
SteamID64: 76561198834166205
SteamID32: [U:1:873900477]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:436950238
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/lesya_zayka/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198834166205

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: UNK

Creation: NOT-CHECKED (GMT) [Estimated]
Last Updated: 2023-09-15 06:55:22

VAC Banned: True (Last ban 1806 days ago) [1 on record]
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Persona History

NameTime Changed
łesya2023-04-15 13:43:00
WAGNER2023-04-01 10:48:55 [Estimated]

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
ZAYKA2023-04-30 10:55:23

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/lesya_zayka/2023-04-01 10:48:55

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2023-04-30 10:55:23


Total: [125] | Deleted: [1]

! Duobot (VeryLow) Level Up 30:1*Beep beeep* Thanks for trade! ^.^ have a good day <32023-10-07 15:56:49
Nanomachines, son!+rep(podkypil)2021-11-18 23:04:23
And You+rep2021-11-18 12:22:15
That's Alright+rep2021-11-18 11:46:30
ОЧКО#MAGIC RUST+rep2021-11-18 11:46:06
𝓢_𝓾𝓖𝓪𝓻+rep2021-11-18 10:04:26
GunDone63+rep2021-11-18 10:00:20
boring gamerep2021-11-18 09:54:53
Cash me outside+rep2021-11-18 09:48:05
Белый+rep2021-11-18 09:39:15
𝕫𝕩𝕔 Илюша+rep2021-11-18 09:31:32
BAD INFLUENCE+rep top 4el2021-11-18 09:31:10
Таракан #MAGICRUST+rep тип ебнутый2021-11-18 09:25:59
Braslict+rep2021-11-18 09:25:51
streamsniper+rep2021-11-18 09:21:05
beton+rep2021-11-17 23:34:02
Omoeba_obyknvoyenny+rep2021-11-17 22:56:00
TERAMEN+REP хороший растер но бомбящий )2021-11-17 22:31:57
biba+rep2021-11-17 15:52:04
Pivo rearm pivo+rep2021-11-17 15:51:54
убиватель лохов+реп2021-11-17 15:45:28
SanSay_+rep2021-11-17 15:45:21
Люблю+rep2021-11-17 15:36:56
fashion destroyer #MadFun.ru+rep2021-11-17 12:51:23
Richi+rep2021-11-17 12:38:52
crazyy #magicrust+rep2021-11-17 12:37:26
streamsniper+rep2021-11-17 12:26:50
Mixalic56+rep крутой чел)2021-11-17 12:17:41
махачкалец+rep очень круто играет)2021-11-17 12:06:52
ТЫГЫДЫК ♡+Rep разьебывает не по детски ...2021-11-17 12:06:07
DvaChe+rep lol2021-11-17 12:05:51
JustChillin+rep2021-11-16 18:33:00
[LK]juggernautPVE фармила )2021-11-15 12:34:21
Отжаргалюпомогает когда надо, от души. +rep cheat2021-11-15 11:08:52
suenojkeeee+rep шамиль ебет2021-11-12 10:10:02
ЖатецкийГусь+rep (anakonda)2021-11-12 09:06:02
ПРИЗРАК АСФАЛЬТА+rep2021-11-12 09:03:56
ЛЕЕ Пидорасы+rep2021-11-12 08:53:57
₪scrulx+rep2021-11-12 08:49:14
Wake up, F1lthy+rep2021-11-09 11:22:59
㋛ WAGNER+Rep Good Teammate, I Wish you good Luck!2021-05-11 08:20:57
JOSKIY+Rep Good Teammate, I Wish you good Luck!2021-05-06 03:10:31
Morana Battory+Rep Good Teammate, I Wish you good Luck!2021-05-05 07:31:47
76561199105065601+Rep Good Teammate, I Wish you good Luck!2021-04-24 01:28:58
Slevin:3 32021-03-03 08:58:34
76561199104205483+Rep Good Teammate, I Wish you good Luck!2020-11-04 23:24:54
BpeDHblùтак у меня есть микро)2020-10-27 16:54:59
! Duobot (Low) Level Up 30:1*Beep beeep* thank you for trading with me ^.^ have a good day2020-10-04 02:19:17
łesyaНе хочу Попасть я в Вену,Не Хочу в Париж, Мадрид,А хочу Попасть в ЕленуПятый День Уже Стоит!2020-10-04 02:15:13
! Duobot (Low) Level Up 30:1*Beep beeep* thank you for trading with me ^.^ have a good day2020-10-01 16:26:02
łesya+Rep2020-08-30 02:09:11
ПРИЗРАК АСФАЛЬТА+rep good2020-08-24 16:16:36
Alaska Young<3+Rep Nice Aim2020-07-29 07:20:24
!Wulf # Selling Cheap GamesHello friend, I just opened my new Online Games WebStore, and If you're looking for the best prices, I got you. Take a look, you can check it using the link from my name..or from my profile..or from here, If Steam doesn't remove it: HTTPS:/SHOP.WULF.GG Also, If you will end up buying, there is a 15% discount code for people from my friendlist: "WulfsFriends"This coupon will last only 7 days tho, so make sure you use it wisely.Thanks for your attention, and also, there is a giveaway with 50 Unique Games on the website too, free entrance, so make sure you participate!P.S: For whoever feels like this message is some spam, remember that I have never added anyone and all from my friendlist are people who added me. Therefore, I did not targeted you especially to spam your profile but I just advertise my work, feel free to remove me If you don't want further messages from me or comments regarding my stuff. Its easy. No hate required.2020-06-21 11:35:38
𝘈𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘢+Rep Nice Aim!2020-04-29 15:44:16
P4RKAN_oJ+Rep Very Funny man!2020-04-29 14:43:35
KRekty+Rep Good Teammate, I Wish you good Luck!2020-04-29 14:19:48
SMILEORDIE+Rep Nice Aim!2020-04-29 14:15:10
Nightingale+Rep Good Teammate, I Wish you good Luck!2020-04-27 05:35:38
Саня Бригада+Rep Good Teammate, I Wish you good Luck!2020-04-27 05:32:38
XFXR CS.FAIL csgo.band+Rep Great player, Thank You for not Cheating!2020-04-27 05:11:12
LOL MAN+Rep Great player, Thank You for not Cheating!2020-04-27 04:57:44
CSGORUN Ekkanyled 💙+Rep Good Teammate, I Wish you good Luck!2020-04-27 04:36:00
Rocksy+Rep Good Teammate, Have A Good Day!2020-04-27 04:30:35
грязная диана+Rep Great player, Thank You for not Cheating!2020-04-27 04:25:55
real haunted mound+Rep Good Teammate, I Wish you good Luck!2020-04-27 04:23:24
sladkeh+Rep Good Teammate, Have A Good Day!2020-04-27 03:57:21
ディステイン+Rep Excellent trader!2020-04-26 05:51:55
rissonyt+Rep Excellent trader!2020-04-26 05:20:48
XFXR CS.FAIL csgo.band+Rep Excellent trader!2020-04-26 04:25:42
MinerFixed+Rep Excellent trader!2020-04-26 03:51:19
ГЕТЬМАН+Rep The most Adequate teammate2020-04-26 03:46:29
ДоЗа СчАсТьЯ+Rep Excellent trader!2020-04-26 03:31:12
k1matos+Rep Top shooter!2020-04-26 03:18:40
CSGORUN Ekkanyled 💙+Rep The most Adequate teammate2020-04-26 03:00:07
Rocksy+Rep Excellent trader!2020-04-26 02:54:54
SiNr+Rep Top Raider2020-04-24 07:20:02
Polson+Rep You are very positive2020-04-24 07:17:05
Graffer+Rep Best Teammate2020-04-24 07:13:42
+Rep Top Raider2020-04-24 06:55:07
SMILEORDIE+Rep You are very positive2020-04-24 06:42:51
Viole+Rep Top Raider2020-04-24 05:46:18
hiki+Rep You are very positive2020-04-24 04:57:53
Nuris+Rep God of This Planet!2020-03-13 18:12:37
LlKAN+Rep God of This Planet!2020-03-13 17:56:37
Ваки Старк FAIL csgorun+rep2020-03-13 17:23:51
𝑺𝑯𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑫𝑹+Rep Good Player!2020-03-13 16:32:23
76561198927883815+Rep Speech in Love!2020-03-13 16:10:06
parf020603+Rep Powerful Property!2020-03-13 15:58:53
ДоЗа СчАсТьЯ+Rep I love you!2020-03-13 15:51:04
『FuNTik』ム+Rep Thank You For Your Support, Dear Friend!2020-03-10 23:11:35
Мисисипи ✅+Rep Good player! My Russian Friend!2020-03-10 13:21:04
Уебан+rep2020-03-10 13:02:29
Michael Myers+Rep Good player! My Russian Friend!2020-03-10 12:56:08
✮☢l_NarmeR_l☢✮+Rep good player2020-03-10 00:41:57
GRIZZLY | BOOST+Rep Best Trader in The World!2020-03-09 13:58:00
GRIZZLY | BOOST+Rep Best Trader in The World!2020-03-09 13:55:12
MAKAPOH csgo.run+Rep Good person, Thank You for sharing the items!2020-03-09 13:42:17
zeRRo+Rep Good player2020-03-09 13:04:37
Skytreezyrep2020-03-09 13:00:18
:ℙ𝕒𝕣ℤ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝+rep2020-03-09 08:05:36
Itachi+Rep2020-03-09 05:52:33
SiiZ+Rep2020-03-09 05:22:49
Krid+Rep2020-03-09 05:20:39
TiKo+Rep2020-03-09 05:16:15
.+rep2020-03-09 04:34:51
Sl1201+Rep2020-03-09 04:11:27
mxrxkun+Rep2020-03-09 04:00:44
yarw1ck+rep2020-03-09 03:47:48
여름이 싫은 펭귄 ((+Rep2020-03-09 03:29:38
Yng Woozi+Rep2020-03-09 03:13:20
|?|+Rep2020-03-09 03:03:38
여름이 싫은 펭귄 ((++top2020-03-09 02:54:36
меф+Rep2020-03-09 02:04:38
Mollis+Rep2020-03-09 01:27:02
! Duobot (Low) Level Up 30:1*Beep beeep* thank you for trading with me ^.^ have a good day2020-03-06 10:02:27
Aktainer+4len2020-02-27 22:57:21
OpGrOeDssПлечистый немец, выбритый до лоска,Вел по деревне русского подростка.Повизгивая жалобно и тонко,За мальчиком бежала собачонка.Они свернули за сугроб проулка.Два выстрела рванули воздух гулко.И показался над сугробом смятымБелесый немец с черным автоматом.Застыл в сугробе мальчик. А у ногУткнулся носом в черствый снег щенок.Хозяину кудлатый верен был.За это немец и его убил.2020-02-25 03:18:04
AmbassadorАуе2020-02-25 01:22:28
❟❛❟ SASUKE ❟❛❟Clava xyu sosi2020-02-25 00:25:29
Коловрат+repkirill pec2020-02-24 13:48:30
OpGrOeDssSoglasen2020-02-23 10:18:48
Dirty +1Slava gey2020-02-23 10:17:05
OpGrOeDssНе артист, не программист,Не политик, не ученый.Твоя профессия — «танкист»,Живешь ты как на поле боя.2020-02-23 10:16:47
łesyaBillie Eilish2020-02-23 10:05:13


Total: [45] | TF2BD: [0] (0.00%) | SB: [0] (0.00%)

! Duobot (VeryLow) Level Up2023-09-15 16:05:02
(261 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
! Duobot (VeryLow) Level Up #22023-09-15 16:01:10
(261 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
! Duobot (Junior) Level Up2023-09-15 16:01:03
(261 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
! Duobot (Low) Level Up #22023-09-15 16:00:35
(261 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
! Duobot (VeryHigh) Level Up2023-09-15 16:00:26
(261 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
! Duobot (High) Level Up2023-09-15 16:00:15
(261 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611993216054452023-08-24 03:17:36
(283 days)
TVOYA MAT' ШЛЮХ22023-08-07 16:47:07
(300 days)
765611993868151822023-05-04 04:04:58
(395 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611989474405412023-04-30 10:46:59
(399 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611989906875942023-04-14 04:21:33
(415 days)
765611992193205242023-04-04 09:12:05
(425 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611994395159992023-03-31 16:33:10
(429 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611982731545752023-03-21 07:46:05
(439 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611988737744552022-03-18 06:03:56
(807 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611980537588982021-11-18 12:54:46
(927 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
Vantupe2021-11-14 14:54:54
(931 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
HELLO KITTY2021-11-09 07:30:12
(936 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611984442972782021-11-08 07:47:33
(937 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
₪scrulx2021-11-08 01:43:01
(937 days)
765611990728659392021-11-02 10:25:42
(943 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
㋛ WAGNER2021-05-11 08:15:45
(1118 days)
hhh2021-02-24 12:00:34
(1194 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611981239397952021-02-21 13:39:34
(1197 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
Хмурый2020-07-29 13:48:50
(1404 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
blaze2020-07-21 17:19:39
(1412 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611981214790742020-07-20 04:41:38
(1413 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611989917318102020-06-25 10:49:55
(1438 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
765611988670393052020-06-24 06:14:11
(1439 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
IIISLAVIKIII2020-06-17 02:42:58
(1446 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
Looser2020-06-01 02:09:51
(1462 days)
Terra Alex2020-04-25 14:39:32
(1499 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
Коловрат2020-04-19 17:39:45
(1505 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
ТРЕТИЙ СКИЛЛ2020-04-14 08:00:29
(1510 days)
Andrei2020-02-26 12:42:17
(1558 days)
765611988924749362020-02-25 03:16:05
(1559 days)
765611981677878912019-04-06 08:07:03
(1884 days)
765611981310243112018-11-29 11:58:06
(2012 days)
hex2018-09-29 12:52:49
(2073 days)
Dirty +12018-07-26 11:59:51
(2138 days)
NightMare2018-06-17 02:07:50
(2177 days)
2024-04-06 12:30:14 (57 days)
Follmit2018-06-11 06:47:53
(2183 days)
765611982231130202018-05-24 10:51:53
(2201 days)
HohloREZ2018-05-16 14:29:58
(2209 days)
PHARMACIST2018-05-05 17:53:06
(2220 days)