SteamID64: 76561198214172093
SteamID32: [U:1:253906365]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:126953182
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/whodisquestionmark/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198214172093

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2015-08-23 13:23:53 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-04-01 03:36:10

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
A GUY2020-08-18 10:06:08
POGGERS2020-03-27 14:08:32
🤷2019-12-05 12:28:52

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/whodisquestionmark/2023-04-01 03:36:10

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed


Total: [38] | Deleted: [0]

A GUYContent removed by a member of Steam Support — 3 hours agoCommunity content has been removedContent you have posted has been removed by a member of Steam Support for violations of the Steam Community & Content Guidelines.Community Content Removed:Persona NamePlease review the Community & Content Guidelines.If you believe this item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support.2018-07-01 02:13:02
Jukurnice to meet you ^. ^2018-03-20 12:07:48
Qrow 鴉Number 1 Esti ;p2018-03-11 06:12:27
Esteban BaconmoreVALAR MORGHULIS2016-09-25 02:08:05
OcinMegreat person ;)2016-06-23 14:24:22
Jamison Fawkes"My Aunt Lyanna. I've seen her statue in the crypt. My father never talked about her."2016-06-22 14:23:18
BrutalKarmaSuper nice girl who hasn't put me on her list2016-05-28 02:55:20
『アレン ALLEN ✨*:・』Was nice to meet you2016-05-24 20:47:05
kazei used makeup to be liek u2016-05-03 04:59:32
kaze+rep can't get her attention pro2016-05-01 13:46:33
I am going to be the best carryHave a fantastic weekend!2016-04-29 13:56:05
Stabbyy______░இஇ█▓░♥___________░இஇஇ█▓░♥___░இஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_____░இஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_░இஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥__░இஇஇஇஇஇHAPPY VALENTINESஇஇஇ█▓░♥____░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_______░இஇஇஇஇஇஇDAY!இஇஇஇ█▓░♥_________░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥___________░இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥______________░இஇஇஇஇஇ█▓░♥_________________░இஇஇ█▓░♥____________________இ█▓░♥2016-02-14 14:10:33
ShunaHeyo =^-^= I Wuv Your Profile2016-02-10 19:13:27
Jacket-sama"the dankest meme in my life" 11/10 - Senpai Noellex2016-02-08 22:49:20
FieldNinja101stHi :)Just read your profile. If you want to check out mine, feel free. I just wanted to add some really nice people today. Life is beautiful.2016-02-05 11:29:40
unclegronkoayyylmao2016-02-03 19:46:14
cabeça de pisso+boobs2016-01-07 16:07:30
kevsLiking the angel beats artwork =]2016-01-05 13:34:33
Detective XaltyHappy new Year! ^-^2015-12-31 18:52:33
DeathMerry Christmas!!!2015-12-25 08:18:42
Cringy~Slothlazy weekend greeting: hey you ....... have a nice weekend2015-12-11 08:28:09
unclegronkogreat person, also a good surfer on csgo kek.2015-11-28 16:27:26
StabbyyWish you the most lovely and Wonderful weekend <32015-11-28 07:23:49
ToastywafflzYou might want applesauce. In the event of such a dietary anomaly, please consume applesauce.This has been a PSA from your friendly local non-intrusive...person?2015-11-28 02:10:47
Cringy~Slothhm Something happaned.....i guess it's ....It's It's It's a♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ WEEKENDso eat the cake of your senpai and and drink his coffee then this weekend could be awesome maybe because of the seams sale but thats not the point.You know that we have every week only two days to be in our lazy mode so try to make the best out of this 48 hours and try to have so much fun as possible.Have a Kawaii and sugoi weekend Master~sama2015-11-27 08:31:05
StabbyyWish you lovely and wonderful weekend! <32015-11-21 15:30:46
can texas do this?nice to meet you ^. ^2015-11-20 13:15:42
Cringy~SlothThat feeling of excitement at the last minute of your Friday activity.Weekend baby!I hope our friendship will not end at the end of the week.See you on Monday!Nothing beats these two special days of the week.Thank you Lord.I thank God for creating Saturday and Sunday for I have the opportunity to miss you. I love you.Forget about what happened within the week.Weekend signals a fresh new start.Good Saturday and Sunday to you and your family!No matter how stressful the week has been,the weekend has come and let the good things happen.Weekend!The beginning of new life for another week ahead.Thank you Lord!Saturday and Sunday is the next most beautiful thing after YOU.Promise!2015-11-20 07:33:36
HưngNice to meet you !!2015-11-19 13:29:08
ツChillli_♫hey, nice to meet you!! ^-^2015-11-17 16:51:35
UAnyaHi, nice to meet you~2015-11-17 06:35:19
GarbageHey you!2015-11-17 05:40:20
XerTmetThanks 4 the ADD Nice to meet ya2015-11-17 00:30:34
Cringy~SlothIt is not so that i wanted to add you pfff............BakaIt's nice to meet you my new kawaii friendgreetings from2015-11-16 23:55:38
gouken204Love talking to this person <3 <32015-11-16 16:40:52
DemonSoraNice to meet you!2015-11-16 16:19:50
Your Drugged Ice Cream BarHi! nice to meet chu! <32015-11-16 15:33:18
✪ CrowHi! nice to meet you :)2015-11-06 19:04:29


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
