
SteamID64: 76561199136450952
SteamID32: [U:1:1176185224]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:588092612

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2021-02-01 11:35:33 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2024-03-20 00:04:45

VAC Banned: True (Last ban 1191 days ago) [1 on record]
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

Click on the SourceBan tags to expand them
SourceBans: In 1 Lists
* BlackWonder:
   - Permanent:

Persona History

NameTime Changed
HutchyBen2024-03-20 00:04:45
tranny meister 4k uhd2023-10-15 15:55:58
Michael a la mode2023-10-09 21:36:06
scratch2023-09-22 06:21:31
breakbeat2023-09-19 16:38:37
DJ Yoshitaka's Willy2023-09-17 19:06:29
spez2022-09-22 09:29:59
spez #SaveLizzy2022-09-08 14:12:37
Elder God Hutchy2022-04-28 17:47:18
Sophie2022-04-23 14:53:36
little spazoid2021-02-05 13:49:13

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed

URL History

URLTime Changed 13:41:29

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed


Total: [54] | Deleted: [0]

i buyed new microfone :D-rep cheater2024-03-19 19:54:37
Dumb+rep Most legit player have ever seen2023-12-07 16:01:57
HutchyBen+rep his ban is from steam achievement manager2023-10-09 13:54:12
Michael a la mode-rep cheater!!!2023-10-09 13:38:31
Pusheen, the Cart!-rep vac ban haver ♥♥♥♥♥♥2023-09-18 13:52:59
Karasik_51-rep cheater2023-09-16 09:48:55
Wilkez clear2023-09-14 17:27:18
spezhi kanin2022-10-26 22:18:55
KaninWeak.2022-10-26 21:49:00
spezspez2022-09-22 09:29:51
cornelius mclovini hope you take yourself out this world cringe little moronic kid, cheating in video games cause u got no friends or someone to love you, pathetic oxygen waster u bring nothing into society2022-09-20 20:08:26 please raid this server then2022-08-14 16:26:57
spezhahah good hvh!!!2022-06-23 17:24:27
the little ass that fartedez nn 3-12022-06-23 17:01:12
Eyetroncheater2022-05-17 13:04:45
🚁 Artos 🚁Ok catbot2022-05-11 14:45:04
🚁 Artos 🚁"Self coded" as in your downloaded catbot and changed it around a bit.2022-05-01 15:13:10
spezI AM THE SPECRTRE (self coded cheat) (no base used) (only pasted from source sdk)2022-05-01 09:26:42
🚁 Artos 🚁No, you're just an idiot who downloaded someone else's tool.2022-04-28 20:24:13
spezI AM THE SPECRTRE2022-04-28 19:13:42
🚁 Artos 🚁-rep Script kiddie2022-04-28 19:09:16
spezAnother thing I'd recommend saying is that they use pasted software (that really annoys people who are elitist on the cheat they use)2022-03-11 07:55:43
spezAlso I'd recommend changing the top left text for the cheater cause salty comments are one of the best parts of cheating and you're pointing out parts to attempt to piss them off2022-03-11 07:49:33
spezAlso just a random thing right. You play tf2 at high frame rate of 144 right?2022-03-11 07:45:21
spezOk so I actually typed left instead of right... What a plonker2022-03-11 07:41:48
spezAnyways dude let's talk about what we learned from that image. I am assuming you are calling yourself person on left. You like olives eww2022-03-11 07:41:22
spezWho's put your name here2022-03-11 07:38:50
Smov 03:13:30
spezalso another thing is i did try cheating in overwatch but it isnt nearly as fun as tf2 and i continue play legit2022-03-10 15:28:42
speztldr for you. uhh i dont really care about skill i just have fun. at the cost of other people fun >:))))2022-03-10 15:26:42
spezOn attention i only entered your profile cause my friends and you were arguing and we are laughing about how triggered you get when you encounter cheaters. The only reason i cheat in TF2 is cause people around me cheat in TF2 of which then i discovered i was having more fun cheating than playing legit. also that vac ban is from csgo which is a game valve cares about unlike tf2 cause csgo brings valve waaay more money and thats what valve cares about. (now reply to third message) i cheat cause i find it fun. if i was bothered about skill i would be cheating in other games which i play competitivity but man has fun grinding overwatch legit and has fun playing tf2 with cheats.2022-03-10 15:24:36
spezHello Unseen Unit. I can't help but notice you haven't noticed your egotistical behaviours. Once again you flex your computer of which well done to you for having a good computer but my pc plays all the games i would want to play at satisfactory game quality and fps. While no I don't consider myself overly knowledgeable about hardware. I have what i consider to be good enough knowledge (more than needed to get good grade at school ( god schools hardly teach anything ) ). Whilst you say you're not superior you clearly act like you are the best player when you boast your knowledge on TF2. Once again yeh your better than at me at TF2 and i'm not bothered cause ye its fact. I say you're the worst type of person in gaming communites as you are undermining other games (console gamers) simply due to your elitism for computers.2022-03-10 15:18:15
spezUnseen Unit it's quite clear you have lost your cool. I truly expected more from you. Your behaviour more resembles a 14 year old. You constantly have the need of flexing that you have a beefy computer. I am not a console peasant but the fact you say things like that once again shows your massive ego thinking you're superior to other players. You are the worst types of people in the gaming community people who feel the need to constantly talk about how good they are at games clearly showing your desire for attention to shine all over me. You call me egotistical and yet I'm not the one constantly saying how many hours i have in games and how I'm so good. Quite the latter in fact, I have said multiple time my skill is not as good as other people. I do cheat in a game but that's simply because there is no risk to cheating in TF2 as valve has given up on any attempt of stopping cheaters.2022-03-10 14:24:29
spezdude a toaster pc case would be sick. yeh i heard of g-sync its nvidias technology for syncing refresh rate to da gpu iirc. I am not going to lie Unseen Unit i have a small itch you may have a larger ego than the cheaters with big egos... not impressed i honestly thought old people were supposed to be mature... ps my pc is considered mid range as i have ryzen 2700x clocked to 4ghz and a 5700xt which has been hell with drivers on windows (man i had to roll back today cause they broke again (classic amd ) )2022-03-10 14:00:26
spezppps have you seen pootis engage extreme. worl best sfm2022-03-10 13:42:33
spezpps i am 2 year older than team fortress 22022-03-10 13:42:17
spezhello mr unseen unit. cheating is fun cause instant 180 degre headshot. ps why do you even have v-sync on bit of a waste of your free beefy computer2022-03-10 13:40:56
spezNah cheating is like an interactive trickshot video. Way more immersive. Bit strange you only brought your refresh rate now after all the times the mge has been mentioned in previous times. I think levi has a 60hz monitor anyways so like thank that glitch for making it fair.2022-03-10 08:51:23
spezPlus what ur doing is like when play rock paper scissors but then say first to 5 when you lose even though you agree on first to 3.2022-03-09 09:21:36
spezDude I love watching my cheat play the game. It's like watching cod trickshot montage. Mge was fair cause his hands also cold2022-03-09 09:20:17
spezok so someone on discord just pointed out you called Levi (the person who MGE) a garbage cheater. levi hasnt touch cheat once he just talks to cheater cause he enjoys having fun in the dead game (tf2)2022-03-09 03:39:53
spezyou seem awfully bothered by the fact i don't have skill. does it grind your gears when you learn the 18000 hours you put into a game can be beaten easily with open source software? minorly random tangent but in the span of me cheating i have somehow improved playing legit.2022-03-09 03:25:29
spezok so like i looked at that backpack link you sent and i cant help but notice you traded for that pan.was that a gift or how much did you pay for those shiny pixels?2022-03-08 16:25:31
spezthank you for coming to my ted talk. feel free to respond xoxo. (ps i am currently programming spotify tui for spotifyd so i can avoid using the normal spotify client as its poopoo)2022-03-08 16:20:41
spezfor finale (epic) response. I don't really care all too much about learning about TF2 i simply enjoy being on the game with the open source cheat (undetected btw) (nice job valve open source cheats are undetected) I use. As for wasting my time I have spent 450 hours enjoying tf2 of which about 100 was legit and the 350 i spent with cheats was way more enjoyable. The £15 i spend on a cheat was well worth it and i still use it even when i have the other open source cheat. I also bought it with the money i earned as i had earned more that week and i decided to buy a cheat. Yep people are better than me legit and i personally am not bothered. p.s how did you lose mge to person with like less than a fifth your hours lol.2022-03-08 16:19:47
spezwopee do point 3. ok so i do not know nothing about ur life apart from things ive been told (you're pretty notorious for being sticking around in arguments). the things i know is you spend like about 5% of your life as from what ive been told your in your mid 30's (iirc). your also apparently a 2d graphics designer which is cool i guess. ok so i started to post on ur profile cause u beefin with like 3 of my friends on seperate occasions and it was quite funny. yep my life is decent. i have school for about half the day then either chill out do some programming or do some gaming (current playing lots of risk of rain 2) or i do work. ok next but. I own my own mid spec computer (ryzen 2700x , 5700xt gpu). which is what i do my gaming and programming on. I also reply whenever i check this steam account which is pretty much whenever i'm using linux as i am signed in on this account on linux.2022-03-08 16:13:48
spezwopee doo. point 2. i've also been enjoying cyberpunk. top tier game. except i play on my mid range pc cause i am student and do not have time for full time job and cannot affort a computer above £1000 without going into savings. but ye cyberpunk is really good game2022-03-08 16:07:44
spezhello unseen unit. lets go through your points 1 by 1. Let's start with your first point. You say I have to pay for it. That is correct yes I paid £15 for a cheat which brought be enjoyment. Didn't you pay for TF2 tho lol. Ok lets start with actual first point. You have 450 x 40 hours 18000 hours. You have active hours for almost 15% of TF2 lifetime. thats quite sad that you have spent 15% of your life playing tf2 after it released. Lets assume in a 24 hour span you spent 8 hours asleep. you would have 16 hours of awakeness. That would mean on average you spent 2.4 hours each day playing TF2. Ok cool you got a gold pan and unusual but like how much money have you spent on tour tickets and crate keys and buying items straight.2022-03-08 16:04:57
spezPersonally I would say spending money on cheats was a pretty decent purchase as it provided about 450 hours of enjoyment. Also pleasant news for you (and me) is I have not played Team Fortress 2 for 3 weeks. I also appreciate the response within 1 hour. Shows you have lots of productive things going on in your life2022-03-08 11:54:14
spezhello unseen unit. thank you for this comment. i have not read it till this moment as i haven't used this account for while as i don't use open source cheat anymore. I wish to clear up some misconceptions you posted. My friend list is small with 5 retarded cheaters as this is my alternate account which I do not care for. Also being on steam since 2004 is not a flex. Now regarding the second point. This steam account was made to test random free CS:GO cheats with the expectation of getting banned which occurred quickly as valve care about that game. I also have tested several free TF2 cheats and two open source TF2 cheats for a total of 79 hours of which i haven't been VACd. This includes the time that valve typically delay on applying VAC bans. I am also not newborn as i was born 17 years ago which is not oldborn but nor is a newborn. I would also like to state my main account can also be considered "garbage" as I personally prefer to spend the money I earn on more productive things.2022-03-07 09:46:38
spezPlease don't comment on profile. You make it look ever so slightly worse.2022-02-17 15:45:06
GreenSchmidt+rep definitely has diarrhoea2021-02-07 10:35:47


Total: [17] | TF2BD: [9] (52.94%) | SB: [9] (52.94%)

[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2024-05-19 15:07:42
(14 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2024-05-19 14:27:52
(14 days)
oxy2024-04-09 13:13:29
(54 days)
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2023-09-14 17:19:44
(262 days)
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2022-09-08 15:06:11
(633 days)
2024-04-06 14:28:39 (57 days)
oof ow ouch my bones2022-09-08 13:50:09
(633 days)
femmcel2022-09-07 15:00:47
(634 days)
2024-04-06 14:28:39 (57 days)
Vantage2022-08-13 09:18:43
(659 days)
Mike Rotchburns [BLM]
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2022-07-26 10:54:46
(677 days)
Jared2022-06-23 15:33:37
(710 days)
Water?2022-06-10 15:53:45
(723 days)
[Sourcebans MARK]
2022-05-28 15:19:13
(736 days)
АЛЁША 2017
2022-04-28 16:28:42
(766 days)
Hakuna Matata
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2022-04-28 11:15:20
(766 days)
2021-02-07 10:35:31
(1211 days)
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2021-02-05 13:56:45
(1213 days)
[Sourcebans & TF2BD MARK]
2021-02-05 13:49:33
(1213 days)