
SteamID64: 76561199220281028
SteamID32: [U:1:1260015300]
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:630007650
CommunityURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/569488757185787/
ProfileURL: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199220281028

Unique Views: 1
Total Views: 1

Status: Offline
Privacy: Public
Profile Setup: True
Premium: True

Creation: 2021-11-07 21:32:57 (GMT)
Last Updated: 2023-01-16 09:30:20

VAC Banned: False
Community Banned: False
Game Banned: False
Trade Banned: False

TF2BD: In 3 Lists
* TF2BD Trusted List: Cheater
      > LastSeen: 2022-01-10 22:35:05
* Uncletopia: Cheater
      > Name: Drunk
      > LastSeen: 2022-01-10 22:34:42
* D3fc0n6's Lists:
   - CheaterGroups: Suspicious

Persona History

NameTime Changed
Drunk2022-01-15 15:05:09

RealName History

RealNameTime Changed
EzerBober#76382022-12-17 12:04:10

URL History

URLTime Changed
https://steamcommunity.com/id/569488757185787/1969-12-31 18:00:00

Avatar History

Privacy History

StateTime Changed
Public2022-12-20 14:30:54 [Estimated]


Total: [48] | Deleted: [3]

Jesus Chirst Enjoyer!wont lol its mine.2023-04-15 23:03:49
No he can't2023-04-08 06:25:03
Funniest Snoipah+rep, lets play tf2, we played before2022-12-03 22:13:38
Ronin+rep i sent this to all my friends2022-11-15 01:29:28
Roninur mom2022-11-14 05:37:33
RoninLAST ONLINE 134 DAYS AGO2022-05-30 20:26:26
Jimbovewy good player2022-05-30 18:38:01
mr beatyoooooooooo wazzp bro its the xargon wanna be!111!12022-02-22 22:51:00
Jimbobruh2022-01-23 15:13:08
Drunkgood job2022-01-13 21:58:39
TopHatKoalaez2022-01-13 21:52:59
Jimboclash royale2022-01-13 20:22:09
Drunkthx2022-01-09 21:35:15
DrunkLOL2022-01-09 19:43:52
DrunkBOCKED???2022-01-09 18:59:32
JimboMilk.2022-01-09 17:09:19
DrunkHI2022-01-09 15:39:03
JimboMilk.2022-01-09 15:29:04
Drunkyou dont need that many accounts unnless your trying to give every single one of your kids a steam account2022-01-09 15:00:24
Drunkwtf2022-01-09 14:56:44
DrunkNo2022-01-09 14:49:17
mrswormsweatIs the Red Sniper in Team Fortress 2 drunk?2022-01-09 14:32:32
Drunkhi2022-01-09 13:50:00
1683noob2022-01-09 12:06:49
Massive L lolWhen will you leave and get a job mate2022-01-09 06:42:57
Drunkyes2022-01-08 23:57:13
1683https://tenor.com/view/shall-we-play-a-game-typing-type-can-we-play-a-game-do-you-want-to-play-gif-176437012022-01-08 23:52:42
Drunk5000???? JESUS CHIRST DUDE CHILL WITH THE ACCOUNTS2022-01-08 22:26:32
Drunkjesus chirst doeshotter is in my pfpf omg2022-01-08 22:26:00
16835000 PLUS2022-01-08 22:06:37
habrowhello2022-01-08 12:11:48
Drunkhi2022-01-07 20:26:39
Drunkhello2022-01-06 17:50:29
Roninhleol2022-01-05 23:52:37
Drunkhello2022-01-05 22:59:03
somebodyhello2022-01-05 22:50:48
Drunkhi2022-01-05 20:06:12
Drunkdo yo usee me troll like you???2022-01-03 17:46:14
Massive L lolHI Nice haxxx2022-01-03 16:47:57
Drunkcool2022-01-03 01:38:13
Teyaochiuaniyes, i do enjoy the hit band queen2022-01-03 00:38:49
Massive L lolYour a queen fan!!!! coppeee2022-01-02 11:34:18
TeyaochiuaniI am not a xarpoop fan2022-01-02 05:10:20
Drunknice try marcia im so sorry for your lost, cry about it xarqeen fan f2p2022-01-01 21:46:38
Teyaochiuanifatty2022-01-01 21:28:02
Drunki habe the p1wer to pwn f2ps2021-12-28 18:58:46
DrunkTRUE2021-12-27 23:17:00
Drunkhi twi fan2021-12-27 13:29:40


Total: [0] | TF2BD: [0] (0%) | SB: [0] (0%)
