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Creation: 2016-01-09 01:30:24 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-10-07 00:42:43

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Persona History

NameTime Changed
kenshin2023-10-07 00:42:43
Kenshin2020-01-19 17:55:53
Queenshin2019-10-31 06:33:50
Kenshin | Finals? pfft2019-05-14 06:45:55
𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖊/Kenshin2019-03-29 11:40:57
Xeuphoria2018-09-09 00:54:01
LuiAWEZUM2018-08-04 03:49:08
RovicPoop2018-08-04 02:47:30
𝔉𝔞𝔱𝔢/Kenshin2018-07-30 09:21:34
𝔉𝔞𝔱𝔢| Kenshin2018-07-30 09:21:12
Kenshin | Mirai2018-06-09 04:25:46

RealName History

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jpctg2023-08-25 14:33:02
jpctg2023-04-01 10:35:14

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URLTime Changed 10:35:14

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𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐒Have a nice day~2020-07-06 05:26:01
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda "Origins"  Miranda, I've received numerous complaints about you from many of my students. Need I remind you that the "Temple of TjarleN" is a sacred place where magic is to be learned and perfected Who, me? No Explain why you attempted to transform Sam into a cat, but failed! He's now running around telling everyone his name is J'zargo! Ok, so in Skyrim there's a guy... Or why we have a guy named Patches in the hospital after you manipulated his mind into thinking he could trust fall off a cliff, and into the arms of his imaginary friends That's insane! I'd never...wait, that worked?! Or why Carla's complaining about rulers appearing under the bathroom door each morning? Oh, I just wanted to see how long she was going to be.. MIRANDA!2019-09-19 15:53:35
DeafHey, Hey there it's me yet again, your lovely hated "Me".It's been quiet a while since we met first, after all those times we spend togheter,the bonds we forged and enchanted till now. We are like pee and poop, opposites attracts each other.Today, i decided to take our relationship one step further, so i wrote and made a music video for you: Disclaimer: This is no American Indian summon dance, act of hypnotization, nor any try of Voodoo *wink wink*2019-08-10 14:54:07
DeafPrimetiming:Today, in math class, i had the urge to fart. I had the bright idea that if i dropped my textbook and farted at the same time, nobody would hear it. I dropped my textbook, everyone looked at me, then i farted. Loudly!Now everybody who tries to confront me about the fart: Let's take a trip back to the 90's with Command & Conquer Music Album: 02:59:55
DeafI'm currently out of fantasy, cause i'm lost in your eyes, please send ActionMan for the rescue!Have a after rain smelling weekend!With that being said, never forget the right tire matters: Hippie Sabotage - Devil Eyes 09:37:21
DeafI'm back, you did not expect me this early, didn't you?Anyway depending on where you live, the week started anew.So with that being said and the monday started, we should start our weekly exercise and warm up our vocal cords for this week,please follow this instruction: Wu-Tang Clan - Back In The Game (Phoniks Remix) P.S Have a nice week, till Friday!2019-06-16 22:58:45
DeafHey it's me yet again, firstly i wanted to wish you hypocritically another amazing Weekend.Secondly, i wanted to share "Knowlede", the best war tactic is "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥": Act (pretend) really nice to someones face and then slice and dice them when they turn around.Anyway, be a good Broflake like me and i freaking dare you to grin♥♥♥♥ me!Don't loose your balls during weekend, ring your bells: Bixel Boys & Poupon - Ain't Your Girl (Official Music Video) 05:01:50
DeafHello there, i thought i might leave a comment again, it's been awhile since my last legendary comment.Since evryone deep-like the fielding season, lets head back to the business and be angels with filthy souls: German version: P.S. Please follow my profile and give me a shoutout my friendslist gets filled... and hey "you can keep the change" :lunar:lunar2019crylaughingpig:2019-06-10 10:35:11
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda #4 As they approached the blacksmith's cottage, they noticed a hole in the wall. To their surprise, a little sister appeared and climb down as she ventured off in search of ADAM  Wait a minute Noble! That's the story to BIOSHOCK! Oof, sorry They saw Handover out back banging and clanging on a piece of metal from the wing of an X-Wing Starfighter.   STAR WARS? We're now in STAR WARS?! Dammit, so sorry! Miranda heard a sound coming from her pocket Miranda, your Eyephone's ringing You mean the wooden box that has a glass window on it and has no electronics inside because these are the medieval times? Yeah NO! Can I answer it? Grr, I'll answer it...Hello?! Niko, its your cousin Roman! Do you want to go Bowling?  Wrong number...Wait a sec...NOBLE!2019-05-17 17:00:00
Deaf(This is a changed repost, cause censorship messed up previous comment)V.e.l.b. currently say: Big t-i-t-s with no a-s-s will fill your hands, but big a-s-s with no t-i-t-s will fill your heart. Get your daily dose of head change. Boom Boom Boom, Weehoo! (CathyMay15 vs. NathanKay15) 11:22:28
DeafV.e.l.b. currently say: Big tits with no ass will fill your hands, but big ass with no tits will fill your heart. This is not capping, so scamazon your big ass with no tits now. Bassnectar - Leprechauns Arise ft. Sunru 10:47:41
DeafWhy physical copies are crap? Because, at the time, somebody i know read some urban legend somewhere, that a StarCraft CD was spinning so fast in a tray, that it flew out and decapitated some kid in South Korea. Did that really happen? Probably!That child is still out there and he's still dead. Will it grow back?Sleeping Dogs - Soft Room 12:57:07
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda #3  I can't believe I won my first battle! This is so cool! I wouldn't celebrate too soon, look up ahead. A hunter from town must have heard you battling that thug and came to investigate. Since he's no threat to us, we should sneak past him if we can. How? Summon an animal that makes a lot of noise, such as a bird or a goat. That should keep him distracted for a while. But I never read the tutorial on how to summon. I always just closed those windows every time they popped up. Miranda, this isn't a game. Focus your mind on the animal you wish to summon and it will appear. You must concentrate Trust me, you can do this.  Ok, here it goes....SUMMON! 17:15:33
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda #2  Pardon me, are you the one they call Miranda? Who are you & how do you know me? A guild has placed a price on your head and I plan to collect it Miranda, we should leave RIGHT NOW!  Are you on drugs? Drugs? No! I'm just here to kill you Yeah, that definatly sounds like drugs I'M NOT ON DRUGS! I will now show you my true form..   TRANSFORM! Now you DIE!  Haha, you idiot...We're on land and you transformed into a fish! Dam, she's right. Well this sucks  VICTORY +10 XP  I won! I beat the thug on drugs! CHOOSE ONE REWARD:  A reward! I choose (1) HALF LIFE 3 (2) 40 TF2 GOLDEN FRYING PANS (3) 40 CS:GO KNIVES (4) A Sports Water Bottle   THIS ONE!2019-03-18 16:03:57
Victorious Secret"You Made It Worse!" Results Trampoline: I bet many of you thought the cow would go straight through the trampoline, right? Nope  On the bright side, he's no longer in a tree  TNT: A lot of you thought this was a good idea. That's quite troubling Excellent! The tree's gone!  And so is the cow And your house And the girl nextdoor's house HEY! And your hearing  The cute girl: (Knock knock) Yes?..... Can I help you?....... (Stop being so shy and say something) Do you need something?.......... (Hurry up and say something!) I'm going back inside now, goodbye. (Door closes)............. Mooooooo! Splat2019-03-16 13:18:03
Victorious SecretAfter going through the results of the last battle, 70% of you lost. After seeing that, I thought "Where's the fun in that?". That being said, I've decided to end the Noble's Knights game and begin something a little more fun. Its called: "You Made It Worse!" Here's how to play:  Each week, I will give you a problem along with 3 ways to solve it. Choose the one you feel will make the situation end "less" worse. The fun part is that every option will make things worse, but by how much is up to you. Comment me your choice. At the end of the week, I will reveal what each choice did. Let's begin! See this cow?  Well he's stuck in a tree  Now I'm not going to blame this on you, but...I'm pretty sure YOU did this!Use one of these to get him down  Trampoline TNT The cute girl next door2019-03-13 19:58:00
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda #1  Toto, I don't recognize anything around us. What year is this? Two-towns-end 2000? No, the year is 2 and we've just reached the town's end WHAT!? Ok, stay calm Miranda. Toto, do you know what a cell phone is? Yeah, Lady Lynn sells phones No, I said "cellphone" Yeah, Lady Lynn sells phones Ok, this is good I guess. What kind of phones does she sell? Apple phones Really? She sells iPhones!? Yeah but they're just a wooden block with a window. You look through the window and blink at someone standing in front of you. They then count your blinks and match it up with a letter in the alphabet and write it down. Eyephones are pretty dumb Oh no, dam. We'll reach the dam shorty. It's just up ahead2019-03-11 15:50:09
Victorious SecretGreetings fellow Knights! There's still 2 days left to send me your 2 attacks. Current scores for this week's battle are now posted. If you don't see your name on the leader board, then it means the Poisonous Pigeon has survived your attacks. Now I know what some of you might be wondering, "How on Earth did I lose to a pigeon?". Since I've never lost to a pigeon before, I can't answer that. My best guess is that maybe he was once a Prison Pigeon that got really strong lifting weights and defending his portion of the courtyard. Now that I think about it, why didn't he just fly away from the prison? He's a freaking bird! Even if he became a wanted fugitive, I doubt anyone would go after him. Sure, there are Chicken Chasers, but who chases Pigeons? I'll have to Google that. Regardless, you can rest easy knowing that Pigeons only have a 6 year lifespan so you'll get your revenge by the year 20252019-03-06 16:20:23
Victorious SecretNOBLE'S ⚔️ KNIGHTS  Instructions on how to play are on my profile  Noble has chosen you to fight as one of his knights.Should you accept his quest, you will find yourself fighting: The Poisonous Pigeon (It's your first quest, so lets start small)  It's health is: 30 (Should be pretty easy to defeat)  Post a comment on my profile with the 2 numbers you have chosen. This battle will end on Saturday. May You Be Victorious ⚔️2019-03-03 15:15:01
Victorious SecretPrologue: Miranda was just an average girl living in New York City.One winter morning, Miranda woke up from a dream to the sound of a knock at her door...  Miranda, open up! It's me, Toto Go away, I'm sleeping. I have work in 4 hours...wait, what's a Toto? Miranda, be serious. We must hurry. Grab Peaches and lets ride Peaches? HEY! Wheres my Mustang! It was parked here last night Miranda, Your Mustang is standing right in front of you  That's a horse! My Mustang is white and has 500 Horsepower  Well Peaches is also white and she's a very strong 1 horsepower Grrr! Have you seen any of the white mustangs that are made of "metal"? Blacksmith "Handover" may have seen your metal mustang, he's always working with metal. Lets pay him a visit when we get into town...2019-02-27 15:48:09
Victorious SecretNoble's Notes  To my Miranda fans out there  Beginning next Monday, the Magic with Miranda series will be rebooted and become a weekly series. New stories will be released each Monday (Miranda Mondays) and will be numbered so that future fans can follow along. The stories will still feature Miranda and Wendy, but will now follow an actual story line.   To my Space Fact fans out there  Beginning next Friday, Space facts will be released each and every Friday (Fact Fridays)They will still be random and funny, just as they are now.   As always, if you wish to no longer get the stories or the facts, please feel free to let me know.I know it might not be everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok. Until then, feel free to stop by the profile and say hi. Take care everyone2019-02-25 16:37:50
Victorious SecretChlorine Trifluoride: The "Fun" Fuel Back in the day, rocket scientists attempted to use Chlorine Trifluoride as a rocket fuel.Back in the day, rocket scientists quickly stopped trying to use Chlorine Trifluoride as a rocket fuel.Wondering why? Lets play a game: "What does Chlorine Trifluoride set fire to"  Glass Brick Sand Asbestos Metals Rocket scientists Ashes Almost everything Water makes it explode, and since we're made mostly of water Afterwards, it will create an acidic cloud of Hydrochloric & Hydrofloric acid Yay! Once, one-ton of it was spilled in an industrial accident. It burned through 30 cm of concrete and 3 more meters of gravel beneath it. Here's how they say they handled it:2019-02-16 13:14:02
Victorious SecretNoble's Random Space Facts Venus Finding Venus is easy. Look up at the sky in the early morning/evening and point at the brightest object you see. Congratulations, you just pointed at an airplane. Let's try that again. Yep, still an airplane. Lets move on.  Venus was named after the Roman goddess of "Love" and "Beauty". The "Beauty" part must come from the fact that she's HOT! No, I'm being serious...Venus is stupidly hot. Its the hottest planet with temps of 462°C! The "Love" part must be because she can give you a hug like nothing else. The pressure of Venus's atmosphere is the same as being 1,000 km deep under water. I'm sure the Romans meant to name her "Black Widow", but wrote Venus by mistake. But Noble, she's really shiny so we can see her easily in the sky. That's pretty cool.Yes, but the clouds that make her shiny are made up of Sulfuric Acid, and that's pretty not cool.2019-02-08 18:16:42
Victorious Secret"Random Space Facts" by Noble Expeditions Mercury (No, not the thing you drink. The planet, silly!) Do you enjoy celebrating New Years? A year on Mercury is only 88 days long!Laugh at your friends back on Earth who celebrate theirs once every 365 days, those filthy peasants. That's a new Golden profile every 3 months! Ever had an assignment due the next day but wish you had more time? You should've been living on Mercury. A single day there lasts 176 Earth days! I remember when I forgot to feed my cat one Mercury day. I now own a dog meow!A single Mercury day is longer than its year! Was your New Years resolution to lose some weight? Meh, that takes too much time. Head on over to Mercury and enjoy your new summer body right away! If you weighed 100 kg on Earth, Mercury's reduced gravity will ensure you don't tip the scales past 38 kg.  (btw...the 427°C heat might kill you)2019-02-06 17:21:50
Victorious SecretI've received some questions regarding my new profile design.Let me take a moment to answer a few of them: Q: Are your rockets safe?A: Rockets are basically bombs with people attached, so the answer is yes! Q: How fast can they go?A: To get into Earth's orbit, our rockets must travel at 17,600 Mph (28,000 km/h). That's faster than most Italian sports cars. Q: How long does a trip take?A: Trips to the moon usually take 3 days. Traveling to Pluto at 35,000Mph (56,300 km/h) takes 9.5 years. We encourage all Pluto travelers to pack a light lunch and a snack. Q: Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied with my flight?A: Certainly. Simply bring your receipt to our customer service center located on Pluto within 30 days.  Q: HEY! Wait a minute! If it takes 9.5 years to get to Pluto, how would I even get there within 30 days to get my refund?!A: Yes. Q: Yes?! That's not even an answer!2019-02-04 18:13:52
Victorious SecretGather around ladies and gents! Its time for Noble's: "Super Awesome Fun Time Game Playing Enjoyable Experience Wow Thats Cool"(or "SAFTGPEEWTC" for short)  You might be asking "Hey Noble, what the heck is SAFTGPEEWTC" How would I know? I'm just now hearing about this for the first time as well. I'm guessing its a game or an activity of some sort. The name doesn't seem to offer much info and the acronym is just way too long. Its the kind of name Miranda would choose. Who knows? For today's SAFTGPEEWTC, the rules are simple. Stare at the dot in the center of the image for 15 seconds, then look away from your screen and look at any object that's nearby. 14:52:28
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda   Hey Wendy, do you want to play a game? Sure. What's the game? Its called "I'll hide and you attempt to locate me somewhere nearby, meanwhile I stay hidden because I found a really good hiding spot" game. You mean "Hide and Seek"? Yeah, thats what I just said. Why are you copying me? That is NOT what you just said, you said....oh never mind, lets just play the game. Do you want me to go over the rules first? I'm pretty sure I know how to play hide and seek, so i'll skip the tutorial You sure? Of course I'm sure Miranda, its freakin Hide and Seek! Its the easiest game on the planet! Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you.... 19:16:51
Mr. PadoLsSigned By2019-01-23 00:52:05
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda   Hi guys! Where have you been?! It's been almost 3 weeks! I've been busy helping a small village recover from a forest fire. Your recklessness with fire spells better not have been the cause of that fire Seriously Wendy? Do you really think I'd do something that dumb? YES! I just used "Splash" to extinguish some of the fires "Some" of the fires?! What about the "rest" of the fires Don't worry, I'm still putting them out right now Oh. So since you're here with me then HOW ARE THE OTHER FIRES BEING PUT OUT! I copied the spell to my clipboard and paste it 1000 times before I left.   Work smarter, not harder! That's my motto 18:30:17
Victorious SecretPut down that Nintendo Dreamcast controller and gather around because its story time! "The Tale of Noble the Knight"  Long ago, a knight named Noble served as the princess's guard. The princess never noticed him but he noticed her. In an attempt to gain her attention, Noble decided to enter the upcoming festival's talent show. Knowing that he lacked any sort of talent, he enlisted the help of a world renowned dance choreographer with no legs named Leon. Noble studied legless Leon's sweet dance moves but never quite understood them because he had trouble watching what Leon's legs were doing. After weeks of training and learning absolutely nothing, the day of the festival had finally arrived. A frustrated and hopeless Noble had no other choice but to perform in front of the princess with no real talent. Here is how it went: 20:02:01
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda  Hey Noire, can you perform magic as well? I can transform into a goddess but I'd rather just punch my problems in the face Here we go again. Yes Noire, we all know you have anger issues Watch it Wendy or you'll be next Oh, i'm so scared hahaha...uh oh!     What the fu...  Oh my god! You finally broke the curse....and my nose! Wendyl? You're back?! I'm back and i'm outta here. I'm not dealing with your recklessness any longer HEY! You can't just abandon me like that! Yeah, that's just mean! Oh yeah? Watch me Wendyl...before you leave, can I ask you something? What?    Look, Wendy's back!  NOOOO!!!2018-12-04 16:34:31
Mr. PadoLsGood friends are needed for success. N.PadoLs*2018-11-27 05:11:35
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda  Hey, are you the idiot that's been going around throwing meteors at fire ant nests?! Woah! Calm down. Who are you anyway? My name is "you're getting punched in the throat" Wow, you're kind of.. whats the word again? right, CRAZY!! That's Noire. Don't mind her, she's always mad. Hi, my name is...umm, wait..what was it again?I've had HORRIBLE memory issues ever since I gave physics the middle finger and survived a fall from a kingdom that floats in the sky This might sound a bit crazy but do either of you know of any shops that sell magic lamps? There's one over in Magic Lamp Town. We can take you there if you'd like? Really? Thank you! And when we get there, I'll find someone to punch in the throat Lets go! That's Noire. Hi, my name is...umm, wait..what was it again?2018-11-17 17:22:59
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda  JACKPOT! I finally found a fire ant nest! ...said nobody ever Let's reach in there and take all of their sweet sweet honey! I'm pretty sure fire ants don't make honey You're so wrong Oh really? Show me then Its so easy. I just reach in and ouch ouCH OUCH! Wendy, they bit me! Grrrrr! Of course they bit you, THEY'RE FIRE ANTS! I'm not even mad about that. I'm mad that there's no more honey left because they ate it all. That's why you're mad? Because they ate it all? THEY DON'T MAKE HONEY! They must pay for their greed! Wait, What?! BATTLE TIME: YOU CHOOSE MIRANDA'S SPELL Dragon's Breath-  Boom Bringer- 19:10:57
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda: Fabled Friend Vanilla  Wendy look! Its a tiny little knight. Can we pet it? You're asking if we can pet a knight? NO!! Whatevs, I'm petting it.Hello tiny knight, I'm Miranda. Aww, you're so soft! Hi Miranda. My name is "remove your hand from my head", but you can call me "Vanilla of Valhalla" You're tiny little sword is so cute! Can I hold it? No Please Miranda, that's a Valhalla knight's sword So? That sword is enchanted with powerful magic that triggers once the sword has left it's owners hand Haha, yeah right! HEY! Give that back! I'm not scared of some tiny...uh oh! 18:58:13
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda  Have you ever seen a Giraaafe? You mean a "Giraffe"? No, a Giraaafe Why do you keep calling it that? It's not "Giraaafe", its "Giraffe" I'm not talking about Giraffes, I'm talking about Giraaafes. There's a difference. NO MIRANDA, NO! There is NO difference because there is NO Giraaafe! So what do you call a racing giraffe? A WHAT?! You know, a Giraffe that runs in races. What do you call that? A fast running giraffe, thats what I call it Well you're wrong Miranda, you're wasting my time. Why would I care about a "Giraaafe"?! Because we now own one WHAT!!?? Relax Wendy, I made sure I bought the fastest one. See for yourself 20:30:28
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda: The "Fabled Friends" Series So you've decided to join Miranda and Wendy on one of their many adventures, what's next? Each week, 2 friends will be chosen at random. One for the current week's story, the other for the following week's story. This ensures that if you're chosen but unavailable, we can push your story back another week while someone else has their story told. You'll receive a comment from me letting you know that your adventure is about to begin. Simply send me a message and we'll begin discussing the name & class of your character. To keep things fair in terms of cost, I'll present you with a selection of potential emotes that I've found on the marketplace. The one you chose will be the one I purchase. Once your story is told, that emote will be yours to keep. Consider it a gift. Let the "Fabled Friends" series begin!   AND YOU2018-11-07 17:10:46
Victorious SecretNoble's Notes Hello Ladies and Gents, it's your good buddy Noble. As always, I can't begin a Noble's Note without first thanking all of you for the support you've shown me so far. This series would've never been possible if we had never met. I may be the story teller, but each and every one of you are my story's world. Going forward, I wish to pay back your kindness by picking random friends from my comment section to appear as characters in future stories. If you're picked, your Steam name will be used in a story along with an emote that illustrates your character. If this interests you, let me know in my comments. See you soon P.S. My profile is slowly becoming 100% Yuri themed. If you love yuri as much as me, stop on by and say hi. I love meeting other yuri fans. If you're a fan, check out my yuri art below: 13:19:54
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda (Story Artwork Link Below)  Instead of magic spells, lets try working on summoningAre you familiar with what a summon is? Yeah, its where you summon a God to fight by your side Correct! Now summoning takes many years of practice before you can... Meh, I've summoned a God before I highly doubt that. Summoning a God takes years to master, there's no way you've mastered such a skill I found an ancient Japanese book in the library once. I couldn't read what it said so I just used the pictures and taught it to myself Miranda, do you ever stop and listen to how crazy you sound?! I'm being serious. Do you wan't me to show you?! You know what, fine....yes, summon your God 18:31:29
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda (Story Artwork Link Below)  MIRANDA! What were you thinking?! How do you make one of the easiest spells turn intothe largest lightshow mankind has ever seen?! Well, I dropped the staff and then BOOM-BAM-KABOOOOOM! I can't believe those bandits didn't see us thanks to your stupidity. They did see us Wendy! Then where did they go?! They were the KABOOOOOOM part of my explanation. I don't have time for this foolishness, lets head this way and....OH MY GOD!  MIRANDA, LOOK! 19:08:08
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda (Story Artwork Link Below)  Miranda, over there!...BANDITS! What do we do?! Since I can't run as fast as you, I'll hide here and you hide further up the road. Ok, then what? Once they pass you, cast a flare spell so I can find you, then we'll escape together. But I've never cast one of those before Just aim your staff at the sky and say "flare" and a small light will shoot out.   They'll never see it because its silent and not very bright. Oh, well that sounds pretty easy that's because it IS easy, dummy. Now go! 15 minutes later...... 20:16:46
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda  Put those...umm "things" away and empty your pockets NOW! You first, Mr. Pocket Thief MIRANDA! I'm so sorry sir You dare question a knight of the King's Guard! If you've got nothing to hide, show us your pockets I'd never steal someone's...pockets, why do I have these?!(Pickpocket Failed: Level -82) Good question, thief Her stupid reverse pickpocket actually worked! Forgive me m'ladies. I shall return these to its owner Leave, you shiny pocket thief Miranda, that was AMAZING! Thanks Wendy! Miranda, I want you to know...I'm so proud of you Aww Wendy, i'm so happy right now. I feel as happy as that guard will be once he finds that big bag of coins in his other pocket  WHAT!!!2018-10-21 13:50:08
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda  HALT! There's been a report that a local shop owner had his pockets stolen. Now, I know that may sound ridiculous... Dammit Miranda, I told you so.. ....but pockets really are the best way to expand your inventory when you don't own Havel's Ring. wait, WHAT?! Not you too!?  Please show me what's in your pockets Miranda, this isn't good Its ok, I got this.. No, no you don't got this What if my buddy Wendy over here shows you her boobs? Huh?! Well, I guess that would be enough for me to "forget" that I saw you two today. I can't believe i'm doing this....Here!  WOAH!, Not cool!  Why do you have 3 boobs, and why are they green?  WHAT?  Oh wow, that is weird  MIRANDA!!!2018-10-19 15:51:09
Victorious SecretNoble's Notes Hello everyone. I Just wanted to take a minute to talk about the Miranda series.First, It makes me so happy to see that so many of you are enjoying the series. Reading your comments after each story brings me an incredible amount of happiness and I am truly thankful for that. Second, the new Miranda group is now open. If you're enjoying the series, consider joining. The group is still a work in progress but once complete, will feature stats for each character that appears in the series as well as a back catalog of older Mirandas that newcomers may have missed. Lastly, despite the popularity of the Miranda series, I respect that it might not be everyone's cup of tea. So if you would like to no longer receive Miranda's stories, feel free to send me a message letting me know. Your happiness will always be my top priority. That's all for now. See you on Friday!2018-10-17 16:01:14
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda  Lets pickpocket each other! Maybe we can find more coins That's got to be the stupidest idea I've ever heard Oh come on Nope...hey, get your hands out of my Look, 3 coins! What the?! Check my other pocket 2 more! Why is this even working?! I'll check yours  Empty. I'll check the other pock...Miranda, whats this A large bag of coins WHAT?! They're the shop owner's. I used my Speech skill to ask for his money and it worked. Then I asked for his pockets, but it failed, so I took them and ran  Wait, so even though he gave you money, you still took his pockets? What the heck Miranda?!  I got them so we could carry more items in our inventory. Without Havel's Ring, this is the next best thing. Every bit helps!2018-10-15 16:03:56
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda  I'm so sorry Transform me back, NOW! What if we pickpocket the store owner & get our money back?Then we'll buy another magic lamp from him and.. Absolutely not! Your Pickpocket level is -78 You always end up placing our items into their pockets. NO! C'mon Wendy, have some faith. I can do this Sigh, don't get caught HEY, Get back here!         Damnit  I got them!  That was close, but I did it! You did? NICE! We can't go back there, but at least we have our money back. Now we can..  wait, what the heck are these!?  They're his pockets. HIS POCKETS?! Why did you..they're EMPTY! I may have dropped the money WHERE? Into his other pockets (Pickpocket Failed: Level -80)2018-10-13 22:00:54
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda VICTORY! x7  We got copper currency coins! You mean money? Thats what I said Thats not what you said. You said...nevermind Lets spend it Welcome!  These prices are high Watch this (Persuasion) Drop the price of this magic staff  That costs 9 copper currency coins, but you can have it for 9 NICE Thats not a discount! Also, its called MONEY What do you have for 7 A used Magic Lamp with one wish left OK But thats a desk lamp! So?! I wish Noble named you "Moron-duh" Oh yeah?! I wish Noble named you "Wendy"      NOO! Oops2018-10-07 10:48:15
Victorious SecretMagic with Miranda (Battle Encounter)  Miranda, now's your chance to gain some battle experience. Use your magic to block his attacks.  Got it!  He's using a water attack!                MAGIC UMBRELLA!  Seriously Miranda?! He's now using fire attack!                   MAGICEXTINGUISHER!  Damnit Miranda! Be serious!   Fine....fine...Hold my staff Wendull. Huh?! But you need this to defea....                   BRICK! Wendil, the brick did the trick! Why on Earth do I even bother.2018-10-03 19:30:57
Mr. PadoLs_Signed_ By N.PadoLs*_______________________█║▌│║▌║▌│█│▌║│█│ _______________________¹²³ ³² ²³¹ ¹ ¹²³² ³²¹ ³²³ ¹²³²2018-09-11 04:14:27
KenshinThank you 💗2018-07-02 08:47:21
✠HoiBoi0815✠Have a nice week too2018-06-28 13:21:07
Ryouu🖤󠁳Have a nice week too!2018-06-28 13:11:51
Ponsahaha lol 15:44:47


Total: [58] | TF2BD: [0] (0.00%) | SB: [0] (0.00%)

765611990676987832023-09-10 08:42:58
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765611992197903202023-06-07 10:17:24
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Miarpheee2021-05-04 09:52:06
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765611983164201542021-03-11 03:31:57
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765611990406736072021-01-18 07:42:10
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765611989868871032020-10-31 02:27:02
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765611988342418282020-08-04 02:31:28
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TimimiT9742020-07-06 14:01:50
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v s y n c2020-07-06 14:01:50
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Lj. シ2020-07-06 05:13:41
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765611990125348632020-06-30 22:04:14
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Aza2019-09-20 06:26:14
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CYCLUNDER2019-05-14 07:09:36
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✪SAR-C✪2019-04-14 05:35:08
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Miko | Karma2019-04-11 09:49:32
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hitman ϟ2019-04-10 06:13:09
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Scry2019-03-30 02:55:16
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suNshInE2019-03-29 23:52:59
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765611981520816552019-02-16 01:56:25
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765611981644054042019-02-05 03:32:25
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765611988728299022018-12-02 04:55:17
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네덜랜즈2018-09-16 06:45:17
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Deaf2018-09-13 11:07:21
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2024-05-30 14:41:51 (29 days)
765611988052972072018-09-11 08:56:32
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2024-04-06 09:55:03 (83 days)
765611982301659082018-08-04 03:55:41
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First One's Free2018-08-04 03:50:57
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kiji2018-07-14 07:12:45
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Fantastic Mr.Fox2018-06-29 00:10:17
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koelkastvarken2018-06-28 13:33:36
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Victorious Secret2018-05-29 21:13:00
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765611981961735492018-05-25 20:57:58
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Mr. PadoLs2018-05-19 07:46:17
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2024-05-01 16:58:03 (58 days)
✠HoiBoi0815✠2018-05-14 09:15:57
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