, yes or no? :)2024-06-08 07:22:05
SnufkinVruyii isn't tb tho , snuuut stop spreading misinformation2024-06-07 16:07:37
SnuuutUuuhh looks like vruyiii finally found out that he was being utterly ridiculed by me, now he starts to disobey the orders of his master & owner No worries, sweetheart. You're not the only tacobot clown who fell victim to me, i did the exact same thing to quite some of your fellow tacobot clowns before... the last one before you, was your fellow tacobot clown kina :DIt was fun abusing you for entertainment purpose, and whenever you copy paste a comment again, i'll be there to get even more delicious evidence against you and to make fun of you again2024-06-07 11:39:20
vruyiiithanks man, enjoy your life2024-06-07 10:07:07
SnuuutAaaaww, vruyiii certainly is one of the easiest to play tacobot clowns in the tacobot circus Even tho he copy pasted not the comment he was told to copy paste by his master & owner, he still couldn't resist the temptation to copy paste a comment xDTherefore thank you vruyiii for even more beautiful evidence against you, keep it comin, champ And now be an obedient tacobot clown and do as you're told and copy paste this very comment too, i know you feel an irresistible itch to do so2024-06-07 09:43:24
Mr.Kashthanks man, enjoy your life2024-06-06 20:07:55
SnufkinUh2024-06-03 15:28:20
SnuuutYaayyy vruyiii what a well behaving puppet you are Now keep dancing to my tune and keep showing everyone how ez it is to control tacobot clowns such as yourself exactly to my will and allow your master and owner who pulls the strings on you to continue to make an absolute mockery out of you, and copy paste this very comment too, cuz i command you to, and i know you will 100% fall for my trap even tho it couldn't be more obvious xDDDD2024-06-03 11:13:03
vruyiiiThank you guys for even more beautiful evidence against you Tacobot clowns are the most reliable source of such entertaining screenshots xDNow do as your master and owner commands and show everyone how submissively obedient you are and copy paste this very comment too <32024-06-03 09:50:19
SnuuutThank you guys for even more beautiful evidence against you Tacobot clowns are the most reliable source of such entertaining screenshots xDNow do as your master and owner commands and show everyone how submissively obedient you are and copy paste this very comment too <32024-06-03 09:46:27
CronoThank you for the screenshot material, vruyiii2024-06-03 08:11:26
vruyiiiThank you for the screenshot material, vruyiii2024-06-03 08:03:20
SnuuutThank you for the screenshot material, vruyiii2024-06-03 07:57:29
vruyiiiToxic tacoconut2024-06-03 06:01:15
CronoToxic tacoconut2024-06-02 17:58:17
vruyiiiwtf sign my profil too2024-06-02 10:08:04
Pootis.exeCongrats on the Aussie. And sorry for getting you killed near the end lol.2024-06-01 15:45:57
♫Dr.Cloud♫Daddy Snufkin pls sign my Profil2024-06-01 14:48:30
KurumesuI miss you2024-05-28 14:29:35
Snufkin Tacobot.tfuwu :32024-05-25 16:28:44
El Papá de TimmyGlad to see you back snuf2024-05-25 14:58:45
SnuuutSnufkin you literally said "drama on your profile" and you already responded to such things multiple times in the last 12 months as can be checked by simply going back a few pages, which leads to the conclusion that you must be talking about things you haven't responded to yet. So which "drama" were you talking about? Just point it out, shouldn't be that hard ;)Oh and assuming that you were coming back to TF2 just recently, this means that the "drama" must be fresh :D2024-05-23 04:54:46
[MARI] vruyiiiwait is Snufkin my beloved back?2024-05-22 20:38:19
Snufkin Tacobot.tfHe was getting griefed by someone else , not me.2024-05-22 17:48:09
Snufkin Tacobot.tfSensei asking me to remove his "cheater supporter" tag ? idfk I joined mid game idk why is he even commenting on here2024-05-22 17:47:53
Snufkin Tacobot.tfI was talking about comming back to tf2 after almost a year of not playing2024-05-22 17:46:53
SnuuutHey SnufkinYour last comment on your profile is from february 16th this year, which was just 3 months ago.Obviously only 3 comments have been posted since then... which comment exactly contains said drama? Would you please be so kind and point out? Thank you2024-05-22 17:36:02
Snufkin Tacobot.tfI comeback for a few games after almost a year , immediately get drama on my profile 10/102024-05-22 16:35:00
SnuuutSensei Quack, in case you're talking about the tacobot circus' kicklist, you should know that first of all being listed there has literally no affect on your MvM games, as you'll still be able to play as before, for the most part and nothing really changes.And that this list is merely a facade, as tacobot clowns don't mainly add cheaters and alleged cheater supporters to that list, but rather list everyone who successfully manages to pi$$ them off and just falsely accuse them of cheating in order to hide the true reason :DThe tacobot circus even has members with VAC bans, like mhuss and starbowJust draw your attention to the lack of evidence, which they're obligated to provide, but they fail miserably. All you see is unconfirmed accusations xD2024-05-22 16:32:28
Sensei QuackGet me off the tacobot I'm not a cheater2024-05-22 14:37:12
PetFog+rep what is your promo code on ddrop?2024-05-15 15:26:33
SnufkinTy homie2024-02-16 12:21:10
The Steann CommunityCheck the site dude you inspired creation you're a hero in disguise ty2024-02-13 18:36:44
Java59Happy holidays snuf2023-12-25 23:49:09
vruyiiiSnufkin my love i miss you2023-12-15 14:12:25
QuinlanHey Snufkin, I just realized somehing very funny. And I'll ask you one question that you surely will not be able to answer, or even if you do, it will not make any sense at all.You always claim that Brave Master is a cheater supporter. Then why don't you list him on tacobot ? :D2023-12-07 04:43:32
Instinqt (Washed 1800)Absolut ♥♥♥♥ ky2023-11-12 05:27:29
Snufkinwhat2023-11-11 05:58:43
SnufkinWhat kind of racing?2023-11-09 12:30:51
furukaIm a huge fan of racing2023-11-08 22:28:12
Snufkinwhere did the schizophrenia from my profile dissapear2023-11-08 16:39:37
LJ-rep. Low life2023-11-02 15:09:20
NightHell if i know when imaze, buy me a whiskeywhen will you buy a new computer so you can join to the games faster than usual2023-11-01 20:04:46
Imazénight when will you fix your mic settings so you stop sounding like a 12 year old2023-11-01 09:32:49
SnufkinSchizophrenia is a passion of mine <32023-10-31 21:14:20
♫Dr.Cloud♫Damn Boy nice Comments here 🌚2023-10-31 10:02:33
NightDespite you trying to grief me at wave 7 in bavarian, you got the trash loot with us which wasn't even a big deal for me, because time aint matter even if you say so, or the others.One day you get nothing, other day you get something. Does it matter anyway? It's nothing.But for you? Don't know, don't care.You can keep sucking Snufkin's BBQ(Yes BBQ- OCK.) at the moment, I can watch all the time you talking to the wall that has a hole in it Keep it up my boy you're the best at blowing it up!Much love. <32023-10-29 17:40:51
NightI just F-ing came here because of notifications that I cba to see but it seems my e-girl Quinlan having a beef with a taco, not surprised to see while calling yourself an anti cheater or some s̷hit̴... Quinlan 23 hours agoI don't really know who Brave was before we started playing together, but since then he is cleary not a cheater supporter. It is sad that you can't acknowledge about Brave Master finishing matches with cheaters when its not first wave but above wave 3 or 4 in 2c. Quinlan 21 hours agoPretty ironic, you acuse someone of supporting cheaters, while you yourself are in a group that has a member who supports them. See if DeathGod or Pope himself cares about it, nor the tacos. There are other tacos that hides it but keeps being hypocrites. Yet Pope himself is now playing the game, without cheaters. nn hdf pls LAFF big namers are everywhere be glad tf2 aint like cod community.2023-10-29 17:34:17
Luwinseriously snufkin, eat these guy's @ss get em big dog bury ur face in that @ss and tear it apart w ur tongue gj bro total support2023-10-28 21:04:06
QuinlanJeez Snufkin learn to read my man, I'm talking about DeathGod2023-10-28 19:37:54
QuinlanPretty ironic, you acuse someone of supporting cheaters, while you yourself are in a group that has a member who supports them.2023-10-28 19:37:32
Snufkinwhat friend?vru? fk u vru2023-10-28 19:37:05
QuinlanYou're just protecting your friend, like tacos tend to2023-10-28 19:36:18
SnufkinHe used to use instant res etc and I am not dodging your question , dont have time for ape talk2023-10-28 19:34:42
QuinlanWhy are you dodging my question about DeathGod?2023-10-28 18:36:52
Snufkinwell if stayin for 28mins and getting 8% of the kills counts as last wave then idk2023-10-28 18:26:11
QuinlanI don't really know who Brave was before we started playing together, but since then he is cleary not a cheater supporter.2023-10-28 18:17:28
QuinlanThe only person I know from these people is Night, who clearly is a known cheater. I remember Brave joined 6/6 once and stayed there. The first time? I don't know anything about that. Since when pyro exterminator is a cheater? Also please explain me, how can a tacobot be anti-cheat, while your moderator DeathGod queues with well-known cheater supporter, DrPopeNZ ? Pope has plenty of known cheaters on his friendlist and is himself marked on your website even.2023-10-28 18:16:34
vruyiiiBraver Master is a cheater supporter quinlan we both know it, how can he say he hates them but then use them for free loot ?2023-10-28 18:11:16
SnufkinBrave master completed with night on 13/09/2023 16:07Brave master completed with night again on 12/09/2023 00:18|Brave master q'ed and completed together with pyro exterminator on 08/08/2023 16:17brave master completed with dedManson. on 01/08/2023 18:39Brave master completed with Mr.He-he , froggy silverdude and kingdom on 17/07/2023 21:22Brave master completed with sssunny and bonch , brave masters score was 21💀/24m - 2% and several other games cba to list all of them.2023-10-28 17:58:21
Luwini can say first hand that quinlan definitely cheats2023-10-28 12:45:01
QuinlanQueue with a cheater? Pretend go grief? Man I hate cheaters you're delusional. We never queue with cheater or have any on our friendlists, most of our grief attempts are succesfull and cheaters leave at some point.2023-10-28 08:49:55
SnufkinBrave master said it himself , since he tries to grief it doesn't make him a supporter2023-10-28 02:10:16
SnufkinI explained it , what's more to it ? You both are of the same mentality, I tried grief=not a supporter, by your logic , I can q with a cheater pretend to grief him and I am not a cheater supporter!2023-10-28 02:09:52
QuinlanI'm still waiting for you to provide any evidence that Brave Master is a cheater supporter.2023-10-27 21:53:11
Luwini was until u said that now im just scared please accept my apology2023-10-26 22:55:32
Snufkin💀 what u gonna do fly across the world to get stomped from one swing ?2023-10-26 22:52:39
Luwinbawk bawk p*ssy if ur not scared post ur address and phone number2023-10-26 19:54:54
SnufkinIt takes skill to be that bad2023-10-26 16:51:50
SnufkinScared of what? Your horrid skill level ? Or the fact you are a cheater supporter ?2023-10-26 16:51:08
Luwinzzzzzzzzzz scared2023-10-26 00:22:35
Snufkin | tacobot.tfand2023-10-22 12:24:26
vruyiii-rep abusive tacobot user, only enjoyment is getting off to the misery of others. Called my friend slurs and trolled as afk spy. Avoid.2023-10-22 12:22:39
SnufkinNo2023-10-19 12:45:16
!✔Mika [❤️Iruma❤️]Hello, i wanna be your friend, i can be?2023-10-19 09:00:10
Tommy Breadman-rep ♥♥♥♥ player kicked me from a mvm game that didnt even start just cos i didnt do what he wannted and go heavy just cos i wanna play as the calss i wantted sorry dad i do what u want me to next time2023-10-18 16:22:15
Nixed-Rep, this little troll reminds me that I'm a better person and haven't ended up like this worthless piece of garbage2023-10-18 15:58:20
Põckët-Püssýs Cup Adult Mini Mas-rep watched him get shoved into locker2023-10-16 17:25:37
AntiMark | it's been 7 days and he still remembers us? Bro is chronically online be careful! - the REAL Sargent Maxwell2023-10-16 17:23:10
SnufkinLmfao , funny ty for the comments2023-10-11 22:17:42
BoobY~! | schizo tacobot user, only enjoyment is getting off to the bluey. Called mike slurs and trolled as afk sniper. Avoid.2023-10-09 18:12:37
AntiMark | abusive tacobot user, only enjoyment is getting off to the misery of others. Called my friend slurs and trolled as afk spy. Avoid.2023-10-09 16:59:01
Põckët-Püssýs Cup Adult Mini Mas-rep tacocat bot account2023-10-09 16:45:43
Snufkinwhy2023-10-07 16:54:29
E2-rep2023-10-07 14:46:40
Spring+Rep. Nice guy and good teammate. Thx.2023-09-15 11:57:24
SnufkinWtf2023-09-11 22:44:02
CarrotsWilk : I hate cuNNYWilk : I hate him in a funny way2023-09-11 13:39:47
KurisutinaReally solid mvm player!2023-09-04 03:43:19
Litva, Marijampole, Suvalkaisekso mašina2023-08-31 10:32:26
pppSnufkin : wont play with cheaters kysSnufkin left the game (Client Disconnect)2023-08-26 13:59:41
Typhonweak cuck2023-08-25 16:23:58
『 T O A S T Y 』-rep, low life broke boy who closet cheats in mvm, get on my level loser. Kick this closet cheater on sight guys.2023-08-24 13:03:31
cuNNyWho the ♥♥♥♥ are you2023-08-06 09:23:02
MarteunMoron2023-08-05 19:34:05
Java59+rep, nice player. Shame you had to leave mid-mission though, hope to see you again some other time2023-08-05 18:20:03
cuNNyschizo2023-08-05 17:01:26
Jeeco➴Leukemia is coming2023-08-05 16:56:58
cuNNywhat2023-08-05 16:42:13
Jeeco➴who even r u notice how i dont care at all about what ur preaching go get some air my friend2023-08-05 14:34:33
Miss PaulingYou: Tries to kick someone who did nothing wrong on last wave of MVM. Also You: Kicked for being an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ all game.2023-07-28 08:34:01
Kazuki, ScienceDILFL + ratio + bad taste + rude + didn't ask for opinion + tacobot2023-07-28 08:27:36
Austin (Buying New Effects)added to trade for your unusual I got a bunch of keys or could get items. im pretty new but I think youll like my offer (im not a bot or scammer just check my inv)2023-07-22 17:24:45
Churston Winchillgood gaming2023-07-22 13:02:59
Zulkitsigned by me :) lets play in party2023-06-30 09:35:08
♥ 𝙂𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙮 ♥+rep labai geri homoseksualus santykiai, rekomenduoju2023-06-14 14:01:18
GGlukmasin pizdobl9di, stoit afk vsu igru2023-04-25 08:53:00
Ricardo Miloszydu kilmes nacis2023-04-15 08:32:10
shinge RustStakebigga added me back2023-02-27 17:24:14
shinge RustStakebigga removed me2023-02-26 16:26:12
EnomikasDraugiskas Lietuvis2022-08-24 18:13:58
eN Jivery mad, very unnecessary2022-08-12 17:47:57
CozartBOT IQ 02022-08-10 07:46:34
76561199161272425signed by me, lets play csgo :)2022-08-01 04:00:55
ZavanokasComment2022-07-12 15:31:10
port of spainkomentaras2022-07-12 15:29:59
cuNNybet neprasiau2022-07-12 15:29:46
cuNNymaciau2022-07-12 15:29:39
ZavanokasGimimo dienos proga palinkejau sveikinima tau2022-07-12 15:28:28
etymotgummo2022-07-11 05:38:54
ZavanokasSu gimsu ;P Happy Bday2022-07-07 16:43:30
cuNNyKai visada draugeli2022-06-17 03:53:48
ZavanokasMatau kad tu cia jiem siurpo duodi2022-06-17 03:53:04
KurumesuYeah back off, Colonel mine!2022-06-16 18:45:59
cuNNythe ♥♥♥♥2022-06-15 14:27:27
NukeclearMuffinno. Stay far from colonel.2022-06-15 14:04:02
niedzielaq | tacobot.tfbad player, low iq, spends his whole life on mvm instead of paying rent2022-06-12 02:32:14
Coreybad player, low iq, spends his whole life on mvm instead of paying rent2022-06-11 17:46:45
nothing serioussorry for my friend again, you did what i would have done2022-05-30 16:59:15
cuNNyBet2022-05-30 14:12:55
ุุุุgergez/itzzz sucker kick on sight2022-05-30 11:25:27
zalia | F4 enjoyer+rep very good person2022-05-27 15:03:09
Gordon Clumsyjust low life, if u see him just avoid any contact with this depressed bastard2022-05-26 15:49:02
Hermit? kikc2022-05-26 11:25:28
cuNNyObvs we do , duhhh ♥♥♥♥ em cheaters bestie2022-05-21 16:17:52
Kurumesu+rep Kicks cheater supporters2022-05-21 12:45:38
AdiMost toxic person I have met in MvM no joke.2022-05-21 07:59:23
Tzimelescope2022-05-21 02:00:54
Papayahaha you havent met me before2022-05-20 06:20:18
TzimelesMost toxic person I have met in MvM no joke.2022-05-19 18:00:02
Papayahaha nice2022-05-19 12:34:32
cuNNygood2022-05-19 12:26:53
Adi-rep kicked my ass out for no reason at the last wave2022-05-19 12:09:53
niedzielaq | tacobot.tfMoney on top2022-05-19 04:36:27
Seba256-rep kicked my ass out for no reason at the last wave2022-05-17 14:38:30
cuNNyMood😔2022-05-17 08:19:31
Adi-rep i literally was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ helping, but no u just had to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kick on the last wave bc i wasnt doing ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ enough dmg?? wtf man ♥♥♥♥ u2022-05-16 13:19:36
LunchmeatLiterally a toxic ♥♥♥♥. Has penis envy2022-05-14 14:48:24
Suspicous Milk?-rep Toxic , ape , ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thinks he is better then anyone , ect ♥♥♥♥ u cunny2022-05-14 08:31:19
Suspicous Milk?-rep i literally was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ helping, but no u just had to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kick on the last wave bc i wasnt doing ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ enough dmg?? wtf man ♥♥♥♥ u2022-05-14 08:25:52
Michael KnightWhy it wouldn't be a coincidence? It doesn't take too much time to find madrid servers, keep coping neanderthal2022-05-12 05:01:09
cuNNyCalled ya out , you instantly left , totally just a coincidence2022-05-12 01:47:04
cuNNyKeep cheating ape2022-05-12 01:44:13
Michael Knightrequeue for casual and ragequit isn't the same, keep coping2022-05-11 16:51:15
cuNNyDon't troll ape2022-05-08 12:24:43
niedzielaq | tacobot.tfEz clear no space for trans2022-05-08 03:18:33
punkiif-rep toxic2022-05-03 18:07:29
punkiifPor que me votaron?2022-05-03 18:07:12
EssRenamonPor que me votaron?2022-04-30 16:29:33
Davetorn+rep good player2022-04-25 07:30:31
+rep great mvm heavy <32022-04-24 11:48:33
Rubie>:oo yes i am woman2022-04-18 16:09:55
punkiif+rep my son2022-04-17 16:49:26
When the imposter is sus!sus profile2022-04-08 11:15:18
uknowwhatthewordsareCan i buy earbuds2022-04-08 02:15:19
ZavanokasNerijau prasau issitrinti tuos savo anime nuo profilio. Gedi draugai ir artimieji2022-03-26 04:44:38
Opequonsorry bout your balls m82022-03-21 21:25:10
Bayerische Motoren Werkesusitvarkyk savo profili del dievo meiles2022-03-20 12:23:52
Потный задрBidon eblan2022-03-09 14:30:57
ZavanokasPrasau visu prisidet prie gerumo akcijos " Padek Nerijui" Galite padeti skysciu 20mg is ecodumo arba pinigais, Aciu2022-02-15 12:01:13
bugiukasŠitam tikram dušmanui patinka rauginti kiaušiniai. Jam nuo jų ekologiškai stojasi birka. Facts2022-02-04 15:37:41
^3 Banditawww2022-01-27 10:19:43
bugiukasjam patinka shtormas2022-01-22 14:02:35
lebombequepyderas2021-12-24 18:20:14
bugiukasbuckis2021-12-12 14:39:04
ZavanokasO as tiesiog noreciau taves2021-10-27 12:42:38
[High]Techツi have rust coat stillo bs i wanna trade it for ur navaja tiger tooth if ur interested add me2021-08-05 04:33:53
XANTERACE加我兄弟 :32021-08-01 21:35:47
PlatINuM-duDehave an offer for ya. added bro ^^2021-07-30 00:38:13
♥哆啦AK♥加我兄弟2021-07-29 20:34:51
lendZ-rep2021-07-11 17:47:47
★™keks)jr™★сдохни2021-06-02 06:33:37
★™keks)jr™★-rep2021-06-02 06:23:28
Malėmares duhas2021-05-03 04:24:01
vilius nachujautistas negras duhas noobas2021-04-29 07:48:21
marius 6ix9ainasfanas2021-04-28 05:57:52
marius 6ix9ainasneziuriu as anime pirdalas2021-04-28 04:02:54
vilius nachujtavo tevas guminis2021-04-26 14:29:27
vilius nachujjasnas2021-04-24 12:22:39
ZavanokasSheesh2021-04-23 08:53:09
ZavanokasGaidys2021-04-23 08:49:34
kennyHey man! Been a minute ;)2021-03-29 08:31:38
Lord Flacko+rep nes gumynas2021-02-12 17:48:23
FlickaaZgg ez2021-02-09 18:13:08
Bayerische Motoren Werkenerka baik tu ta anime zet2021-02-05 06:53:39
svtrz/breesesitas ziaurus ant garinimo2021-02-02 06:38:28
Azoicgay?2021-01-28 10:37:36
Bayerische Motoren Werke-rep nes anime profilis2021-01-24 08:03:07
shinge RustStakewait banned my dude2020-12-24 13:49:34
Malėhe is gey2020-12-21 13:54:25
K i v u kpiščiau2020-12-09 10:23:24
vamp+rep2020-11-12 11:32:34
vamp+rep2020-11-12 11:32:28
Lord FlackoNerijus mires2020-10-25 13:42:58
cuNNyfaktas senelyzai2020-09-16 04:42:33
Lord FlackoMire Nerijus2020-09-16 01:14:30
bobMy Life Is Potato, I have Potato Blood In My Veins.2020-07-30 14:46:38
svtrz/breesemares duxas2020-06-26 17:45:34
shinge RustStake♥♥♥♥♥♥2020-05-20 05:53:36
FFFFFFF-rep so bad2020-04-24 14:22:44
MalėRIP my friend...Hope ya in a better place...2020-04-19 09:31:52
Malėgejus2020-04-05 08:33:42
GyMas+REP2020-03-14 12:05:23
БЕЗУМЕЦloh kototiy sosot pisku -rep2020-03-13 06:22:11
K i v u k-rep šikpuodis2020-01-19 10:03:26
K i v u kMirė Nerijus :(2019-12-25 20:57:07
razav1103ben is actually a girl2019-10-25 10:27:06
Just nothingMire nerijus :D2019-10-08 04:27:13
svtrz/breeseMire nerijus2019-10-06 12:37:41
Spunk+rep commented on my profile a year ago and i forgot to comment back2019-08-31 07:22:01
svtrz/breeseKalva2019-07-13 02:23:31
svtrz/breeseGuminis2019-07-13 02:17:04
svtrz/breesegummo boy2019-07-04 13:12:36
shinge RustStakeu big gay2019-06-25 17:04:45
ohHello, I might be back again in like a month :)2019-06-15 23:17:11
pridaryk snukiGal kas mate aivutes plancete?2019-02-01 13:56:28
svtrz/breeseKaDa mirsi?2019-01-25 02:24:54
shinge RustStakeMerry Christmas!~♡ and wait banned2018-12-23 21:52:20
jogurtinsh+rep good cepelinas player2018-11-15 15:19:16
Spunk+Rep (Extraordinarily thicc boi)2018-10-01 14:54:23
svtrz/breesesw as einaras varom rusta2018-09-24 13:30:55
shinge RustStakewait banned2018-09-19 14:27:13
enzy+rep2018-09-19 14:08:09
_22🌋[Death 🥗 holds 📣 up 👾 a 🌸 document ⛳ that 🍆 Peter 👃 doctored 📕 to 👹 proclaim 🥗 he 📘 was 👑 dead 🐝 to 🏓 avoid 🌳 having 👾 to 💃 pay 🐳 his 📗 medical 😺 bills] 👔 Peter: 🚙 Where 📒 did 🌂 you 📣 get 💚 that? 🎈 Death: 💎 It 👽 was 💙 e-mailed 💗 to 💛 me 🏀 by 🎍 your ⚡ HMO.🎫2018-08-24 03:18:11
M92I'm soo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cool i say im going to kill my self hah im edgy, what a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ it doesn't mean im doing the meme ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ retarded ♥♥♥♥ "im going to die ughhh" are you trying to be a emo ♥♥♥♥ but you say uou hate them, are you trying to boost your ego and say it to keep your self with no stress? , it means your a goth ♥♥♥♥♥♥ or some emo anime ♥♥♥♥, so give me your moms, ass you edgy emo gay ass ♥♥♥2018-08-21 23:18:23
bary6a+REP2018-07-16 16:03:53
K i v u kHow much skill do you have?Z E R O o o o 。 。 . . . .2018-07-16 05:53:09
Kvasa+rep Rado mane savo draugo draugų sąraše.2018-07-15 11:33:56
| Cub | ツ+rep Good guy :D2018-07-01 16:00:02
KaptenKnas ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ᵧₒ+rep god of rust ;)2018-06-29 15:08:55
zygis1111+rep good trader in rust :)2018-06-29 03:05:27
Ebnjones+rep my rust son2018-06-27 16:01:00
FatherGregori 0.7Jibanas litovcas2018-06-23 07:20:02
tevZi+rep he is friendly and good :)2018-06-23 06:32:02
Николай S+rep2018-06-12 11:50:27
Raf♥♥♥♥♥ sucked my toes and left me :*(2018-06-08 14:43:49
LordEdgelord+rep Lithuania is cool2018-05-31 07:24:04
svtrz/breeseSkambukas2018-05-21 15:03:17
svtrz/breese30e saika2018-05-16 08:05:55
✪MANYAKUL-rep hack2018-05-14 14:34:26
Svētelisjk2018-05-09 14:20:12
Svētelis+Rep cheater noob2018-05-09 14:20:04
ata+rep braliukasfdkfera2018-05-09 14:19:46
K i v u k------|\|------|\|------|\|------|\|----- |\|------|\|------|_| ----(___)----(___)----(___)----(___)----(___)--,(/-----\),-('/-------\')('/-------- \')|/|---------|/||/|-+rep--|/||/|---------|/|(-\--------/-)-\-\ ------/-/--\-\-----/-/ --- '-----'2018-05-06 17:02:26
svtrz/breesePisk krv durklas2018-04-28 09:34:42
cuNNypisk nx nieks taves nemyli daune autiste2018-04-25 06:34:25
svtrz/breeseTaip jis gyvas2018-04-22 04:22:26
svtrz/breeseKABO2018-03-30 08:48:46
Rastaa+rep i dont know you xD2018-03-26 12:58:46
ncyxie+rep ispazysta islama2018-03-02 12:38:04
pridaryk snukiWitam, z tej strony administrator ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥™.Zauważyliśmy, że nie logowałeś się przez ostatnie 2 tygodnie. Po prostu sprawdzamy, czy wszystko dobrze z naszym największym fanem. Od twojej ostatniej wizyty zaaktualizowaliśmy twoją ulubioną kategorie "Gay" z wieloma różnymi filmami. Wiemy, że Ci się spodobają. Do zobaczenia!P.S Niedawno zauważyliśmy Twoje niezadowolenie spowodowane brakiem aktualizacji Twojej ulubionej kategorii. W zamian za długi okres oczekiwania, otrzymujesz od nas dwutygodniową wersję próbną ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥™ Premium. Mamy nadzieję, że tym razem będziesz zadowolony :)Administratorzy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥™2018-02-19 10:45:49
Happy2much<32018-02-05 04:12:39
svtrz/breeseKIEK iš fizikos nerkiuk?2018-01-28 04:06:44
In my heartNuh2018-01-26 16:39:14
FlakkaPridek nerijau nerkute eglute2018-01-11 07:50:16
Bayerische Motoren Werkenerkiukai priimk i draugus ples2018-01-11 07:48:42
Harkin+rep project skins2018-01-03 04:28:57
Happy2much+rep good ♥♥♥♥♥2017-11-06 14:59:24
svtrz/breeseDeives bestas2017-10-14 04:52:04
svtrz/breeseduhas nx silkes fanas2017-10-11 14:22:53
svtrz/breesethe ting goes skraaaaaaaaaaaa papapa2017-09-20 13:46:22
svtrz/breesekrv su tevu i pruda2017-09-20 13:39:23
svtrz/breese+rep karinukes fanas2017-09-20 11:02:46
cuNNydamn its good I love it2017-09-11 09:37:42
DutchGameNerd🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴🔴 🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴 🔴🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 My favorite Flag ;)2017-09-10 15:39:20
oh+rep, lit af fam *dabs2017-08-11 22:34:57
Lunar+rep, nice friend2017-07-13 13:15:56
Harkinbest komentator but ♥♥♥♥♥♥ kata main2017-07-04 04:56:43
GeT_LefTi love you, you are a nice person <32017-06-22 13:19:10
☆MAHOUNI☆™REport2017-06-19 15:25:38
Happy2muchnp ;)2017-06-13 07:49:51
cuNNyhehe ty2017-06-11 16:07:25
Happy2much6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666699966666699999666999996999996666966966666699999999966699669966996666996699666966966666666699966666699999666999996999996666666666666666666666666699669966996666996666699666699666666666666666699666996999996996666669999996666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666661. press Ctrl + F.2. press 9.3. don't copy.2017-06-11 09:00:03
JULIAyou blow with no job ♥♥♥♥♥♥2017-06-09 10:24:50
cuNNynori mirt duhas?2017-05-19 08:50:59
Harkinahri my main <3 kata extra cancer2017-05-19 07:37:25
vvvvvvvvvkata is trash ngl2017-05-08 11:15:48
Happy2much+ + + rep2017-04-19 12:41:39
Trowz♥♥♥♥♥ boy+2017-04-05 18:00:07
low priority player+rep2017-04-01 06:03:56
HKthe name of the background it Hikari2017-03-31 11:50:08
Trowz-rep noob2017-03-30 08:34:31
RafInhaling is not smoking2017-03-13 15:21:56
Trowz♥♥♥♥♥ boyyy2017-03-09 16:46:36
ohhi2017-02-14 16:47:43
Harkin+rap god2017-02-08 00:48:46
cuNNyaww yeah!2017-02-05 06:26:41
K i v u kHello. I am an administrator of GayPorn4u™.We have noticed you haven't logged in for 2 days, we're just checking to see that everything is okay with our biggest fan. Since you visited us last time we've updated the Gay Porn section with many videos we know you will enjoy. See you soon2017-01-29 08:11:18
LunarMerry Christmas2016-12-25 01:57:27
DJENDURI NAPRED+rep anal prolapse2016-12-13 14:44:26
Acchanmerry smissmas2016-12-12 08:35:40
SlacerR.I.P dis guy is ded2016-11-25 12:25:37
sand+rep scam2016-10-29 19:26:22
Sword-rep Stupid ass gay ♥♥♥♥♥♥2016-10-29 13:27:57
Slaceryour problem that you spammed the +rep command lol2016-10-24 14:06:24
cuNNywtf2016-10-23 14:57:11
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:12:38
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:12:37
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:12:36
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:12:35
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:12:34
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:06:53
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:06:53
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:06:49
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:06:49
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:06:48
Slacer+rep Thanks for using Slacer Bots, Have a Nice Day! -RedSlacer-2016-10-23 14:06:47
SlacerThis guy is a meme!2016-10-23 14:05:38
Olegarh_+rep2016-10-23 12:40:58
cuNNyjosh unblock me uf at little prick2016-10-01 14:36:22
cuNNyJOSHY2016-09-30 12:04:55
TrowzMLG Cunny S2016-09-29 05:33:38
Oliwweer+rep dankest ♥♥♥♥♥♥2016-09-16 16:14:20
E3FellHe is ok dont hate2016-08-23 14:17:32
Raf+rep Even though hes a ♥♥♥♥ some times he the dankest meme i have known2016-08-21 10:37:21
Woras+rep 2dank4my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥2016-08-13 11:50:09
76561198127128590+rep love you2016-08-08 03:26:16
KundasonNot actually a dank meme2016-07-28 11:03:14
TrowzNice guy my ♥♥♥♥♥ +rep2016-07-26 15:04:49
ABUDADANoobs2016-07-26 08:32:25
ABUDADALol2016-07-26 08:32:19
TautvissDon't know what to comment so here's the recipe for a glass of water:- Glass- WaterInstruction- Put water into glass2016-07-25 09:15:03
finnsternice dp lol2016-07-08 04:20:09
Genuine Scrumpy+rep2016-07-07 07:20:06
cuNNy♥♥♥♥♥2016-07-07 03:19:46
Lunarhappy Birthday, I wish you get anything you want form life2016-07-07 03:15:24
StigHappy B-day!!!!2016-07-06 06:51:24
Lunar+rep, nice guy2016-07-01 06:40:37
hxxcs1 hellcase.orgaciu uz skinus, bet nesupratau kam ismetei ;)2016-05-21 15:30:54
mojo jomoMakes sure we dont roll other teams in MM, good guy/102016-04-24 14:10:29
Filia+rep polite trader2016-04-09 13:46:49
Azthnx? +rep )2016-04-03 15:17:35
flepjecks+rep Fast and nice trader2016-03-25 12:01:53
Carrot(づᵔωᵔ)づ+rep amazing friend+he gave me backpack expander2016-03-24 12:29:10
kenny+rep awsome guy veary friendly and a good friend!2016-03-20 05:52:48
cuNNyOmg ty for +rep specially from an youtuber like you:32016-03-06 10:30:25
Burny+rep liked my nude photos2016-03-06 09:49:41
K i v u k+rep best trader2016-03-05 10:42:48
Rockelis rtxGOOD FRĖĖND2016-03-05 03:04:38
ohnot joking2016-02-27 13:43:57
ohbest friend ever2016-02-27 13:43:45
=Offering ts bills for the gen. Point and shoot , do u still have it ?2016-02-26 09:53:01
SomeGuy99999999999999666666696666666966666669999999669999996699966966999999669996699999996699999966999669669999996699966996666666666669666666696666666966666669999999669999996696699966999999669999999999996699999966996699669999996699999999999999999999669996696666666966999999step 1: Highlight textstep 2: Press Ctrl+fstep 3: Press 6step 4: Enjoy the truth!(its not a 69 joke)2016-02-21 07:47:02
Njorb6666hes a good friend2016-02-16 01:52:06
ohBest Friend ever, LOve you, nohomo2016-02-14 19:06:02
Western Star Original+rep fast2016-02-12 08:55:21
.xio+rep sooo friendly C:2016-01-31 04:05:06
Maumedinis+rep He let me to wallbang his mom2016-01-15 12:41:54
深い+rep he raped me (2015.12.30) :<2015-12-30 06:08:40
Akroza2k+rep gay2015-12-27 09:10:41
L1NKSM4K0T1SHe will trade me and he will overpay ! wow +REP!2015-11-27 11:15:35
ed+rep Dankmasta swank lerd drops load 420 days of the years2015-11-01 13:37:19
dke+rep !2015-09-26 14:11:22
Krazna*+Rep Good player2015-09-26 14:11:21
Badman+Rep very good trader :D2015-09-19 15:50:48
Ettbloss+rep nice baby :*2015-08-21 15:57:42
Harkin+rep huehuehue2015-08-14 13:45:49
Cardinal Eye+rep nice and friendly trader2015-08-14 07:55:24
Hercus+rep good trader2015-08-14 02:57:49
bigcheese+rep, great trader2015-08-11 15:33:56
jellybeantom+rep Very friendly person, and a good tarder.2015-08-11 15:26:03
Mr. Mouse+rep fast trader2015-08-11 15:06:27
RodGronBla+rep quick and easy trader2015-08-11 11:00:08
Sam P45An honest pleasure to trade with! Great trader and friend2015-08-06 15:18:27
naktop+rep nice and fast trader2015-08-06 14:50:04
yorpi aneurysm sex gamingrep nice guy, good trader :D2015-08-03 04:46:42


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
