
SteamID64: 76561198216510939
SteamID32: [U:1:256245211]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128122605
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rex1nz-/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198216510939

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2015-09-04 17:00:04 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-06-28 23:21:14

VAC Banned: True (Last ban 2455 days ago) [1 on record]
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
ариа2024-04-06 00:07:41
彼岸花2024-03-13 20:42:35
rex1nzzz2023-10-21 01:12:22
bagre alberto2023-10-08 18:19:32
rex1nz2023-08-03 00:35:01
insider2023-07-18 19:40:08
promissed heaven2023-07-13 15:31:33
bagre alberto2023-07-11 19:28:39
insider2023-06-22 19:58:05
御紅露2023-05-29 20:44:06
時透無一郎2023-05-27 00:45:18
Forget1n2022-09-06 07:56:44
Forgetzin2022-09-05 22:13:39

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
insider2023-07-11 19:28:39
~ ♥2023-04-01 03:25:53

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/rex1nz-/2023-08-03 00:35:01
https://steamcommunity.com/id/fnxdamalasia/2023-04-01 03:25:53

Avatar History

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Total: [447] | Deleted: [6]

Asuna My BelovedHope you have blast weekend!2024-05-19 00:16:22
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice day i guess...Here a song that might fire you up from boredom: https://youtu.be/uW8FwjltEw82023-06-19 14:55:17
KirgFala meu querido, não estive em casa por isso não escrevi antes, 2022 acabou e nos proporcionou muito conhecimento, amizades e jogatinasDesejo tudo de bom nesse 2023, que venham coisas melhores ainda Hey my dear, I wasn't at home that's why I didn't write before, 2022 is over and has given us a lot of knowledge, friendships and gamesI wish you all the best in 2023, may even better things come Abraços e bjos by KirgHugs and kisses by Kirg2023-01-24 08:48:16
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice September!Don't know what to say, so probably keep it short...Dropping Youtube link if you want to enjoy some music: https://youtu.be/jVWEqpo3uUk https://youtu.be/lz-jyS14WVI Anyways, have a nice day and hopefully enjoy the music too~2022-09-01 10:28:04
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice weekend!If only I have something do in my life....Recently just found a "drug" music that really make me follow the rthyme of the song: https://youtu.be/mzIg9gK5M30 Not gonna lie, this music make me feel stay awake!Hope you like it and enjoy the song!2022-07-17 06:56:31
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice Monday!Currently waiting for Blue Archive and Genshin update cuz don't know what to do right now...Also, got a music that you can enjoy while gaming: https://youtu.be/VLH6Yq5ameg Hope you like it!2022-05-30 02:12:03
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice weekend!Currently waiting to graduate from college and now starting looking for a job, any advice you can provide?Also, check out this music that recently I like to enjoy while playing games and doing other stuff: https://youtu.be/wYaIH0JZ4dc Anyways, I hope everyone will have a blast hearing the music!2022-03-12 15:54:53
KirgBoa Tarde meu querido, como você está?Vim aqui hoje para te convidar visitar meu novo perfilVenho também mandar uma mensagem de paz e amor para os tempos atuais de guerra, tomara que tudo corra bem e acabe logo A guerra é a coisa mais desprezível que existe. Prefiro deixar-me assassinar a participar dessa ignomínia ~Albert Einstein Good afternoon my dear, how are you?I came here today to invite you to visit my new profileI also come to send a message of peace and love for the current times of war, I hope everything goes well and ends soon War is the most despicable thing there is. I would rather let myself be murdered than participate in this ignominy ~Albert Einstein Carpe Diem2022-02-28 15:02:25
KirgBom Dia meu querido, quanto tempo eu não passo aqui.Vim te desejar uma ótima semana, que fevereiro seja um mês ótimo e cheio de conhecimento.Frase de reflexão: "Não ganhe o mundo e perca sua alma; sabedoria é melhor que prata e ouro."~Bob MarleyGood morning my dear, how long have I not spent here.I came to wish you a great week, may February be a great month full of knowledge.Reflection Quote: "Don't gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver and gold."~Bob Marley Abraços e bjos by Kirg Hugs and kisses by Kirg Sugestão de música // Music suggestion : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNBCVM4KbUM&ab_channel=BobMarleyVEVO2022-02-07 08:16:29
KirgFala meu querido, esse ano acabou, nos proporcionou muito conhecimento, amizades, vacinas e a volta da "vida normal"Desejo tudo de bom nesse 2022, que venham coisas mehlores ainda Hey my dear, this year is over, it has given us a lot of knowledge, friendships, vaccines and the return of "normal life"I wish you all the best in 2022, may even better things come Abraços e bjos by KirgHugs and kisses by Kirg2021-12-31 16:17:29
Die BrückeFeliz natal!2021-12-26 19:47:56
KirgE aí amigo, boa noite tudo bom?Vim lhe desejar um FELIZ NATALBoas Festas, desejo tudo de bom, muita luz e alegriaQue o Papai Noel passe aí te deixar um grande presente Hey there dear, good night, how are you?I came to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMASHappy Holidays, I wish you all the best, lots of light and joyMay Santa Claus come by and leave you a great gift Abraços e bjos by KirgHugs and kisses by Kirg2021-12-24 17:40:00
KirgOpa, salve salve meu querido, quanto tempo que não venho comentar aquiEstava estudando pra provas e amanhã é uma delas, uma prova muito importante pra mim, peço que mande boas e positivas energias por favorzinho Oops, whats up my dear, how long have I not been commenting hereI was studying for tests and tomorrow is one of them, a very important test for me, I ask you to send good and positive energies please Abraços e bjos by KirgHugs and kisses by Kirg2021-12-18 21:12:59
YuyuyuyuyukiHappy October!Recently, having trouble with managing time and got some trouble in life too TvT...So for now, here a music that chill me down while something stress me out : https://youtu.be/Sg5EK3koalc Hope this month will happiness to all of us!2021-09-30 14:15:19
KirgBom Dia meu queridooo, nova operação no Cs bora bora boraGood morning my darling, new operation at Cs gogogo Uma breve curiosidade sobre tubarões já que a operação é sobre issoA Ampola de Lorenzini é o orgão sensorial do tubarão e funciona a partir de elotromagnetismo, é extremamente desenvolvidoFica localizado no focinho, então se algum dia um tubarão for te morder, de um soco no "focinho", é o lugar mais sensível, depois disso nade como se não ouvesse amanhã kakkakaA brief curiosity about sharks as the operation is about itLorenzini's Ampoule is the shark's sensory organ and works from electromagnetism, it is extremely developedIt's located in the snout, so if someday a shark is going to bite you, punch the "snout", it's the most sensitive place, after that swim fastest you can kakkakaBom, aproveite o resto da semana e boa operaçãoWell, enjoy the rest of the week and have a good operationAbraços e bjos by KirgHugs and kisses by Kirg2021-09-22 13:06:35
KirgLet's bora de nova semana meu consagradoLet's go to new week my consecrated "Não espere por uma crise para descobrir o que é importante em sua vida." - Platão"Don’t wait for a crisis to discover what’s important in your life." - PlatãoTenha uma ótima semana repleta de alegria Have a great week full of joy Bjinhos do Kirg Kisses by: Kirg Carpe Diem & Namastê2021-09-13 09:43:12
KirgGood morning my friend, today August 29 "World Gamer Day" Here I bring you a list of what games have not only taught me, but they teach us every day.As much as you are stressed, worried, full of problems, you need to stop and listen, because a wise person is the one who listens more and speaks less, because he learns what is heard and transmits these teachings in his eyes.We can get it wrong several times and the problems will pile up, but if we are patient and don't give up, the right ones make them disappear like magic.The obstacle can be gigantic and seem impossible, we can try and fail several times, but with each attempt comes learning, with learning comes improvement, and with improvement comes overcoming, and that bogeyman will no longer existOn this August 29th, I wish you my great gamer friend, a great day, as Vader says, Together We Can Rule the Galaxy.Hugs by: Kirg2021-08-29 10:22:08
KirgBom Dia meu amigo, hoje dia 29 de agosto "Dia Mundial Do Gamer" Aqui lhes trago uma lista do que os games não só me ensinaram, mas nos ensinam todos os dias.Por mais que você esteja estressado, preocupado, cheio de problemas, você precisa parar e ouvir, pois sábio é aquele que escuta mais e fala menos, pois aprende o que se escuta e transmite no olhar esses ensinamentos.Podemos errar várias vezes e que os problemas vão se acumular, mas se tivermos paciência e não desistirmos, os acertos os fazem desaparecer como mágica.O obstáculo pode ser gigantesco e parecer impossível, podemos tentar e falhar várias vezes, mas com cada tentativa, vem o aprendizado, com o aprendizado, vem a melhoria, e com a melhoria, vem a superação, e aquele bicho papão não vai existir maisNeste dia 29 de agosto, desejo à você meu grande amigo gamer, um ótimo dia, como diz Vader, Together We Can Rule the Galaxy.Abraços by: Kirg2021-08-29 10:21:25
KirgJá dizia o Mario "Here We Go!", vamos de semana nova e experiências novas meu querido amigo Mario was already saying "Here we go!", Let's go for a new week and new experiences my dear friend "Aqueles que estão livres de pensamentos rancorosos certamente encontram a paz." - Buddha“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.” - BuddhaTenha uma excelente semana, cheia de novos aprendizados e conquistas Have an excellent week, full of new learnings and achievements Bjinhos do Kirg Kisses by: Kirg Carpe Diem & Namastê2021-08-22 16:37:47
KirgE começamos mais uma semana meu grnade amigo And we start another week my great friend "Todas as manhãs nós nascemos de novo. O que fazemos hoje é o que mais importa." - Buddha"Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." - BuddhaTenha uma ótima semana repleta de alegria Have a great week full of joy Bjinhos do Kirg Kisses by: Kirg Carpe Diem & Namastê2021-08-16 14:31:08
KirgFim de semana chegou amigo hehehe Weekend came my dear friend "Luke, você descobrirá que muitas das verdades às quais nos prendemos dependem do nosso ponto de vista." - Obi-Wan Kenobi"Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." - Obi-Wan KenobiTenha um ótimo final de semana Have a great weekend Bjinhos do Kirg Kisses by: Kirg May the Force be with you2021-08-13 15:32:06
KirgMeio da semana já amigo, já já acaba hehehe Midweek already friend, it's already over hehehe "Todos estamos matriculados na escola da vida, onde o mestre é o tempo." - Cora Coralina "We are all enrolled in the school of life, where time is the master." - Cora Coralina Tenha um ótimo restinho de semana amigo Have a great rest of the week friend Kisses by: Kirg Bjinhos do Kirg2021-08-11 19:42:15
KirgUma frase de reflexão para começar a semana A sentence for reflection to start the week “O problema não é o problema. O problema é a sua atitute perante o problema”. - Jack Sparrow "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem". - Jack Sparrow Have a great week ahead Tenha uma ótima semana Kisses by: Kirg Bjinhos do Kirg2021-08-09 15:47:30
Kirg⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ Have a nice weekend // Tenha um bom final de semanaBjnhos by Kirg Little kisses by Kirg2021-07-23 11:02:21
KirgTenha uma ótima quarta-feira meu consagrado Have a nice day my darling Carpe Diem Abraços do seu grande amigo Kirg Big hug from Kirg2021-07-21 10:18:10
KirgTenha uma boa semana Carpe Diem May The Force Be With You Abraços do Kirg2021-07-19 13:54:24
lkz ザヌJAPONESA NAO ONFIGA ?2021-07-09 21:52:02
KirgJoga mto padrinnnMay The Force Be With You +rep signed by Kirg2021-07-03 09:14:41
drtxiter raquer fedorento2021-06-23 09:22:34
drt___________________________######____________________________________######_____________________________________####_______________________________________##______________________________________######___________________________________#######___________####__________________#########__________######________________###_######__________######_______________###__######___________####_______________###___######______________##################____######______________############################_______________#################____######________________###_______#####_____######_______________###_______#####______######______________###________#####______######_________#######_________##########_##############___________________________________________NAO DEU PRA TIRAR FOTO, MAS DEU PRA DESENHAR ENQUANTO EU COMIA SUA MAE2021-04-16 19:38:01
KirgHAVE A GREAT WEEK ~ TENHA UMA ÓTIMA SEMANA May The Force Be With You This Is The Way+rep signed by Kirg2021-01-13 05:30:19
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a wonderful Wednesday!Recently, addicted too much on playing Genshin Impact >_<also,here a music that i enjoyed recently: https://youtu.be/0v1nsC3KKX8 Hope u like it and enjoy it as well!2020-12-29 20:27:59
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a funky weekend!"Paimon is emergency food???"Here my playlist that I enjoyed recently: https://youtu.be/-CCM4izsQdE Hope u like it as well!2020-11-14 15:43:52
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a great weekend!"Give me treat~~~"Here a music that i enjoy recently: https://youtu.be/QQHV01OO_5w Hope u enjoy it as well~2020-09-27 09:07:57
YuyuyuyuyukiEnjoy your wonderful Wednesday!"Will you care to join us as Friendship Club?"Do you have a bit of time to listen a music from Friendship Club?Here the link: https://youtu.be/1WS1hAh9xH0 Hope you enjoy it and have a nice day!2020-09-01 21:20:01
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a great day!Currently busy with online classes...Here a music that i recently listen when i'm feeling down: https://youtu.be/4_TCxA4bU_Y Hope u like it and enjoy it as well!2020-08-19 21:22:20
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a great weekend!“Let your unique awesomeness and positive energy inspire confidence in others.”Come here and join me vibing together to this song: https://youtu.be/Dmck9pO6Jco Hope u enjoy the PAPAYAPA as well!2020-08-08 18:18:53
YuyuyuyuyukiEnjoy your sweet weekend!"Want to run away together?"Here an old song that i enjoy back in the day: https://youtu.be/DdeEu2HYyys Hope u like it~2020-07-25 11:55:00
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice weekend!"Learn about true nature of a girl..."Here some song that i enjoy recently: https://youtu.be/sgdPlDG1-8k Hope u enjoy the music!2020-07-11 11:24:28
lucasPESO DO KRL2020-07-06 08:54:25
lucasPOMBA RUIM, n aguento mais carregar2020-07-06 08:54:19
msk 宮坂boa boa 1k de dia desde o ban2020-07-06 06:26:56
YuyuyuyuyukiAround 9-10 hour from now,my account has been hacked...and so,if i message u around that time,Please ignore the message...Sorry for disturbing...I hope u well!2020-06-28 20:34:22
Jaumala o cara assiste anime do pirata que estica KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK (é meme, sou fã também é nois)2020-06-28 17:32:48
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice weekend!Would u like to dance with me today?Here some song that i enjoy recently: https://youtu.be/9eyyhtOrKPI Hope we can enjoy it together!2020-06-28 02:52:58
Urame$$$$$$hi †kkkk,hoje viveu de anime não é não,sei sei2020-06-27 19:13:20
Forget1neu nao sou otaco n mlc sai dai2020-06-27 19:12:46
Urame$$$$$$hi †Famoso fala mal de otaku e é um2020-06-27 19:12:22
san+rep very fast and good trader xd2020-06-19 14:45:02
shinoCorre q o corno ta pucto2020-06-18 00:22:26
AddeCool profile2020-06-17 08:09:23
Forget1nFALA AI PIAZOTEEEEEEEE2020-06-10 11:02:12
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎FALA AI PIA2020-06-10 11:00:32
Urame$$$$$$hi †Tá jogando bem demais, irmão!Só precisa dar uma trabalhada na comunicação, teamplay, posicionamento, coordenação, utilitário, timing, confiança, mira, economia, controle de spray, movimentação e noção de jogo que você vai virar um MONSTRO2020-06-07 16:04:05
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice weekend!Can i cheer up your Sunday?Here some song that i enjoy recently: https://youtu.be/FkUIAeBcVUw Hope that the music can soothes you!2020-06-06 22:46:17
Forget1nfalo o mano q nunca vi no global kkk2020-06-02 11:27:37
lucasSalve global falido :D2020-06-02 11:25:23
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice week!Hope u have a great condition for this year!Here some music that i enjoy recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpcx7w9HpCo Hope you like it!2020-05-31 19:24:46
blim blimsigned by fks2020-05-27 15:59:36
sprideClaro ne2020-05-26 21:20:53
Forget1nviro fã? k2020-05-26 17:51:20
sprideAssina meu perfil hideki <32020-05-26 06:57:59
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎LENDA DO DEAD2020-04-15 12:24:51
shinomeu fã numero 1, só curte sa pora de gintama ai pa fude memo2020-04-14 18:49:50
YuyuyuyuyukiAlways keep your hand clean and stay away from going out for now~Here some song that i enjoy for now : https://youtu.be/68UlL5Op9q4 Hope you like it and have a nice weekend!:Asukathumsup:2020-04-12 09:10:47
FoxsixHave an nice day!2020-04-10 10:29:08
pardieHappy Quarantine2020-03-25 12:05:57
pardiemake peace with your past so it won’t destroy your present2020-03-18 21:45:13
pardiewho knew the emptiness could be so cold?2020-03-17 18:23:43
Adde+rep2020-03-15 14:53:28
shinoPombinha 2.02020-03-14 22:42:50
Adde6x6? :wavetree2020-03-06 14:49:58
shinomeu fã esse cornin <32020-03-05 15:50:38
pardie" walk until you can't anymore, then walk some more. "2020-03-04 17:11:56
darko vei me da um agente ;-;2020-03-01 20:31:31
Adde+rep2020-03-01 06:06:56
shinomeu pato resolveu aparecer em quack quack2020-02-29 12:35:14
AddeFeel free to join my steam group, friend https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Neonrep4rep2020-02-24 14:22:26
Adde+rep Feel free to send me trade offers if you want to trade cards2020-02-23 06:13:22
Adde+REP Thanks For The Trades2020-02-22 08:40:57
Adde。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .             𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎 ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2020-02-20 16:34:23
Adde。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .  .             𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎 ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   。  .        。                 ゚   .              .,         .  .        .     。                   ゚         。  .        .     .          。  .2020-02-20 16:29:31
MaLLocTTV+Rep Trading Fast!! :)2020-02-14 20:04:31
AddeHi Please Comment on my profile2020-02-13 10:31:44
AddeHave A Nice Day Legendary Steam Friend2020-02-12 12:39:15
shinoMeu patinho quack quack2020-02-10 20:47:19
pardie“Being kind to everyone simply means there’s no one special.” - Araragi2020-02-06 17:07:33
AddeWιsh ყoᥙ ᥲ ᥣovᥱᥣყ dᥲყ2020-02-06 12:12:54
pardieLife is a journey. Enjoy the ride2020-01-29 12:11:27
pardieHave a good day!2020-01-26 17:18:25
pardieI hope you have a good day because mine is ruined2020-01-25 17:56:37
pardietomorrow will be a better day...2020-01-23 15:32:16
Forget1n´~ - ~'2020-01-20 09:15:52
pardie{\__/}( • . •)/ >2020-01-19 16:11:48
Adde+rep Just so you know i love to trade cards so send me some offers if you want to trade! have a awesome day!2020-01-18 13:13:06
pardieHewo! How are you dwoing?2020-01-17 09:47:11
pardieIt hurts soo much … I can barely speak from the grief, yet I have no tears.2020-01-15 10:10:43
Forget1neu nao sei ingles mano foi mal kkkk fala um br ai hue2020-01-14 15:58:05
pardieWhat should I post on your profile today? :thinking:2020-01-14 14:59:45
pardietuturu mayushii desu2020-01-13 16:06:09
Fuck this game+rep great skill2020-01-13 00:20:01
pardieHope you're having a good day!2020-01-12 18:26:12
pardieHello ♡2020-01-10 12:14:33
pardiehave a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AWESOME day!2020-01-08 22:02:38
pardie♡♡ヽ( ̄~ ̄ )ノ2020-01-06 15:07:42
pardie(つ≧▽≦)つ2020-01-05 17:21:18
Urame$$$$$$hi †hgashashsahashassahhsah Ha pata cacaca pata ha2020-01-03 23:02:45
Forget1nSupera bb2020-01-03 22:59:05
Urame$$$$$$hi †venham ver meu perfil mais, pq refutar mimadinhos e imaturos é divertido rsrs2020-01-03 20:44:55
Adde•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)(¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸      ▂╱▏  ALL THE BEST IN 2020   |___|     ╲ ╲       |000|      ▕╱▔   |000|   |000|  ━╖ ┏╭━╮┳━╮┳━╮┓ ┏      |000|   ╟━┫┣━┫┣━╯┣━╯╰━┫  ‵⁀) ✫ ✫ ✫.   \00/   ━╜ ┗┛ ┗┻  ┻┏━┓ ┃  `⋎´✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•✫    \0/      ▕╲▏Ⓔ▕╱╲▏ ╙━━━╯    ✫¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫     ||   ━━┓ ┓╥━┓╭━╮┳━╮     ☻/ღ˚ •。     ||     ╰━┫╟━ ┣━┫┣┳╯     /▌*˛˚     ||     ╰━╯╨━┛┛ ┗┻╰━━━   / \ ˚2020-01-02 11:18:18
shinofeliz ano novo baianor2019-12-31 22:47:10
Forget1nvaleu suas pu*A2019-12-31 20:36:17
pardieHappy New Year!2019-12-31 20:29:44
AddeHappy New Year Please help me reach 400 followers on twitch before 2020 https://www.twitch.tv/add3wer2019-12-30 06:26:30
pardieBaka!2019-12-29 19:21:31
AddeHappy New Year Please help me reach 400 followers on twitch before 20202019-12-29 12:56:03
Forget1nkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk2019-12-29 09:47:17
Forget1nplagista profissional ***2019-12-29 09:47:13
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎só o plagio kkkkkk2019-12-29 09:16:59
aisaFeliz Natal2019-12-24 16:46:17
Tavinn ☯feliz natal meu mano serie b ta como kkkkkkkkkkkkkk2019-12-24 16:09:14
YuyuyuyuyukiMerikuri Merikuri~~~Have a wonderful holiday!ゆき、頑張ります!2019-12-24 07:16:21
msk 宮坂Feliz Natal ae meu parceiro :)2019-12-23 21:20:36
LOLIZINHA BALA TENSAfeliz natal jovem2019-12-23 17:02:49
pardie( ̄ヘ ̄)2019-12-20 16:44:56
Forget1nbraço de dinossauro2019-12-20 13:53:36
pardierawr2019-12-19 18:03:53
pardieヽ( ̄~ ̄ )ノ2019-12-14 19:05:17
pardie(つ≧▽≦)つ2019-12-10 17:13:30
shinoCorno, Porém gente boa KKK2019-12-03 14:19:36
Adde+rep trusted trader2019-11-22 13:01:21
AddeHi there, this is my second account and when I asked our mutual friend who the coolest in Steam he gave me the address of this page! Good game! 2019-11-21 13:08:21
Adde+rep nice person// signed by Add3wer2019-11-19 13:55:52
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice day!Can you gives me some interesting info that might be help me in the future? ゆき、頑張ります!!!2019-11-12 04:48:01
LOLIZINHA BALA TENSAmelhor electromaster2019-11-10 17:58:29
ryyxCan you give me a photo of a car please? vw gol quadrado2019-11-09 10:26:59
shinoGado,punheteiro e otaku mais é meu amigo2019-11-04 20:56:10
mercimongoloide, entra com amiguinhos pq sozinho sabe que é horrivel2019-10-18 14:29:25
?liso que nem sabão, joga dms2019-10-18 12:57:53
WELITON DIGITALCadê o Tarzan XITA, ele tá BAN?2019-10-15 16:57:39
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice weekend!Currently busy studying with IT stuffI hope that we can still be a friend!ゆき、頑張ります!!!2019-10-13 01:48:55
msk 宮坂éeeeee, xitadaaaaasso (n joguei c vc mas fds, xitadaaaaaaaasso)2019-10-08 16:07:53
Neon_Plazmadesistala jogo bot, aparnede a joga com plata y joga despues na aguia vai2019-09-26 16:18:47
.....De longe não troca, de perto parece que ta de longe2019-09-21 14:25:53
TrickKKKKKKKKKKKKK2019-09-13 14:59:38
roH_SEM PERRÉCO vac 100 MORAL ....#XIU2019-09-12 15:36:17
roH_100 perréco no meu perfil hein ja aviso2019-09-09 13:50:26
roH_KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK chora na vara ruim ganhou e ainda ta indo falar o q? soh pq vc TEM VAC seu bostinha..100 moral maldito2019-09-09 13:50:12
ChesterAssinado pelo Panda s22019-09-03 17:58:37
Urame$$$$$$hi †perfil mais feio desse brasil2019-09-02 19:06:32
NicoTolentino69Aí cara, sobre ontem, desculpa, eu perdi o controle, realmente não tinha nada a ver eu ter gritado com você, nem ter falado aquelas coisas escrotas... quem nunca errou que atire a primeira pedra!!!Pensei bastante essa noite, realmente muitas pessoas tem amigos homossexuais! eu não vou deixar de falar contigo por causa disso, é sua opção e eu respeito, ontem quando você assumiu ser gay, foi um choque para todos, eu sempre odiei viados, por isso eu me estressei na hora com você... não esperava isso de você cara...mas vi que foi muito infantil de minha parte, foi mal mesmo ... Você sempre foi um camarada e não são suas opções sexuais que vão estragar nossa amizade! Foi criancice minha, desculpa mesmo... e não ligue para essas brincadeirinhas tolas quando o chamam de 'boiola, baitola,♥♥♥♥♥♥♥louca, fru-fru, hello kitty' e tudo mais, estamos no século 21!!2019-08-20 08:09:53
guszzz villain arc.unica pessoa que eu conheço que n é virgem. Obs: do toba é claro2019-07-30 18:06:50
Forget1nHAHAHA MITO DED2019-07-27 21:00:29
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎kkkkkkkkkkkkk2019-07-26 09:50:22
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎🇸 🇮 🇬 🇳 🇪 🇩 🇧 🇾 : GUSTA2019-07-25 18:07:00
'# MandiocaFrita v0Gay para caralho mas e meu amigo sz2019-07-23 18:18:10
TrickSigned by: Noob Trick2019-07-23 17:49:14
Ded1Signeb by Ded1TRU2019-07-22 15:54:42
ArnoSigned By: Arno2019-07-22 15:40:14
Forget1n?2019-07-11 19:54:16
athenzhorrivel2019-07-11 19:38:08
Forget1n>.<2019-07-06 17:27:21
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎Bom dia sou do suporte técnico de Xshop, o seu cartão de crédito tem sido recusado por falta de fundos, os seguintes artigos de seus pedidos:-Consolador Negro XL ($500)-Vibrador Pro X3 ($768)-Tanga Masculina Gay ($150)-Fotografía de Gabe Newell ($50)-Pony MLP Rainbow Dash ($19,99)-Masturbador Masculino ($9,99)As seguites compras nao foi realizado o pagamento.17 de Fevereiro de 20192019-06-11 14:47:03
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎delicinha2019-06-03 14:36:36
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎gaysaka=gay-pop2019-04-29 16:37:09
Forget1nelsaka2019-04-23 11:05:22
aisaHideki Katarola2019-04-22 23:30:55
Forget1nkkkkkkkkk2019-04-07 09:36:43
aisaHideki Katamoska2019-04-07 09:34:19
Forget1nNUMMMMMMM VAI DAAAAAAAAAAA2019-04-06 10:27:38
sickomodegato2019-03-31 17:31:16
J✰ck ®xitado so reporta2019-03-15 20:06:45
pardieplease be patient i have awootism2019-03-03 14:48:12
pardieplease be patient i have awootism2019-03-03 14:48:11
Forget1nMAREA TURBO PIOR QUE AIDS2019-03-01 19:45:59
⁂Alex_N95Don't worry bro u have a big day :) I save u2019-02-18 05:48:52
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎fairy tail coisa de viado2019-02-16 19:15:53
Forget1nclaro melhor anime q existe2019-02-16 19:07:52
vortei por causa da salsa 2perfil todo bonito com coisas de fairy tail2019-02-16 17:13:33
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎vira meu ovo2019-02-14 12:59:28
FoxsixHappy Valentine's sweetie2019-02-14 10:01:28
pardieu mom gay2019-02-13 14:02:04
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice day!Today is my birthday,hope you start your day with good luck!決してあきらめてあなたの目標に向かってはいけません。2019-02-13 05:39:11
sickomodetu me chamou de script seu horrivel KKKKKKK respeita minha conta com 1k de vac2019-02-12 13:20:04
pardietuturu ~ Have a good day!2019-02-07 07:28:27
⁂Alex_N95u sell me to killer :(2019-02-05 16:36:46
FoxsixHave an great day/night!2019-02-05 14:24:24
YuyuyuyuyukiHappy Chinese Lunar New Year!中国农历新年快乐!Have a nice day!2019-02-05 05:26:15
pardieHappy lunar new year!2019-02-04 18:14:02
msk 宮坂VAI CURINTIA2019-02-03 07:18:44
pardietuturu2019-01-29 09:51:40
AngelusHave a Nice Week2019-01-27 15:12:53
pardiepomf pomf kimochiwhat's this sticky stuff on me?2019-01-26 16:35:55
pardieum homem sem chifres é um animal indefeso2019-01-23 15:16:21
?joga demais2019-01-17 22:32:48
Bayhem ツ|龍王 ⚡🌟🌌OHHHH ERZA2019-01-07 22:28:37
aisaHappy new year2018-12-31 10:12:06
YuyuyuyuyukiHappy New Year!!!Hope you start your day with good luck !決してあなたの新年の抱負をあきらめて、楽しんでください!2018-12-31 10:01:22
memento moriMerry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ••。★Christmas★ 。* 。° 。 ° ˛˚* _Π_____*。* ˚˚ ˛ •˛•˚ * /______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛˚ ˛ •˛• ˚˛|田 田|門| ˚ **Asukar carai*2018-12-25 14:41:17
lkz ザヌFeliz Natal e Feliz Ano Novo!!2018-12-23 01:34:11
guszzz villain arc.мєrry cнrisτмαs!2018-12-22 05:06:23
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎rio tiete2018-12-16 07:49:08
actionvem me dar cabeçada2018-12-10 02:27:44
Forget1npra vc tambem aisako ;32018-10-31 11:31:38
Forget1neu doou a cabeça de baixo no seu cu aisako kk2018-10-26 16:09:23
aisaé, eu doou o seu cu2018-10-26 16:08:30
msk 宮坂Salve2018-10-12 07:43:50
Forget1nownrrt ;32018-09-24 14:32:39
FoxsixHave an wonderful Day / JapaneseCherry Blooms are...2018-09-24 14:20:30
actiongado d+2018-09-24 12:09:10
FoxsixHave an wonderful weekend2018-09-21 12:40:55
FoxsixHave an wonderful day2018-09-03 02:27:24
Foxsixhave an amazing weekend2018-08-26 03:04:17
GrBGalerinha ele e um xiter ESTUPRADOR GALERINHA ELE ABUSA DE Criancas com idade entre 1 a 40 anos tomem providencia steam xiter estuprador2018-08-14 11:32:53
Forget1nMas é ela mesmo kkk2018-08-12 10:43:12
LOLIZINHA BALA TENSArascunho da akeno2018-08-12 09:31:02
FoxsixHave an beautiful weekend2018-08-10 17:26:50
_115👾Janet: 🐳 Hi. 🌋 Cookie? 🚙 Stewie: 📒 Well, 🍆 it's 🥞 Stewie, ⛳ but... 🐠 you 👃 can 🍖 call 💙 me 💚 "cookie" 🎽 if 🎄 you 😺 like. 🌸 Yes, 🎁 I 🌏 also 👽 answer 🌂 to 📗 "Artemis, 🚕 " 🚘 "Agent 💗 Buckwald" 🎫 and 🐊 "Snake." 👑 Yes, 🏓 I 💃 rather 🎍 like 👳 "Snake." 📘 Snake 🐝 Griffin. 🌳 [wiggles 🚗 his 🐟 tongue 📀 like 🔋 a 👹 snake]🍧2018-08-08 04:29:08
FoxsixHave an great weekend nyaan2018-08-03 16:23:18
LIPE-Como cheater com vac na conta pode jogar ainda? :/2018-08-01 17:40:25
FoxsixHave a sweetnyaa weekend2018-07-29 06:57:59
FoxsixHave a wonderful weekend2018-07-27 16:51:20
Forget1n<32018-07-23 17:37:00
FoxsixHave a nice day2018-07-23 17:35:18
FoxsixHave an amazing weekend2018-07-21 07:31:56
Forget1nthx2018-07-17 10:10:04
FoxsixHave a nice day2018-07-17 10:08:21
托帕斯+rep fast and fair trader.2018-07-16 16:39:24
Barraga+rep fast and cool guy2018-07-16 09:15:33
Forget1nSankiyuu! =D2018-07-16 08:23:12
Foxsixhave a great weekend Nyaan2018-07-14 14:51:40
FoxsixHave a great weekend2018-07-07 05:09:26
aisaVim dizer que não vai dar não2018-07-06 13:37:51
xVAI DAR BRASIL CARALHO 🇧🇷🇧🇷2018-07-06 13:12:31
FoxsixHave a nice day2018-07-03 09:20:02
PALMEIRAS PALMEIRAS PALMEIRASHexa ja é nosso poura2018-06-15 18:16:34
actionwoooooooooooooooooooooooooow2018-06-15 17:48:03
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice weekend!I am busy with school work recently, so i am so sorry if i late reply for your massage...アサトゆきひめ、頑張ります!2018-06-09 21:19:33
FoxsixHave a great weekend Onii-chan/Onee-chan2018-06-08 08:53:09
krym2904+rep good trader2018-05-29 14:18:12
gabrboku no pico academia s22018-05-28 14:10:09
cheeto+rep fast2018-05-28 10:12:22
JV+rep nice and fast2018-05-27 19:29:37
Rocko JJ+rep :)2018-05-27 16:34:37
boshy+rep fast trader2018-05-26 18:23:03
bokujin+rep nice trader, weeb squad <32018-05-26 16:31:08
Barabaraszek+rep2018-05-26 11:41:05
Moriar+rep2018-05-25 20:45:31
sickomode+rep fast and fair :)2018-05-25 18:39:33
zBrunayz+rep2018-05-25 16:25:01
₣Ɨє ☕Chupa meu piupiu2018-05-24 11:58:09
Rakuin no KenshiO cara é bom.2018-05-23 20:24:35
aisaaquele editor que você respeita me engravida2018-05-20 20:31:35
Keltic FC+rep good and fast trader2018-05-18 15:55:29
Forget1n^^2018-05-18 11:00:02
lucasOie ^^2018-05-17 18:08:46
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice week!アサトゆきひめ、頑張ります!2018-05-09 03:54:17
gabrmlr música everis2018-05-06 16:47:26
Forget1ndarin unmei ga kekkan wo hashiru yo2018-05-06 16:46:12
gabrDARIN2018-05-06 16:36:22
Forget1nhai!2018-05-06 13:37:40
Golanמzero two!!!!!!!2018-05-06 13:24:27
Ђąτиң Пęндąль+rep2018-05-06 07:45:02
fish\o/2018-05-03 07:12:39
FoxsixHave a great weekend with your waifu >32018-04-29 06:21:24
shelbynice profile2018-04-28 14:35:49
PneumoHiroshima ? o que cai do céu mas não é neve nem chuva ? :32018-04-25 15:36:00
nqoi anjo2018-04-19 17:47:56
Forget1nどもありがとうアサトくん、頑張って!2018-04-19 10:05:06
YuyuyuyuyukiHave a nice week!I am busy with school work recently, so i am sorry if i late reply for your massage...アサトゆきひめ、頑張ります!2018-04-19 06:25:55
HemxnBoa tarde Sr. Hideki, nós da Sociedade Brasileira de Urologia recebemos as suas perguntas enviadas por e-mail, e é um prazer respondê-las:1) Sim, 9 cm é considerado pequeno. Sugerimos processo cirúrgico;2) Não, não é comum a camisinha ficar larga. Não existe tamanho PP, o tamanho é único;3) Ainda que 9 cm seja um tamanho muito pequeno, é possível a parceira chegar ao orgasmo durante a relação sexual, portanto se isso não ocorre nas suas relações conforme mencionou, pode se tratar de falta de competência de sua parte;4) Não, o senhor não pode fazer o exame de próstata, é apenas para pessoas acima de 50 anos. Por favor não insista;5) O forte desejo por pessoas do mesmo sexo, pode sim ser um forte sinal de tendência ao homossexualismo;Estamos à disposição para qualquer dúvida!2018-04-13 17:34:56
GrBPikatwofly mais lindo da sua lista de amigos sinto muito em lhe dizer #PIKATWOFRAYMAISLINDODOSERVER2018-04-08 06:20:54
FoxsixHave a wonderful weekend >32018-04-06 08:35:31
volt=rep nice, fast, very friendly trader! ^.^2018-03-31 18:17:27
gabr+rep nice profileainda bem q existem mais otakus nesse mundo hehe2018-03-25 10:17:18
Forget1nsankiyuu!2018-03-21 14:22:58
lucasPerfil top2018-03-21 14:04:56
Forget1npsé jogar 5h em duas semanas fica assim mesmo...2018-03-19 10:47:00
MUSTANG PEEK - PÃO 🐎📂Documentos└📁Cs└📁Habilidade└⚠️ Esta pasta esta vazia2018-03-19 10:40:50
Forget1nban in tf2 is the best thing on the world kappa2018-03-18 12:57:26
IMDRINKINGCOCAV A C B A N2018-03-18 00:17:35
Forget1nSai dessa rapariga2018-03-17 21:25:31
endr<3 JOGA MT2018-03-16 21:33:09
guszzz villain arc.Como este perfil não tem nada de interessante, vou ensinar a fazer churros:Ingredientes:200g de farinha de trigo sem fermento250 ml de água50g de manteiga1 casquinha de limãoSal q.b.3 ovosÓleo para fritarAçúcar para polvilharCanela para polvilharPreparação:1. Num tacho leve ao lume a água.Tempere com umas pedrinhas de sal.Junte a casca de limão e a manteiga.Deixe ferver.2. Logo que comece a ferver, retire a casca de limão e adicione a farinha.Mexa até descolar do tacho.Coloque a massa numa tigela e deixe arrefecer um pouco2018-03-15 17:38:16
Forget1nQUE VIAJE É ESSA VEI K2018-03-07 16:13:18
FoxsixHave a nice Weekend,Nyaaa2018-02-25 11:18:49
Foxsixhappy valentines2018-02-14 10:19:40
meowHave a great weekend!~2018-02-09 13:11:44
karmahideki seu otaku dlc2018-02-06 08:55:42
Forget1nOlhoko2018-02-06 02:41:23
Miojo ツTmj Hideki seu linduuuuuuu2018-02-05 17:11:35
FoxsixHave a great weekend2018-02-03 04:50:59
meowHave a great weekend~2018-02-02 09:25:05
AlysonDBQual duvida?2018-01-31 12:49:05
Unive®_kk <32018-01-29 19:39:40
Forget1nIgor suaa bixaaa2018-01-29 19:07:15
Forget1nTmj bixonaa2018-01-29 19:06:54
Unive®_feliz 2018 atrasado irmaozin <32018-01-29 18:36:24
karmaTenha uma ótima semana2018-01-27 12:24:15
Forget1ntamo junto takada!2018-01-27 10:30:13
SirTakadaVi hoje a msg kkkk, otimo 2018 que esse ano venha com muitas horas gaming tmj man.2018-01-27 10:11:27
meowHave a great weekend2018-01-26 10:11:58
Forget1nzenchimentaru2018-01-25 20:20:44
aisaLet your smile change the world; never let the world change your smile.2018-01-25 11:56:16
x......................../>  フ 💕 .........................|  _  _ l 💕 ....................../` ミ_xノ ..................../     | ................../  ヽ   ノ ............. ..│  | | | ........../ ̄|   | | | ..........| ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) ...........\二つ2018-01-14 09:56:20
aisaso se ler o mangá tbm kkkk, pq o anime sem final ta uma porra kk2018-01-13 17:56:09
aisafujinomiya neko2018-01-13 17:52:00
BuosiHomão Dá Porra2018-01-13 14:26:27
aisaTenha uma ótima semana2018-01-09 06:22:19
aisafeio2018-01-07 11:03:34
Forget1n'-'2018-01-04 14:33:49
DaNfeliz ano novo man, tudo nosso dando bala nos newba2018-01-02 13:29:59
Forget1ntmj♥2018-01-01 05:59:19
KinityFeliz ano novo ae rapaz2017-12-31 20:36:24
Forget1nTamo junto rapazeada!! ♥2017-12-31 07:09:36
aisaFeliz Ano novoooooooo! Hideki-san2017-12-31 03:47:51
'# MandiocaFrita v0Feliz Ano Novo, mlk do condominio hahahha é nois xD2017-12-30 21:39:29
𝐷𝑛𝑙salve mano, desejar um feliz ano novo né TMJ aii e que esse ano seja tudo de bom pra vc<3 nOw4y2017-12-30 19:18:20
Forget1né nois!! <32017-12-30 17:39:25
NrXOpa Feliz ano novo!2017-12-30 17:36:43
kanye westfeliz anal meu amor2017-12-30 17:05:01
tenno_-Fala Japonês, Feliz ano novo pra vc e sua familia, tmj cotoco2017-12-30 16:20:42
ianzeraFeliz ano novo <32017-12-30 15:50:24
✪︎ MaduttMay the Lord bless and shower you with a great future. Happy New Year!2017-12-30 15:43:46
Forget1neoq2017-12-30 15:02:25
D R A GBola essa faca ai2017-12-30 15:00:51
달콤한 손채영Feliz Ano Novo, que venha 2018 ~ Ass: rICE2017-12-30 14:58:59
Forget1né nois ♥2017-12-30 14:49:54
Forget1n2017-12-30 14:41:34
SørrøwVlw cara tudo de bom para vc e sua familía Ass Onurb2017-12-30 14:40:23
Forget1ntmj asuka! s22017-12-26 12:55:43
memento moriFeliz natal! E um próspero ano novo, tudo de bom pra você cara. <!32017-12-25 16:22:59
Forget1ntmj <32017-12-25 06:30:53
Kinityfeliz natal ae brodi2017-12-24 21:46:11
Love#FelizNatal2017-12-24 15:27:01
guszzz villain arc.нidєki σитєм єиcσитяєi cσм σ ραραi иσєl є єlє мє diรรє qυє єυ ρσdєяiα ρєdiя qυαlqυєя cσiรα иєรтє иαтαl! мєυ ρєdidσ fσi ραяα тєя мєυร αмigσร bєм ρєятiинσ dє мiм иєรтє иαтαl є αиσ иσvσ. ρσя iรรσ єυ já vσυ αviรαиdσ, รєя ρσя αcαรσ αραяєcєя υм vєlнiинσ ρσя αí є єlє тєитαя тє ємραcσтαя, яєlαxα... є ρσя fαvσя, vê รє cσlαbσяα, тá? Aѕѕ : Gυѕzν2017-12-22 13:09:10
lazzarusé nóis hideki lindaum, pra vc tbm!2017-12-22 08:43:12
NicoTolentino69valeu Lucas mano pra vc tb tudo de bom é nois..2017-12-22 08:04:26
Forget1ntmj ♥2017-12-22 06:25:15
aisaTenha um feliz natal, cheio de alegria, felicidade e prosperidade, obrigado por fazer parte do meu 2017. Hide-chan2017-12-22 02:40:13
duartink1 no cachorro dele___________######_____ _____________________________######____ ______________________________####______ _______________________________##________ _____________________________######_____ ____________________________#######_____ ____####__________________#########___ ___######________________###_######___ #########_______________###__######__ _#######_______________###___######___ _______#################____######__ _______##########################__ ________################____#####____ _________##___________##_____####______ _________##___________##_____#########___ _______###__________###______#########___2017-12-19 10:05:02
KevZZTopper2017-12-13 08:29:54
Forget1nsbbrrr <32017-11-17 16:13:00
Forget1ne nois!2017-10-21 06:14:51
'# MandiocaFrita v0e esse vac safada2017-10-13 16:24:36
WUIDAIUWJDUIAWDWA+rep japinha loko2017-10-13 12:05:26
lkz ザヌConheci o Lucas Hidekii na prisão. Éramos companheiros de cela. Aprendi várias coisas com ele e lhe sou muito grato até hoje. Nos intervalos de trabalho voluntário que fizemos para diminuir nossa pena ele me ensinou latim, lógica, história romana e artes. Hoje devo grande parte de minha erudição a este nobre malandro. Meu único arrependimento dos tempos de carceragem é por não tê-lo ajudado nos momentos de coação sexual. Os outros presos se aproveitavam de sua fragilidade e inocência para força-lo a fazer coisas que ele antes fazia apenas por opção. Mas enfim, são águas passadas...Fico feliz de ver que você superou toda aquela violência e encontrá-lo aqui na steam... Abraço e deixa para traz essas lembranças2017-10-07 17:33:16
lambemeusacosent b/o bayo2017-09-26 14:03:28
lkz ザヌquer ser rato do global vire o nicolas2017-09-22 17:30:53
Trickvc usa hack denunciaod seu merdinha2017-09-16 17:45:45
Muralhadagayzao2017-09-16 11:05:01
Condelixo aimbot lixo toxico2017-09-12 15:07:47
memento morieu upo vc upa vai se fuder2017-09-12 05:25:14
Wolfy+Rep!, Thanks for use Wolf's Level Up services! Enjoy in crafting badges :)2017-09-09 13:33:55
NicoTolentino69duente lixo vai usar hack em outro jogo animal2017-08-26 14:26:09
TMTmito te amo2017-08-25 16:07:11
Current+rep for a nice trade.2017-08-19 06:39:06
★DORAEMON STOREadded for Falchion2017-08-18 05:30:03
Islam Makhachev+rep gosta de animes!2017-08-17 12:19:17
PucheMeu deus lixo2017-08-16 14:29:27
TrickCaro usuário, sou parte da administração do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥™ e do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.Nós percebemos que você não entrou em sua conta por mais de 2 semanas e decidimos checar pra saber se está tudo OK com o nosso usuário mais ativo. Desde a última vez que você visitou nosso site, nós colocamos muitos outros vídeos nas sessões "PICARETA DE DIAMANTE BEM FUNDO" e "BRINCANDO COM CREEPERS" (suas favoritas) que temos certeza que você irá gostar bastante.Esperamos você lá!2017-08-15 11:27:37
ZAGAT00+rep great trader2017-08-14 10:44:25
zadeAdded for trade :)2017-08-14 00:09:35
The boy who lifted+rep gosta de animes2017-08-13 17:48:20
happycat+rep good guy2017-08-12 17:46:05
L4wlesssHack do carai aimbot lixo vai aprender a jogar seu bosta2017-08-12 16:16:34
Urame$$$$$$hi †xiter prata perdeu ainda de aimbot de wall lixoso2017-08-12 16:05:15
mentaHacker de merda wallzinho fudido de merda aprende a jogar2017-08-12 16:02:18
Tricklixo sem mãe, cheata no meu pau seu doente horrivel, ainda é ruim usando hack pelamor em, wall aimbot lixo, joga sem usar hack mongoloide doente2017-08-12 15:38:18
RoHaiL Taj+rep pretty fast and nice trader :)2017-08-12 13:25:41
MacacoPretoBabuino157+rep Amigao das Antigas2017-08-11 19:58:33
NicoTolentino69Azinado por jorginho das molieris2017-08-11 14:18:03
chrisrob90Thanks for trading with Krybskytten's level up service! ❤2017-08-10 15:12:46
Forget1nennder eva :02017-07-29 13:24:51
endrsou troslao2017-07-28 19:57:52
ImpAc7 cs.money+rep good trader!2017-07-20 08:39:35
Stev1eH+rep easy, fast trade2017-07-19 18:32:58
Kazumaemilia2017-07-16 16:55:44
Riki Sunak+rep fair and fast trader2017-07-10 10:33:23
乡cloudy-+rep friendly trader <32017-07-09 09:45:04
*Ukraine Dog, Heroiam Slava!xd2017-06-10 10:09:40
borkhi, sent trade offer for your awp boom with reddit price2017-06-10 10:07:53
d0lken+rep nice trade2017-06-10 08:54:59
*Ukraine Dog, Heroiam Slava!+rep nice guy2017-06-10 08:50:51
Forget1nsahshahja2017-06-05 17:22:20
AAAAAAAAAAAdevaicefuder2017-06-05 16:57:07
KingI have an awp blackiimov, add me if you have an offer :)2017-05-28 17:37:57
Santox+rep good trader2017-05-22 14:08:57
sensix+rep fair and fast trader2017-05-22 13:43:49
Jason+rep very good deal2017-05-21 20:36:30
PlattyMani didn't name the flip, someone else spelled it wrong...2017-05-21 14:39:04
CMD+rep, nice trader2017-05-19 21:02:07
Wet Like Water+rep easy and quick trades2017-05-16 18:40:44
✪Scadoosh-iwnladd for trade2017-05-16 16:52:11
castrodollinX'i't'a'd'o'2017-05-13 18:06:40
Forget1nKKK2017-05-07 20:15:31
Ralfp90 KINGGGGG asfasfjahahahHAHAJAJAJAJ2017-05-07 20:14:29
kanye west+rep good trader2017-04-24 13:13:40
AZIZ+Rep Cool Trader!2017-04-24 11:20:35
Zzzzssssegundo lugar sempre Tmj...2017-04-23 17:05:44
radheAssina meu perfil gostoso2017-04-23 11:11:48
Bahama+rep fair trader :)2017-04-04 10:24:51
Forget1nhsiahisahisah s22017-03-26 16:01:50
DuMalLindduuu <332017-03-26 15:11:23
Urame$$$$$$hi †vdd2017-03-26 11:44:58
Forget1nirineu , o chelsea nao sabe nem eu2017-03-26 11:39:40
Urame$$$$$$hi †nem eu2017-03-26 11:34:22
Forget1nkkkkkk , nao entendi mas ok kk2017-03-26 11:27:40
Urame$$$$$$hi †Clica mais rapido do que um macro hashsahash2017-03-26 09:41:47
Mike+rep nice and fair trade (but i have better offer sorry mate)2017-03-24 20:07:11
Juninfodao2017-03-24 13:30:56
ุJulio PlaysMACROSO NO CS.2017-03-21 15:57:07
User457125415Obrigada pelo carinho !! bjs raay <32017-03-14 12:42:05
O.oBeautufil2017-03-07 18:31:38
Fernando_0910+rep add 4 trad men2017-03-02 13:39:42
O.onice trade.2017-02-27 18:43:10
♥恋の果実♥ Cho Haseul+rep super nice trader <32017-02-26 08:22:29
Moraeszzmano? aceita uma bayo scorched MW na tua butt stained aq no br ta apenas 2,50 a menos :S preciso dela :D o que acha?2017-02-26 07:44:52
Forget1n<32017-02-24 09:51:42
tenno_-<3 nhannnnnnnnnnn2017-02-24 09:51:19
O.o.bat2017-02-20 17:51:56
Proboscis+rep fair trader deserves some respect enjoy it bro <32017-02-20 10:28:02
FastkingZ+rep2017-02-18 21:34:11
Rasta+rep <32017-02-17 18:45:08
sbRzeraaaaaawperr godd <332017-02-12 07:33:45
olofmeisterda uma skin ai mano2017-02-12 06:25:27
Pinky_Pony666+rep good trader2017-02-06 16:52:08
MateiezO mestre da p902017-02-01 13:26:43
Forget1nClaro sempre :) hihi2017-01-19 19:08:28
lazzarusWe're all cancer :D2017-01-19 17:59:52
Forget1nashawhheaddawe2017-01-19 14:49:53
Forget1nahsaieiawhassdw2017-01-19 14:49:07
BH27rei da p902017-01-19 14:48:12
Forget1nThanks! xD2017-01-15 19:25:38
lazzarusJoga muito, seu baludo2017-01-15 05:30:53
;∆GOD.2017-01-09 13:33:19
ZzzzsssDEUS DA AWP JOGA NICE xD <3 !!!!2017-01-09 13:21:43
Forget1nrin vc q joga <3 , meu profexo ;32016-12-21 05:53:11
;∆Joga de mais MANOOO <32016-12-21 05:51:56
Forget1nIaeeeeeeee <#2016-12-15 13:38:54


Total: [68] | TF2BD: [0] (0.00%) | SB: [0] (0.00%)

765611993892234252024-04-17 15:06:35
(72 days)
HIHI2024-02-06 20:30:22
(143 days)
ghosT12023-11-09 20:20:29
(232 days)
drt2023-10-03 08:31:11
(269 days)
765611980641444002023-06-30 16:28:12
(364 days)
765611983052442602023-06-21 20:43:57
(373 days)
Lkz2023-06-13 14:35:37
(381 days)
765611982829796242023-04-30 18:32:05
(425 days)
765611994694187052023-01-17 06:49:08
(528 days)
765611982864068912023-01-13 10:47:13
(532 days)
preeh2022-12-23 12:42:34
(553 days)
phreita$2021-12-25 12:08:07
(916 days)
765611990430896882020-09-07 19:38:30
(1390 days)
Clauss2020-08-25 11:24:02
(1403 days)
Fayne2020-08-23 10:05:45
(1405 days)
Filósofo Piton2020-07-10 14:59:30
(1449 days)
765611989807743872020-06-28 17:47:00
(1461 days)
765611983330085302020-06-21 20:04:02
(1468 days)
Urame$$$$$$hi †2020-05-13 19:33:32
(1507 days)
• A b s o l u t #0472019-10-27 18:22:58
(1706 days)
m1 ♡2019-10-18 22:10:31
(1715 days)
gluttire2019-10-01 12:50:55
(1732 days)
765611980814923392019-09-15 16:27:18
(1748 days)
Ded12019-07-21 19:34:04
(1804 days)
røssi2019-07-21 16:06:04
(1804 days)
765611988266866282019-06-07 19:48:58
(1848 days)
amaryllow2018-10-15 12:58:36
(2083 days)
Die Brücke2018-09-07 20:29:11
(2121 days)
765611988550679772018-08-27 16:10:42
(2132 days)
h0kusho2018-06-20 11:42:25
(2200 days)
sickomode2018-05-25 13:26:50
(2226 days)
setto2018-05-09 15:37:56
(2242 days)
765611981464481002018-04-28 17:10:04
(2253 days)
MiniBit2018-04-06 10:52:36
(2275 days)
coyote2018-04-05 13:02:00
(2276 days)
Yuyuyuyuyuki2018-04-02 01:50:11
(2280 days)
action2018-03-27 11:46:58
(2285 days)
lucas2018-03-14 19:39:29
(2298 days)
miska2018-03-04 17:35:03
(2308 days)
KETS2018-01-19 12:46:18
(2352 days)
Gnomomix2017-12-20 12:40:08
(2382 days)
𝕸𝖆𝖉 𝕯𝖔𝖌 ©2017-12-05 09:38:07
(2397 days)
Benz2017-12-04 06:00:08
(2398 days)
NrX2017-12-03 10:46:29
(2399 days)
765611982901711732017-12-01 13:18:29
(2401 days)
karma2017-11-15 07:47:28
(2417 days)
765611984348643202017-10-28 14:40:34
(2435 days)
Trick2017-09-25 11:48:55
(2468 days)
𝕊𝕚𝕣𝕋αkαdα2017-09-01 17:06:26
(2492 days)
765611984130217652017-08-17 15:34:10
(2507 days)
󠀡Virto^V02017-08-17 14:51:25
(2507 days)
JaperA !2017-08-04 16:59:26
(2520 days)
765611982166285892017-06-15 19:47:32
(2570 days)
VinnyS2017-06-05 14:08:39
(2580 days)
ATHXHVY KEEPSTAR2017-05-28 07:44:54
(2588 days)
victor bandit.camp2017-04-18 18:01:38
(2628 days)
'# MandiocaFrita v02017-03-12 06:59:36
(2665 days)
Professor de Táticas2017-03-10 10:08:50
(2667 days)
765611983570187292017-02-24 14:26:59
(2681 days)
tenno2017-02-24 09:45:18
(2681 days)
765611981620131392017-01-11 15:40:56
(2725 days)
765611982742807102017-01-09 09:12:04
(2727 days)
Anakin_ops2016-10-03 12:27:29
(2825 days)
A.2016-09-19 12:37:14
(2839 days)
JUAUM2016-09-04 01:17:52
(2855 days)
765611982190418652016-06-03 12:43:36
(2947 days)
Mashiro2016-02-11 09:19:48
(3060 days)
L4wlesss2015-11-10 10:56:21
(3153 days)