
SteamID64: 76561198375923851
SteamID32: [U:1:415658123]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:207829061
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rafeuu/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198375923851

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2017-03-25 11:56:59 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-06-29 00:44:18

VAC Banned: True (Last ban 1029 days ago) [1 on record]
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
...2021-09-01 17:44:51

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
ʀᴀꜰᴀᴇʟ ᴍᴏʀᴇɪʀᴀ // ʀᴀꜰᴇᴜ2023-04-01 04:33:27

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/rafeuu/2023-04-01 04:33:27

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed


Total: [61] | Deleted: [1]

🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀ₛₑₓ2023-06-04 03:43:01
KirgBoa tarde meu caro amigo, tudo bom?Quinta feira, dia de tbt, nada melhor pra relembrar do que a saudades daqueles dias de gameplay com os webamigos, noites jogando, se divertindo no multiplayer ou no single, aquela sensaçãozinha de abrir um jogo novo, ou mesmo um jogo velho, que por mais que voce jogue todos os dias continua sendo perfeito, confesso que ultimamente não estou sentindo mais essa sensação infelizmente, acho que me falta algum jogo legal pra jogar (me mande um jogo ou recomende um no meu perfil por favor <3). Bom, por hoje é só, aproveite ao maximo quando conseguir se divertir jogando, porque nem sempre vai ser assim.Um abraço e ótima jogatina, Kirg2023-03-08 11:05:02
KirgGood afternoon my dear friend, how are you?Thursday, tbt day, nothing better to remember than missing those days of gameplay with web friends, nights playing, having fun in multiplayer or single, that little feeling of opening a new game, or even an old game, that for the more that you play every day it continues to be perfect, I confess that lately I haven't been feeling that feeling anymore unfortunately, I think I'm missing a cool game to play (send me a game or recommend one on my profile please <3). Well, that's all for today, make the most of it when you can have fun playing, because it won't always be like this.A hug and great game, Kirg2023-03-08 11:04:41
KirgFala meu querido, não estive em casa por isso não escrevi antes, 2022 acabou e nos proporcionou muito conhecimento, amizades e jogatinasDesejo tudo de bom nesse 2023, que venham coisas melhores ainda Hey my dear, I wasn't at home that's why I didn't write before, 2022 is over and has given us a lot of knowledge, friendships and gamesI wish you all the best in 2023, may even better things come Abraços e bjos by KirgHugs and kisses by Kirg2023-01-24 08:35:52
lightpinto2023-01-07 22:16:49
🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀Now hand over the milk and cookies!2022-12-25 08:54:57
🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀cüm2022-07-08 11:53:34
KirgBoa Tarde meu querido, como você está?Vim aqui hoje para te convidar visitar meu novo perfilVenho também mandar uma mensagem de paz e amor para os tempos atuais de guerra, tomara que tudo corra bem e acabe logo A guerra é a coisa mais desprezível que existe. Prefiro deixar-me assassinar a participar dessa ignomínia ~Albert Einstein Good afternoon my dear, how are you?I came here today to invite you to visit my new profileI also come to send a message of peace and love for the current times of war, I hope everything goes well and ends soon War is the most despicable thing there is. I would rather let myself be murdered than participate in this ignominy ~Albert Einstein Carpe Diem2022-02-28 14:48:43
🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀Valentine's for Fűcking, not for Loving Now do me a favour and take your pants off~!2022-02-14 08:53:14
KirgBom Dia meu querido, quanto tempo eu não passo aqui.Vim te desejar uma ótima semana, que fevereiro seja um mês ótimo e cheio de conhecimento.Frase de reflexão: "Não ganhe o mundo e perca sua alma; sabedoria é melhor que prata e ouro."~Bob MarleyGood morning my dear, how long have I not spent here.I came to wish you a great week, may February be a great month full of knowledge.Reflection Quote: "Don't gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver and gold."~Bob Marley Abraços e bjos by Kirg Hugs and kisses by Kirg Sugestão de música // Music suggestion : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNBCVM4KbUM&ab_channel=BobMarleyVEVO2022-02-07 08:01:05
🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀I'd like to inform you that we haven't received your monthly payment in BUTT SMOOCHES. You have up to 4 days to KISS MY ȀSS or you'll be met with the CRUSHING WEIGHT OF MY POSTERIOR.2022-01-27 07:13:27
KirgFala meu querido, esse ano acabou, nos proporcionou muito conhecimento, amizades, vacinas e a volta da "vida normal"Desejo tudo de bom nesse 2022, que venham coisas mehlores ainda Hey my dear, this year is over, it has given us a lot of knowledge, friendships, vaccines and the return of "normal life"I wish you all the best in 2022, may even better things come Abraços e bjos by KirgHugs and kisses by Kirg2021-12-31 15:46:59
🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀Another Year, another massive load of ÄSS ON YOUR FACE !2021-12-31 10:31:47
KirgE aí amigo, boa noite tudo bom?Vim lhe desejar um FELIZ NATALBoas Festas, desejo tudo de bom, muita luz e alegriaQue o Papai Noel passe aí te deixar um grande presente Hey there dear, good night, how are you?I came to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMASHappy Holidays, I wish you all the best, lots of light and joyMay Santa Claus come by and leave you a great gift Abraços e bjos by KirgHugs and kisses by Kirg2021-12-24 17:27:31
KirgOpa, salve salve meu querido, quanto tempo que não venho comentar aquiEstava estudando pra provas e amanhã é uma delas, uma prova muito importante pra mim, peço que mande boas e positivas energias por favorzinho Oops, whats up my dear, how long have I not been commenting hereI was studying for tests and tomorrow is one of them, a very important test for me, I ask you to send good and positive energies please Abraços e bjos by KirgHugs and kisses by Kirg2021-12-18 20:59:35
🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀*Farts in your general direction*2021-10-13 11:25:20
KirgBom Dia meu queridooo, nova operação no Cs bora bora boraGood morning my darling, new operation at Cs gogogo Uma breve curiosidade sobre tubarões já que a operação é sobre issoA Ampola de Lorenzini é o orgão sensorial do tubarão e funciona a partir de elotromagnetismo, é extremamente desenvolvidoFica localizado no focinho, então se algum dia um tubarão for te morder, de um soco no "focinho", é o lugar mais sensível, depois disso nade como se não ouvesse amanhã kakkakaA brief curiosity about sharks as the operation is about itLorenzini's Ampoule is the shark's sensory organ and works from electromagnetism, it is extremely developedIt's located in the snout, so if someday a shark is going to bite you, punch the "snout", it's the most sensitive place, after that swim fastest you can kakkakaBom, aproveite o resto da semana e boa operaçãoWell, enjoy the rest of the week and have a good operationAbraços e bjos by KirgHugs and kisses by Kirg2021-09-22 13:17:53
KirgLet's bora de nova semana meu consagradoLet's go to new week my consecrated "Não espere por uma crise para descobrir o que é importante em sua vida." - Platão"Don’t wait for a crisis to discover what’s important in your life." - PlatãoTenha uma ótima semana repleta de alegria Have a great week full of joy Bjinhos do Kirg Kisses by: Kirg Carpe Diem & Namastê2021-09-13 09:31:55
KirgGood morning my friend, today August 29 "World Gamer Day" Here I bring you a list of what games have not only taught me, but they teach us every day.As much as you are stressed, worried, full of problems, you need to stop and listen, because a wise person is the one who listens more and speaks less, because he learns what is heard and transmits these teachings in his eyes.We can get it wrong several times and the problems will pile up, but if we are patient and don't give up, the right ones make them disappear like magic.The obstacle can be gigantic and seem impossible, we can try and fail several times, but with each attempt comes learning, with learning comes improvement, and with improvement comes overcoming, and that bogeyman will no longer existOn this August 29th, I wish you my great gamer friend, a great day, as Vader says, Together We Can Rule the Galaxy.Hugs by: Kirg2021-08-29 10:35:20
KirgBom Dia meu amigo, hoje dia 29 de agosto "Dia Mundial Do Gamer" Aqui lhes trago uma lista do que os games não só me ensinaram, mas nos ensinam todos os dias.Por mais que você esteja estressado, preocupado, cheio de problemas, você precisa parar e ouvir, pois sábio é aquele que escuta mais e fala menos, pois aprende o que se escuta e transmite no olhar esses ensinamentos.Podemos errar várias vezes e que os problemas vão se acumular, mas se tivermos paciência e não desistirmos, os acertos os fazem desaparecer como mágica.O obstáculo pode ser gigantesco e parecer impossível, podemos tentar e falhar várias vezes, mas com cada tentativa, vem o aprendizado, com o aprendizado, vem a melhoria, e com a melhoria, vem a superação, e aquele bicho papão não vai existir maisNeste dia 29 de agosto, desejo à você meu grande amigo gamer, um ótimo dia, como diz Vader, Together We Can Rule the Galaxy.Abraços by: Kirg2021-08-29 10:34:37
KirgJá dizia o Mario "Here We Go!", vamos de semana nova e experiências novas meu querido amigo Mario was already saying "Here we go!", Let's go for a new week and new experiences my dear friend "Aqueles que estão livres de pensamentos rancorosos certamente encontram a paz." - Buddha“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.” - BuddhaTenha uma excelente semana, cheia de novos aprendizados e conquistas Have an excellent week, full of new learnings and achievements Bjinhos do Kirg Kisses by: Kirg Carpe Diem & Namastê2021-08-22 16:24:17
KirgE começamos mais uma semana meu grnade amigo And we start another week my great friend "Todas as manhãs nós nascemos de novo. O que fazemos hoje é o que mais importa." - Buddha"Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." - BuddhaTenha uma ótima semana repleta de alegria Have a great week full of joy Bjinhos do Kirg Kisses by: Kirg Carpe Diem & Namastê2021-08-16 14:42:26
KirgFim de semana chegou amigo hehehe Weekend came my dear friend "Luke, você descobrirá que muitas das verdades às quais nos prendemos dependem do nosso ponto de vista." - Obi-Wan Kenobi"Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." - Obi-Wan KenobiTenha um ótimo final de semana Have a great weekend Bjinhos do Kirg Kisses by: Kirg May the Force be with you2021-08-13 15:15:40
8O BIXAO É BRABO EM2021-08-11 19:56:05
KirgMeio da semana já amigo, já já acaba hehehe Midweek already friend, it's already over hehehe "Todos estamos matriculados na escola da vida, onde o mestre é o tempo." - Cora Coralina "We are all enrolled in the school of life, where time is the master." - Cora Coralina Tenha um ótimo restinho de semana amigo Have a great rest of the week friend Kisses by: Kirg Bjinhos do Kirg2021-08-11 19:52:49
KirgUma frase de reflexão para começar a semana A sentence for reflection to start the week “O problema não é o problema. O problema é a sua atitute perante o problema”. - Jack Sparrow "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem". - Jack Sparrow Have a great week ahead Tenha uma ótima semana Kisses by: Kirg Bjinhos do Kirg2021-08-09 15:59:12
lsndr_-BOA PRETO MM PLAYER2021-07-28 20:59:11
Kirg⢠⠊⣉⠒⠤⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠴⢜⢄ ⡎⢸  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡸  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢸        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠤⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢸            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡸        ⢴⣾⡿⠿⠽⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❤ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠤⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ Have a nice weekend // Tenha um bom final de semanaBjnhos by Kirg Little kisses by Kirg2021-07-23 11:20:21
KirgTenha uma ótima quarta-feira meu consagrado Have a nice day my darling Carpe Diem Abraços do seu grande amigo Kirg Big hug from Kirg2021-07-21 10:36:10
KirgTenha uma boa semana Carpe Diem May The Force Be With You Abraços do Kirg2021-07-19 14:11:42
K a f étenha uma ótima semana!!!2021-07-12 18:05:11
󠁳⁧⁧𝙄𝙆𝙆𝘼𝙏Mamo gostoso e engoliu2021-07-12 16:00:57
Brynn📿Para vc tbm2021-07-12 15:22:11
XavierOtima semana mano!2021-07-08 03:06:47
EL PULGAvoseu e melhor jogador do mundo2021-07-07 10:15:11
...chora po pai<32021-07-07 01:34:02
kiMxiter lixo2021-07-07 00:03:47
R.i.Pxiter ruim2021-07-06 22:47:20
🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀This new top is pretty cute, wonder what it says...~2021-06-21 11:25:40
KojackLadrão ta solto ainda hein!2021-05-21 17:50:59
𝔬𝔣𝔱+rep ONE TAP MACHINE2021-04-02 08:37:48
...2 chorão2021-04-01 19:56:19
ㄔ꧁AvengeD꧂ᐖㄔLixo jogando de xiter kkkkkk2021-04-01 19:50:16
Kalash38+rep clutch master2021-04-01 07:12:46
SAKARYALI+rep ONE TAP MACHINE2021-03-30 19:34:58
♕.れ.丹.メ.メ.♕+rep god2021-03-30 08:53:52
𝖙𝖆𝖕 𝖌𝖆𝖓𝖌+Rep pro player2021-03-30 08:39:51
Kalash38clutch master2021-03-30 07:24:18
matthew+rep pro boy2021-03-30 06:30:20
Marllin_Ganha mais clutch do que o fnx em final de major2021-03-29 22:15:58
zNuk3zSigned by Nuk3 <3 boa noite2021-03-26 22:13:30
PEDERASTA Fo✘zk 🚀👽🛸P...ersistenteU...nicoN...obreH...umildeE...spertoT...alentosoE...ducadoI...novadorR...isonhoO...timista2021-03-18 18:33:31
Launerdola ruim2021-03-13 06:12:21
PUЯΞ ΗΞΜP ^^Signed ^^2021-03-10 19:56:45
Babszik1Signed by Babs2021-03-09 19:27:04
BiaNahasperfeito lindo fofo carinhoso arrumado cheroso legal bonito elegante2021-02-21 19:55:59
BiaNahasse liga no meu macho foda hehe2021-02-21 16:36:44
pasa nada e nem podfoguete não tem ré2021-02-18 12:16:47
! Duobot (Low) Level Up 30:1*Beep beeep* thank you for trading with me ^.^ have a good day2021-02-18 08:37:57
...se eu nao tivesse xitado se acha que eu ia mira do oto lado?Aspx, 2009.2021-02-17 15:06:21
Zarpadoon蛇appy Valentine's Day2021-02-14 17:05:39


Total: [105] | TF2BD: [0] (0.00%) | SB: [2] (1.90%)

light ⁧⁧'2021-09-28 10:34:16
(1004 days)
765611989073147292021-08-21 21:07:21
(1042 days)
ZacaWoo*_2021-08-15 13:03:06
(1048 days)
765611983452773002021-08-14 02:23:55
(1050 days)
765611991171701082021-08-12 07:29:20
(1051 days)
Disconnect2021-07-29 06:00:04
(1066 days)
765611984439043882021-07-15 21:45:26
(1079 days)
765611990926691052021-07-14 18:13:10
(1080 days)
2024-04-12 17:06:04 (77 days)
765611980197366072021-07-14 17:50:33
(1080 days)
765611981272081442021-07-13 21:50:00
(1081 days)
765611988719064522021-07-13 21:49:49
(1081 days)
Filósofo Piton2021-07-13 08:51:39
(1081 days)
765611991250880632021-07-10 00:09:51
(1085 days)
765611991712794532021-07-09 23:19:49
(1085 days)
765611988343883452021-07-07 13:01:02
(1087 days)
EL PULGA2021-07-07 10:14:32
(1087 days)
765611990696787022021-07-03 00:39:27
(1092 days)
765611983872006902021-07-03 00:23:02
(1092 days)
𝓕𝓖 - BoB2021-07-02 23:53:38
(1092 days)
.2021-06-16 19:32:47
(1108 days)
🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀2021-05-26 16:38:30
(1129 days)
72021-05-21 12:31:44
(1134 days)
82021-04-28 06:14:15
(1158 days)
765611980303150242021-04-23 17:12:05
(1162 days)
765611981690013792021-04-19 11:47:14
(1166 days)
765611990147013612021-04-13 17:38:46
(1172 days)
765611983291234182021-04-12 19:22:57
(1173 days)
765611990273296992021-04-05 17:48:03
(1180 days)
Dukid2021-04-02 22:14:30
(1183 days)
765611990985360852021-04-02 19:33:34
(1183 days)
2024-04-06 11:30:23 (83 days)
765611983321779322021-04-02 12:42:49
(1183 days)
Th2021-04-01 18:36:04
(1184 days)
765611990951002032021-04-01 00:12:16
(1185 days)
BlinD2021-03-31 22:26:16
(1185 days)
NaCeRa2021-03-29 19:30:59
(1187 days)
765611990588353952021-03-26 18:26:43
(1190 days)
765611984066105502021-03-20 01:00:07
(1197 days)
765611983779996422021-03-16 17:29:01
(1200 days)
765611980864494062021-03-14 22:11:48
(1202 days)
765611990671987952021-03-14 21:31:33
(1202 days)
ptr2021-03-13 19:20:06
(1203 days)
765611989291482572021-03-13 16:24:31
(1203 days)
phDroid2021-03-12 20:35:24
(1204 days)
765611983657673782021-03-12 18:39:35
(1204 days)
✪Chap1to2021-03-09 16:45:38
(1207 days)
Fernanda F.2021-03-08 19:51:47
(1208 days)
765611988365060322021-03-04 17:11:01
(1212 days)
syndromeofexclusivity2021-03-01 11:53:27
(1215 days)
恶鬼缠身2021-02-24 20:22:20
(1220 days)
765611981296547892021-02-24 16:55:50
(1220 days)
BiaNahas2021-02-21 16:33:50
(1223 days)
765611981075523002021-02-21 13:20:43
(1223 days)
765611983356698142021-02-21 09:42:40
(1223 days)
ROLA GROSSA2021-02-20 12:19:01
(1224 days)
765611990863940122021-02-19 18:18:45
(1225 days)
md rebenta perereca2021-02-19 17:19:14
(1225 days)
765611988108795762021-02-18 17:26:02
(1226 days)
SUPER ED2021-02-18 12:16:12
(1226 days)
ZETT2021-02-17 17:53:15
(1227 days)
765611984480904832021-02-17 17:19:21
(1227 days)
?2021-02-16 23:06:44
(1228 days)
765611990917676982021-02-16 21:44:29
(1228 days)
cezatte2021-02-16 21:44:09
(1228 days)
765611979943316652021-02-15 14:03:42
(1229 days)
Gugulemo2021-02-12 16:07:06
(1232 days)
2024-05-08 12:40:28 (51 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-02-12 15:12:17
(1232 days)
cinaqui2021-02-10 19:31:35
(1234 days)
765611989458333012021-02-10 16:39:54
(1234 days)
Min2021-02-10 11:20:27
(1234 days)
765611980906652532021-02-10 07:16:08
(1234 days)
magoz1n kit bota2021-02-09 20:08:28
(1235 days)
Yoshizumi2021-02-09 16:42:34
(1235 days)
Elise The Rat
[Sourcebans MARK]
2021-02-09 08:35:13
(1235 days)
765611982037826242021-02-08 18:04:27
(1236 days)
765611981776860492021-02-05 15:46:28
(1239 days)
765611988745164642021-02-05 12:37:37
(1239 days)
765611990655879522021-02-05 12:37:23
(1239 days)
765611988157366172021-02-04 18:42:06
(1240 days)
765611988856239572021-02-04 18:36:16
(1240 days)
765611990366484972021-02-04 18:24:45
(1240 days)
765611990886953082021-02-04 18:24:35
(1240 days)
765611990696196842021-02-04 09:40:59
(1240 days)
765611983573814542021-02-03 13:15:02
(1241 days)
765611990954560292021-02-02 22:57:13
(1242 days)
765611981405621292021-02-01 11:56:21
(1243 days)
765611988109559452021-02-01 00:26:51
(1244 days)
765611983976925112021-01-31 23:55:51
(1244 days)
Ygg2021-01-31 21:32:45
(1244 days)
765611991197111112021-01-31 18:12:08
(1244 days)
765611980534345382021-01-31 14:30:47
(1244 days)
765611983507215212021-01-31 13:07:08
(1244 days)
PaXo2021-01-30 12:50:31
(1245 days)
?2021-01-29 16:29:03
(1246 days)
dukinhaIdle-Empire.comCS.DEALS2021-01-29 14:14:42
(1246 days)
765611991072484592021-01-28 19:28:13
(1247 days)
link2021-01-28 15:23:27
(1247 days)
765611991063959872021-01-27 16:05:54
(1248 days)
765611981427530292021-01-27 15:59:07
(1248 days)
Nova PESSOA2021-01-27 09:55:57
(1248 days)
Dσidєяαтσтαl ⭕⃤★2021-01-26 19:53:58
(1249 days)
2024-04-06 11:30:23 (83 days)
765611989751552262021-01-25 18:28:02
(1250 days)
765611981162044452021-01-22 19:28:50
(1253 days)
765611983473013342021-01-22 16:12:04
(1253 days)
Kalsang2021-01-22 15:50:23
(1253 days)
765611984528822832021-01-22 15:45:30
(1253 days)