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Creation: 2015-08-22 13:59:37 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-06-12 10:25:04

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Persona History

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IL PALLINO2017-07-12 13:14:31

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Brian. Or Cueball. (Or ILL Pal-EENo.)2023-04-01 06:51:26

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JanHi2024-06-17 16:02:36
im hungry>w<2024-06-17 09:34:19
IL PALLINOLOL. That was a try. Far from a good try given the finsexual flag I have for my avatar at the time of posting.2024-06-14 18:17:47
dfeKCaro cliente, faço parte da administração do XVÍDEOS.Nós percebemos que você não entrou em sua conta por mais de 3 dias e decidimos checar pra saber se está tudo OK com o nosso usuário mais ativo. Desde a última vez que você visitou nosso site, nós colocamos muitos outros vídeos nas sessões "Gay" ''Anões Gays" e'Hentai' (suas favoritas) que temos certeza que você irá gostar bastante.2024-06-14 12:15:55
KijameHah, now there's one I didn't think of! And no worries, I am an equal oppuntunity jokester. As you can imagine, my pansexual friends get similar quips about deepthroating kitchenware. And if there are no puns for any given sexuality yet, I WILL find them. After all, I have a particular set of skills. :DBtw I'm always open for a more personal discussion but I'd rather do that via chat than public comments. One might argue that I already 'ruin' my rep by having adult games on my main, but no need to exacerbate that by spilling all the tea on myself, haha. I guess it comes down to the fine line between on the one hand not caring what people think but on the other hand not needlessly give enemy players ammunition right before the boss battle, lmao.2024-06-11 04:54:07
Kijame[Obligatory "oh so you're into fish and/or Finnish people?" here.]Good for you, mah man. Hope you get to make the most out of this pride month then! I definitely had to google it, but I too share an appreciation for the feminine, even if not in a sexual way. If that makes sense, haha. Although my first instinct was "fin as in financial?" especially with you playing a variety of simulators. But it is never too late to educate oneself on unfamiliar terms, after all.2024-06-11 02:41:52
KijameWhat's this, a new avatar? When I saw it on my profile I initially mistook the thing in the center for the Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon. Do forgive me, I had like, 4 or 5 hours of sleep lol.2024-06-11 00:52:34
aramorz9i saw ur comment, ty, you have a nice profile too!. Have a nice day <32024-06-10 22:29:18
SagacityThanks2024-06-09 13:59:52
KijameAh, perchance I misrepresented my interests, I'm not into dystopias per se, it's just that playing certain games makes me more aware of the current state of affairs, which is the opposite of what I'm aiming for when I play, haha.As for remarks about games you purchased... I can only speak for myself but I barely ever check the activity tab. I usually forget it exists until someone ends up commenting on something I purchased. Whoops.Although at least half of my game time is off-steam, perhaps even more so, and the only people who could judge me there are the people I got added, haha.2024-06-09 01:11:48
IL PALLINOEveryone needed to see this again: 00:37:52
KijameWhatever do you mean, kind sir, are we not all products of different times and places? All with our unique quirks and challenges that are difficult to properly contrast when tied to certain scenarios.I like both the trash and the treasure games, as long as it's playable. I mean you saw some of the stuff I reviewed, haha. (Still behind on a few reviews, to the point that I'm wondering if I have to replay to refresh my memory on the titles at times.)Though lately I just do my dailies. And sometimes I just play my comfort games instead of my backlog. Gotta stop saying "one day..." eventually eh? My nigh impossible goal is to at least play every game I own once (assuming they don't turn out to hide cryptominers, as is tradition. That or denuvo lmao).2024-06-07 06:23:55
KijameI do enjoy my escapism and the potential satisfaction of curiosity through some games and simulations but boi if it doesn't feel increasingly dystopian. You best start believing in dystopias, you're in one! You'll own nothing and you'll be happy. It's almost like capitalism is seizing the means of production. lol.These days it becomes increasingly harder to find positive examples for pretty much anything in the gaming industry. AAA are becoming so notoriously atrocious (and out of touch), but I am glad it gives the Indies a chance to thrive. That's about the only silver lining. Every exception has its rule, something something.Though lately I barely have the energy post-work to even enjoy games. No fair.2024-06-06 09:28:29
KijameAll hail our capitalism overlord! I hear ya, I hear ya. Many a great dev team and/or IP just got obliterated or sent into permanent sleep mode thanks to merges and takeovers.And I'm getting ever so tired of games as a service models. Aside from thoroughly wanting to enjoy single player campaigns, I am not a cow to milk (*she says, fully aware of the irony*). Remember back when rather than DLC it was Expansion packs because it expanded a fully developed game?I know you're a fan of simulators so you must know my pain. Some of those go hard on DLC to the point that you're either forced to wait for sales or live knowing you won't spend 3000€ to get everything they cut from the game to sell separately, haha.2024-06-05 11:54:58
KijameRegionlocks are the banes of all gamers I reckon. Observing local law is one thing (don't get me started on German censorship lol), but when it comes to games not dependent on regional hardware, I feel like now they're just taking the p... though I guess in the long-run, the answer to all complaints ends up trickling down to capitalism, lol.Regardless I hope you're faring well and that your beloved furballs will be with you for as long as they can be.2024-06-05 04:10:17
KijameMeanwhile I'm just sitting here praying for the third game in the series to be developed, haha. Dunno how likely that is after Toriyama's passing, though I also reckon they got the art style down by now and for the most part designs would lean on existing characters from the game it is a spinoff for.As for localization, all of Dragon Quest has always struggled with it in some shape or form. I hear that the main composer of the series, who does amazing work, is, shall we put it lightly, not a fan of anyone not from his country. Which is why for the longest time, we could only ever enjoy the soundtracks in MIDI quality. I think DQ XI on Switch might've been the first instance of non-Japanese audience being allowed to enjoy the orchestrals in-game. But don't quote me, it's been a while since I delved into that rabbit hole lol. Separating the art from the artist, as it were.2024-06-05 04:10:11
KijameComments must be less than 1000 characters? Rude. There's not even a character counter. BRB splitting my comment.2024-06-05 04:10:01
IL PALLINOI do what I can for Lucy. She just hasn't been as happy after she had to share a home with Bobbie in 2019. (Lucy was also never a lap cat.) Bobbie on the other hand is a huge people lover, and I'm always giving her lotsa love and cuddles on demand.2024-06-03 18:49:28
shinysmilecute ♥ i hope you are giving them lots of cuddles and love :D2024-06-03 18:46:03
IL PALLINOMy cats are named Lucy and Bobbie. They both originally belonged to my dad, then I inherited them in 2021.2024-06-03 18:41:07
shinysmilekitties are lovely, i dont have any because my lanlord hates them lolwhat is your cats called?2024-06-03 18:35:15
shinysmilehello my friend2024-06-02 18:34:02
IL PALLINO 20:49:52
The internet DemonYou commented on my profile! Hello back!2024-05-25 09:05:35
TWC | Skadinice profile brooooo!2024-05-18 13:28:49
Freakzone12added, same group!2024-05-17 13:42:36
FleXx_KalationHave a great start in the new week2024-05-13 03:34:15
AnivaThat's good to know, thanks! I'm not sure if I'll ever play the sequel...up until now, I didn't even know it existed, haha.2024-05-05 00:58:36
megabotah yes, the stellaris type of logic. "let's kill everyone in the galaxy so the game runs faster"personally, I do not quite get why every pop has to be simulated like an individual but that is just me. I want better performance, not just something that looks cool2024-05-04 06:34:42
IL PALLINOGood crime management games are hard to find. Yes, there's Omerta: City of Gangsters and City of Gangsters . While both games fill the niche, they're not great games. (I had to shrink my empire in City of Gangsters for the sake of making the turns go faster!!)I know there's some more out there that I need to try who's names elude me, but I am willing to try Don Duality in spite of the fact that it's a card-based game. (And doesn't appear to justify the price even when on sale.)2024-05-04 02:41:45
HeWhoFartsAlotLooking for good crime management games or anything in that realm, been wanting something new2024-05-03 05:21:52
megabotwhat I meant by that last part is that there is a tech tree, but every race has a chance of getting a technology as a research option if the prerequisite tech has been discovered - so if it has a 70% chance of being unlocked, then there is a 30% chance that it (and every subsequent tech not somehow funneled into by a different tech as another option) will not be acquireable by you via regular research means, so you may get an empire that is good at ballistics, another that is good at lasers, some may colonize really well, and you never will quite know what you can do till you get the technology as an option (or see it being a dead end)2024-04-18 15:19:48
megabotnote: if the autismos here enjoy playing games that are old and have a weird ahh UI with possibly few quality of life features, then I would reccomend Sword of the stars: 10 bucks normally I believe I even bought it on sale, and while it is old, the gameplay is actually interesting in terms of how the economy and colonization functions. despite games like stellaris having more complex economies, I actually think that this game's economy is more engaging, and I am especially liking it's research system where technologies are not guarantees2024-04-18 15:17:33
IL PALLINOPopulous is one of the earliest god games in which it has two gods competing against each other for control over a world. There's many different scenarios.2024-04-12 13:48:27
megabotoh wow, this game seems old. at least the original one, the one with "the beginning" in the title seems to be newer, though still in a playstation 2 or 1 era it seems like2024-04-12 13:47:18
megabotthat is correct, /j is an indicator that something is a joke when it may not obviously be a joke and/or misidentifying it as truth could have negative consequences, similar to /salso do not apologize for the god games part. I assume it is a niche within a niche possibly, and a tripple niche when you are supposed to be evilpersonally, criminal acts still feels shall I say it. low down the ladder to me? similar to punching and then stealing from a person, it feels very personal, which to me means "an evil that is percieved strongly by people while holding small value" as opposed to statistics, which are often not enticing a strong emotional reaction (unless you comprehend them) while being immensly evil (such as how corporations act nowadays often with their exploitative methods)as for populous, what kind of game is it? I can tell it is a god game but anything specific you would like to share? and would you recommend it? I am going to look it up on steam now2024-04-12 13:45:24
IL PALLINO@Megabot: Tycoon games are a subset of management games in which the primary goal often involves making money. I'll admit to putting in a lot of playing time on a few games that I've disliked. ( City of Gangsters comes to mind.) I'm not too surprised about your fandom of simulation games. I review for a German curator, and he told me how popular sim games are in Germany. (All the more reason to get along with the Germans!) I haven't seen "/j" before, but I am familiar with "/s," so I'm guessing that's used for jokes.Forgive me for being mostly clueless about god games, because I haven't played one since the first Populous . I feel 'ya on the evil part. After all, it was Omerta: City of Gangsters that brought me to Steam! But yeah, you can't go wrong with games involving criminal acts... At least if you're me! It's hard to imagine even getting into sim games without Thief Simulator .2024-04-12 13:40:28
IL PALLINO@Kijame It's cool that you dropped in. Maybe I'm just lucky that I met so many nice Germans? The same is true for Brazilians... Or course, Brazil is a larger nation, so naturally they would have a larger internet presence. (This was especially the case in The Sims 3 !)2024-04-12 13:40:19
megabotI do not know if this is random, but does anyone here have any god games which you can recommend? I played shadow of forbidden gods but the game seems to struggle rn as the sole developer is going through ♥♥♥♥ in life/is no longer really active in the discord server while it moves in a direction I do not like (though others seem to be happy, so it is likely a matter of taste)I kind of crave games where I can be evil, and I do not mean "wear baby seal leather boots" evil as that is on a very personal scale that appeals to the direct emotions of people, but on a "I caused a mass famine to convert more people to my cause" type of evil, where people are just numbers and you do the most heinous acts just to further your goal, whether it is because it is the easiest or even the only way2024-04-12 13:16:36
megabotoh, I am a fan of management games, though I am not sure what a tycoon game is exactly (if it is a game with grind, I will either not like it, or I will fall into it and realize later on that I wasted like 100 hours on a game I did not really enjoy but which kept me occupied, somehow)I do enjoy me some simulation games too...if it is also a management game at the same time, lol. one of the reasons I enjoy management games is that there is no time pressure, as is the same with turn based or PVE games - I perform terribly under pressure and cannot multitask, nor am I always interested in creating the most optimal thing, I just want to create something that feels cool in strategy games, hahado not worry about the judgement part, I do not judge people in general. and as for aspies liking management games, that is a very hurtful stereotype. it is the germans who are like that actually /j2024-04-12 13:13:50
KijameAs a German, like megabot down there, I'm also mostly surprised you met so many nice ones. But then, I'm from the northern end. The further north you go in Europe the less small talk there is, lol. (As for the other parts of the convo, my thoughts are not available in public, haha. Insert link to DLC "My Opinion" here.)Sorry for randomly dropping in, I've been reading this with interest.2024-04-12 12:49:13
IL PALLINOThank you for not judging. It's just that I'm so used to aspies all being fans of management and tycoon games... Although that's not to say that's all that I play, because I do enjoy some types of simulation games. (Mostly the ones involving cops and crooks.)Maybe I'm just lucky to have met so many nice Germans?2024-04-12 10:30:44
megabothuh, really? apolgoies for asking, but what makes you say that I am a different reed of aspie (not judging, I am curious about your perspective)also somewhat surprised about the germany and nice part, though maybe it is just me leaving places that have mean people in them since I cannot handle the mental pressure, personally2024-04-11 18:11:25
IL PALLINOWow, Megabot, you're a different breed of aspie! Thank you for reading my reviews. It's always nice to see Germans since Germany seems to be nation with the most nice people per capita.2024-04-11 14:42:36
megabotI just wanted to say that as an aspie myself:I may not apreciate the same games as you do fully (I do not like grind, I need something NEW! LEMME LEARN) I did enjoy reading a bunch of your reviewstoo bad that I cannot visit the pages of the hentai ones because they are blocked in DEUTSCHLAND. oh well.have a nice day!2024-04-11 14:39:08
DreamsurferAh. I can recommend Software Inc then :). I will check out this game next sale.2024-03-28 03:46:50
IL PALLINOI haven't played Software Inc., but at least both games look unique enough to not be another copycat in the game making tycoon games that we've been seeing for however many of years now.2024-03-21 10:53:52
DreamsurferHow would you rate Mad Games Tycoon 2 vs Software Inc? I have the second.2024-03-21 07:26:25
KijameHey that's fair, great games do deserve their time to be enjoyed2024-03-18 11:10:01
KijameHow ya doin friend? I feel like it's been a mighty while! But that might be on me, work picked up and gaming slowed down, haha.2024-03-18 01:51:27
LamprosMy opinion is just one out of many though - in spite of the fact that I sometimes wish it were otherwise! ;) On the flip-side, I ought to say it's worth buying given that 1) the massive crash issues with nvidia cards are now gone finally; 2) if you play primarily MP, then MP-oriented balancing shouldn't matter; and 3) the forum rudeness on the part of devs only concern those who post on Steam.2024-03-16 14:44:50
LouisHave a good day mate ✨️2024-03-14 02:07:13
Jon ''Coke'' JonesOMERTA2024-03-03 05:45:05
eksuo+REPUTATION2024-02-08 02:56:45
Trapsmash2024-01-31 12:29:25
ItzStoryTellerhave a good day keep it 1002024-01-24 23:12:08
ItzStoryTellertalk? no I scream2024-01-18 10:10:55
kstormgemininot adding you, just following you.have a good one.~,2024-01-11 23:07:14
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥Pix is the system the Brazilian Central Bank created to bring instant payments to life and has been serving as a successful case story to other emerging markets. One year after its creation in November 2020, Pix increased 14,000%, and by January 2022, it was already used by 71% of the population in Brazil.2024-01-09 21:03:05
Soviet Groothappy new year, soz for not replying, i ask this question a lot elsewhere and i reached the limit2024-01-03 07:42:57
the_rock0123Happy New Year!2023-12-31 17:53:27
IL PALLINOHappy New Year to you all... Even the Commie Groot!2023-12-31 17:10:00
OlympicAssEaterHAPPY NEW YEAR 2024! WISH YOU A GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR!2023-12-31 12:00:52
Soviet Grootare you gay?2023-12-29 18:53:43
the_rock0123Thank you for the unexpected and amazing Gift! I appreciate it. Take care!2023-12-25 17:01:39
the_rock0123Merry Christmas friend - hope you're keeping well!2023-12-25 08:45:18
IL PALLINOThank you, I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas this 2023!2023-12-24 18:25:50
OlympicAssEaterMERRY CHRISTMAS 2023!2023-12-24 17:44:44
steh575excellent news bro, picked up a little this end too2023-12-18 18:32:40
KijameUgh I just got kicked out of steam chat on both devices because my client lost connection, sorry for poofing in the middle of the convo, will be back when it lets me. And if not, well, it's closing in on midnight and I shall pick up where we left off tomorrow, haha. Just wanted to let you know I didn't start ghosting.2023-12-15 16:18:11
KijameSounds rough. I don't know what's going on but I'm always here if you need to rant someone's ears off.2023-12-11 01:44:52
IL PALLINOI really need all of my friends right now.If you're a non-friend and are reading this, make sure you say something before or immediately after sending me a friend request. With the way that a long time friend blocked me without explanation, I certainly do not need any friend ♥♥♥♥♥♥.2023-12-09 21:45:54
Rocket DogSounds great, I just sent you one!2023-12-02 17:58:40
Mr PotatoGo Jags!2023-11-28 20:43:30
IL PALLINOI'm-a-tryin'!2023-11-28 20:40:45
RADKILLA[420]KEEP BLAZING n STAY AMAZING.2023-11-28 20:39:38
RADKILLA[420]What's your top 3 favorite punk bands? it's ..Bad religion,NOFX and Pennywise..(pretty generic i know but so friggn RAD.)...Also my moms a slut..2023-11-28 15:10:25
ember73Sorry it took so long to see your post on my page. It was in August and we played The Game of Life. It's nice to know that there was another person behind one of the other players. :) Without a chat option I was beginning to wonder. Again, sorry for the very delayed response.2023-11-21 20:42:34
IL PALLINOGo ahead and add me back. I always liked you and probably always will.2023-11-19 17:46:37
IL PALLINOI've been doing pretty good. I got a bit of a case of Writing Mania, and I've been cranking out reviews like a mofo. In fact, I was just thinking about you when I reviewed Flash Point: Fire Rescue .2023-11-19 16:38:34
JocularJoshThanks for your kind words, I appreciate it! And I like your profile too, especially that profile description2023-11-03 02:41:20
WhiteAngel7Oh yes, I know them~ generally, I listen to many artists of this type of music e.g. Architects, 3teeth, Bad Omens, etc.2023-10-12 13:28:01
IL PALLINOJust University of Florida Basketball. I never really could get into the NBA. I'm closer to Orlando, but Udonis Haslem played for the Heat.2023-09-21 03:51:59
►MØRGAN◄Any interest in basketball? Miami Heat or Orlando Magic?2023-09-21 03:26:51
FiloMJI really wish you so2023-09-19 02:47:47
FiloMJIt has been a very good choice from your side You can talk to me any time, I will talk to you for sure2023-09-19 02:23:06
Kijamebtw for more German-isms with a touch of humour (how dare! we are not funny!), I can recommend Liam Carps/Carpenter (youtube and elsewhere). He's a riot, and pretty on point. My nieces constantly show me his latest.2023-09-06 07:27:24
IL PALLINOVery brilliant. All the more reason for me to love the Germans.2023-09-06 01:45:56
KijameIn Germany we say "Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil" which means "[he/she] who can read is clearly at an advantage" and I think that's beautiful. (and yes it's especially beautiful when used sarcastically, but that's our secret!)2023-09-06 01:34:21
IL PALLINOLOL, I just received an Extra Helpful award for my profile after Volchhh complained about all of the text... Apparently there are a couple of people that see my profile that know how to read!2023-09-05 21:31:23
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥yes indeed thank you so much my godo friend, united we are strong!2023-09-05 10:36:02
FenderBenterHi there! I'm the creator of the Touched By The Gods guide that you've been updating so much (thank you)! Just sending a friend request in hopes that I can have a quick chat to you about the guide. :)2023-08-28 17:00:12
IL PALLINO...Should I send the friend request instead, Rocket Dog?2023-08-21 18:13:22
IL PALLINOYeah, I have a thing for sim games involving law and crime, thought some there are some exceptions. (Especially American Truck Simulator.)You did enough for me to accept a friend request, but I didn't see any friend requests.2023-08-20 04:34:58
Rocket DogHey Pallino, I just stumbled upon a review of yours as I was looking to purchase a game. Then dove deeper into your reviews and owned games, only to find a bunch of simulation gems. I'd like to add you so I can check up for newer games via your profile every once in a while. I sent you a friend request, if you don't want to accept it I understand. Take care! :)2023-08-19 14:03:08
KijameWell, ya learn something new every day. Sometimes I feel like a total boomer when it comes to steam, haha. Haven't gotten anything unsolicited yet, knock on wood. But I may have to consider being more rigorous about FRs for sure.2023-08-18 16:52:07
IL PALLINOThat is correct, Kijame. A lot of Steam users have to hide the fact that they're female because of the horny guys they can expect friend requests from. (As well as horny private messages.)2023-08-18 13:18:39
KijameWait wait wait hold the phone, there's people on steam collecting friends like others collect badges? (Guilty on the badge front myself lol) Wat. Does it give extra e-peen?Been recently wondering if I should start adding a blurb about FRs to my profile, since I hate when someone adds me without so much as leaving a message as to why, including after I go to their profile and ask. Like at this point I usually assume they're bots or shady if they can't even be arsed to reply lol.2023-08-18 13:05:48
IL PALLINOLOL, you just had to belittle me with your poor grammar and syntax. I must be important and interesting if I have to reject even more friend requests than I accept.My reason for listing information about me is simple: I hate friend collectors. At least with me, people know who their sending a friend request to. (ASSuming they even know how to read, which they usually do not.) Your profile infers the only thing interesting about you, is American Truck Simulator .2023-08-18 09:36:07
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥Thank you my good friend and dont worry never its late to that!2023-07-30 07:56:31
🔥Pyromancer🔥BIRTHDAY TODAYNo legacy is so rich as honesty.It takes strength and courage to admit the truth.respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.The purpose of our lives is to be happy.Be happy, be bright, be you.Friendship is being there when someone's feeling low and not being afraid to kick them.2023-07-27 02:00:15
悪魔の犬I respect the code of silence about criminal activity and a refusal to give evidence to the police. I am loyal to the oath of omerta!2023-07-11 11:52:58
悪魔の犬I do2023-07-11 11:44:10
OlympicAssEaterHAPPY JULY 4TH ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!2023-07-04 10:32:56
stardustsundayoh, & have a fantastic summer sale! counting down now!2023-06-29 02:30:41
stardustsundayhehe! congrats on level 5! How bout "Fantasie Impromptu" by Chopin? Fast & furious enough to get you all pumped up & excited! :P.S. Adding you as we have mutual friends and so both of us can see which cards we have on our badge pages for future trades! Cheers!2023-06-29 02:27:55
steh575nice mate2023-06-27 14:45:41
Navona DragomirHaha, that's because this account runs on a bot script causing it to automatically accept same set trades where I do not end up with a duplicate!2023-06-24 11:14:40
CYRUS DeVeRaKeI Hope You have an Awesome and an Amazing Weekend Dear Friends2023-06-23 12:49:27
CYRUS DeVeRaKeI Wish You an Awesome Weekend Darling2023-06-09 17:35:33
tax evaderyes, you are very cool person, I like F1 too. I am not friend collector, friend collectors are dumbas. i also like management games.2023-06-09 08:49:09
CYRUS DeVeRaKeI Wish You a Lovely & Beautiful Weekend2023-06-03 08:03:58
CYRUS DeVeRaKeI Wish You A Wonderful Weekend Ahead2023-05-26 14:54:43
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥Chad Great il Pallino Based.2023-05-24 18:18:03
IL PALLINOMy friends know me: Card sets make better gifts than games for the most part.2023-05-19 04:00:38
KijameI'm not surprised that such a sweet and cultured lad attracts such a kind crowd of friends.2023-05-19 03:15:27
IL PALLINOThe Crush Crush badge was indeed a birthday present. (TY Deezy if you're reading this.)I had help on the badges for Spacer Crew , Vietnam '65 , and Project Hospital. Then I outright purchased the badges for Omerta: City of Gangsters , Devils Share , Crystal City , Tropico 5 , The Spatials , Beauty Bounce , and HEADLINER . Then the badges to Crush Crush and Cartel Tycoon were outright gifts.2023-05-18 04:16:09
KijameOooh that is pretty neat. I remember entering a few GAs for Crystal City solely because I liked the game thumbnail at the time, so imagine my surprise when I found out what the badges look like. (Not in a bad way of course - we can all appreciate a little culture in library and badge display.)Trying to complete the non-marketable ones can be a struggle, especially if one doesn't own the game... But either way it's certainly a discussion-initiator, that badge, haha. I have been considering getting badges for games I don't own but I figured I'd try finish at least the cheap badges for the games I do own. So that'll be a while.On the plus side, I now know when your birthday is. Unless that one was early Christmas instead.2023-05-18 03:13:33
IL PALLINOTY, Euthanasia. You so SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! And TY, Kijame. I'm proud of a lot of those badges because they were gifted to me on my birthday and Christmas by friends. (Even the most expensive foil cards are usually cheaper than games, and cards don't contribute to my backlog, and are not subject to region restrictions!)2023-05-17 06:56:47
KijameOkay I checked the badges. They are. So it is as it looks. Noice.2023-05-17 05:25:37
KijameJust saw the Crystal City Foil Badge on your profile and you can not tell me this looks like anything but ballooned condoms lmao.2023-05-17 05:24:40
? cute- lov u :D2023-05-17 05:17:11
CYRUS DeVeRaKeHave A Wonderful Day2023-05-16 11:17:47
PLAYBOYPLUGGangster2023-05-16 10:05:09
CYRUS DeVeRaKeWish you An Awesome Weekend2023-05-13 08:46:00
Peach JellyOh I remember football days. I used to live close to the stadium and parking would be impossible, so I basically accepted that going anywhere on gameday outside of bicycling distance was out of the question, lmao xD2023-05-07 09:58:48
Peach JellyOh, okay, neat! I lived in Gainesville for a couple of years myself. I miss the farmers markets there, but it is definitely a quiet town by comparison, lol!2023-05-06 23:59:01
Peach JellyYeeah, fellow Orlandonian, nice! *highfive* ^c^2023-05-06 23:43:13
CYRUS DeVeRaKeHave A Beautiful Weekend My Darlings2023-05-06 11:10:51
?god's blessing to the ccp2023-04-25 17:54:57
CYRUS DeVeRaKeWishing you a great week ahead with lots of joy and prosperity Dear Friends2023-04-25 11:17:17
lopperany good casual games i should try out i can just recline and relax while playing ???2023-04-24 21:54:24
lopperRD22023-04-24 18:17:02
lopperI've played it before my pc upgrade and it was unplayable so i refunded so now i can play it :D2023-04-24 18:16:49
CYRUS DeVeRaKeI Wish you An Awesome Weekend My dear Friends2023-03-31 14:50:51
CYRUS DeVeRaKeWish you an Awesome weekend and a Amazing week ahead of you .2023-03-26 07:04:52
PiaEdinburgh1A fellow hockey lover eh?2023-03-24 16:07:09
Элинаbased2023-03-10 07:33:42
KURTZ ΦI f you like F1, you would love Emanuel Fangio2023-03-04 22:10:28
KaciLTReally appreciated your comment on my steam profile, hence the add, and you seem like a nice person- loving the detailed profile too!!2023-03-04 11:58:29
CYRUS DeVeRaKeI wish you a great weekend!2023-03-03 10:41:34
steh575haha idk i have not played any f1 games in a long time, i think the last f1 manager i played had Jos Verstappen as my no.2 driver, i think David Coulthard and DamonHill were the williams drivers?2023-03-01 09:55:04
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery, bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice, the spirit of self-sacrifices creates trust in the power of love.Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, love is gained and loyalty is returned.friends are the family you choose.sometimes your best feelings are found in the words which you type and never send.No virtue is more universally accepted as a test of good character than trustworthiness.To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.Hope is the one thing that can help us get through the darkest of itmes.2023-02-22 04:57:23
CYRUS DeVeRaKeHave an fantastic day =)2023-02-20 05:23:39
CYRUS DeVeRaKeRemember that you're great and I'm happy to have you as a friend Never doubt yourself, you are enough Have a nice day2023-02-18 09:09:20
DuskhavenSexual perversion is the most natural and pleasurable human experience. Live it.2023-02-15 15:57:17
DuskhavenHiya. Looking for others with like mindedness. Just being myself with other as well. Peace.2023-02-15 14:30:07
IL PALLINOYeah, 2021 was horrible for me. I went five months before I ever felt excited by anything. Then I compensated in 2022 by being decadent. Now it's 2023, and I'm relearning the concept of moderation.2023-02-15 03:34:11
CommandoNinja137I'm very sorry to hear that about your father. It's really hard to lose an immediate family member. I lost my eldest brother to cancer last year.Sounds like how I was with GI Joe, Star Wars, and Transformers. Unfortunately I didn't experience the '80s because I was born too late. (I'm one of the older Generation Z kids.) and sucked it in second hand through my parents and siblings. I'm just a huge fan of action films, music, toys, comics, games, cartoons, and shows of the era. But I do know what you are talking about, the PowerJet XT-7. Very impressive stuff for the time. Someone actually used that to play Star Fox.2023-02-15 02:29:28
IL PALLINODang right! I loved the show, the toys, and the VHS tapes. I gave my parents fits with it, so it's no coincidence that I saw every episode after my father was killed in 2021. (I even watched the uploads of the VHS tapes on YouTube in spite of the fact I couldn't shoot at the screen!)It's great to see that there's relatable people left on Steam!!2023-02-15 01:08:45
CommandoNinja137That show was awesome and it's a shame it only has one season. It was like the Terminator meets the Centurions. Thinking about it also reminded how there was always a cool guy named Hawk during the '80s.2023-02-15 01:05:23
IL PALLINOWhy thank you, CommandoNinja137. I noticed on your profile that you claim to be an 80's reject. Please, please, please tell me that you're a fan of Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future!2023-02-15 00:02:15
CommandoNinja137Nice profile. It's very cool.2023-02-14 23:59:13
steh575💕 ♥ H A P P Y ♥ 💕♥ 💕 V A L E N T I N E S 💕 ♥2023-02-14 00:04:27
DeadeGuard98Very sorry for the mix-up! But thanks for accepting- it turns out the dev's name was "IL PALA"! Honest mistake.Anyhoo, I concur. Reviewing games is just as good as, if not better than playing them~2023-02-01 21:14:15
DeadeGuard98Hi there, I thought your name sounded familiar haha! You're a game developer, aren't ya, and I received a copy of your game via "Indie Gems"!Would it be cool if I added you? Certainly makes it easier to contact for stuff, and maybe you'll like what you see on my profile too, as I did yours~2023-02-01 04:30:13
DizzyDeezyIt is!2023-01-21 13:01:40
lopperlmao yeah an understatement2023-01-09 21:13:18
lopperHappy new years btw but My Summer Car would be something im in to but I was kind of struggling to comprehend what I had to do, will likely try it again another time2023-01-06 13:00:23
Soldier 76+rep one of the only people who likes and congratulates me on getting new games2023-01-01 05:09:02
MissyAww happy new year to u and to both of your cats, hope they're alright<3<32023-01-01 03:00:11
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥i'll have bro hope same to u too!2023-01-01 01:30:55
OlympicAssEaterHAPPY NEW YEAR 2022!2022-12-31 23:57:05
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥Hello to my all good friends i wish you a happy new year, i wish you good health, peace, happiness and true friendships and all best to you & your family, thanks for being my friend, you are awesome and wish the best to you all good always, united we are strong!Happy 2023!⢠⣶⣿⠿⣿⣶⡄⠄⣠⣶⡿⢿⣷⣄⠄⠄⣴⣾⠿⢿⣷⣄⠄⢀⣴⡾⠿⣷⣦⡀⢸⡿⠄⠄⢈⣿⣿⠄⣿⡿⠄⠄⢹⣿⡆⠸⣿⠃⠄⠄⣿⣿⠄⠘⠟⠄⠄⣸⣿⠇⠄⠄⢀⣤⣾⡿⠁⠄⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣠⣾⡿⠋⠄⠄⠄⠾⠿⢿⣯⡄⢀⣴⣿⡿⠃⠄⠄⠄⣿⣧⠄⠄⢸⣿⡇⠄⣠⣾⡿⠋⠄⠄⠄⣴⣦⠄⠄⠄⣿⡇⢸⣿⣿⣶⣶⣶⣶⠄⠙⢿⣷⣶⡿⠟⠄⠸⣿⣿⣶⣶⣶⣶⠄⠘⠿⣷⣶⣾⡿⠃2022-12-31 15:51:15
lopperthat's good hopefully you're doing much better now brother2022-12-29 12:51:07
lopperi had went through your games looking through your games since you like the sames genres I like and I tried Timeflow, pretty fun game I like the idea of its simplicity so thanks for the indirect recommendation2022-12-28 09:41:27
KijameOh neat, a game with icons that actually form an image together. :D I'm always looking for interesting shenanigans as such.2022-12-28 08:56:07
lopperreview gamer 8))2022-12-26 23:21:25
MissyMerry christmas Pallino, have a wonderful time❤️💕2022-12-25 02:19:39
OlympicAssEaterMERRY CHRISTMAS 2022!2022-12-24 17:22:13
Komugimerry christmas2022-12-24 09:11:22
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥** ' * .*  * 🌟 * * '* * ** * .* '  ✨ 🏮✨     '  *.   *  ✨ ☆☆☆✨ *    '  .  *  ' ✨+:...💙...:+✨  *'    '✨☆🏮☆🏮☆✨ *  * '   * *✨+:💚:+@+💚:✨   '  ** . ✨☆☆📀☆📀☆☆✨ * ' * .'  . ✨+:..:++:..💚..+&:..:+✨ * ✨☆🏮☆☆🏮☆☆🏮☆✨ * '   *' . ✨+:...:+💙+:...:+💙§+:..:+✨. ✨☆📀☆📀☆ ☆📀☆📀☆✨  ' * ✨💙+💙+:..:+@+:..:+💙+💙✨ .  * .  . 🟫   ' ' *     **  * . ** * 🟫   .  * .  '  ,·´ ¸,·´`) * * 💝🎁🎁💝   * (¸,·´ (¸** Merry Christmas!2022-12-24 04:49:18
KijameWouldn't that be something Nova would approve of though? She'll crush that law enforcement along with you, haha. And you need a reason to start as frenemies, so I imagine it goes more along the line of crushing her debut as 'legit' graffiti artist or something. Similar to Lake but more on the wild side. Or maybe you crush her anonymity in the crowd admiring her work. XD2022-12-08 15:38:35
KijameWhat can I say, first impression: CRUSHED!2022-12-08 14:07:42
KijameI see you are an individual of culture as well.2022-12-08 04:20:21
KijameGoodness me for some reason I completely overlooked your comment on my profile (probably in a sea of notifications). Thanks for appreciating my degeneracy :D2022-12-07 18:03:54
[KOR] Hong-Gil-Dong🔞thank you for visit.well. i am not spaek english2022-11-11 07:34:57
IL PALLINOIt's November 11'th., and thankfully I didn't have to delay my return.2022-11-11 07:04:42
[KOR] Hong-Gil-Dong🔞pegging!2022-11-11 04:26:50
IL PALLINOI'm invisible. Will be back November 11'th..2022-11-01 06:04:37
IL PALLINOHentai or DIE!!2022-10-22 22:16:04
xeni love henati2022-10-22 22:13:25
Lafilleange95Aw thanks for the compliment! :D This one is my main account but on my secondary account I am playing mostly new indie games. I am more of a collector than a player but when I have time I like psychological VN's and all sort of indie games, I mostly want to have a new experience from them. Also I will be doing my master thesis on indie game dev's so... But I'm always open to new suggestions. What do you think is THE game to play once in a lifetime?2022-10-01 12:19:25
Anneni Scream ☭My love for redbull is the same as a mother's love for her child, redbull lovers are our family. RBMAX2022-09-30 02:43:57
Anneni Scream ☭Best wishes to watch f1 together <3 :D2022-09-29 16:30:36
NSFW18 GamesLet's be friend2022-09-13 15:18:56
ꜱʜᴀʀᴋblazeHello I'm a guy loves internet cartoon and is a member of it's fandom, also I own fanbase so feel free to follow if not, then nothing personal, tnx2022-09-09 08:12:02
Lafilleange95Well this is « something ». As you asked for it in your profile :p seriously people add you so you unfriend someone they don’t like? O.o2022-08-31 14:00:29
DizzyDeezyHey, I am back! And thanks for the concern. It's just my graphic card's been broke, in a bad time.2022-08-26 08:16:29
Húp Sò Đại Hiệp!hello can you add m e?2022-08-24 09:21:23
skaz1gay2022-08-12 15:31:24
CYRUS DeVeRaKeHave an awesome weekend2022-07-29 03:49:57
CYRUS DeVeRaKeHeyy, nice to meet you =)2022-07-27 14:45:39
IL PALLINOIs it really that difficult for people to send me a friend request to read the profile of the person they want to be friends with?2022-07-27 14:41:07
MajordomoI have added you because of your reviews, sorry for the inconvenience2022-07-20 06:54:44
† Peepo The Elusive🌸>  フ     |  _  _ l     /` ミ_xノ     /      |    /  ヽ   ノ    │  | | | / ̄|   | | | | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) \二つ2022-07-11 06:23:03
Meyzmo“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,There is a rapture on the lonely shore,There is society, where none intrudes,By the deep sea, and music in its roar:I love not man the less, but Nature more”― Lord Byron2022-07-08 21:55:13
FrantiC_If you want to level up to X level and are running out of badges to collect you can use this site, . It is made by the steam user Nacho 18:43:33
ForeverThank you2022-07-03 01:35:54
LoserChancool. btw how is my profile name? haha2022-07-02 11:24:54
LoserChanWill try that game soon <32022-06-30 12:00:10
MissyTy Pallino2022-06-24 03:30:45
ArmoredSaintCretino2022-06-16 05:15:12
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue. You can't force someone to respect you, but you can refuse to be disrespected. A true friend is a friend when it is convenient and when it is not,They stand by you consistently both when you are present and when you are not.They Answer You With Empathy, Perspective, And Honesty. True friends aren't phony with you.No legacy is so rich as honesty.A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated.2022-06-11 12:55:41
aquatorrentAh, i didnt know that they are connected, hahah. Thanks for letting me know about it! I'll check it out later :)2022-05-31 11:43:44
aquatorrentI think i already played all 4 episode. Do you mean the other space pilgrim title? :o2022-05-31 10:52:52
steh575nice profile, good to see a wide selection of games and reviews to go with some of them2022-05-22 03:38:37
VexplodeHey! Sent a friend request because I saw that you're a member of the Reviewers' Guild and I'd like to see reviews directly from people on my activity feed2022-05-09 06:38:15
MeyzmoGlad to know you're doing fine! I wish you the best of luck2022-05-08 15:00:36
MeyzmoI wish you are doing fine, sir!2022-05-05 21:41:26
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥Yes you are true bro, happy day of earth as well, we have to take care of our planet indeed.2022-04-22 09:14:20
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥Hey brother happy birthday! for any reason i remember you tell me do birthday on earth's day, hope you have a great one and congratz, united we are strong!2022-04-22 05:46:52
OlympicAssEaterAMONG US2022-04-18 21:32:16
Bucky Dent+rep2022-04-12 00:15:38
MissyHave a nice dayyy2022-03-27 14:50:34
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥Hey bro about that you commented in my profile i agree with you, i think you have in mind that people who are friends and for exemple delete someone who thinks different from him or opinion iasn't his true friend, because for me in my honest opinion a loyal and very good true friend will respect your opinion, thought and political ideology & vice-versa, he will not delete + block u for something related to this, if he do then he isn't a good friend or even maybe neither a good person because for me its stupid someone do for whatever silly thing would be, so you know that a true friend will never do such thing like that really.2022-03-06 19:18:50
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥a good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.Honestly the art of being truthful, that's the type of art you never maasteredTime and good friends are two things that become more valuable the older you get meaning.Respect is for those who deserve it, not for those who demand it.Loyalty is hard to find, trust is easy to lose, actions speak louder than words.2022-03-05 14:24:35
IL PALLINOAlright. GL & HF!2022-02-23 14:34:58
IL PALLINONow I just finished a late lunch. My restaurant meal for this week was nachos from my favorite Mexican restaurant in town.2022-02-23 14:28:51
IL PALLINOTY Wolfie. It's about to get better!2022-02-23 13:08:49
MantisI didn't want to believe it either. As far as I know, only Valve staff can actually step in to ban a review once a TOS violation submitted by the development has been verified. I have absolutely no idea what the supposed violation was, but I do know that review takeedowns require a certain level of power. It would be a disaster if developers/publishers were allowed to hide reviews entirely themselves.Anyhow, I took a look at your reviews and they're excellent. I should really put that amount of time into reviews and put more time into reviewing the games that I've enjoyed rather than mostly those I've disliked. In an ocean of s**tpost reviews it's nice to see ones like yours once in a while.2022-02-17 09:10:44
MantisYep, they really weren't happy that I was critical of them being very anti-consumer and that I didn't find the game very interesting. So in the end they got one of Valve's moderators to ban the review.2022-02-17 07:57:28
天 空 滑 翔 伞(微信)thank U! wish U have a nice day, my friend!2022-01-20 05:41:30
IL PALLINOFair enough. I live in Florida, so I've had a lot of exposure to Spanish. I even watch a lot of (Ice) Hockey, so I've seen many French names and heard how they're pronounced. As for Italian, most of what I've heard I learned from watching Formula One.2022-01-09 08:06:07
roughnecksI only heard it pronounced like "EE" in gangsters movies like Italian Mafia in America, but that's it, ahah. I 'm all but a linguist, so don't ask me! :)2022-01-09 08:01:13
IL PALLINODang! I thought double-L's in Romance languages were always silent. Is Italian an exception, or does the Italian language have exceptions to this rule?2022-01-09 07:51:52
roughnecksI just thought I'd tell this to you sooner or later. In Italy we don't say "Pa-EENo", as you wrote, but we pronounce it like this: (listen to the 3 voices).2022-01-09 06:40:11
MissyHappy new year Pallino, you're such a nice person and trust me 2022 will be a lot better for u than 2021, I wish u all the best u deserve much happines2021-12-31 11:52:23
roughnecksHappy Holidays2021-12-24 15:49:21
OlympicAssEaterMerry Xmas 2021 🎅2021-12-24 13:06:27
MissyMerry Christmasss Pallino !❤️2021-12-24 04:29:31
OlympicAssEaterit is fine dawg2021-12-21 21:18:32
OlympicAssEater:)2021-12-20 04:08:01
Alphaim sorry, i traded today, im gonna close the trade post2021-12-15 10:09:37
Meyzmo“ Don't just learn, experience.Don't just read, absorb.Don't just change, transform.Don't just relate, advocate.Don't just promise, prove.Don't just criticize, encourage.Don't just think, ponder.Don't just take, give.Don't just see, feel.Don’t just dream, do.Don't just hear, listen.Don't just talk, act.Don't just tell, show.Don't just exist, live.”― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the2021-12-08 07:23:09
bbalthaser23Yes I played Sims when I was much younger, and happened to add sims 3 for the giggles. My daughter is interested in sims 4 so I recently added that as part of the Steam Sale. Hoping to insight brilliant shenanigans in the younger gen.2021-12-01 19:54:45
bbalthaser23Played for a bit on Depraved: few key differences for me is that with Depraved you arent building population on procreation, you build it on how many houses you continue to build. There is a tougher aspect to this game because your people can be attacked in a variety of ways and you are in fierce competition or negotiations for peaceful living with tribes and other groups. I find the game a bit tedious though with trying to manage certain material continuity. One piece of material you need for all building seems to be something you must trade or buy because unless you progress far enough in the game you wont ever produce this material yourself. That can cause a conundrum when needing to build enough homes to have more laborers to continue adding key elements to your settlement.2021-12-01 19:54:41
bbalthaser23To answer your question on Depraved and I apologize for the delay in response. If you have played Banished it has similar qualities in the building, operating of a town. They have gone a step further to include things like animals attacking, neighbors/outsider having a beef with you encroaching on their territory. Some of the game play can for me be a bit touchy with the menus. But again I find it similar to banished, I need to spend more time with it to give a better review.2021-12-01 18:28:12
Meyzmo“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”― Mahatma GandhiI pray that IL PALLINO shall have a happy life and be guided to the right path2021-10-26 12:08:48
MissyI'm so glad to hear that!!!2021-10-05 06:57:10
MissyHave a nice day, I hope things are getting better now!❤🌿2021-10-05 00:46:35
Ƶeηith SlуjαмI'm still alive, I just lack any and all social energy right now because I've been working nonstop for the past few weeks. I'm on fall break, though. i'll try to return to normal.2021-10-03 12:04:44
DreamsurferFunny thing is that I have wanted a game like this since Amiga (last time I saw a game about Reporters/Newspapers). Came out of the Blue.2021-10-01 19:19:43
IL PALLINOI normally like games that have the word Tower in them, so... *Takes a look* Whoa, set during the 1930's! And there's a demo. What good times!2021-10-01 18:48:40
DreamsurferCheck out News Tower. Very cool and unique Game. Fantastic Music too.2021-10-01 17:37:40
Loonie7870Hey Pallino thanks for adding me back :)2021-09-21 10:04:07
douglas_abp100% in both American Truck and Crush Crush thats amazing! You have some nice screenshots too!2021-09-20 11:09:46
IL PALLINOThat was too strange! I'll take a look at your newest pics later on.2021-09-07 06:44:55
IL PALLINOTY, you too... Did you have to unblock me or did Steam unblock me on it's own?2021-09-07 06:18:35
IL PALLINOYeah, I dunno what happened. When I first tried to add you back, it said I was blocked.I tried sending a friend request again and this time it worked.2021-09-07 01:54:50
IL PALLINOThe timing of your message was perfect, Pyromancer!2021-09-05 18:26:04
wings of libertybest wishes2021-08-17 08:53:11
MissyHave a wonderful dayy!2021-08-15 12:45:41
MΞTRlMΛКΞThank you for the award2021-08-04 12:53:51
MΞTRlMΛКΞYea. Now you know. Santa Claus does in fact live in Korvatunturi, which is located in Finland. He does not live in the North Pole like most Americans think. You should google that, it's an interesting fact2021-08-03 21:51:05
MΞTRlMΛКΞI'm not from poland but I wrote a comment anywaygreetings from the glorius land of Perkele. (btw, did you know that Santa Claus lives here?)2021-08-03 19:58:22
EsMMan of tastes2021-07-25 07:34:00
MeyzmoMy dear friend IL PALLINO, I wish you a happy life full of what you wish and desire Stay safe and enjoy your life2021-07-19 08:14:28
MeyzmoI am a luck person! Having you as my friend proves it I wish you the best of what you wish Stay safe and enjoy your time IL PALLINO2021-07-06 03:22:50
Soldier 76+rep great friend!2021-06-30 09:27:15
MissyI'm jealous, I got the disgustang Gorilla2021-06-28 13:24:06
IL PALLINOI'm a pragmatic guy!2021-06-26 19:24:08
taohuB)2021-06-26 19:07:07
taohu-rep not gorrila badge2021-06-26 19:07:03
IL PALLINOSwifx? If you think I'm "down bad," you didn't see me back in April!2021-06-26 17:11:48
Swifxsir you need help you are down bad, down to the atoms of the downest bads, you are down bad. downey syndrome bad, the baddest bad bad out there that resides with the initial definition of baddest baddies. Get help sir please!!!2021-06-26 16:39:55
IL PALLINOAh yes, the best-remembered Ghostbusters theme song... Can't forget about the very first theme song! 04:39:21
peremptor Here ya go get to busting!2021-06-26 04:25:59
peremptorAs a kid I had no idea that one was based on a live tv show haha.2021-06-26 04:25:04
IL PALLINOLet's go ghostbusting! 04:11:08
peremptorSo I see you ready for some GHOSTBUSTING eh? :)2021-06-26 03:06:44
FromIwoJimaIf you wish, I can trade all my Totem cards for some other cards, non tradeable (to complete some of my other decks), or tradeable cards.I just want to get rid of all non tradeable cards in the future.2021-06-23 18:34:51
IL PALLINOYes, especially because you followed the rules of the correct way to send a friend request... Sorry to keep you waiting; I had to make the drive home.Also, I was just kidding about buying games for me. Besides, people should wait until the 24'th. to buy anything if at all possible since that's when the Summer Sale starts.2021-06-18 08:53:34
taohuwell are you going to accept my offer2021-06-18 08:30:08
IL PALLINOI'm amazed that nobody called me out for putting 27 hours in a demo game. What can I say? Contraband Police: Prologue is that good.2021-06-14 07:57:24
MeyzmoIf you see this comment in your profile, know that you are a close person to my I wish you a weekend full of health and wealth God bless you2021-06-12 18:29:02
IL PALLINO@Taohu If you're so adamant about me owning better H-games, then buy them for me!!2021-06-12 10:57:29
taohuthis dude has 145 hours in crush crush what the ♥♥♥♥THERES BETTER H-GAMES YOU KNOW2021-06-12 08:40:41
MeyzmoWe are nothing but memories living in each others' hearts Enjoy your time while making them sparkle as bright as they can2021-05-30 14:41:48
IL PALLINOGood.... Another person who deplores both of the major parties.Neither Governor Ron DeSantis nor US Representative Matt Gatez are liberal. I thought they were more famous in the national political scene, but I guess it's just Floridians who have been getting the news about Matt Gatez and his love of underage girls.2021-05-01 19:45:52
Charlie Morningstar 🏳‍🌈Well I don't like Liberals But i sure hell hate the republicunts party as well2021-05-01 19:12:06
Charlie Morningstar 🏳‍🌈Are they Liberals?2021-05-01 17:46:19
IL PALLINOYou'll get no argument from me, Ilana. For one thing, Ron DeSantis is the Governor, and then there's that pedo Matt Gaetz who's been in the headlines a lot.My dad also recently lost his life to someone in Florida who's driving was beyond stupid.2021-04-30 23:51:46
Charlie Morningstar 🏳‍🌈Everyone from Florida is Stupid! Everyone from Florida from is dumb!2021-04-30 21:54:13
IL PALLINODis dog be mournin' the death of that big dog.2021-04-21 20:35:15
OlympicAssEaterwhat that dog doing2021-04-21 17:28:06
MickAriStay strong my friend even in the deepest darkest times I want you to know I am here for you even though we may not know each other in person. I am here for you as a true friend2021-04-21 16:52:24
SalzStangeGood guy2021-04-19 16:06:09
Joisuit's almost 2 pm here in europe, how come u wake up so early??2021-04-01 06:41:01
Joisuah that sucks, i had to get motivated aswell to get out of my bed since i have been outside a lot yesterday and the sun was shining bright, but i didnt bring water with me so now i feel kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥ lolWhat time is it for you anyways?2021-04-01 05:50:07
JoisuHope you're doing good pal2021-04-01 04:33:19
JoisuSame, my interest in rap music faded away when I started listening to more new wave bandsWhats your opinion on The Killers? since you've checked them out2021-03-31 04:01:47
JoisuI used to love Nirvana so much, I even painted their logo on my wall ! and I have this mini guitar with Kurt Cobain's face on it, I had a phase with 90s rap, Ms Lauryn Hill was one of my favorite rappers, she has so much talent, in my opinion she is the best 90s female rapper there is.2021-03-30 15:18:55
JoisuI also like a lot of Britpop bands ! I'm totally in love with the 90s, sadly I've never experienced it, I wish I did, or the 80s, The live performances from artists back then were the best, from what year are you if you don't mind me asking? because maybe that's also the reason why your music taste is so good, I barely meet people around my age with the same kind of music taste.2021-03-30 15:06:57
JoisuI have a few songs you might like from The KillersFor Reasons Unknown, This River is Wild,On Top, Show You How, Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll and ofcourse the famous Mr Brightside.It might not really be the type of band you would listen to since you're really in to punk etc but give it a shot !I'll check the bands out u suggested, thank you so much, having a blast talking to another music lover, I don't meet them often !2021-03-30 14:58:09
JoisuBeen in to New Order for a long time aswell, Power Corruption and Lies + Brotherhood are my all time fav's.I've only now really listened to Classic Punk bands the most out of all the punk genres, I think bands like The Jam and The Velvet Underground are pretty rad.( out of context I also like Sonic Youth )Indie rock is also good, I can enjoy any kind of rock genre tbh.But yeah Postpunk, Alternative rock are my main genres at the momentHave you heard of The Killers, and if so what's your opinion on them?2021-03-30 14:49:31
JoisuI just listened to The Epoxies and i think they're okay, you have some great taste in music man, is there any chance that u might have or any spotify playlists that i can check out? i've been listening to so much of The Cure and Radiohead again and i need new bands in that genre to listen to, since it's quarantine the only thing i've been busy with is music and video games.I also enjoy listening to bands like Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds ( idk if you've heard of them ) Weezer, New Order, The Clash, The Ramones etc. I also wanted to buy some cd's or vinyls to start a collection but i'm not quite sure yet.2021-03-30 14:24:33
Joisuah i've heard of bad cop bad cop before, i think their most popular song tho, punk isnt my main genre of music, but i'm more in to new wave or alternative 90s etc. Do u have some suggestions what kind of punk bands i should listen to?, since i want to explore the genre more, and i don't know where to start2021-03-30 13:52:19
Joisui saw u listen to punk rock what bands are u into ( coz im also a big fan of music )2021-03-30 13:33:09
IL PALLINOHentai or DIE!!2021-03-30 13:31:13
Joisumm yes anime i love2021-03-30 13:29:39
IL PALLINO¡Viva el Presidente!2021-03-27 14:45:43
roughnecksEl Presidente ringrazia :)2021-03-27 14:31:46
IL PALLINOCrackhead? I'm thinking more along the lines of Ecstasy! 11:04:25
OlympicAssEaterwhy u crackhead?2021-03-22 10:52:04
OlympicAssEater🐰 HOP HOP HOP 🐰 onto that ⤴️ RISEN ✝ JESUS ✝ ♥♥♥♥! 🍆💦 On this day, our lord 🙏 & savior 🙏 ROSE 👆👆 THAT ♥♥♥♥ 🍆 up ⬆️ to save 🙌 us all & open the LEGS of 🙏⛅️ HEAVEN'S ♥♥♥♥♥ 💦🐱💦 Jesus has ♥♥♥ 💦 again & now the 🐇🐰 EASTER BUNNY 🐰🐇is 💦 CUMMIN 💦 to nibble 👅 on that 🍆 CARROT ♥♥♥♥ 🍆 Send ➡️ this to 1️⃣0️⃣ of your HORNIEST 💦🔥 HOLY HOES 🙏✝ this resERECTION day 🍆💦 or you wont get that EASTER 🍬 CANDY 🍬 ♥♥♥♥ in your basket 😭🍆 Get 3️⃣ back & you'll be BLESSED 🙏 with the HOLY 💦 ♥♥♥ 💦 of CHRIST ✝ Get 5️⃣ back & you'll get NAILED 🔨😘 on a CROSS tonight ✝💦 Get 1️⃣0️⃣ back & you'll get CARROTS 🐰 up your ASS 🍑🍑 for the next 4️⃣0️⃣ DAYS ✝🙏💦2021-03-22 10:51:58
JemstersThanks for the (not) sponsored comment ! You shall receive your Paypal payment shortly2021-03-09 09:18:28
IL PALLINOI decided to compromise. Since I had three emoticon slots left, I decided to go back and add a stack of cash, $500 poker chip, and the VIP pass.2021-03-08 07:23:57
NightWatchMan[ITA]Have a wonderful weekend ✨2021-03-06 08:55:13
IL PALLINOAlright, another This Grand Life lover! Z1VA, do you also plan on getting Living The Deal when it comes out?2021-03-02 16:57:52
Z1VAtrue capitalist +respect2021-03-02 11:40:57
IL PALLINOI probably shouldn't have stopped exhibiting all of my Omerta, money, gold emoticons. (Along with the VIP pass.) But I suppose that was fun spelling out my name in emoticons.2021-02-27 20:31:51
tearWow nice item showcase Mr Il Pallino2021-02-27 19:11:34
OlympicAssEaterWHO STOLE MY TOAST?! DID YOU STOLE MY TOAST?!2021-02-21 22:05:45
IL PALLINOOh boy, it's 2021, and people are still making posts that start "+/- rep." Okay Maggie, let 'em have it! 01:37:44
JOEJOETHIC-1 rep, kinda a ♥♥♥♥2021-02-20 00:47:13
Ƶeηith SlуjαмThis profile has come a long way..2021-02-07 17:59:46
NightWatchMan[ITA]thanks for all the great comments , i appreciate it !2021-02-05 13:46:16
tearTrue, that's what I was talking about.2021-02-05 10:13:48
IL PALLINOI'm not really strict... If someone doesn't say anything to me when they send a friend request, they better have some mutual games that I like (especially the Space Pilgrim Saga), like at least one of the same sports teams as me, or be from someplace that I can relate to.2021-02-05 09:20:58
tearThat's a shame that people don't even bother saying something even illogical when you clearly mention it and you have no strict rules(as least I know it even if you might choose to not say it in public )2021-02-05 09:19:06
tearI see, I've added a lot and lot of people from csgo in past, with time it becomes pretty clear if one person is worthy enough of remaining friends on steam "(With special attention given to their personality , AND almost equal importance given to their playstyle and behaviour in-game)" . If not, I let them know and once I get a reply I remove them with mutual + willingly taken/took decision. Now I'm more careful before adding but I literally add anyone and everyone as long they behave like a decent human2021-02-05 09:17:19
IL PALLINOThat's usually true, Tear. If a friend collector will say something to me at least once, then they're good for the add. Most of the ones who sent me friend requests can't even be bothered to do even that much!2021-02-05 09:08:51
tearFriend collectors means adding random unknown people just for the sake of having more friends on steam?2021-02-05 09:04:23
IL PALLINOYou're right, Pyromancer: I put instructions at the top of my profile, and it's still asking too much of most people who send me friend requests.2021-02-04 10:38:08
IL PALLINOAttention friend collectors: Write something on my profile when you send me a friend request! I probably never saw you before, you most likely never heard of the Space Pilgrim Saga, you probably aren't from a place I can relate to, and your interests in music and sports teams probably aren't interesting.The only two rules is that "if you're nice enough, you're cool enough." And talking to me doesn't cost anything, even if we only talk a few times! Other than that, I don't care what you hate, who you sleep with, or where you sit on the political spectrum.2021-01-31 05:40:12
DreamsurferCheck out Dyson Sphere. Simply amazing for EA or even full game. Biggest surprise release this year (so far).2021-01-22 17:29:10
keva1Great guy!2021-01-17 15:06:49
NightWatchMan[ITA]thanks mate , i read your description before adding you , my pleasure2021-01-13 14:56:17
Soldier 76Hey dude, sorry if I seem dull as hell, I'm not from anywhere particularly interesting, but I really wanna be your friend, you seem pretty cool, and I'm a fan of the Mafia, and pretty much 20s-60s NYC, hope this dull comment finds you well!2021-01-03 12:51:42
OlympicAssEaterHappy New Year- signed by OlympicAssEater2020-12-31 16:15:32
tearAnd we also wanna know how in the freakin hell did you reach to this cringy profile, what brought you here?2020-12-30 15:18:59
IL PALLINOYou said "that was cringe," but did't elaborate on exactly what... And how come you never use any capitalization and punctuation in your messages. That's certainly... Cringeworthy!You're from Austria. Do you think Gaston Glock would have ever become successful if he was as sloppy as the way you write?As for my screenshots being "useless," I'll let my friends be the judge... Although there is a toxic gas vent named Posh who didn't like my Arcade Tycoon screenshots and removed every one for being "community violations"!Now I'm curious. How is it you've been on Steam for five years, and you only have a Level 18 profile?2020-12-30 10:30:04
ntgi aint but why u puttin so usless efort and make so many usless screenshots on u profile and the way u anwser so cringe like bruh2020-12-30 10:20:49
IL PALLINONo, Not_Ghoul, it ain't cringe, it's cool! You'd know that if you played the Space Pilgrim Saga. (The first game is free and the other seven are cheap.)I really have to ask you, why are you so vague?2020-12-29 17:26:03
tearAmm..... Mr ghoul can you please have a look at my profile bio and let me know what you think about it and if possible comment something nice (and real) about how it sounds to you? I've worked hard on that one and would love to know opinion of a world famous celebrity like you, I've been following you and your content since I was born , thanks in advance2020-12-29 17:16:14
ntgthat was cringe2020-12-29 17:08:14
IL PALLINOIt's great mentioning rude facts about myself, ain't it, Not_Ghoul. Just a shame you didn't see my profile before the US Presidential Election when I was telling people to vote for Gail Pilgrim and Sabina White!Sorry I don't support any Austrian Bundesliga teams, but I have feelings for Red Bull Racing!2020-12-29 11:48:47
ntgcringe wtf that bio xd2020-12-29 03:22:49
tearMerry christmas2020-12-27 09:10:20
DelliciousI'm elite2020-12-27 09:00:20
peremptorMerry Christmas buddy :)2020-12-25 18:23:40
OlympicAssEaterMERRY XMAS 20202020-12-25 11:55:49
SubbiHonestly newcastle were good in that leeds match the score made people think newcastle did bad even though they didnt2020-12-25 03:45:59
Meyzmo˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (´• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` ´¯˜"*°´¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`´¯˜"*°•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.:2021holly: :2021holly: Merry Christmas :2021holly: :2021holly:2020-12-24 16:46:38
IL PALLINOMy friends are the best!2020-12-20 17:10:57
George Smith Pattoni loved the sims 32020-12-20 16:48:22
IL PALLINOAgreed. TS3 was amazing.... It burnt me out too much to ever get around to playing TS4. (I did download TS4 when Origin was giving it away for free last year.)There's still Living The Deal and Autobahn Police Simulator 3 for me to try my hand at for face-making. (I just hope the slider limits let me make decent characters!!)2020-12-20 05:58:41
Aegis hellcase.orghi Sims 3 is epic and im playing American Truck Simulator as well right now2020-12-20 05:29:13
George Smith Pattonhey my friend i have civil war 2 looking for friends to help me, setting up a discord for the game as well to connect players but its not set up primarily hjere for civil war 2 friends2020-12-09 16:12:40
Subbi1. thats actually cool i wasnt alive through alan sherear and 2. the reason why i was surprised was beacause your american and i dont even know any english people who support newcastle so thats really cool2020-12-07 12:45:02
MeGalliumI never thought another fan of the series you knew is just one plane trip away from my place!2020-12-03 12:29:36
meow<32020-11-28 17:47:35
SubbiWhy do you like Newcastle so much i am from leeds and i support leeds united but why newcastle? i personally dont really like newcastle just my opinion2020-11-07 14:55:10
IlGrigio™ | allkeyshopYep, thanks to my father i m a Milan supporter since i was born.I also saw Kakà playing live in Meazza Stadium. He was magic...2020-11-05 07:20:08
IlGrigio™ | allkeyshopHi, random add cause nice tastes in games and screenshots2020-11-04 08:04:56
roughnecksHello, thanks for the comment.I've simply emptied my list of blocked people because it didn't make much sense anymore.Not sure how you found me after all this time, unless you keep profile URLs, which would be kinda creepy tbh... Anyway, hope you're fine and I appreciate the thought.See you around2020-11-03 16:32:14
MeyzmoAnd you are doing a great job in that2020-11-03 14:50:13
MeyzmoYour comments on my stuff are like sapphires glimmering in the dark; they are the most valuable to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your interest and support.2020-11-03 14:42:50
Ƶeηith Slуjαм¿Y por que una parrafo grande sobre 'hentai' esta aqui en la perfil de PallinoYa estoy asustada2020-10-31 14:47:16
IL PALLINOHi Paul! *Waves excitedly*2020-10-30 15:01:22
mehoopanyhey bro2020-10-30 15:00:07
whopperWhy is he getting 80's vibes on a fall guys screenshot ?We will never know2020-10-29 08:58:54
IL PALLINO¡Si si si!Hentai or DIE!!2020-10-27 17:48:31
GaloakdEl hentai es mucho más ético que el porno de personas reales que es considerado "normal". No hay tráfico de humanos, no hay adicción a las drogas, no hay STDs. El porno de personas reales es imperfecto por definición; ya que presenta a seres humanos, y uno de los rasgos que definen a la humanidad es la imperfección. El hentai, por otro lado, está más cerca de la perfección; este no incluye ningún elemento no deseado que siempre se encuentra presente en las personas. Aún así la mayoría de las personas ven al hentai como algo enfermo o raro, incluso cuando está más cerca de la perfección que el llamado porno normal.2020-10-27 16:49:17
SeaI have a deal please add me2020-10-22 09:51:35
IL PALLINOThanks. All this time I just figured Pallina to be the feminine form of Pallino... But I suppose I was right to name my main character in Rising Star 2 Pallina with the way she's really "bouncing" all over America with numerous upcoming tours!2020-09-22 14:16:58
Manu BAD iTNo, "pallino" is correct. Because Pallina in Italian means something else.2020-09-22 13:53:57
IL PALLINOShe's not nicknamed Pallina?2020-09-22 13:44:04
Manu BAD iTPallino is my wife's nickname! hehe2020-09-22 13:42:41
IL PALLINOI'm glad you like my nickname, Cioflix. I was worried for a while that "Pallino" wouldn't sound right for a nickname like "Cueball" does in English. I'm still Cueball off of Steam (at least in English-speaking places!) but Pallino has a nicer sound. (Yes, I'm aware that double-L's in Romance languages are silent!)2020-09-22 10:17:31
Manu BAD iTNice profile and great nickname. If you want accept my friendship request I aprpeciate it.2020-09-19 08:10:26
IL PALLINOI was just thinking about that confrontation that took place on my comments involving a negative game review I wrote. I wrote a song in Rising Star 2 that I called Freddy's On Fire in reference to what happened. I bet he'd be peeved to know it was one of my band's more popular songs.2020-09-17 10:01:48
TrableThank you for accepting my friendship request! Most appreciated!2020-09-09 12:45:09
OlympicAssEaterWHY FL IS SO HOT MANG!?2020-09-02 12:45:27
oBIGRONHey, Thank you for the comment. I added as i saw very good games myself also great reviews on games. Currently looking for more games to add to the collection that i can stream.2020-08-31 04:36:33
DizzyDeezyThankies!2020-08-05 00:25:50
FriskyNicksw2020-08-02 03:57:21
OlympicAssEaterOLYMPIC CHAMP IS BACK!2020-07-19 16:36:16
Trevy35i feel you with the internet speed. i have at most 1 mbps so downloading the 88gb monster of cod bo3 was a nightmare.2020-07-07 00:09:20
Trevy35helpful reviews2020-07-06 23:45:46
💀Skull-Collector💀Thank you IL PALLINO, I don't know it either....2020-06-27 11:38:48
OlympicAssEaterFL IS COMPLETELY ♥♥♥♥ WITH COVID 192020-06-27 02:54:25
Sigmar's SausageNo...YOU ROCK IP! Thanks for being a bro on Steam.2020-06-25 14:28:45
DizzyDeezyShe's here!2020-06-22 19:57:22
OlympicAssEaterhey. another florida man!2020-06-16 22:44:49
tear+rep good person.2020-06-03 12:54:06
the_rock0123Sounds like sour grapes with Fred lol. Reviews need to be honest and I respect Il Pallino for that. If the game is that good, other reviews will come through as positive. If not, Il is vindicated. There's too much rubbish released in Early Access for my liking, why I tend to always avoid EA now!2020-06-01 14:57:53
Mazefredreed2k just experienced pure ownage2020-05-30 06:29:58
IL PALLINOIf you believe that I was making offensive remarks towards you, I would encourage you to report me.2020-05-24 09:39:42
fredreed2000IL PALLINO next time you make threats at me you won't like It when I report you to steam for making offensive threats at me like your doing now.2020-05-24 09:30:09
Sigmar's SausageSomeone call the fire department! Somebody got burned.2020-05-23 23:29:13
IL PALLINOFreddy? The bugs I encountered in Freight Simulator weren't the problem I had with the game. My reviews are written to tell the truth, and my honesty and integrity comes before people's feelings.You're probably right that I'm a disgrace. It sounds a lot better than saying that I'm wrong. Next time you call people disgraceful, you should use better grammar and syntax.2020-05-22 21:38:43
fredreed2000Your a disgrace to me to review a like Freight Simulator as It is terrible is stupid because the game Just came out you need to give It a chance. The Dev will fix the bugs but please show some respect to the Dev.2020-05-22 09:28:54
DizzyDeezyThat's a good news!2020-04-08 04:39:01
Ralphgimme your money please2020-04-04 20:48:50
DizzyDeezyI'm managed to evade the three robots on first try as well, thanks to this "running around the crate" tricks: 11:22:38
dubesorwhich review?2020-03-11 18:50:35
⊱❘|🅸🅽🆀🆄🅸🆂🅸🆃🅸🆅🅴|❘⊰Just writing to let you know that I am thinking about you. Miss talking!2020-03-09 23:22:45
zer0sent a friend request because I like the vibe of your profile2020-03-02 18:27:04
DizzyDeezyTrue.2020-02-26 09:01:55
CabboSending you an invite because I see you around the feed a fair bit and I like your reviews. Hope you have a good week2020-02-17 17:22:01
IL PALLINOYes, GrenadeBait, I get notified anywhere there's a post and I'm subscribed, be it your page, my page, or any other page!2020-02-13 23:41:10
GrenadeBaitQuestion: if i respond to a comment you post on my profile, do you get a notification or something so yoyu know I answered you question? I've been on Steam for years but never got the hang of using the comms tools available2020-02-13 19:19:58
tearI would like to ask you few questions I'm looking for from past few days.2020-01-09 11:24:33
𝓐𝓻𝓽𝓾𝓻Hello, the words left on my profile are gratifying, however I didn't know we had Pyromancer as a mutual friend. Anyway, I think this only reinforces the naturalness of the invitation. Nice to meet you ツ2020-01-09 10:28:27
⊱❘|🅸🅽🆀🆄🅸🆂🅸🆃🅸🆅🅴|❘⊰Hey Brian, happy you messaged me. You sound really sweet and I'd like to talk to you sometime. ...Whoa! They gave away TS4 for free!? I paid full price for it way back when. Totally worth it because of how much I love the series. You mentioning it is making me want to play again! It's been a while. Anyhow, talk soon!2020-01-01 22:33:24
GenericDude14Nice to see fellow RCR fan. 3-4 years ago i've started to play through NES library and fell in love with game's humour and style. I haven't got the cart in childhood and wouldn't understand all jokes anyway because my knowledge of foreign language was not enough. Happy holidays2019-12-28 04:51:54
GrenadeBaitI really liked that informative review you posted about Space Company Simulator.I have been itching to buy it because I had played the Buzz Aldrin Space Program and needed a more modern and in-depth game like it. However, based on your review I think I will hold off and see if the developers follow through to completion.I really wish there were more level-head critical reviewers like you; others that simply post some garbage about don't buy with out reason are just as bad as those that post positive reviews and ignore the game's faults. Thanks and Merry Christmas2019-12-26 16:55:17
peremptorOne day early... one day late. No big brother.2019-12-24 18:38:03
peremptorMerry Christmas amigo!2019-12-24 17:43:46
如果在冬夜,一个旅人happy Christmas my friend2019-12-24 10:44:48
Rapturenice reviews2019-12-18 07:08:48
SalzStangeHappy Holidays my friend2019-12-09 02:16:04
Coco Kaichounice reviews2019-12-06 19:48:14
IL PALLINOMonroe raises some good points. I for one loathe unoriginal, cookie-cutter comments that look like they came from the same person. In fact, I got into a confrontation with such a person on YouTube yesterday (which was December 2'nd..) when I called him out for leaving a comment that said "2019 anyone"? But when it comes to leaving friend comments, usually anything is better than nothing. (Nothing, however, beats originality!)2019-12-03 07:51:05
Sigmar's SausageNot yet. There are still decent steam people out there. Trust me.2019-12-02 08:48:08
TebaldiMaybe it's true, so my advice is to focus on people who talks with you here. lolSorry for being quite absent, I'm focusing more on myself and my studies, but sometimes we can chit-chat for sure, maybe even play together. For now my PC is broken, so it's impossible, but in the near future, maybe in the next vacations, it'll be possible.2019-11-10 21:39:49
IL PALLINOI wanted to gripe about how there's no decent people left on Steam, but it's obvious I'd only be doing that due to how many friend requests I've been rejecting from people who can't be bothered to say anything to me before sending their request. But the more I think about it, the more I realize: I've already met all of the decent people on Steam who'll ever matter to me!2019-10-29 18:23:27
TebaldiThank you very much!2019-10-25 23:33:33
MickAriPlayed through the first Space Pilgrim adventure again.. now finally all achievements unlocked :) up next is episode 2 :)2019-10-21 15:37:29
ShroduCould be your status as a curator in groups or your steam level, which gives popularity of some sort.2019-10-18 13:09:31
IL PALLINOEver since I added that line "click view more info before you send me a friend request," I continue to get friend requests from people who I not only have never seen before, but don't even leave me a message on my profile.Why do I even bother? And what makes me so interesting to total strangers on Steam?? I know I'm a sexy mofo, but I really don't understand2019-10-16 22:56:24
DizzyDeezyYup.2019-10-10 02:35:43
KomugiRawrrr2019-10-08 02:39:58
TjarleNHehe, yeah I´ve collected some rare badges. I sniped the expensive card for 2$ literaly hours after it sold for 92$. And some days later I got if from a booster... Now the price is down to 4$ so I can´t make some insane profit on it.2019-10-04 13:37:12
TjarleNAlways nice to see you in the trading section for the badges I am working on aswell. Have a good week.2019-09-24 13:31:49
That Wun WabbitI see what you did there! Well it works, right?2019-08-27 11:15:24
That Wun WabbitThe hype is real!!2019-08-27 02:11:50
That Wun WabbitI just kinda watch whatever, I'll even watch our east coast rivals. Just plop me in front of the tv with some pizza and a buddy 😏🤫2019-08-20 13:36:47
Jason ParginThank You2019-07-27 06:45:39
ikkiyakkiHi! liked your reviews, mind adding?2019-07-24 09:33:03
That Wun WabbitLol!2019-07-18 00:21:50
That Wun WabbitAww hell yea I love the Sharks2019-07-14 01:03:28
DizzyDeezyHaha yeah. Sorry about that.2019-07-07 06:09:06
fabio972Next week Los Angles Laker can become best team in the world...i'm waiting transfer market of NBA2019-06-29 12:35:10
fabio972Hi broI watch only Nba --- My team is Los Angeles Lakers and i like a lot Steph Curry ( Golden State Warriors )2019-06-27 23:58:31
DizzyDeezyThanks!!!2019-06-25 20:37:28
I_Bindii'm really sorry for that, i hate too the people who spamm everything2019-06-24 15:45:58
I_Bindidude i swear it wasn't me, mi account was stealed for two days from a russian ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, i'm sorry for real2019-06-24 15:45:01
TebaldiTotally agree lolIf Yuuji were pissed, he would be really killed by his own broken arm lol2019-06-19 19:17:17
Alin.+rep I see you are a man of culture as well.2019-06-14 06:57:15
That Wun WabbitYou are too funny, hop on in the friendslist2019-06-10 10:04:22
MickAriHave a great week!2019-06-04 10:48:49
DizzyDeezyIt is. But still, at least it's not their only VN!2019-05-28 03:34:44
DizzyDeezyYes!2019-05-28 02:59:07
TjarleNI hope things get better for you. Happy birthday2019-04-22 02:00:00
peremptorHappy Easter btw mate but I got to say seems like easy money either way. A lot of people will buy a game with cards just because it has cards. I see it as a plus I almost always just sell mine.2019-04-19 20:44:36
peremptorI always though the cards where a good idea and helped drive some much needed supplemental income. Guess not.2019-04-19 15:06:47
peremptorI think it was just the card idler I got them due to their high positive review rate and how cheap they where got to finish the first one still. They look fun just got lost in the shuffle.2019-04-18 13:35:22
Gigachad+rep you are the professional of the hentai sexing please send me sex too2019-04-16 14:02:01
SalzStangeTropico is pretty good, yes. It's not 100% polished yet but it's one of the best tropicos (together with 4) Sadly the campaign is missing and just the scanarios are there2019-04-16 08:37:06
fabio972Bro i support Juventusi have a website www.newsjuventus.it2019-04-13 13:33:31
DizzyDeezyNope Anyway, thanks for the little gift!2019-04-13 03:24:57
TjarleNTrading foils is hard (except you want to get rid of them). I will just search on SteamCardExchange for the cheapest ones I don´t have and buy them from the market.2019-03-27 15:02:48
TjarleNYeah, I know. That is what I did the last 2 years. But I have not that many badges so I would not loose on many cards. So I will do just some cheap foil sets during the sale.2019-03-27 14:51:08
TjarleNNo I don´t have any plans for the summer. Hopefully I will have completed most of the badges from my owned games at that time (a goal I am working on at the moment). Will probably do a lot of cheap foil sets and focus on the sale badge.2019-03-27 13:37:19
TjarleNNo problem, I am sure we`ll see each other again in the trading forums. Seems like we work on the same badges. Hehe, take care~2019-03-26 12:13:24
TjarleNI don´t mind that "trash games" get removed but I don´t like that the community items of removed games are not marketable. Would be hard enough to get them if it is impossible to buy the game. But that said items are just tradeable makes it way harder imo.Haha yeah you are probably right about that.2019-03-23 07:41:28
TjarleNExactly, I just like that the first two match your theme and the Crystal Cty one is funny indeed. I am also a little jealous that you have the sisters in hotel foil one because I think it looks nice and I am not able to get it. :D2019-03-23 06:01:30
TjarleNʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ~2019-03-23 05:33:03
TjarleNThank you, your badge showcase looks nice too. Thanks for trading~2019-03-23 05:33:00
xEmoKitten♥thank you for the kind comment crush crush is very cute!! and that hana game looks cute, too! add me if you wanna2019-02-11 15:21:46
兜 甲児Hello mate, I am sending a friend request to ask for a trade2019-02-05 02:59:37
ピンクホームベースhaha hentai contents brings about world peace for sure have a nice day!2019-02-04 12:43:13
Indridayeee thanks for the comment!2019-02-03 01:50:25
DizzyDeezyOhh... I see I've read about Asperger stuff many times.I might have an Asperger's myself, but I'm still unsure about that.2019-01-23 09:44:24
DizzyDeezyI'm really, really happy to hear that!To be honest, I was kinda expecting you would remove me because I'm not really talkative enough, too quiet or such (since I'm an introvert), or even declining my "sudden" friend request back then.I'm glad you didn't do that. :)2019-01-23 08:06:17
DizzyDeezyWhoa, thanks!!!2019-01-22 01:01:08
Kulik+rep, nice guy2019-01-17 17:51:27
Cornelia EdgertonHave a nice day2019-01-10 19:00:14
IL PALLINOStinksvans, what keys are you talking about? I don't recall ever seeing you before.2019-01-07 19:13:23
76561198154071521+rep ostsin võtmeid, käisin ette ja sain võtmed kohe peale makset tehtud!2019-01-07 18:36:56
VasyThx mate.Have a Nice Day!2019-01-07 10:13:05
✙borcaneli saw that the bot that added me was in the group ReviewExperts2019-01-05 18:25:44
✙borcanelare u affiliate with ? caz i bought a key and it didn t work it was for my friends bday2019-01-05 18:24:27
✙borcaneley man i have a question2019-01-05 17:07:12
nothackinginrustMerry Yeetmas and Happy New Allah2019-01-01 06:14:19
DizzyDeezyYeah, it's insane2019-01-01 02:20:09
DizzyDeezyMan, I don't know.Maybe it'll take some years for the prices to drop2019-01-01 01:17:31
DizzyDeezyYep!2018-12-27 19:52:59
DizzyDeezyRight!And speaking of which, we've been friends for almost a year now.Time flies really fast, huh.2018-12-26 20:06:22
Komugimy friend thanks alot again it was second gift ? :D <32018-12-25 18:35:47
MickAriThanks for the gift bro!!!! :D2018-12-25 14:46:32
roughnecksThanks for the gift mate. Greetings from and Happy Holidays!2018-12-25 07:32:25
Russell CoightThanks alot mate2018-12-25 03:34:38
IL PALLINOOkay, great! Now I won't have to wait as long to get you your gift!2018-12-23 19:20:06
Komugiaaaw thanks you are wonderful person! and yees we open all presents after christmas dinner 24.12 :D2018-12-23 19:18:02
KomugiPerfect gift is that i can be your friend <32018-12-23 19:12:08
KomugiMerry Xmas and happy new year!2018-12-23 14:24:53
MickAri•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.¸.•*´❄`*•.•*´❄*•  (☆*✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & A ℋappy ℋᴏʟɪᴅᴀʏs-✦✦ *☆ ) *•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´*•.✩.•*´❄`*•..•*´*•.✩.•*2018-12-23 05:38:05
Jimmy DaliWishing you the whitest and merriest of holdays buddy! May 2019 bring you tons & tons of gems!2018-12-21 05:44:15
DizzyDeezyHey,There's no point for me hiding this, and it wouldn't be surprising anyway.So I just gonna telling you that I've bought another 4 Crush Crush card sets for you! Sigh, I somewhat regretted that I didn't doing this back then.Anyway, I'm looking forward to 25th!2018-12-19 04:37:50
DizzyDeezyI know it's not much, but I glad you liked it! I shoulda bought 5 sets instead back then.I ashamed to say this, but currently I'm really broke LOL .So... I'm sorry ;-;2018-12-17 07:26:30
shep7000You're most welcome! : ) If you'd need help with the holiday event badges don't hesitate to shoot me an offer (1:1 same set as usual). Have fun and craft responsibly!2018-12-15 04:00:53
shep7000Thank you, buddy. It brought tears to my eyes2018-12-09 11:35:33
C:/Users/sys69xYour profile looks pretty good too :D2018-12-08 16:55:57
Ashen One+rep for effort over this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ reviews2018-12-08 05:13:46
SalzStangeThanks :) Have a great pre christmas time2018-12-06 18:44:36
TjarleNHi, yea Negligee and other VNs, thanks youre cool too~2018-11-18 04:07:15
Bones666Well you can send me offer again. Maybe something from trade is unavailable so offer got caneled.2018-11-03 06:29:02
Bones666If you send counter offer than you should confim with your phone. I didnt get any offer.2018-11-03 06:20:36
hayley ♥Hey there! The only visual novel I've played to completion is Doki Doki Literature club. There are some other ones on the Famicom and Super Famicom that I've dabbled into a little bit, such as Kujaku Ou, but that's about it. Not saying that I'm against Visual Novels or anything, they're just a bit too long for me most of the time.Most of the retro games I play are old Nintendo and Sony games. So Famicom all the way up to the Wii, and I only really play PS1 & PS2 games. Never really dabbled much into old computer games though. Long story short: I mainly enjoy obscure Famicom and Super Famicom games. If you're into that as well, then I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about.2018-10-21 06:09:47
roughnecksThat's good news, still have to get the first Academy title though... Not even sure when it'll happen since my backlog is pretty huge right now.2018-10-02 05:58:16
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° ) 12:43:09
IL PALLINOThe Major gets a star!2018-09-07 06:19:22
SnakeySheikyLol xD2018-08-10 09:54:12
Louis♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ lucky ♥♥♥♥♥.2018-08-10 09:53:33
SnakeySheikyJust a lovely little human being who's not rude2018-08-10 09:42:00
SalzStangehi there. I am interested in your reviews. Please write me if you are online.2018-07-28 03:51:30
jRmthx dude ;-)2018-07-26 21:43:25
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )thanks for the emote man its a nice one, plus its a bit my roots (my dad is from oklahoma, in another life we were westerners)2018-07-23 10:25:49
ka1k0Thanks mate2018-07-21 09:14:49
peremptorYohkaa Leylee is a nice platformer if you are into that. I'd recommend it as long as you don't get obsessed 100% since that might get annoying.2018-07-11 10:15:43
roughnecks:) Best thing you can do when playing is actually enjoying games, so I'd say "just play what makes you happy" - nothing else matters2018-07-08 13:52:38
IL PALLINOAccepted! One day I'll get that green stamper emoticon from Headliner to show my approval for people and things!BTW, you're awesome, Roughnecks! I have a bad habit of playing niche games (especially management sims and visual novels), so I'm glad I met someone who at least enjoys the Space Pilgrim series!2018-07-08 13:46:55
roughnecksSending a friend request your way, hope you don't mind2018-07-08 13:45:00
DizzyDeezyThat Salien game is alright, I guess? I just played it once, that was a week ago lol2018-07-01 08:44:16
DizzyDeezy"I often feel like I'm the only person on Steam who's never played CS:GO."That remind me, it's like, 99% people I came across on Steam were playing nothing but CSGO2018-07-01 08:40:15
DizzyDeezy"I'm glad we did meet!" Right!2018-07-01 01:50:38
Sergeant BakerThanks for my emoticon2018-06-22 03:10:58
Sergeant BakerSeeing you go from level 20 to 56 is awesome. Glad the marketplace is treating you well2018-06-21 11:11:19
Sergeant BakerHey, just crafted all the badges I had waiting and levelled up 18 levels. Still have 48 sets waiting and I may invest in some csgo keys and trade them for sets. Glad your trading is going well and hope to hear from you soon x2018-06-17 08:35:04
DizzyDeezyHaha yeah. I plan to play it since I just finished Princess Evangile.2018-06-03 01:30:06
JhoddiBusiness Tour Tryhard2018-05-29 07:26:12
GENESIS SeeyaThanks you also :)2018-05-27 04:32:17
MickAriawesome to hear! yeh tomorrow it's formula 1 time again... too bad about verstappen crashing and starting last though... ah well I hope for an exciting race !!!2018-05-26 09:09:09
MickAriHave a great weekend bro!!! filed with gaming and all stuff you enjoy!2018-05-26 09:04:30
Jarl of Markarth+rep, thanks dude2018-05-24 01:12:10
Sergeant BakerHey, i've had a bit of luck on the market - Looking forward to the summer sale now. Good luck on trying to get more cards2018-05-22 04:54:47
SicSicSix+rep fair, fast & furious trader 👍 ThanksㅤIL PALLINOㅤㅤ✌️2018-05-19 10:16:57
jullianlil tay died in infinity war2018-05-08 09:10:49
ka1k0hey,saw your message, feel free to add me2018-05-02 12:58:34
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )god sake man i would of loved to shoot with you, would of been a fantastic day man2018-04-30 05:51:15
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )you did gun ranging ? dude bring me in, teleport me !!2018-04-28 08:32:33
Sergeant BakerIt will be fun to see how many levels i'll go up. Guessing i'll at least go up by 10 (hopefully more!). Glad to see someone else has a hge card inventory like me2018-04-18 11:55:22
Komugi+Rep super nice person and nice guy!2018-04-05 16:35:12
KomugiThanks alot! :D2018-04-05 16:34:45
fishhooks+ Rep Fast and Fair Trader2018-03-31 20:23:10
Ƶeηith SlуjαмWhere's my best buddy at?2018-03-31 15:37:37
IL PALLINONote about my last post: If Steam would allow me to say I'm from ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Austria, I would have put that!2018-03-27 02:35:43
IL PALLINOOh no, Chuck! It's in the description if you click on "view more info." I wanted to rekindle the old lie I used to tell people about being from a place called Truth or Consequences.2018-03-25 05:08:24
Russell CoightNew mexico did you move?2018-03-25 04:08:32
KHRO 100 HCHAhello2018-03-20 23:22:51
DizzyDeezyhello2018-03-19 22:40:47
Kanadehello2018-03-19 21:08:40
D A И IPlease accept my friend request, I'd like to offer you a position at our 50,000 followers curator page2018-03-01 22:30:32
DizzyDeezyI see, can't wait to play it! But currently I got my hands full with something else.2018-02-26 23:48:21
DizzyDeezyBut I'm pretty sure I'll like it.2018-02-26 09:54:36
DizzyDeezy...Actually, I haven't played it... yet2018-02-26 09:52:11
DizzyDeezy"you like hentai anime visual novels"2018-02-26 09:26:31
DizzyDeezyAww thanks, you're probably the first person who say that. Well actually I don't know about that but, who knows?2018-02-26 09:22:47
DizzyDeezylmao really? that's quite cheap for a foil, but it's good you can get a booster pack from it2018-02-26 06:42:17
DizzyDeezyHaha, you may be right. But you still managed to get a foil, thats cool2018-02-24 21:27:09
DizzyDeezyAlso, same cards in a rows? Seems like a bad luck lol2018-02-24 21:10:14
DizzyDeezyYessir!2018-02-24 21:04:30
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )lol dude gaming overdose ) have fun2018-02-23 06:44:37
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )Have a great weekend dude and stay chill2018-02-23 06:42:29
TGPThanks for the trade - been trying to compete the Make That Money set for months!2018-02-18 01:17:55
KomugiThanks for that nice comment :)2018-02-06 16:00:06
Schushlick+rep very friendly M82018-02-06 08:02:05
just smilePickle Rick.2018-02-05 15:10:25
Ƶeηith Slуjαмh2018-01-29 21:53:22
Jimmy DaliMerry Christmas my friend. Your beautiful comment warmed me up. I wish you and your loved ones the best of holidays.2017-12-25 14:05:01
Ƶeηith SlуjαмMARY SATANMAS2017-12-25 13:50:47
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )Have a triple A donutz end of week and weekend bro ^^2017-12-14 06:15:25
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )tooken at the hospital while i was in super high state of mind, actually...when i was bipolar xd2017-12-07 11:24:17
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )i am maybe repeating myself, but man you are just such a nice guy )))2017-12-06 11:05:40
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )+ rep amazing guy ))2017-12-04 08:44:32
MickAriThnx man... seriously this is an amazing discovery for me haha thnx for mentioning again xDxD2017-11-26 14:05:31
MickAribro you just solved a mystery for me.. I was looking for quite a while for this game and never knew it's name... I remember it from my childhood.. thnx so much2017-11-26 14:01:15
MickAriOMG love the old school computers... I actually grew up with my first computer my dad bought was a philips MSX.. I alwasy played c64 games at a friends house2017-11-26 13:35:59
MickArisupporting a local team i guess has to do about being a bit proud.. well they perform well so I think I should... some games you've played lately seem pretty intereseting.. im all in for all types of games and love to get inspired by friends playing different games then me2017-11-26 12:53:06
MickArito be honest.. ive never really played any management games. My favourite Eredivisie team is of course the city where I'm from SC Heerenveen ;)2017-11-26 12:44:29
MickAriadded cause you seem to be cool in my book xD2017-11-26 12:34:20
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )Have a kickass proteined muscle PC weekend bro )))2017-11-24 08:43:15
JarfHah, thanks man. I just can't get enough of it!2017-11-20 06:44:58
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )ah bro we have lots of sport events in my town all year ) especially running2017-11-16 23:51:05
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )A awesome end of week + weekend to you bro ))) stay cool as you are ))) D2017-11-16 09:32:43
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )so so so true bro, i also love 80's rap its a bit more "pop" esque, but for gangsta there was boogie down productions and others in the 80's bro im off to bed shower and LIT2017-11-09 12:41:28
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )lol ) i would of requested old school rap anyway (and rare, cause i own them all) xd2017-11-09 12:32:31
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )you earned it2017-11-09 12:29:56
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )now i look at your profil i think i might have a little surprise at christmas for you ) D suspens )2017-11-09 12:23:06
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )bro chilling is so important but for sure life catches us from behind a bit, im happy i can chill for now that im out of the hospital, soon ill be busy again too, real CHILL TIMEZ, cheers2017-11-09 12:21:24
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )Have a great end of week and chill at the most ))) D2017-11-09 12:17:54
meowSo kind, polite and friendly. I'm happy to met you. <32017-10-27 11:29:46
EsparquiYou asked me if I'm a fan of Club de Fútbol América; the answer would be yes and no; no because I lost interest in the league a while ago, yes because even when I don't consider myself a fan anymore, it makes me happy when they win because of my friends and family that are still fans of them.2017-10-16 12:38:07
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )yes )2017-09-17 09:48:05
JarfSure thing. Share the MM love.2017-09-14 17:10:44
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )perfect Brian, lets enjoy gaming timez2017-09-14 07:44:06
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )besides that only god knows the day, the hour and the minute, "i will come like a brigand in the night and you shall be awake"2017-09-14 07:23:31
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )Paulino we got time dont worry, i dont wanna die and i want to game on DDDDDD2017-09-14 07:14:20
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )god bless ya bro and hope you have fun this weekend and game on ))) lots of love2017-09-13 23:55:13
TheDude47 ( ° ) ( ° )god bless my new bro here ) seems we gonna have lots of fun on steam ) D2017-09-12 02:22:08
k1ra1337"HENTAI OR DIE" Damn son , ar u good? rsrsrs xD2017-08-17 10:45:09
Russell CoightAlot of cats must wear lipstick in florida2017-07-23 01:38:05
Ƶeηith SlуjαмI love that bio.. It kills me every time I see it.2017-04-14 02:07:09
Ƶeηith SlуjαмLOL!2017-01-16 09:52:49
IL PALLINOOh yeah, this profile is absolutely depressing. It's shocking how I can even have people to call "friends" here!2017-01-16 09:52:26


Total: [168] | TF2BD: [0] (0.00%) | SB: [2] (1.19%)

765611981551581692024-05-31 20:40:28
(29 days)
BRB @ HOSPITAL2024-05-25 09:07:06
(35 days)
Steveplayz1232024-05-20 15:05:52
(40 days)
Freakzone122024-05-17 13:51:53
(43 days)
FleXx_Kalation2024-05-10 04:11:00
(50 days)
Ƶeηith2024-05-06 15:34:05
(54 days)
765611988286470472024-04-18 16:35:18
(72 days)
765611991941505242024-04-13 01:43:44
(77 days)
matrixdah2024-02-29 11:02:41
(121 days)
765611980793039872024-02-12 20:32:57
(138 days)
765611983178487132024-02-08 07:21:45
(142 days)
StoryTellerVA2024-01-18 11:50:26
(163 days)
Umbra2023-12-23 14:14:02
(189 days)
2024-04-23 05:59:33 (67 days)
melancholic octopus
[Sourcebans MARK]
2023-12-17 16:17:18
(195 days)
Rocket Dog2023-12-02 19:45:02
(210 days)
Mr Potato2023-11-28 20:46:31
(214 days)
RADKILLA[420]2023-11-28 18:47:32
(214 days)
Mr. Wolfe2023-11-19 19:08:59
(223 days)
765611990985725472023-11-15 02:50:36
(227 days)
romaan2023-11-13 16:53:12
(229 days)
FiloMJ2023-09-19 01:42:15
(284 days)
765611990329203502023-09-09 12:24:08
(294 days)
₭ịꔉꔊұ2023-08-30 02:01:06
(304 days)
765611980045813982023-08-28 17:03:41
(306 days)
悪魔の犬2023-07-11 11:45:59
(354 days)
765611981548555552023-07-07 14:35:26
(358 days)
ZED [1:1 BoT]2023-06-29 13:38:47
(366 days)
stardustsunday2023-06-29 02:35:11
(366 days)
765611982820387882023-06-21 17:45:45
(374 days)
chuck norris2023-06-09 11:19:56
(386 days)
PLAYBOYPLUG2023-05-16 09:57:49
(410 days)
PiaEdinburgh12023-03-24 16:22:58
(463 days)
KaciLauren2023-03-04 12:50:22
(483 days)
lucifer. kk2023-02-24 01:29:39
(491 days)
JURKZIE DO CEU2023-02-22 09:38:54
(493 days)
Duskhaven2023-02-15 18:20:43
(500 days)
DeadeGuard982023-02-01 13:33:15
(514 days)
🐧𝕭aba𝕭arfeela🐧2023-01-17 15:55:23
(529 days)
1:1 summer sale card bot2023-01-04 06:59:21
(542 days)
Perry the Platypus2022-12-26 23:23:12
(551 days)
Maiden of Despair2022-12-26 15:10:55
(551 days)
Economically Viable Jason2022-12-25 14:30:57
(552 days)
Kijame2022-12-08 06:07:16
(569 days)
Lafilleange952022-10-01 11:46:03
(637 days)
NSFW18 Games2022-09-13 20:21:40
(655 days)
Phong Ku Bự2022-08-24 09:26:31
(675 days)
CYRUS DeVeRaKe2022-07-27 14:52:17
(703 days)
Majordomo2022-07-19 16:24:50
(711 days)
Laykan2022-07-18 09:43:35
(712 days)
steh5752022-05-22 04:39:57
(769 days)
Ben Arreola2022-05-09 06:59:27
(782 days)
cedo2022-04-18 05:30:09
(803 days)
765611984533881772022-04-10 07:18:11
(811 days)
Фаршмяк2021-12-07 10:48:21
(935 days)
765611981373919152021-12-01 22:31:58
(941 days)
765611989951198662021-09-21 09:41:22
(1012 days)
765611980752336072021-09-20 13:14:36
(1013 days)
АРТЕМ ПОДТЯКИН2021-09-04 02:45:41
(1029 days)
765611980319058572021-08-13 09:26:43
(1051 days)
wings of liberty2021-08-11 09:02:13
(1053 days)
EricDong2002021-07-08 12:06:27
(1087 days)
jvsdo2021-06-21 10:39:47
(1104 days)
765611981774296142021-06-17 13:55:56
(1108 days)
Odett2021-06-15 03:13:32
(1110 days)
timeflow2021-05-15 13:07:12
(1141 days)
Gloku2021-03-30 14:22:12
(1187 days)
Joisu2021-03-30 12:36:47
(1187 days)
_WALT_2021-03-08 03:19:19
(1209 days)
vipuser20072021-02-24 19:10:29
(1221 days)
󠁳⁧⁧ Excrescence2021-02-21 18:56:07
(1224 days)
765611980721309722021-02-13 15:28:52
(1232 days)
Number 6™2021-02-06 13:57:02
(1239 days)
Tamaster2021-01-19 04:52:49
(1257 days)
NightWatchMan[ITA]2021-01-13 14:38:13
(1263 days)
⋆★Elias★⋆2021-01-06 20:04:44
(1270 days)
Doperide Bill2021-01-03 13:18:12
(1273 days)
765611979914100712020-12-29 23:02:09
(1278 days)
Radzhaarif2020-12-29 15:56:34
(1278 days)
roughnecks2020-12-25 16:29:22
(1282 days)
765611984021088922020-12-09 21:59:10
(1298 days)
ale.melat2020-11-28 09:58:44
(1309 days)
IlGrigio™2020-11-04 08:24:18
(1333 days)
765611980791464102020-11-02 21:39:09
(1335 days)
765611980806093492020-10-01 09:19:52
(1367 days)
Hattori Hanzo2020-09-15 10:30:05
(1383 days)
Trable2020-09-09 12:18:17
(1389 days)
765611980772488662020-09-05 23:28:06
(1393 days)
Chloebx2020-08-30 07:09:48
(1399 days)
765611984349803982020-07-25 13:09:32
(1435 days)
Meyzmo2020-07-25 10:10:32
(1435 days)
D A И I2020-06-20 04:49:50
(1470 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2020-06-16 22:48:37
(1474 days)
765611980545468812020-05-25 00:12:04
(1497 days)
765611980240464902020-05-24 21:45:14
(1497 days)
Chad Stowmcock2020-05-20 05:22:04
(1501 days)
765611983637565952020-04-07 08:54:28
(1544 days)
theredredstone2020-03-15 13:31:51
(1567 days)
zer02020-03-02 23:52:27
(1579 days)
Aquamagreen2020-01-10 17:11:14
(1632 days)
tear2020-01-09 14:21:59
(1633 days)
oranges are orange2020-01-07 07:00:21
(1635 days)
765611980214892762020-01-01 22:49:55
(1641 days)
765611989805212792019-12-31 11:39:05
(1642 days)
765611979953828232019-12-26 17:44:24
(1647 days)
Sigmar's Sausage2019-12-02 09:44:40
(1671 days)
765611983574527802019-12-01 09:40:05
(1672 days)
B0NTR4G3R2019-11-30 11:36:58
(1673 days)
WQ2019-11-28 05:42:40
(1675 days)
2024-04-06 09:20:25 (84 days)
Rebel trucker2019-11-17 12:30:53
(1686 days)
💀Skull-Collector💀2019-10-23 07:51:13
(1711 days)
alyssa2019-10-02 17:21:35
(1732 days)
Shrodu2019-09-27 20:23:33
(1737 days)
Frederikse2019-08-04 22:19:07
(1791 days)
ikkiyakki2019-07-24 14:56:21
(1802 days)
That Wun Wabbit2019-06-10 10:34:24
(1846 days)
如果在冬夜,一个旅人2019-04-29 07:16:50
(1888 days)
❌Sthulhu❌2019-04-16 20:51:03
(1901 days)
765611980887028112019-04-15 11:48:49
(1902 days)
fabio9722019-04-10 23:50:55
(1907 days)
Dr. DaNk2019-04-05 21:22:13
(1912 days)
Tebaldi2019-02-07 13:08:44
(1969 days)
兜 甲児2019-02-05 04:31:16
(1971 days)
✙borcanel2019-01-05 18:53:50
(2002 days)
Eierwärmer2019-01-02 13:28:36
(2005 days)
sws2018-12-16 11:12:16
(2022 days)
Golden Piton2018-11-30 18:27:51
(2038 days)
ThunderBolt2018-11-17 20:41:23
(2051 days)
Undead Coyote2018-11-14 03:44:44
(2054 days)
765611980749553922018-11-03 19:19:43
(2065 days)
高村由衣2018-10-06 09:30:39
(2093 days)
❝Shouguu❞2018-09-01 03:18:39
(2128 days)
just smile2018-08-12 08:50:49
(2148 days)
xerax2018-08-10 10:13:53
(2150 days)
SalzStange2018-07-28 04:13:22
(2163 days)
🔥Emperor Pyromancer🔥2018-06-24 07:40:27
(2197 days)
qaplo2018-06-09 18:13:25
(2212 days)
765611982028957412018-05-21 15:47:01
(2231 days)
jRm2018-05-09 09:28:13
(2243 days)
Tommy2018-05-06 13:17:46
(2246 days)
Sergeant Baker2018-03-11 11:46:48
(2302 days)
peremptor2018-03-08 15:43:26
(2305 days)
CueZero2018-03-07 11:17:48
(2306 days)
Marvelous GA2018-03-03 03:25:51
(2310 days)
765611982942749562018-03-01 07:26:51
(2312 days)
DizzyDeezy2018-02-26 08:27:18
(2315 days)
BlackDiamonds2018-02-19 21:05:50
(2322 days)
765611980013445772018-02-16 20:59:41
(2325 days)
Komugi2018-02-06 16:02:21
(2335 days)
paul2018-02-05 14:49:25
(2336 days)
765611980026539922018-01-19 16:49:05
(2353 days)
765611984260342192018-01-02 15:59:20
(2370 days)
MickAri2017-11-26 12:35:42
(2407 days)
765611983873958362017-11-19 19:38:57
(2414 days)
765611980287166492017-10-10 04:17:54
(2454 days)
765611982747143072017-09-26 17:33:10
(2468 days)
Jarf2017-09-14 18:40:43
(2480 days)
LösGås2017-09-04 14:56:12
(2490 days)
765611980125598292017-08-19 13:32:26
(2506 days)
meow2017-08-19 06:59:17
(2506 days)
Ruinae Retroque Rursus2017-06-02 02:23:18
(2584 days)
765611980120688722017-05-05 12:52:31
(2612 days)
KHRO 100 HCHA2017-04-05 12:24:17
(2642 days)
the_rock01232017-02-26 07:23:35
(2680 days)
765611980199661022017-02-05 10:50:58
(2701 days)
765611983053295722017-02-02 09:29:06
(2704 days)
Jimmy Dali2016-12-15 14:29:28
(2753 days)
765611980855280392016-12-15 12:07:55
(2753 days)
2024-04-06 09:20:25 (84 days)
765611983290536782016-09-30 18:28:08
(2829 days)