
SteamID64: 76561198236279656
SteamID32: [U:1:276013928]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138006964
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/abdullrahman_ha/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198236279656

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2015-06-27 09:11:46 (GMT) [Estimated]
Last Updated: 2024-03-04 19:17:10

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
؏.2023-04-01 07:06:19 [Estimated]

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Abdullrahman2024-01-19 18:12:29
Abdullrahman2023-07-20 16:44:41
Abdullrahman2023-07-14 16:22:41
Abdullrahman2023-06-28 07:08:45
Abdullrahman2023-04-05 14:03:31

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/abdullrahman_ha/2023-04-01 07:06:19

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2024-03-04 19:17:10
Private2024-03-03 05:05:27
Public2024-01-27 17:40:52
Private2024-01-27 05:07:53
Public2024-01-26 03:36:41
Friends-Only2024-01-25 01:08:33
Public2024-01-19 18:12:29
Friends-Only2024-01-18 22:32:28
Public2023-07-20 16:44:41
Friends-Only2023-07-15 22:07:23
Public2023-07-14 16:22:41
Private2023-07-14 10:58:58
Public2023-06-28 07:08:45
Friends-Only2023-06-03 08:24:56
Public2023-04-05 14:03:31
Friends-Only2023-04-05 09:44:47
Private2023-04-05 00:10:10


Total: [25] | Deleted: [30]

؏.Then don't invade, Stfu and go play duels already.2024-06-18 23:15:04
Gadfli_i dont like fighting ganks nobody does you're all cancer, regardless i dont need to deal with you sh*tters anymore2024-06-18 23:13:47
؏.Bro switched to baldurs gate2024-06-18 22:57:55
Gadfli_ah well ez block gg scrubs2024-06-18 22:39:04
^3DKNice tie!Knew we could have gotten that better match, GG2024-06-17 06:54:50
؏.GG. Yeah, cross-region connection is awful tbh.2024-06-17 05:41:01
^3DKGG, a shame about the netCould have been a better match!2024-06-17 05:38:52
Your DemiseYou lost after using packet lost and spamming. Why?2024-06-17 02:44:26
RaggzyImagine healing in a duel lmao.2024-06-16 23:24:16
؏.Man It's just a game... here, take this with you2024-05-29 15:35:50
Moon Manmay Allah cleanse the hate in your heart2024-05-29 14:33:04
ᴍᴏʀᴀɴᴀSuch dope works, i'm in love2024-01-07 14:32:58
𝘡𝘦𝘦 ♡A wonderful and unique profile. You are such a beautiful and caring soul, thank you for our friendship. Never stop being the person you are2023-09-12 12:43:48
HKaiser47Bro, you are the best friend a gamer would hope to have. I really appreciate our friendship. Thanks for all your advice and help2023-06-19 20:36:24
SelinaMagnificent profile and works! Keep it up!2023-04-14 15:26:52
AuroraBorealisAmazing profile, thanks for accepting the friend request so I can admire those screenshots. Looking forward to see the rest, respect that's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Art.Keep it up, wish you the best ♥2023-04-05 21:20:35
DɪᴠɪsɪoɴI really dig in with your black and white theme profile but overall I came here because of your Atomic Heart review which I agree.2023-03-07 13:42:34
Shahad ♡i love your profile2023-02-13 09:32:20
MachoChachoYou have a unique take on a black and white profile. I respect that2023-02-07 20:49:30
M-AK.IQفخر العراق Iraq's pride2022-12-07 11:31:21
SychOYou are one of the best people I have ever met , he wont let you down if you ask him for help and very helpful in soul game keep going bro wish you the best .farewell, ashen one may the flame guide thee2022-11-14 06:19:30
JustToxiclotta ink in here mixed with black souls aesthetics images ... overwhelmed keep it up2022-10-23 21:05:49
HKaiser47Abd is definitely one of the best gamers you'll ever see specially in soulslike games. I look foward to play more of such soulslike games with you in the future bro.2022-10-15 23:30:15
Medo67بطل العراق بالشناو +rep2022-09-25 10:34:48
BuckDope profile design2022-02-22 06:39:46


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
