Blue Fury

SteamID64: 76561198387831458
SteamID32: [U:1:427565730]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:213782865

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2017-05-13 23:08:08 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-09-02 00:03:46

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
Blue Fury2020-09-26 14:25:01

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
Mostafa Saeed2023-04-01 04:42:18

URL History

URLTime Changed 04:42:18

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed


Total: [680] | Deleted: [9]

ZLoDeThanks for the congratulations2024-05-12 21:47:02
YonagaHave a nice day!2024-02-20 05:12:39
LiRMO𝓗𝓐𝓟𝓟𝓚                𝓝𝓔𝓊 𝓚𝓔𝓐𝓡                 20242023-12-31 11:32:34
SaenaHappy Holidays! Have a wonderful time!2023-12-25 09:21:54
SaenaWishing You a happy Sunday!2023-12-03 01:20:55
Celia St. James˚˖   𝖧𝗂 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖟𝗇𝖜, 𝗆𝖺𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗋𝖺𝗍𝖟 𝗆𝗒 𝗇𝖟𝗐 𝖺𝗋𝗍  ! ˚˖ ♡2023-11-19 09:01:41
ZLoDe👻 Happy Halloween2023-10-31 12:46:54
SaenaSorry dear, my steam keeps crashing, so I can't answer your DM.“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.” ― Khalil Gibran2023-10-11 01:25:30
Towak-TaoHappy weekend, my friend, today is my birthday~2023-08-11 22:57:27
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-08-04 14:30:18
ZLoDeHave a lovely weekend2023-07-28 11:11:13
ZLoDeHave a lovely Day2023-07-27 08:15:59
Towak-TaoSummer sale, have a great weekend, my friend~2023-06-30 22:34:27
Saena“The world has a very serious problem. A billion people struggle to get enough to eat. And we're pushing the planet towards a tipping point, where the corals die and the forests burn and life becomes much, much harder. We have the resources to solve those problems, even now, but politics and economics and nationalism all get in the way. If we could access all those minds, though...” Ramez NaamWishing you a happy weekend filled with love and compassion!2023-05-06 03:07:21
Saena“The present moment is as old as existence 
 and as long as eternity.”Mokokoma MokhonoanaWishing you a good time!2023-03-17 06:18:35
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Good day, my friend~2023-02-13 03:36:07
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice day, my friend~I started an account security discussion on Steam, can you help me after clicking on the bottom of my homepage, if successful I think this is a milestone for Steam account security, sorry to disturb! Sorry very much! I make sure that the link under my homepage belongs to the discussion board of Steam, and every link I come across carefully identifies the domain name2023-02-10 19:29:01
hykkoッフHave a nice dayyy2023-02-08 09:44:08
hykkoッフYooooo :)2023-02-04 09:32:54
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice day, my friend~2023-02-02 22:01:02
hykkoッフHave a nice day2023-02-02 08:35:00
hykkoッフSup2023-02-01 11:51:31
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great day, my friend~2023-01-16 11:45:31
Mistress Potatoʍ€๏ώ     𝐌'𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓇𝑒𝒞𝒟𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒟𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒞𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝓊𝓅 𝓂𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓀𝓈                                                  𝐌 𝒜𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒜𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓌𝑜𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒹𝒶𝓎2023-01-07 19:29:59
PAINLosing people hurts alot but the only worse pain is when they walk out of your life like nothing and act like you had no impact on theirs2023-01-06 08:23:53
SR.CHA|NHappy new Year2022-12-31 10:49:57
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend,2023 is coming~2022-12-31 04:48:09
CarbonCarlMerry Christmas my friend! Have a safe and wonderful day!2022-12-25 02:22:28
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Merry Christmas~2022-12-24 05:51:57
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend, have a great day~2022-12-23 03:18:48
SaenaWishing you a blessed and joyful Yule/Yalda!2022-12-23 02:19:17
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend has a good weekend~2022-12-17 19:45:40
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend has a good new week~2022-12-12 05:47:09
SR.CHA|NVOCÊ RECEBEU O LOLÓ DO HEXA 💚💛💙┏ ┓╭╯ ╰╮┃loló┃┃ ┃┗━ ━┛BAFORA E REPASSA2022-12-05 13:12:24
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名嘀 嘀 嘀 Have a good day~2022-12-05 05:28:51
SR.CHA|NNO FLOW 🍃😎 POR ONDE A GENTE PASSA 🚶🚶‍♂🚶‍♀É SHOW 🎉🎊🎇🥳 FECHOU 🔑🔑🔐E OLHA 👀👁 ONDE A GENTE CHEGOU 💚🇧🇷 EU SOU 🗣🗣🗣 PAÍS DO FUTEBOL ⚜🇧🇷🏟🏟 NEGÔ 👊🏿🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 ATÉ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ SAMBOU 💃💃💃💃💃 TOCOU NEYMAR 🏃🏃🏃🏃 É GOL 🥅🥅⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷2022-11-24 09:29:18
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice weekend, my friend~2022-11-19 02:45:45
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friendThis week I took my monthly exams and felt badI hope that one day I can achieve one of my life goals and I say to myself "Come on! "2022-11-04 08:58:05
PAINAnime is temporary. The cold clawing grasp of the inevitable extinction of all that is know to us is permanent. There is no point exercising or eating healthily or drinking kale and swamp water smoothies. All you are doing is extending how long your meaningless life lasts. We are insignificant. Humans as a species are boring plain small unnoticeable even. We are a speck a dot we leave such a small impact on the ever expanding universe. It's pathetic really. Watching other people go about their days trying desperately in vain to make money which in itself is merely a concept a method of prolonging debt. Our advanced technologies and wealthy societies are just fabrications designed to distract your mind from the dark and ominous fact. As of this moment we could be 30 seconds or 30 million lightyears away from total annihilation from the lack of anything and everything. Darkness the void call it what you want. Eventually our complex and layered brains will shut off and that will be it.2022-10-31 04:59:54
halilHave nice day ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ2022-10-30 13:37:23
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名And Happy Halloween2022-10-29 09:27:45
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~I'm [Towak-Tao] I changed my name to [Wild Deer]2022-10-29 09:23:00
SR.CHA|N🎃 ĊȺᵜᵜɏ ĊȺłłÞwɇɇn 🎃2022-10-29 08:55:23
BenaS/⌒`ゝ       /====ボ  Trick     ,ヌ’⌒`-  or     ボ(ω` :::)゜Ž Treat     ,m;ÂŽiã‚œi ⌒ボ      ,=II=ゞ  .::;;ゝ    `i(o)iÂŽ`’’Ž    `===’ 🎃Have a wonderful weekend🎃2022-10-29 04:54:16
halilHave nice day ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ2022-10-23 16:28:10
SaenaHave a lovely day Mostafa Bey!2022-10-23 02:36:18
halilHave good day ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ2022-10-22 14:50:44
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~Because I don't have enough willpower to study, my sister makes video calls every night to supervise my study. This is painful, but it has made a qualitative leap in my study2022-10-21 09:53:19
halilHave Nice Day ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ2022-10-19 17:06:59
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice day, my friend~I will go to school tomorrow. I always want to devote myself to learning, but my willpower is not enough. Something always distracts me2022-10-16 08:39:08
halilHave good day2022-10-15 08:24:30
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~I'm going to see the dentist later2022-10-14 19:23:43
halilHave nice day.2022-10-14 17:01:12
halillove me love me say that you love meeeee2022-10-14 12:27:09
halilHave nice day bro2022-10-13 13:37:42
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice day, my friend~I have made great progress in mathematics recently, and I got an A rating2022-10-12 06:04:32
halil♥ ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ2022-10-11 14:03:37
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~I still have to go to school even though it's a weekend2022-10-07 23:41:31
halil♥2022-10-05 23:22:24
halil♥2022-10-04 19:06:54
halilHave good day ♥2022-10-04 12:08:49
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend, I wish you a wonderful new week~2022-10-04 01:12:45
halilHave good day dear ♥2022-10-03 01:06:32
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend, have a great weekend2022-10-01 10:37:09
halilHave Nice Day ♥ ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ2022-09-26 13:27:48
halil♥2022-09-26 08:41:20
halil(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ (rateddd) 15:34:37
SR.CHA|NHave a great day2022-09-25 10:34:09
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend, enjoy the beautiful weekend~I'm going to take part in the 800 meter race. Wish me luck XD2022-09-25 04:20:55
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend, have a great weekend2022-09-23 06:30:01
halil(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 13:10:20
halil♥2022-09-22 11:44:13
halilHave Nica Day ♥ ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ (Rate and Fav pls)2022-09-20 10:09:24
halilHave Nica Day ♥ ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ (Rate and Fav plsssss)2022-09-19 10:04:27
halilHave Nica Day ♥ ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ (Rate and Fav plsssss)2022-09-19 08:59:48
halilRate & Fav & Comment Plssssssss ( Thank You) ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ 07:59:58
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend,Have a great weekend䞊午奜呚末愉快呀2022-09-16 22:49:26
halilHave Nica Day ♥♥♥2022-09-15 07:54:43
halilHave Nica Day ♥♥♥2022-09-15 06:37:52
halilHave Nica Day ♥♥♥2022-09-15 05:31:35
halilHave Nica Day ♥♥♥2022-09-15 04:11:21
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Happy weekend and Happy Mid Autumn Festival, my friend晚䞊奜 提前祝呚末愉快 䞭秋节快乐呀2022-09-09 06:39:10
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Recently, there are many fraudsters. We must pay attention to the link domain name, especially [sream]最近有讞倚欺诈者。我们必须泚意铟接域名特别是[sream] в пПслеЎМее вреЌя ЌМПгП ЌПшеММОкПв. Мы ЎПлжМы ПбратОть вМОЌаМОе Ма ссылкО Ма ЎПЌеМы, ПсПбеММП [sream] 最近詐欺垫が倚い。ドメむンリンク、特に[sream]に泚意する必芁がありたす요슘 사ꞰꟌ읎 많아요.필드 링크륌 죌의핎알 합니닀. 특히 [sream]2022-09-01 02:42:04
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great day, my friend~早䞊奜吖 我芁奜奜孊习物理 哌2022-08-28 20:56:00
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend, can you rate the screenshot of my homepage Thx晚䞊奜~ 可以给我䞻页的截囟点䞪赞吗 谢谢2022-08-25 09:05:50
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great day, my friend~䞋午奜呀 我这蟹台风 我䞍胜出去跑步了2022-08-25 03:58:10
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名I wish you all the best in the new week, my friend~䞋午奜新的䞀呚顺利哊对了我最近圚孊习AE 像我这么聪明的人肯定埈快就粟通了2022-08-24 04:04:42
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~I decided to dye my hair gray before the end of my summer vacation呚末愉快 吖~我芁圚暑假结束前染䞀䞪灰发 嗚害2022-08-21 03:26:32
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~呚末愉快 吖2022-08-18 20:55:04
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice weekend, my friend呚末愉快吖 吖 吖2022-08-14 01:26:47
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Tomorrow is my birthday!Have a great day, my friend~明倩是我的生日 芁恰蛋糕恰蛋糕2022-08-10 22:07:37
SR.CHA|Ngood weekend2022-08-06 12:03:48
< <Have a good day2022-08-05 12:44:09
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Physics is too difficult for meHave a nice day, my friend2022-08-03 10:18:33
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名I don't play Rainbow Six qualifying anymoreTeammates are really "good"2022-07-31 13:36:38
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名The game is really thought-provokingIn fact, there are still many things worth exploring in lifeI've always wanted to learn knowledge. I'm tired of playing games, but I'll still go online to do passes. Maybe some games can keep players like me because of beautiful skin and difficult passesSo from today on, I will allocate these time reasonably2022-07-28 03:36:48
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名I have no definite plan for this summer vacation,This is terrible.I must make a perfect schedule for me today.Raise my difficult physics achievementHave a nice day, friend2022-07-24 10:43:33
SaenaHave a wonderful weekend!2022-07-16 10:26:02
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~2022-07-15 12:20:54
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Friend, I plan to learn computer paintingBecause I think it's interestingI've been practicing sketching beforeIt's time for a changeGood luck, friend2022-07-11 12:25:08
HAYULʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ ᎡᎏɎᎅᎇʀғ᎜ʟʟ ᎡᎇᎇᎋᎇɎᎅ ᮀɮᮅ ᎇɎᎊᎏʏ ʏᎏ᎜ʀ ɢᎀᎍᎇs2022-07-09 21:42:39
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Recently, I got excellent in the art examHappy every day, my friend~2022-07-04 05:17:08
halilHave Nica Day (ı love you)2022-07-03 09:24:18
Ethereal_Light。                    .              .,         .  .        .     。                            。  .        .     .          。  .  .             𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓎 ㅀㅀㅀ     ㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀ   。  .        。                    .              .,         .  .        .     。                            。  .        .     .          。  .2022-07-01 15:11:35
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Friend haven't been seen for a long time~I haven't left a message in a long timeBecause I'm going to take the high school entrance examinationI'm so glad I passed the exam yesterday.good luck my friend~2022-06-30 03:49:57
Ethereal_LightHope you're doing ok.2022-06-27 03:32:18
SR.CHA|NHi, just dropping by to say that the sale is near, are you excited to buy?2022-06-23 12:21:57
halil♥2022-06-16 09:59:59
halilHave Nice Day ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ2022-06-13 02:32:45
halil♥ ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ2022-06-12 15:42:26
halilHave nica day ♥ ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ (can you rate ??? pls)2022-06-12 14:52:10
< <Have a wonderful day <32022-06-10 11:34:22
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊ ᲌   ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏𝙃𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙬𝙀𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙙𝙖𝙮2022-06-08 13:32:12
HAYULHope your safe & well2022-06-04 11:49:37
𝘋𝘌𝘍𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘛Have a good weekend2022-05-30 04:27:51
HAYULHave a great week ツ2022-05-29 16:03:18
Saena⠀⠀Happy weekend!2022-05-27 06:34:58
Kaernk ZeroIt has been a few long months full of difficulties and setbacks, as well as prosperity and strength in many moments, but despite the circumstances, I hope you continue to be who you are and continue to grow as the brilliant person you are, full of achievements, dreams, aspirations together with great people who will accompany you on this path called life. Never stop thinking big and always look with your head held high towards new horizons. A big hug, Blue! Good health and never stop programming the correct success of life in the framework (path) and the purest and most honest programming practices (qualities and values) of your being.2022-05-22 12:11:49
HAYULHave a great weekend 🖀2022-05-21 13:35:48
SANTANACWB𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐀𝐞𝐧𝐝    |         _,,    |      ,. -'" ;'    |    ,.-''"     :'    |   :'"       ,,:    | , "          : 、    |;'     ,, О     :   ,.. - ;    |:      "      :-''"   ;'    | :               ,:'    |           О   ,:'    |            "'' , :'    |                 , :'       ,:'" :、  ,:   ;' - ,,,.. - '  :、  '' - ;    ;    :、       ,:'    |: ,,    ,:'    |    "    |  ,:'    | ,:'2022-05-21 07:38:12
halil6x6 ???2022-05-20 09:45:43
halilı love you bro2022-05-15 09:40:32
SR.CHA|NJust passing by to wish you a great start to the week.2022-05-08 18:06:31
Saena“Happy Sunday. Spread love. Show kindness. Live life in the present.”Enjoy a well earned rest dear friend!2022-05-08 03:16:54
HAYULʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ Ɏɪᎄᎇ ᎡᎇᎇᎋᎇɎᎅ 🀍2022-05-07 16:11:36
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀__..,,__   ,.='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''``圡 }  _...:=,`'      т   X圡-J` 圡 /  ミ  ,_人_. 圡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,---.,,  ./    ボ ''```\;.{         Y   `J..r_.圳   |     {   ``  `   i     \   𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂2022-05-05 07:05:09
halilAward for award ? (write me)2022-05-03 16:22:24
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀  ボ    i  |     /   /                   ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::', Have A Nice day     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2022-05-03 12:36:05
halilHave Nic Day ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚ƷAward for award ?2022-05-03 05:13:34
SaenaBest wishes to you and your family on Eid ul Fitr. Eid Mubarak!2022-05-02 01:03:59
SR.CHA|NJust passing by to wish you a good start to the week and a good sale!2022-05-01 17:56:51
.๖ۣۣۜCħąǿşì .pdr's 06:28:21
HAYULᕌᗩᐯE ᗩ ᒪOᐯEᒪY ᗪᗩY2022-04-30 16:26:37
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑊 𝑑𝑎𝑊   ⣠⢀⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2022-04-28 12:53:54
.๖ۣۣۜCħąǿşì .pdr's 15:43:34
.๖ۣۣۜCħąǿşì .pdr's 15:57:34
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑊 𝑑𝑎𝑊   ⣠⢀⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2022-04-26 12:51:57
halilHave Nice Day ♥ ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚ƷMy Guide My Artwork 22:05:12
ZheBabyThanks, Have a great day2022-04-24 23:29:41
halilHave Nice Day ♥ ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚ƷMy Guide (Rate & Fav Plss)My Artwork (Rate & Fav Plss)2022-04-24 12:24:44
SR.CHA|NHi, just dropping by to wish you a good start to the week.2022-04-24 10:28:05
HAYUL(\ /)( . .)♥c(”)(”)2022-04-23 23:56:30
halilHave Nice Day ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ (rate and fav pls)2022-04-23 14:42:48
halilCan you rate and fav guide plssssss ♥♥♥ Thank youuu ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ2022-04-23 13:24:35
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-04-23 08:05:47
Til mit der Brill'™Same to you!2022-04-23 07:32:53
hykkoッフHewo2022-04-22 14:12:18
LipeThere are many challenges ahead, but with the right attitude you will be prepared for them all.May your rest of the week be blessed! 🖀2022-04-20 13:57:16
hykkoッフHi!2022-04-19 16:44:06
Lipe,       .    ☀                     .      .       ✩ . .   ,        ,         ..      . 🚀                                ˚  𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞  𝐚    ,   .    .          .     *        ✩  𝐠𝐚𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲   .     .  .     .   .   .     🌑             .     .             ˚ .        .              .      🌎    *.    .       ✩            ˚     *      .2022-04-19 10:28:12
hykkoッフHave a nice Day!2022-04-18 16:13:18
Kaernk ZeroI hope you have a very nice Easter day! May health, determination and prosperity be with you and all your loved ones. May many of the goals continue to grow over time and enrich your life. Big hug, Blue!2022-04-17 18:50:19
Til mit der Brill'™Happy easter :D2022-04-17 12:07:37
LipeHᥲvᥱ ᥲ Hᥲρρყ Eᥲstᥱr! Aᥒd mᥲყ ρᥱᥲ᥎ᥱ ᥲᥒd ᥣovᥱ sρrᥱᥲd throᥙghoᥙt ყoᥙr ᥣιfᥱ. 🖀2022-04-17 11:19:24
ZheBabyHave a lovely day2022-04-17 09:15:33
꧁Graphite꧂I hope you have a beautiful day2022-04-17 07:47:00
Jack-o'-LanternI hope you have a happy Easter.2022-04-17 05:58:53
MoiRHave a Nice Day ❀2022-04-16 13:15:25
»❀ OnlyMisuHappy Easter2022-04-16 12:38:55
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-04-16 06:00:30
Saena“Easter is
Joining in a birdsong,Eyeing an early sunrise,Smelling yellow daffodils,Unbolting windows and doors,Skipping through meadows,Cuddling newborns,Hoping, believing,Reviving spent life,Inhaling fresh air,Sprinkling seeds along furrows,Tracking in the mud.Easter is the soul’s first taste of spring.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich2022-04-16 04:12:09
SR.CHA|NHello how are you? Just passing by to wish you a happy Easter and a good weekend.2022-04-15 23:19:06
꧁Graphite꧂Rate like & Fav: 09:03:38
SaenaAnd it's time again for the festival of Astarte - Ishtar - al-Uzza Goddess of fertility and war(among other things) Enjoy!2022-04-14 05:41:28
Kaernk ZeroI hope your week is culminating with much success and prosperity. Thank you for your very nice wishes! I hope that this half of the month is multiplied for you and all those important people in your life. Big hug, Blue. Never change! PS: The path of life can be difficult many times, but I know in the bottom of my heart that you write the most optimal code to solve any problem and fix the bugs that appear along the way. Regardless of the programming language that is coded.2022-04-14 02:52:15
hykkoッフHave a nice day.2022-04-12 09:57:06
LipeMay life give you balance and peace every minute of your existence! Have a great day! 🖀🖀2022-04-12 08:36:56
ZheBabyHave a wonderful week!2022-04-11 06:07:51
LipeStarting a new week always brings us the feeling of another fresh start, another opportunity to achieve success, another chance to be happy.Have a nice week! 🖀🖀2022-04-11 02:37:51
nonHave a nice day2022-04-10 20:22:48
SR.CHA|Nhow is your weekend going? Take the opportunity to relax and have fun. Take care.2022-04-10 12:04:05
Examp1e 滅Have a great day!2022-04-10 09:06:53
hykkoッフHave A Nice Day!2022-04-10 09:03:41
SaenaHave a good time صديقي !2022-04-10 07:43:24
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2022-04-10 07:15:00
LipeI wish for your weekend a good rest, lots of fun in your games, smiles and lots of love in your heart! 🖀🖀2022-04-09 21:39:52
LipeCongratulations on being so special and shining so beautifully in the lives of those you love! 🖀🖀2022-04-08 13:33:20
hykkoッフHey!2022-04-08 12:56:11
hykkoッフHave A Great Day!2022-04-07 16:51:15
Lipe"Kindness in words creates trust" 🖀"Kindness in thought creates depth" 🖀"Kindness in gift creates love" 🖀Have a great day my friend!!!2022-04-07 12:00:26
hykkoッフHewo2022-04-05 16:59:02
Lipe♥〃Ž`)  ,·Ž ž,·Ž`) (ž,·Ž (ž♥ Have a good day my friend ♥〃Ž`)                ,·Ž ž,·Ž`)               (ž,·Ž (ž♥2022-04-05 11:30:17
Lipe,       .    ☀                     .      .       ✩ . .   ,        ,         ..      . 🚀                                ˚  𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞  𝐚    ,   .    .          .     *        ✩  𝐠𝐚𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲   .     .  .     .   .   .     🌑2022-04-03 13:16:22
hykkoッフHi2022-04-03 09:30:14
hykkoッフ<32022-04-02 15:40:34
SANTANACWB__..,,__   ,.='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''``圡 }  _...:=,`'      т   X圡-J` 圡 /  ミ  ,_人_. 圡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,---.,,  ./    ボ ''```\;.{         Y   `J..r_.圳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  💖 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂 💖2022-04-02 13:30:32
SR.CHA|NEnjoy the weekend to rest and have fun.2022-04-02 10:35:40
HAYULhαvє α wσndєrful wєєkєnd2022-04-02 10:33:57
Lipe  ボ    i  |     /   /     𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲! ♥              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2022-03-31 12:00:55
hykkoッフ<32022-03-30 07:56:36
Lipe● .  ★  ★ ° ☟ ☆ ž. ž  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ž .   °  ž. * ● ž .  ° ☟ °  ž. ● ž .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ž . ● ž    ★  ★☟ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ž .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☟ °  ž. * ● ž     ° ☟ °☆  . * ž.   ★ ★ ° . .   ž .: ❀ 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑟𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒚 ❀  ° ☟ ★ ° .  . • °   .  * :. . ž . ● ž    ★  ★☟ °★ .   ★ ° . .    . ☟ °☆  . * ● ž .   ★ ° :.  . • ○  .   °  . ● .    ° ☟ °☆  ž.● .  ★  ★ ° ☟ ☆ ž. ž  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .   ž .   °  ž. * ● ž .    ° ☟ °  ž. ● ž .  ★2022-03-29 16:00:15
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑊 𝑑𝑎𝑊   ⣠⢀⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2022-03-28 18:13:01
hykkoッフ<32022-03-28 16:16:44
SR.CHA|Nhey! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, rest and have fun!2022-03-26 18:51:59
HAYULHappy weekend Blue Fury! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay well2022-03-26 10:11:52
LipeIt doesn't matter the color of the sky. Who makes the day beautiful is you. 🖀🖀2022-03-25 12:52:16
LipeLife will try to take you down, but be strong. Have a good day! 🖀2022-03-24 12:37:23
LipeEnjoy your day, I wish you all the best.May you have a wonderful day.🖀🖀🖀2022-03-23 14:27:18
LipeHi dear, hope you are having a great day. 🖀Have a great week! 🖀2022-03-22 15:44:11
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮∧∧ω)぀━☆・*。⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しヌ   °。+ *Žš)         .• Žž.•*Žš) ž.•*š)          (ž.•Ž (ž.•’* ❀ 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ❀2022-03-22 10:20:59
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2022-03-21 10:24:11
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great week. 良い䞀週間を2022-03-21 04:39:20
ZheBabyHave a great week2022-03-21 02:15:11
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑊 𝑑𝑎𝑊   ⣠⢀⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2022-03-20 14:13:24
SaenaHave a lovely weekend dear Mostafa! Take a good rest and a deep breath and enjoy life!2022-03-20 03:13:27
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-03-19 14:07:44
HAYULEnjoy your weekend2022-03-19 13:53:19
hykkoッフ<32022-03-19 09:18:11
< <⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠜⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❀ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜Have a great day!2022-03-19 04:33:17
hykkoッフ<32022-03-18 12:42:00
hykkoッフ<32022-03-16 19:19:35
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎ ⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                             ⠘⡄𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ 𝓵𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠜⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄ 𝓭𝓪𝔂⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2022-03-15 15:05:18
Kaernk ZeroMay prosperity and triumphs be with you today, tomorrow and forever. May this new week mean a new path to greatness as a person and to success in everything you set out to do. A big hug and lots of health for you and your loved ones, Blue! ^^2022-03-15 01:46:28
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2022-03-13 15:35:16
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-03-13 07:46:55
ZheBabyHave a wonderful weekend2022-03-13 05:28:48
Saena“Weekends welcome warriors for social fun that starts on Friday. Share, Like, comment, and friend. Netiquette” ― David Chiles Enjoy your weekend!2022-03-13 04:20:38
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮__..,,__   ,.='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''``圡 }  _...:=,`'      т   X圡-J` 圡 /  ミ  ,_人_. 圡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,---.,,  ./    ボ ''```\;.{         Y   `J..r_.圳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  ❀ 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ❀2022-03-12 14:48:27
SR.CHA|NGood weekend. Enjoy.2022-03-12 07:11:04
hykkoッフ<32022-03-11 11:27:16
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁❀ Have a nice day ❀2022-03-10 17:40:34
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀.                ¯¯フ         , ''   /       !   .        , '      レ  _,  -' ミ        ;          `ミ __,xノ         i        ; ,、 ボ ž      ,.-‐!         i    ボ.._,,))     //Ž     ミ ボ     (¯`vŽ¯).    | l      -‐''ゝ,,)).       .`·.ž.·Ž     ボ.ヌ─'ÂŽ)  𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂2022-03-09 15:03:40
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊ ᲌   ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜💖 𝙃𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙬𝙀𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙙𝙖𝙮 💖2022-03-09 14:31:56
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2022-03-08 04:21:44
꧁Graphite꧂☆: *:* .☆: *:* .☆: *:* .☆(\ (\⠀​⠀​⠀​⠀​(\ (\ ⠀​ ⠀​⠀⠀​​(\ (\ ⠀​ ⠀⠀​⠀​​(\ (\(„• ֊ •„)⠀​ („• ֊ •„) ⠀​⠀​(„• ֊ •„) ⠀⠀​​(„• ֊ •„)O🍓O ⠀​O🌟O ⠀⠀​​O🌞O ⠀⠀​​O🥛 O☆: *:* .☆: *:* .☆: *:* .☆*:* .☆ Wish you a beautiful week ☆: *:*2022-03-07 18:45:23
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮__..,,__   ,.='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''``圡 }  _...:=,`'      т   X圡-J` 圡 /  ミ  ,_人_. 圡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,---.,,  ./    ボ ''```\;.{         Y   `J..r_.圳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  💖 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂 💖2022-03-07 17:30:03
hykkoッフ<32022-03-07 14:59:22
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2022-03-06 06:14:23
SR.CHA|NHey! Enjoy your weekend. Rest, and have fun, and be at peace.2022-03-05 19:49:58
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀⣠⢀⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁2022-03-05 13:49:14
HAYUL()'..'()                                                      (-•.•-)                                                      (,)♥(,)2022-03-05 12:59:01
hykkoッフ<32022-03-05 07:37:39
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friendThe recent high school entrance examination has made me very stressedMany of my friends say that I seem to be a different personI do not know why either2022-03-05 07:04:25
SANTANACWB∧∧ω)぀━☆・*。⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しヌ   °。+ *Žš)  (ž,·Ž (ž♥ ♥〃Ž`) 𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒜 𝒩𝒟𝒞𝑒 𝒟𝒶𝓎                   ,·Ž ž,·Ž`)                  (ž,·Ž (ž♥2022-03-04 06:32:40
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀,.ヌヌヌヌヌヌヌ__     ,,.ィ"           )                    \  /    / ./  /|  !  ,     ',  |   | .,'  /ÂŽ|___/| /! |  |  ボ  !   | .| /‐‐└' ! 」!| |  |   |  !/| 匋_,    |_lj |/ .,'       ,  |   |  ⊂⊃     '  ⊂!  /   ,,,,'.'/ \  |   |  |      ',=^^=ニ二_  l  l おはようございたす  |   |  ト    _ ̄::く`-'      ̄', .,'  |   |  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:::::::::::/:::::::|  |   ∧   !:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ノ  |   / l  |::::::::::::::::::::i::::::  | ,  !  |:::::::j ̄ ̄::::::::l2022-03-04 06:29:39
SaenaWishing you a beautiful day, happy thoughts and no worries!2022-03-03 07:25:35
hykkoッフ<32022-03-02 16:18:23
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮__..,,__   ,.='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''``圡 }  _...:=,`'      т   X圡-J` 圡 /  ミ  ,_人_. 圡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,---.,,  ./    ボ ''```\;.{         Y   `J..r_.圳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  💖 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂 💖2022-03-02 11:55:40
hykkoッフ<32022-02-28 12:45:57
hykkoッフ<32022-02-27 07:55:02
HAYULEnjoy your gaming time2022-02-26 17:08:14
Kaernk ZeroI hope you are in good health and have a wonderful weekend! Many successes and prosperity in every project that you propose and in this new month that is to come. You are a great person with a big digital heart of binary numbers. A big hug, Blue!2022-02-26 00:41:00
SR.CHA|NHey! Have a nice weekend, even with everything that's going on. Strength everyone.2022-02-24 20:28:26
ZheBabyHave a great weekend!2022-02-24 10:25:26
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2022-02-24 09:11:39
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day2022-02-24 04:11:29
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀⣠⢀⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁❀ Have a nice day ❀2022-02-22 14:40:28
< <⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎ ⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                             ⠘⡄ᕌᗩᐯᗎ ᗩ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ǀᖇᗎᗩ䞅 ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠜⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄ ᗯᗎᗎᛕ⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2022-02-21 11:37:14
hykkoッフ<3.2022-02-21 09:05:54
hykkoッフHave a great day!.2022-02-20 09:09:04
hykkoッフ<32022-02-19 13:44:02
SANTANACWB┌────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┐🖀Have a great day my friend  🖀└────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┘2022-02-19 12:19:11
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-02-19 05:17:45
MoiR♥♥♥♥♥2022-02-19 04:38:37
hykkoッフ<32022-02-18 10:45:18
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-02-18 08:16:28
SR.CHA|NHave a great weekend. Take a rest.Tenha um ótimo final de semana. Descanse.ХПрПшОх выхПЎМых. ОтЎПхМО.Passe un bon weekend. Repose toi un peu.良い週末を。 䌑憩しおください。اتمنى لك نهايه اسؚوع جميله. خذ راحة.Buon fine settimana. Riposati.2022-02-17 21:18:43
hykkoッフ<32022-02-17 08:18:24
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠜⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❀ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚!2022-02-16 03:40:20
hykkoッフ<32022-02-15 09:51:45
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2022-02-15 07:18:43
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮__..,,__   ,.='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''``圡 }  _...:=,`'      т   X圡-J` 圡 /  ミ  ,_人_. 圡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,---.,,  ./    ボ ''```\;.{         Y   `J..r_.圳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  💖 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂 💖2022-02-14 12:57:47
hykkoッフ<32022-02-14 09:29:34
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great week. 良い䞀週間を2022-02-14 06:13:19
< <|      ,. -'" ;'     |    ,.-''"     :'     |   :'"       ,,:     | , "          : 、     |;'     ,, ❀     :   ,.. - ;     |:      "      :-''"   ;'     | :               ,:'     |           ❀   ,:'     |            "'' , :'     |                 , :'        ,:'" :、  ,:   ;' - ,,,.. - '   :、  '' - ;    ;      :、       ,:'     |: ,,    ,:'     |    "     |  ,:'     | ,:' 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘝𝘢𝘭𝘊𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘊'𝘎 𝘋𝘢𝘺2022-02-14 06:07:21
Elímínv†eHey my friendMe too nice to meet you2022-02-14 05:03:19
BenaS⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎ ⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                             ⠘⡄ᕌᗩᐯᗎ ᗩ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ǀᖇᗎᗩ䞅 ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠜⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄ ᗯᗎᗎᛕ ⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊      ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2022-02-14 04:38:19
hykkoッフ<32022-02-13 09:51:29
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮⣠⢀⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁❀ Have a nice day ❀2022-02-12 14:26:41
hykkoッフ<32022-02-12 11:36:58
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-02-12 09:38:05
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名my friendI'm going to school tomorrowThis may take half a month2022-02-12 09:07:36
Saena...............OOOO.....OOO.............OOOOOO....OOO......OOOOOOOOO......OOOOOOOO..OOOO....OOOOOOOOO......OO.X.OOOOO..OOOO...OOOOOOOOOO......OOOOOOO...OOOO....OOOOOOOOOOOO......OOOOOO...OOO.....OOOOOOOOOOO..OO..OOOOOOOO...OOO......OOOOOOOOOOOO.......O......OOOOO....OOO.OOOOOOOOOOOOOO..............OOO....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO............OO........OOO....OOOOOOO.....OOOO...........O..........OOO..............................OOO.......................OOO..............................OOO......................OOO..............................OOOHappy Weekend!2022-02-12 07:28:02
ZheBabyHave a lovely weekend2022-02-11 23:39:04
hykkoッフ<32022-02-11 08:19:03
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2022-02-11 07:57:43
SR.CHA|NHow was your week? Have a nice weekend to rest and have fun.2022-02-11 05:53:29
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名I became a volunteer for Traffic Discouragement todayI have been dry all day and my feet are soreHave a great weekend my friend~2022-02-10 11:14:56
hykkoッフ<32022-02-10 08:10:17
ZheBabyHave a wonderful day, My friend2022-02-10 02:49:51
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名my friend had a great dayI'm starting schoolAt 1:20 am Beijing time, I am doing my homework2022-02-09 11:47:28
hykkoッフ<32022-02-09 09:14:44
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2022-02-09 07:52:40
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名It's a beautiful day, isn't it?I get along very well with "her", she even pulled my clothes while crossing the street :)I hold hands with herBut I never dared to take that step to confess to herHave a good day friend~2022-02-08 11:43:21
hykkoッフ<32022-02-08 11:19:57
hykkoッフ<32022-02-08 10:17:13
Kaernk ZeroBlue! I hope you have started this week with all the energy and health in the whole world! Many successes for each and every one of your projects. I wish you a lot of calm and peace along the way, along with many moments to treasure in your heart. May programming continue to guide your life towards one of the most optimized, stable and long-lasting codes in life, and that is happiness. A hug!2022-02-07 23:13:05
hykkoッフ<32022-02-07 17:11:14
hykkoッフ<32022-02-07 08:41:54
BenaS⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊ ᲌   ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜❀ 𝙃𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙬𝙀𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙙𝙖𝙮 ❀2022-02-07 07:04:23
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great week. 良い䞀週間を2022-02-07 04:26:24
ZheBabyThanks, Have a great day2022-02-07 03:56:48
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend,Have a great weekend ~weekend is coming to an end2022-02-07 03:10:41
hykkoッフ<32022-02-06 08:28:06
PAIN<332022-02-06 03:10:58
HAYUL🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2022-02-05 14:29:37
hykkoッフ<32022-02-05 13:07:34
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-02-05 05:24:53
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2022-02-05 05:23:31
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~2022-02-05 05:20:31
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you a great weekend aswell :)2022-02-05 03:33:50
DeadlyOrcッ⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                       ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀      ⢀⣀⣀⡀   ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠜⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛   ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❀ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜2022-02-05 03:24:43
SaenaHave a lovely weekend too my friend! You're gaming again, so did you buy a new rig? Have fun!2022-02-05 03:03:45
hykkoッフ<32022-02-04 22:55:24
BenaS┌────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┐🖀Have a great day my friend  🖀└────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┘2022-02-04 15:49:58
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀__..,,__   ,.='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''``圡 }  _...:=,`'      т   X圡-J` 圡 /  ミ  ,_人_. 圡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,---.,,  ./    ボ ''```\;.{         Y   `J..r_.圳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  ❀ 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ❀2022-02-04 02:18:39
SR.CHA|NHow are you? Enjoy the weekend!2022-02-03 22:30:26
ZheBabyHave a great day2022-02-03 21:14:42
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮⣠⢀⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁❀ Have a nice day ❀2022-02-02 14:06:06
SaenaHello friend! Hope you're fine! Have a nice week!2022-02-02 10:31:56
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2022-02-02 01:52:19
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Happy Spring Festival春节快乐2022-02-01 22:58:11
Kaernk ZeroHey Blue! I hope you have started this new week and this new month with all the energy in the world. Willing to build things that enrich your life more every day and programming new codes and cycles of prosperity and happiness. A big hug!2022-02-01 09:52:22
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀__..,,__   ,.='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''``圡 }  _...:=,`'      т   X圡-J` 圡 /  ミ  ,_人_. 圡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,---.,,  ./    ボ ''```\;.{         Y   `J..r_.圳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  ❀ 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ❀2022-01-31 13:23:32
𝗊𝗵𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗞𝗮⣠⢀⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁❀ Have a nice day ❀2022-01-31 08:49:26
SR.CHA|NHave a good start to the week.2022-01-31 06:28:46
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名happy new year's eve陀倕快乐2022-01-31 04:21:18
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great week. 良い䞀週間を2022-01-31 01:05:51
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Happy Spring Festival春节快乐2022-01-30 22:26:30
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊ ᲌   ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜❀ 𝙃𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙬𝙀𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙙𝙖𝙮 ❀2022-01-30 12:40:49
ZheBabyHave a lovely weekend!2022-01-29 21:37:30
HAYULᶜʰᵉᵉʳˢWish you an awesome weekend aswell2022-01-29 16:19:09
SR.CHA|NHave a nice weekend, take the opportunity to rest and have fun.2022-01-29 09:21:21
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名I drank some vodka today and felt like medical alcohol, which made me feel bad (:Have a great weekend my friend~2022-01-29 07:57:27
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2022-01-29 06:28:03
Til mit der Brill'™I wish you a great weekend aswell _D2022-01-29 03:20:10
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-01-29 03:12:27
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~2022-01-28 05:17:05
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice day, my friend~I am about to succeed ! :D2022-01-26 21:35:35
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀⣠⢀⣀   ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉⠁❀ Have a nice day ❀2022-01-26 14:24:55
Ethereal_LightWish you a nice day my friend,also I hope you're doing okay (^^)2022-01-26 03:09:46
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice day, my friend~2022-01-25 20:49:29
< <⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠜⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❀ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜Have a nice day 🌹2022-01-24 15:38:26
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2022-01-24 13:42:02
SR.CHA|NHow are you? Have a great start to the week!2022-01-23 19:46:18
HAYULEnjoy your weekend! Have fun & don't forget to take a good rest2022-01-23 08:15:23
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend2022-01-23 07:56:52
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2022-01-23 07:54:06
ZheBabyThanks, Have a great day2022-01-23 05:44:04
Kaernk ZeroHi Blue. I hope you are having a very nice weekend! I sincerely hope that you start this new week of January with all the attitude and health in the world. My best wishes, a hug! The power of programming shines with you!2022-01-22 23:33:12
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend2022-01-22 03:22:50
ZheBabyHave a great weekend2022-01-22 02:55:25
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-01-21 20:31:42
Til mit der Brill'™Have a great weekend aswell :)2022-01-21 16:42:08
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2022-01-21 09:12:51
Saena"The world is a beautiful place to be born into if you don't mind happiness not always being so very much fun if you don't mind a touch of hell now and then just when everything is fine because even in heaven they don't sing all the time"L. FerlinghettiHave a great weekend!2022-01-21 03:21:42
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great day my friend~2022-01-21 02:59:20
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Happy new day, my friend~2022-01-20 00:16:53
ShutenHave a good day <32022-01-19 02:19:31
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice day my friend2022-01-18 21:17:54
< <|      ,. -'" ;'     |    ,.-''"     :'     |   :'"       ,,:     | , "          : 、     |;'     ,, ❀     :   ,.. - ;     |:      "      :-''"   ;'     | :               ,:'     |           ❀   ,:'     |            "'' , :'     |                 , :'        ,:'" :、  ,:   ;' - ,,,.. - '   :、  '' - ;    ;      :、       ,:'     |: ,,    ,:'     |    "     |  ,:'     | ,:'2022-01-18 08:01:39
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Happy new day, my friend~I uploaded an artwork, can you comment on it?Thanks! 05:15:53
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Happy every day my friend~2022-01-16 23:01:34
SR.CHA|NHave a good start to the week, enjoy!2022-01-16 19:35:50
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~2022-01-15 23:50:57
HAYUL┌────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┐🖀Have a great day my friend  🖀└────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┘2022-01-15 15:48:57
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~2022-01-14 20:24:23
SR.CHA|NAnother weekend coming, take the opportunity to have fun, study, play! Have a great weekend!2022-01-13 22:11:35
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Happy new day, my friend2022-01-13 05:38:52
ShutenHave a nice day2022-01-11 06:48:12
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2022-01-10 12:08:09
SR.CHA|NAnother beginning of the week, enjoy studying, working and playing.Have a great start to the week.2022-01-10 06:05:50
SR.CHA|NAnother beginning of the week, enjoy studying, working and playing.Have a great start to the week.2022-01-10 06:05:50
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Never give up self-discipline2022-01-10 01:12:31
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great week. 良い䞀週間を2022-01-10 00:10:18
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2022-01-08 15:44:54
HAYUL🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2022-01-08 11:51:19
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2022-01-08 04:13:53
ShutenHave a nice weekend2022-01-08 03:06:07
SR.CHA|NHave a good weekend!Tenha um bom final de semana!¡Tener un buen fin de semana!Bon week-end!ХПрПшОх выхПЎМых!أجازة سعيدة!2022-01-07 21:35:05
halil(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Have nice ayyyy ♥ ƞ̵̡Ӝ̵̄̚Ʒ(can you award my profile ?)2022-01-07 16:03:06
ZheBabyHave a great week2022-01-04 04:37:24
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great week. 良い䞀週間を2022-01-03 01:33:43
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2022-01-02 15:36:20
SR.CHA|NI hope this year you are very successful. Enjoy the day and have a good start to the week.2022-01-02 11:36:49
ZheBabyHappy New Year 20222022-01-01 21:23:21
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Happy New Year 2022, my friend2022-01-01 20:23:12
HAYULHappy new year! Hope everything goes well 💜2021-12-31 17:14:00
akirahappy new year!! At New Year and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days2021-12-31 15:10:08
Til mit der Brill'™Happy new year :D2021-12-31 12:07:19
JIM RAYNORHappy New Year2021-12-31 11:40:38
devinhappy new year2021-12-31 10:52:55
SR.CHA|NComing to the end of the year, take the opportunity to celebrate, have fun and in 2022 may many good things come to you. :-)2021-12-31 07:51:17
ShutenHappy New Year2021-12-31 06:10:46
Jack-o'-LanternHappy new year 20222021-12-31 05:52:21
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend, today is the last day of 2021, I wish every success in the new year!2021-12-31 03:27:48
ZaraxHappy New Year 2022! Wishing you a year of health, wealth, happiness, luck, warmth and loads of love of your dear ones! Hope the New Year showers you with all that is beautiful!Let the celebration begin, Happy New Year 2022!2021-12-30 07:34:13
SR.CHA|NHave a great day and a happy new year!2021-12-29 18:30:28
SR.CHA|NLast week of the year, enjoy this year of parties, games, work as it should be. the important thing is to start the year well, have a great day and a good start to the holidays and a good end to the year.2021-12-28 10:56:32
akiraWish you will have a great week! get ready for the coming year!2021-12-27 04:47:53
Ethereal_LightHave a nice day (^_^)2021-12-27 02:19:58
HAYULℳᎇʀʀʏ ℭʜʀɪsᮛᮍᮀs & ℋᎀ᎘᎘ʏ ℋᎏʟɪᎅᎀʏs2021-12-25 03:22:15
ShutenMerry Christmas2021-12-25 00:38:42
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Merry Christmas, my friend~My love is about to come :D2021-12-25 00:26:36
Kaernk ZeroYou may be very skilled in programming, but you cannot program your future, a future that you built yourself with your steps and decisions, where the happiness, love and laughter of all those you have encountered in life will be marked in their hearts and a future in which prosperity and goals will surround you everywhere. I wish you a very nice Christmas and a happy New Year, Blue! ^^2021-12-24 14:36:38
SR.CHA|NAnother Christmas approaching, and enjoy your day, whether playing or having fun, the important thing is that you have a great day.2021-12-24 10:49:21
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名I'm back, Merry Christmas my friend~2021-12-24 05:22:58
BenaSℳ𝒆𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓌𝓜𝓶𝓪𝓌˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (Ž• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.田田 門╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`Ž¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` Ž¯˜"*°Ž¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`Ž¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`Ž¯˜"*°2021-12-24 03:08:21
Til mit der Brill'™I wish you nice winter holidays :D2021-12-24 03:08:16
Jack-o'-Lantern_∧_    ><    圡ミ   ★圡ミ★   *☆*人  ☆圡ミ圡☆  ★圡*★*ミ★ <**圡**>`<圡*☆圡ミ☆*ミ>☆圡★**★ミ☆`** |||| **    ||||   ∩=∩=∩   i侉i侉i侉iMERRY CHRISTMAS2021-12-24 01:55:08
SR.CHA|Nℳ𝒆𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓌𝓜𝓶𝓪𝓌˛*.。˛*˛.*☆҉ *.˛★ ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉ *. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉°*_██_*.。*/.*˛\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★**★ 。* . *☆҉˛. (Ž• ̮•)*.. .*/♫.♫\*˛. * ˛_Π_____.♥*.*☆҉ ˛**. ˛*.。˛. *☆҉.°( . • .) °../• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~*. ˛*.。˛* ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆҉*(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.田田 門╬╬╬╬╬*˚*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *☆¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`Ž¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯` Ž¯˜"*°Ž¯˜"*°••°*"˜¯`Ž¯˜"*°°*"˜¯`Ž¯˜"*°2021-12-23 19:38:38
akiraMerry Christmas to you! hope you will enjoy the winter sale as well. Take care & make a good rest this holiday.2021-12-23 15:22:27
SR.CHA|NSale começa dentro de algumas horas. Aproveite o dia de muitos games, tenha um feliz natal e próspero ano novo.Sale starts in a few hours. Enjoy the day of many games, have a merry christmas and a prosperous new year.La vente commence dans quelques heures. Profitez de la journée de nombreux jeux, passez un joyeux Noël et une nouvelle année prospÚre.РаспрПЎажа МачМется через МескПлькП часПв. НаслажЎайтесь ЎМеЌ ​​ЌМПжества Огр, веселПгП РПжЎества О уЎачМПгП НПвПгП гПЎа.2021-12-22 08:19:43
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2021-12-22 01:52:56
akirahave a good day!2021-12-21 04:06:22
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great week. 良い䞀週間を2021-12-21 01:08:35
Kaernk ZeroA new week has started with new goals and aspirations to be fulfilled. I hope that you manage to accomplish everything successfully and that your health is not lacking at any time for you. A hug, pal!2021-12-20 16:22:15
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2021-12-19 12:34:46
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2021-12-19 09:05:31
Kaernk ZeroNice to meet you too. I wish you a very nice Christmas with your family and friends.A hug and stay safe!2021-12-18 21:43:17
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2021-12-18 05:32:58
SR.CHA|NReady for sale? Have a good weekend.Preparado para a sale? Tenha um bom final de semana.ГПтПвы к прПЎаже? ХПрПшОх выхПЎМых. Prêt à vendre ? Bon week-end.2021-12-18 04:55:07
Til mit der Brill'™Have a great day too!2021-12-17 02:28:34
BenaS┌────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┐🖀Have a great day my friend  🖀└────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┘2021-12-15 01:45:06
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2021-12-15 01:42:48
akirahave a good week, take care2021-12-14 04:59:43
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great week. 良い䞀週間を2021-12-12 22:17:32
< <Have a great day2021-12-12 07:56:05
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a great weekend, my friend~I'm going to school2021-12-12 00:27:08
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2021-12-11 06:06:37
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2021-12-11 02:57:34
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you a nice weekend aswell :D2021-12-11 02:49:28
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名A new day begins~Have a great weekend, my friend2021-12-10 21:26:29
nonHave a nice weekend2021-12-10 17:03:54
SR.CHA|NHow's it going around? Just passing by to wish you good fun and a great weekend.2021-12-10 15:35:49
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名I am backHave a nice weekend, my friend~2021-12-10 04:12:17
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2021-12-10 01:16:10
akirawish you will have a lovely time today2021-12-08 00:31:13
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2021-12-05 09:56:19
Saena“Later he would ponder the relation between our extreme desire for something and our ability to realize it- was what we wanted inevitably brought about if we wanted it enough?” ― Alaa Al Aswany, The Yacoubian Building Have a great week!2021-12-05 04:34:24
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day. 良い䞀日を2021-12-05 04:25:17
SANTANACWB┌────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┐🖀Have a great day my friend  🖀└────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┘2021-12-05 03:05:05
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice weekend, my friend~I'm going to school soon(┬┬﹏┬┬)2021-12-04 22:36:50
Ozor Osborne🖀 Big Love Bro 🀍2021-12-04 18:52:43
akiraenjoy your weekend! have fun & don't forget to take a good rest.2021-12-04 03:35:18
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice weekend, my friend~I successfully went to the school's milk tea shop with the girl I had a crush on HA~ HA~ HA~I feel not far away XD2021-12-03 21:28:43
SR.CHA|NHow was your week? Alright? Have a great day and have a nice weekend.2021-12-03 15:52:04
Til mit der Brill'™have a great weekend aswell!2021-12-03 09:30:18
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2021-12-03 09:15:46
SaenaHave a great weekend! New job starts on Monday? Keep me posted.2021-12-03 04:54:15
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice weekend, my friend~2021-12-03 04:51:44
Ozor OsborneAye, take care :>2021-12-02 18:54:12
BenaS➻❥ ✿≥^.^≀✿ ❀๖ۣۜɊɑҩℰ ɑ ղ¡ℭℰ ɗɑɣッ2021-12-02 13:32:21
Jack-o'-Lanternhave a nice day 良い䞀日を2021-12-02 10:11:24
akirahave a good day2021-11-30 17:09:22
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2021-11-29 10:18:44
𝘋𝘌𝘍𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘛Have a good weekend2021-11-28 22:03:50
halilthank youuuu2021-11-28 12:42:24
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day 良い䞀日を2021-11-28 10:25:37
nonHave a weekend2021-11-28 06:57:12
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2021-11-28 03:26:58
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice weekend, my friendI'm going to school for 12 daysI run 3000 meters every day now XD2021-11-27 23:45:34
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you an awesome weekend aswell :D2021-11-27 08:49:44
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名I have a girl I likeI want to buy her milk teaI don't know what to say on the text messageMy friend, can you teach me?XDHave a nice weekend2021-11-26 22:20:22
SR.CHA|NGood weekend! Enjoy the sale!2021-11-26 14:59:50
< <__..,,__   ,.='`1     .,,..;~`''''    `''''``圡 }  _...:=,`'      т   X圡-J` 圡 /  ミ  ,_人_. 圡 `~  `~=::              Y    i.             .:   .\       ,---.,,  ./    ボ ''```\;.{         Y   `J..r_.圳   |     {   ``  `   i     \  𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒹𝒶𝓎2021-11-26 08:04:57
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名I am backI'm going for a runself-disciplineXDMy friend, have a nice weekend2021-11-26 04:05:34
akira☆ * .  ☆  . ∧∧ ∩ * ☆* ☆ ( ・∀・)/ . . ⊂   ノ* ☆☆ * (぀ ノ .☆   (ノ Happy thanksgiving2021-11-25 15:20:38
nonHave a nice day2021-11-24 19:11:30
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2021-11-24 14:56:25
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day2021-11-24 10:25:48
Til mit der Brill'™Have a great week aswell :D2021-11-22 09:15:26
< <Have a good day2021-11-22 07:46:42
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day2021-11-22 06:20:28
SaenaHave a nice day Blue!2021-11-22 06:09:07
akirahave a good day2021-11-22 00:47:32
▮ NO FILENice to meet you as well2021-11-21 10:53:10
LipeMᎀʏ ᎛ʜᎇ Ꭱᎇᎇᎋ ʙᎇ ғ᎜ʟʟ ᎏғ ғʟᎏᎡᎇʀs ᮀɮᮅ ғ᎜ʟʟ ᎏғ ɢᎏᎏᎅ ᎛ʜɪɎɢs. Hᮀᮠᮇ ᮀ ɢʀᎇᎀ᎛ Ꭱᎇᎇᎋ!2021-11-21 09:42:27
nonHave a nice day2021-11-20 22:03:18
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2021-11-20 13:58:40
HAYULМαvε α ηιcε ∂αү ♪♬2021-11-20 12:31:57
AwpakaNice to meet you as well, have a great day, and have a nice weekend!2021-11-20 03:04:57
SaenaAnd a sweet weekend to you as well!2021-11-20 02:32:32
akira" ∧∧ω)぀━☆・*。⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しヌ   °。+ *Žš)         .• Žž.•*Žš) ž.•*š)          (ž.•Ž (ž.•’*have a good weekend! enjoy!2021-11-19 22:59:58
Til mit der Brill'™Have a great weekend aswell :)2021-11-19 12:32:14
C0M4ND0Have a nice weekend!2021-11-19 08:23:49
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great weekend2021-11-19 07:55:01
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2021-11-19 06:41:53
hykkoッフ<32021-11-18 09:14:23
nonHave a nice day2021-11-17 08:19:10
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day2021-11-17 04:41:20
ShutenHave a nice day2021-11-17 03:02:43
akirahi new friend, nice to meet you! hope you will have a good day2021-11-17 02:59:16
VENOM™<32021-11-16 12:44:51
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great week2021-11-15 07:19:07
Til mit der Brill'™Have a great week aswell :32021-11-15 03:52:17
SaenaHave a great week, let me know when you get to Munich.2021-11-15 03:35:51
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend, have a nice weekend~ With the top one sky, one side of the water protection. I'm going to promote environmental protection XDI'm going to school for another 12 days2021-11-13 18:30:59
HAYULWishing you a wonderful weekend Ž▜`2021-11-13 09:42:03
Til mit der Brill'™Have a nice weekend aswell2021-11-13 03:20:00
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My friend, have a nice weekend~ With the top one sky, one side of the water protection. I'm going to promote environmental protection XD2021-11-12 22:07:56
SaenaHappy Weekend Time !!!2021-11-12 12:16:11
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名My left eye has 200 degree myopia and 190 degree astigmatism. Wearing glasses seems to correct it, but it’s really uncomfortable.Friend, protect your eyesHave a nice new day2021-11-11 19:40:44
SR.CHA|NHow are you? have a great day and a good weekend!2021-11-11 11:01:43
SANTANACWB┌────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┐🖀Have a great day my friend  🖀└────  ☆: *.☜ .* :☆. ────┘2021-11-10 14:15:00
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day2021-11-09 21:26:10
Til mit der Brill'™Have a neat week :)2021-11-09 12:52:01
HAYULhαʋe α ηice ɯeeƙeηd <32021-11-06 14:55:42
SR.CHA|NHave a great day, and have a nice weekend!2021-11-05 19:31:20
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day2021-11-04 09:13:04
SaenaHi Blue! I checked, the site still exists. Have a lovely day and enjoy your studies!2021-11-04 03:43:26
hykkoッフ<32021-11-03 11:52:18
Til mit der Brill'™Have a nice week aswell :)2021-11-03 09:25:16
hykkoッフ<32021-11-02 12:33:27
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice week2021-11-02 06:11:47
SR.CHA|NHave a great halloween day! Happy holidays, good games and have a good start to the week!2021-10-31 14:28:28
SR.CHA|NHave a great halloween day! Happy holidays, good games and have a good start to the week! Can you favourite? Thanks!2021-10-31 10:51:04
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Friend, I'm going to school for 12 daysI'm going to learn English well when I go back this timeHave a nice weekend, my friend~2021-10-30 20:06:05
VENOM™Have a nice weekend2021-10-30 19:00:49
nonHave a nice weekend2021-10-30 17:48:50
SaenaNo Halloween in Cairo, or are there people celebrating? Never mind enjoy your weekend!2021-10-30 12:00:31
Jack-o'-LanternHappy Halloween🎃2021-10-30 10:32:44
Til mit der Brill'™Same to you :)2021-10-30 09:34:27
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Victory won''t come to me unless I go to it.Have a nice weekend, my friend2021-10-29 21:17:44
SANTANACWBHAVE A NICE DAY 😊2021-10-29 16:19:31
hykkoッフ<3.2021-10-29 10:17:09
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名I'm back, my friend~I've made progress in my chemistry. :DI wish I could learn math well, my math score is too lowHave a nice weekend, my friend~2021-10-29 04:11:15
SR.CHA|NHow are you? excited for halloween? enjoy2021-10-28 22:03:20
hykkoッフ<32021-10-28 11:16:57
Til mit der Brill'™Have a great day as well :)2021-10-28 06:07:42
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day! 良い䞀日を2021-10-28 05:18:35
SaenaHey Blue thank you so much! You're a good friend. Have a great day!2021-10-28 05:16:14
nonHave a nice day!2021-10-28 05:14:42
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day! 良い䞀日を2021-10-26 23:13:23
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2021-10-26 11:24:47
hykkoッフ<3.2021-10-26 09:06:45
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you a great week aswell! :D2021-10-25 11:03:38
hykkoッフ<32021-10-25 10:33:55
nonHave a nice week2021-10-25 08:58:32
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2021-10-25 07:31:11
SaenaHope you're having a nice week too!2021-10-25 06:57:12
Jack-o'-Lantern良い䞀週間を2021-10-25 06:01:32
BenaS  ボ    i  |     /   /     !              ;' ':;,,     ,;'':;,             ;'   ':;,.,.,.,.,.,,,;'  ';,  ヌ         ,:'          :::::::: _        ,:'           ::::::::',     二    :'  ●      ●     ::::::::i.   ̄       i  ''' (__人_)  ''''    ::::::::::i    -‐      :             ::::::::i           `:,           :::::::::: /           ,:'        : :::::::::::::            ,:'         : : :::::::::::2021-10-24 14:43:06
nonHave a great weekend2021-10-23 19:01:51
Til mit der Brill'™Have a nice weekend aswell :32021-10-23 12:56:31
SR.CHA|NHave a great day, stay well and have a good time!2021-10-23 12:51:22
Kilepz膩I嶮薀篝爰曷暔黎㌢Ž  憊艇艀裲f睚鳫巓襎骞    莒憊殪幢緻I翰儂暔黎倢'”    ,傟盥皋袍i耘蚌玕偞′    雫寬I悗f篝嚠篩i瞒瞡霢     Ⅷ蟚f茯駲f迯瓲i軌垶′     `守I厖孩幢儂儌巓襎緲′          `守枢i磬廛嚠篩I瞒瞡倢'Ž              `守峜f蚌玕襎緲′           ‘守畝瓲軌揄′             毯綎鳫襎鑿緲               奪寔f厊絚緲′                    ”'眚悳巓緲′                   綎〟 ”'眚态巓登嶮 薀篝     緲    甯體i爺綎 眚琥 憊I軌襎暹 甯幗緲fi'   ç·²',纜  莒i綟碕碚爺綎 ”'眚皎巓襎驫 需I緲緲   纜穐  甯絛跚飩i髢綎銳爺綎`'等誄2021-10-23 11:15:09
SaenaBest weekend ever Blue! And next weekend the very best. And then the very,very best.2021-10-23 11:01:31
hykkoッフHave a great weekend2021-10-23 10:36:43
hykkoッフ<32021-10-22 10:48:18
nonHave a nice day2021-10-21 22:58:05
hykkoッフ⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠜⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊  ❀ ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜Have a nice day2021-10-21 13:08:09
Ethereal_Light⢀⡞⠳⣄⣀⣀⣀⣠⠞⢷⡀               ⣞⠟⠋⠁      ⠈⠙⠻⣇    ⣀             ⡟⠁⢰⣿⡆  ⣀  ⢰⣜⡆⠈⢧⢰⠛⡇           ⣞⢷⠶⠒⠉  ⠒⠭⠒  ⠉⠒⢶⠟⣏⡌⠃           ⣿⠶⣀⣀⣀          ⣀⣀⣀⠶⡟⠁           ⢞    ⠈⠉⠉⠙⠛⠛⠉⠉⠁    ⣏⣉⡙⣆           ⠘⡆                      ⢞⠃  ⢹⢞             ⣇                      ⢞⢀⡎⢣⠇             ⢞                      ⣞⠭⠔⠁             ⠞⣆⣀              ⣀⣰⠇                 ⠉⠙⠓⠒⠒⠒⠚⠋⠉2021-10-21 07:30:25
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day! 良い䞀日を2021-10-20 09:43:53
hykkoッフHave an amazing day my friend!2021-10-19 11:08:40
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day! 良い䞀日を2021-10-19 11:04:05
VENOM™NICE2021-10-18 11:00:20
hykkoッフHave a great start of the week2021-10-18 09:14:21
Til mit der Brill'™Hope you got an awesome week too :)2021-10-18 06:55:11
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great week! 良い䞀週間を2021-10-18 05:20:44
ShutenHave a nice day2021-10-18 03:33:45
JIM RAYNORHave a great week2021-10-18 02:54:16
hykkoッフHave a nice day <32021-10-17 10:09:00
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day! 良い䞀日を2021-10-17 02:22:58
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Good weekend, my friend I'm going to stay at school for a while AFK 12 days2021-10-17 01:32:29
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend! 良い週末を2021-10-16 06:53:15
SaenaHello Blue! Enjoy your weekend and happy gaming!2021-10-16 06:41:52
Ethereal_Light⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊    ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ Ɏɪᎄᎇ ᎅᎀʏ2021-10-16 01:41:44
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Today I'm going to study physics hardGood weekend, my friend2021-10-15 21:46:03
SR.CHA|Nhave a great day and stay safe!2021-10-15 18:51:17
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2021-10-15 15:07:27
hykkoッフʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ ᎡᎏɎᎅᎇʀғ᎜ʟ ᎡᎇᎇᎋᎇɎᎅ2021-10-15 11:45:58
SaenaWishing you a wonderful weekend!2021-10-15 07:14:42
Til mit der Brill'™Thanks :D hope you got a good one too!2021-10-15 06:43:30
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名After eight days at school, I feel that I have made progress in my math XDBut my English is still very poorGood weekend, my friend 2021-10-15 06:17:08
Jack-o'-LanternHave a good weekend2021-10-15 05:54:38
hykkoッフHave a wonderful day2021-10-14 11:09:38
hykkoッフɪ ʜᎏ᎘ᎇ ʏᎏ᎜ ʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ ɢʀᎇᎀ᎛ ᎅᎀʏ2021-10-13 12:02:54
Jack-o'-LanternHave a great day!2021-10-13 08:17:56
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you the same!2021-10-12 11:01:28
Til mit der Brill'™Same to you!2021-10-11 08:46:05
hykkoッフʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ ɢʀᎇᎀ᎛ ᎅᎀʏ ᮀɮᮅ s᎛ᎀʏ ʜᎇᎀʟ᎛ʜʏ2021-10-11 08:34:26
BenaS⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊    ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ ʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ Ɏɪᎄᎇ ᎅᎀʏ!!!2021-10-11 08:30:08
SaenaHave a peaceful happy week Blue!2021-10-11 04:02:48
Til mit der Brill'™Have a great weekend too!2021-10-10 03:24:19
Ethereal_Light⢀⡞⠳⣄⣀⣀⣀⣠⠞⢷⡀               ⣞⠟⠋⠁      ⠈⠙⠻⣇    ⣀             ⡟⠁⢰⣿⡆  ⣀  ⢰⣜⡆⠈⢧⢰⠛⡇           ⣞⢷⠶⠒⠉  ⠒⠭⠒  ⠉⠒⢶⠟⣏⡌⠃           ⣿⠶⣀⣀⣀          ⣀⣀⣀⠶⡟⠁           ⢞    ⠈⠉⠉⠙⠛⠛⠉⠉⠁    ⣏⣉⡙⣆           ⠘⡆                      ⢞⠃  ⢹⢞             ⣇                      ⢞⢀⡎⢣⠇             ⢞                      ⣞⠭⠔⠁             ⠞⣆⣀              ⣀⣰⠇                  ⠉⠙⠓⠒⠒⠒⠚⠋⠉2021-10-10 02:57:48
SaenaEnjoy your weekend and good gaming!2021-10-09 11:25:13
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2021-10-09 10:58:23
hykkoッフʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ ᎡᎏɎᎅᎇʀғ᎜ʟ ᎅᎀʏ2021-10-09 09:50:45
hykkoッフ⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊    ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ ʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ Ɏɪᎄᎇ ᎅᎀʏ2021-10-08 09:53:00
Ethereal_Light⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉Have a nice day2021-10-07 01:03:18
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2021-10-06 05:40:31
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice day!2021-10-06 01:17:45
veterNice to meet you too!2021-10-05 12:52:23
hykkoッフʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ ᎡᎏɎᎅᎇʀғ᎜ʟ ᎅᎀʏ2021-10-05 12:12:59
JIM RAYNORHave a great day2021-10-05 12:10:33
BenaS∎ * *   *   *   ★   ☆°. *  ·   ° ★     *.☆𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓃𝒟𝒞𝑒 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀!   * ☆ *.    *   *      。 ☆2021-10-05 12:09:02
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day2021-10-05 10:14:20
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you a great week too2021-10-04 18:39:31
hykkoッフHave a nice monday2021-10-04 14:15:17
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day2021-10-04 12:36:35
BenaS⢠⠊⣉⠒⠀⢀⡀          ⡐⢁⠎⢜⢄ ⡎⢞  ⠉⠐⠢⢌⠑⢄    ⡞  ⡆    ⠣⠱⡀ ⡇⢞        ⣀⠗  ⠉⠉⠁  ⠙⠢⠀⡀⢃⢱ ⡇⠘⣄⢀⠔⠉                    ⠈⠁⠘⡄ ⢇    ⠁                              ⠘⡄ ⢞            ⢀⣀⣀⡀        ⢀⣀⣀⡀  ⢣ ⡞        ⢎⣟⡿⠿⠿⠇        ⠘⠛⠛⠛  ⠈⢄⠰⡁              ⢠⠒⠢⡀⠈⠒⠊    ⡠⢄  ⡘ ⠱⣀          ⢀⠜    ⠇        ⢀⠔⠁  ⡏     ⠑⠀⢄⣀⠔⠁    ⡜        ⠊⠁  ⢀⠜ʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ Ɏɪᎄᎇ ᎅᎀʏ2021-10-04 10:10:32
SaenaHello Blue, thank you for the invite. Have a good week!2021-10-04 04:07:04
死胖子没到120斀䞍改名Have a nice day2021-10-04 04:03:40
hykkoッフHi, ¿how are you? <32021-10-03 12:49:15
HAYULHave a fun and relaxing weekend friend2021-10-02 15:10:58
CarbonCarlI hope you're having a safe weekend!2021-10-02 13:25:31
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2021-10-02 11:08:42
Til mit der Brill'™Same to you!2021-10-02 10:09:29
hykkoッフ!Hello!, Have a great weekend2021-10-02 09:44:43
SR.CHA|NHave a great day and a great weekend!2021-10-01 21:14:35
Til mit der Brill'™Have a nice day too :D2021-09-30 13:52:04
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice day2021-09-30 09:14:48
hykkoッフ⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠀⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣀⢀⡀ ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢊⠈⠑⢀⡀  ⢀⣀⣀⡀ ⢞⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡌⠃ ⠞⢚⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁ ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷⡇⣂⢞⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁ ⠙⢀⡀                                  ⣀⡎⠋     ⠉⠉⠒⠒⠊⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠶⠒⠚⠉Have a nice day and stay safe2021-09-30 07:22:01
HAYULʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ Ɏɪᎄᎇ ᎅᎀʏ💚2021-09-30 05:11:11
SR.CHA|Nthanks my friend!2021-09-28 08:17:31
Ethereal_LightThank you so much, I'm happy you like it! I adore your Lara Croft artwork as well!2021-09-28 04:31:36
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you a nice day too!2021-09-28 04:12:43
Til mit der Brill'™Have a nice week aswell :)2021-09-27 08:34:36
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice week2021-09-27 04:48:21
SR.CHA|Nhow are you going around have a great weekend and a good week!2021-09-25 11:39:39
Jack-o'-LanternHave a nice weekend2021-09-25 07:34:34
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2021-09-25 04:31:17
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you the same!2021-09-25 02:40:24
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2021-09-21 06:05:34
Til mit der Brill'™Have a nice week as well!2021-09-20 17:18:51
SR.CHA|Nhave a great weekend rest and a great start to the week!2021-09-19 09:43:04
Til mit der Brill'™Have a great weekend aswell :32021-09-18 12:51:53
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend as well2021-09-18 03:33:03
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you the same!!2021-09-16 16:37:28
Ethereal_LightWish you a nice day!2021-09-15 04:23:36
BenaS∎ * *   *   *   ★   ☆°. *  ·   ° ★     *.☆𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓃𝒟𝒞𝑒 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀!   * ☆ *.    *   *      。 ☆2021-09-13 15:51:20
JIM RAYNORHave a nice week as well2021-09-13 13:20:49
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you a great day too!!2021-09-13 11:17:44
SR.CHA|NHave a great weekend and a good start to the week! stay safe!2021-09-12 09:41:14
Ethereal_LightThanks, have a nice day as well!2021-09-09 08:07:46
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2021-09-09 05:57:44
Til mit der Brill'™Have a nice day too!2021-09-09 03:52:52
BenaS⢀⡞⠳⣄⣀⣀⣀⣠⠞⢷⡀               ⣞⠟⠋⠁      ⠈⠙⠻⣇    ⣀             ⡟⠁⢰⣿⡆  ⣀  ⢰⣜⡆⠈⢧⢰⠛⡇           ⣞⢷⠶⠒⠉  ⠒⠭⠒  ⠉⠒⢶⠟⣏⡌⠃           ⣿⠶⣀⣀⣀          ⣀⣀⣀⠶⡟⠁           ⢞    ⠈⠉⠉⠙⠛⠛⠉⠉⠁    ⣏⣉⡙⣆           ⠘⡆                      ⢞⠃  ⢹⢞             ⣇                      ⢞⢀⡎⢣⠇             ⢞                      ⣞⠭⠔⠁             ⠞⣆⣀              ⣀⣰⠇                 ⠉⠙⠓⠒⠒⠒⠚⠋⠉2021-09-07 02:59:23
JIM RAYNORHave a great day2021-09-07 02:20:07
Ethereal_Light𝓊𝓲𝓌𝓱 𝔂𝓞𝓟 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂!Hope you are doing fine my friend!2021-09-06 08:17:40
SR.CHA|Nhave a great weekend of good games and good fun!2021-09-04 10:14:45
BenaS,-        ..-        ./:::::      ::::::ボ       /::::::::::::;ゝ--──-- ._/::::::::::::|       /,.-‐''"ÂŽ          ::::::|                     ボ    /    ●         ●    ボ     l   , , ,                   l     .|      (_人__䞿  """      |     l        ボノ         l    `   /⌒⌒i   /⌒ボ         /      `/    |  |         Have a nice weekend2021-09-04 04:06:51
Til mit der Brill'™Have a nice weekend aswell!2021-09-04 03:33:10
Blue FuryI'm fine too, thanks😊😊😊2021-09-04 01:26:15
Ethereal_LightI'm fine thank you, how are you? (^_^) Hope everything's ok.2021-09-04 01:14:39
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2021-09-04 00:00:12
HAYULғᎏʀ ʏᎏ᎜ʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ ɢᎏᎏᎅ ᎡᎇᎇᎋᎇɎᎅ2021-09-03 17:06:10
Ethereal_LightWish you a nice day! (^_^) Hope you are doing fine.2021-09-03 00:54:35
JIM RAYNORHave a great weekend2021-09-02 23:44:52
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you the same, blue man :D2021-09-02 12:54:58
Ethereal_LightWish you a nice and joyful day, take care of yourself and do things that make you happy.2021-08-30 01:50:41
HAYULHave a nice and safe weekend my friend2021-08-28 14:09:18
SR.CHA|Nhave a great weekend and stay safe!2021-08-28 09:34:53
Til mit der Brill'™Wish you a nice weekend too!2021-08-28 07:53:27
Ethereal_LightThank you, I wish you a relaxing and positive day (^_^)Also, I happened to see this guide about ascii art, I thought you might be interested since we talked about it the other day: I haven't read it myself yet tho, I hope it's useful.2021-08-26 08:50:24
Ethereal_Light“We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.”Have a nice day ❀2021-08-24 22:19:54
Ethereal_LightHi, I wanted to let you know that I managed to make the artwork fit the box. Thank you so much for your help! I wouldn't make it without that guide you sent me.2021-08-23 09:29:37
HAYULHave a blessed and beautiful day2021-08-20 08:29:27
Ethereal_LightHi, how are you today? I wish you a nice day my friend.2021-08-18 03:00:29
Blue FuryPlease feel free to comment on my profile ^_^2021-08-17 10:34:01
Ethereal_Light(¯`vŽ¯)  `·.ž.·Ž  ž.·Ž ž.·Žš) ž.·*š) (ž.·Ž  (ž.·Ž .·Ž Wish you a joyful day.As you can see I like to comment on friend profiles, if you wish me to stop commenting that often please let me know (^_^) Also thank you for always commenting back!2021-08-17 02:14:52
HAYULã…€ ã…€ ã…€ ã…€ ã…€ ㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀ ã…€ ㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀㅀ ㅀㅀㅀ ㅀㅀ ã…€ ã…€ ã…€ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᶰᶀᶜᵉ ᵈᵃʞ ♡ㅀㅀㅀ2021-08-14 15:55:28
Ethereal_LightThank you, I wish the same to you!2021-08-14 03:53:46
Ethereal_Light_________💖💖____________💖💖______💖______💖______💖______💖_____💖_________💖__💖_________💖____💖____________💖____________💖_____💖_________________________💖______💖_______________________💖________💖___________________💖__________💖_______________💖____________💖___________💖_______________💖_____💖___________________💖Don't forget to start your day with positivity! Wish you a nice day my friend!2021-08-12 05:00:59
Ethereal_LightThank you, wish you a nice day a as well!2021-08-10 03:39:28
HAYULʜᎀᎠᎇ ᮀ ɢʀᎇᎀ᎛ Ꭱᎇᎇᎋ & ᎇɎᎊᎏʏ ᎛ʜᎇ ꜱ᎛ᎇᎀᎍ ꜱ᎜ᎍᎍᎇʀ ꜱᎀʟᎇ2021-06-27 11:17:14
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓎𝓪❀🀍🀍   🀍🀍                      🀍      🀍      🀍                      🀍               🀍                         🀍         🀍                            🀍   🀍                               🀍2021-06-20 15:28:06
devinnice to meet you2021-06-11 09:45:14
HAYULI wish each and every week of your life is blessed with new opportunities to grow. Sending my love to you Always keep safe2021-05-31 04:06:58
HAYULᕌᗩᐯᕮ ᗩ ᑎIᑕᕮ ᗯᕮᕮKᕮᑎᑐ ─ ♡2021-05-22 23:45:54
HAYULᘍᑎᒍÖ𝖞 𝖞Öᑌᖇ T𝖚ᗰᘍ2021-05-16 19:15:01
CarbonCarlHappy Easter my good friends!2021-04-04 15:53:55
CarbonCarlHave an awesome week my friend! Stay safe!2021-03-29 01:34:07
CarbonCarlI hope you've had a good week! If you use Discord come stop by my community group and say hello! 19:16:34
CarbonCarlHey friends! Stop by my Twitch channel some time and come say hello!It would be awesome if you would come chill and game with us 23:55:57
HAYULWish you a lovely weekend2021-01-29 19:25:03
HAYULHappy weekend2021-01-15 18:44:17
CarbonCarlHappy New Year my friend! Let's hope life is better for 2021. Stay Safe!2020-12-31 14:10:29
ZaraxHappy new year 2021! May all your dreams come true!2020-12-31 12:22:22
HAYULMay the coming year be the most fruitful year of our lives. Happy New Year2020-12-31 06:12:48
CarbonCarlᎍᎇʀʀʏ ᎄʜʀɪsᮛᮍᮀs ᎍʏ ғʀɪᎇɎᎅ2020-12-24 17:33:42
HAYUL{\__/}( • - •)/぀2020-12-18 03:09:19
HAYULHave a nice weekend as always, stay safe2020-12-12 18:32:21
CarbonCarlHave a safe and relaxing week my friend2020-12-07 23:22:20
CarbonCarlI hope you're having a good weekend!I've recently got into streaming, it would be great if you could stop by my channel and say hello sometime! 17:43:48
HAYULHave an awesome weekend2020-11-27 16:35:17
HAYULNice to meet you2020-11-23 03:06:26
CarbonCarlIt's almost the weekend! Have an awesome friday!2020-10-22 21:57:28
Examp1e 滅+rep2020-10-14 15:42:32


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